March 2015 (pdf download)
March 2015 (pdf download)
Kingstonian Volume 23 u March 2015 Official Publication of the Kingstowne Residential Owners Corp. Requested Home Delivery by February 27, 2015 Coming in March u Shred It Day–March 21...See page 14 u Free Eggcitement Egg Hunt and Photos with the Bunny–March 28...See page 25 u Bunny Basket Drop Off–March 28...See page 25 KINGSTOWNE RESIDENTIAL OWNERS CORPORATION 6090 KINGSTOWNE VILLAGE PARKWAY KINGSTOWNE, VA 22315 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 2282 MERRIFIELD, VA 1 Contents 3 2 8 March 2015 Monthly Departments 2 KROC News 2 2 3 February BOT Meeting Highlights 2015 BOT Meeting Dates Contacts for Who’s Who in Kingstowne; Community Center Locations and Hours 5 KROC Announcements 6 ARC Schedule for 2015 7 Community Yard Sale Set for May 2 8 Who Plows Snow in Kingstowne? 9 Approved Policy Resolution #12: Vehicle Policies 10 2015 Street and Sidewalk Improvements 11 March 4 Public Hearing: Proposed Minor Changes to Pool Rules 12 Yard Debris Pickup Begins March 1 14 Activity & Fitness Programs 14 Special Events & New Activities 15 Ongoing Free Clubs 15 Ongoing Paid Events & Clubs 18 This Month’s Features See List of Features at right 28 Around the Towne 28 Local Government Reports 32 Classified Ads 36 Community Calendar 12 4 5 Features 18-19 Improvements Through The Neighborhood Landscape Initiative: Before and After Photos 9 6 10 20 7 11 20-21 Architectural Inspections Have Begun 23 Recycla”Bowl” News– Pool Party for Winners 24 Preventing March Winds from Scattering Trash 25 Mark Your Calendars for March-May Events • Shred It Day–March 21 • Free Eggcitement Egg Hunt and Photos with the Bunny–March 28 • Bunny Basket Drop Off in Kingstowne–March 28 • Kids’ Soccer Begins– April 11 • Tennis Kicks Off–April 25 • Community Yard Sale– May 2 • Kids’ Pizza Party and Crafts–May 8 • Pool Kickoff Party– May 24 27 New Fitness Equipment at Snyder Center 25 27 BOT Meeting Highlights Members of the Recycling Task Force met January 21 to review details of the spring Recycla “Bowl” competition. See article on page 23. Photo by Mayra Ruiz, KROC Communications Specialist BOT Meeting Highlights Below is a summary of actions taken at the February 4, 2015, meeting of the Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation (KROC) Board of Trustees (BOT). Board highlights are written from draft minutes prior to board approval and are subject to change. n The Board took action to accept the 2015 management monitoring report requirements which include routine reporting on management and site issues relative to the ongoing operations of the corporation. n At the recommendation of the Financial Advisory Committee (FAC), budget adjustments were approved that balance last fall’s projected income and expenses with year-end actuals. n A plan was accepted to expand communications to include social media to aid in keeping the community informed. n The trustees accepted the general manager’s monitoring Page 2 Kingstonian March 2015 reports regarding contracting/ purchasing, fiscal planning and budgeting, financial conditions, asset protection, assessment collections, annual plan, covenants and deed restriction enforcement, and communication methods with members. n The Board members reviewed the most recent reports from the meetings of the Architectural Review Committee (ARC), Financial Advisory Committee, the Recycling Neighborhood Advisory Board, and 30th Anniversary Task Force. n n n BOT Meeting Agendas The monthly board agenda and draft meeting highlights are available at The agenda contains a preview of subjects that the KROC Board of Trustees will discuss during the upcoming board meetings. The draft agendas are available to view two weeks prior to the monthly meetings; the draft highlights are available to view three business days following each board meeting. n n n 2015 KROC BOT Meetings Meetings are held at 7 P.M., usually in the Thompson Center August 5 March 4 September 2 April 1 October 7 May 6 November 4 June 3 December 2 July 8 The 2015 Annual Meeting is scheduled for November 12. Who’s Who Contacts Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation (KROC) The Thompson Center, 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 703-922-9477 • 703-922-2713 fax Email: [email protected] • Website: Who’s Who and How to Contact Them KROC Board of Trustees [email protected] President................................................................. Kathleen Snyder Vice President ..................................................Cynthia Jacobs Carter Secretary/Treasurer ................................................ Jeanne McCarroll Trustee ............................................................................. Gary Ezard Trustee ................................................................. Michael Lamarche Trustee ...............................................................................Tim Nank Trustee ........................................................................David Robbins KROC Staff Directory (Alphabetical Order by Last Name) WTS Director of Recreation Services Meg Cochran ...................................... [email protected] Grounds and Facilities Coordinator Roberta Cain Conklin .............................. [email protected] Operations Manager Vicky Crews ................................................ [email protected] General Manager Ronda DeSplinter [email protected] Facilities Manager Jim Henderson .............................................. [email protected] Covenants Coordinator Ashley Johnson ........................................ [email protected] Kingstonian Editor Blanche Covenants Manager Dana Mayfield ............................................ [email protected] Administrative Assistant Angela Pollard [email protected] Communications Specialist Mayra Ruiz ............................... [email protected] Office/Finance Administrator Nancy Vasser KROC Community Centers & Fitness Facilities KROC Business Office • 703-922-9477 Thompson Center, Top Floor 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Mon.-Fri. 9 A.M.-5:30 P.M.; Wed. 9 A.M.-8 P.M. Thompson Center Fitness Facility • 703-922-4216 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Mon.-Fri. 5 A.M.-9:30 P.M.; Sat.-Sun. & Holiday 8 A.M.-7 P.M. Snyder Center Fitness Facility • 703-719-7909 6450 South Van Dorn Street, Kingstowne, VA 22315 Mon.-Fri. 6 A.M.-10 P.M.; Sat.-Sun. & Holiday 8 A.M.-7 P.M. South Center 6080 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315 KROC Community Services Republic Services Recycling and Trash Removal...................703-818-8222 FirstService Residential (formerly Armstrong)–Assessment Payments.. 703-385-7256 REMINDER: Mail Payments: FirstService Residential, PO Box 11983, Newark, NJ 07101-4983 Emergency and Government Services Emergency Police/Fire and Rescue ..................................................... 911 Police (Non-Emergency)...................................................... 703-691-2131 Jeff C. McKay, Lee District Supervisor ....................703-971-6262, TTY 711 Alice Eggers, Neighborhood Watch Police Officer............... 703-922-8263 Kingstowne Fire Station ..................................................... 703-719-9294 Franconia Fire Station .........................................................703-971-5858 Poison Control Center/Information .................................. 1-800-222-1222 Fairfax County Animal Shelter .............................................703-830-1100 Kingstowne Post Office ....................................................... 703-971-3093 Kingstowne Library .............................................................703-339-4610 Wildlife Rescue League (injured/orphaned animals) ........... 703-440-0800 INOVA Healthplex (9 A.M. to 5 P.M.) ....................................703-797-6801 INOVA Healthplex (24 Hours/Emergency) ...........................703-797-6809 Hazardous Waste Removal ................................................. 703-324-5068 Utilities and Roadways Miss Utility (call before you dig) .......................................................... 811 Virginia Power (also to report outages)............................ 1-888-667-3000 Washington Gas ..................................................................703-750-1000 Verizon ............................................................................1-800-837-4966 Cox Communications ..........................................................703-378-8400 Fairfax Water...................................................................... 703-698-5800 Virginia VDOT (Customer Service) ....... 1-800-FOR-ROAD; 1-800-367-7623 School Numbers Edison High ........................................................................ 703-924-8000 Hayfield Secondary/High .................................................... 703-924-7400 Francis Scott Key Middle School .......................................... 703-313-3900 Mark Twain Middle School ................................................... 703-313-3700 Franconia Elementary .........................................................703-822-2200 Hayfield Elementary........................................................... 703-924-4500 Lane Elementary .................................................................703-924-7700 Apartment Management Companies The Edgemoore (Stellar Management Co.)......................... 703-971-4949 The Elms at Kingstowne (Legend Mgmt. Group) .................703-922-6336 Sussex at Kingstowne (Milestone Management) ................ 703-922-1808 Condominium Management Companies Chancery (Cardinal Mgmt.)....................................... 703-569-5797, x5022 Eton Square (Condominium Services, Inc., “CSI”) ................703-370-1600 Stratford Place (Legum & Norman) .................................... 703-600-6000 Kingstonian Publisher Marlborough Publishing P.O. Box 448, Prince Frederick, MD 20678-0448 Email: [email protected] • Website: Fran Poling and Brian Poling, Publishers ............................. 301-646-5087 Victoria Poling, Display Advertising Sales [email protected] Copyright Marlborough Publishing 2015. All rights reserved. The Kingstonian is the official publication of the Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation. It is distributed monthly to KROC residents and owners, under contract with KROC. The deadline is the 7th of each month or the prior business day when the 7th falls on a weekend. (Disclaimer: Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation and Marlborough Publishing reserve all rights to exercise their sole discretion concerning the inclusion of all material herein. The inclusion herein of advertisements, articles or references to the websites of third parties does not indicate an endorsement by Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation or Marlborough Publishing of the goods, services, materials or information of the third party. