Boarding for your Dog Information
Boarding for your Dog Information
Coltrandi Pet Specialists Pet Specialists for all your boarding training and grooming needs Pet Specialists for all your boarding, training, grooming AND PET PRODUCT needs BOARDING FOR CATS AND DOGS Coltrandi Pet Boarding and Training Centre, 694 Grassdale Rd, Gumdale Q.4154 Phone: (07) 3245 3411 Fax: (07) 3245 3302 Email: [email protected] Coltrandi Pet Specialists Pet Specialists for all your boarding training and grooming needs Pet Specialists for all your boarding, training, grooming AND PET PRODUCT needs All bookings can be made online at or by phoning 07 3245 3411. BOARDING FOR YOUR DOG Diet We cater for all pet needs and diets including puppy diets. For the adult dog we supply a fresh and nutritious diet, our wet food is supplied by scotties premium pet foods, chicken, meat and vegie or pro peak this product has all the necessary nutrients your pet requires for a good healthy meal. We also have a range of fresh mince supplied by our local butchers. The dry foods we use is either a super coat or a scotties premium pet food these products are a natural non preservatives or artificial colouring food. All meals consist of meat and dry food the meat is minced and mixed together with the dry food and feed fresh daily. Cleanliness All pets staying with us receive a hydro bath on entry to ensure that our kennels are flee and tick free. On departure they also receive a hydro bath, and Long term visitors receive a bath every 10-12 days. The kennel units are cleaned and disinfected 3 times per day morning, midday, and evening. Food and water bowls are also disinfected daily to assure there is no change of disease or infection carried through the kennels. All pets are moved to a dry area and to an outside run when kennels are being hosed to keep pets dry at all times. Vaccinations All pets must e fully vaccinated Canine 4 or Canine 5 excepted, kennel management must sight vaccination certificate on pet’s entry. Coltrandi has a 24 hr vet on call, pets that are not vaccinated or appear to have any cough or ill health symptoms will not be excepted for entry into our board kennel complex unless cleared by a veterinary. Medication All basic medications are given by management free of charge. Pets requiring consistent medical treatment are kept in special areas of the complex and extra daily charges may apply for the administer of any special medications such as (needles bandaging etc) Veterinary Coltrandi has a 24hr 7 days a week vet on call if at any time your pet should need emergency or professional medical attention during there stay with us. Attention to Management Any pets that have specific problems such as:- animal or human aggression, fencing jumping, escaping, property destruction fitting arthritis, muscle or bone problems injuries, allergies or eating disorders, etc we would appreciate details on the time of booking, we then can cater to your pets needs so there stay with us is calm and pleasant and safe for all. Coltrandi Pet Boarding and Training Centre, 694 Grassdale Rd, Gumdale Q.4154 Phone: (07) 3245 3411 Fax: (07) 3245 3302 Email: [email protected] Coltrandi Pet Specialists Pet Specialists for all your boarding training and grooming needs Pet Specialists for all your boarding, training, grooming AND PET PRODUCT needs All bookings can be made online at or by phoning 07 3245 3411. BOARDING FOR YOUR CAT Diet We cater for all cat needs and diets including kittens. For the adult cat. We feed a well balanced diet with all the necessary neutrons, our wet food is Scotty’s suprcat pet mince, Whiskas or Dine. Dry food is Whiskas go-cat or kitty-cat, all kittens are catered for. As cats are grazers we feed meat as a first meal, bowls are then cleaned and dry food is left for them for the rest of the day. Cleanliness The cat units are vacuumed, moped and disinfected twice daily, all kitty litters are also changed twice daily, carpet inside of huts are powdered with an anti bacterial substance and all water and feed bowls are disinfected daily. Vaccinations All pets must be fully vaccinated feline 3 excepted, kennel management must sight vaccination certificate on pets entry. Coltrandi has a 24 hr vet on call, pets that are not vaccinated or appear to have any cough or ill health symptoms will not be excepted for entry into our board kennels unless cleared by a veterinary. Medication All basic medications are given by management free of charge. Pets requiring consistent medical treatment may lead to extra daily charges the administer of any special medications such as (needles, bandaging