GAU The American College Newsletter
GAU The American College Newsletter
GAU_COLLEGE_NEWSPAPER_Layout 1 3/13/12 12:08 PM Page 1 SPORT EVENTS BASKETBALLNS! COMPETITIO sports in the most important Basketball is one of at the u uld like to tell yo th our school and we wo boys A d. ments have starte championship tourna on ol ho ok place in our sc basketball match to . We played against the 20th of February score d beat them with a Anafartalar Lisesi an m tea e girls basketball of 73 to 43. Also th 23rd in our school on the played against TMK ng gi en h was very chall of February.The matc a th wi st their best but lo and our team played score of 58 to 62. (Year 9) Aylar Gimadiyeva March 2012 ISSUE 1 Be a winner! Choose the Message from our Senior Leadership Team! n On Febru ary 26th an d on March ou girls’ ba 9th, ske Near East C tball team played with ollege and English Sch of Kyrenia ool respectively . Our team the first ma lo st tch, but the second matc finished wit h h a score of 91 to 7 to u We congratu s! late our gir ls’ basketba team and h ll ope that the y keep up their good w ork! n Our stud ents Utku Ö cal and Emre Çetin aslan have selected for been the nationa l basketball team. We a lso congratu late our students for their success !!! DID YOU KNOW THESE….? breath. n You can’t kill yourself by holding your n You blink 15,000 times a day. n Coca-cola was originally green. n Butterflies taste with their feet. will increase n Wearing headphones for just and hour the bacteria in your ear by 700 %. tongue. n Giraffes can clear their ears with their GAU The American College Newsletter name for our newspaper. Your idea should be e-mailed to the newspaper committee by 01/04/2012. (e-mail address: duriyecelik@gau-ame Hello and welcome to the first edition of our whole-school newsletter! We are very pleased to be undertaking this brave new venture and we hope that you find the contents interesting and informative. Congratulations to Düriye and her hard-working team for their fantastic efforts in making sure that we hit our deadline for publication. Many thanks, Aysu Balkanlar (Principal-College) Peter Shaw (Principal-International Middle School) Nagehan Diner (Principal-Elementary School) Editorial Board Message! Hello everyone! We as an editorial board came up with the idea of creating a school Newsletter. We aim to publish monthly with your future contributions being most welcome.. We are going to inform you about the activities, academic events and sport competitions which are held in our school and our teachers and students will also contribute to this task with their written work and ideas. In order to best represent our student population, our newsletter committee consists of students from all years. We also need more students that will assist in editing. If you want to be a member of our committee, you can apply to Miss Düriye or Tulip Dedekorkut (year 9).We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter and trust this may be the beginning of many more exciting issues to come! Editors: Düriye Çelik (School Psychologist), Tulip Dedekorkut (year 9), Thomas Holloway (year 9), Aylar Gimadiyeva (year 9), Çinare Mametli (year 8), Derviş Mustafa (year 7), Eda Vechi (year 6), Shannon Melis Basar (year 12). Photographers: Ayşe Hacımehmet (year 12), Barlas Şahinoğlu (year 11), Social & Cultural Activities: School Captains (Faika Kuşappi, Ayşe Sertsoylu, Utku Bıçakçı, Esra Enver, Hamide Özdoğdu) Computer systems managers: Sermin Mayın, Mert Mertkaya (IT department). Academic Events: A Level—AS Level Students. GAU_COLLEGE_NEWSPAPER_Layout 1 3/13/12 12:10 PM Page 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS PEER MEN to the March, College students went n On 24th February and 1st have ts chers. Some of our studen film ‘Fetih 1453’ with their tea ter. the film for our newslet written their comments about our ntoring Study Program’ with n We have started a ‘Peer Me t por l of the program is to sup 12 A Level students! The goa el help in our school. 12 A Lev students who need academic their in p the students who need hel students will be mentors for ly app can t of this program, you lessons. If you want to be a par Y (HO chologist), Şehnaz Nadiri to Düriye Çelik (School Psy 12) and Rana Çetin (HOY 9). n updated!!! You can be n Our school website has bee , activities, academic programs informed about the new events g American college by clickin and everything about GAU The on www.gau-americancollege. was held on in World Maths Day which n Our school has taken part r 200 ove 5.5 million students from March 7th 2012. It involves pated in this tici par all of our students who countries. Congratulations to competition!.. 8th every y (IWD) is marked on March n International Women’s Da ic, political nom men and hope that the eco year. We celebrate for all wo r the world! ove all tus of women improves and social empowerment/sta NEED ACA TORING DEMIC HE LP? Joseph? are you late, Teacher: Why n the road. w do se of a sign au ec B ith your : ph se Jo have to do w t does a sign Teacher: Wha ? being late ad, Go Slow!” , “School Ahe id sa gn si he Joseph: T Why choose Geography... le world. Because it’s the best subject in the who SOCIAL& CULTURAL ACTIVITIES A Day of Teamwork On 28th February, KKTC Özel Eğitim Vakfı (ÖZEV) from Nicosia came to GAU and had a game of football and basketball against some of the year 6 students. In the 80 minute game of football and basketball, the year 6 students were defeated by them. It was obvious that both teams were having fun and eager to win. After the long match finished, both teams were tired, but still in a good mood. Before the match, both schools got their photographs taken