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation and Marlborough Publishing are not affiliated with these third parties.) March 2015 Kingstonian Page 3 KROC News SERVING YOU SINCE ‘82 Friendly, Personalized Service ★ Quality & Satisfaction FRAMING SPECIAL ★ 25% OFF Custom Picture Framing ★ Complete orders only. Not valid with any other offer. Must present coupon at time of order. Discounts do not apply to Ready-Made Frames, Rushes, Completed Orders or Orders in Progress. (Offer Expires 10th of Next Month) 5876 Kingstowne Center, #170 (703) 922-5501 ® ARE YOU LOOKING TO SELL OR BUY? “I am committed to and passionate about helping you Law Office Arquilla & Associates, PLC Serving Our Community Since 1997 •FamilyLaw/Divorce •EmploymentLaw •EstatePlanning •MilitaryLaw •PersonalInjury Free Initial Consultation (703) 719-9292 meet all of your real estate goals!” Renata Parrish Realtor® If you would like to know the current value of your home, please give me a call. 703-300-4559 (cell phone) Officesconvenientlylocatedattheintersectionof BeulahandFranconiaRoadsinAlexandria(Fairfax County) [email protected] OB-Gyn Associates of Northern Virginia, Ltd. home equity line of credit Website: • Email: [email protected] RATE LOCKED UNTIL 2016* rates as low as * % 2.74APR Rate adjusts to the Prime Rate as published in the Wall Street Journal, currently 3.25% APR*. Jennifer Santiago, M.D. • Marion Bissell, M.D. Aditi Agarwal, M.D. • Tina T. Pham, M.D. Women’s Care for All Generations Inova Franconia-Springfield Healthplex 6355 Walker Lane, Suite 408 • Alexandria, VA 22310 703-719-5901 • Essure • • Minimally Invasive Surgery • “Top-Rated Doctors List” for Northern Virginia Magazine Page 4 Kingstonian March 2015 Apply Online! Kingstowne Branch 6831 Sir Viceroy Drive, Alexandria *APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Offer ONLY available for NEW HELOCs applied for online and approved 01/01/2015 – 12/31/2015. You may not pay off or make payment to other Apple FCU loans, credit cards or accounts with these proceeds. Advances made between 01/01/2015 and 12/31/2015: will be locked at your current APR until 12/31/2015. If rates go down before 12/31/2015 your APR will not be adjusted downward and will not increase past your current APR until 01/01/2016. On 01/01/2016, (floor rate of 3.99% for 85% LTV and less) the APR will be adjusted to the prime rate as published in the Wall Street Journal on 12/21/2015 plus or minus your current margin on the remaining balance and will be subject to change each quarter thereafter as stipulated by your original terms and conditions. Maximum interest rate 18.00% APR. Minimum advance of $250 required. Advance amounts must be within your existing credit limit. Advances in excess of your current credit limit will not be honored and may be subject to additional fees. If your account becomes delinquent at any time during the promotional period, you will forfeit these promotional terms and the APR on the unpaid balance will be increased to the appropriate quarterly rate offered at that time as disclosed in your original note. Membership eligibility required. Equal Opportunity Lender. KROC News KROC Announcements HOA Dues Address Reminder Local Land Use Projects, Road Construction, and Comments Payments, due the 1st of each month, can be mailed to FirstService Residential, PO Box 11983, Newark, NJ 07101-4983. Rate is $59.57/ month for condominium owners and $97.32/ month for townhouse, single-family, and duplex owners. For updates on local land use projects, visit, click on the “Resident Resources” drop-down menu, and select the “Community Information” section. Then click on “Land Use & New Dev” along the left margin. The page explains the land development process in Kingstowne. Summaries and links are available for local land use projects. Pool Rules Public Hearing Is March 4 A public hearing will take place on Wednesday, March 4, 6:30 P.M., at the Thompson Center, to review the Policy Resolution #10, Pool Rules. (See p. 11) Facilities Pass–Why Do I Need One? A valid facilities pass is needed to access the fitness centers and some residentonly events. If you are renting a home in Kingstowne, or if your personal information has changed, please stop by the KROC Business Office to update your facilities pass. The office is open 9-5:30 weekdays and until 8 P.M. every Wednesday. Who Needs a Facilities Pass? All residents age one and over must have a facilities pass, and those who are age 12 and over must have their photo taken. The first facilities pass and first replacement pass are free. After that, there may be a $5 charge. What Do I Need to Bring? Tenants: Photo ID and current lease. Facilities passes will only be issued to residents named on the lease. Passes will automatically be cancelled at the end of the lease term. A new lease must be presented at the business office to update the passes. New Homeowners: Photo ID and the HUD1 settlement paper. Homeowners will need to authorize other residents of the household to receive passes. This Happy Birthday all 12-year-olds! When you turn 12, stop by the KROC Business Office to have your photo added to your facilities pass. can be done in person or in writing. Homeowners do not need to renew their passes. Homeowners with a Facilities Pass: No need to update your facilities pass unless you lose it or the information you provided has changed. Refinancing Your Home? If your lender or financial institution requests a “Lender PUD Questionnaire” or “Insurance Declaration page,” please visit www.condocerts. com. If you require specific wording on the KROC Insurance Declaration page, please contact as CondoCerts will not be able to provide that service. Currently, these are the only available ways to obtain these documents. A fee is charged by both companies. For updates on road construction projects in northern Virginia, visit www. Comments on proposed developments, and on other topics, can be emailed to [email protected]. Storm Water Management Ponds Storm water management facilities, including dry ponds, are never safe places to play, sled, ice skate, swim, or fish. Please heed posted warning signs. Also, do not sled or ski near roads—help prevent accidents by reminding friends and family to avoid roads, ponds, and construction sites. See a Problem? Report It, Please! The large storm water management basins (“dry ponds”) throughout the community are maintained by Fairfax County. Although there are regular inspections of each of these facilities, local residents are often more aware when something is wrong. If you become aware of a maintenance issue regarding a storm water management facility, please notify the KROC Business Office. Also, problems can be reported to Fairfax County Stormwater Management by calling KROC Announcements, cont. on page 7 March 2015 Kingstonian Page 5 KROC News Lisa R. Goodfriend Goodfriend Is More Than A Name...It’s A Commitment! Manchester Lakes/ Kingstowne Resident for Over 26 Years Over 21 Years Successful Real Estate Experience & NVAR Lifetime Top Producer Full-Time Real Estate Consultant Trust all your real estate representation to someone who has the experience and dedication to give you the value & successful transaction you deserve! RE/MAX Gateway Office: 703-871-9301 Cell: 703-966-7977 [email protected] Visit My Website: Don’t forget to apply for all exterior home and landscaping modifications or improvements! Applications are available at *ARC 2015 Schedule Application Deadline ARC’s Meeting March 10 March 18 April 7 April 15 May 12 May 20 June 9 June 17 July 7 July 15 August 11 August 19 September 8 September 16 October 13 October 21 November 10 November 18 December 8 December 16 *ARC = KROC’s Architectural Review Committee DON J. PISCIOTTA, D.D.S., LTD. FAMILY AND COSMETIC DENTISTRY 25 YEARS DEDICATED TO PROVIDING QUALITY CARE AND LASTING SMILES ➣ Dentistry with a Light Touch ➣ Single Visit Crown Technology ➣ Non-Surgical Gum Therapy ➣ Certified invisalign® Provider ➣ 1 Hour In-Office Whitening System ➣ State of the Art Sterilization Center ➣ Digital X-Ray–90% Less Radiation Exposure ➣ Accept Most Major Insurance Plans ➣ Visa and MasterCard Accepted ➣ Flexible Payment Options NEW PATIENTS WELCOME • FRIENDLY AND KNOWLEDGEABLE STAFF Conveniently located at 6408 Grovedale Drive, Suite 100, Franconia, Virginia 22315 703-313-0404 Page 6 Kingstonian March 2015 KROC News Mark Your Calendars–Community Yard Sale–May 2 KROC’s spring community yard sale is Saturday, May 2, 8 A.M.-5 P.M., with a rain date of Sunday, May 3. Signs are encouraged; please remove them by 5 P.M. Please remember, community centers and the surrounding areas are not authorized sale areas— there may be paid events occurring during this time. Residents may use their own yards as well as common grounds along Summer Ridge Road, Kingstowne Commons Drive, Park Village Drive, Lake Village Drive, Greendale Village Drive, Horgan Court, and Castlewellan Drive. Photo by Marco Vallejo KROC Announcements, cont. from page 5 703-877-2800 or through online form submission at dpwes/utilities/sdrpt_form.htm. Kingstonian Volume 23 u march 2015 official publication of the Kingstowne Residential owners Corp. Requested Home delivery by february 27, 2015 Coming in march u shred it day–march 21...see page 14 u free eggcitement egg Hunt and photos with the Bunny–march 28...see page 25 u Bunny Basket drop off–march 28...see page 25 Kingstonian Is Online EARLY! The Kingstonian is available online—10 days before the mailed copies arrive. Visit and click on the “Kingstonian Available Online!” link from the home page. If you are looking for the advertising rates or back issues, go to Notary Service Notary Service is available at the KROC Business Office, 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway. • Photo ID required. • Services are $2 per document. K ing st • Do not sign document in advance. • Please call before arriving to ensure the notary is available. • Witnessing not available. • Virginia notaries are not authorized to certify true copies of birth, death, or marriage certificates. Please Send Us Your Photos! Photos especially needed: • Comedy Show March 13, p. 14 • Bunny basket drop-offs and egg hunt March 28, p. 25 • And all of the clubs listed on page 15 High-resolution digital photos, .pdf or .jpg, work best. Please email to [email protected] or bring them on a CD to the KROC Business Office. Have a ton of photos? Feel free to send the editor a link to a folder of photos on your Dropbox or other sharing account. o n ia n Kingstonian Magazine is FREE to KROC Owners and Residents You know your HOA fees go toward maintaining and improving the Kingstowne community. But did you know none of the HOA fees go toward publication of your monthly magazine? Marlborough Publishing, contracted publisher of the Kingstonian since 1995, pays all expenses: printing and mailing costs, as well as editing, layout, and ad sales services. KROC retains full control of the content of the magazine. Each month, KROC staff members prepare articles and photographs for the Kingstonian. They work closely with the publisher to ensure that owners and residents are kept informed about KROC business and the many activities throughout the community. Kudos also to the many volunteers throughout Kingstowne who submit articles and photos to enhance the Kingstonian’s content and visual appeal! March 2015 Kingstonian Page 7 KROC News Internal Medicine Primary Care Dr. George Silis and Dr. Manny Silis of Franconia Internists, P.C. Franconia Internists specializes in the care and medical treatment of adults and adolescents. Early Morning and Evening Hours Available Appointments Can be Made by Calling 703-922-4222 Participating with All Major Health Plans • • • • • • • • • • Complete Physical Exams Hypertension Management Diabetes Management Headache Treatment Neck and Back Pain Relief Smoking Cessation Routine Gyn Care 24 Hour Holter Monitoring EKGs Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Our Office is located in the Rose Hill Shopping Center 5115 Franconia Road, Suite G Alexandria, VA 22310 Snow Plowing in KingStowne towne Be Prepared! Kingstowne residents should be as prepared as possible for when the snow falls and know where to call for plowing information. Who’s Responsible? There are two organizations responsible for snow plowing on the streets throughout the Kingstowne community. Maintained by VDOT (703-383-8368) Public streets are maintained by the Virginia Department of Transportation Page 8 Kingstonian March 2015 (VDOT) and are listed below: Maintained by KROC • Castlewellan Drive • Hayfield Road • Horgan Court • Greendale Village Drive • King Centre Drive • Kingstowne Commons Drive • Lake Village Drive • Park Village Drive • Sir Viceroy Drive • Kingstowne Boulevard • Summer Ridge Road • South Van Dorn Street (from Franconia Road to Telegraph Road All private roads within the community are maintained by KROC. Questions or comments can be directed to the Kingstowne Business Office weather emergency number at 571-255-8662 or emailed to roberta@kingstowne. org. KROC News Approved Policy Resolution #12: Vehicle Policies Throughout several months over the summer, a discussion was held in neighborhoods and with the Board of Trustees regarding the parking policies. Proposed amendments were published in the October Kingstonian, and a public hearing was held on November 5, 2014. The Board approved the amendments. The approved policy is summarized below. The amended policy includes changes in prohibited vehicles, residential neighborhood parking plans, and enforcement sections. Areas of Changes • Residents parking vehicles in spaces marked for guests or unassigned parking spaces. • Time limit for vehicles unattended for an extended period of time. • Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation has granted authority to the Fairfax County Police Department to enforce all codes, ordinances, and statutes set forth by Fairfax County and the commonwealth of Virginia. • Enforcement of parking violations will be driven through a written complaint basis. • New size restrictions for oversized trucks and vans. Copy of Policy Resolution #12 For a full copy of Policy Resolution #12, please go to http://www. Kingstowne-Vehicle-Policies or visit the KROC Business Office in the Thompson Center, 2nd floor. Snow Shovelers Available List of Shovelers u DylanJ.Hodges,719-464-6084 “I can work anywhere within 2 miles of Summer Ridge and Kingstowne Village Parkway.” u LukeLloyd,719-322-6159 [email protected] “I can shovel within a mile of Abbottsbury Row.” u BrittMallow,571-245-2915 “I can shovel anywhere in the Castlewellan Drive area.” u PetarMilutinovic,843-737-2493 “I can shovel all areas within one mile of Ashby Lane.” u GarrettTurner,571-230-3660 “I am available to shovel in the area of Lake Village Drive.” March 2015 Kingstonian Page 9 KROC News 2015 Street and Sidewalk Imp Street and concrete repairs have a tentative start date in March. As we prepare for this work to begin, our contractor will be coming through each neighborhood on the schedule and marking the sections of sidewalk, curb, aprons, and asphalt that will be repaired. street repairs. Keep an eye out for announcements in the mail that will be used as a reminder for when your neighborhood is scheduled! Concrete Repairs to Begin March 9 An updated schedule will always be on the website, Email alerts will be sent to residents of affected neighborhoods. The concrete repairs are scheduled first and are planned to begin on March 9 in the following neighborhoods: Abbey • Derbyshire • Dorset Edinburgh • Northampton Queens Court • Sheffield Terrington • Winsford Notifications to Residents Residents will receive notification in advance when neighborhoods are scheduled for Website Will Contain Updated Schedules Moving Your Vehicle During the scheduled street repair work in your neighborhood, vehicles will need to be moved to an alternative parking area. If you will be out of town, please make arrangements to have your vehicle(s) moved for you. Vehicles do not need to be moved during the concrete repair process. Vehicles left in the parking lot when the repairs begin will be subject to towing. The owners of vehicles that require towing will be responsible for paying the towing fee. Towed vehicles may be retrieved at the towing company’s lot. 2015 Preliminary Schedule At right is a list of neighborhoods and streets that are planned for repairs in 2015: NO INSURANCE? Affordable Payment Plans Available • Smile Makeovers • Invisalign-Invisible Braces • Teeth Whitening • Periodontal Treatment • Preventive Care • Root Canals & Oral Surgery • Bonding & Porcelain Veneers • Dental Implants Teeth Whitening $149 Includes Upper & Lower Trays (placed by a periodontist at our facility) • Dentures & Partials • Crowns & Bridges • New Patients Welcome • Open Most Federal & School Holidays • We See Children • Free Implant or Cosmetic Consultation • Most Insurances Accepted, Including Military & Kaiser With this coupon. New patients only. Not valid with other offers. (Regular fee $420.) Offer Expires 4/15/15. Implant Placement $1,495 Placed by a Periodontist at Our Facility Includes placement of implant only. Does not include crown. With this coupon. New patients only. Not valid with other offers. (Regular fee $2,100.) Offer Expires 4/15/15. • Phuong Phan, D.M.D., P.C. • Thien Dao, D.M.D. • Ruben Miranda, Dental Care for the Whole Family 703-719-9210 Page 10 Kingstonian March 2015 9:30-6 7-3:30 8-4:30 7:30-3:30 8-4:30 9-3 BEULAH ST. 5960 Kingstowne Towne Center, Suite 140, Alexandria, VA 22315 Office Hours Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: Welcome Offer $69 Includes oral exam, cancer exam, cleaning, & 4 bitewing x-rays (Not valid in the presence of gum disease.) With this coupon. New patients only. Not valid with other offers. (Regular fee $320.) Offer Expires 4/15/15. KINGSTOWNE TOWNE CENTER (between Safeway and World Market) D.D.S. Periodontist Kingstowne Family & Cosmetic Dentistry All concerns can be sent to [email protected] or you may call 703-922-9477. KROC News mprovements Abbey Haltwhistle Lane Keble Drive Lands End Lane Aldenham II Walkers Croft Way Derbyshire Bradmore Street Cromwell Place Mallory Circle Mallory Lane Southward Lane Dorset Buxton Court Ridley Court Cherwell Lane Worsley Way Edinburgh Norham Drive Castleberg Court Dungeness Lane Eastgate Lane Liverpool Lane Liverpool Court Old Stratford Ct. Sir Cambridge Way Westcott Hills Way Saint Giles Way Northampton Masondale Road Embry Spring Lane Still Spring Place Sheffield Sutcliffe Drive Terrington Earlston Court Earlston Drive Ians Way Banchory Court Cromarty Drive Kirkcaldy Lane Lerwick Court Gourock Court Winsford Hollyford Lane Queens Court Abbottsbury Row Hartshorne Square Proposed Minor Changes to Pool Rules Public Hearing Is March 4 The Pool Pals A group known as the Pool Pals focuses on just that role. It includes resident representatives who frequent each pool, along with representatives of the pool management company (NV Pools), the fitness management company (WTS), and the KROC staff. Summary of Substantial Proposed Changes in Policy Resolution #10: u u u u Recommendations Proposed At the end of the 2014 pool season, the Pool Pals conducted a routine review of the pool rules and came up with a few recommendations. Since the pool rules are part of a policy resolution (#10 – Pool Rules), the revisions are also available in a marked-up draft to ensure the changes are easily identifiable. u Penalties for minor violations of the rules will be applicable to all patrons rather than just children; A swimming proficiency test (25 meters) may be required of any patron who demonstrates questionable swimming skills in the main pool; A non-swimmer of any age will not be allowed in the main pool without a supervising person within immediate reach; The 15-minute break period each hour may be waived by the pool manger depending upon the number of patrons in each area of the pool, the number of lifeguards on duty, and the number of supervising adults accompanying children; Information about swim lessons will no longer be included in the pool rules, but will continue to be provided in the Kingstonian and on the website. photo by Marco Vallejo The 2015 pool season is still a few months away, yet it’s a good time to reflect on changes that may improve the experience residents have when visiting the Kingstowne pools. Public Hearing Set for March 4 The proposed changes will be discussed during a public hearing which has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 4, 6:30 P.M., in the Thompson Center. Comments Comments can be submitted to kingstowne@ or residents can present comments in person at the public hearing on March 4. For a copy of the proposed changes in Policy Resolution #10, please go to www. or visit the KROC Business Office in the Thompson Center, 2nd floor. March 2015 Kingstonian Page 11 KROC News Yard Debris Pickup Season Begins March 1 Brown paper bags are perfect for grass clippings, leaves, and twigs. Brush and limbs should be cut and bundled with rope or twine. Yard debris in brown paper bag What Is Yard Debris? Yard debris is an accumulation of various products gathered from your yard. Yard debris includes grass clippings, twigs, fallen leaves, and pruning remains. Hardscape materials are also considered yard debris. Yard Waste Is Recyclable Yard waste is considered a by-product of regular yard maintenance. For larger yard debris items, a special pickup is recommended. Starting March 1, yard debris will be accepted for pickup on Wednesdays. Here are a few friendly reminders when recycling yard waste: • Branches should be 6 inches or less in diameter, and 4 feet or less in length. • Brush and limbs should be cut and Page 12 Kingstonian March 2015 This pile of branches, limbs, and nonyard debris is not suitable for pickup. Yard debris in clear plastic bag bundled with rope or twine. See example at top left, above. • Grass clippings, leaves, and twigs must be placed in a brown paper bag, clear plastic bag, or black bag marked with an “X.” See examples above. What Is a Special Pickup by Republic Services? Hardscape materials need a special pickup. Hardscape materials include dry stack stones, bricks, old plastic pots (they are recyclable), dirt, rocks, root balls, and similar items weighing a maximum of 35 pounds. Arrangements for a special pickup can be made by contacting Republic Services at 703-818-8222. Loads larger than 35 pounds need to be handled separately. Yard debris in black plastic bag with “X” Residents May Drop Off Certain Items at Disposal Facility Bricks, concrete, and dirt may also be dropped off at designated disposal facilities. • I-95 Landfill (Lorton) 9850 Furnace Road, Lorton, VA 22079 Small amounts accepted • I-66 Transfer Station (Fairfax) 4618 West Ox Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 Large amounts accepted Please Help Preserve Our Naturalized Areas Please refrain from disposing of yard waste in naturalized areas (woods). When yard debris is disposed of in the naturalized areas, the ecology of the environment changes and may result in an uneven balance of nature. You don’t have to be Irish to find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, I can help you SAVE with my… 4.5% Full Service Listings � I Personally Return All Just Listed 5333 Buxton Court Call for Pricing Just Listed Phone Calls within 1-2 hours GUARANTEED! � Comprehensive 6128 Summer Park Lane � Multiple Listing Call for Pricing Market Analysis Service � Maximum Internet Just Listed 7322 Mallory Circle Listed for $499,000 Under Contract 6221 Windham Hill Run Listed for $550,000 Exposure Just Listed � Full-Color, Multi-Page Brochures for inside the home 7509-A Ashby Lane � Color Brochures Call for Pricing Curbside with interior photos � Open Houses and Virtual Tours SOLD � Detailed Suggestions 6218 Windham Hill Run for preparing your home to sell quickly Sold for � 3% of the 4½% $550,000 Commission goes to the Buyer’s Agent I know what it takes to sell your home! Your Kingstowne Community Realtor Cheryl Shier 703-980-2054 e-mail: [email protected] Activity and Fitness Activity and Fitness Programs ThompsonFitnessCenter,703-922-4216 6090KingstowneVillageParkway SnyderFitnessCenter,703-719-7909 SouthCenter 6450SouthVanDornStreet 6080KingstowneVillageParkway MegCochran,DirectorofRecreationServices•[email protected] To Sign Up or Get Info Unless otherwise noted, sign up for all activities listed in this Kingstonian by calling a fitness center or emailing Director of Recreation Services Meg Cochran at phone numbers and email address above. For all other up-to-date changes, please visit and click the link to sign up for the email distribution list. Fitness Center Orientations Fitness center orientations are being offered now. Please make an appointment with the director of recreation services. You don’t have to be a new resident to Kingstowne to receive an orientation. Fitness Center Front Desk Complete Listings A full listing of activities, including prices and information for non-residents, is available online at and at the fitness centers. Email Director of Recreation Services! Email [email protected] to: u Be added to our email distribution list for activity and program news! u Receive a new club application and start a new club! Please note the Kingstowne Fitness and Activities Staff reserves the right to cancel any program or class due to lack of registration. To help ensure that all classes and activities will take place, please register at least two weeks in advance. Activities posted in the Kingstonian are subject to change. Comedy Show Special Events and New Activities Comedy Show–March 13, 7-9 P.M. Enjoy an evening out filled with laughter! The show will be held on Friday, March 13, 7-9 P.M., at the Thompson Center Ballroom. Tickets will be sold at the door only. Snack and beverages will be sold during the event. All proceeds will benefit Operation Renewed Hope Foundation. Cost: $15 per person. Shred It “Shred It” on March 21, 9 A.M.