MURPHY MANKA PROJECT - Shamrock Energy Solutions
MURPHY MANKA PROJECT - Shamrock Energy Solutions
January 2014 - Volume 4 Issue 1 GENERATOR ENGINE REINSTALL DEE ISABELLE – POWER GENERATION & MECHANICAL CONTROLS MANAGER SHAMROCK BUSINESS UNITS: PRODUCTION OPERATIONS MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE Recently our Power Generation and Mechanical departments took care of a customer that had a malfunction in one of their offshore 7042 Waukesha generators. POWER GENERATION I&E SERVICES VALVE/WELLHEAD SERVICES COMPLIANCE PROJECT ENGINEERING ////////////////////////////////////////////// The Rock Report is distributed quarterly via email for the purpose of sharing information with our employees, customers, vendors and friends. If you have an idea for an article please e-mail the editor at [email protected] To sign-up to receive the newsletter, visit our website at and follow the link “sign up for our newsletter” in the top, right corner. Once the generator malfunctioned, it fired one of the engine pistons straight through the engine block causing damage beyond repair. At this point, Shamrock had to rebuild and overhaul a new engine from the ground up. a new aluminum enclosure to house it on the deck of the platform. Our technicians were able to salvage parts from the old package, including piston heads and an oil filter pot. A new cooler unit was purchased and we were able to complete the continued on page 4, generator However, due to the way the platform was constructed, the damaged generator was unable to be removed from its original location. Since the old one could not be removed, a new supporting skid was designed and built in the Houma shop along with MURPHY MANKA PROJECT PAUL PELLEGRIN – I&E PROJECT MANAGER CONTACT INFORMATION phone: 985.872.0505 website: email addresses: [email protected] [email protected] facebook and twitter: Since September a team of technicians from our I&E Services department have been working in Hobson, Texas with Murphy Exploration & Production Company. Our team, comprised of fifteen instrumentation and electrical technicians, was tasked with installing all electronics for the Murphy Manka facility 6th Well Site. The I&E department was tasked with installing the safety systems, all lighting, a tank farm, and solar powered battery banks. Additionally, our team designed and assembled the pneumatic panels and the control systems for the facility. locations: louisiana: houma | broussard | lafayette texas: corpus christi | kenedy | houston We would like to thank all Shamrock employees who were a part of this team for making sure the project was completed efficently and most important, safely. ATEC TRAINING COURSES I&E SERVICES TEAM BECKY MCMANUS – TRAINING MANAGER SHANNA KORNEGAY – I&E OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Recently three members from the I&E department took part in COMPEX, an internationally recognized Hazardous Area Training Course which was held at the ATEC Training and Certification facility in Houston, Texas. Included in the last issue of Shamrock’s Rock Report was an article highlighting our I&E department. Pictured below is the management staff of this group. Brief biographies of each member can be viewed through the following link: Bobby Scott (Electrical Engineer), Ray Duhon (HVAC/Electrician), and Tony Hebert (I&E Service Department Manager), completed the Hazardous Area Competency training classes. I&E Services Department Managers Biographies Pictured from left to right, top row then bottom row are: The COMPEX Course lasted five days and taught valuable information regarding safety for electrical and instrumentation personnel. Paul Pellegrin (I&E Project Manager) The courses were set up to be Craig Billiot (Electronics Sales) continued on page 4, atec Right: Bobby Scott is taking part in the hands on training section of his ATEC Training Course. Shawn Portier (I&E Project Manager) Bubba Himel (I&E Project Manager) SHAMROCK PURCHASES PROPERTY KELI DANTIN – BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Shamrock Energy Solutions is pleased to announce the purchase of a track of land located on Hwy 90 in New Iberia, LA. The company plans to begin construction on a new office building in this location in early 2014. Shamrock currently has a presence in the Lafayette region through lease agreements in the Petroleum Towers in Lafayette and an office / warehouse in Broussard, LA. The new property will allow Shamrock to accommodate for future growth that the company plans to experience in this region. Plans for the new building include 80 private offices, several conference rooms and a warehouse large enough to handle maintenance projects for extremely large compressor and generator packages. Owner and President, Jeff Trahan, believes in the expected growth of the south-central region in Louisiana. “We are spread out amongst several areas in the Lafayette region. With the future growth that’s predicted for this area, it just made sense to combine our assets into one space,” - Jeff Trahan. Ron Dardar (I&E Project Manager) Bobby Aucoin (Engineering Assistant) David Short (Electrical / I&E Operations Manager) Tony Hebert (I&E Service Department Manager) Shanna Kornegay (I&E Operations Director) Bobby Scott (Electrical Applications Engineer) The Shamrock office located on Hwy 311 in Houma will continue to serve as the corporate headquarters for the company. WWW.GO-SHAMROCK.COM 985.872.0505 [email protected] ADOPTED FAMILIES SHAMROCK CELEBRATES MOVEMBER CRAIG BILLIOT – ELECTRONIC SALES STEPHEN WHITTLE – VICE PRESIDENT This year Shamrock adopted three families through the Catholic Charities non profit organization for the holiday season. Through the generosity of our employees we were able to provide clothes, bikes, dolls, and electronic games for six children of the three families that we adopted. This past November, 14 members from Shamrock decided to stop shaving and support the Movember movement and its goal of increasing awareness of men’s