Fellow Handbook - Music Academy of the West


Fellow Handbook - Music Academy of the West
2016 Summer School and Festival
arrival Weekend at a Glance
Friday, June 10
5:30 pm
Westmont College Dining Commons
Saturday, June 11
8:30 am
Westmont College Dining Commons
7–9 pm
Open Registration
Westmont College, Clark Lounge
12 pm
Westmont College Dining Commons
7–9 pm
Open Registration
Westmont College, Clark Lounge
5:30 pm
Sunday, June 12
10 am - 1 pm Brunch
1:30 pm
Fellow Orientation
3 pm
(attendance required)
5:30 pm
MuSic acadeMy oF tHe WeSt
2016 Summer School and Festival
Westmont College Dining Commons
Westmont College Dining Commons
Music Academy of the West,
Hahn Hall
Music Academy
Compeer Kickoff Dinner Westmont College, Kerwood Lawn
Back patio of the Marilyn Horne Main House at the Music Academy
Mission Statement
The Music Academy of the West makes a unique and enduring contribution
to the world of music by:
• advancing the development of the next generation of great classically
trained musicians.
• cultivating discerning, appreciative, and adventurous audiences.
The Music Academy of the West is a diverse community that values:
• an idyllic environment that is:
- supportive
- creative
- nurturing
- and inspirational.
• excellence in all we do.
• institutional sustainability.
• integrity.
• trust.
• building constructive and productive relationships.
The Music Academy of the West will be:
• a force for inspiring an appreciation of music as an essential part of
the human experience.
• a dynamic, innovative, and motivating center for the study and
performance of classical music, and an energizing presence for the
ongoing vitality of the field.
• a compelling choice for a passionate and accomplished community of
fellows, faculty, audience, and administration.
• a place that perpetuates an intimate connection between artist and
• a trendsetter and thought leader, respected for our world-class
educational experience and culture.
Welcome to the Music academy of the West class of 2016!
It is my great pleasure to present your 2016 Handbook—a pre-season guide
and essential summer resource. Please read it through now, and be sure
to reference it throughout the summer for detailed information regarding
all aspects of the program.
As we continue our mission into our 69th season, we welcome you from
nearly 1,900 applicants, and we are both proud and delighted to have you
with us for an extraordinary summer of music making in Santa Barbara!
At the Music Academy you will experience a dynamic, innovative, and
inspiring program and a supportive community known for world-class
education and culture. We encourage you to take advantage of the unique
opportunities before you each day. At the Music Academy you will enjoy a
performance-based education with continuous opportunities to challenge
yourself, find balance, grow artistically, and exemplify what it means to be
a 21st-century musician. Our administration and impressive roster of faculty
and guest artists are here to support you both professionally and
personally; our program is dedicated to the whole musician. Our gorgeous
campuses and seaside location are meant to be enjoyed and appreciated.
It is a privilege for us to be a part of your career journey. Thank you for
choosing to share your talent with us this summer. The Music Academy is
committed to offering you what we hope is the best summer of your life
and to celebrating your successes for years to come.
Looking forward to seeing you in June,
Tiffany DeVries
WeeKenD One AT A GLAnCe ........................................ inside front cover
CAMPUS OVeRVIeW ................................................................................. 8
By Plane .............................................................................................. 9
By Car ................................................................................................. 11
When to Arrive and Depart ............................................................... 12
Clothing ............................................................................................. 13
Linens ................................................................................................. 14
Items to Bring .................................................................................... 15
Registration ........................................................................................16
Orientation .........................................................................................17
The Residence Halls ........................................................................... 18
Resident Assistants (RAs) ................................................................... 18
Meals ................................................................................................. 19
Laundry Facilities ............................................................................... 20
Residence Hall Regulations ............................................................... 20
Visitors ............................................................................................... 22
Holden encore Society Garden at the Music academy
Music Academy Buses ....................................................................... 24
Public Transportation ........................................................................ 25
Personal Vehicles & Parking .............................................................. 25
Phones ............................................................................................... 26
Mail .................................................................................................... 26
Shipping ............................................................................................. 26
Bulletin Boards .................................................................................. 27
Faculty Mailboxes .............................................................................. 27
Copy Machines .................................................................................. 27
Computers and Wifi .......................................................................... 28
Practice Rooms ................................................................................. 29
Instrumental Ensemble Rooms ......................................................... 30
Instrument Lockers ........................................................................... 30
Pianos ................................................................................................ 30
Music Library ..................................................................................... 30
Instrument Repair ............................................................................. 31
Insurance ........................................................................................... 32
The Academy Complement ............................................................... 33
Instrumental Performances ............................................................... 33
Community Performance Opportunities ........................................... 35
Collaborative Pianists for Instrumentalists ....................................... 36
Concerto Competition and Concerto Night ....................................... 36
Marilyn Horne Song Competition ..................................................... 37
SHARInG THe MUSIC: THe MeRIT MenTOR PROGRAM .................... 38
Off-Campus Events ............................................................................ 39
Campus Events .................................................................................. 39
Concert Recordings ........................................................................... 40
Exclusivity of Performance and Recording ........................................ 40
InTeRnATIOnAL FeLLOWS .................................................................... 41
FInAnCIAL POLICIeS AnD FeeS ............................................................ 43
Wellness Program ............................................................................. 45
Counseling ......................................................................................... 45
Medical Emergency Contacts & Protocol .......................................... 46
Clinics and Hospital ........................................................................... 47
Post-Concert Receptions .................................................................... 48
Westmont College Recreation Facilities ............................................ 48
Social Events ...................................................................................... 49
Santa Barbara Attractions ................................................................ 49
THe COMPeeR PROGRAM ..................................................................... 51
Attendance Requirements ................................................................. 53
Alcohol Policy .................................................................................... 54
Quiet Hours ....................................................................................... 55
Drug Free Environment ..................................................................... 55
Smoking ............................................................................................. 56
Anti-Discrimination ........................................................................... 56
Harassment ....................................................................................... 57
ADMInISTRATIOn DIReCTORy .............................................................. 58
Restaurants and Coffee Shops .......................................................... 60
Additional Resources ......................................................................... 61
WeSTMOnT COLLeGe MAP ................................................................... 62
MUSIC ACADeMy CAMPUS MAP .......................................................... 63
eMeRGenCy COnTACT nUMBeRS ................................ inside back cover
travel to and FroM Santa barbara
Santa Barbara is easily accessible by plane, bus, train, and, of course, by car.
All fellows are responsible for arranging their own transportation to the
by Plane
Santa Barbara is served by two airports: Santa Barbara Airport (SBA), and
the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).
Santa Barbara Airport (SBA), is a small airport served by: United, American
Airlines, and Alaska Airlines. Because of limited direct service, travelers often
route to SBA through LAX and San Francisco (SFO). The Music Academy vans
will pick you up at SBA when you arrive.
Santa barbara arial view
caMPuS overvieW
Santa Barbara sits on the coast of the Pacific Ocean, approximately 90 miles
north of Los Angeles. The Music Academy Summer School and Festival takes
place on two campuses in the Santa Barbara area: on the main campus
(“Miraflores”), and on our nearby residential campus, Westmont College.
The Music Academy’s main campus is a private estate donated to the Music
Academy in 1951. Set on nine beautiful garden acres in residential
Montecito, it is about three miles from downtown Santa Barbara and just
a two minute walk from the Pacific Ocean. The Music Academy’s main
campus is the locaction for administration offices and most orchestra
rehearsals, chamber recitals, masterclasses, lessons, instrumental practice
rooms, fellow recitals and competitions.
Located just a 10-minute drive from the Music Academy’s main campus,
Westmont College’s stunning mountainside campus houses the Academy’s
summer residence halls. Voice and Vocal Piano lessons and rehearsals are
located here.
These facilities and others are described in greater detail on the following
Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is a major international hub, served
by most airlines. Flights to and from LAX are often less expensive than those
to and from SBA. See details below regarding transportation to and from LAX.
Getting to and from laX
From LAX you must arrange travel to Santa Barbara, approximately a twohour drive. The most convenient and direct option for travel from LAX to
Santa Barbara is the Santa Barbara Airbus, a charter bus service that runs
between LAX and Santa Barbara several times daily.
Santa barbara airbus reservations:
Be sure to choose the Santa Barbara drop-off and pick-up, which is located
on Cabrillo Blvd. in the Hyatt Hotel parking lot; this is the closest Airbus stop
to Music Academy residence halls (Westmont College Campus) and where
Music Academy vans will meet you when you arrive.
A word to the wise: Do not schedule a late-evening arrival into or early
morning departure from LAX. Due to the two-hour commute between LAX
and Santa Barbara, are there are limited trips available on the Santa Barbara
Airbus that transfer you to/from Santa Barbara at times that accommodate
our required timeframes for your arrivals and departures. See the Santa
Barbara Airbus schedule for trip options to/from Santa Barbara, and then
reserve your flights in/out of LAX accordingly. Keep in mind that you should
check into LAX at least two hours prior to a domestic flight, or three hours
prior to an international flight.
Music Academy fellows may obtain reduced-cost airfares by booking travel
through Santa Barbara Travel Bureau (mention you are a Music Academy
fellow). note that Santa Barbara Travel adds a $40 service fee to your
Santa barbara travel bureau
Toll-free telephone: 1-800-350-9333
Telephone: 805-966-3116
If you plan to arrive before Friday, June 10 (except for String Quartet
Seminar fellows and Vocal Piano fellows who must arrive early) you will be
responsible for your own transportation and housing until residence halls
are available at noon on June 10. For a list of Santa Barbara Hotels, see page
23. The first meal served will be dinner on Friday, June 10.
When you arrive in Santa barbara
If you arrive in Santa Barbara on approved arrival dates, Music Academy
vans will pick you up and bring you to Westmont College, the Academy’s
residential campus in Montecito. Just complete the online Travel
Information Form, and we’ll pick you up when you arrive at one of the
following locations:
• The Santa Barbara Airport
• The Santa Barbara Airbus drop-off (charter bus from LAX
to Santa Barbara for those flying into Los Angeles).
