Jim `l(au `Dog Snows, Ltd.
Jim `l(au `Dog Snows, Ltd.
"5 Day Cluster" Premium List Purina ;s the Official Sponsor of the Celtic Classic WEDNESDAY-SUNDAY MARCH 16 - 20, 2016 UTZ ARENA AT THE YORK EXPOSITION CENTER OLD MAIN, MEMORIAL HALL, AND HORTICULTURAL HALL ROUTE 74 - 334 CARLISLE AVENUE YORK, PA 17404 Services and Equipment Furnished by Jim 'l(au 'Dog Snows, Ltd. P. O. Box 6898 • Reading, PA 19610 • (610) 376-1880 24 Hour Fax Service • (610) 376-4939 www.raudogshows.com Overnight and Express Deliveries 235 South Second Avenue, West Reading, PA 19611 American Kennel Club Annually Licensed Superintendents Kathleen Berkheimer Ed Smizer Kristen Shiller Kitty Burke AI Staudt, Jr. Kathy Hagpe Wayne Hallard Phyllis Kraft Joan Rau CELTIC CLASSIC SPECIALTIES AND SUPPORTED ENTRIES WEDNESDAY AT YORK KENNEL CLUB Supported Entries National Capital English Seiter Club Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club American Whippet Club Mason Dixon Bernese Mounlain Dog Club Mid-Atlantic lIalian Greyhound Club of Central Maryland Mason-Dixon French Bulldog Club Keeshond Club 01 Delaware Valley THURSDAY AT LANCASTER KENNEL CLUB Supported Entries National Capital English Setter Club Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club American Whippet Club Potomac Valley Bernese Mounlain Dog Club Mid-Atlantic Italian Greyhound Club of Central Maryland Mason-Dixon French Bulldog Club Keeshond Club Club of Delaware Valley FRIDAY AT YORK KENNEL CLUB Specialties Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club w/Sweepstakes Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club Mid-Atlantic Italian Greyhound Club of Central Maryland w/Sweepstakes Supported Entries National Capital English Setter Club w/Sweepstakes Potomac Afghan Hound Club American Bloodhound Club w/Sweepstakes American Whippet Club w/Sweepstakes Delaware Valley Bullmastiff Club Middle Atlantic Saint Bernard Club Mason-Dixon French Bulldog Club Capital Keeshond Club SATURDAY AT DELAWARE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB Specialties National Capital English Setter Club w/Sweepstakes Susquehanna Brittany Club, Inc. w/Sweepstakes Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club w/Sweepslakes Keystone Vizsla Club of PA w/Sweepstakes Potomac Afghan Hound Club w/Sweepstakes American Bloodhound Club w/Sweepstakes American Whippet Club w/Sweepstakes Mason Dixon Bernese Mountain Dog Club w/Sweepstakes Eastern Boxer Club w/Sweepstakes Delaware Valley Bullmastiff Club w/Sweepstakes Newfoundland Club of America w/Sweepstakes Antietam Creek Samoyed Club w/Sweepstakes American Manchester Terrier Club District 3 w/Sweepstakes Empire Italian Greyhound Club Mason-Dixon French Bulldog Club Australian Cattle Dog Club of America w/Sweepstakes Supported Entries Middle Atlantic Saint Bernard Club w/Sweepstakes Siberian Husky Club of the Delaware Valley Keeshond Club of Delaware Valley w/Sweepstakes Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of the Potomac Pu li Club of America 2 SUNDAY AT DELAWARE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB Specialties Conestoga Vizsla Club w/Sweepslakes National Capital English Setter Club w/Sweepstakes Eastern Boxer Club w/Sweepstakes Newfoundland Club of America w/Sweepslakes Antietam Creek Samoyed Club w/Sweepstakes Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club w/Sweepstakes Supported Entries (Sunday) Susquehanna Brittany Club Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club Potomac Afghan Hound Club Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of the US w/Sweepslakes American Whippet Club Delaware Valley Bullmastiff Club Middle Atlantic Saint Bernard Club Siberian Husky Club of the Delaware VaHey American Manchester Terrier Club District 3 Empi re Italian Greyhound Club Southern Chow Chow Club Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club Capital Keeshond Club w/Sweepstakes Australian Cattle Dog Club of America Puli Club of America The Middle Atlantic Saint Bernard Club will h~vie~~~~~i~1~::n Friday (3/18) and Saturday (3119). Contact Robbie Kankus at 610-420-2329 or Celtic Coordinator Co-Coordinator ... . ... •. Treasurer. ... . . . . .• • • . Advertising ... _. Concessions. Grounds . . .. .. . __ ...... _ . . Specialty Club Coordinator .. .•. Volunteer Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judges Hospitality Publicity RV Septic & Water Ring Hospitality Judges Lunches CONFORMATION STEWARDS Eastern Stewards Club, Inc. Carol Dotts 717-862-3443 Kim Rimel 302 -547-6430 Ron Dotts 717-862-3443 . • •. __ .•• . . .. . _ . . . . Jeff Moore 717-993-8115 Terry Nuss 856-404 -3028 • •• .... .. . _ . . Tom Nuss 856-404-3029 •. •. Tom Nuss 856-404-3029 . •• . Kim Rimel 302-547-6430 .... • . ___ . ___ . Terry Nuss 856-404-3028 ..... Jeff Moore 717-993-81 15 Ron Dolts 717-862-3443 Deb Eckert Carol Dolts 717-515-2413; Jeff Moore 410-299-8902 OBEDIENCE STEWARDS Members and Friends of the Clubs OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS Ashbey Photographers Perry Phillips P. O. Box 468 P. O. Box 5300 Gilbert, PA 18331-0468 Springfield, PA 19064 (610) 68 1-4968 (610) 328-5575 Only the official photographers may take win pictures . ........ ... Scott & Robin Gross 717-266-0349 EMT (on Site) . Veterinarian (on site) . Dr. Alexandre Daley Veterinarian (on call) . Animal Emergency and Referral Center of York 1640 South Queen Street, York, PA 17403 717-767-5355 i Permission is GI the holding of this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary 3 * * NOTICE TO EXHIBITORS ENTRY FEE: $32.00 for the first entry of each dog except Puppy and Bred-by-Exhibitor Classes which are $26.00 (including $.50 A.K.C. recording fee & $3.00 A.K .C. Event Service Fee) . Additional entry of same dog $32.00; Junior Showmanship as first entry is $32.00. Junior Showmanship as an additional entry is $26 .00 . Veteran Classes entry fee of $18.00. Sweepstakes (where applicable) are $18.00, use the Additional Class section and marK as Sweepstakes . Rally Entries: $32.00 fi rst entry and $26.00 second Rally Entry (each day) AKC Event and recording fees are including in the above. CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00Noon, Wednesday, March2 , 2016(al Superintendent's Office) after which entries cannot be accepted, cancelled or substituted except as provided for in Chapter 14, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. THE SHOW, OBEDIENCE & RALLY TRIAL will be open from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. An AKC RECORDING FEE of S.SO and an AKC Event Service Fee of $3.00 will be required lor each dog entered al any Licensed or Member Club Show, Obedience Trial or Tracking Test. If a dog is entered in more than one class in one of lhese events, the AKC Recording Fee and Service Fee is to be collected on the tirs! entry only. (AKC Rules Applying to Dog Shows, Chapter 11, Section 2). An AKC Recording Fee of $3.00 will be required for each entry in any Uncesed or Member Club Rally Trial. If a dog is entered in more than one class in a Ralty event, the AKC Recording Fee is to be collected on each of the entries of that dog. (AKC Ralty Regulations, Chapter 1, Section 3). All Recording Fees are paid to the American Kennel Club. FREE ADMISSION Bu ild ing Hours - The UIZ Arena. Memorial Hall West & Horticultural Hall will be open Tuesday from 3:00 PM to 10:00 PM . The Building will open at 6:00 A.M. on Wednesday thru Sunday and will remain open until! 0:00 PM . Old Main (Obedience and Rally Building) will be used from Thursday to Saturday. Hours will be 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM. CRATES & GROOMING TABLES will not be permined in the aisles or near the exhibition rings. STROLLERS - No baby strollers will be allow in the building. No private ex-pens or mats/rugs will be allowed in any area of either building for salety reasons. Flexi-Ieads are prohibited in all areas of the show grounds (inside and outside). GENERAL PARKING - There is no charge lor general parking. Common courtesy is expected when parking your vehicle. Do not occupy more than one parking space and make sure you keep your area clean. RV PARKING will be available beginning at 2:00 PM Tuesday, March 15, 2016 . (See ' PRE-REGISTRATION FOAM FOR ALL CAMPING and the "RV PARKING APPLICATION" form. See Page 76. UNLOADING: will be at the direction of the Ground Committee. No exhibitors will be allowed to enter through the main entrance of the Utz Arena . Vehictes must keep headlights on while in the unloading zone and be removed from the unloading zone immediately after unloading is complete. Vehicles left unattended will be towed at the owner's expense. CRATING/GROOMING AREA: Indoor electric is "FREE' in all buildings thanks to the generosity of the York Convention and Visitors Bureau and The Cellic Classic. Crating In the Utz Building will be on an ' as you arrive basis' . Memorial Hall and Horticultural Hall have electric outlets on the exterior walls. depending on where you are setup you may need extension cords. Compliance with ground crew instructions is mandatory and failure to comply may result in a Bench Show Hearing. OVERNIGHT CRATING - The Celtic Classic. LKC. YKC and DCKC have arranged with the York Expo Center for dogs to be teft in the buildings overnight (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights only). If YOU leave YOU R dog overnight, YOU are doing it at YOUR own choice and the Celtic Classic and these showing giving Clubs assume no responsibilty for the care, custody or well-being of your dog. Security will be provided by personnel of the York Expo Center, HOWEVE R, IT IS TO BE DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT TH E SECUR ITY IS FOR TH E FIRE EMERGENCY ACCESS ON LY. REFUND AND CASH AWARD CHECKS ARE VOID AFTER 180 DAYS AND WILL NOT BE RE· ISSUED . RETURNED CHECKS do not constitute a valid entry fee. The Superintendent will add a $20.00 collection fee to the amount of each returned check. Subsequent returned checks from the same exhibitors may re sult in their being put on a CASH ONLY basis. TELEGRAPH , TELEPHONE and UNSIGNED ENTRIES CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. ENTRIES NOT ON OFFICIAL AKC ENTRY FORMS AND PHOTOCOPIES OF ENTRY FORMS without the Agreement and Rules on the reverse side of the Official AKC Entry Form are NOT ACCEPTABLE . MAIL ALL ENTRIES WITH FEES TO Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., P. O. Box 6898, Reading. PA 19610. ENTRIES RECEIVED WITHOUT FEES will not be accepted. All CREDIT CARD ENTRIES, REGARDLESS OF METHOD SUB MITTED, are processed through the Fax program and will be charged a $4.00 per dog per show convenience fee. ACKNOWLEDGE MENT OF ENTRIES will be made as soon as practicable with tickets and/or identification cards. The person accompanying a dog must show tickets of admission and identification before the dog will be received. SHOULD SUCH ACKNOWLEDGEMENT NOT BE RECEIVED BY THE EXHIBITOR within a reasonable time. please notify Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., (610) 376- 1880. MAKE ALL CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO J. A. D. S., Ltd. Please mail checks or money orders with entries. Superintendent assumes no respon sibility for cash sent through the mail. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS make fees payable in U.S_ FUNDS_ NO ENTRY SHALL BE MADE AND NO ENTRY SHALL BE ACCEPTED WHICH SPECIFIES ANY CONDITIONS AS TO ITS ACCEPTANCE. 4 ENTRY FEES shall not be refunded in the event that a dog is absent, disqualified, excused by Veterinarian Of Judge, or barred from competition by action of Show Committee, If because of riots, civil disturbances or other acts beyond the control of the management it is impossible to open or to complete the show, no refund of entry fee will be made . ERRORS ON ENTRY BLANKS. Owners are responsible for errors in making out entry form s, whoever may make such errors, and no entry fee will be refunded in event of such errors or cancellation of entries aher the published closing date. NO REFUND FOR DUPLICATE ENTRIES. We will make every effort to find all duplicate entries, but if a dog has been processed, no refund will be made. CONSULT JUDGING PROGRAM FOR TIME OF JUDGING. DOGS MAY ARRIVE any time prior to their scheduled time of judg ing. DOGS NOT REOUIRED for further Judging will be excused. JUDGES WILL NOT WAIT FOR ANY DOG HOLDING UP A CLASS. Owners or agenlsaJone are responsible for the presence 01 their dogs in the judging ring when their classes are called to be judged. The shOwgiving club and the superintendent have no obligation or responsibility for providing service through a public address system or stewards or runners for the purpose of calling or locating dogs that are not brought into the ring when required. ALL DOGS PRESENT must be held on leash or confined to their crates except when being judged or when in the exercising ring. CLASS CASH PRIZES will be paid in the ring to the person showing the dog. Claims for prize money must be made in the ring before the judging of that breed is over, and the Superintendent to be advised at once. The Superintendent and Show-giving Club may disclaim any liability for cash prizes after the judging of the breed is over. THE SHOW COMMITIEElSUPERINTENDENT will use due care and diligence for the welfare of dogs and exhibitors, but will nol be responsible for, nor assume any liabitity in the event of an accident or misfortune to either dogs or exhibitors participating in this show. Fairgrounds Regulations : Use 01motorized carts, mopeds, scooters, etc. prohibited 10 other Ihan authOrized personnel. Effective May 1, 2006 an administrative fee of $2.00 will be withheld from all refunds for entries cancelled prior to the closing of entries. REFUNDS for Obedience and Rally Bitches in season with the documentation less $5.00 administrative fee FAX ENTRIES & CREOIT CARD ENTRIES Entries for this show may be Faxed to Rau-Fax Entry Service 24 Hour Fax Phone Number (610) 376-4939 Fees: $4.00 per dog per show Fax Fee or Convenience Fee plus Entry Fees as listed in the Premium list. Entries accepted up to the closing time as listed in the Premium list. ALL FAX ENTRIES MUST INCLUDE BACK OF ENTRY FORM. ALL FAX ENTRIES MUST BE ACCOMPANIED WITH CARD NUMBER & EXPIRATION DATE, AND CREDIT CARD HOLDERS' SIGNATURE. NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE The number of motels refusing dogs because of abuse of their premises continues to increase. The Celtic Classic is working closely with this group of hotels and takes this situation very seriOUSly. We expect our exhibitors to be responsible guests and ambassadors for the dog community by maintaining a clean environment both inside and outside 01 the motel. Any report that an exhibitor at this show has abused motel property during this Cluster will result in disciplinary action by the Clubs. The Lancaster Kennel Club, the York Kennel Club and the Delaware County Kennel Club reserves the right to decline future entries from the offending party in accordance with the provisions 01 Chapter 11 , Section 1501 the Rules Applyi ng to Dog Shows. ATTENTION EXHIBITORS There will be a COOKIE SOCIAL on Friday 112 hour before groups There will be an ICE CREAM SOCIAL on Saturday 112 hour before groups THESE EVENTS ARE SPONSORED THROUGH THE GENEROSITY OF PURINA 5 A CCOMMODATIONS HAMPTON INN SUITES IS THE HEADQUARTERS FOR THE SHOW NO DOGS ALLOWED 2159 S. Queen Street, York, PA 17404 (717) 741 0900 4 Motels that accept dogs Motel 6 ..... . 323 Arsenal Road, Vork Super 8 Motel . . .......... . . ... . ..... .. 40 Arsenal Road , York Holiday Inn Express .. . . . .. . . . ... .... .. 140 Leader Heights Road , York Comfort Inn & Suites . ... . . •• • . ..... 2250 N. George Road , York, PA Econo Lodge ... . ........•. 222 Arsenal Ad., York, PA Molel 6 . 125 Arsenal Road, York, PA Days Inn & Suites york ... . . . . . •. 334 Arsenal Rd. , York, PA 17404 Molel 6 York ........ .....••. 323 Arsenal Ad. , York, PA Quality Inn & Suites York. 2600 East Market Street, York, PA 17402 Wyndham Garden York 2000 Loucks Road , York, PA For a complete list of pet friendly accommodations, 'MVW.TheCelticClassic.com and look for link to hotels. visit the (717) (717) (717) (717) (7 17) (717) (7Il ) (717) 846-6260 852-8686 741 ·1000 699· 1919 843-9970 843-818 1 845-567 1 846-6260 (717) 755-1966 (717) 846-9500 Celtic Classic website at ROUTES TO THE SHOW From the North - Take Exit 22 off 1-83. Follow Aoute 30 West to Route 74 South (approximately 3 miles). Follow Aoute 74 South to Highland Avenue . Turn Right on Highland Avenue and proceed to Gate 6 (Approximately 1 mile) From the So uth - Take Exit 21 B (Arsenal Road & RI. 30 West). Continue to Exit Route 74 South . Follow Route 74 10 Highland Avenue. Turn right on Highland Avenue and proceed to Gate 6 (approximately 1 mile). From the West - Take Route 30 East to Route 74 South . Follow Aoute 74 to Highland Avenue. Turn right on Highland Avenue and proceed to Gate 6 (approxi mately 1 mile). From the East - Take Route 30 West to Route 74 South to Highland Avenue. Turn right on Highland Avenue and proceed to Gate 6 (approximately 1 mile ). Attention Exhibitors In the interest of time, Groups may be judged concurrently ALL FIVE DAYS if needed DOG SHOW TOURS The Celtic Classic will be offering Dog Show Tours all five days. Information regarding tours will be available at the information table in the Utz Arena. EDUCATION & SEMINARS The Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club will be offering an AKC Judges Seminar on the Eng lish Springer Spaniel presented by Deborah Kirk. There will be a 90 minute Classroom Seminar (RSVP required) on Wednesday & Thursday. Hands On Seminar will be held in the ESS Ring in Memorial Haft, any day when the Ring is available after all AKC Regular Class judging is finished. AKC Ringside Mentoring will be available everyday, simply check in at the ESS Information Table near the ring . Specialties will be held on Friday & Saturday with Sweepstakes and Regular Classes , so we suggest that you anend these 2 days for Ringside Mentoring and the Hands On Seminar. RSVP; Club Secretary Deb Kirk debkirkess @gmail.com 717-683-9601 "learning to Scale & Wicket Your Dog " - Scaling & Wickeling Demonstration by James Mitchell, AKC Field Representative on Friday, March 18, 2016. 6 Health Clinics will be on Sunday (3120) - See Page 22 for information Specialty and Support Entries See listings beginning on Page 34 of the Breeds and Clubs holding Specialties or Supporting Entries of their breed at the Celtic Classic. SPECIAL EVENTS - BEST BREo..BY· EXHIBITOR IN SHOW - WEDNESDAY· MARCH 16, 2016 The Best Bred-by-Exhibitor in Breed competition will be judged after the Best of Breed competition. If a Bred-by-Exhibitor is awarded Best of Winners in the regular Breed competition it will automatically be Best of Breed Bred-by-Exhibitor. Best of Breed Bred-by-Exhibitor will compete in its respective group for Best Bred-by-Exhibitor in Group. There will be four group placements. Bred-by-Exhibitor Group winners will compete for Best Bred-by-Exhibitor in Show to be held prior to Best in Show. SPECIAL EVENTS - BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016 The Best Puppy in Breed competition will be judged after the Best of Breed com petition by the assigned breed judge. If a puppy is awarded Best of Winners in the regular Breed competition it will automatically be Best of Breed Puppy. Best of Breed Puppy will compete in its respective group for Best Puppy in Group. There will be four group placements. The Puppy Groups will be held in a separate ring. Puppy Group winners will compete for Best Puppy in Show to be held prior to Best in Show. NATIONAL OWNER-HANDLED SERtES WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016 See page 11 VETERANS CLASSES - OFFERED ALL FIVE DAYS Veteran Classes will be offered in all breeds all five days of the Cellic Classic. Dogs and bitches must be intact to be eligible to compete and be of the age listed for their breed. All dog and bitch entries must be eligible to compete for Best of Breed. SEE MAP OF SHOW GROUNDS ON PAGE 21 The Keeshond Club of Delaware Valley wi ll hold a Keeshonden only Match on Saturday evening, March 19, 20 16 in Old Main Building. The Empire Italian Greyhound Club will hold an Italian Greyhound only Match on Saturday, March 19 after Best in Show JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITION Offered all Five Days AKC Junior Handler Numbers are now required for entry in Junior Showmanship Competition. Numbers may be obtained from the American Kennel Club - PHONE : (919) 233-9767 . For additional information contact American Kennel Club, Junior Showmanship, P. O. Box 900051 , Raleigh, NC 27675. Phone (919) 233-9767 or E-Mail: [email protected] Entry blank MUST be filled out with the necessary Information, otherwise the entry in Junior Showmanship will not be accepted . NOVICE JUNIOR CLASS; For Boys and Girls who are alleast 9 years old and under 12 yea rs old on the day of the show and who, althe time entries close, have not won three First Places with competition present in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. NOVICE INTERMEDIATE CLASS : For Boys and Girls who are at least 12 years old and under 15 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places , with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. NOVICE SENIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 15 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close, have not won three First Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN JUNIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are at least 9 years old and under 12 years otd on the day 01 the show and who, at the time entries close, have won three First Places, with competition present , in a Novice Showmanship Class at a ticensed or member show. 7 OPEN INTERMEDIATE CLASS : For Boys and Girls who are al least 12 years old and under 15 years old on the day of the show and who, at the time entries close , have won three Firs t Places, with competition present, in a Novice Class at a licensed or member show. OPEN SENIOR CLASS: For Boys and Girls who are least 15 years old and under 18 years old on the day of the show and who, at the lime entries close, have won three Firs t Places, with competition present, in a Novice Showmanship Class at a licensed or member show. MASTER CLASS : This Class wi ll be for boys and girls who are at least 9 years old and under 18 years on the day of the show, and who have won the 10 Best Junior wins with competition. The calendar for this class will consistent with the eligibility dates for the AKC Eukanuba National Championship. All Juniors meeting the criteria for this class are required to entry the Master Class and may change thei r entry the day of the show if entries have already closed. Once the elig ibility time frame for that year has passed all participants return to the Open Class to complete for the following year. Competition must exist for Best Junior Handler. NOTICE JUNIORS WITH A DOG ALSO ENTERED IN ANOT HER CLASS OFFERED AT TH IS SHOW W HO SUBSTITUTE A DOG NOT ENTERED IN THI S SHOW MUST REMIT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JUNIOR ONLY AND JUNIOR AS AN ADDITIONAL CLASS ENTRY FEE. JUNIORS WHO HAVE ENTERED JU NIOR SHOWMANSHIP ONLY WHO THEN SUBSTITUTE ANOTHER DOG WILL NOT BE CHARGED A FURTHER FEE . RIBBON PRIZES Regular Classes Bred-by-Exhibitor Groups - Wednesday First Prize Rose Rosette Second Prize Brown Rosette Third Prize Light Green Rosette Grey Rosette Fourth Pri ze Best Bred-by-Exhibito r Dark Green Rosette First Prize Blue Ribbon Second Prize .......... ..... . Red Ribbon Third Prize Yellow Ribbon Fourth Prize White Ribbon ....... .... . Purple Ribbon Winners Reserve Winners Purple & White Ribbon Best of Winners Blue & White Ribbon Selecl .. .. ....... Light Blue & While Ribbon Best of Breed Purple & Gold Ribbon Besl of Variety Purple & Gold Ribbon Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed and to Best of Variety . Red & White Ribbon Highest Scoring Dog in Regular Obedience Classes Blue & Gold Rosene Highest Scoring Dog in Open B & Utility Combined Dark Green & Blue Roselle Puppy Groups· Friday First Prize Rose Second Prize Brown Third Prize Light Green Fourth Prize G rey Dark Green Best Puppy . Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette Rosette CLASSES FOR ALL BREEDS Regular Classes Puppy Dogs, 6-9 Month Dogs Puppy Dogs, 9-12 Month Dogs Dogs , 12-15 Months Dogs, 15-18 Months Novice Dogs Amateur Owner Handler Dogs Bred-by·Exhibitor Dogs Ame rican -bred Dogs Open Dogs Winners Dog ·Shooting Dog Class Bird Dog Class Hunting Retrieve r Class Fie ld Trial Class Veterans (Same Classes for Bitches) BEST OF BAEEO The above classes are provided in all breeds and in each breed variety. Where certain classes are divided by age, color, or weig ht, it is so noted in list of Breeds and MUST BE INDI CATED ON ENTRY FOAM. For clubs considering the classes at these shows as their Specialty Show and for Clubs supporting the entries at these shows, the following ribbon prizes will be offered to the winners. Winners Purple Rosette Blue & White Rosette Best of Winners Best of Breed (Variety) .. Purple & Gold Rosette Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed (Variety) .. Red & White Rosette Variety Groups Fi rst Prize .. .............. Blue Rosette Second Prize Red Rosette Third Prize .... ... .. .. . Yellow Rosette Fourth Prize ................ White Rosette Best in Show Red, White & Blue Rosette Green & Gold Rosette Reserve Best in Show. Non-Regular Classes First Prize ....... Rose Ribbon Second Prize Brown Ribbon Third Prize Light Green Ribbon Grey Ribbon Fourth Prize Wednesday 3/16116 & Friday 3118116 National Owner Handled Series - See page 11 8 Shooting Dog/ Bitc h Class: This class is open to any dog (or bitch) who has an ESSFTA WD or WDX or one qualifying leg in any AKC Hunt Test. This Class Winner is eligible to complete for BOB. Bird Dog Clas ses - Class for dogs & class for bitches that have earned Working Dog (WD) or Working Dog Excellent (WDX) titles from the Parent Club or have received a qualifying score at any AKC Hunting Test or have received a placement at an AKC Field Trial. Classes to be held after Winners Bitch and before Best 01 Breed. Winners of the Bird Dog Class are elig ible to compete f or BOB. Hunti ng Retriever Classes. For any dog or bitch who has obtained an AKC Junior Hunter, Senior Hunter or Master Hunter Title . Sexes Divided. Field Trial Classes - Class for dogs & class for bitches that have placed in a Regular Derby, Gundog , or an All Age Stake at a licensed AKC Field Trial. Non-Regular Classes Involving Single Dog Entries - Veteran Classes: Class for dogs and class for bitches 7 years of age and over. Dogs and Bitches may NOT be spayed or neutered as they will be eligible for Best of Breed. The Celtic Classic will offer the following Rosettes to Clubs holding Specialties or Supported Entries: Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. If holding Sweepstakes: Besl in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes New TItleholder RoseHe offered by the Ce ltic Classic ENTRY FEES (Each First Entry includes $.50 AKC Recording Fee and $1 .50 AKC Event Fee) First entry of a dog unless otherwise specified $32.00 Each additional entry of the same dog unless otherwise specified $26.00 Bred-by-Exhibitor and Puppy Classes (6-9 & 9-12) as a First Entry $26.00 . . . . . . . . . . . •• . . $t8.00 Veteran Classes· where oHered Junior Showmanship Only $32.00 Junior Showmanship as an additiional Class. ... . . . • . $26.00 Miscellaneous Classes .... .. .. ....• . . ....• • , . , . . . . . $32.00 Sweepstakes (Puppy & Veteran where offered) . $18 .00 $32.00 Rally Classes· First entry $26.00 Rally Classes · Second entry of same dog Sweepstakes Professional handlers may not exhibit in sweepstakes unless owner of record of dog being handled. The following breed clubs have requ ested that the rule remain as stated: Vizsla, Bloodhound, Bullmastiff, Samoyed, Siberian Husky, Italian Greyhound, Keeshond and Australian Cattle Dogs. As the request of the following breed clubS, and with AKC approval. these breeds will allow Professional Handlers to exhibit in their Sweepstakes : Brittany, English Setter, English Springer Spaniel, Afghan Hound , Whippet, Bemese Mountain Dog , Boxer, Newfoundland, Saint Bernard , Manchester Terrier (Standard), Manchester Terrier (Toy) , Certain breeds are offering Puppy Sweepstakes and Veteran Sweepstakes at the Celtic Classic with special age classifications unique to their breed. Those age classifications are listed in the breed section of this premium list beginning on Page 34. If the breed is offering a Sweepstakes but no age classifications are listed , then the age classifications wilt be as follows: PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES The Sweepstakes is open to all puppies 6 months and not over 18 months of age on the day of the show. All Sweepstakes entries must also be entered in a Regular Class. Indicate · Sweepstakes· and the age division on the regular entry form under Additional Classes. Entry fee is $18.00. Classif ication - Dogs & Bitc hes 6 months & under 9 months 9 months & under 12 months 12 months & under 15 months 15 months & under 18 months 9 Prize Money After retention of 25% from each entry fee for Celtic Classic expenses, the remaining monies will be divided as follows: Besl in Sweepstakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10% of total remaining entry fees Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes . ......... ........ 