2011-2012 Annual Report


2011-2012 Annual Report
Photo by Jennifer Zuehlke
Henry Vilas Park Zoological Society
Annual Report
Our Vision:
Preservation of the Species on Earth
Photo by James Lipps
Our Mission
Mobilize and deliver resources to enable a best-in-class experience for animals and visitors.
Guiding Values
j Integrity and accountability provide a stewardship of the Henry Vilas Zoo for our
donors and the community
j Open communication and collaboration with our partners will support honest
dialogues that produce healthy relationships
j Commitment to conservation and sustainability to preserve and protect a diversity of
species and habitats
j Sustain a free zoo that provides affordable recreation to the public
j We believe an education of the living natural world will inspire personal
responsibility for conserving the environment
j We value the legacy and heritage of the Henry Vilas Zoo
j We support a connection with our diverse community
œ Improve on-site animal care facilities
œ Upgrade visitor services and visitor experience
œ Build a best in class arctic exhibit
œ Support ongoing AZA accreditation
œ Targeted fundraising activities
œ Enhance our community connections
œ Update the long range master plan for the Zoo
Shared Vision for the future
Dear Zoo Friends,
What a year it has been! We celebrated 100 Years of Henry Vilas Zoo with 100 days of
celebration all summer long in 2011 to celebrate the Zoo, our community and our partnerships.
We also hosted several premiere events that raised the vitally needed funds to sustain and
continue to make strides forward in animal care, exhibits, educational programming and
enhancing visitor experiences at your Zoo. Sincere thanks to all of our visitors, sponsors,
volunteers, and community partners that made all of these events possible and helped to
support the Zoo.
Throughout 2011, we welcomed over 700,000 visitors from near and far, and several
new animals including a male red panda, our seven year old male orangutan and two sets of
Geoffroy’s marmoset babies. It was a year of transition that brought both of us in to our new
roles of leadership of the Henry Vilas Zoo and Friends of the Zoo with the retirement of longtime Zoo Director Jim Hubing and former Friends of the Zoo Executive Director Boris Frank.
We welcomed our talented new Conservation Education Curator, Dr. Erin Flynn, who has been
busy expanding all of our education programs. We also celebrated the opening of our new
Children’s Zoo Barn and many new community partnerships.
Henry Vilas Zoo continued to be active in global conservation efforts by supporting
conservation and education trips by zoo staff. We hosted several animal conservation events
throughout the year that raised money for conservation efforts around the globe and introduced
Zoo guests to a deeper understanding of our resident animal species.
In 2013, the Henry Vilas Zoo will open the doors to its first ever Animal Health Center. This
new state of the art facility will help us to provide the best possible care to all of our animals.
It will also serve as an educational resource for thousands of children and a training facility for
UW Vet School students. The new Animal Hospital will feature a custom-designed donor tile
pond to recognize generous donations made in support of this project. Please consider making
a donation to the Animal Health Center by purchasing a beautiful custom-imprinted tile, as
your legacy to commemorate the next 100 years of Henry Vilas Zoo.
Looking ahead, we plan on breaking ground on the much anticipated Arctic Passage and
we also plan on opening a new Visitor Concessions Plaza. There is so much in store for your
Zoo as we continue to look to the future and plan for more zoo improvements. With your
support throughout the years, you have helped Henry Vilas Zoo remain an active participant
in the larger effort to understand our world’s biodiversity and to conserve our planet’s natural
wonders. Your partnership is the vital link that allows your Zoo to not only remain, but to
thrive. Thank you for your continued support!
Anna Reynolds
Ronda Schwetz
Executive Director
Friends of the Zoo
Zoo Director
Henry Vilas Zoo
Year in Review
What you helped us to acheive last year—April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012
Photo by Laura Alvarez
Photos L to R: Jungle Jack Hanna at our Take a Ride on the Wild Side event; Lum the Red Panda; the
new Children’s Zoo Barn; a cake in honor of The Zoo Century Birthday Party event.
We would like to thank all of our community partners, supporters and visitors for helping to
make Henry Vilas Zoo’s 100th Anniversary celebration a wonderful success. Here are some of
the highlights of the year:
Conservation Highlights
In October, 2011 we officially opened the new Children’s Zoo Barn. The barn is an
excellent example of the Zoo’s continued mission to utilize natural resources to reduce energy
usage with its post and beam construction using Douglas fir from sustainable forests, R-40 foam
insulation with a soy oil base, natural ventilation cupolas with rooster weather vanes, and solar
and geothermal heat. The barn provides our animals with a top quality habitat with minimal
environmental impact, and provides wonderful educational opportunities.
Henry Vilas Zoo staff also continued to be active in global conservation efforts with a trip
to Malaysia by Zoo Director Ronda Schwetz, a trip to Costa Rica by Herpetarium keeper Erik
Anderson, a trip to Australia by Conservation Education Curator Dr. Erin Flynn and a variety
of conservation-themed events throughout the year that raised money for conservation efforts
around the globe and introduced Zoo guests to a deeper understanding of our resident animal
The Friends of the Zoo reduced administrative expenses and grew the Zoo Volunteer
Program from 5,913 volunteer hours in 2010 to 13,546 in 2011. This includes almost doubling
the number of volunteers who gave over 20 hours of volunteer time to the Zoo to 153 in 2011.
Recreation Highlights
We celebrated 100 Years of Henry Vilas Zoo with 100 incredible days of events all summer
long in 2011 to celebrate the Zoo, our community, and new partnerships. We also hosted
several premiere fundraising events including our Zoo Century Gala, Take a Ride on the Wild
Side with Jungle Jack Hanna, the Zoo Century Birthday Party, Rock ‘n’ Roar, Zoo Run Run
and Halloween at the Zoo. Thanks to all of our visitors, sponsors, volunteers, and community
partners that made all of these events possible and helped to support the Zoo.
Photo by Jennifer Zuehlke
Photos L to R: Phantom the baby alpaca; Geoffroy’s marmoset parent and baby; Zoo School class
taught by Dr. Erin Flynn learning about the Aldabra tortoise; and Zoo Director Ronda Schwetz with a
group of students who completed Orangutan Species Survival Plan workshops given by Schwetz at Zoo
Negara in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Animal Highlights
We welcomed the arrival of several new animals. 11-year old male red panda, Lum,
joined our female red panda, Sha-Lei, on exhibit in the Children’s Zoo. Young male Bornean
orangutan Datu arrived from the Seneca Park Zoo to join our female, Kawan. We also
welcomed a 2-year old female Malayan tapir and a male orange-rumped agouti.
Henry Vilas Zoo proudly delivered zoo babies Phantom the alpaca, and two sets of
Geoffroy’s marmosets twins!