• The Amtrak Station in Santa Barbara
• The Greyhound Bus Depot in downtown Santa Barbara
Be sure to include both your arrival and departure dates on the Travel
Information Form so we can plan your return transfer when the summer is
over. And when making your travel plans, please try to arrive and depart
during daylight hours.
If you arrive or depart before 7 am or after 10 pm or on any other date
beyond the approved dates, you will need to arrange your own transfer to
or from Westmont College.
— 10 —
by car
driving to Westmont college
Directions from North (Santa Barbara Airport)
Take 101 south to Santa Barbara and exit at #94B (Hot Springs Road/Cabrillo
Blvd. exit – left exit). Turn left onto east Cabrillo Road, go through the
roundabout and continue north on Hot Springs Road. Turn left onto Sycamore
Canyon Road and right onto Cold Spring Road. Continue up Cold Spring Road,
pass the lower entrance to Westmont College and continue to the upper
entrance on La Paz Road. Turn left on La Paz Road and drive through
Westmont’s main entrance. Park in the Dining Commons, Clark or emerson
parking lots, and proceed to Clark Lounge (2nd floor above Conference
Services) to check in with staff and receive directions to your room.
Directions from South (Los Angeles)
Take 101 north to Santa Barbara and exit at Hot Springs Road/Cabrillo Blvd.
Turn right onto Cabrillo Blvd and proceed through the roundabout and
continue north on Hot Springs Road. Turn left onto Sycamore Canyon Road
and right onto Cold Spring Road. Continue up Cold Spring Road, pass the
lower entrance to Westmont College and continue to the upper entrance
on La Paz Road. Turn left on La Paz Road and drive through Westmont’s
main entrance. Park in the Dining Commons, Clark or emerson parking lots,
and proceed to Clark Lounge (2nd floor above Conference Services) to
check in with staff and receive directions to your room.
driving to the Music academy campus
Go directly to Westmont College upon arrival, not to the Music Academy.
no events occur at the Music Academy until Orientation on Sunday,
June 12.
From Los Angeles: Highway 101 north to Santa Barbara. exit at Olive Mill
Road. Turn left onto Olive Mill Road, which soon becomes Channel Drive.
Follow Channel Drive along the oceanfront to the stop sign. Continue up
the hill. The Music Academy entrance is on your right where the one-way
section of the road ends and Channel Drive becomes Fairway Road.
From San Francisco or from the Santa Barbara Airport: Highway 101 South
to Santa Barbara. exit at Olive Mill Road. Turn right at the end of the exit
ramp onto Channel Drive (Olive Mill turns into Channel Drive). See Channel
Drive directions above.
— 11 —
WHen to arrive
Arrive on Friday, June 10 after 12 noon, or no later than 7 pm on Saturday,
June 11
Please remember that all initial registration meetings are at Westmont
College, not at the Music Academy campus.
String Quartet Seminar fellows and vocal piano fellows must refer to special
arrival instructions on their Travel Information Form regarding their early
WHen to dePart
Depart on Sunday, August 7 or Monday, August 8. Most fellows will depart
the Academy on Sunday, August 7. The last meal served will be breakfast
on Monday, August 8.
All fellows must vacate the residence halls by 10 am on Monday,
August 8.
WHat to brinG
General attire
Daily non-performance attire is casual. Footwear is always required
on campus. Singers must check with voice program manager about
appropriate dress for various events.
Dress for the Weather: Don’t forget sweaters and jackets! Santa Barbara is
located along the coast of the Pacific Ocean, and while the climate is usually
mild and sunny, with average summer temperatures ranging from 56-80
degrees, it does get cool and foggy often, and the evenings can be chilly.
Performance attire
Professional attire is required for all concerts and masterclasses. Please
make sure that attire is clean and pressed for performances. Irons and
ironing board are available at Westmont College. Due to fire danger, irons
should not be left in individual rooms but returned promptly to their
storage location.
For orchestra concerts
Women: Long-sleeved black top (no short sleeves), long black skirt or slacks
Men: Black suit, white shirt, black shined shoes, black socks, and black ties
(no prints or stripes).
For all recitals and public masterclasses
Women: formal dresses, long skirts or slacks, and blouses
Men: suits/jackets, dress shirts, tie optional
For pit performances
All black for both men and women. Button-down shirts, no denim. Jackets
for men are not required.
academy Fellows walking to nearby beach
— 12 —
— 13 —
Fellows may provide their own linens or may rent linens through Westmont
College for $75 for the entire summer.
Fellows opting to bring linens should have the following:
towels (bathing and beach)
blankets and/or comforter (nights can be cold and foggy)
sheets (narrow, flat twin sheets, extra long recommended)
mattress pad
clothes hangers
We strongly suggest that you ship your bed linens to Westmont College
so they arrive one week in advance. Please do not arrange for boxes to
arrive prior to May 20th, but be sure they arrive no later than June 10. Ship
pre-summer boxes to Westmont College at the address below, nOT the
Music Academy. We encourage you to use a carrier that provides you with
a tracking number.
Shipping address to Westmont College
Attn: [your name]
c/o Music Academy of the West
Westmont College
955 La Paz Rd.
Santa Barbara, CA 93108
again, do not send packages to Music academy prior to the summer.
However, during the summer, all fellow mail must be sent to the Music
Academy – not Westmont College.
linens available for rental
Blankets, sheets, pillows, and towels are available for rental for $75 through
Westmont College. This fee also covers laundry service for linens. These
linens will be provided at registration and must be turned in/exchanged
every two weeks for laundering. Linens must be returned in good condition
in their original packaging at the end of the summer.
— 14 —
Additional Items available for rent through residential facilities at Westmont
iron/ironing boards
sporting equipment
Please follow-up with the Resident Directors via email during the Festival if
you are interested in renting any additional items through Westmont.
iMPortant iteMS to brinG
• Cell phone: Since there are no phones or phone lines in the residence
hall rooms, we strongly encourage you to bring a cell phone. AT&T
typically has the best reception at Westmont.
• Photo identification: Upon your arrival, if we did not already receive
your photo ID, you may be asked to submit a photo ID for the Music
Academy to copy and keep on file.
• Your music, labeled with your name and cell phone number.
• Combination Lock: A small combination lock (non-key) to secure your
instrument locker at Music Academy main campus.
Folding music stand for your individual practice
Metronome (optional)
Proof of medical and dental insurance coverage (Important!)
ATM and/or credit card
Alarm clock
Ear plugs
Laptop (optional)
Bedside lamp (optional)
Small fan for your room (optional)
Re-usable water bottle*
Re-usable coffee thermos*
* The Music Academy seeks to promote a green campus and therefore encourages re-usable
drink containers.
— 15 —
arrival detailS:
reGiStration and orientation
Remember . . . Come to Westmont College first! Main Campus events
come later.
If you’re arriving in Santa Barbara by public transportation (plane, train, or
bus), we’ll collect you at your arrival destination in Santa Barbara and drive
you to Westmont College. The rooms will all be open and unlocked. Staff
will be available to answer questions and help direct you.
If you are driving yourself or being dropped off at Westmont College, use
the upper campus entrance on La Paz Road and go to the Clark Hall Lounge,
within the first building on your right. Here you will find Music Academy
staff to provide room assignments and direct you to your room.
oPen reGiStration
When: Friday, June 10 (7-9 pm) & Saturday, June 11 (7-9 pm)
Where: Clark Hall Lounge, on the 2nd floor above Conference Services.
What you’ll receive:
• room assignments
• room key (Westmont key replacement cost $40)
• your packages sent in advance
• lesson schedule
• summer calendar
• Music Academy parking permit for those who bring cars. Parking at
Westmont is available within the Clark Hall and Armington Hall
parking lots.
• practice room schedule
What to bring:
• piano parts to solo instrumental repetoire (for collaborative piano
dept. purposes) Be sure your music is labeled with your name and
phone number.
— 16 —
Feel free to register any time during the registration hours listed above. If
you arrive before registration on either Friday or Saturday, first check with
staff in Clark Hall Lounge for your room assignment. Staff will be available
at Westmont to assist you with questions prior to the open registration
hours on Friday and Saturday.
If you have questions arrival weekend beyond registration hours, please
contact the resident director (RD). The RD’s phone number will be posted
on the bulletin boards within Clark Lounge and Armington Lounge.
you will receive a key to your room at registration. Lost keys will be replaced
at a fee of $40. If you are locked out of your room, staff will help you access
your room; a $5 fee for lockout assistance will be deducted from your
security deposit.
Sunday, June 12
1:30 pm Fellow orientation at the Music academy
3 pm convocation at the Music academy
Both meetings are mandatory of all fellows
5:30 pm compeer kickoff dinner at Westmont campus
Fellow orientation involves fellows and administration. Convocation at the
Music Academy takes place in Hahn Hall and involves all faculty,
administration and fellows.
During each meeting we will review important information regarding the
Summer School and Festival program. After the Convocation, you’ll meet
briefly with your studio and your faculty. Then join everyone for the
Compeer Kickoff Dinner which will take place on the Westmont Campus.
Bus service will be provided between the Westmont and Music Academy
Please remember that your presence at both Orientation and Convocation
meetings is required.
— 17 —
WeStMont colleGe & reSidence liFe
tHe reSidence HallS
Residence Halls are located at Westmont College in Montecito near Santa
Barbara, CA. Westmont is a private liberal arts college, located ten minutes
from the Music Academy campus. Westmont College is located in the
foothills of scenic Santa Barbara and offers stunning views of the Pacific
Ocean and Santa ynez mountains.
