March - The Feingold Diet
March - The Feingold Diet
Pum@Faefts of the UnitedStates Newsletterof the FeingoldnAssociations March 2009 New perspectiveon causesof autism Childrenwho live in rainv areasof the United Statesmav havea higher risk of developingautism. n intriguing new study from Cornell University found that children who live in therainiestcountiesof California,OregonandWashingtonhaveincreasedratesof autism. This may be due to environmentaltriggers like increasedexposureto householdchemicals,excessiveTV, and reducedlevels of vitamin D, which is createdwhen the skin is exposedto sunlight. Indoor air pollution is known to be far more seriousthanoutdoorpollution,and most householdscontain synthetic products that give off fumes (outgas)and might alsohavesyntheticfragrancein the form ofscentedcandles,scentedsprays or plug-ins. Vitamin D is believedto increaselevelsof glutathionein thebrain;this assistsin removing heavymetals,.which are believedto be a risk factor for autism. The studywaspublishedin the Novemberissueof theAmericanMedicalAssociation'sjournal, Archivesof Pediatricsand AdolescentMedicine. DOE)ER.)tODOr6)DOt6)Ee)tODOtO&)tO Slushies in the School? Someschoolshaveintroducedfrozen'Juice"drinks,whichthey claim will increasethe amountof fruit studentsconsume. he labelon JuiceAlive looks good at first glance:"1000 fruit juice, vitamin C and calcium,no addedsugarand zero gramsof fat." The ingredientsinclude concentratedwhite grapejuice, pearjuice concentrateand water;but afterthat thingsgo downhill. The drinks alsocontainartificial flavors,thepreservative well as a rainbow of svntheticdves. One mom wrote to us aboutthe "natural"JuiceAlive they arenow sellingin her daughter'smiddle school, "My daughterLauren came home from school last week, absolutelyrepulsedby theseslushies.'Mom, thereis nothingnaturalabout the colors in this stuff shesaid,'it's gross!"' "I contactedboth the principal and the PE teacher(who is on the district'snutrition committee). 'No artificial sugarsin it', they told me." Our Feingoldmom contactedvariouspeoplein the Scottsdale, AZ schoolsand was both shockedand disappointedat the responsesshereceived. Conlinued onpage2 Vol.33,No.2 Food dyesface challenge Maryland children might be given healthierfood in public schoolsandchild carecenters. aryland's statesenator Norman R. Stone,Jr., who represents BaltimoreCounty,has introducedthreebills that couldhavea dramatic effect on the behavior,leaming and healthof childrenin the state. SenateBill 100 calls for prohibiting public schoolsand child carecenters from purchasing, selling, using, or serving food products containing or consistingof specifiedartificial color additiveson or afterJuly l, 2010;and it authorizesthe StateBoardof Education to adoptregulations. (Thebill includes an exceptionwhen parentsor guardians provide food specifically for their own children.) SenatorStoneis alsointroducingtwo relatedbills. SenateBill 101callsfor warning labelson food packagesand menus when certain dyes are present. And SenateBill i 11 would require vendingmachineoperatorsto include informationon allergenlabelingto be postedon the exterior of the vending machine. A joint resolution,citing the work of Dr. Feingold,encourages the US Congressto ban the use of syntheticdyes in foods sold or served in the United States. TheFeingold@ Association of theUnitedStates,Inc.,foundedin 1976,is a non-profitorganization whosepurposes areto supportits membersin theimplementation ofthe FeingoldProgramandto generate awareness ofthe potentialroleoffoodsandsyntheticadditivesin behavioral,leamingandhealth .problems.The programis basedon a diet eliminatingsyntheticcolors,syntheticflavors,aspartame, andthe preservatives BHA, BHT andTBHQ. This is a dialoguebetweenFeingold mom, MarianneQoyawayma,and the various peoplein her child's school,who vigorously defendtheir decisionto servethe slushies.It is typical of the re- sponsemanyfamiliesreceivefrom schooladministrators. + It has come to my attentionthat the Scottsdaledistrict is now serving JuiceAlive slushies. My youngestchild hasextreme chemical sensitivities; he cannot have anything with artificial