2008 Annual Report


2008 Annual Report
making the connections finding the links establishing the relationships
2008 Annual Report
The Indianapolis Zoo will empower
people and communities, both
locally and globally, to advance
animal conservation.
making the connections finding the links establishing the relationships
There’s no question that zoos and aquariums
Shared Interests
are among the most popular attractions in the United States.
Poll after poll and survey after survey indicate that overwhelming
majorities of Americans look to the nation’s zoo communities as
places for family visitation and that the public both appreciates
and enjoys what zoos offer. The general public’s fascination with
animals of all kinds is demonstrated by the continued support
given to the nation’s zoos and the zoo visitors’ views that they
have gained important information from their encounter that
makes them more likely to help in animal conservation.
What is also evident is that zoos have changed tremendously throughout
the last decades, evolving into places where exotic animals are not
simply displayed for the public’s pleasure but are exhibited, housed,
interpreted, and managed in a way that promotes the conservation
of threatened and endangered species. Certainly that is the mission
of the Indianapolis Zoo, where we have affirmed our commitment to
conservation, as well as taken the next logical step in making us one
of the most remarkable zoos in the world.
Not only are our exhibits, programs, and interpretative elements,
such as signage, becoming more global in approach, we are increasingly
producing exhibits that serve as “gateways,” connecting the local
community to animals in the wild and the researchers and caregivers
working in those animals’ home ranges to keep them safe.
One good example is Oceans presented by Old National Bank, which
combines a variety of experiential learning opportunities that impress
upon visitors a holistic view of oceans, marine mammals, fishes, habitats,
and the forces that affect them–most notably climate change. Within
Oceans, visitors go from a true “touch and feel” experience, such as
petting a shark, to a “virtual” activity, such as taking a computer survey
on what they learned about marine life. We even provide visitors with a
wallet-size card from Seafood Watch that details which food fishes are
okay or not okay to consume based on the fishes’ level of sustainability.
Another example is the Cheetah exhibit in partnership with The Tony
Stewart Foundation and made possible through the generosity of Polly Hix
and Tony Fair. It is scheduled to open in 2010 and will offer visitors close
encounters with the most endangered of the big cat species. Visitors will then
have the opportunity to translate their interest (and perhaps passion, if we’re
lucky) generated by the exhibit into direct action by supporting the Cheetah
Conservation Fund in Africa in its efforts to save cheetahs in the wild.
In 2008, we, in partnership with Lowe’s, were able to make the connection
between one of the most charismatic animals on the Earth–the magnificent
polar bear–and the general public through a unique initiative called
MyCarbonPledge.com. Utilizing this web site, which detailed the threats to
polar bears from disappearing and shrinking sea ice due to climate change,
we gave web visitors the chance to make a difference by pledging to replace
incandescent light bulbs with the more energy-efficient CFL bulbs.
A more direct animal connection came in late 2008, when we had the
privilege of honoring a real icon of animal conservation, Dr. George
Schaller, with the biennial Indianapolis Prize. Schaller, whose leadership in
groundbreaking field biology and research has inspired and informed more
than one generation of eager students, was guided by Zoo staff in making
that local/global connection in a variety of ways.
It’s all about finding the links, establishing the relationships, and forming the
alliances that will accomplish the strategic goals of preserving the natural
world, not only for ourselves but for our children and their children. That’s
what 2008 was about, what this year will be about, and what will be the
focus of the years ahead.
Your support makes that possible. Thank you.
Michael I. Crowther
President & CEO
Pawel Fludzinski
Chairman of the Board
1: a careful preservation and protection of something;
esp. planned management of a natural resource to prevent
exploitation, destruction, or neglect Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary
An endangered species is a population of an
organism that is at risk of becoming extinct because it is few
in numbers and/or is threatened by changing environment.
Human influence over the Earth’s ecosystems has been so
extensive throughout the last 10,000 years that scientists have
difficulty estimating the total number of animal species that
became extinct during this era. The rates of deforestation,
reef destruction, wetlands filling, and other human acts are
proceeding much faster than the human assessment of the
Earth’s species. The World Conservation Union (IUCN) has
calculated the percentage of endangered species as 40 percent
of all organisms based on the sample of species that have been
evaluated through 2006. Only a few of the many species at risk
of extinction actually make the list. Many more species become
extinct, or potentially will become extinct, without the public
ever knowing.
Overpopulation of humans on Earth has been the main threat.
With overpopulation comes mass agriculture, deforestation,
overgrazing, slash-and-burn urban development, pesticide use, and
global warming. Basically, as the human impact on the environment
increases, the diversity of life decreases. Humans are constantly using
the resources and space of other species for themselves, negatively
impacting the survival rate of many creatures.
Wildlife conservation is the process of individuals and organizations
protecting and preserving these threatened and endangered species
through conservation education, preservation of habitat, and
management of fish and wildlife. There are many wildlife conservation
societies and organizations that work tirelessly to save wild lands
and wildlife through international conservation and education.
These groups strive to change attitudes toward nature and protect
natural areas and wild populations of plants and animals, including
endangered species.
One of the most recognizable categories of conservation groups is
accredited zoos, aquariums and sanctuaries. Utilizing a combination
of techniques, zoos have joined the fight to conserve wild things
and wild places. These include research on grounds and in the wild;
management and breeding of threatened and endangered species;
educational programming; green management of resources, including
recycling; promotion of local, regional, national, and international
wildlife conservation efforts; and more.
This report details how the Indianapolis Zoo, a leader in
conservation, brings these concepts to life.
Conserving the Natural World
One of the world’s foremost authorities
on the African elephant, Iain Douglas-Hamilton, was one of
the finalists for the 2008 Indianapolis Prize and is the founder
of Save the Elephants, an organization devoted to preserving
these most fascinating members of the animal kingdom. If you
visit the Save the Elephants web site, you’ll find a tremendous
amount of information on elephants, including this recounting
of a recent encounter between a wildlife cameraman and a
herd of wild elephants in Botswana. Kenya-born Mike Holding
is an accomplished director and cinematographer of wildlife
documentary films and docudramas for international television
and has won numerous international awards over the years in
recognition of his diverse talents. He was working on a BBC
documentary on elephants when he discovered that they were
apparently using their trunks to siphon off clean water from
the tops of dirty pools.
Holding said:“Thirsty elephants usually rush head-long into water and
splash with abandon, but this group did something I had never seen before.
They approached the pool quietly and stepped in very slowly, making as
little disturbance as possible. And then, remarkably, one after another,
the elephants began to carefully sweep their trunk tips across the surface,
delicately siphoning the few centimeters of clear liquid from the mud below.”
The filmmaker says he has never seen the elephants use their trunks in this
way before. He said:“I have spent countless days in the company of elephants,
and I believe this was a timely reminder that however much we think we
know about elephants, they always surprise us with some new and intelligent
piece of behavior.”
The lesson is even if you spend a lifetime exploring the natural world,
you’ll never know everything about it. That’s why we do what we do
here, as well as why we support the efforts of conservationists around
the world, making possible the connections between researchers in
the field and their benefactors here at home.
Conservation Impacts
When we consider what research projects
to pursue, we ask ourselves whether they are compatible with
institutional interests and values and managed in a manner that
enhances their probability of success. Such work is a direct
investment in the future, and has the potential to directly impact
the long-term survival–or extinction–of numerous species.
The Indianapolis Zoo pursues two different types of scientific inquiry
to these ends–conservation and research. Through our conservation
programs, we aim to impact directly the wild places in which animals
live. These efforts fall under the purview of our Polly H. Hix Institute
for Conservation and Research staff. Research occurs in every
interaction we have with the animals in our care. Some of the work
is simple observation, while other projects are cutting edge in their
respective fields.
Here’s a sample of what we’re doing here at the Zoo to ensure the
continued conservation of wildlife across the globe–within or outside
of human care.
Tarangire Elephant Project (Tanzania)
In the sprawling landscape of East Africa, a husband and wife team
lead the effort to save the lives of the largest animal on land –and
one of the most complex animals on Earth–the African elephant.
Charles Foley founded the Tarangire Elephant Project, and the
Indianapolis Zoo is its largest contributor. Those funds have been
used to help protect the fastest-growing population of African
elephants on the continent by keeping their migration routes open
and free of poachers. The Project is working with local communities
and tour operators to protect the main dispersal area of the northern
subpopulation of elephants. Under an agreement with the local
villagers, the area is used for livestock grazing and tourism, thus
protecting both wildlife habitat and traditional grazing areas while
supplying revenue to the village and its Maasai residents. The
agreement provides a model for protecting wildlife areas outside
a national park, and through the support of the Zoo, people in
Central Indiana are able to impact the people of Central Africa in
a positive way.
Caring for Elephants
The Indianapolis Zoo also supports The National Elephant Center,
the result of a unique collaboration among zoos accredited
by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA); individuals
and organizations that care deeply about elephants; and Waste
Management, a corporation committed to the environment and
species conservation.
education programs for young students in the Dominican Republic,
transect-assisted population monitoring, collection and interpretation of
biological samples from wild iguanas, and plans for satellite-assisted habitat
monitoring. “Project Iguana” represents the best elements of how and why
the Zoo makes connections, in this case, between similar organizations
involved in iguana research; the local zoo; local non-governmental
organizations; and, most especially, the young people of the Dominican
Republic who someday will carry on the conservation mission.
Even though elephants are the largest living land animals, their future
is in serious jeopardy in Asia and Africa due, in most part, to elephant/
human conflict and poaching. People who care about elephants and
those working in accredited zoos that care for elephants can best
address this crisis.
Accredited zoos have long supported elephant conservation and
research and have now established The National Elephant Center.
The Center is poised to become a world leader in elephant population
management, conservation, scientific research, and care in zoos and
in the wild. The Center will become the epicenter for AZA elephant
population management and excellence in care and conservation.
Today nearly 290 elephants are cared for in North American zoos
accredited by the AZA. Each one serves as a vital, living link to
elephants in the wild, directly inspiring people to care about the
future of elephants worldwide.
Planting Seeds
Endangered animal species are managed in AZA zoos through the
Species Survival Plan (SSP), a cooperative population management and
conservation program for selected species in North American zoos.
Each SSP manages the breeding of a species in order to maintain a
healthy and self-sustaining population. Beyond this, SSPs participate
The Zoo on the Worldwide Stage
in a variety of other cooperative conservation activities, such as
research, public education, reintroduction, and field projects.
Currently, 107 SSPs covering 161 individual species are administered
by the AZA. The Indianapolis Zoo maintains 18 different SSP animals
and holds five studbooks—the record keeping that allows the SSPs
to plan placement and breeding.
For example, the Zoo has been successful in breeding the two rarest
lizards on Earth, both rock iguana species, the Grand Cayman blue
iguana and the Jamaican iguana. In addition, the Indianapolis Zoo
has a continued presence in the Dominican Republic in an effort to
save habitat for the Ricord’s iguana. This is a full-scale commitment
and multifaceted program that includes such elements as an
The Indianapolis Zoo is also partnering with the World Conservation
Union (IUCN), one of the world’s largest conservation networks. The IUCN brings together 82 states, 111 governmental agencies, more
than 800 non-governmental organizations, and some 10,000 scientists
and experts from 181 countries in a unique worldwide partnership.
The Indianapolis Zoo, in partnership with the MacArthur Foundation, is
supporting the IUCN’s project documenting the known impacts of climate
change on species and habitat. Through the gathering and analysis of the
data gathered through this project, the IUCN will guide the development
of methods and tools for reducing the impacts of climate change on
vulnerable species. The data will enable us all to better understand which
species are at greatest risk and where to concentrate our efforts.
Lemur Babies
Looking Ahead
Seriously Fun Events
The Zoo also conducts studies that impact the health and well-being of
the animals in our own collection. For example, how would you know
if a baby ring-tailed lemur was growing at a normal rate? Today there
aren’t any information resources to guide their care. In several years,
however, there will be. Our lemur staff has gained the trust of mother
lemurs, allowing us to handle their babies and take weights and various
body measurements as they mature, thereby establishing baseline
data that others can use. In 2008, there were plenty of subjects for
this research–four tiny and very active baby lemurs that charmed
Zoo visitors throughout the summer. This project has significant
implications for the quality of care
we–and other zoos–are able to
provide. Because all lemur species
are endangered in their native
Madagascar, the well being of lemurs
in human care is extremely important.
Not only is breeding used to increase
the population of lemurs, but
the information garnered from
captive lemurs can be utilized in
understanding and managing wild
lemurs more effectively.
The addition of a formal nutrition program at the Zoo has opened
several avenues of inquiry. One of the more interesting long-term
studies is the dolphin taste study. While many zoo animals today accept
prepared diets, like those you buy for your pets, the Indianapolis Zoo
has a number of animals (dolphins, walrus, penguins, and more) that
instead depend on whole fish as a diet mainstay. Currently we thaw
more than 400 pounds of fish each day to feed these animals. But
with ocean pollution, dwindling fish stocks, and competition between
dolphins and humans for the remaining food fishes, we worry about
the long-term availability of quality seafood.
The Indianapolis Zoo also supports its local chapter of the American
Association of Zoo Keepers in two fundraising events. The annual
Bowling for Rhinos event raises funds for three rhino sanctuaries in
Kenya, Indonesia, and Sumatra. The Putting for Penguins miniature
golf event raises money for Feather Link, Inc., an organization devoted
to bird conservation.
The taste study began with dolphins because they are notoriously
finicky eaters. What level of each of the five taste parameters (salt,
sweet, sour, bitter, and umami (or protein) will a dolphin find
palatable? To find the answer, our dolphins have each been getting
cubes of gel as a side dish for the past year. Just like humans, of the
five flavors, the dolphins couldn’t get enough of their favorite–sweet.
The cubes have had different tastes added to them in ever increasing
concentrations. While fish will continue to be an important item in
dolphin diets, it may be possible to establish a healthy alternative
through the development of these gel substitutes, thereby saving
money and, more importantly, precious stocks of fish.
The Staff
To be an animal care professional at an accredited American zoo, you need
to have an almost unimaginable personal commitment, as well as being
the best of the best at your job. Statistically, there are more positions open
each year for professional football rookies than there are for first-time
zookeepers. That’s because the Indianapolis Zoo is one of only about 200
zoos in the nation accredited by the AZA, out of more than 2,000 federally
registered animal exhibit facilities. The requirements for accreditation are
extensive and complex, and the associated standards required of our staff
are high. For that reason, we are grateful for the highly qualified team of
experienced veterinarians, nutritionists, and zookeepers who work so hard
every day to ensure that our animals live long, healthy, and active lives.
Dave Merritt
Vice President & General Curator
New in 2008
Saving Endangered Species
Ringtail Lemur Babies and Crowned Lemurs Added –Zoo
visitors were enthralled throughout the year by the antics of
four baby ringtail lemurs. Leaping from branch to branch
or hanging from their toes, these babies were active and
absolutely charming. A pair of striking crowned lemurs was
added to the population on Lemur Island next to the Café on
the Commons. Its name, the crowned lemur, describes the
conspicuous marking above the brow line and by the sides of
the eyes. All species of lemurs are endangered in their native
habitat of Madagascar, primarily
from loss of habitat, conflict with
humans, and the introduction of
feral animals.
The Zoo’s breeding program is
important to the future of lemurs,
not only for its contribution to the population of lemurs in human
care but for research purposes. In addition, the Zoo staff keeps the
international studbook for ringtail lemurs (a detailed record of all
the animals in zoos used to make breeding decisions), as well as being
actively involved in lemur research within Madagascar itself.
It is in this context where a very special connection has been made
between Zoo staff and the native population of this stunning island.
Rich in fascinating wildlife, diverse habitats and often beautiful, if
sometimes harsh, environments, Madagascar is very poor financially.
While researching the native lemurs, Zoo staffers were invited to
meet groups of students from the local schools. They discovered
the people of Madagascar living at a barely subsistence level. By
coordinating donations from Indiana and elsewhere, the staff has been
able to send regular shipments of supplies to these children, including
paper, pencils, and other necessities. The hope is that this continuing
relationship will result in the desired outcome–a young population
committed to saving the animals of their native land.
New Gazelles – Last year we added a new species of gazelles to the
collection. Our two male Speke’s gazelles are part of plan for the Zoo
to house a bachelor herd of this species, courtesy of the Association
of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Population Management Plan. Speke’s
are one of the smallest African gazelles and are extremely fast. They
look similar to Thomson’s gazelles by being tan in color on the upper
portions of the body and white
underneath, with a dark stripe
along their sides. Speke’s
gazelles are endangered and
their original range included
most of Somalia and parts of
Ethiopia. The main reason for
their decline is loss of grazing
areas to livestock. Housing the
bachelor herd here will allow
for a wider variety of options
in terms of breeding these
rare animals.
African Wild Dog Arrives – Mbili, a female African wild dog, is
seven years old and was born at the Toledo Zoo. She arrived here in
April 2008. With her beautiful mottled coat and long slender legs,
it’s no wonder that this species is also known as the Painted Wolf. We
are working closely with the AZA’s Species Survival Plan (SSP) to
locate a mate for Mbili, so we can continue to breed these extremely
endangered animals.
Asian Small Clawed Otter Birth – Our mated pair of otters, Lizzie
and AJ, were once again successful in reproducing in 2008. A young
female pup, later named Makara, was born in March and now frolics
with her parents on exhibit. The otters are another SSP animal at
the Zoo–one of 18 different species here. The Zoo’s collection also
includes three native Indiana species that are endangered–the barn
owl, timber rattlesnake, and western cottonmouth snake.
Gentoo Penguin Chick – We were delighted in December 2008
when a new Gentoo penguin chick hatched–the first in Indianapolis
Zoo history. There is growing evidence to suggest that many wild
penguin populations are being stressed, and at the Indianapolis Zoo,
we are doing our part to help. Currently, 11 species of penguins
found in American zoos are managed under a Taxon Advisory Group
(TAG), and Karen Waterfall, area manager of Oceans presented
by Old National Bank, is a member of the Penguin TAG Steering
Committee. Recently it has been recommended that ten of these
species be moved into more intense categories of management.
More Babies – It was a productive year
all around the Zoo! We also welcomed
11 blue-tongued skink babies, a Dutch
belted calf named Martin, a Guinea
baboon named Obi, and a young kudu.
Visitors Go Behind the Scenes
In 2008, the Zoo piloted a program
called Adventure Tours, where visitors
could go behind the scenes at a variety
of interesting locations for a modest
fee. The Tours ran from late May
through August and proved to be a hit with participants who got to
pet a penguin; touch an elephant; or feed a dolphin, among many
other options. This interpretive program will continue and offers
Zoo staff one more opportunity to talk about conservation with
our guests.
Happy Anniversary – On June 11, 2008, the Indianapolis Zoo
celebrated its 20th anniversary in its White River State Park location.
To mark this special occasion, admission prices were rolled back to
the 1988 levels for the day and a local band played music from the
‘80s while visitors celebrated.
Rhinos Revised
All the remaining species of rhinos in the
world are endangered, and the Southern white rhino is one of
the Species Survival Plan (SSP) animals at the Indianapolis Zoo.
We are actively attempting to breed the rhinos, and as part of
that process, in 2008, the Zoo acquired two new white rhinos.
Weighing in at 5,000 pounds and not afraid to show his softer side
is Spike, our new male white rhinoceros. Spike is 19 years old and
came to us from an animal park in Florida on a loan exchange with
two of the Zoo’s other rhinos, male Ongava and female Jao. Spike has
successfully fathered calves in the past, and the SSP is hopeful that he
may mate with females Mambo or Gloria, our new female. Gloria
arrived at the Zoo in April. She is 29 years old, weighs about 4,000
pounds and is on loan from the Fort Worth Zoo.
It may be surprising that rhinos–with their rough exteriors, massive
size and razor sharp horns–are as much at risk of extinction as they
are. Rhinos have existed on Earth for more than 50 million years and
have a glorious history. In the past, rhinos were much more diverse
and widespread (occurring in North America and Europe, as well as
Africa and Asia).
