Strategic Sponsor and Exhibiting Opportunities


Strategic Sponsor and Exhibiting Opportunities
Strategic Sponsor and
Exhibiting Opportunities
Gain visibility with top decision makers
in New England’s employee benefits industry
who we are
The #1 reason
members belong
to NEEBC is to
network in an
environment of
learning and
inspiration with top
professionals in
the employee
benefits field.
The New England Employee Benefits Council’s
(NEEBC) 1,250+ members manage benefits for an
estimated 2.5 million employees across the country.
Our highly-educated professionals include corporate
benefits and human resources professionals, benefits
brokers, consultants and service providers. These
individuals authorize, influence and execute major
purchasing decisions for coverage such as health,
wellness, retirement, financial security, dental, life,
disability and voluntary benefits.
Our members’ industries:
Our member companies span a number of industries
and range from small businesses to large, including
nationally recognized employers throughout
New England.
financial services
Hospitals &
Health Services
what we do
Engage. Educate. Enlighten.
Established 35 years ago, NEEBC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in
Massachusetts that advances knowledge and education in employee benefits.
We develop a full spectrum of programs throughout the year – from health care
to retirement to wellness – that are designed to meet the needs of employee
benefits professionals.
NEEBC is the premier educational forum in New England for employee benefits
professionals to:
Cultivate peer-to-peer best practices
Exchange insights and foster ideas
Become informed about new regulatory developments
Learn the latest trends and advancements in employee benefits
Engage with colleagues
Develop new relationships
what can NEEBC do for you?
Connect. Promote. Brand.
NEEBC’s talented and tenured staff, together with seasoned executive volunteers from
the benefits community, provides your marketing team with strategic ideas to help you
connect to targeted industry professionals. Through the promotion of your company’s
thought leadership, product and/or service offerings, we elevate your brand message and
impact. Our sponsors benefit from:
Direct access to key benefits decision makers
Thought leadership opportunities
One-on-one conversations, meetings and networking
Opportunities to develop key relationships
Becoming part of an established community of employee benefits professionals
Promotional positioning and building awareness of current/new offerings
The NEEBC web site
generates approximately
per year
visited the NEEBC
web site in the last
12 months
Each issue of NEEBC’s
newsletter reaches
Recent NEEBC Sponsors
NEEBC sponsors represent a wide range of industry
segments. Join companies such as those listed below,
which represent best in class leaders in employee benefits
innovation, programming, communication and execution.
Sponsorship Opportunities
There are many options to sponsor NEEBC events. Your business can participate
in one or more of NEEBC’s three sponsor categories. The enclosed insert provides
details about the cost of each sponsorship opportunity.
•Annual Lead Sponsor
•Signature Program Sponsor
•Single Program Sponsor
Annual Lead Sponsor (limited availability)
As a year-round, annual lead sponsor, your business enjoys valuable recognition,
promotion and marketing opportunities throughout the year at NEEBC’s annual
signature events and at each of our monthly programs.
Signature Program Sponsor
As one of our signature program sponsors, your business will be promoted at
NEEBC’s two major annual events: the Benefits Fair and Trade Show and the
Best Practices Conference. In addition, you will receive top billing at our Annual
Massachusetts Health Insurance Market Outlook.
Benefits Fair and Trade Show, June
NEEBC’s Annual Benefits Fair and Trade Show is the year’s “must go to” event where more
than 300 attendees from employers across New England meet to learn the latest benefit news
and visit the region’s most dynamic vendors. Sponsors in all categories receive:
Company name on signage at the event
Acknowledgment on the NEEBC web site
Recognition from the podium during the conference and in all conference communications
Preferred exhibitor space
Single event sponsorships are also available at the following levels and offer a range of associated benefits:
Platinum Sponsor
GOLD Sponsor
SILVER Sponsor
Three complimentary
conference registrations plus reduced registration fee of $175 per person for four persons
Company logo featured in print and web versions of the program brochure
Complimentary trade
show booth
Two complimentary
conference registrations plus reduced registration
fee of $175 per person for three persons
One complimentary
conference registration
plus reduced registration fee of $175 per person for two persons
Best Practices Conference, December
The annual Best Practices Conference honors New England’s “Best Benefits Practices” and has
been a perennial favorite for nearly two decades. The conference draws a crowd of 200 and
features dynamic keynote speakers as well as presentations by “Best Practices” winners who
share their stories with conference attendees. All sponsors receive the following benefits:
Listing in the program brochure and on the NEEBC website
Recognition in written material and from the podium
The opportunity to distribute the brochure of your choice through inclusion in the
conference “benefits resources kit”
Company name on signage
Recognition in the winter issue of the NEEBC newsletter, “Benefits Extra”
Single event sponsorships are also available at the following levels and include a range of associated benefits:
Platinum Sponsor
GOLD Sponsor
SILVER Sponsor
• Reduced registration fee of $125 for one person from your organization
Company logo displayed on print and website versions of the program brochure
Resource table to display promotional materials and free registration for person staffing table
Three complimentary
conference registrations
Reduced registration fee of $125 for three additional persons from your organization
Resource table to display promotional materials and free registration for person staffing table
Reduced registration fee of $125 for two persons from your organization
NEEBC’s 35-Year Anniversary Celebration & Member Gala (social event)
This program celebrates NEEBC’s 35-year history and includes a cocktail reception and member
celebration event at the Boston POPS.
Single event sponsorships are available at various levels and come with additional benefits as outlined below.