-12 P.M. On Saturday, March 21, residents may bring up to four paper boxes to the Thompson Center for free shredding by Safeguard. All residents must show a proper Kingstowne facilities pass. Group Exercise Session Begins March 16 The next group exercise session will begin March 16. Registration forms are available at both Snyder and Thompson fitness centers. Never tried a class before? Come check out your first class for free! Contact Donna Metz at donna@ with any questions. Continued on page 15 Group Exercise Page 14 Kingstonian March 2015 Activity and Fitness “An Evening of Dance” Begins in April Want to learn how to dance? Do you love watching “Dancing With The Stars”? Consider looking into a new fun and exciting hobby with health benefits. This April, Kingstowne is offering a 6-week session of introductory ballroom/ Latin dancing with award winning dancer Raquel Robinson. You will learn dances such as the fox trot, salsa, rhumba, and many more. This will be open to residents and non-residents of Kingstowne. Both couples and singles are highly encouraged to sign up. More details coming soon. An Evening of Dance 6-WEEK Junior LEGO® Robotics - WeDo™, April 20 to June 1 This class is a perfect mixture of fun and learning, using LEGO® WeDo™ Robots. Students build various wild animals, amazing mechanisms, and soccer-themed gadgets. Students will learn how to program and operate their creations using a laptop computer. This six-week course will be offered through Southeast Northern Virginia Engineering for Kids. Program scheduled for Monday evenings 5:30-6:30 P.M. for grades K-2 at a cost of $138. Junior LEGO® Robotics Moms Club The new Moms Club is meeting the 2nd Monday each month, 10-11:30 A.M., in the Snyder Center Ballroom. For more information, contact Alyssa Ciccone at [email protected] or 202-368-7379. Babysitting Course Coming In April Details and Date TBA Moms Club Ongoing Free Clubs Ongoing Paid Events and Clubs Line Dancing Club–Paula 10 A.M.–12 P.M., Wednesdays Thompson Center Ballroom [email protected] Tennis Bridge Club–Shail Butani 6:30-10 P.M., 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month South Center Great Room 703-869-9401 or [email protected] Chess Club–Kumar 6:30-9 P.M., Tuesdays South Center Great Room 703-921-5371 or [email protected] Cooking Divas–JoAnn 11:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M. March 18 and April 15 South Center Great Room [email protected] Music Playgroup–Desrae Gibby 10:30 A.M. to noon, Wed. Snyder Center Ballroom [email protected] NOVA 40+ Single Volunteers Meetup–Jan Hix NOVA-Single-Volunteers [email protected] Tai Chi Club–Paula 9-10 A.M., Saturdays South Center Aerobics Room [email protected] Weekday Tennis Group–Brenda MWF, spring-fall Singles and doubles matches [email protected] Weekend Tennis Club–Ulrike [email protected] Martial Arts–All Ages Kingstowne Family Martial Arts Snyder Center on Tu. & Thur. South Center on Saturdays Brian Oviatt at 703-862-4396 One-on-One Pilates Kingstowne Ladies Social Group One-on-One Pilates– Pat Backe South Center Aerobics Room $75 per 60-min. session. Packs available. [email protected] Massage–Aylene Blafkin Swedish, deep tissue, sports, and pregnancy massage. Daily by appt. Snyder Ctr. Massage Room 703-629-6442 or email [email protected] Personal Training Contact one of our certified trainers today to kick-start your workout! Contact [email protected] for more information or pricing. March 2015 Kingstonian Page 15 D E D I C AT I O N • INTEGRITY • HONESTY The Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape Difference At Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, it is our people that make the difference. Most of our team members have been with us for over five years, and twelve of them have called Kingstowne home for a decade or more. It is this team longevity and dedication to service that sets us apart in an industry sadly lacking in service quality. Whether you’re a new or returning customer, you’ll find our field personnel to be skilled and efficient – and our office staff to be knowledgeable and responsive. Drawing strength from this amazing team of professionals, Kingstowne provides superior service and attention to detail during all project phases. Since 1997, Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape has been designing, building and caring for landscapes to fit your lifestyle. With over a century of professional experience, our team takes pride in keeping promises. From our initial meeting to the completed project, we will treat you like royalty. Building Landscapes of Distinction Meet Alan Macbeth Senior Landscape Designer Meet Mike Perez Senior Account Manager 703.339.8706 [email protected] LAWN & LANDSCAPE D E D I C AT I O N Mowing l Lawn Care l Plant Health Care l Mulching & Edging l Pruning l Flowerbed Weeding Seasonal Flowers l Leaf Removal l Gutter Cleaning • Mike is a true Northern Virginian who was born in Alexandria and grew up in Clifton. In those days, Clifton was considered “the country,” and that is where he fell in love with the outdoors. Mike decided to put his love for the outdoors to work, so he hung up his suit and tie and started a small, successful landscape company. After three years, however, unexpected health issues cut into the time and energy required to run his company. Opportunity knocked again when Mike met the owner of Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, Krisjan Berzins. Mike soon came on board at Kingstowne, and for the past eight years he has managed residential and commercial accounts and provided a wealth of experience and professional service to our customers. INTEGRITY Maintaining Trouble Free Landscapes • Design l Planting l Sodding l Patios l Walkways l Driveways l Retaining Walls l Custom Masonry Decks l Fences l Ponds & Water Features l Landscape Lighting l Holiday Lighting l Drainage Solutions HONESTY Prior to joining Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape in 2002, Alan worked at the world-famous Butchart Gardens in his hometown of Victoria, British Columbia. As Kingstowne celebrates their 17th anniversary, Alan is celebrating his 12th year with the company. He is an active member of the Association of Professional Landscape Designers. Alan designed our garden display that won “Best in Show” honors at the Capital Home and Garden Show. He has designed and managed countless projects and continues to exceed his clients’ expectations. In his spare time, Alan coaches and plays ice hockey. Alan is a genuine “class act” and a true professional. He would be delighted to meet with you and discuss your landscape project. Features Before and After: Improvem The Neighborhood Landsca Practical and Aesthetic Improvements C Focus on Trees in More Than 31 Neighborhoods In 2011, KROC’s Neighborhood Landscape Initiative (NLI) began implementation with the middle village. Since then, over 31 neighborhoods in all three villages have seen improvements through the elevation and pruning of the trees in the common areas, as well as removal of dead, dying, or damaged trees, or ones deemed a liability issue. Screening, Drainage, and Erosion Addressed Trees suited for our area were installed where screening from major roads or other N townhomes was an issue. Various drainage and erosion areas were addressed by installing new drainage, re-grading, and sodding. Examples of 2011-2014 Neighborhood Improvements Improvements are dramatic in many locations. Enjoy before-and-after pictures from a few of the locations throughout the community. Photos by Vicky Crews, KROC Operations Manager Queens Court Neighborhood “Before” photo at left; “After” photo at right Page 18 Kingstonian March 2015 W Features ments Through ape Initiative Canterbury Neighborhood “Before” photos at left; “After” photos at right Newcastle Neighborhood Windermere Neighborhood March 2015 Kingstonian Page 19 AnnualArchitecturalInspections “I can see clearly now, the snow has gone, I can see all the dust bunnies in my way. Gone are the cold days that kept me inside, it’s going to be a bright, bright sunshiny day!” Spring will be here soon and so will the annual task of spring cleaning. Exterior “Spring Cleaning” As you begin to take inventory of cleaning supplies and plan your attack on the dust bunnies inside–remember to also walk around the outside of your home and take inventory of some exterior spring cleaning that may be in order. This will play a helpful part as Kingstowne begins annual inspections of the community. Annual Property Inspections and Maintenance Benefit All Owners The sun, wind, rain, and extreme temperatures all contribute to wear and tear of the home. In an effort to help keep Kingstowne one of the most highly valued and sought-after communities to live in, the Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation conducts exterior property maintenance inspections every year. These inspections are set to begin in March and will continue through November. Do You See What We See? Most Frequent Concerns Kingstowne is a large community and the inspection process occurs year-round–with the majority occurring March-November. Take steps now to plan and prepare for home maintenance projects. A few of the most frequent maintenance and repair concerns Kingstowne residents face each year are: • Peeling Paint or Rotting Wood: Windows, doors, rake boards, garages, and house trim are prime targets for this issue. Neighborhoods to be Inspected in March-May This is a tentative listing and weather permitting. Abbey Haltwhistle Lane Keble Drive Lands End Lane Beccles Field Shuttington Drive Warwick Circle Cantwell Digby Green Gadsby Square Page 20 Glenn Shire Row Heatherfield Lane Roudsby Court Coventry Jowett Court Derbyshire Bradmore Street Cromwell Place Mallory Circle Southward Way Edinburg Castleburg Court Dungeness Lane Kingstonian March 2015 Eastgate Lane Liverpool Court Liverpool Lane Norham Drive Old Stratford Court Sir Cambridge Way Westcott Hills Way Founders Ridge Les Dorson Lane Hunters Crest Bulfinch Court Gayfields Road Venture Drive • Mold, Mildew, or Dirt: Power wash steps, stoops, and siding to remove stains. • Stoop Erosion: Animals may take up residency under your stoop. Gaps between the stoop and the ground can be easily corrected by backfilling with dirt or mulch. • Missing/Broken Fence or Deck Panels: Repair or replace any missing or broken panels, caps, or fence gates. • Tall Grass and Weeds in Front and Rear Yards: Regularly cut grass and remove weeds from landscaping and flowerbeds. Friendly Reminder Letters to Owners As a result of annual exterior inspections, letters are sent to home owners noting Townhome: Exterior Kingstowne Overlook Clames Drive Northampton Embry Spring Lane Manorview Way Masondale Road Still Spring Place 3 1 2 12 9 8 4 Waterside Waterfield Road Yorkshire Joust Lane 5 6 11 10 7 HaveBegun Single-Family Home: Exterior Inspection Diagram necessary repairs and maintenance. If you receive a friendly reminder regarding necessary maintenance, please contact the Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation and let us know your plan of action to resolve the maintenance issues. Follow-up inspections will follow initial inspections to encourage compliance throughout the community. 1 5 9 4 3 7 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. (Lyrical play on words at the beginning of this article taken from the song “I Can See Clearly Now” by Johnny Nash.) Photos by Dana Mayfield, KROC Covenants Manager GABLE VENT: Is it damaged, dirty or chipped? RAKEBOARD: Is it loose, damaged or chipped? ROOF: Any damaged or missing shingles? LIGHTING: Does all lighting match in style and color? 5. DOOR/TRIM: Is it faded, dirty or chipped? 6. BAY WINDOW: Is it damaged, dirty or chipped? 7. GARAGE DOOR/TRIM: Is it damaged, dirty or chipped? 8. PORTICO/COLUMNS: Are they damaged, dirty or chipped? 9. WINDOWS/TRIM: Are they damaged and do they all match (grids or no grids)? 10. STEPS/STOOP/WALKWAY/RAILING: Is it damaged or dirty? 11. LANDSCAPE: Are the landscape beds free of weeds? Is the grass (or ground cover) maintained? 12. SIDING/TRIM: Is it damaged, dirty or chipped? 