Our animal enrichment program received the prestigious Lee Houts Excellence in
Enrichment (LHEE) award from the American Association of Zoo Keepers (AAZK). The
award recognizes outstanding zoo keeper-initiated contributions to the art and science of
environmental enrichment. Henry Vilas Zoo keeper Jennifer Zuehlke lead a team of four
keepers who initiated a partnership with Mounds Pet Food Warehouse that provides supplies
and equipment to help sustain and improve our animal enrichment program. Mounds donated
over $6,000 worth of animal enrichment supplies and a $20,000 cash donation to our Animal
Welfare Fund.
Education Highlights
In 2011, we welcomed new Conservation Education Curator Dr. Erin Flynn. Dr. Flynn has
been hard at work expanding and reinvigorating our Zoo School and Education programming.
She revised the Zoo School curriculum, oversaw the renovation of the Zoo School classroom,
offered online registration for the first time ever and doubled class availability.
The Henry Vilas Zoo Education Department was the proud recipient of a $1,000 grant
from AZAD (AZA Docents) to be used for instructional radio tracking gear. Keep an eye out for
this upcoming progress! The education department also brought in new educational animals,
giant African millipedes and a horned frog, and composed a new guide for all of the Zoo’s
education policies.
Building an Animal Health Center
Providing the Best Care Possible at Your Henry Vilas Zoo
Henry Vilas Zoo has never had an animal hospital. Currently, the Zoo’s veterinarian uses a
small room in the administration office. Due to the limited facilities, many procedures must be
performed at other locations in the Zoo or at other veterinary facilities.
The plans for a new on-site Animal Health Center will include specialized areas for
surgery, radiology, intensive care, pharmacy, laboratory, isolation, indoor and outdoor holding,
and an area for educational programs. The Health Center will allow immediate access to
tools and facilities to provide the best possible care
available to all of our animals, as well as providing
essential access to immediate on-site urgent and
emergency care.
Recognition Opportunities
The Friends of the Zoo and Henry Vilas Zoo are pleased to recognize our generous Animal
Health Center supporters with an enduring and meaningful tribute. We would like to honor
your gifts, donations and multi-year pledges through the following opportunities:
Honor Tile “Pond”
The honor tile “pond” is an exquisite artistic
conservation display created with custom tiles to
illustrate the wildlife of a North American pond. This
pond will include ornate imprinted tiles honoring
all Animal Health Center donors at the $1,000 and
above giving levels. It will be displayed permanently
in the walkway outside of the Animal Health Center.
To the right are examples of the proposed design.
Interior Building Options
Naming opportunities exist for
the surgery, nursery and treatment
room at $150,000 each and building
naming is available from $500,000
to $2,000,000. For gifts of $250 to
$999, donors will be listed on a brass
plaque inside the Health Center.
New Horizons in care
Record-Breaking Harbor Seal Pup
A female harbor seal pup was born at Henry Vilas Zoo in May, 2012 to the oldest harbor
seals on record in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA)—42 year-old parents Betty
and Blacky. Mom, Betty, was very attentive from the beginning, but had trouble producing milk
soon after giving birth. Zoo animal and veterinary staff worked tirelessly to assist-rear the pup
by tube feeding her every four hours during her first two weeks of life. Generally seal pups are
very precocious and are weaned in 4 – 6 weeks.
The pup, Lucille, is doing great. She developed on track and has since been weaned and
switched to solid food. Our plans for the Animal Hospital include facilities and technologies
that will help us provide the best possible pre-natal and post-natal care to baby animals like
Lucille and their families.
Photo by Jennifer Johnson
Specialized Care for Aging Animals
Due to the quality husbandry and care that our animals are given at Henry Vilas Zoo,
many of the animals have outlived their expected lifespan in captivity. This far exceeds the
lifespan of their counterparts in the wild. Some of our oldest residents are: George the white
rhinoceros, estimated to be 40 years old; the grizzly bear, 31 years old; Mishka the polar
bear, 29 years old; and our harbor seals, including 42 year-old Betty, the oldest harbor seal
to give birth at a zoo in North America. We take special consideration of the physical and
metabolic changes that occur as the animals age such as arthritis, decreased vision or hearing
and digestive problems. We are proactive in our efforts to help our animals age comfortably.
The Animal Health Center will help us provide excellence in care for the special needs of our
geriatric animals by giving us access to specialized diagnostic and treatment capabilities and
much needed on-site urgent and emergency care facilities.
Your donations make all of this possible.
Please help us build the Animal Health Center at your Henry Vilas Zoo.
You can make a designated donation for the Animal Hospital online at vilaszoo.org
or by calling (608) 258-9490.
2012 Financial Summary for period ending March 31, 2012
Membership – For the period April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012, the Friends maintained a
membership base of over 2,000 member households.
FundRaising Programs – In addition to membership and fundraising events, the Friends
on-going fundraising programs include: Befriend An Animal; Zoo Bench purchases; rentals of the
main Zoo Tent; Corporate Night at the Zoo rentals; Zoo Concessions; Gift Shop and other special
campaigns. The Friends also receives unsolicited donations, bequests, memorial contributions, and
in-kind gifts of goods and services.
