Beulah Corridor
Beulah Corridor
The Neighborhood News... Beulah Corridor MPublishing, P.O. Box 448, Prince Frederick, MD 20678-0448 u Volume 12 u February 2013 Requested In-Home Delivery by February 7-8, 2013 M Publishing PO Box 448 Prince Frederick, MD 20678-0448 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit 2282 Merrifield, VA Photo by Dwayne Quillen February 2013 Beulah Corridor Page 1 community association news Landsdowne News Cindi Potter,Landsdowne Board of Directors, [email protected] Hello Landsdowne and Friends – At the time pen found the paper (err keys found the internet) it is the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. February – the month of Love. Aquarians are known as trendsetters, they find creative ways to approach situations, to tackle problems in unique ways. The tried and true is seldom their path. They invent, create. They are all about the greater good – finding ways to always give back not just to themselves but others. Their creative minds are always working, and, it is said they are happiest when they have something to move forward, care for and create. Well, this is all about people. It may or may not properly describe or define a community. Personally, a lot of those very characteristics are the community of Landsdowne, the place we love (and are proud) to call home and our residents who live here. So, do you think the Landsdowne community may be living under the sign of Aquarius? Right now the temperature is in the 4th day of record breaking low temperatures (below freezing all day). Snow has not quite found us yet – but we know it is coming. We are ready. Our snow contractor, Premium Lawn and Landscape, has a crew standing by, should they be needed. Our snow “emergency” even/odd parking plan is in place for the single family homes. A snow roster has been established. We hope you have purchased pet friendly ice melt. Did you remember to turn off your water to the outside so your pipes will not burst? (We hope so – by now – if you forgot you probably had a not so subtle reminder.) The Dash Family Please remember, sidewalks are a residents’ responsibility. Our snow contract does not call for the clearing of any sidewalks. If and when it snows, please clear your own sidewalk, help a neighbor in need – and why not adopt a piece of common walkway as your own, too. It is a quick, easy, simple way to give back. Do you need assistance clearing snow when it comes? If so, we are here to help – [email protected]. Do not hesitate to let us know. Ask and we’re there. Cont. on page 6 Fritzie & Abby Sharing a Valentine Wish Are concerns about your mortgage weighing you down?� Are you contemplating loan modification, short sale or foreclosure?� Would you like someone� you can trust� to answer questions about these� options and consequences?� There is such a person and his name is Dan Stone. Dan has been selling homes in the� Kingstowne and Manchester Lakes area for 25+ years and has sold over $500 Million� worth of homes! He has experienced these kinds of changes in the market before.� Dan is a Certified Distressed Property Expert and Certified Foreclosure Expert.� Avoiding foreclosure may not be as hard as you think.� With the ever evolving� real estate market of today . . . knowledge is power when it comes to navigating� mortgages, credit and cash flow. Captain Dan’s crew of professionals can set you� on the correct course to avoid financial disaster.� But you need to call now!� Home /� credit salvage is time sensitive and seeing the rocks before� you hit them is crucial! Don’t say “if only I had known!!!”� Bible� Know Now!� Home Foreclosure s� Foreclosure Solution A Homeowners Handbook� n� Alternatives * Solutions * Educatio Page 2 Beulah Corridor Call or email me for your FREE COPY of� Foreclosure Solutions, The Home Foreclosure Bible� [email protected]�� February 2013 I’m not #1� YOU ARE!� 703-922-6143Đ Comprehensive and Cosmetic Dentistry 6420GrovedaleDrive,Suite100A(CornerofBeulahandGrovedale)Alexandria,VA22310 NEW PATIENTS WELCOME • Over20YearsofExperience • AcceptBenefitsfromMostInsuranceCo. (IncludingMilitaryInsurance) • VISA&MasterCardAccepted (703) 719-9305 FREE Cosmetic Consult Comfortable Payment Options SharonS.Roberts,D.D.S. “Bringing your Home Improvement Dreams to Life" ICM Remodeling is your local General Contractor & Home Improvement Company. We offer an extensive line of interior & exterior remodeling & construction services, including: • Additions • Basements • Bathrooms • Kitchens • Roofing • Siding • Decks • Flooring • Painting • Carpentry • Patios • & Much More! No job too small - special projects welcome - just ask! Take advantage of our Limited Time Offers: $1,000 Off Any Room Additions $500 Off Any Complete Kitchen/Bathroom/Basement Call Us Now for your Free In-Home Estimate! 571-331-2976 Israel Clavijo / President [email protected] 24/7 Emergency Service References available upon request February 2013 Beulah Corridor Page 3 community association news Windsor Park News Paul van Rijn, Board President and Neighbor It is always an interesting challenge to decide on topics to include in this monthly column. There are so many options and there is so much to say. However, a recent article entitled “Rating a Neighborhood” struck a chord with me and made me wonder just how our Windsor Park community might be rated. A suggested scale for rating a neighborhood included: housing quality, housing affordability, school quality, safety, and proximity to shops and public transit. Using these as starting points, let me share my take on Windsor Park. Of all the communities along the Beulah Corridor, Windsor Park is one of the oldest and most mature. Yet, its homes are exceptionally well-built and spacious and many have received upgrades and renovations to enhance their value. Still, they have remained affordable and are starting to attract more families looking for a safe environment and nearby quality schools for their children. Others are attracted by Windsor Park’s proximity to markets, restaurants, quality