Mitochondrial Disorders
Mitochondrial Disorders
תיאור מקרה פרופ' מנחם שדה מרכז רפואי ע"ש ולפסון ,חולון בן .46יליד הארץ .שולל מחלות נוירולוגיות במשפחתו. התגייס לצה"ל ב .1985-השתחרר בשנת 1990ולמד לתואר ראשון ושני בפסיכולוגיה. התגייס שנית ב 1997-עם פרופיל 97ושירת עד לאחרונה בתחום בריאות הנפש ומדעי ההתנהגות. השתחרר באפריל 2012בדרגת רס"ן. התחיל לעבוד כפסיכולוג. בשנת 2001התגלתה תימומה בצורה מקרית ,לאחר שהיה חשד לדלקת ריאות ובוצע צילום חזה. הוא נותח והתימומה נכרתה. ב 12.1.10-קיבל חיסון כנגד שפעת החזירים. ב 3.3.10-נבדק בחדר המיון בהדסה עין כרם בשל ראיה כפולה במבט שמאלה במשך שבועיים. CTראש היה תקין. MRIמוח היה תקין. הוא הופנה לבדיקת נוגדנים לקולטן לאצטיל כולין. רמת הנוגדנים היתה גבוהה. הוא אובחן כלוקה במיאסטניה גרביס .טיפול במסטינון לא הועיל. במקביל הופיעו התכווצויות שרירים ספונטניות במקומות שונים בגוף ולאחר הקשה על השריר. Rippling Muscle diseae: Hereditary, Dominant 1975 -Torbergsen reported a myopathy in a Norwegian family with stiffness after exercise, irritable muscles with percussion-induced muscle mounding rippling, muscle hypertrophy, and hyper-CKemia. 1989 - Ricker et al named the disease rippling muscle disease, they noted that the rippling was electrically silent. 1999 - Vorgerd et al. stressed percussion-induced rapid contraction (PIRC) as an important hallmark of the disease. 2001 - Betz et al. reported a loss of caveolin-3 in muscle biopsy specimens, and genetic analysis revealed missense mutations Mutations in Caveolin-3 also cause: LGMD 1C Increased CK with normal strength Distal myopathy Cardiomyopathy, familial hypertrophic Long QT syndrome 9 Onset Usual: 1st or 2nd decades Range: 5 to 54 years 15% asymptomatic Discomfort Muscle cramps, pain & stiffness Legs > Arms Neck stiffness in some patients Worse with: Exercise; Occasionally cold Toe walking: On awakening or after rest Rippling of muscle: Wave-like Evoked by: Muscle stretch Moves laterally along muscle over 5 to 20 seconds (0.6 M/s) 10x slower than muscle fiber action potential Electrically silent Present in 60% of patients Localization: Especially prominent in large proximal muscles Mounding of muscle (Myoedema)Evoked by percussion: All patients Prominent in thenar eminence Differential diagnosis: Malnutrition; Cachexia; Hypothyroidism Arch Neurol. 1996 Feb;53(2):197-9. Rippling muscles and myasthenia gravis with rippling muscles. Ansevin CF, Agamanolis DP. OBJECTIVE: To describe a patient with rippling muscles and myasthenia gravis. DESIGN: Clinical, laboratory, electrophysiologic, and muscle biopsy data are reported. PATIENT: We describe a patient with rippling muscles (as seen in rippling muscle disease) and myasthenia gravis (MG) with thymoma. There was no family history of rippling muscle disease in our patient. Diplopia and other symptoms of MG were initially overshadowed by the striking rippling phenomenon. The rippling resolved when the MG became florrid. INTERVENTIONS: The patient was treated with pyridostigmine, prednisone, and plasmaphereses before removal of a thymoma. MAIN OUTCOME AND RESULTS: His MG improved with treatment and the rippling has not recurred 4 months after thymectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Rippling muscle disease is rare and usually inherited. Our patient with rippling muscles (but no family history of rippling muscle disease) and MG suggests that rippling muscles may also be triggered by an autoimmune phenomenon. 2. Vernino S, Auger RG, Emslie-Smith AM, et al Myasthenia, thymoma, presynaptic antibodies, and a continuum of neuromuscular hyperexcitability. Neurology1999;53:1233–9. 3.Vernino S, Lennon VA Ion channel and striational antibodies define a continuum of autoimmune neuromuscular hyperexcitability. Muscle Nerve 2002;26:702–7. 4. Muller-Felber W, Ansevin CF, Ricker K, et al Immunosuppressive treatment of rippling muscles in patients with myasthenia gravis. Neuromuscul Disord 1999;9:604–7. 5. Greenberg SA Acquired rippling muscle disease with myasthenia gravis. Muscle Nerve 2004;29:143–6. 6. Schulte-Mattler WJ, Kley RA, Rothenfusser-Korber E, et al Immune-mediated rippling muscle disease. Neurology 2005;64:364–7. 7.Schoser B, Jacob S, Hilton-Jones D, Müller-Felber W, et al. Immune-mediated rippling muscle disease with myasthenia gravis: a report of seven patients with long-term followup in two. Neuromuscul Disord. 2009 Mar;19(3):223-8. 8.van Schaik SM, Kwa VI, van der Kooi AJ. Acquired rippling muscle disease associated with mild myasthenia gravis: a case report. J Neurol. 2009 Jul;256(7):1187-8 9. J S George, S Harikrishnan, Ali R Baresi, C O Hanemann Acquired rippling muscle disease in association with myasthenia gravis Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2010;81:125-126 H&E Caveolin stain Rippling Muscle Syndrome, Sporadic Associated with Thymoma , Myasthenia gravis: Rippling muscles may precede dx of MG Onset: 30 to 55 years Clinical features: Cramps induced by exercise or touching muscle Rippling muscles May be painful Distribution: Cranial; Proximal; Distal Bulbar: Dysphagia; Dysarthria Weakness: Proximal; Some patients Myalgias Sensation & Tendon reflexes: Normal Laboratory Serum CK: Mildly elevated up to 2000 Muscle biopsy Inflammation, lymphocytic: CD4 & B-cells; Some patients Myopathic: Varied fiber size MHC-1: Upregulated, especially in fibers with reduced caveolin-3 Caveolin-3: Reduced in mosaic pattern; Reduced or Normal by Western blot EMG: Normal or Myopathic; Cramps are silent MRI: Myopathic changes in muscle Treatment Immunosuppression: Prednisone or Azathioprine; Benefit over 2 to 4 months Exacerbated by Pyridostigmine Acquired rippling muscle disease without evidence of myasthenia gravis or acetylcholine receptor autoantibodies. Electrically active immune-mediated rippling muscle disease preceding breast cancer.
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