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About Us ☺
British Life
Folk Dance Club
Book Reviews
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Golden Orange
İçindekiler / Contents
File of the Month: ATATÜRK
10th Year Address
Atatürk’ün Cenaze Töreni
Let’s Read the Unknowns about Atatürk
Unkown Atatürk
About Us: Translation Club
To Be the Best in Your Profession
British Style of Living
Folk Dance Club
From The Editor
Dear Readers,
I am very proud to present to you the first issue of
this academic year (2008-2009). Our club
members are as ever enthusiastic about our ejournal and coming up with creative ideas. As you
will see, they do not only translate texts but share
their own thoughts and comments in the field of
their own choice.
Our basic aim for having this journal is twofold; the
first aim is a collective aim; to produce something
lasting as a club while the second aim is an
individual aim; to ensure that the prospective
translators make progress in translation through
feedbacks given by the editor(s).
This month's special theme is Atatürk. There is a
good compilation of translated texts which will help
look at him in less known aspects. As in every
other issue, you will also find various and colorful
texts ranging from fashion to some historical facts.
We hope you will have a nice read!
10 Book Reviews
11 El Sallamıyor, Boğuluyordum
12 Have You Ever Got “0” From Your Dreams
13 New Releases & Fashion
14 Golden Orange Ends
15 Comics
We, as Çevirgeniz Biz members, would be very
much pleased to hear from you with any thoughts
or comments you may have at
[email protected]
Editör / Editor
: Nihal YETKİN
Tasarım / Design : Sercan PEKEL
İEU Çeviri Kulübü Üyeleri
IUE Translation Club Members
Ayşegül Duru TAPAN
Feyyaz ÇİTİM
Ömer Erşah ÇAKMAK
Sercan PEKEL
Yazgülü Ege ÖZKAN
[email protected]
Türk Milleti;
Kurtuluş savaşına başladığımızın onbeşinci
yılındayız. Bugün,
Cumhuriyetimizin onuncu yılını doldurduğu, en
büyük bayramıdır.
Kutlu olsun.
Az zamanda çok ve büyük işler yaptık. Bu işlerin en
büyüğü, temeli Türk kahramanlığı ve yüksek Türk
Kültürü olan, Türkiye Cumhuriyetidir. Buradaki
muvaffakiyeti Türk milletinin ve onun değerli
ordusunun bir ve beraber olarak, azimkarane
yürümesine borçluyuz. Fakat yaptıklarımızı asla kafi
göremeyiz çünkü daha çok ve daha büyük işler
yapmak mecburiyetinde ve azmindeyiz.
Yurdumuzun, dünyanın en mamur ve medeni
memleketleri seviyesine çıkaracağız. Milletimizi en
geniş refah, vasıta ve kaynaklarına sahip kılacağız.
Milli kültürümüzü, muasır medeniyet seviyesinin
üstüne çıkaracağız. Bunun için, bizde zaman ölçüsü
geçmiş asırların gevşetici zihniyetine göre değil;
asrımızın sürat ve hareket mefhumuna göre
düşünülmelidir. Geçen zamana nisbetle, daha çok
çalışacağız. Daha az zamanda, daha büyük işler
başaracağız. Bunda da muvaffak olacağımıza
şüphem yoktur. Çünkü Türk milletinin karakteri
yüksektir. Türk milleti çalışkandır, Türk milleti
zekidir. Çünkü, Türk milleti, milli birlik ve
beraberlikle güçlükleri yenmesini bilmiştir. Ve
çünkü, Türk milletinin, yürümekte olduğu terakki ve
medeniyet yolunda, elinde ve kafasında tuttuğu
meşale, müspet ilimdir. Şunu da ehemmiyetle
tebarüz ettirmeliyim ki, yüksek bir insan cemiyeti
olan Türk milletinin tarihi bir vasfı da, güzel
sa'natları sevmek ve onda yükselmektir. Bunun
içindir ki, milletimizin yüksek karakterini, yorulmaz
çalışkanlığını, fıtri zekasını, ilme bağlılığını güzel
san'atlara sevgisini, milli birlik duygusunu
mütemadiyen ve her türlü vasıta ve tedbirlerle
besliyerek inkişaf ettirmek, milli ülkümüzdür. Türk
milletine çok yaraşan bu ülkü, onu, bütün
beşeriyette hakiki huzurun temini yolunda, kendine
düşen medeni vazifeyi yapmakta, muvaffak
Bugün, aynı inan ve kat'iyetle söylüyorum ki, milli
ülküye, tam bir
bütünlükle yürümekte olan Türk milletinin, büyük
milletinin, büyük
millet olduğunu bütün medeni alem, az zamanda,
bir kere daha
tanıyacaktır. Asla şüphem yoktur ki, Türklüğün
unutulmuş büyük
medeni vasfı ile, atinin yüksek medeniyet ufkunda,
yeni bir güneş gibi doğacaktır.
Türk Milleti;
Ebediyete akıp giden her on senede, bu büyük
bayramını, daha büyük şereflerle saadetlerle huzur
ve refah içinde kutlamanı, gönülden dilerim.
