Exemption of Biomass Power Plants of capacity less than 15 MW
Exemption of Biomass Power Plants of capacity less than 15 MW
{ftilrit{"+1re.-33Q04/9s REGD.NO.D.L.43W4/99 & €ffi Iillmnlt ILlJ mut ffiffixD rfffdqqa. ffi1 @tzeGazette of gt 3{SreFtqf EXTRAORDINARY qFTlI -Gtug 3-sq-Igrg (iii PART ll---Section3--Sub-section(ii) qrftffiR t rrqlftrd PUBLISHEDBY AUTHORITY R. No. 20021 20021 r$ ftp*, . rfqttitm, ffirsr 1, 2oog,/sdr€relst 10, 1931 NEW DELHI, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER I,2OO9IAGRAHAYANA IO. T93I qqtq{ur eik q{ tdmq srftrq-{rr rEffi, r Rsqr, zoos ql zs) e1 qnr: eilsc-qxr ( r ) *rsc-*rnr (z) 6 trr.srr.3057(sr).-qqk{ur(qtsTsr)erfffi.qc,1986( 1986 se (v) { { tri Yrffi qT vdtr otd g{, Tqi-{iq qErrETriT ftefTq 3TRr{qfl,zooad q.fflsq*rvim q-{i ed q+' crsq e{Rrqq-{r d qr.eTr.rs:r(er), f,rfrq 14focqr, 2006ERrqrfr q1,ri ei, =i lrqi{tq (q{sTur)frqq, rsre t trqq 5 d sq-trqq(:)*erqtcqten tgs(s{;,arfrolgqrqfr,2009ErrrrarRraqitrirfiffiBiqrteqkrd*ftRrdss€ sqrf*d Et+ql qqrfir t, rrqcl { sm eTftIqqr * vq;rvns1drfrq * ao fEc* +fi ensq e*r lgrq qri.rq t); 3+{scd-fi sftqfu-a vrsq sTftrqq-{* y.n i srfr eTrs{c *t g$ei qr d*q sc+n i fuqn qr fcqr t; ffi;, 3:lt[,**q sr*'R, q-qi+tq(q{q{q) f+cc, lgSe*'f+qq 5 d sq-frqq (3 ) + €s (s) q'qtq qfudrqi-{sl ({T{s{ur) sTf}lfuqq, tssoql qrn: qiTq-qr{I (ll ei\ss-sRr (2) *rgc (v) gRrrfttnfuiqtels-*'r*rdgq,'r*r 3TRtqq-{d fnq66u qsfrq{ e...ffr+, eiql( rs6 efilq++ €,-( r ) tn s * sq-fu ( z ) * rsrn q{ Frqfufua reT qngr, €rEF(,I ; t "( z ) w$eTrgaRt {$fr frfrFqq *6fi fr 6r€rd ERr ft{q qr(t ' crg qgrd 6RIfeq're ffiFqq +1 s$ { {sfi yfr qr qsd fttx fFrR * dt mrtr*t { sq sq i erfrTfufisd t€q qra$ eih Es-"1qfi sfr vqi+ru ek q{ q-dffq al +fr qrq'fr t"r ( il ) t{r a *sq-t{r ( iii ; q, "qrrfrn$qq1F.FFGq +rfud \r€rftnrgqg ur q€$qfr d 313qftEfr+*lsa{ €' qfiftrar T{,t 3.' qndrfrr TFrfr wgrfr" vrQ,gfr{erqfr* w11q{, "11e1qqqfr qfo6qs&{rgqgw qgffi * e{qrsi', ffi !rd,t 4372(ili200!) (l) THE GAZETTf, OF INDIA : EXTR.{ORDIN.ARY 'g' gfildttrqt ffiq qrq'n t$rlLIlsSlU rrrq rn vqrf ese qRE+.ffiT q.q.$ lngrt'r vrq s#r srtrr rd (Ir) ttr z(i) d cr6 .rnrrdt rt{kd umq(3} 6 s'qtrn(iii) * {is (i) t,(i) qq (q) 6 qq rrqsid,ipnftil d q19fi, @ :_ *('r'D d-d-fi{ursrsrq{qq$g nffiffid wrrn 6'1ftq.T{ qtn frqrcit d r1u* ftqr w{nn f'; (ir) qq (q) d enq ry friffi1fu6 eE{S *vft, serfd :__ "(q) mft rr+qqt €Rqtur qroW qr *r fu6'!-fiqRriEFTrq (fuw$ ci-rlf-d ds s{.f 'o' qRdqqrc qr frelo'arq q€f *) eTtyr.rftq qR*qqTq (eTtrqFaT ot orsqmd t< 8(6) oir a(u) ii) t"; 0v) qs* .nqfrwuftq s*'rqft at qr:ne*ET+ * *d&fr {-qrro if,(q,) Ra'fiq sr+n (i) qll sq+{r (ii) d rrl d g3,rtwtfrd ftnn qrrrrnstr gs 16'|T gq'rtsifufr sqtn (ii). S lrrttr sia,ienfre ftqr H{ ffifu Etlgrll, 3|qfq:- "(i) (*,) rflt .6' qforhtr.ndd €d*r d, qftftqqTlrwrqq.$ ftg 16 srnilF*rEtrrTfu q€ qqr{qlnqqrmc*{ rqfuiq nRR 3Trft-R-lqi, d'ftq qqf*''tq sffi*ft et srr{*rr{ qs ss fu* ar qrw *" q6i qRdq{r ry .ffifud t qq fr oq a wn+q sqrqr$rdtd ft;rftil *.* qrdoTfo,t r gf,-d 316But, qRqtirtT.nr r51ao d tffrE:d d qft{ilqqT d ierff sq e qftil fuqr crq'rn (*) rf esr qftqf5trqg s ddE tf, qqld{ur sfu m I {emql\Kftn$gq * erqrqfuffat F{rt { enqfu{r qfttrffir rrilqr{ qdf { q6 eflrd .Fra "*r* ft -Rih*t at oofu;' s*rqR qrqTqw * rr$ * srfr sird et{Egqqifl"r. *r cq rtTrdq d trflF rn cr6t ce reftd d rgccr t ffid o,u1rn | (q) qdqsq *s Er {Traq i1qrv|iq qr frq truqd" RN trl qqf-{wrqqrEflir srp6{ur rft qqfqflfrq sFnq* 6l sr-'fl *ea w Gil6 ql" g* t tql qfrtrqil * ,oq" I trqfulnq smrqfr d sfuri rprr+q "*r*.i ftflqt.'q;,,*d Ov q*qft.n t*,tt + qEdf 6t * ryrd d wq.fr | sffd s{RFff, *" d E{irtd *om rr e nR d ilTftE t so fr{ d ftfi s* qftd 6i:n,,; I rIIq rr-sre s(ii) ] 9TIGT?[T TlEItl? : 3T{l[tRnt (s) fr"ssrnsqe$ (ii) tat s{q-{E(ii0 * sq d gq:dqifod fu'qt rilqnn I M srfqft d,(r) *rq 1(EF)3{tqs{-S rftife"d"sfdfrdi d tenq qq ffifua sfrRqi vd qr\"ft, greltq:- q-( 3ftt i3) "1(q.) (il trffif irr s"rT I q-r3 * ei-tiqd q:d d rfiie ii rsffi qg1 tr{ <50 er>50ss I >5 fqterc ftqq : sftq sfiwr*{ X{em 6t qe drqffi cie @ d qfdq tf ifi?T drqar ttFr qe-,gt *r 6l q.ct S ridq q >rsoto I q+q q.ert d"e <150 ml fr qrfrt f': srq *{ w eErqtdrr>sto I ftq q{r gsne}q 1FFT I (ii) wRfuftetq r$q wfr qRqhf,-{rqt qttcqfid * *ti qrqq sffdilqfr v€im/rrrT ft* € dffi TqC Erffi Ttrd qr{q arqi (6t{rmr fur{Ee sit{ oTar snrw) (ii) rrc r(rr) d inql niq (s) d qhfut d rern rrt ffifua qrq'ft, oulq :-((Tlrglli6{ vd mr1trft t nAfu Td THEGAZETTEoFTNDIA:EXrRAo_SD|NARY ll^t 1!_t_!1g.{iUl ftrqq : qeTrrrqil qTsiil{nRr6 etr Erfr Rrqr$qR'd-r{r oi-ffid rS t 61 qff$gTr{qq d 5q d f{qfRd frrqt \ilr(rrnF'' Enrs-{rf'Er' sftql5pq131; (iii) rrs r (q) * q*i,(ffi) *ir{ (g) q sRfui d efiq qqfteryfrfud efqeqi rd qr{"fr, apfq :") soo *'qHrE(etqfrr/frr{sdliqqr t's entnfu) ; > so t{nqT-d(fc eto, *w off-rqdmrq' d ftmq qfurl€rq€"{idi d q l f t oTqfer€ tf, S rut d w,fr srq gsn) ; > zo trrmrd (Err{d w ri qrdqrs qr tr qR{i$eqqrq'rqTfrror6}s 3rqRr€ w wtnfu) ; (rg) lFilT(4) il sfuBdi $ rpnqqqffifue efrRqi rS v6irX, eaedq :"<soo +ITHre(qit{dr ftrrqr{e/iqQfi*{ nq eflErRd); < so t ndre >s trrErc (te qrltr, fti-m Gil{ qrft erq {rq Er*qrs fu{rq qfuilT{ {i{idi d wtft s{qRr€t-d d sq ii {.qq) 1". (q) €q (s) { ffiRdi d win qt ffifus efdRqi rd qrqrft,eierlq:- 66qTslTqn[ vrdar1drft r frqq' (i) qr*qrf, silr crRfr{il {w{ d* antqilrlftr;Trfclt*fr{n sdnir d* {F{ qs sTrtlrk 15t{Trdnd tr6'S @a ffdt I 'tso/oil6'qs nq * I (ii) ft qfuto-cnqqmqrRroglqRr€silr oTRftfiil{qa d* otcarlfrrrqr{ct tdfftw sflnE {w qq sTrtrrftdrs iirnqreao fugd ri{e d 1so/omo qun<€ I (iii) ffi srRRR dv<,* ft{r sTcRr,esql Erq€iroT s.r*,1 o-{i qr& PdWdria qe qna d t"; I qrq u-qu-s qt{iT 3(ii) ] 6t {|-qq1 : 3f{Ttql-{trf (iv) Tq s(ir') d qrd+, rriq (s) d sARd d lern