Today, only five species of rhino survive. These five species are further
divided into 11 identified subspecies. These animals are threatened
by poaching, primarily for their horns, which are used in traditional
Asian medicine, as well as by habitat loss and degradation caused by
human encroachment. All but one species of rhinos are on the verge
of extinction. Without drastic action, some rhinos could be extinct in
the wild within the next 10 to 20 years. Only about 24,500 of these
marvelous creatures survive in
the wild, with another 1,250
in human care.
The Zoo also supports rhino
conservation through its work
with the International Rhino
Bear Cubs Create Excitement
One highlight of 2008 was the arrival of two
brown bear cubs from Alaska. Just in time for the annual holiday
event at the Zoo, the two cubs, brother and sister, took up
residence in the bear exhibit in Forests. The Association of
Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Bear Taxon Advisory Group (our
bear experts) suggests that exhibit spaces available for North
American brown bears be reserved for animals impacted by
adverse human/bear interactions. Unfortunately there are a
large number of such incidents across our nation as human
encroachment into wild places increases potential for conflict.
More incidents occur each year than appropriate homes can
accommodate—with tragic consequences for the affected
animals. Although we were given opportunities to receive brown
bears from other zoos, our staff quickly decided to reserve our
exhibit space for wild bears with absolutely no other options,
which was appropriate for the Indianapolis Zoo’s mission.
In August 2008, we received word that there may be an opportunity
for us to help a young pair of cubs. The area around Anchorage, Alaska,
was facing a season of increased and dramatic human/wildlife conflicts.
In one such case, a female bear with two cubs was believed to have
been responsible for mauling a jogger–a suspicion later confirmed
through DNA testing. Authorities dispatched the sow and were able to
catch one of the cubs, a male. It took almost three weeks before the
other cub, a female, was captured.
Both cubs were housed at the Alaska Zoo while we made arrangements
to receive them. After the cubs were reunited, two Indianapolis
Zoo staff members, including a veterinarian, flew to Anchorage and
accompanied the bear cubs on their trip to Indianapolis. At the time
of their arrival at the Indianapolis Zoo, the male, K’etnu (which
means river), and his sister Ki’ak (which means summer), weighed
between 85-88 pounds. Both were about eight months old. Following
quarantine and some time to adjust to their new home, these Alaskan
brown bear cub siblings were placed on exhibit. They grew rapidly
and now are both well over 200 pounds each. Eventually, the male
bear will top half a ton, and the female will reach a weight of about
600 pounds.
Their youthful antics and heightened activity levels created instant
excitement for both Zoo staff and visitors, and the cubs’ obvious good
spirits were the perfect holiday gift for us. With luck, we will be able
to follow this twosome through all the important stages of their lives.
Special thanks to the Alaska Zoo and the Alaska Department of Fish and
Game staff for their cooperation and to Federal Express for their support in
transporting Ki’ak and K’etnu to Indianapolis.
Koalas: Hit of the Summer
For summer 2008, the Indianapolis Zoo
featured two guests that exemplified two different but related
concepts–an exhibit with serious public appeal and a serious
conservation message. Koalas presented by Citizens Gas ran
from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend, and
drew thousands of visitors to see what our marketing efforts
promised were “the adorable duo.” The exhibit began with
Aboriginal artwork and music leading into the exhibit. The
Aussie atmosphere continued with other Down Under natives,
including finches, tree frogs, lizards, and snakes. At the end were
two Queensland koalas, Coombah and Bamba, on loan from the
San Diego Zoo. From the moment they arrived at Indianapolis
International Airport until their departure, they were the hit of
the summer season and indeed proved to be adorable.
The exhibit not only spotlighted how truly appealing these animals are
but told the story of how they are threatened in their native Australia
by human encroachment, habitat destruction, and predation from feral
animals. The accompanying exhibit interpretation–including signage,
daily keeper chats, naturalists, summer camps, and the Zoo web site–
gave important information on how visitors could help conserve koalas
in their home range, reinforcing the connection between a problem in
a distant location that can be impacted by actions taken by Hoosiers.
For more information on saving koalas, visit the Australian Koala
Foundation web site at
In the Field with Iguanas
In April 2008, the Indianapolis Zoo, in
partnership with The National Zoo of the Dominican Republic
(also known as ZooDom) and Grupo Jaragua (a Dominican
environmental non-governmental organization), participated
in a continued field research project on endangered Ricord’s
iguanas (Cyclura ricordii) in the Dominican Republic. The main
goal of this project was to perform a comprehensive population
survey of critically endangered Ricord’s iguanas and compare
that information to the population of threatened Rhinoceros
iguanas (Cyclura cornuta cornuta).
The cooperative nature of the team involved and the work
accomplished on a continuing basis over a long period of years
dramatically demonstrates what can be accomplished when
everyone is committed to a conservation mission. The Indianapolis
Zoo team included Dr. Betsy Stringer (Eli Lilly and Company Intern
Veterinarian), Renae Burks (Veterinary Technician), Dr. Jason Williams
(Nutritionist), Richard Searcy (Senior Keeper – Deserts Biome) and
John E. Wyatt III (Senior Keeper, Deserts Biome). Dr. Gerard Garcia
(ZooDom Veterinarian) and Dr. Laura Perdomo (Grupo Jaragua
Veterinarian) also participated in all aspects of this project. A local
guide Moná (Lago Enriquillo Guides) assisted with locating iguanas,
dens, and food plants.
In their habitat, iguanas of this species are the largest land animals.
Rock iguanas, of which Ricord’s iguanas are one species) were once
found throughout the Caribbean and West Indies, but they are now
threatened with extinction almost everywhere they live. Burgeoning
human population and development has destroyed much of their
habitat and fragmented most of what remains. Introduced species now
compete with iguanas for food, trample nest sites, kill the hatchling
lizards, and eat the eggs. The stakes are high, but iguana researchers
like the team from the Indianapolis Zoo believe that if the threats are
reduced and the iguanas are given some space and a little help, most
populations can recover.
The field site is Isla Cabritos, an island in the western region of the
Dominican Republic. This portion of the project was conducted using
a well-established method of population assessment. The team walked
transects running north and south every 500 meters across the length
of the island. During 2008’s population assessment, the team saw a
total of 18 Ricord’s iguanas and nine Rhinoceros iguanas.
In addition to the population research, the team continued biomedical
assessments of the Ricord’s iguanas. Animals were also tagged with
colored beads through the neck crest and microchips were placed
for future identification. A nutrition study was also initiated while
on Isla Cabritos, and the data will be utilized for comparison with
nutrient information collected from diets fed to captive iguanas to
develop nutrition protocols that more closely match the actual dietary
requirements for this species.
It is important to note that this project supports the World Conservation
Union’s Iguana Specialist Group’s Ricord’s Iguana Species Recovery
Plan. This was a continuation of research started five years ago, and
the Indianapolis Zoo will continue to send participants into the field
in the upcoming years to collect more data for the population survey,
biomedical assessment, and nutrition study. The Indianapolis Zoo also
maintains a board position on the International Iguana Foundation, and
Dr. Jan Ramer, Zoo Associate Veterinarian
and leader of this project, is deputy chair
of the Iguana Specialist Group.
Aquatic and terrestrial
(Animals in on loan are included. Animals out on loan are not included.)
Addra gazelle
African elephant
African wild dog
Desert tortoise
Amur tigerEastern indigo snake
Aquatic (Coahuilan) box turtlePolar bear
Blue-eyed black lemur
Crowned lemur
Grand Cayman blue iguana
Barn owl
Jamaican iguanaTimber rattlesnake
Radiated tortoise
Western cottonmouth
Red ruffed lemur
Ringtail lemur
White-handed gibbon
African elephant
Arizona ridge-nosed rattlesnake
Guinea baboon
Ringtail lemur
Addra gazelle
African elephant
African lion
African wild dog
Amur tiger
Asian small-clawed otter
Blue-eyed black lemur
Crowned lemur
Grand Cayman blue iguana
Guinea baboon
Jamaican iguana
Polar bear
Radiated tortoise
Red panda
Red ruffed lemur
Ringtail lemur
Southern white rhinoceros
White-handed gibbon
Seeds of Conservation
In 2008, nowhere was any greener than
White River Gardens, but, of course, being a botanical attraction,
you’d expect nothing less. Being green, however, doesn’t just
apply to the color of the plantings but to the concepts being
taught through the auspices of the Gardens, the horticulture staff,
and the volunteers who help create and maintain this urban oasis.
In its ninth full growing season last year, the Gardens showed off its
remarkable maturity for a public garden still quite young in botanical
terms. The design ideas and concepts demonstrated throughout the
outdoor DeHaan Tiergarten were magnified by the age and size of
the plantings and were bolstered by interpretative elements, such as
Gardener’s Notes signage, personal consultations with the staff of
the Dick Crum Resource Center, and a wide variety of educational
materials available for visitors to take home.
Inside the Hilbert Conservatory, the horticulture staff implemented
some subtle, but important, changes in the show programming
that focused attention on the habitats of plants and animals and
the importance of conserving native environments. The summer
“Butterflies” show included increased information on the lives and
ranges of the exotic specimens on display, while the fall show changed
to a new theme–“Autumn Harvest.” Not only did this new show
celebrate the natural beauty of autumn, it also provided information
on the relationship between Indiana’s agrarian heritage and the
preservation of native plants.
The Conservatory shows are supported through an endowment funded by the
Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation, Inc. The Indianapolis Zoo Art and Nature
programming is supported by the Arts Council of Indianapolis and the City
of Indianapolis.
Status of the Botanical Collection
Please Note: These totals represent all of the plants at the Indianapolis Zoo and White
River Gardens, including the grounds of the Zoo where the horticultural staff maintains
a flourishing and very green (in all ways) urban oasis.
The Green Zoo
The Indianapolis Zoo, always conscious of
conservation, has steadily increased its own participation in
programs that help protect the environment for all living beings.
• As of 2008, the Indianapolis Zoo is a 100% green user of electricity
through the Indianapolis Power & Light Company’s Green Power
Option that allows customers to purchase electricity generated from
clean, renewable energy sources, including wind, solar, geothermal
or biomass generation. www.iplpower.com
• The Indianapolis Zoo internally recycles all its recyclable paper,
corrugated cardboard, aluminum, glass, plastic, wood, scrap metal,
newspaper and mulch thanks to our official recycling partner, Ray’s
Trash Service. We use landscape and tree trimmings as enrichment
for some of our animals. In 2008, the Zoo recycled:
Paper 6.45 tons
Cardboard 22.71 tons
Bottles and Cans
(Plastic, Glass, Aluminum) 3.7 tons
Wood Waste
520 yards
Scrap Metal 11.64 tons
• The Indianapolis Chapter of the American Association of Zoo
Keepers maintains a program to recycle cell phones through
Eco-cell. All of the money raised goes to wildlife conservation
and research. www.eco-cell.org
• In the fall of 2008, the Indianapolis Zoo began an herbivore manure
recycling program. Partnering with Ray’s Trash Service, our manure
is taken to a special facility located in Indianapolis. There the
manure is composted and turned into fertilizer–completing the
natural cycle.
• In 2009, the Zoo will begin a new program to reuse a portion of
the saltwater contained in its dolphin facilities and will initiate a
public event to recycle electronics.
Reaching Out to a New Generation
Create awareness of conservation. Promote
a conservation ethic. Increase knowledge about threatened
wildlife and wild places. Protect wildlife. Among a long list of
programs and projects to be completed by the staff of the Polly
H. Hix Institute for Conservation and Research, these overriding
goals define the vision of the Zoo’s commitment to the next
generation of conservationists.
The Indianapolis Zoo is very excited about educating teachers,
students, and the general public about celebrating, protecting, and
preserving our natural world through conservation, education, and
research. In 2008, the education department became the Polly H. Hix
Institute, which merges the functions of education, conservation, and
science into a single operational unit. During this pivotal year, the
Institute staff served more than 30,000 students through a variety of
educational programs in addition to the 92,000-plus students who
visited the Zoo on school field trips.
Education Program
Number of Participants
School Field Trips
Dolphin In-Water Participants
Dolphin In-Water Observers
Zoo Camps
Overnights – Nocturnal Adventures
Overnights – Bunk for a Badge
Distance Learning
101 education programs
489 programs with 20,559 participants
Adventure Tours
Rich Clark Photography Workshop
Education Kit Rentals
IPS Animal Diversity Workshops
36 kits rented
574 third-grade students
2008 Volunteer Services Area Hours Report
Volunteers continued to play an integral role
in Zoo operations in 2008. Nearly 675 individuals between the
ages of 14 and 92 contributed 59,428 hours of service in more
than 40 different assignments. Partnering with Zoo staff, these
volunteers provide their own professional skills and expertise
in issues relating to animals and their stories and assist with
delivering the conservation message to our visitors.
For example, volunteers were stationed at the Oceans presented by
Old National Bank shark touch pool to assist guests with this unique
interactive experience. More than 750 shifts were filled throughout
the year in this one area alone. The on-grounds interpretation at the
Koala presented by Citizens Gas exhibit was enhanced with assistance
from the Indy Aussies Club. This group of native Australians shared
their personal stories with staff and guests throughout the planning
and implementation phases of the project, and they added great
atmosphere to the exhibit. Animal care staff were assisted in the daily
care of our collection by adult volunteers and college interns. The
beautiful plant life throughout the Zoo and White River Gardens was
also enhanced with volunteer Master Gardeners and those individuals
with “green” talent to share.
As the following report demonstrates, the Zoo benefits from volunteers
in every area, including veterinarian services, on-grounds interpretation,
administration, and more.
This report shows the number of Indianapolis Zoo Volunteers (Adult,
Intern, Zoo Teen, Special Events) who participated in given areas and
the total hours donated to the Zoo.
Volunteer Numbers
Volunteer Hours
Animal Care
Research & Observations
Veterinary Technician
Community Resources
Organizational Assistants
Guest Services
Special Needs
Special Events
Special Projects
Character Mascots
Occupational Health & Safety
No department listed
In 2008, the Indianapolis Zoo, in partnership
with Lowe’s, was able to make the connection between one of
the most charismatic animals on Earth–the magnificent polar
bear–and the general public through a unique initiative called
MyCarbonPledge.com. Utilizing this web site, which details the
threats to polar bears from disappearing and shrinking sea ice
due to climate change, we gave web visitors the chance to make
a difference. Visitors were asked to pledge to change a specific
number of incandescent lightbulbs for the more energy-efficient
CFL bulbs. Each individual who adopts this change helps reduce
the CO2 emissions that are causing global warming.
The site not only encourages
real, very specific actions
that help the environment,
it includes open discussions
on important issues and
fascinating information provided by a range of experts and concerned
citizens. This is a grass roots campaign targeting neighborhoods and
neighborhood associations, schools, churches, organizations, and
businesses. It is an online social community promoting green pride,
and it will continue with another tangible (and doable) call to action
in 2009–unplugging unused appliances that waste electricity.
Changing Behaviors
“My passion and profession have taken me to
many lands as a sympathetic trespasser and roving researcher
cooperating with local scientists, officials, and governments,
gathering the detailed knowledge upon which conservation
must be based so that I can promote and prod to preserve
fragments of a country’s natural heritage. I learned long
ago that conservation has no victories, that one must retain
connections and remain involved with animals and places
that have captured the heart–mountain gorillas, the Arctic
National Wildlife Refuge–to prevent their destruction. I
am sometimes asked why, given a world that is ever more
wounded and scarred, I do not simply give up, burdened by
pessimism. But conservation is my life: I must retain hope.”
The biennial $100,000 Indianapolis Prize represents the largest
individual monetary award for animal conservation in the world and
is given as an unrestricted gift to the chosen honoree.The Indianapolis
Prize was initiated by the Indianapolis Zoo as a significant component
of its mission to inspire local and global communities to celebrate,
protect, and preserve our natural world through conservation,
education, and research. This award brings the world’s attention to
the cause of animal conservation and the brave, talented, and dedicated
men and women who spend their lives saving the Earth’s endangered
animal species.
Dr. George B. Schaller
A Naturalist and Other Beasts:Tales From a Life in the Field
Recipient of the 2008 Indianapolis Prize
Honoring Heroes of Conservation
A direct connection to animal conservation
came in late 2008, when we had the privilege of honoring a
real icon of animal conservation, Dr. George Schaller, with
the biennial Indianapolis Prize. Schaller, whose leadership in
groundbreaking field biology and research has inspired and
informed more than one generation of conservationists, was
guided by Zoo staff in making that local/global connection
in a variety of ways.
His recorded messages, along with messages from the other Prize
finalists, were heard via cell phones accessed on Zoo grounds through
our Dial-a-Hero program. His work was explained and lauded on
the Indianapolis Prize web site, and his accomplishments and serious
concerns were publicized to huge audiences via radio, television and
print. His experience and wisdom were displayed via television and
the Internet during a live webcast from Ball State University. His
voice was raised in challenge to the assembled audience at the Prize
Gala presented by AES Corporation. His words of wisdom, along with
those spoken by fellow Prize finalists, Dr. Iain Douglas-Hamilton and
Dr. Rodney Jackson, were passed to children during the Meet-a-Hero
event at the Zoo. His message was carried from coast to coast on a
special lecture tour that stretched from California to the National Zoo
in Washington, D.C.
Through the auspices of the Prize, genuine heroes of conservation –
such as Schaller, Douglas-Hamilton, Jackson, Dr. Laurie Marker,
Dr. Roger Payne and Dr. K. Ullas Karanth, along with 2006 recipient
Dr. George Archibald of
the International Crane
Foundation – are making
the case for conservation by
leading the way through their
actions and by providing
inspiration for us all.
Statement 2008
Support and Revenue
Earned Revenue
$ 4,192,755
$ 3,691,916
49% Earned Revenue
Investment Income
19% Contributions
Other $
Net assets released from restrictions
$ 2,121,427
Total Support and Revenue
support and revenue
17% Membership
10% New Assets Released
2% Investment Income
3% Other
79% Operations
11% Fund-Raising
8% Management and General
2% Membership Development
Management and General
$ 1,596,941
Membership Development
$ 2,122,347
total Expenses
Change in net assets before depreciation
and amoritization
$ 1,961,800
Depreciation and amoritization
$ 4,934,669
Change in net assets before other changes
Other Changes
Gain (loss) on disposal of fixed assets
Net realized and unrealized gains on investments
$ (130,064)
Net assets released for capital projects
Change in unrestricted net assets
A copy of the 2008 Audited Financial Statement is available upon request.
Life Trustees
Regina F. Adams
William A. Carter
Jack R. Lee
Dean H. Phillips
Pauline K. Selby
Maribel Stark
Marjorie C. Tarplee
Thank You
“I have found that
among its other benefits,
giving liberates the soul
of the giver.”
maya angelou
Board of Trustees
Pawel Fludzinski (Chair)
Michael W. Wells (1st V. Chair)
Alan Cohen (2nd V. Chair)
Ann D. Murtlow (Secretary)
Matthew A. Cohoat (Treasurer)
Richard A. Ackley
Daniel C. Appel
Cynde Barnes
Kathryn G. Betley
Michael E. Bosway
Dennis W. Casey
Beth E. Cate
Kyle B. Fisher
Michael K. Gorey
Frank Hancock
Kim Harlow
Jeffrey A. Harrison
Thomas Q. Henry
Reuben B. Hill
Perry Hines
Ann H. Hunt
Scott A. Jones
John L. Larson
Karen Ann L. Lloyd
W. Kent Manuel
Polly G. Nicely, M.D.
Amy Minick Peterson
James L. Powers
Steven A. Ramos
William T. Rosenbaum
Steven J. Schenck
Roger S. Snowdon
Richard J. Thrapp
Stephen B. Towns
Steven F. Walker
C. Daniel Yates
founder members
Robert R. Baxter
Eleanor F. Bookwalter
Gilbert S. Daniels, Ph.D.