Ne mutlu Türküm diyene!
Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK
29 Ekim 1933
Turkish Nation;
It has been fifteen years after we initiated
the Independence War. Today is the greatest
festival on which our Republic has just turned its
tenth anniversary since its establishment.
My dear compatriots,
We managed to achieve many great works in such
little time. The greatest of them is the Republic of
Turkey, bases of which are Turkish bravery and
high Turkish culture. We owe this victory to the
decisive and determined efforts of the Turkish
nation and its dedicated army in full unity. However,
we do never find what we have done adequate,
because we are obliged and determined to achieve
greater works. We are going to reach the level of
the richest and the most modern countries of the
world. We are going to have our nation own
the greatest prosperity, materials and recourses.
We are going to make our national culture rise
above the contemporaneous civilization level.
Therefore, we should think of the time concept
depending upon the speed and movement notion of
our century, not upon the slowing mentality of the
previous centuries. In comparison to the past years,
we are going to work very hard. We are going to
manage many great works in less time. I have no
doubt about these aims. Because the Turkish nation
has a dignified character. Turkish nation is hard
working, Turkish nation is intelligent. Because
Turkish nation achieved to overcome the
adversities through national unity and solidarity.
And because the torch that the Turkish nation has
in its hand and mind on the way to progress and
civilization is the positive sciences. I must
emphasize that one of the historical characters of
the Turkish nation, which is a dignified community,
is that they love fine arts and are master of them.
Therefore, developing our nation's dignified
character, inexhaustible diligence, inherent
intelligence, firm commitment to science, esteem for
the fine arts, sense of national unity by nursing
them with all kinds of means, measures consistently
is our national ideal. This ideal, which best suits for
the Turkish nation, will succeed in fulfilling the
civilized duty incumbent on itself for the
achievement of the real peace among all the
Today I state with the same belief and certainty that
all the civilized world is going to know once more
shortly that the Turkish nation, who is walking
toward the national aim with a perfect unity and
solidarity, is a big nation. I have no doubt that the
Turkish nation is going to rise like a new sun above
the high civilization horizon of the future with its
forgotten civil character.
Turkish Nation;
I hope with all my heart that you will celebrate this
great festival with greater honor and happiness in
peace and welfare in every ten years flowing to
Happy is the one who can call himself "I am a Turk"!
Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK
29 October 1933
The Burial of Ataturk
Atatürk’ün cenaze töreni
Monday, Nov. 23, 1953
23 Kasım 1953, Pazartesi
At five minutes past 9 one morning last week, in the
capital city of Ankara, a bugler blew a blast, and all
over the nation's 296,000 square miles, 21 million
Turks stood motionless for five minutes. Only the
delayed shriek of jet formations broke the silence.
Then cannon began to boom at five-minute intervals
as Kemal Ataturk, the Father of the Turks—dead 15
years this day—began his last voyage.
His remains were taken from the Ethnographic
Museum, reverently laid on an artillery caisson, and
drawn by 138 young reserve officers in a
procession that stretched for two miles. Behind a
military band playing Chopin's Funeral March slowly
marched 80,000 Turks, including the President, the
Premier, every Cabinet minister, every
parliamentary deputy, every provincial governor and
every foreign diplomat. Many of the 7,000 marching
Turkish soldiers wore their Korean war decorations.
Ten generals and two admirals escorted the coffin,
while another admiral guarded a velvet cushion
which bore the Medal of Independence, the only
decoration Ataturk ever wore.
After 3½ hours, the procession reached the top of a
hill overlooking Ankara—the modern city built by
Ataturk—and stopped before a square-pillared
mausoleum, set in a 148-acre park. Up 33 marble
steps, each 132 feet wide, went the procession,
along floors of multicolored marble, past statues
and buttresses inscribed with Ataturk's maxims and
bas-reliefs depicting his victories—until it halted at a
42-ton sarcophagus carved from a single block of
red, black and white marble. The sarcophagus was
lit only by the light from a huge wrought-iron
There last week, covered with earth from each of
Turkey's 64 provinces, the Father of the Turks
finally came to rest. His grateful people had spent
$12 million and labored nine years to build their
tribute to him (...)(TIME, Oct. 12). An elderly officer
standing by spoke quietly to a friend: "I was on
active duty during his funeral, when I shed bitter
tears at the finality of death. Today I am not sad, for
15 years have taught me that Ataturk will never
This text is the translation of the piece of news
published in the Times magazine on 23rd of
November, 1953. On 10th of November in the same
year, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was burried in the
“Geçen hafta saat dokuzu beş geçe, başkent
Ankara’da, güçlü bir borazan sesi duyuldu ve
ülkenin her bir karesinde, 21 milyon Türk beş
dakika boyunca hareketsiz durdu. Sadece jet
filolarının çığlığı o sessizliği bozdu. Daha sonra beş
dakika aralıklarla top atışları başladı çünkü 15 yıl
önce o gün ölmüş olan ‘Türklerin Atası’ Kemal
Atatürk son yolculuğuna başladı.