etc) Veterinary Coltrandi has a 24hr, 7 days a week vet on call if at any tie your pet should need emergency or professional medical attention during their stay with us. Attention to Management Any pets that have specific problems such as: fitting arthritis, muscle or bone problems injuries, allergies or eating disorders, etc we would appreciate details on the time of booking, we then can cater to your pets needs so there stay with us is calm and pleasant and safe for all. Coltrandi Pet Boarding and Training Centre, 694 Grassdale Rd, Gumdale Q.4154 Phone: (07) 3245 3411 Fax: (07) 3245 3302 Email: [email protected] Coltrandi Pet Specialists Pet Specialists for all your boarding training and grooming needs Pet Specialists for all your boarding, training, grooming AND PET PRODUCT needs h h unit unit is is tiled tiled with with an an industrial industrial tile tile and and finished finished with with a a anti anti bacterial bacterial grouting. grouting. These These units units are are equipped equipped d with covering an industrial tile for and finishedand with a anti bacterial grouting. These units water are equipped h h vinyl vinyl covering bedding bedding for hygiene hygiene and clay clay water water bowls bowls to to keep keep the the pets pets drinking drinking water cool cool at at all all tim tim unit bedding is Each tiled unit with industrial and water finished with atoanti bacterial grouting. These units are equipped isan tiled with and an tile industrial tile and finished with athe antipets bacterial grouting. These units are ing for hygiene clay bowls keep drinking water cool at all times. unit Each is tiled unitwith is tiled an with industrial an industrial tile and tile finished and finished with a anti withbacterial a anti bacterial grouting.grouting. These units These areunits equipped are equipped vinylunit covering bedding hygienetile andand clay water bowls keep the pets drinking water cool at times. equipped with vinyl covering bedding for hygiene clay water bowls to keepThese the pets drinking Each is tiled anfor industrial finished withand ato anti bacterial grouting. units areallequipped Each unit is tiled with industrial and finished with a antito bacterial grouting. These units are equipped vinyl with covering vinyl covering bedding bedding foran hygiene for hygiene andtile clay and water claybowls water tobowls keep the keep petsthe drinking pets drinking water cool water at all cool times. at all tim water cool at all times. with vinyl covering bedding for hygiene and clay water bowls to keep the pets drinking water cool at all times. with vinyl covering bedding for hygiene and clay water bowls to keep the pets drinking water cool at all tim Industrial Industrial Tiled Tiled Units Units Industrial Tiled Units Secure Secure enclosed enclosed training training areas areas Secure enclosed training areas rial Tiled Units Secure Secure enclosed training areas Industrial Industrial Tiled Units Tiled Units enclosed Secure enclosed training areas training areas Industrial Tiled Units Secure enclosed training areas Enclosed Enclosed Areas Areas Enclosed Areas Enclosed Areas Enclosed Areas Enclosed Areas Areas Enclosed Industrial Tiled Units Secure training areas Enclosed AreasWe trandi has large individual grass to suit long term visitors request. trandi also also has large individual grass runs runs to enclosed suitenclosed long term visitors or at at owners owners request. We also also h h Industrial Tiled Units Secure training areas or Enclosed Areas andi also has large individual grass runs to suit long term visitors or at owners request. We also have a a arate secure section for females in season. Their are three training fields two of which are enclosed arate secure section for females in season. Their are three training fields two of which are enclosed andi Coltrandi also has also large has individual large individual grassto runs grass tolong runs suit long to suit suit term long visitors term or visitors at owners orowners atrequest. request. owners request. We also We have also a aha has large individual grass runs suit term visitors or at owners also have Coltrandi also has large individual grass runs to long term visitors or at request. We also Coltrandi also has large individual runs to suit long term visitors or at owners request. We also have rate secure section for females in grass season. Their are three training fields two offor which are We enclosed areas, for obedience and one for protection training and the third field is used agility, man trailing, tra Coltrandi also has large individual grass runs to suit long term visitors