Statement of activities:
2011 - 2012 Revenue
Support and Revenue
Contributions, Special Events & Memberships......................... $1,634,873
Concessions Receipts (net of cost of goods sold)..................... $ 831,765
Education Programs and Other income................................... $ 36,922
Investment Income.................................................................. $ 40,825
Total Revenues....................................................................... $2,544,385
Program Services, Concessions & Supporting Activities........... $1,179,593
Capital Improvements to Henry Vilas Zoo................................ $ 869,201
Additions to Reserves for Future Capital Improvements........... $ 495,591
Total Expenses and Additions ................................................. $2,544,385
*Audited statement available upon request
64 % Contributions, Special Events & Memberships
33 % Concessions Receipts (net of cost of goods sold)
2 % Investment Income
1 % Education Programs and Other Income
statement of financial position:
Cash & Short Term Bank Savings................................ $1,996,121
Certificates of Deposit............................................... $2,559,410
Accounts Receivable................................................. $ 17,8142
Pledges Receivable.................................................... $ 711.626
Inventories................................................................. $ 129,506
Property Less Depreciation........................................ $
2011 - 2012 Expenses
Total Assets............................................................... $5,462,302
Accounts Payable...................................................... $ 107,242
Committed to Zoo Renovation Projects..................... $ 15,003
Net Assets
Reserves for Future Capital Improvements
Unrestricted............................................................ $ 3,563,401
Temporarily Restricted............................................. $1,776,656
Total Net Assets and Liabilities.................................. $5,462,302
Photo by Kira Dott
20 % Additions to Reserves for Future Capital Improvements
46 % Program Services, Concessions & Supporting Activities
34 % Capital Improvements to Henry Vilas Zoo
Staff Listing
2012 Staff Listing for period ending March 31, 2012
Board of Directors
Henry Vilas Zoo Staff
President: Thomas Dott,
Vice President: Dan Olszewski
Secretary: Phil O’Leary
Treasurer: Karrie Julian
Zoo Director: Ronda Schwetz
General Curator: Jeff Stafford
Conservation Education Director: Dr. Erin Flynn
Facility & Animal Life .Technician: Brian Wilson
Facility & Animal Life Technician: Joe Myszkowski
Administrative Support: Karen Berendes
Board Members
Nancy Acker-Skolaski
Freya Bowen
Chris Henderson
James Hill
Jeff Jacobson
Robin Koth
Shirley Kubly
David Martin
Keith Oleson
Fritz Ragatz
Mary Romolino
Annette L. Stebbins
Ex Officio
Friends of the Zoo Staff
Zoo Keepers
Executive Director: Anna Reynolds
Special Events Director: Suzy Reynolds
Donor Relations Manager:
Christina Ahlansberg
Community Outreach Director:
Lynn Pawelski
Creative Director: Cathy Sheets
Visitor Services Director: Brent Walter
Visitor Services Manager: Brenda Walter
Food Services Manager: Sarah Addante
Office Manager: Emily Brock
Katie Aldridge
Erik Anderson
Julie Elsinger
Shane Elsinger
Karen Grikstas
Gary Hartlage
Sarah Johnson
Beth Peterson
Laura Reisse
Amy Schilz
Mary Schmidt
Jessica Thompson
Jennifer Zuehlke
Zoo Director: Ronda Schwetz
Dane Co. Executive: Joe Parisi
Mayor of Madison: Paul Soglin
Emeritus Directors
Robert Fey
David C. Hall, DVM
Edmund Hobbins
Jim Hubing
Alvie Nelson
Zoo Commission
Chuck Erickson
Valerie Bailey-Rihn
Anne Ross
Jonathan Becker
Susan Ellingson
Andrea Brunsell-Parks
Thomas Dott
Jeff Gunderson
Zoo Veterinarian
Dr. Michael Petersen,
Stoughton Veterinary Services
Consulting Veterinarians
Dr. Dave Brunson
Dr. Kurt Sladky
Photo by Tara Juresh
$25,000 and up
Endres Manufacturing Company Foundation
Christina Gerhke & William Vanderson
IMS, Inc. (In-kind)
Ray Jones (In-kind)
Pat & Shirley Kubly
Mid-West Family Broadcasting
Pepsi-Cola of Madison
The Oscar Rennebohm Foundation
John R. Searles Family Trust
Swiss Colony Foundation
$10,000 – $24,999
Associated Bank
Capital Newspapers
Clarity Technology Group
Country Financial Services
Epic Systems Corporation
Jeff & Joy Gunderson (In-kind)
John H. Lussier
Madison Community Foundation
Mounds Pet Food Warehouse
Swiss Colony
Thomas & Jill Walker
$5,000 – $9,999
Affiliated Engineers, Inc.
American Family Insurance
Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP
Michael Burke
Charles E. Heyl Trust
Core BTS, Inc
Cuna Mutual Group
Fortune Family Foundation
Charles & Nancy Hannan
Madison Gas & Electric Foundation
John H. Meade
National Guardian Life
Physicians Plus Insurance Corporation
Carol & Dean Schroeder
Smart Motors
Strand Associates, Inc.
$1,000 – $4,999
Alliant Energy Foundation
American Transmission Co., LLC
Ken Ballweg
Fran Priddy & Tom Bellehumeur
Lisa Beneker
Jeff & Freya Bowen
William & Signe Buchholz
Capital Brewery
Championship Awards, LTD
Lau & Bea Christensen
Lynn & Abigail Christiansen
Tim & Anne Connor
Dane County Cultural Affairs
Tom & Kira Dott
Excellence in Dentistry
ExxonMobil Foundation
First Business Trust & Investments
First Weber Group
Flad & Associates, Inc.
John J. Frautschi Family Foundation, Inc.
Debbie Garten & Gary Stone
Geek Kon
Sally Wilmeth & Terry Geurkink
Strengthening the Bond for Future Generations
Group Health Cooperative
H & H Electric Co., Inc.
Pamela Ploetz & John Henderson
Joe & Liz Henry
Dr. Jim Hill
Jeanne Hoffman
J.H. Findorff & Son, Inc.
Barbara Knox
Robin Koth & Denise Holmes
M3 Insurance Solutions
Madigan Family Foundation
Madison Children’s Museum (In-kind)
Madison Originals Magazine (In-kind)
Doug & Patty Malmquist
Middleton Costruction, Inc.
Milwaukee Valve Company
James & Rita Mitchell
Mary Romolino & Stephen Monroe
Monroe Street Merchants Association
Le Eldra Morgan
Mortenson Construction
Murphy Desmond S.C.
Oil Equipment Company, Inc.
Dan & Kathryn Olszewski
Douglas & Deb Peitz
Pellitteri Waste Systems
Perkins Coie, LLP
Mary Ellen Peters
Poynette Iron Works Inc.
Quarles & Brady, LLP
Thomas G. & Karen Ragatz
Fritz & Barbara Ragatz
Beth Riddiough
Valerie & David Rihn
Kevin Ripp
River Valley Bank
Royalty Fund of Triangle Community Foundation
SAA Design Group (In-kind)
LaRynda Thoen & Neil Salyapongse
Carol Ann Schlatter
Schregardus Foundation, Inc.
Dorothy R. Searles Family Trust
John L. Skinner
Don & Mary Spencer (In-kind)
State Bank of Cross Plains
Steinhauer Charitable Trust
Ten/Tenths, LTD: Isthmus Sailboards
The Madison Deutscher Club, Inc.