Don B. Earnhart
Suzanne M. Fehsenfeld
Laura George
Betty D. Givens
Eugene B. Glick
Donald F. Gongaware
Anita J. Harden
Tomisue Hilbert
Robert B. Hirschman
Polly Horton Hix
R. Caesar Johnson
Julia L. Lacy
Dale Leff
J. George Mikelsons
John M. Mutz
John T. Neighbours
Julian DV Pace, II
Steven M. Paul, M.D.
Mel Perelman
Myrta Pulliam
honorary trustees
Joseph D. Barnette, Jr.
William G. Mays
Suellen Reed
Jerry D. Semler
Advisory Council
Holiday W. Banta
Robert Bedell
Quinn Buckner
George P. Gabor
Mark C. Gargula
Fran Jacoby
F. John Mills
Mary Beth Oakes
Jim Oliver
LouAnn Palmer
Linda L. Pence
Gregory Q. Schorr
John Sharpe
Bradley M. Sutton
Christine Woodward-Duncan
Indiana Zoological
Foundation Fund
Michael J. Alley
Daniel C. Appel
Pawel Fludzinski
Matthew A. Cohoat
W. Kent Manuel
Ann D. Murtlow
Joyce Nelson
Myrta Pulliam
Steven J. Schenck
Michael W. Wells
Individual Donors
The following represents cumulative cash gifts of
$2,500 or more for operations, special projects,
sponsorships, events, and capital campaign
between 1/1/2008 and 12/31/2008.
$25,000 & above
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fehsenfeld
Polly Horton Hix
Dr. Ann H. Hunt
Ms. Kay F. Koch
The Ruth Lilly Philanthropic Foundation
Myrta J. Pulliam
Bill & Shirley Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Seeley
Mr. & Mrs. David Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ackley
Ms. Holiday W. Banta & Mr. TJ Cole
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Barber
John & Cynde Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Boxman
Fred & Beth Cate
Dr. & Mrs. Pawel Fludzinski
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fortune III
Dr. & Mrs. Brendan P. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Hirst
Mr. & Mrs. V. William Hunt
Mr. Scott A. Jones
Mr. Kevin Michael Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Larson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Marmon
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Oakes
Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Sant
Herb & Bui Simon
Cindy Simon Skjodt & Paul Skjodt
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Smulyan
Bob & Cheryl Sparks
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Appel
Ms. Jane Brigham & Ms. Juanita Smith
Mr. & Mrs. George P. Broadbent
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Brown
Mrs. Barbara J. Burris
Mr. Steve Cagle
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Carmichael
Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Cohoat
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Crowther
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Earnhart
Lori Efroymson-Aguilera & Sergio Aguilera
Mr. & Mrs. James Goetz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Gongaware
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Gorey
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Hirschman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ice
Ms. Fran Jacoby & Mr. Morris Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Eli E. Lilly II
Mr. & Mrs. David Marshall
Ms. June M. McCormack
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Perelman
Mrs. Edward J.F. Roesch
Mr. Neal Rothermel & Ms. Mandy Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Schenck
Dr. Marguerite K. Shepard
Ms. Deborah J. Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Sutphin
Mrs. Robert E. Tarplee
Dr. Janet K. Turkle & Mr. Mike Coppinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Turner
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Van Hove
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Viale
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Woodley
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Ackley
Mr. Les Acree & Dr. Ana Vazquez-Acree
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Adomitis
Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Alley
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Ambrous
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Amlung
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon N. Arbuthnot
Mr. Spiro Bereveskos & Ms. Lisa Hiday
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Betley
Mr. Mike Callas
Ms. Darlene Christy
Mr. Charles S. Cooper
Dr. & Mrs. Robin D. G. Cooper
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert S. Daniels
Mr. & Mrs. David M. DeWitt
The JoAn Hall Family
Mr. & Mrs. Berkley Duck
Dr. & Mrs. William G. Enright
Mr. Marek Fludzinski
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Friend
Drs. Gregory A. & Carol L. Gaich
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Gard
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Gargula
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Givens
Mr. & Mrs. Cuthbert P. Gorman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Whitney B. Grayson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Grayson
Mr. & Mrs. H. David Green
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Griffith, III
Mr. Erman Hall, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Hancock
Ms. Anita J. Harden
Mr & Mrs. Michael A. Hartman
Mr. Keith E. Henry, III &
Ms. Christine Paunicka
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson B. Houck
Ms. Alice M. Hughes
Mrs. James L. Kittle
Mr. Michael A. Klein & Ms. Catherine A. Melfi
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Kollias
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. Andre B. Lacy
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Lane
Mr. Roy C. Levin
Mrs. Karen Ann L. Lloyd &
Mr. Gilbert Serrano
Mr. & Mrs. W. Kent Manuel
Mr. Michael J. Markowski
Mrs. James F. McCord
Mr. & Mrs. Craig M. McGinnis
Mrs. Felix T. McWhirter II
Mr. & Mrs. James Murtlow
Dr. & Mrs. William L. Muth
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mutz
Dr. Jill A. Panetta & Mr. Leo Bianchi
Drs. Scott & Yasemin Pirkle
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Prine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. N. Clay Robbins
Dan, Jeanette and Sarah Robertson
Mr. William T. Rosenbaum &
Ms. Mimi Brittingham
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruby
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Salin, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Rick C. Sasso
Mr. Albert Eric Schultze &
Ms. Marcia Kolvitz
Ms. Pauline K. Selby
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Shields
Mrs. Suzanne M. Smith
Mr. Frank H. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. L. Gene Tanner
Mr. Justin J. Tysdal
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Upchurch
Dr. & Mrs. J. Alan Webber
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wells
Dr. & Mrs. David H. Wolf
Ms. Christine Woodward-Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniel Yates
Lowell Nussbaum Society
The Lowell Nussbaum Society recognizes
individuals who provide operating support for
the Indianapolis Zoo. Named for our founder,
The Lowell Nussbaum Society represents
individuals who gave $1,000 and above
between 1/1/2008 and 12/31/2008.
Steward’s Circle
$25,000 & above
Polly Horton Hix
Ms. Kay F. Koch
Myrta J. Pulliam
Bill & Shirley Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Seeley
Conservationist Circle
Fred & Beth Cate
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Fortune III
Dr. & Mrs. Brendan P. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Hirst
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Marmon
Herb & Bui Simon
Cindy Simon Skjodt and Paul Skjodt
Bob & Cheryl Sparks
Guardian Circle $5,000-$9,999
Anonymous (2)
John and Cynde Barnes
Ms. Jane Brigham & Ms. Juanita Smith
Mrs. Barbara J. Burris
Mr. Steve Cagle
Mr. & Mrs. Alan H. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. David M. DeWitt
Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Earnhart
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Fehsenfeld
Dr. & Mrs. Pawel Fludzinski
Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Gongaware
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Griffith III
Dr. & Mrs. Robert B. Hirschman
Dr. Ann H. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ice
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Larson
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Eli E. Lilly II
Ms. June M. McCormack
Dr. Jill A. Panetta & Mr. Leo Bianchi
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Perelman
Mrs. Edward J.F. Roesch
Mr. Neal Rothermel & Ms. Mandy Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Russell
Dr. Marguerite K. Shepard
Ms. Deborah J. Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Sutphin
Mr. & Mrs. L. Gene Tanner
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Van Hove
Naturalist’s Circle
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Alley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Amlung
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon N. Arbuthnot
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bettis
Mrs. Leah P. Carter
Dr. & Mrs. Robin D. G. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Michael I. Crowther
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert S. Daniels
Lori Efroymson-Aguilera & Sergio Aguilera
Dr. & Mrs. William G. Enright
Mr. Marek Fludzinski
Mrs. Russell Fortune, Jr.*
Drs. Gregory A. & Carol L. Gaich
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Gard
Mr. & Mrs. Mark C. Gargula
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Givens
Mr. & Mrs. Cuthbert P. Gorman, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Grayson
Mr. & Mrs. Whitney B. Grayson
Mr. & Mrs. H. David Green
Mr. Erman Hall, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Hancock
Mr. & Mrs. James Harenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Emerson B. Houck
Ms. Alice M. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. V. William Hunt
Mr. Michael A. Klein & Ms. Catherine A. Melfi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Kruse
Mr. & Mrs. Andre B. Lacy
Mrs. Karen Ann L. Lloyd &
Mr. Gilbert Serrano
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Lurvey
Mr. & Mrs. W. Kent Manuel
Mr. Michael J. Markowski
Chuck & Debbie Marlett
Mrs. James F. McCord
Mrs. Felix T. McWhirter II
Mr. & Mrs. James Murtlow
Dr. & Mrs. William L. Muth
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mutz
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Prine
Mr. & Mrs. N. Clay Robbins
Dan, Jeanette and Sarah Robertson
Mr. William T. Rosenbaum &
Ms. Mimi Brittingham
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ruddell
Mr. & Mrs. William N. Salin, Sr.
Dr. & Mrs. Rick C. Sasso
Mr. Albert Eric Schultze & Ms. Marcia Kolvitz
Ms. Pauline K. Selby
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Shields
Mrs. Suzanne M. Smith
Mr. Frank H. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Sparks
Mr. Justin J. Tysdal
Mr. & Mrs. Brian W. Upchurch
Ms. Emily A. West
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Wolfe
Chairman’s Circle
Anonymous (3)
The Ackerman Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ackley
Mrs. C. Willis Adams
Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Allen
Dr. & Mrs. Wayne J. Ambrous
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Appel
Tim Ardillo & Jason Miiller
Ms. Holiday W. Banta & Mr. TJ Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Barnette, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Barretto
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Baxter
Mr. Thomas W. Beeler
Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Beering
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Behymer
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Betley
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Borinstein
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Boso
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Bosway
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Boxman
Mr. & Mrs. C. Harvey Bradley, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. R. Daniel Braun
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Brown Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Bruns
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. Bryant
Mrs. Betty Bunch
Dr. & Mrs. Robert W. Burchfield
Ms. Karen Burns & Mr. Richard Gevers
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Buttrey
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Casey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary V. Chris
Ms. Darlene Christy
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Cohoat
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Colvin
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Conour
Greg & Kathy Cookerly
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Cornelius
Mr. & Mrs. Bert L. Curry
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Robin Davis
Mrs. Edwin O. Davisson
Mr. & Mrs. James A. DeLoughery, Sr.
Ms. Ann Dettwiler
Mr. Rollin M. Dick
Mr. Jeffrey R. Donlon
Ms. Catherine A. Drook &
Mr. Melvin J. Crichton
Mrs. Nancy H. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Dykstra
Mr. Jeremy D. Efroymson
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Emmick
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Engledow
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fangman
Ms. Carol Feeney
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Fife
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle B. Fisher
Ms. Margaret F. Flack
Drs. Jerome Fleisch & Marlene Cohen
Mr. Ernst E. Forster
Mr. & Mrs. Otto N. Frenzel IV
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Frick
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Friend
Dr. & Mrs. Ed Gabovitch
Ms. Judith L. Gagen
Dr. William L. Gentry
Mr. & Mrs. Anton George
C. D. Geppert
Dr. & Mrs. Paul D. Gesellchen
Mr. Eric Gillispie & Mrs. Patricia Treadwell
Mr. Alan Goldsticker
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Gorey
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel B. Griffith
Mrs. C. Perry Griffith
Dr. & Mrs. Ted W. Grisell
Mr. Kenneth R. Gros-Louis
Mr. Mike Gunason & Mrs. Susan Wisely
Dr. & Mrs. E. Dale Habegger
Mrs. Randi Halbrook
Dan & Rhonda Hall for Sam, Toby & Autumn
McClintic, Lauren & Nicholas Szymczak,
Aubree & Owen Hall, and Victoria Adams
Ms. Dena Rae Hancock & Mr. P. Robert Caito
Mr. & Mrs. Doug H. Harlan
Ms. Kimberly K. Harlow
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Harrison
Ms. Elizabeth Hausser
Mr. Henry A. Havel &
Mrs. Mary P. Stickelmeyer
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Heidelman
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Henck
Mr. & Mrs. William Henshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hilbert
The Honorable & Mrs. Reuben B. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Hodson
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Hoeg
Matthew Holley & Evert Meza
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hoover
Miss Marilyn R. Hotz
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Howard
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Hubbard
Miss Elsa M. Hubert
Mr. Gregory A. Huffman
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Hull
Ms. Fran Jacoby & Mr. Morris Katz
Drs. Jon & Noel Jansen
Mr. David L. Johnson & Ms. Anne Nobles
Ms. Vickie Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Jungemann
Mr. Kevin Michael Kelley
Ken & Amy Kerrick
Mrs. James L. Kittle
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Klug
Mrs. Paula D. Knoebel
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest M. Kobets
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Kollias
Mrs. Mary Louise Krise
Mr. Robert E. Krivi & Dr. Gwen G. Krivi
Mr. Kevin Krulewitch &
Ms. Rosanne Ammirati
Mr. & Mrs. James E. LaCrosse
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Lang
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Langdon
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Laskowski
Mr. David N. Legge
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Lelenko
Mr. Roy C. Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Michael C. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Liebig
Ms. Rosemary Liebig
Mr. John M. Lockwood & Ms. Joyce F. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Luenz
Carol and Robert S. Lukemeyer, II
Mrs. Mildred S. Macdonald
Mr. & Mrs. Eldred MacDonell
Dr. & Mrs. James A. Madura
Rev. Joan B. Malick
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Manning
Mrs. Amy R. Marocco & Mr. Bill Marocco
Ms. Kim Mathews & Mr. Douglas E.Yost
Drs. William G. & Rose M. Mays
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McCaslin
Mr. Michael McGuire
Mr. & Mrs. Boris E. Meditch
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Earl E. Miller
Mrs. Thomas M. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. F. John Mills
Mr. Steven J. Milner
Mrs. Jean R. Minneman
Mrs. Beverly A. Minter
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Mitchel
Mrs. Frances L. Monroe
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Morstadt
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Morton
Dr. Daniel H. Mowrey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Muller
Mr. John Mybeck & Dr. Kathy Mybeck
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Neighbours
Dr. Polly G. Nicely & Mr. Wayne L. Nicely
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Noren
Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn B. Nulty
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Oakes
Mr. & Mrs. George S. Olive, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Orlowsky
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Osterburg
Dr. & Mrs. Charles J. Paget, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Paine, Jr.
Ms. Judith G. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Palmer
Mrs. Eunice B. Patterson
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Paxton
Mr. & Mrs. Barton Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Polakoff
Mr. & Mrs. Fred L. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Powers
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ramos
Dr. & Mrs. George F. Rapp
Miss Ellen M. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Reilly, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Reisinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Richards
Mr. & Mrs. Elton T. Ridley
Drs. Thomas W. & Bonnie G. Riley
Mrs. John R. Roesch
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Rosteck, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Rotelli
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Sandifer
Mr. Scott Sauls
Jack & Carolyn Schaefer Gray
Mr. & Mrs. Randy Scheidt
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Schenck
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Schenkel
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Semler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Semones
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Shaner
Mr. & Mrs. John Sharpe
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shea
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Sheehan
Dr. & Mrs. K. Donald Shelbourne
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Shoemaker
Mrs. Avis H. Skinner
Mr. & Mrs. Joe K. Slaughter
Mr. & Mrs. J. Albert Smith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore M. Solso
Dr. Dale Sommers
Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Snowdon
Miss Virginia Sparling
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick C. Stadler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Stark
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Staruszkiewicz
Dr. & Mrs. Len Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Stiehl
Ms. Karen Stierer
Mr. Charles E. Stinemetz
Judge & Mrs. Frank Sullivan
Mrs. Samuel Reed Sutphin
Mr. Dee W. Terrell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey H. Thomasson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Q. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Thrapp
Mr. Douglas Tillman
Dr. Janet K. Turkle & Mr. Mike Coppinger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. William Varanka
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Veenhuizen
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Viale
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Warne
Drs. August M. & Margaret Watanabe
Dr. & Mrs. J. Alan Webber
Ms. Sue Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Wells
Dr. Karen W. West & Mr. Keith E. Dwyer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. West
Dr. & Mrs. William J. Wheeler
Mrs. Joseph E. Whicker
Dr. Thomas Whittaker & Dr. Ann Zerr
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Willing
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willis
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Wise
Ms. Mary Dorothy Wisely
Mr. William J. Witchger
Dr. & Mrs. David T. Wong
Ms. Christine Woodward-Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniel Yates
Sally & Mark Zelonis
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Zimmerman
Mr. Ryan Zumbahlen & Ms. Christy Shaffer
* denotes deceased
Gift Club Program
The Gift Club Program recognizes individuals
who provide operating support for the
Indianapolis Zoo.The following represents
individuals who gave $250-$999 between
1/1/2008 and 12/31/2008.
