2013 Annual Report - Catholic Charities


2013 Annual Report - Catholic Charities
a n n u a l
2 0 1 2 – 2 0 1 3
To strengthen the lives
of those in need
by giving help that empowers
and hope that lasts
Dear Friends,
In this annual report for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington which I
am pleased to present to you, we recognize the importance and even the power of a
simple “yes.” Our Holy Father Pope Francis has challenged us to help those people at the
periphery of society to feel the warmth of Christ’s love by saying “yes.”
We begin first by saying “yes” to God and then his call to love one another.
Jesus tells us that everything else depends on these two commandments. (Matthew 22:40).
Catholic Charities is there to express that “yes” on behalf of all of us as it helps those who
find themselves on the fringes of our society.
As this report indicates, the lives of more than 116,000 men, women and children of all faiths
and backgrounds have been touched in the last year through this faith-filled ministry which
provides the poor and marginalized not only with material assistance but also the blessings
of hope, consolation and strength to persevere in difficult and uncertain times.
The many fruitful works of Catholic Charities, under the leadership of President and CEO
Monsignor John Enzler, are made possible because of your own “yes” of prayer and gifts
of time and talent, along with the innovative partnership with local government agencies
and businesses. By your solidarity and support Catholic Charities becomes the agent of
compassion, hope, and transformation so that the light of Christ brightens the lives of so
many. For all of this, I am privileged on behalf of those whom you touch through Catholic
Charities to say thank you.
Asking God’s blessings on you and all those served by Catholic Charities, I am
Faithfully in Christ,
Archbishop of Washington
Donald Cardinal Wuerl
Archbishop of Washington
saying “yes” by the numbers
We reached more than 116,000 people in the DC and Maryland region last year alone.
Housing and Support
(See more on page 14)
Disabilities Services
Adult and Children
Clinical Services
(See more on page 20)
(See more on page 16)
More than 1.1 million meals served
last year
More than 1,800 beds provided
every night
More than 15,000 people
receiving medical, dental and
mental health care
Family, Parish and
Community Outreach
(See more on page 8)
Made possible because…
more than 7,100 people made more
than 13,500 gifts just in the last year
to Catholic Charities.
Enterprise, Education
and Employment
(See more on page 10)
Our services
Last year, we worked with 116,875 men, women, and children. As you can see, some
of those services came in highly intensive, long-term care with a smaller number of
people, like our work with adults and children living with developmental disabilities
or our care of teenagers and children living on their own. Other programs, such as
our Southern Maryland Food Bank and shelters, see a high number of people. We
try our best to get an accurate picture of how many individual people we serve—
sometimes it can be challenging as many of our clients receive multiple services
from multiple programs or are served repeatedly throughout the year.
Financial Information
Summary Statement of Activities for Catholic Charities of the
Archdiocese of Washington for the Year Ended June 30, 2013.
Contributions & Capital Campaign . . . . . $6,376,269.
Archdiocese of Washington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,113,825.
United Way. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368,578.
Legacies & Bequests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,350,198.
Government Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,381,730. 35.27%
Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,845,145.
Service Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,990,252. 15.45%
Special Events & Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . 7,836,842.
In-kind Contributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,404,190. 14.69%
TOTAL REVENUE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $77,626,693.
Program Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $64,392,000. 83.01%
Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,315,000.
Management & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,861,000.
TOTAL EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $77,568,000.
Audited INcrease in Net Assets . . . . $58,693.
Audited financial statement information available.
Saying “Yes” to a Second Chance
For 30 years, Cornell thought about what he would do with a second
chance. He served time in jail for a violent crime, and when he was finally
free, he knew he needed help.
Thankfully, he found our Welcome Home Re-Entry Program, which pairs
returning citizens with volunteer mentors. Here Cornell met Hugh Donovan,
a retired attorney. For Hugh and Cornell, it was the beginning of a lasting
friendship. They talk weekly with Hugh helping Cornell deal with the
challenges returning citizens face. Early on, Hugh helped Cornell improve his
reading ability. Cornell says Hugh is the confidant he never had.
Cornell works for the Capital Riverfront BID, near Nationals Park, helping
tourists and cleaning the streets. He’s gone above and beyond several times
in his job. Once he stopped a purse snatcher running out of the metro.
Another time, he helped pull a man from under a truck after an accident.
“Mr. Hugh has been my friend.
And it has truly made a
— Cornell
For his bravery, Cornell was named the 2012 Employee of the Year. It was
the first time he could remember making a positive difference. He credits
much of his success to Hugh, but Hugh points to Cornell’s determination
and focus. “It wasn’t me,” Hugh says. “It was you. You beat the odds, you
made it.”
Cornell looks back at Hugh. “Mr. Hugh has been my friend. And it has truly
made a difference.”
Family, Parish and
Community Outreach
Prison outreach:
Welcome Home Reentry Program
Southeast Family Center
Montgomery County Family Center
Sanctuaries for Life
Parish Partners
Parish and School Service Projects
Volunteer Network
Help should always be close to
home. That’s why Catholic Charities
relies on a constellation of support
across our archdiocese, ensuring critical
services—and compassionate helping
hands—are available where families and
individuals most need them.
Our family centers, prison outreach and
crisis pregnancy programs meet clients’
short-term needs and address the root
causes of their hardship through credit
repair, employment training, education,
health services and more.
We empower parish communities to
establish service ministries meeting
specific needs in their community and
conduct large-scale mission efforts, such
as free dental clinics, food drives, and a
winter coat closet. We connect parish staff
with resources to assist parishioners who’ve
fallen on hard times. And our Volunteer
Network engages individuals, schools,
groups and businesses to share their time
and talents in service.
Through our coordinated efforts, we
envision a future where, no matter what the
crisis, help is never far and no one has to
face their struggles alone.
Two huge volunteer efforts met critical needs in our community. The
first annual Joseph’s Closet Coat Drive collected and distributed over
7,000 coats to local children and adults. And over 500 volunteers packed
nearly 25,000 healthy breakfast bags for clients in our homeless shelters
through a new project called “Cup of Joe,” in memory of Joe Robert, Jr.
Together our family centers and Parish Partners program assisted 24,854
individuals with emergency financial assistance, budget training, clothes
and food, and referrals to resources in the community to help them
overcome a crisis in their home.
Enterprises, Education and Employment
Food Nutrition Services
SHARE Food Network
Southern Maryland Food Bank
Employment Services
Employment Readiness Education
Employment Training
Food on the table. Steady employment.
We embrace both as building blocks
to stability in the home. So when our
neighbors face obstacles in feeding their
family or finding a job, we are here to help.
Our Southern Maryland Food Bank and
SHARE Food Network help feed tens of
thousands of people each month, making
healthy groceries available whether a family
needs emergency assistance or a long-term
solution to a tight budget. Both programs
rely on volunteers to distribute the food.
Our employment programs provide job
training and career opportunities in a
variety of fields. We prepare clients for
the job market with workplace English
classes and specialized training in fields like
addictions counseling, green construction,
and building maintenance. For those who
face mental illness or disabilities, our
supported employment services finds
and maintains positions which create
opportunity. Our Catholic Charities
Enterprises program employs consumers
who help prepare thousands of meals for
homebound seniors and other groups
each day.
For the first time, our Southern Maryland Food Bank distributed over
1 million pounds of food in the past year.
We helped 3,023 job seekers with their employment search, language
classes, workforce training programs and career development.
The SHARE Food Network sold and distributed more than 113,000
healthy food packages across the region, providing a critical way for
low-income families to put a good meal on the table.
Homelessness, gone for good
Natisha, a single mom, never wanted to bring her kids into a homeless
shelter, but when she hit financial trouble, she had no choice.
“We were at our lowest,” she said. “But I had no time to fall apart. I wanted a
lasting solution.”
Natisha began a course to earn her certification in medical administrative
assistance. Living in a shelter kept the family together, but Natisha’s autistic
son struggled. After seven months, Natisha was accepted into our Family
Re-Housing Stabilization Program (FRSP), which brings homeless families
into subsidized housing and connects them to case management services.
Settled into a stable apartment and with the guidance of her case worker
Samantha Taylor, Natisha completed her training. She earned a job at the
front desk of a retirement home in Silver Spring, and was soon promoted to
Director of Activities.
“Dinner, bath time, tucking
them in — it’s a blessing I can be
with them for this time. They
motivate me to succeed.”
— Natisha
“Stable housing is so important in assisting families in crisis,” said Samantha.
“We give our residents the time and resources they need to pursue longterm goals to self-sufficiency.”
Natisha now pays market rent for her apartment. Her hours are long, but
she cherishes the precious evening rituals with her kids. “Dinner, bath
time, tucking them in — it’s a blessing I can be with them for this time. They
motivate me to succeed.”
Serving those without a Home
Six Low-Barrier Emergency Shelters
Nine Transitional Housing Programs
Four Single Room Occupancy sites
Seven Permanent Supportive
Housing programs
Homelessness can be debilitating ­—
physically, mentally and spiritually.
Without a place to sleep and feel safe,
it is much more difficult to address
unemployment, addiction or hunger.
Catholic Charities is deeply committed
to providing shelter and securing
housing for as many people as possible
as a crucial part of overcoming poverty.
We offer 26 programs ranging from
emergency overnight shelters to longterm housing for adults with disabilities
or mental illness to transitional housing
for families. In total, we provide more
than 1,500 beds every single night
to men, women and children who
otherwise might have nowhere to go.
Along with a bed, each program offers
help from case managers to navigate
the resources available to rebuild a
lost life. For someone who has been
homeless, it is hard to be hopeful. But
once they have a case manager setting a
plan, providing a hot meal and offering a
bed, each person starts to see how they
can once again find a home of their own.
Our five year-round low-barrier shelters welcomed in 7,794 men and
women last year.
On the coldest nights of the year, we provided extra beds to 1,960 men
and women who were homeless, providing lifesaving shelter.
We helped 868 men, women and children through our longer term
housing programs as they worked to find better employment, feed their
children and set their goals.
Developmental Disabilities
The Kennedy School
Day Programs for Adults and Children
Supported Employment
Early Childhood Development
Community Living
Our clients with developmental
disabilities are enthusiastic, determined,
and strong. In the face of challenges and
social stigmas, they strive tirelessly toward
a fulfilling life and a valuable role in their
community. Our programs are here to
support them, their families, and futures full
of hope for both.
We offer specialized therapy and early
intervention for pregnant moms and
infants, toddlers and young children. Kids
and teens thrive at our Kennedy School,
which combines academic and transitional
curriculum to support students in being
independent, productive members of the
community. Young adults at Kennedy
School gain valuable job skills in an intensive
internship program through our partnership
with Project SEARCH and the Department
of the Interior. And our afterschool program
provides extra support for students while
their parents work a full day.