w ffifua iilrq?ft,erutq:- sAfu vd 66lilrn\rot vrd ar1dft t frtqur : (i) \]q\rn$ fut 6 crrftqcni Er* g{:?ffiur ffir6 qen*owr sTtftd S g€ srq f I qht ffi' Pdq (ii) rilur ErE.o,{rrir?Fruroit€ftFros.r$dt qft Esn d dTfr n qRdirqfg ftrqd r@t ,5'rrqrsq oirdftm t dt fu tRurst{ frgd sTrd.r.e$, wq.rd irrd q-.sAef,lvso,ooogq sR Erq6' getiTre{ffir ErS T-ile ,r.cff d qqlq{,ffq orqrqReltftrd *ff r (iii) ;Fnqrfu *s qqftGe (urrfuto,ew) w enurRaftT* {rie * ftq (or3gff d sfrR ri. r (u) S *o* Rqr rrqr *) qtrielEEirfqtqe srqil B P'; (v) T€ 4(s) d $Fri, iriq (s) { sftR * qemqq,ffifua sutq:- shR vd wFfr, ..qfrr1Tur vrtrarrl iirft f'; (vr) re c(v) * rrrqt,(ar) lsirr (+) d saR d reffi qq,ftrqftfua qRRqi Td qrFfr, orertf,:"(i) sn6ry REIH GS Rqr, wrft qRftnrq, qfr n ff{d dentqqrdsrqfus r (ii) <3{ro (en uftff{) sfl-{ ffidrc qi*fua P'; (q tiq (s) d, sAR d rqFrrN, cilr ag6 "rsrrlnut ry vrtrm1itft f,; sMffro sMFro. e}r/rir<r * in{r qAR rd qnf'ft, qeftfr:- lPenrlI-Snc.3(ii)l THE GAZETTEOF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY frrn Tq qqqrfrtm oilEnRilq?i" at orEsrrfr A iilr1nt I dqiq *m t qc srcat f'; sHFr+t +t dqRqffidfrqqn {o'r{ o\ oTfuqq-{r (vir) T€ 4(q) + rrrqi stq (s) d ftqqn sRe{il S wnq qt ffifuo efrR rdEilr1"fr, @:-ottq*sr s#{ AF{fl€ wSarrl ilrft f,; (iiii) TEs(6) d qmt,(tF) <ir* (s) it, frqqrq nqe d ern qq ffifud olufq:'Tqd gw srse (rr) etTEFF.$-{rwil qrgrqilg tiq (+) d, nfrR d lenq qq ffifure sAfu Ttft qr{ff, r' qhR td qrqfi, s{ettd:-- 'lf.ba gqtsr{+e t"' (ix) qE s(s) d vrql etq (s) d funq sftR * qenqr{ ffifud qtglt, SnqtE:: sRR Ed ..qttrnsld, qrerftRH€ vrtrar.1drft t,,; (x) T{ s(E) d qT{i, *i,r (s) d ftsqn sAR d lelra.rs ffifue qnFft, sTettq:- nAR {d "qrrrru dr ARftfE vrfrarl Etft r"; (xr) rc s(z) sit{ s$ fdFd qARd or eilq €rqr qr\r'n ; (xii) rrc z(qo)d nt{+,(tn,) iriq (s) d, Fsqrt sRR * lenq w, ffifua sftR rd E{TIr,ft, sp&:"qft @, fts S r'; ffi ffd fr S d atfuRqt sqtilrr+ W ql qF.-cqt I c{rtrrljEilrs sTfGt t5t TllFl:t 3(ii) ] (e) : 3f,€[EIFtUI iriq (s) it, qfrR d wnnqr, ffifud sRR Td qrqrt, enqtq:- afuuf ttft qrg qF{eqifrr<dlffi/T{'{qi rnwrgftqr qftfr;6 .rfi t elk/qT arg{ rrinln11P{fiq qu n< S t (xiii) rre z(rr) * qmi, ti,r (s) d ffiR S iprn qs ffi&e qfiFfr, opNfd.-- nRG r& 'rwrqnulsitr RRtrEavrtrarq ittft r foqur: 1. z. soo*o * oq qtxqr* ffiFr6 riqql fufl{ rErt 6, qrurflf s ffi qil{ d'r fu d t o,}GffirqR srtftK =rfi* | q'ft ela socto t tnq t frrg ssif >20,000q{ffe{ S rrqr sfrr d'Mq @ *s/qr so to * srFo, fto,rs e\" ffi€ * * vS qqTfuRsr5.q.$d mq do e@ ur e@ d qt{€ o.rduarq q61 q1gr6 f', (xiv)wez(s) d rrr{i,(rF) rtiq (z) d, sRR d wrFTw, f+qfrfuc nfrR rd qrqft, srqtd:'6qtfq, dE$Ir6, d{rT tq, dero,{u1 pr. fts)ciq (s) d, sftR d wnqW ffifue eAR rd cqnft 31qfq:- c(qrrEfirul vd arrl dff t ftuqq ; i. rtrFfqr riw.ne*r qalnmcfd stw eitqqrdrrgw sln$ vnfrf, S F' THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY lPnnr}I_-Src.3(ii)l 2. grr€ ql{Hur of qc nr{il t wg rrg vfi Til rfiIttt 61 1r.r E} furs fdrq qqtTrrr;dqq +fir (ffi) +qiqA 'd .|i sttr qqhqofrqsnrqR srq d 'r$s t (xv) re 7 (q) d lnrrl, (u,)ri.r (+) d sftR d erq tn, Frffifua qRe qd d qrgft, .R,tq :-(i)mftqw rnilqr{qffi ;$k qrq (t,ooo*. w.vs.rq Q sm) (ii) T619wft d vrqqr.tfrKr* ,ffi ottr/qrqRfufud {iqqqfta *at "; (s) lniq (s) d frcrqn qhR + rsn;rqir,ffifuH sRR rd Gil\nft,silcltfr: .'rrr€lliflrl vrtrart *ft | PcquT: {FilqFfd qw,fs qr,tqfrfut t l'; (xvi) rrE{cqr z (v) S srqi -(o) r=ir (s), d nfrR d nrq rrr ftqfrfua sRR rd !ilT\"ft,clqtd :-" (i) rooo+rr sitr Vsfrw* d ff qqfua wrft@; (ii) srffi{d qRRfto e}it d Rr* irfr qRqtqn l,'; (s) wior(a) d sRR d rem ffikc sftR q* qryft, qertfr: * * irir{ (s), d qr+ Erff qRq\ff{rct}* Rrqrqg|ft ffi f'; vrd (nr. vr.) t €dfudsqqff+od ern (xvii) oTTq-S d W fuqurd qrtrrsur qr ffifua rurrrilKr.n,srqfq :- 66{Tlqr$rT vrd (m.vr.) : sBsd'q;' * tq d scgt qr\rrn sqrf 'sr d ARfrf€ af,EqR*qqT qr A6-qr6-drq qR {6 : (i) a;u cftq (rireTur)srftftqq, 1sr2d slfi=Td-rRriletd ffdd €'; (ii) wrr{-srrq w dl*q r{crurft{ieur f€ eirqr?Ienrr€qtqftry trq tirfrq sq t r{fud et{ * ; (iii) Tqil-{rur(rirwr)srftfrqq, lsBG d qm g S er$or ewuffi q6FL{q ur&, eirR qrRRffi lit+rsfrd a\Td* rr6rcr*rrcFr, th{rrft, qctfr, ffi stk (iv) giffio Sqrd utr sic,wrqq*qrcfi t ro fu.t" S ftn gotw * ur sriRrolgq t erEfud S : qrg qe srttdm qE (i), re (ii) crtE<-E(iii) d sRfud &df d ro ffi d =r€f3m*d, eiilqiTdq $?ild d ro fu.{.d {ff * ddFd simtd d hiqrw ITFIlI-Errs qR? i5',r TrdfqT : srgEll-{ur 3(ii) l ertryrol, 1'o'fr ** d dqq nwf qr dq rr-qetrfd +q im* e*r # a* * qr qr i mre * Fem wosr TA t t ryftTr (vD qRRr€r d rrnqr d, (o) snurrrfdqn-orff t ddfud qir (I) d qem w frrqfrfua wil Eil3rr, sr-rfq :-"(I) ururtaaqmdrff I i i fdrq Eni of gqr i qRxilq-{ror rErf gTqfu .F'cr .rg' wr yd HTwRUT vrd arX dffi ilt qR Eft eqrsfr frfifuqrd dr{ffi Frqr ftfrk of t IPIIiT FTrd/wt/sqnr fro glq irafrt{ fudr qrwl TTPIl+truilq q[6{, T{R, f{o-rq(ffirt 4726t/o7 -2 q. d rrnr lP,urrll-Snc. 3(ii)l OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY TFIEGAZFITTE l0 14. rfurr$-gou-ct 15. qTN'qT{ ff"I ftil qITT trffirq Fnrfr7r1pnqn7ft{ 3t) i ffi Y\II fu et-s { +a ({rilq {{. dw €o qrq-fud.T-qrq 16. 1. 2. 3. 17. wffi i8. @E gerouiiea fr-qr .tqr *r QI 19. 20. 1'1 22. 23. 