Kalıntıları Etnografya Müzesi’den alındı, saygılı bir
biçimde bir cephane arabasına yerleştirildi, ve
yaklaşık üç kilometre boyunca uzanan tören
alayındaki 138 yedek subay tarafından taşındı.
Arkada Chopin’in Cenaze Marşı’nı çalan bir askeri
bando eşliğinde, Cumhurbaşkanı, Başbakan, her bir
Kabine üyesi, her bir milletvekili, her bir vali ve
yabancı diplomatın da içinde bulunduğu 80.000
Türk yavaşça yürüdü. Yürüyen 7.000 Türk askerinin
çoğu Kore Savaşı nişanlarını taşıyordu. On tane
general ve iki amiral de tabuta eşlik ederken başka
bir amiral Atatürk’ün taşıdığı tek nişan olan Kurtuluş
Madalyasının olduğu kadife bir yastığı koruyordu.
Üç buçuk saatten sonra, tören alayı Atatürk’ün
kurduğu modern şehir Ankara’ya bakan bir tepeye
ulaştı ve yaklaşık 59 hektarlık bir park alanı üzerine
kurulu olan kare sütunlu mozolenin önünde
durdu.Tek bir parça kırmızı,siyah ve beyaz
mermerden oyulmuş 42 tonluk bir lahdin önünde
duruncaya kadar; tören alayı her biri yaklaşık 40
metre olan 33 mermer basamağı, Atatürk’ün
zaferlerini anlatan sözleri ve yarım kabartmaların
olduğu çok renkli mermer döşemeler, geçmişe ait
heykeller ve payandalar arasında çıktı. Lahdi
sadece çok büyük bir dövme demir pencere
Geçen hafta orada Türklerin Atası, Türkiye’nin 64
ilinden gelen toprakla örtülü bir şekilde sonunda
huzura kavuştu. Ona minnettar olan halkı,onu
onurlandırmak için 12 milyon harcadı ve 9 yıl
boyunca çalıştı. Ayakta duran yaşlıca memurlardan
biri arakadaşına usulca şöyle dedi: “Ölümü
kesinleştiğinde acıyla ağladığım cenazesi sırasında
aktif olarak görevdeydim. Bugün üzülmüyorum
çünkü bu 15 yıl bana öğretti ki Atatürk hiç bir zaman
The source:
Atatürk öldükten sonra kasasından çıkan
özel eşyalardan biri, içinde "1339 Gazi
M. Kemal" yazılı bir nişan yüzüğüydü.
Ölümünün ardından Latife Hanım'ın kasasından da
tülbent bir kesede sakladığı nişan yüzüğü çıktı. İkisi
de İsmet Paşa'nın Lozan'dan armağan olarak
getirdiği yüzükleri boşandıkları halde ömürlerinin
sonuna dek saklamışlardı.
"Atatürk" hitabını ilk kez donemin Türk Dil Kurumu
Başkanı bir konuşmasında kullanmış Mustafa
Kemal de çok beğenerek soyadı olarak
almıştı.Kendisine "Ata" diye hitap edilmesinden hiç
Manastır Askeri Lisesi yıllarından kalan bir
alışkanlıkla hayatı boyunca en sevdiği yemek kuru
fasulye ve pilav olarak kaldı. Tatlıya düşkün değildi
ama cani istediğinde çok sevdiği gül reçelini tercih
Ömrü yetseydi bir dünya turuna çıkıp Türk dili ve
tarihi üzerindeki çalışmalarını genişletmek en büyük
Binlerce kitabi vardı. Ama bunların arasında bir
tanesini hayatı boyunca hatta cephede bile
başucundan ayırmadı. Reşat Nuri Güntekin'in ünlü
"Çalıkuşu" romanını hep yanında taşır her gün rast
gele bir yerinden acar birkaç sayfa okurdu.
Atlardan sonra en sevdiği hayvan köpekti. "Fox"
adını verdiği köpeği Gazi`nin yatağının ayak ucunda
uyurdu. Hayvanlara düşkünlüğü o dereceydi ki bir
gün misafirlerinin de görebilmesi için yeni doğmuş
bir tayla annesinin Cankaya Kosku kabul salonuna
getirilmesini bile emretmişti.
En sevdiği dans valsti. Müzik zevki çeşitlilik
gösteriyordu.Klasik Bati müziği dışında Anadolu
ezgilerini de severek dinlerdi.
Askeri lisede öğrenmeye başladığı Fransızca'yı
sonraki yıllarda geliştirdi. Zengin bir kelime bilgisi
vardı. Konuşurken araya Fransızca sözcükler de
Boyu 1.74 idi. Hayatinin son dönemlerine kadar 76
olan kilosu hastalığının ilerlemeye başlamasıyla
46'ya kadar düşmüştü. 43 numara siyah rugan
ayakkabı giyerdi.