or at owners request. We also ha for obedience and one for protection training and the third field is used for agility, man trailing, tra rate separate secure secure for section females for females in season. in season. Their are Their three are training three fields two of which two of are which enclosed are tracking enclosed areas, have asection separate secure section for females season. Their aretraining three training fields of which e section for females in season. arein three training fields two of which are enclosed areas, for obedience and one for protection training and the third field istraining used forfields agility, man trailing, separate secure section for females inTheir season. Their are three fields two of two which are enclosed area scent discrimination. separate secure section for females in season. Their are three two of which are enclosed scent discrimination. for one obedience forenclosed obedience and one and for one protection protection training training and for the and third the field istraining used fieldand is forfields used agility, for man agility, trailing, man trailing, tracking traa are areas, one forfor obedience and one training the field is used for scent discrimination. one for obedience one for protection training andprotection the third field isfor used forthird agility, man trailing, trackin nce and one for and protection training and the third field isthird used agility, man trailing, tracking one for obedience and one for protection training and the third field is used for agility, man trailing, tra scent and discrimination. scent discrimination. agility, man trailing, tracking and scent discrimination. and scent discrimination. mination. and scent discrimination. Secured Open Areas Secured Open Areas Secured Open Areas Areas Open Secured Secured Open Secured Areas Open Areas Secured Open Areas Secured Open Areas Tracking and Training field Tracking and and Training field field Tracking andTraining Training field Tracking Tracking and Tracking Training and field Training field Tracking and Training field Tracking and Training field Agility Area Agility Training Area Agility Training Training Area Agility Area Agility Training Training Agility Area Training Area Agility Training Area Agility Training Area cat condominium consists of 16 units 1.5 1.5 long,long, 1m wide and 2m high &high is fully enclosed. Each is Each a e cat condominium consists of 16 units 1m wide and 2m & is fully enclosed. edcat cat condominium consists ofTracking 16 units 1.5 long, 1mwide wide and 2m high & &enclosed. isis fully enclosed. Each Open Areas and Training field Agility Training Area The condominium cat condominium consists consists of 16 units of 16 1.5 units long, 1.5 1m long, wide 1m and wide 2m and high 2m & high is fully enclosed. fully enclosed. Each is Each a The cat condominium consists of 16 units 1.5 long, 1m and 2m high is fully Each eted area and gives the affect aofhome environment help settle your pet with us. Each unit The cat condominium consists ofof16 units 1.5 long, 1m to wide and 2m settle high & is infully enclosed. Each is peted area and gives the affect a home environment to help your pet in with us. Each peted area and gives the affect aofunits home environment to help settle your pet inin with us. Each The cat condominium consists of 16 1.5 long, 1m wide and 2m high & fully enclosed. eted carpeted area and area gives and the gives affect the of affect aof home home environment to help to settle help your settle pet your in is with pet us. with Each us. unit Each is aarea carpeted area and gives the affect ofaenvironment afor home environment to help settle your pet in with us. ists of a timber sleeping hut with rest area your pet above and two scratch posts lined with carpet carpeted and gives the affect of a home environment to help settle your pet in with us. Each un sists timber sleeping hut with rest area for your pet above and two scratch posts lined with c sists of a timber sleeping hut with rest area for your pet above and two scratch posts lined with carpeted area and gives the affect of hut a home environment to help settle your pet inposts with us. Each ists consists ofof aa timber of aconsists sleeping timber sleeping hut with hut rest with area rest for area your for pet your above pet and above two scratch two scratch posts lined posts with lined carpet with Each unit of ahave timber sleeping with rest area for your pet above and two scratch minium consists of 16 units 1.5 long, 1m wide and 2m high &and is fully enclosed. Each is acc w. All cats staying with us there own individual run