Elizabeth Theisen
Town Bank of Madison
Larry & Sarah Urben
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
Colonel & Mrs. John R. Vilas
Webcrafters-Frautschi Foundation
Jon & Sandra Winder
Christine Witherill
Pamela & Michael Wittenwyler
$500 – $999
AAA of Wisconsin
Jodi Achterberg
Nancy Acker-Skolaski & Stan Skolaski
Eric Anderson & Rebecca Thousand
Karen Walsh & James Berbee
Joyce Berdal
Brian Berquist
Black Belt America
Beverly Blahnik
John A. & Marian Bolz
Florence B. Branch Trust
Peter Cavi
Chartwell Wisconsin Enterprises
Marshall & Arlene Colburn
Kathy Trace & James Conway
David Dill Productions
Carla & Mike Diiorio
Don’s Home Furniture, Inc
Michael & Catherine Drenoske
Todd Fortune
Flavia & Samuel Gibson
Jeff & Mary Grundahl
Larry & Colleen Halverson
Melanie Hampton
Kate Heaney
Nathan & Sarah Herbst
Jeffrey & Tina Jacobson
Joe Daniels Construction
Johnson Bank
JSM Properties LLC
Marcus & Karrie Julian
Kayser Ford
Kids Junction LLC
Michael & Karen Kollath
Susan A. Kressin & James A. Radtke
Joan Kuypers
Richard & Margaret Labrie
Philip Lawler
Sarah & Stanley Leer
Christine & Brent Lillesand
Loyal Order of Caribbean Soul
Stewart Macaulay
Melting Pot of Madison
Monona Plumbing & Fire Protection
John & Carla Moore
Mortenson Investment Group
NA Sports Community Foundation
Tera Neumann
Thomas J. & Mary F. Nordland
Philip & Carol O’Leary
Keith & Diane Oleson
Myra Reilly
Guy & Mary Reynolds
Dave & Annette Ringdahl
Rick & Jean Ripp
Rocky Rococo
Anne Ross
Ronald & Janet Scherubel
Skogen Engineering Group, Inc.
Richard & Cathy Smith
Mrs. Leona A. Sonderegger
Strang Inc.
William Suhr
Swim West Swim School
Telephone & Data Systems
The Great Dane Pub & Brewing Co
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Thorbahn
Gregory L. & Janice A. Tipple
Trust of Sweeney’s Auction, Inc.
Gina Utrie
Jeffrey & Martha VanBendegom
Von Briesen & Roper, S.C.
Arnold & Ellen Wald
Elaine & Robert Waldo
Michele Young
$200 – $499
Lori & John Ainsworth
Laurie Alioto
Cindy & Barry Alvarez
Deborah Amery
Mary & Arnold Andrews
Jodi Barnet
Ed Batchelor
John & Mary Battaglia
Drew & Laurie Beck
Robert Beggs
Callie Bell
Art & Laurie Benson
Dr. Lou & Sandi Bernhardt
Judy Bienfang
James & Sharon Billmeyer
John & Heather Bissen
Elaine & Ralph Blanchette
Mike & Stephanie Brasser
Dan Brinkman
Mary Brock
Jacalyn Nelson & Jeffrey Brown
Brian & Erika Brunmeier
Casey Bucholz
Amy & Cenon Buencamino
Christopher & Peggy Bugg
Doug & Cynthia Carlson
Donald L. Rahn & Rosalind A Carlyon-Rahn
Lauren & Donald Carufel-Wert
Phillip Certain
Katya Chalova & Philip Icke
Cherry Valley School
Jeff & Robin Cherwinka
The Clark Family
Kelly & Kevin Colwin
Courtney & Guy Comer
Bob & Joanie Conley
Kevin Conroy
Maureen Coyle
Alan Crist
Steve, Shirley & Sarah Crocker
Jim Currie
Ann Curtis
Hana Davis
James DeMuth
Brendon DeRouin
Design Concepts
Discoverers Fund, Inc.
Alexandra & William Dove
Patrick Dowd
Mullen & Kim Dowdal
John & Monica Dyar
Ecolab, Inc.
Amanda Eivers
Megan Elder
Jeff & Kathy Erickson
Bill Escher
Kristin Ewert
Linda Firestone
Linda Fox
Michelle Gallagher
Gary & Annie Garten
Jonathan & Traci Gerdes
Paul Geyer
Judy Giacomino
Penelope & Tom Gialamas
Valerie Gilchrist
Neil & Danielle Gindlesberger
Tom & Joanne Gobel
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
Tom Grau
Larry Grinyer
Steve & Suzi Grundahl
Habush, Habush & Rottier SC
Tamara Hagen
Bob & Bevi Haimerl
Chulee Hallick
Angela & Mark Halverson
Linda & Thomas Hanson
Mary Helen Hanson
R. C. Hawkinson
John & Sarah Helgeson
Chris & Jennifer Henderson
Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc.
Steve & Sue Hird
Wm. Pharis & Carolyn D. Horton
IBM Corporation
Lynn Jacobson & Dave Merick
Jenny & Becky Jaeckels
Allen & Lynn Jaeger
Edward Jesse
Keelie Jones
Avin Kallenbach
Donna Michele Katen-Bahensky
Sara & John Keis
Julie Kepler
Charles & Susan Kernats
Jean Kliczak
Jon Koch
Norma Kohlenberg
Mary Jane Krause
Amy Kroll
The Kuehl Family
Lisa & Karl Kurth
Bryan & Lexi Kust
Leona & Roger LaGrange
Lapham School
Robert & Marilyn Laurion
Aaron & Amy Lee
Leopold Elementary School
Margaret LeRoy
Janet & Jay Loewi
Shelley Mancusi
Michael Marshall
Jill Maxfield
DeAnn McAllan
Tim & Joanne McCaigue
Margaret & Gregory McClure
Torrie & Jim McCormick
Mead Family
Patti Mergen
Doris Metcalf
Metropolitan Woman’s Club
Meyer Family Foundation
Lorraine Meythaler
Chris & Amanda Micklos
Mary & Steve Millin
Stephen Morton
Paul & Brenda Mueller
Jessica Murphy
Joni Nehls
Jeff Neterval
Ed & Patty Neumueller
Henry Newcomb & Amy Moyer
Peter Newcomer
Elizabeth & Andrew Norman
Lori Nyborg
Oakwood Lutheran Homes
Michael & Kathy Ochowski
Oconomowoc Area School District
James & Sonja Odland
Angie Oler
Optimist Club of Downtown Madison, Inc.
Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts Program
Kristina Outhouse
Polly & Harlan Overland
Ray Owen & Barbara Udelhoven
Mark & Theresa Paltzer
Bret & Alice Patterson & Family
Timothy & Jessica Payne
Marie Peppler
Carolyn Pettersson
Nathan Plumb
Dennis Prochnow
Prasanna & Bharat Raman
Preeti Raman
Roger & Nancy Rathke
Brian & Heather Reeder
Mary Remily
Sue Richards
Rouse Management Co.