For adults, we offer day programs and
group homes with highly specialized
care, as well as supported employment
opportunities, which provide employment
training and ongoing assistance so clients
can thrive at their jobs and put their talents
to work in the community.
40 students at our Kennedy School competed in the Special Olympics,
events including track and field, unified soccer, and bocce.
Ongoing employment support services ensured that 91 adults with
developmental disabilities maintained their employment for three
months or more.
Our Child Development Center and Early Headstart Programs worked
with 108 young newborns and toddlers (and their families) to help them
overcome developmental delays and teach all children to play together
regardless of any delays.
Running for refuge from a violent world
As a young Honduran girl, Aura was held against her will by a drug
trafficker in Guatemala. He abused her physically and sexually until a
neighbor helped her escape out a back window.
She returned to her family in Honduras, where she discovered she was
pregnant. Fearing her abuser would find her, the family paid a guide to
smuggle her into the U.S., where Aura could live with her older sister in
The guide took her into Texas, but there Aura, now five months pregnant, fell
behind. When border patrol spotted her, she was placed in the custody of
the Office of Refugee and Resettlement.
After she delivered her son, Bryan, she was released to her sister. An
immigration legal service provider in Texas referred Aura to Jenny Cachaya,
a member of our Immigration Legal Services specializing in youth cases.
“We helped Aura pursue her asylum case, which would give her protection
in the U.S.,” Jenny said. “She went through a long interview with an asylum
officer, reliving many painful memories.” Aura prepared for the interview
with a pro bono attorney and Jenny, who served as her interpreter. “We
practiced so she felt comfortable with the process,” Jenny said.
“We have so many
opportunities now.”
— Aura
Right before her 18th birthday, Aura was granted asylum in the U.S. and will
be eligible to become a legal permanent resident this year. This means she’ll
never have to leave her son. “We have so many opportunities now,” she said.
Adult and Children
Clinical Services
Immigration Legal Services
Legal Network
behavioral Health Services
Family Preservation
Independent Living
Teen Parent Program
Pregnancy and Adoption
Medical Clinics
Dental Clinics
Health Care Network
Some of the most debilitating cases
of poverty occur when low-income families
and individuals lack access to professional
services. Leaving a medical condition
untreated or a legal issue unresolved
can trigger a downward spiral, leaving
families with hard choices between buying
prescriptions or groceries, paying unlawful
fines or their rent.
Catholic Charities’ clinical services provide a
level of professional care many of our clients
could not otherwise afford, thanks to our
staff and a network of pro bono volunteers.
Our programs include direct medical and
dental care to uninsured adults and children;
pregnancy and adoption counseling for
families; pro bono representation and
legal guidance, including immigration
services; and wraparound support for teens
transitioning out of the foster care system.
We provide extensive mental health care,
including emergency response for children
and mobile support for adults.
The programs of this department possess
expertise that has helped Catholic
Charities stand out as one of the top
providers of challenging, yet critical
services in the region.
Pro bono medical specialists in our Health Care Network provided critical
services to 1,399 low-income patients last year — a 33% increase.
Our ChAMPS mobile psychiatric service deployed on 518 calls to help
children and young adults suffering a psychiatric or behavioral crisis.
We assisted 4,429 families and individuals in civil and immigration legal
cases, ensuring that lack of resources held no one back from the guidance
and representation they needed.
Our Leadership
Catholic Charities 2013 Board of Directors
A distinguished group of Catholic leaders serve on the Board of Directors.
Each member is recommended by the Board of Directors for election by
the Archbishop of Washington for a three-year term of office.
r. Douglas Donatelli
Chairman Dr. Janis M. Orlowski
Mrs. Maria Elena Fisher
Mr. Kevin McConville
Amb. Jerry Bremer, III
Mr. George P. Clancy, Jr. Mr. John DuFour
Mr. Jeffery Norris
Mr. Scott Pastrick
Mr. Gregory L. Rohde
Vice Chair
Mr. James Sullivan
Ms. Donna Fitzgerald Shuler
Mr. William Gorman
Leadership and Executive Staff
Msgr. John J. Enzler
President & CEO
Rev. Mario Dorsonville
Patrick Dunne
Joan Fowler Brown
Vice President for Mission
Chief Operating Officer
Chief of staff
Mary Jane Morrow
Carol Shannon
Tony Burke
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Development officer
July 1, 2012 — June 30, 2013
Catholic Charities gratefully acknowledges the following donors who made gifts between July 1, 2012 and June 30, 2013.
Joan & Jim Sullivan
His Excellency Ambassador
Yousef Al Otaiba &
Mrs. Abeer Al Otaiba
Mr. & Mrs. Raul J. Fernandez
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Grimberg
Mrs. Sandra A. McMurtrie
Anna & Robert Trone
Mary Anne & Pat Clancy
Mr. & Mrs. A. James Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Donatelli
Karen & Thomas Natelli
Drs. Enrique & Alejandra Segura
Mr. John P. Andelin &
Ms. Virginia C. Geoffrey
† Marks a donor who is deceased
Judith D. Antonelli
Mr. Richard J. Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Eric F. Billings
The Honorable & Mrs. L. Paul
Bremer, III
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Comstock
John Delaney &
April McClain-Delaney
Karen & Chris Donatelli
Robert & Elizabeth Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. George McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Murphy
R. Scott & Courtney Clark
Mr. & Mrs. W. Russell Ramsey
Joseph & Frances † Reyes
Kathie & Mike Williams
Harry Woehrle &
Carol Horning Woehrle
Anonymous (6)
Carol & David Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Rollin Bell
Bob & Ellen Bennett
Mr. Edward E. Bintz
Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Brickman
Cynthia & Joe Bruno
Stacie & Lou Christopher
James R. & Martine A. Coleman
Stephen & Ellen Conley
Michael F. & Kathleen G. Curtin
Cherrie Wanner Doggett
Susan Buckingham &
John Dwyer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Easby-Smith
The Enzler Family
Paul & Martha Gaffney
Mr. & Mrs. Norman M. Glasgow, Jr.
Mr. Donald E. Graham
Mary & Pat Grant
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Haft
Mrs. Helen Hellmuth
Paula & Robert Hisaoka
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Horning, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Kane
The Kappaz Family
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Kay
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kettler
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Lawler, III
Mr. & Mrs. John Leahy
Mr. Mark D. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Lennon
Jorge & Ruthanne Lopez
Mr. William P. McClure
Kevin & Bernadette McConville
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCullough
Bob & Judy McLaughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. McQuade
Elizabeth & Dale Meers
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Murphy
Dr. Yodit W. Negusse &
Mr. Yonas P. Kinfu
Ed & Carolyn Nordberg
Kathleen & Jeff Norris
Mrs. Betty L. O’Brien
Dr. Janis M. Orlowski &
Mr. William J. McNulty
Maureen Orth
The Honorable Victor Palmer &
Mrs. Carol Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Anderson W. Phillips
Janet Kelly Phillips
Kevin & Colleen Reed
Mr. & Mrs. George K. Reese, Jr.
Jeanne Weaver Ruesch
The Honorable & Mrs. Philip
E. Ruppe
Mr. Joseph E. Samora, Jr.
Gabriela & Doug Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Soltesz
Ron & Mary Jane Steele
Dr. Paul Stern
Dennis Sullivan
Daniel & Anne Toohey
Mr. Nino R. Vaghi
Beth & John Veihmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Whalen
Marisel & Tom Wilbur
Mrs. Agnes N. Williams
Anonymous (7)
Mr. & Mrs. Tim F. Abell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Apolenis
Bret & Amy Baier
Andrew R. & Gladis E. Bellamah
Mr. Frederick Bellamah
Mr. Arthur J. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Brugger
Mr. & Mrs. F. Davis Camalier
Giuseppe & Mercedes Cecchi
Mr. Ferdinand J. Crovato
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan C. Cullen
Tom & Liz Donohue
Reverend Monsignor Thomas
M. Duffy
Robert W. Emery, DDS
Ms. MaryAnne Fiorita &
Mr. Guido Adelfio
Maria & Lawrence Fisher, II
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald
Ed & Elizabeth Glabus
Mary & Fred Graefe
Mr. & Mrs. Brent A. Hanson
Mrs. Ardis A. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Hathway
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Higgins
Thomas J. & Cheryl A. Holly
Ned & Mary Ann Krause
Mr. Joseph T. Leary
Patrick & Vicki Malone
Kathleen & Chris Matthews
Mr. Adolfo Menendez
Eric & Shirley Mockler
Mario & Dana Morino
Mr. Gerard Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Nalls
Bill & Joyce O’Brien
Dick & Debby Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Phillips
Mr. & Ms. Geoffrey Pohanka
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Quinn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Quinn
Robert & Rita Reaves
John D. Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. Reitz
Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo J. Reyes
Stephen & Ann Roth
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Ruhlmann
John Mosby Russell
Edward A. Sair
Roberta & Steve Saxon
Mr. & Mrs. John Shooshan
Mr. & Mrs. W. Christopher Smith
Melissa Turner & Eric De Jonge
The Urgo Family
Mrs. Gertrude C. Viner
Ms. Carol C. Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Benito Zapata
Anonymous (4)
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Abell
Julia & Tony Albrecht
Mr. Paul P. Andrews &
Ms. Nancy Sachitano
Mr. Richard Austing
Mr. Christian Barnette
Laura & Chip Bay
Stephen & Jeanette Bruce
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Campbell
Mr. Thomas B. Chapman &
Ms. Mary Scott O’Connell
Kevin & Nancy Clark
Mr. & Mrs. P. Brian Connolly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Corcoran
Kay Kendall & Jack Davies
Dr. & Mrs. Gael M. Delany
Rear Admiral & Mrs. Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dunne
Susan E. Duvall
Mr. John J. Fitzgerald, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Brand Fowler
Mr. James M. Fox
Mr. Sean Gallagher
Mr. Robert L. Glass
Ed & Sharon Gund
Mr. Richardus Harmsen
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory T. Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hartley
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne T. Hockmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hotka
Deacon & Mrs. Perry F. Iannaconi
Mr. Raymond James
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Joyce
Maryanne & David Kane
Chafica & Michael † Kappaz
Mr. & Mrs. Willard C. Kress
Mr. George Kroehling
Brian & Beth Lemek
Miss Aileen M. May
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas McDaniel
Honorable & Mrs. Dennis
M. McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. McIntyre
Christopher M. McMackin, MD
Ms. M. J. Morrow &
Mr. John Chisholm
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Murphy
Ms. Karol L. Newman
Pilar & Bill O’Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pappas
Mr. Glen E. Parker, Jr.