with their teachers. Also, the winning team had a small celebration with juices and biscuits, snacks… ACADEMIC BOARD etc. The Nicosia school was well-trained and most importantly, they had a fair game and had TEAMWORK, which was the whole point of the game. The football game was played with 5-6 people, and the year 6 boys mostly played this game. After that, the basketball game was played with 5 people again, but the year 6 girls played the first half and the boys played the second half. The winning team left the sports-hall in a victorious and good mood. This match was not about competition, it was about TEAMWORK and fair-play. Eda Vechi (year 6G) Fetih 1453 Review Fetih 1453 tarihteki en önemli fethi mükemmel bir şekilde izleyicilere aktarabilen bir film. Filmin efektleri ve oyuncuların göstermiş olduğu performans filmi izlenmeye değer kılan unsurlardandır. Fetih 1453 İstanbul’un fethedilişini konu almakla birlikte bize tarihimizde yapılan kahramanlıkları hatırlatmış oldu. Zevkle izlenilebilecek bir film olması dışında aynı zamanda da eğitsel bir yönü olması filme artı bir puan daha kazandırmıştır.Kısacası bu film tarihi ve kahramanlıkları seyirciyi sıkmadan anlatabilen, seyircilerin aklında kalıcı olabilecek niteliklere sahiptir. Şerife Hikmet (year 9) , the Don’t just take my word for it, Michael Palin enter, very famous comedian, actor and television pres d in 80 well known for the series “Around the worl h holds the Days” says “Geography is the subject whic key to our planet”. rstanding In IGCSE we develop a knowledge and unde te the of what’s going on in the world. We investiga ronment. For earth and its people and the physical envi hurricanes, example we study earthquakes, volcanoes, these rivers and coasts; we also study the impact stigate the inve We le. peop on have rds haza disasters and to the ways in which people adapt and respond activity and omic econ like s topic gh throu environment urban energy, ecosystems, rural environments and environments. or whatever Whatever you want to study in the future Geographers career you want, geography prepares you! loyable. with their skills of analysis are highly emp y and hear So, log on to youtube; why choose geograph to say! for yourself what students just like you have Enjoy. Linda McGowan / Geography Teacher Yurt Sevgisi Yurt sevgisinin geliştiği, vatanına bağlı bireylerin arttığı ülkelerin yıkılması mümkün değildir. Çok çalışmak, başarılı olmak, kurallara uymak, aydın olmak, kültürlü olmak, medeni olmak gibi unsurlar bizim hedefimiz olan gelişmiş ülkeler seviyesine ulaşmamızı sağlar. Başarmak için çok çalıştığımız zaman bize yardım eden ve destek olan ülke sayısı artacaktır. Geleceğimizin aydınlık olması için karamsar olmadan çok çalışmalıyız. Vatanına bağlı, yurdunu seven insan yetiştirmek için küçük yaştan başlayarak okullarda yurt sevgisi dersleri arttırılmalıdır. Birlik, beraberlik, huzur, başarı, kendine güven ve geleceğe umutla bakan gençler olmamız için gerekli çalışmalar hızlandırılmalıdır. Yurdumuzun ileri seviyeye yük- Sinem ALDAĞ (Maths Teacher) In 2004, I graduated with Applied Mathematics and computer from EMU. After graduating, I decided to stay at EMU and I started my M.Ed. While I was studying for my M.Ed, I also worked in the mathematics department as a Teacher assisstant. When my M.Ed was completed, I started work in the Engineering d department at CIU as a Mathematics teacher. I worke e privat ent differ in d worke have I years. 2 there for educational sectors and have done temprorary substitute I teaching at government schools until now. And this year the of part a be to happy so am I started to work at GAC. GAC family. I hope I will work here for many years. Dylan Djavit (French Teacher-Elementary School) Bonjour ! My name is Dylan Djavit and I am proud to be a French teacher at G.A.U’s Elementary section. My mother is French and I was born in a beautiful town in the centre of France. As my father is from Cyprus, I regularly came here as a child with my parents during summer holidays and now I 'll be able to enjoy Cyprus all year long ! I graduated in English, Mandarin Chinese and International Management during my studies in France and then specialized in teaching for 5 years in China and 3 years in France. I love reading, meeting people from different cultures and learning foreign languages. I hope I will see you soon ! A bientot ! selmesi için biz gençler cesaretimizi arttırmalı, aldığımız eğitim ve kültür ile vatan sevgisinin en kıymetli temsilcileri olmalıyız. Mustafa Kemal’in söylediği gibi ‘İstikbal gençlerindir’ sözü unutulmamalıdır. Cumhuriyeti yükseltecek ve devam ettirecek bizleriz. Genç nesil olarak geleceğimizin daha iyi olması kendi elimizdedir. El ele vererek sonsuza dek yurdumuzun yaşamasını ve çağdaş uygarlık seviyesinin üstüne çıkarılmasını sağlamak azmi ve inancı içinde özveriyle çalışmalıyız. Vatanımızda bölünmeden, huzurlu, mutlu ve gelecekten emin olarak yaşamamız için geçmişten dersler çıkararak birlik ve beraberlik içinde daha çok çalışmalı ve yurdumuzu daha çok sevmeliyiz. Gaye Tozlu (12 ÖSS) Arkadaşlık sırBir insanın arkadaşı olunca ona n onu r, bili uşa kon r, bili ata larını anl yanında rahat olur ve şakalaşır. n, Benim için arkadaşlık; heyeca degi sev ve m laşı mutluluk, pay dürüst, mektir. Benim arkadaşlarım ek dem sadık ve arkadaşlığın ne göre na Ba dir. iler olduğunu bilen kiş ve ldir öze çok ım şlar benim arkada ik iyil r bire de için nin biri sanki her z ımı şlar meleği vardır. Arkada ü bizim iyiliğimizi isterler ve köt . rlar olu zda ımı yan a anlarımızd Arkadaşlık, hayatı iyisiyle aktır. üsü köt yle birileriyle paylaşm ir, likt deş kar ; şlık Kısacası, arkada tur… tluk dos Mine Aşçı (Year 6A)