24. a-fr Hi tr{f,d16{uT6l qR r€t, tnf{ul fiIT lr{f,Itl d frq : srf*F+qq,tgeo @ er (riRToT) @ av fr-q ({iwvt) ef$ftuq, 1e72 A 3lfi-{ O tft.ernd-s sTfU{F-{r, 1ee1 $-g"*rnlsffiqfr of er+qTsfrI * : oR Ei d't' .cq.i *dt qTsret qrRTfr fifrrq t tr*ri"qtrffi ffi tgt qffi"q-fl tr-{olfrairAYI 3ffVqr Tq .hl rcftffi STTqTGFn t d Aqa ot-{ qr< renftf, fu-qrqmr s-{frrfud dR.dt 6-t qrt (o.) q'rqrd4-q (u) qrq qi@r (q) qnfl?m o.T eiltqrfitqT, qR 6H t 3ilr ;rffrft-d'qffi-GrqTA fuq {q*dtrrrtrr I qFr ll-€uit 3(ii) ] $II{iT i5t T-!m:f it : STqTelftut *q qE q-fi tffir t f6 3{iffl 3ltr ffii q RK rrq 3Tiq'+clr it {rdilq ErH 5-*1 efut-rtr 6',r6t{ 3fl-{f{ro-sd-ss t 3tr 5d ue qmo,rtt fu uR nqc q rR r{rer qr sFr6. tnqr vrdT t dl qRqtq{r dl 3rffir{ 6-{ Rlqr .,rrr frrs 93FIT qr\rrntr qffifwfl df A .r{ 3ffirqR,qR dr{ t, Eqlt dlfuq *t arrc q sFd{iEd of qrftt t arQrg' Rrrq ' (qRfu{r 3{rt{+' 6l EfiTTqR qrq 3fR t(I qiTr sKI{6/ srBg-n EKrffffiD fuo{ur: uri6 6 ilAq frffrrq{ dn erfuqr+r,tggt d 3Tft{3mqtr qrd qRffi f. on*rtot fitqr o-dlq,sq 3{rqA, fr sTIq*s @'etr'ernoletEertD "* gq 11rqregd 3{trmrtT EllT TIq6 w't iui'f6-dfr erm;1sT€n eft stlr {Fq tr-arrdd sFiEsrfh*-ur€.*. o1 elryn q; of RT*'Ritrg.d otft d ftrq fr cn-rde uftqr*, tggt d t fr eTR*s fr frt lilri qrfi fr;'cnoarqi swddid ffi sTt|gdsfiTqfrsTftnEil6-ri d ftN fr qTeI, r?T6.nEr{ft1 qrrft t 2. 3. rrqq s€ItrT oilqnurq, rftE risd{ 3lTtfFd*e cq qer\ d 1+r.s 6rftR ft1 qRdrqErrRTr{6 lom.*. d ffil{ efiR-d of qri qrfi qRdlq{rctt d titiq d qruft Edq gnr E-t amu; d lrrel qTeIqRdlcrqr srqRrR <vrit gq Tqs fi Tfin str{ s{T trt gq qq qruftErgr of RrwR$i qr Hr?ri5'w t cnffird tntqr f'; frFqFIqi ryd offirqft d ffrq 3fl'{fi, qqqrd sSo-tw d rqfi 6-C 6.3fi.3ngq-ffi+ qfr-d q-qfq-{urot{ qq riTmq d lrrer qrft trrrEn rrsp1-${{t w ut|*\ t, qffi{r }rtffiro d ftfrfl {.q.m. d rrFffi d-q-dqT|*Fd rwrersrfr il{r\ol q1qnfi | srfuFa E€Iqrft, ftf{tre qffiwfl d ftrq qffiqfl d frq rrfuFd rwrerft d orfr qd d wqaf{d qieiftq rqa otm | " (Ilr)qRFrs + d wm w fr*rftrfue wil qr1''r, sTQItE :-- "gRRt€ 4 (t* z efsq) ?ir6 s-+qri6\ rffid ?Frt d ftTqqBtqr TIIE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY lPanr ll-Snc.3(iiil 1.0Fil6'Vfir$ +1, €dftd qrq r{qq fuTq f€ ?IIriq {rqf{ r{qur f{i-irErqftfr gRI qR*q{r erd (rpl-di)d ?Trsrr$ fto's€r qRw d nrar qrq W sund{€ wrffiq qr qm{qff{ft fr sTBffiq {'trq *o' qFffi en gfrfud o€ EVarmn o1 \il\r|ft | 2.0 sftqr : z.r eilt<6', v{T qrwrrqqurfr{iTw dd qr €q rrcqfr qqwr frd-{urirRfr d wew irfuq frr, ftrffit erffior d qfrqlqrTcrqRrd t, fdRd ol-$ sroft d *tr dro, Eilcrd o1 qERn 6-{i d ftq v6' qrETrrr d qrurq t sr$tE qrtrn I qR qRdin{r era \o * orftfi ffi qr rre1 q1Ttq {rwhd d sig,ttne[rdrt e} mfo' fufrr, rnq qr €'q qr"qel" d fufld qRmqqTRrd t, *o, t *r sTrtel-.D, {s Vfl{r€ cnEilrutn ffiT S argvn dro gq-qr{o-{i d fuq scio, Tidfu qrq r{qur ft{rq *€ qr fiq trqta r{qq rrRfr o1 g.ro sr-{tEot{n I z.z 3nt{tr', srgilEve d tsu q(6qqqffiq wrrTrrkT ffiier Rdre6J oq * eq qw gFft sfuqi el}r ffi d qw*q qffitr qRRr€ g it fr G lsrqrGq sfrqi, rfw{r $RH (fuffib siilh frwn(ror z) S warq {iqRm fuq .Tqdrt w er-Esn d ?'di frqfq inq t siffi eftqirw at nr"rq1qr7 Rrrfrq d til( qft .r$ qiem sqtqrrftq wlil€niTf{ErtqurRf€ nRfud U qtr,q ft1 rilr\nfr | Vrrd lrIer-TTIeI sTFf,{c, {ftq rqf-{t"frq wTTEIRT ffiwI Rqtd d qrer B1q srrq t|-qtfisftqwffi1rTftefwr R'f€ ft1 Er€sfr 3ltr gs' qfiE vfr qqtqtureilqqmriTrdrqaenffifuc qrffidf qr olqicrdi dr 6qo1 eTffir d qR"dqqTqqRrf, €tfi, sriRfr o-*i of arr$sTr ettrff : (o) ftrdr q@l fqor oeeqlwrgw (q) fuf,r qRrq'qTT{K ftrrq qr qqr+d{q (tr) fuar v€fuqolqtcq (q) qE{ Rrr+q fro,rq /ri{€ ft enq36g7frorwqrfqffiq ($qqf-{rurefr qq riTffiq or r{dft*amtRffi qrmfrq 2.3 sqr sfufua sTfuorft,qqfwurefr cq rfilErq d *-ftq orqfaq d Rrqrq,yr6q qqffiq wsrrEnd ffitoT RqY€qfi srR w eTrft eTffir d frfi $srr Fd-q-€ qfuf t lfdftd frf+qrqo qrfMt ei .rqft *o.r-ffi tcil-i sT er{tE s€ gq, fuEd eqrt o-{i of tq-f,sen olit t a 6f6 g-r{r$ *i 11-o1grrTrar 6rqtffi ddi d $TFTII_ENTg qrftT iFI ffEfllit : sTgtetFtut skrq q{f,r of ffim w * qr srarerfttsq 6-ri d ftq nw qffiq frEfisr fti€ S sqtrar 6nqt I glffimr z.+ ddfto {rq }rqEurftd-rul f€ vt riq trq*f, n{qq fu"u qfrfr rft vsqldq Tqff, d 6* qRqls{r ei Erqfrvrqrqoti d fdrgifr rdtn eft arfien otfr utr Tqfrd Enrqfa{iiqr Filfi grilorfifi qI frilfr crq srgffi RrHt sTrRq frfrqur d rdrq qrw qqt{ruftq{rqETRT nEtr"r rurt FRRFSsd # €ftR HR srfi-er En\,-rfr| t rtsr fu z.z t Effid t, sq{-ffi qiq srfffiVerqHi, dt oTFdftfisq qrsT q:qfqr'ftqwqTEniT f{qFigtfrq}€ o1 yo eft t fi gtrtrq oqn'i f s.ocfr6'$rEr{d qaq s.t diifff, rn{q s-{qurft{.TUI*€ qr riq {r*fifrr rtqq ftdTq nfrft er trqw rTfuE qRdfsTrlrffrqtr'srw qqtwofu nqrErRT trwr Rffu frt srR qt drtq d wreRii d 6* Eil-o'g-r{r{ ffird o-ri d ftg mfts, qtrq cntrfrF{d rQrrqqi eiftq toq t'r sfu s{ro't Us qrSq tfu6 d sl}r v.o srtRro qTrilArar o1 vqrTrqrd tfto' wlmmqad fffid 6trn I crrrdror .116 sRftr{rq ti d ftg 6.q qrq fts frdt a1 qftr vqerq Frr$ !ilKnft ; g.z frflrq{, wrdT o} sq Rnrt qr orqftr{ii o1 ewd ff qfud o\rn wi sl.oq .rqtqiefrq{ffirqrfl ffitsr ftr}€' eilv .rqffiutq srilEncrtrqq "itd€ d qfero,q,* ao g;rer{ T{ qTTr qfi qgiqd rrd I tt srni o,} qEf,sqFxn q-drs .rdqs t, ! qei vsq Yrffi dl atd NTITF-{ etlqffiVtcftfrtr{ rrr frsrq-{ Tdrwnenr if$ srq qtu{dit q+cr of errqqr;rorfr Bqd-arorri at q{RTr -qfi qrRg I t.t f v*{ 6t inQ,e,sq+ ertt rsrn bi irr ffiF'oTr*rFrcTfi frrqr qr\'.r qir ro ot$ 3i-{ifuilsITIIRI qK sfu t1}erd Rrfr ;ToTT ridfud fu.-r qW/ fu* m-qrr/ frrfrI yqrgw 61 ffir qrseFr{ w ftilr dt s€ nqq shr qrtRro qrqrd trlffirn Trt d qlurq t eTfuqRro fOqr \iTgrnaefi ${fuf, 11-qr{qq fuTq f$ qr €q qfrft r{q'T furur y*f" ERrq€qrqfrtq 11,ft6rqkrdi i g* rq t rqffiil 1n four qrq-n ; g.a sqr eTrr{rRmqRfumi d d-{f, trar fuar od-qwsqrgffi d Tnqd @/ t ridffd yq 1{qrTfuTur et€ ut {q irwfr rq-"r ft{T'r wRfr d wEs - qfuq drfr wrqd d ftrg *{ Trftq, wrq slt{ Rr=roT ftihqq frrqr qrgn eilqwq g.r d 3rff{ eb-fl d ergw qq frrt m oTfuqfud fuqr qrsrn r +.0qflerq eilqgr{rE or ffiq oTfus'rfr l4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY ffdr qftil-ep/frdTr in]aqeq/sqrgffi qr frrfi sTcrr fudr qfs{ig t er-qrof {fr ol srr6l sRftD, *y *qu* fuTq etg qI riq rweb r{qq fuTUr{{frfr d sftftft of qarqart $Wf tilo Er-qgsBtqrol qftwr .Ft'netr qrtm I erwerf,r "y1 s.0fiffi qrs ?Ir qEr qr-qsT r{qq rqTfq qtER, wrrkTffii O1 T* OW trryq frMI fudrytqty o-ri of qqRn otfr t *iriftc frfi-qFrfi' qlBeFvur En $ oT'JR-d qfr qT ovi wrq frffiI tq 9o- sR Ver€-S dto g-fir€' o'rWqf d wrq {iirrq eft qr$ft | e.offiqt 6.1 vq qrft qmi Efrsqfuft o'I !i) RIFTqr fre.Tn t. otFd.