Kathy & Jim Phelan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Regan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles O. Rossotti
Christine Coffey Ryan
Paul A. Samakow, Esq.
Mr. Daniel Schmelzer
Mr. Parag Shah
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Shields
The Honorable Michael &
Andrea Steele
Marianne Stohlman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Stuart, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Tate
Christopher & Dana Tavlarides
Mr. John Tourtelot
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Vaghi, III
Rev. Msgr. Peter J. Vaghi
Mr. & Mrs. John Walker
Thomas Wallace
Katherine & Paul Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Wells
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Williams
Sheila & Pat Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Prosper A. Youm
Dorothy Zolandz, Ph.D.
Anonymous (15)
Charles & Siobhan Abell
Kathryn & Shep Abell
Catherine & John Adams
Marguerite Adams
Ms. Donilee Alexander-Goldsmith
Mr. Ralph Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Fred A. Altimont
Mr. Paul Anderson
Mr. Frank E. Angier
Mr. Theodore Arcidi
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Arness
Daniel F. & Anne Asbill Attridge
Ms. Mary R. Babbitt
Mr. & Mrs. David Baggett
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Baptiste
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Baran
Kate & Bruce Baschuk
Mrs. & Mr. Maureen A. Bayne
Margie & Bob Bedingfield
Kevin & Jane Belford
Mr. Christopher Benich
Mr. James Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Beshoar
Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Besozzi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Bess
Ms. Cecilia D. Bethke
Mr. Martin Bischoff
James D. Bishop, Esq.
Mr. James K. Bishop
Ann & Bob Bittman
Bill & Jackie Blandford
Mrs. Diane Boettcher
Mr. Thomas H. Boggs, Jr.
Mr. James M. Boland
Mr. Louis J. Boland, Jr.
Mr. Sean F. Boland
Mr. August C. Bolino
Mr. Michael Brennan
Mr. Michael A. Bucher
Dr. & Mrs. Michael W. Burgett
Ms. Barbara Butler
Melanie Buttross
John & Linda Byington
Anne D. Camalier
Ms. Annette M. Capretta
Christopher & Lisa Capuano
Mr. & Mrs. Gary W. Carter
Mr. James Chadwick
Mr. & Mrs. Christian M. Chambers
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Chappell
Mr. Benjamin G. Chew
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Chiaramonte
Mary Bee & Joe Ciminelli
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Cirbee
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clancy
Mrs. F. David Clarke
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Clifton
Mr. & Mrs. Todd R. Coles
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Conaghan
Rear Admiral & Mrs. Peter C.
Mrs. Jane C. Corrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Corwin
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Costello
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Coughlin
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Craig
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Cramp
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund B. Cronin
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Crum
Maureen & Tom Curley
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Cushman
Dr. Juan José Daboub &
Mrs. Glorybell Silhy de Daboub
The Catholic Charities Gala, April 27, 2013
Jerry & Terry Dabrowski
Ms. Tamara Darvish
Ms. Rita A. De Lima
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Dean
Mr. Mark Decker
Drs. Lawrence &
Antoinette Delaney
Drs. & Mrs. Paul J. DeMarco
Ms. Carrie Desmond
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene J. Dionne
Mr. John F. DiRenzo
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Distefano
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Dolan, Jr.
Ms. Liz Donohue
Mr. Brian Downing
Mr. Denis P. Doyle
Mr. Michael Drobac
Commander Jerome Dubay
Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Dueffert
Jennifer & John DuFour
Ms. Amy Duke
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Durante
William & Cheryl Easby-Smith
Dr. William J. Edison
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Egan
Mr. John L. Eidsness
Mr. Charles J. Engel, III
Mr. James P. Fama
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Farley
Harry & Joyce Farr
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Feldman
Felix & Maria Ines FernandezPizzi
Mrs. Patricia J. Figge
Mr. Jarlath M. Finn &
Ms. Bernadette Dullaghan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Finney
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas T. Firth, III
Mr. Geary L. Fisher &
Mrs. Judith G. Massicot-Fisher
Mrs. Sharon Fitzsimmons
Ms. Alice F. Fleury
Betsy & Pete Forster
Mrs. Jeanne D. Forte
Dr. Graham J. Frank &
Dr. Ann L. Yeck
Dr. Kathleen Frankle
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Fuller
Mr. Jonathan Fulton
Mr. Michael Gaffney
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Gallagher
Mr. Peter Ryan &
Ms. Danielle Gallo
Dr. & Mrs. James Gardiner
Ms. Lena K. Gardiner
Ed & Peggy Garlich
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Garrett
Stephen Diaz Gavin
Mr. George Gayno
Terry M. Geldermann &
Edward S.Geldermann
Dan & Christine Gill
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Giuliani,
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Glowacki
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Glynn, Jr.
Dr. James J. Goedert &
Mrs. Joann G. Goedert
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Goodwin
Mr. Leonard S. Gradowski
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Graham
Mrs. Rosemarie J. Gramlich
Rick & Maureen Grant
Mrs. Kirstin Grantham
Mr. John P. Greeley
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Hamel
Danny & Susan Hanley
N. W. Harding
Ms. Clare Harrigan
Mr. Norman V. Harrison
Dr. & Mrs. Mark C. Hartley
Mr. George Hasser
Mr. & Mrs. Burke F. Hayes
Mr. John F. Healy
Paul E. Hebert
Richard & Mary-Ellen Hibey
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Hillig
Ms. Mary Hoare
Ms. Susan M. Hoffman
His Excellency Martin D. Holley
Julia S. Hopping
Mr. & Mrs. Dale H. Hoscheit
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Huesmann
Ms. Kathleen E. Hughes
Doug Donatelli, Gala Chairs Raul and Jean-Marie Fernandez, Cardinal Donald Wuerl,
Msgr. John Enzler at Catholic Charities Gala, April 27, 2013
Mr. Peter C. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Huke
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Hutter
Nancy Itteilag & Jack Donnelly
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Jarboe
Kamola U. Jayeva
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Jeffries
Ms. Julie S. Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Kalis, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Kane
Shari & Davor Kapelina
Mr. Thomas Keet &
Ms. Mary Espieg
Mr. & Mrs. James Kelly
Harry Kettmer &
Martie Kendrick Kettmer
Mr. Edward J. Kielty
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. King
Mr. & Mrs. Ambrose Klotz
Commander & Mrs. Patrick
R. Kluever
Mr. & Mrs. Emil J. Knoll, Jr.
Mr. Joseph H. Koonz, Jr.
Dr. Phillip Kronstein
Ms. Susan LaMountain
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Lane
Jo Ann & Roger Lang
Barbara Lankster
Mr. & Mrs. David H. Latimer
Mr. John C. Lawton
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Lazo
Mr. James E. Le Gette
Mr. Jonathan R. Lee
Ms. Susan C. Lehrman
Tzu-Huan Lo
Drs. Phillip & Jennifer London
Mr. Jonathan D. Loo
Dr. John F. Loome &
Dr. Mary Heather Sine
Mr. Cresenciano C. Lopez
Ms. Ellen Loughran &
Mr. John J. Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard P. Manderville
Mr. Michael D. Mann &
Ms. Carol Salzman
Ms. Nora M. Manning
Ms. Stephanie Markiewicz
Mr. Antonio Marquez
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Marsh
Katherine Marshall &
Kirk Ruthenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Martin
Mr. Lawrence Marx
Mrs. Timothy J. May
John E. McCarthy, Esq.
John P. McConnell, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. McGuigan
Mr. William J. McKenna
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. McKinless
Jill & Paul McNamara
Dr. & Mrs. William A.
McNamara, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. McNulty
Mr. Willie McRae
Carolina Mederos
Ms. Margaret Mellon
Mr. & Mrs. Mario V. Mirabelli
Ms. Martha E. Miranda
Mr. Charles D. Missar
Ms. Maria Moreno Badia
W. Patrick & Mary Burke Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Mudd
Ms. Mary C. Mullin &
Mr. Frederick C. Lough
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond G. Murphy
Major General (Ret.) Michael
J. Nardotti & Susan Nardotti
Dr. Rosemarie Neuner
Ms. Susie Noack
Ms. Adrienne D. Norwood
Melanie & Larry Nussdorf
Mr. James B. O’Connor
Ms. Bonnie C. Oettinger
Alicia R. & Long D. Y.
(Cookie) Ong
Ms. Lauren O’Reilly
Ed & Terry Orzechowski
Mr. & Mrs. John Osborne
Ms. Ellen J. Pairo
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Panaro
Joan E. Pane
Lisa & Danny Paro
William & Kelli Pedas
Dr. & Mrs. Ricardo A. Perez
Cornelia Pillard & David Cole
Ms. Joy M. Plemmons
Ms. Lisa A. Potetz
Maureen & Jack Potter
Phillip A. Quatrini &
Alison M. Quatrini
Mr. Hector R. Rascon
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory H. Reaman
Mr. & Mrs. George B. Rest
Kieran J. Reynolds
Ms. Sally Richmond
Jeanne & Richard † Ridgway
Anne M. Roan
Mr. David E. Rogers &
Ms. Rebekah M. Zanditon
John & Virginia Ryan
Joe & Kathy Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Ryan
Mrs. Juliet Sablosky
Dr. Ruth D. Sanchez-Way &
Mr. David Way
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew H. Sanders
Mr. Brian Sapp
Jerry & Janet Scanlan
Stephen & Patricia Schneck
Mr. George C. Schoppet
Mr. Richard G. Schreitmueller
Ms. Rebecca Schulte
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Scurfield
Mr. John Sekel
Kevin J. Sexton &
Mary Dubois Sexton
Donna Fitzgerald Shuler
Mrs. Dana Shum
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Slater, III
Mr. Greg Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Smith
Ms. Mary L. Soller
Mary Gay Sprague &
William Hassler
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Roberts
Mr. Shyam Srinivasan
Mr. Peter Stella
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Straight
Mr. Toby Studley &
Ms. Stacey Cohan
Mr. Mike Stumpf
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Sturm
Mr. & Mrs. Brendan V. Sullivan, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Sullivan, Jr.
John & Maureen Sweeney
Ms. Jennifer L. Swize
Joseph M. & Carolyn A. Tanis
Ms. Rose M. Thompson
Mr. Eugene Tillman &
Ms. Bonnie Thomson
Jill & Rock Tonkel
Frank Toohey &
Mary M. McGrane
Mr. Luis Torres
Mr. Frank Turaj
John & Patricia Tyrrell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Urbanczyk
Dr. Vincent J. Vaghi &
Dr. Jeanne M. Barbera
Jennifer Vermillion
Mr. & Mrs. John Viner
Mr. Frank Vlossak, IV
Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph N.