Westmont College houses all fellows and provides primary meal services.
Residence halls are gender separated. each fellow has a private room with
twin bed, desk, dresser, and waste basket. Rooms are arranged within suites
of 3-6 rooms. There is a community bathroom within each suite. Doors lock
with a key which fellows receive at registration: lost keys will be replaced
at a charge of $40. A $5 fee for assistance with lockouts will be deducted
from your security deposit. Janitorial service is provided for bathrooms only,
there is no janitorial service for residence hall rooms.
Residence halls will be accessible beginning at 12 noon, Friday, June 10.
The first meal served will be dinner that evening. Fellows move out of the
halls by 10 am but may remain on campus until noon on Monday, August
8. The last meal served will be breakfast on that day. Fellows who arrive
early or depart late will be required to find other accommodations and
transportation at their own expense.
reSident aSSiStantS (ras)
each summer, the Music Academy hires three or four fellows to serve as
Resident Assistants (RAs) within the Westmont residence life team. RAs
report to the resident directors (RDs) and the Student Services Manager.
RAs play an important role in fostering a positive community through
attending weekly residence life team meetings, occasional activity planning,
promoting school policies and acting as fellow representatives to the
administration; responsibilities require just a few hours per week. In
exchange for these responsibilities, RAs receive a $300 stipend. RA
candidates will receive interview details upon applying.
— 18 —
If you have residence life or similar experience and are interested in this
position, please email Dori Molnar Friesen, Student Services Manager, with
a letter describing your residence life experience and interest in the position
at [email protected].
Meals are provided to all enrolled Music Academy fellows. Meal service
begins with dinner on Friday, June 10 and ends with breakfast on Monday,
August 8. All meals include hot and cold buffet entrees. Lunches and
dinners often include soup, salad bar and deli bar; breakfasts also include
cereal, fruit, bread assortments and waffle bar. See the standard weekly
meal schedule below.
Meal Start tiMeS
Monday - Friday:
Lunch (Music Academy)
Lunch (Westmont)
7:30 am & 8:30 am
11:30 am
5:30 pm
Lunch (at Westmont Only)
7:30 am & 8:30 am
5:30 pm
Continental Breakfast
Lunch (at Westmont Only)
10 am
11 am
5:30 pm
* fellows should arrive promptly to the meal times stated above in order to avoid delays.
— 19 —
dining Hall rules
Meals at Westmont are served in the dining commons and may not be
prepared or eaten in the residence halls or studios.
Do not remove dishes, glasses, or silverware from the dining commons.
Costs for items not returned to the dining hall will be deducted from security
Please scrape your tray when finished eating.
Special dietary needs
Music Academy’s dining service will do its best to accommodate special
diets. Please notify the Student Services Manager prior to the summer with
any medically necessary dietary needs.
laundry FacilitieS
Residence Halls:
Armington A
Clark G,H,K,R
Basement Laundry Room
First Floor Laundry Room
Please note: the Laundry Card Machine is located in the Post Office. There
is a one-time card fee of $3, the machine only accepts $5, $10, & $20 bills
*laundry detergent is nOT provided in laundry rooms. Recommended
detergent is "He" (high efficiency).
reSidence Hall reGulationS
All fellows are required to reside in the Westmont residence halls and
observe the following regulations. Housing is limited to Academy fellows
and staff (see Visitors, below)
Married housing is not available.
no heat-generating appliances may be used in the rooms (teapots,
coffeepots, etc.). Personal small refrigerators are acceptable but not
provided. When using these types of appliances, it it critical to ensure that
they are turned off. A microwave is available for community use in the Clark
and Armington Lounges.
— 20 —
caMPuS bookStore
There is a small bookstore/gift shop located on Westmont's campus. you
may purchase small toiletries, snacks, drinks, office supplies, books,
Westmont apparrel, gift cards, gift bags, and other various items through
the bookstore.
The Academy reserves the right to inspect rooms whenever necessary
Quiet hours are from 11 pm - 8 am
Practicing is permitted in rooms from:
8 am to 11 pm Monday-Saturday
9 am to 11 pm on Sunday
no practicing outdoors
Please respect the Westmont community as sound travels easily
Large social gatherings are to be held OnLy in Westmont's Hospitality
Facility and residence hall lounges. Please respect others on campus by
limiting late evening noise.
Controlled substances are not permitted at any time. Beer and Wine is only
permitted in the Hospitality Facility during designated times (see Alcohol
Policy on page 54)
Pets are not permitted
Academy residents share the campus with other guests who reside on
campus during the summer. Some areas are not available to Academy
residents and have signs restricting admittance. Observe all parking and
quiet time restrictions, and please be considerate of the Westmont
— 21 —
For the protection, safety, and comfort of all residents, only enrolled fellows,
Music Academy staff, and pre-approved visitors are permitted to reside in
Westmont College residence halls.
Pre-approved overnight visitors
Overnight visitors are permitted with a fee of $75 per evening. Visitors are
subject to room availability. Overnight visitors may nOT include parents,
teachers, or anyone under the age of 18. Overnight visitors must be preapproved at least one week before their arrival (the pre-approval process
is explained below). Visitors will be assigned a separate room and may not
reside in the room of the person(s) they are visiting. Rooms are individual
occupancy only.
The Pre-approval Process for Overnight Visitors
1. Obtain an Overnight Visitor Request Form from Student Services or
the RD. each form applies to one individual only. Multiple visitors per
evening per host are not permitted.
2. Complete the Overnight Visitor Request Form, and return to the RD, at
least one week in advance of visitor’s stay. The form must be
accompanied by a fee of $75 for each night requested.
Accommodations: All visitors are encouraged to arrange advanced hotel
accommodations in the Santa Barbara area. Santa Barbara is a major tourist
destination and accommodations fill up quickly.
Reasonably-priced hotels are available in the Santa Barbara Area for
visitors or fellows arriving prior to residence hall availability:
Hyatt Santa Barbara
Motel 6
The Wayfarer (Hostel)
Best Western Beachside Inn
(805) 882-1234
(805) 564-1392
(805) 845-1000
(805) 965-6556
Reasonable hotel in Montecito near the Academy:
Coast Village Inn
Hot Spots Santa Barbara Accommodations Service (free hotline)
3. Collect a Visitor Policy Agreement for your guest to sign and return to
the RD upon arrival.
Bathroom Privileges for Approved Overnight Visitors: Because residence
hall suites are gender separated, visitors must use only the bathrooms in a
suite that houses their gender.
Meals For Approved Overnight Visitors: Breakfast, lunch (at either campus)
and dinner are included in the daily fee for approved visitors. Special events
and off-campus meals are not included.
Violation of the Overnight Visitor Policy: Visitors found to be in violation
of the above policy will be asked to leave immediately. Fellows with visitors
who are found to be in violation of the visitor policy will be charged $100
for each evening that their visitor was in residence.
— 22 —
luria education center at the Music academy
— 23 —
Public tranSPortation
you do not need your own car, though personal cars are very helpful during
free time. Transportation between the Westmont College, the Music
Academy campus, and downtown Santa Barbara for Academy events and
activities is provided to all fellows via Academy buses. If you would like to
bring your own car for free-time use, we encourage you to do so.
MuSic acadeMy buSeS
Music Academy charter buses transport fellows between Westmont College
and Music Academy several times each day. Our buses also transport
fellows from Westmont College or Music Academy to the Granada Theatre
and other downtown performance venues. The bus schedule changes
weekly. Visit the In Session website and bulletin boards for current schedule
and emergency changes. Buses depart promptly–allow additional time for
bus Stops
Westmont College
Clark Hall and Armington Hall
Granada Theatre
Backstage entrance
Music Academy
Lobero Theatre
Missing the academy bus
Lower parking lot behind Hahn Hall
Side of theatre
If you miss the bus to a rehearsal or performance, you are expected to call
a taxi to transport yourself to the required event. Music Academy does not
provide reimbursement for taxi fare, nor provides alternative means of
transportation for those who miss the bus. Absence from a required event
due to missing the bus is not acceptable.
The City of Santa Barbara has a public bus service, with stops reasonably
near Music Academy campus. An electric shuttle also offers daytime runs
along the main downtown district for a minimal fare.
PerSonal veHicleS
All personal vehicles must be registered prior to registration. Within your
Travel Information Form you will be asked to provide the following
• automobile make, model, and color
• license plate number
Parking permits for the Westmont campus are not required, however only
ten fellow parking permits are available for the Music Academy campus.
When you register your car, if selected for an Academy parking permit, you
will be given a parking permit that must be displayed in your car at all times
while parked at the Music Academy campus. you will also be given a map
and instructions for designated parking lots at Westmont College and Music
Parking at Westmont college
Parking at Westmont is available within the Clark Hall and Armington Hall
parking lots.
Parking at Music academy
At the Music Academy main campus, use the lower parking lot only in the
fellow designated area. Please refer to important parking instructions given
to you at registration.
bus rules
• Board five minutes early!
• Don’t stand while bus is in motion
• no eating food on Academy buses
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StayinG connected
Phones, Computers, Mail,
Bulletin Boards, Faculty Mailboxes
There are no phones or phone lines in fellow rooms. Cell phones are highly
All mail during the Festival should be addressed as follows:
[your name]
c/o Music Academy of the West
1070 Fairway Road
Santa Barbara, CA 93108-2899
Do not have any mail sent to Westmont College, only to the Music
Academy. Only pre-summer packages may be shipped to Westmont
College. Incoming mail will be available Monday-Friday in the Academy’s
main campus fellow lounge mailboxes for instrumental, solo piano and
collaborative piano fellows, and at the Voice Program office at Westmont
for singers and vocal pianists.
Outbox: 4:30 pm at Music Academy.
Fellows may send outgoing mail through the Westmont post office, but
may not receive incoming mail through the Westmont post office.