{or$rqGqid qner d6r{ ftnn inw I e.z olffii ei snil{ s-{i s ftrq lrqRrft d frq dr{'r'T[ffi gl+kd rfi afi r e.s sTftq-6or ot$ sfrfrfu, qR-*q{r eilqqqffiq tm qft ,qft d qrq offiei 3n${qirn I qrrTErnT frqt-rurRdr€ S qfsq rR WsTrqr rrrsowr qffi .j.,, 6.4 {eleTw sqRrc qmi o), slrn<6t q'R"q)qqT ofiRRRqr qr\'.rT I niro-grdr$ orqffidqi o-r qiffiq qn &o rq t rqftfl E rt gq s{ftqqf, wfr frflii ert{ oTFrdrffifufrBit o'r rrw rfliTor dr€ qr €q rrqdi "{yt qRft r{wr ft4Tq d sfrfrfq gnr oTfrftfud fu-qrqr\rynoTlrqi-ftqqNTd orf,4rwfi q,r$ o1 wq gv 6ffi d 3rr d sil-drcfioi renqq^Rft qtqr d q6rr gqrqr \ilrgr defi Grlrt qrq rrq or$qf, qq vS fu fuf,r @g/ ftrar q'orq€qlsqrgffiqr BTd sfrfrfq ERrFffirer{fuq qKn aQnridfsd {rq r{qq fuTq *€ I riq rrwft r{qq ft{Tq qRft of sr}Rd frrqr qrq'rnt 6.5 e;l-trriltT vdrq .rq Tdi o-r \rfi' ft-aqq ert{ oTrnC6' ftt ftdT-ftqfut ab}$, qerlRrfr, TerrftqqTErT qTvrq of qtrrTrrTT { ofu Giffi qrqrC +qR ffiqr qT(rqrden qa.r{ qr\'rn qrPi d fuqr ffii I qi vs qqrco !n d o.tqlsq qg lM o.o gq{r{ of o'ffii erftrmrftnd "iro qRqtq{r 3rqRrd t $dftd frffir qR\ fucr qftr*l frar o.cmlgqrgm en-t qrw rqqq ft{'Tq fi€ qr qiq rw*r e-{wrftriT'r qRfr d orqtaq d trwr{qq sq t rqffif, frrqr qrS'rn| lt-w r{qq fr{Tq q}€ qr riq 11-wfrrs-{qq fuTq sRfr I r{rrrIt-Errc 3(ii)] rIfGT qT lTitqlf : 3f€telf{ut qn e-qft$ ffitft t orfficii w sTqRrrqrro.rQd ftrq eTqiaq{Tr{cw ffii dth-FfrqBrqio1, qR o.rt dt, €.-dfldfrfuqrrrfiqrBEtuii GilrddftrdsTrnf,rdl ]ffiSff,: M qr qd;rft f z.orifo g-;tqr{of gw eiri + ftq ordrEfu t qiu 7.1t'ffi g-dqr$oTrnqo qe of qrR at Trftrqt ffis ffi frt srdDd $-fi TA qi qT\nft r Wrd qwrq q-df*d 1T$reqqlTftdflr dr€ qr qiq {rqei{ r{qq [. i i fiRiTqHfrfr *6 g-{Er$d {qr dH d ensfii d frtrt rftifunftftqrrn' srkfiq o-I fr d t+ft t sS att \o- sfr qR*q{r }rfrTFrir o} dt-6 Wqd o1 ffii td qrqrft t eni-co,w wgenit qi {'df$il ovft gv Er{qr{dqfl si-t ftifrq efldfr TE-qrE d rTlerdlo- gr{r{ if erw ft-dtefidr up6u tnvfrSqFfro.$-{F$3t1rFiro' qq-q{ d wqra tqn ef .r{ en+q qrffiq qqrqkT Rd€ q qFGqqqlqw gTIIEIIIT ftqkq fut€ tn sf,-iT{6'Rqt€at yR d wrq €Gif}dftf+qmfi srkowr ft1, 3r5*k qfi Yo-qfr reffifr' fr er}Bfr 6trn Ff6 g-{-{r{orffii ft{aur qRfr, Pffd qilrdls z.z qR trq r{qur PtdTUretd qr riq qlwet{ ry gft{ qq wfr t d ddq v{6'ru, qqf-cgur fuif S .frtr{ #, g-fit{ 6Yi d 3m$6ar riercq, rrqrl 'q' qRq\cnrqr ffilrda$'S ftq 3nTlwt rs qRattr{r qr ftqrddrq stIIEIkrfutqur * Grq silT qrw wribrr qr dq vtqqle svrrrr, vrq qffiq nrft6w1 * sr{ftr w, ffi eFq3rfu6wrqr srfuolur m} Vs srftq.fir d qffic sfu{r d erEnr*qfrqr at grTiFri d frq ffifud qtrft f'; un qRRrs s d tsr e d tgffi q1 ffifu6 tqr rsr QKT, 3tgtlq :-- ..3. q6i dr$ rilffi q-nqd oilETrilo€f t qei eno-cq et-gqff of qq e d 3fic{rqr wft qRdfqqpfi 3ftt |ffii of q$Tii frtrd 3Tr'ffi trsrT1 3flr {3Tr{q R$d d 3ilqg qq fO'qr qKrrn f u-gqfi o1 qq a o1 qqn fr 5s6 ftaaq qR*GrTrq-o' o\ Ea.|{d t€t gV *ieq qqfiil{uftqfuf{ur qfrfr ut w qqffiq fufqur Hfrfr rsr 1 e-srT qr fiarroardi o'r 3TTiFGFT ro ott{ qnqT df-r{r d ernnqqq wrft sarf s qR'qrwqrctT d 3l-dqtqqd q|t fr o'ttrft silT qRdiirn S ffiq q'qlqquftq3l-{Tqfrti qr 3f,RreIT RTq.rfurqtt{fr dlr qqMq 3i-{rqRd ftq qrd 6-I fr sr$iE olsft f' I tt(I ) l tri.i-r rorys6/2004-tq. d. t cgeq,€otrm'R qrq 2, €s g, sq-€is (ii) fr orfuq[qlT fuur : Xg P+w ?Trrcd qrqrr, si-qTrrRsr, €tqt or.er. 1533 (st) drQrg14 fudqr, 2006gRr e-6-rRrd fur rrq e) eflTsrdl 'tzst EFT.orT. la) 6rfts 11srqqr, 2o0zanr rffifld fuqr rrqTI TIIE GAZITTE OF IIIDIA : EXTRAORDF{ARY [Pmr II-Snc.3(ii) MINISTRY OF ET{VIRONMENT AI\D FORESTS NOTtrICATION New Delhi.the lst December. 2009 s'o'3067(E)'Whereas, in e)€rciseof the powersconferredby sub-secton(t1. (v) cl?Fe ol (protection) Act, 9!g ryFsection(2) of section3 of the Ehvironment 1986(29 of 1986),a draft notification for makingcertainamendmenein the EnvironmeT-Jqpact Assessment notification, 2006iisuedvideno. S.O.1533(E), datedthe 14mSeptember, 2006,waspublished undersub-rule(3) of rule5 of tne Environment (Protection) Rules,1986,vide numbers.o. rss iej, datedtn" tg* January, ?009,invitingobjections andsuggestions fromall tne persons likelyto be affectedthereby,withina periodof 60 daysfromthe dateof publication of the said notification in the Gazette of India; And whereas,all objections and suggestions receivedin response to the 'draft notificationhave been duly considered abovementioned by thb Central Government; of the powersconferred by sub-section (I) and . fq*,-therefore,in exercise clause(v) of sub-section (2) of section3 of the Environment (irrotecfion) Act, iggO, r€adwithclause(d) of sub-rule (3) of rule5 of the Environment (protection) Rules, 1989,the CentralGovernment herebymakesthe followingamendments in the said notification, namely:In the saidnotification, I in pa-ra3, for sub-para (r), the following shall be substituted, namely:"(7) AII decisions of the SEIM shallbe takenin a meetingand shall ordinarily beunanimous: Provided that,in casea decision is takenby majority, the detailsof views, for and againstit, shallbe clearlyrecordedln tne minutesand a copy thereofsentto MoEF." U in para d in sub-para(iii), for thewordsandletters"ln the absenceof a 'B' projectshallbe treated dulyconstituted SEIAAor SEAC,a Category as a 'A' Category project",th'e wordsand letters"ln the absenceof a duly 'B' projectshallbe considered constituted SEIAAor SEAC,a Category at the