flavors, colors or preservatives. Thesecausehim to have extremebehaviorproblems-- kicking, hitting, yelling -in addition to learning problems. Once we madethe connection and removedall of theseingredientsfromhis diet, Kevin has been wonderful -- problems gone! Becausewe are awareof this, my children will never touch one of theseslushies;thoseingredientswere the causeof my son'sreactions,bringing back honible memories for our entire family. While they contain juice and no addedor artificial sugars,they also contain artificial flavors and artificial colors. Why on Earth would the district approvethis product? Why encouragestudentsto drink it when it could be inviting behavior problems, leaming problems and promoting poor nutrtion? Yes, my son is sensitive,but the more sfudentswho drink it the more chancesthat someoneelse will have problems. Do you really need to take that chance? Is it fair to the students and to their families who trust that when somethingis labeled as "nutritious" that it is safe? I learnedthe hard way that what is labeledas safe and nufitious is not necessarilyso. Our family went though hell until we figured out what was causing our little guy to have a Dr. Jekyll/lr4r. Hyde personality. Pleasevisit effectsof thesechemicals,aswell asstudiesto backthis up, arelistedthere. For the sakeof all of the students,I hope you will rethink what you serve in the schools. I tne slushiesdo containsomeartificialingredients, which are added to most foods we consumetoday. lt is difficultto find foods that are completelynatural and free of preservativesand coloring. Havingbeen on the NutritionCommittee,l'm sure you realize all the rulesand regulations our departmenthasto follow. Not onlydo we haveto meetNationalSchoolLunchProgram guidelines, we mustalsoabideby the ArizonaNutritionStandardsand ScottsdaleUnifiedSchoolDistriit WellnessPolicy. That beingsaid,JuiceAliveis a productthat meetsour standardsand specifications, Thereare manybenefitsto this product. In additionto the vitamins listed. I recentlyread an articlethat statedthat elementaryage studentsdo not consumeenoughfruitand that slushieswere one way to make fruit attractiveto students. + Hasanyonein the disftict doneanyresearchabout theharmfuleffectsof thesechemicals?I provideda link to theFeingoldsite( whichhasinformationaboutstudiesdonethatsubstantiate my concerns. You arepresentingthisproductasnutrifiousandbeneficial, but this is not entirelytrue. If the districtis truly trying to improvenutrition,testscores,andbehaviorin why they arewilltheschools,thenI cannotunderstand ing to look pastthis concernandprovidesomethingto the studentsthat containsknown harmful chemicals! Certainlytheremustbe a saferalternative. I Eightof the twelveof us herein the officehavestudentsin ourdistrict, so we makethedecisions knowing ourownchildrenwillbenefit.Wearesensitive to student possible. allergies whenever andmakeaccommodations Everyparenthas the abilityto limitwhatproductsthey wanttheirchildrento consume.I knowhis teacherand principal areawareof yourson'sallergies. ln response to yourquestion aboutbeingnutritious and beingsafe- thatcouldmeandifferentthingsto different people.Peanutbutteris nutritious formostpeople, butit is definitely notsafefor a lotof people. + You mentionpeanutallergies. Knowingthat you you avoidthem.Hereyou havea problemwith peanuts, areprovidinga productthat containsharmfulchemicals to theenfirestudentpopulation.Yestheyhavea choice, butrealistically, if a personhada cluethatthechemicals in all this stuff could possiblycausebehaviorand/or learning problems then that would be an informed choice. You needto informtheparentsandstudents thatthere potentially product. are harmfulchemicalsin this If you havehundredsor thousands of students consumingJuice Alive slushies, areyouwillingto betthatnotoneof them will havesomekind of adversereaction?Is the distict willing to sit backandwait to seeif behaviorissuesarise and/ortestscoresdrop? Informthemandlet themmake informeddecisions. I We are testingthe colorlessslushie. I have my doubtsas to thesuccessof theprogram, butwe arealwaysopento lookingat different options.People(including