Westmont College Post Office: provides outgoing shipping services and
stamps for purchase.
Westmont Post Office Regular Operating Hours:
The Westmont Post Office is open M-F from 10 am - 4 pm
Please come to the Back/east Window (facing Clark halls) for package
pickup service at all times.
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Please come to the Front/West Window (facing Page hall) for shipping
services at all times.
Shipping Deadlines (transaction must be started by):
Fedex express and Ground 3 pm
UPS 3:45 pm
USPS 3:45 pm
In Montecito:
The UPS Store
1187 Coast Village Rd Ste 1
Montecito, CA 93108
Monday-Friday, 8 am–6 pm; Saturday, 10 am–4 pm
*Music Academy fellows receive up to 20% discount on UPS shipping fees
bulletin boardS and online MeSSaGe board
Bulletin boards are located in the fellow lounge at Music Academy and
within Clark Hall Lounge and the Voice Program Office at Westmont. Check
frequently for schedule changes, bus schedules, assignments, concert
information, various sign-up sheets, special events, and advertisments. Also
see the “In-Session” link on the Academy’s website for daily updates. This
will be the easiest way to keep up with all the Music Academy happenings
and calendar.
Faculty MailboXeS
Faculty mailboxes are located in the Marilyn Horne Main House at the
Music Academy.
coPy MacHineS
Copy machines are located at the Academy and in the Voice Program office
at Westmont. Most copying of music under copyright is illegal and the
Music Academy does not condone this practice. Permission to copy music
under copyright protection will not be granted by Academy librarians.
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coMPuterS and WiFi
We offer two computer lounges with several monitors each and ports
available for you to plug in your own laptop. The lounges are located in the
fellow Lounge on the lower level of the Luria education Center at Music
Academy and near the residence hall at Westmont. Computers are available
on a first-come, first-served basis, and if others are waiting to use them, we
ask that you limit your use to 15 minutes. you are encouraged to bring your
own laptop if you anticipate needing to work on programs beyond the
Wireless access
High-speed wireless access is available at no charge at both Westmont and
Music Academy.
MakinG MuSic
Practice rooMS
Practice rooms are available at Music Academy campus from 9 am until
10 pm. Practicing is permitted in the residence halls between 8 am and
11 pm Monday - Saturday, and 9 am to 11 pm on Sunday.
A minimum of 2 hours per day is assigned to each fellow. Vocal and vocal
piano fellows are assigned practice rooms at Westmont, while instrumental,
solo piano, and collaborative piano fellows are assigned practice rooms at
Music Academy. Assignments will be provided at registration.
Due to the complex nature of our schedule, it is important that you use
your assigned space only at the assigned time. If you need to schedule
additional practice time, please make arrangements with another fellow
to use their room during an assigned time which they will not use. you may
not “hold” a room by leaving your belongings inside.
Practice room etiquette
Out of consideration for others, please . . .
• Do not leave instruments or other personal items unattended
• Do not eat or drink in practice rooms
• Do not put anything on or in a piano
• Do not remove piano benches and music stands from
their assigned spaces
• Close and cover the piano when you leave the room
• Close the room door when you practice
• Turn off the lights and close the door when you leave
• See Katie Friesen, Artistic Production Manager at Music Academy or
Aaron Grant, Voice Program Manager at Westmont, if you need
equipment moved
inStruMental enSeMble rooMS
entrance to the Marilyn Horne Main House at Music academy
— 28 —
ensemble Rooms may be reserved through the Artistic Administrator in the
Music Academy main office. Any reservations must be made at least 24
hours in advance and is based on availability. Do not use any rooms without
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inStruMent lockerS
Instrument lockers are available at the Music Academy campus for all
instrumental fellows. Fellows will be assigned a locker designed specifically
for their instrument at the beginning of the summer. Please bring a
combination lock (no keyed locks) with you for your locker, and note that
they are for the storage of instruments and music only. Please be sure to
mark all your equipment with your name.
The Music Academy has recently acquired several new Steinway pianos and
is proud to be nearing an “All-Steinway Institution” status. When using a
room which includes an Academy piano, please abide by the following
guidelines to ensure that pianos are kept in optimal condition and available
for use of generations to come.
• Do not move the piano; pianos should be moved by Academy
administration only
• nothing except for sheet music should be placed on the piano
• When not using the piano please leave cover on
• Do not open any windows
• When leaving, close piano and replace cover
• When leaving, close any curtains or blinds
All pianos at the Music Academy and Westmont campuses receive regular
tuning and maintenance by a team of expert Steinway-approved
technicians. Please report any piano in need of maintenance or tuning
please by contacting Artistic Production Manager Katie Friesen
([email protected]).
MuSic library
The music library is located in the lower level of the Luria education Center
at Music Academy, and contains a reference collection of solo, ensemble,
orchestral, operatic, and vocal repertoire, as well as a listening library. All
fellows have access to items in the collection and may borrow items for
limited periods during the summer. The library also supplies music for all
orchestral and opera performances.
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All check-in and check-out procedures will be administered by the librarians.
Please note:
• If you check out music for chamber ensembles you will be held
responsible for all parts
• Music taken off the shelves should be returned to the librarian, please
do not re-shelve music yourself
• If materials checked out in your name are not returned, you will be
responsible for paying the replacement cost and an administrative fee
through your security deposit, and additional fines as necessary.
• Materials must be returned to the library during library hours.
inStruMent rePair
It is expected that you arrive at the Academy with your instrument in good
repair and with all your equipment needs met. Should you require
instrument repair while at the Academy, the following options are available.
Please be aware that all instrument repairs and adjustments are your
responsibility and are done at your expense.
String instrument repair
A senior craftsman from Hans Weisshaar Musical Instruments will be
available to fellows for repairs, adjustments, and bow re-hairing on several
dates and times during the summer. Please consult your summer schedule
for more details. For adjustments, repairs, and bow re-hairs at other times,
please call the Weisshaar restoration department directly. Services are by
appointment only. Call to make an appointment at least 3 days in advance.
Hans Weisshaar Musical Instruments
Maker, Restorer and Dealer of Rare Violins, Violas, Cellos and Bows
627 north Larchmont Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90004
Los Angeles Tel. 323-466-6293
Santa Barbara Tel. 213-880-4408
Fax: 323-466-6733
email: [email protected]; www.hwiesshaar.com
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Woodwind repair
RDG Woodwind's Oboe and Clarinet repair specialist, John Peterson will be
onsite for one day at the Music Academy campus and available to fellows
for minor repairs and adjustments. you will be given the exact date and
time of Mr. Peterson's visit upon arrival at the Music Academy. For
adjustments or repairs at other times, please call RDG Woodwinds directly.
Please note that services are by appointment only and should be made as
far in advance as possible.
RDG Woodwinds
589 n. Larchmont Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90004
(323) 463-4930
Monday-Friday, 10am - 6pm
Saturday, 11am - 5pm
Nick Rail Music
2801 De La Vina Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93105
Monday-Friday, 10 am – 7 pm
Saturday, 10 am – 5 pm
MakinG MuSic
tHe acadeMy coMPleMent
29 violin
11 viola
11 cello
7 double bass
1 harp
4 flute 4 oboe 4 clarinet 4 bassoon
6 horn 4 trumpet 4 trombone (3 tenor/1 bass) 1 tuba
5 timpani/percussion
8 solo piano 6 vocal piano 8 collaborative piano
23 Singers
inStruMental PerForManceS
brass repair
For any brass repair needs, please see Anthony Paggett, Artistic
Percussion repair
Mike’s Drum Shop
1109 De La Vina Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Monday-Friday, 10 am – 6 pm
Saturday, 10 am - 5 pm
The Academy Festival Orchestra appears in concerts downtown at the
Granada Theater, and performs with vocal fellows in the summer’s opera
production. Faculty members in each studio determine seating, which
rotates throughout the summer. Seating assignments and rotations are
managed by Rosemary Metcalf, Orchestra Manager. Attendance at
orchestra rehearsals is mandatory, and fellows may be excused only in
extreme cases and with the permission of the orchestra manager. In cases
of injury, observational attendance at rehearsal and performance is
chamber Music
The Music Academy does not provide any insurance coverage for fellow
instruments and will not be held responsible in the event of damage or
theft. you need to check with your parents’ or homeowner’s insurance to
make sure your instrument is fully covered.
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All instrumental fellows will be assigned to at least one chamber ensemble.
ensembles receive faculty coachings, and may appear on weekly chamber
music masterclasses. Chamber ensembles are assigned to perform at Picnic
Concerts and Community Concerts. (described below).
Music Academy Festival Artists Series: Beginning in week 2, faculty
chamber music concerts are presented every Tuesday evening in the Lobero
Theater in downtown Santa Barbara. These performances sometimes
involve fellow collaboration.
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String Quartet Seminar: Sixteen string fellows comprising four string
quartets are accepted for this special training opportunity, a two-week
quartet intensive beginning the week prior to the festival. Fellows in the
SQS program will receive daily coachings by members of the Takács Quartet,
participate in a string quartet masterclass, and watch the Takács Quartet
work during an open rehearsal – all with a focus on helping fellows hone
techniques vital in quartet and chamber music collaboration. The program
continues with performances in Hahn Hall featuring all four quartets and
additional coachings from faculty and visiting artists throughout the
summer. String fellows participating in this program also receive another
week of intensive training with the Takács Quartet when they return to the
Music Academy in week six.
ChamberFest: This two week intensive experience places a faculty member
in a chamber group with fellows. each faculty member participating in the
program will coach, rehearse with, and perform as a member of the group.
Groups will rehearse daily, culminating in a performance of a full work of
standard repertoire at the end of the two week period. Fellows participating
in this program will not participate in orchestra during weeks six and seven.