5% of total remaining entry fees The remaining amount will be divided by class as follows: Firsl . . ........... ... . ..... ...... ......... 50% of entry fee in that class Second ......... 25% of entry fee in that class Third ........... . ........... .... . .... 15% of entry fee in that class Fourth . 10% of entry fee in that class VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all veterans age 7 years and older on the day of the show. Dogs or bitches entered in Veteran Sweepstakes may be spayed or neutered but altered dogs/bitches are not eligible to enter another class at this show. Entry fee is $18.00 for Veteran Sweepstakes. Indicate ·Veteran Sweepstakes· and the age division on the regular entry form under Additional Classes. The age classification varies by breed and is listed under each breed section in the premium list if different. Classification· Dogs & Bitches 7 years & under 9 years 9 years & under 12 years 12 years & over Prize Money After retention of 25% from each entry fee for Celtic Ctassic expenses, the remaining monies will be divided as follows: 10% of total remaining entry fees Best in Veteran Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes ........... 5% of total remaining entry fees The remaining amount will be divided by class as follows: . .................... 50% of entry fee in that class First. ..................................... 25% of entry fee in that class Second Third ................ 15% of entry fee in that class Fourth ................ .... . . .. 10% of entry fee in that class The breeds listed below will be judged in the Specialty building all five days of the Celtic Classic. All other conformation judging, including Groups and BIS, will be in the Utz Arena. Obedience and Rally will be in the Old Main Building. Memorial Hall East Afghan Hou nds Bloodhound Setters Springer Spaniel Bullmastiff Newfoundland Samoyed Siberian Husky Whippets Manchester Terriers (Standard & Toy) Italian Greyhound Boxers Horticultural Hall Vizsla Bernese Mountai n Dog Keeshond Please note that this is a preliminary list and the building assignment may change when the entries are finanlized . However, breed clubs will be in the same building all five days. 10 Bes t Owner- Handled In Show Competi tion - Wednesday & Friday March 16 & 18, 2016 - National Owner-Handled Series The AKC Owner/Handled Series is a non-titling competition for dogs that are exhibited by their owners who are not professional handlers. This series of special competitions will be offered at dog shows across the country. All dogs that are owner/handled and are not owned or exhibited by prolessional handlers' meet the requirements for this competition. Exhibitors must declare their dog is Owner/Handler eligible at the time of entry using the check box on the entry form. Eligible dogs will be identified by an asterisk in the steward's book and the catalog. Dogs must be handled throughout the competition by an eligible owner. Professional handlers may not exhibit the dog in this competition. The Owner Handled Best of Breed will be selected from the dogs that are eligible to compete in the Best of Breed competition including W inners Dog , Winners Bitch and winners of the non-regular classes. II the Best of BreedlVariety winner is Owner-Handled competition eligible , it will automatically be Owner Handled Best of BreedNariety and be eligible to compete in both the regular as well as the Owner-Handled Group. lIthe Best of BreedNariety winner is Owner-Handled competition ineligible and the Best of Opposite Sex to Besl of BreediVariety will compete against the eligible undefeated exhibits of the owner sex to determine Owner-Handled Besl of BreedNariety. If the Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of BreedNariety are both ineligible and Select Dog and Select Bitch are both eligible. the judge is to choose Best Owner-Handled exhibit from the Setects and eligible Winners Dog or Winners Bitch. If one of the Selects is eligibte, excuse all dogs of the same sex and then choose Best OwnerHandled exhibitlrom the remaining dogs of the opposite sex including the elig ible Winners. If Best of Breed, Best of OpPOsite Sex to Best of Breed, Select Dog & Select Bitch are ineligible , the judge may choose any elig ible dog remaining in the ring including Winners Dog or Winners Bitch as Owner-Handled Best of BreedNariety. The breed will not be represented in the Owner-Handled Group if there is no eligible dog competing in the Best of Breed or in Best of Winners Competition. ·Professional handlers are defined as any person who belongs or has belonged to a professional handlers' organization, distributed rate cards, or otherwise advertised or represented themselves as handling dogs for payor rece;ved payment for handling a dog. OWNER-HANDLED GROUP JUDGES York Kennel Club Wedneday, March 16, 2016 .. . . . .. , . Best Owne r-Hand led in Show Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro ... Ms . Carol S. Brown Sporting Owner-Handled Group Hound Owner-Handled Group Dr. Edna K. Martin Working Owner-Handled Group .. .. ...•. . .. . . ..... Ms. Carol S. Brown Terrier Owne r-Handled Group ............ • _ . . .. . . .• . _ .... , . , . Dr. Edna K. Martin Toy Owner-Handled Group . ....... Mr. Robert L. Vandiver Non-Sporting Owner-Handled Group . Mr. Robert L. Vandiver Herding Owner-Handled Group Suzanne Ritter OWNER-HANDLED GROUP JUDGES York Kennel Club Friday, March 18, 2016 Besl Owner-Handled in Show .......... , . Sporting Owner-Handled Group . . .. . .. . . Hound Owne r-Handled Group ....... ... •• .. .... . . . . Working Owne r-Handled Group .. .• • . • • .. . Terrier Owner- Handled Group Toy Owner-Handled Puppy Group . ..... ••. " • • • . Non-Sporting Owner-Handled Group . _ . • . • • •••• . Herding Owner-Handled Group ........ _ • • • • • •. . ...... . 11 Mrs. Stephanie S. Hedgepath Mr. James M. Fankhauser Mrs. Betty-Anne Stenmark Mr. James M. Fankhause r Ms. Ann H. Roth Mrs. Stephanie S. Hedgepath Ms. Rita J. Biddle Esq. . .. Ms . Carol S. Brown JUDGES Dr. Ellen J. Adomelis 1860 Meriden Lane, Wolcott, CT 06716-3320 John D. Arvin. . . . . . . . . . . • . 399 N. Main Street, Barnegat, NJ 08005-2439 D. Lynn Baker 4210 Thorncliff Road, Baltimore, MD 21236 Mr. William Barton. . . . . .. . . . • . . . 3135 Pristine View, Williamsburg, VA 23188-2436 Pat Berry. 3900 Township Line Road , Collegeville, PA 19426 Ms. Rita J. Biddle, Esq . . ..... 12523 S. Forest Hill Road, Eagle, Mt 48822-9721 Mrs. Nancy Bodine .... .. ..... . . 6646 Blenheim Road, Powhatan, VA 23139-6311 Gait S. Boyd .... 8948 Hope Hill Lane, Apex, NC 27502-7845 Ms. Sue Brightman 2302 Telephone Road, LeRoy, NY 14482 Dr. Francis S. Broadway 674 Payne Avenue, Akron, OH 44302-1320 Ms. Carol S. Brown. . . . . . . . . . 502 Michaet Street, Apt. E, Kernersville, NC 27284-3167 Mrs. Judith A. Brown .. 7415 Lacy Hill Drive, Houston, TX 77036-6027 Ms. JoAnne M. Buehler . 3941 Legation Street NW, Washington, DC 20015 Marge B. Ca1ltharp . . . ... . .... 44 Mount Parassus Road, East Haddam, CT 06423-1446 Mrs. Dorothy N. Collier......... . .. . . 1545 Black Oak Drive, # 1002, Sapphire , NC 28774-7756 Mrs. Alice Craley . 14200 Collins School Road, Airville, PA 17302 Ms. Celia Cuellar. 11650 Palo Duro Road, Redding , CA 96003 Mrs. Judith V. Daniels 2805 Calmgarden Road, Acton, CA 93510-2114 Carol Dotts 343 Ridge Road, Fawn Grove, PA 17321 Laurie Doumaux . . .... . ...... • . 7447 Clifton Road, Clifton, VA 20124 Julie Dugan . 35 Cannon Road, Newark, DE 19702 Mr. Jerome Elliott. P. O. Box 84, Harrisburg, PA 17108 15545 S. 2nd Street, Schoolcraft, MI 49087-8704 Mr. James M, Fankhauser , ... ........ P. O. Box 208, Center Cross, VA 22437-0208 Michael Faulkner . Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro ...... . • . . . 3201 Belle Cote Drive, Burtonsville, MD 20866-1435 Ms. Barbara A. Finch. . .. 346 Sandy Springs Drive, Griffin, GA 30223-7275 Ms. Patricia Ann Flanagan, 5200 Bushnell Campbell Road, Kinsman, OH 44428-9745 Alessadra Folz. . ..... ...•. . .. 41 Howard Hill Road, Foster, RI 02825 Camille Gagnon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 203 Galilean Road, York, SC 29745 Dr. Melissa Goodman 8 Norman Lane , Philadelphia, PA 19118 Kristin Greenwood. 1521 Redfield Road , BelAir, MD 21051 Ms. Kris Hayko . . .. . . . . . . . . • . 10530 Bartholomew Road, Auburn Township, OH 44023 Mrs. Stephanie S. Hedgepath 131 Minnie Fallaw Road, Lexington, SC 29070-8226 Jeannie Hoffman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 13 Fairmont Place, Apt. 2, Glen Cove, NY 11542 Mrs. Anne Katona 2767 Sky Horse Tri. , Reno, NV 89511-5573 . .. . 1427 Ford Drive, RR # 1, Cavan, Ontario, Canada LOA 1CO Chuck Lamers. Jeffrey Lentsch ............. . . • . 530 Kettle Run Road, Marlton, NJ 08053 Ms. Lee Kephart. . . . . . . • . 2528 Meetinghouse Road, Spring Grove, PA 17362 . ..... . ... . . 915 E. Mason Avenue, York, PA 17403 Deborah Kirk. Sue Kite 1031 National Drive, Marion, OH 43302 Cathryn A. Knight 229 Woodward Lake Road, Trenton, SC 29847-2613 Dr. Robert H. Knight . ... . .•. , 229 Woodward Lake Road, Trenton, SC 29847-2613 Chuck Lamers . , .. , ..... 386 Saddle Club Road, Greenfield, TN 38230 Pam Lefever ........... . . . . . 5223 West Canal Road, Dover, PA 17315 Gigi Lorentz-Reling .. . .. . .. . 21 Whitetail Path, Eureka, MO 63025-2737 Mrs. Florence A. Males . . . . . . . . . •. 11 Swansea Lane, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523·2008 Mrs. Dawn L. Martin ...... . . . . . 141 Tittle Road, Saylorsburg, PA 18353-7810 Dr. Edna K. Martin . 6020 W. Egidi Lane, Libertyville, IL 60048-9430 Mrs. Donna F. McPhate 1248 Casa Bianca Road, Monticello, FL 32344-6125 Marvin Mernick 3745 Springetts Drive, York, PA 17402 Mrs. Pat A. Mov.-tlray-Morgan .... . .. . . . P. O. Box 231, Lanesboro, MA 01237-0231 Mr. Richard H. Mullen ... ,.,', . . . 2478 Drinner Road, Knoxvi!le, TN 37914-9376 Sandy Novocin 14311 Shirley Bohn Road, Mount Airy, MD 21771-7630 Mrs. Terry Nuss . .......... 309 Mockingbird Lane, Swedesboro, NJ 08085-1327 Mr. Thomas J. Nuss . .... . .. . .. ,. 309 Mockingbird Lane, Swedesboro, NJ 08085-1327 Mrs. Margaret PankielNicz .. ..... 1645 Seaks Run Road, Glen Rock, PA 17302 P. O. Box 753, Wilton, CT 06897-0753 Margaret A. Reed Andrew Ritter 75 Tumble Falls Road, Stockton, NJ 08559-1310 Suzanne T. Ritter. 572 W. County Road, Sugarloaf, PA 18249-3414 Mrs. Ann H. Roth. . 5205 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403-7057 Mr. Lawrence (Larry) J. Sinclair ......... 2130 South Dishman Lane, Spokane Valley, WA 99206-4800 Mrs. Lawrence J. (Janet) Sinclair ........ 2130 South Dishman Lane, Spokane Valley, WA 99206-4800 Carmen Skinner 11 Silver Falls Road, Oakdale, CT 06370 Lynn Spohr ... .. . . .... . 1411 S. Center Road, BooneviUe, IN 47601 12 Mrs. Cindy Stansell . ... .. . . . . 2199 Government Road, Clayton, NC 27520-8427 Mrs. Betty-Anne Stenmark . 12970 Skyline Blvd., Woodside, CA 94062·4559 Jessica Thibault .. . . . .... . .. . • . ..... P. O. Box 102, Ashford, CT 06278 Joanne Thibault . . .. .. . . . . , . .. .. .... . . . . .. P. O. Box 102, Ashford, CT06278 Henri B. Tuthill P. O . Box 176, Sharpsburg, MD 21782-0 176 Mrs. Nancy A. Tuthill P. O. Box 176, Sharpsburg. MD 21782-0 176 Mr. Robert L. Vandiver ... . . . . , • . . 128 Fox Tree., Simpsonville , SC 29680-7000 Dennis Von Holman . .. 7420 Woolsey Road, Girard. PA 16417 1146 Dodge Road, Getzville, NY 14068 Christine Walker Ms. Sue Whaley 13007 Brandywine Road , Brancly'Nine, MD 20613 'indicates provisional assignment BEST IN SHOW WED BRED-BY·EXHIBITOR FRIDAY PUppy SPORTlNG GROUP WEe BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR FRIDAY PUPPY BR ITTANY Specialty - Saturday Puppy Sweepstakes YKe LKe YKe DCKe Wed 3116 Thr 3117 Frl3l18 Sat 3119 A MReed C Brown RVandlver DC"e SUn 3120 BStenmark Ferrugglaro l Kephart l Kephart S Hedgepath l Kephart A Katona R Vandiver J Fanfd1auger M Faulkner l Kephart C Brown Supported Entry - Sunday R Vandiver S Hedgepath J Fankhauser M_ C Walker LAGOTTO ROMAGNOLO C Brown R Vandiver S Hedgepath J Fankhauser POINTER POINTER (GER SHOAT) POINTER (GER WIREHAIR) C Brown J Brown C Brown R Vandiver A Vandiver R Vandiver S Hedgepath S Hedgepath S Hedgepath H Tuth~1 H TuthHI J """""'"' J _ J Fankhauser PMowbray- RETRIEVER (CHES BAY) C Brown R Vandiver S Hedgepath J Fankhauser RETRIEVER (CU RLY COATED) C Brown R Vandiver S Hedgepath RETRIEVER (FLAT COATED) RETRIEVER (GOLDEN) C Brown S Hedgepath R Vandiver R Vandiver S Hedgepath J Fankhauser RETRIEVER (LABRADOR) S Hedgepath C Brown R Vandiver PMowbrayMorgan ,,",gao Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Black Yellow, Chocolate RETRIEVER (NS DUCK TOLL) C Brown R Vandiver SETTER (ENG) Specialty - Saturday & Sunday Puppy Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes S Hedgepath S Hedgepath R Vandiver J Fankhauser Supported Entry - Other three days P Lefever PLefever PMowbrayMorgan J Fankhauser PMowbrayMorgan H Tuthill J Fankhauser P MowbrayP Flanagan' Morgan PMowbray- J Fankhauser Morgan J Fankhauser M Faulkner H Tuthill C Walker C Walker M Faulkner L """"" L """"" SETTER (GORDON) S Hedgepath C Brown R Vandiver P MowbrayMQ(Qan SEITER (IRISH) J Brown C Brown R Vandiver J Fankhauser P Mowbray- SETTER IR RED & WHITE J Brown C Brown R Vandiver SPANIEL (AMERICAN WATER) S Hedgepath C Brown R Vandiver SPANIEL BOYKIN S Hedgepath C Brown R Vandiver SPANI EL (CLUMBER) C Brown A Katona A Vandiver SPANIEL (COCKER) BLACK SPANIEL (COCKER) ASCOB S Hedgepath S Hedgepath C Brown C Brown R Vandiver R Vandiver 13 M Faulkner MQ(gan P MowbfayMorgan M Faulkner P MowbrayMorgan M Faulkner P MowbrayMorgan J Fankhauser P MowblayMorgan NONE NONE NONE NONE M Faulkner SPANIEL (COCKER) PARTI SPANIEL (ENGUSH COCKER) S Hedgepath S Hedgepath C Brown C Brown A Vandiver R Vandiver NONE M Faulkner NONE P MowbrayMorgan SPAN IEL (ENG SPA) C Brown R Vandiver S Hedgepalh H Tuthill" M Faulkner Specialty Show - Friday & Saturday Supported EntrieS - other three days J Buehler M Goodman 0 Kirk Puppy Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes J Buehler M Goodman D Kirk Veteran DogNeteran Bitches Classes and Shooting Dog/Shooting Bitch Classes will be offered all five days ;:. I edgepath L.. andiver M aulkner SPANIEL (IRISH WATER) S Hedgepath C Brown R Vandiver M Faulkner SPANIEL (SUSSEX) SPANIEL (WELSH SP) S Hedgepath S Hedgepath C Brown C Brown A Vandiver R Vandiver M Faulkner SPINONE ITAUANO S Hedgepath C Brown A Vandiver M Faulkner '1'.NII:.L ( -II:.Lu) Brown H MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayP MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayMorgan M Faulkner A Kalona VIZSLA S Hedgepath C Brown R Vandiver M Faulkner Specialty Show - Saturday & Sunday Sweepstakes: 6-9; 9-12; 12-18 mas C Walker A Folz Veteran Sweeps: 7-9; 9-11 ; 11 + yrs C Walker A Folz Saturday - Additional Classes: Veteran Dog & Bitches 7-9; 9 -11; 11 + yrs; Hunting Dog & Bitch Cla ss; Field Trial Dog & Bitch Class WEIMARANER WIREHAIR POINTING GRIFFON WI REH AIR VIZSLA S Hedgepath S Hedgepath S Hedgepath HOUND GROUP E Marti n WED BREO-BY· EXHIBITOR Terry Nuss C Brown C Brown C Brown P MowbrayMorgan FRIDAY PUPPY R VandIVer R Vandiver A Vandiver A Roth J Fankhauser J Fankhauser J Fankhauser M Faulkner M Faulkner M Faulkner B Stenmark R Biddie F Broadway R Biddle A Cratey AFGHAN HOUND E Martin A Katona e Stenmark Supporting on Friday & Sunday Specialty Show - Saturday Puppy Sweepstakes offered Saturday Veteran Sweepstakes offered on Saturday Best Puppy; Besl Bred-by-Exhibllor A competitive Veteran Class offered on Saturday, Winner will be eligible for BOB Stud DogIBrood Bitch offered 00 Saturday N Tuthill N Tuthill AM ENG LISH COONHOUND E Martin A Katona B Stenmark L SlI"lClalr AMERICAN FOXHOUND E Martin A Katona A Aoth BASENJI E Martin A Katona B Stenrnark P MowbrayMorgan F Broadway BASSET HOUND E Martin A Katona A Aolh L Sinclair BEAGLE (13INGH ) E Martin A Katona A Rolh L Sinclair BEAGLE (15 INCH) E Martin A Katona A Roth L Sinclair BlACK & TAN COONHOUND E Martin A Katona A Roth L Sinclair BLOODHOUND E Martin A Katona Supported Entry - Friday Specialty Show - Saturday Puppy Sweepstakes: 6-9; 9-12; 12·18; 18-24 mas Veleran Sweepstakes: 7-8, 8-9; 9-10; 10-11, 11+ yrs Offered - Friday & Saturday - Veleran Dog/Bitch Classes OHered - Saturday - Stud Dog/Brood Bitch & Brace Classes W6arton M Calilharp M Calilharp P MowbrayMorgan A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro L Sinclair E Martin A Kalona BORZOI E Martin A Katona A Biddle F Broadway CIRENCO DELL'ETNA E Martin A Katona B Stenrnark L Sinclair 14 P MowbrayMorgan PMowtrayMorgan PMowbrayMorgan PMowbrayMorgan PMowbrayMorgan AAoth BLUETICK COONHOUND B Stenmark P MowbrayMorgan L Sinclair PMowbrayMorgan PMowbrayMorgan PMowbrayMorgan DACHSHUNDS IN THE FOLLOWING THREE VARIETIES OPEN CLASSES DIVIDED, Both Sexes: MinIature - lllbs and under and 12 months old ex over; Standard · over 111bs and l1/bs and under If less than 12 months old DACHSHUND (LONGHAIRED) E Martin A Katona A Roth G Boyd L Sinclair DACHSHUND (SMOOTH) DACHSHUND (WIREHAIRED) ENGLISH FOXHOUND E Martin E Martin E Martin A Katona A Katona A Katona A Roth A Roth A Roth GREYHOUND HARRIER E Martin E Martin A Katona A Katona A Roth A Roth IBIZAN HOUND IRISH WOLFHOUND NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND OTIERHOUND E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin A Katana A Katona A Katona A Katona A Roth A Roth A Roth A Roth PETIT BASSET GRIFFON VEND E Martin A Katana A Roth PHARAOH HOUND PLOD E Martin E Martin A Katona A Katona R Biddle R Biddle PORT PODENGO PEQUENO E Martin A Katona R Biddle AEDBONECOONHOUND E Martin A Katona R Biddle RHOD RIDGEBACK EMartin A Ka tona G Boyd G Boyd P MowbrayMorgan F Broadway P MowbrayMorgan F Broadway F Broadway L Sinclair P MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayMorgan F Broadway P MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayMorgan J AlVin M Faulkner L Sinclair L Sinclair L Sinclair L Sinclair L Sinclair L Sinclair L Sinclair C Stansell" L Sinclair L Sinclair L Sinclair L Sinclair L Sinclair L Sinclair B Slenmark Supporled Entry - Sunday Puppy Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes SALUKI SCODISH DEERHOUND SLOUGHI TREEING WALKER COONHOUND J Lentsch J Lentsch E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin A Kalona A Kalona A Katona A Katona R Biddle R Biddle A Biddie R Biddie F Broadway F Broadway A Aoth P MowbrayMorgan WHIPPET J Brown E Martin J AlVin Specialty Show on Saturday and Supporting all 4 other days Puppy Sweepstakes - Friday & Saturday J Dugan Veteran Sweepstakes - Friday & Saturday JOugan Stud Dog, Brood Bitch, Brace, Team classes will be offered Saturday Only WORKING GROUP R Vandiver WED BRED-BY·EXHIBITOR FRIDAV PUppy Tom Nuss J Daniela L Sinclair L Sinclair B Stenmark L Sinclair B Stenmark G Boyd D L Baker o L Baker P Mowtxay- R Biddie L Sinclair Morgan K Greenwood R VandIVer J Damels ALASKAN MAlAMUTE A Vandiver J Daniels ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD R Vandiver J Daniels AKITA BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG J Daniels C Brown Supported Entry - Wednesday & Thursday P MOwbrayMorgan P MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayMorgan J Fankhauser' B Slenmark D Collier B Slenmark DCollier C Stansell' A Aitter R Vandiver C Cuellar Specialty Show - Friday, Saturday & Sunday Puppy Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes K Hayko K Hayko BLACK RUSSIAN TEA AI EAR A Vandiver J Daniels BOEABOEl J Daniels A Vandiver BOXER R Vandiver D McPhate P MowbrayMorgan P MOwbrayMorgan P Mowbray S Brightman S Brightman J C Stansell" Fankhauser' A Biddle J Sinclair J Sinclair L Sinclair MO<ga" Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Brindle, Fawn J Hoffman J Hoffman Sweepstakes: 6-9; 9-12; 12-15; 15-18 mas Veteran Sweepstakes: 7-9; 9-12; t2+ yrs Specialty Show - Saturday & Sunday 15 o Von Hofman D Von Hofman A Vandiver BUlLMASTIFF A Katona J Fankhauser· P MowbrayMorgan D McPhate Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Brindle, Any Other Allowed Color Specialty Show - Saturday Supported Entry - Friday & Sunday l Spohr l Spohr Puppy Sweepstakes Veterans Sweepstakes 6-7; 7-8; 8-9; 9+ yrs Veteran Class ages 6-8; 8-10; 10+ yrs CANE COASO A VandIVer J DanIElls CHINOOK A Vandiver J Daniels DOBEAMAN PINSCHEA J Daniels D McPtlale P MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayMorgan D CoilIElr o Collier A Biddie A Biddle J Sinclair B Stenmark D Collier A Biddle Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Black. Any Other Allowed Color DOGUE DE BORDEAUX R Vandiver J Daniels GERMAN PINSCHER R Vandiver J Daniels P MowbrayMorgan 0 Collier GIANT SCHNAUZER GREAT DANE R Vandiver C Brown· J Daniels J Daniels 0 Collier D Collier C Stansell' Fankhauser· l Sinclair B Stenmark l Sinclair B Finch J Open Classes Divided 80th Sexes: Black, Blue, Brindle, Fawn, Harlequin, Mantle R Vandiver J Daniels D Collier R Biddie GREAT PYRENEES GREATER SWISS MTN DOG KOMONOOR KUVASZ lEONBERGER R Vandiver R Vandiver R Vandiver R Vandiver J Daniels J Daniels J Daniels J Daniels 0 Collier 0 Collier D Collier MASTIFF R Vandiver J Daniels D Collier NEAPOliTAN MASTIFF R Vandiver J Daniels o Collier C Stansell B Stenmark C Stansell· R Biddle B Finch· J Fankhauser· J B Finch Fankhauser· R Biddle l Sinclair 0 Collier R Biddle l Sinclair l Sinclair o Collier C Brown A Vandiver D McPhale Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Black, Any Other Allowed Color NEWFOUNDLAND Specialty Show - Saturday & Sunday Sweeps: 6-9; 9-12: 12-15; I S- IS mas Veteran Sweeps: 7-9; 9-11; 11+ y's !-'UHTUt:iUt:::st: WA. EH DUt:i ROTIWEllER Joann Thibault Jessica Thibault Joann Thibault Jessica Thibault H vandiver R Vandiver SAINT BERNARD B Finch C Brown J Daniels o McPtlate 0 McPhate u(..;ollier D Collier B Stenmark l"""Sinciair CStansell· l Sinclair C Stanseli* R Vandiver A Biddle Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Longhaired, Shorthaired Supported Entry - Friday, Saturday & Sunday A Ritter A Ritter Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes SAMOYED R Vandiver o McPhate D Co!lier Specialty Show - Saturday & Sunday Puppy Sweepstakes: Veteran Sweepstakes: 7-9; 9-11; 11+ yrs C Brown SIBERIAN HUSKY J Daniels o Collier C Stansell R Biddle S Novocin S Novocin C Skinner C Skinner J R Vandiver Fankhauser' Supported Entry Saturday & Sunday STANDARD SCHNAUZER C Brown J Daniels TIBETAN MASTIFF A Vandiver J Daniels TERRIER WED BREO-BY.-EXHIBlTOR FRIDAY PUPPY AIREDALE AM HAIRLESS TEARIER AM STAFF AUSTRALIAN BEDLINGTON BORDER E Martin A Ferrugglaro J Daniels J Elliott A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro P MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayMorgan J Sinclair A Vandiver l Sinclair C Stansell' e Stenmark A Katona J Emott E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin 16 J Daniels J Daniels J Daniels F Males J Daniels J Daniels B Slenmark. B Stenmark B Stenmark B Stenmark B Stenmark B Stenmark A Katona A Katona A Katona A Katona A Katona A Katona BULL (COLORED) BULL (WHITE) CAIRN TERRIER CESKY TE RRIER DANDlE DINMONT TERRIER FOX TERRIER (SMOOTH) FOX TERRIER (WIRE) GLEN OF IMAAL TERRIER IRISH TERRIER KERRY BLUE TERRIER A A A A A A Ferruggiaro Ferruggiaro Ferruggiaro Ferruggiaro Ferruggiaro Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro EMartin E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin E Martin J Daniels J Daniels B Stenmark B Stenmark J J J J J J J J Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels 8 Stenmark LAKELAND TERRIER A Ferruggiaro E Martin J Daniels B Stenmark MANCHESTER TERRIER (STD) A Ferruggiaro EMartin Open Class Divided: 12-18/bs and 18-221bs Specialty Show - Saturday Supported Entry - Sunday Sweepstakes: 6-9; 9-12; 12-18 mos Veteran Sweepstakes: 7-10; 10+ yrs F Males A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro E Martin E Martin E Martin A TOY GROUP MReed WED BRED-SY-EXHIBITOR FRIDAY PUppy M Memlck B Stenmark B Stenmark 8 Stenmark B Stenmark B Stenmark B Stenmark 8 Stenmark Katona Katona Kalona Katona Katona A Katona A Katona A Katona A Katona G LOrenrzReiling A Katona A Katona J Buehler J Buehler MINI BULL TFRRIER ~ Ferruggiaro E Martin J Daniels Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Colored, White MIN SCHNAUZER A Ferruggiaro E Martin J Daniels Open Classes D ivided Both Sexes: Salt & Pepper; Black, Black & Sliver NORFOLK TERRIER A Ferruggiaro E Martin J Daniels NORWICH TERRIER A Ferruggiaro E Martin J Daniels PARSON RUSSELL J Daniels A Ferruggiaro E Martin RAT TERRIER A Ferruggiaro E Martin J Daniels RUSSELL TERRIER A Ferruggiaro EMartin J Daniels SCOTIISH TERRIER A Ferruggiaro E Martin J Daniels SEALYHAM TERRIER A Ferruggiaro EMartin J Daniels SKYE TERRIER J Daniels A Ferruggiaro EMartin SOFT COATED WHEATEN A Ferruggiaro EMartin J Daniels STAFF BULL TERRIER WELSH TERRIER WEST HIGH WHITE 8 Stenmark A A A A A J Daniels J Daniels J Daniels A Katona B Stenmark A Katona B Stenmark A Katona B B B B B B B B B Slenmark Stenmark Stenmark Stenmark Slenmark Stenmark Stenmark Stenmark Stenmark B Stenmark B Stenmark B Stenmark F Males A Katona A Katona A Katona A Katona A Katona A Katona A Katona P Flanagan' G LorentzReiling' A Katona A Katona A Katona R Mullen· Ferrugglaro AFFENPINSCHER BRUSSELS GRIFFON M Mernlck M Reed A Katona P MowbrayA Katona Morgan CAVALI ER KING CHARLES M Reed S Hedgepath A Katona Open Classes Divided : B lenheim, Trl Colo r, Ruby, B lack & Tan CHIHUAHUA (LONG) A Ferruggiaro M Reed S Hedgepath CHIHUAHUA (SMOOTH) A Ferruggiaro M Reed S Hedgepath CHINESE CRESTED M Reed P MowbrayA Katona Morgan Open C lasses Divided Both Sexes: Hair less, Powderpuff ENG TOY SPANIEL (B&PC) A Ferruggiaro M Reed A Katona ENG TOV SPANIEL (KC&A) A Ferruggiaro M Reed A Katona HAVANESE A Ferruggiaro M Aeed A B iddle ITALIAN GREYHOUND A Ferruggiaro M Reed M Reed Specialty Show - Friday & Saturday Puppy Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes 7-9; 9-11; 11 + yrs JAPANESE CHIN M Reed MALTESE M Reed F Males F Males R Mullen R Mullen F Males R Mullen A Katona A Katona F Males F Males F Males R Mullen F Males F Males A Katona A Mullen R Mullen F Males P MowbrayA Katona F Broadway Morgan Supported entry - Supported the other three days T Nuss N Bodine T Nuss N Bodine P MowbrayMorgan P MowbrayM()(gan A Katona F Males A Mullen A Katona F Males A MuUen MANCHESTER TERRIER (TOY) J Daniels E Martin F Males Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: 71bs & under; Over 71bs and Not Over 12 Ibs Specialty Show on Saturday Supported Entry - Sunday Sweepstakes: 6-9; 9-12; 12-18 mos Veteran Sweepstakes: 7-10; 10+ yrs 17 F Males B Stenmark J Buehler J Buehler A Kalona MINIATURE PINSCHER M Reed S Hedgepath A Katona Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Red, Black & Tan, Chocolate PAPILLON F Males M Reed P Mowbray· A Katona F Ma!es Morgan PEK!NGESE M Aeed S Hedgepath A Katona F Males Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Under B ibs and 12 mos. old or over; B ibs and over (and under Ibs If less than 12 mos. old) P Mowbray· A Katona F Males POMEAANIAN M Reed Morgan Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Red, Orange, Cream & Sable; Black, Brown & Blue; Any Other Allowed Color POODLE (TOY) A FerTUggiaro P MowbrayA Katona J Sinclair Morgan PUG M Reed P Mowbray· S Hedgepath M Faulkner Morgan Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Black, Fawn SHIH TZU M Reed P Mowbray· A Katona F Males Morgan SILKY TERRIER M Reed P Mowbray· A Katona F Males Morgan TOY FOX TERR A Ferruggiaro M Reed A Katona F Males YORKSHIAE TERRIER M Reed P Mowbray· S Hedgepath F Males Morgan A Mullen A Munen A MuUen e J OankNs NON-SPORTlNG GROUP A F Males R Mullen R Biddle F Males R MuUen' R MuUen' A Mullen A MuUen R Bktdle J Sinclair C StanseU C Stansell' F Males F Males F Males NONE C Stansell NONE F Males Ferrugglaro WED BRED-BY·EXHIBtTOR FRIDAY PUppy M Panklewiez S Whaley AMERICAN ESKIMO DOG J Daniels A Ferruggiaro BICHON FAlSE J Daniels A Ferruggiaro BOSTON TEARIEA J Daniels A Ferruggiaro Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Under 151bs; 151bs and BULLDOG J Daniels A Ferruggiaro CHINESE SHAR-PEI J Daniels A Ferruggiaro Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Brushcoat; Horsecoat A Biddle A Biddle A Biddle Over NONE R Biddle CHOW CHOW J Daniels A Ferruggiaro R Biddle Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Black, Red, Any Other Color Supported Entry on Sunday COTON DE TULEAR J Daniels A Ferruggiaro R Biddle DALMATIAN J Daniels A Ferruggiaro A Biddle Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Black Sponed, liver Sponed FINNISH SPITZ J Daniels A Ferruggiaro R Biddle FRENCH BULLDOG J Daniels Specialty Shows· Saturday Supported entry other four days Sweepstakes: 6-9; 9·12; 12-18 mas Veteran Sweepstakes: 7·10; 10+ yrs A Ferruggiaro KEESHONDEN Puppy Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes Supporting entry all five days A Ferruggiaro J Daniels F Males J Sinclair C Gagnon' C Stansell' J Sinclair' C Stansell C Stansell R Biddle F Males F Males F Males J Sinclair P Berry P Berry F Males A Biddle SKite SKi!e J Sinclair J Buehler J Buehler LHASA APSQ lOWCHEN J Daniels J Daniels A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro F Males F Males A Biddle C Stansell J Sinclair J Sinclair NORWEGIAN LUNDHUND POODLE (MINIATURE) J Daniels F Males F Males C Stansell J Sinclair J Sinclair POODLE (STANDARD) A Ferruggiaro F Males J