Director’s Circle $750-$999
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Bedel
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bradner
Ms. Kris K. Brittain & Ms. Midori Fujii
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Cooke
Mr. Paul Crump & Mr. Ronald E. Crump
Mrs. Margot L. Eccles
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Grahn
Mr. & Mrs. Trevor Gray
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Jensen
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kann
Dr. & Mrs. Frederick R. Lane
Dr. & Mrs. Trevor Lloyd-Jones
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Miller
Blake Lee and Carolyn Neubauer
Ms. Norena N. Niles & Mr. Daniel Hopper
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. O'Loughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Julian DV Pace II
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Papineau
Mr. Narcisso G. Povinelli
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Reuben
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Schmidt
Ms. Nanette Schulte & Mr. Matt Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Teague
Curator’s Circle $500-$749
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Adrianse
Mr. Vernon J. Alexander
Mr. Steve Arany
Ms. Martha J. Bailey
Dr. & Mrs. G. Michael Ball
Ms. Joan R. Barclay
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Blanchet
Ted & Peggy Boehm
Sandy Bowen-Lehnen & Robert Lehnen
Mr. & Mrs. David D. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo J. Carnaghi
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne N. Caruso
Mrs. Dorothy W. Cate
Mr. Charles S. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Craig
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Culpepper
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. DeVoe
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Dickson
Mr. & Mrs. Berkley Duck
Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Duke
Ms. Cathy S. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Greg S. Eisenhauer
Mr. Paul Emmerson & Ms. Jean Buckwalter
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Fehr
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Fehribach
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Ferrara
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Fiscus
Mr. & Mrs. Tom J. Gawlik
Ms. Gina M. Giacone
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Gilbert
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gildea
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Goldsmith
Mr. Joseph W. Gordon & Mr. Mark Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Graham
Mr. & Mrs. David Hagan
Mr. John Hammond & Mrs. Diana Hamilton
Ms. Anita J. Harden
Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. Hardman
Dr. & Mrs. Edward A. Harlamert
Mrs. Nancy J. Harrison
Mr. Keith E. Henry, III &
Ms. Christine Paunicka
Mr. David Hilbert & Mrs. Rebecca Morison
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Hilligoss
G. Frank & Elizabeth Holland
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Holliday
Mr. & Mrs. Randy R. Houston
Mrs. Walter H. Huehl
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Huffman
Dr. Robert N. Hull
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. Needham S. Hurst
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hyde
Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Irish
Mrs. Cameron Johnston*
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Junod
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Kroot
Mr. & Mrs. Everett Kunzelman
Mr. & Mrs. John Andre Lacy
Dr. & Mrs. Eric S. Leaming
Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Lederman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Levin
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Los
Mr. Thomas A. Masner
Mr. & Mrs. Eldon DeWayne Mason
Mrs. Mary E. McCullar
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. McWilliams
Mr. David Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Miller
Mrs. Susan L. Mocas
Mrs. Helga Modlin
Mr. Darrel Moore & Ms. Mona Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Mulholland
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mullin
Ms. Marcia G. Nappi
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Neff
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth D. Niemann
Ms. Linda L. Pence
Ms. Jill L. Perelman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth A. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Dean H. Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Plews
Mrs. Robert W. Rawlings
Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Remick
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Rosensteele
Mr. Dexter Salenda & Ms. Crystal Fields
Mr. Michael B. Samm
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Sample
Mr. Gregory Schmidt & Mr. Eric Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Schmidt
Mrs. Richard L. Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Shrader
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sieck
Mrs. Lynn Sinex & Ms. Lisa Sirkin
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Skiles
Dr. Lynda A. Smirz & Mr. Russell B. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. James K. Sommer
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Springer
Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Stanford
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Stanley
Mr. Barry D. Stein &
Ms. Ellen M. Quardokus
Mr. & Mrs. John V. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Strauss
Dr. Bradley Sutton & Dr. Julie Torbit
Mr. Joseph N. Tansey
Mr. George W. Tapscott
Dr. Harold M. Taylor*
Mr. & Mrs. Bill R. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Craig W. Thompson
Dr. Shirley J. Trent & Dr. Jean L. Heffron
Ms. Doris V. Wells
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Whitt
Mr. Dennis Woerner & Ms. Joann Appleby
Keeper’s Circle $250-$499
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Abbert
Mr. & Mrs. David Abbott
Dr. & Mrs. Walter Able
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Achgill
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ahlemeyer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ahlgrim
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Akard
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Aksamit
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Albrecht
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Albright
Mr. & Mrs. Daron H. Aldrich
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Aldrich
Ms. Jamie Alexander & Ms. Carol Slazyk
Mr. & Mrs. Sy A. Ali
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Randall R. Allman
Ms. Mary Amos & Ms. Pamela Boone
Mr. Bill R Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Craig P. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Anliker
Mrs. Elmira Annis & Ms. Amy Vermillion
Dr. & Mrs. Berj Antreasian
Larry & Mille Apple
Miss Jennifer Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Meredith R. Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Armstrong
Ms. Christina Ash & Ms. Amanda Bear
Mr. & Mrs. James Asher
Mr. Jason Ashlock
Mr. Jerry Ashlock & Ms. Traci Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Austin
Ms. Trenli Bacon
Mr. & Mrs. Bertram Baker
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Terry W. Balko
Ms. Ellen Ball & Mr. Tom Twarek
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Bane, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Baney
Ms. Trudy Banta
Mrs. Patricia Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Bardy
Mr. Toby R. Barker
Mr. John H. Barnard
Mrs. Charles A. Barnes
Dr. Anna S. Barney
Mr. & Mrs. Max Barron
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Barta
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Bartley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Basso
Mr. & Mrs. Miles E. Batchelor
Mr. George Bates
Ms. Mary Batman & Mr. Dennis Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Battles
Ms. Beth Bauer
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Baxter
Mr. & Mrs. Rayman Bazilio
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bear
Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Beard
Mr. & Mrs. Jason P. Beard
Mr. Douglas Beck
Mrs. Mara Beck
Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Becker
Mr. & Mrs. David Belser
Ms. Lori S. Bendy
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Benson
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bernhard
Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Berrios
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Bischof
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bischoff
Mr. Roger Black & Dr. Patricia A. Wiggers
Ms. C. Beth Blake
Dr. & Mrs. Kerry Blanchard
Mrs. M. Diane Blankenship &
Ms. Jennifer Aldering
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Blazek
Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Bligan, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Blum
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher R. Blystone
Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Boas
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Boatman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Boellner
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Boesgaard
Mr. Stephen Borden & Mrs. Sally Codarmaz
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel R. Born
Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Bostic
Mr. & Mrs. John Botkin
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bow
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bowers, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew S. Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary B. Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. John Boyd
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Boyer
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Brackett
Mr. John Braman
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Branson
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Brantly
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Bratina
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Braverman
Ms. & Kelly Brawner
Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred C. Brehob
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Brewster
Ms. Barbara J. Briggs
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Bright
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Brobst
Mrs. Irene Brodey
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Bromer
Ms. Roberta L. Brooker &
Mr. John C. Presnell
Mr. Douglas D. Brooks &
Dr. Mary Lee Gambone
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory R. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Broome
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Brown
Mr. Chris M. Browning &
Mrs. Christina L. Arriaga
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Brunette
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Brunner
Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone L. Buckingham
Mrs. Suzanne Bucklew & Mr. Dan Kremer
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Budd
Mr. J. James Burg
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Burkholder
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Burlingame
Mr. David Burns & Ms. Deborah Frankenberg
Mrs. Ruth A. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Burris
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Burrow
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Burt Jr.
Ms. Katherine Burton
Mrs. Rowena R. Bush
Dr. Joseph C. Butterworth
Dr. & Mrs. Paul G. Caltrider
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Camm
Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Canada
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Cantrell
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Caplin
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Capron, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Gene R. Carey
Ms. Julie Carmichael & Mr. Perry Grove
Ms. Teresa K. Carpenter &
Mrs. Debbie L. Vanlandingham
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Carter
Mrs. Marcella Carter
Mr. Quincy Carter & Ms. Robin Y. Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Carter
Mr. Gerard Carthy & Ms. J. Carmel Egan
Mr. & Mrs. James Cash
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Casler
Mr. Ronald Cassell & Ms. Janice Cassell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Caswelch
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Catterson
Mr. & Mrs. William Chamberlain
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Chaney
Mr. & Mrs. William Chaney
Ms. Kimberly J. Charles &
Mrs. Donna J. Charles
Mr. Walter Charles & Ms. Susan G. Stevens
Dr. & Mrs. John D. Chase
Mr. Victor E. Childers &
Ms. Katharine Martin
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Christopherson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Chupp
Mr. & Mrs. William Clark
Mr. & Mrs. James Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clark
Drs. Steven A. & Diana L. Clark
Mrs. Sandra Clem
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Clemens
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence C. Coan
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Coleman III
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Collins
Mr. Donald Collins & Mrs. Leonor Weidman
Ms. Kyley Collins & Mr. Josh Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Stacey J. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Comparet-Helms
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Conine
Mr. & Mrs. David Conti
Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Contos
Dr. Ellen Cook & Mr. Ray Frazier
Tim & Renee Cookerly
Mr. & Mrs. Nolan Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Corbitt
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Corcoran
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Corsaro
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cottingham
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey D. Cottrell
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Cougill
Mr. Carl C. Cowen &
Ms. Janice Wheater-Cowen
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Cox
Mr. Troy Crabtree
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Cramer
Mrs. Joan L. Crane
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Crauder
Ms. Linda J. Crawford &
Ms. Martha Kollstedt
Ms. Rebecca J. Crum
Mr. & Ms. Rick Cuculick
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cueller
Dr. & Mrs. John Cummings
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Currier
Mr. & Mrs. Jon C. Dahlstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Dalstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Davis
Mr. Nathan Davis & Ms. Thresa Stroud
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Davison
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. DeHart
Mr. Ed Deitz & Mrs. Stephanie Kendall Deitz
Mr. & Mrs. Doug S. DeJarnatt
Norman and Betsy Deken
Mrs. Mary Jane Delinger
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Despot
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip W. Devaney
Ms. Mary Ann Dewan & Ms. Teresa Helton
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dewey
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Dibble
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Dick
Mr. Karl Dickerson & Ms. Julia Fonte
Ms. Stacy Dickerson
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Dickman
Mr. Bob Dietrich
Mr. James L. Dillard
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Dills
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Dixson
Mr. & Mrs. Jim E. Doctor
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Doll
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Dolson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Domogalik
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dorsey
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Dorsey
Mr. & Mrs. Gayl W. Doster
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Drippe
Ms. Jean Drumm
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Duffer
Mr. & Mrs. Derek L. Duncan
Mr. Mark Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Dwane Dunham
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Durham
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Durkalski
Mr. & Mrs. John Dvorscek
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Earnhart
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Eaton
Ms. Janet M. Eberle
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Effner
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Effron
Mr. & Mrs. Martin M. Ehresman
Mr. & Mrs. Frank R. Einterz
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Elberger
Ms. Laura B. Elder
Mr. Bruce L. Elkins & Ms. Lynda M. Pitz
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Ellis
Mr. Michael D. Emkes &
Judge Cynthia S. Emkes
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Emmerson
Mr. & Mrs. John Emmons
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Endris
Mr. & Mrs. Donald S. Engle
Mrs. Joyce B. Enkema
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Enkema
Mr. & Mrs. Willis A. Ensign
Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Ernsting
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Ettinger
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Eubank
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Everts
RLE Design, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Fagan
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Fagersten
Mr. Herbert D Falender
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Farris
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Felkins
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Fidler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Fields
Ms. Melinda S. Fihe
Mr. & Mrs. John Filbrun
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell S. Finch
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Finger
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fischer
Mrs. Gretchen Mae Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. James Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Darrel D. Fitch
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Flatto
Dr. & Mrs. Michael E. Flaugh
Dr. & Mrs. Richard I. Fogel
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Foley
Mr. Richard E. Ford
Mr. John T. Forde
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Forler
Ms. Marian B. Fosdal
Dr. & Mrs. Chris A. Foster
James Andrew Foulk Family
Judge & Mrs. Donald E. Foulke
Mr. & Mrs. Seth Francis
Dr. & Mrs. Randall Franiak
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Freedman
Mr. & Mrs. Irving J. Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Freese
Mr. & Mrs. Richard French
Mr. & Mrs. William S. French
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Frieden
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Friend
Mr. Don L. Fruitt
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Frye
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Fulford
Leigh-Ann, Brian & Gordon Fullerton
In Memory of Paddy Fullerton
Mr. Thomas & Dr. Karen Gallagher
Mr. James W. Ganey & Ms. Elizabeth A. Smith
Dr. & Mrs. James Gange
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Gapinski
Dr. & Mrs. LaForrest D. Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Gates
Dr. & Mrs. Hans E. Geisler
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Geitner
Mr. Ralph A. Gemmer
Mr. & Mrs. Ted L. Gephart
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Germaine
Ms. Ann M. Gerritsen & Mr. Josip Beleta
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Gershman
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Gifford
Ms. Maura Giles & Mr. Charles Dill
Ms. Linda Gillespie
Mr. & Mrs. Richard K. Gilyeat
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Gladstein
Mr. & Mrs. Don Glowinski
Mrs. Lisa Goldner & Mr. Phil Goldner
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Goldsbury
Drs. Gerald G. & Marcia Goldstone
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Gona
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gondron
Mr. & Mrs. David Good
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Good
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Goode
Major Donald Goodin
Dr. & Mrs. Mason R. Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gootee
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Gossett
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Gottman
Mr. Gordon M. Graham & Ms. Sue Greenlee
Mr. Thomas Graham
Ms. Allison P. Grattenthaler
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Graugnard
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Greaves
Mr. & Mr. Justin K. Green
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Greenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Otis B. Gregory
Dr. & Mrs. Randy Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Chris L. Grimes
Mrs. Charles O. Grinslade
Dr. & Mrs. Jay L. Grosfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan S. Gross
Miss Nikki Grostefon & Ms. Katherine Lowry
Mrs. Bette J. Gumerson
Dr. Jane J. Gunsenhouser
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hackler
Mr. & Mrs. Paul N. Hagan
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hahn
Mrs. Dixie A. Haley
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hall
Ms. Sarah Halterman & Ms. Grace Metz
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Ham III
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Hamernik
Mr. & Mrs. Randy J. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Thad D. Hamilton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Hanlon
Mr. & Mrs. Verne B. Hanson
Mr. Robert W. Harbin
Mr. & Mrs. M. Stephen Harkness
Mr. & Mrs. William Harmeyer
Mr. & Mrs. John Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Harrison
Mrs. Faye E. Harritt
Mr. & Mrs. Elden Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hartmann
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Harvey
Dr. & Mrs. A. D. Hauersperger
Ms. Pamela Haverly
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Heady
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Heck, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William Hefler
Mrs. Marjorie L. Heflin
Ms. Sandra K. Heidenreich
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hein
Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Held
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Hennessey
Dr. & Mrs. David K. Hennon
Dr. & Mrs. Brian Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas L. Hensler
Mr. & Mrs. William Hensley
Dr. & Mrs. James Wesley Hertel
Ms. & Karen Hess
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Highfield
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Hilcz
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hill
Ms. Jolaine L. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Hirschman
Ms. Narcissa D. Hocker
Dr. & Mrs. Zachary I. Hodes
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hofmann
Mr. & Mrs. David Hoggatt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hogue
Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Hohlbein
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard D. Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Holmgren
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Holt
Mr. & Mrs. Seymour Holt
Mrs. Shirley Holtsclaw
Ms. Jane Holycross &
Ms. S. Michelle Holycross
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Holzhausen
Ms. Sara Anne Hook
Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Hoppes
Mr. & Mrs. Randolph Horton
Dr. & Mrs. Michael G. Hostetter
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Houston
Ms. Ann Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Howard, Ph.D.
Ms. Carol Hoyermann
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Huber
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Huber
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Hudson, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Hume
Ms. Diane Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome P. Hunsinger
Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. James Hunter
Mr. Needham R. Hurst
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hylton
Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Ingram
Ms. Sally J. Irvin & Ms. Sharon A. Miller
Mrs. Barbara Irwin-Herman &
Mr. Erv Herman
Mr. & Mrs. Lee L. Isaacson
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jackson
Mrs. James B. Jackson
Dr. Arun Jain & Dr. Anita Joshi
Mrs. Eleanor Janes & Ms. Ruth Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Q. Jean
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. Jean
Ms. Jeana L. Jennings
Ms. Annette M. Johnson
Ms. Cecelia M. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Johnson
Drs. Michael P. & Sheryl Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. R. Caesar Johnson
Mrs. Beth Jolliff
Mr. & Mrs. Marty Jolly
Mr. & Mrs. William Jonathan
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. David S. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan J. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Jones
Mr. & Ms. Steve Jones
Vern and B. Watt Jorck
Mr. & Mrs. John Joven
Mrs. John D. Joyce
Mr. & Mrs. John Judge
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Jung
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Kaelin
Ms. Pamela Kagy
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kaiser
Mr. Steven L. Kaiser
Dr. & Mrs. John E. Kalsbeck
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kaplan
Ms. Carol Kaspar & Ms. Elizabeth Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Kassing
Mrs. James C. Katterjohn
Mr. & Mrs. John Kay
Ms. Cheryl Keene
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kelle
Mr. & Mrs. John Keller
Mr. John D. Kelley
Dr. William E. Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Kellogg
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin D. Kemple
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Kennedy
Mrs. E. Jackie Kenney
Mr. & Mrs. Philip G. Kenney
Mr. Thomas Kent & Ms. Mary Caccavo
Mr. & Mrs. Paul S. Kern
Mr. Michael O. Khalil &
Mrs. Mary V. Anderson
Father Joe Kiene
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Kijovsky
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kilian
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Kinder
Mr. & Mrs. Ross J. King
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Kingshill
Mr. Thomas J. Kinney
Mr. & Mrs. Victor A. Kiplinger
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas W. Kirincich
Mr. Glenn Kirk & Mrs. Jacquelyn M. Kirk
Ms. Tammy Kirkley & Ms. Sarah Kirkley
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Kitch
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Klank
Mr. & Mrs. Tibor Klopfer
Col. Alfred D. Kneessy
Mr. & Mrs. Rich Knipstein
Dr. Diane M. Kolody & Mr. Mark Moreno
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Koon
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Kornas
Mr. John E. Koss
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Kost
Drs. David A. & Peggy L. Kovach
Ms. Sue A. Kraft & Mr. Pedro Jimenez
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kramer
Miss Marjorie Kroeger
Dr. Kathy L. Krol
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Kucer
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kuntz
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kuntz, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John D. Lacy
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Lacy
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lafuze
Ms. Ann M. Lagges
Mr. Gary C. Lamey & Ms. Diane L. Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John Laqzdins
Mr. Joe J. LaRosa
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Larrabee
Mr. Gary Larreategui & Ms. Patricia Scahill
Mr. Scott Larriner & Ms. Erin Day
Mr. & Mrs. Omer M. Larrison
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Laughlin
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lavelle
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Law
Ms. Amanda Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve R. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Todd M. Layfield
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lazard
Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Learned, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. LeBlanc
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ledman
Drs. Domingo and Connie Lee
Mr. & Mrs. James Lee
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Lee
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Norman D. Lees
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Legeay
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel E. Lehman
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Lesniak
Mr. & Mrs. Rene R. Lewin
Mr. Herman W. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. Lewis
Ms. Catherine Lindholm &
Ms. Nanette Whightsel
Ms. Karen D. Lindig & Mr. Gary Bond
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Lindley
Mr. Michael Lindorff &
Mrs. Linda Riski-Lindorff
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lindstrom
Dr. & Mrs. Charles W. Link, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Lisby
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Llewellyn
Mr. Jeff Lock
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Lofland
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Lohrman
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Malcolm D. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lonis
Drs. James B. & Sara Lootens
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua H. Love
Mr. & Ms. Richard E. Luedemann
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Lund
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Maar
Mr. Gary L. Mahoney
Mrs. Ethan Main
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Malcom
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Malson
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Maltby
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Mangold
Mrs. Nina Manifold & Ms. Emily Manifold
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Manuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Marchesani
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Marcinko
Dr. Jon Marhenke
Mr. Thomas Marks & Dr. Robin R. Marks
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Marsh
Mrs. Barbara E. Masters
Mr. & Mrs. Ray H. Matthews
Ms. Myra Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. David H. May
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mayall
Drs. James R. & Bette G. Maybury
Mr. & Mrs. Zygmunt C. Mazanowski
Mrs. Melissa D. Maze & Mr. Michael K. Maze
Dr. & Mrs. Gregg Mazonas
Mr. & Mrs. Pete McAllister, C.P.A
Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. McCauley
Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. McCleish
Ms. Deborah L. McCloud &
Ms. Lauren McCloud
Mr. & Mrs. James R. McConnell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael K. McCrory
Mr. & Mrs. David A. McDaniel
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin C. McDaniel
Mr. James P. McDonough &
Mrs. Rita S. Davidson
Dr. Bruce P. McDowell & Ms. Julie McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. McElhiney
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley A. McGinnis
Mrs. Marceline A. McGurk
Mr. Dennis K. McKinney
Ms. Katherine McKinney &
Ms. Heather McKinney
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McLean
Mr. & Mrs. John McLeish
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McNaughton
Mr. & Mrs. Steve M. McNear
Mr. Hugh M. McNeely
Mr. & Mrs. James K. McNeely
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. McWilliams
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Meister
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Melnick
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Mercer, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Merriman
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Merritt
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Mervar
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mervis
Mr. Frank Messina & Ms. Robin Reagan
Dr. Alexander Mih
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Miles
Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Miller, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Miller
Mr. John E. Miller & Mrs. Pat Carlini-Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Miller
Mr. Kent A. Miller
Mr. Michael Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Sean Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Miller
Mr. William K. Millholland
Mr. & Mrs. James Minor
Mr. Matthew D. Mitchel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Mitchel
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Mixan
Dr. & Mrs. Glenn Moak
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Moll
Mr. & Mrs. Scott W. Montross
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Mooney
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Moore
Mr. Gary W. Moore & Ms. Sharon L. Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Kurtis Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Moore, Jr.
Ms. Teresa A. Morehead
Mr. Javier Morell & Ms. Susie Swithers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Morse
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Morton, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Moscrip
Ms. Kristine Mosier
Dr. & Mrs. Jans Muller
Mrs. Margaret T. Muller*
Mr. & Mrs. Dallas E. Mulvaney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Munsell III
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Musselman
Mr. & Mrs. Donovan E. Myer
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Myers
J.B. Myers
Mr. Rufus Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Skander Nasser
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Naus
Mr. & Mrs. Jorge A. Navarro
Mr. & Mrs. David R. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Nemecek
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Netherton
Ms. Sharon A. Nichols & Ms. Joyce Nichols
Mr. & Mrs. Don Nicholson
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Nickels
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Nielsen
Ms. Nancy A. Noble & Ms. Barbara Beadle
Ms. Elnora E. Noe
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Norkin
Ms. Shelley R. Norman &
Ms. Janice M. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Walter A. Nowakowski
Mr. & Mrs. Dave O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. John T. O'Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Obst
Ms. Melinda O’Dell & Mr. Christopher Moore
Ms. Martha L. Ogborn
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley E. Oliver
Mrs. Deborah Olson-Fouraker &
Mr. Michael Fouraker
The JoAn Hall Family
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Opincar
Dr. David Orentlicher & Ms. Judy L. Failer
Mr. & Mrs. Fred G. Osborn
Ms. Jennifer L. Oskins
Mrs. Helen Otto
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Outcalt
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest E. Owens
Miss Janice A. Owens
Mr. & Mrs. Carl M. Pafford
Mr. Jeffrey Palmer & Ms. Miriam Zolan
Mr. Ronald Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Pantzer III
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Paquette
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Parker
Ms. Blake Parkins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Pasch
Mr. & Mrs. Keith A. Passwater
Mr. Kurt A. Patterson & Mrs. Veronica J. Smidt
Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Pattison
Mr. Paul J. Pattison
Mr. J.J. Paul III
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Pauloski
Mr. & Mrs. John Paulsrud
Ms. Barbara J. Pauly
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Pear
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Pearce
Mr. Ben Pecar & Ms. Leslie Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Elwyn Pedigo
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Peine
Mr. Emil Pelech, Jr. & Ms. Nancy Zinni
Mr. & Mrs. Howard A. Pelham
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Pena
Ms. Kylee Pena & Mr. Nathan Wall
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Pendoski
Mr. Chuck Penix & Mrs. Debra Madura
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Penny Jr.