medical facilities, recreation, and public transportation. This is not to mention the myriad Inside This Issue Community Association News.......................................2 Clubs, Organizations, & Events.........................................7 Around the Town..............................................................10 Classified Advertisements.........................................15 Published by M Publishing P.O.Box 448, Prince Frederick, MD 20678 Copyright MPublishing 2013 Advertising Information: [email protected] • 301-627-4220 Article Submission Guidelines: 1) 2) 3) 4) Page 4 Please keep word count under 350 words. Microsoft Word Documents preferred. Digital photos to accompany your articles are encouraged. Acceptable photo formats are Jpeg, Tiff, and PDF. Include the author’s name below the article’s title. Email your article and digital photos to: [email protected] as separate attachments. Please do not embed photos in the article’s file. Beulah Corridor February 2013 of cultural and historical attractions of the Washington, DC area and the recreation centers, parks, and wildlife areas just minutes away. All this does not mean that there is nothing more to do. All communities such as ours are governed by rules and guidelines. The WP Board of Directors—all volunteers—has the responsibility for communicating those rules and for ensuring that everything runs smoothly. To that extent, our homeowner dues are used to hire a management company (National Realty Partners or NRP) to oversee all the required financial, legal, accounting, record keeping, and business aspects of our community. NRP, in turn, takes competitive bids and retains landscaping, trash removal, pool management, and other services to help us maintain our curb appeal and to help us keep WP a desirable place to live. Our various service providers cannot do it all alone and the more we can do ourselves, the better off we will be. Getting basic information out to all residents is essential and we are going to step up efforts in those directions. Some of the most basic required information includes: trash days are Monday and Thursday, recycling is only on Thursday and all boxes must be recycled, heavy construction debris must be removed by contractors, external changes to the property require approvals, parking hang tags are required in “reserved” parking and “visitors” parking is limited to three consecutive nights. Be considerate of and look out for your neighbors and our service providers. Be the eyes and ears in the community and let NRP know when something needs our attention. Report any suspicious non-emergency activities directly to the police at 703-691-2131. If you have any questions or want to help, please stop me when you see me in the neighborhood or send me an email at [email protected]. As always, submit all formal inquiries, applications, suggestions, or complaints to Kristine Caraway, our Management Agent from NRP. She may be reached via email at [email protected] or at 703-435-3800. For more information, visit our developing website at And if you get a chance, attend our Board meetings on the third Thursday of each month at Lane School from 7-9 P.M. Autumn Chase News community association news Robin Michener, Autumn Chase Board Member Winter 2013 is still upon us, and we look forward to the spring season in our Autumn Chase Hunt community. We hold the Autumn Chance Hunt HOA meetings every quarter. For 2013 these will be in February, May, August and October. The winter HOA meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 20, 2013 at 6074 Franconia Road, Alexandria, VA 22310. The spring HOA meeting is on Wednesday, May 15 and the summer HOA meeting will be held on August 21 in the same location. We still have on open HOA board position, therefore contact us at board@ if you are interested in learning more details. At the February 20 HOA meeting we will be discussing HOA activities that may occur this spring. At the meeting, we plan to discuss what maintenance items will be addressed during the 2013 annual maintenance inspections. We plan to refurbish the Autumn Chase entrance signs this spring. In our community, there is interest in holding a community yard sale this spring. If you are interested in participating as a board member, please contact us through our community website (www.autumnchase. org) or the board email address [email protected]. February 2013 Beulah Corridor Page 5 community association news Landsdowne, cont. from page 2 Enter our “Guess the Snow Fall” Contest. When will the first 1” of snow fall (as measured at the pool house)? At the time of any snow event guess (nearest) the total amount of accumulation (at the time the snow begins) and win a gift certificate to one of our many area restaurants. Let’s have some fun when the snow finds us. If the snow is significant, check your email for snow related activities – snowman making contests, snow angel competitions, dog yappy hours – all will be planned. We guarantee it will be fun – planned pretty much on the spot – and will bring lots of smiling faces. This is the month where we tend to see the least amount of people out and about. It is just too cold. We are using that time to plan for the future – for what is to come in the months ahead. (A new parking plan for the townhomes is being considered. The ARB Guidelines are being revised). For full details, please always check our website ( While there, if you are not signed up for our news, please so now. All our news is distributed by email. By request, on a trial basis, our monthly HOA/BOD meetings have been changed to the 3rd Thursday of each month. Please hold the following dates on your calendar – February 28, March 28, April 25, May 23, June 27. Meetings are held at the Kingstowne Center for Active Adults (Landsdowne Center directly under Red, Hot & Blue). Everyone is always welcome (owners, renters, and friends of our community). This is where and how you can be directly involved in the decisions and business that effect everyone who lives