Fellow Chamber Music Program: Based on the repertoire information
submitted by applicants during the admissions process, fellows
participating in the Fellow Chamber Music Program will be assigned groups
and repertoire based on prior chamber music experience and interest in
repertoire. each group will receive a weekly coaching from a faculty
member for three to four weeks before performing all or a portion of a
work in a public concert and/or a public masterclass.
Picnic Concerts: Six recitals featuring fellows in solo and ensemble works
are held throughout the summer in Hahn Hall. These recitals are called
Picnic Concerts and patrons are invited to share al fresco dinners around
the campus gardens. Picnic Concert programs are devised by the artistic
administration in consultation with faculty. Chamber groups may be
assigned to play on these concerts, and fellows may request to perform
other solo repertoire by submitting a Performance Request Form to the
Artistic Administrator. Fellows are encouraged to submit forms as early as
possible during the festival. There is no guarantee that all requests will be
— 34 —
New York Philharmonic Partnership: Summer 2016 marks the third year
of a four-year partnership with the new york Philharmonic. Masterclasses,
seminars, and private lessons will take place during a one-week residency
of Philharmonic musicians. In addition, an orchestra concert led by Music
Director Alan Gilbert will take part during week five. Finally, the
Philharmonic musicians will oversee an audition through which ten
Academy fellows will be chosen to participate in the new york Philharmonic
Global Academy, a 10-day intensive immersive residency held in new york
City from January 5-16, 2017. Global Academy activities will include private
lessons, chamber music, a mock audition, seminars with artists and
administrators, and appearances with the orchestra in a subscription week
of rehearsals and concerts. The Global Academy program provides travel
and housing for participating fellows, who are paid a stipend equal to one
week base salary (minus union dues and applicable taxes). The opportunity
to audition for and take part in the Global Academy is open to fellows who
play all orchestral instruments except harp and piano.
coMMunity PerForMance oPPortunitieS
library concerts
Four one-hour chamber music performances are scheduled in the Faulkner
Gallery of Santa Barbara’s Public Library on Saturday afternoons at 1 pm
during weeks 4-7. The programs are devised by the artistic administration
in consultation with faculty, based on pre-assigned chamber ensembles and
performance requests submitted by fellows.
other outside Performances
Music Academy fellows are frequently invited to perform for community
events which are arranged through the artistic administration. Fellows may
not participate as a performer in outside work or activities not scheduled
by the Music Academy unless written permission is obtained from the
supervising faculty member and the Artistic Administrator. An Outside
Performance Request Form must be signed and approved prior to any nonAcademy scheduled event, which includes any event hosted by an Academy
patron or Compeer. For approved outside performances, the Academy
requires hosts to confirm that fellows will be presented in a featured way
(as opposed to background music), compensate fellows at a rate of $100
per hour, and provide transportation as well as meals if performance
overlaps with Academy meal schedule.
— 35 —
collaborative PianiStS For inStruMentaliStS
Collaborative Piano fellows are available as partners for sonatas, concertos,
and other repertoire with piano being performed in lessons, masterclasses,
the concerto competition, and public. A collaborative pianist request form
must be submitted one week in advance to secure a partner. Visit the “In
Session” website to access the request form.
MakinG MuSic
Two important competitions are held at the Academy each summer: the
Concerto Competition (for instrumentalists) and the Marilyn Horne Song
Competition (for singers and vocal pianists).
concerto coMPetition and concerto niGHt
The Concerto Competition is open to all instrumental fellows. Three
winners will be selected: one solo piano fellow, one string fellow, and one
wind/brass/percussion/harp fellow. Competitions for the strings and
winds/brass/percussion/harp areas take place in week three. These feature
a preliminary round adjudicated by Music Academy Faculty and a final
round which is open to the public and adjudicated by a panel of
distinguished guest jurors. The piano area features a single-round public
competition adjudicated by a panel of distinguished guest jurors during
Week 5. Winners of the strings/winds/brass/percussion/harp areas will play
on the Concerto Celebration concert with the Academy Festival Orchestra,
held Week 4, conducted by Case Scaglione. Piano winner will perform as
part of the final concert during Week 8 conducted by James Gaffigan.
Fellows who wish to participate in the competition must communicate
concerto selections by email to Artistic Administrator. Upon faculty review
and approval of a concerto selection, fellows must submit a participation
confirmation form and piano part during Week 1.
Marilyn Horne SonG coMPetition
The Marilyn Horne Song Competition is a competition open to all singers
and vocal pianists celebrating the art of the song. The competition will
award two first prizes, one to a Voice fellow and one to a Vocal Piano fellow
who demonstrate excellence in the performance of song repertoire as well
as a unique gift for audience communication. During the competition
singers will perform three songs of varying styles, one of which must be in
english. An esteemed jury selects two winners to receive the Regina Roney
Prize of $3,000 and an all-expense paid national recital tour which includes
performances in Santa Barbara at Hahn Hall and in new york at the Jerome
L. Greene Performance Space in partnership with WQXR, the nation’s mostlistened-to classical music station. Winners work with Marilyn Horne to
program the concert, which is prepared under her supervision as well as
that of other faculty. Winners also receive a consultation session with 21C
Media, a leader in classical music public relations. The 2016 competition
will be held Thursday, August 4.
Repertoire is chosen at the discretion of the soloist in consultation with
his/her faculty member. The work to be presented must be a published
work (orchestral score and parts must be available for rental or purchase)
that does not exceed 20 minutes in duration (one concerto movement or
equivalent). only Music academy collaborative piano fellows or faculty
may partner with competitors.
Hahn Hall at Music academy – venue for concerto and song competitions
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SHarinG tHe MuSic
ticket PolicieS and concert recordinGS
tHe Merit ProGraM
MeRIT (Music education Reinforces Intellect and Talent) is a summer training
and outreach program for instrumentalists ages 11-17. Started in 1998, its
primary goal is to provide quality chamber music education in a supportive
and positive environment. This two-week day camp on the campus of the
Music Academy of the West is held during weeks 6-7 of the summer.
each MeRIT student is paired with an Academy fellow who plays the same
instrument and acts as a mentor during the two weeks. The fellow mentors
give their students lessons, coach their chamber ensembles, and invite
them to their own performances and masterclasses at the Academy.
Several of the Music Academy faculty members also support the MeRIT
Program by working with students in coaching or masterclass format, and
some fellows also provide additional group instruction through various
seminars on topics of their choice. The program culminates on the final day
with a chamber music concert involving all the MeRIT students.
each MeRIT student receives a full scholarship to participate in the twoweek camp, which covers lessons, director and instructor fees, daily lunch,
masterclass and performance tickets, and production costs associated with
MeRIT performances. Fellow mentors receive a stipend of $200 in addition
to special training sessions with MeRIT faculty advisor nico Abondolo and
other Academy faculty members. If you are interested in being a mentor,
please contact [email protected].
The Music Academy Carsey Ticket Office is located in the Marilyn Horne
Main House on the Music Academy campus, and can be reached in person,
by phone, or email. The ticket offices inside Hahn Hall and the Granada
Theatre are only open one hour prior to performances at these venues.
Phone: 805-969-8787
Email: ticketoffi[email protected]
Family and friends may purchase tickets online beginning April 30.
To be admitted to a ticketed Academy event, you must obtain a ticket. There
are approximately 90 free, non-ticketed events.
oFF-caMPuS eventS
Fellows who are not performing may request a single complimentary ticket
to masterclasses, orchestra concerts, and opera performances at offcampus venues. Request your complimentary ticket at the Music Academy
Carsey Ticket Office the week of the event. Tickets will be distributed at the
Carsey Ticket Office the day of the event, or one-hour prior to the event at
the venue.
caMPuS eventS
Request a complimentary ticket to weekday afternoon masterclasses at the
Music Academy Carsey Ticket Office on the day of the event.
Many evening events at Hahn Hall sell out. The Ticket Office assistants will
do their best to meet your needs. you may request a fellow complimentary
ticket at the Hahn Hall ticket office beginning one hour prior to the start of
the performance. If all available fellow complimentary tickets have been
issued, you may request a Short-Term Pass that will enable you to attend
part of the performance; you must return your pass to the ticket office
when you leave the hall.
coMPliMentary ticketS iSSued to you are
For your PerSonal uSe only
If for any reason you cannot use a comp ticket you have obtained, please
return it to the ticket office as soon as possible so another fellow can attend
the event. you may not give the ticket away to another person.
— 38 —
— 39—
Free eventS
Approximately 90 Summer Festival events are free and we encourage you
to attend provided that a seat is available. no ticket is needed.
a note to FaMilieS and viSitorS
Faculty concerts, fellow competitions, vocal events and Picnic Concerts
often sell out early. Community Concerts also fill up very quickly and require
early arrival to secure a seat. Parents may order tickets using our single
ticket order form or may purchase tickets online at musicacademy.org.
Family and visitors may contact the ticket office in advance to order tickets:
concert recordinGS
Audio recordings are made of most Hahn Hall, Granada Theatre, and Picnic
Concert performances and are available online to fellows for educational
purposes only.
eXcluSivity oF PerForMance and recordinG
While in attendance at the Summer School and Festival, fellows may not
participate in Any musical events, performances or recordings not
scheduled by the Music Academy unless approved in advance by the
fellow’s faculty supervisor and the Music Academy administration. Such
events include private concerts that may be suggested to fellows by
Academy volunteers, donors, friends, area churches, local music
organizations, etc., and any type of recording activity. Fellows who fail to
observe this requirement are subject to dismissal by the Academy’s
administration, without refund of fees paid. As part of the terms and
conditions of the Music Academy enrollment Agreement, fellows give
consent to participate in radio, television, and transcribed programs
without compensation, and for photographs and videos taken during the
Academy session to be published by the Academy.