centralLevelasa category'B' project" shallbesubstituted. t qFrrr*lsq3(ii)l rH $fR?f ET {|-qq:r : slffeffiur l7 in para r(i),. in- sub-para rrr retating to stage (3) - pubric Consultation,in clause(i),_ (i) afteritem(c),thefofrowing itemshallbeinserted, namery:"(cc) maintenance dredgingprovidedthe dredged J materiar shallbedisposed withinpo* limits.,,; (ii) for item(d),thefollowing itemshallbesubstituted, namely:- l' "(d) All Building or construction projectsor AreaDeveropment projects{whichdo not containany tategory.A, projects and activities) andTownships (itemg(a)andg[o)'inttresineduleto the notification),". w In para 10 relatingto Post EnvironmentalClearanceMonitoring,(a) the existingsub-para (i) shallbe renumbered as sub-para (ii) and beforesub-para (ii) as so re-numbered, the followingsub-parashallbe inserted namely; "(i) (a) In respect of Gtegory'A'projects,it shallbe mandatory for the projectproponent to makepublicthe environmental g.ntuo ro,. cleararrce theirprojectalongwiththe environmental conditions andsareguJrds ii tnuit .:|t.qy prominently advertising it at feastin two localnewipapers;iih; districtor Statewherethe projectis locatedandin addition,this shalfalso bedisplay.d! the projectproponent's websitepermanently. (b) In respect of category'B'projects,irrespective of its clearance bv ubrF I sgmR,tnu projectproponent shallprominently advertisein the newspapers indicating thatthe projecthasbeenaccorded environment clearance andthe detailsof MoEFwebsitewhereit is disprayed. (c) The Ministryof Environment and Forests and the state/unionTerritory Level Environmental Impact Assessment Authorities (sEIAAs), as the casemaybe, shallalsoplacethe environmental clearance in the publicdomainon Government portai.(d)The copiesof the environmental clearance shallbe submittedby the pioject proponents to the Heads of localbodies, Panchayats andMuniiipal Bodies in additionto the relevant officesof the Government whoin turnhasto display the santefor 30 daysfromthe dateof receipt.,,; (b) existing (ii)shallberenumbered sub-para assub-para (iii). V in the Scheduler(i) for item 1(a) and'the entries relating thereto,- the folloping item and entriesshallbe substituted,nimely:- !rz"r Gf1""t-3 TTIEGAZETTEOF,II{DIA : EXTRAORDINARY "1(a) (i)Mining minerals. of Penr lI Src. 3(ii) >50 ha of mining <50 ha >5 ha of General lease area in miningleasearea Condition respectof non-coalin respectof non- shallapply. minelease. coalminelease. Note:Mineral >150 ha of <150ha >5 ha prospecting is miningleasearea of mininglease exempted."; in respectof coal area in respect minelease. of coal mine lease. Asbestosmining irrespective of miningarea. (ii)Slurry pipelines (coal lignite and other ores)passing through national parK/ sanctuaries/ coral reefs, ecologically sensitive areas. (ii) against item 1(c), for the entries in column (E), the following entries shall be substituted,namely:_ "GeneralConditionshallapply" trlote:Irrigationprojectsnot involvingsubmergence or inter-state domain shallbeappraised bytheSEIMascategory'B'projects.',; (iii) againstitem t(d),(a) in column (3), for the entries, the following entries shall be substituted,namely> 50 MW(petcoke,dieselandall otherfuelsiniludingrefinery resldual oil wasteexceptbiomass); $rm ll-quit (b) in column (4), for the entries, the following entries shall be substituted, namely:"<500MW(coal/lignite/naphtha andgasbased); <50 MW> 5 MW(Petcoke,dieselanOattothe; fuelsincluding refinery residualoil wasteexceptbiomasS); <20MW> 15MW(basedon biomassor non hazardous municipal solid wasteas fuel).,,; (c) in.column (5), for the entries, the following entries shalt be substituted namely:"General Condition shallapply. Note: (i) Powerplants up to 15 MW, basedon biomass and usrng auxiriary fuersuchas coar/ rignite/ petroreum productsup to 15olo dre exempt. (ii) Powerplantsup to 15 MW, basedon non-hazardous municipal wasteand usingauxiriary fuersuchas coar/ rignite/ petroteum productsup to 15o/o ?r€ exempt. (iii) Powerplantsusingwasteheatboilerwithout any auxiliaryfuel are exempt.',; (iv) against item 3(a), in column (5), for the entries, the following entries shall be substituted, nimely:_ "General condition shallapply. Note: (i) The recyclingindustriar units registered underthe HSMRules, areexempted. (ii) In caseof secondary. metailurgicar processing industriarunits, those projectsinvorvingoperJtionof furna6, oniv ,r.n as inductionand electricarc furnace,submergeo arc-ruinace, and cupolawith capacitymorethan30,000tonies p",.unnrr (TpA) wouldrequireenvironmental clearance. (iii) Plant/ unitsotherthan powerprants(given againstentry no. 1(d) or the schedure), basedon munrcipat soriowaste (nonhazardous) areexempted.,,. u372qt/o9-tl ::-:l::--;--{r THE GAZETTEOF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY 20 (v) [Penrll-Snc.3(ii)l against item 4(b), in column (5), for the entry, the following entry shall be substituted,namely:"General conditions shallapply."; (vi) againstitem 4(d),- (a) in column (4), tor'the entry, the following entra shall be substituted,namely:"(i) All projectsirrespective of the size,if it is locatedin a Notified IndustrialArea/Estate. (ii) < 300tonnesperday(TPD)andlocatedoutsidea NotifiedIndustrial ArealEstate."; (b) in column (5), for the entry, the following entry shall be substituted, namely:conditions shallapply. "General aswellasspecific ahdexistingunits will be permitted No newMercury Cellbased.plants convertingto membranecell technologyare exempt from the notification."; (vii) against item 4(O, in column (5), for the eristing entta, the following entry shall be substituted, namely:shallapply."; conditions "General aswellasspecific (viii) againstitem 5(a),(a) in column (3), for the existing entty, the following entty shall be substituted, namely:*All projectsexceptSingleSuperPhosphate."; (b) in column (4), for t{re entta, the follswing entry shall be substituted, namely:"SingleSuperPhosphate."; I cFT II-'-qE:s 3(ii) ] $TlI3 tf,T {Iqqf : qg[qf(!T against item 5(e), in column (5), for tfte existitq entry' the following entry shall be substituted, nam€ry:- (ix) "General sfrallapply.'; aswellasspecificcontlitions (x) against itcm 5(O, in column (5), fur tlrc existing entty, the following entry shall be suHituEd, nameS:"General andspecificconditions shallapply."; (xi) item 5(k) and the entries relating thereto shall h omittedl, (xii) against item 7(a),(a) in column (3), for the entry, the fdfowing entry shall be substituted, namely:"All projectsincluding airstrips,whicharefor commErcial use."; (b) in column (5), for the entry, the fiollowangentry shall be substituted, namely:"Note: Air strips,whichdo not involvebunkering/rcfuelingfiacilityandor Air TrafficControl,areexempted."; (xiii) against itenr 7(c), in column (5), for the enFy, the fdlowing ently shall be substituted, narnely:"General aswellasspecific conditions shallapply. Note: 1. IndustrialEstateof area below500 ha. and not housingany industry of Gtegory'A'or'B'd@snotrequireclearance. 2. If the area is less than 500 ha. but conbins buildingand projects> 20,000Sq. rntr. and or development construction . areamorethan50 ha it will betreatedaqactivitylistedat serial no.B(a)or B(b)in the Schedule, asthecasemaybe."; 2l (xiv) against item 7(e),(a) in column (2), lor the enhy, the following entry shall be substituted,namely:"Potts,harbours, breakwaters,dredging.,, (b) in column (5), for the enhy, the following entry shall be substituted, namely:"General Condition shaflapply. Note: 1. capitaldredginginsideand oubide the porb or harbors channels areincluded; 2. Maintenance dredgingis exemptprovidedit formedpart of the originalproposalfor whichEnvironment plan (EMp) Management wasprepared andenvironmental clearance obtained.,'; (xv) against item 7(f), (a) in column (4), for the ently, the following ently shall be substitutednamely:projects; "(i) AllStateHighway and (ii) stateHighway projects expansion in hillyterrain(above 1,000m AMSL) andor ecologically sensitive areas."; (b) in column (5) for the eristing entry, the following enhy shall be substituted,namely:"General Condition shallapply. Note: Highways include expressways."; (xvi) againstitem 7(g),(a) in column (3), for the entry, the following entry shall be substituted, narnely:- s{ITd 6,f TIEFFT : 3f,€FII{ut I r1r|TII-€Tg "(i) All projects located at altitudeof 1,000mtr.andabove. areas."; sensitive in notifiedecologically (ii) All projects located (b) in cotumn(4), for the entry, the foltowing entry shall be substituted,namely:in column(3)."; "Allprojects exceptthosecovered (xvii) after the Schedule,in the 'Note', for sub-headingrelating to 'GeneralConditiorl(GC)', the following shall be substituted' namely:"GeneralCondition(GC): 'B' Any projector activityspecifiedin Category will be treatedas 'A', if locatedin wholeor in paft within 10 km from the Category areasnotifiedundertheWildlife(Protection) of: (i) Protected boundary pollutedareasas identifiedby the Central \d, 1972;(ii) Critically areasas Pollution ControlBoardfromtimeto time;(iii) Eco-sensitive (Protection)'Act, 1986, notifiedundersection3 of the Environment Dahanu, Pachmarhi, Matheran, Panchgani, suchas, Mahabaleshwar international (iv) and inter-State boundaries Doon Valley,and boundaries: of 10 km of regarding distance thatthe requirement Provided doneaway can be reducedor completely boundaries the inter-State sharing or U.Ts respective States the between with by an agreement the commonboundaryin pasethe acti\iitydoesnot fall within 10 at item(i), (ii)and(iii)above." kilometres of theareasmentioned W in the AppendixI, in Form I,for item (I) relating to the Basic Information, the following shall be substituted,namely:- (a) BasicInformation "(I) Serial Number 1. 2. Item Nameof the proiect/s S. No.in the schedule \372q(o?_s Details THE GAZETTEOF INDIA : EXTRAORDTNARY 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Pnn-rll-Sec. 3(ii)l Proposedcapacity/area/length/tonnage to be handled/command area/lease area/number of wellsto be drilled New/Expa nsion/Modernization ExistingCapaciVAreaetc. Cateqory of Proiect i.e.'A'or'B' Doesit attractthe general condition?If yes, please specifu. Doesit attractthe specific If'yes, conditionT soecifu. olease Location Plot/Survey/Khasra No. Villaoe Tehsil 10. District State Nearest railway station/airportalong with distancein kms. 11. NearestTown, city, District Headquafters in kms. alonqwithdistance 12. Zilla Parishad,Municipal VillagePanchayats, Local body (complete postal Corporation, nos.to be oiven) withtelephone addresses Nameof the applicant Address Reqistered : for corresoondence Address Name (Owner/Pa ftner/CEO) Desiqnation Address PinCode E-mail No. Telephone FaxNo. Sitesexamined,if any. Vi||age-District-State Detailsof Alternative Locationof thesesitesshouldbe shownon a 1 . 2. topo sheet. 13 L4, 15. 16. 3. L7. InterlinkedProjects 18. 19. Whetherseparateapplicationof interlinked oroiecthasbeensubmitted? If yes,dateof submission 20. If no, reason r'; I rwt ll-qne $nGI ?Ff TtTrqr . 3T{TTTr{UT yTll:i,, t< - approval/clearance under:ii yes,outuirioi'in-e s_ame andtheirstatusto begiven. nct,1e80? t:l lll..lq$ (conservation-) yI{. (prorectionj Arii'ifizz lfl Ih. (c) the C.R.ZNotification, 1991? Whether 6. Ofdef/POlicv relprranttrat=tiaa ^:!