here. This is the time and place to voice your suggestions and concerns. This is the place to have your questions answered. Spring Yard Sale – Come One! Come All. April 20 is “the date” to clear the clutter and make a few extra dollars. The raindate is May 11. For details or to secure a selling space, please contact SpecialEvents@Landsdowne. Org (YS). This is a much anticipated sale. We have buyers from all over Dr. Christina S. Michael Internal Medicine Inova HealthPlex 6355 Walker Lane, Suite 505 Alexandria, Virginia 22310 703-971-4444 • Over 15 Years Experience • Accepting New Patients • Participating with All Major Health Plans Medical Treatment of Adults and Adolescents • Complete Physical • Hypertension • Diabetes • • Preventive Health Care • Page 6 Beulah Corridor February 2013 watch for this event. The average take home is between $100 and $500. Your cast offs are another’s treasure. Dumpster and Shredding Day – May 4 (rain or shine). This really is the time to clear the clutter and to shred all those documents that an identity thief would just love to have. This event is specifically for the things that require a special pick up (appliances, furniture, large metal goods, play sets, etc.) This is the time to bring all your documents for professional shredding. This is the time to just get rid of “stuff” once and for all. May 11 (10 A.M. - Noon). Kingstowne Center for Active Adults. Landsdowne Community Annual Meeting. Details next time. Do you have questions? Please contact us at Communications@Landsdowne. Org about the meeting itself or to be considered as a candidate to run the the Board. We are also taking this time to update our website – a new look – new sections – revisions and renovation to the old. Do you like to write? Would you like your own column featured on the website? Are you a photographer? Please send us your pictures for use in our monthly Beulah Corridor articles and on the website. This is your community and the place to let the world (or at least those reading this) know you are here. There is always so much to say. We love singing Landsdowne’s praises. For now – this is also the month of Love! Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. May February 14th find you sharing it with loved ones. In closing, these are just a few of the shout outs from our residents to their own special sweeties: • “Thank you for the last 15 years of marriage. Love you!” J.D. • “MRO no 2 days are ever the same all because of you! Thanks for 19+ amazing years.” Much Love, CHP • “CP, MO, VL, JM, AM -- Happy Valentines to my Landsdowne Family. In many ways, you are closer than many of my biological family - and more fun too!” Jay • “Vicki L. -- Happy Valentines Day from your secret Admirers. Thanks for all that you do for us” B&C • “To Lovers All: Wine and chocolate is a very popular and romantic Valentine’s Day combo. However, in reality, they make for a difficult food and wine pairing. The conundrum: sweeter chocolates have a rich sweet flavor and unsweetened chocolate has a strong bitter flavor. Both sweet or unsweetened chocolate can overwhelm a wine or bring out bitter flavors that would not exist if you enjoyed each on their own. I recommend trying chocolate-covered [preferably milk chocolate] cherry filled cordials with a dry or lightly sweet Rosé wine. An inexpensive and pleasant way to add a little deliciousness to Cupid’s favorite day. Cheers!” D.Q. • “Happy Valentines Day! I love you all SO much. I am so thankful that each of you is a part of my life.” Love always, Melanie/Mommy • “Will You Marry Me Sunshine? Please – I Will Love You To the Moon And Back! Say Yes! Please! “ The Man In The Moon (Note: We will let you know the outcome next time …) Have a wonderful winter and a Very Happy February! Until Next time …. Clubs, Organizations & Events Clubs, Organizations & Events New Announcements Send announcements for new clubs and events to [email protected] by the 7th of each month for publication the following month. New clubs and events are listed for two months; afterwards a shortened listing is provided under “Existing Clubs & Groups.” Existing Clubs and Groups may submit information for special events; it will be run if space allows. 4-H Club Nutts for Mutts Do you like dogs? Are you between the ages of 9 and 19? Join the Nutts 4 Mutts 4-H Dog Club, which meets the third Tuesday of each month, 7 P.M., at the Hollin Hall Senior Center, 1500 Shenandoah Road. (Parents are also welcome.) You do not have to own a dog to be a part of this club. 4-H provides the opportunity for youth to learn and have fun through activities about their interests. Nutts 4 Mutts focuses on all things dogs— care, training, companionship, safety, and more. The club offers a wide variety of activities, including field trips, guest speakers, and community service projects. If you are looking for a leadership opportunity, consider serving as a club officer. For more information, please contact parshleys@ and put Nutts4Mutts in the subject line. Candidates’ Forum–February 28 Colonial Republican Women and the Lee District Republican Committee will jointly host a candidates’ forum on Thursday, February 28, 7-9 P.M., at the Virginia Hills Administration Center (Old Virginia Hills School), 6520 Diana Lane, Alexandria, VA, 22310. Refreshments begin at 6:30 P.M. In 2013, the offices of Virginia governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and all Virginia House of Delegates seats will be up for election. This forum is for those running for the Republican nomination to the state-wide offices and House of Delegates for District 43. For more information contact Susan at 703-924-3554 or lee@ Colonial Republican Women–Feb. 21 Colonial Republican Women will meet on February 21, 6:30-9 P.M., at the Virginia Hills Administration Center (Old Virginia Hills School), 6520 Diana Lane, Alexandria, VA 22310. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 P.M. For more information contact Debbie at 703-768-1934 or [email protected]. Seedling Sale– Beautify and Restore Your Property The Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District is holding its 2013 seedling sale. All the seedling species are native to our area and provide beauty to your landscape! The small tree and shrub package is $15.95 and contains ten seedlings: two white flowering dogwood, two American witch hazel, two northern bayberry, two arrowwood viburnum, and two smooth sumac. The tree package is $11.95 and contains six seedlings: two bald cypress, two river birch, and two willow oak. More information at nvswcd/seedlingsale.htm or contact Nick Kokales at 703-324-1420 or [email protected]. Existing Clubs & Groups Alexandria-Kingstowne MOMS Club [email protected] Gadsby’s Tavern Museum: Tavern Toddlers Dancing, activities, crafts, and stories. Walkers through 36 months. 10:30 A.M. to noon, Mondays. $7/ week/ two children and 1 adult Habitat ReStore 703-360-6700 or 7770-G Richmond Hwy., behind Gold’s Gym Kingstowne Area Artists–Sandy & Ginny, [email protected], [email protected] Continued on page 8 February 2013 Beulah Corridor Page 7 Clubs, Organizations & Events Clubs et al, cont. from page 7 Kingstowne Center for Active Adults 6488 Landsdowne Center, Alexandria 9 A.M.-4 P.M. M-F, 703-339-7676 • Trip to Frederick Douglass House, Sat., Feb. 23 • Coming soon: trip to Kennedy Center to see Show Boat • Watercolor classes–Mon. 12:30 P.M. • Gentle Yoga–Mon. 9 A.M. & Tue. 2 P.M. • English classes–Wed. 12:30 P.M. Kingstowne Lions Club–Frances Mohr [email protected] or 703-924-0462 7 P.M., 2nd Wed. each month Franconia Governmental Center 6121 Franconia Road JOIN US AND FEEL GREAT! YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY TAE KWON DO • HAP KI DO • SELF DEFENSE 6700 Fleet Drive, Alexandria 703-313-8804 Our reward system improves children’s self-esteem, discipline and confidence! Master Instructor Kwang Weon Woo YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY Before/After School Program Schedule - Trained, enthusiastic, caring staff - Transportation provided from local school, even on half-days - Full day program on most school days off, at no extra charge - Daily martial arts classes, providing your child with a characterbuilding education - Roll-over to all-day summer camp (6:30 AM - 6:30 PM) when the school year is over 12:00 - 4:00 PM: - Buses pick up students from local schools - Students change clothes and eat snacks - Games (such as educational computer games or board games) - Bathroom break, get ready for martial arts class, quiet activities - Homework time 4:00 - 5:00 PM: Martial Arts Class 5:00 - 6:30 PM: - Homework time - Parents begin to pick up children between 5:00 and 6:30 PM* - Homework time structured quiet activity Kingstowne Stitch In [email protected] 7-9 P.M., Mon., Kingstowne Library All stitchers are welcome! Kingstowne Striders Running, walking, and fitness. La Leche League of Kingstowne 10:30 A.M., 1st Fri. each month, Kingstowne Library *After 6:30 PM, there is a late charge for children not picked up. Great for Families, too! CALL NOW! Space is limited NEW STUDENT SPECIAL MASTERS OF YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY/TAE KWON DO YONG IN MARTIAL ARTS ACADEMY/HAP KI DO 2 Private Classes 1 Group Class Free Uniform Call for Details With this coupon. Exp. 3/15/13. Contact Yong In Academy for full details of this offer. La Leche League for Moms of Twins/ Multiples Breastfeeding_MomsofmultiplesinDC/ 10:15 A.M., 3rd Sat. each month, Kingstowne Library ancensations dance center DANCE • CHEER / TUMBLING F Tap F Jazz F Cheer / Tumbling F Rhythm Tap F F Lyrical /Contemporary F Hip-Hop F F The Best Ballet/Pointe Program in the Area F GYMNASTICS PROGRAM F Competition Teams F Non-Competition Classes F F USAG Certified Coaches F Fully Equipped Facility F 703-719-9315 Hayfield Shopping Center • 7572 Telegraph Rd., Alex. Page 8 Beulah Corridor February 2013 50% OFF Registration (New students, thru 2/28/13) One of the Top Studios on the Eastern Seaboard Clubs, Organizations & Events Mount Vernon Genealogical Society–Phyllis Kelley 703-660-6969 or [email protected] or “Ancestors Did Not Live Alone” 1 P.M., February 19 Rm. 112, 1500 Shenandoah Rd., Alexandria Presents 4 Pets Campaign [email protected] or 703-924-1616 Collecting pet supplies for animal shelters and rescue groups Toastmasters International, Kingstowne Toasties Chapter 7:30 P.M., 1st and 3rd Thur. of each month 6488 Landsdowne Center Facebook “Kingstowne Toasties” Internal Medicine Primary Care Dr. George Silis and Dr. Manny Silis of Franconia Internists, P.C. Franconia Internists specializes in the care and medical treatment of adults and adolescents. • • • • • • • • • • Early Morning and Evening Hours Available Appointments Can be Made by Calling 703-922-4222 Participating with All Major Health Plans Complete Physical Exams Hypertension Management Diabetes Management Headache Treatment Neck and Back Pain Relief Smoking Cessation Routine Gyn Care 24 Hour Holter Monitoring EKGs Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Our Office is located in the Rose Hill Shopping Center 5115 Franconia Road, Suite G Alexandria, VA 22310 February 2013 Beulah Corridor Page 9 Around the Town Local School News Report from School Board Member Kaufax Tamara Derenak Kaufax, Lee District Fairfax County School Board 571-423-1081; [email protected] Keeping Our Schools Safe In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, CT, our thoughts continue to be with the families affected by this horrific act. I have heard from both students and parents in Lee District, and as a parent with two children in our schools, I understand your concerns and fears that have surfaced since this incident. I want you to know that the School Board and staff of FCPS continue to provide our schools and classrooms with the best safety measures that are known to us. Our staff is trained to always be vigilant in keeping an eye out for unusual behaviors. We have security plans for each of our buildings and there is also a central plan. The Office of Safety and Security