Platinum Sponsor
GOLD Sponsor
silver Sponsor
Company recognition in mailings and
Sponsor recognition
in NEEBC newsletter
8 tickets to the celebration and
POPS performance
Company recognition in mailings and
Sponsor recognition in NEEBC newsletter
4 tickets to the celebration and
POPS performance
Company recognition in mailings and
Sponsor recognition in NEEBC newsletter
2 tickets to the celebration and
POPS performance
Sponsorship Opportunities
Single Program Sponsor
As a single program sponsor, you can spotlight your company’s talent and
offerings at targeted NEEBC topic events. NEEBC’s “Strategic Connection”
Series, “How To” Workshops, Wellness Programs, Vendor Outlook and
Networking Nights are high-energy events that are well-attended by the
benefits community. Sponsors receive the following benefits:
• Company logo in pre-event marketing materials
•Sponsor promotion through social media prior to event
•Signage with logo at event
•Recognition from podium at event
•Marketing table at event
• Promotional item in conference materials/bag
•Nametag with sponsor ribbon
•Recognition through social media after event
The NEEBC programs available for single program sponsorship include:
“Strategic Connection” Retirement Series (3)
Developed for experienced benefits professionals seeking in-depth knowledge of
retirement-related topics, these half-day programs cover hot topics, recent legislation,
compliance, administration and design. Recent topics include Retirement Income and
De-Risking Retirement Plans.
“How To” Workshops (5)
Aimed at benefit plan administrators and other professionals, these half-day workshops
educate attendees on the technical aspects of administration and compliance for programs
such as COBRA, HIPAA and FMLA.
Wellness Programs (3)
Get the latest research, practical advice and stories from the field on topics related to wellness.
Keep current and relevant to understand what employees and employers are interested in –
from trends in programming to the best ways to impact a company’s bottom line.
Massachusetts Health Insurance Market Outlook
Drawing a crowd of more than 150, our annual half-day Massachusetts Health Insurance
Market Outlook is held in a lively “meet the press” format and brings together both local
and national health insurance carriers who share insights on new benefit trends and forecasts.
Held in an interactive format designed to encourage opinions, this event helps employers
keep their health and welfare offerings dynamic and competitive.
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
NEEBC Networking Nights
Join NEEBC members as well as members from the Northeast Human Resources Association
and/or the Worksite Wellness Council of Massachusetts for an evening of conversation,
cocktails and networking.
NEEBC offers additional opportunities to promote your business to the benefits
community. Advertise your products or services to NEEBC members through
our web site via banner ads or sign up for an enhanced listing in the NEEBC
Resource Directory.
Web Ads
An ad on NEEBC’s web site offers increased visibility for your business and provides a major
presence with NEEBC members and industry professionals. The NEEBC web site secures more
than 5,000 click throughs to sponsor web sites each year.
Enhanced Resource Directory Listing
NEEBC’s Resource Directory provides the opportunity to promote your business and services on
our web site. Enhanced listings include your company name, logo, contact name, address, phone,
e-mail, web site and three category listings.
To find out more about sponsorship opportunities with NEEBC, please contact Patty Houpt at
781.684.8700 or at [email protected].
240 Bear Hill Rd., Suite 102
Waltham, MA 02451
Signature Programs
Single Event Sponsorship
Benefits Fair and Trade Show
• Platinum Sponsor: $5,000
• Gold Sponsor: $2,000
• Silver Sponsor: $1,000
Best Practices Conference
• Platinum Sponsor: $5,000
• Gold Sponsor: $2,000
• Silver Sponsor: $1,000
NEEBC’s 35-Year Anniversary Celebration & Member Gala (social event)
• Platinum Sponsor: $3,500
• Gold Sponsor: $2,000
• Silver Sponsor: $1,000
Single Program Sponsorship
“Strategic Connection” Retirement Series (3): $1,000 each/$2,500 series
“How To” Workshops (5): $1,000 each/$3,500 series
Wellness Programs (3): $1,000 each/$2,500 series
Massachusetts Health Insurance Market Outlook: $1,000
NEEBC Networking Nights: $1,000
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
• Web Ads (Limited to 5): $1,000 per quarter/$3,000 for 12 months
• Enhanced Resource Directory Listing: $350 annually
* Corporate Membership
Corporate members are entitled to all membership privileges, including free attendance
at programs. (The Best Practices Conference, webinars and social events are excluded
from this offer.)
Additional organization members (those beyond the number included in the sponsorship package) will pay an organization member fee of $100.
All other employees of the organization are entitled to a 10% discount off the regular membership rate at NEEBC programs (social events excluded).
[email protected] • 781.684.8700 •
Annual Lead and Signature Program Sponsorships
Annual Lead Platinum
*Corporate memberships – includes
cost to attend all programs
Introduction of a speaker at one of
our two major conferences
Promotion at Benefits Fair & Trade Show, Best Practices Conference and Massachusetts
Health Insurance Market Outlook; benefits
include logo in pre-event marketing materials,
promotion through social media before and
after events, event signage with logo, recognition
from podium, premier exhibit space, and nametag
with sponsor ribbon
Benefits Fair & Trade Show and Best Practices Conference – branded conference bag insert
Promotion at 35-Year Anniversary Celebration 3
& Member Gala including logo in mailings and
registration and recognition in NEEBC newsletter
Promotion at all Single Program events; 3
benefits include logo in electronic invitations,
recognition in social media prior to event, logo
on signage at event, sponsor ribbon on
nametag and recognition from podium at event
Opportunity to join the NEEBC programming 3
Opportunity to write articles for the NEEBC 4 articles
3 articles
2 articles
1 article
newsletter; articles promoted through social
media channels and placed on member/
resources section of the NEEBC web site
Annual web site sponsorship; company 3
logo placed on NEEBC home page
with sponsorship level
Annual enhanced listing in the 3
NEEBC Resource Directory with
sponsorship level
Thank you advertisement in the Boston Business Journal 3
[email protected] • 781.684.8700 •