1.One of the belongings of Atatürk which was found
in his safe after his death was an engagement ring
with the inscription “1339 Ghazi M.Kemal.Likewise,
after Latife Hanım’s demise, an engagement ring
wrapped up with a small cloth bag was found in her
safe. Both of them kept the rings brought from
Lausanne as a present by General Ismet until the
end of their lives.
2. The name Atatürk was used firstly by the Head of
Turkish Language Society in one of his speeches,
which was liked by Mustafa Kemal. Then he
surnamed himself as Atatürk.
3. Favorite foods of Atatürk during his life was white
beans and pilav. He gained the habit of eating them
during the years when he was studying at the
Monastery Military High School. He wasn’t fond of
dessert, however, he liked to eat rose jam.
4. If he was alive, the greatest dream of him was to
go on a world tour to expand his studies about the
Turkish language and history.
5. He had thousands of books. But among the
others, he always carried the book “ Çalıkuşu by
Reşat Nüri Güntekin” with him even he was at the
front. Everyday he randomly chose a part of a book
and read a few pages.
6. Dogs are the animals Atatürk liked the most after
the horses. He named his dog as “Fox” .
7. He started to learn French at the military High
School and improved it in the following years. He
had a rich vocabulary.
8. The height of Atatürk was 1.74. His weight was
76 as his disease progressed, it became 46. he
wore black 43-size leather shoes.
9. The dance he liked the most was valse. He
enjoyed a wide variety of music ranging from
classical music to folk music.
Atatürk is the only leader in the world who was titled as the “Head Teacher”.
He wrote a course book on geometry.
The originator of 48 Turkish geometry terms such as “üçgen, açı, dikdörtgen” was Mustafa Kemal himself.
There is an idiom in Norwegian as “to be like Atatürk.”
The name of the flower “Atatürk” was given by Kirk Landin, a professor in the University of Wanderbit, who
discovered the flower, and this flower is produced and sold by this name.
On every Republic Day, the Greek commander-in-chief Trikopis went to the Turkish Embassy and stood in
silence in front of the portrait of Atatürk.
Atatürk published a newspaper called “Minber” which was published in 52 issues, and the word
“censorship” was first used in this newspaper.
There were many women soldiers who rose in rank in the War of Independence.
We have only one lieutenant who went down in the world history.
The Lieutenant Kara Fatma was appointed by Atatürk as the leader of a platoon of 700 men and 43
Atatürk paid himself all the expenditures of every trip he made in the country.
While preparing the Great Speech, Atatürk worked without sleeping for three days and nights.
In his most critical and stressful period in 1938, General McArthur said to more than 120 people consisting
of consellors, senators and ministers : “There is nothing I wouldn’t give to see none of you but Mustafa
Kemal with his great genius with me at the moment.”
In 1938, upon Atatürk’s death, a newspaper in Tehran published a poem saying, “If God wants to help a
country, He makes someone like Atatürk the leader of that country.”
The President of Haiti wrote a sentence in his will in 1996 to be written on his gravestone: “I died in
happiness to have understood and followed the Turkish leader Atatürk in my whole life.”
Our club was founded last year with the kind encouragement of our Department Head Assist.Prof.Dr.Neslihan
Yetkiner and precious efforts of our instructor Nihal Yetkin, who has been acting as the editor of our journal
ever since its foundation. At the moment, we have ....members.
Our major concern in our activities is our journal which we broadcast on internet on a monthly basis. Our ejournal was first broadcast in our department's web page in January 2008. Although our journal had no name
at first, we were proud of what we accomplished together. In our journal, we included translations (of course
:D ) with a major theme for each month, reviews and interviews . Finally, we decided our journal's name to be
"ÇEVİRGENİZ BİZ". We are now making efforts to publish our journal and we hope we can succeed in this.
Apart from our monthly journal, we participated and enthusiastically worked in the international symposium
organized by our department and made ourselves heard on an international platform. Moreover, we also
organized social activities within our department. With this aim, we displayed a good example of solidarity
by donating some of our goods to needy students of a school. In addition, we organized a dinner at the end of
the spring term. We had very much fun in this dinner and decided to get together more often.
We see our future very bright. This year, we intend to pass beyond our novice period and make our activities
more fruitful and popular. Besides, further improving our journal's content, we wish to organize many
academic and social activities.
You will be more successful in a field which has a good market or which you like personally so specialize
in few fields.
It can be hard to find a job as it is a competitive field so Don’t Give UP!
Don’t forget that it will take a while for you to have enough efficiency.
Learn new terminology, meet new people, and follow the current issues in your field.
Get a certificate; it will give good impressions to your customs about your professionality.
Take the chances of going to abroad if it is possible.
Read! Read! Read! in all languages that you know.
Keep in step with the new technology and learn it’s vocabulary, jargon, slang
Expand your software and hardware knowledge
Always have the latest dictionaries
Learn to be fast- If you can work fast and good you can earn more.
Attend to seminaries- find new customers and keep in touch with them.
Press yourself a business card.
Prepare a good CV
Communicate with the companies in your field.