children) eat with theireyesamongothersensory responses, and we haveto facethatfact. Havingsaid that,and aftermuchresearch,we are stillcomfortable withourdecisionto offerSlushies. Continuedon page 3 2 Pure FactslMarch 2009 Here are someways to understandthe "double-talk"parents hearfrom schoolofficialsandotheradditiveapologists. common for people to confusea Tt's to food additives with lsensitivity an allergic reaction, but they are very different things. Allergy is generally defined as an adversereaction to a substancethat is harmless for most people. But the reactionKevin and millions of others have to food dyes in not an allergic response. Peanutsare food. The dyes used in products like the slushies are not foods, they are synthetic chemicals createdfrom petroleum. Only seven dyes are still allowed to be used in foods, as all ofthe othershave been either discardedor banned as health hazards. It's only a matter of time before the remainingonesare bannedas well. The fact that the slushiescontain synthetic dyes suggests that the amountofrealjuice is too small to impart color to the products. Similarly, the fact that artificial flavors areadded suggeststhat there is too little real fruit in it to provide flavor. Artificial flavorings are collections of chemicals of all sorts and -- like the dyes -have been reported to trigger behavior, learning and health problems in many people. Thesedyeshavebeenfoundto cause adversehealth effects --'not allergic reactions-- but physical harm. The medical journal artrcles that document the many dangersof thesepetrochemicals can be found on the web site: The slushiesalso contain sodiumbenzoate. One recent study showedthat when a food dye is combinedwith a second chemical additive the damage to nerve cells is multiplied as much as 7-fold. No testshave been conducted to seewhat damagetakesplace when a dye is combined with numerous other synthetic additives, as is the casewith theseslushies. In addition to the harm from the dyes themselves, they are permitted to have heavy metal contaminantslike lead, mercury and arsenic...theyare just not supposedto have too much of them. (I.{ow that most of our food dyes are imported from China, this raises the issue of even more problems with quality control.) No moreslushiesfor Kevin,who now wins Studentof the Month awards. It's hard to imagine how one could have a "colorless slushie" if it included real fruit since most fruits are very nch in natural colors. If a manufacturer wantedto intensify the colors therearemany naturaldyesavailable. It's also hard to believe that offenng children turquoise beverages will teach them anything about nutitious fruits. The fact that there are vitamins in the slushie does not make it a good choice. One could arguethat schools should sell wine since it has been thought to confer some health benefits, but that would not make it appropriate for children. Productslike theseslushiesarenot in violationof the law or schoolpolicies,but thatdoesnot changethe fact that they containchemicalsthat are harmful,especiallyfor children. SlushiesAbroad The problem is not confined to the US. In New SouthWalesslushiebeverages have raised concems. One brand, advertisedas"99o/ofruit," contains dyes that are still allowed in Ausfralia and New Zealand, but are banned in other countries. Some of the dyes have been found to cause damage to chromosomes and the liver, to causetumors and hyperactivity. The sodium benzoate used as a preservativein the slushieshas been linked to ADHD, and is a tngger for asthma. Another problem with sodium benzoateis that when it is used in beveragesthat contain high levels of vitamin C (addedto the slushies)it can form benzene,a cancer-causing agentlinked with leukemia. Teachershavereportedthat children consuming the slushies have complained of headachesand breathing difficulties, and that behavior problems have increased. New Zealand'sSchool CanteenAssociation's (SCA) guidelines caution mernbersnot to use"imagesof fruit or fruit names" that are misleading becausea product doesnot acfually contain the fruit. However the SCA manager,Jo Gardner, acknowledged that some