Roger & Judith K. Rowell
Maria Sadowski
Heathe Schaefer
Rita Schiller
Timothy & Mary Ellen Schmit
Joyce Schneider
Dolly Schoenberg
Carrie & Kristopher Schroeder
Ronda & Jim Schwetz
June Scott
James Sehloff
Jay & Katie Sekelsky
Richard & Denise Senn
Patricia Senter
Dana Showers
Sonja Sidky
Jim & Brenda Simmonds
Sarah & Michael Simon
Sharon Smith
John A. & Kendyle M. Smith
James & Kathleen Sosnouski
Jon & Mary Standridge
Leta Steffen
Deborah & Tom Still
Jeff Storch
Strategic Brand Marketing LLC
Paul Stuiber
T. Wall Properties
Edward Taylor
The Silly Yak Bakery & Bread Barn
Matt Thiel
Tama Thomas
Susan Torgerson
Anne Traynor
Terri Tuggle
Cindy Tyznik
Jeff Urso
UW Eye Research Institute
UW Health Department of Opthalmology
Jeff & Lynn Vilker
Nanci Jo Vitale
Vogel Foundation
Larry Walker
Jim & Connie Wall
Peter Wallach
Watertown Unified School District
Annemarie Weaver
William & Barbara Weidanz
Nicole Weiss
Jane Wise
Kari Wisinski
Alan Wolf
Lynn & Mary Wussow
Amanda & Christopher Yarbro
$75 – $199
Seymour & Shirley Abrahamson
Sarah Acker
Adams Elementary School
Kati Adkins
African Youth Outreach
After School Heritage
Daniel Agnew
Marci Ahlansberg
Erik & Christina Ahlansberg
Tom Albanese & Family
Janet Alfonse
Ann Allen
Mary Lynn Gutknecht & John Allen
Carla & Fernando Alvarado
Harold & Lorraine Amundson
Cheryl Anderson
Brett Anderson
Brian & Karissa Anderson
Holly Jorgenson & Jerry Anderson
Rebecca M. Anderson
John & Donna Andres
Dr. Douglas Andrews & Maureen Murphy
Mark Ansay
Richard & Alice Appen
Arboretum Elementary School
Shelly Armstrong & Jim Lesniak
Greysen & Jackie Arneson
Arnold Family
Mary Ashley
Attic Angel Place, Inc.
Chris & Stephanie Attkins
Brian & Tracy Bachhuber
Badger Prairie Health Care Center
Jessica Bagnall
Charissa Bahr
Melissa Bailey
Mark & Margaret Bakken
Sue Baldwin
Sally Balkin
Ballweg Chevrolet, Inc.
Donald & Christina Barley
Lynn Barlow
Jessica Barmack
Brian & Tammy Bartels
Mare Batchelor
Jim & Nancy Bauch
Gregory & Mary Bauer
Rebecca Bauman
Carmen Baumann
David Karchinski & Pam Baumgartner
David & Connie Beam
Beautiful Brides LLC
Blake Becker
Cynde Beer
Ryan Behling
Carolyn Bell & Lincoln Ramirez
Mary & O.L. Bell
Carl & Carol Bender
Lisa Benitez
Daniel & Rachel Bennett
Ninfa & Val Bennington
Katherine Bentley
Ricki Benton
Niles & Linda Berman
Margaret Bernard
Stephen & Trudy Bernsten
The James B. Beyer Family
William & Katherine Biesmann
Josh Bigelow
Gabrielle Bina
Misty Bindl
Derek & Jennifer Binkley
Gundala Birong
Ahnaray Bizjak
Mary Bjorklund
Black Earth Elementary
Samuel Black & Kathy Stinnett
Julie Blaha
Rose Blaski
Beverly J. Block
Lizabeth Blum
Barabara Borde
Jean Bormett
Sandra & Walter Borowski
Amber Boudreau
Jon & Wendy Boumstein
Amy Boutelle
Beth Bovis & David Feldstein
Chip Bown
Kelly Boyd
Byron & Diana Boysen
Stacy Bradley
Bremser Group Inc
William & Treva Breuch
Kari Breunig
Thomas Brice
Stacy Brieman
Jennifer Broberg
Karl & Aimee Broman
Brookline Independent Living
Dr. Robert Brooks
William & Melissa Brousseau
Allen & Virginia Brown
Bonni Brown
Edward, Vicki, Tim & Marc Brown
John, Ruth, Ben & Max Brown
Thomas Brown
Dennis Brown
Julie Brunette
Richard L Brunsell
Bonnie Buchanan
Paul & Suzanne Buckner
The Jerome Buhman Family
Bunbury Realtors
Jim & Arlene Burke
LesLee Burnett
Karen & Paul Buscemi
Cynthia Bush
Scott Bush
Betty Bush
Colleen Butler
Amy Butler
Jessica & Marguerite Bulter
Christopher & Ryan Butts
Susan Byrns
C.H. Bird School PTO
Judith Werner & Stephen Caldwell
Dorothy & William Callister
Matt Campion
Ronald & Mary Jane Campo
Mary Lou Carberry
Tim Smeeding & Marcy Carlson
Kirstin Carlson-Dakes
Nancy Carman
Uriah & Jeanne Carpenter
Tony & Deri Cattelino
Lori Caygill
Cesar Chavez Elementary School
Christine Chambers
Chris Chambreau
Earl F. & Barbara J. Chandler
Kathleen Chandler
Billie & Trinidad Chavez
Naomi Chesler
Deb & Jim Chevas
David & Carol Chodorow
Bruce & Linda Christensen
Jessica Christianson
Mark & Janice Cis
City of Madison
City of Stoughton
Michelle Ciucci
Marla Collum
Columbus School District
Marlisa & Tim Condon
Timothy & Shelby Connell
Brett Cook
Bradley & Kris Cotharn
Marjorie & Paul Coughlin
Victoria Coulter
Suzanne & Robert Coutre
Jennifer Covington
Michael & Catherine Coyle
Scott & Candee Craven
Tom Haag & Anne Crosby-Haag
Laura & Randall Crow
Donald & Sandra Daemmrich
Robert & Judy Dahl
Jerilyn & Gary Dahmen
Lori J. Dalrymple
Jill Dalsanto-Walker
Michelle Dame
Barbara Danahy
Dane County Humane Society, Inc.