health by participating in the Energy Challenge. The left over money was used to provide Rouses gift cards so each family could have a warm Christmas dinner. Thank you to all who helped support these families in their time of need during the holiday season. If you would like to learn more about the Catholic Charities organization please visit Our “Mo’s” raised over $1,700 and collectively with other oil, gas, and electric companies from around the country raised a total of $124,027. Movember aims to change the face of men’s health and reverse this way of thinking by putting a fun twist on this serious issue. become a part of the “Mo” community. We would like to thank the following members who joined this cause and participated on the Shamrock team: - Billy Bates - Bobby Scott - Bubba Himel - Carroll Trahan - Dwayne Johnson - Emille Navarre - Jeff Trahan Using the moustache as a catalyst, they aim to bring about change and give men the opportunity and confidence to learn and talk about their health more openly and take action. - Marty Terrebonne To become a member of the Movember foundation and get ready for next year’s event, please visit their website at and - Stephen Whittle - Phillip Bergeron - Rene Breaux - Ryan Frederick - Tim Bejer - Tony Hebert SAFETY CORNER RECENT SAFETY ALERTS CRAIG ROBICHAUX – HSE MANAGER ANNUAL FLU SHOTS JESSICA STEGALL – BENEFITS ADMINISTRATOR Danny Jackson, an Automation Technician, gets a seasonal flu shot as Shamrock hosted free flu shot events at the Houma, Cajun Road, and Broussard offices in October. Over the last few months we received several safety alerts and wanted to share the information we obtained so you can remember to follow proper protocol. The first involved an operator finding a TSE plug being used versus the proper tubing cap. The problem that can result from using the wrong tubing caps is that the lead center can potentially become a flying projectile. The one that was discovered was pushed out a quarter inch but luckily it was found and the issue was fixed before someone was hurt. Due to this potential work WWW.GO-SHAMROCK.COM 985.872.0505 hazard please check all capped off tubing fittings to insure proper caps are in place. The second alert was an infection known as Cellulitis, a skin infection, which is caused from bacteria build up. In this case, the bacteria came from storing dirty gloves in hard hats. The bacteria built up from the gloves can get into pores or abrasions once the hard hat is worn allowing the infection to spread. Please avoid storing anything in your hard hat and replace PPE when necessary. [email protected] STONE ENERGY GUMBO COOK OFF HVAC SERVICES KELI DANTIN – BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Shamrock Energy Solutions is expanding its reach and will soon be providing Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning services to the oil field industry. Head chef of the Shamrock team, Randy Leger, working on his chicken and sausage gumbo for the Stone Energy Gumbo Cook-off supporting the United Way of Acadian. DAVID SHORT – I&E OPERATION MANAGER Our leading HVAC technicians have combined over twenty years of experience and have already developed commercial training HVAC test to instruct and evaluate potential technicians to be hired. An HVAC system is likely to be the largest and most expensive appliance on your facility. If properly maintained, the life of your equipment along with the systems efficiency will be prolonged. Shamrock’s HVAC techs will offer regular maintenance on all customer systems which include fall and spring maintenance inspections. These inspections include repairs, cleaning, new installs, calibrations, etc. Once this new service is up and running we look forward to the many opportunities this will give Shamrock to offer HVAC services in the field. CONGRATULATIONS Asher Bryant on the birth of his daughter, Aubrey. Jeremiah Marcantel and his wife package for the new generator and engine. Once this new generator was completed and tested it was ready to be sent out to the platform for install. However, the replacement generator was far too heavy to be lifted by the on board crane. The recently rebuilt generator had to be completely disassembled and loaded onto the platform in several pieces. Once this setback was over, several members of the Generation and Mechanical team reassembled the new generator on the platform deck and it was finally able to be installed. ATEC from page 2 ‘ATEC TRAINING COURSES’ hands-on and took place in realistic situations which gave Bobby and Tony a learning experience that is directly related to the environments in which they work. The training course also encompassed explosive principals, protection concepts and wiring systems. Ashley on the birth of their son, Tucker. I&E AND VALVE DEPARTMENTS Joseph Williams and his wife Cherie on the birth of their son, Rylan. Members of Shamrock’s I&E and Valve departments participated in the Williams golf tournament supporting the United Way. Shamrock sponsored a team and prepared fried oysters and catfish for golfers throughout the tournament. Matthew Martin and his wife Patricia Brandon Barrileaux and his wife on their October 12th marriage and Trinity on the birth of their son, Cooper. on the birth of their twin boys, Wyatt and Phillip. Derek Lemaire and his wife Kreslyn on the birth of their daughter, Molly. Shane Shoemake and his girlfriend Stacey on the birth of their son, Derek Wilson and his wife Whitney on Gunner. their October 13th marriage. Jamie Crochet and her husband Timothy on their October 12th marriage. GENERATOR from page 1 ‘GENERATOR ENGINE REINSTALL’ WILLIAMS GOLF TOURNAMENT DIANE LOFTON – HR SPECIALIST Allen Dennis and his wife Jessica on the birth of their daughter, Georgia. CONTINUED Tim Bejer and his wife Denise on their October 25th marriage. Trevor Daniels and his wife Brittney on their September 21st marriage. WWW.GO-SHAMROCK.COM 985.872.0505 [email protected]
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