children might have adverse reactions to the food dyes and preservative,but said "additiveshave a role in...ensuringour food is safe and meetsthe needsof consumers." Calling these comments "an absolute cop-out," Julie Eady of Austualia's Additive Alert asks. "What percentageof kids is it OK to harm? There are plenty of safe alternative food colourings and preservativesthe manufacturercould have chosen." Pure Facts/ilarch2009 3 TouretteSyndrome Like manydisorderschildrenfacetoday,TS hasgonefrom beingrareto commonplace.Some tics. surveyshavefoundthatasmanyasonein four school-age childrenhaveexperienced tic can range from something very mild such as excessive blinking or throat clearing,to involvement of the entire body. The individual will make the same movementsand/or sounds over and over, and while they typically have some ability to contol them, this can be difficult, and eventually the pent-up movements/ soundsmustbe released. Tics can be a characteristicof serious medical conditions other than TS (Tourette syndrome)so other causesshould be ruled out. The book, Natural Treatmentsof Tics & Tourette'sprovides guidanceon this. May 23-24,2009 Dallas/FtWorth,TX For detailson the upcomingconferenceon Tourette'sand relateddisorderssee orwriteACNat POBox2198,BrokenAnowOK74013. Causesof TS The traditional medical approachtoday still considersTS a mystery, offering little more than drugsto atternpt to control the symptoms. But some families have found that the "cure" is worse than the disorder. While psychological factors don't causeTS, stressis the most frequently reported trigger, so counseling could be helpful to reduce stress or to address the social problems brought on by the tics. [The previous issue of Pure Facts, February 2009, describes the link between stress and ADHD. Many of the tiggers and solutionsthat are useful for ADHD can also help peoplesufferingfrom TS.l The Associationfor Comprehensive Neurotherapy (ACN) was formed to provide help for people dealing with TS, and like most similar non-profit organizations,they addressneedsthat are not being met by traditional approaches. ACN was createdby parents who successfully helped their children with non-traditional therapies. They cornbinetheir own wisdom with help from those remarkableprofessionalswho are willine and able to seekreal answers. 4 Pure FrctslMarch2009 In a suney of nearly 1800families the ACN found that the things addressedby the Feingold diet are high on the list oftriggers for tics. Theseinclude food dyes, artificial flavorings, synthetic sweeteners and preservatives, MSG, pesticides,and fragrances ofall types. Elechomagnetic sources, strobe lights and fluorescent lights are also potential triggers. Foodallergy,gluten/casein sensitivityor synthetic additives? Somepeople suspectvarious foods, and while they may, indeed, be culprits, this canbe a confusingarea. For instance, a reaction to corn flakes might be a corn allergy, or it might be due to the BHT in the packagingmaterial. What is believedto be a chocolate dllergy could be a reactionto the fake vanilla (vanillin). If the symptoms seemto be causedby a meal of macaroni & cheese,it might indicate a sensitivity to gluten (the pasta)or casein (cheese).But it could be triggeredby the yellow 5 and yellow 6 found in many mac & cheesemixes. Waxing and waning The medical literature on TS refers to the mysterious "waxing and waning of symptoms" as the tics seemto come and go. But this could be attributed to the many triggersdescribedin this book. Researchershave found that TS is worse in wintermonths, like the study on autism described on page 1. As with autism,this could be due to more TV, more junk food, less exercise, lesssunlightandthuslessvitaminD3. Additionally, author Sheila Rogers notes that thesemonths include most ofthe candyholidays. ADHD, TS, OCD, etc. Any familydealingwith theseconditions,andstill seekingsolutions,will find a wealthof practical,useableinformationin this newly-revisedtext. For thechildon theFeingoldProgram who is still havingproblems,it is a valuableroadmapto guidethernto adandnon-drugtheraditionalresources pies, Thebookis 337pages, in the $19,95 US and522.95in Canada. Sfap &rilq {w taare, e"drt Easterfulls on April 12ththisyeff, leavinglots of timeto find thosenaturaltreats. ack in the 1970's,jelly beanswerejust a fond wish for Feingoldkids,but today we have severalbrands available, including Surf Sweets. Not only are they free of the unwanted dyes, but the Surf Sweetsline of candiesis organic, vegetarian,and ftee of high fructose corn syrup and commonallergens,as well as glutenand casein. The candiesareall madein the U.S. Surf Sweetsmakes more than just jelly beans. They also have Gummy Worms, Gummy Swirls, Fruity Bears, Gummy Bears and Sour Worms. Many of the Toys R Us storesnow carry Surf Sweets,and they are available at well-stockedhealth food stores and markets as well as many supermarkets. You can also order them online at All of thesecandiesare StaseTwo" A way to help a friend One rnemberwrote about her friend who has adoptedtwo children with special needs.The family moved to a new location to get help for the children. The oldest child, a boy, hasmultiple food allergiesand canbe violent,andthe youngerchild is a girl with ADD symptoms. They have consultedmany professionalsand the boy hasbeenhospitalizedwice for violent and suicidalbehaviors.He is on several medicines,but all this is not helping. The memberwrites, "He broke my friend's finger (she'sa violinist and can'tplay now). I noticed while I was at their housethey had a dentalrinse full of red dye in their bathroom-- I feel bad but I don't think I canbe pushy. I can tell her someanecdotal storiesand hope shetries it, but the boy is 13 now and it might be hard to get his cooperation. I want to be supportive and not seemjudgmental. Do you have any ideas?" Anecdotal stories,offenng a sampleof Feingold informafion, or lending thern a copy af Healthier Food for BusStPeople might help. Another way to introduce Feingold to a friend is to bring them a gift of an Easter Basket filled with Feingold-acceptabletreatsof all types. It's bestto focusjust on candywithout the synthetic additives;new peoplemay not be ready to understandthe issuesof natural salicylates.Inexpensivebasketsand cellophanegrassaresold at dollar stores, and natural candiesare readily available. Allergy-Friendly Foods How can a family cope when their child is allergicto: peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, eggs and soy? ike many parents,Jenniferand SergioElizondospentlonghours searchingfor foods their little boy could eat. Even when they found safe food. thev were not able to find salespeoplewho could answer their questions. The solution for this Virginia Beach couple was to open Navan Foods, their own store, with those hardto-find productsthey had wished for. They write, "...we set out to create our own solution: a one-stopshopping location where the foods could be purchasedwith full confidencethat they were safe for those affected by food sensitivities. "We have searchedhigh and low for safefoodsand foundmany companies offering productsfor specialdiets. We hope that we can passon to othersthe joy of finding food products that will help provide a sourceof normalcy in the lives ofthose affectedbv food sensifivities." Using their icon system, you can identify products free of the major allergens (gluten, casein, corn, yeast, dairy, wheat,€ggs,sesam€,fish, shellfish, soy, peanut,sulfite, tree nuts). There are also notationsoffood that are: kosher, Feingold Stage l, Feingold Stage 2, diabetic friendly, fair trade, vegan,Non-GMO, organic, GFCO (gluten-free),all natural. The products can be purchasedboth on-line and in their rekil shop,Navan Foods,locatedat 4312Holland Road, Suite115,VirginiaBeachV1-23452. Visit, or e-mail [email protected], orphone(757)965-5422 Pure Facts/March2009 5 PICReport The followingproductshave been researchedor re-researchedand may be addedto your Foodlist, MailOrderGuideor SupplementGuide. Productswiththissymbol^ are availablein Canada. SM = naturalsmokeflavoring @f = gluten-free CF = casein-free ProductGhange AUBREYORGANICSMuskSplash-EauDe Cologne, AngelicaEau De Cologne,Men'sStockCity Rhythms ShaveCream,Face Scrub,After Shave,and After ShaveBalm have