Andrew Daun
Davis Family
Larry Davis
Natalia De Leon
Robert I. & Ann C. De Mars
Andrea Debs
Wendy Dederich
Patricia Deffner-Valley
Deforest Area School District
Debby Del Ciello
Helene Demont
Ron & Lani Denu
Ankur R. & Emily Desai
Lavonne Dettmers
Londa & Walter Dewey
Mr. & Mrs. William DiCarlo
Claire Dick
Robert & Valerie Diedrich
Amy Trentham Dietz
Mike & Lee Ann Dillis
Carol Doerfler
Tim Doerfler
Melanie Donnelly
Nelson & Megan Donovan
Stephen Donovan & Amiee Hasenfus
Ronda & Megan Dorn
Richard & Laura Dortzbach
Daniel Doucette
Linda Doucette
Drake Family
Guy & Laura Dreger
Jeremy Dreger
Kathleen Drew
Alice Drugan
John Duffy & Bonnie Stewart
Deborah A. Durcan
Nena Dyhr
Jacob & Alison Dykstra
E.D. Locke Public Library
Randall J. & Kari L. Eggert
Kari Ehrhardt
Rosanne Ehrlich
Annette Eisman
Jane M. Eisner
Vicki Elkin
Robin & Brad Ellingson
Elm Lawn Elementary
Shane & Julie Elsinger
Barbara Elwood
Karmin Enge
Dean & Helene Esner
Susan Entwistle
Sue Esch
Teresa Escher
M. Jean Esch-Theobald
Karen Evans-Romaine
Richard & Ruth Ewers
Johanna Fabke
Boyd & RaeAnn Fahey
Nadine Fakhran
Aaron Falkosky
Family Support & Resource Center
Barbara Fant
Matt Knill & Katie Farris
Elizabeth Feder
Mary Feller
Rob Ferrett & Cindy Fesemyer
Lowell Ferris
Grovaline & William Fetzner
Jacqueline Figler
Kari & Thomas Fitzgerald
Kaj & Karen Foget
David & Brandi Fons
Teresa Foster
Allen Foster
Robert & Pixi Foulks
Boris & Terry Frank
Janine Frank & Eric Selje
Gabriel Frank
Jim & Kris Frater
Edward & Deirdre Frees
Dan & Erin Freiberg
Lucey & Dan Friedl
Friends of Pinney Branch Library
Friends of the Lakeview Branch Library
The Fruit-Ross Family
Robert & Nancy Fry
Gwendolyn Fuhrmann
Gigi Fuhry
Vic & Yvonne Gagliano
Leslie Gallay
Erica & Jason Gallo
Craig & Roylene Garrett
Arne L. Gausmann
Lori, Ruby & Zoey Gayan
Mary Jo Feeney
Carolyn Geier
Geisking Public Relations
Geri Gerold
Charles & Melinda Gervasi
Christen Geyer
Patricia M. Giesfeldt
Constance Gilbert
David F. Giroux & Anne Morgan Giroux
Justin Glodoski
Kerry & Michael Goldrosen
Jennifer Goodlund
Simon Goring
Kevin & Karen Gould
Jim & Karen Gourlie
Neal Graber
Karen Graham
Jennifer Grandone
Joanne Granquist
Mariella Grasmick
Frank R. & Catherine W. Greer
Aimee Grimmelmann
Jeff Grundahl
Fritz & Kristine Grutzner
Jun & Roger Yao and Donghua Gu
David & Rea Gustafson
Dona Haag
Theresa Haak
Lee & Kathryn Hass
Jenny Hackforth-Jones
Sarah & Casey Hafner
Ken Hahn
David & Sandra Hall
Paul & Rachel Hallenbeck
Jane Halleran
Larry Hands
David Hannes
Chad & Jodi Hare
Elaine C. Harker
Chris Harkin
Kay Harms
Sheilah Harrington & Michael Roszkowski
AM Harris
Wayne Harris
Ashley Harris
Joann Hart
Jennifer Hartman
Perry & Renee Haugen
John & Carolyn Haupert
Dorothy Hawkes
Steven & Jennifer Hayes
Mary & Richard Hayney
Melina & George Headley
Michael Heberlein
James Heineke
Patrick Heinritz
Rebekah Hellenbrand
Tom & Meghan Hendricks
Sharon Hennings
Mary Beth Heuvelmans
Matt & Karen Hickel
Joan & Joseph Hilber
Jay Hill
Ann & Ray Hill & Family
Linda Hill
Lois Hindhede
Howard Hochman & Rose Meinholz
Richard & Marlyn Hodges
Suzanne Hodgman
Eric & Natalie Hoeve
Hoffman Family
Louise & Jack Hoffman
Lisa Hofmeister
Dave & Sue Hogg
Michael Holmes
Holmes Realty, Inc.
Leroy Holzwarth
Myrna Hooper
Frank Horlbeck
Aaron Hosansky
Josephine & Richard Hosman
Monica & Neil Houtler
Scott & Kate Hoyer
Jim & Cindy Hoyt
Jim & Sharel Hubing
Nicholas Hudzinski
Huegel Elementary School
Anne Hutton
Ellen & Jerome Hutzler
Hyland Park Condominium Association, Inc.
Justin Ingbretson
Bermans Iskandar
Isthmus Publishing Company
Nick & Kristin Jackson
John Jacoby
Torrey Jaeckle
Julie K. Jaeggi
Christina Janus
Kym & Pat Jaskolski
Chris Johns
Edward Johnson
Sara Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Kenneth & Marilyn Johnson
Amy Johnson
Joan Johnston
Kathleen Jones
Rebecca Jurkuta
Rich Kahl & Laurie J. Yahr
Ingrid Kallick
Jan Kaminski
Fred & Sandra Kamnetz
Lee Kampa & Eric Sedelmaier
Madeline Kanner
Nathan Kaszubski
Michael Kedzie
George Keehn
Judith & Stuart Keel
Bradley & Nancy Keevil
Thomas Keip
Rick Kekula
Sara & Steve Kelley
Janice A. Kellogg
Shannon Kennedy
Mary Beth & Michael Kepler
Nick Kepple
Scott Kerr
Laura Kiessling & Ron Raines
Lisa Kilmer
Charles & Valerie Kime
Jennifer Klaila
Jeffrey & Mary Klees
Stephen & Judith Kleinmaier
Diana Klimke
Dorothy Klinefelter
Ron & Cindy Klinge
Sharon Kluender
Beverly Klumph
Woody Kneppreth
Tom & Tammy Knickmeier
Steven Shulze & Kim Knorr
Eric Knueve
Daniel & Suzanne Knuteson
Joyce Clark Knutson
Jan Koenig
Cheryl Koerwitz
Darrell & Jane Kolstad
Marian Kontek
Sue Kopp
Carol M. Korf
Kim Koster
Tim Kotnour
Robert & Bonnie Kott
Jennifer & Bill Kraemer
Paula & David Kraemer
Jennifer Kraemer
Kaci Kramer
Madeline Krasno
John Kreckman II
Kimberly Kreitlinger
John & Joyce Kriedeman
Christina Kruz
Amy Kuehn
Matt Kuffa
Warren & Judy Kukla
Tom Kurtz
Richard & Judy Kvalheim
Karla & Ross Ladwig
Jason LaHaye
Heather Lampert
Greg & Ann Landry
Chris LaRowe
Lance Larsen
Anthony Lauer
Matt & Nicole Lavold
Ilene Lawson
Duane & Rosie Lawson
Tim Lawton
Kathleen Lee
Roma Lenehan
Greg Shue & Tanya Lettman-Shue
Beverly Lewis
Shelly Lindberg
Jack Lockwood
Robert & Patricia Lockwood
Lisa Lodermeier
Lodi Womans Club Free Library
Gary & Sue Loertscher
Lucy & Guy Lofts
Wanda Lomprey
Mary Long
Anna C. & Margo L. Lord
LSS Madison
Mark & Kelley Luetkehoelter
Gary Lukken
Jim Lund
Steven Lund
Eric & Laura Lussier-Lee
Lesleigh Luttrell
William & Brenda Lynch
Marcia MacKenzie
Erin Mackesey
Joseph & Kjersten MacMillan
Midvale Elementary
Bob & Courtney Maher
Katlyn Mallach
Tom & Mary Ann Mallon
The Management Group, Inc.