Mr. & Mrs. David Whipp
Mr. Tim Wierzbicki
Mr. & Mrs. Garry Wood
John & Mary Yerrick
J. C. Zenklusen & Ana I. Robles
Ms. Ke Zhang
Anonymous (14)
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Abad
Ms. Ashley Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. Cary Abod
Ms. Francesca M. Adams
Ms. Theresa Ahlstrom
Douglas Allston
Mrs. Wanda Almodovar
Zenaida Alvero
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Anderson
Ms. Barbara Appleby
Ms. Donnie Arenth
Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Arrowood
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Austing
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher J.
Dr. & Mrs. G. A. Balfour
Donald M. Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Barros
Dr. Laura Barrosse-Antle
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Barry
Mrs. Anne L. Bartlett
Mr. Gregory J. Basiliko
Mr. & Mrs. John Bass, Jr.
Glauco P. Bastos
Ms. Marilyn M. Baumann
Mr. Robert Becker
Mr. & Mrs. Curtiss Beech
Mr. & Mrs. Marc N. Benson
Mr. Carl K. Bergmann
Mr. & Mrs. Hunter Biden
Mr. & Mrs. George H. Bidinger
Mark & Eleanor Bierbower
John Brennan, Esq.
Rosemary S. Briggs
Mr. James Brinkman
Dr. & Mrs. Brian Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Brown
Ms. Lauri K. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Travis B. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Bryan
Ms. Caroline Buddensick
Mr. David Burns
Mrs. Raymond P. Cahill
Ms. Dawn T. Calabia
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Calhoun, III
Ms. Mary S. Candon
Lisa Cantu-Parks & Ryan Parks
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Carr
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Carroccio
Mr. John Cassou
Ms. Lourdes A. Ceide
Dr. Jessalyne L. Charles
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald G. Chiariello
Hyung I. Chun
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell W. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clark
Mr. Paul Clements
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Clemmer
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Coles
John T. Collins
Ms. Mary C. Conlon
Mrs. Dwyn L. Conway
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Cooley, Jr.
Ms. Helen R. Cordero
Mr. Luis Cordoba
Mr. & Mrs. John B. Corgan
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Cormier
Dr. Ann H. Costello
Ms. Patricia G. Cousins
Ms. Martha J. Creager
Mr. & Mrs. John Creaturo
Ms. Margaret A. Crowley
Ms. Julia F. Cullen
Mr. Thomas F. Cullen, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Denis J. Curtin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Curto
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Curvey
Mr. Daniel Dabrieo
Mr. John Dalkiewicz
Ms. Hoa Trang Dang
Mr. & Mrs. Dean D’Angelo
Ms. Rita Darling
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Darvish
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Davey
Mr. Timothy J. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Jason DeLano
Mr. Gregory Demarco
Mr. Stephen D. DeMauri
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Deschauer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Dikel
Ms. Alice Dillon
Mrs. Marguerite S. Dobrosielski
Mr. Jamie Donelan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Donohoe
Mr. & Mrs. Devin J. Doolan
Mr. & Mrs. G. Maurice DuFour
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen DuFour
Ms. Julia Edmunds
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Eger
Mr. Ali Ehsani
Mr. Colin England
Mr. Brett M. Esber
Mr. Michael Eskra
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Falvey
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Farrell
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Fendig
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ferriday
Alicia & Luiz Felipe Figueiredo
Ari Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Fitzgerald
Mr. Mark Flanagan
Dr. & Mrs. Albert F. Fleury, Jr.
Ms. Janice Flynn
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Flynn
Mr. Frederick F. Ford, Sr.
Dr. James French, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Frick
Ms. Claudia B. Galiher
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Gallemore
Dr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Gannon
Mr. & Mrs. Gary B. Garofalo
Ms. Joan M. Gartlan
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Garvey
Mr. Michael S. Giannotto
Mrs. Marie Gilkenson
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley R. Gnatowski
Mr. John A. Goltz
Mr. John Goodwin
Mr. Francis Greaney
Mr. Reginald R. Gregory
Mr. Joseph Guerra
Ms. Joyce T. Gwadz, Esq.
Mr. Robert T. Haas &
Ms. Anne L. Roger
Mrs. Caroline Hagerty
Mr. Gary Hall
Mr. Brendan Hanehan
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Harmon
Ms. Sheila M. Harron
Mr. Patrick J. Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Hayduk
Mr. Thomas F. Heavey
Mr. Patrick T. Heeb
Dr. John Heiss
Ms. Mary A. Hennessy
Dr. Eduardo Hernandez &
Ms. Linda R. Cabral
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Hieb
Musica y Sueños, March 22, 2013
Hugh E. Hilliard, Esq.
Ms. Alice Hogan
Ms. Erin C. Hogan
Mr. Colin P. Hood &
Mr. John Bender
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Hotvedt
Ms. Katheryn A. Hovde
Mr. Michael P. Howard &
Ms. Suzanne Young
Mr. & Mrs. Hilbert R. Hubble
Mr. & Mrs. John Huber
Mr. David Jayne
Mrs. Margaret A. Jewett
Margaret & Jim Johnston
Ms. Vicki Jubanowsky
Mr. Dennis Kane
Mr. William A. Kane, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Kannapell
Mr. Joseph Keeley
Ms. Christine Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Kelly
Dr. H. Vincent Kelly
Mr. Shaun Kelly
Mr. Peter J. Kenny
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Kentz
Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Kerill
Mr. & Mrs. D. Patrick Kilner
Mr. Denis J. King
Mr. Paul F. King
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kirchner
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kiyonaga
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Kloster
Ms. Gretchen Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kohls
Mrs. Mary J. Konrad
Ms. Greta Kreuz
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Krieger
Capt. Stephen G. Kupka, USN
Ms. Anne M. Kutrzyba
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lalljie
Mr. Joseph Lawler
Mr. & Mrs. William Edward
Lawler, Jr.
Mr. Joseph P. Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Fred C. Leone
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Levy, Jr.
Ms. Lori Lindholm
Mrs. Dona H. Livaudais
Ms. Deborah Lodge
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Loftus
Mr. Brenden C. Lohmeier
Mr. Victor Lopiano
Mr. John Brian Lordan
Ms. Rachel Lustig
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Magner, III
Ms. Sherry M. Makle
Chris Malone
Mrs. Debbie Maloy
Mr. & Mrs. Kreag Maloy
Mr. Scott Marcello
Ms. Elizabeth Mariani
Ms. Jo Anne M. Marinelli
Mr. Joseph Marsden
Mr. C. T. Marshall
Mr. Andrew V. Marusak
Mrs. Elizabeth Matan
Mr. John Matteo
Mr. Alexander M. Mayes
Mr. Chris McAdoo
Mr. Thomas McArdle
Ms. Mary C. McCarty
Mr. Wesley McClain &
Ms. Christine Webber
Mr. Joseph McClanahan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. McConville
Mr. Thomas C. McDonald
Mr. & Mrs. James M. McGarrity
Mr. Patrick A. McGeehin
Mr. James W. McHarg
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. McKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. McMurphy
Mr. & Mrs. George McPhee
Mr. Gerald X. Mealy
Mr. Adrian L. Merton
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Metrey
Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Meyer
Mr. Michael G. Miller
Ms. Jennifer Moorehead
Ms. Janet Fitzpatrick Moran
Mr. Andrew Morris
Mrs. Elena R. Morris
Mr. Matthew Morris
Mr. Fernando Mulet
Grace C. Mulvihill
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk J. Nahra
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Nash
Mr. James J. Nelson
Mrs. Connie Newett
Mr. Kenneth Nickell
Mr. John E. Nolan
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nolan, Esq.
Mrs. Marthe M. Norbury
Martha M. Novelly
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. O’Brien
Dr. Tess O’Brien
Ms. Janice I. Obuchowski
Ms. Clare O’Callaghan
Mr. Kevin O’Connell
Ms. Nancy O’Connell &
Mr. Raymond Wiacek
Mr. John O’Donnell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. O’Leary
Mr. Eric J. Oleson
Dr. & Mrs. William W. Olmsted
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Olsen
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher E. Ondeck
Mr. Kevin O’Neill
Ms. Karen Ostlie
Dr. & Mrs. Martin G. Ottolini, MD
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Packard
Mr. German Paraud
Mr. Arthur J. Parker
Mr. Kenneth L. Pendleton &
Ms. Mary G. Snyder
Ms. Karina Perez-Del Rosario
Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Perkinson
Mr. Jack G. Peterson
Mr. David L. Pettit
Ms. Lynn Phillips
Mrs. Joyce M. Piliero
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Poe
Ms. Maureen T. Politi
Mr. Steve Polk
Mr. David W. Popp &
Ms. Cheryl A. Aylesworth
Mr. Edwin Porter
Mr. Jesus M. Portillo
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Prelewicz
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Primosch
Mr. Martin V. Proctor
Mr. Robert J. Pudas
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Quinn
Mr. Matt Qureshi
Mr. Andre P. Rack
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Radice
Ms. Linda A. Rahal
Taylor A. Raymond
Mr. Michael T. Recce
Ms. Karen T. Reidy
Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ridgway
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Riley
Mr. Anthony D. Rocchio
Mr. Gregory Rohde &
Ms. Maureen O’Leary
Dr. & Mrs. Rafel Roman
Mr. Michael Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Rubino, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rusnak
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Rutherford
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Ryan
Mr. Derek Sabedra
Debi Sanders
Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Scarff
Mr. Charles H. Schaub
Ms. Margaret W. Schlageter
Mr. Daniel P. Schmelzer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schmidt
Mr. Steven M. Schneebaum
Mr. & Mrs. David Schoenberger
Ms. Jo-Ann Scott
Mr. Stephen O. Sebastian
Mr. Joseph M. Sendry
Ms. Carol Shannon
Mr. Sike Sharigan
Mr. Robert R. Sheldon
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Shreves, III
Ms. Gay H. Sills
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Sinderson
Mr. Denis Slavich
Brian W. Smith, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Smith
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Smouse
Mr. & Mrs. Sturgis M. Sobin
Miss Teresa Soto
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Speh
Mr. Thomas E. Stewart
Mr. Richard C. Stone
Ms. Megan A. Stull &
Mr. Gregory D. Hoobler
Mr. Richard A. Sullivan
Mr. T. Kevin Sullivan
Dr. Vincent Sutliff, III
Mrs. Eva B. Szalay
Mr. Rick S. Tagler
Mrs. Margaret A. Talbott
Mrs. Helen Taney
Mr. Robert Testoff
Ms. Janet L. Therrien
Mr. Michael Marshall &
Ms. Michele Thiec
Dr. Karen Thiel
Dr. James J. Tier
Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Till
Mr. Robert W. Tobin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tomasso
Mr. Frances K. Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. David N. Turch
Ms. Alice M. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Verga
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Voith
Mr. & Mrs. George F. Voris, III
Mr. Chuck Wagner
Mrs. Karen Walker
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Wallerstedt
Mr. & Mrs. Micheal D. Wallerstedt
Mr. Daniel Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Walters
Mr. Philip J. Ward &
Ms. Claire E. Cunningham
William Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Watson
Mr. Daniel Waugh
Mr. Sam Weaver
Ms. Sarah M. Werner &
Mr. Paul C. Kriedeman
Mr. John Whalen &
Ms. Linda D. Rabbitt
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Whieldon
Mr. Glenn D. White, Jr.