Ms. Janet S. Peoples & Ms. Margaret Kriese
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Perkins
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Perrin
Mr. Hans Peter & Ms. Lisa Blaser
Mr. Fredrick Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. James B. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Peterson
Mr. Joseph F. Petricek & Ms. Catherine Peal
Mr. & Mrs. Mark V. Pettinga
Mr. & Mrs. William Pfeifer
Mr. & Mrs. Jay R. Phillips
Mrs. Mary Lou Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Pinyot
Mr. & Mrs. Mark O. Pitts
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Plasterer
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin G. Pleiss, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Plouffe
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Pottratz
Mrs. Sharon Prange
Mr. & Mrs. Herb W. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Price
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Prickett
Dr. & Mrs. Newell O. Pugh, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Kirby Purciful
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert G. Purdy
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Putty
Mr. Jeromi A. Quade & Ms. Betsy K. Greene
Ms. Patricia A. Quinn & Mr. Phillip V. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Rainier
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Ralston
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Rancourt
Ms. Susan Rasmussen
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Rawles
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Andrew Rayl
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Redding
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Redman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Scott A. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Reid
Mr. & Mrs. Blake Ress
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ressino
Mr. & Mrs. Paul R. Retzlaff
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Rhinesmith
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Rhodehamel
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Rice
Ms. Marcia N. Richards & Mr. Robert F. Dicks
Mr. & Mrs. Brian R. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell S. Richey
Mr. Bruce Richmond & Ms. Katherine Andary
Mrs. Mary Ann D. Rickert
Mr. & Mrs. Kris Risley
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ritz
Mr. Lance Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rivers
Mr. & Mrs. John Roach
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Roach
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Robinette
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Roe
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Roepke
Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Rogers
Mr. & Mrs. Fred W. Rohr
Mr. Phillip Rollings & Ms. Delores J. Pritt
Mr. & Mrs. James l. Romack
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Romaniuk
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Rondeau
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Rood
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Rosenberger
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Rosenberry
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Rosenfeld
Ms. Nancy R. Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Ross
Mr. Robert Roudebush
Mr. Robert Rozhon
Mr. & Mrs. George A. Rubin
Ms. Becky Ruby
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Ruby
Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Rudesill
Mr. Paul Rugenstein & Ms. Michelle Hughey
Ms. Pam Ruppel & Ms. Ann Medford
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Rusch
Mr. T. Alan Russell
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Rybicki
Mr. Martin Salazar & Ms. Carrie Bryant
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sallee
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Savona
Councillor Christine Scales &
Dr. Richard L. Scales
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Scalf, Sr.
Mr. Daniel Schaffer & Ms. Becky Ruble
Mr. & Mrs. Gary N. Schahet
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schaler
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Schamp
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Scheidt
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schellinger
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Schlebecker
Dr. & Mrs. David Schlueter
Mrs. Helen L. Schmid
Mr. & Mrs. Christian M. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Schmitt
Mr. & Mrs. John Schneider
Mr. Michael P. Schneider
Ms. Rose Schnell & Mr. John Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Carl J. Schnepf, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas D. Schreiner
Ms. Jill Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Schuchman
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schueren
Mr. & Mrs. Eric H. Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. M. Gary Schuster, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Schuster
Mr. & Mrs. John Schutte
Mrs. Elaine Schwartz-Edmands
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Schwomeyer
Ms. Eileen Scott & Ms. Sharon Kimes
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin C. Seitz, Jr.
Ms. Rosella Sek
Ms. Barbara J. Seneff
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sennott
Mr. & Mrs. Jayson Senter
Mr. Norman Sesi & Ms. Jill Hunsberger
Ms. Sheri L. Setters
Ms. Shirley M. Shallenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron M. Shane
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Shaw
Mrs. Helen Sheeks
Mr. & Mrs. Gary M. Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Shenberger
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Shepherd
Mr. Blane Sherman & Mrs. Tanya Marsh
Mr. Thomas Shine
Mr. Michael L. Shinn & Ms. Teran Kennard
Mr. & Mrs. Alva M. Short
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Shreve
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Shryock
Mr. & Mrs. Chetan R. Shukla
Ms. Alice J. Shulse
Mr. & Mrs. Jack C. Shulse
Mr. & Mrs. Max Simison
Ms. Debra Simonds
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Simonelic
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Cornell Sims
Mrs. Sims and Mr. Kafi
Ms. Mona Sinnett & Ms. Amanda Collins
Dr. Barbara K. Siwy & Ms. Lisa J. Baker
Ms. Christine A. Skeoch
Mr. Troy Skinner &
Mrs. Jennifer Evancich-Skinner
Mr. & Mrs. Barry E. Smalstig
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kerry L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Randal M. Smith
Mr. Robert L. Smith & Mrs. Janice Lesniak
Ms. Roberta Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Steven R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell C. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Smither
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Snapp
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Snow
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. James Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Willard E. Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Solomon
Ms. Marilyn Solomon & Ms. Kitty Arvin
Ms. Marie Sorensen
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Spaulding
Mrs. Carolyn K. Speedy & Ms. Lori Speedy
Mr. & Mrs. Bret Sperry
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Springer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Spry
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew St. Louis
Mr. & Mrs. Edward T. Stahl
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Stahl
Mrs. Jennifer L. Stanley & Mr. Rory Stanley
Mr. & Mrs. Larry E. States
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Stautz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Steffen
Ms. Kathy S. Steinhart
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Steininger
Mr. & Mrs. David Stephens
Mr. Robert Sternberger
Ms. Carolyn Steussy-Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Eloy C. Stevens
Ms. Tamatha A. Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. William Stevens
Ms. Shelley Stewart & Mr. Daniel Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Stiers
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie R. Stinson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Stitle
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Stoughton
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn E. Stoup
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Stout
Mr. Stephen Stratton
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Strawbridge
Ms. Linda L. Strawbridge &
Mr. Robert W. Burton
Mr. Stephen J. Strecker & Ms. Lisa M. Richter
Mrs. Betty Stricker
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Strickland
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Strueder
Ms. Judith A. Stuart
Mr. Kevin Stuckwisch
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Stump
Mr. Timothy Sublett & Ms. Diane Kostyshyn
Ms. Dorothy L. Sullender
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Summers
Mr. & Mrs. Scott C. Sundell
Ms. Paula R. Susemichel & Ms. Linda M. Daley
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Suter
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Sutherlin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Sutton
Ms. Sally S. Sutton
Mr. & Mrs. James Swearingen
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Sweezy
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Swick
Mr. Andy Szakaly
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Taggart
Mr. & Mrs. James Talbott
Mr. Stanley Talesnick
Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tenerelli
Mrs. Paul T. Terrell
Mr. Jeffrey L. Terry & Ms. Shelby Roby
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick L. Thate
Ms. April Thomas & Ms. Megan Bickel
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Thomas III
Mr. Dan Thompson & Ms. Leslie Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Thompson
Mr. Jonathan Thompson
Miss Lisa A. Thompson
Dr. & Mrs. Frank B. Throop
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Tobin
Mr. Edward T. Tomich &
Mrs. Faith Bauer-Tomich
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Toth
Mr. Thomas Tremain & Ms. Jill Glick
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Trent
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Trevey
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Trippel
Mr. & Mrs. Travis N. Trott
Dr. & Mrs. L.B. Tubergen
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Tuckman
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Uhlenhake
Ms. Pauline L. Ulrey & Ms. Anna M. Weddle
Mr. & Mrs. Dave W. Underwood
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Van Arendonk
Mr. & Mrs. Jan Van Gorder
Dr. & Mrs. Warren M. VanCampen
Mr. & Mrs. Milo R. Vanek
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Vermeulen
Ms. Lynne Villers
Mr. & Mrs. David P. Vincent
Mr. & Mrs. J B Vogel
Ms. Emily Vogler
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Vogt
Mr. Douglas M. Wade
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Waggoner
Mr. & Mrs. Roger L. Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Waldo
Mr. Clint Walker & Ms. Shari Walker
Ms. Lisa Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wall
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Wallace
Mr. John Warner & Mrs. Amy Warner
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Warner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Drew Waterfall
Mr. Kevin L. Watkins & Ms. Mary Alice Bell
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Watson
Mr. Rodney Weaver & Ms. Jessica Harbison
Dr. & Mrs. Edward M. Webb
Dr. Richard Weber
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Weber
Mr. John Wechsler & Mrs. Deborah Wechsler
Dr. & Mrs. David Wehlage
Mr. & Mrs. Don L. Weilhamer, Jr.
Mr. Steve G. Weingartner &
Ms. Kathleen A. Shook
Drs. George & Rosemary Weir
Ms. Tina M. Weldon
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Weldy
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Welles
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Wenning
Ms. Joan Wenrick
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Wentz
Mr. & Mrs. Neeley Wenz
Mr. L. Alan Whaley
Ms. Georgeanna Wheatley &
Ms. Christina Corey
Mr. Carl M. Wheeler
Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Whistler
Ms. Bette Whitaker & Ms. Melinda Whitaker
Ms. Rebecca J. Whitaker
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. White
Mr. & Mrs. Don K. White
Mr. & Mrs. John Wiggins
Mr. & Mrs. David Wigington
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wild
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph V. Wilhelm, Jr.
Ms. Nancy Wilkerson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Williams Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Williamson
Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Wills
Mrs. Edna Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wilson
Mrs. Carla Wilson-Mitchell &
Mr. Stanley C. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Winslow
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wisker
Mr. & Mrs. David Witzig
Mrs. Marion Wolen
Dr. & Mrs. William Wolfe
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Woo
Ms. Dennis Wood & Mrs. Elaine Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. Woodall
Mrs. Barbara Woodard
Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wooldridge
Mr. & Mrs. Ezra Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Wyatt
Mr. & Mrs. William H.Yake
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Yong
Mr. Andrew C.Young
Mr. & Mrs. Ray A.Young
Dr. & Mrs. Heun Yung Yune
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Zimmerman
Ms. Phyllis A. Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Zimmermann
Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Zweifel
* denotes deceased
The following represents individuals who gave
gifts up to $249 between 1/1/2008 and
Anonymous (3)
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Ackley
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Ackley
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Adomitis
Ms. Florence Adrian
Dr. Akindolapo & Dr. Annette Akinwande
Mr. & Mrs. Casper C. Alessi, Jr.
Mrs. Donna K. Allen
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Allison
Mr. & Mrs. Francis A. Ampil
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Takao Arai
Mr. & Mrs. G. William Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Arnold
Mr. & Mrs. Reginald Ash
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Ashby
Ms. Allison Avery & Ms. Alice Avery
Ms. Martha J. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Bakemeyer
Dr. & Mrs. Lowell R. Barnes
Mr. Dan Barrow
Mr. Bill Beechler & Ms. Holly L. Simpson
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan A. Beeler
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Benhamou
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Best
Mrs. Suzanne B. Blakeman
Dr. John C. Bloom
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Bognanno
Ms. Kathy A. Bolander
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Bolds
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Bowes II
Mr. & Mrs. Chris a. Bradburn
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Branson
Ms. Enona Brewington
Mr. & Mrs. Terre R. Broadwater
Miss Carol L. Broderick
Mr. & Mrs. Denny J. Brown
Ms. Jean Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Brown
Mrs. Mary Ann Burke & Ms. Stephanie Burns
Mr. David Burket
Ms. Eunice L. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Burow, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Burroughs
Ms. Tami Burroughs
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bush
Ms. Jessica Byers
Mr. & Mrs. Giuliano Cacucci
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Calvert
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce G. Capehart
Ms. Kris Carlisle
Mr. Antonio Carson & Ms. Nicole Page
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Christian
Mrs. Beverly T. Cohan
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Compton
Mr. & Mrs. Keith W. Condon
Miss Elise Conour
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Conover
Mr. Joseph M. Conrad & Ms. Jean Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Conway
Mr. & Ms. Jason P. Cooper
Ms. Clara A. Cotten
Mrs. Hester H. Coward
Mr. & Mrs. Barry Cox
Mrs. Dorothy A. Crampton &
Mrs. Carol L. Gentry
Ms. Suzanne Crosby
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Cruser
Mr. Jim Cunning & Ms. Lisa Stone
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore W. Cutshall
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Darling
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Dennerline III
Ms. Caroline Derbin
Mr. & Mrs. Karl A. DeSante
Detail + Design
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Dickinson
Ms. Anne M. Dillman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Doane
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Dorris
Mrs. Richard B. Drake
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Driver
Mr. James Duncan & Mrs. Jami Warner-Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Rusty Duncan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Dunham
Mr. & Mrs. Allen L. Durnil
Ms. Joyce Duvall
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dye
Mrs. Mabel Easton
Mr. & Mrs. Mark B. Effron
Mr. & Mrs. Roy E. Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Emery
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Farkas
Mr. Mike Fender
Dr. Henry L. Fernandez &
Mr. Kenneth S. Palmer
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Findley
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle B. Fisher
Ms. Joyce Flueckiger
Mr. Robert I. Foist
Mr. Gill Fredrick & Ms. Cristine Freedman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Fritsch
Mr. & Mrs. David Frizzell
Mr. & Mrs. R J Michael Fry
Mr. & Mrs. Alan J. Galbreth
Mrs. Rosalyn Gale
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Gallagher
Mr. & Mrs. John Galvin
Mr. James W. Ganey & Ms. Elizabeth A. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Garcia
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry F. Gillooly
Mr. & Mrs. David Gilstrap
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glazier
Mr. & Mrs. James Goetz
Mr. J Lloyd Grannan & Mrs. Nan De Bard
Mr. & Mrs. Berl Grant
Ms. Stacy Green
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Griggs
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Grimes
Mr. & Mrs. Helmut Grohnert
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Habash
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hadley
Mrs. Joyce Hadley & Ms. Cynthia Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hagans
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hague
Ms. Mary Jane Haldeman
Mr. Mike Harmon & Ms. Jolyne Halton
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Hatfield
Dr. & Mrs. Donald R. Hawes
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Haynes
Mr. William E. Headley
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Healey
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Herald
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Sam R. Hiatt, Jr.
& Mrs. Todd Hickman
Mr. & Mrs. Arnell Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Hill
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Hilton
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Hilton
Dr. & Mrs. Harvey N. Himelstein
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Hitzeman
Mr. & Mrs. John Hoffman
Ms. Celeste Holderfield
Mr. & Mrs. Nate T. Holmes
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Hon
Mr. Armando Honesto &
Mrs. Kay Elwartowski
Mrs. Eleanor Hood
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Hoover
Ms. Janice Horner
Ms. Amy Howard
Ms. Kim Howard
Ms. Beth Hunter
Mr. & Mrs. John P. Ingersoll
Mr. & Mrs. Donivan Inglis
Mrs. Ruth Ann Ingraham
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth H. Inskeep
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jasper
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Jenkins
Mr. & Mrs. Gunter John
Ms. Cheryl Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. David Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Irving S. Johnson
Mr. Bruce Jones & Mrs. Tammy Jelenek-Jones
Mrs. Sylvia Jurgonski
Mrs. Mignon P. Kachler
Mr. Robert D. Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. Barry P. Katz
Mrs. Barbara A. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Kesler
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Keusch
Mr. & Mrs. Brandon King
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. King
Mr. Andrew Klineman
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Klusman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Koch
Ms. Helen H. Kottlowski
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Kraabel
Ms. Christy B. Krieg
Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Kristoff
Dr. & Mrs. Peter F. Kunz
Mrs. Amy Lain & Mr. Gary Antelept
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Lake
Mr. & Mrs. Curt A. Lamb
Mr. Ken Zweigel and Ms. Lynn L. Lambuth
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Layman
Mrs. Shirley Leffert
Mr. & Mrs. Mathew Libke
Ms. Mary Lou Linhardt
Mrs. Gertrud Littrell
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Loftus
Mr. & Mrs. Luke Logan
Mr. Jay Lorentz & Ms. Tina Kluemper
Mr. & Mrs. David Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lukens
Ms. Nancy Mac Daniel
Ms. Heather MacDougall &
Ms. Revae Schneider
Madison Avenue Kinder Care
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Maguire
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew K. Maher
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene A. Malasics
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Mangus
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Martin
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Massey
Mr. & Mrs. Don Matthews
Mr. & Mrs. James L. McAndrews
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce C. McCaw
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff McCullough
Mr. & Mrs. Earl M. McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. McGrevy
Col. & Mrs. Robert C. McInteer
Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. McSweeney
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Michaels
Ms. Wanda L. Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Larry L. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mittman
Mr. Andrei Molotiu & Mrs. Julie Vanvoorhis
Mr. & Mrs. Gary E. Moon
Ms. Adrienne Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Morris
Mr. & Mrs. Rollin V. Mosher
Mr. & Mrs. James Mowry
Ms. Wanda Nasser
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Nau
Mr. & Mrs. Michael O. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Niccum
Rev. Gordon U. Nichols
Ms. Angela Osborne
Ms. Anne Osborne
Ms. Margita Osborne
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron J. Pace
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Page
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan S. Page
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Painter
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Pennamped
Mr. Clarence F. Peters
Mr. & Mrs. Stuart P. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Pierson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pike
Mr. Leo Pope
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Price
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew M. Price
Ms. Phyllis J. Price
Mr. & Mrs. William Procter
Mr. & Mrs. Gary A. Pugh
Ms. Natalie Pumphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Pyrz
Ms. Johanna Quinones
Mr. Christopher Ratay
Mr. & Mrs. Donald H. Reap
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Reas
Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Redish
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley J. Redman
Mr. Kenneth D. Reese
Ms. Mariel Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Laurel Risser
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Root
Mr. & Mrs. Mikel Ropp
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Roseth
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Ross
Mr. & Mrs. Warren W. Rosselot
Jane Rothbaum Donor Advised
Philanthropic Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Rutz
Mr. & Mrs. Vince E. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rynard, Sr.
Ms. Camile Schaeffer
Ms. Mary E. Schuman
Ms. Ann Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Brian M. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Seidensticker, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Armen B. Shanafelt
Mr. & Mrs. Don Sharton
Mr. & Mrs. Moe Silverman
Mr. & Mrs. Stacy Simmer
Mr. & Mrs. John Slaughter
Mr. & Mrs. William Smith
Mr. Ben Smock
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Snyder
Mr. Albert C. Spurlock
Dr. Russell Staggs & Dr. Sharon Staggs
Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Steinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Stelzner
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Stiver
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Stock
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Striegel
Ms. Shirley A. Stump
Mr. & Mrs. Vaidyanathan Subramaniam
Mr. & Mrs. Dustin Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Svyantek
Mr. Mark Sweet & Dr. Marilyn Burich
Mrs. Claudia V. Swhier
Mr. & Mrs. Daryl L. Swinney
Mr. Joe A. Swope, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robin G. Symonds
Ms. Betty Talbert
Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Tanner
Mr. Joseph N. Tansey
Ms. Elizabeth A. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Taylor
Mrs. Barb M. Tegarden &
Mrs. Tanya M. Robertson
Stephen and Diane Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. William Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. William Tierney
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Tiplick
Mrs. Carolee Tremain & Mrs. Savannah Fuhs
Mr. & Mrs. Luther Triplett Jr.