Mary Manering
Katie & Ben Marcus
Markesan District Schools
Marshall Area Business Association
Charles Martin
Ruth Martin
Sue & John Mauritz
Roger Maynard
Howard Mazur
Kimberly McAloon
Kerin McClain
Suzann & Bill McClenahan
Mark McColloch & Theresa L. Roetter
Richard W. McCoy
Michael & Rosalie McDermid
Kathleen McElroy
Julia McGann
Stuart & Ellen McKirdy
Gillian McLellan-Williams
Terri McNamara
Patricia McQuiddy
Mark & Jessica Mederson
Becky & Brad Meinholz
Michael & E. Meinholz
Meridian Group, Inc.
David Merritt
Sally & Gary Messner
Maria Meyer
Doris Meyer
Joshua Mezrich & Margaret Schwarze
Elizabeth H. Middleton
Middleton-Cross Plains Area School District
Gail Midlikowski
Ken Minor
Eric Mischo
Robin Mittenthal
Mike & Jennifer Modica
Randall & Doris Montague
Patricia & Trish Moody
John & Elizabeth Moore
Gabriella Morbito
Gail Morton
Mount Horeb Area School District
Dr. Bruckner
MSA Professional Services, Inc.
Jodi Mueller
Brian Mullen
James & Judith Ann Munro
Tyler Nadelhoffer
National Mutual Benefit
Nazareth Facilities LLC
Erica & Mike Neher Family
Neillsville Middle School
Matt & Jeanne Nelson
Shannon Nelson
Christine Nelson
Keith Nelson
Timothy Nelson
Autumn Nero
Shawdi Nesbit
Grant & Linda Nesheim
Viki Nettum
Kathie Newman
Anne Ng
Tom & Julia Nicholas
Dr. Thomas Nicholls
Karl Nichols, Rebecca Parish & Family
Paul & Barb Noeldner
Kate Nolan
Joseph Nosek
Brooke Novacheck
Rob & Heidi Nowak
Beth Ann & Paul Nylander
Oak Park Place of Madison, LLC
Chris O’Berem
James & Monica O’Brien
Meghan Ogden
Linda Olson
Laurie Olson
Nancy O’Neill
Erin Orlowski
Brenda Outhouse
P & J Eagle Sheet Metal, Inc.
Jeanine Partridge
Carolyn Pasek
Hannelore Patchin
Laura Patterson
Sara Patterson
Jane Patton Walsh
Christopher Paul
Dr. Richard M. Pauli
Kurt & Evelyn Paulsen
PC Nametag, Topizes & Associates
Dick & Noel Pearson
Tom & Kathy Pederson
Mary Pennel
PEO Sisterhood Chapter DH
Ellen Rosner & Barry Perkel
John & Verna Perkins
Colin & Elizabeth Petersen
Neil Peters-Michaud
Debbi Peterson
Bruce & Danielle Peterson
David Peterson
Sandra Pfahler
Greg Pfluger
Scott R. Pichelman & Beth Steffen
Sheryl Piper
Eric & Marcia Pollock
Mike & Peg Pomeroy
Michael Pomeroy
Robert & Jeanne Porter
Colleen Potter
Prairie Hill School
Christine Probasco
Scott Procknow
Donna Procknow
June Quesnell
David Rabago & Aleksandra Zgierska
Lisa Radebaugh
Jenelle Rademacher
Jackie Ragus
Michelle Rameker
Marla Rauls
Stephanie Reinke
Ed & Mary Lou Reisch
Susan Reyes
Kellie Rhinerson
Deborah Rice
Rob & Carrie Richard
Matthew & Susan Richardson
Mark & Karen Richardson Family
Claire Rider
Jason & Megan Ries
Marguerite Rietveld
Ripon Area School District
Roberta Riportella
The Ripple Family
Michelle Rittenhouse
Jason Ritter
Louise Robbins
Keri Robbins
Roberts Family
John Voegeli & Jeannie Roberts
John & Peg Roberts
Lelani A. & Joyce M. Robertson-Hoyt
Raymond & Debra Robey
Kirk & Roxanne Robinson
Rockton School District #140
Lori Lee & Ben Roden
Connie & Bob Roden
Susan Rogers
Sarah Wernimont & William Rogers
Anthony & Angela Rogerson
Ramona Rohr
Rosemary Garfoot Public Library
Elaine & Gail Rosenblatt
Barbara Rosser
Tamre Rotar
Nancy Royal
RRVCGS Troop #12
Mark & Ann Rugowski
Robert & Lindsey Runyon
Tracie Rush
Jeanie Sadlon
Mary Sagan
St. Clare Rehab Services
James & Julie Sampson
Harland & Faye Samson
Leah, William & Lily Sandholm
Jeff & Kathryn Sassorossi
Louise Schadauer
Gary Schaefer
Marleigh Sceaff
Dana & Pat Scheckel
Donna Schleicher
Jeffrey & Joy Schleusner
Kathy Schlimgen
Stephanie Schlimgen
Alyson L. Schmeisser
Kathryn Schmidt
Jason Schneeberger
Schoenemann Construction, Inc.