Mr. Thomas P. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Francis W. Winterwerp
Anonymous (21)
Ms. Helen R. Abshire
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Acker
Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Aguggia
Ms. Camelia J. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Scot A. Balfour
Mr. Edward C. Barnidge
Mr. & Mrs. Ulrich Baumgartner
Mr. William N. Beairsto
Judge & Mrs. James A. Belson
Catholic Charities Golf Classic, September 17, 2012
Charles J. & Virginia Wolf
Mr. Thomas Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Worsley, Jr.
Ms. Teresa K. Wren
His Eminence Donald Cardinal
Ms. Sarah Zarowny Forsyth
Ms. Jean M. Zebot
Mr. Bernard A. Zempolich
Mr. Robert C. Ziepolt
Mr. James Alex
Edward John & Anne Allera
Dan & Jean Allman
Mr. & Mrs. John O. Andrews
Ms. Laurie P. Andrews
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher M. Anfang
Ms. Bernadette R. Angeles
Kathleen B. Asdorian, Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence J. Bader
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. Baine
Mr. & Mrs. Herman J. Belz
Ms. Kathleen M. Bialas
Mr. Scott P. Billings
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Billings
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Bird
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Blake, Sr.
Ms. Barbara A. Block
Mr. Daniel Bogan
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Bokman
Mr. Brian P. Boland
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Bonner
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Borababy
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Boylan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bozzo
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Breen
Mrs. Marie H. Breyere
Mrs. Ann J. Brickfield
Mrs. Pat Brockway
Mrs. Marika L. Brown
Mr. Marty Brown
Mr. Thomas P. Brunetto
Mrs. & Mr. Deborah L. Bucci
Ms. Y. D. Buffet -Johnson
The Burke Family
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Byrd
Mrs. Carol A. Bysheim
Mr. & Mrs. Craig G. Callan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cardillo
Mr. Joseph Carr
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cary, Esq.
Miss Joanne Casey
Ms. Martha Castiblanco
Ms. Sharon Castillo
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Castle, III
Mr. Sam Chawkat
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cherny
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Chisholm
Mr. Timothy A. Chorba
Mr. Norman Cigar
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Cimino
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cioffari
Ms. Joan V. Cisz
Mr. Larry Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Claunts
Mr. Peter A. Clepper
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl D. Clippinger
Mr. Ronald F. Coene
Ms. C. R. Collicott
Mr. Jeremiah C. Collins
Mr. Michael Collins
Peter M. Collins
Ms. Rosalie S. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Collopy
Mr. Gregory T. Colton
Mr. Frank D. Combs
Mr. Peter C. Condron
Ms. Elaine P. Considine
Mr. Jake Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Sam R. Coriell
Mr. Jeffrey D. Corsetti
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Coughlin, Jr.
Ms. Melvena A. Crump
Ms. Mary H. Cullen
Mr. John F. Cunningham†
Ms. Madeline A. Cunningham
Ms. Mary Catherine Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Czecha
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dame
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Daniel
Ms. Heather Daniels
Ms. Mary Z. Daugela
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Davidson
Mr. & Mrs. Dowell A. Davis, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. William A. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Dean
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dellapenna
Souleyman Dembele
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel A. Deprey
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Derrick, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Desantis
Ms. Cynthia L. DeSimone
Ms. Joan C. Devlin
Mrs. George A. Didden
Mr. Thomas C. Dienes
Miss Sarah D. Dinan
Mrs. Ghislaine Dittberner
Mr. John W. Dix
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Dluhy
Mr. John F. Dolan
Ms. Louan M. Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Dollive, Jr.
Cam Donohue
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel T. Donovan
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin H. Dorsey
Mr. Kevin Downey
Mr. James C. Doyle
Mrs. Andrea Duffy
In the Name of the Mother Golf Tournament,
September 14, 2012
Ms. Lisa M. Duggan
Mr. Jeff P. Durr
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Dwyer
Ms. Kathleen Easby-Smith
Ms. Dorothy E. Egins
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Ehrhardt
Mr. & Mrs. George Ellard
Mr. Eugene R. Elrod
Ms. Christin L. Engelhardt
Ms. Josefine G. Evans
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Everly
Mr. Thomas C. Fahres
Howard J. Faulkner
Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Fazio
Mr. Justin Federici
Mrs. Barbara N. Ferrara
Mrs. Margaret M. Finn &
Mr. David H. Michener
Ms. Catherine O. Fiora
Ms. Margaret M. Flanagan
Mr. & Mrs. Emmet T. Flood
Mr. & Ms. David M. Fluker
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Flynn
Mr. Jeffrey Foley
Mr. & Mrs. Peter R. Foley
Mr. Nicholas J. Fontana
Mr. John A. Foote
Col. & Mrs. Paul A. Forster,
USA (Ret.)
Ms. Shirley A. Fortune
Ms. Margaret Frame
Mr. & Mrs. Jude E. Franklin
Mrs. Carol A. Freeman
James J. † & Carol A. Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Fritz
Ms. Jill Gaebl
Ms. Judith C. Gallagher
Rev. Daniel Gallaugher
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard N. Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh C. Gardiner, III
Mrs. Jackie S. Gardiner
Ms. Livia N. Gatti
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Gawne
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Geddes
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Gerstein
Mr. Michael C. Giaquinto
Mr. James R. Giardino
Mr. Paul J. Gillis
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin W. Giuliani
Ms. Laurel W. Glassman
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon G. Goehrung
Mr. & Mrs. Pedro Goitia
Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Gonzalez
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Gormley
Mr. Gregory G. Greer
Mr. William V. Griffith
Mr. Robert S. Guttman
Colette & Ed Gwordz
Michael W. Hager
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Haggerty
Mr. & Mrs. Zachary Hahn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Halpin
Mr. Richard S. Halpin
Mr. Neil K. Hansen
Ms. Janet G. Hardy
Mrs. Marygene Harmon
Ms. Maureen Harris
Dr. & Mrs. James P. Hartley
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Haubenreich
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Haviernik
Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Henderson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Henry
Mr. William J. Hermann
Mr. Adam Higgins
Mr. Perry Higgs
Mr. Chester J. Hildreth
Mr. Donald R. Hilleary
Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Holliday
Mr. Scott S. Holmer
Mr. Mark Hopson
Ms. Lourdes Horton
Ms. Natalie Horton
Mr. Paul T. Hourihan
Mr. Joseph Hrutka
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Huber, II
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hughes
Mr. William Hulseman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Husick, Jr.
Mrs. Mary J. Hylind
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Ichniowski
Mr. & Mrs. Leo C. Irrera
Mr. George J. Isham
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Izzo
Mr. Ron Jackson
Mrs. David B. Jacobin
Rev. Mgsr. William R. Jameson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Jamison
Mr. Jose Jimenez
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Johns
Miss Elizabeth Johnson
Mr. John F. Johnson
Mr. Paul E. Johnson, Jr.
Dr. Richard A. Jonas &
Mrs. Katherine Vernot-Jonas
Mr. & Mrs. O. B. Jones
Capt. & Mrs. Thomas E. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Scott J. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Juliana
County Executive & Mrs. Thomas
L. Kane
Ms. Jennifer A. Karmonick
Mr. Christopher Kaufman &
Ms. Molly Clement
Mrs. Edward W. Kay
Tonya Kearney
Mr. Barry Kearns
Honorable Ann O’Regan Keary
Mrs. Kathryn K. Keating
Mr. John Keefe
Mr. Eric L. Kekenou Meva
Mr. Robert Z. Kelley
Ms. Candice Q. Kelly
Mr. James M. Kelly &
Ms. Marianne E. O’Sullivan
Mr. Patrick J. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kern
Donald M. & Mary Dillon Kerwin
Jennifer Keyes
Mr. Michael L. Kidney &
Ms. Lena Hernandez
Mr. Michael T. Kiley &
Ms. Laura J. Power
Ms. Allyn E. Kilsheimer
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. King
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Kisicki
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kitzinger
Mr. Paul Knopp
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Koehler
Mr. G. H. Koether
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Koles
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Kolyer, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy Kosinski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Krantz
Ms. Kara L. Krause
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Krisko, III
Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Kromer
Ms. Gloria Kupstas
Mrs. Isabelle Lambert-Winkler
Ms. Stephanie M. Leahey
Mr. David M. Leahy
Ms. Ann Marie Lee
Mrs. Denise Lee
Mr. Robert F. Leheny
Mr. & Mrs. John D. LeMaster
Ms. Rose T. Lennon
Mrs. Anna M. Levine
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Lichtenfels
Mr. Michael E. Lichty
Mr. James H. Lienesch
Dr. & Mrs. Clarence C. Lindquist
Mr. Joseph Lotz
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Lourie
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth J. Luchs
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lyman
Julieta Machado
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin I. MacKenzie
Mr. & Mrs. Darren L. MacLennan
Mr. Peter D. Maioriello
Mr. John Makens
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Makuc
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Malarkey
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Maloney
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Malphrus
Mr. Christopher Manning &
Dr. Maria Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Mans
Mr. William Marcellino
Ms. Sheryl A. Marcouiller
Mr. Anthony F. Marra &
Ms. Mary Sheehan
Mr. Malcolm Marshall, III
Mrs. Abby Martin
Ms. Mary Catherine Martin
Mr. Manuel D. Martinez, Jr.
Mrs. Thresia Martino
Dr. Michael Martirano
Ms. Therese J. Matan
Mr. & Mrs. E. Allen Mattingly
Walter & Eileen Mazzella
Ms. Bridget G. McCann
Mr. Edward J. McCann
Mr. Gary McCarthy
Mrs. Mary Joan McCarthy
Mr. & Mrs. Frank X. McCawley
Mr. James H. McConville
Mr. & Mrs. James J. McConville
Mr. Matthew W. McConville
Ms. Janice McCue
Ms. Candis McDonald
Mr. James P. McGann
Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. McGee
Ms. Mary R. McGlinn
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. McGovern
Dr. & Mrs. Michael McGrath
Ms. Dorothea C. McIntyre
Mr. Phillip McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Barry McKenzie
Miss Carol C. McNerney
Ms. Rachel McTague
Mr. Patrick J. McTavish
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Menaker
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip K. Merkle
Mr. & Mrs. H. D. Messer
Mr. & Mrs. F. W. Meyer, Sr.