Ms. Maxine M. Turner &
Ms. Louise A. Mortillaro
Ms. Georgeanna Tutrow
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Ungar
Ms. Mary Ann Urbancic
Mr. Dario Valencia & Ms. Pilar Castano
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Vest
Ms. Ashley Vukovits
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Walters
Ms. Deidre S. Waltz
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Warbinton
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Warren
Ms. Linda D. Warren
Rev. Cate Waynick & Mr. Larry Waynick
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Q. Weisenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Don C. Weiser
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Wetzel
Mr. & Mrs. Alex White
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Whitener
Wild Opal
Ms. Dianne J. Wiley
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Wineland
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Wittbrod
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Wolf
Women's Fund of Central Indiana
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Woods
Mr. & Mrs. Herb Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Young
Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Zingraf
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zoog
Indianapolis Zoo Staff Donors
The following represents Indianapolis Zoo staff
that made cash or pledge gifts toward the 2008
Staff Campaign.
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Allen
Mr. Bruce Anderson
Tim Ardillo & Jason Miiller
Miss Jennifer Armstrong
Mr. Jason Ashlock
Ms. Glenda A. Austin
Ms. Sarah Bachman
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Bader
Ms. Jodie Baker & Mr. Tim Christian
Miss Holly A. Balok
Ms. Laura Balok
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Bardy
Mr. Toby R. Barker &
Ms. Jennifer S. Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Barnett
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bernhard
Mr. & Mrs. Randy T. Betz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Beverly
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bockoski
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Boesgaard
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bow
Sandy Bowen-Lehnen & Robert Lehnen
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Bramlage
Ms. Desiree’ Brandon & Ms. Marisol Gouveia
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bridges
Mr. & Mrs. Matt Briscoe
Mr. Dennis R. Brown & Mrs. Vikki Foster
Ms. Karen Burns & Mr. Richard Gevers
Mr. James Carter
Ms. Angela D. Christ & Ms. Erma Wright
Mrs. Laurie A. Christie
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clark
Ms. Lorinda Clevenger
Mr. Jeff Click
Ms. Kyley Collins & Mr. Josh Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Combellick
Greg & Kathy Cookerly
Ms. Alicia Cornett & Mr. Roger Fish
Mr. Troy Crabtree
Michael & Eileen Crowther
Ms. Mary Ann M. DellaRocco &
Mr. Allen Gillum
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. DeWitt
Mrs. & Mr. Celesta Leigh Doney
Ms. Ellen Dreska
Mr. Mark Duncan
Mr. Bruce L. Elkins & Ms. Lynda M. Pitz
Ms. Nina L. Evans
Miss Thelma F. Ford & Ms. Rose White
Mr. John T. Forde
Ms. Susan Foster
Ms. Tolly Foster & Ms. Dawn Common
Ms. Judith L. Gagen
Ms. Tracie Garrett
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Gildea
Ms. Maura Giles & Mr. Charles Dill
Ms. Amanda Goin
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Goshen
Mr. Thomas Granberry &
Ms. Teresa Snyder-Granberry
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gravenstreter
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Grayson
Mr. Jerry Greathouse
Ms. Holly Green
Mr. & Mr. Justin K. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Gregory
Mrs. Heather Grisham Winters &
Mr. Peter Winters
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Groce
Miss Nikki Grostefon & Ms. Katherine Lowry
Mr. & Mrs. David Hagan
Ms. Sarah Halterman & Ms. Grace Metz
Mr. Chad Harmon & Mrs. Carrie Harmon
Mr. & Mrs. William Henshaw
Mr. Bruce Hickman
Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Hodge
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hogue
Matthew Holley & Evert Meza
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Huffman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Hyde
Ms. Barbara J. Ingels
Ms. Lesley J. Jenkins & Mr. Nick Saligoe
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Jines
Ken & Amy Kerrick
Mr. & Mrs. Will Key
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Keys
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kiser
Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Kost
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kowalski
Ms. Kristin Kraemer & Mr. Todd Stockwell
Mr. & Mrs. John Kurek
Mrs. Amy Lain & Mr. Gary Antelept
Mr. Jeremy Lawrence & Ms. Holly Burzlaff
Ms. Amanda Lawson
Ms. Cheryl L. Lent
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Lienhart
Dr. & Mrs. Larry Lindley
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Littig
Mr. Jeffrey A. Long
Ms. Stacey Lonski & Mr. Mark Green
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua H. Love
Mr. & Mrs. Justin Lowrance
Ms. Laura Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Nate Magsamen
Miss Amanda Mangold & Ms. Judy Mangold
Mr. & Mrs. Scott McColgin
Ms. Abigail McCoy
Ms. Jessica McGuire
Mr. David Merritt
Ms. Grace Metz
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Oland
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Papineau
Mr. & Mrs. James Parsons
Mr. & Mrs. Darryl Paxton
Ms. Kylee Pena & Mr. Nathan Wall
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Penny Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter F. Peterson
Mr. Thomas A. Pfeiffer
Ms. Paula Pierson
Mr. Jonathan Pilarski & Ms. Sylvia Gearhart
Mr. & Mrs. Kent W. Pinaire
Mr. Thomas Pittman
Mr. Marvin Pittser & Mrs. Betty Pittser
Mr. & Ms. John Puckett
Dr. Jan Ramer & Mr. Bob Newell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Rawles
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Reams
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Ridenour
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Roedell
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Root
Mr. & Mrs. Don Rushton
Mr. Dexter Salenda & Ms. Crystal Fields
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Sandifer
Mr. Scott Sauls
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Savona
Mr. & Mrs. David Scheuermann
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Schnell
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Searcy
Mr. David King and Ms. Candice Joy Segulin
Mrs. Michelle R. Shaw & Mr. Robert E. Shaw
Mr. Rick Shipley
Mr. Nathan Snow
Ms. Robin A. Stull & Ms. Jeanette Coraggio
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tabor
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Teague
Mr. Tyler Tharp
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Thomas III
Mr. Bruce E. Thompson &
Mrs. Deborah S. Capps Thompson
Ms. Stephaine E. Vaden & Mr. Dexter King
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Verhey
Ms. Lynne Villers
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Wagner
Mr. & Ms. Michael Wainstein
Ms. Keelyn Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Drew Waterfall
Mr. & Mrs. Holman Wiley, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Willis
Mrs. Carla Wilson-Mitchell &
Mr. Stanley C. Mitchell
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wines
Mr. Dennis Woerner & Ms. Joann Appleby
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wright
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Wyatt III
Ms. Jennifer L.Yackey & Mr. David Yackey
Mr. & Mrs. Chris York
Mr. & Mrs. John Young
Sally & Mark Zelonis
Amigo Program
The following represents individuals and
organizations who became animal amigos
between 1/1/2008 and 12/31/2008.
Morgan Abernathy
Hunter Acha
Alpha Kappa, Masters, Beta Sigma Phi
Rob Antrim
Larry & Mille Apple
Ray Arthur
Andy Aus
Katy Aus
Ms. Martha J. Bailey
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Bane, Sr.
Tevyn Banks
Jonathan Barber
David Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Barbera
Mr. Toby R. Barker
Mia E. Basso
Pauline Bechtel
Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Berg
Addison Berry
Myles X. Berry
Dr. & Mrs. Kerry Blanchard
Mr. & Mrs. John U. Bott
Danielle Bowman
Mr. Kenneth Bradley
Mrs. Roger Brentlinger
Sydney Bright
Britney Bright
Douglas D. Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Brown Jr.
Taryn Brown
Sebastian G. Brown
Merlin S. Brown
Brownie Troop #1120
Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone L. Buckingham
Ms. Jeanette Buckwalter &
Mr. Paul Emmerson
Mrs. Betty Bunch
Quentin Busse
Dorothy Callahan
Dmitry Capron
Calista Case
Anthony Case
Fred & Beth Cate
Griffin Cheshire
Ashleigh Cheshire
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Christian
Jon Clevenger
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Coble
Columbia Middle School
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Craig
Desmond Crain
Linda Daley
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Davis, Sr.
Asia DeDeaux
Alex DeHeer
Sarah DeHeer
Joey DeHeer
Brian DeHeer
Joshua DeHeer
Ms. Joanne L. Deyoe
Kaitlyn Dibble
Mr. George A. Drab, Jr.
Erin Drake
The Dyar Family
Eagle Elementary First Grade Classes 2008
Scott Earle
Jim Easley - In Memory of Linda Easley
Eastern Elementary School First Grade
Bryant Ebert
Ben Ebert
Ms. Joyce E. Elder
Mr. William Farkas
William Farkas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Faust
Sophia Ferries-Rowe
Eilidh Ferries-Rowe
Eva Ferries-Rowe
Heidi Fields
Mrs. Nellie Fogarty
Evelyn Fort
Fraternal Order of Eagles #766
William M. Fry
In Memory of Paddy Fullerton
Naomi Fultz
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B. Gard
Chloe & Lucy Gard
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Garrett
Zach & Connor Gladstein
Glenns Valley First Grade
Jon Goble
Brent Griffin
Dr. & Mrs. Ted W. Grisell
Andrew Haas
Charlie Haas
Jack Haas
Kelly Haas
Matthew Haas
Maya Haas
Merit Haas
Thomas Haas
Libby Halpin
Mikey Halpin
Dr. & Mrs. Edward A. Harlamert
Mr. Chad Harmon & Mrs. Carrie Harmon
Jim Harrison
Emily Hart
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Harte
Mrs. John R. Hatfield
Adam Hathaway
Taylor Hathaway
Noah & Andy Hauswirth
Mr. Jacob Haynes
GSCI Brownie Troop
Ms. Jolaine L. Hill
Larry Hobson
G. Frank & Elizabeth Holland
Ainsley Hollingsworth
Mrs. Shirley Holtsclaw
Janet Hook
Charles Hook
Connie Hook
Ms. Janice Horner
Ms. Emma Houle
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Howard
Ivan Howard
June Hughes
Ms. Diana K. Hunt & Ms. Carol S. Ferson
Ms. Clare Hunter
Judy & George Huntly
Andrew Jacobs
Juris Jansons & Ann Daugherty
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Jensen
Dr. & Mrs. Peter Johnson, Jr.
Lamar Johnson Jr
Bailey Jones
Beck Jones
Piper Jones
Vern and B. Watt Jorck
Malcolm Jordan
Kyle Juday
Mr. John D. Kelley
Page Kirkpatrick
Alberta Kopp
Mr. John E. Kristoff
Miss Marjorie Kroeger
Caroline Lake
Dean & Debbie Lamb & Family,
Linda Hinders & Family, Steve & Lisa Mims
& Family, Cheryl Collins & Sue Marlais,
Dawn Collins, and Bill & Lori Daugherty
& Famly
Mr. Gary C. Lamey & Ms. Diane L. Thomas
Kim Lamey
Mr. George L. Larkin, Jr.
Andrew Lawson
Lisa Learman
Rebecca Learman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ledman
Kayla LeFever
Kaie Leuenberger
Sarah M. Levelle
Cheyanne Levenhagan
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Levinsohn
Mrs. Gertrud Littrell
Isaac Litwiller
Mrs. Helen E. Locke
Mr. John M. Lockwood & Ms. Joyce F. Bell
Ms. Carol Lower
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Luenz
Susan Lutin
Lynnwood Elementary - Mrs. Finchum’s
Second Grade Class
Ms. Nancy Mac Daniel
Michelle Malament
Laura Malment
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Mann
Maple Grove Elementary Rachel O’Farrell - Room 17
Maple Grove Elementary Stacey Raftery - Room 18
Maple Grove Elementary Chris Cross - Room 16
Maple Grove Elementary Sandy Bailey - Room 15
Maple Grove Elementary Connie Deiwert - Room 12
Bridget Marcus
Maggie Marcus
Marcella Marcus
Nathan Marcus
Victoria, Elizabeth & Nathaniel Martine
Mrs. Barbara E. Masters
Kathy Mathena
Mr. & Mrs. Don Matthews
Boston Matthews
Jennifer & Mochelle Mazonas
Mr. & Mrs. Richard McCain
Mr. & Mrs. Doyle McCauley
Meriam McClusky
Katie McGlacken, Blake Horn, &
Brady Horn
Ben McNally
Cathy Meade
Charles Meade
Elizaveta Melnikova
Vasilia Melnikova
Issac Meng
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Merriman
Alyssa Miller
Aaron Moore
Harry Moore
Beverly Myers
James & Verna Nau
Neil A. Armstrong Elementary
Ellie Nguyen
Mr. & Mrs. David Nierman
Normandy Flower Shop, Inc.
Ed Norris
Angela Nulty
Colin O’Dell
Ms. Liesl M. Okuda
Ms. Oksana Oleshchuk
The Orchard School - Full Day Preschool 3/4
Clarrisa Oskins
Avery Outcalt
Dr. & Mrs. Toner Overly
Mr. Andy M. Palm
Henri Papineau
Daniel Peoples
Bridget Perry
Gabriel Perry
Gretchen Perry
Jamie Perry
Julia Peterson & Even Peterson
Carlye Petro
Yvonne Pettinga
Hayley Phillips
Lauren Phipps
Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Potrzebowski
Summer Pratt
Thomas Price
Alexis Pryor
Gavin Raff
Taylor Raff
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Blake Ress
Mr. & Mrs. Don R. Reynolds
Ms. Niki Richards
Patricia & James Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Hank Roedell
Mary Romans
Nathaneal Romans
Ben Rosen
Ian Lindley Rosielle
Ms. Jessica E. Ross
Ben Tamir Rothenberg
Leela Rothenberg
Maya Rothenberg
Tal Shy Rothenberg
Ms. Becky Ruby
Edward Ruby
Mike & Bernice Ruby
Cindy Simon-Skjodt & Paul Skjodt
Zak Sandlin & Alyssa Sandlin
Bonnie Schalk
Margo Schellinger
Konner Schieman
Olivia Schilder
Ms. Rose Schnell & Mr. John Cole
PJ Schnute
Nicholas Schramm
Anna Schubert
Grace Schubert
Merlyn & Judy Schuh
The Seiferth Family
Molly & Joe Shane
Erin Shaw
Nita Shaw
Hudson Shepherd
Ms. Nigel A. Shoaff
Ian Short
Lisa Shover Kackley
Makayla Sigler
Nathan Sigler
Alice M. Sims
Mr. & Mrs. Cornell Sims
Molly Sipes
Natalie Sipes
Ms. Christine A. Skeoch
Lauren Slisher
Mrs. Smith’s Class
Helen Smock
Nieces & Nephews of Eric & Laura Snow
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Snow
Tilley Solso
Mr. & Mrs. James Sonntag
Master Evan Spaniol & Miss Emma Spaniol
Cheryl Sparks
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas G. Spaulding
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Sprowl
St. Richard's School Berak/Cheeseborough Pre-K &
Hopkinson/Kubica Pre-K
Mr. & Mrs. Al Stadlberger
Mr. & Mrs. Ray Stanley
Ms. Marilyn M. Steele
Rebekah Steffan
Jessica Steffen
Joshua Steffen
Larry Stiers - In Memory of Ester Wideman
Mrs. Alfred J Stokely
Jason Stutsman
Sydney Stutsman
Paula Susemichel
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Sutton
Sycamore School Full Day Pre-K
Marek Szakaly & Taylor Szakaly
Madison Cassady Taylor
Matt Taylor
Paula E. Taylor
Tom Taylor
Angie Thompson
Cassie Jo Thompson
Jonathan Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Lucius Thompson
Peter & Carole Thompson
Trey Alan Thompson
Kaylin Traut
Kevin Troutman
Noah Tubbs
Alexis Turner
Mackenzie Turner
Jack Turula
Will Turula
Grace O. Tynan
Ms. Pauline L. Ulrey & Ms. Anna M. Weddle
Nancy Utz
Victoria Vail
Steve Vannoy - In Memory of Mary L. Marocco
Eddie Vitelli
Courtney Von Stein
Erica Von Stein
Lauren Von Stein
Ms. Patricia Voos
Aiden Warner
Rohin Warner
Sita Warner
Waverly Elementary School - 6th Grade Class
Ms. Sue Webster
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wegner
Bernard Weiner
Ernest L. Welch Jr
Eric Wesolowski
Ian Wesolowski
Jace Wesolowski
Martha Wesolowski
Ryan Whitener
Karen Wilczowski
Mr. Todd Wilson & Ms. Kathleen Reilly
Winchester Village Elementary Mr. McDuffee's Third Grade Class
Winchester Village Elementary Mrs. Steven's Third Grade Class
Winchester Village Elementary Mrs. Hunt's Third Grade Class
Mr. & Mrs. Gary T. Woodall
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Woods
Kennice A Wroblewski
Austin Yates
Madison Yates
Connor York
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson D.York
Jim Young
Randy Yust
Madeline Zellmer
Laura Zimmerman
Zion Lutheran School
The following represents honor and memorial gifts
made between 1/1/2008 and 12/31/2008.
In memory of Valvatta Armstrong
Mr. & Mrs. Merle Green
The 500 Earth Science Club
Mr. & Mrs. Dewey J. Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. James Tygum
In honor of Kathryn Betley
Planned Giving Group of Indiana, Inc.
In memory of Sir Frances Bacon
Mr. & Mrs. Ray P. Bigler
Ms. Cheryl Schmelzel
Awesome Paws Pet Playhouse & Day Spa
In honor of Charlie & Thea Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Buckles
In honor of Tina Bryant’s 5-year Anniversary
The Capital Group Companies
In honor of Chris & Grace Burns
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Griffith, III
In honor of Fred & Beth Cate and the
Bear Cubs
The Cate Law Firm, P.A.
Mr. & Mrs. Greg S. Eisenhauer
Mr. Joseph W. Gordon & Mr. Mark Bauer
In memory of Amber Katherine Clay
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mullin
In memory of Susan Cook
Mr. & Mrs. James A. DeLoughery, Sr.
In honor of James W. Dillow, II
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Babock
Amigo sponsor for Jim Easley in memory
of Linda Easley
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Easley
Amigo sponsor in memory of
Paddy Fullerton
Mr. & Mrs. Derek G. Fullerton
In memory of William C. Griffith, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William C. Griffith, III
In memory of Teresa Ann Habush
Mr. John E. Koss
In memory of Tommy “Cruz” Haffy
Ms. Judy Feinberg
In memory of Charles E. Hall
Mrs. Nancy J. Harrison
Amigo sponsor in memory of Libby Halpin
Ms. Sara Anne Hook
In memory of Nancy Hannon
Fountain City Order of Eastern Star #522
Mr. & Mrs. David Menten
Ms. Martha Rust
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Shields
Mr. Robert W. Sims
Ms. Diane Wendell
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wilson
In honor of Harrison Harte’s Birthday
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Drook
In honor of Bob Hirschman’s Birthday
Ms. Lynne D. Hirschman
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Hirschman
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Hasewinkel
In memory of June Hughes
Crestwood Village West Bldg 7
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Johnstone
Ms. Bonnie Markle
Ms. Sheryl L. Miller
Ms. Joanna Parks
Mrs. Karen J. Reynolds
Mr. Larry J. Rittenhouse
Mrs. Mary Ann Roman
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Roseth
Mr. Gregory Spudic
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Stevenson
Mrs. June M. Sullivan
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Zimmerman
In honor of Becky Kevoian’s Birthday
Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniel Yates
In memory of Alberta Kopp
Mr. Harry Ashman
Mr. Scott Blaylock
Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Charles
Ms. Jeaninne King
Mr. Gary Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Mace A. McAtee
Ms. Julianne Niedenthal
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Red
Mr. & Mrs. Clyde O. Rice
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Smith
Mrs. Mary Jane Smith
Mr. Luke Whitehouse
Amigo sponsor in memory of June Hughes
Ms. Sheryl L. Miller
Amigo sponsor in memory of
Beverly Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Seiler
In memory of Emily-Krista Risley
Dr. & Mrs. Jay R. Beagle
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Crowder
Ms. Rebecca Donnelson
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Fellers
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Grundy
Mr. & Mrs. Kris Risley
In memory of Marta Roberts
Ms. Barbara Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Stark
In memory of Dorothy Berger Rosenbaum
Ms. Karen Burns & Mr. Rick Gevers
L.M. Henderson and Company LLP
Mr. & Mrs. David A. McDaniel
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Sandifer
Smith-Brauer Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Wiesemann
In memory of Martha Scherer
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Shonk
In honor of Maribel Stark
Ms. Mary Virginia Linder
In memory of Aunt Maisie Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Bernhard
In memory of Harold M. Taylor
Mr. Marshall Kitterman
Mr. Robert L. Mann
Mr. Fred L. Robinson
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Sandifer
SePRO Corporation
In memory of Suzy Tomlinson
Mr. Alan B. Thompson
In honor of Dr. Janet K. Turkle
Her Staff
In memory of William L. Wright
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Carmichael
In honor of Sally Zelonis
Hamilton County Retired Teachers
The following represents individuals who gave
Gifts-in-Kind between 1/1/2008 and
John & Cynde Barnes
Miss Linda Glunt
Mr. & Mrs. Dan W. Hall
Ms. Caroline Lindsey
Mrs. Nina Manifold & Ms. Emily Manifold
Ms. Gerogia Tucker
Laura Githens Smith Society
The Laura Githens Smith Society recognizes
those individuals who have included the
Indianapolis Zoo in estate plans and informed
the Zoo of that commitment.The following
represents members through 12/31/2008.