time in this enclosed area. consists of a timber sleeping hut with rest area for your pet above and two scratch posts lined with carp ow. All cats staying with us have there own individual run time in this enclosed area. consists ofstaying a carpet timber sleeping hut with rest area for time your pet above and two scratch ow. All cats with us there own individual run time inenclosed this enclosed area. w. below. cats staying All cats with staying us with us there have own there individual own run run in this time in this enclosed area. area. lined with below. All cats staying with usindividual have own run time in thisposts enclosed andAll gives the affect ofhave ahave home environment to there help settle pet in with us. lined Each with unitc below. All cats staying with us have there own individual run time inindividual thisyour enclosed area. below. All cats staying with us have there own individual run time in this enclosed area. mber area. sleeping hut with rest area for your pet above and two scratch posts lined with carpet staying with us have there own individual run time in this enclosed area. Cat Condominium Cat Condominium Cat Condominium Cat Condominium Cat Condominium Cat Condominium Cat Condominium Cat Condominium Enclosed Cattery AreasAreas Enclosed Cattery Enclosed Enclosed Cattery Areas Cattery Areas Enclosed Cattery Areas Enclosed Cattery Areas Enclosed Cattery Areas Enclosed Cattery Areas Open Cattery Cattery Areas Areas Open Open Cattery OpenAreas Cattery Areas Open Cattery Areas Open Cattery Areas Open OpenCattery CatteryAreas Areas iewing of kennels within public hours please ring for an appointment time on 3245 3411. iewing For For viewing of kennels of kennels within public within hours public please hours ring please for an ring appointment forfor anan appointment time on time 3245 on 3411. 3411. viewing of kennels within public hours please ring appointment time on3245 3245 3411. For viewing kennels withinpublic public hours please ring for time on 3245 3411. viewing of kennels within hours please ring for an appointment time on viewing of of kennels within public hours please ringring for an anappointment appointment time on 3245 3411. For viewing of kennels within public hours please for an appointment time on3245 32453411. 3411. ondominium Enclosed Cattery Areas Open Cattery Areas ennels within public hours please ring for an appointment time on 3245 3411. Coltrandi Pet Boarding and Training Centre, 694 Grassdale Rd, Gumdale Q.4154 Phone: (07) 3245 3411 Fax: (07) 3245 3302 Email: [email protected] Coltrandi Pet Specialists Pet Specialists for all your boarding training and grooming needs Pet Specialists for all your boarding, training, grooming AND PET PRODUCT needs OPERATING HOURS Public Hours Coltrandi is open 6 days a week between the hours of:Open Monday to Friday am sessions - 8am to 12.30pm 8am to 11am Monday to Friday pm sessions - 2pm to 5pm 3 pm to 5pm Saturdays - am sessions 8am to 12pm Sundays - Closed unless prearranged appointment Public Holidays – 8am to 12 noon Please phone for opening hours during holiday periods. All closing times allow us to carry out the necessary maintenance and quality time required with your pet to make their stay with us more comfortable and enjoyable. For a private viewing of kennels within public hours please ring for an appointment time. Coltrandi Pet Boarding and Training Centre, 694 Grassdale Rd, Gumdale Q.4154 Phone: (07) 3245 3411 Fax: (07) 3245 3302 Email: [email protected] The Team Col and his team of specialist dog trainers, pet handlers and K The Coltrandi Pet Boarding and Training Centre has been in 13 years, the owner Col Wilson is a fully qualified trainer an PDTAA (Professional Dog Trainers Association of Australia) Pet Specialists for all your boarding training and grooming needs and wealth of experience to a team of 5 dedicated trainers a Pet Specialists for all your boarding, training, grooming AND PET PRODUCT needs Coltrandi Pet Specialists The Team Col and his team of specialist dog trainers, pet handlers and K9 Problem TheTeam Team The The Coltrandi Pet of Boarding and Centre has been operation ColCol and his team specialist dogTraining trainers, pet handlers andinK9 Problem Wilson Proprietor Col and his team of- specialist dog trainers, pet handlers and K9 Problem 13 years, the owner Col Wilson is a fully qualified trainer and membe The Coltrandi Pet Boarding and Training Centre has been in operation solvers. The Coltrandi Pet Boarding and Training Centre has been PDTAA (Professional Dog Trainers Australia) valua 13operation years, the Wilson aAssociation fully membe