Mr. Thomas E. Michalik
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Miller
Ms. Lorna M. Miller
Mr. Michael Mitrione
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Moebius
Ms. Afroze A. Mohammed
Ms. Carol A. Moynihan
Mr. Garrick E. Muench
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Mulligan
Mr. Kevin P. Mulvihill
Ms. Sheila A. Mulvihill
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Murphy
Mr. Patrick G. Murray
Mr. Thomas J. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Lon E. Musslewhite
Mrs. Mary V. Neuhauser
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Neuman
Ms. Anh P. Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. Ron M. Nicholson
Joan H. Norcutt, TTEE
Musica y Sueños, March 22, 2013
Mrs. Irene A. Normandin
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. O’Boyle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. O’Brien
Mr. Stephen J. Ochs &
Ms. Phyllis L. Ouellette
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. John J. O’Donnell, Jr.
The Honorable & Mrs. Terrence
Ms. Esta O. Oduah
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Olnick
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Olson
Lessly Palencia
Rev. Michael Paris
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Park
Ms. Susan Parry
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pasatiempo
Steve & Myra Pavlick
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Perez
Mrs. Jennifer Peruso Stadler
Mr. Mark F. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Piazza
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Pica
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Picott
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pierce
Ms. Manuela P. Pinto da Silva
Mr. John E. Pinto
Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Pistolessi
Mr. Philip J. Pollastrino
Mrs. Annie G. Ponds
Ms. Karen E. Posey
Mr. & Mrs. Francis S. Posniewski
Mr. Houston K. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Powers, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Prince
Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Pskowski
Mrs. Synina Pugh
Mr. Jose Pulido-Castro
Mrs. Norma L. Purcell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Puretz
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio M. RamosIzquierdo
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Rapczynski
Mr. Frederick E. Redmond
Mr. Louis C. Reggio
Ms. Leslie Reid
Commissioner Edward F.
Reilly, Jr.
Ms. Maria J. Repka
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Rheault
Mr. Andrew G. Richardson
Catholic Charities Gala, April 27, 2013
Mr. Peter J. Riester
Mr. S. Timothy Riggott
Mr. John F. Ritchotte
Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Rivera
Ms. Theresa Roberson
Ms. Janice M. Rodgers
Mr. John M. Rodgers
Mrs. Donna N. Rogers
Paul V. Rogers, Esq.
Mrs. Helen Rogovsky
Mrs. Kathleen A. Rohan
Mr. Wayne R. Rohde
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Rooney
Ms. Mary Rosenbaum
Ms. Elizabeth Ruiz
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Russell
Mr. Luke Russert
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Ryan
Ms. Elizabeth M. Safford
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Salameh
Mr. Erik Salmi
Mr. Frank Samolis
Ms. Janine Scancarelli
Mr. Bill Scanlon
Mr. John E. Schmidtllein
Mr. Thomas J. Schneider &
Ms. Julie A. Bader
Ms. Jeanette F. Schoppet
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Schuncke
Mr. & Mrs. Harry P. Seeback
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey F. Seegers
Dr. & Mrs. Salvatore Selvaggio
Dr. Robert J. Shalhoub
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Shanahan
Ms. Barbara A. Simmons
Elliott F. Simmons
Mr. Kenneth A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Smyth
Mrs. Storrow C. Sommer
Mr. David Southwick
Mr. James A. Sparrow
Ms. Anna L. Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Squire
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Stack
Ms. Connor C. Stanwick
Mr. Charles J. Steele
Mrs. Valerie A. Stello
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Stepura
Mr. John E. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Strosnider
Ms. Kathleen M. Sullivan
Ms. Nathalie Sullivan
Mr. Wayne L. Swann &
Dr. Sandra L. Swann
Ms. Jean H. Sweeney
Mrs. Carolyn Tabb
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Taylor, Jr.
Ms. Patricia A. Tellish
Mr. & Mrs. James Thomas
Ms. Nina Thomas
Ms. Marion R. Thompson
Mr. Richard Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel E. Thurston
Mr. Guy Tomsyck
Mr. Frederick J. Truslow
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Y. Tse
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Turgeon
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Tyson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Untiet
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Vadasz
Mrs. Justine O. Veith
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Ventura
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Verveer
Ms. Emerenciana Viray
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin C. Virostek
Mr. Peter J. Vittucci
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Waechter
Ms. Mary G. Waggoner
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Waksmunski
Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Waldron
Mr. Philip Walker
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Wallerstedt
Mr. Thomas G. Ward
Ms. Consuela M. Washington
Mr. Herman S. Washington
Ms. Sarah E. Webb
Col. Andrew E. Weeks
Mr. Gregory M. Weeks
Ms. Constance M. Whalum
Mr. Gordon Whiteside
Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Whitford
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Williams
Mrs. Catherine S. Williamson
Mr. Mark E. Winter
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Wolff, Jr.
Michael & Robin Yaghmour
Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Yeatman
Mr. & Mrs. John C. York, Jr.
Ms. Christina Young
Mr. Michael Zajac
Dr. & Mrs. Carlos A. Zarate, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Zarzecki
Dr. Mary M. Ziomek
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Zonghetti
circle of hope
Anonymous (9)
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Andrews
Mr. Richard J. Barber
Mr. Edward E. Bintz
Mr. Arthur J. Brown
Pat & Mary Anne Clancy
Mr. & Mrs. A. James Clark
James R. & Martine A.
Mr. Ferdinand J. Crovato
Paul & Martha Gaffney
Mary & Fred Graefe
Carol & David Bates
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Grimberg
Mr. & Mrs. Brent A. Hanson
Mrs. Ardis A. Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Donald M. Hathway
Mrs. Helen Hellmuth
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Higgins
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Horning, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Lawler, III
Mr. & Mrs. John Leahy
Patrick & Vicki Malone
Mr. & Mrs. George McKenzie
Bob & Judy McLaughlin
Mrs. Sandra A. McMurtrie
Elizabeth & Dale Meers
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Murphy
Dr. Yodit W. Negusse &
Mr. Yonas P. Kinfu
Mrs. Betty L. O’Brien
Bill & Joyce O’Brien
R. Scott & Courtney Clark
Mr. Stephen Pearcy
Mr. & Mrs. Anderson W.
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Quinn, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. George E. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Reitz
Stephen & Ann Roth
Jeanne Weaver Ruesch
John Mosby Russell
Edward A. Sair
Roberta & Steve Saxon
Gabriela & Doug Smith
Ron & Mary Jane Steele
Mr. Peter Stella
Daniel & Anne Toohey
Mrs. Gertrude C. Viner
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Whalen
Kathie & Mike Williams
Ms. Carol C. Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Prosper A. Youm
Christmas Toys for Tots, December 2012
Good Samaritan Society
Airbus North America
Andreas Foundation
August II Productions, LLC
Catholic Charities USA
The Clark Construction Group, LLC
Computech Incorporated
Philip L. Graham Fund
John C. Grimberg Company, Inc.
International Monetary Fund
Jim Coleman Toyota
The Ada Harris Maley Memorial Fund
Mary and Daniel Loughran Foundation, Inc.
National Philanthropic Trust
Page Family Foundation
Renegade Productions Inc.
Steele Family Foundation
United Way of the National Capital Area
The World Bank Community Connections Fund
Anonymous (12)
Marguerite Adams
Richard J. Barber
Chip & Laurie Bay
James D. Bishop, Esq.
Mr. Frederick J. Carberry
Carolann Cirbee
Minta D. Davis
Debby Edwards &
Larry Demaree
Msgr. John Enzler
Thomas C. Fahres
Sharlene Hardy
Gretchen Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Darren
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore
Adelaide Miller
Ms. M. J. Morrow
Mr. & Mrs. Michael
Virginia Neuhauser
Paul P. Purta
Hector Rascon
Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Rivera
Anne M. Roan
John M. Russell
Ms. Carol Shannon
Nino R. Vaghi Foundation
Capital One Bank
United Way of the National
Capital Area
Andreas Foundation
The Community Foundation for
the National Capital Region
The Fernandez Foundation
John C. Grimberg Company, Inc.
National Council of La Raza
William S. Abell Foundation
Catholic Charities USA
The Clark Charitable Foundation
Donatelli Development
Fannie Mae
Montgomery Coalition for Adult
English Literacy
The W. O’Neil Foundation
The Joseph E. Robert, Jr.
Charitable Trust
The World Bank Community
Connections Fund
Alex Stewart International LLC
America’s Charities
Computech Incorporated
First Potomac Realty Investment
Greater Waldorf Jaycees
Foundation Inc.
Healthcare Initiative Foundation
Page Family Foundation
Patton Boggs LLP
John A. Quinn Foundation
W. R. & Norma Ramsey
United Way of St. Mary’s County
Waldorf Lion’s Foundation, Inc.
The John J. Wild & Eileen H. Wild
Charitable Trust
Anonymous (2)
Airbus North America
Allen Foundation, Inc.
The Bancroft Foundation
The Scott & Patrice Brickman
Family Foundation
Carr Maloney P.C.
The Chesapeake Restaurant
The Clark Construction
Group, LLC
CohnReznick LLP
Collis-Warner Foundation
The Community Foundation for
Prince George’s County
DANAC Corporation
The Delaney Family
Foundation Fund
Digital Office Products
The District of Columbia Bar
Celia P. Dollarhide Trust
The Donohoe Companies Inc.
Dow Lohnes PLLC
The Carl M. Freeman
Foundation, Inc.
Georgetown University
Philip L. Graham Fund
The Griffin Foundation, Inc.
Help Association, Inc.
Hogan Lovells US LLP
Holy Cross Health
Horning Brothers
Hunton & Williams
IBM Employee Services Center
iCore Networks, Inc.
International Limousine
Services, Inc.
International Monetary Fund
Jim Coleman Toyota
Jones Day
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Jim Koons Automotive
Mary & Daniel Loughran
Foundation, Inc.
The M&T Bank
The J. Willard & Alice S. Marriott
Maryland Community Health
Resources Commission
McCullough Construction, LLC
McKenna Long & Aldridge
Foundation, Inc.
Natelli Communities
National Philanthropic Trust
Order of Malta Federal
PCM Services
Pettit Family Charitable
PNC Bank
Reyes Holdings, LLC
SBL Inc.
The Shooshan Company
The Shrine of the Most Blessed
Soroptimist International of
Washington, D.C.