6 10 Let no obstacles be in your way as you spend bright, bright sunshiny days beautifying one of your most treasured assets: your home! Inspection Diagram 8 11 2 ROOF: Are there any missing or damaged shingles? DRIVEWAY: Is it dirty, stained or cracked? PORCH/COLUMNS/STOOP: Are they damaged, dirty or chipped? SIDING/TRIM: Is it damaged, dirty or chipped? RAKEBOARD: Is it loose, damaged or chipped? HOUSE /WINDOW TRIM: Is it damaged, dirty, or chipped? GARAGE DOOR/TRIM: Is it damaged, dirty or chipped? GABLE VENT: Is it damaged, dirty or chipped? WINDOWS: Do they all match (grids or no grids)? GUTTERS: Are they loose or full of debris? WALKWAY/PATIOS: Is it damaged or excessively dirty? LANDSCAPE: Are the landscape beds free of weeds? Is the grass or ground covering maintained? Townhome: Exterior Inspection Diagram 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 3 2 8 12 9 4 5 6 10 7 11 DORMER WINDOW/TRIM: Are they dirty, chipped or damaged? 2. RAKEBOARD: Is it loose, damaged or chipped? 3. ROOF: Any damaged or missing shingles? 4. LIGHTING: Does all lighting match in style and color? 5. DOOR/TRIM: Is it faded, dirty or chipped? 6. BAY WINDOW: Is it damaged, dirty or chipped? 7. GARAGE DOOR/TRIM: Is it damaged, dirty or chipped? 8. SHUTTERS: Are they damaged, missing or extremely faded? 9. WINDOWS/TRIM: Are they damaged and do they all match (grids or no grids)? 10. STEPS/STOOP/WALKWAY: Is it damaged or dirty? 11. LANDSCAPE: Are the landscape beds free of weeds? Is the grass (or ground cover) maintained? 12. HOUSE TRIM: Is it damaged, dirty or chipped? March 2015 Kingstonian Page 21 Charles H. Brown III, D.D.S. Kenneth Lee, D.D.S., F.A.G.D. Frank Romano, D.D.S. Gary Moller, D.M.D. Tara Zier, D.D.S. Richard Grundy, D.D.S. Timothy Spitzer, D.D.S. Frances Hamman, D.D.S. M.S.D.– Orthodontist 703-971-2220 703-971-2220 703-719-0033 Features on cla“B cy peti t i m WL” Co O P ool P ar ty to B e a warded In r ecycla “B owl ” c omPetItIon Re The Recycla“Bowl” competition starts in April with neighborhoods gearing up to win a pool party and guest passes for their village. A group of Neighborhood Advisory Board (NAB) representatives got together on January 21 to further create ideas for our neighborhoods to begin tacking this competition. Key Competition Information cla“B cy d Id you K now ? WL” Co O Re 703-339-8706 Our prompt, friendly service is something not often found with other painting companies. At Kingstowne Painting & Home Services, our number one goal is your satisfaction. We offer a variety of services to help show off your home in the best light possible, including: Become a key player in the Recycla“Bowl” competition with additional resources and information available online at With the assistance of your NAB representative, let’s make Kingstowne a leading community in the area of recycling waste. peti t i m Our People Make The Difference Want to Learn More? on New: Award of Pool Party to residents of winning village New: Pool Guest Passes available to residents of winning village Award of Free shred It day in the winning village’s community center Challenge Runs April 22 - July 31 – North Village vs. Middle Village vs. South Village Recycle Increase Goal – 30 % Kingstowne’s current average is 10 lbs. per home per week. Our challenge is to recycle 13 lbs. per week – or more! You can recycle more by condensing your recyclables. Crushing plastic bottles and soda cans will create more space in the container and avoid unsightly items blowing away on windy days. Placing lightweight, condensed items on the bottom of the container will create more space for larger recycling items. By condensing items, an extra container won’t be needed. Fun Fact: Enough plastic is produced in the United States each year to shrink-wrap Texas. Interior & Exterior Painting | Drywall | Carpentry Tile | Kitchen & Bath Remodels | Handyman | Pressure Washing | Sealing & Staining | Gutter Cleaning Give us a call or visit our website today to request a quote on your next home improvement project. 703.339.8706 Fully Licensed and Insured Crushed bottles and cans take up much less space. March 2015 Kingstonian Page 23 Features March Winds Winds really stir up in March. As a result, unwanted trash viewed around the neighborhoods, streets, public areas, and common areas are much more prevalent. There are many ways in which to prevent your waste and recycling from becoming part of the landscaping during this time of year. Here are a few friendly tips on keeping the community clean: • Place a heavy object, such as a brick or heavy rock, on top of your items if you are using the small 18-gallon recycling bin. • Bag loose recycling items, such as plastic bottles and cans. • Consider using brown bags for small incidental items by securing them in the container. • Avoid white bags as they attract crows. • Use string to tie magazines and newspapers together. • Place your solid waste in sealed bags in case the lid on the container blows open. • Bring a plastic bag to pick up litter when walking the dog or taking a stroll. • Consider purchasing a large, locking trash container that will keep the solid waste in place and prevent animals from tearing open bags. Crows are attracted to white bags. Large, locking trash containers work best. • If you see any large items such as furniture, appliances, or tires in common areas, please call the business office at 703-922-9477 so they may be removed. Plan a cleanup day by gathering friends and neighbors together. To get started, contact Clean Fairfax about their “Community Clean Up Program.” Clean Fairfax offers free supplies to encourage you to clean your community. Supplies include 30-gallon litter bags, clear bags for recyclables, safety vests, hats, safety tips, and other supplies you may need. Please allow 10 business days to get your order ready. For more information, contact their office at 703-324-5471, or for more details and application. You Must Mention This Ad at Time of Estimate to Receive Discount Page 24 Kingstonian March 2015 Mark Your March-May Calendars Tennis Kicks Off on April 25 Shred It Day March 21 9 A.M.-Noon See description on page 14, under Special Events and New Activities. March 21 April 25 Egg Hunt and Bunny Photos March 28 10-11:45 A.M. March 28 The annual egg hunt will take place at the South Center. Bring your cameras to take photos of your children with the bunny after the hunt. Please make note that the egg hunt begins promptly at 10 A.M. and will only last 10-15 minutes. Community Yard Sale May 2 See details in Announcement section of this issue, page 7. May 2 Basket Delivery March 28 12-2 P.M. March 28 Sign up ahead of time at the Thompson Fitness Center for slots set 10 minutes apart. Drop off pre-filled baskets on March 27 at the Thompson Fitness Center with the name and address of the child to whom it belongs. There is a $5 delivery fee for each basket. Kids’ Pizza Party and Crafts May 8 May 8 Kids’ Soccer Begins April 11 April 11 Welcome back John Likens and Haruka Kanesaka as instructors for the Kingstowne soccer program for children ages 3-10 years old. Six weeks of soccer fundamentals classes will help develop your child’s skills on Saturday mornings. Classes are open to residents and non-residents. Welcome back Coach Mark Borgiasz! Meet The Pro Day will be April 25, 11 A.M.-1 P.M. It will include a free kids clinic, 11-11:45 A.M., and a free adults clinic 12:15-1 P.M. Kids ages 6-12 enjoy pizza, crafts, and fun! Parents enjoy time for themselves. Maximum 30 kids; $5 per child; South Center Aerobics Studio. Details TBA. Pool Kickoff Party May 24 May 24 Where will you be when the pools open for summer on May 24? Join KROC’s free Pool Kickoff Party and welcome the return of the pools. Details TBA. A New Way to Dress Up Your Home Vinyl Windows by Pella® Brought to your home by Windows Plus • • • • Wrapped in Traditions Designed with Efficiency Offered with Options Provided with Excellence 0% For an exceptional look in your home, contact Stratton Motley, [email protected] or at 703.732.8402. Financing for 4 Years VA License # 2705083994A WINDOWS • DOORS • SIDING • ROOFS 703.956.6172 New Fitness Equipment at the Snyder Center Have you had the opportunity to try the new fitness equipment at the Snyder Center? If not, stop by soon. In midDecember there was a major overhaul to the equipment that included replacing all the strength equipment and adding a new functional training component. Selected With Input From You! The new fitness equipment was selected through the guidance of the Fitness Task Force and from the results gathered in the Snyder Fitness Center survey completed by residents last summer. One of the most frequent comments received from the survey was the need for additional space for workouts. The updated circuit equipment provides additional space with some units now including dual functions. That also made room for the new Synrgy360™ functional training unit Fitness Task Force member Alan Cleaver doing a single-arm row. that adds several training possibilities within its 4.2’ x 7.4’ footprint. This trending equipment will make you want to continue and succeed in your exercise regimen. Contact Meg Cochran at recreation@ with any questions. Come in and experience the multifunctional unit selected by a group of your peers in the new, transformed Snyder Fitness Center. Fitness Task Force member Lisa Mongilutz doing a squat row combination with resistance bands. Using the New Synrgy360™ Fitness Equipment StepUpwithMedicineBallPressExercise TargetMuscles:LegsandShoulders n Stand directly in front of the elevated platform. n While holding the medicine ball at chest height, step up onto the platform with one foot followed by the other. n While on top of the platform, press the medicine ball upwards above your head until your arms are fully extended. Slowly lower the medicine ball to your chest. n Slowly step down with one foot to the starting position. n Repeat with the other leg to complete the repetition. n Keep in mind, the platform height can be adjusted. Rafael D.L. Quezada is using the step feature in the new Synrgy360™ Unit to perform the “Step up with medicine ball press” exercise descried above. Photos by Meg Cochran, Director of Recreation Services Around the Towne Local Gov’t Reports Message from Lee District Supervisor McKay Jeff C. McKay, Lee District Supervisor 703-971-6262; [email protected] Just before the calendar shifted to 2015, my Board of Supervisors colleagues and I adopted the county’s first Bicycle Master Plan, the newest addition to initiatives to make Fairfax County bicycle friendly that the county Board began in 2006. (As part of these initiatives, we have a county bicycle map and a full-time staff position dedicated to bicycle coordination, planning, and implementation.) The master plan calls for the addition of 1,130 miles in on- and off-road bike routes across the county, more than triple today’s 353 miles. Also included in the plan are new facilities and additional bike racks, as well as improvements to existing trails. The plan is intended to meet the safety, access, and mobility needs of bicyclists, encourage more people to bicycle, and to make Fairfax County bicycle-friendly and safe. It encourages bicycle use for transportation, especially for non-commuting Update from Delegate Sickles Mark Sickles, Delegate, 43rd District 703-922-6440 [email protected] Last month an ad aired during the Super Bowl that caused a lot of controversy. Run by Nationwide, the ad highlighted that accidents are the leading cause of childhood deaths in the United States. While many felt this ad was too depressing for the Super Bowl, it caused families in homes across the country to have a conversation about preventing accidental deaths. Virginia loses a number of children every year to preventable accidents. In 2013, 32% of deaths of children between the Residential & Commercial Cleaning Services WeLovetoClean Fully Bonded & Insured Page 28 703-339-6260 Kingstonian LAURA and LEE JACOBS 6504 Osprey Point Lane Alexandria, VA 22315 March 2015 trips, and it provides for tracking annual progress in reaching the goals of bicycle travel demand and infrastructure. In Lee District alone, the plan adds more than 25 miles of bicycle lanes and nearly 10 miles of shared-use paths. Although some of the new facilities called for in the plan are many years in the future, some on-road lanes can be created today by reconfiguring existing road markings and the county has already begun that work. In fact, almost all of the county’s existing on-road bike lanes were installed at no cost to us through the Virginia Department of Transportation’s annual repaving program. You can view the entire plan at bike/county_bike_master_plan.htm and see the recommended bikeway