— 40 —
international FelloWS
If you are not a United States citizen, please contact Tiffany DeVries, Dean,
by email at [email protected] or by phone 805-695-7923, to
confirm you have the proper legal documents to cover your summer studies
at the Music Academy. For any non-US citizen fellow, the Music Academy
requires a photocopy of all of the following as applicable to your status: US
F1 Student visa, passport and SeVIS Form I-20, OPT approval, or permanent
resident card.
ForM i-20 and uS Student viSa
If you are not currently studying in the US and are not a US citizen, you must
obtain a US F-1 student visa through the US embassy in your country of
origin as well as Form I-20 from the Music Academy. Anyone wishing to
work or study in the US must obtain a visa. The Music Academy will issue
Form I-20 to you to cover the 2016 summer period. Take your Form I-20
with you to your visa interview, and apply for an “F-1 student visa.” Canada
is a visa exempt country, yet Canadians still need an I-20 document and
must request F-1 student status at the US port of entry. Form I-20 and visas
are required of international students by customs officials at ports of entry
into the United States. Schedule your visa interview as soon as possible, it
sometimes takes several weeks to be granted an appointment.
If you are currently studying in the US and have an I-20 through your current
school that expires later than August 2016, your I-20 will cover your
summer studies at the Music Academy. The Music Academy requires a
photocopy of the I-20 and related documents. For complete details
regarding I-20s and visas, visit ice.gov/sevis.
ForM i-901 and $200 Fee
If you are a foreign citizen and residing overseas, you are also required to
complete Form I-901 and pay a SeVIS I-901 fee of $200. This payment is
mandated by US Congress to support the SeVP (Student and exchange
Visitor Program). Form I-901 and the $200 fee must be paid and fully
— 41 —
processed before you arrive at the consulate or embassy for your visa
interview, otherwise you will be denied your visa. Bring your receipt and
Form I-20 with you to your visa interview. you may complete the I-901 and
pay the fee online at fmjfee.com
Financial PolicieS and FeeS
PayMent oF FeeS
Fellows are required to pay a $400 enrollment fee (comprised of a
nonrefundable $200 registration fee and refundable $200 security deposit)
at time of acceptance. Most fees are collected online through PayPal. Select
fees may also be payable by check. Checks are to be made payable to Music
Academy of the West.
Returned check fee: $25 will be assessed for checks returned for any reason
by the bank.
reFund PolicieS
The registration fee is non-refundable. The security deposit is refundable
and will be refunded after the end of the Festival unless there is reason to
retain the deposit for loss or damage to any Academy property or for other
penalty fees outlined in this handbook. Before your security deposit refund
can be issued to you, you must submit your summer evaluation survey and
an address where you can be reached after the summer.
The security deposit will not be refunded if a fellow chooses to withdraw
his/her enrollment commitment before or during the summer.
additional FeeS
Please be prepared to cover the expenses of your travel to/from Santa
Barbara, your off-campus meals, laundry services, shipping costs, fax use,
visitor fees, and free-time activities.
ScHolarSHiP acknoWledGeMent
The Music Academy’s Summer School and Festival is a full-scholarship
program supported by many generous donors. In recognition of this
support, you may be asked to write a thank you note to the appropriate
sponsor. The necessary information will be provided during the summer.
entrance to Hahn Hall at Music academy
— 42 —
— 43 —
cHeck caSHinG
live Well, PerForM Well:
Health, Wellness, and emergencies
Fellows are urged to use automatic teller machines (ATMs) to access their
bank accounts and meet their needs for cash. An ATM machine (operated
by Union Bank) is available at Westmont College, it is located in the Kerr
Student Center. ATMs are also available at various banks and stores on Coast
Village Road, a short walk from the Music Academy campus.
Music Academy is committed just as strongly to fellows’ off-stage experience
as their on-stage experience. There are a number of resources available to
ensure fellows stay as healthy as possible while they make music...live well,
peform well!
The Montecito Bank & Trust
1106 Coast Village Road
Phone: 805-564-0244
Music Academy’s Wellness Program is an innovative program designed
specifically for Academy fellows to introduce them to wellness resources and
practices that will support and sustain their careers. Led by the Jenny Schatzle
Program, some of the most sought-after fitness professionals in Southern
California, the Wellness Program is fun, motivational, and open to all fitness
levels. All fellows are encouraged to participate.
Fellows participating in extracurricular performances sometimes receive
payments in the form of checks drawn on Music Academy accounts. A bank
nearby the Music Academy will cash these checks for fellows upon
presentation of standard identification.
Cashing non-Music Academy checks can occasionally be arranged with this
bank through Music Academy’s Finance Office.
WellneSS ProGraM
The Wellness Program focuses on four core training areas: nutrition, exercise,
body mechanics, and a lecture series focusing on lifestyle & leadership topics
such as balancing a career and personal life, public speaking, managing stress,
and professional development. Opportunities include a cardio class,
kickboxing class, yoga class, weekly nutrition tools, and occasional seminars.
It’s all about keeping the ‘play’ in the playing.
Performance Psychology
The Music Academy is pleased to offer a series of workshops and
masterclasses entitled the Path to optimal Performance. Performing music
at a world-class level requires a unique combination of musical insight,
technical virtuosity, and powers of concentration. Performance coach and
trumpeter Bill Williams will present a series of workshops, lectures, and
interactive coaching sessions designed to provide fellows with the opportunity
to develop their performance skills in an in-depth, experiential environment.
details on group classes, lectures and individual sessions will be
announced at orientation.
Jenny Schatzle of the Jenny Schatzle Program, leader of
academy's Wellness Program
— 44 —
Free counseling sessions are available to Academy fellows through Academy
Board member and clinical psychologist, Dr. Paul Guido. Fellows may contact
Dr. Guido directly to arrange appointments. notify the Student Services
department if transportation assistance is necessary.
— 45 —
Medical eMerGency contactS
Music Academy Administrative office
Student Services Manager
Westmont College Resident Directors
Westmont College Resident Directors
Music Academy Buildings & Grounds Supervisor
Medical eMerGency Protocol
If injured or ill during the day, notify the Academy office manager or Student
Services if at the Music Academy main campus, or the resident director if at
Westmont College. During the evening at the Music Academy main campus,
notify the buildings and grounds supervisor, or if at Westmont College, notify
the resident director. The Academy will assist you with arranging
transportation to clinics for medical treatment. Medical appointments and
transportation to appointments will be at the fellow’s expense. Be sure to
bring health AnD dental insurance proof with you for medical treatments.
The Music Academy does not provide health insurance.
non-eMerGency Medical aSSiStance
Please consult Student Services Manager. The Student Services office will
refer you to transportation resources, including Uber, for routine and sameday medical appointments. The Music Academy may be able to provide
transportation to appointments scheduled in advance if the appointment
time is approved through Student Services. The artistic department will
also need to approve appointment times to ensure there are no schedule
conflicts. Transportation is not guaranteed except for emergency medical
situations in which a fellow is unable to coordinate an appointment on
his/her own behalf.
For Flood, Fire, eartHquake
Report to the gymnasium at Westmont or in front of Hahn Hall at Music
Academy, and gather into studio groups. Further instructions will be
provided at registration.
— 46 —
clinicS and HoSPitalS
near Music academy & Westmont college
Med Center
319 north Milpas
Santa Barbara
Monday–Friday 8 am – 6 pm
near downtown Santa barbara
Med Center
2954 State Street
Santa Barbara
Monday–Saturday: 8 am – 8 pm
Sunday: 10 am – 6 pm
Sansum Clinic-Urgent Care
51 Hitchcock Way
Santa Barbara
Monday-Friday: 8 am – 7 pm
Saturday: 9 am – 5 pm
Sunday 9 am – 3 pm
Cottage Hospital-Downtown Santa Barbara
Pueblo at Bath Streets
Santa Barbara
Hours: 24-hour emergency Room, 7 days/week
near Music academy & Westmont college
VOnS Pharmacy (Montecito)
1046 Coast Village Road
Monday-Friday: 8 am – 8 pm
Saturday/Sunday 9 am – 5 pm
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FelloW liFe
Social eventS
PoSt-concert recePtionS
Occasional receptions are hosted following faculty concerts. There is also
a special Festival Finale party at the Academy following the final concert,
Saturday, August 6.
reSidential caMPuS recreational FacilitieS
(WeStMont colleGe)
June 9 - August 15
Mon - Fri: 10 am - 3 pm
Sat/Sun: Closed
Closed July 4
Fitness Center
Mon - Fri: 6 - 8 am and 2 - 6 pm
Sat/Sun: Closed
Pool Hours
everyday: 12:30 pm - 6 pm
Closed occasionally for private events
Mon - Fri:8:45 am - 4:30 pm
Sat/Sun: Closed
The Academy facilitates special social events for fellows at Westmont
College and around Santa Barbara. Several events are planned throughout
the summer. Fellows’ participation in these events is voluntary, yet highly
encouraged as a way to relax and socialize outside the rehearsal and
performance schedule.
This summer’s events include:
• 15th Annual Fellows Beach BBQ: catered by a local restaurant.
• Buses from Westmont College to downtown Santa Barbara most
weeknights and on the weekends, to assist fellows who do not bring
personal cars.
• Telescope nights with professional astronomers
• Movie nights at Westmont
• Beach Volleyball
Other events and gatherings will be organized; information will be posted
on bulletin boards and the Academy’s website.
Santa barbara attractionS
Butterfly Beach, near Music Academy
East Beach, Cabrillo Blvd – volleyball courts
Post Office
Mon - Fri: 10 am - 4 pm
Leadbetter Beach, Cabrillo Blvd – beginner surfing
Rincon Beach, Carpinteria – experienced surfing
Reprographics (Print Services)
Mon - Fri: 8 am - 4 pm
Westmont Hospitality Facility: This facility at Westmont is available for
social gatherings. Parties are not permitted in the residence halls or
outdoors at any time out of respect to quiet hours and other groups
residing at Westmont during the summer.