Network! Network! Network!
Send greetings card to your customs in special days.
Ask your relatives to advertise you
Help other translators with the hope that they can make a favor for you one day.
Run an advertisement in the newspapers or sites.,
Have a fixed price. Don’t give different price to different people.
Do not limit your service. Don’t forget that the internet is world wide!
Always do the best you can that’s the way to get another job.
Sometimes you can do volunteer jobs to come into prominence.
BE HONEST about what you can do and can not do!
If the temperature of water is not how you like, the next time you wash your
hands,just think about how such stuff was done in England in 1500s:
People preferred to get married in June;because they had their annual bath
in May;therefore they did not have a bad smell then.However,as they started to
smell so,the brides found a solution by carrying a bouquet to get rid of the smell.
Bathrooms were furnished with a huge barrel full of water.The men had the
prerogative to have a bath first.Then it was the turn of the other male
members,females and children, and finally the babies using the same water!
Meanwhile the water would become too dirty that you could lose something inside.
The idiom “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water”derives from this habit.
Garrets were made of reeds,and there was no wood underneath them.As
this place was the only warm area,cats and dogs and other small animals(rats and
insects) sheltered there.The roof became slippery when it rained and sometimes the
animels fell. The phrase “It’s raining cats and dogs”comes from this story.
The wealthy could buy pewter plates.But the foods rich in acide caused lead
to be solved in food,therefore leading to food poisoning and even deaths.As
tomatoes were often causing this situation,it was thought that tomatoes were
poisonous for four hundred years.
Bread was divided depending upon the social status of people.The laborer
got the burnt crust,the family had the middle of it and the top part was for the guests.
Lead glasses were used for drinking beer and wine.This compound could
make people unconsciousfor a few days.The passer-bys thought they were dead
and so would start to make preparations for the burial.These people were laid down
on the kitchen tables and the family gathered,waiting to see whether they would
wake up or not.This was called as “revival turn.
These are the truths about the British style of living that paved the way for
the creation of new words that are used even today.
* So, let’s talk about your members, and their
Usually, the new members are people coming from
different parts of our country think it is because our
club tries to present as many regions as possible.
When we look at the sex distribution, we see that
the girls are dominant. The members are generally
the ones who have played folk dance some time in
their life. Just the same, we have many friends who
met the concept “folk dance” in our club and
developed affection for our traditional dances.
In this issue, I want to present one of the most
active clubs in our university, Folk Dance Club, of
which I was a member, too. I had a very sincere
interview with the head of the club, Engin Kıbrıslı.
Hope you enjoy it…
* First of all, I want to thank you for kindly accepting
my interview. Can you first talk about the
establishment of the club a little bit?
Of course. The club was founded in 2001
concurrently with the establishment of the
university. There were only six members in the first
year. The first performance was in the Spring Fest.
* What kinds of activities do you have in your club?
For eight years, we tried to present plenty of
regional dances in our country in the best way
possible. We have had very special performances
in high-level gatherings such as balls, openings,
conferences and tournaments. The most important
one is the big performance night we organize
annually at the end of each academic year.
* Can you name the regional dances you present?
Zeybek, which is our own regional dance, Halay,
Skopje, Caucasus, Roman, “Köçekçe”, Fethiye,
Anamur, Horon and so on…
* And how about your rehearsals? Can it be reason
for having so many members?
Our members have so much fun during the
rehearsals but of course the necessary discipline is
shown, as well. They develop very close and
sincere friendships. Lastly, we practice with the
presence and guidance of our experienced trainers.
* This summer, I think you took part in a festival in
Spain? Can you talk about it?
With this festival, we achieved a unique success in
the name of our university. In EXPO 2008
Zaragoza, we represented our country and
university with our dances. The attention and the
compliments we had made us proud of what we had
done for our country. This festival has left
unforgettable and invaluable memories. We now
endevaour for increasing this type of organizations
in the following years.
* What do you plan to do in the future?
First of all, we try to establish contacts with different
countries where we could attend festivals with two
separate groups. For this aim, we have sent our
promoting CDs. Also, we will organize events in our
university that will bring the professional groups in
the Aegean Region and the dance-lovers in İzmir.
* And your last words…
For eight years, this big family has worked a lot to
expand, develop and popularize this club. We invite
all our friends to our club in order for them to taste
the joy of dance and this nice environment…
When Selva, the daughter of one of the few remaining Ottoman Pashas, falls in love with
Rafael, a young Jewish man, their families are against their marriage and disown them.
Together they go to live in France, but happiness eludes them there too. With the advent of
the Second World War they get caught up in Hitler's web of terror. While the Nazi grip
tightens around them they live with the fear of being rounded up and sent to a concentration
camp. At the same time Turkey is desperately trying to avoid being drawn in to the war,
walking the tightrope between the Axis and the Allies very carefully. In this new novel Ayse
Kulin successfully follows through both the developments in her country during the war and
the lives of Selva and Rafael in Europe. The story moves back and forth between Istanbul
and Marseilles, Ankara and Cairo and Paris, to Berlin and back to Istanbul. So it also
highlights the courageous work of the Turkish diplomats who risked their lives to save
hundreds of Jews stranded in Europe from being massacred by the Nazis..