St. Patrick’s Catholic Church
Steele Foundation, LLC
SunTrust Bank
Swan Investors LLC
Transwestern Commercial
United Way of Charles County
Nino R. Vaghi Foundation
Viamericas Corporation
Washington Gas
The Washington Post Company
The John Akridge Company
Arent Fox LLP
Arlington Community
August II Productions, LLC
Bank of Georgetown
Boland Services
Building Hope
Capital Center for Oral &
Maxillofacial Surgery
Capstone Advisory Group, LLC
Case New Holland
Chevy Chase Cars
Chevy Chase Trust
Church of the Little Flower
Catholic Church
CIH Properties
Coakley & Williams
Construction, Inc.
Commonwealth Digital Office
Community Counseling Service
Company Inc.
Crowell & Moring LLP
DarCars Automotive Group
Dell Employee Giving Program
DiamondRock Hospitality
Limited Partnership
Dominion Foundation
Ernst & Young
The Estee Lauder Companies Inc.
Fight For Children
Fitzgerald Auto Mall, Inc.
Food Lion Charitable Foundation
Holland & Knight LLP
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers
Lemek LLC., DBA Panera Bread
Leonardtown High School
Leonsis Foundation
Lindsay Automotive Group
Lockton Companies, LLC
Loiederman Soltesz Associates
The Ada Harris Maley
Memorial Fund
Washington Marriott
Wardman Park
McQuade Brennan, LLP
MSDA Charitable & Educational
Foundation, Inc
Naval Systems Inc.
Neighbors in Need—
Disaster Relief
Renegade Productions Inc.
Ridgewells Catering
Schwab Charitable Fund
Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy
& Ecker, P.A.
Southern Company
St. Francis Xavier
Time Warner Cable
Tishman Speyer
TW Perry Company
Waldorf Ford, Inc.
Washington Real Estate
Investment Trust
2 Research Place, LLC
Aderas, Inc
American Enterprise Investment
Services, Inc.
Beech Street Capital
The Bozzuto Group
Brown Advisory
Bryan Cave LLP
Cathedral of St. Matthew
the Apostle
Chopticon High School
Consumer Health Foundation
Counselors Title/Pardo &
Drazin, LLC
Coventry Health Care, Inc.
Covington & Burling LLP
Data Entry Company
Drs. Delany & Moiseiwitsch, P.C.
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver &
Jacobson LLP
FTI Consulting
GE United Way Campaign
Holy Name Catholic Church
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
Inter-American Development
JD White & Associates, Inc.
Justin Zubrod & Company LLC
Lerch, Early & Brewer Chartered
McCarthy Wilson LLP
The Meltzer Group
Mill Creek Residential Trust
The Miller & Chevalier Charitable
Morvillo LLP
Network For Good
Our Lady of Victory Catholic
Pappas Group Inc.
Potomac Community Resources
Providence Health Foundation
The Raskob Foundation for
Catholic Activities, Inc.
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company
St. Peter’s Parish
The Sidley Austin Foundation
Singleton Electric Company, Inc.
St. Dominic Priory
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish
St. Mark the Evangelist Catholic
St. Raphael Catholic Church
Steptoe & Johnson LLP
T.J. Ettinger, Inc.
Telligent Masonry, LLC
Troutman Sanders LLP
UBS Matching Gift Program
United Bank
United Way of Central Maryland
Vinson & Elkins LLP
Waldorf Baptist Church
Benevolent Fund
Wal-Mart Foundation
The George Wasserman
Wiley Rein, LLP
Winston & Strawn LLP
WPG Solutions Inc.
Anglican Mission of Southern
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Bank of America United Way
Bessemer Trust
C.T. Hellmuth & Associates, Inc.
Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft
Catholic Legal Immigration
Network, Inc.
Christ Child Society, Inc.
Constellation Energy
Corporate Office Properties LLP
The Covenant Community of
Jesus The Good Shepherd
Deloitte United Way
Dominion Employee Giving
The Donohue Family Foundation
Dumais Family Charitable Fund
Economy RVS, LLC
Edgar H. Brenner Trust
Elizabeth Seton High School
Equal Justice America, Inc.
Fannie Mae SERVE Match
Fox Architects, LLC
Franey Family Foundation
Furey, Doolan & Abell, LLP
Genon Energy Services, LLC
Gensler & Associates
George & Dorothy Avery Fund
Georgetown Visitation
Preparatory School
Global Impact
Harry H. Farr & Company
Honeywell International Charity
John Carroll Society
Jubilee Church
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan
Kerri Ann Kattar Memorial
Fund Inc.
Kirkland & Ellis
Herbert M. & Naomi Leavitt Trust
Library Ideas, LLC
Linowes & Blocher LLP
Margaret Brent Middle School
Marriott International
Mid-Atlantic P.A.N.D.A Coalition
Mitsubishi Power Systems, Inc.
Montgomery Alliance
The Morrison & Foerster
National Home Library
Newmark Grubb Knight Frank
Our Lady Queen of the
Americas Parish
Payroll Network, Inc.
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
Rockefeller & Co.
Ryan Investments LLC
Ryan & Wetmore, PC CPAs
Sacred Heart Church
Saint Martin’s Church
Sidley Austin LLP
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
Flom, LLP
Southern Maryland Association
of Realtors, Inc.
Southern Maryland Dental
St. Andrew Apostle Parish
St. Bernadette Catholic Church
St. Jane Frances de Chantal
St. John’s College High School
St. Martin of Tours Parish
St. Mary of the Mills Parish
St. Nicholas Catholic Church
St. Patrick Catholic Church
Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP
The Trautschold Family
Foundation, Inc.
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
United Way of Delaware
United Way of Los Angeles
United Way of Metropolitan
Valley of the Sun United Way
Walton Street Capital, LLC
Whiteford, Taylor & Preston, LLP
2028 Development Corporation
AAA Mid-Atlantic—Washington
Basilica of the National Shrine of
the Immaculate Conception
Beveridge & Diamond, P.C.
Blake & Sons Moving &
Storage, Inc.
Buffalo Wild Wings
Cameron Grove Associates
Limited Partnership
Capital Bank
CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield —
IT Operations
Carnegie Corporation of
New York
Chadwicks —Friendship Heights
Christ Church Port Tobacco
Nationals Day at the Park, August 21, 2012
Church of Christ the King
Clinton A.M.E. Zion Church
Conewago Enterprises, Inc.
DC USA Operating Co., LLC
DeMatha Catholic High School
Federal Title & Escrow Company
Financial Benefit Services, LLC
First Saints Community Church
GFWC Metropolitan Club of
MC, Inc.
Holy Cross Church
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
IATSE Local 772
J.S. Wagner Company
John Marshall Bank
Joseph Gawler’s Sons Inc.
special thanks to:
La Plata United Methodist
Learning Tree International
Leonard Paper Company
Leonardtown Elementary
LMEPAC Charity Program
Custodial Account
Maximum Health & Fitness LLC
Nativity Catholic Church
O’Brien & Gere
Our Lady of Mercy Church
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Proskauer Rose LLP
Rubino & McGeehin, Chartered
Saint Camillus Church
Saint Luke’s Parish
Sarum Farm Inc.
Axel Schimmelp Fenning
Southern Maryland Women’s
League Foundation Inc.
St. Mary’s Rod & Classic
St. Teresa of Avila Catholic Church
St. Vincent De Paul Society
St. Vincent Pallotti High School
in kind gifts
Calvert County Government
Charles County Government
Government of the District of Columbia
City of Gaithersburg
State of Maryland
Montgomery County Government
Prince George’s County Government
City of Rockville
St. Mary’s County Government
Embassy of the United Arab Emirates
US Department of Agriculture
US Department of Health & Human Services
US Department of Housing & Urban Development
bequests, estates & trusts
Estate of H. Helenah H. Allen
Estate of Mary Alice Bearden
Estate of Therese L. Butler
Estate of Rosina Cervini
Estate of Mary Falusi
Estate of Catherine M. Heather
Estate of Paul J. Luckern
Estate of Thomas J. Lydon
Estate of Louis B. Marchi
Estate of Ann Elizabeth McLachlan
Estate of Frank A. Ross
Estate of Caterina Scagnelli
James C. Adler
Ann Allen
Gladi & Andrew Bellamah
Fuzzy & Eric Billings
Stacie & Lou Christopher
Jenn Crovato
Phyllis Cumberlander
Sam & Marty Depoy
Karen & Chris Donatelli
Mary Fedewa
Jean-Marie & Raul Fernandez
Lynne & Joseph Horning
Rechona Jenkins
Harry Juricic
Cece & Jim Koons
Meghan & Scott McCaleb
Yardley Manfuso
Meghan Phillips
Thomas A. Ryan
Anna & Robert Trone
Sheila & Pat Williams
Margaret Willis
American Tap Room
Boone & Sons Jewelers
Cafe Milano
Comcast Sportsnet
DC United
Early Morning Vineyards
Fairmont Washington, DC
Georgetown Preparatory
Haleh Design
Kane International Limousine
KEYS for the Homeless
Foundation, Inc.
Monumental Sports
Perfect Settings
Reyes Holdings, LLC
Ridgewells Caterers
The Greenbrier Resort
Total Wine & More
University of Maryland
Washington Kastles
Washington Mystics
Washington Nationals
Baseball Club
Washington Redskins
Charitable Foundation
Washington Wizards
* E xcludes value of pro bono hours donated by medical and legal professionals,
for whom we are extremely grateful
Stone Ridge School of the
Sacred Heart
Suntrust United Way Campaign
The Antonin Corporation
The J/C Charitable Foundation
Tri-County Council for Southern
United Way of Greater
Philadelphia & SNJ
United Way of the Greater
Lehigh Valley, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
Walter Reed National Military
Medical Center
Woodmen of the World
Wyle Laboratories
3M Company
Ace Fire Extinguisher Service
Active Network
All Faith Episcopal Church
Ampierce & Associates
Church of the Annunciation
Black Restaurant Group, LLC
Catholic Daughters of America
Catholic University of America
Campus Ministry
Costco­— United Way
Country Florist
Datawatch Systems
Dynamic Network Solutions
Grant Thornton LLP
GTMR, Inc.
Holy Cross Club of the Capital
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
of College Park
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
of Washington, DC
IBM Retiree Charitable Campaign
Kenneth L. McCoy MD &
Associates, P.C.
King Street Wireless, L.P.
Love of God in Christ Jesus, Inc.
The M Group, Inc.
North Point High School
Nu Sigma Chapter
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Catholic Church
Pearl Works of Maryland, LTD
R. M. Thornton, Inc.
Sarum Farm, LLC
Sayburr Construction LLC
Skin Cancer Surgery Center
Southern Maryland Mustang Club
St. Elizabeth Parish
St. John Vianney Roman Catholic
St. Luke Catholic Church
Staging Dimensions, Inc.