orangein them and need to be movedto the stage two section of your Fragrance Guide.GinsengBiotinShampoocontainsalmondsand also must be movedto the stagetwo section. StageOne 365 ORGANIC(WholeFoodsMarket)^9" Pie Shells ALDEN'SOrganicVanillaBeanlce Cream(GF) ALLERGYGROCERFreshFrozenGinnamonSugar MonkeyRings(GF,CF), FreshFrozenCinnamon (GF,CF) SugarBreadsticks BESTCHOICEActiveDry Yeast(GF,CF),FastRising Yeast(GF,CF),MilkChocolateChips(GF),SemiSweet ChocolateChips(GF) CASBAH"LentilPilaf(CS,MSG/HVP,CF), RicePilaf(CS, MSG/HVP,CF) CASCADEGLACIER(availablein dippingshops, restaurants, coffeeshops)DenaliMooseTracks(CS,GF) CRUNCHMASTER"^ RiceCrackers:Cheese(CS,SF,GF), Mulitgrain(CS,GF,CF), Sesdrne(GF,CF) EL LAGOTostaditasChipsSaltedand No Salt,Unbleached FlourTortilla.WheatTortilla GLUTENFREEDA'S REALCOOKIES!*^ ChipChip Hooray(GF),ChocolateMintyPython(GF),PeanutEnvy (GF),PeanutPaul& Mary(CS,GF), SnickerPoodles (GF),SugarKookie(GF) GOODSENSE@FancyJr. MammothPecanHalves (GF,CF),GarlicSesameSticks(CF),HoneyRoasted SesameSticks(CS,CF),Pinenuts(GF,CF),RawSunflower Nuts(GF,CF),Raw WalnutHalves& Pieces(GF,CF), Roasted& SaltedCashews(GF,CF),Roasted& Salted PumpkinSeedsIn-Shell(GF,CF),Roasted& SaltedShelled PumpkinSeeds(GF,CF),Roasted& SaltedSoynuts (GF,CF),Roasted& SaltedSunflowerNuts(GF,CF), Roasted/NoSalt Cashews(GF,CF),Roasted/NoSalt Soynuts(GF,CF),Roasted/No SaltSunflowerNuts(GF,CF), SesameOilBranSticks(CF),SesameSticks(CF);Organic: BananaChips(GF,CF),DicedGinger(GF,CF), Golden Flaxseed(GF,CF),HoneyRoastedCashews(CS,GF,CF), HoneyRoastedSunflowerNuts (CS,GF,CF), Pinenuts(GF,CF),Raw Cashews(GF,CF),Raw Peanuts (GF,CF),Raw SunflowerNuts (GF,CF),Roasted& Salted Peanuts(GF,CF),Roasted& SaltedSoynuts(GF,CF), (GF,CF),Roasted/No Roasted& SaltedSunflowerNuts Salt (GF,CF), (GF,CF), Roasted/No Peanuts Cashews Salt Roasted/No SaltSoynuts(GF,CF),Roasted/NoSalt SunflowerNuts(GF,CF),SlicedMangos(GF,CF), Walnuts(GF,CF) lce Cream& Dark JULIE'SORGANIC'Chocolate ChocolateBar (GF),VanillaBean FrozenYogurt(GF) LETSDO ORGANIC.^OrganicCornstarch(GF,CF) 6 Pure Frcts/March2009 StageOne, continued MARANATHA*OrganicNo Stir: CreamyPeanutButter (GF,CF),CreamyPeanutButterwith Calcium(GF,CF), CrunchyPeanutButter(GF,CF);OrganicCreamy & RoastedNo SaltAddedPeanutButter(GF,CF), Creamy& RoastedPeanutButterwith Salt (GF,CF), Crunchy& RoastedPeanutButterNo SaltAdded (GF,CF),Crunchy& RoastedPeanutBufterwith Salt (GF,CF) MRS.MAY'SNATUMLS 100%Natural,Fat Free, No SugarAdded;FreezeDried FruitChipsPear (GF,CF), FreezeDriedFruitChipsPineapple(GF,CF), 100%NaturalFat Free: FreezeDriedFruitChipsPear (GF,CF), FreezeDriedFruitChipsPineapple(GF,CF) NO NUTTIN'^70o/o DarkChocolateChunks(CS,GF,CF), ChocolateChipGranolaBar (CS,CF),DoubleChocolate ChunkGranolaBar (CS,CF),GranolaClustersVanilla Caramel(CF),GranolaClustersVanillaCinnamon(GF), SemiSweetChocolateChips(CS,GF,CF) PACIFICFOODS*^Beef Broth[the organicbeef brothis stagetwol (MSG/HVP,GF,CF), OrganicFreeRange ChickenBroth(GF,CF),OrganicLow SodiumChicken Broth(MSGiHVP,GF,CF) FOODSSea SaltedSauerkraut(GF,CF) REJUVENATIVE ROSETTOBroccoliCheeseRavioli(CS),Cheese Manicotti, ChickenRavioli(CS, CheeseTortellini, MSG/HVP),OrganicCheeseRavioli,OrganicWhole Wheat CheeseRavioli,Steam& Eat CheeseRavioli, StuffedShells;GheeseRavioli:LargeRound,Medium Square,SmallRound. SIMPLYBREADPain De MieWhiteSandwichBread (CF),The ChampSeededWheatBread,The Classic Baguette (SB,GF) SPRY^Toothpaste: CoolMint(SB,GF),Spearmint STARFISHCrispyBatteredGlutenFreeCod (GF,CF), CrispyBatteredGlutenFreeHaddock(GF,CF), CrispyBatteredGlutenFreeHalibut(GF,CF) SUNSPIRE.OrganicChocolateChips(GF) YUMMYEARTH.