If I had been told that I could stop at a certain moment in my life and stay there forever, I
would have chosen one two moments.The first is when I was rocking in the swing hanging
from the branches of a tree in the garden of my childhood.The other is the day I first
kissed the man I loved more than anyone in my whole life.Many strived to write the
common language of falling in love.In fact, it is quite simple: you are in love if you feel as if
you're rocking on a swing when you kiss someone.
One rainy afternoon in Istanbul, a woman walks into a doctor's surgery. 'I need to
have an abortion,' she announces. She is nineteen years old and unmarried. What
happens that afternoon will change her life.Twenty years later, Asya Kazanci lives
with her extended family in Istanbul. Due to a mysterious family curse, all the
Kazanci men die in their early forties, so it is a house of women, among them Asya's
beautiful, rebellious mother Zeliha, who runs a tattoo parlour; Banu, who has newly
discovered herself as a clairvoyant; and Feride, a hypochondriac obsessed with
impending disaster. And when Asya's Armenian- American cousin Armanoush
comes to stay, long-hidden family secrets connected with Turkey's turbulent past
begin to emerge.
It is the end of the Twentieth Century.88 people from aruond the world each receive a
personally addressed letter from the United Nations. The letter is an invitation informing these
eighty-eight souls that they have been selected for outstanding creativity and courage in their
respective societies.Afife Piri, a young Turkish woman, is the narrator who, along with the rest
of the members of this selected group, seizes the opportunity to get entirely away from
assembly-line mentality. She and her companions, many of whom are famous artists, writers
and scientists, believe that they have finally found a refuge from the monotony, authority and
constant surveillance in their countries..."The Sound of Fishsteps features delicate interplays
of sentimentality and cynicism, tragicomedy and farce, and introduces a modern of dreams
and nightmares in the style of Borges and Barthelme. As it relates an unusual love story from
the vantage point of emotional intelligence, the novel presents an example of burlesque
neosurrealism and striking postmodernism."- Prof. T.S. Hamlan
Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.
Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he's dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave
They said.
Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
STEVIE SMITH (1902 – 1971)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.
Stevie Smith is an English poet and novelist.
Though she was born as Florence Margaret Smith
in Hull, she was given the name “Stevie” by one of
her friends who thought that Smith reminded him of
the jockey, Steve Donaghue, when they were riding
together. When she was just three years old they
moved with her mother and sister to Palmers Green
(North London) after her father left home because
of his job as a shipping agent. She learned the
sourish taste of loneliness beginning from those
ages. When her mother became ill, her aunt came
to live with them. She was a feminist and so they
were raised away from men with her sister. She
developed tuberculosis when she was five years old
and went through treatment for several years. She
was affected heavily by death and so death is the
theme of most of her poems. She died of a brain
tumour on March 7, 1971.
Smith wrote three novels and nine volumes of
poetry. Her writing style was pessimistic and the
characters were mostly close to death. Other
subjects she covered other than death were
loneliness, war, religion and hıman cruelty. Her
best-known poem is “Not Waving but Drowning.”
- Novel on Yellow Paper (Cape, 1936)
- Over the Frontier (Cape 1938)
- The Holiday (Chapman and Hall, 1949)
- A Good Time Was Had By All (Cape, 1937)
- Harold's Leap (Cape, 1950)
- Mother, What Is Man? (Cape, 1942)
- Not Waving but Drowning (Deutsch, 1957)
- Tender Only to One (Cape, 1938)
Kimse duymadı onu, ölü adamı,
Fakat hala acı içinde inliyordu:
Düşündüğünüzden çok açılmıştım
Ve el sallamıyordum ben, boğuluyordum.
Zavallı adam, şaka yapmaya bayılırdı
Ve o öldü işte
Ona buz gibi gelmiş olmalı kalbi dayanamadı,
Diye söylediler.
Ooo, hayır hayır ,her zaman çok soğuktu
(Dedi ölü adam, hala inliyordu)
Ömrüm boyunca çok, çok açılmıştım,
Ve el sallamıyordum ben, boğuluyordum.
Bu öykü, çiftlikten çiftliğe, yarıştan yarışta
koşarak atları terbiye etmeye çalışan gezgin bir
at terbiyecisinin genç oğluna kadar uzanır.
Babasının işi nedeniyle çocuğun orta öğretimi
kesintilere uğramıştı.
Orta ikideyken, büyüdüğü zaman ne olmak ve
yapmak istediği konusunda bir kompozisyon
yazmasını istedi hocası..
Çocuk bütün gece oturup günün birinde at
çiftliğine sahip olmayı hedeflediğini anlatan 7
sayfalık bir kompozisyon yazdı. Hayalini en ince
ayrıntılarıyla anlattı.
Hatta hayalindeki çiftliğin krokisini de çizdi.