in nowowner for overCol 13 years, theisowner Colqualified Wilsonofis trainer a fully andhis Col has worked with animals for over 17 years, he started and wealth of experience a team ofPDTAA 5 dedicated handler qualified trainer and member ofTrainers the former (Professional Dogand PDTAA (Professional Dog to Association of trainers Australia) his valua former New Zealand police dog handler and instructor for ab Trainers Association of Australia) histeam valuable knowledge and wealth and wealth of experience to a of 5 dedicated trainers and handler of experience to a team of 5 in dedicated trainers and handlers unique. a vast experience all the aspects of protection, obedien and agility training. Coldiscrimination Wilson - Proprietor Col Wilson - Proprietor Col has worked with animals for over 17 years, he started in 1987 working Col Wilson Proprietor with a former -New Zealand police dog handler and instructor for about Col has also worked a former Australian dogw Col years. has worked animalswith for over 17 years, he startedarmy in 1987 four Col has awith vast experience in all the aspects of protection, where man he gained knowledge inand different training techn former Zealand police dog instructor for about four w y obedience, trailing, discrimination training. Col hasNew worked with scent animals forhandler over and 17 agility years, he started in 1987 a vast experience in police all the aspects of and protection, obedience, different dog training exhibitions and lectures, with theman Ausy former New Zealand dog handler instructor for about four Col has also worked with a former Australian army dog handler out his skill a discrimination and agility training. Queensland Police Colof has rounded a vast experience in allDog the unit, aspects protection, obedience, man and instructor where he gained knowledge in different training psychologyand andagility training techniques dealing with k9 and anima discrimination training. techniques. Attending many different dog training exhibitions and Col has also worked with a former Australian army dog handler lectures, with the Australian air force and the Queensland Police Dog where healso gained knowledge in different training techniques. At unit, has rounded out skill and knowledge inof animal psychology ColInCol has worked with a former Australian army dog and handler the process of his training in excess 10,000 dogs han different training exhibitions lectures, with thetechniques. Australian air and training techniques dealing with k9 and animal behaviour. where hedog gained knowledge inand different training At his own methods of training, taking the best skill from m Queensland Dogexhibitions unit, Col has andeach knowl different dogPolice training and rounded lectures, out withhis the Australian air with hisand own style of training. The response frombehaviou the m psychology training techniques dealing with k9 and animal In the process of training in excess of 10,000 dogs and handlers Queensland Police Dog unit, Col has rounded out his Col skill and knowl is now other dog and hashonoured developed hisand methods of used training,by taking the best fromtrainers each psychology and own training techniques dealing with k9 and animal behaviou method and combining it with his own style of training. The response astraining a humane and positive form training andCol be In Queensland the process of in excess of 10,000 dogsofand handlers from the methods he uses is well honoured and is now used by other his ownprocess methods of training, takingofthe best from each method Col and In the of training in excess 10,000 and handlers dog trainers and handlers in South East Queensland as adogs humane and with his own styleof of training. The response fromeach the method methods he positive form of training and modification. hisCol own methods training, the best conducted from has worked as abehaviour dogtaking handler and lecturesand fo honoured and style is now training. used by The other dog trainers and handlershe with response from the in his dogown handling,oftraining and crowd control. Col methods has also t Queensland asasaaishumane andand positive form of training and Col has worked dog handler conducted lectures for security honoured and now used by other dog trainers andbehaviour handlersm Brothers Movie World on the Gold Coat and for Japanese Tel organizations in handling,and training and crowd control. Col has also Queensland asdog a humane positive form of training andfor behaviour m manageable andBrothers predictable protection dogs oversea trained dogs for Warner Movie World on the Gold Coat and Col