^OrganicCandyDrops:WildPeppermint (GF,CF);OrganicLollipopsCheekyLemon(in single flavor1 lb familysizebagsonly;checkthelabels,GF,CF) WES VEGGIECUISINE.MeatlessBreakfastPatties (MSG/HVP,CF),MeatlessBreakfastPatties(MSG/HVP, cF) Stage Two BOAR'SHEADRotisserie SeasonedChickenBreast (GF,CF,paprika,red peppers);LowerSodiumLowerFat WhiteAmericanCheese(GF, paprika) CASBAH"CouscousPilaf(MSG/HVP,CF, cloves,red peppers),NuttedPilaf(MSG/HVP,CF, almonds,cloves), SpanishPilaf(CS,MSG/HVP),CF, bell& chilipeppers, tomatoes) EVERYONESORGANICS^Cranberry(GF,CF,apples, apricots,raisins),Granola(GF,CF,raisins), TrailMix (GF,CF, raisins) FRUITA BU OrganicSmooshedFruitFlats:Apple(GF,CF), Strawberry(GF,CF,apples,elderberries) GOODSENSE@ Cranberries'N More(GF,CF,apples, almonds),DriedCherries(GF,CF),DriedSweetened (GF,CF),Raw WholeAlmonds(GF,CF), Cranberries Roasted& SaltedAlmonds(GF,CF),Roasted& Salted FancyDeluxeNutMix(GF,CF,almonds), RoastedNo/SaltAlmonds(GF,CF) HOMEFREE*OrganicOatmealChocolateChip Cookies (CF,CS, apples),OrganicOatmealCookie(CF,apples) HONEYBAR*^ CranberryDelite(GF,CF,almonds,apples, apricots,raisins),NuttyApricot(GF,CF),Sweet& Salty (GF,CF, almonds) JULIE'SORGANIC.^Pints& Bars:MangoPassionSorbet (GF,CF, oranges) KASHITLCChewyGranolaBars:CherryDarkChocolate (CF,apples),HoneyAlmondFlax,PeanutPeanut Butter(CF,almonds), TrailMix(CF,almonds,cranberries, raisins);TLC CrunchyGranolaBars:HoneyToasted7 Grain(CF,almonds),PumpkinSpiceFlax(CF,almonds), RoastedAlmondCrunch;TLGSoft BakedBar:Baked AppleSpice,BlackberryGraham(CF,apples),Ripe Strawberry(CF,apples) WONDERDRINK.^AsianPearGinger KOMBUCHA (GF,CF,apples,tea),Traditional (GF,CF,apples,tea) MARIANIPREMIUM^HoneyBar:Cranberry(GF,CF, almonds,apricots, raisins), Granola(GF,CF,almonds, raisins), Sesame(GF,CF,almonds,raisins), TrailMix(GF,CF,almondsraisins) MRS MAY'SNATURALS100%Natural,FatFree,No Sugar AddedFreezeDriedFruitChips:Apple,Peach;100% Natural,FatFreeFreezeDriedFruitChips:Apple, Peach (allare GF,CF) ORGANICFLAVM DrinkMix Concentrate: CherryBerry (GF,CF,apples),Tropical(GF,CF,peaches) PUREFUN*^All NaturalCandyCanes(QF,CF,apples, currants,elderberries) REJUVENATIVE FOODSCelticSea SaltGarden Kim Chi (GF,CF,chili& redpeppers) FruitSnack: STRETCHISLAND.FruitLeather100o/o AbundantApricot(GF,CF,apples),HarvestGrape (GF,CF,apples),MangoSunrise(GF,CF,apples), OrchardCherry(GF,CF,apples,oranges),Ripened Raspberry(GF,CF,apples),SummerStrawberry (GF,CF,apples) WHOLLYGUACAMOLE^ Classic(GF,CF,chili peppers),Spicy(GF,CF,chili& red peppers) YUMMYEARTH*OrganicCandyDrops:BloodOrange Cocktail(GF,CF,apples,currants,tangerines), Cheeky Lemon(GF,CF,apples),ChiliLimeLambada(CF, apples,chilipeppers,currants),ChiliMangoMambo (GF,CF,apples,chilipeppers,currants),CinnamonStick (GF,CF,applescurrants),GingerZest (GF,CF,apples currants),GooglyGrape(GF,CF),Hopscotch (GF,CF,apples),MangoTango(GF,CF, Butterscotch apples,oranges),RootBeer(GF,CF,apples,currants), SourAppleTart (CF),StrawberrySmash(GF,CF, (GF,CF, apples,currants),TickledPinkGrapefruit apples,currants),TooBerryBlueberry(GF,CF,apples, currants,raspberries); YUMMYEARTH.OrganicLollipops:BloodOrange Cocktail(GF,CF,apples,currants,tangerine), ChiliLime Lambada(apples,chilipeppers,currants),ChiliMango Mambo(GF,CF,apples,chilipeppers,currants),Ginger Zest(GF,CF,apples,currants),GooglyGrape(GF,CF, apples,currants),MangoTango(GF,CF,apples, oranges),Sour Apple Tart (CF),StrawberrySmash (GF,CF,apples,currants),TickledPinkGrapefruit (GF,CF,apples,currants),Too BerryBlueberry(GF,CF, apples,currants,raspberries); YUMMYEARTH"OrganicVitaminC Drops:BloodOrange Cocktail(GF,CF,apples,cherries,currants,oranges, tangerines), CheekyLemon(GF,CF,apples,cherries), LuckyLime (GF, apples,cherries),RazzMaTazzBerry (GF,CF,apples,blueberries, cherries,currants, raspberries), TickledPinkGrapefruit(GF,CF,apples, currants,cherries),TooBerryBlueberry(GF,CF,apples, cherries,currants,raspberries),Very Very Cherry (GF,CF,apples,cherries,currants); YUMMYEARTH.OrganicVitaminC Pops:Cheeky Lemon(GF,CF,apples,cherries),LuckyLime(CF, apples,chenies),RazzMaTazz Berry(GF,CF, apples, blueberries,cherries,currants,raspberries),Strawberry TickledPink Smash(GF,CF, apples,cherries,currants), Grapefruit(GF,CF,apples,cherries,currants)TooBerry Blueberry(GF,CF,apples,cherries,currants, raspberries), VeryVery Cherry(GF,CF,apples, cherries,currants) ZEVIAGingerRootBeer(GF,CF,oil of wintergreen) The FeingoldAssociationdoes not endorseor assumeresponsibility for any product,brand,methodor treatment.The presence(or absence)of a producton a FeingoldFoodlist,or the discussionof a methodor treatment,does not constituteapproval(or disapproval).The Foodlistsare basedprimarilyupon informationsuppliedby manufacturers and are not basedupon independenttesting. 