works with law enforcement around the country and our plans are based on best practices throughout the nation. The specific plans are exempt from public release, via a Va. Freedom of Information Exemption (2.2-3705.2). However, much information is available from our internet homepage, Click on the tab titled “Emergency” and scroll and link to topics of interest. discreet Page 10 Beulah Corridor February 2013 Even one such incident is too many, but please keep in mind that they remain a very rare occurrence. Schools continue to be a very safe place for kids. In the United States, there are approximately 100,000 K-12 schools, enrolling approximately 50 million students. While realizing that the small chance of an event actually occurring does not completely assuage the fear associated with such a horrendous act, it’s helpful to keep these events in perspective. Public Invited to Edison High School’s Bistro 1093 Bistro 1093, the Edison Academy culinary arts program’s dining facility, has reopened in its newly renovated space in the Edison High building. The bistro is open for lunch every Thursday as culinary arts students, under the direction of Chef Glenn Walden, prepare and serve a three-course meal with beverage as part of their training. The public is welcome to make reservations to dine at Bistro 1093 and are asked to make a donation (minimum $8) to cover the cost of their meal. Take-out service is also available. To be added to the mailing list for updates on upcoming menu and take-out specialties, email [email protected]. In the event of a two-hour delay or closing on a Thursday, the Bistro will not open for lunch. Contact Edison Academy administrator Brad Rickel at 703-924-8150 or [email protected] or event liaison Glenn Walden at [email protected]. Winter Weather Winter is here! Ice and snow happen! Please go to news/weather.shtml for the FCPS Inclement Weather policy. EXPOSED Around the Town Lane Elementary School Basket Bingo is Back!–Friday, March 16, 6-10 P.M. (Doors open at 6; first game begins at 7) Great prizes! Tickets go on sale soon. Donations are needed to fill prize baskets–gift cards, products, vacation packages, event tickets, etc. For more info–[email protected]. Restaurant Days • Firehouse Subs–Tuesday, February 19, All Day: Firehouse Subs will generously donate $300 or 20% of Lane-related sales, whichever is greater. Dine In or Take-Out. Must mention Lane at the register (and on the phone if calling in order). • Boardwalk Burgers and Fries–Wednesday, March 20, All Day • Chuck E. Cheese–Friday, April 26, 3-9 P.M. • Silver Diner–Monday, May 21, 5-8 P.M. • Chili’s –Tuesday, June 11, All Day • Red Hot and Blue–Landsdowne Shopping Center (at Beulah and Telegraph). Every time you dine-in or take-out, mention Lane and RH&B will donate 10% back to the school on a monthly basis! No coupon needed! Supermarket Cards • Giant– School code is 03244. If you do not know your number, call the Giant Hotline at 1-877366-2668, Option 2 (Does not affect gas program.) • Safeway–e-mail your card number to [email protected] Keep in Touch • “Like” the Anthony T. Lane Elementary PTA Facebook page. • Get Twitter alerts. Follow us @LanePTA. Don’t have a Twitter account? Text to 40404 with the message, “Follow LanePTA.” • Visit for all your PTA information and “News You Need to Know.” Box Tops and Labels for Education The school receives 10 cents for every Box Top we submit! Please drop off your Box Tops and Labels at the school. Selling your home is not the time to be discreet. The professionals recommend Full ExposurE. There are no harmful UV rays in Real Estate, but you can be burned by non-exposure. Tom & Cindy and Associates’ nationally recognized marketing plan will expose your home to every buyer in the market. Last year we sold 262 homes. We’d love to help you in 2013. It doesn’t cost more to use the best. [email protected] | | 703-822-0207 February 2013 Beulah Corridor Page 11 Around the Town Hayfield Secondary School Broadway Night 2013–Saturday April 6 Looking for a fun, musical, and jazzy evening? The Hayfield Secondary School Choral Boosters proudly present Broadway Night 2013. The evening spotlights the extraordinary musical talents of Hayfield middle and high school students, and includes an elegant dessert buffet. The performance is Saturday, April 6, 8 P.M. Come early! The reception starts at 7 P.M. Tickets are sold at the door: Adults $10, students and seniors $7. Rebecca S. Wilburn Auditorium, Hayfield Secondary School, 7630 Telegraph Road, Alexandria. Hayfield Boys Basketball Serves Community The Hayfield Secondary School Boys Basketball Program teamed up with Next Level Sports T&C on a food drive in support of the Manchester Lakes Senior Living Apartment Complex. The Hayfield Boys Basketball Program–freshman, Page 12 Beulah Corridor February 2013 Coach Carlos Poindexter (center), surrounded by Beresford and Sheryl Lawson (owners of Next Level Sports T&C, LLC), Tim Vatter (manager of Manchester Senior Living) and members of the Hayfield Boys’ Varsity Basketball Team. JV, and varsity–under the direction of new Head Varsity Coach Carlos Poindexter, collected non-perishable foods items. Coach Poindexter’s goals for the boys’ basketball program are to teach, develop, and prepare our young men to play the game of basketball and to help shape and strengthen their life skills during this process. This includes the importance of academics, respect for others, dressing for success, building good character, and giving back to the surrounding community. More information and news on the success of the Hayfield Secondary Boys Basketball Program can be found at www. Around the Town Kingstowne Library 6500 Landsdowne Centre, Kingstowne, 703-339-4610 Our New Hours: Monday-Tuesday 10-9, Wednesday 10-6, Thursday 1-9, Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-5 Closed Feb. 18 for Presidents’ Day Holiday Programs for All Ages • Friends of the Library Book Sale. Sat., Feb. 9, 10 A.M.