The Lutheran Church of
Our Savior
University of Notre Dame
Gifts Made in Honor Of
All Mothers
Lillian Laura Baker
Irence Barry
Frank Barsotti
Michael Baxter
Marie Becker & Ruth Rischmann
Thomas M. Beenick
James A. Belson
Mike Benton
Helen V. Berta
Claire Bevans
Helena Bisenius
Mary Petty Boggiali
Kamara Wiggins Boykin
Annette Bozzo & Beatrice Arnold
Phyllis Broms
Susan Brown
Mark & Heather Brugger
Madge Parker Burrell
Mary Byrne
Anne Scott Callahan
Ida M. Carroll
Mrs. Ella Carter
Larry W. Caudle
Lily B. Chavez
Ruth Chite
Louise B & Mary Alyce Clippinger
Grovinia Coachiaro
Stephanie Conlan & Anne Wuertz
Elsie Louise Davis Connelly
Marty & Mary Corley
Thomas & Everlyn Corley
Vincenza Cumbo
William G. Curlin
Juan José Daboub
Ann Dahl
Eleanor Daniel & Kathleen Ryan
Filomena, David, & Cristina DeVera
Dorothy de Carter
Carem Naveda de Garcia
Virgina Tracey DeCicco
Martha DePuy
Fr. Mario Dorsonville
Mary Driscoll
Adele El-Khouri
Msgr. John J. Enzler
Susana Famiglietti
Patricia Fitzgerald
Mary Fitzgerald
Grace E. Foley
Daniel Ford
Agnes Forster &
Marian Robitaille
Edna A. Fox & Daisy Spec Gray
Mary Gaine
Eliana K. Gallagher
Eilais B. Garrett
Robert Gawne
Jannie Geordiano
Luca Giani
Thelma Giuliani & Betty Straight
Pola Gordon
Mary McElroy Gormley
Theresa Gregory & Emma Frankel
Stefan Hagerup
Mollie Halpern
Stephen Hamer
Mary Lucille Poole Harris
Ardis A. Hart
Delia E. Hartel
Marie Louise Heath
Elizabeth Heflin & Edna Litton
Patricia Hennessey &
Anne Marie Makuc
Curtis Hennig
The Caritas Awards, October 28, 2012: Bishop Barry Knestout, honoree Ruth Runyan,
honoree Michael Curtin, honoree Lou Christopher, honoree Stacey Christopher and
Msgr. John Enzler
Patrick Henry
Dorothy Hickman
Elsie Sprague Higgins
Lorraine Higgins
Helen Hildreth & Carol Hildreth
Margaret Way Hoffner
Clara Holk
Michael & Cathy Hotka Family
Lynn & John Huber
Robert & Sheila Husleman
Catherine L. Jenkins
Alberta Catherine Johnson
N U. Jones & Nellie Glamrowska
Rita Kasicky
Irene E. Kirby
Paul Korycinski
Joyce Koziol
Ralph & Janet Kwapiszeski
Catherne Lacerte
Mabel Larsen
Mariellen Leonard
Elizabeth Levins
Margaret W. Lewis
Nancy Loxley
Linda Maffay
Theresa Lowe Mahoney
Clara Maier
Ida Makle
Yardley Manfuso
Mrs. B Manley
Mary Marcellino
Florence Marino
Licia Marino
Mary Martins
Mary O. Matthews &
Margaret C. Bell
Margaret Mayon
Viola McCawley
Ed McDaniel
Elizabeth F. McDonald
Agnes McGarry & Rose
Allyn S. McGinley
Deacon John McGinniss
Msgr. Oliver McGready
Carolyn McGrew
Mary E. McMahon
Patrick M. McMurphy
Susie & Bill McNutt
Nora Meeks
Ellen M. Menard
Anna Michalik
Betty S. Monser
Ruby Morhiser
Jeff Morris
Daniel & Maura Mudd
Jacqueline Mulholland
Mary Mumbulo
Charles Murphy
Angelina Muzio
Marquerite Nadonley
Kathleen Ryan Nelson
Claudia Nolan
Kevin Nolan
Patrick Nolan
Mary A. Norfleet
Mary Noronha
Lula Norris
Hope Obar
Catherine O’Brien
Ellie Olson-Timmons
Maureen Orth
Virginia Oszajca
Mary G. Ouri
Msgr. Charles J. Parry
Kathryn Frances Shwartz Paulhus
Barbara Pavlich
Evelyn Peacher
Louise Perez
Joseph & Nancy Peters
Anna M. Picarello
Josephine Puglisi &
Carmela Briguglio
B. J. Rafferty & Michel Rafferty
Frances Ratkov
Gaby Reblando
Barbara Reck
George Reese
Doreen Regis
Jon M. Reiland
Pat Reiland
Willow Rosenthal
John Ricard
Gertrude Rick
Orlandina Rossetti
Antoinette S. Ruppert
Mrs. Betty Rutherford &
Mrs. Verna Mayhew
Nancy Sachitano
Daniel P. Schmelzer
Anna Schmiedeler
Ann Seeboth
Salvatore S. Selvaggio
James Shanahan
Marie Shannon
Patrick & Karoline Shannon
Desma Smoot & Mary E Franey
Agnes M. Snyder &
Carolyn M. Pendleton
Ellen Angela Sorrell
Angela Spadaro
Josephine Spencer
Saint Michael’s of Silver Spring
Alice M. Stello
Cecilia Stenson & Maria Iarocci
Rev. George Stuart
Bruce & Eileen Stubbs
Toby Studley
Margaret T. Swartz
Helen T. Syski
Rufina Tabion
Ruthie Lee Taylor
Mila Tecala
Lorraine Tendick
Rosalee V. Tippett & Faytie L.Terry
Gail Todoroff
Jean Tolnay
Karen Towne
Hazel Turney & Ruth Martin
John R. Tydings
Lyzette Uyeda
Andrew Vacke
Arletta Vance
Joseph J. Walsh
Annie Waye
Robert Werner
Sr. Mary Louise Wessell
Mildred E. Wheeler
Henry Wilson
Gloria Zachariasiewicz
Gifts Made in Memory Of
Margaret Ahlborn
Madeline Aroney
Msgr. William Awalt
Josefina Baeza
Ursula Bolduc
Dorothy F. Brennan
Stephen Buratowski
Marie O. Burke
Mary Burns
Louise Carney
Carol Carroll
Phyllis Cladny
John & Carol Clark
Irene Coggins
Genevieve Connor
James T. Corcoran
Mary C. Crook
Lolita Cuevo
Elizabeth Dane
Catherine M. De Lacy
Olivia Rodrigues de Oliveira
Mary C. Debole
David Dinsmore
Celia Dollarhide
Nancy Donaldson
James Doulos
Thomas & Ann Finn
The Kennedy School had a guest visit by the Cookie
Monster, December 12, 2012
John Fioriti
Roger J. Fitzpatrick
Debbie Franz
James J. Freeman
Nicholas J. Gallagher
Ancieta Galpin
Delia Giblin
Maryssa Gilbride
Stewart Gosney
Sheila Gradowski
Ann D. Hammer
Richard J. Haney
Piedad A. Hernandez
William Joanis
Hugh Johnson
Michael H. Kappaz
John Keefe
Lucy Kelley
Catherine Kelly
Mary K. Kerns
Charles A. Kiser
Fred & Kathryn Kissinger
Martin Krimski
James Lacovaro
Elizabeth Lane
John D. Lane
Maxine Lannon
Sally A. Lark
Marjorie Lawrence
Paul J. Luckern
Frances Lyons
Bernard S. Macsherry
Ruth M. Mangold
Joseph Mariani
Cicely Marks
Catherine Marsden
John F. Marsden
Mollie Martin
Joe Mayer
Robert McCain
Lucy McCarthy
Megan McConville
Emmory McCourt
Mary Therese McEnerney
Dona McIntyre
Nathan P. McNulty
Therese McPherson
Martha C. McShane
Patrick Meehan
Carolyn Merski
Cecelia Mesa
Art Meushaw
Brandon Mills
Claude Morries
Mary G. Mutino
John P. O’Brien
Charles O’Connor
John J. O’Donnell
Captain Charles A. O’Malley, USN
Mary A. Onorio
Christine Pearcy
Edmund D. Pellegrino
Sharon Powell
James Michael Power
Nancy Prudencio
Catherine A. Rauth
Ann S. Reese
Remonde Reilly
John Ricche
Miguel A. Rodriguez
Jesus & Josefina Santiago
Rebia V. Savoy
Walt Sawyer
Patricia Schaefer
Elizabeth Schnaubelt
Leonora Settersten
Helen Simborski
Jane H. Smith
Mary W. Smith
Mary A. Sonnenschein
Mary Steiner
James A. Storer
Jane T. Strom
James Thompson
Maria Trojan
Eleanor Troha
Patricia Vara
Tomas Vargas
Elizabeth Varney
Edward B. Veihmeyer
Stephen Vermillion
Virginia Weyres
James H. Wight
Ramona Zamora
When I first came to Catholic Charities, I was determined to say
“yes” as often as I could. It has been my mantra as a priest, inspired by
Mary’s response to the angel Gabriel when he told her she would bear the son of
God: “Fiat,” or in English, “Let it be.”
I can think of no better example to follow at Catholic Charities. We strive to say
yes to all those who turn to us at their hour of need, and yes to our staff when
they present new ideas to improve our ministries. When we look at the massive
challenges of poverty, the task can seem daunting and even impossible. But if we
have faith and take that first step forward without knowing how it will end, we
allow Christ to work through us and create miracles, one life at a time.
In this annual report, we shared three stories demonstrating the power of a “yes.”
A man who spent 30 years serving in prison now has a productive career with
the support of his mentor. A young mother finally has legal status and protection
after fleeing her kidnapper in South America. And a formerly homeless family
lives in their own home, with the satisfaction of paying their own rent.
Thanks to you, these stories and many more are taking place. While we can’t
change the hardships our clients have experienced, we can change their present
and their future. As our new Holy Father, Pope Francis, encourages us: “Let
us learn from Mary how to make decisions, trusting in the Lord.” That is our
“fiat”— that is the power of a yes.
Msgr. John Enzler
CEO and President
For Help (202) 772-4300
To Help (202) 772-4394
Combined Federal Campaign # 83997
United Way # 8054
Graphic Design Oltjen Design Associates Photography Nick Crettier, Laura Sikes, Elizabeth Demaree
Writing & Production Management Team Tony Burke, Erik Salmi, Lauren Tyrrell, Sean Wood
twitter.com/ccadw, twitter.com/frjohnenzler
924 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20001