2009 7 Pure tr'acts/March Mercury in High Fructose Corn Syrup wo new studieshave found the powerful toxin, mercury, in much of the high fructosecorn syrup (HFCS) usedin foods. While HFCS is not eliminatedon the Feingold Diet, the Association has long cautioned parents to consider avoiding this widely-used sweetener, as well as corn syrup (CS). The recommendationwas the result of many parents reporting that their child had adversereactionsto it. Sincechildren who do not have a corn allergy have reactedto CS we believe the reactions may be due to the sulfur content and/or contaminantsfrom the chemical processingof the com. The presenceof mercury may explain someof the problemsparentsreport from HFCS. Mercury can inflict permanentdamageon many organsof the body including the brain, lungs, and heart, and it is particularly harmful to the unborn. FDA Scientists Ask for Reform n a lettertotheObamaAdminishation nineFoodandDrug Administration (FDA) scientistswrote of their concems that "the scientific review process for medical devices at the FDA has been comrpted and distorted by cunent FDA managers, thereby placing the American people at risk." Agency managersovem;le scientists,approving medical devices that are not safe. They describea pattern of "coercing and intimidating FDA physicians and scientiststo recommend approval, and then retaliating when the physiciansand scientists refusedto go along." This is similarto earliercomplaints from FDA scientistsconcerningthe drug Vioxx, which resultedin thousandsofdeaths. The researchwas published in the journal Environmental Health; a second study was conductedby the Institute for Agriculture andTradePolicy. It will be interestingto seewhat kind of TV advertising campaign the corn industry launchesin responseto this latest information on HFCS! 8 Pure FactslMarch 2A09 Editor: JaneHersey Contributing to this issue: Carolyn Allen Lorraine Cordo Markey Dokken SusanGuzo Cindy Hanell JaniceShelton Pure Facts is published ten times a year and is a portion of the material provided to membersof the Feingold Association of the United States Membership provides the Feingold Program book which includes Recipes & Two Week Menu Plan, a regional Foodlist containing thousands of acceptableUS brandnamefoods, a telephoneand E-mail He$-Line, and a subscription to Pure Facts. The cost in the US is $69 plus s+h. A Pure Facls subscription plus Member's Message Board access is $3S/year when orderedseparately. For more information or details on membership outside the US, contact FAUS, 554 East Main Street,Riverhead NY 11901 or phone (631) 369-9340. Mercury is used in creating HFCS, but although safer technologies are available,it is still usedin many processingplants. In 2A07,then-Senator Barack Obamaintroducedlegislation to require the elimination of mercury in the processingof the sweetener. As more and more companies switched from sugar to the cheaper HFCS, the amount consumed has soaredto an averageof 72 teaspoonsa day, with children and teenslikely to consume far more. The US Dept. of Agriculture estimatedin 2006 that the averageAmerican ate over 58 pounds of HFCS in a year. PureFacts The articles in this newsletterare offered as information for Pure Facts readers,and are not intended to provide medical advice. Pleaseseekthe guidance of a qualified health care professional concerning medical issues.*{ We aregratefulfor thegenerous supportof our work from: Alice D. McDonaldCharitable Foundation LLH LHM Foundation FastFoodGuideAlert The EinsteinBrothersStrawberry Reduced Fat Cream Cheesecontainsreddye No.40; pleaseremoveit. Also,theGood GrainsBagels donotcontain CS. 02009 by the Feingold Association of the United States,Inc. Permissionto Reprint You are welcome to circulate articles that appearin Pure Facts. This canbe in the form of photocopies to share with others, or the reprinting of artrcles in another newsletter or in Internet newslettersor on a web site. When you reprint, pleaseuse the following acknowledgment: ReprintedfromPare Facts,the newsletter of the Feingold Association of the United States,