Sinclair A Biddle SCHJPPEAKE SHIBA INU TIBETAN SPANIEL TIBETAN TERRIER XOLOITZCUINTU J J J J J A Ferruggiaro P Mowbray· Mo<gan P Mowbray· M()(gan A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro A Ferruggiaro F Males F Males F Males F Males F Males A Biddle C Stansell C Stansell' C Stansell' C Stansell" J J J J J A Ferruggiaro Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels Daniels 18 A Biddle Sinclair Sinclair Sinclair Sinclair Sinclair HERDING GROUP WED BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR FRIDAY PUppy J Brown C Dott. S Hedgepath M Faulkner- J Sinclair o Conier R Vandiver o Collier C Dotts AUSTAALIAN CATTLE DOG J Brown S Hedgepath Specialty Show - Saturday Supported Entry - Sunday Sweepstakes: 6-9; 9-12; 12-15; 15-18; 18-21 mas Veteran Sweepstakes: 7-10; 1D+ yrs C Brown' C Lamers C Lamers AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD S Aitter' S Hedgepath M Faulkner A Vandiver Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Blue Merle; Black; Red Merle; Red; all with or without white markings and/or tan points BEAADED COlLIE J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner A Vandiver J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner A Vandiver BEAUCEAON J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner A Vandiver BELGIAN MALINOIS BELGIAN SHEEPDOG J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner R Vandiver BELGIAN TEAVUAEN J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner A Vandiver J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner' R Vandiver BEAGAMASCO J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner R Vandiver BEAGEA PICARD J Brown M Reed M Faulkner R Vandiver BOADEA COLLIE BOUVIER DES FLANDRES J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner R Vandiver BRIARD J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner R Vandiver CANAAN DOG J Brown M Reed M Faulkner R Vandiver J Brown S Hedgepath C Brown' R Vandiver CAADIGAN WELSH CORGI COLLIE (ROUGH) J Brown M Reed M Faulkner D Collier Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Blue Merle; Sable & White; Tr ...Color; White COLLIE (SMOOTH) J Brown M Reed M Faulkner D Conier ENTLEBUCHER MOUNTAIN DOG J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner' 0 Collier FINNISH LAPPHUND J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner 0 Collier GERMAN SHEPHEAD DOG J Brown M Reed NONE NONE IC ELANDIC SHEEPDOG J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner D Collier MINIATURE AM SHE PHERD S Riner' S Hedgepath M Faulkner D Collier NORWEGIAN BUHUND J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner D Collier OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner D Collier PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI J Brown P MowbrayMorgan J Brown J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner D Collier Supported Entry - Saturday POLISH LOWlAND SH EEPDOG PUll M Reed R Biddle M Faulkner 0 Collier D Collier o Conier o Collier o Collier o Collier DCollier o Collier DCollier DCollier o Comer o Collier DCollier D Collier o Collier R Vandiver R Vandiver R Vandiver R Vandiver NONE C Stansell R Vandiver C Stansell R Vandiver R_ R_ R Vandiver Supported Entry - Saturday & Sunday PYRENEAN SHEPHERD J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner 0 Collier J Brown S Hedgepath NONE NONE SHETLAND SHEEPDOG Open Classes Divided Both Sexes: Sable & White; Any Other Allowed Color SPANISH WATER DOG J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner' D Collier SWEDISH VAlLHUND J Brown S Hedgepath M Faulkner D Collier MISCELLANEOUS GROUP C Brown M Reed R Biddie M FauMrner R Vandiver R Vandiver A Vandiver R Vandiver P Mowbray- _ gan AZAWAKH, BELGIAN LAEKENC»S, DOGO ARGENTlNO, GRANO BASSET GRIFFON VENDEEN. NEDERLANDSE KOOiKERHONOJE, NORRBOnENSPETS, PERUVIAN INCA ORCHID, PORTUGUESE PODENGD, PUMI JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP C Brown 0 McPhate B Stenmark NOVICE JUNIOR, NOVICE INTERMEDIATE, NOVICE SENIOR OPEN JUNIOR, OPEN INTERMEDIATE, OPEN SENIOR, MASTER C Gagnon- OBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Obedience running in order of jump height NOVICE CLASS ' A' NOVICE CLASS ' B" BEGINNER NOVIC E A BEGINNER NOVIC E B Thursday R Knight A Knight R Knight R Knight 19 Friday Saturday C Knight C Knight C Knight C Knight E Adomelis E Adomelis E Adomelis E Adomelis B Finch OPEN CLASS ' A ' OPEN CLASS ' B" UTILITY CLASS ' A' UTILITY CLASS "B' VETERAN J Brown J Brown R Knight A Knight C Knight C Knight J Brown E Adomelis E Adomelis R Knight C Knight C Knight R Knight R Knight C Knight RALLY TRIAL CLASSES RALLY RALLY RALLY RALLY RALLY RALLY NOVICE CLASS ' A ' NOVICE CLASS "S ' ADVANCED CLASS "A" ADVANCED CLASS "B' EXCELLENT CLASS ' A ' EXCELLENT CLASS 'S' Thursday E Adometis E Adomelis E Adomelis E Adometis E Adometis E Adomelts Friday Saturday J Brown D Martin D Martin D Martin Martin Martin o Martin J Brown J J J J Brown Brown Brown Brow n o o A judge requesting the use of a ramp must give notice to the show superintendent/show secretary prior to judging. AKC approval is not required . The entire entry in a breed is to be examined in the same manner (g round, lable or ramp). At the discretion of the judge, the fallowing breeds may be judged on the ground or on a ramp through all levels of competition including Group and Best in Show judging: Clumber Spaniel, English Springer Spaniels, Field Spaniels, Sussex Spaniels, Welsh Springer Spaniels, Irish Terriers, Kerry Blue Terriers, Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Chinese Shar-Pei, Keeshonden, Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Norwegian Buhunds, Polish Lowland Sheepdogs and Norrbottenspets (Mise). At the discretion of the judge through all levels of competition induding Group and Best in Show judging, the following breeds may be judged on the ground, a ramp or on a table : Boykin Spaniels and Whippets. The following breeds must be judged on a ramp through all levels of conformation competition: Basset Hounds, Bulldogs and Chow Chows. This extends to all conform ation competition at AKC conformation doing shows and any AKC event where a conformation title may be earned. This policy includes Group, BIS , Junior Showmanship, the 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy Competition, the AKC National Owner-Handled Series (NOHS), and all other special attractions that offer Group and BIS competitions. Ramps may be used in emergency situations to judge any breed. In an emergency situation, where use of a ramp is not indicated in the premium list, an exhibitor has the option o f wilhdrawing their entry and receiving a refund. For the judging of juniors the ramp may be used at the discretion of the judge for the ramp optional breeds. ATTENTION EXHIBITORS NO EXERCISE PENS OR BABY STROLLER S ARE ALLOWED IN THE BUILDING. Refreshments available on show grounds. There is a charge for ovemight parking or reservation of space regardless if you are in attendance or not. RV Ovemight par1<.ing by Pre-Registration is available for all vehicles at a fee of $45.00 per night w/e!ectric. Please read, fill out and submit the Pre-Registration form by March 2, 2016. Overnight par1<.ing without reservation is $50.00 per night plus $ t O.oo additional per night for electric. Building will close at 10:00 P.M. and will reopen at 6:00 A.M. Guard will be on duty. The showers in the Utz Building are accessible from the outside of the building from 10:00 P.M. to 6:00 A.M. and from inside the building from 6:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. Anyone found with dogs In the Shower area will be subject to Bench Show Hearing. The Red Cross Building will remain open all night for bathrooms. Admission - FREE. Parents must keep children under control at all times . Concessions are by invitation only due to limited space. FMI : Terry Nuss (856) 404-3028. Exhibitors should follow their veterinarians' recommendation to assure their dogs are free of internal and external parasites, any communicable diseases and have appropriate vaccinations. To find out about any AKC event cancellations call the AKC Event Cancellation Hotline 877-252-3229. Visit Rau Dog Shows on their website - hHp:llwww.raudosshows.com FOR SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE, MOTOR HOMES AND LARGE TRUCKS MUST ENTER THE FAIRGROUNDS THROUGH TliE HIGHLAND AVENUE GATE, (GATE 6). NO LEFT TURNS AT CARLISLE AVENUE EXIT. 20 YORK EXPO CENTER - York, PA Main Show Building UTZArena • CELTIC CLASSIC HEALTH CLINICS Sunday, March 20, 2016, gam-3:30pm Utz Arena - Inside front entrance - follow signs OFAICERF EYE CLINIC Exams by Dr. Martha Low. Cost will be $40 per dog. You will need the dogs AKC# and any 10 numbers. Report to the exam area 10 minutes before the exam so drops may be applied to your dog's eyes. OFA HEART CLINIC Exams by Dr. Megan King - Diplomat of ACVIM, board certified. AM: Cardiology Ausculation exam $45 per dog. CASH ONLY PM: Echo Cardiograms $250 per dog - BY PRE-REGISTRATION and payment only. PRIOR to March 5, 2016. There will be a reduced price of $200 for anyone entering 3 or more dogs. OFA Certification forms can be downloaded at www.ofa.com BAER TESTING Exams by Dr. Melissa McFarland, $45 perdog. MICROCHIPPING By Dr. Melissa McFarland, including 10 for OFA Certification and 1st year registration to HomeAgain, $50 perdog. For more information contact Alice Craley at [email protected] or see the Celtic Classic website at www.celticclassic.com 717-553-2133 CASH ONLY - NO CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED except for the pre-registration for the Echo Cardiogram (prepaid by check) Echo Cardiogram - Mail to Alice Craley, 14200 Collins School Road, Airville, PA 17302 22 #2016175001 (Wednesday) .2016175003 (Friday Conf) *2016175002 (Friday Rally) ENTRIES CLOSE: 12:00 NOON , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2016 After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Cancelled or Substituted EXCEPT as Provided for in Chapter 11 , Section 6 of the Oog Show Rules. PREMIUM LIST 47th & 48th All-Breed Dog Shows, Obedience Trial and Rally Trial (Friday) (Unbenched) (Indoors) York Kennel Club (American Kennel Club Licensed) UTZ ARENA AT THE YORK EXPOSITION CENTER AND MEMORIAL HALL OBEDIENCE AND RALLY HELD IN OLD MAIN Route 74, YORK, PA 17404 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 FRIDAY, MARCH 18,2016 SHOW HOURS 7:00 A.M . to 7:00 P.M . Bred-by-Exhibitor Groups will be offered Wednesday Puppy Groups will be offered Friday NO BREED CLASSES Will BE OFFERED FOR BULLDOGS OR SHETLAND SHEEPDOGS ON FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016 NO OBEDIENCE OR BREED CLASSES WILL BE OFFERED FOR GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS ON FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016 Detailed list of Specialty and Supported Entry Information begins on Page 34. FAIRGROUNDS REGULATIONS: Use 01 motorized carts, mopedS, scooters, etc. prohibited to other than authorized personnel. 23 • Officers of the York Kennel Club· President Vice President Treasurer Recording/Corresponding Secretary . 2818 Myers Road , Seven Valley, PA 17360 Alice Ward BOARD OF DIRECTORS Marvin Memick Jerome Elliott Carol Dotts Jelf Moore Ronald R. Dolls Joyce Danneker Alice Craley SHOW COMMITTEE Carol Dotts, Show Chairperson 343 Ridge Road , Fawn Grove, PA 17321 (717) 862-3443 - E-Ma il: anlleridgeaussies@gmail .com Jeff Moore , Show Co-Chairperson - 410-299-8902 - E-Mail : [email protected] Raymond Oanneker, Obedience/ Rally Chairperson 717-229-2667 Concessions Chairman ... ...... .. . .. . . . .. .. . .......... .... Terry Nuss (856) 404-3029 Cluster Coordinator .... ........... .. .. ....... Carol Dotts (717) 515-2413 (717) 278-8314 COMMITTEES Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Moore . .. , . , ..... Carol Dolts & Jeff Moore Trophies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ...... . • • .• • .. . .• •......• .•....... Carol A. Dotts & Jeff Moore Judges Hospitality. ... ... ......•. Carol Dotts , Jeff Moore Education. . Volunteer Coordinator Jerome Elliott American Kennel Club Certification Permission is granted by the Amencan Kennel Club lor the holding 01 this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regutations. James P. Crowley, Secrelary TUESDAY EVENING BUILDINGS WILL BE OPEN FROM 3:00 TO 10:00 PM BUILDINGS WILL REOPEN AT 6:00 AM ON WEDNESDAY NOTICE This is a condensed form of Premium List as provided for in Chapter 9, Section 2A of the AKC "Rules Applying to Registration and Dog Shows". A list of breed and obedience prizes and trophies offered can be obtained by writing to: Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd., P. O. Box 6898, Reading , PA 19610. Services and Equipment Furnished by Jim 'l(au 'Dog Sfwws, Lta. P. o. Box 6898 • Reading, PA 19610 • (610) 37&1880 24 Hour Fax Service • (610) 376-4939 www.taudogshows.com Overnight and Express Deliveries 235 South Second Avenue, West Reading, PA 19611 American Kennel Club Annually licensed Superintendents Kath~n BerkheImer Ed Smller KrIsten Shiller Kitty Burke AI Staudt, Jr. Kathy Hague Wayne Hallard Phyllis Kraft Joan Rau 24 WEDNESDAY & FRIDAY TROPHIES BEST IN SHOW AND VARIETY GROUP PRIZES PROPL~N· NU T RITION TH AT PERFORMS'" Wednesday - March 16, 2016 This show is generously supported by Purina. Breed Prizes BEST IN SHOW, Three (3) large Bags of any Purina dog food offered by Purina. RESERVE BEST IN SHOW, Purina Pro Plan Rolling Duffle offered by Purina . First in Each Group, One (1) large bag of any Purina dog food offered by Purina. First in (;-.9 and 9-12 Month Puppy Class Winners, ProducVand or gift valued at more than $5.00 from Purina. Best Junior Handler, Purina Pro Plan Garment Bag offered by Purina. All awards, If not presented in the ring, must be picked up during the event at the Purina Booth. Presentation of the winning ribbon ;s required. Purina reserves the right to make award substitutions of equal or greater value if listed award Is not available. BEST IN SHOW AND VARIETY GROUP PRIZES Friday, March 18, 2016 This show is generously supported by Purina. Breed Prizes BEST IN SHOW, Three (3) large Bags of any Purina dog food oHered by Purina. RESERVE BEST IN SHOW, Purina Pro Plan Rolling Duffle offered by Purina. First in Each Group, One (1) la rge bag of any Purina dog food offered by Purina. Best of Breed Winners, Product/and or girt valued at more than $5.00 from Purina. Best Junior Handler, Grooming Apron offered by Purina. All awards, if not presented in the ring, must be picked up during the event at the Purina Booth. Presentation of the winning ribbon is required. Purina reserves the right to make award substitutions of equal or greater value if listed award Is not available. BEST IN SHOW AND VARIETY GROUP PRIZES The following prizes are offered Wednesday and Friday by York Kennel Club. Best In Show, Rosette in Shadow Box. 22" Engraved Oval Silver Tray with Handles. Reserve Best in Show, Rosette & Tray. First in Each Group, 10· Engraved Round Silver Tray. Wednesday & Friday - Best Junior Handler, $50.00 Gift card for On lead & 8xl0 Engraved Silver Frame. 8 x 10 Color Photographer from Ashbey Photography. Junior Handler - First in Each crass, Rosette donated by Eastern Stewards Club. Reserve J unior Handler, $25.00 Gft Card for On Lead & 8x1 0 Engraved Silver Frame. All Junior Handlers exhibiting an English Springer Spaniel, Rosette Ribbon oHered by Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spanier Club. Wednesday - Best Bred-by·Exhibitor - Rosette. Friday - Best Puppy - Rosette. 25 OBEDIENCE TROPHIES A dar1< green qualifying ribbon for each dog obtaining a qualifying score. Highest Scoring Oog In Trial, 22" Engraved Oval Silver tray w/Handles and Rosette offered by YorK Kennel Club. All Qualifying Scores in Obedience, Plush Toy offered by Yo!1< Kennel Club. RAllY TROPHIES A darK green qualifying ribbon will be given for each dog obtaining a qualifying score . Qualifying Score in Rally, plush toy. High Combined Score in Advanced B and Excellent B. 10" engraved Round Silver Tray. Highest Scoring in Novice A, 8x10· Silver Engraved Frame offered by Ray & Joyce Danneker. Highest Scoring in Novice B, 8x10· Silver Engraved Frame offered by Ray & Joyce Danneker. BREED PRIZES NOnCE REGARDING TROPHIES AND PRIZES In the case of inavallability The York Kennel Club reserves the right to substitute any listed trophy with a trophy of equal or greater value. No Trophies will be mailed. All unclaimed trophies will become the property of The York Kennel Club. Group and Best in Show and High In Trial trophies and prizes will be awarded in the ring. All other trophies will be available at the trophy table and must be claimed prior to the awarding of Best in Show. BREED TROPHIES· FRIDAY HERDING BREEDS BEARDED COLLIE Best of Breed, Collectors Plate offered by Deb KirK. BREED TROPHIES· BOTH DAYS TOY BREEDS POMERANIAN Best of Breed, 8 x 10 Silver Engraved Picture Frame offered by Carol Dolts, Antleridge Aussies in Loving Memory of our Daughter Jaime and Her Dog Molly. HERDING BREEDS AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD Best of Breed, 8 x 10 Silver Engraved Picture Frame offered by Carol Dotts, Antleridge Aussies in Memory of CH South Side Haley Bop. Winners Oog, 8 x 10 Silver Engraved Picture Frame offered by Carol Dotts, Antleridge Aussies in Honor of BIS CH Antleridge's River by Springsteen. Winners Bitch, 8 x 10 Silver Engraved Picture Frame offered by Carol Dotts. Antleridge Aussies in Honor of GCH Legacy Sky's The Limi\. 26 1#2016211302 (Rally) #2016211301 (Cont) ENTRIES CLOSE : 12:00 NOON , WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2016 AT SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE After Which Time Entries Cannot Be Accepted, Cancelled or Substituted EXCEPT as Provided for in Chapter 11 , Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. PREMIUM LIST (UNBENCH ED - INDOOR) Lancaster Kennel Club, Inc. (Member of American Kennel Club) (Member Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Clubs, Inc.) UTZ ARENA AT THE YORK EXPOSITION CENTER AND MEMORIAL HALL OBEDIENCE AND RALLY IN OLD MAIN AT THE YORK EXPOSITION CENTER ROUTE 74, YORK, PA 17404 Detailed list of Specialties and Supported Entry information begins on Page 34. THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 Show Hours: 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Permission is I I the holding 01 this event under American Kennel Club Rules and Regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary FAIRGROUN DS REG ULATIONS: Use of motorized carts, mopeds, scotters, etc. prohibited to other than authori zed personnel. Officers of the Lancaster Kennel Club, Inc . President .. Vice President Treasurer Secretary Ann L Byrne Barry Brunner Sue Bullitt Dave Martin P. O. Box 75 11 , Lancaster, PA 17604-751 1 DELEGATE TO THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Ms. Carolyn Vack BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of ' 16 Class of '18 Class of ' 11 Lori Wrigh t Deborah Radanovic Harold Hartman Mary Lou Strayer Mary Hartman Kim Hess SHOW COM MITIEE Ms. Tammy Rottmund, Chairman 1818 Lincoln Highway East Lancaster, PA 17602 (7 17) 371- 1945 E-Mail: promgsp @ao1.com Richa rd & Suzanne Powell, Assista nt Show Chai rs - [email protected] 207 Governor Stable Road, Bainbridge, PA 17502 Sue Bullitt, Obedience Chairman 231 Brabson Road , Nottingham , PA 19362 (717) 548-3898 E-Mail: [email protected] COMMITIEES Education Ms. Ann Byrne Volunteer Coordinator . . . . Cynthia Erb-Sta rkey Penny Sleeth Trophy Chai r Hospital ity Deborah Eckert BEST IN SHOW AND VARIETY GROUP PRIZES ::~lilll .II¢" · PRO PL~l'J" N U TR ITI O N THAT PER FO R M S~ This show is generously supported by Purina. Breed Prizes BEST IN SHOW, Three (3) large Bags of any Purina dog foo d offered by Purina. RESERVE BEST IN SHOW, Purina Pro Plan Rolling Duffle Bag offered by Purina. First in Each Group, One (1) large bag of any Purina dog food offered by Purina. First in Bred-by-Exhibitor Class Winners, Product/and or gift valued at more than $5 .00 from Purina. Best Junior Handler, Purina Pro Plan Garment Bag offered by Purina. All awards, if not presented in the ring, must be picked up during the event at the Purina Booth. Presentation of the winning ribbon is required_ Purina reserves the right to make award substitutions of equal or greater value if listed award is not available. BEST IN SHOW AND VARIETY GROUP PRIZES Af/ of the fof/o wing prizes, unless otherwise specified, are offered by the Lancaster Kennel Club, Inc. Best In Show, Rosette in Shadow Box. Reserve Best in Show, Rosette. Group First Place, Rosette . Group Second through Fourth Place, Rosette. 28 Highest Scoring Dog in Regular Classes. Rosette. High Combined in Open B & Utility, Rosette. Qualifyi ng Score in Obedience, Dark Green Qualifying Ribbon. Qualifyi ng Score in Rally. Dark Green Qualifying Ribbon. Highest Scoring Dog in Advanced B & ExceUent B, Rosette . All Junior Showmanship Classes. Firs!, Rosette offered by Eastern Stewards Club. Best Junior Handler. Free 8 x 10 Color Photo offered by Ashbey Photography. Rosette offered by Lancaster Kennel Club. Silver engraved picture frame offered by Lancaster Kennel Club. BREED PRIZES NonCE This is a condensed form of Premium Ust as provided for in Chapter 9, Section 2A of the AKC "Rules Applying to Registration and Dog Shows· . A list of breed and obedience prizes and trophies offered can be o btained by writing to: Jim Rau Dog Shows, Ltd. , P. O. Box 6898, Reading, PA 19610. Services and Equipment Furnished by Jim '/(au t])og Snows, Lttf. P. o . Box 6898 • Reading, PA 19610 • (610) 376-1880 24 Hour Fax Service • (610) 376-4939 So"'" i.e«,nc.Aveoue; 19611 235 American Kennel Club Annually licensed S ~pe"nt"nd~n1ls Kathleen Berkheimer Ed Smizer Kristen Shiller Kitty Burke AI Staudt, Jr. Kathy Hague Wayne Hallard Phyllis Kraft Joan Rau PURINA ® brand DOG FOOD NUTRIT I ON THAT PERFORMS'" 29 #2016101408 (Sat) #2016101407 (Rally Sat) #2016101409 (Sun) CLOSING DATE for entries 12:00 NOON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 2016 at Ihe show Superintendent's OHice, after which lime entries cannot be accepted, cancelled or substituted, except as provided for in Chapler 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Aules. PREMIUM LIST 86th ANNUAL YEAR OF DOG SHOWS, WITH OBEDIENCE & RALLY TRIAL Delaware County Kennel Club, Inc. (Unbenched) (Member American Kennel Club) (Member Pennsylvania Federation of Dog Clubs) UTZ ARENA (FORMERLY TOYOTA ARENA) AT THE YORK EXPOSITION CENTER AND MEMORIAL HALL OBEDIENCE AND RALLY IN OLD MAIN Route 74, YORK, PA 17404 SATURDAY, MARCH 19,2016 SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2016 OBEDIENCE AND RALLY WILL BE OFFERED ON SATURDAY ONLY THERE WILL BE NO CONFORMATION CLASSES FOR SPANIELS (COCKER) BLACK, ASCOB OR PARTI , BULLDOGS, GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS AND SHETLAND SHEEPDOGS ON SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2016 THERE WILL BE NO CONFORMATION CLASSES FOR SPANIELS (COCKER) BLACK, ASCOB OR PARTI , BULLDOGS AND GERMAN SHEPHERD DOGS ON SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2016 Detailed list of Specialty and Supported Entry Information begins on Page 34. FAIRGROUNDS REGULATIONS: Use of motorized carts, mopeds, scooters, etc. prohibited to other than authorized personnel Services and Equipment Furnished by Jim '1(au 'Dog Sfwws, Lta. P. o . Box 6898 • Reading, PA 19610 • (610) 376-1880 24 Hour Fax Service' (610) 376-4939 www.raudogshows.com Overnight and EJtpress Deliveries 235 South Second Avenue, West Reading, PA 19611 American Kennel Club Annually Licensed Superintendents Kathleen Berkheimer Ed Smizer Kristen Shiller Kttty Burke AI Staudt, Jr. Kathy Hague Wayne Hallard Phyllis Kraft Joan Rau 30 Officers of the DELAWARE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. President . Mrs. Dee Metzger Vice President .... ... .. ......... . ...... .... .................... .... . Ms. Kimberly Rimel Treasurer . Mr. Tom Nuss .. .. ....... ... .... ...... ..... . .... ..... ..... . . Mrs. Terry Nuss Recording Secrelary Corresponding Secretary . Mrs. Brenda Clark 109 Cobalt Cross Road, Levitto'Nn, PA 19057 DELEGATE TO THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Ms. Brenda Algar BOARD OF GOVERNORS Mr. Sam Getty Ms. Rhoda Springer Ms. Joan McFadden Mrs. Jen Rhyshek Ms. Gail Wolaniuk Ms. Marge Remolde SHOW COMMITTEE SATURDAY SUNDAY Mrs. Terry Nuss, Chairman Mr. Tom Nuss , Chairman 856-404·3028 856·404·3029 309 Mockingbird Lane, Swedesboro, NJ 08085 E·Mail: Nusstj @comcast.net Assistant Chairman Ms. Kimberly Rimel Ms. Lindy Miller, Obedience Chairman And the Officers and Members of the Board of Govemors of the Club Delaware County Kennel Club Show Chairman, Assistant Chair and Members of the Judges Selection Committee will not exhibit or have exhibited any dog at this show owned in part or whole or act as a handler for any dog at this show. COMMITTEES Trophies ..... ...... ..... • . Volunteer Coordinator Publicity . . . ........... . Kimberly Rimel ... Ms. Kim Rimel Ms. Marge Remolde i i the holding 01 I I Amer;c:anKennel Club Rules and Regulations. James P. Crowley, Secretary NOTICE This is a condensed form of the premium list provided for is Chapter 9, Section 2A of the AKC "Rules Applying to Registration and Oog Show" . Prizes are donated through the generosity of members and friends of the club. A complete list of donations will be provided in the catalog or can be obtained by contacting the Superintendent. The Delaware County Kennel Club, Inc. offers rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog , Winners Bitch, Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes to the clubs considering classes as it Specialty Show and for clubs supporting the entry at these shows. 31 BEST IN SHOW AND VARIETY GROUP PRIZES MARCH 19, 2016 ~!ii"i"M" NU T RITION THAT PERFORM5~ This show is generously supported by Purina. Breed Prizes BEST IN SHOW, Three (3) large Bags of any Purina dog food offered by Purina. RESERVE BEST IN SHOW, Purina Pro Plan Garment Bag offered by Purina. First in Each Group, One (1) large bag of any Purina dog food offered by Purina. Winners Dog, ProducVand or gift valued at more than $5.00 from Purina. Best Junior Handler, Purina Pro Plan Golf Umbrella offered by Purina. SATURDAY - MARCH 19, 2016 BEST IN SHOW AND GROUP PRIZES Best in Show, Bailey, Banks & Biddle offers through the Delaware County Kennel Club, for competition at its shows only, Old Sheffield Soup Tureen, Circa 1820, Bearing Crest and Motto of Arthur Haywood, Bard D. L of Claremont. Lancastershire, England for Best is Show. For permanent possession it must be won three (3) times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog nor at consecutive shows. Delaware County Kennel Club will retain possession of the trophy until permanently won. Engraved S.P. Tray offered through the Delaware County Kennel Club as "THE RUTH FRENCHZIEGLER MEMORIAL TROPHYH offered in her memory by her family and friends. offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Best In Show, Rosette & $150.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Sporting Group, First, $75.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Hound Group, First, $75.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Working Group, First, $75 .00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Terrier Group, First, $75.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Toy Group, First, $75.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Non-Sporting Group, First, $75 .00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Herding Group, First , $75.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Group First through Fourth Place, Rosette. Best Junior Handler, 8' X 10' Photograph offered by John Ashbey and $25.00 Gift Certificate for Vendor Dollars offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. First in Each Class, Rosette offered by Eastern Stewards Club. Obedience Trophies Highest Scoring Oog in Open B & Utility Classes Combined, $50.00 Cash & Rosette offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. The Ruth French Ziegler Memorial Trophy, Engraved SP Tray. Highest Scoring Dog in Regular Classes, $50.00 Cash & Rosette offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. A Dark Green Qualifying Ribbon and Dog Toy will be given for each dog attaining a qualifying score. First through Fourth in Each Regular Class, Ribbon offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Novice A Class, First, $30.00 Cash offered in Memory of Ruth French Ziegler - Dog Training School of Delaware County. Novice A Class, Second, $20.00 Cash offered in Memory of Ruth French Ziegler - Dog Training School of Delaware County. Open A Class, First, $30.00 Cash offered in Memory of Ruth French Ziegler - Dog Training School of Delaware County. Open A Class, Second, $20.00 Cash offered in Memory of Ruth French Ziegler - Dog Training School of Delaware County. 32 RAllY Highest Scoring Oog in Advanced B & Excellent Classes Combined, Rosette & $50.