Kick-It at OSU Sponsorship Packet


Kick-It at OSU Sponsorship Packet
Sponsorship Packet
Who We Are
Kick-It at The Ohio State University is a service-based student organization whose
purpose is to raise money to support children’s cancer research. We work with
Kick-It for Cancer, a nonprofit organization based in Cleveland, Ohio, to help fund
specifically chosen research studies.
What We Do
We host multiple events throughout the year, with our headline event being our
annual kickball tournament in September - National Childhood Cancer Awareness
Month. Our 4th Annual Kick-It Kickball Tournament will take place on September
25th, 2016 at Lincoln Tower Park.
“Never give up hope. Life
will get hard before it gets
better. Keep fighting, and
one day very soon, cancer
will cease to exist.”
-Reagyn Semler
All of the proceeds from these events have been donated to Dr. Timothy Cripe’s
Phase I/II General Pediatric Cancer, Leukemia, and Neuroblastoma
research study at Nationwide Children’s Hospital.
Kick-It All-Star
Why We Do It
Our goal is to accelerate research for a cure. We want to end childhood cancer in
hopes that every kid can live a cancer-free life.
Kick-It at OSU has
raised over $65,000
in its 3 years on
$13,000 of this total
has come from our
generous sponsors.
Our major events
bring in about 200
attendees each.
Grant Reed
Kick-It All-Stars
Age: 15
Our Kick-It All-Stars are constant
reminders of the strength and
perseverance of cancer survivors.
They are an inspiration to us all,
and motivate us to continue the
fight against pediatric cancer.
Cancer: Medulloblastoma
Future Career: Teacher
Reagyn Semler
Age: 15
Cancer: Brain Stem Glioma, Category 1
Future Career: Veterinarian
Luke Benner
Age: 7
Cancer: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Future Career: Central Park Ranger
Reid Zupanc
Age: 9
Cancer: Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma
Future Career: Veterinarian
Kinley Strohl
Age: 10
Cancer: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Future Career: Flight Nurse
Outside of our public fundraising
events, we host events for the
All-Stars and their families, such
as our annual Holiday Party in
December and All-Star Olympics
in the spring.
2016 Sponsor
As you can see, the
highest sponsorship level
is our 2016 Sponsor. This
year-long sponsorship
would give exclusive
naming rights to all of our
major events, which include our kickball and
Location, Field, and Base
sponsorships encompass
the kickball tournament
All donations are
To us, Kick-It is more than a student organization. It is a
commitment. A dedication to doing our utmost to help find a
cure for cancer. Please consider being one of our sponsors,
and join us in kicking cancer out of children’s lives.
2016 Sponsor
Naming rights to all public Kick-It at OSU events
Exclusive logo placement on t-shirts, flyers, signs, etc.
Company recognition and promotion on social media and website
Free team entry to all events
Opportunity to speak at events
Table at events
15 Kick-It T-shirts
“I’m Kicking It” sign
Location Sponsor
Naming rights to 1 of 8 fields
Company recognition and promotion on social media
10 Kick-It T-Shirts
“I’m Kicking It” sign
Logo on Game Day Sponsor Banner
Base Sponsor
Naming rights to a primary Game Day location (Food Court, Game Headquarters, etc.)
Company recognition and promotion on social media and website
Table at event
10 Kick-It T-Shirts
“I’m Kicking It” sign
Logo on Game Day Sponsor Banner
Field Sponsor
“I’m Kicking It” sign
Logo on Game Day Sponsor Banner
Company recognition on social media
For more information,
please contact:
Daniel Miljak
Sponsorship Chair
[email protected]
(440) 856 - 9225
Please mail all checks
6009 Landerhaven Dr.
Suite I
Cleveland, OH 44124
: Kick-It at The Ohio State University
: @OSU_Kicks_It