has worked as a dog handler and conducted lectures for security forsecurity Japanese Television. He haswithin supplied Australia manageable and predictable companies as well also as companio in training and crowd Col has trained do Coldog has handling, worked as a dogcompanies handler andcontrol. conducted lectures for security protection dogs for overseas and many security companies public.Movie Trailing isonalso an area where Col has Television. tasted suc Brothers World the Gold Coat and for Japanese H in dogAustralia handling, training and crowd control. Col has also trained do within as well as companion dogs for the general public. entries taking out first place in their class and also winning t manageable and predictable protection dogs for overseas compan Trailing is also an area where tasted success with many of hisTelevision. Brothers Movie World on Col thehas Gold Coat and for Japanese H security companies within Australia as companion dogs fo entries taking out firstpredictable place in their class andas alsowell winning overall title. manageable and protection dogs forthe overseas compan public. Trailing is also an area where Col has tasted success with security companies Australia as well as companion dogs fo Sean Sullivan - Trainer - within Sean Sullivan Trainer entries taking out first place in their class andhas also winning the overall public. alsoColtrandi an area success with Sean has Trailing been part is of the Dogwhere trainingCol team overtasted ten years. entries taking out first place in their class and also winning the overall During this time he has trained over 4000 dogs of various breeds and Sean pattern’s, has been part of the inColtrandi Dogprotection training team ove behaviour whilst specializing obedience and Sean Sullivan - Trainer training extensive knowledge animaldogs psychology with timeSean he has has trained over in 4000 of various breeds a Sean Sullivan - Trainer emphasis on the areas of hearing, site, and mentally impaired animals. whilst specializing in obedience and protection trainin Sean has been part of the Coltrandi Dog training team over ten year knowledge in animal psychology with emphasis on are time trained dogs of various breedsover andthe behavi Sean ishe alsohas experienced tracking, agility training and scent Sean has been part in ofover the 4000 Coltrandi Dog training team ten year mentally impaired animals. whilst inover obedience andserved training discrimination. to joining Coltrandi Sean in the Australian time hespecializing has Prior trained 4000 dogs of protection various breeds and Sean behavi knowledge in animal psychology with emphasis on the areas of hear regular army. Sean extends his dog handling expertise to his role whilst specializing in obedience and protection training Sean as a licensed security animals. patrol personal where he heads the dog mentally impaired knowledge in animal psychology with emphasis on the areas of hear is also experienced in tracking, agility training an andSean man teams for security and crowd control. mentally impaired animals. Prior to joining Coltrandi Sean served in the Australian regu Sean is also experienced in tracking, agility training and scent d Sean’s and patience with the makes integral securit hiscommitment dog handling expertise to animals his role ashim a an licensed Prior to joining Coltrandi Sean served in agility the Australian regular army.d Sean is also experienced in tracking, training andsecurity scent part of the Coltrandi team. he heads the dog and man teams for his handlingColtrandi expertise to his role in as the a licensed security Priordog to joining Sean served Australian regularpatrol army.p he heads the dog and man teams for security and Coltrandi Pet and Training expertise Centre, 694 Grassdale Gumdale hisBoarding dog handling to his Rd, role as aQ.4154 licensed security patrolcro p and man patience with the animals makes Phone: he (07)Sean’s 3245 3411commitment Fax: 3245 3302 [email protected] heads the(07)dog andEmail: teams for security and cro Mike Murray - Trainer Coltrandi Pet Specialists Michael joined Coltrandi in 1989 and is one of the foundatio Pet Specialists for all your boarding training and grooming needs Pet Specialists for all your boarding, training, grooming AND PET PRODUCT needs Michael is the Head Instructor and 2IC at Coltrandi and l choose to- Trainer have their dogs trained by Sean in the Boa Mike Murray Mike Murray - Trainer Whilst he usually deals with the “Boarder Trainer Clients Michael joined Coltrandi in 1989 and is one of the foundation team knowledge in ground up dog and behaviour mod Michael