Anonymous (4)
Mr. & Mrs. C. Michael Allen
Tim Ardillo & Jason Miiller
Ms. Caroline Askren*
Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Barber
John & Cynde Barnes
Wilma Barrow*
Mrs. Raymond Basso*
Mr. Joe Rand Beckett* &
Mrs. Mary Ann Beckett*
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Betley
Ms. Amy Beverland*
Ms. Jamie B. Billings & Ms. Martha Priddy
Dr. Jeffrey P. Bonner & Ms. Melody Noel
Mrs. Gene Branigin*
Ms. Jane Brigham
Ms. Julia H. Brink*
Mr. Don A. Brown*
Dr. Frances T. Brown*
Ms. Karen Burns & Mr. Richard Gevers
Mrs. Joyce Byroad*
Ada B. Calland*
Edith Calvert*
Ms. Janet Carmichael
Mr. & Mrs. William A. Carter
Ms. Marcella H. Chenoweth*
Mrs. Phyllis Cherry
Mrs. Alex M. Clark*
Ms. Mary Dorcas Clemons*
Tammy Coan
Chris W. & Lesley J. Conrad
Miss Corenn M. Stephenson Cookerly
Kathy & Greg Cookerly
Kathleen Morrison
Michael & Eileen Crowther
Mr. John C.* & Mrs. Georgiana Daniels
Dr. & Mrs. Gilbert S. Daniels
Mr. John H. Darlington, Jr.*
Mr. Gordon W. Davis*
Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Deken
J. Richard Delbauve*, in honor of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Delbauve
Mrs. Vivian S. Delbrook*
Mrs. Suzanne S. Dettwiler*
Mr. & Mrs. George DeVault*
Mr. M. Paul DeVietien
Mr. Michael Diven*
Mr. Peter H. Donahoe
Ms. Gertrude S. Drayer*
Mr. & Mrs. Don B. Earnhart
Mr. Robert A. Edwards*
Mrs. Lewis A. Enkema
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle B. Fisher
Dr. & Mrs. Pawel Fludzinski
Ms. Iona Flynn*
Mrs. Edward H. Gaalema*
Dr. Meg Gammage-Tucker
Ms. Judith A. Garrett*
Ms. Gina M. Giacone
Mr. James B. Glanton*
Mr. Lowell E.* & Mrs. Carol E. Green*
Mrs. Frances F. Green*
Mr. Raymond K. Gretencord*
Mrs. William C. Griffith, Jr.*
Mr. Kurt E. Haerter*
Mr. Marion C. Haltom
Ms. Barbara Harmon
Ms. Joanna Harsh*
Laurine A. Harvey*
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Holmquist
Ms. Marcia A. Honz & Mr. Tom Anderson
Ms. Sara Anne Hook
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Hoover
Ms. Norma J. Huber*
Miss Elsa M. Hubert
Mr. & Mrs. David E. Hughes
Mr. John D.* & Mrs. Amy B. Hughes*
John F.* & Mildred E. Jackman*
Mrs. Frances M. Johnson*
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Johnson
Mr. Howard K. Johnson*
Ms. Frances Strong Jordan*
Ms. Jean M. Kanne*
Mr. Kevin Michael Kelley
Ms. Ruth B. Kenney*
Mr. Phillip G. King*
Mrs. Louise Kirtland *
Mrs. James L. Kittle
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Knall
Dr. Leon Kenneth * & Mrs. Paula D. Knoebel
Ms. Kay F. Koch
Mrs. Amy Lain & Mr. Gary Antelept
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Ledman
Ms. Sandra Lee*
Mrs. Norman M. Leff
Ms. Nancy L. Leigh
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Levandusky
Marcia Levin*
Mr. Roy C. & Mrs. Arline E. Levin*
Mr. & Mrs. David Little
Ms. Emma Mae Love*
Mrs. Mildred S. Macdonald
Chuck & Debbie Marlett
Mrs. Joseph E. Marmon*
Mrs. Barbara E. Masters
Ms. Susan M. McCardle
Ms. Gloria G. McDaniel*
Ms. JoAn McDermott*
Mr. & Mrs. Boris E. Meditch
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Merk
Ms. Elsie Z. Mick*
Dr. Emery P.* & Mrs. Ethel Miller*
Mr. John B.* & Mrs. Jean R. Minneman
Mr. Sherman A. Minton*
Dr. Phillip G. Mosbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Musser
Dr. & Mrs. William L. Muth
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Mutz
Mrs. Jane Myers*
Mrs. Henry G. Nester*
Dr. Polly G. Nicely & Mr. Wayne L. Nicely
Ms. Pauline Nicol*
Mr. Lowell B. Nussbaum*
Mrs. Phyllis K. Oldham
Mrs. Joanne W. Orr*
Mr. & Mrs. Julian DV Pace II
Dr. & Mrs. Mel Perelman
Mr. Eugene C. Pulliam*
Mrs. Nina Mason Pulliam*
Ms. Mary E. Pyle*
Edris Radcliffe*
Miss Sally Reahard*
Don and Shannon Reynolds
Mr. & Mrs. Elton T. Ridley
Mrs. Marta A. Roberts*
Mrs. Virginia Roberts*
Mrs. Edward J.F. Roesch
Mr. Robert E. Ronzi*
Dr. Mary A. Root*
Mr. William T. Rosenbaum & Ms. Mimi
Ms. Becky Ruby
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Russell
Mr. & Mrs. J. Edward Sandifer
Mr. Paul W.* & Mrs. Katherine L. Scheuring
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Seeley
Ms. Pauline K. Selby
Ms. Stacie Shapiro
Mr. & Mrs. Roy A. Shea
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Shields
Ms. Ruby Shirkey*
Mr. Floyd S. Smith*
Ms. Laura Githens Smith*
Frank H. and Marian McConnell* Snyder
Bob & Cheryl Sparks
Andrew Steffen*
M'Liss K. Stephenson
Ms. Tamatha A. Stevens
Ms. Karen Stierer
Mr. Charles E. Stinemetz
Ms. Julia-Jean N. Stokes*
Mrs. Clara J. Stokka*
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Strong*
Mrs. Frederic W. Taylor*
Mrs. Philip M. Terry*
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Thompson
Ms. Nancy D. Thompson
Mr. Gayle Freeman* &
Mrs. Catherine Fhay Totten*
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Van Hove
Ms. Mabel D. VanMeter*
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Veenhuizen
Mr. William A.* & Mrs. Carol Vincent
Ms. Sue Webster
Mr. Donald B. Whitridge*
Ms. Mary R. Wilson*
Mrs. Barbara Woodard
Ms. Mary K. Wratten*
Dr. William L.* & Mrs. Anita Wright
Mr. & Mrs. C. Daniel Yates
Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Yong
*Denotes those members who are deceased.
Indiana Zoological Fund
The Indianapolis Zoo’s endowment program
dates back to 1978 when Laura Githens Smith
established one of the endowment’s first gifts.The
endowment is now named the Indiana Zoological
Fund and has its own governing board, but
remains incorporated under the Indianapolis Zoo.
The following represents the separately named
endowment contributors/funds that help make up
the Indiana Zoological Fund.
C. Willis Adams, Jr.
Mike and Jo Ann Allen Forest Biome Fund
Jean DeLoughery Endowment
Gertrude S. Drayer Estate
Elizabeth Goodrich Terry Endowment Fund
Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation Garden
Programs Fund
Polly H. Hix Research and Conservation Fund
Amy Hughes Fund
Mrs. Louise Kirtland
Marian L. McConnell Family Fellowship
Patrick T. Morrison Endowment Fund
Mathew Parish Endowment for the
World of Waters
Mel & Joan Perelman Endowment Fund
Miss Sally Reahard
George W. Stark Volunteer Award Endowment
Gregory Alan Stephenson Endowment
For Perpetuating Shark Conservation
Julia-Jean Stokes Endowment Fund
Inez Metzger Vincent Endowment Fund
Dorothy A. Van Hove Fellowship
The George W. Stark Award
This award celebrates those volunteers who have
dedicated 1,000 hours of volunteer service time to
the Indianapolis Zoo.The most recent to achieve
this honor are:
2007 Stark Award Winners:
Kathy Aitchison
Patricia Barber
Amy Bratsch
Patti Grattenthaler
June Hughes
Larry Llewellyn
Kelly McKinney
Brien Shoemaker
Jerry Sikes
Melinda Ward
2008 Stark Award Winners:
John Angelus
Judy Beninger
Linda Daley
Richard Fenter
Susan Mocas
Carol Ann Woelfel
Corporate/Foundation Donors
The following represents combined support from
corporations and foundations of operations, special
projects, sponsorships and events between
1/1/2008 and 12/31/2008.
Society Trustee $50,000 & above
AES Corporation
Citizens Energy Group
Clarian Health Partners
Coca-Cola Bottling Company Indianapolis, Inc.
The Cummins Foundation
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
Firestone Diversified Products
The Harlan Family Foundation
The Heritage Group
Indiana Business Journal
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Nicholas H. Noyes Jr. Memorial Foundation
Old National Bank
Olinger Distributing
Presidential Partner
Arts Council of Indianapolis and the
City of Indianapolis
Carrier Corporation
Clear Channel Broadcasting, Inc.
Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation
Deans Foods Company of Indiana
EMMIS Communications Corporation
Ice Miller LLP
The Indiana Rail Road Company
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
Scott A. Jones Foundation
Pepper Construction Company of Indiana
Ray’s Trash Service
Sallie Mae, Inc. and The Sallie Mae Fund
Veolia Water Indianapolis LLC
Community Champion
ARAB Termite and Pest Control, Inc.
CIGNA Health Care
Eugene & Marilyn Glick Foundation
W.C. Griffith Foundation Trust
Hirst Family Charitable Fund of Legacy Fund
Community Foundation
Indianapolis DINE Magazine
OneAmerica Foundation, Inc.
St. Vincent Health
Turner Construction Company of Indiana, LLC
Guardian $15,000-$19,999
Advanced Endo Care
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
Barnes & Thornburg
Business Furniture, LLC
Entrepreneur Organization
Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation, Inc.
Fidelity Personal Investments
Finish Line
W. Brooks Fortune Foundation
Huntington Bank
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance
M&I Wealth Management
Regions Morgan Keegan Trust
RJE Knoll
Roche Diagnostic Corporation
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Tony Stewart Foundation
Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty,
McNett & Henry LLP
Caretaker $10,000-$14,999
Allegient, LLC
Borshoff, Inc.
Bose McKinney & Evans, LLP
Bowen Engineering Corporation
Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf Architects
Collina Ventures, LLC
Dow AgroSciences
Harris Bank
Honeywell, Inc.
Hunt Construction Group
Indiana University
The Indianapolis Foundation
Indianapolis Monthly
Indianapolis Neurosurgical Group
The Jacoby Agency - Insurance and
Financial Services
The Kittle Foundation
Klipsch Group
Krieg Devault LLP
Kroger Company
M&I Bank
Marsh Supermarkets, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Quaker Tropicana Gatorade
Quality Connection & Top Notch
Starbucks Coffee Co.
Benefactor $5,000-$9,999
American Dairy Association
Association of Zoos & Aquariums
AT&T Real Yellow Pages
Bingham McHale, LLP
BioStorage Technologies
Bocar Enterprises, Inc.
The Jerry L. and Barbara J. Burris Foundation
Center of Orthopedic Surgery
City Securities Corporation
The Clarian Cardiovascular Center
Clear Channel Outdoor
Coors Broowing Company
Crowe Horwath LLP
Cumulus Indianapolis
Dalmatian Fire, Inc.
W.J. Deutsch & Sons, Ltd.
dippin’ dots
Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, Inc.
Ernst & Young
FedEx Epress
FORUM Credit Union
Geupel DeMars Hagerman, LLC
The Great Frame Up of Indianapolis
Howard Regional Health System
Hylant of Indianapolis, LLC
Indiana American Water
Indiana Pathology Institute, PC
Indianapolis Colts
Indianapolis Marriott Downtown
Indianapolis Neurosurgical Group
Indianapolis Museum of Art
Javelina Construction
Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP
Lacy Foundation
Langham Logistics, Inc.
Markey’s Audio Visual
MBS Associates
Med-Care Services, Inc.
Methodist Medical Group Physicians, Inc.
The Northern Trust Company
Omni Severin Hotel
Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital
at St. Vincent
Premiere Credit
Quality Printing
RATIO Architects, Inc.
Rolls-Royce Corporation
Sun Medical
Tom Wood Lexus
Turkle & Associates
USA Funds, Inc.
WTHR Channel 13
Hero $2,500-$4,999
Acorn Distributors, Inc.
R.B. Annis Educational Foundation
Back Home Again Foundation
Becker Landscape Contractors
BSA Lifestructures
Conrad Indianapolis
The Chef's Academy - Indiana Business College
Christel DeHaan Family Foundation
Endangered Species Chocolate
ERMCO Electrical and
Communications Contractors
Event Ticket Authority
Exclusive Limousine
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman PC
Hard Rock Café
Hirons & Company
Howard K. Johnson Fund of the
Indianapolis Foundation
Indy Racing League
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Johnson, Grossnickle and Associates
Key Private Bank
Littler Mendelson, PC
Mays Chemical Company
Messer Construction
MET Foundation, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
National City, now part of PNC
Nexus Group, Inc.
North Mechanical Contracting
OneAmerica Financial, Inc.
Joanne W. Orr Charitable Fund of the
Indianapolis Foundation
Pacers Sports & Entertainment
PepsiCo Foodservice and Vending Sales
Phoenix Data
ProLiance Energy, LLC
Rotary Foundation of Indianapolis
Ruddell Trust Fund
Schuckit & Associates, PC
Shiel Sexton Company, Inc.
Spotlight Indianapolis
United Parcel Service
Walker Information
Westfield Steel
Nussbaum $1,000-$2,499
The Ayres Foundation
Ball State University
Bertelsmann Direct North America, Inc.
The Best Chocolate in Town
Blakley Corporation
Bob Evans Farms, Inc.
Brightpoint, Inc.
Brown County IGA
Browning Construction, Inc.
Butler University
C D Enterprises LTD
Caito Foods Service, Inc.
Central Indiana Corporate Partnership
Circle Design Group, Inc.
Cole Hardwood, Inc.
D.C. Designers Tux Shop
Emerson Appliance Controls
Fink Roberts & Petrie, Inc.
First Industrial
Green Dreams Golf Tours LLC
Gregory & Appel Insurance
The GutterShutter Company
The Hagerman Group
Harlan Enterprises
Herff Jones, Inc.
Home City Ice
i.d.o. Incorporated
Indianapolis Convention & Visitors
Jay Orner & Sons Billiard Co., Inc.
Jenn Foundation
Laborer’s International Union of
North America Local 120
Lawson Elser, Inc.
Lenex Steel Company
Marbaugh Engineering Supply
Merrill Lynch–Carmel Office
Meyer Najem Company
Morgan Keegan & Company
Nordstrom, Inc.
Odyssey Group
Oxford Financial Group Ltd.
Panera Bread Company
Patora Fine Jewelers
Prudential Foundation
Qdoba Mexican Grill
Royal Gallery of Rugs, Inc.
SBK Brooks Investment Corp.
Short Strategy Group, Inc.
Silly Safari Shows
Sport Graphics Inc.
Tom Wood Management
Top Notch
Van Riper/Woodard Family Foundation
Washington Township Lions Club
Wildlife Conservation Society
The Woodhouse Day Spa
Zooporter $500-$999
AAA Hoosier Motor Club
Aronstam Fine Jewelers
BKD Foundation
Brehob Nursery and Greenhouse
Carlson Wagonlit Travel
Conner Prairie
CVS Distribution Center
First Title of Indiana
Fishers Pediatric Denistry
Fitch Hoyt Kline & Associates
Fund Evaluation Group, Inc.
Harry Gaunt Jewelers
High School Sports - The Magazine
Hoaglin Fine Catering
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Holliday Fund of the
Central Indiana Community Foundation
Imaging Office Systems
Indianapolis Opera
Kahn's Fine Wines & Spirits
Leon Tailoring Co., Inc.
McCready and Keene, Inc.
McGowan Insurance Group
Mi-Tech Metals, Inc.
MY-TE Products, Inc.
National City Private Client Group
Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
Jill L. Perelman Advised Endowment Fund
of Legacy Fund Community Foundation
Pillar Group Risk Management, Inc.
Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
Reynolds, Inc.
Saks Fifth Avenue
Schahet Hotels, Inc.
Sommer Fund of the Central Indiana
Community Foundation
Steak’N Shake, Inc.
Stuart & Branigin LLP
Tarpenning Lafollette Co., Inc.
The Tway Company, Incorporated
United Consulting
The Westin Hotel, Indianapolis
Wild Opal
Subscriber $250-$499
The Cate Law Firm, P.A.
Cork & Cracker
Ent & Imler CPA Group
Euclid Machine Company, a divison of
Thomas/Euclid Industries, Inc.
Fayette County Foundation
Ford Meter Box Foundation, Inc.
Gilbert, Naragon, Terrill & Company
Gilday Donahoe & Irvin, P.C.
Goose the Market
Honda West
Indianapolis Garden Club
King Shots, Inc.
Live Nation
J.S. Marten Jewelers
Mitsch Design
MP2 Photo
Oakley’s Bistro
Power Train
Primrose School at West Clay
Reis-Nichols Jewelers
Don Reynolds Imaging
Tiffany & Co.
Waste Management
Contributor $1-$249
B.R. Cohn Winery
Carey Indiana Limousines
Cynde's Shoes
Earthly Designs
Indiana Repertory Theater
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
Indy Walls & Ceilings, Inc.
Landmark’s Keystone Art Cinema
Mike’s Carwashes, Inc.
Mitchell Clay Studio
The Oceanaire Seafood Room
Theatre on the Square
Walker Family Foundation, Inc.
WRTV Channel 6
Marketing Sponsors
American Dairy Association of Indiana, Inc.
Association of Zoos and Aquariums
ARAB Termite and Pest Control, Inc
AT&T Real Yellow Pages
Ball Park Franks
Bob Evans Farms, Inc.
Carrier Corporation
Citizens Energy Group
Clarian Health Partners
Coca-Cola Enterprises
Dean Foods of Indiana
Dippin Dots
Edy's Ice Cream
Exclusive Limousine
Fidelity Investments
Frito Lay
Hard Rock Cafe
Howard P. Kaufman
Huntington National Bank
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Company
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
Kroger Company
Markey’s Audio Visual
Marsh Supermarkets, Inc.