network map for Lee District. If you’d like a copy of the county’s bicycle map, free copies are available from a variety of locations around the county including local bike shops, the information desk at the Fairfax County Government Center, the Fairfax County Department of Transportation, and, of course, my office. The map shows bike-friendly routes connecting all of Fairfax County and identifies a network of on- and off-road routes. There are more than 5,000 miles of roadway and 700 miles of trails. ages of 1 and 19 were accidental, and it was the leading cause of death in every age group except 10-14, where cancer narrowly outpaced accidents. For these reasons, the General Assembly has made child safety a priority for the 2015 legislative session. The regulation of childcare providers has been one of the primary focuses this year. Although there is no official count of how many children have died in daycare, an investigation done by the Washington Post found that between 2004 and 2014, 69 children died in childcare centers; 51 of those deaths were in Virginia’s unregulated home daycares. Currently, providers that care for no more than 5 children are not licensed, nor subject to inspections, training requirements, or name background checks; and state officials do not track where the businesses are located. Virginia has an estimated 200,000 children cared for in an unregulated setting. This lack of oversight causes the Child Care Aware of America, a national child resource group, to rank Virginia in the bottom eight states nationwide. To address this alarming situation, the General Assembly is working on comprehensive legislation that would tighten regulations on home daycare such as lowering the state threshold for licensing and requiring fingerprint background checks for licensed providers. I look forward to reporting back to you on this and other measures considered during the 2015 legislative session soon. If you have any suggestions on this or other topics, please contact me at DelMSickles@ Around the Towne Report from Senator Barker’s Office George Barker, Senator, 39th District Local 703-303-1426; Richmond 804-698-1734 [email protected] The Virginia Constitution explicitly states that state legislative and U.S. Congressional districts are to be redrawn in 2011 and every ten years thereafter. We are not allowed to redraw the districts other than in years ending in “1,” although that doesn’t stop some from trying. Although redistricting will not occur again until 2021 (after we get the 2020 census data), this week we began the discussion about how we will do it. Currently, Virginia lines are drawn by the Virginia General Assembly. The only requirements for redistricting are that the districts are to be compact and contiguous (no gaps between parts of a district), the plan comply with the Voting Rights Act, and the plan be signed by the governor. One of the major concerns when it comes to redistricting is whether the lines are drawn to favor one political party over another. In 2011, when the Senate district lines were redrawn, they were balanced. The House of Delegates districts and the Congressional districts, however, were drawn to be largely Republican leaning, with about two-thirds of each more Republican than the state as a whole. Kim McClary ✥ L&F Top 20 Producers ✥ L&F Master’s Club ($20 million+ in annual sales) ✥ Life Member, NVAR Top Producers Dedicated to meeting the needs of Kingstowne residents, whether buying or selling, since 1988! Kingstowne client references are always available. Phone today for a complimentary market analysis 703-929-8425 Direct Line (Immediate Response Line) 703-866-1097 Home Office E-Mail [email protected] I want our legislative districts to be close and competitive rather than one-sided for one party or the other. This is why I presented a constitutional amendment that proposed districts which were split equally between those that are more Republican than Virginia and those that are more Democratic and an attempt to have as many competitive districts as practicable. One of the things I love about my district, which includes parts of Prince William, Alexandria, and Fairfax, is that it gives me a broader perspective and makes me more balanced by providing me diverse perspectives and different issues and priorities from the constituents in three different jurisdictions and from the local governing bodies and school boards in three localities. Israel Clavijo, President 571.331.2976 & Much More... We are a local family-owned construction company, offering our extensive line of Commercial and Residential services for over a decade. KINGSTOWNE INTERNAL MEDICINE PRIMARY CARE Commercial • Residential • Additions • Bathrooms • Basements • Roofing • Kitchens • Flooring • Framing • Patios • Interior/Exterior Paint $1,000 Off Any Addition Nikki Waddell, MD $500 Off Any Complete Kitchen, Bathroom or Basement Accepting New Patients and Most Insurance Plans! Take advantage of our promotion and be part of our satisfied clients! References available upon request. Call 571-384-6304 to schedule an appointment today! Call Now for a FREE ESTIMATE! 5901 Kingstowne Village Pkwy, Suite 300, Kingstowne (Behind Regal Theaters) u “ Make your appointment with our Nutritionist & Personal Trainer today!” 202.800.7070 [email protected] VA Lic# 2705082530 • DC Lic # 410514000517 • Licensed, Bonded & Insured March 2015 Kingstonian Page 29 Around the Towne TAIL WAGS Update from Senator Puller Toddy Puller, Senator, 36th District 703-765-1150 [email protected] Richmond: 804-698-7536, [email protected] P E T C A R E This year is bittersweet for me as it will be my last session as a senator. It has been an honor to serve the people of the 36th district of Virginia and I hope to finish strong in this, my 24th year. One of the things I will miss is being able to help Gunston Hall. I have enjoyed being liaison between the commonwealth and the Colonial Dames, who are the caretakers of the house, and the staff. This year Del. Dave Albo and I have a commending resolution to declare 2016 the Year of George Mason and the Virginia Declaration of Rights. The year 2016 will be the 240th anniversary of Mason writing that historic document. Kingstowne Owned/Operated Let Your Dog’s Tail Wag On Or Hear Your Cat Sound The Purrfect Purr! Tel. 703.348.7472 DAILY DOG WALKS AS LOW AS $10! Email: [email protected] Or Visit Our Website: Lic./Bonded/Ins. Much of my legislation this year relates to veterans and making Virginia the most veteran-friendly state in the country. I am pleased to be working with other senators and delegates on these bills in a truly bipartisan fashion. Politics should always stop at the water’s edge when it comes to those brave men and women who voluntarily sign up for military duty to protect and serve our nation. I would like to highlight two pieces of legislation I have been working on. The bills to secure funding for the Veteran Care Centers in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads (SB675, SB676) have passed the Senate and will go to the House on February 10. These Veteran Care Centers [VCC] will fill a critical need for our aging veterans. Currently there are two VCCs, in Richmond and Roanoke. They provide short-term rehabilitative services as well as long-term nursing home care. I am also the patron of SB 903, which will allow courts to create a specific docket for veterans who end up in the court system, for the express purpose of giving targeted attention to veterans. The goal is to move these offenders out of the court system and into productive lives in the community. As always, I am honored to represent the 36th senatorial district of Virginia. Anyone with an issue or concern should contact my office in Richmond at [email protected] or by phone: 804-698-7536. Page 30 Kingstonian March 2015 JOIN US AND FEEL GREAT! YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY TAE KWON DO • HAP KI DO • SELF DEFENSE 6700 Fleet Drive, Alexandria 703-313-8804 Our reward system improves children’s self-esteem, discipline and confidence! Master Instructor Kwang Weon Woo SUMMER CAMP Summer Camp includes 4 field trips per week and a pizza party. We have one day of introduction and fun at Chuck E. Cheeses, one day of learning cooperation through sports at a park, one day at the pool, one day of excitement through a new world at Museums (Washington, DC), and finally the last day includes a PIZZA PARTY provided by us with drinks. Full day camp students will attend Tae Kwon Do class from 4-4:50 P.M. They will learn basic kicking, punching, stepping, and sparring techniques. Schedule–CALL NOW! Space is Limited 6:30-9 AM Drop Off and Check In 9-Noon Adventure of the Day / Field Trip** (**Half Day Camp Students will be going home at this time.) Noon-1 PM Lunch Time 1-1:30 PM Free Time 1:30-3:30 PM Movie Time / Structured Game Time 3:30-4 PM Change into uniform and prepare for class. 4-4:50 PM Tae Kwon Do Class 5-6 PM Clean Up and Go Home NEW STUDENT SPECIAL MASTERS OF YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY/TAE KWON DO YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY/HAP KI DO Call for Details With this coupon. Expires 4-30-14. Contact Yong In Academy for full details of this offer. 2 Private Classes 1 Group Class Free Uniform Around the Towne Best Studio in the Area! ancensations dance center u DANCE u u GYMNASTICS u IN FULLY EQUIPPED GYM Getting tired of that BIG BOX service? We’ve been a Family Business since 1989! u CHEER / TUMBLING u Check out our Website for Classes and Registration Info Hayfield Shopping Center 7572 Telegraph Rd., Alexandria PROPERTY MANAGEMENT & REAL ESTATE SALES Pat Hawkes, Director 703-719-9315 Visit us on he web for a list of services: www.HomeFirst We Provide Complete Real Estate Services The Proper Way CALL us TODAY and Speak to One of the Brokers About any of Your Real Estate Needs! 703-971-1800 [email protected] GARAGE DOOR PROBLEMS? Repairing All Makes of Garage Doors & Electric Openers 703-266-0067 GARAGE DOORS & ELECTRIC OPERATORS • SALES & SERVICE Ashton Physical Therapy Center Patrick Fogarty, Michael Fogarty Sandra Wilkinson, Lee Wilkinson 6271 Franconia Road Alexandria, VA 22310 Dr. Christina S. Michael Internal Medicine Restoring the Human Masterpiece™ Hands-On Treatment Ortho/Sports Rehab Inova HealthPlex Tricia Ashton, PT 6355 Walker Lane, Suite 505 Alexandria, Virginia 22310 38 Years of Experience 703-971-4444 Clinical Director & Owner Evening Hours Available All Insurances Accepted, Except Medicaid I-395 / Edsall Road West, 5510 Cherokee Avenue, Alexandria 703-916-0202 Website: • Over 15 Years Experience • • Accepting New Patients • • Participating with All Major Health Plans • Medical Treatment of Adults and Adolescents • Complete Physical • Hypertension • Diabetes • • Preventive Health Care • March 2015 Kingstonian Page 31 Classified Ads Classified Ads Spine Care of Alexandria Chiropractic Clinic Placing Your Classified Ad Is Easy! Classified Ads are $11 for 25 words or fewer and $0.25 for each additional word thereafter. Ads must be printed or typed, accompanied by a check (no cash, please) payable to Marlborough Publishing (not Kingstowne)\. Mail or bring to the Kingstowne Business Office, 6090 Kingstowne Village Parkway, Kingstowne, VA 22315, by the 7th of the month prior to the month you want your ad to run. Another Option–Mail to the Publisher: • Mail your Classified Ad and check directly to Marlborough Publishing, PO Box 448, Prince Frederick, MD 20678, before the 7th of the month for the next month’s issue. • Order Forms for Classified Ads are available on the Web at: Scroll down to the bottom of this screen and click on “Classified Advertising.” This will open the form as a pdf file which you may print out and mail. It is helpful if you ALSO email the text of your ad to [email protected] and include a copy of your email in the envelope with your Order Form and check. • If you want your Ad to run for more than one month, you may pay in advance for several months. Be sure to specify the months you want. • For questions, email [email protected]. Disclaimer: The inclusion herein of advertisements, articles or references to the websites of third parties does not indicate an endorsement by Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation or Marlborough Publishing of the goods, services, materials or information of the third party. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Kingstowne Residential Owners Corporation and Marlborough Publishing are not affiliated with these third parties. Copyright Marlborough Publishing 2015. All rights reserved. • CHILD CARE CHILD CARE: In Kingstowne, opening for infants/toddlers, licensed, certified CPR/First Aid. 19 years of experience. Full-time/Part-time, weekends and overnights. Excellent references are available. Call Nafeesa: 703-922-7026. 5/15 CHILD CARE NETWORK OF KINGSTOWNE/FRANCONIA: Is a non-profit association of licensed providers within the CCNKF. Go to or call Libby Keenan at 703-971-1889. 12/15 • EDUCATION AND TUTORING TUTOR – MATH: Licensed math teacher (Kingstowne area) available to tutor elementary through geometry. Can come to your home or library. 703-3391739 or e-mail: [email protected]. 4/15 • EMPLOYMENT & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DOG WALKER / PET SITTER: Alexandria, Springfield, Lorton, Fairfax Station Areas. Hours 11 A.M.-3 P.M.; Monday-Friday. Morning, evening & weekend work also available for an autonomous person who LOVES ANIMALS and outdoors. Contact: [email protected]. 3/15 • ERRAND SERVICES ERRANDS AND MORE. Take back your free time. We’re your personal concierge. CallCindi.Com or 703-859-6001. 3/15 • FOR SALE–PRODUCTS AVON: Call Gail Parkinson, Independent Avon Sales Representative 703-8666129. Email: [email protected]. Includes: Skincare, Bug Guard, Cosmetics, Fragrance, Jewelry, Clothing and more. 6/15 • HEALTH AND FITNESS CHRISTIAN COUNSELING FOR WOMEN: Marriage, food addiction, sadness/ anger/self-esteem, etc. Doctor of Clinical Christian Counseling & PhD in Research Psychology. Free consultation. 703-593-6639. 5/15 JAZZERCISE CLASSES! One week free! Mornings (w/childcare), evenings and weekends. Call or email Mary. 703-550-9867 or [email protected]. 3/15 • HOME IMPROVEMENT & MAINTENANCE A+ RATINGS AND SUPERIOR REFERRALS: We provide aluminum, vinyl and wood Windows, Doors, & Siding for your home, townhome, condominium and apartment. WINDOWS PLUS owners have 21 years experience in this Page 32 Kingstonian March 2015 • Dr. Philip Connolly D.C. • Diplomate of the American Chiropractic Academy of Neurology • Focus on Neuro-MusculoSkeletal Pain • uLicensed Massage Therapists on Staff uParticipating in All Major Health Plans uOffer Military Discounts Open Morning & Evening Hours 6285 Franconia Road Alexandria, VA 22310 $75 Chiropractic Evaluation • Private Orthopedic and Neurologic Consultation • Chiropractic Examination • New Patients Only • With Coupon • Limited Time Offer $10 OFF 1-Hour Massage Regular Price is $85 (New clients only) Gift Certificates Available 703-719-7302 industry. We have an in-house install crew and can do one job or multiple projects. We provide free estimates. Licensed and insured in VA, MD and DC with offices in Springfield and Chantilly. Call Reg or Tom at 703-916-8372. See our ad in this issue. 12/15 A HANDYMAN THAT LOVES HIS JOB & CARES: ONE CALL IS ALL IT TAKES: 30+ years servicing NOVA. Interior/exterior home repairs, renovations & improvements. Cell 703-338-1908; Office 703-499-9094; [email protected]. 12/15 AAAWESOME HOME REPAIR AND REMODEL SERVICE–JOEL RIGGS HOME REPAIR: Kitchen and Bath Remodeling, Interior/Exterior Painting, Carpentry, Ceramic, Drywall, Tile, Exterior Wood Rot, and more. Class A License, Insured, Reliable, Honest, 30 Plus Years Northern VA Experience. Call Joel at 703-929-4676. 11/15 AMERICAN CONTRACTOR SERVICES: Quality work at reasonable prices. Hardwood installation, patios, decks, fences, drywall, painting, kitchen and bathroom remodeling. Basement, electric, plumbing, etc.. References available. For free estimate, call 703-859-4328. 3/15 AMERICAN DECKS AND FENCES: We build custom wood fences and decks. We repair fences and decks. Cleaning and sealing services are available. 703-859-4328. 3/15 AMERICAN GUTTER CLEANING: We clean gutters, downspouts. We also provide house-washing and gutter screen installation. Reasonable prices. 703-859-4328. 3/15 BRICK , STONE, CONCRETE AND REPAIRS: • Also Roofing, Siding, and Windows • Carpentry Work and Painting – inside and outside, and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Licensed and Insured. Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-8624450-Cell; [email protected]; 4/15 CARPENTRY: Rotted Trim Replacement • Crown Molding & Custom Trim • Water Damage and Drywall Repair • Interior/Exterior Painting & Repairs and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-862-4450-Cell; [email protected]; 4/15 Continued on page 33 Classified Ads Peaceful Rural Setting – Quick and Easy Commute to Andrews AFB and Suitland Federal Complex Charming Newly-Renovated Farm House on 2.52 Acres in Historic Croom, MD LE SA 00 R 5 FO 49, $3 9601 Croom Road – Historic character with 21st century upgrades Situated on a hilltop, away from the road USDA APPROVED 100% FINANCING NewlyrenovatedfarmhouseinhistoricCroom,MD,surroundedbylarge matureoaktrees.Privatenewreardeckbackstoyourwoods.Formallivingand diningrooms,familyroom,3bedrooms,and2newbathrooms.Frontporchperfect forrockingchairsandswingwhichconvey.Charmingcentralstaircase. Upgradesincludekitchenwithgranitecountertopsandstainlesssteelappliances, newbathrooms,newHVAC/heatpump,waterfiltrationsystemandtank,freshpaint, ceilingfans,carpetandmore.1906woodfloorsthroughoutoriginalhouse.Low maintenance,allnewwindows. ClosetoPatuxentRiverParkfornaturepreserves,boating,hiking,andbikingtrails. Dennis Crecelius Realtor 301-717-1864 mobile 301-855-8600 office [email protected] ReMax100 10425SMarylandBlvd Dunkirk,MD20754 For more info, go to: Continued from page 32 CLIMATROL HEATING & COOLING CORP.: 703-981-6664, www. Only $79.95 for heating and cooling system inspections or diagnostic service fee. Get 10% off discount on repairs with this ad. Free second opinion on heat exchangers and compressors. Family owned, operated, licensed and insured small business. Our prices are extremely competitive and our service is thorough. Read real reviews from satisfied Climatrol customers at Angie’s List. 3/16 DECKS AND FENCES: Make your deck like new. We provide quality repairs, cleaning and staining of decks and fences. Beautiful work. Licensed and insured. 703-859-4328. 3/15 ELECTRICAL SERVICES – SMALL OR LARGE: Emergency calls welcome 24/7. Call Edward Trask. Licensed and insured; 25+ years of experience; now serving Northern Virginia. 304-728-6653. 7/15 FENCES & DECKS: Quality craftsmanship for 30+ yrs. Wood fences and decks built, repaired, cleaning, sealing & deck renovation. Cell 703-338-1908 & 703-499-9094 (O) msg. E-mail thomasamalcolm@ 12/15 FENCING BUILT AND REPAIRED; DECKS REPAIRED: All phases of wood fences–new fences built and old ones repaired. Gates and posts fixed or replaced, too! Decks also repaired. REASONABLE RATES. [email protected]. Call Dave, 703-346-7034. 12/15 FRANCONIA PAINTING SERVICES: Interior/exterior, residential and commercial, caulking, drywall instal and repairs, rotten wood replacement, power washing, and more. From one wall to whole house. Check our website Call Doug 703-850-9907. 6/15 PLUMBING: Overstreet Plumbing, LLC. 30 years of experience. For all your plumbing needs. Class A contractor. Licensed and insured. All work performed by owner. Member of Better Business Bureau. Call Brian 703-906-7606. Visit 2/16 GENERAL CONTRACTING: L.R. Bennett Inc. Licensed and Insured Class-A Contractor • Plumbing. Heating • Cooling • Kitchens • Baths • Additions. Randy Bennett, President and CEO. For service call 703765-3543. Fax 703-765-7352. 2/16 HANDYMAN–DOUG’S REPAIR SERVICE: NO JOB TOO SMALL. Caulking, painting, drywall repair, plumbing, electrical, pressure washing, rotten wood replacement, roof repairs, junk removal, dryer vent cleaning, property management, and MUCH MORE. Check our website www. Call for free estimates 703-850-9907. 6/15 HOME IMPROVEMENT: • Kitchen and Bath Remodeling • Flooring • Interior/Exterior Painting & Repairs • Rotted Trim Replacement • Crown Molding & Custom Trim • Water Damage and Drywall Repair and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Licensed and Insured. Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-862-4450-Cell; [email protected]; www.markmeredith. com. 4/15 HOME IMPROVEMENTS PROFESSIONAL QUALITY SERVICES: Bathroom, basements, kitchen renovations. Additions. Electrical and plumbing services. Drywall and painting. No job too small. 20 years of experience. Family owned. LICENSED AND INSURED. FREE ESTIMATES. Office: 703-296-4512. Cell: 703-928-7732. Email: info@ Visit us @ 12/15 MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR: Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Microwave Ovens, Refrigerators, Ranges, and Disposers. Honest Work, FactoryTrained, Friendly Service. 40 Years of Experience. Call Phil at 703-6221378. 8/15 NOVA HOUSEWASHERS & PAINTING COMPANY: Painting, Int/Ext; Carpentry; Drywall Repair; Pressure Washing. Licensed, Insured, 20Years Experience. Local References. 703-971-3644, 703-728-3644 (cell). 4/15 PAINTING AND PAPERING: Interior and exterior. Free estimates. Licensed, bonded, insured. Call Steve Chute, Chelsea Paper and Paint, 703-912-1450. 2/16 PAINTING: Interior/Exterior, carpentry, drywall repair, power washing, staining, sealing, gutter cleaning. Licensed and insured. Call Kingstowne Painting, 703-339-8706, for FREE in-home consultation. Visit www. 2/16 Continued on page 34 March 2015 Kingstonian Page 33 Classified Ads Continued from page 33 PAINTING–AND MORE: Bradwell Painting Service–Int./Ext. Highest quality paints and workmanship. Drywall repairs. Wallpaper removal. Powerwashing and deck staining. Free Estimates. Licensed, excellent references. BradwellPaintingService/, [email protected], 703-866-6225. 6/15 PAINTING/CARPENTRY: Interior/Exterior Painting & Repairs • Rotted Trim Replacement • Crown Molding & Custom Trim • Water Damage and Drywall Repair and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Licensed and Insured. Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-862-4450-Cell; [email protected]; www. 4/15 PAINTING: FG Painting Interior/Exterior, deck cleaning, sealing, drywall and minor carpentry work. Licensed & Insured. Kingstowne references. [email protected] Call for free estimates 571-722-3840 or 703-4553349. 11/15 PAINTING–PROFESSIONAL PAINTING: Interior, exterior, quality workmanship. Reasonable. Licensed, insured. Free estimates. You can’t afford not to call! Please call Gary’s Painting at 703-971-4016. 5/15 PLUMBING: Dawson’s Plumbing. All types of repairs. Repair or replace all types of faucets and toilets, water heaters, garbage disposals; electric drain cleaning. Licensed gas contractor-run gas lines for appliances and gas logs. First service call, $10 OFF. Call Warren Dawson at 703-354-9358. Licensed, bonded, insured. Master Plumber. 10/15 PLUMBING: L.R. Bennett Inc. Licensed and Insured Class-A Contractor • Plumbing • Heating • Cooling • Kitchens • Baths • Additions. Randy Bennett, President and CEO. For service call 703-765-3543. Fax 703-7657352. 2/16 ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS: Also Brick, Stone, and Concrete and Repairs • Carpentry Work and Painting–inside and outside, and Much, Much More • 25 Years Experience • Licensed and Insured. Hundreds of Kingstowne References. Call Mark Meredith at 703-715-6122-VM; 703-862-4450-Cell; [email protected]; 4/15 • HOUSE, CARPET, & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING AAAAAAAH! MAID BRIGADE: Trusted by NOVA residents since 1989. A+ Rated by BBB. Proud sponsors of your neighborhood events! We bring all supplies and are Green Clean Certified. Mon-Sat Service. Call 703-822-4316 or email [email protected]. Mention Kingstonian for a $25 discount of your 1st clean. New customers only. 1/16 A+ MAID SOLUTION HOUSE CLEANING SINCE 1993: *Family Owned and Operated *Licensed and Insured *Smaller Townhomes starting at $95 *Excellent References *$20 off deep cleaning *Specialized in Move-ins/ Move-outs *Military Discounts *Supplies & Equipment provided *Excellent References *Rated A+ on Angie’s list *Mon-Sat Service *FREE On-site Estimates. 703-971-5753 [email protected]. www.maidsolution. com. 12/15 ACCLAIMED CARPET CLEANING AND STRETCHING: Five rooms $138. Power Carpet Stretching–lifetime guarantee.. 24/7 Emergency water damage. 35 years experience, including the Pentagon. 703-978-2270. 