joined Coltrandi in 1989 and istraining one of the foundation team me members. for animal behaviour, Michael is able to help clients chan Michael is the Headobtain Instructorand and 2IC at Coltrandi and looks benefit after that they maintain fromafter hav Michael is the Head Instructor and 2ICthe at most Coltrandi and looks the clients who choose to have their dogs trained by Sean in the Boarding companion. has atrained uniquebymanner choose to have Mike their dogs Sean in of theteaching Boarding dog & Tr & Training program. Whilst he usually deals with the “Boarder Trainer Whilst he usually deals with the “Boarder Trainer Clients” he also there k9haspartner he makes rewarding fo Clients” he also the skills where & knowledge in grounditupfun dogand training and knowledge in ground up dog training and behaviour modification. W up to date he has trained 1000’s of dogs and handlers in a behaviour modification. With a keen eye for animal behaviour, Michael for animal behaviour, is to able to help clients change their h is able to help clients change Michael their habits ensure that they obtain and maintain the most benefit having the a manageable trained companion. that they obtain andfrom maintain most benefit from having a man Tracking & man trailing are also areas where Michael Mike has a unique manner of teaching dog owners how to deal with companion. Mike has a unique manner of teaching dog ownersha h there k9 partner where he makes funtraining anditrewarding both and animal learning this where aspect Col hisboth forme there k9 partner he itof makes fun from and for rewarding for ani and uphe to date he 1000’s ofus. dogs and handlersin all aspects o unfortunately is has no trained longer with uphandler to date has trained 1000’s of dogs and handlers in all aspects of dog training. Tracking & man trailing also areas where Michael work has considera Advanced obedience classes including agility food r Tracking & man trailing are alsoare areas where Michael has considerable learning this aspect of training from Col and his former k9 partn experience, this aspect of training from Col experience. and his former trickslearning are part of Michael’s training nounfortunately longer with isus. k9unfortunately partner Khrista is who no longer with us. Michael alsoclasses has including 10 years experience in protection train Advanced obedience agility work food refusal, Advanced obedience classes including agility work food refusal, ret retrieving andPersonal dog tricks are part of Michael’s training experience. Dog, & Property Protection and was himself a se tricks are part of Michael’s training experience. a K9 partner. Michael also has 10 years experience in protection training in the areas also has 10 years experience inwas protection training in the of Michael Guard Dog, Personal & Property Protection and himself a security Dog, Personal & Property Protection and was himself a security gua guard working with a K9 partner. a K9 partner. Pat Rae - Trainer Pat Rae - Trainer Pat has been training dogs since 1991 when he first became involved in his local dog obedience club in Tokoroa New Zealand. With Pat’s enjoyment, interest andhas exceptional in training handling dogs, he then Pat been ability training dogs and since 1991 when he first bec Pat Rae - Trainer persuade a carrier as a New Zealand Police Dog handler, Pat has conducted dog obedience club in Tokoroa New Zealand. With Pat’s many arrests and followed many trails with his highly trained k9. He comes exceptional ability in training andwhen handling he invol then to Pat us with of experience in obedience, protection, tracking hasa vast beenamount training dogs since 1991 he firstdogs, became New Zealand Dog New handler, Pat With has Pat’s conducted m and crowd control. dog obedience clubPolice in Tokoroa Zealand. enjoyme many trails his highly trained dogs, k9. He comes to u exceptional abilitywith in training and handling he then persuade Through unavoidableincircumstances Patprotection, moved to Queensland in 1998 experience obedience, and crowd co New Zealand Police Dog handler, Pat has tracking conducted many arres and started once again pursuing work in the dog training field, Pat many trails with his highly trained k9. He comes to us with a and his male German shepherd Anzac came through a class with Coltrandi experience in obedience, protection, tracking and crowd control. dog training where pat was immediately recognized as an experienced Though unavoidable circumstances Pat moved todog Queens handler. From there pat started working dogs with Coltrandi dog training once again pursuing work in the