^to !L^ the site? Glqt4g r^ Foresttandinvofved (hecta@ Whether there is an@ a0ajns!.the projectandforfaiO in whichthe is propose to b*:et up? ?rgJ-"ct (a) Nameof theCoun (b) CaseNo. (c) Orders/directions of the Court,if any and its I relevance with the (b) the foilowing shail be inseftedat the end, namery:- "I herebygiven undeftakinq that the data and information given in the application andenclosures aretrueio.tlre_ oesioi my lnowledge andbeliefandI am awarethat if anypartof the dataandinformation submitted is found to be falseor misleading at anystage,.the projectwillbe rejeaeo-and clearance give,if anyto the projectwillbe revoked at ourris-kandcost. Date: Place: Signature of the applicant WithNameand FullAddress (Projectproponent/ AuthorisedSignatoryj NOTE: 1' The projectsinvolvingclearanceundercoastal RegulationzoneNotification, 1991shallsubmitwith the application a c.n.i mapduly demarcated by one of the authorized agencies, showingtne pro;eitactivities, w.r.t. c.R.z (at the stage of ToR) and the reiommendationsof the State coastal zone Management Authoriw(at the stageof EC). simultaneous action taken to obtainthe requisiteclearanceLnder the provisionsshallalsobe of the c.R,Z Notification,1991for the activitiesto be tocateoin the cRZ. 2' The projectsto be locatedwithin 10 km or irie Nationalparks,sanctuaries, BiosphereReserves,Migratory corridors of wird proponentshallsubmitthe map duly autherticated Animars,the project by chief witolir. warden showing these features vis-a-vis the project rocation and the THE GAZETTEOF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY 3. Vn IPrnr ll-Snc.3(ii (at the or commentsof the ChiefWildlifeWarden'thereon recommendations stageof EC)." & Forestsincluding with the Ministryof Environment All correspondence Clearance,subsequent submission'ofapplicationfor TOR/Environmental participation in the EAC to time, from time required may be as clarifications, Meetingon behalfof the pOeA proponentshallbe madeby the authorized signatoryshouldalsosubmita documentin signatoryonly. The authorized for the specificproject.". signatory suppoftof hisclaimof beingan authorized for AppendixIV, the following shall be substituted,namely:"APPENDIXIV (See paragraph 7) OF PUBLICHEARING FORCONDUCT PROCEDURE time boundand The PublicHearingshallbe arrangedin a systematic, 1.0 at the project transparentmannerensuringwidestpossiblepublicparticipation State Pollution site(s) or in its closeproximityDistrict-wise,by the concern_ed Committee Control Conirot Board (SPCB)or the Union Territory Pollution (urPcc). 2. O The Process: The applicantshall make a requestthrougha simpleletter to the Z.I in ControlCommittee, of the SPCBor UnionTerritoryPollution MemberSecretary the public within hearing the projectis located,to arrangethe whosejurisdiction prescribedstatutoryperiod. In casethe projectsite is coveringmorethan one bistrict or State or UnionTerritory,the publichearingis mandatedin each District,Stateor UnionTerritoryin whichthe projectis locatedand the applicant for holdingthe SPCBor UTPCC shallmakeseparaterequeststo eachconcerned publichearingas perthis procedure. Thg applicantshallenclosewith the letterof request,at least10 hard 2,2 copiesof the draft EIA copiesand an equivalentnumberof soft (electronic) the Summary Reportwith the genericstructuregivenin AppendixIII inrcluding reportin Englishand in the official language ImpactAssessment Environment with the Termsof of the state/locallanguage,preparedstrictlyin accordance the applicant after Scoping(Stage-2).Simultaneously communicated Reference shallarrangeto forwardcopies,one hard and one soft,of the abovedraft EIA or offices, Reportalongwith the SummaryEIAreportto the followingauthorities the projectwill be located: withinwhosejurisdiction collector/Deputy commissiomr/s (a) bistrict Magistrate/District parishad or Panchayatstlnion Corporation (ni or Municipal Zila I wr lr-urs 31;;11 qRiT ?Sf T|qq'* I gl€tslffltt (c) (d) DistrictIndustriesOffice Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) | PRIs Concerned/Development authorities (e) ConcernedRegionalOffice of the Ministryof Environmentand Forests 2.3 On receivingthe draft Environmental ImpactAssessment report,the above-mentioned authoritiesexceptthe RegionalOfficeof MoEF,shalldrrangeto widely publicizeit within their respectivejurisdictionsrequestingthe interested personsto sendtheir commentsto the concernedregulatoryauthorities.They shall also makeavailablethe draft EIA Reportfor inspection or 'Public,electronically otherwise to the publicduringnormalofficehourstill the Hearingis over. I 2.4 The SPCBor UTPCC concerned shallalso makesimilararrangements for givingpublicityabout the projectwithin the State/Union Territoryand make availablethe Summaryof the draft Environmental Impact Assessmentreport (AppendixIII A) for inspection in selectofficesor publiclibrariesor any other suitablelocationetc. Theyshallalsoadditionally makeavailablea copyof the draft Environmental Impact Assessment repoft to the above five authorities/offices as givenin para2.2. 3.0 Noticeof PublicHearing: 3.1 The Member-Secretary of the concernedSPCBor UTPCCshall finalize the date,time andexactvenuefor the conductof publichearingwithin7 (seven) daysof the date of receiptof the draft Environrnental ImpactAssessment report from the projectproponent,ahd advertisethe samein oraemajorNationalDaily and one Regional vernacular Daily/ OfficialStateLanguage.A minimumnotice periodof 30 (thirty)days shall be providedto the publicfor furnishingtheir responses; 3.2 The advertisement'shall also informthe publicaboutthe placesor officeswherethe publiccouldaccessthe draftEnvironmental ImpactAssessment repoft and the SummaryEnvironmental Impact Assessment repoft beforethe publichearing. In placeswherethe newspapers do not reach,the Competent Authorityshouldarrangeto informthe localpublicaboutthe publichearingby other meanssuchas by way of beatingof drumsas well as advertisement / announcement on radioI television. 