Methodist Medical Group
Old National Bank
Starbucks Coffee Co.
Teachers Credit Union
The Great Frame Up of Indianapolis
The GutterShutter Company
The Indiana Rail Road Company
The Sallie Mae Fund
Veolia Water Indianapolis, LLC
Matching Gift Companies
Aid Association for Lutherans
AT&T Foundation
Caterpillar, Inc.
Computer Associates International, Inc.
Dow AgroSciences
Duke Energy Generation Services
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
Richard M. Fairbanks Foundation, Inc.
GartnerGroup, Inc.
Home Depot
IBM Corporation
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Lumina Foundation for Education
MasterBrand Cabinets, Inc.
McGraw-Hill Companies Foundation
Matching Gift Program
Merrill Lynch
Pepsico Foundation
Prudential Foundation
The Sallie Mae Fund
SePRO Corporation
Temple-Inland Foundation
United Technologies Carrier
USA Funds, Inc.
W.W. Grainger, Inc.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Special Projects
The following have provided funds for
restricted purposes and special projects between
1/1/2008 and 12/31/2008.
Arts Council of Indianapolis & the City
of Indianapolis
- Arts & Nature Programming
The Jerry L. and Barbara J. Burris Foundation
- Community Tuesdays
Eli Lilly & Company Foundation
- Veterinary Internship Program
W. Brooks Fortune Foundation
- Electronic Resources for Educators
Dr. & Mrs. Brendan P. Fox
- IPS Initiative
Harlan Family Foundation
- Eklin Mark V Digital radiography unit
Howard K. Johnson Fund of the
Indianapolis Foundation
- Elephant Care & Enrichment
Polly Horton Hix
- Cheetah Exhibit
Rotary Foundation of Indianapolis
- Walrus & Polar Bear Interpretative
Tony & Marla Smith
- Membership & Dolphin Adventure for
Underserved Youth
Tony Stewart Foundation
- Cheetah Conservation & Education
Roy Shea Capital Asset
Replacement Fund
The fund was created in November 1998 to insure
ongoing care and maintenance of the institution
– the Indianapolis Zoo – to which Mr. Shea
dedicated 32 years of his life.The following
gifts were received between 1/1/2008 and
Estate of Wilma A. Barrow
Estate of Joyce B. Byroad
Vivian S. Delbrook Estate
Estate of Kurt Haerter
Estate of E. Andrew Steffen
Estate of Donald B. Whitridge
Indianapolis Prize Gala
The following represents sponsors of the second
Indianpolis Prize Gala, a celebration of the
world’s leading award for animal conservation
held on September 27, 2008. The Indianapolis
Prize chairman was Myrta Pulliam and the Gala
chairman was Bill McCarthy.
Indianapolis Prize and Lilly
Medal Sponsor
Eli Lilly & Company
Gala Title Sponsor
AES Corporation
Presenting Sponsor
The Heritage Group
Video Sponsor
The Cummins Foundation
Leadership Sponsor
Pepper Construction Company of Indiana, LLC
VIP Reception Sponsor
M&I Wealth Management
Gold Sponsors
Barnes & Thornburg
Bowen Engineering Corporation
Clarian Health Partners
Duke Realty Corporation
Emmis Communications
Firestone Diversified Products
Indiana University
Indianapolis Marriott Downtown
Pathway Productions
The Indianapolis Foundation
Silver Sponsors
Back Home Again Foundation
Ball State University
BioStorage Technologies, Inc.
Borshoff, Inc.
Mary Clare & George Broadbent
Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf Architects
Business Furniture LLC
Christel DeHaan Family Foundation
Citizens Gas
City Securities Corporation
Crowe Horwath LLP
Dalmatian Fire, Inc.
Duke Energy
Lori Efoymson-Aguilera & Sergio Aguilera
Ernst & Young
Huntington National Bank
Ice Miller, LLP/Walker Information
Indiana American Water
Indianapolis Business Journal
Indianapolis Colts
Indianapolis Monthly
Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Indianapolis Museum of Art
The Jacoby Agency
JPMorgan Chase
Katz Sapper & Miller
LDI, Ltd. and Lacy Foundation
Langham Logistics, Inc.
Lumina Foundation
The Northern Trust Company
Pacers Sports & Entertainment
Patriot Investments, LLC
Premiere Credit
Myrta J. Pulliam
Roche Diagnostics
Samerian Foundation
The Scott A. Jones Foundation
Deborah Simon
Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP
Robert & Catherine Turner
Wildlife Conservation Society
Other/Inkind Donors
Endangered Species Chocolate
The Indianapolis Star
Olinger Distributing
WTHR – Channel 13
Elegant Vintages
International Wine Auction
The following represents sponsors of the Elegant
Vintages InternationalWine Auction held
on March 8, 2008.The event co-chairs were
Holiday Banta and T.J. Cole.
Title Sponsor
The Jacoby Agency/Insurance &
Financial Services
VIP Sponsor
Turkle & Associates and Phases
Beverage Sponsor
Olinger Distributing
Advertising Sponsor
Indianapolis DINE Magazine
Connoizooer Table Sponsors
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ackley
Firestone Diversified Products
The Jacoby Agency/Insurance &
Financial Services
Olinger Distributing
Turkle & Associates and Phases
Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty, McNett &
Henry LLP
Cellarmaster Patron
Table Sponsors
Brown County IGA
Dogwood Cellars
Endangered Species Chocolates
Indianapolis DINE Magazine
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Kern
Dr. & Mrs. J. Alan Webber
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Ackley
American Airlines
Mr. Jeff Apple
Jim & Cheryl Arnold of Kahn’s Fine Wines
Aronstam Fine Jewelers
B.R Cohn Winery
Ms. Holiday W. Banta & Mr. TJ Cole
Cynde Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baxter
The Best Chocolate in Town
Mr. James R. Blaufuss & Dr. Diana Bartea
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Brown
Carey Limousine
Ms. Darlene Christy
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Colyer
Conrad Indianapolis
Mr. Charles S. Cooper
Cork & Cracker
Ms. Susie Cross
Mr. Michael I. Crowther
Cynde’s Shoes
Mr. & Mrs. John Davis
Mr. Stefan S. Davis
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Dick
Dogwood Cellars
Dutton-Goldfield Winery
Endangered Species Chocolate
Epicureans Catering
Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Epler
Exclusive Limousine Service
L’Explorateur Restaurant
Fairmont Hotels
Firestone Diversified Products
Drs. Mark & Connie Gapinski
Harry Gaunt Jewelers
Ms. Valerie George
Goose the Market
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hilbert
Miss Marilyn R. Hotz &
Mrs. Shirley Etsinger-West
Dr. & Mrs. Roger Hurwitz
Indiana Repertory Theater
Indianapolis Colts
Indianapolis Civic Theatre
Indianapolis DINE Magazine
Indianapolis Marriott Downtown
Indianapolis Opera
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
Indianapolis Zoo
Indy Racing League
J.S. Marten Jewelers
Drs. Noel and Jon Jansen
The Jazz Kitchen
Kahn’s Fine Wines & Spirits Superstore
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kern
Ms. Florrie Binford Kichler
Kincaid’s Fish, Chop & Steakhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel King
Mr. Terry Kirts
Kokomo Wines
Landmark’s Keystone Art Cinema
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Linderman
Live Nation
Maker’s Mark Distillery
Mr. David H. McLary
Ms. Sharon Merriman
Dr. & Mrs. F. John Mills
Mitchell Clay Studio
Moët-Hennessy USA
Mr. Bruce Moore
MP2 photo.com
Dr. & Mrs. Dale Near
Nexus Group, Inc.
Oakley’s Bistro
The Oceanaire Seafood Room
Omni Severin Hotel
Olinger Distributing
Patora Fine Jewelers
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Pike
Raffles Hotels
Dr. & Mrs. George F. Rapp
Reis-Nichols Jewelers
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ruby
St. Elmo Steakhouse
Saks Fifth Avenue
Segway of Indiana
Ms. Vicky Shaffer White
Dr. Erica Smith & Mr. Nolan Smith
Spa Chakra at the Conrad Hotel
Stock Yards Bank & Trust
Theatre on the Square
Tiffany & Co.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tomich
Turkle & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. John Tynan
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Viale
Ms. Karen Warner & Mr. Ed Koolish
Dr. & Mrs. J. Alan Webber
Dr. Richard C. Weber
WFBQ, Q 95
White River State Park
Mr. Bob Whitt
Wild Opal
Dr. & Mrs. David Wilson
Ms. Renee Wilmeth
Dr. & Mrs. David H. Wolf
Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty,
McNett & Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Woodley
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Wright
WRTV Channel 6
Wyland Foundation
The following represents sponsors, participants,
and friends of the Zoo’s annual golf outing,
Golfari, held at Southern Dunes Golf Course
on July 16, 2008.The event chair was
Craig Mullins.
Title Sponsor
Honeywell, Inc.
Presenting Sponsor
FORUM Credit Union
Event Sponsors
Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf Architects
Indianapolis Business Journal
Pepper Construction Company of Indiana, LLC
Beverage Cart Sponsors
Green Dreams Golf Tours LLC
The Hagerman Group
i.d.o. Incorporated
Short Strategy Group
Virtual Simulator Contest
United Consulting
Putting Contest Sponsor
Spohn Associates
Lunch Sponsor
McAlister’s Deli
Specialty Hole Sponsors
Olinger Distributing Co. – Margarita Hole
Rundell Ernstberger Associates, LLC –
Arnold Palmer Hole
Turner Construction Company –
Root Beer Float Hole
Corporate Foursomes
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Blakely Corporation
The Brigham Family Foundation
Browning Construction, Inc.
Circle Design Group, Inc.
Citizens Energy Group
Clear Channel Outdoor
ERMCO Electrical and Communications
ESL Spectrum
FORUM Credit Union
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
Lawson Elser, Inc.
Marbaugh Engineering Supply
Norm Deken CLU, ChFC
Omni Severin Hotel
Planned Giving Committee
ProLiance Energy, LLC
Somerset CPA’s
Stuart & Branigin LLP
Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP
Animal Foursomes
Locke Reynolds, LLP
Smith Roberts & Associates
Hole Sponsors
Fitch Hoyt Kline & Associates
McGowan Insurance Group
Special Friends Recognition
Bright Ideas
Caito Foods
City Securities
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Coors Bottling Co.
Don Reynolds Imaging
Event Network
Indianapolis Business Journal
Mike’s Car Washes, Inc.
Southern Dunes Golf Course
The following represents sponsors of the Zoo’s
annual blockbuster black-tie event, Zoobilation,
which was held on June 13, 2008. The event
chair was Holiday Banta.
Title Sponsor Regions Bank/Morgan Keegan
VIP Party & The Down Under
VIP Lounge
Scott A. Jones Foundation
Entertainment Sponsors
Tom Wood Lexus, Nissan, Ford, Audi, Toyota,
Subaru, Porsche, Land Rover, WFBQ, and
Live Nation
Main Stage Sponsor
Klipsch Audio Technologies
Stage Sponsors
Bingham McHale, LLP
Jack Daniels/Fetzer Wine
M & I Bank
Souvenir Gift Sponsor
Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital
Restaurant Coupon Book
Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
Limousine Wrap Sponsors
Margaritaville Tequila
Beverage Sponsors
Olinger Distributing Co.
Coors Brewing Co.
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Restaurant Judging Sponsor
Indianapolis DINE Magazine
Chairman’s Hospitality Suite
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
Zoobilation Restaurants Day
at the Zoo
Citizens Gas
Official Zoobilation
Limousine Service
Exclusive Limousine
Official Hotel Sponsor
Omni Severin Hotel
Official Zoobilation Spa
Woodhouse Day Spa
PLATINUM Donors $20,000
Gene B. Glick Company, Inc.
Pepper Construction
Regions Bank
St. Vincent Health
Tom Wood, WFBQ & Live Nation
Gold Donors $12,000
Advanced Endocare
BFS Diversified Products
Business Furniture, LLC
CIGNA Healthcare
Collina Ventures, LLC
Entrepreneur Organization
Finish Line
Harris Bank
Krieg Devault
Olinger Distributing Co.
Quaker Tropicana Gatorade
Quality Connections & Top Notch
Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Sommer Barnard Ackerson Attorneys
State Farm Insurance
The Scott A. Jones Foundation
Turner Construction
Woodard, Emhardt, Moriarty,
McNett & Henry
Silver Donors $7,500
AGS Capital, Scott Weaver LLC
Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield
Bose McKinney & Evans
Clarian Health Partners
Federal Express
Hardamon & Associates
Hagerman Construction
Hunt Construction Group
Humana, Inc.
IBJ, IN Lawyer, MyStar
Ice Miller
Indianapolis Monthly
Indianapolis Neurosurgical Group
ITT Educational Services
Old National Bank
Sallie Mae Fund
Bronze Donors $3,000
Acorn Distributors, Inc.
Barnes & Thornburg
Becker Landscape Contractors
Bechtold, Pritchett Orthodontics, Quest
Information Systems
Bingham McHale, LLP
Bob & Cathy Turner
BSA Lifestructures
Burke,CE Solutions, Inc., IUPUI, Marla
Citizens Gas & Coke Utility
City Securities Corporation
Conrad Indianapolis
Coors Brewing Company
Craig M. McGinnis
Crowe Chizek and Company, LLC
Cumulus Indianapolis
Debbie Marple
Dow AgroSciences
Elmore Rice (Bill & Shirley)
Event Ticket Authority
Farrow, Girton, Salem
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman PC
Hirons & Company
Howard Regional Health System
Hylant of Indianapolis, LLC
Indianapolis DINE Magazine
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
Jim & Sally Friend
Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP
Kendrick Regional Center (Fredrick &
Carol Lane)
Key Private Bank
Klipsch Group
Littler Mendelson, PC
Locke Reynolds LLP
M&I Bank
MBS Associates
Messer Construction
MET Foundation, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
The Mothershead Foundation
North Mechanical Contracting
Olinger Distributing
Omni Severin Hotel
OneAmerica Financial, Inc.
Phoenix Data Corp.
ProLiance Energy, LLC
Quality Printing
RATIO Architects, Inc.
Samerian Foundation
Schuckit & Associates, PC
Scott A. Jones Foundation
Scott & Yasemin Pirkle
Shiel Sexton Company, Inc.
Spotlight Indianapolis
The Indianapolis Foundation
The Chef’s Academy
Todd & Natalie Wolfe
United Parcel Service (UPS)
USA Funds, Inc.
WTHR Channel 13
Wurster Construction Co.
Participating Restaurants
120 West Restaurant
14 West Restaurant & Suites
ACF Greater Indianapolis Chapter
Adobo Grill
Alan’s Catered Events
Alcatraz Brewing Company
Arni’s Restaurant
Barto’s Banquets and Catering
Blondie’s Cookies
Boulder Creek Dining Company
Bravo! Italian Kitchen
Café Nora & Ruth’s Keystone Café
The Capital Grille
D’Vine A Wine Bar
Danielli Restaurant and Art Gallery
El Torito Grill
Fionn MacCool’s Irish Pub
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar
The Flying Cupcake
Gelato Da Vinci
Grindstone Charley’s
H2O Sushi
Hard Rock Café
Harry & Izzy’s
Hoaglin Fine Catering
Hoaglin To Go Café & Marketplace
Hot Shotz Ale & Grill
Hot Tuna/Omni Severin Hotel
Kona Grill
La Margarita Restaurant
LuLu’s Restaurant & Cocktails
Maggiano’s Little Italy
McCormick & Schmick’s
The Melting Pot
Midtown Grill
Mitchell’s Fish Market
Morton’s the Steakhouse
Noah Grant’s Grill House
Noodles & Co.
Nordstrom Grill
Oh Yumm! Bistro & Catering
P.F. Chang’s China Bistro
Panera Bread
Paradise Bakery & Café
Qdoba Mexican Grill
R Bistro
Rathskeller Restaurant
Rick’s Café Boatyard
Rock Bottom Brewery
Ronnoco Coffee Company
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
Scholar’s Inn Restaurant & Lounge
Shula’s Steak House
Snooty Fox Restaurant & Catering
St. Elmo Steak House
Stir Crazy
Stone Creek Dining Co.
Sullivan’s Steakhouse
Texas Roadhouse
The Jazz Kitchen
The Oceanaire Seafood Room
Special Friends Recognition
The Future
(gift-in-kind contributions)
All Occasion Tent Rental
Coca-Cola Bottling
Coors Brewing Co.
Clear Channel Outdoor
Center Plate
D.C. Designer Tux Shop
BMG Event Productions
Eventfull Planning, LLC
Exclusive Limousine
Hirons & Company
Home City Ice
Indianapolis Business Journal
Indiana Lawyer
Indianapolis Monthly
Marco’s Pizza
McFarling Foods
Midwest Bartending School
Olinger Distributing
Omni Severin Hotel
Panera Bread
Posh Petals
RCA Dome
Solar Sources
White River State Park Commission
And the Indianapolis Zoo Staff and Volunteers
Every effort has been made by the Indianapolis
Zoo to verify information for accuracy and
completeness. Although great care is taken in
compiling our lists of donors, the possibility of
error always exists.We regret any errors in the
spelling of names or omissions, and we request
that you notify us with any corrections. Please
contact Tim Ardillo, Director of Institutional
Advancement, at (317) 630-2703 with any
questions, concerns, or corrections.
Karen Burns, Senior Vice President, External Relations
Tim Ardillo, Director of Institutional Advancement
Writer and Editor: Judith L. Gagen, Director of Communications
Production Manager: Kelly Papineau, Director of Creative Services
Book Designer: Carla Blackwell Design
Photo Credits: Front Cover, pages 4, 9, 11, Kerrie Best
14, 33, 40, 41
Inside Front Cover, pages 2, 10, Fred Cate
12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 23, 26, 28
Pages 3, 37
Paul Riley
Pages 5, 7, 19, 23, 29, 31, 36, 42 Walt Nichols Photography
Page 12
Jason Wright
Page 16
Susanne Wyatt
Pages 17, 30, 43
Susan Lang
Page 18
Don Reynolds Imaging
Pages 20, 21
Jackie Curts
Page 24
© 2009 John Binns, IRCF.org
Page 25
Michael Runnels
Pages 38, 39
Mike Crowther
Page 32
Lori Charles
Page 36
Jim Cottongim
Page 41
Rob Banayote
Executive Editor:
“It is heartening that so many people around the world now want
to protect their wild places and wild creatures. At the same time,
new pressures, problems, and conflicts are unavoidable as the human
population–already at 6.5 billion–continues to grow.
The world’s wildlife needs our help. There is no ultimate victory
in conservation, no happy ending that allows us to give a sigh of
contentment and close the book. Gorillas, tigers, lions, snow leopards,
pandas, and other rare species cannot be permanently ‘saved.’ Every
generation needs those who can see beyond the lumber value of a
redwood, the protein value of a wildebeest, the fashion value of a chiru,
and even the entertainment value of a panda. We need young people
with the moral vision to grant wild places and wild creatures the right
to exist, whole, free, and untouched.
In return, we are offered enough beauty to fill our hearts. And for those
lucky enough to gaze into the eyes of a wild tiger, we receive wonder,
awe, and a lesson in humility.”
Pamela Turner
A Life in theWild
George Schaller’s Struggle to Save the Last Great Beasts
Senior Editor:
The Indianapolis Zoo is accredited by the Association
of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), the American Association
of Museums (AAM), and the Alliance of Marine Mammal
Parks and Attractions (AMMPA) and is located in
White River State Park.
The Indianapolis Zoo uses 100% green power.
This report is made with pulp that comes from FSC (Forest
Stewardship Council) certified forests.These are managed
forests that guarantee the resource sustainability and good
environmental, social and economic practices.
This publication was printed
at Jewett, a printing company that uses
environmentally responsible materials,
storage and processes in its production
methods, including the use of soy-based
inks, and products which contain safer 65
components and have lower volatile organic
compound contents.
Made with 100% recycled paper.
Indianapolis Zoo
1200 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, IN 46222-0309
A Leader in Conservation