-3 P.M. Bargain prices on gently-used books, DVDs, and more! Book donations welcome during library hours. Learn more about the Friends of Kingstowne Library at, and find them on Facebook: Friends of Kingstowne Library. Programs for Children • Wag a Tale. Need a little practice reading or just love dogs? Sign up to read to one of our reading therapy dogs. Appointments 10:30-11:30. Ages 5-12. Chester, Sat., Feb. 16; Fire or Bella, Sat., Feb. 9 and 23 • Valentine Steampunk Jewelry. Thur., Feb. 7, 7 P.M. Edgy, romantic, and trendy, our workshop combines influences from Scott Westerfeld, The Hunger Games, and the Victorian and industrial eras in neat jewelry pieces. Teens. Age 12-18. • Terrific Twos and Threes. Mon., Feb. 11, 10:30 A.M. Early literacy story time with stories and songs. Age 2-3 with caregiver. • Bee Healthy. Tue., Feb. 19, 10:30 A.M. A 20-minute puppet presentation provided by the Fairfax County Health Depart- ment. Explains immunization as well as healthy habits to children and their caretakers. Birth–5 with adult. • Terrific Twos and Threes. Wed., Feb. 20, 10:30 A.M. Early literacy story time with stories and songs. Age 2-3 with caregiver. • Rainbow Readers. Mon. Feb. 25, 10:30 A.M. Early literacy story time with stories and songs Age 3-5 with caregiver. Programs for Adults • Genealogy One-on-One Tutorial. One-on-one sessions with genealogy volunteer using online resources. Call for appointment. • One-on-One Internet/Computer Tutoring. One-on-one sessions with a technology volunteer. Call for an appointment. • Vita Tax Assistance. Saturdays in February, 10:30 A.M.-3 P.M. TIRS-certified volunteers help taxpayers who earned up to $51K. • Practice Your English. Each Wed., 10:15 A.M., and each Thur., 7 P.M. Conversation group for people learning English. February 2013 Beulah Corridor Page 13 Around the Town Message from Lee District Supervisor McKay Jeff C. McKay, Lee District Supervisor 703-971-6262; [email protected] It was an interesting year, 2012. Derecho joined our vocabulary and we spent some time peering over a fiscal cliff, one that still threatens at this writing. Springfield Mall is one of the year’s top stories. Inside work began in July and the November demolition of the outside shell proved that the mall was really on track. In 2009, the Board of Supervisors at my request assembled a team to expedite site plans and building permits. Then, the mall stagnated along with the financial markets. With improved market conditions, the redevelopment is moving forward with Phase I for a 2014 ribbon cutting. The Woodrow Wilson Bridge project is almost done—only a few final surface pavement and roadway markings remain. With BRAC a reality, our success in working with Congressman Moran and other federal officials to get $180 million to widen Route 1 from Telegraph Road to Mount Vernon Memorial Highway is welcome. This will expand the existing four-lane road to six lanes, provide pedestrian and bicycle improvements, and leave space to accommodate future transit. Construction should begin in fall/winter 2013. The 495 Express Lanes opened in November, making it easier and safer to drive to Tysons and points west. Parks and Recreation: We’ve continued to grow our fully accessible family recreation area in Lee District Park, funded through a publicprivate partnership. In June, we opened the Tiki Village playground as part of Chessie’s Big Back Yard. It complements our spray park that opened in 2011. County Budget: In 2012 an improved economy and our efforts to maintain core services and trim nonessentials put us in a better position than many other localities. Today, uncertainty over the federal fiscal cliff and potential cuts at federal and state levels are concerns. My citizen budget committee will again study the budget and provide me with valuable input; I also welcome your thoughts on budget priorities. Transportation: Improvements continue to one of our bottlenecks— Van Dorn Street/Telegraph Road/ South Kings Highway. The completed project will widen Telegraph Road and add new turning lanes. Mulligan Road connecting Telegraph Road to Route One is back on track after a bid protest and should be open to traffic in early 2014. 571.237.5813 [email protected] STRICTLY RHYTHM DANCE YouR FIRST CLASS IS FREE! REGISTER NoW! ★ TAP ★ JAZZ ★ BALLET/POINTE ★ ★ HIP HOP ★ MUSICAL THEATER ★ ★ LYRICAL/CONTEMPORARY ★ ★ PRE-SCHOOL DANCE ★ Classes Available for Ages 1-1/2 to Adult ★ MONTH-TO-MONTH PROGRAM–NO CONTRACTS ★ ★ LIMITED CLASS SIZE ★ FAMILY DISCOUNTS ★ Conveniently located in Franconia Center 6118- A Franconia Road 50% OFF 703-719-6878 (Ne w St ude n ts Only) thr u 2/28/13 Page 14 Beulah Corridor Registration February 2013 Your Neighborhood SHORT SALE Expert ( Your Neighborhood Short Sale Specialist ) Classified Advertisements Placing Your Classified Ad Classified Ads are $11 for 25 words or less and $0.25 for each additional word thereafter. (Lost and Found Ads are free.) The Deadline for Ads is the 10th of each month. ORDER FORMS AVAILABLE AT: Please follow these instructions when placing your ad: • Please fill out an order form calculating your ad’s cost (print your form from: ), and mail it, along with a check payable to M Publishing, to: M Publishing, P.O. Box 448, Prince Frederick, MD 20678-0448. • Please also email the text of your Ad to [email protected]. Once we receive your check, we will place your emailed ad in the next issue. • If you’d like your ad to run for more than one month, you may pay in advance for several consecutive months. (Be sure to specify the exact duration of time you want the ad to run.) Disclaimer: The inclusion herein of advertisements, articles or references to the web-sites of third parties does not indicate an endorsement by M Publishing of the goods, services, materials, or information of the third party. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, M Publishing is not affiliated with these third parties. Copyright M Publishing 2012. All rights reserved. A+ RATINGS AND SUPERIOR REFERRALS FOR HOME IMPROVEMENTS: We provide aluminum, vinyl and wood Windows, Doors, & Siding for your home, townhome, condominium and • Smile Makeovers • Invisalign-Invisible Braces • Tooth Whitening • Periodontal Treatment • Preventive Care • Root Canals & Oral Surgery • Bonding & Porcelain Veneers • Dental Implants • Dentures & Partials • Crowns & Bridges Classified Ads apartment. Windows Plus owners have 21 years experience in this industry. We have an in-house install crew and can do one job or multiple projects. We provide free estimates. Licensed and insured in VA, MD and DC with offices in Springfield and Chantilly. Call Reg or Tom at 703-916-8372. See our ad in this issue. 12/13 AAAAAAH! MAID BRIGADE: Green housecleaning you can trust. We proudly sponsor your neighborhood events. Mon-Sat service. Serving NoVA since 1989. Call 703-823-1726 or email [email protected]. 5/13 A AFFORDABLE CARPET CLEANING AND RESTORATION: Five rooms $125. Carpet STRETCHING. 24-hour Emergency water damage Mold remediation. Upholstery & Rug Cleaning. 30 years experience, including the White House! 703-978-2270. 12/13 A HANDY GUY: For all your household needs: electrical repairs, plumbing fixtures, insulation, fence and deck repairs. Call Handyguy LLC. Credit cards accepted. 703-244-7378. (1/13-2/13) A HANDYMAN THAT LOVES HIS JOB & CARES: ONE CALL IS ALL IT TAKES 30+ years servicing NOVA. Interior/exterior home repairs, renovations & improvements. Cell 703-338-1908 Office 703-941-5006 [email protected] 2/13 AMERICAN CONTRACTOR SERVICES: Quality work at reasonable prices. Hardwood installation, patios, decks, fences, drywall, painting, kitchen and bathroom remodeling. Basement, electric, plumbing, etc.. References available. For free estimate, call 703859-4328. 3/13 AMERICAN DECKS AND FENCES: We build custom wood fences and decks. We repair fences and decks. Cleaning and sealing services are available. 703/859-4328. 3/13 See Classified Ads, cont. on page 16 NO INSURANCE? Affordable Payment Plans Available $ 69 Offer Expires 3/15/13 Military Insurance Accepted Offer Expires 3/15/13 Phuong Phan D.M.D., P.C. Thien Dao D.M.D. Iyad Alyo D.D.S. Hours: Monday 9:30-6 • Tuesday-Friday 8-4:30 • Saturdays 9-3 BEULAH ST. Ruben Miranda D.D.S. Periodontist February 2013 Beulah Corridor Page 15 Classified Ads AMERICAN GUTTER CLEANING: We clean gutters, downspouts. We also provide house-washing and gutter screen installation. Reasonable prices. 703/859-4328. 3/13 ASK OUR CLIENTS! “The Content Pet” has been providing personalized, quality, loving care for pets and homes in Northern Va. since 1998. Bonded, Insured and Certified. “Your pet deserves the best!” [email protected], http://www.thecontentpet. com/ 703-244-1410. (2/13-4/13) B&L CLEANING SERVICE: Experienced House Cleaning. Owner Operated. References Available. FREE Estimates. Special for New Customers-$25 OFF first cleaning. Bonded/Insured. www. Call 703-216-7329. 12/13 CARPENTRY/HANDYMAN: Wood rot repairs, crown moldings & custom trim, interior & exterior painting, and handyman services. 20+ years experience. Licensed/Insured. www.KnickerbockerDecorators. com. 703-971-2669. 7/13 CAT CARE: Cats, Cats -- just cats (and small mammals). Available 24/7/365. Purrs & Meows Pet Care 703-859-6001 or 571-237-5813. 2/14 CHILD CARE NETWORK OF KINGSTOWNE/FRANCONIA: Is a nonprofit association of licensed providers within the CCNKF. Go to or call Libby Keenan at 703-971-1889. 12/13 CLIMATROL HEATING & COOLING CORP: 703-981-6664, www. Only $59.95 for heating and cooling system inspections or diagnostic service fee. 10% Discount on repairs with this ad. FREE second opinion on heat exchangers and compressors. Honesty and integrity. Licensed and Insured. Better Business Bureau accredited business. 4/13 CLOCK REPAIR: When was the last time your clock was cleaned and oiled? Free estimate, pickup, and delivery. One year guarantee. Steve 703-371-6557. 4/13 DECKS AND FENCES: Make your deck like new. We provide quality repairs, cleaning and staining of decks and fences. Beautiful work. Licensed and insured. 703/859-4328. 3/13 “As a resident of Alexandria, it's not just my business, it's my neighborhood and, more importantly, it's my community." Recently Sold in Alexandria, VA 22315 Residential Brokerage Wendy Clavijo Active Listings in Alexandria, VA 22315 Office: 703-451-2500 Cell: 571-332-0131 [email protected] If you or someone you know is interested in Selling, Buying, or Renting... Call me Now! Wendy Clavijo 571-332-0131 *Information provided by MRIS and may include listings not made by named agent or Coldwell Banker. Information deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. If your property is currently listed with a real estate broker, please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. We are happy to work with them and cooperate fully. Page 16 Beulah Corridor February 2013 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: • BONDED & INSURED • FREE CONSULTATION! Walking Paws Exceptional Pet Care @ 703-4340910 or . Be more productive at work and relaxed on vacations. Our pet sitting software supports a busy and changing schedule. 3/13 DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: Claws & Paws Luv N Kare, daily, vacation, emergency, midday walks, house-sitting Bonded, Insured, Licensed, References, Member Pet Sitters International, 703-9150006, Waynes_Claws_N_Paws (1/13-12/13) DOG WALKING/PET SITTING: Our 25th year (www.extrahourspetcare. com) -- 571-237-5813 ([email protected]). Puppies, Seniors, Special Needs and All Family Pets. Personalized, professional, fun! 2/14 DOGGY WALKS/PET CARE: Professional Care since 1998. Bonded/ Insured. Becky’s Pet Care: Quality service from a trusted friend. $20 off first service. Code: BEULAH20., 703-822-0933. 4/13 KINGSTOWNE INTERNAL MEDICINE Primary Care Nikki Waddell, MD Accepting New Patients and Most Insurance Plans! Call 571-384-6304 to schedule an appointment today! 5901 Kingstowne Village Pkwy, Suite 300, Kingstowne (Behind Regal Theaters) u “ Make your appointment with our Nutritionist & Personal Trainer today!” Classified Ads ELECTRICAL SERVICES: Since 1960. Having electrical problems? Want to do some home improvements? I have 50 years’ experience and reasonable rates. Call Everett at 703-921-5002. 