Cold Spring Trail, Montecito – east Mountain Drive
Seven Falls Trail, near Santa Barbara Old Mission
Inspiration Point, near Santa Barbara Old Mission
Be sure to not cross Westmont property line; surrounding area is private
estates. Please do not trespass.
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Movie tHeaterS (all doWntoWn Santa barbara)
Arlington Theater, 1317 State Street
Fiesta Five, 916 State Street
Metro 4, 618 State Street
Paseo nuevo, 651 Paseo nuevo Mall (State St)
Santa barbara (Sb) MuSeuMS and ParkS:
Museum of natural History ................................................. 805-682-4711
SB Museum of Art ............................................................... 805-963-4364
SB Historical Museum ......................................................... 805-966-1601
SB Botanical Gardens .......................................................... 805-682-4726
SB Zoo .................................................................................. 805-963-5695
SB Mission & Rose Garden (off east Mission St)
SB Courthouse (gardens & tower views)
MiScellaneouS recreation:
Roller blading & biking on the boardwalk along SB beaches/Cabrillo Blvd.
Farmer’s Market on Coast Village Road near Music Academy (Friday
mornings) and downtown Santa Barbara along State Street (Tuesday
Sunday Art Fair along Cabrillo Boulevard
tHe coMPeer ProGraM
The Compeer Program unites fellows and audience members in one-onone friendships so that the Academy audience is not a sea of faces but an
audience of friends. The Compeer Program is truly a unique and
extraordinary part of the Academy experience, creating a dynamic
community unrivaled by any other festival.
each summer, Academy fellows are matched with a Compeer, an individual
or family from among the Academy’s most enthusiastic and devoted
audience members and donors. These patrons become a personal cheering
section and Santa Barbara guides to the fellow(s) with whom they are
matched. Dinners, relaxing at the Compeer’s home or sightseeing around
Santa Barbara are just a few of the many perks of this special program.
Fellows and Compeers interact approximately once per week, possibly
more often depending upon schedule availability.
your participation in this program is strictly voluntary, though historically
all fellows have been delighted to be involved.
2016 marks the 19th season of the Compeer Program, which begins with
the annual Compeer Kickoff Dinner, a festive dinner with Compeers,
administration and faculty at the Westmont campus. Since seating is
limited, fellows may not invite guests to this event. More information
regarding this event will be provided at Orientation.
Fellows and Compeers often develop friendships that carry on long after
the fellows’ attendance at the Music Academy. Some fellows from 1998,
when the Compeer Program began, are still in touch with their Compeers.
For fellows at the Music Academy, having genuine personal connections
with the audience and community is not only a benefit that makes
performances much more meaningful, but is also a significant skill as they
move forward in their careers. As one fellow shared, “The Music Academy’s
community experience is far superior to any other I have known and played
a major factor in my overall appreciation for and enjoyment of this past
summer. I couldn’t imagine my time at Music Academy without having met
my own as well other people’s Compeers.”
Fellows and Faculty taking advantage of a day off at nearby rincon beach, one of
the top surfing locations in the world
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outSide PerForMance requeStS
Remember that fellows may not perform for any gathering or event outside
those scheduled by the Music Academy. If Compeers or any member of the
community invite you to perform in their home or elsewhere, you must
first obtain an Outside Performance Request Form through the Artistic
Administrator. Outside performances must be approved in advance by both
the faculty and administration, in order to ensure there are no conflicts
with Academy events and ensure fellows’ time is protected for Academy
commitments. If an outside performance is approved, the hosts are
responsible to pay fellows for their performance according to the guidelines
set forth within the Outside Performance Request Form.
a Word about Gratitude and coMPeer etiquette
Compeers and fellows often develop close and very personal relationships.
For this reason, it is particularly important to be sensitive to and respectful
of the generosity that your Compeer has shown. Under no circumstances
should you expect or request financial assistance from your Compeer, for
any reason. Please thank Compeers after each social gathering or meal
hosted by Compeers, and also be sure to write your Compeer a thank you
note at the end of the summer. notes during the summer will certainly be
welcomed as well. Fellow verbal and written gratitude is deeply appreciated
by Compeers and goes a long way in strengthening relationships built
through this special program.
FelloW conduct
The Music Academy of the West is dedicated to providing a safe, supportive,
and artistically rich environment for its entire community — fellows, faculty,
staff, and guests. To assure such an environment, and that the rights,
privileges, and safety of all are honored and respected, the Music Academy
has adopted the following regulations.
your enrollment carries with it your agreement to abide by these guidelines.
Since your actions here affect everyone, failure to follow Academy policies
can result in your dismissal from the Music Academy. Please read them
carefully and understand them fully!
attendance requireMentS
All Music Academy fellows must attend the complete Summer School and
Festival. This means that all fellows must arrive in Santa Barbara on the
designated arrival date and remain in town throughout the festival. (See
pg 12 for arrival and departure dates). Fellows are expected to maintain
professional discipline in attendance and punctuality at all rehearsals and
events for which they are scheduled. Assigned attendance at lessons,
masterclasses, orchestra rehearsals/concerts, opera rehearsals/
performances, and other instructional events is mandatory. Fellows who
anticipate an unavoidable and exceptional absence during the summer
must submit a request in writing for consideration of the absence’s approval
prior to submitting their enrollment agreement. enrolled fellows who
discover during the summer that they have a conflict with a scheduled
event or need to leave the campus overnight due to an unavoidable and
exceptional circumstance must submit a request immediately and in person
to the Academy’s Dean. Approvals for absences are considered only in cases
of critical family responsibilities, or significant professional opportunities,
or when in the view of the Academy, denial would cause significant personal
or professional hardship. Requests for absences are considered on a caseby-case basis. Unexcused absences may result in dismissal from the
program without refund of fees paid.
compeer Program Special event
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alcoHol Policy
The legal drinking age in California is 21. It is a crime to sell, furnish, or give
away an alcoholic beverage to any person under the age of 21 or to any
intoxicated person. Drinking by fellows who are under age 21 is prohibited.
Under-age drinking will result in mandatory dismissal from the program,
and parents of under-age drinkers will be notified.
Fellows 21 years of age or older must drink responsibly. Fellows identified
as publicly intoxicated by Music Academy administration and/or law
enforcement will lose the privilege to reside at Westmont for the remainder
of the festival and will be responsible for arranging off-campus
accommodations at their own expense, or will be dismissed from the
Members of the Music Academy administration, in their sole discretion,
have the power to determine that drinking by a fellow is irresponsible, even
if not involving public intoxication. Those considered to be drinking
irresponsibly will be reported to the Academy administration for a follow
up meeting to determine consequences, including possible suspension or
dismissal. All efforts will be made to ensure that those who are (21 and
over) drinking alcohol are doing so in moderation.
Alcohol is permitted on the grounds of Music Academy during pre and postconcert meals and receptions. On the Westmont campus, beer and wine
only may only be served and consumed by individuals aged 21 and over
within the Hospitality Facility between the hours of 8 pm and Midnight
Sunday through Thursday evenings, and between the hours of 8 pm and
1 am Friday and Saturday evenings.
Fellows (21 and over) who purchase beer and wine to be consumed at
Westmont must have the beer/wine stored within a locked location within
the Hospitality Facility at Westmont until 8 pm each evening when
beer/wine service is available. Please note, beer and wine will not be made
available at Westmont on a “self-serve” basis and instead will be distributed
by a staff server on duty during the above mentioned hours. When bringing
wine and/or beer on the Westmont campus, fellows must deliver it directly
to the Resident Director on duty either during RD office hours (1-2 pm or
7-8 pm daily) or during the approved service/consumption hours. All beer
and wine brought into campus, including carriers or boxes with multiple
bottles, must be enclosed in a bag. Upon delivery to the RD, the beer and/or
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wine will be labeled with the purchaser’s name. Fellows must present a
photo ID in order to be served beer and/or wine. At the end of each evening
open beer and wine containers must be recycled in the provided
receptacles within the Hospitality Facility. If unopened, beer and wine may
remain stored and locked within the Hospitality Facility.
Possession of an open or empty alcohol container shall be treated as proof
of consumption. If alcohol is being consumed in an unapproved area, and
a fellow under age 21 is present, this will also be treated as proof of
consumption by the underage fellow, and all individuals present will be held
A $500 fine will be imposed for each alcohol policy infraction. Multiple
infractions may result in loss of housing or dismissal from the summer
quiet HourS
Quiet hours inside and outside residence halls begin at 11 pm and last until
8 am. Inside the Hospitality Facility, quiet hours begin at 11 pm; doors must
remain closed after 11 pm. noise must be kept to conversation level during
quiet hours. no amplified music is permitted during quiet hours. no
rowdiness will be tolerated at any time. The Hospitality Facility must be
cleared of any items used during social gatherings and furniture returned
to its original placement at the end of each evening.
noncompliance with quiet hour regulations will incur a warning or
suspension as well as a possible fine up to $100 for each minor breach or
violation, depending upon the severity of the violation. If a fellow is involved
in two policy violations, the second incident will include the administration’s
consideration of the fellow’s dismissal from the Festival. Policy violations
put the Academy’s rental contract with Westmont College at risk, and loss
of housing privileges would terminate the program. Fellows will be treated
as professionals and will be asked to handle themselves as such.
druG-Free environMent
The Music Academy of the West maintains a drug-free environment. Any
fellow found in violation of this policy will be subject to appropriate
disciplinary action, including dismissal from the Academy without a refund
of fees paid.
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The Music Academy of the West is committed to providing fellows, faculty,
staff, and visitors with a smoke-free and tobacco-free environment. Smoking
and the use of all tobacco products, the use of smokeless tobacco products,
and the use of unregulated nicotine products (e.g., “e-cigarettes”) are
prohibited anywhere at all indoor and outdoor spaces at both the main and
residential campuses. Please be respectful of the Academy’s neighbors and
keenly attentive to fire hazard should you choose to smoke off campus.