David & Jeanne Schommer
Michael and Gwen Schrader
Beverly Schrag
Rebecca & David Schremp
Bill Schroeder
Richard & Patricia Schroeder
Theron Schultz
Robert & Patricia Schwan
Kathleen Scott
Jeff & Beverly Sears
Walt & Rachael See
Fabiano Seema
Sehgal Family
Jessica Seiders
Barbara Seif
Richard & Natalie Sewell
Charlene Shabi
Yan Shen
Bonnie Shepke
Wallace Sherlock
Brenda Sherry
Lisa Sherven
Joyce L. Shinnick
Julie Short
Raphael & Frances Shunk
Judy & Marv Siegert
Timothy Sikes
David Simon
Steve Singel
Lawrence Singer
Riki Sjachrani
Pamela Skaar
Hollis Skaife
Randall Skiles
Steve & Carol Skolaski
Ron Skoronski
Alisa Smith
Amber Smith
Randall & Brenda Smith
Jason Smith
Robert & Suzanne Smith
Louis & Elsbeth Solomon
Don & Susanne Soppe
Deborah Sorin
Rae Sprague
James & Lisa Stadler
Kelly Staerzl
Paul & Carol Stang
Annette L. Stebbins
Jolene Steinhorst
Jana Steinmetz
RJ Stellflue
Joseph T. & Jamie Steuer
Lynne K. Stevens
Kevin & Jennifer Stevens
Kathy Stewart
Rodney & Michael Stewart
Lee & Rebecca Stilwell
Tom & Marge Stoneman
Jean Stover
Marvelle Strand
Keith & Karisa Strasma
Diane & Steve Streck
Kim & Dan Striebel
William & Victoria Stroess
Callie Strouf
Patricia & Phillip Stroupe II
Terry Struble
David & Dawn Stucki
Brady Sumner
Dennis Sumwalt
Julie Svendsen
Edwin Swanson
Ashley Sweeney
Suzanne Swift
E.M. & Virginia Swingen
Karen Taff
Tanya’s Big House 4 Kidz
Rich Thomas
Russell D. & Susan J. Thomas
Randy & Lisa Teidt
Chet & Donna Thomas
Andrea Thompson
Georgia Thompson
Linda Thompson
Michael G. & Susan J. Thompson
Sue Ann Thompson
Zachary Throckmorton
Chris Tierney
Joanne K. Topham
Mark & Joellen Torresani
Shane Tracy
Maxine Triff
Brian Trupke
Vernon & Lynn Tucker
Bill & Sandy Turnipseed
Daniel Uebelacker
Scott S. & Anna R. M. Ulrey
United Way of Dane County
University of Wisconsin Madison
Cindy J. Urfer
Tomas Uribe
Michael & Cheryl Urso
Jason Valerius
Katie Van Altena
Kim Vanbrocklin
Shirley Vandall
Matt Vanderloo
Walter & Diane Vandervest
Verona Area School District
Regina Vidaver
Village of Mount Horeb
Village of Oregon
Doran & Michelle Viste
Arnold & Carol Vollmer
Dave Vondra
Justin & April Vondra
Sally Vultaggio
William Wade
John M. & Karen A. Waggoner
Glenn & Jeannie Wahlgren
Kristi Waits
Corinne R. Wakeman
Margy Walker
Dorothea Walker
John E. Wall
Sandra Wallace
Kathy & Bailey Walsh
Lin Wang-Ting & Liju Tsao
Doug & Sue Ward
Sally & Ben Washburn
Holly Waterman
Anne Weaver
Timothy Webb
Lisa & Joseph Wegner
Cleo S. & Judith A. Weibel
Marc & Lee Weinberger
Frances & Laurence Weinstein
Martha Well
Beth Wellner
Elizabeth Werner
Gina Wesseln
Lucille & Bob Westervelt
Pamela Westmark
John Westphal
Jed & Sharon White
Steven & Betty Wilcox
Barbara Wiley
Mike & Candi Wilkinson
Paul & Coe Williams
Jayme Wilson
Pam & Jerry Wilson
Michael & Theresa Wilson
Wilson School
Mary & Jeffrey Winkler
Mary Witte
Jaclyn Wittkamp
Richard & Ellen Wolman
Woodbridge Primary School
Tracy & Paul Wrycha
Sansun Yeh
Anna & Jake Young
Jessica Yurchich
Lauren & Nancy Zabel
Ann & Jim Zagzebski
Sofia Zahed
Martin Zanni
Tom & Kathie Zaremba
R. Zempel
David & Janet Zentner
Rebecca & Paul Zerfas
Barb & Bill Ziegler
Sue Ziegler
Chelsea Zillmer
Paula Zipperer
Mark Ziwgg
George & Dorothy Zografi
Lisa & William Zorr
Miranda Zuhlke
Halloween at the Zoo
Special Event Donations
Major Sponsors
Associated Bank
Pepsi-Cola of Madison
Smart Motors
Zoo Century
Birthday Party
Pepsi-Cola of Madison
Train & Carousel Sponsor
CUNA Mutal Group
Silver Sponsor
First Business Bank
Bronze Sponsors
Flad and Associates
Group Health Cooperative
Milwaukee Valve Company
J.H. Findorff & Son
Green & Gold
Training Day Camp
Physician’s Plus
Rock ‘N’ Roar
Zoo Benefit Dance
Major Sponsor
Associated Bank
Supporting Sponsors
American Family Insurance
Baker Tilly
Silver Sponsor
Madison Gas & Electric Foundation
River Valley Bank
Zoo Run Run
Major Sponsor
Country Financial
Train & Carousel Sponsor
Fortune Family Foundation
Roo Run Sponsor
Town Bank
Supporting Sponsor
Murphy Desmond Lawyers, S.C.
Silver Sponsors
American Transmission Company
Group Health Cooperative
Colony Brands
Treat Stop Sponsors
Don’s Home Furniture
Kayser Automotive Group (Ford)
Rocky Rococo Pan-Style Pizza
Black Belt America
SwimWest Swim School
Cave of the Mounds
Monona Plumbing
Midwest Family Broadcasting
Zoo Century Gala
Electronic Theatre Controls (in-kind)
Supporting Sponsor
First Business Bank
Earth Day
Volunteer Sponsor
Kohl’s Department Stores
Take a Ride on the Wild
Side with Jack Hanna
Supporting Sponsors
American Transmission Co., LLC
Celebrations Entertainment
Group Health Cooperative
BRONZE Sponsor
Milwaukee Valve
Media Sponsors 2011-2012
Adams Outdoor Advertising
Madison Magazine
Midwest Family Broadcasting
Wisconsin Public Radio
Wisconsin State Journal
Photo by James Lipps
Help us fulfill our renewed commitment to your Henry Vilas Zoo
by making a year-end donation to the Friends of the Zoo. Your
donation will support the Zoo and help us to provide the best
possible care to all of our zoo animals. If you would also like
to make a designated donation in support of our Animal
Health Center, please contact Friends of the Zoo at
(608) 258-9490 or visit us online at vilaszoo.org.
Thank you for your support!
Photo by James Lipps
606 South Randall Avenue
Madison, Wisconsin 53715
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Madison, WI