3.3 No postponement of the date,time,venueof the publichearingshall be undertaken, unlesssomeuntowardemergency situationoccursand thenonly on the recommendationof the concerned District Magistrate/District collector/Deputy commissioner, the postponement shallbe notifiedto the public throughthe sameNationaland Regional vernacular dailiesand alsoprominently displayedat all the identifiedofficesby the concernedSPCBor UnionTerritory Pollution ControlCommittee; 3.4 In the aboveexceptional circumstances, freshdate,time and venuefor the publicconsultation shall be decidedby the Member- Secretaryof the concerned $PCB or UTPCC only in consultation with the District T}IE GAZETTEOF II\DIA : EXTRAORDINARY PAnr ll..-Snc.3(ii Magistrate/DistrictCollector/Deputy Commissioner and notifiedafreshas per procedureunder3.1 above. 4.0 Supervisionand presidingover the Hearing: 4.I The DistrictMagistrate / DistrictCollector/ DeputyCommissioner or his or her representative not below the rank of an AdditionalDistrictMagistrate assistedby a representative of SPCBor UTPCC, shallsuperuise and presideover the entirepublichearingprocess. 5.0 Videography 5'1 The SPCBor UTPCC shallarrangeto videofilm the entireproceedings. A copy of the videotapeor a CD shall be enebsed with the public helring proceedings whilefonruarding it to the Regulato4i!fiffirity concerned. 5.0 Proceedings 6.1 The attendance of all thosewho are presentat the venueshall be notedand annexedwith the finalproceedings. 6.2 There shall be no quorum requiredfor attendancefor startingthe proceedings. 6.3 A representative of the applicantshallinitiatethe proceedings with a presentation on the projectandthe SummaryEIArepoft. 6.4 Personspresentat the venueshall be grantedthe opportunityto seek information or clarifications on the projectfrom the aipplicant. The summaryof the publichearingproceedings accurat6$reflectingall the viewsand concerns expressedshall be recordedby the representative of the SPCBor UTpCCand readoverto the audience at the end of the proceedings explaining the contents in the local/vernacular language and the agreedminutesshallbe signedby the DistrictMagistrate/District Collector/Deputy Commissioneror his or her representative on the sameday andforwardedto the SPCB/UTPCC concerned. 6,5 A Statement of the issuesraisedby the publicandthe comments of the applicantshall also be preparedin the local languageor the OfficialState language, as the casemaybe,andin English andannexed to the proceedings+ 6.6 The proceedings of the publichearingshallbe.conspicuously displayed at the office of the Panchyats jurisdiction within whose the projectis located, officeof the concernedZila Parishad,DistrictMagistrate/ District collector / Deputy Commissioner,andthe SPCBor UTPCC.TheSPCB or UTPCC shallalso displaythe proceedings on its websitefor generalinformation. Comments, if any, on the proceedings, may be sentdirectlyto the concerned regulatory authorities andthe applicant concerned II-Efcs 3(iD] [. $rrrT 7.O $IRiT i5t {lqqT : 3R|temu[ Time period for completionof public hearing withina periodof forty five days The publichearingshallbe completed 7.t from dateof receiptof the requestletterfrom the applicant.Thereafterthe SPCB to the concerned shallsentthe publichearingproceedings or UTpCCconcerned of the publichearing. regulatoryauthoritywithineight daysof the completion Simuttaneously, a copy witt atso be provided to the proiect proponent' The applicantmay alsodirectlyforward.a cgpyof the approvedpublichearing proceedingsto tne regulatory authority concernedalong with the final report to the draft repoft or supplementary ImpactAssessment Environmental EIA report prepared after the public hearing and public consultations in the publichearingalongwith actionplan expressed tne concerns incorpoiating thoseconcerns." to address item-wise, andfinanciaiallocation, 'the If the SPCBor UTPCCfails to hold the publichearingwithin 7.2 stipulated45 (fortyfive) days,the Centralgovernmentin Ministryof Environment 'A' and Forestsfor Category projector activityand the State Governmentor for Category'B'projector activityat the requestof UnionTerritoryAdministration the SEIM, shallengageany otheragencyor authorityto completethe process, laiddownin this Notification.". as per procedure VIII in Appendix V, for para 3, the following para shall be substituted, namely:shallbe made the appraisal is not mandatory, "3. Wherea publicconsultation Form1 and EIAreport,in the caseof application on the basisof the prescribed all projectsand activitiesother than Item B of the Schedule.In the caseof its uniqueprojectcycle,the EACor SEAC considering Item 8 of the Schedule, concernedshallappraiseall CategowB projectsor activitieson the basisof on the planand makerecommendations Form1, Form1A and the conceptual and also project regardinggrant of environmentalclearanceor othenruise clearance.". for environmental stipulatethe conditions ll(l)l [No.J-l l0l3/56/2004-lA' G. K. PANDEY' Advisor Paft in the Gazetteof India,Extraordinary, Note:The principalruleswerepublished datedthe numberS.O.1533(E), (ii) videnotification II, Section3, Sub-section 14thSeptember,2006 and amendedvide S.O. L737(E),dated the 11"' October,2047' f f i o f l n d i a P r e s s ' R i n g R o a d . M a Y a P u r i , ' N e w D e l h i . l l 0Delhi-l 0 6 4 10054' of Publications' by the Controller and Published