2/13 ELECTRICIAN: Local, Licensed, Insured Master Electrician. Affordable rates, 11+ years experience. See or call 703-409-0232. 3/13 ERRANDS AND MORE: Our 10th year ( -- 703859-4889. Giving you back your free time. Please give us a call. Let us help! 2/14 FENCES & DECKS: Quality craftsmanship for 30+ yrs. wood fences and decks built, repaired, cleaning, sealing & deck renovation. Cell (703) 338-1908 & (703) 941-5006 (O) msg. E-mail thomasamalcolm@ 2/13 FIREWOOD FOR SALE: $215 Full cord; $150 Half cord; $80 Quarter cord. Free Delivery while supplies last. Call Tim at 571-730-8691. 2/13 GENERAL CONTRACTING: L.R. Bennett Inc. Licensed and Insured Class-A Contractor • Plumbing • Heating • Cooling • Kitchens • Baths • Additions. Randy Bennett, President and CEO. For service call 703-765-3543. Fax 703-765-7352. 2/13 GREAT AGENTS WANTED—WILL TRAIN. Tom & Cindy and Associates at Long & Foster, consistently ranked in the top 100 in the nation by The Wall Street Journal is looking for a few talented people to join our team. We are looking for very friendly, hard-working, professional, ethical people that are highly coachable. We want likeable people that can create quick loyalty with customers. Our agents typically earn at least $100,000 a year or more. If you are a team player and want to see if we are a match, email a resume and cover letter to [email protected]. Experience is not mandatory, but you will have to have or be getting your real estate license. 2/13 HELP WANTED–DOG WALKER/PET SITTER: Alexandria, Springfield, Lorton, Fairfax Station Areas. Hours 11 A.M. - 3 P.M.; Monday-Friday. Morning, evening & weekend work also available for an autonomous person who LOVES ANIMALS and outdoors. Contact: SHANNON@ WALKINGPAWS.NET 3/13 HOUSE CLEANING: Reliable and experienced, good references. Flexible scheduling. Reasonable rates. We bring our own equipment. Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly, Occasionally, One-Time, Move In/Out, Offices. For Free in-home estimate, Call Maryen/Raul at 703-321-5335. 6/13 HOUSE CLEANING BY HUSBAND & WIFE TEAM: Experienced and Owner-Operated. References Available. FREE Estimates. $25 OFF first cleaning for new customers. Bonded & Insured. Call Billy for free consultation, 703-232-9036. 12/13 JAZZERCISE CLASSES! ONE WEEK FREE! Weekday Mornings (w/ childcare) & Weekends at Springfield American Legion located at 6520 Amherst Ave, 22150. Tuesday & Thursday evenings at Tucker Elem. School in Cameron Station. Call Mary, 703-550-9867, or email [email protected]. 12/13 See Classified Ads, cont. on page 18 GARAGE DOOR PROBLEMS? Repairing All Makes of Garage Doors & Electric Openers 703-266-0067 GARAGE DOORS & ELECTRIC OPERATORS • SALES & SERVICE OB-Gyn Associates of Northern Virginia, Ltd. Jennifer Santiago, M.D. • Marion Bissell, M.D. Aditi Agarwal, M.D. • Tina T. Pham, M.D. Women’s Care for All Generations Inova Franconia-Springfield Healthplex 6355 Walker Lane, Suite 408 • Alexandria, VA 22310 703-719-5901 • Essure • • Minimally Invasive Surgery • “Top-Rated Doctors List” for Northern Virginia Magazine February 2013 Beulah Corridor Page 17 Classified Ads LANDSCAPING: SEASONAL CLEAN-UPS & MORE! Limited slots available. Master Gardener 30+ year’s tree work, planting, pruning, mulching, walkways & patios. Cell 703-338-1908, Office 703-941-5006 & E-mail [email protected] . 2/13 LAWN CARE SERVICE: Mowing, fertilization, weed control, pruning, weeding, mulch. Call Kingstowne Lawn & Landscape, 703-339-8706, for FREE maintenance estimate. Visit for more information. 2/13 MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIR: Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers, Ranges, Ovens, Icemakers, Refrigerators, Disposals, Microwaves. Honest Work, Factory Trained, Friendly Service, 37 Years Experience. Call Phil at 703-660-9703. (1/13-3/13) PAINTING: Interior/exterior, carpentry, drywall repair, power washing, staining, sealing, gutter cleaning. Licensed and insured. Call Kingstowne Painting, 703-339-8706, for FREE in-home consultation. Visit 2/13 PAINTING: Interior/Exterior painting, custom trim work, wood rot repairs, and handyman work. 20+ years experience. Licensed/Insured. Knickerbocker Decorators, Inc. 703-971-2669. 7/13 PET SITTING/ DOG WALKING: • BONDED & INSURED • FREE CONSULTATION! Walking Paws Exceptional Pet Care @ 703-4340910 or We offer a wide range of affordable and reliable services that cater to your busy and changing schedule. 3/13 PLUMBING: Dawson’s Plumbing. All types of repairs. Repair or replace all types of faucets and toilets, water heaters, garbage disposals; electric drain cleaning. Licensed gas contractor-run gas lines for appliances and gas logs. First service call, $10 OFF. Call Warren Dawson at 703-354-9358. Licensed, bonded, insured. Master Plumber. 9/13 PLUMBING: L.R. Bennett Inc. Licensed and Insured Class-A Contractor • Plumbing • Heating • Cooling • Kitchens • Baths • Additions. Randy Bennett, President and CEO. For service call 703-765-3543. Fax 703-765-7352. 2/13 TREE SERVICE 30+ yrs: Help protect your trees from severe storms damage with preventative elevation, thinning & shaping. Storm damage/ removal. 703338-1908 (C) 703-941-5006 (O) [email protected] 2/13 TREE SERVICE / SNOW REMOVAL: All phases of tree work. Including Pruning, Trimming, Thinning, Dead-Wooding, and Complete Removals. Mulching, weeding, and edging of beds. Also New Plantings, Yard Spruce-ups, Stump Grinding, and Storm Damage Work. Free Estimates, Reasonable Rates. “Winter Discounts.” Winsor Tree Service: TreeTech351@ 703-346-7034. 12/13 Page 18 Beulah Corridor February 2013 When It Comes To Promoting Your Business, WHY GAMBLE? Place an ad in the Beulah Corridor and get noticed by thousands of local residents. See or contact [email protected] 301.627.4220 for details. February 2013 Beulah Corridor Page 19 Page 20 Beulah Corridor February 2013
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