Binaların, ahırların ve koşu yollarının yerlerini
gösterdi. Krokiye, arazinin üzerine oturacak evin
ayrıntılı planını da ekledi.
Ertesi gün hocasına sunduğu 7 sayfalık ödev,
tam kalbinin sesiydi.. İki gün sonra ödevi geri
aldı. Kağıdın üzerinde kırmızı kalemle yazılmış
kocaman bir "0" ve "Dersten sonra beni gör"
uyarısı vardı. "Neden "0" aldım?" diye merakla
sordu hocasına, çocuk..
"Bu senin yaşında bir çocuk için gerçekçi
olmayan bir hayal"dedi, hocası.. "Paran yok.
Gezginci bir aileden geliyorsun.
Kaynağınız yok. At çiftliği kurmak büyük para
gerektirir. Önce araziyi satın alman lazım.
Damızlık hayvanlar daalman gerekiyor. Bunu
başarman imkansız" ve ekledi:
"Eğer ödevini gerçekçi hedefler belirledikten
sonra yenidenyazarsan, o zaman notunu
yeniden gözden geçiririm."
Çocuk evine döndü ve uzun uzun düşündü.
Babasına danıştı. "Oğlum" dedi babası "Bu
konuda kararını kendin vermelisin.
Bu senin hayatın için oldukça önemli bir
Çocuk bir hafta kadar düşündükten sonra
ödevini hiçbir değişiklik yapmadan geri götürdü
"Siz verdiğiniz notu değiştirmeyin" dedi..
"Ben de hayallerimi..".....
O orta 2 öğrencisi, bugün hayalini çizdiği arazi
üzerindeki evinde oturuyor.
Yıllar önce yazdığı ödev şöminenin üzerinde
çerçevelenmiş olarak asılı.
Öykünün en can alıcı yanı şu: Aynı öğretmen,
geçen yaz 30 öğrencisini bu çiftliğe kamp
kurmaya getirdi.
Çiftlikten ayrılırken eski öğrencisine "Bak" dedi,
"Sana şimdi söyleyebilirim. Ben senin
öğretmeninken,hayal hırsızıydım. O yıllarda
öğrencilerimden pek çok hayal çaldım.
Allah' tan ki, sen, hayalinden vazgeçmeyecek
kadar inatçıydın."
This story revolves around the son of a horse tamer
who tried to tame horses by running from race to
race and farm to farm.Because of his father’s job,
the child’s education was interrupted several
times.When he was in the secondary school, his
teacher wanted him to write a composition about
what he wanted to be in future. The child wrote a 7page composition which was about his aim to have
a horse farm one day.He explained his fancy in
detail.He even drew the layout of farm. He showed
the places of buildings, cribs and race tracks.He
also added the detailed plan of house he will
stay.The 7 paged assignment, which he presented
to his teacher, was actually the sound of his heart.
Two days later , he got his assignment back but he
noticed a big “0” on his paper and there was a
written note by the teacher :“ come and see me
after the class” .
The child asked his teacher why he got 0 from his
assignment. The teacher told him that “this dream is
not realistic for your age. Also you don’t have
money, you are coming from a peridatetic family,
you don’t have any source of money.Building a
horse farm requires a large amount of
money.Firstly, you have to buy a land, and also you
have to buy studs.But it is impossible for you to
achieve this”. He added “if you write your
assignment again after determining a realistic aim, I
can overview your grade again”.
The child turned back home and thought
carefully.He consulted his father who told him that
“you should make your own decision about this as it
is a very important choice for your life”.
After the child thought for a week, he got his
assignment back to his teacher without any
change.The child told his teacher “you don’t have to
change the grade you gave me; thus I don’t have to
my dreams , too” .
Today this secondary student lives at his home on
his own land. The assignment he wrote years ago is
on the fireplace as a frame.
The most important aspect of this story is that the
same teacher arrived this farm with his 30 students
and while he was turning back, he told his exstudent that “ I was a dream thief when I was your
teacher. In those days , I cheated so many dreams
from my students. Thankfully, you are too stubborn
to give up your dream”…
The Bootleg Series Vol. 8: Tell Tale Signs
Bob Dylan
October 6
The most recent “bootleg” album of Bob Dylan
includes recording sessions from Oh Mercy, World
Gone Wrong, Time out of Mind and Modern Times.
Just like the other bootleg series, this one also has
previously unreleased tracks. The album hit #6 on
Billboard 200 in its first week. This is a must-have
for the Dylan fans.
Dig Out Your Soul
October 6
Oasis finally evolved out of their acoustic and pop
sound and came up with a new album. It’s like
Definitely Maybe all over again. Their first single
The Shock of the Lightening hit #3 on UK Single
Charts. NME gives the album 8 out of 10. Why not
check it out?
Radio Retaliation
Thievery Corporation
September 23
Washington DC-based band’s fifth studio album
carry sounds from Middle East, Asia, Jamaica, Latin
America and Africa. The lyrics are political; dealing
with democracy and war. It’s a shame the album
peaked at #35 on Billboard 200. The Americans
don’t like them I guess, that must be why they’re
spending so much time touring in Europe.