12/16 ANDREA’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE: Licensed, bonded, insured, free estimates, good references, reasonable prices, excellent work. The best cleaning service in the area. Call Nelly 571-264-3208. 3/15 B&L CLEANING SERVICE: Experienced House Cleaning. Owner Operated. References Available. FREE Estimates. Special for New Customers-$25 OFF first cleaning. Bonded/Insured. Call 703-216-7329. (1/15-3/15) HOUSE CLEANING: Reliable and experienced, good references. Flexible scheduling. Reasonable rates. We bring our own equipment. Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Occasionally, One-Time, Move In/Out, Offices. For Free in-home estimate, Call Maryen/Raul at 703-321- 5335. 6/15 HOUSE CLEANING BY HUSBAND & WIFE TEAM: Experienced and OwnerOperated. References Available. FREE Estimates. $25 OFF first cleaning for new customers. Bonded & Insured. Call Billy for free consultation, 703-232-9036. (1/15-3/15) SANDRA’S HOUSE CLEANING SERVICES: Experienced house cleaning, owner operator, honest and responsible, good references, reasonable prices, free estimate, please call Sandra 703-300-4362. (5/15) Page 34 Kingstonian March 2015 • LAWN & LANDSCAPING, TREE CARE AFFORDABLE LANDSCAPING: Mowing, Lawn Care Treatments, Cleanup, Mulching, Edging, Pruning, Sod, Patios, Walkways and more. Contact Independence Landscape for a free estimate 703-887-1834 or visit www. 2/16 ANGEL’S TREE SERVICE: Tree and Stump Removal, Gutter Cleaning, Storm Damage, Aeration & Overseeding. Reasonable Prices. Professional, Friendly & Experienced. Free Estimates. 703-740-6282. 3/15 BUSH AND SHRUBBERY CARE: Trimming, Pruning, Shaping, Dead-wooding, and complete removals. Mulching, weeding, and edging of beds. Leaf Cleanups & yard spruce-ups. All phases of Expert Tree Work and stump grinding. “SPRING DISCOUNT.” FREE ESTIMATES. [email protected]. WinsorTree Service. 703-346-7034. 12/15 LANDSCAPING: SEASONAL CLEAN UPS AND MORE! Limited slots available. Master Gardener 30+ year’s tree work, planting, pruning, mulching, walkways & patios. Cell 703-338-1908, Office 703-499-9094 & E-mail thomasamalcolm@ 12/15 LAWN CARE SERVICE: Mowing, fertilization, weed control, pruning, weeding, mulch. Call Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, 703-339-8706, for FREE maintenance estimate. Visit for more information. 2/16 TREE SERVICE 30+ YEARS: Help protect your trees from severe storms damage with preventative elevation, thinning & shaping. Storm damage/removal. 703338-1908(C) 703-499-9094 (O) [email protected]. 12/15 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL: All Phases of Expert Tree Work. Including Pruning, Trimming, Thinning, Dead-Wooding, and Complete Removals. Also do Stump Grinding and Storm Damage Work. FREE ESTIMATES, Reasonable Rates. “SPRING DISCOUNT.” [email protected]. Winsor Tree Service. 703-346-7034. 12/15 • MUSIC LESSONS PIANO LESSONS: I come to you. Children and adults. All genres of music. Call Connie at 703-455-1250. “In THEORY there IS no dead beat!” 6/15 • PET SERVICES ASK OUR CLIENTS! “The Content Pet” has been providing personalized, quality, loving care for pets and homes in Northern VA since 1998. Bonded, Insured and Certified. “Your pet deserves the best!” [email protected], http://www. 703-244-1410. 4/15 DOG WALKING: Daily Dog Walks As Low As $10, Pet Sitting & More! Visit our Website at, Email Tail Wags at [email protected] or call 703-348-7472. See our display ad on page 30. 5/15 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: BONDED & INSURED w/ FREE CONSULTATION! Walking Paws Exceptional Pet Care @ 703-434-0910 or Be more productive at work and relaxed on vacations. Our pet sitting software supports a busy and changing schedule. 3/15 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING. Our 25th Year–, 571237-5813 , [email protected]. Puppies, Senior, Special Needs, and All Family Pets. Personalized, Professional, Fun! 3/15 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: Decade plus of Midday Walks, Vacations/Holidays, Emergency, Medical. Bonded Insured, Licensed, References. Available 24/7 Personal Service Husband/Wife only. Animal Lovers Free. Consultation 703-9150006, [email protected]. 12/15 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: Wag 4 Walks. BONDED & INSURED! FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION! Providing loving, reliable pet care services! @ www.wag4walks. com or 571-338-9241. 5/15 DOGGY WALKS/PET CARE: Professional Care since 1998. Bonded/Insured. Becky’s Pet Care: Quality service from a trusted friend. $20 off first service. Code: KINGSTONIAN20., 703-822-0933. 12/15 MOBILE DOG GROOMING: Give your dog the royal treatment in my fully equipped mobile grooming salon. We come to your house. Call Zooming N Grooming today to schedule an appointment. 703-919-7075. 3/15 PET CARE: Safe, dependable service while you’re away! Visit us on the Web: www. Tel. 703-348-7472. Let Your Dog’s Tail Wag On With Tail Wags PetCare! See our display ad on page 30. 5/15 PET SITTING / DOG WALKING: BONDED & INSURED w/FREE CONSULTATION! Walking Paws Exceptional Pet Care @ 703-434-0910 or We offer a wide range of affordable and reliable services that cater to your busy and changing schedule. 3/15 Mini Business Advertising PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES WENDYX.COM Residential & Commercial Licensed, Bonded, Insured dential & Commercial • Residential Cleaning • • Move icensed, Bonded, Insured in - Move out • • Weekly • Bi-Weekly • Mini Business Ads – $45 & $90 ProPLocate reaLty • Monthly • One Time • tial Cleaning * Construction Cleaning * Move in-‐Move Call out us Now! * Bi-‐Weekly * M571.332.0131 onthly * One Time Licensed in VA and MD FuLL Service LiSting – 4.5% Kevin Ma, M.P.A., Realtor Call us Now! [email protected] Fluent in Vietnamese and Chinese Cell: 703-568-8581 Email: [email protected] 0131 email: [email protected] Grand Opening Special 14 TELEGRAPH $ 703-919-7075 Men’s Hair Cut [email protected] WWW.ZOOMINGNGROOMING.COM Exp. 3/31/15 Cuts for Men, Women, Children Open 7 Days a Week Next to Exxon Gas Station PROFESSIONAL COURTEOUS CURBSIDE CARE B Y A P P O I N T M E N T O N LY MARK MEREDITH, Order Form and Info: Contact Fran Poling, [email protected] 6933 Telegraph Rd, Alexandria • 703-888-3111 LLC General Contracting We do everything! See our 5 Classified Ads under “Home Improvement” category on pages 32-34 703-715-6122 MARKMEREDITH.COM 703-862-4450-Cell [email protected] CHELSEA PAINT & PAPER Painting–Interior & Exterior Wallpapering • Decks Wash/Stain 25 Years Experience n Licensed & Insured References n Free Estimates Call Steve–571-216-9338 Email: [email protected] L.R. BENNETT INC. Established 1984 • Class A Contractor Kitchens • Baths • Additions Plumbing • Heating • Cooling Randy Bennett, President and CEO 703-765-3543 Reasonable Rates • Free Estimates 703-765-7352 (fax) 703-924-3100 Winsor Tree Service • Family Owned & Operated • Licensed & Insured $25 Discount with this ad • Expert Trimming and Removals • Fences Built & Decks Repaired • Landscaping & Yard Spruce-Ups “All Phases of Tree Work” 703-346-7034 email: [email protected] Acclaimed Carpet Cleaning & Stretching 5 Rooms $138 • Power Carpet Stretching–Lifetime Guarantee 24/7 Emergency Water Damage Service 35 Years of Experience Including the Pentagon! Call 703-978-2270 E.J. Abrah am Electrical Ser vices, Ltd. I can light up your life! • No job too small! 3Having electrical problems? o 3Want o to do some home improvements? Call EJ at 703-402-4132 for a FREE Estimate 50+ Years Exp. • Reasonable Rates • Licensed & Insured angel’s landscaping SERVICE **Specializing in weekly mowing and lawn maintenance** • • • • Mowing, Edging & Blowing Mulching Bush and Tree Planting Spring Cleanups • • • • Aeration & Overseeding Year Round Fertilizing Tree & Stump Removal Gutter Cleaning 703-740-6282 Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Service Old & Young Pets / Exotics / Special Needs 571.237.5813 [email protected] March 2015 Community Calendar Sunday Monday 1 Tuesday 2 THOMPSON CENTER LOCATION CODES: Wednesday 3 7 PM Chess Club (SOG) THB=Thompson Ballroom THO=Thompson Office THF=Thompson Center Fitness THP=Thompson Center Parking Lot 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) Thursday 4 Friday 5 Saturday 6 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) 7 Kingstonian Deadline for April 2015 Issue 6:30 PM Public Hearing on Pool Rules (THO), see p. 11 7 PM KROC Board Meeting (THO) 8 9 SNYDER CENTER LOCATION CODES: 10 5:30 PM ARC Deadline (THO) 7 PM Chess Club (SOG) SNB=Snyder Center Ballroom SFC=Snyder Fitness SNP=Snyder Pool 15 16 SOUTH CENTER LOCATION CODES: 7 PM Chess Club (SOG) 17 SOG=South Center Great Room SOA=South Center Aerobics Studio SOP=South Center Pool SOL=South Center Lawn 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing 11 Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) 6:30-10 PM Bridge Club (SOG) 12 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing 18 7 PM Stratford Place BOD Club (THB) Meeting (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) 11:30 AM-2:30 PM Cooking Divas (SOG) 19 13 20 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) 14 21 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) 9 AM-12 PM Shred It (THP), p. 14 7 PM ARC Meeting (THO) 22 23 29 30 7 PM Chess Club (SOG) 7 PM Chess Club (SOG) 24 25 26 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) 6:30-10 PM Bridge Club (SOG) 27 28 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) 10-11:45 AM Egg Hunt & Photos (SOL), p. 25 31 April 2015 Community Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday THOMPSON CENTER LOCATION CODES: THB=Thompson Ballroom THO=Thompson Office THF=Thompson Center Fitness THP=Thompson Center Parking Lot Friday Saturday 2 3 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing 8 Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) 6:30-10 PM Bridge Club (SOG) 9 10 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing 15 Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) 16 17 4 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) 7 PM KROC Board Meeting (THO) 5 6 SNYDER CENTER LOCATION CODES: 5:30 PM ARC Deadline (THO) 7 7 PM Chess Club (SOG) SNB=Snyder Center Ballroom SFC=Snyder Fitness SNP=Snyder Pool 11 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) Kingstonian Deadline for May 2015 Issue 12 13 SOUTH CENTER LOCATION CODES: SOG=South Center Great Room SOA=South Center Aerobics Studio SOP=South Center Pool SOL=South Center Lawn Page 36 Thursday 1 10 AM-12 PM Line Dancing Club (THB) 10:30 AM-noon Music Playgroup (SNB) Kingstonian 7 PM Chess Club (SOG) 14 7 PM ARC Meeting (THO) March 2015 18 9-10 AM Tiger Tai Chi (SOA) King Centre Dental Visit us online at Your Northern VA Real Estate & Home Management Specialists! Contact Us Today (703) 913-1300 [email protected] RE/MAX Executives, Springfield VA EXCELLENCE “Emphasizing Excellence Every Day” A healthy mouth leads to whole body health. We would like to extend this invitation for ONE FREE CLEANING (PROPHY) With Your Dental EXAM ($125 VALUE). Offer does not include any periodontal disease treatments. 5695 King Centre Dr., Suite B-100, Alexandria VA 22315 703-719-9824 Hablamos Español Visit us at We Treat Your Home Like It’s Our Own! We treat every customer like they are part of our family. Other companies may offer similar services but our services come with a personal touch. additions • finished basements • flooring custom kitchens • custom bathrooms We Will Match Or Beat Any Qualified Contractor Price 703-599-0715 family owned and operated VA License #: 2705153626 SPRING SPRING SPECIAL SPECIAL $500 off any project over $5,000 J & T Home Design, LLC • 703-599-0715 With this coupon. Not valid with other offers or prior services. Expires June 2015. More money for your home, less time, better service. We get our clients 1.3% more on their home sales than the average agent. We sell our client’s homes in less than half the time compared to the average agent. We do more to market your home and make the process smooth 100% of the time compared to the average agent. More money, less time, more experience, more marketing, friendly people. Give us a call. We’d love to help you. Top agents in Kingstowne 16 years in a row. 600 sales in the last two years. [email protected] • 703-822-0207
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