(MRS) of the deep brain st tructures at 7. .0T 1803 Proc. Intl. Soc
(MRS) of the deep brain st tructures at 7. .0T 1803 Proc. Intl. Soc
Magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) of the deep brain sttructures at 7..0T 2 Ravvi Prakash Reddy Nanga1, David R Roalf R , Kejia Cai1, Mark Elliott1, Haari Hariharan1, Jam mes Loughead2, Haarish Poptani1, Ravvinder Reddy1, andd Ruben C Gur2 1 2 Radioology, University of o Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, P Penn nsylvania, United States, S Psychiatryy, University of Peennsylvania, Philaddelphia, Pennsylvaania, United Statess Introd duction. Standarrd proton MRS at a 3.0T allows fo or exceptional sensitivity to the neurochemistry of many regions of the brain (N Nacewicz et al.,). Howevver, direct quantification of spec cific neurotransm mitters such as glutamate g (Glu) within deep bra ain structures (e e.g. amygdala an nd hippocampus s) remain ns limited at this field strength. Recent R advances s in MRS, especially the use of u ltra-high field 7.0 0T MRS, offer increased sensitivvity and specificitty for bra ain neurochemis stry in deep brain n structures. Thu us, the use of 7.0T MRS to inve estigate brain me ntification of brain etabolites may yyield better quan neurocchemistry since spectral dispers sion is enhanced d at this magnetic field. The go oal of the curren nt study was to determine if 7.0 0T MRS provides apprecciable gain in Glutamate/Glutam G mine (Glx) signall to noise (SNR)) as compared tto 3.0T, measurre the concentra ation of Glx in th he amygdala and hippoccampus, and dettermine the repro oducibility of this measurement. ods. Standard MRS M (Point RES Solved Spectros scopy; PRESS) was used for a acquisition at 3.0 0T Siemens sca anner using 8-channel head co oil Metho 3 (Param meters: TE: 30 ms; TR: 3000 ms; m Voxel size: 10X10X10 mm ; 128 averages). A modified MRS S (PRESS) acquiisition was used at 7.0T Siemens 3 scanner using 32-channel head coil (P Parameters: TE:: 20 ms; TR: 300 00 ms; Voxel sizze: 10X10X10 m mm ; 128 averag ges). MRS was ccollected from six 4 years) at two time points ap pproximately at 90-day intervalss. Data was co ollected from the amygdala and male subjects (aged between 22-64 d right). At 7.0T, Glu G was measurred in glutamate phantoms prepa ared using PBS b buffer at pH 7.0 iin three concentrrations [5 mM, 10 hippoccampus (left and mM, 1 15 mM]. Spectra a obtained from 7T MRS were processed p by ex xponential apodizzation (10 Hz) o of the raw free iinduction decay data followed by Fourie er transformation, phase correctio on and then base eline correction. Metabolite peakss from the deep brain structures were fitted as Gaussian functions with n non-linear leastt squares fitting g (MATLAB “n nlinfit” routine e) followed by integration and then normalize ed by water signal for absolute qua antification of Glx concentration. a showed an appreciable gain over Resullts. 7.0T spectra 3.0T sspectra in deep p brain structure es (Figure A, B;; line broade ening of 5Hz was used in n both spectra a for compa arison). Qualitatively, the Glx peak p at 2.35 pp pm is clearlyy visible in the spectra acquired at 7.0T. Macro omolecular peaks (from 0.7 to 1.8 1 ppm) seen in 7T spectrrum arises most probably due to the shorter echo o time used w when compared to 3T. Mean Glx G concentration was 16.99 (2.64) mM; [range (13.31-19 9.85); coefficien nt of %)] in the amygd dala and 13.52 (1.80) variation (CoV = 15.5% mM; [range (11.21-16.39); CoV = 13.3%] in the es are comparab ble to hippoccampus (Figure C). These value a rece ent study at 3.0T T (Nacewicz et al.,; a CoV = 15.42 2% in amygd dala). Only three subjects ha ad suitable data a for longitu udinal comparis son in the am mygdala (Figure e D), howevver they showed high reliability from f time 1 to time 2 (intra cclass correlation coefficient = 0.9 92). Finally, to confirm the sttability of in vivo o acquisition, Glu G was measure ed in vitro. T These data show w that Glu has th hree resolvable peaks p around d 2.08ppm, 2.35 5ppm and 3.74p ppm (Figure E). The 2.35 p ppm peak is the only o one used for Glx quantificatiion in vivo. Quantified Glu concentration c ba ased on MRS me ethod a Glu conce entration (Figure F). showss linearity to the actual Concllusions. Despitte the challenges s due to field inhomogeneities in imaging deep b rain structures, w we demonstrated d the feasibility o of measuring high qualityy MRS from amy ygdala and hippo ocampus at 7T. In n this limited study, we further sh howed that the 7 7T MRS has about 2.5 times SNR R advantage ove er the co orresponding 3T MRS and provides high quality y Glx spectra. Re epeated measurrements showed d high degree off precision (intra class correlation coefficcient = 0.92) at 7T. 7 Since the deep brain structurres are invovlved d in many importa ant cognitive fun nctions like memo ory, emotion and d other behaviora al domaiins, accurate quantification could d provide insightt into the well-do ocumented volum metric and functtional differencess in a variety off neuropsychiatric disord ders including sch hizophrenia and autism. owledgements. This work was performed at an a NCRR supported Biomedical Technology an nd Research Center (P41 RR02 2305) and in part Ackno suppo orted by R21-DA0 032256, T32 MH H019112 (D.R.R.))-SCHIZOPHRENIA: A NEUROP PSYCHIATRIC P PERSPECTIVE, M MH060722 and M MH064045. ences. Nacewic cz, B. M. et al., (2011) Reliab ble non-invasive e measurement of human neurrochemistry usin ng proton specttroscopy with an Refere anatom mically defined amygdala-specifi a c voxel. NeuroIm mage (In press). Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 20 (2012) 1803