The secret of elegance this fall lies in the feminine
and masculine details coming together.Welcome to
a fall with laces and frills!The clashing trends of
fashion world are the heralds of the fact that the
colorful and cosmopolitan styles have surrounded
the clothes and accessory world.Chiffons, laces and
frills compete with close fitting pants and evening
dresses.The most elegant women in streets are the
princesses that can combine these clashing trends
best.The easiest way is to use the contrasts.That is,
wear a feminine cloth with a masculine one or
prefer close fitting pants with a drapery cloth.These
are the useful advices for the beginning.And
remember: do not go out without laces!
This fall, crystals and jewellery are very
outstanding.Shoes, dresses, bags, wallets, gloves,
so all accessories and hairs are now decorated with
crystal beads and broochs.
Shorts and baloon skirts of spring of 2007 will
continue to be worn in fall and winter of 2008-2009.
When it comes to colours of 2008 fall fashion
trends, brown and its tones as always, and grey are
among the most ambitious colors of the season.
Other fashionable colors are blue, purple, azure,
dark green, orange, dark red and withered
rose.Black is fashionable for all seasons and
collections so do not forget your black clothes when
Last but not least, long hair styles turn the spotlights
on themselves.During the season of 2008 fall,
modest make-up is fashionable.Only the eyeliners
become prominent and are more apparent.Do not
quit gorgeous cat’s eye make-up and prefer natural
products for your skin for your health.Appear in
brick color outside as the leaves falling in autumn
but leave them behind and shine like a star!
Altın Portakal sona erdi
Golden Orange Ends
Türkiye ve dünyanın ünlü sinemacılarını
Antalya’da buluşturan 45. Antalya Altın Portakal
Film Festivali sona erdi. TÜRSAK Başkanı Engin
Yiğitgil, halkın filmlere büyük ilgi gösterdiğini,
ilerleyen yıllarda 200-300 filmi getirmek
istediklerini belirtti.
The 45th Golden Orange Film Festival which is the
meeting place for the famous film-makers from
Turkey and all over the world came to an end.
Engin Yiğitgil, Chairman of TURSAK (Turkish
Foundation of Cinema and Audio-visual Culture),
stated that public showed great interest in the
movies and that they wanted to show 200-300
movies in the years to come.
ANTALYA - Antalya’da 1964 yılında, dönemin
Belediye Başkanı Avni Tolunay tarafından
başlatılan Antalya Altın Portakal Film Festivali’nin
45’incisi, Konyaaltı Açık Hava Tiyatrosu’nda
gerçekleştirilen görkemli törenle sona erdi.
Ulusal Uzun Metraj Film Yarışması’nda ödüle layık
görülen filmler ise Tuncel Kurtiz başkanlığındaki
jürinin bakış açısını yansıttı. Festivalde ‘En İyi Film’
seçilen, İngiliz yönetmen Ben Hopkins’in ‘Pazar-Bir
Ticaret Masalı’ adlı filmi, Oscar’da ‘En İyi Yabancı
Film’ dalında Türkiye’yi temsil etmeye hazırlanan
‘Üç Maymun’u geride bıraktı.
‘En İyi Erkek Oyuncu’ ödülünü alan Tayanç Ayaydın
ise dizilerde canlandırdığı karakterlerin ardından
oynadığı ilk sinema filmiyle Altın Portakal’ı
göğüslemeyi başardı. 29 yaşındaki genç sanatçı,
Locarno Film Festivali’nde kazandığı ‘En İyi Erkek
Oyuncu’ ödülünün ardından aldığı Altın Portakal ile
geleceğin parlak yıldızları arasına girmeye aday
olduğunu gösterdi.
Geçtiğimiz yıllarda Antalya’dan hayal kırıklığıyla
dönen Nurgül Yeşilçay ise Altın Portakal’a kavuştu.
Erden Kıral’ın yönettiği ‘Vicdan’ adlı filmde
canlandırdığı ‘Aydanur’ karakteri, Yeşilçay’a ödül
45th of Golden Orange Film Festivals, commenced
in 1964 in Antalya by Avni Tolunay then-the mayor,
ended with a glamorous ceremony in Konyaalt
Open Air Theatre.
The awarded movies reflected the point of view of
the jury led by Tuncel Kurtiz. The movie given the
“Best Picture” award , “The Market-A Tale Of
Trade” by Ben Hopkins from England passed the
“Three Monkeys”, the movie which is preparing to
represent Turkey at the Oscars.
Tayanç Ayaydın, given the “ Best Actor” award, was
able to get Golden Orange with his first movie after
acting in TV series. Young actor, 29, showed that
he is a prospective movie star with his Golden
Orange after winning the “Best Actor” award at
Locarno Film Festival.
Nurgül Yeşilçay, leaving Antalya disappointed in the
previous years, managed to get Golden Orange
with the “Aydanur” character she acted in “Vicdan”.