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. A Dark; Green Qualifying Ribbon and Dog Toy will be given for each dog attaining a qualifying score. First through Fourth in Each Regular Class, Ribbon offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. BEST IN SHOW AND VARIETY GROUP PRIZES MARCH 20, 2016 PROP L~N' NUTRITION THAT PERFORMS ~ This show is generously supported by Purina. Breed Prizes BeST IN SHOW, Three (3) large Bags of any Purina dog food offered by Purina . RESERVE BEST IN SHOW, Umbrella offered by Purina. First in Each Group, One (1) large bag of any Purina dog food offered by Purina. Winners Bitch, ProducVand or gift valued at more than $5.00 from Purina , Best Junior Handler, Grooming Apron offe red by Purina. All awards. If not presented in the ring, must be picked up during the event at the Purina Booth. Presentation of the winning ribbon is required. Purina reserves the right to make award substitutions of equal or greater value if listed award is not available. SUNDAY - MARCH 20, 2016 BEST IN SHOW AND GROUP PRIZES Best in Show, Bailey, Banks & Biddle offers through the Delaware County Kennel Club, for competition at its shows only, Old Sheffield Soup Tureen, circa 1820, Bearin g Crest and Mono of Arthur Haywood, Bard D. l. of Claremont, Lancastershi re , England for Best is Show. For permanent possession it must be won three (3) times by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog nor at consecutive shows . Delaware County Kennel Club will retain possession of the trophy until permanently won . Engraved S.P. Tray offered through the Delaware County Kennel Club as "THE RUTH FRENCH ZIEGLER MEMORIAL TROPHY offered in her memory by her family and friend s. H Best In Show, Roselle & $150.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Sporting Group, First, $75.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Hound Group, First, $75.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Working Group, First, $75 .00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Terrier Group, First, $75.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Toy Group, First, $75 .00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Non-Sporting Group, First, $75.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Herding Group, First, $75.00 Cash offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Group First through Fourth Place, Rosette offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Best Junior Handler, 8 X 10 Color Photograph offered by John Ashbey and $25.00 Vendor Dollars offered by Delaware County Kennel Club. Junior Showmanship Classes, First in each dass, Roselle offered by Eastern Ste wards Club. BREED PRIZES The Delaware County Kennel Club, Inc. offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes to the Clubs considering classes as its Specialty Show and Clubs supporting the entry of Ihis show. 33 NOTICE REGARDING TROPHIES Group Trophies and the Best in Show Trophy will be awarded in the rings. All other trophies except specialty and supported entries, will be available at the Trophy Table. They must be claimed before the awarding of Best in Show. Any Trophies which remain unclaimed by the time of the Best in Show Award will be forfeited. The Delaware County Kennel Club reserves the right to sUbstitute trophies of equal value for any prize offered at this show, should it become necessary. Following is a list of Specialty and Supported Entries at the Celtic Classic. SPORTING BREEDS BRITIANY THE SUSOUEHANNA BRmANY CLUB WILL CONSIOER THE CLASSES FOR BRITIANY AT THE SATURDAY AS THEIR SPECIALTY SHOW AND SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF BRITTANYS ON SUNDAY Officers of the Susquehanna Brittany Club President. . ................................. .. Dan Rein Troy Hoverter First Vice Pre sidenVField Trial Chairman C. Joanice Uline Treasurer/Secretary . . ..... . .. .. . ........ . . .... . . . .... . 1209 Mazeland Driv e, Bel Air, MD 2t Ot5 Field Secretary .... Ann Hoverter Specialty Coordinator Cindy Miller Sweepstakes Saturday Judge: Christine Walker SWEE PSTAKES RULES: See page 9 for rules and breakdown. Saturday Sweepstakes Prizes The Susquehanna Brittany Club graciously offer the following prizes. Unless otherwise noted, prizes are donated by the Susquehanna Brittany Club. Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Original Artwork donated by Walker Works. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Original Artwork donated by Walker Works. Saturday Trophies Members and Friends of The Susquehanna Brittany Club graciously offer the following prizes. Unless otherwise noted, prizes are donated by the Susquehanna Brittany Club. Best of Breed, Brittany themed Gift offered by Cindy Miller/Russ Walborn, Brookewood Kennels. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Canister of Bungee cords offe red by Cindy Mille r/Russ Walborn, Brookewood Kennels. Best of Winners, QuaiVPheasanl Pri nt offered by Art & Judy Cohen, Hybrittin Kennels. Select Oog, Treat filled Brittany Mug offered Cindy MilierlRuss Walborn, Brooke'NOOd Kennels. Select Bitch, Treat filled Brittany Mug offered Cindy Miller/Russ Walborn, Brookewood Kennels. Winners Dog. Cooling Towel oHered by Cindy Miller/Russ Walborn, Brookewood Kennels. Winners Bitch, Cooting Towel oHered by Cindy Miller/ Russ Walborn, BrookeVoKlod Kennels. Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Class, First, Brittany theme gift oHered by Art & Judy Cohen, Hybrittin Kennels. Bred·by·Exhibitor Bitch Class, First, Brittany theme gift oHered by Art & Judy Cohen, Hybrittin Kennels. All Class Placements, Chtorox produc t donated by Dan Rein. Sunday Trophies The Members and Fn'ends of the Susquehanna Brittany Club offer the following trophies: Best of Breed , Cusinart CoffeemakerTwo to Go offered by Cindy Miller/Russ Walborn, Brookewood Kennels. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Spray Bottle offered by Cindy MilierlRuss Walborn, Brooke wood Kennels. 34 Best of Winners, QuaiVPheasanl print offered by Art & J udy Cohen, Hybrittin Kennels. Winners Dog , Spray Bottle oHered by Cindy MilierlRuss Walb orn, Brookewood Kennels. Winners Bitch, Spray Bottle offered by Cindy Miller/Russ Walborn, Brooke'oYOOd Kennels. Bred-by- Exhibitor Dog Class, First, B rittany theme gilt offered by Art & J udy Cohen, Hybrit1in Kennels. Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Class, First, Brittany theme gift offered by Art & Judy Cohen, Hybrittin Kennels. All Class Placements, Chlorox product donated by Dan Rein . Susquehanna Bri ttany Club reserves the righllO change or substitute trophies as necessary. SEITER (ENGLISH) THE NATIONAL CAPITAL ENGLISH SETTER CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE CLASSES FOR SEITER (ENGLISH) AT THE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SHOWS AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOWS AND A SUPPORTED ENTRY WITH SWEEPSTAKES ON FRIDAY AND A SUPPORTED ENTRY ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Officers of the National Capital English Setter Club President . .......... . ........... . .. ...... .... Tammy Vann Vice President. Donna Richardson Treasurer Nancy Fox Recording Secretary .. .. ... .. . . . .... . .. ... . . .. .. . . ...... .. . ... ...... CoUeen Bell Corresponding Secretary ......... . . . ...... ... Mary McAdam Peter Kane Show Chairman . Trophy Chairman . Newspaper Edition Board of Directors Lisa Moreau Rosemary Bennett Don Fox ....... ... ..... Tammy Vann .. . . . .. .. .. .... . .. Nancy Fox ..... ..... .... ..... .•. Donna RiChardson Sweepstakes Friday Judge : Pam Lefever Saturday Judge : Christine Walker Sunday Judge: La urie Doumaux SWEE PSTAKES RULES: See page 9 lor rules and breakdown. All Sweepstakes trophies offered by National Capital English Setter Club unless otherwise indicated . Friday Sweepstakes Prizes Best Puppy In Sweepstakes, Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Toy. Firs t Place in Puppy Sweepstakes Classes, Toy. Saturday Sweepstakes Prizes Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Toy. First Place in Puppy Sweepstakes Classes, Toy. Sunday Sweepstakes Prizes Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Toy. Veteran Sweepstakes Friday J udge: Pam Lefever Saturd ay Judge: Christine Walker Sunday Judge: Laurie Doumaux VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES: See page 10 for rule s and breakdown. Friday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Best Veteran in Sweepstakes, Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran in Sweepstakes, Toy. Saturday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Best Veteran in Sweepstakes, Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Vet eran in Sweepstakes, Toy. 35 Sunday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Best Veteran In Sweepstakes, Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran in Sweepstakes, Toy. Wednesday Trophies All trophies offered by National Capital English Setter Club unless otherwise indica ted. Best of Breed, Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Toy. Best of Winners, Toy. Winners Dog, Toy. Winners Bitch, Toy. Reserve Winners Dog, Toy. Reserve Winners Bitch, Toy. Thursday Trophies Best of Breed, Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Toy. Best of Winners, Toy. Winners Dog, Toy. Winners Bitch, Toy. Reserve Winners Dog, Toy. Reserve Winners Bitch, Toy. Friday Trophies Best of Breed, Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Toy. Best of Winners, Toy. Winners Dog, Toy. Winners Bitch, Toy. Reserve Winners Dog, Toy. Reserve Winners Bitch, Toy. Saturday Trophies Best of Breed, ESSA Bowl & 5x7 Walker Works etching. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, 8x10 Walker Works etching . Best of Winners, 8x10 Walker Works etching. Winners Dog, 5x7 Walker Works etching. Winners Bitch. 5x7 Walker Works etching. Select Dog, Rosette. Select Bitch, Rosette . Reserve Winners Dog, Walker Works Ornament. Reserve Winners Bitch, Walker Works Ornament Award of Merit, Rosette. Best Bred-by-Exhibitor, Rosette, 8x10 Walker Works etching. Best Puppy, Rosette, 8x10 Walker Works etching . First Place in Each Regular and Non-Regular Class Dogs and Bitches, Rosette. Second through Fourth Place in Each Regular and Non-Regular Class Dogs and Bitches, Toy. Obedience All Qualifying English Setters in Trial, Reflecting Dog Leash. Rally All qualifying English Setters in Trial, Reflecting Dog Leash. Sunday Trophies Best of Breed, ESSA Bowl & Leashes by Lisa Lead. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Leashes by Lisa Lead. Best of Winners, Leashes by Lisa Lead . Winners Dog, Leashes by Lisa Lead. Winners Bitch, Leashes by Lisa Lead. Select Dog, Rosette. Select Bitch, Rosette. Reserve Winners Dog, Reflecting Dog Leash. Reserve Winners Bitch, Reflecting Dog Leash. 36 Award of Merit, Rosette . Best Bred-by-Exhlbltor, Leashes by Lisa Lead. Best Puppy, Rosette, Leashes By Lisa Lead. First Place in Each Regular and Non-Regular Class Dogs and Bitches, Rosette . Second through Fourth Place in Each Regular and Non-Regular Class Dogs and Bitches, Toy. Non-Regu lar Classes Veteran Dog & Veteran Bitch Classes - For dogs and bitches 7 years and under 9 years. Veteran Classes must meet all requirements to compete for Best of Breed. Veteran Oog & Veteran Bitch Classes - For dogs and bitches 9 years and under 11 years. Veteran Classes must meet all requirements to compete lor Best of Breed. Veteran Dog & Veteran Bitch Classes - For dogs and bitches 11 years and older. Veteran Classes must meet all requirement s to compete for Best of Breed. Field Trial Dog & Field Trial Bitch Classes - For dogs (bitches) that have received any placement of Judge's Award of Merit in any AKC licensed or member Field Trial. These Non-RegularClasses (the winners of the Veteran Dog, Veteran Bitch, Field Trial Dog. Field Trial Bitch, are eligible to compete for Best of Breed. Stud Dog and Brood Bitch classes offered. SPANIELS (ENGLISH SPRINGER) THE SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE CLASSES FOR SPANIELS (ENGLISH SPRINGER) AT THE FRIDAY & SATURDAY SHOWS AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOWS AND SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF SPANIELS (ENGLISH SPRINGER) AT THE OTHER THREE DAYS OF THE CELTIC CLASSIC Officers of the Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club President . . . Robert W. Montier VICe President . Judy Manley Treasurer . Barry Greenwald Secretary . . ..... Deborah Kirk 915 E. Mason Avenue , York, PA 17403 (717) 814-1161 E-Mail: debkirkess @gmail.com Board Members Dale Hart Patrick Kirk Sweepstakes Friday Judge: Ms. JoAnne M. Buehler Saturday Judge : Dr. Melissa Goodman Sunday Judge: Deborah Kirk SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See Page 9 for rules and breakdown Puppy Sweepstakes Prizes Friday Best in Sweepstakes, Roselle & Large Toy Teddy Bear. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Rosette & Large Toy Green Snake . First Place in Each Sweepstakes Class, Rosette Ribbon offered by Lanpher Family. Saturday Best in Sweepstakes, Roselle & Large Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Rosette & Large Toy. First Place in all Sweepstakes Classes, Toy. First Place in Each Sweepstakes Class, Rosette Ribbon offered by Lanpher Famity. Sunday Best in Sweepstakes, Roselle Ribbon donated by SVESSC & Puppy Lunch Pail w/treals. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Rosette Ribbon donated by SVESSC & Puppy Bone Collector Tin wllreats. First Place in all Sweepstakes Classes, Toy. 37 Veteran Sweepstakes Friday Judge: Ms. JoAnne M. Buehler Saturday Judge: Dr. Melissa Goodman Sunday Judge: Deborah Kirk VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See Page 10 for rules and breakdown Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Friday Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, 3 Qt . Dog Bowl. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran in Sweepstakes, 2 at. Dog Bowl. First Place in Each Veteran Sweepstakes Class, Rosette & 8x10 Frame. Saturday Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Ceramic Dog Bone Treat Bowl. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran in Sweepstakes, Ceramic Dog Mug. First Place in Each Veteran Sweepstakes Class, Rosette & SV Tote. Sunday Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Rosette Ribbon donated by SVESSC & large Ceramic Dog Bowl. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran in Sweepstakes, Rosette Ribbon donated by SVESSC & Medium Ceramic Dog Bowl. Trophy Donors The following Trophies & Rosettes have been donated by the gneerosity 01 the SVESS Members and Friends. Art & Donna Rogers Howard, Heidi, Kendra Huber/Oakcrest Ann & Roger Hulsey/Firefly Springers Mary Ellen & Donald Hoyt Karen Lanpher & Coope r Christine Patterson Penny Blackwell & Cooper Deb Kirk, KayNDee Dale & Sally Hart Linda & Dennis Flickinger Chris & Mary Meisenhelter Polly & Steve Stetler Wednesday Trophies Best of Breed , 16x13' Walnut Pic Frame. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, 16x1 3' Walnut Pic Frame . Best of Winners, 12x10" Walnut Pic Frame . Winners Dog , Rosette. Winners Bitch, Rosette. Reserve Winners Dog , Rosette . Reserve Winners Bitch, Rosette. Thursday Trophies Best of Breed, Crystal Candy Dish. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, 9" Crystal Vase. Best of Winners, Crystal Bowl. Winners Dog , Rosette . Winners Bitch, Rosette. Reserve Winners Dog, Rosette . Reserve Winners Bitch, Rosette . Friday Trophies Best of Breed, SV Beach Towel. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, SV Towel. Best of Winners, SV Towel. Select Dog, Rosette. Select Bitch, Rosette. Winners Dog, ESS Note Pad. Reserve Winners Dog, Tote. Winners Bitch, ESS Collector Plate. Reserve Winners Bitch, Tole . Best Puppy, SV Lanyard. First through Fourth Place in Each 6-9 & 9-12 Month Puppy Classes, Rope Toy. First Place in 12-18 Month, Bred-by-Exhibitor, American-Bred and Open Classes, Ceramic Dish. Second through Fourth in 12-18 Month, Bred-by-Exhibitor, American-Bred and Open Classes, 6' Exercise Leash. 38 First through Fourth in all regular classes, Rosette Ribbon Veteran Oog, First, SV Travel Bag. Veteran Bitch, First. SV Travel Bag. Hunting Dog , First, SV Water Bottle . Hunting Bitch, First, SV Water Bottle. Rosette Ribbons donated by the following: Karen Lanpher Family Ann & Roger Husley Christine & Frank Patterson for the Bred-by-Exhibitor Class Donald & Mary Ellen Hoyt for the 6-9 Puppy Class Mary & Chris Meisenhelter for the 9-12 Puppy Class Dennis & Linda Flickenger Junior Showmanship All Junior Handlers exhibiting an English Springer Spaniel, Rosette Ribbon offered by Susquehanna Valley English Springer Spaniel Club. Obedience Highest Scoring English Springer Spaniel in Trial, SVESSC Garden Tote. Highest Scoring English Springer Spaniel in Obedience Trial with Championship & Obedience Title or Leg, SVESSC Bath Matt. Rally Highest Scoring English Springer Span iel in Trial, SVESSC Garden Tote . Any English Springer Spaniel in finishing their REA title at this show, 18' Rosette offered by SVESSC_ Saturday Trophies Best of Breed, SVESSC Large Tote Bag . Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, SVESSC Towel. Best of Winners, SVESSC Towel. Select Dog, Rosette. Select Bitch, Rosette . Winners Dog, SVESSC Scarf. Reserve Winners Dog, SV Tote. Winners Bitch, SVESSC Scarf. Reserve Winners Bitch, SV Tote. First through Fourth Place in 6-9 and 9-12 Month Classes, Toy. First through Fourth in all regular classes, Rosette Ribbon. First Place in 12-18, Bred-by-Exhibitor, American-Bred & Open Classes, 3 at. Dog Bowl . Second through Fourth Place in 12-18, Bred-by-Exhibitor, American-Bred & Open Classes, 4' Exercise Lead. Veteran Oog & Bitch Class, First, Small Pewter Bowl . Second through Fourth in Veteran Dog & Bitch Class, 4' Exercise Leash . Hunting Dog & Bitch Class, First, SVESSC Water Bottle. Rosette Ribbons donated by the following: Karen Lanpher Family Ann & Roger Husley Christine & Frank Patterson for the Bred-by-Exhibitor Class Donald & Mary Ellen Hoyt for the 6-9 Puppy Class Mary & Chris Meisenhelter for the 9-12 Puppy Class Dennis & Linda Flickenger Junior Showmanship All Junior Handlers exhibiting an English Springer Spaniel, Rosette Ribbon offered by Susquehanna VaUey English Springer Spaniel Club. Obedience Highest Scoring English Springer Spaniel in Trial, SVESSC Garden Tote. Highest Scoring English Springer Spaniel In Obedience Trial with Championship & Obedience Title or Leg. SVESSC Bath Matt. 39 Rally Highest Scoring English Springer Spaniel in Trial, SVESSC Garden Tote. Any English Springer Spaniel in finishing their REA title at this show, 18" Rosette offered by SVESSC. Sunday Trophies Best of Breed, Marble Cheese Board w/Glass Dome. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, 240 Relill bags w/Dispenser. Best of Winners, 6' Corded Exercise Lead. Winners Dog, Shamrock Treal Jar. Winners Bitch. Shamrock Treat Jar. Reserve Winners Dog, Shamrock Mug wftreats. Winners Bitch, Shamrock Mug wftreals. VIZSLA THE KEYSTONE VIZSLA CLUB OF PA WILL CONSIDER THE CLASSES FOR VIZSLA AS THEIR SPECIALTY SHOW AT THE SATURDAY SHOW President. Vice President Treasurer . Secretary . Officers of the Keystone Vizsla Club of PA .. .... .. Stephanie She rwood Barbara McLaughlin Tara Ross Marla Hansen 18 Deerfield Road, Mechanicsbu rg , PA 17050 Laura Fairchild Board Members Diane Shearer Earl Stoddard Sweepstakes Saturday Judge: Christine Walker SWEEPSTAKES RULES· See Page 9 for rules and breakdown Puppy Sweepstakes Prizes saturday Best in Sweepstakes, Cookie Jar offered by Glenda Farner Strasbaugh. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Cookie Jar offered by Glenda Farner Strasbaugh. First Place in Each Puppy Sweepstakes Class, Slip Lead. Unless otherwise specified, all trophies are offered by Keystone Vizsla Club of PA. Veteran Sweepstakes Saturday Judge: Christine Walker VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES· See Page 10 for rules and breakdown Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Saturday Best Veteran Dog , Cookie Jar offered by Glenda Farner Strasbaugh. Best Veteran Bitch, Cookie Jar offered by Sue Eastman. First Place in Each Veteran Sweepstakes Class, Slip Lead. 9-11 yr Veteran Bitch Class, First, offered by Lisa Carpenter in memory of Genasea's Dixietand Express JH AN CGC "Dixie" 12+ yr Veteran Bitch Class, First, offered by Gail Contreras in memory 01 CH Legacy's Moon River JH CD RN eGe "Luna". Unless otherwise specified, all trophies are altered by Keystone Vizs/a Club of PA. Breed Prizes - Saturday All trophies are Hand Painted Afh..\ork by Shannon HoIzem. Best of Breed, offered by Carol Bro....". Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, offered by Carol Bro....". Best of Winners, offered by Glenda Farner Strasbaugh. Winners Dog, offered by Earl Stodda rd, Venari Vizslas. Winners Bitch, offered by Earl Stoddard, Venari Vizslas. Reserve Winners Dog, offered by Stephanie ShelWOod . ShelWOod Forest Vizslas. Reserve Winners Bitch, offered by Stephanie Sherwood · Sherwood Forest Vizslas . 40 6-9 Month Puppy Bitch Class, First, olfered by Tara Ross. ~12 Month Puppy Bitch Class, First, olfered by Tara Ross. 7-9 yr Veteran Dog , First, offered in memory of ArnlCan CH Legacy's Chasing A Dream JH ROM "Chase". ~ 11 yr Veteran Dog, First, offered in memory of CH Legacy's Magic Time ROM "Dakota". 12+ yr Veteran Oog, First, offered in memory of BISS CH Emerald Legacy's Prime Time SH ROM ' Mickey". ~11 yr Veteran Bitch, First, offered in memory of Genasea's Dixieland Express JH RN CHC ' Dixie". 12+ yr Veteran Bitch , First, offered by Gail Contreras in memory of CH Legacy's Moon Rive r JH CD RN CGC "Luna". General Trophy Fund - Generous donations by Venture Vizslas, Glenda Farner Strasbaugh, Carol Brown and Barbara McLaughlin First Place in each Regular Class, Hand Painted artwol1< by Shannon Holzem. Fir st Place in each Non-Regular Class, Hanel Painted artwork by Shannon Holzem. Award of Merit, Roselle. Rosettes for RWD, RWB, Select Dog, Select Bitch and Awards of Me rit offered by Keystone Vizsla Club of PA. Non-Regular Classes Veteran Dog & Veteran Bitc h Classes - For dogs and bitches 7 years and under 9 years. Veteran Classes must meet all requirements to compete for Best of Breed. Veteran Dog & Veteran Bitch Classes - For dogs and bitches 9 years and under 11 years. Veteran Classes must meet all requirements to compete for Best of Breed. Veteran Oog & Veteran Bitch Classes - For dogs and bitches 11 years and older. Veteran Classes must meet all requirements to compete lor Best of Breed. Fie ld Trial Oog & Field Trial Bitch Classes - For dogs (bitches) that have received any placement of Judge's Award of Merit in any AKC licensed or member Field Trial. Hunting Oog & Hunting Bitc h Cl asses - For dogs (bitches) who have completed the reqirements for an AKC Senior Hunter or Master Hunter Title. These Non-RegularClasses (the winners of the Veteran Dog, Veteran Bitch, Field Trial Dog, Field Trial Bitch, Hunting Dog and Hunting Bitch classes) are eligible to compete for Besl of Breed . Award of Merit - Up to 10% of the Best of Breed entry. Unless otherwise specified, all trophies are offered by Keystone Vizsla Club of PA. THE CONESTOGA VIZSLA CLUB WILL CONSIDER CLASSES FOR VIZSLA AT THE SUNDAY SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW Officers President ... . ..... . ... .. . India Cox Rachel Romano Kelly Vice President ... .............. ........ . ... .. . Treasurer Terry Lucas Recording Secretary Callie Turner . .. .. .•. , . Corresponding ... . ..... .. . .. . . Linda Pruitt 15611 Cashville Road , Onancock, VA 23417 Jane Baker Laurie Cahill Board of Directors Yovonne Baggon-Jones Trysh Swift Richard W. BlaCk Sweepstakes Judge: Alessandra Folz The Sweepstakes is open to all Vizsla dogs and bitches who are 6 months and under 18 months of age on the day of the show. "Professional Handlers may only handle dogs they own" . A professional handler (as defined for Sweepstakes entry in AKC's March Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 11) is any person who distributes rates cards orotherwise advertises himself/herself as handling dogs in the show ring for pay·. Each dog entered in Sweepstakes must be entered in one of the Regular Classes at this show. Indicate Sweepstakes and age division on the regular entry form under "Additional Classes". See page 9 for additional rules, age classifications and breakdown of prize money. Sweepstakes Prizes Aff prizes offered by the Conestoga Vizsla Club unless otherwise listed. Best In Sweepstakes, Gift Bag offered by the Friends and Members of the Conestoga Vizsla Club. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes, Gift Bag offered by the Friends and Members of the Conestoga Vizsla Club. 41 First in Each Sweepstakes Class, Slip Lead. Veteran Sweepstakes - Sunday Only Judge: Alessandra Fotz The Veteran Sweepstakes is open to all Vizslas who are 7 years & over on the day of the show. Entries in Veteran Sweepstakes do not have to be entered in a Regular Class. "Professional Handlers may only handle dogs they own, · A professional handler (as defined for Sweepstakes entry in AKC's Match Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 11) is any person who distributes rate cards or otherwise advertises himself/herself as handling dogs in the show ring for pay. " Dogs may be neutered and bitches may be spayed, but otherwise sound. Indicate Veteran Sweepstakes age division on the regular entry form under "Additional Classes. See Page 10 for additional rules, age classifications and breakdown of prize money. Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes All prizes offered by the Conestoga Vizsla Club unless otherwise listed. Best In Veteran Sweepstakes, Gift Bag offered by the Friends and Members of the Conestoga Vizsta Club. Rosette offered by the Delaware County Kennel Club, Inc. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Gift Bag offered by the Friends and Members of the Conestoga Vizsla Club. Rosette offered by the Delaware County Kennel Club, Inc.oog Bed and Rosette offered by the Delaware County Kennel Club , Inc. First in Each Veteran Sweepstakes Class, Slip Lead. Breed Information Non-Regular Classes Involving Single Dog Entries Veteran Dog & Veteran Bitch Classes - For dogs and bitches 7 years and under9 years. Veleran Classes must meet all requirements to compete for Best of Breed. Veteran Dog & Veteran Bitch Classes - For dogs and bitches 9 years and under 11 years. Veteran Classes must meet all requiremenls 10 compete for Best of Breed. Veteran Oog & Veteran Bitch Classes - For dogs and bitches 11 years and older. Veteran Classes must meet all requirements to compete for Best of Breed. Field Trial Oog & Field Trial Bitch Classes - For d09s (bitches) that have received any placement of Judge's Award of Merit in any AKC licensed or member Field Trial. Hunting Oog & Hunting Bitch Classes - For dogs (bitches) who have completed the reqirements for an AKC Senior Hunter or Master Hunter Title. These Non-Regular Classes (the winners of the Veteran Dog , Veteran Bitch, Field Trial Dog , Field Trial Bitch, Hunting Dog and Hunting Bitch classes) are eligible to compete for Best of Breed. Award of Merit - Up to 10% of the Best of Breed entry. Non-Regular Classes Involving Multiple Dog Entries for Vizslas Stud Dog - For Stud Dogs and two of their Get. It is not necessary that the Get be under the same ownership as that of the Stud Dog. If the Stud Oog is nol entered in one of the Regular or Non-Regular Classes, or if a Champion of Record, for the Best of Breed competition, the dog may be entered for Stud Dog Class only at the regular entry fee. The Get MUST be entered in one of the Regular Classes. The Stud Dog must be entered in the Stud Dog Class and show in the ring with his Get. Siud Dog only to be judged on the merits of Ihe Get. While the merits 01 the Stud Dog are to be considered in the placement of the entry, the Stud Dog must be examined to determine if it has a condition that would require its disqualification or excusal under Ihe Oog Show Rules. Brood Bitch - Same as Stud Dog Class except substitute Brood Bitch for Stud Dog and Produce for Get. Breed Trophies The Delaware County Kennel Club offers Rosettes for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. The Conestoga Vizsla Club offers Rosettes for Select Oog, Select Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Awards of Merit and First Place for all Regular and Non-reg ular Classes. Best of Breed, THE EVE CHALLENGE TROPHY is offered by the Conestoga Vizsla Club at our specialty show only. It is a Dannyquest state of Dam and Puppy entitled "Let's Talk It Over" on a wooden base . II is presented in memory of CH Grouse pt Semper Fi Bougainville , aka Eve. Eve was the Number 1 Vizsla in 2000, dam of the Number 1 Vizsla in 2004, and grandam of the Number 1 Vizsla in 2011 . She was bred and owned by Corinne Miklos and Terry Lucas. The Eve Challenge Trophy wilt be retired after the same owner, nol necessarily 'Nith the same dog , has won it three times. 42 In addition, Members and Friends of the Conestoga Vizsla Club offer the following trophies: Best of Breed, Gift Bag. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Gift Bag. Best of Winners, Gift Bag. Select Dog , Gift Bag. Select Bitch, Gilt Bag. Winners Dog, Gift Bag. Winners Bitch, Gift Bag . Reserve Winners Dog, Gift Bag. Reserve Winners Bitch, Gift Bag. Stud Dog, First, Gift 8 ag. Brood Bitch. First, Gift Bag. Award of Meril(s), Gift Bag. First Place in regular and non-regular Classes, A small toy. HOUND BREEDS AFGHAN HOUNDS THE POTOMAC AFGHAN HOUND CLUB WILL SUPPORT THE AFGHAN HOUND CLASSES AT THE FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SHOWS AND WILL CONSIDER CLASSES AT THE SATURDAY SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW Officers President ... . .. . . .. . . Vice President . Treasurer Secretary Beth Anne Hall . .. . Karen Wagner . .. .. ... . . .. linda Jordan ... . .. . .. .. . ... .. . Ann Nicholson 3980 Ducks Foot Lane, Ell icott City, MD 21042 Board of Directors Kitty Davis Jay Johnson David Hall Bob Jordan Ken Hudson Sweepstakes - Saturday Only Judge: Mrs. Nancy Tuthill SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See page 9 for rules and breakdown Saturday Sweepstakes Prizes Carla Helm Hound ArtworK will be offered for: Best in Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Sweepstakes Veteran Sweepstakes - Saturday Only Judge : Mrs. Nany Tuthill VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See Page 10 for rules and breakdown Saturday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Carla Helm Afghan Hound Artwork "'Ii" be offered for: Best in Veteran Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Veteran Sweepstakes Friday Breed Prizes All trophies will be Handmade Snoods for the following placements: Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. Saturday Specialty Saturday Breed Prizes All trophies will be Carla Helm Afghan Hound Artwork for the following placements: Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Select Dog. Select Bitch, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Best Bred-by·Exhibttor, Best Puppy, Best Veteran, Stud Dog and Brood Bitch. Best of Winners, The Afghan Hound Club of America otters a silver plated medallion (2") depicting the club emblem, suspended from a red, while and blue ribbon. Award of Merit, Awarded al Judge's Discretion with 1 ADM per 10 BOB Competitors. Rosettes. 43 A Competitive Veterans Class will be offered at Saturday's Specialty divided by Sex and Ages 7·10, 10+ yrs; the Overall Dog and Bitch Winners 01 the Competitive Veterans Classes will compete in the BOB Class. To compete in the Stud Dog and Brood Bitch Class, the Stud Dog and Brood Bitch must be entered in regular classes. Get must be entered in a Regular Class or in Best of Breed Competition. They can be shown with two but not more than four of their Get/Produce. Owner of the Stud Dog or Brood Bitch need not be owner of the Get. Sunday Breed Prizes All trophies will be brushes for the following placements: Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Winners Oog and Winners Bitch BLOODHOUND THE AMERICAN BLOODHOUND CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE BLOODHOUND CLASSES AT THE SATURDAY SHOW AS ITS NORTH EAST REGIONAL SPECIALTY SHOW AND WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF BLOODHOUNDS ON FRIDAY AS ITS NORTH EAST SUPPORTED EVENT. BOTH EVENTS WILL BE HOSTED BY THE COLONIAL BLOODHOUND CLUB American Bloodhound Club Officers President . .. . ................ . ... ... . .. Camille McArdle DVM First Vice President Debbie Bama Second Vice President .... . . . .... Lyn Sherman Treasurer ... . . .... . .. . Lynne Aguirre Recording Secretary Janel Kelly Corresponding Secretary . Susan Paine 8810 E.G. Street, Tacoma, WA 98445 (253) 535· 1408 E-Mial: themaja @comcaSl.net BOARD OF DIRECTORS Diane Brewer Marybeth Cline DVM Tracey Favre Lynn Harty AKC Delegate Past ABC President. Specialty Show Chairman Emily Williams Mary Lou Olszewski Bryan Flessner Anne Legge Colonial Bloodhound Club Officers President . Vice President . Treasurer Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary . Lynn Bailey Jenn Hallett Terri Heck Mary Lou Olszewski Sandy Kalas .......•. .. .... Adriana Pavlinovic Janel Kelly BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jim Heck Claudette Lyons Jan Rothwell Beth Vanselous GENERAL FUND SPONSORS The Colonial Bloodhound Club 'NOuld like to thank the following for their generous donations: Anne L Legge, Legacy Kennels Helen Reagan · "In Memory of Starr" Bill & Sue Barton Rick & Stacie Shriver - "Best to everyone at the 2016 NE Regional Specialty Weekend" Jim & Terri Heck SSAR . "Always in our hearts: The Honeytrees Boone & the Honeytrees Comanche" Karen Leshkivich DVM - "In memory of Darby", Multiple WDHOF, Dam of Merit, CH MTX TDX VCD RAE3 NA NJ BN CGC Susan Markley, Treasure Kennels And a very special thank-you to Tracey & Logan Noot! Veteran Sweepstakes Friday Judge: Marge B. Calltharp Saturday Judge: Alfred J. Ferruggiaro NOTE: The Veteran Sweepstakes will be judged prior to the Puppy Sweepstakes. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES· Entry fee for each entry shall be $18.00. Entry shall be made at the same time and on the same form as lor Regular Classes. Indicate SWEEPSTAKES in the space for ADDITIONAL CLASSES. Veteran Sweepstakes classes are open to all Bloodhounds that are seven years and older on the day of the show. Veteran dogs and bitches DO NOT have to be entered in regular and non· regUlar classes; Spayed or Neutered animals are eligible to enter Veteran Sweepstakes. 44 Entrants need not be champions to be eligible to compete . Dogs must be owner or amateur handled. The judge shall award only a First Place in each class, ultimately awarding Best Veteran Dog and Best Veteran Bitch. No opposite sex shall be selected. Classificat ion Veteran Dogs, 7 years and under 8 years Veteran Dogs, 8 years and under 9 years Veteran Dogs, 9 years and under 10 years Veleran Dogs, 10 years and under 11 years Veleran Dogs, 11 years and over (Same classes for Bitches) Best Veteran Bitch Best Veteran Dog Division of Prize Money After 35% of the entry fees are withheld to defray expenses, the remainder shall be divided as follows: 50% · Best Veteran Dog 50% • Best Veteran Bitch All money nol claimed as prizes dur to absence shall revert to the American Bloodhound Club. (Olher non-monetary trophies shall be awarded and will be listed in the catalog) Friday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes The following trophies offered by Colonial Bloodhound Club unless otherwise specified. The Colonial Bloodhound Club reserves the right to sUbstitute trophies of equal or greater Value. Each Veteran Sweepstakes Participant will receive a Large Dog Toy and a Rosette. Veteran Dogs, 7-8 years, offered by Ed & Meg Silve rman. Veteran Dogs, 11 years & over, offe red by Darlene & Fred Sanders, in memory of ' Chaunch' and ' Beulah Mae ' - you "";11 remain in our hearts forever. Veteran Bitc hes, 7-8 years, offered by Ed & Meg Silverman. Best Veteran Dog in Sweepstakes, Sara England Suncatcher Ornament offered by Janet Kelly, Apogee Hounds, in loving memory of my friend and mentor, Bob Chattin, Rose Hollow Kennels. Best Veteran Bitch In Sweepstakes, Sara England Suncatcher Ornament offered by Mary Lou & Ted Olszewski , Olbay Hounds, in memory of "Sophie' & AJ' . Saturday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes The following trophies offered by Colonial Bloodhound Club unless otherwise spe<:ified . The Colonial Bloodhound Club reserves the right 10 substitute trophies 01 equal or greater value. Each Veteran Sweepsta kes Participant will receive a insulated food mug with the CSC Logo and a rosette. Veteran Dogs, 7-8 years, ollered by Ed & Meg Silverman. Veteran Dog s, 11 years & over, offered by Darlene & Fred Sanders, in memory of "Chaunch' and ' Beulah Mae" - you will remain in our hearts forever. Veteran Bitches, 7-8 years, offered by Ed & Meg Silverman. Veteran Bitches, 7-8 years, offered by Lynn Bailey, in loving memory 01 CH Woeful Celebrata Savannah, CH Woelul Savannah's Erin McGee & CH BATOW Woelut Aria . Best Veteran Dog in Sweepstakes, Embroidered Scarl offered by Janet Kelly, in loving memory of my boys "Tattoo' & "Blue ' . Best Veteran Bitch in Sweepstakes, Embroidered Scarl offered by Mary Lou & Ted Olszewski, Olbay Hounds, in memory of "Sophie" & AJ '. Puppy Sweepstakes Friday Judge: Marge B. Calltharp Saturday Judge: Alfred J. Ferruggiaro NOTE: The Puppy Sweepstakes "";11 be judged AFTER the Veleran Sweepstakes and before the Regular Classes. PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES RULES - Entry fee for each entry is $18.00. Entry shall be made at the same time on the same form as the Regular Classes. Indicate SWEEPSTAKES in the space for ADDITIONAL CLASSES. All entries in Ihe Puppy Sweepstakes MUST BE ENTERED in a Regular Class. The Sweepstakes is open to all dogs who on the day of the showwill be 6 months and under 24 monlhs. Dogs must be owner or amateur handled. (Other non-monetary trophies shall be awarded and will be listed in lhe catalog) 45 Classification Puppy Dogs, 6 months and under 9 months Puppy Dogs, 9 months and under 12 months (Same classes offered for bitches) Best Puppy in Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in S'Neepstakes Junior Dogs, 12 months and under 18 months Junior Dogs, 18 months and under 24 months (Same classes offered for bitches) Best Junior in Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best Junior in Sweepstakes Grand Sweepstakes Winner Division of Prize Money After 35% of the entry fees are withheld to delray expenses, the remainder shall be divided as follows: Best Puppy in Sweepstakes 22% Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes. 20% Best Junior in Sweepstakes . 22% Best of Opposite Sex to Best Junior in S'Neepstakes . 20% Grand Sweepstakes Winner 16% All money not claimed as prizes due to absence or non-entry in these Classes shall revert to the American Bloodhound Club. Rules for Regular Classes Regular Classes will be awarded per AKC Rules. (Other non-monetary trophies shall be awarded and will be listed in the catalog). In addition, the following Awards may be awarded: Awards of Merit (3 maximum): A maximum of three (3) Awards of Merit shall be available for presentation by the Breed Judge at this event. The judge has the option of presenting up to three (3) Awards of merit to those dogs he/she holds in high regard. The Best of Breed Winner, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed Winner, and Best of Winners are NOT eligible to receive Awards of Merit. ADDITIONAL NON-REGULAR CLASSES Rules for Non-Regular Classes involving Single Oog Entries NOTE: Veterans will compete prior to Best of Breed Competition Veteran Class: Veterans of both sexes may be entered who are, on the day of the show, age 7 and over. They must be eligible to compete for BOB (intact) at this show. Rules for Non-Regular Classes involving Multiple Dog Entries NOTE: The Stud Dog, Brood Bitch and Brace Classes will be judged following Best of Breed Stud Oog Class, For Stud Oog and two of their Get. Stud Dogs must be entered in the Stud Dog Class (in the space provided for ADDITIONAL CLASSES) and must be shown in the ring with their Get. Get only to be judged based on merits of the Get. Owner of Stud Dog need not necessarily be the owner of the Get. Entry fee - $15.00. Brood Bitch Class, For Brood Bitches and two of their Produce. Brood Bitches must be entered in the Brood Bitch Class (in the space provided for ADDITIONAL CLASSES) and must be shown in the ring with their Produce. Owner of the Brood Bitch need not necessarily be the owner of the Produce. Produce only to be judged based on merits of the Get. Entry fee - $15.00. NOTE: While the merits of the Stud Dog and Brood Bitch are not to be considered in the placement of the entry, the Stud Dog and Brood Bitch must be examined in order to determine if they have a condition that would require excusal ordisqualification under the Dog Show Rules, AKC Policy or the standard of the Breed. Get and Produce may be entered in a regular class, Best of Breed competition or some other non-regular class. A castrated dog may be entered as Stud Dog and a spayed bitch may be entered as Brood Bitch. Brace Class· For two dogs of the same breed with at least one common owner. The entry forms must be marked accordingly (BRACE) in the space provided for ADDITIONAL CLASSES. If more than one brace is entered by the same owner, the dogs comprising each brace must be so designated: Brace #1 , Brace #2, etc. Entry fee is $15.00 as a unit. 46 Other Classes: In additon to the above classes, non-monetary trophies will be awarded for qualifying Bloodhounds in Obedience, Rally and Junior Showmanship. These awards and trophies will be listed in the catalog. Friday Sweepstakes Prizes The following trophies offered by the Colonial Bloodhound Club unless olherwise specified. The Colonial Bloodhound Club reserves the right (0 substitute trophies oj equal or greater value. Firs t through Fourth Place In each Puppy and Junior Sweepstakes Class win receive a Dog Toy. Puppy Dogs 9-1 2 months, offered by Rick Y Stacie Shriver. Best in Best Puppy in Sweepsta kes, Large Dog Toy offered by Rick & Stacie Shriver. Best of Opposite Sex t o Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Large Dog Toy oUered by Rick & Stacie Shriver. Best Junio r in Sweeps takes, Large Dog Toy offered by Rick & Stacie Shriver. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Junior in Sweepstakes, Large Dog Toy. Grand Sweepstakes Winner, Sara England Print offered by Randy & Sue Mort, in loving memory of "Storm", CH Woeful Addie's Epic Storm. Saturday Sweepstakes Prizes The foffowing trophies offered by the Colonial Bloodhound Club unless otherwise specified. The Colonial Bloodhound Club reseroes the right to substitute trophies oj equal or greater value. First through Fourth Place in Each Puppy and Junior Sweepstake s Classes will receive an insulated food mug with CBC Logo. Puppy Dogs, 9-12 Months, offered by Rick & Stacie Shriver. Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Embroidered Microfiber Towel offered by Rick & Stacie Shriver. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Embroidered M icrofiber Towel. Best Junior In Sweepstakes, Embroidered Microfiber Towel oUered by Rick & Stacie Shriver. Best of Opposit e Sex to Best Junior in Sweepstakes, Embroidered Mic rofiber Towel. Grand Sweepstakes Wi nner, Embroidered Fringed Seart offered by Randy & Sue Mon, in loving memory of "Storm", CH Woeful Addie's Epic Storm. Breed Prizes Friday Prizes The following trophies offered by Colonial Bloodhound Club unless otherwise specified. The Colonial Bloodhoun d Club reserves the right to substitute trophies of equal or greate r value. Bes t of Breed , 11 x14 " Sara England Print "S O'Clock in the Ring" offered by Janice Kopp, in memory of my dear freind Joanne Edmiston, "You are so missed' . Best of Opposite Sex to Bes t of B ree d, 8x10" Sara England Print "S O'Clock in the Ring " offered by Beth Vanselous, Cornerstone Hounds. Best of Winners, Sara England Coaster Set offered by Rick & Stacie Shriver. Select Dog, Sara England Suncatcher Ornament offered by Ann & Mar1l Trullinger in loving memory of Cilatioin's First Light, our boy ' Beacon". Select 009, Sara England Suncalcher Ornament. Winners Dog, Sara England Suncatcher Ornament offe red by Bob & l eigh Dowd. Winners B itch, Sara England Suncatche r Omament offered by Bob & Leigh Dowel. Reserve Winners Dog , Sara England Star O mament. Reserve Winners Bitch, Sara England Star O ma ment. First through Fourth in Each Regular Class, will receive a duffle bag with the CBC Logo. Puppy Dogs, 9-12 months, offered by Rick & Stacie S hriver. First through Fourth in Each Veteran Class, will receive a duffle bag ...vith the CBC Logo. Veteran Dog Cfass, offered by Marybeth Cline DVM, Noir Bloodhounds, in memory of my 'NOnderful "Winston', CH Honey Tree's GGM Finest Hour, CGC , BN, RN , MT-CHIC. Veteran Bitch Class, offered by Marybeth Cline DVM , Nair Bloodhounds, in memory of my beautiful "Rose", CH Wychway's Puttin' On the Da'Ngg, CGC, BN, RA, C D , EECT. Owner Handled Best of Breed, Duffle Bag with CSC Logo. Junior Showmanship, Each Junior Showmanship Bloodhound entry will receive an embroidered scarf. Saturday Prizes The following trophies offered by Colonial Bloodhound Club unless otherwise specified. The Colonial Bloodhou nd Club reserves the right t o substitute trophJes of equal or greater value. Best of Breed, Large CrystatBowl offered by Adriana Pavlinovic, inn memroy of those past and in celebration of those present. Large Pew1erex Triver offered by Mark & Ann Trullinger, in loving memory of ' Tuba", Citation Kennels. 47 Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Large Crystal Vase offered by Sandy & Nick Katos, in memory of ' Rigby' & ' Mia' . Large Pewterex Trivet, offered by Sandy & Nick Katos, in memory of ' Rigby' & ' Mia'. Best of Winners, Crystal Bowl offered by Rick & Stacie Shriver. Select Dog, Embroidered Fringed Scarf offered by Ann & Mark Trullinger in loving memory 01 Citation's First Ught, our boy ' Beacon". Select Bitch, Embroidered Fringed Scarf offered by Tim & Deirdre Rahn, Sanctuary, in loving memory of our "Corrina", GCH That Old Black Magic al the Magpie MT. Awards at Merit, (3 Maximum). A maximum of three (3) Awards of Merit shall be available for presentation by the Breed Judge at this event. The judge has the option at presenting up to three (3) Awardsof Merit to those dogs he/she holds in high regard, The Best of Breed Winner, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed Winner, and Best of Winners are not eligible to receive the Award of Merit. Embroidered Scarf offered by Tim & Deirdre Rahn, Sanctuary, in loving memory of our ' Corrina', GCH That Old Black Magic at the Magpie MT. Winners Dog , Crystal Bowl offered by Camille McArdle DVM , in loving memory of "Stony", GCH Citation's First and Foremost. Small Pewterex Trivet offered by Mark & Ann Trullinger, in loving memory 0/ ' Alamo' , Citation Kennels. Winners Bitch, Crystal BolNt offered by Camille McArdle DVM, in loving memory of "Java', Citation's First Morning Coffee. Small Pewte rex Trivet offered by Sandy & Nick Katos, in memory of "Rigby' & ' Mia". Reserve Winners Dog, Embroi ded Micro/iber Towel offered by Bob & Leigh Dowd. Reserve Winners Bitch, Embroided Micro/iber Towel offered by Tracey Nooft, Nozenears Bloodhounds. Owner Handled Best of Breed , 6-Can Cooler with CSC Logo. First through Fourth Place In each Veteran Class will receive a 6-can cooler with the CSC Logo. Veteran Dog, donated by Marybeth Cline DVM , Noir Bloodhounds, in memory 0/ my wondertul ' Winston", CH Honey Tree's GGM Finest Hour, CGC, BN, RN , MT-C HIC . Veteran Bitch, donated by Marybeth Cline DVM, Nair Bloodhounds, in memory of my beautilul "Rose', CH Wychway's Puttin' On the Sawgg, CGC, BN, RA, CO, EECT. Prizes for Non-Regular Classes Involving Multiple Oog Entries Stud Dog, First through Fourth Place , Insulated food mug wilh esc Logo. Brood Bitch, First through Fourth Place, Insulated food mug with CBC Logo. Brace, Firsllhrough Fourth Place , Insulated food mug with CSC Logo offered by Janel kelly, Apogee Hounds, in loving memory of my boys "Tattoo" & ·Blue". Obedience & Rally Prizes Highest Scori ng Bloodhound in Obedience Regular or Optional Classes, 6-Can Cooler with the CBe Logo offered by Jeff & Belh Mares, in loving memory of HIT CH Jo-U's Naturally Eaton CD RN MT. Highest Scoring Bloodhound in Rally Classes, 6-Can Cooler with the eee Logo offered by Beth Mares in loving memory 01 "Duke ' . Junior Showmanship Each Junior Showmanship Bloodhound entry will receive a $20 walmart Gift Carel. RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK THE RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLUB OF THE UNITED STATES, INC. WilL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK CLASSES AT THE SUNDAY SHOW SUNDAY · PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Jeffrey Lentsch SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See page 9 for rules and breakdown Sunday Sweepstakes Prizes Best in Sweepstakes, Dog Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Sweepstakes, Dog Toy. Veteran Sweepstakes Judge: Jeffrey Lentsch VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See Page 10 for rules and breakdown Sunday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Dog Leash. Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Veteran Sweepstakes, Dog Leash. 48 Breed Prizes Sunday Trophies Best of Breed, Dog Pail full of Essentials. The RRCUS Bronze Club Medallion will be awarded at a supported show providing the following entry requirements are met: a) There is a minimum of ten (10) dogs in competition; or b) there is, in competition. a minimum total entry equal to the sum of class dogs and bitches required to make a three-point major in that division. WHICHEVER IS GREATER. Best of Opposite Sex to Best 0' Breed, Dog Pail full 01Essentials. Best of Winners, $20 Cherrybook Gift Certificate. Winners Dog , Dog Pail lull 01 Essentials. Winners Bitch, Dog Pail full of Essentials. Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Class, First. $10 White Dog Bane Gift Certificate. Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Class, First, $10 White Dog Bone Gift Certificate. WHIPPETS THE AMERICAN WHIPPET CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE WHIPPET CLASSES AT THE SATURDAY SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW AND SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF WHIPPETS AT THE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SUNDAY SHOWS Officers .................... Harold "Red" TaIra President . . ......•.. . .• ..•. • . Vice President . . ..... . . .............. Karen Lee Treasurer. Gail Boyd Secretary . . Guinevere Bars!el 4745 - 25th Street, San Francisco, CA 94114 Phone(415) 826·8853 Board of Directors Dr. Jill Hoplenbeck Christy Nelson Dr. Ken Latimer Kathy Rasmussen Russell McFadden Puppy Sweepstakes Friday Judge: Julie Dugan Saturday Judge: D. Lynn Baker PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See page 9 for rules and breakdown Friday Sweepstakes Prizes All Sweepstakes trophies will be offered through the generosity of the members and friends of the Mid-Atlantic Whippet Association. Best in Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex 10 Best in Sweepstakes First Place in all Sweepstakes Classes, Dog Toy. Saturday Sweepstakes Prizes All Sweepstakes trophies will be offered through the generosity of a friend. Besl in Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes First in Each Sweepstakes Class Veteran Sweepstakes Friday Judge: Julie Dugan Saturday Judge: D. Lynn Baker VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See page 10 for rules and breakdown Friday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes All Sweepstakes trophies wilt be offered through the generosity of the members and friends of the Mid-Atlantic Whippet Association. Best in Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes First Place In all Sweepstakes Classes, Dog Toy. Sat urday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes All Sweepstakes trophies wilt be offered through the generosity of a friend. Best In Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Sweepstakes First in Each Sweepstakes Class 49 Breed Information Additional Classes Offered at Saturday Specialty: Veteran 7-10, 10+ yrs, Stud Dog , Brooo Bitch, Team and Brace. Award of Merit will be offered. Wednesday Trophies The following trophies are offered by the Amen"can Whippet Club: Best of Breed, Bunny Cookie Jar. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Bunny Planter. Best of Winners, Bunny Plate. Winners Dog , Bunny Hand Towel. Winners Bitch, Bunny Hand Towel. Reserve Winners Dog, Bunny Statue . Reserve Winners Bitch, Bunny Statue. Thursday Trophies The following trophies are offered by the American Whippet Club: Best of Breed, Silverware Chip & Dip Set Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Pewter Hare Door Stop. Best of Winners, Silver Tray. Winners Dog, Pair of Crystal Dessert Plates. Winners Bitch, Pair 01 Crystal Dessert Plates. Reserve Winners Dog, Crystal Bud Vase. Reserve Winners Bitch , Crystal Bud Vase. Friday Trophies Trophies offered through the generosity of members and friends of the Mid-Atlantic Whippet Racing Association. All trophies will be Whippet andlor Bunny molif items. Best of Breed Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed Best of Winners Select Dog Select Bitch Winners Dog Winners Bitch Reserve Winners Dog Reserve Winners Bitch First In Each Regular Class, Dog Toy. Saturday Trophies Unless otherwise noted the follo .....ing trophies are offered by the members of the American Whippet Club. In addition, we would like to thank the following A WC members for their trophy suupon: Travis Brock and Miles Everett, Phoebe Jordan-Booth (Shamasan), Jill Hopfenbeck, Tom & Mary Severino, Bob & Susie Dodd, Renice Zimmerman and Donna Lynch. Best of Breed, Original Pottery by High Horse Farm Potte ry, offered by Susanne Hughes, Snowhill. THE COURTENA Y FLEETFOOT OF PENNYWORTH MEMORIAL TROPHY, Ring Presentation. THE BIS & S8fS CH BOHEM MOONSHINE LULLABY MEMORIAL TROPHY, Picture Frame in memory of Elizabeth Smith offered by Barbara l. Henderson VMD, Whippoorwill. Medallion offered offered by AWC. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Original Pottery by High Horse Fann Pottery, offered by Mike & Usa Fontaine, Rothschild. Medallion offered by AWC. Best of Winners, THE STONEY MEADOWS EPIC SP PfTCHERoffered by the late Mrs. WP. Wear through the American Whippet Club at its Eastern Regional SpeCialty. For permanent possession to be won three ti mes by the same owner, not necessarily with the same dog at consecutive shomoTo be presented in the ring and then returned to the AWC Eastern Trophy Chairperson's possession. Original Pottery by High Horse Farm Pottery, offered by Peggy Hodge. Winners Dog, Original Pottery by High Horse Farm Pottery offered by Char10tte Conway, Flower Hill. Medallion offered by AWC. Winners Bitch, Original Pottery by High Horse Fann Pottery, offered by Annie Andrews, Mystic Run. Medallion offered by AWC. Select Oog, Original Pottery by High Horse Fann Pottery, offered by Kristen Fredericks, Mariner. Select Bitch, Original Pottery by High Horse Farm Pottery, offered by Kristen Fredericks, Mariner. 50 Best Puppy, Large Floppy Dog Toy. Best Bred·by·Exhibitor, Whippet Statue, "The Loyal' offered by Dustin & Janine Britton in memory 01 Judith Britton, Seaspell. Reserve Winner Dog, Original Pottery by High Horse Farm Pottery, offered by Tom & Mary Severino. Reserve Winner Bitch, Original Pottery by High Horse Farm Pottery, offered by Tom & Mary Severino. Regular Classes First Place, Fleece Blanket. Second Place, Key Chain Flashlight. Third Place, Bunny Ornament. Fourth Place, Squeaker. Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog, Dr. Tom Sooy Memorial Trophy, Sitting Whippet Statue. Original Pottery by High Horse Farm Pottery, offered by Nancy Doucette, Redcliffe. Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch, THE BIS CH LADY BLAIR OF WHIPPOORWILL TROPHY, Crate Pad offered by Barbara L. Henderson, VMD, Whippoorwill. Original Pottery by High Horse Farm Pottery, offered by Patience Cole Renzulli. Veteran Dog: Junior Veteran 7 years and under 10 Years, First Place, THE CH WHIPPOORWILL TANAGER ROM offered by Barbara l. Henderson, VMD, Whippoorwill. Paw Print Crate Blanket. Senior Veteran 10 years and older, First Place, DAVID MARKUS MEMORIAL TROPHY, Ring Presentation offered by Harriett Lee, Winsmith and Aikerskaill. Paw Print Crate Blanket. Veteran Bitch: Junior Veteran 7 years and under 10 Years, First Place, Paw Print Crate Blanket in memory of ArnlCan CH Whippoorwill Sable offered by Juanita Irvin . Senior Veteran 10 years and older, First Place, Paw Print Crate Blanket in memory of their beloved CH Paris Sirius Hottime Tonight aka "Machie", offered by Maggie Gellers & Frank Gettys. Stud Dog, Embroidered Whippet Grooming Apron. Brood Bitch, Embroidered Whippet Grooming Apron. Brace, Stainless Steel Bo'NI & Toy. Team, Stainless Steel Bowl & Toy. Award of Merit, An Award of Merit will be given at 10% of the Specials ente red in Best of Breed Classes. Rosettes offered by AWC. Original Pottery by High Horse Farm Pottery, offered by Kristen Fredericks, Mariner; Rhonda Gold and Michael Small, Artemis; Bob & Susie Dodd; and Karen Lee, Surrey Hill. Obedience Trial Classes All Whippets in Regular Classes, Toy offered by the American Whippet Club. Rally Trial Classes All Whippets in Rally, Toy offered by the American Whippet Club. Sunday Trophies The following trophies are offered by the Amen'can Whippet Club. Best of Breed, Numbered Ruth Maystead Whippet Print. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Coursing Print. Best of Winners, Framed Whippet Print. Winners Dog, Framed Whippet Print. Winners Bitch, Framed Whippet Print. Reserve Winners Dog, Whippet Note Paper. Reserve Winners Bitch, Whippet Note Paper. WORKING BREEDS BERN ESE MOUNTAIN DOG THE POTOMAC VALLEY BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE CLASSES FOR BERN ESE MOUNTAIN DOGS AT THE FRIDAY & SUNDAY SHOWS AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW AND SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOGS AT THE THURSDAY SHOW 51 THE MASON DIXON BERN ESE MOUNTAIN DOG CLUB WILL CONSIDER ntE CLASSES FOR OF BERN ESE MOUNTAIN DOGS AT THE SATURDAY SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW AND SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF BERN ESE MOUNTAIN DOGS AT THE WEDNESDAY SHOW OHioors of the The Mason Dixon Bemese Mountain Dog Club President .. . .................... ... Dawn Cox Vice President . Valerie Chase Treasurer . Barbara Winicur Secretary . . .. ..... . . ... . Jill Shaeffer Jackie Caracciolo Board of Directors Kristen Greenwood Christine V1assis OHicers of the The Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club President .. Vice President . Treasurer . Secretary . Rebecca Braukus . ............. . Beki Gieseke Bob Reeve . . Dotty Foellmer Sandy Novoein Board of Directors Susan Trivers Scott Merritt Mary McKnight SWEEPSTAKES - SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY Saturday Judge: Ms. Kris Hayko Sunday Judge: Ms. Sue Brightman SWEEPSTAKES RULES : • See Page 9 for rules & breakdown Mason Dixon Bernese Mountain Dog Club and Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club will permit professional handlers to exhibit in Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes. Saturday Sweepstakes Prizes Rosettes for Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy and First Class Placements. Ribbons for 2nd-4lh. Best Puppy, Gift Basket oHered by Jill Shaeffer in memory of "Grendal", CH Blackrock's Heavy Hitter NOD. Best of OpPOsite Sex to Best Puppy, Gift Basket offered by Jill Shaeffer in memory 01 "Grendal", CH Blackrock's Heavy Hitter NOD. Sunday Sweepstakes Prizes Rosettes for Best in Sweepstakes and Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy and First Class Placements. Ribbons for 2nd-4/h. Best Puppy, Plush Dog Blanket & Toy offered by Brenda Bernard. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy, Plush Dog Blanket & Toy offered by Jill Shaeffer in memory of ' Grendal", CH Blackrock's Heavy Hitter NOD. Veteran Sweepstakes - Saturday & Sunday Saturday Judge: Ms. Kris Hayko Sunday Judge: Ms. Sue Brightman VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See Page 10 for rules & breakdown Saturday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Best Veteran, Gift Basket offered by Babs Winicur. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran, Gift Basket offered by Valerie Chase. Sunday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Best Veteran, Cooling MatoHe red by Andrea & Chris Stefanac in memory of "Bat1<ley·, CH L-Sin's Dark Blue Moon, CD, RN, NOD. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran, Cooling Mat offered by Oa'Nl'l Cox, Blackrose Bemese . First through Fourth Class Placements, Microfiber Grooming Towel offered by Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog General Trophy Fund Donors. 52 Wedneday · Breed Prizes Rosettes will be awarded for Best 01 Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best 01 Breed, Best of Winners. Winner.s Dog, WinnelS Birch, Best Bred-by-Exhibitor. All Chris Christensen product trophies offered by Valerie Chase. Best of Breed, Plaque offered by Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America. Chris Christensen Grooming products offered by Valerie Chase. Best of opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Chris Christensen Grooming products. Winners Oog , Chris Christensen Grooming products. Winners Bitch, Chris Christensen Grooming products. Thursday· Breed Prizes Rosettes will be awarded for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Best Bred-by-Exhibilor. All Chn"s Christensen product trophies offered by Valerie Chase. Best of Breed, Plaque offered by Bemese Mountain Dog Club of America. Chris Christensen Grooming products offered by Valerie Chase. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Chris Christensen Grooming products. Winners Dog, Chris Christensen Grooming products. Winners Bitch, Chris Christensen Grooming products. Highest Scoring Qualifying Bernese Mountain Dog in Obedience Trial, Chris Christensen grooming products. Friday· Breed Prizes Rosettes will be awarded for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Select Dog, Select Bitch, WinnelS Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Award of Merit, Best Veteran, Best Bred-by-Exhibitor, Best Owner Handled, Highest Scoring Dog in Obedience, Highest RAE Qualifying Bemese Score in Rally and First Class Placements. Ribbons will be awarded for 2nd-4th placements. Best of Breed, Plaque offered by Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America. Rolling Groomer's Tote offered by Beki Gieseke. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Rolling Duffle Bag offered by Jim & Debbie Reams. Best of Winners, Plaque offered by Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Arnerica. Groomer Go Bag offered by George & Sharon Hasenauer. Grand Select Oog, Paw Print grooming bag offered by Blackwater/Brightwater/Blackrock Bernese. Grand Select Bitch, Paw Print grooming bag offered by BlackwaterIBrlghtwater/Blackrock Bernese. Award of Merit, Green Grooming Bag offered by Maria & Jack Crifasi. Award of Merit, Green Grooming Bag offered by Andrea & Chris Stefanac in memory of "Barkley", CH L-Sin's Darn Blue Moon, CD, AN, NOD. Award of Merit, Green Grooming Bag offered by Joyce Dickhoff in memory of "Moose", CH Witchways Soaring 'Nith Eagles. Award of Merit, Green Grooming Bag offered by Vale rie Chase. Award of Merit, Green Grooming Bag offered by Marisa Schmidhauser. Winners Dog, Nail Grinding Kit offered by Kristen Greenwood. Reserve Winners Oog, Nail Trimmers offered by Ward & Jen Melhuish. Winners Bitch, Nail Grinding Kit offered by Aebecca & Michael Braukus. Reserve Winners Oog , Nail Trimmers offered by Ward & Jen Melhuish. Best Veteran, Dog Bathing Shower head offered by Marisa Schmidhauser. Best Owner Handled, Dog Print Groomer's Apron offered by Dotty FoeUmer. Best Bred-By·Exhibitor, Whelping Supplies offered by Blackwaterl8rightwater/Blackrock Bemese. Obedience Highest Scori ng Bernese Mountain Oog in Obedience Trial , Dog travel Kit offered by Pete Williams, Bill Davis & Valerie Chase. Rally Highest RAE Qualifying Bernese Score in Rally Trial, Slip Leash offered by Valerie Chase. Junior Showmanship Class Placement (Bernese), Dog Brush offered by Potomac Bernese Mountain Dog Club General Trophy Fund Donors. Class Placements, Grooming or stainless steel item offered by Potomac Bemese Mountain Dog Club General Trophy Fund Donors. Ring Favors, offered by Potomac 8emese Mountain Dog Club General Trophy Fund Donors. 53 Saturday - Breed Prizes Rosettes will be awarded for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Select Dog, Select Bitch, WinnelS'Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve WinneIS' Bitch, Award of Merit, Best Veteran, Best Puppy, and First Class Placements. Ribbons will be awarded for 2nd-4th placements. Best of Breed, Plaque olered by Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America . Gift Basket offered by Blackwater Bemese Dawn Cox & Georgeann Reeve. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Gift Basket offered by Susie Friedman. Best of Winners, Plaque offered by Bemese Mountain Oog Club of America. Grand Select Dog, Gift Basket offered by Krislen Greenwood. Grand Select Bitch, Gift Basket offered by Mike & Janice Bann. Awards of Merit, Gift Basket offered by Dee Dee laveran. Awards of Merit, Gift Basket offered by Debbie Reams. Awards of Merit, Gift Basket offered by Valerie Chase. Winners Dog , Gift Basket offered by Sue Van Ocker. Reserve Winners Dog, Gift Basket offered by Nicole & Michele Cullotta. Winners Bitch, Gift Basket offered by Heather Austin. Reserve Winners Bitch, Gift Basket offered by Angela Evans. Best Veteran, Gift Basket offered by Blackwater Bernese, Dawn Cox & Georgeann Reeve. Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran, GiftBasket offered by BlackwaterBernese, Dawn Cox & Georgeann Reeve. Best Puppy, Gift Basket offered by Mason Dixon Be mese Mountain Dog Club. Highest Scoring Qualifying Bernese in Obedience Trial, Gift Basket offered by 4 Paws Training Cenler, Kristen & Robin Greenwood. Highest RAE Qualifying Bernese Rally Trial, Gift Basket offered by Valerie Chase. Class Placements, offered by the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Watchung . Ring Favors, olfered by the Mason Dixon Bernese Mountain Dog Club and Joyce Oickhoff. Sunday - Breed Prizes Rosettes will be awarded for Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Select Dog, Select Bitch, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Award of Merit, Best Veteran, Best Puppy, and First Class Placements. Ribbons will be awarded for 2nd-4th placements. Best ot Breed, Plaque olered by Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America. 3 Piece Shear Kit offered by Bob & Georgeann Reeve in memory of "Roxie", BISS GCH Brightwater's Jest A Wicked Rhyme. Best ot Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Ringside Tote Bag offered by Jim & Debbie Reams. Best of Winners, Plaque offered by Bemese Mountain Oog Club of America. Rolling Cooler offered by Sherry Von Engle. Grand Select Dog , Dog Crate Fan offered by BlackwaterlBrightwater/Blackrose Bernese. Grand Select Bitch, Dog Crate Fan offered by Blackwater/BrightwaterlBlackrose Bernese. Awards of Merit, Hammock Car Seat Cover offered by Andrea & Chris Stefanac in memory of ' Barkley' , CH L-Sin's Dark Blue Moon, CD, RN NDDGC. Awards of Merit, Hammock Car Seat Cover offered by Joyce Dickhoff in memory 01 ' moose", CH Witchways Soaring with Eagles. Awards of Merit, Hammock Car Seat Cover offered by Valerie Chase. Awards of Merit, Hammock Car Seat Cover offered by Marisa Schmidhauser. Awards of Merit, Hammock Car Seat Cover offered by Rebecca & Michael Braukus, Windy Bay BMD. Winners Dog, Paw Print Grooming 8ag offered by Kristen Greenwood. Reserve Winners Dog, Paw Print Grooming Bag offered by Rebecca & Michael 8raukus, Windy Bay BMD. Winners Bitch, Grooming Shears offered by Rebecca & Michael Braukus, Windy Bay 8MD. Reserve Winners Bitch, Gift Basket offered by Ward & Jen Melhuish. Best Veteran , Hammock Car Seat Cover offered by Marisa Schmidhauser. Best Puppy, Plush Toy & Puppy Bed offered by Joyce Oickhoff. Junior Showmanship Class Placements (Bernese), Grooming Item offered by Potomac Valley Bemese Mountain Dog General Trophy Fund Donors. Class Placements, Grooming or Stainless items offered by the Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club General Troophy Fund Donors. Ring Favors, Grooming or Stainless Items offered by the Potomac Valley Bernese Mountain Dog Club General Trophy Fund Donors. Thanks to all our donors for supporting this specialtyl 54 Potomac Valley would also li ke tothankthefo llowing General Trophy Fund Donors for theirgenerous support! Elinor Abrell Norb & Sandy Novocin, Santera Kennels Dave & Jan Burgan Scott & Barbara Merritt Arnold Burr Mary McKnight Bob & Georgeann Reeve Alexis Smith Susan Trivers Carmelita While Andrea & Chris Stefanac, In memory of Chance, Santera Shot in the Dark, CO, NOD, RN BMDCA VERSATILITY SHOWCASE SPECIAL ATTRACTION SATURDAY EVENING Judge - Kris Hayko The Mason Dixon Bemese Mountain Dog Club hosts this special event featuring Bemese Mountain Dogs that have demonstrated both conformation excel!ence and working ability, including draft work and been awarded this litle by the BMDCA. For information on the BMDCA Versatility titles to to '.WIW.bmdca.org Entry CANNOT be made t hrough Rau Dog Shows on an AKC Entry Form. This event will start 1/2 hour after the conclusion of Best in Show. Classes : Versatility Versatility Versatility Versatility Dog under 7 yr; Versatility Dog over 7 yrs. Bitch under 7 yr; Versatility Bitch over 7 yrs. Excellent Dog under 7 yr; Versatility Excellent Dog over 7 yrs. Excellent Bitch under 7 yr; Versatility Excellent Bitch over 7 yrs. Trophies Best in Versatility, Rosette and a gift basket from Dawn Cox. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Versatility, Rosette and a gift basket from Dawn Cox. First through Fourth Place in Each Class, Rosette and Ring Favors. Entry Information - Entries c lose Wednesday, March 2, 2016 Send check for $15 made payable to MDBMDC, and printed or typed information for the entry to include owner's name and address, phone number and email address, the dog's full name, including titles, Dog's AKC numbe r and Berner Garde number for verification of the BMDCA Versatility Title . The catag will be produced from the Berner Garde website so make sure all your information on the site is correct, including breeders and dog's parents. Mail above to the Versatility Secretary: Babs Winicur, 832 Spruce Avenue, West Chester, PA 19382 BOXER THE EASTERN BOXER CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE BOXER CLASSES AT THE SATURDAY & SUNDAY SHOWS AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOWS Officers of the Eastern Boxer Club Tony Louwerse President. Nancy Wilson Vice President ...... . . . . .. . .. Trish Alexander Treasurer. Carey Stevens Recording Secretary Samantha Hickernell Corresponding Secretary . 281 S. Sheridan Road, Newmanstown, PA 17073 (717) 5074459 [email protected] Mary Louwerse Board of Directors Marianne Welsh Dan Stevens SWEEPSTAKES - SATURDAY Judge: Jeannie Hoffman PUPPY SWE EPSTAKES RULES: - See Page 9 for rules & breakdown Sweepstakes prizes donated by Tony & Mary Louwerse. Best in Sweepstakes, Folding Chair. Best Senior in Sweepstakes, Crate Blanket. Best Junior in Sweepstakes, Crate Blanket. All Sweepstakes Classes, First through Fourth, Dog Toy. 55 Bruce Santoferraro VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES - SATURDAY Judge : Jeann~ HoffR\an VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES: · See Page 10 for rules & breakdown Sweepstakes prizes donated by T. M. Louw-erse. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Folding Chair. All Veteran Sweepstakes Classes, First through Fourth, Dog Toy. SWEEPSTAKES - SUNDAY Judge: Dennis Vom Hoffman PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES RULES: - See Page 9 for rules & breakdown Sweepstakes prizes donated by Tony & Mary Louwerse. Best in Sweepstakes, Dog Bed. Best Senior in Sweepstakes, Slip Lead. Best Junior in Sweepstakes, Slip l ead. All Sweepstakes Classes, Firsllhrough Fourth, Dog Toy. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES - SUNDAY Judge: Dennis Vom Hoflman VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES: • See Page 10 lor rules & breakdown Sweepstakes prizes donated by T. M. Louwerse. Best In Veteran Sweepstakes, Dog Bed . All Veteran Sweepstakes Classes, First through Fourth, Dog Toy. Breed Prizes - SATURDAY All trophies donated by Eastern Boxer Club through the generosity of its member and donor unless otherwise indicated. Best of Breed, S P Plated Bowl 'Nith ESC l ogo offered by Tony & Mary louwerse. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Boxer Cutting Board offered by Nancy Wilson. Best of Winners, Boxer Cutting Board offered by Carey & Dan Stevens. American Boxer Club Plaque offered by ABC, Inc. Winners Dog, Mosaic Flower Pot 'Nith Boxer Head offered by Trish Alexander in Memory of "Ayan' . Winners Bitch, Mosaic Flower Pot wi th Boxer Head offered by Bruce & Terry Santoferraro in Memory of "Lena' . Reserve Winners Dog, Stainless Steel Treat Jar. Reserve Winners Bitch. Stainless Steel Treat Jar. Setect Oog, Stainless Steel Treat Jar offered by Jennifer Gruneberg. Select Bitch. Stainless Steel Treat Jar offered by Jennifer Gruneberg . Best Veteran, Stainless Steel Treat Jar offered by Samantha & l ynn Hickemell. First through Fourth Place in all classes, Dog Toys. Breed Prizes - Sunday All trophies donated by the Eastern Boxer Club through the generosity of its members and donors unless otherwise indicated. Best of Breed. Basket of Grooming Products offered by Tony & Mary louwerse. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Mosaic Flower Pot 'Nith Boxer Head. Best of Winners. Mosaic Flower Pol with Boxer Head offered by Tracy Patmen. ABC Plaque offered by ABC. Winners Oog , Grooming Apron with EBC logo offered by Mike & Bonnie Citron. Winners Bitch, Grooming Apron with EBC logo offered by Rosemary RighI. Reserve Winners Oog , Stainless Steel Dog Food Scoop. Reserve Winners Bitch, Stainless Steel Dog Food Scoop. Select Oog, Stainless Steet Dog Food Scoop. Select Bitch, Stainless Steel Dog Food Scoop. Best Veteran, Stainless Steel Dog Food Scoop offered by Micah Watkins. First through Fourth in Each Class. Dog Toy. BULLMASTIFF THE DELAWARE VALLEY BULLMASTIFF CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE BULLMASTIFF CLASSES AT THE SATURDAY SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW AND SUPPORT THE ENTRY ON FRIDAY & SUNDAY President . . ....... . . Vice President . Officers of the Delaware Valley Bullmastiff Club . . .. .. ... .. .. . ..... Rebecca Fulton, DVM . . Carolyn Kurnit 56 . . John Little Linda Cejner Treasurer. Secretary . 626 Monmouth Road, Wrightstown, NJ 08562 Show Chairman Linda Gejner BOARD OF DIRECTORS Mary Hellmers Stacy Marino Joe Malano SWEEPSTAKES - SATURDAY ONLY Judge: Lynn Spohr SWEEPSTAKES RULES : • See Page 9 for rules & breakdown Puppy Sweepstakes Prizes All trophies will be Wilton Armetale Pieces with DVBC Logo offered by Delaware Valley Bul/mastiff Club unless otherwise specified. Best Puppy In Sweepstakes Best of Opposite Sex to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes 6-9 Month Puppy Dog 9-12 Month Puppy Dog 12-15 Month Dog 15-18 Month Dog 6-9 Month Puppy Bitch 9-12 Month Puppy Bitch 12-15 Month Bitch 15-18 Month Bitch Veteran Sweepstakes - Saturday Only Judge: Lynn Spohr VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES · 6-7; 7-8; 8-9; 9 years & older. Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes All trophies will be Wilton Armetale Pieces with DVBC Logoofferedby Delaware Val/ey Bul/mastiff Club unless otherwise specified. 6-7 Veteran Dog 7-8 Veteran Dog 8-9 Veteran Dog 9 years & Older Dog 6-7 Veteran Bitch 7-8 Veteran Bitch 8-9 Veteran Bitch 9 years & Older Bitch Best Veteran Dog in Sweepstakes Best Veteran Bitch In Sweepstakes Breed Trophies Friday The Delaware Valley Bul/mastiff Club offers the fol/owing: Best of Breed, Etched copper bullmastiff artwork. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Etched copper bulimastiH artwork. Winner s Dog, Etched copper bulirnastiH artwork. Winners Bitch, Etched copper bulimastiH artwork. Saturday Specialty Prizes All Trophies be Wilton Armetale Pieces with DVBC Logo. Best of Breed, THE MARLEY MEMORIAL TROPHY, Footed Revere Bowl Trophy with OVBC logo offered by Linda Cejner through the Delaware Valley Bullmastiff Club. in memory of CH Oldebryck BdeviJd by Ivstone , for competition at its Specialty Show for any brindle bullmastiff that is chosen Best of Breed . This trophy 'Hill be won outright on the day of judging. Best Owner Handled Best of Breed wi" 57 Setect Dog Setect Bitch Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed Best of Winners Winners Dog Winners Bitch Reserve Winners Dog Reserve Winners Bitch 6-9 Dog Class 9-12 Dog Class 12-15 Dog Class 15-18 Dog Class Novice Oog Class Amateur-Owner-Handled Oog Class Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Class American-Bred Dog Class Open Brindle Dog Class Open AOC Dog Class 6-9 Bitch Class 9-12 Bitch Class 12-15 Bitch Class 15-18 Bitc h Class Novice Bitch Class Amateur-Owner-Handled Bitch Class Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Class American-Bred Bitch Class Open Brindle Bitch Class Open AOC Bitch Class Special Classes 6-8 yrs Veteran Dog Class 8-10 yrs Veteran Oog Class 10+ yrs Veteran Dog Class 6-8 yrs Veteran Bitch Class 8-10 yrs Veteran Bitch Class 10+ yrs Veteran Bitch Class Best Veteran Best Puppy Awards of Merit, An ' Award of Merit' Medallion wi!! be given to up to 5 Bullmastiffs (Not to include Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog or Winners Bitch) in the final cut, that, in the judges opinion best exemplify outstanding breed characteristics. Maximum number of award of merits shall be limited to 10% of the total entry in Best of Breed. Sunday The Delaware Val/ey Bul/mastiff Club offers the foflowing: Best of Breed, Hand Painted Bullmastiff Glassware. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Hand Painted Bullmastiff Glassware. Winners Dog , Hand Painted Bullmastiff Glassware. Winners Bitch, Hand Painted Bullmastiff Glassware. NEWFOUNDLANDS THE NEWFOUNDLAND CLUB OF AMERICA,INC. WILL CONSIDER THE CLASSES OF NEWFOUNDLANDS ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY AS ITS REGIOINAL SPECIALTY SHOWS Officers of the Newfoundland Club of America, Inc. Pam Saunders President . First Vice President John Cornell Second Vice President .. . .. Lynne Anderson Powell . .. ..... . Mary L Price Treasurer . Steve Britton Recording Secretary Pam Rubio Corresponding Secretary . 8955 Burche!! Road, Gilroy, CA 95020 58 AKC Delegate Marylou Cuddy David Helming Roger Frey BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sue Marino Steve McAdams Pat Randall Donna Thibault SWEEPSTAKES Saturday Judge: Joanne Thibault Sunday Judge: Jessica Thibault Sweepstakes Rules - See Page 9 for rules and breakdowns. Sweepstakes Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the Club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: First - 40010 Second - 300/0 Third - 20% Fourth - 10010 Sweepstakes Prizes Through the generosity of its membership, the following trophies aroffered by the NewPenDeI Newfoundland Club unless otherwise specified. Saturday Best in Sweepstakes, Quilted Wall Hanging. Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Sweepstakes, Quilled Wall Hanging. Sunday Best in Sweepstakes, Quilled Wall Hanging. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes, Quilted Wall Hanging . Veteran Sweepstakes Saturday Judge: Joanne Thibault Sunday Judge: Jessica Thibault Veteran Sweepstakes - See Page 10 for rules and breakdowns. Veteran Sweepstakes Prize Money After 35% has been deducted by the Club for expenses, the remainder will be divided as follows: First - 40% Second - 30% Third - 20% Fourth - 10% Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Saturday Best Veteran Dog in Sweepstakes, Quilted Wall Hanging. Best Veteran Bitch in Sweepstakes, Quilled Wall Hanging. Sunday Best Veteran Dog in Sweepstakes, Quilted Wall Hanging. Best Veteran Bitch in Sweepstakes, Quilted Wall Hanging. Breed Prizes SATURDAY Through the generosity of its membership, the following trophies are offered by the NewPenDeI Newfoundland Club unless otherwise specified. Best of Breed, Show Lead. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Show Lead. Best of Winners, Show Lead. Select Dog & Select Bitch, Show l ead & Rosette. Winners Dog & Winners Bitch, Show Lead. Reserve Winners Dog & Reserve Winners Bitch, Show Lead & Rosette. Dog and Bitch Classes, Fi rst in Each Class, Rosette. All trophies are Sew Newf quilted items unless otherwise described. 6-9 mos, Quilted Place Mats. 9-12 mos, Quilted Place Mats. 12-15 mos, Quilted Place Mats. 15-18 mos, Quilled Place Mats. Novice, Quilted Place Mats. Bred-by-Exhibitor, Quilted Place Mats. Amateur-Owner-Handted, Quilted Place Mats. 59 American-bred, Quilted Place Mats. Open, Quilted Place Mats. Open Other Than Black, Quilled Place Mats. Veterans, Quilted Place Mats. Awards of Merit, (4) Show Leads & Rosette. Awards of Merit - Awards of Merit shall be offered at regional specialties based on the number of dogs competing for Best of Breed. This award has a title distinct from the designation ·Select" vmich should be reserved for use at National Specialties only. All such special recognition awards will be presented at the judge's discretion irrespec tive of the sex of the dogs entered. Such awards will be distributed based upon the following formula: Number of Dogs competiting iN BOB Number of Awards 0-6 o 7-10 up to 1 11-16 up to 2 17-23 upt03 24·30 upto4 31·36 up to 5 37 or more up to 6 SUNDAY Through the generosity of its membership. the follo wing trophies ar offered by the NewPenDel Newfoundland Club unless otherwise specified. Best of Breed, Show Lead. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Show Lead. Best of Winners, Show Lead. Select Dog & Select Bitch, Show Lead & Rosette. Winners Dog & Winners Bitch, Show Lead. Reserve Winners Dog & Reserve Winners Bitch, Show Lead & Rosette. Dog and Bitch Classes, First in Each Class, Rosette. All trophies are Sew Newf quilted items unless otherwise described. 6-9 mos, Quilted Pot Holders and Coasters. 9-12 mos, Quilted Pot Holders and Coasters. 12-15 mos, Quilled Pot Holders and Coasters. 15-18 mos, Quilted Pot Holders and Coasters. Novice, Quilted Pot Holders and Coasters. Br ed-by-Exhibitor, Q ui1led Pot Holders and Coasters. Amateur-Owner-Handled, Quilted Pot Holders and Coasters. American-bred, Quilted Pot Holders and Coasters. Open, Quilted Pot Holders and Coasters. Open Other Than Black, Quilted Pot Holders and Coasters. Veterans, Qui lted Pot Holders and Coasters. Awards of Merit - (4) Awards of Merit shall be offered at regional speCialties based on the number of dogs competing for Best of Breed. This award has a title distinct from the designation · Select" which should be reserved for use at National Specialties only. All such special recognition awards will be presented at the judge's discretion irrespective of the sex of the dogs entered . Rosette. Such awards will be distributed based upon the following formula : Number of Dogs competiting iN BOB 0-6 7-10 11-16 17-23 24-30 31 -36 37 or more Number of Awards o up up up up up up SAINT BERNARD THE MIDDLE ATlANTIC SAINT BERNARD CLUB INC. WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF SAINT BERNARDS AT THE FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SHOWS WITH SWEEPSTAKES ON SATURDAY 60 to 1 to 2 to 3 t04 to 5 to 6 SATURDAY SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Andrew Ritter SWEEPSTAKES RULES: - See Page 9 for rules & breakdown Friday Breed Prizes Best of Breed, Treat Package made by Miss Lucy's Dog Bakery. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed , Treat Package made by Miss Lucy's Dog Bakery. Winners Dog, Treat Package made by Miss Lucy's Dog Bakery. Winners Bitch, Treat Package made by Miss Lucy's Dog Bakery. Saturday Breed Prizes Best of Breed, Glassware with Saint Bernard Motif. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Glassware with Saint Bernard Motif. Winners Dog, Glassware with Saint Bernard Motif. Winners Bitch, Glassware with Saint Bernard Motif. Sunday Breed Prizes Best of Breed, Coffee Mug with Saint Bernard Motif. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Coffee Mug with Saint Bernard Motif. Winners Dog, Coffee Mug with Saint Bernard Motif. Winners Bitch, Coffee Mug with Saint Bernard Motif. SAMOYED THE A NTIETAM CREEK SAMOYED CLUB WILL CONSIDER THE SAMOYED CLASSES AT THE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SHOWS AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOWS Officers of the Antietam Creek Samoyed Club Judy Kovitch Neal Henderson . . Janice Hovelrnann Kathy Ronald President. Vice President . Treasurer . Secretary . 10308 Church Hill Road. Myersville , MD 21773-9028 Richard Hovelmann Board of Directors John Kovitch Christine Leininger SATURDAY SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Sandra Novocin SWEEPSTAKES RULES: - See Page 9 for rules & breakdown Saturday Sweepstakes Prizes Unless otherwise noted trophies are offered by members of the Antietam Creek Samoyed Club. Best in Sweepstakes, Handmade Satin Sash designed & offered by Jill Crisp. Large Handmade Pottery Pitcher with ACSC Log. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes, Medium Handmade Pottery Pitcher with ACSC Logo. First in Each Class: Handmade pottery mug with ACSS Logo. 6-9 month Puppy Bitch Class, offered by Bob & Tina Leininger, Whytewynd Samoyeds. SATURDAY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Sandra Novocin SWEEPSTAKES RULES: - 7-9; 9-11; 11+ yrs - See Page 10 for rules & breakdown Saturday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Unless otherwise noted trophies are offered by members of the Antietam Creek Samoyed Club. Best Veteran in Sweepstakes, Handmade Satin Sash designed & offered by Jill Crisp. Large Handmade Pottery Pitcher with ACSC Logo. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Medium Handmade Pottery Pitcher with ACSC Logo. First in Each Class: Handmade Pottery Mug with ACSC Logo. 11 years & Older Dogs, offered by Roberta Custhall, Poltergiesfs Talisman NA NAJ RN. 61 SUNDAY SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Carmen Skinner SWEEPSTAKES RULES: • See Page 9 for rules & breakdown Sunday Sweepstakes Prizes Unless otherwise noted trophies are offered by members of the Antietam Creek Samoyed Ctub. Best in Sweepstakes, Handmade Satin Sash designed & offered by Jill Crisp. Large Handmade Pottery Pitcher with ACSC Logo. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes, Medium Handmade Pottery Pitcher with ACSC logo. Fir st in Each Class: Handmade ponelY mug with ACSC logo. 6-9 Month Puppy Bitch, offered by Patti Rasmussen. SUNDAY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Carmen Skinner SWEEPSTAKES RULES:· 7-9; 9- 11; 11+ yrs - See Page 10 for rules & breakdo'M1 Sunday Veteran Sweepsta kes Prizes Unless otherwise noted trophies are offered by members of the Antietam Creek Samoyed Club. Best Veteran in Sweepstakes, Handmade Sash designed & offered by Jill Crisp. Large Handmade Pottery Pitcher with ACSC logo. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Medium Handmade Pottery Pilcher with ACSC Logo. First in Each Class: Handmade Pottery Mug with ACSC Logo. Saturday Breed Prizes Unless otherwise noted trophies are offered by members of the Antietam Creek Samoyed Club. Best of Breed, Handmade Satin Sash designed & offered by Jill Crisp. Antique 'NOOden bowl with hand painted Samoyed motif offered by Matt South. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Handmade Satin Sash designed & offered by Jill Crisp. Antique 'NOOden bowl with hand painted Samoyed motif. Best of Winners, Handmade Satin Sash designed & offered by Jill Crisp. Antique wooden bowl with hand painted Samoyed motif. Wi nners Oog , Antique wooden bowl with hand painted Samoyed motif. Reserve Winners Dog , Antique wooden bowl with hand painted Samoyed motif. Winners Bitc h, Antique wooden bowl with hand painted Samoyed motif. Reserve Winners Dog, Antique wooden bowl with hand painted Samoyed motif. Reserve Winners Bitch, Antique lNOOden bowl with hand painted Samoyed motif. Select Dog , Antique wooden paddle with hand painted Samoyed motif. Select Bitch, Antique wooden scoop with hand painted Samoyed motif. First In Each Regular & Non-Regular Class, Antique rolling pin with hand painted Samoyed motif. Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Class, First, offered by Ma ry & Jim Augustus, White Eagle Samoyeds. Rosettes offered for the following: Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Bree d, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch, Awards of Merit, Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Puppy in Sweepstakes, Best Vete ran in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran in Sweepstakes and First Place in Each Regular Class. NOTE: Veteran age classification for Regular Classes is 7-9; 9-11 and 11+ yrs. Sunday Breed Prizes Unless otherwise noted trophies are offered by members of the Antietam Creek S8moyed Club. Best of Breed, The SeacJog Samoyed Challenge Trophy: Ha nd painted Russian Samovar, offered by John & Kathy R0n8ld through the Antietam Creek Samoyed Club for competition at its Sunday Spring Specialty show. For permanent possession it must be won three times by the same owner, but not neccessari/y with the same dog nor at consecutive shows. The name of the winning dog will be engraved on a plaque on the trophy. Possession of the trophy to remain with the Antietam Creek Samoyed Club until it is retired. In addition, /he winner will receive a 6 " X 9 " etched glass trophy with Samoyed motif as a remembrance of the accomplishment. Best of Breed, Handmade Satin Sash designed & offered by Jill Crisp. Large wooden Antique tray with hand painted Samoyed motif. 62 Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, The Seadog Samoyed Challenge Trophy: Hand painted Russian Tray, offered by John & Kathy Ronald through the Antietam Creek Samoyed Club for competition at its Sunday Spring Specialty show. For permanent possession it must be won three times by the same owner, but not neccessarily with the same dog nor at consecutive shows. The name of the winning dog will be engraved on a plaque on the trophy. Possession of the trophy to remain with the Antietam Creek Samoyed Club untit it is retired. In addition, the winner will receive a S"X?" etched glass trophy with Samoyed motif as a remembrance of the accomplishment. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Handmade Salin Sash designed & offered by Jill Crisp. Large wooden antique bowl with hand painted Samoyed motif offered by Or. John & Judy Kovilch, Danica Samoyeds. Best of Winners, Handmade Satin Sash designed & offered by Jill Crisp. Large Wooden antique plale with Hand painted Samoyed motif offered by Janice & Rich Hovelmann, Sanorka Samoyeds. Unless otherwise noted trophies are donated by the members of the Anlieam Creek Samoyed Club. Select Dog, Anique wooden paddle hand painted with Samoyed motif. Select Bitch, Anique wooden paddle hand painted with Samoyed motif. Winners Dog, Antique wooden bowl hand painted with Samoyed motif. Reserve Winners Dog, Antique wooden bowl hand painted with Samoyed motif. Winners Bitch, Antique wooden bowl hand painted with Samoyed motif. Reserve Winners Bitch, Antique wooden bowl hand painted with Samoyed motif. First in Each Regular & Non-Regular Class, Antique rolling pain hand painted wi th Samoyed motif. Rosettes offered for the following : Best of Breed. Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Winners Dog. Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Bitch, Select Dog, Select Bitch. Awards of Merit, Best Puppy in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Puppy in Sweepstakes, Best Veleran in Sweepstakes, Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran in Sweepstakes and First Place in Each Regular Class. NOTE: Veteran age classification for Regular Classes is 7-9: 9-11 and 11 + yrs. SIBERIAN HUSKY THE SIBERIAN HUSKY CLUB OF OELAWARE VALLEY WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF SIBERIAN HUSKY AT THE SATURDAY AND SUNOAY SHOWS Saturday - Breed Trophies Best of Breed, Tote Bag & Soft Toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Cooler Bag & Soft Toy. Best of Win ners, Cooler Bag & Soft Toy. Winners Dog. S.S. Bucket & Bucket Clip & Soft Toy. Winners Bitch, S.S. Bucket & Bucket Clip & Soft Toy. Reserve Winners Oog , Soft Toy. Reserve Winners Bitch, Soft Toy. Select Oog , Soft Toy. Select Bitch, Soft Toy. Bucket Clips are offered by the Kanzlers, Innisfree Kennel s, Reg. The Siberian Husky Club of Delaware Valley reserves the right to substitute any trophy wi th another trophy of equal value. Sunday - Breed Trophies Best of Breed, Treat Jar & Soft toy. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, S.S. Bowl & Soft Toy. Best of Winners, 5 .5. Bowt & Soft Toy. Winners Oog , S.S. Bucket & Bucket aip & Soft Toy. Winners Bitch , S.S. Bucket & Bucket Clip & Soft Toy. Reserve Winners Dog, Soft Toy. Reserve Winners Bitch, Soft Toy. Select Dog, Soft Toy. Select Bitch, Soli Toy. Bucket Clips are altered by the Kanzlers, Innisfree Kennels, Reg. The Siberian Husky Club of Delaware Valley reserves the right to substitute any trophy with another trophy of equal value. 63 TERRIER BREEDS MANCHESTER TERRIER (STANDARD) THE AMERICAN MANCHESTER TERRIER CLUB DISTRICT 3 WILL CONSIDER THE CLASSES OF MANCHESTER TERRIER (STANDARD) AT THE SATURDAY SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW AND SUPPORT THE ENTRY ON SUNDAY Officers of the American Manchester Terrier Club District 3 Jeremy McClister President . " ' ' ' ' " . Usa Nonog First Vrce President Roberta Berman . . . . . . . . .•. Second Vice President Dianna Texter Treasurer . . . . Kathy Nissen Secretary . , , .... • . . . ... ... .. .... . . ... ... ... . . Roberta Berman AKC Delegate ....... . . PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Saturday Judge: Ms. JoAnne M. Buehler SWEEPSTAKES RULES: - 6-9; 9- 12; 12·18 months · See page 9 for breakdown and rules Saturday Puppy Sweepstakes Prizes Afl prizes sponsored by the A merican Manchester Terrier Club Dis trict 3 unless otherwise specified. Best Standard in Puppy Sweepstakes, Premier Treal Dispensing Waggle Toy, Grand Puppy Sweepstakes, Waler Bucket filied wi th Treats and Toys offered by Michelle Bartak, Maximal Manchesters. First Place in all Puppy Sweepstakes Classes, Squeeze Meeze Latex Toy. Veteran Sweepstakes Saturday Judge: Ms. JoAnne M. Buehler VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES· 7·10; 10+ yrs - See Pager 10 for breakdown and rules All prizes sponsored by the American Manchester Terrier Club District 3 unless otherwise specified. Best Standard in Veleran Sweepstakes, 21" Thinnies Squeak Toy. Grand Veteran Sweepstakes, Water Bucket filled with Treats and Toys offered by Michelle Bartak, Maximal Manchesters. First Place in each Veteran Sweepstakes Classes, Squeeze Meeze Toy. Breed Prizes Saturday All prizes sponsored by the American Manchester Terrier Club District 3 unless otherwise noted. Best of Variety, Etched Glass Centerpiece Bowl offered by Regina R. Allen DVM , The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety, Manchester Terrier Decorative Plate offered by Regina R. Allen DVM, The Good Shephe rd Dog Training . Best of Winners, Paw Pri nt Design Bella Bowl offered by Regina R. Allen DVM , The Good Shephe rd Dog Training. Winners Dog, Squeaky Farm Friends Toy. Winners Bitch, Squeaky Farm Friends Toy. Reserve Winners Dog , 21" Thinnie Tug Toy. Reserve Winners Bitch, 21 " Thinnie Tug Toy. First Place in Each Regular Class, Small Bag of Dog Treates offered by Regina A. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Obedience Highest Scoring Manchester Terrier {either Variety} in the Regular or Optional Titling Classes in Obedience Trial, $ 10.00 J & J Dog Supplies Gift Certificate. All Obedience Manchester Terrier Participants, Plush Dog Toy offered by Regina A. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Rally All Rally Manchester Terrier Participants, Plush Dog Toy offe red by Reg ina A. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training. 64 Junior Showmanship Highest Placing Junior handling a Manchester Terrier (Either Variety), Outward Hound Treat 'Ball Bag with tennis ball and dicker offered by Regina A. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training. SUNDAY Trophies All prizes sponsored by the American Manchester Terrier Club District 3 unless otherwise noted. Best of Variety, l arge etched Glass Cookie Jar offered by Michelle Bar1ak, Maximal Manchesters. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety, Collapsible Travel Water Bowl offered by Regina A. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Best of Winners, JW ProTen Tennis Toy offered by Regina R. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Winners Dog, 2' " Thinnies Tug Toy. Winners Bitch , 2" Thinnies Tug Toy. Reserve Winners Dog, Kong Squeaker Tennis Ball offe red by Regina A. Allen DVM, The Good Shephe rd Dog Training . Reserve Winners Bitch, Kong Squeaker Tennis Ball offered by Regina R. Allen DVM, The Good Shephe rd Dog Training. TOY BREEDS ITALIAN GREYHOUND THE MID ATLANTIC ITALIAN GREYHOUND CLUB OF CENTRAL MARYLAND WILL CONSIDER THE ITALIAN GREYHOUND CLASSES AT THE FRIDAY SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW AND SUPPORT THE ENTRY ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Officers of the Mid Atlantic halian Greyhound Club of Central Maryland Celeste Mulcrone President. . .. . libby Oliver Vice President . Marsha Pugh Treasurer .. Jeffrey Gemert Corresponding Secretary . 1736 Willard Street #201, Washington, DC 20009 Immediate Past President ............. libby Oliver Board Secretary ...... Janet Brake Patti Aston Specialty Chairperson Sue Nelson [email protected] Board of Directors Jennifer lawson Sue Nelson Joan Cooper Pam Parent Show Committee Assistant Specialty Chairperson Marsha Pugh mmpug h@crosslink. net Information Chari person Janet Brake j.brake [email protected] PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Friday Judge : Mr. Tom Nuss SWEEPSTAKES RULES: • See page 9 for rules and breakdowns. Friday Puppy Sweepstakes Prizes Best in Sweepstakes, Blanket with IG Design offered by Alicia, AI and Donna Reed in memory of CH Marchwincl Highland Piper CGC, TDI "Duncan". Greyhound Holiday StOCking. Best of Opposite Sex to Best In Sweepstakes, Greyhound Holiday Stocking. First through Fourth in Each Puppy Sweepstakes Class, Stuffed Toy offered by Mid·Atlantic IG Club of Central Maryland. Veteran Sweepstakes Friday Judge: Mr. Tom Nuss VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See page 10 for rules and breakdowns. Friday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Blanket with IG design offered by Alicia , AI and Donna Reed in memory 01 CH Marchwind Highland Piper CGC, TOI "Duncan". Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Crate Pad. First in all Veteran Sweepstakes Classes, Crate Blanket. 65 Breed Trophies Wednesday Trophies Best of Breed, IG Theme pillow. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Martingale Lead . Best of Winners, Crate Blanket. Winners Dog, Crate Pad. Winners Bitch, Crate Pad. Reserve Winners Dog, Toy. Reserve Winners Bitch, Toy. Select Dog , Rosette. Select Bitch, Rosette. First in all Regular Classes, Logo Key Ring offered by Mid Atlantic IG Club of Central Maryland. Obedience High Scoring Italian Greyhound in Trial, Crate Pad. Aliitatian Greyhound participants with Qualifying Scores, Toy. Rally All Qualifying Italian Greyhound in Rally, Crate Blanket . Thursday Trophies Best of Breed, IG Theme pillow. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Martingale Lead . Best of Winners, Crate Pad. Winners Oog , Crate Blanket. Winners Bitch , Crate Blanket. Reserve Winners Dog, Toy. Reserve Winners Bitch, Toy. Select Dog, Rosette. Select Bitch, Rosette. First in all Regular Classes, Logo Key Ring offered by Mid Atlantic IG Club of Central Maryland. Obedience High Scoring Italian Greyhound in Trial, Crate Pad. All Italian Greyhound participants with Qualifying Scores, Toy. Rally All Qualifying Italian Greyhound in Rally, Crate Blanket. Friday Specialty Trophies Best of Breed, IG Cuddle kit; Pillow, throw, crate blanket, sighthound coffee mug offered by Janet & Leanora Brake. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Sighthound coffee mug. Best of Winners, Crate Blanket. Winners Dog, Crate Pad . Winners Bitch, Crate Pad. Reserve Winners Oog, Toy. Reserve Winners Bitch, Toy. Select Dog , Rosette. Select Bitch, Rosette. Award of Merit, Rosette. (2) First in all Regular Classes, Martingale Lead offe red by Pat Triandos, Blue Spring Kennel. Obedience High Scoring Italian Greyhound in Trial, Crate Pad. All Italian Greyhound participants with Qualifying Scores, Toy. Rally All IG participants with Qualifying Scores, Crate Blanket. 66 The Mid Atlantic Italian Greyhound Club of Central Maryland thanks our trophy donors Janet Brake Eleanoria Brake Sue Nelson-Suez IGs Marsha Pugh - Moonglow IGs Joan Cooper-Italian Greyound Productions Pat Johnson-Foxtrace IGs Celeste Mulcrone-Celeste IGs Pam Parent-Sansprite IGs Pat Triandos-Blue Spring Kennels ITAUAN GREYHOUND THE EMPIRE ITAUAN GREYHOUND CLUB Will CONSIDER THE ITALIAN GREYHOUND CLASSES AT THE SATURDAY SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW AND SUPPORT THE ENTRY ON SUNDAY Officers of the Empire Italian Greyhound Club . .... Carol Smith Elissa Dominici Karen Muller Jessica Hekl President . Vice President . Treasurer . Secretary . . 512 Oak Tree Road , Palisades, NY 10964 Dalena Franklin Mary Hughes Board of Directors Sheslea James Cindy LaRue Stelios Viennas Show Chairman Pat Klinger PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Saturday Judge: Nancy Bodine SWEEPSTAKES RULES: - See page 9 for rules and breakdowns. Professional Handlers are NOT allowed to show dogs in Sweepstakes, unless are listed as an owner or coowner of the dog being shown in Sweepstakes. Saturday Puppy Sweepstakes Prizes Best in Sweepstakes, Blanket with IG Design offered by Alicia, AI and Donna Reed in memory of CH Marchwind Highland Piper CGC , TDI "Duncan". Veteran Sweepstakes Saturday Judge: Nancy Bodine VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See page 10 for rules and breakdowns. Saturday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Blanket with IG design offered by Alicia, AI and Donna Reed in memory of CH Marchwind Highland Piper CGC, TDI "Duncan' . Saturday Trophies Best of Breed, Breed themed figurine offered by Donna Fagan. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Breed themed figurine offered by Mary Hughes, Aura IGs. Best of Winners, Breed themed figurine offered by Cese Resnick, Fiore Italian Greyhounds. Award of Merit, Tm Rosettes - at the judge's discretion. Select Dog, Rosette. Select Bitch. Rosette. Sunday Trophtes Best of Breed, Collar offered by Carol Smith, Honore "IG's". Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Collar offered by Carol Smith, Honore "IG's". Best of Winners, Collar offered by Carol Smilh, Honore "IG's·. Select Dog. Rosette. Select bitch, Rosette. MANCHESTER TERRIER (TOy) TIlE AMERICAN MANCHESTER TERRIER CLUB DISTRICT 3 WilL CONSIDER THE CLASSES OF MANCHESTER TERRIER (TOY) AT TIlE SATURDAY SHOW AS ITS SPECIALTY SHOW AND SUPPORT THE ENTRY ON SUNDAY 67 Officers of t he American Manchester Terrier Club District 3 President . First Vice President Second Vice President Treasurer . . .........•. Secretary .. . ...... .. .... ..... ............ . . . AKC Delegate Jeremy McClister Lisa Nonog Roberta Berman Dianna Texter . Kathy Nissen Robe/1a Berman PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Saturday Judge: Ms. JoAnne M. Buehler SWEEPSTAKES RULES:· 6·9; 9-12; 12·18 mos· See Page 9 for breakdown a nd rules. Saturday Puppy Sweepstakes Prizes Afl prizes sponsored by the Amen'can Manchester Terrier Club Dis trict 3 unless otherwise specified. Best Toy In Puppy Sweepstakes, Dingo Dental Sticks 10· Pack. Grand Puppy Sweepstakes, Water Bucket filled with Treats and Toys offered by Michelle Barlak, Maximal Manchesters. First Place winners in Puppy Sweepstakes Classes. Small Premier Tennis Tail Toy. Veteran Sweepstakes Saturday Judge : Ms. JoAnne M. Buehler VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES - 7-10; 10+ yrs · See Page 10 for breakdown and rules All prizes sponsored by the American Manchester Terrier Club District 3 unless otherwise specified. Best Toy in Veteran Sweepstakes, Wooden Bone Shaped Leash Holder offered by Regina A. Allen DVM , The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Grand Veteran Sweepstakes , Water Bucket filled with Treats and Toys offered by Michelle Banak. Maximal Manchesters. First Place winners in Veteran Sweepstakes Classes, Small Premier Tennis Tail Toy. Breed Pr izes Saturday All prizes sponsored by the American Manchester Terrier Club District 3 unless otherwise noted. Best of Vartety, Glass S"xr Picture Frame offered by Regina A. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Best of OpPOSite Sex to Best o f Variety, Small Etched Glass Cookie Jaroffered by Michelle Banak, Maximal Manchesters. Best of Winners, Cera mic Dog Dish offered by Regina A. Allen DVM , The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Winners Dog, Squeaky Farm Friends Toy. Winners Bitch, Squeaky Farm Friends Toy. Reserve Winners Dog, 21" Thinnie Tug Toy. Reserve Winners Bitch , 21 " Thinnie Tug Toy. First Place in Each Regular Class, Small Bag of Dog Treates offered by Regina A. Allen DVM , The Good Shepherd Dog Training . Obedience Highest Scoring Manchester Terrier (either Variety) in the Regular or Optional Titling Classes in Obedience Trial, $10.00 J & J Dog Supplies Gift Certificate . All Obedienc e Manchester Terrier Participant s, Plush Dog Toy offered by Regina A. Allen DVM , The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Rally All Rally Manchester Terrier Participants, Plush Dog Toy offered by Regina A. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Junior Showmanship Highes t Placing Junior handling a Manchester Terrier (Either Variety), Outward Hound Treat 'Ball Bag with tennis ball and clicker offered by Regina A. Allen DVM . The Good Shepherd Dog Training . SUNDAY Trophies All prizes sponsored by the American Manchester Terrier Club District 3 unless otherwise noted. Best of Variety, Large etched glass Cookie Jar offered by Michelle Banak, Maximal Manchesters. Best of Opposite Sex t o Best of Variety, Collapsible Travel Water Bowl oHered by Reg ina A. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training. Best of Winners, JW ProTEN Tennis ToyoHered by Regina R. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training. 68 Winners Dog , 21 " Thinnies Tug Toy, Winners Bitch, 21" Thinnies Tug Toy. Reserve Winners Dog, Kong Squeaker Tennis Ban offered by Regina A. Allen DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training . Reserve Winners Bitch, Kong Squeaker Tennis Bait offered by Regina A. Alten DVM, The Good Shepherd Dog Training . NON-SPORTING BREEDS CHOW CHOW THE SOUTHERN CHOW CHOW CLUB WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY FOR CHOW CHOWS ON SUNDAY In honor of Southern Chow Chow Club, Inc. 90th Anniversary every exhibitor will receive a commemorative grooming towel and water bottle donated by Rick & Sara Ewing. BREED PRIZES The Celtic Classic will offer the following Rosettes Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. Rosettes for Reserve Winners Dog and Reserve Winners Bitch, Select Dog and Select Bitch will be offered by SCCCI. Best of Breed, Rosette & Basket of Dog Toys & Treats offered by Southern Chow Chow Club, Inc. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Rosette & Basket of Dog Toys & Treats offered by Southern Chow Chow Club, Inc. Winners Dog , Roselle & large 44" x 27.5" Bath/Grooming Towel with Embroidered Paw Print offered by Southern Chow Chow Club, Inc. Winners Bitch, Rosette & large 44" x 27.5' Bath/Grooming Towel with Embroidered Paw Print offered by Southern Chow Chow Club, Inc. Reserve Winners Dog, Rosette, Grooming Noose & Dog Toy offered by Southern Chow Chow Club, Inc. Reserve Winners Bitch, Rosette, Grooming Noose & Dog Toy offered by Southern Chow Chow Club, Inc. FRENCH BULLDOGS THE MASON DIXON FRENCH BULLDOG CLUB W ILL CONSIDER THE CLASSES FOR FRENCH BULLDOGS AT THE SATURDAY SHOW AS A SPECIALTY SHOW A ND SUPPORTED ENTRIES THE OTHER FOUR DAYS Jaime Nuckles Elizabeth Zimmerman Patricia Rimel Kim Rimel President . Vice President Treasurer . Secretary . 206 Jasmine Lane, Newark, DE 19702 Board of Di rectors Alice Rimel Bill Nuckles Alan Robell PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Saturday Judge: Pat Berry SWEEPSTAKES RULES: - 6-9; 9-12; 12-18 mos - See Page 9 for breakdown and rules. Veteran Sweepstakes Saturday Judge: Pat Berry VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES - See page 10 for rules and breakdowns. Wednesday Trophies offered by the members of the Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Best of Breed, Large MDFBC Tote offered by Elizabeth M. Zimmerman & Eclectric Frenchies. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Travel Pillow with Frenchie Applique offered by Patricia Rimel. Select Dog, Braided Tug Toy offe red by LuAnn Rittenhouse. Select Bitch, Braided Tug Toy offered by LuAnn Rittenhouse. Winners Dog, Treat & Toy Bucket offered by Dana Maines in Loving Memory of Bubba. Winners Bitch, Treat & Toy Pot offered by Jaime & Bill Nuckles, Nucks Amstaffs & Frenchies. 69 Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Class, First, Thirty One bath gift basket offered by Alice Rimel. Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Class, First, Thirty One bath gift basket offered by Kim Rinme!. Thursday Trophies offered by the members of the Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Best of Breed, Large MOFBC Tote offered by Elizabeth M. Zimmerman & Eclectric Frenchies. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Travel Pillow 'Nith F renchie Applique offered by Patricia Rimel. Select Dog, Braided Tug Toy offered by LuAnn Rittenhouse. Select Bitch, Brai ded Tug Toy offered by LuAnn Rittenhouse . Winners Dog , Frenchie Bank offered by Jaime & Bill Nuckles, Nucks Amstaffs & Frenchies. Winners Bitch , Small MOFBC Tote offered by Elizabeth M . Zimmerman & Eeleclric Frenchies. Bred-by-Exhibitor Oog Class, First, Thirty One bath gift basket offered by Alice Rimel. Bred -by-Exhibitor Bitch Class, First, Thirty One bath gift basket ofIe red by Kim Rinmel. Friday Trophies offered by the members of the Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Bes t of Breed, $25.00 G ift Certificate for White Dog Bone offered by Denise DeAcosta. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Frenchie Artwork offered by Patricia Rimel, Lemir Frenchies. Select Dog, Braided Tug Toy offered by LuAnn Rittenhouse. Select Bitch, Braided Tug Toy offered by LuAnn Rittenhouse. Winners Oog , Frenchie Bank offered by Jaime & Bill Nuckles, Nucks Am Staffs and Frenchies. Winners Bitch, Small MOFBC Tote offered by Elizabeth M . Zimmerman & Eclectic Frenchies. Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Class, First, Wood Frenchie Clock offered by Alice Rimel. Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Class, First, Wood Frenchie Clock offered by K im Rimel. Saturday Trophies offered by the members of the Mason Dix on French Bulldog Club. Best of Breed, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Glassware from Red Dog Gtass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. $elect Dog , Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Select Bitch, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French B ulldog Club. Winners Dog, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Winners Bitch, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Class, First, Glassware fro m Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Class, First. Glasswarefrom Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Awa rd of Merit, G lassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French B ulldog Club. Sunday Trophies offered by the members of the Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Best of Breed, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog C lub. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Select Dog, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Select Bitch, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Winners Dog, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Winners Bitch, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club . Bred-by-Exhibitor Dog Class, First, Glasswa re from Red Dog Glassoffered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Class, First, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. Award of Merit, Glassware from Red Dog Glass offered by Mason Dixon French Bulldog Club. KEESHOND THE CAPITAL KEESHOND CLUB WilL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF KEESHOND AT THE FRIDAY & SUNDAY SHOWS WITH SWEEPSTAKES AND VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES ON THE SUNDAY SHOW THE KEESHOND CLUB OF THE DELAWARE VAllEY WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF KEESHOND AT THE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & SATlJRDAY SHOWS WITH SWEEPSTAKES AND VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES ON THE SATlJRDAY SHOW 70 SWEEPSTAKES Saturday Judge : Sue Kite Sunday Judge: JoAnne M. Buehler SWEEPSTAKES RULES : - See Page 9 for rules & breakdown Saturday Sweepstakes Prizes - offered by Keeshond Club of Delaware Valley. Bes t in Sweepstakes, Embroiderery Hand Towel. Best of Opposite Sex to Bes t in Sweepstakes, Embroiderery Hand Towel. Sunday Sweeps takes Prizes - offered by Capital Keeshond Club Best in Sweepstakes, Gift pack (40Z Cloud Star Lavender & Mini Splash Spritzer, treats, toys) . Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes, Gift pack (40z Cloud Slar Lavender & Mint Splash Spotzer, treats , loys). All Puppies Shown in Sweepstakes, Plush Toy. VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Saturday Judge: Sue Kite Sunday Judge: JoAnne M. Buehler VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES RULES: - See Page 10 for rules & breakdown Saturday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes - offered by Keeshond Club of Delaware Valley. Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Embroidery Hand Towel - Gray. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, Embroidery Hand Towel - Gray. All dogs entered in Sweepstakes, Toy. Sunday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes - offered by Keeshond Club of Delaware Valley Best in Veteran Sweeps takes, 4 oz Cloud Star Lavender & Mint Splash Sprilzer, treats. Bes t of Opposite Sex to Bes t in Veteran Sweepstakes, 4 oz Cloud Star l avender & Mint Splash Spritzer, treats. All Veterans Shown in Sweepstakes will receive a package of tasty soft trea ts. CKC, in the case where a trophy is broken or unavailable, may substitute a trophy 01equal or greater value. Trophies will be given in the ring to the person showing the dog. None will be held, mailed or delivered. Wednesday Trophies All trophies offered by Keeshond Club of Delaware Valley Best of Breed, lidded Jar Pottery. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, 10· Pottery Plate. Select Dog, Embroidery Bath Towel· Cream. Select B itch, Embroidery Bath Towel· Cream. Best of Winners, 7" Pottery Bowl. Winners Dog, Standard Pottery Mug. Reserve Winners Dog, Pottety Medallion. Winners Bitch, Siandard Pottery Mug. Reserve Winners Bitch, Pottery Medallion. Award of Merit, Embroidery Bath Towel - Cream. Thursday Trophies All trophies offered by Keeshond Club of Delaware Valley. Best of Breed, lidded Jar Pottery. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, 10· Pottery Plate. Select Dog, Embroidery Bath Towel (Cream). Select Bitch, Embroidery Bath Towel (Cream). Best of Winners, 7" Pottery Bowl. Winners Dog , Standard Pottery Mug. Reserve Winners Dog, Pottery Medallion. Winners Bitch, Standard Pottery Mug. Reserve Winners Bitch, Pottery Medallion. Best Junior Showing a Keeshond, Keeshond Magnet. Highest Scoring Keeshond in Regular Obedience Classes, Embroidery Hand Towel. Highest Scoring Keeshond in Optional Titling Obedience Classes, Embroidery Hand Towel. Highest Scoring Kees hond in Veteran Obedience Class, Embroidery Hand Towel. Highest Scoring Keeshond in Rally Class, Embroidery Hand Towel. 71 Friday Trophies All trophies offered by Capital Keeshond Club unless otherwise noted. www.CapitalKeeshond.org Best of Breed, Crump's Sweet Potato Chips 11.60z Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Crump's Sweet Potato Chips 11.60z Best of Winners, Keeshond motif playing cards. Winners Oog , Crump's Sweet Potato Chips 5.60z Reserve Winners Oog, Crump's Sweet Potato Chips 5.60z Winners Bitch, Crump's Sweet Potato Chips 5.60z Reserve Winners Bitch, Crump's Sweet Potato Chips 5.60z Highest Scoring Keeshond in Regular Obedience Classes, Capital Keeshond Club mug with treats offered by A'starz Kees & Poms, www.astarz.net Highest Scoring Keeshond in Rally Class, Blue Delft style bowl a' . CKC, in the case where a trophy is broken or unavailable, may substitute a trophy of equal orgreater value. Trophies will be given in the ring to the person showing the dog. None will be held, mailed or delivered. Saturday Trophies All trophies offered by Keeshond Club of Delaware Valley. Best of Breed, Lidded Jar Pottery. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, 10" Pottery Plate. Best of Winners, 7" Pottery Bowl. Winners Dog , Standard Pottery Mug. Reserve Winners Oog, Pottery Medallion. Winners Bitch, Standard Pottery Mug . Reserve Winners Bitch, Pottery Medallion. Select Dog , Embroidery Bath Towel - White. Select Bitch, Embroidery Bath Towel - White . Award of Merit. Embroidery Bath Towel - White . Best Junior showing a Keeshond, Hand Towel - Cream. Highest Scoring Keeshond in Regular Obedience Classes, Emboridery Hand Towel. Highest Scoring Keeshond in Optional Titling Obedience Classes, Embroidery Hand Towel. Highest Scoring Keeshond in Veteran Obedience Classes, Embroidery Hand Towel. Highest Scoring Keeshond in Rally Classes, Embroidery Hand Towel. Sunday Trophies All trophies offered by Capital Keeshond Club. Best of Breed, Lead Crystal Vase a". Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Lead Crystal Vase S". Best of Winners, Keeshond Wine Stopper. Select Dog , Keeshond Wine Stopper. Select Bitch, Keeshond Wine Stopper. Winners Dog , Lead Crystal Vase 7'. Reserve Winners Dog, Keeshond Wine Stopper. Winners Bitch, Lead Crystal Egg Candy Dish 8.5". Reserve Winners Bitch, Keeshond Wine Stopper. CKC, in the case where a trophy is broken or unavailable, may substitute a trophy of equal or greater value. Trophies will be given in the ring to the person showing the dog. None will be held, mailed or delivered. HERDING BREEDS AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG THE AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG CLUB OF AMERICA WILL CONSIDER THE CLASSES FOR AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOGS AT THE SATURDAY SHOW AS ITS REGIONAL SPECIALTY SHOW AND SUPPORTED ENTRY ON SUNDAY Officers of the Australian Cattle Dog Club of America Ingrid Rosenquist Rebecca Elder Sara Reiter Julie Pulliam President . Vice President . Treasurer Secretary Joyce Rowland AKC Delegate 72 SATURDAY SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Chuck Lamers SWEE PSTAKES RULES: - See Page 9 for rules and breakdo'Mls but nole the follov,.;ng for AusUatian Cattte Dogs · 6·9; 9-12; 15·18; 18-21 months Saturday Sweepstakes Prizes Trophies are Breed Silhouette by Silhouettes Unlimited. Grand Sweepstakes Puppy, offered by Cindy Cook. Best Puppy, offered by Cynthia Knowlton. Best Junior, 6-9 mos Puppy Dog , offered by Glen & Robin Norton, Portadown ACOs. 9-12 mos Puppy Dog, offered by Kale Schlachter. 12-15 mos Oog, offered by Kale Schlachter. 15-21 mos Oog, offered by Kate Schlachter. 15-21 mos Dog , offered by Kate Schlachter. 9-12 mos Puppy Bitch, offered by Kent & Karen Durr, Fair Go ACO's. SATURDAY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES Judge: Chuck Lamers SWEEPSTAKES RULES:· See Page 10 for rules & breakdown Saturday Veteran Sweepstakes Prizes Trophies are Breed Silhouette by Silhouettes Unlimited. Grand Sweepstakes Veteran, offered by Robin & Glenn Norton, Portadown ACO's. Veteran Dog 7·10 yrs, offered by Deb Knappenberger. Veteran Bitch 7·10 yrs, offered by Deb Knappenberger. Veteran Dog 10+ yrs, offered by Karen Freeborn, Skyworks ACO's. Veteran Bitch 10+ yrs, offered by Deb Knappenberger. Breed Prizes - Saturday Trophies are Breed Silhouette by Silhouettes Unlimited. Best of Breed, offered by Monica Shifflet & David Steward, Bryn Mawr Cattledogs. Best of OpPosite Sex to Best of Breed, offered by Mark & Veronica Bamberry, Scrubby Creek ACO's. Best of Winners, offered by Mark & Veronica BamberI}', in Memol}' of Digger. Select Dog, offered by Victor Garcia, Australian Cattle Dogs in the City. Select Bitch, offered by Victor Garcia, Australian Cattle Dogs in the City. Winners Dog, offered by Lavonda Lewis. Winners Bitch, o ffered by Lee Kephart, Bosworth ACO's. Reserve Winners Dog , offered by Kimmie McDonald. Reserve Winners Bitch, offered by Kent & Karen Ourr, Fair Go ACO's. Award of Merit. From Best of Breed competition there will be an Award of Merit, at the judge's discretion, one award for each 10% of the Specials entry. Award of Merit, offered by Jodi & Jack Newman. Veteran Oog 7-10 yrs, offered by Sara Reiter. Veteran Bitch 7-10 yrs, offered by Sara Reiter. Veteran Dog 10+ yrs, offered by Karen Freeborn in Memory of "Trooper". Veteran Bitch 10+ yrs, offered by Lee Kephart, BosV\lOrth ACO's . Rally, offered by Jane Johnson· Remembering Jareo's Sweet Meggie Blue. Obedience, offered by Jen Telkoski. Breed Prizes· Sunday The Central Pennsylvania Australian Cattle Dog Club will offer dog toy for each of the following: Best of Breed, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Se!ect Oog, Select Bitch, Winners Oog , Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Dog and Reserve Winners bitch. PEMBROKE WELSH CORGIS THE PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI CLUB OF THE POTOMAC WILL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF PEMBROKE WELSH CORGIS ON SATURDAY 73 Saturday Trophies Best 01 Breed, Yard Art Sign Welcome on one side. BOB on the other. Best 01 Opposite Sex to Best 01 Breed, Yard Art Sign. Best 01 Winners, Yard Art Sign. Winners Dog, Corgi grooming arm toppers with corgi on top. Winners Bitch, Corgi grooming arm toppers with corgi on top. PUll THE PUll CLUB OF AMERICAN WilL SUPPORT THE ENTRY OF PUll ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Saturday Trophies Best of Breed, Glass Heart Paperweight. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Pottery leaf w/ Puli DeSign. Best of Winners, Puli Print. Winners Oog, Small White Ruffled Glass Dish . Winners Bitch, Small White Ruflled Glass Dish. Best Veteran, Puli Mug. Best Bred-by-Exhibitor, Dog Toy. Sunday Trophies Best of Breed, Glass Heart Paperweight. Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed, Pottery Leaf w/Puli Design. Best of Winners, Puli Print. Winners Dog , Small White Ruflled Glass Dish. Winners Bitch, Small While Ruflled Glass Dish. Best Veteran , Puli Mug. Best Bred-by-Exhibitor, Dog Toy. PURINA ® brand DOG FOOD NUTRITION THAT PERFORMS'" 74 RV PARKING Fee: RV Parking at this show is $45.00 per night (includes electric) if preregistered by March 2, 2016. If not pre-registered, the fee will be $50.00 per night and electric will be an additional $10.00 per night. No refund of RV Parking Fees will be issued after March 2, 2016. ALL RV HOOK-UPS ARE 30 AMP SERVICE. Parking spaces may not be reserved unless there is advanced reservation. Anyone who wishes to park together must send in registration forms together. Any vehicle registering for a handicapped space must send a copy of their official "Handicap Certificate" with their registration form. You must possess the required documentation when you arrive and the handicapped individual must be traveling with the vehicle to be eligible for this space. The handicapped spaces are limited and will be issued on first reserved basis. Only one additional vehicle is permitted per RV space reserved. Spaces will be available from 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday, March 15, 2016. There will be a staging area for vehicles arriving prior to that time; staged vehicles will be parked in the order arrived. RV'S MUST ENTER GATE 6 FROM HIGHLAND AVENUE. NO EXCEPTIONS. The Fairgrounds strictly forbids the use of motorized carts except by individuals bearing a handicap placard. The all buildings will be available for exhibitors starting at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, March 15, 2016. Arrangements have been made for Waste Dumping service and Water delivery on Friday. Anyone interested in these services must signup at the club table in the Utz Building starting Wednesday so we know how many people are interested. (Cost TBD). The Fairgrounds does NOT have water available on site, however, they are equipped with a dump station. Anyone interested in these services must signup at Club Table starting Wednesday. Compliance with Parking Personnel is MANDATORY. Anyone improperly dumping gray water will be subject to BENCH SHOW hearing. No Refund of parking fees will be issued after March 2, 2016 75 CELTIC CLASSIC RV PARKING APPLICATION RV PARKING RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE THROUGH HARRY MILLER Make check payable to Celtic Classic Dog Shows Mail payment and application form to: Mr. Harry Miller 40181 Stanley Lane, Mechanicsville, MD 20659 (301) 884-4163 Name,______ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ ____ Address : _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ City_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ State ____ Zip _ _ _ _ __ Phone<--),_ _ _ ________ E-Mail _ _ __ _ _ __ Type of Vehicle (marl< one) Motor Home ( Trailer ( Total Length _ _ __ Make, _ _ _ ___ State _ __ Plate No. _ _ _ __ Addl Vehicle: Plate No. _ _ ___ Make,_ _ _ _ _ _ State____ Handicapped required: Yes ( ) No ( ) Note: due to the limited number of handicap spaces these will be issued on a first come first reserved basis. Electric Hook-Up: Yes ( ) No ( ) Estimated arrival: Day _ _ _ _ lIme._____ AMlPM Location preference: Utz Building _ __ Memorial Hall _ __ Old Main tHoricultural Hall_ __ Payment must accompany the reservation form and both are due by March 2, 2016 (no refunds after this date) Signature on this form signifies agreement and affirmation by the applicant(s) to the terms and conditions stated in this premium list. Amount Enclosed _ __ __ Check # _ __ __ Signature _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ Date _ __ _ __ =====o;;-______- - , ; Name_ _ _ (PLEASE PRINT) _ E-Mail==;;-_ _ _ __ (PLEASE PRINT) 76 OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENmy FORM CELTIC CLASSIC UTZ ARENA AT THE YORK EXPOSlTION CENTER AND MEMORIAL HALL WEST ROUTE 74, YORK, PA 17404 YORK KENNEL CLUB· WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016,2016175001 LANCASTER COUNTY KENNEL CLUB· THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016'2016211301 '2016211302 (Rally) YORK KENNEL CLUB· FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2016 '2016175003 (Cont) #2016175002 (Rally) DELAWARE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC.· SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2016'2016101407 #2016101408(Rally) n DELAWARE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC.· SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2016 '2016101409 E'fn'RY FEE: EACH DAY: 532.00 lor the I..st 80Iry 01 eacll dog except P,"", (6·9 & Sot2 1005) & Bred-by·Emibiklf Classes which ate S26.oo. o o o o ~ S.SO AKC raoonling fee & $3.00 AKC Event ServioI! fee. Each additiona l entry 01 same dog. $26.00. $32.00 tIr..l\ri:;lr ShowmaIlShip as an !irst entry. $26.00 lor Juna Showmanship as an add! entry. Sweepstakes C lasse& (\'\'here Oftered) $18. Veterans ill'e $18.00. tIr entries 12:00 Noon. ~ay. March 2. 2016 (al ~s 0Ifi0e) AIle< Which Tome Enlr\es CannoI Be Accepted. cancelled Of Subs1iluted exoep1 as provir:Ie<IlQf in ChapIef 11 . SecIion 6 oIlhe Dog Show R~ MAIL ALL ENTRIES wiIh lees 10: Jim Rilu 00g Shows. LIIl .. P. O. 60:< 6898. Read-.g. PA 19610. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable 10 J.R O.S.• LTD CLOSING DATE CANADIAN EXHIBITORS musr make lees payable in U.S. FUNDS. I Enclose $ for entry tees. IMPORTANT Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Out. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the instructions relevant to th e information needed in that box. (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY). I BREED DOG ,"OW ...",...,.AL I OBEDIENCE ClASS I ~ SEX IClASS~ (Color, Weight, ee.... I CLASS VARIETY RALLY C ..... Jump Height = elghl NAME OF JUNIOR HANOLER (it any) (see ba ck ) I IMM Sh~. Class JR. HANDLER NUMBER FUel NAME O'DOG Ernei' number hef'e. o DATE OF BIRTH AKC REG. NO. o PAL NO. o FOR8GH REG. NO. & COUNTRY PLACE OF C'sl~) BIRTH Do rot prin1 aIloYe in Calalog BREEDER SIRE 0'" ACT1)AL OWNER(S)'_ _ __ OWNER'S _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ===____ _ _______ ... (Please PrJnl) ~--------------------------------------------CITY STATE ZIP_ _ NAME OF OWNER'S AGENT R. (IF ANY) AT THE SHOW' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I CERTIFY lhal t am Ihe actual owner DIllie dog. Of lhat I am the dutt a~zed agenl ot !he actual owner wtose name I have entered above. In CQIl$iI:;Ieration 0I1he accepIa!ICe 01 hE: entry, ! (We) ~ t:I 00ide by !he rules and regLQIioos 01 The ArnericaIl Keonel C!1.b in etlecl at II1e time 01 IVs eYef1t and by any- additional !\lies and reg~ appeariog inlhe preIl'ium list lor 'IIlis event and IOOher agree 10 be bou'Id by IfWI 'Agreefll8flt" prinIed on !he _ sida of Ihis entry bm. I (we) certify and lepresetlI lhal !he dog entefedis nol a hazard 10 parSOO5 Of other doOS. This entry is Slbmined lor acceptance on !he klreg:*lg rl!Pl~ and Ac;rreement I (we) ag.-e8 10 ~ myseII (ourseI\Ies) in aa::mSanoe willi all $UCh Rules Ad ReglAalions (in:Uling al provisions a~ IO~) arod 10 a bide by any deci8ions macIe in acoortI wilh Ihem. SIGNATURE 01 owner or his agent duly authorized to make Ihis entry TELEPHONE' _______________ E·Mail Address - 77 (Must be signed here) Are you a new exhibitor? YES 0 NO 0 Wednesday· Owner·Handled Eligible 0 Friday - Owner·Handled Eligible 0 I I WebSite . W'NW.akc.org I (we) agree that the club holding this eYent has the right to refuse this enuy lor cause which the club shall deem sufficien t. In consideration 01 the acceptance 01 th is entl)' and 01 the holding 01 thiS event and of Itte opportunity to have !he dog juclged and to win prizes , ribbons, Of trophies , I (we) agree to hold Ihe AKC , the event-giving club, Iheir members, directors, governors, officers agents , superintendents or event secretary al"ld the owner al"lcL'or lessor 01 the prem ises al"ld QI"Iy provider 01 services that are necesS81)' to hold this evei'll ai"id any employees or volul"lteers of the aforementiOl"led aprties. 8I"Id 8I"Iy AKC approved judge, judgil"lg al thls event, harmless from al"ly claim lor loss or il"llul)' which may be alleged to have been caused directly or ii"idirectly to al"ly persOI"l or thil"lg by the act 01 this dog while in or aool,lt the event premises or groul"lds or near al"ly el"ltrance thereto, and I( (we) persol"lall y aSSl,lme all responsibility al"ld liability lor al"ly such claim: 81"1d I (we) l urther agree to hold the aforemefltiofled parties harmless from any claim for loss, Injury or damage to this dog Additionally, t (we) hereby assume the sola responSibility l or ai"id agree 10 indemnify, defend and save the aforementioned parties harmless from any and alf loss and expense (including legal lees) by reason of the liabil ity imposed by law upon any 01 the aforementioned parties for damage because of bodily injuries, inCluding death at any ~me resulting therefrom , sustained by any person or persons. iocluding myself (ourselves). or on account of damage to property. arising out of or in consequence or my (our) participation in thiS event, however slJCh , injuries, dea th or pfOl)erty damage may be caused, and ...mether or not the same may I"Iave been caused or may be alleged to have been caused by the negligence 01 the aforementioned parties or any 01 their empfoyees, aoents, or any other persons, I (WE) AGREE THAT ANY CAUSE OF ACTION , CONTROVERSY OR CLAI M ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO ni E ENTRY, EXHIBITION OR ATTENDANCE AT niE EVENT BETWEEN TH E AKC ANIOR THE EVENT-GIVING CLUB AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CON STRUCTION , INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE RULES OF THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION . HOWEVER, PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALL APPUCABLE AKC BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST ARST BE FOLLWOED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBLISHED POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. INSTRUCTIONS 1. (Variety) il you are entering a dog 01 a breed in which there are varieUes for show purposes, pfease designate th e particl,llar variety you are entering. i. e. , Cocker Spaniels (Btack. ASCOB , Parti-color), Beagles (nO! CKceeding 13 in.; over 13 1n. but not eKCeeding 15 In.). Dachshunds (Longhailed, Smooth , Wirehai red), Bull Temers (Colo red, lNhite) . Manchester Terriers (Standard . Toy), Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat, Long Coat) , English Toy Spaniels (King Chartes and Ruby. Blenheim and P rince Chartes), Poodles (Toy. Miniature. Standard), Collies (Rough. Smooth). 2. The following categories 01 dogs may be entefed and shown in Best 01 Breed Competition: Dogs thaI are Champions 01 Record and dogs 'M1ich. according to their O'Mler's records. have completed the requirements for a championship. but Ykoose championships are unconfirmed. The showing 01 uncon firmed Champions in Best 01 Breed competition is Limited to a period 0190 days Irom the date 01 the show ...mere the dog compfeted the requirements for a championsh ip. 3. (Oog Show Class) Consult theclass lfica~on In this premium list. if the dog show class in which you are entering your dog is divided, then , in addition to designating the class. spec ily the particular diviSion 01 the class in which you are entering yo!)r dog, I.e. , age division, color division, weight division. A dog must be entered in the name 01 the person who actuafly owned It at the time entries for a show closed. II a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner it must be entered in the name of its new owner In any show for which entries closed after the date 01 acqUirement. regardless 01 whether the new owner has received the registration certifiCate indic ating that the dog is recorded in his name. State on the entty form whether transler application has been mailed to AKC. (For complete rule reler 10 Cl"Iaptlf 14. Section 3.). 5. MiKed Breed 00gs entering classes lor Agijity. Obedience and Rally trials should mark Breed as AKC Canine Pa rtners Listed Dog "All-American Oc9'Mixed Breed." Variety, Breeder, Sire, Dam inlormation shall remain blank lor miKed breed etrants. FAX NUMBER - (610) 376-4939 - $4.00 per Dog per Show charged on ALL credit card enlries regardless 01 melnoo SUbmitted, 4. A $10.00 Service Charge will be applied to any invalid/declined credit caret. Visa/Mastercard Expiration #~ ' D a te~ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ Cardholders Name'c' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholders Signature' If this entry is lor Jr. Showmanship please give the foJJo"";ng information: Jr. Handler ID #_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JR'S, DATE OF BIATH _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS________________________________________________ CITY_______________________________ STATE _______ZIP,________ If Jr. Handler is not the owner of the dog identilied 00 the lace ollhis form , what is the relationship of the J r. H and ler to t he owner? _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ "By signing the entry form , we certify that the Junior Showman does not nc:NI, and w ill not at any time, ad as an agent ! handler fot pay while continuing to compete in J unior Showmanship." Front and Back of Form Must Be Included 78 OFFICIAL AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB ENTRY FORM CELTIC CLASSIC UTZ ARENA AT THE YORK EXPOSITION CENTER AND MEMORIAL HALL WEST ROUTE 74, YORK, PA 17404 YORK KENNEL CLUB - WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 2016 It 2016175001 LANCASTER COUNTY KENNEL CLUB - THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 2016 It 2016211301 ' 2016211302 (Ralty) YORK KENNEL CLUB - FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 201612016175003 (ConI) 12016175002 (Rally) DELAWARE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC.- SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 2019 12016101407 12019101408 (Ralty) n DELAWARE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB, INC. - SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 2016 N2016101409 mTRY FEE: EACH DAY: $32.00 for the first enlry 01 each dog except PLIPIlY (6·9 &. 9·t2 mos)'\ erOO-by·E~hibiklr Classes which are $26.00. o o o o incIud~g $.50 AKC recording ree &. $3.00 AJ< C E~ent Service Fee. Each additional entry of same dog. $26.00. $32.00 lor Junior Showmanship as an lirSt entry. 526.00 lor Junior Showmanshtl as an addl entry. Sweepstakes Classes (Where OfIered) S18. Veterans are $18 00. CLOSING DATE lor entries 12:00 Noon. Weo:t1esday, March 2. 2016 (at Superiflteno:I!ffirs Otrice) After Which TIme Entries CiIflOO4 Be Accepted. Canc:efed Of Sob61itu\ed except as provided lor in Chapter II , 5ec1ioI1 6 oIltIe Dog SI"OW RIAes MAIL ALL ENTRIES WItt\ lees 10: Jim Rau Dog Shows. LttI.. P. O. BoI>; 6898. AeaDng. PA 196tO. MAKE ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payiDle 10 JRD.S.. LTD. CANADIAN EXHIBITORS I1V.ISI make tees payable in U.S. FUNDS. I Enclose S for entry fees. IMPORTANT Read Carefully instructions on Reverse Side Before Filling Oul. Numbers in the boxes indicate sections of the instructions relevant to the information needed in that box . (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY). I BREED DOG SHOW I CLASS ADDmONAL CLASS VARIETY I [!] SEX I ClASS OMSION (Color, w~ etc.) OBEDIENCE rALLY CLASS ~elght Jump Height NAME OF JUNIOR HAN DLER (if any) I 1 Junior Show. Cl ass J R. HA NDL.ER NUMBER (_back) AJLL NA ME OF DOG Enter number here. o AKC REG. NO. o PAL NO. o FOREIGN REG. NO. & COUNTRY DATE OF BIRTH PLACE OF (liSt ~try) BIRTH Do not print aIloYa in Catalog eREEDEA SIRE DAM ACTUAL OWNE~~----------------------------"C=70~C----------------------- ( Please Prln!) OWNER·S ______________________________________________________________ ADDR~' STATE CITY ~p----- NAME OF OWNER'S AGENT R(IF ANY) AT TliE SHOW ____________________________________________________________ _ I CERTIFY that I am !he actual owner oIltIe dog, or thai I am 1M duly a~ed ag&nI oIlt1e actual owner whose name I have eoterecl above . In OOflSidefation 01 tIla acceptal'lCe or this entry. I (We) agree 10 abide by th8 rules and regulations 01 The Ama-t:an Kennel Cilb in effect at !he time of this event and by afT)' additional rules and rBgutations appearing in Itle Pfemium liSt for this event and further agr&e 10 be bouod by the "Agreement" prlnled on the reseNe slOe ollhis entry rorm. I (we) certily and represent 1hallhe dog entered is not a hazard 10 persons Of other dogs. This entry is submitted lor accepIance on 1tle Ioregoing representation and Agreement. I (we) alJfEle IOcord.IC1 myselr (ourselves) in aooordance with all such Rules rd Regulations (i"dudng al provisions app¥ng 10 disdpioe) and 10 abiOO by iU'¥ decisions made in accord with them. SIGNATURE of owner Of his agent duly authorized to make this enl ry TELEPHONE ' ____________________________ E-Mail Address - 79 (Must be signed here) Are you a ne w exhibitor? YES 0 NO D Wednesday - Owner-Handled Eligible 0 Friday· Owner-Ha ndled Eligible 0 AKC Al,lles, Regulations. Policies and Gl,lldelioes are available on the AmeriCan Kennel ClIJb WebSite , www.akc.org AGREEMENT I (we) agree that the club holding this event has the right to rellJSe this entry lor cause which the club shan deem surriCienl. In consicleration 01 the acceptance 01 this entry aod 01 the holding 01 this event and 01 the opportunity to have the dog jl,ldl;led and 10 v.in prizes, nbbons, or trophi es, I (weI agree to hold the AKC. the even t·giving club. their members, directOfS. governors, orriCers ~nls , sl,lpenntenclenls or event secretary aod the owner an<Vor lessor of the premises and any provider 01 services that are necessary to hold this even t and any employees or ~oIl,Inteers or the alorementioned aprties. and any AXC approved judge, judging at this evenl, harmless Irom any clai m fo r loss or injury Which may be all eged to ha~e been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act 01 this dog While in or about the e~ent premises or grounds or near any en trance thereto. an d I( (we) persona lly assume all responsibility and liabHity for any suc h claim : aod I (we) further ag ree to hold the aforementioned pa rti es harmless from any claim for loss, injury or damage to this dog. Additiona lly, I (we) hereby assume the sole responsibility for and agree to indemnity, defend and sa~e \he aforementioned parties /'\armless from any and all loss and eKpens& (including tegal fees) by reason 01 \he liability imposed by law upon any of the aloremenliOned parties Inr damage because or bodily injuries, including death at any lime resulting therel rom, sustained by any person or persons, Including myself (ourselves), or on account 01 damage 10 property, arising out 01 or in coosequenceormy (our) participation in thiS event, however such, injuries, death or property damage may be caused, and Whelher or nol the same may have been callSed or may be alleged 10 have been caused by the negligence 01 the aforementioned parties or any of their employees, agents, or any other persons. I (WE) AG REE THAT A NY CAUSE OF ACTION . CONTR OVERS Y OR CLAIM AR ISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO TH E ENTRY, EXH1BmON OR ATTENDAN CE AT THE EVENT BETWEEN THE A KC ANIOR THE EVENT· GIVING CWB AND MYSELF (OURSELVES) OR AS TO THE CONSTRU CTI ON, INTERPRETATION AND EFFECT OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE SETTLED BY ARBITRATION PURSUANT TO THE APPLICABLE RULES OF THE AMERI CAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIAT ION. HOWEVER , PRIOR TO ARBITRATION ALL APPLI CABLE AKC BYLAWS, RULE S, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES MUST ARST BE FOLLWOED AS SET FORTH IN THE AKC CHARTER AND BYLAW S, RULES, REGULATIONS, PUBLISHED POLICIES AND GUIDELINES. INSTRUCTIONS 1. (Variety) if you are entering a dog of a breed in which there are varieties l or show purposes. please designate the particular variety you are entering, I.e., Cocker Spaniels (Black, ASCQB, Parti'Colorj, Beagles (nO' eKCeeding 13 in.: over 13 1n. ~t not exeeeding 15 in,), Dachshunds (Longnaired, Smooth, Wirehaired), Bull Terrier!; (Colored, White), Manchester Terriers (Standard , Toy), Chihuahuas (SmooIh Coal Long Coat), English Toy Spaniels (King Ctlanes and RIJby, Blenheim aod Prince Ctlar1es), Poodles (Toy. Miniature, Standard), CoI~es (Rough, Smooth). 2. The following categories of dogs may be entered aod shown in Best 01 Breed Compelilion: Dogs that are Champions 01 RecOfd aod dogs~, according to Illeirov.ne(s records, have completed the requirements lor a c/'\ampionsh ip, ~t lMlosechampionships are unconfirmed. The shov.ing of unconfirmed Champions in Best of Breed competition is Umited to a period of 90 days from the date of the show where the dog completed the requirements for a championship. 3. (Doll Show Class) ConSl,lk the classification In this premium list. it the dog Show class in which you are entering your do\! Is divided, then, in add ition to designating the class. specify the pa rticular division of the ctass in wh ich you are en terinll your dOll. I.e., age divisjon, color division. weight division, A dog must be en tered in the name of the person Who actuall y owned It at the time ent~es for a show close(! . II a registered dog has been acquired by a new owner il must be entered in the name 01 its new owner in any show lor Which entries closed a1ter the date 01 acquirement, regardless of whether the new owner has received the registration certifiCate indiCating that the dog is recorued in his name. State on the entry lorm v.tIether transler appl ication has been mailed 10 AK.C . (For complete rule refef to Chapter 14 , Section 3.). MIKed Breed dogs entering classes lor Agility, Obedience and Rally trials shou ld ma~ Breed as AKC Canine Partner!; Listed Dog 5. "AH·Amenc:an DogMixed Breed." Variely, Breeder, Sire, Dam information shaM remain blank for mixed breed errants. FAX NUMBER - (610) 376-4 939 · $4.00 per Dog per Show cha rged on ALL credit CaJd enlries regardless 01 method SUbmitted. 4. A $10.00 Service Charge will be applied to any invalid/declined credit card . Visa/Mastercard #c·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Expiration Dale,c· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Cardholde rs Namec· _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ cardholders Signature' If this entry is for Jr. Showmanship please give the following information: Jr. Handler 10 #, _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ J A'S. DATE OF BIATHI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADDRESS,_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ CITY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ STATE,_ _ _ _ZIP_ _ __ II Jr, Handler is not the owner 01 the dog identified on the l ace 01 this torm , what is the relationship 01 the J r. H and ler 10 Ihe owner1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ "By sig ning the e ntry form , we certify lhal lhe Junior Showman does not now, and w ill not al any lime, act as an agent I handler for pay whil e continuing to compete in Junior Showmanship." Front and Back of Form Must Be Included 80