Violations will result in disciplinary action as outlined below. A smoke-free
and tobacco-free environment will save lives and improve the health of our
Helpful Resource: California Smokers Hotline is 1-800-NO-BUTTS
conSequenceS For SMokinG violationS
1. First violation: fellow meeting with Dean; warning and $100 deduction
from security deposit
2. Second violation: fellow meeting with Dean and President; $200 fine
3. Third violation: fellow suspension or dismissal from the festival
4. Fourth violation: dismissal from the festival
The Music Academy does not discriminate in the administration of its
educational and admissions policies, scholarship programs, or other school
or festival-administered programs on the basis of race, religion, ancestry,
color, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, age, medical
condition, physical or mental disability, or any other basis made unlawful
under federal, state or local law. This school is authorized under Federal
law to enroll nonimmigrant students. All fellows are admitted to all the
rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made
available to fellows at the Academy.
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The Music Academy intends to provide an environment that is pleasant,
healthful, comfortable, and free from intimidation, hostility, or other
offenses which might interfere with an individual’s employment, education,
or performance. Harassment of any sort—verbal, physical, visual—will not
be tolerated.
Harassment can take many forms. It may be, but is not limited to: words,
signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation, physical contact, or violence. Harassment
is not necessarily sexual in nature. Sexual harassment may include
unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, other verbal or
physical contact of a sexual nature when such conduct creates an
intimidating environment, prevents an individual from effectively
performing the duties of his or her position, or when such conduct is made
a condition of advancement, either implicitly or explicitly.
This policy covers all year-round and temporary employees of the Music
Academy of the West as well as fellows, faculty, guest artists, and patrons.
An individual who experiences harassment or becomes aware of an incident
of harassment, whether by witnessing the incident or being told of it, must
report it to the Dean. When the Music Academy becomes aware that
harassment might have occured, it is committed to take appropriate action,
whether or not the complainant wants the Music Academy to do so.
All reports will be promptly investigated with due regard for the privacy of
everyone involved. Anyone found guilty of harassment will be subject to
severe disciplinary action or dismissal without a refund of fees paid. The
Music Academy will not retaliate against any individual who makes a good
faith report of alleged harassment.
The Music Academy accepts no liability for harassment. The individual who
makes unwelcome advances, threatens, or in any way harasses an
employee, fellow, faculty member, guest artist, patron, or any other
individual on Music Academy or on the Westmont campus is personally
liable for such actions and their consequences. The Music Academy has no
obligation to provide legal, financial or any other assistance to an individual
accused of harassment if a legal complaint is filed.
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adMiniStration directory
Finance and information Systems
Scott Reed, President ........................................................... 805-695-7901
Celia Mayorga, Staff Accountant .......................................... 805-695-7904
office of the President
Lisa Dowd, executive Assistant to the President ................. 805-695-7901
Student Services
Tiffany DeVries, Dean ........................................................... 805-695-7923
Isabel Dickinson, Interim Student Services Manager .......... 805-695-7955
Brian Granger and Jaclyn Hawkins, Resident Directors........ 805-881-8318
artistic operations
Patrick Posey, VP of Artistic Planning ................................... 805-695-7922
Anthony Paggett, Artistic Administrator .............................. 805-695-7910
Katie Friesen, Artistic Production Manager ......................... 805-695-7945
ticket office ......................................................................... 805-969-8787
Rosemary Metcalf, Orchestra Manager .............................. 805-695-7954
voice Program
Aaron Grant, Voice Program Manager ................................ 805-565-6397
Jon Steiner, CFO/VP of Finance ............................................ 805-695-7902
Marcia Swires, Senior Accountant ....................................... 805-695-7925
Marketing & communications
Ana Papakhian, VP of Marketing and Communications ...... 805-695-7907
Kate Oberjat, Director of Marketing and Communications .. 805-695-7908
institutional advancement
Jonathan Bishop, VP Institutional Advancement ................ 805-695-7915
Sheri Broedlow, Director of Development ........................... 805-695-7918
Sarah Rowe Stretz,Business Development Manager .......... 805-695-7916
Lauren Beattie, Director of Special events ........................... 805-695-7917
Lynn Carlise, Grants Manager .............................................. 805-695-7929
buildings and Grounds
Leslie Kelleher, Director of Operations ................................ 805-695-7913
Jim Pettit, Manager of Buildings & Grounds ....................... 805-695-7912
Fred Lehto, Building & Grounds Technician ........................ 805-695-7912
Lyle Wong, Librarian ............................................................. 805-695-7953
Bethany Stevens, Office Manager ........................................805-969-4726
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Santa barbara dininG out
reStaurantS and coFFee SHoPS (all in 805 area code)
Little Alex’s (Montecito) .......................................................... 969-2297
La Super Rica (Milpas exit) ...................................................... 963-4940
Los Arroyos (Montecito) .......................................................... 969-9059
Olio e Limone Pizzeria (downtown) ........................................ 899-2699
Via Vai (Montecito) .................................................................. 565-9393
Persona neapolitan Pizzeria (downtown) .............................. 899-4999
China Pavillion (Montecito) ..................................................... 565-9380
Saigon Grill (downtown) .......................................................... 966-0909
Zen yai (downtown) ................................................................. 957-1193
Arigato Sushi (downtown) ....................................................... 965-6074
Sakana (Montecito) ..................................................................565-2014
edomasa (upper downtown) ................................................... 687-0210
Miso Hungry (upper downtown) ............................................ 324-4430
Backyard Bowls (downtown) ................................................... 845-5379
natural Cafe (downtown) ........................................................ 962-9494
Silvergreens (downtown) .........................................................962-8500
american (cont.)
Longboard’s Grill (Stearn’s Wharf ) ......................................... 963-3311
The Palace Cajun Grill (downtown) ........................................ 963-5000
Tupelo Junction (downtown) .................................................. 899-3100
Opal (downtown) .....................................................................966-9676
coffee Shops
Starbucks (Montecito) ............................................................. 565-1935
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf (Montecito) ....................................... 966-2442
Jeannine’s Bakery (Montecito) ................................................ 969-7878
French Press (downtown) ....................................................... 963-2721
ice cream/Smoothies
McConnell’s (downtown) ........................................................ 324-4402
Blenders (Montecito) .............................................................. 969-0611
Pink Berry (downtown) .......................................................... 962-1378
yogurtland (downtown) .......................................................... 564-8680
additional reSourceS
VOnS Grocery (Montecito)
1040 Coast Village Road .......................................................... 969-2112
Ralph’s Grocery (downtown)
100 W. Carrillo St ......................................................................564-7000
Trader Joe’s (Santa Barbara)
29 S. Milpas Street ................................................................... 564-7878
Staples Office Supplies (downtown Santa Barbara)
410 State Street ....................................................................... 965-9577
Paradise Café (downtown) .......................................................962-4461
Giovanni’s (Montecito) ............................................................ 969-1277
Jane (downtown) ..................................................................... 962-1311
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MuSic acadeMy caMPuS MaP
WeStMont colleGe MaP
Abbott Tennis Courts
Page Hall
Thorrington Field
Van Kampen Hall
Adams Center for the Visual Arts
Administrative Building B
Physical Plant/Central Receiving
Porter Center
Track Storage
Nancy Voskuyl Prayer Chapel
Voskuyl Library
Armington Hall
Porter Hall/Theatre
Biology Laboratory
Campus Planning
Post Office and Reprographics
Carr Field
Carroll Hall
Reynolds Hall
Clark Classroom
Westmont Ridley-Tree
Museum of Art
Whittier Hall
Winter Hall for Science and
Conference Services
Central Cooling Plant
Clark Hall
Deane Chapel
Deane Field
Deane Hall
Emerson Hall
Gaede Institute
Administrative Building A
Health and Counseling Center
Housing and Parking Office
Parking lot
Lehrer Studio Building
Hubbard Hall
Kerr Memorial Student Center
Dining Commons
Kerrwood Hall
Lovik Field
Martin Institute/Willard Center
Murchison Physical Education
Complex and Pool
Music Building
The Admissions Office is
located in Kerrwood Hall
Claeyssens Hall
Marilyn Horne
Main House
Upper Campus
Luria Education
Hahn Hall
Lower Campus
Lower Campus
Upper Campus
Claeyssens Hall
Harger Studios
Hahn Hall
The Rack
Restroom Pavilion
The Treasure House
Singher Studio and Wood Studios
Lehrer Studio Building
Luria Education Center (Weinman Hall)
Ticket Offices
Marilyn Horne Main House (Administration,
Lehmann Hall, Yzurdiaga Hall, Braun Library)
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eMerGency contact nuMberS
evenings and Weekends
Brian Granger and Jaclyn Hawkins,
Resident Directors at Westmont College .......................... 805-881-8318
academy on–campus emergency
Jim Pettit, Manager of Building & Grounds ......................... 805-259-7718
Music Academy Administration Office ................................ 805–969–4726
Tiffany DeVries, Dean .......................................................... 805–695–7923
Isabel Dickinson, Interim Student Services Manager .......... 805-695-7955
note: Please be sure to program an ICE (In Case of Emergency) contact
name and phone number into your cell phone. This will help someone help
you in the event that you are involved in an emergency. For example, in
your cell phone address book, the entry could read: “ICe sister–Suzanne
805-555-5555” to reflect your desire that your sister should be reached in
case you’re in need of help and are unable to make a phone call.
Photos provided by: David Bazemore, Brad elliott, Jamie DeVries, Jim Bartsch, David Weiss,
Laura Andrade
Sunset at butterfly beach, a two-minute walk from Music academy
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