dog training field, p and instructing handlers in circumstances group sessions. Pat moved to Queensland in 19 Though unavoidable shepherd Anzac came class with once again pursuing work inthrough the doga training field,Coltrandi pat and do hi Pats ability to communicate with people and dogs coupled up with immediately recognized as an experien shepherd Anzac came through a class with Coltrandi dog training his training has enabled him working to train 100’s of dogs and there Fromexpertise’s there pat started dogs with Coltrandi do immediately recognized as an experienced d handlers in all aspects of dog training up to a very high standard. handlers in group sessions From there pat started working dogs with Coltrandi dog training handlers in group sessions Pats ability to communicate with people and dogs cou Pats ability to has communicate with to people dogs up th w expertise’s enabled him trainand 100’s of coupled dogs and expertise’s has enabled him to train 100’s of dogs and there handle of dog training up to a very high standard. of dog training up to a very high standard. Coltrandi Pet Boarding and Training Centre, 694 Grassdale Rd, Gumdale Q.4154 Phone: (07) 3245 3411 Fax: (07) 3245 3302 Email: [email protected] Sue has been working in the Dog training field in club training with her dogs. Coltrandi Pet Specialists Pet Specialists for all your boarding training and grooming needs decided to seek a professi In 1998 Sue then Pet Specialists for all your boarding, training, grooming AND PET PRODUCT needs instructing and handling dogs with Coltrandi w training, problem solving tracking work protect Sue Besley - social Trainer- Trainer Sue Besley behavioural patterns in dogs. Sue has h Sue has been working in the Dog training field since 1989 where work where on several occasions taking out first she participated in club training with her dogs. Sue has been working in the Dog training field since 1989 where in club training with her dogs. In 1998 Sue then decided to seek a professional part time career Sue now helps and instructs other handlers to in training, instructing and handling dogs with Coltrandi where she learnt In 1998 Sue then decided to seek a professional time wit car with anysolving problems they maypart have all aspects ofdealing dog training, problem tracking work protection training andexperience dealing antiin social behavioural patterns in dogs. instructing andwith handling dogs with Coltrandi where she learnt dog training she has been an alla Sue has had a great successsolving in dog trailing work where on several training occasions and d training, problem tracking work protection team. taking out first or second places. social behavioural patterns in dogs. Sue has had a great success work where on several occasions taking out first or second places. Sue now helps and instructs other handlers to gain these same results and also dealing with any problems they may have with their dogs. and instructs other she handlers toangain WithSue Sue’snow yearshelps of experience in dog training has been assetthese same dealing with problems they may have with their dogs. With to the Coltrandi dogany training team. – Yvonne Murray Puppy Classes experience in dog training she has been an asset to the Coltra Yvonne Murray – Puppy Classes team. Yvonne started working with Coltrandi in 1997 where she completed started working withwith Coltrandi a kennel andYvonne animal management-training program Coltrandi. in 1997 w and animal management-training program with C She has also learnt all basic aspects of dog obedience and puppy training Yvonne – Puppy Classes she has a greatMurray re-poor with the animals and displays a caring and has all basic aspects of dog professional She attitude withalso clientslearnt and animal. obed Yvonnehas started working with Coltrandi in 1997 where she a great re-poor with the animals andcompleted display Yvonnes’ duties include office duties feeding cleaning of the animals and animal management-training program with Coltrandi. attitude with clients and animal. giving medication puppy training and daily walks. She has also learnt all basic aspects of dog obedience and puppy tr Yvonnes' include duties feeding has a great re-poorduties with the animals office and displays a caring and clea prof attitudemedication with clients and animal. puppy training and daily walks. Yvonnes' duties include office duties feeding cleaning of the anima ls medication puppy training and daily walks. Coltrandi Pet Boarding and Training Centre, 694 Grassdale Rd, Gumdale Q.4154 Phone: (07) 3245 3411 Fax: (07) 3245 3302 Email: [email protected]