regional registration book final 2012
regional registration book final 2012
Registraon Logo Page 1 MISSION STATEMENT The Office of Religious Education serves the ongoing redemptive mission of Jesus Christ through fostering and developing lifelong evangelization and catechetical processes. We form leaders for a catechetical ministry that integrates a social justice perspective and that responds to the needs of the diverse peoples of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. MISSION La Oficina de Educación Religiosa sirve a la continua misión redentora de Jesucristo mediante el impulse y desarrollo de los procesos catequéticos, dentro de una evangelización permanente. Formamos lideres para un ministerio catequético integrando dentro de una perspectiva de justicia social que responde a las necesidades de los diversos pueblos de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. 2 San Pedro Religious Education Congress Schedule of the Day Horario del dia On-Site Registration /Inscripciónes 7:30am – 11am Important Note: Because of the revised schedule this year, there is no morning hospitality. Please plan ahead to bring your own coffee or tea, etc. Snacks and water will be available to purchase at a minimal cost. Nota Importante: Dado al cambio este año en el horario del día, no habrá hospitalidad por la mañana. Favor de planear de antemano en traer su propio café o te, etc. Habrá aperitivos y aguas a la venta por un costo mínimo. Opening Liturgy / Liturgia de Apertura 8:30am Presider: Bishop Oscar A. Solis Honor the awardees with the Excellence in Catechetical Service Awards Honrar a los premiados con los Premios de Excelencia en el Servicio Catequetico 10:00am – 11:30am Workshop / Taller I 11:30am – 12:45 pm Lunch; Visit Exhibits / Almuerzo; Exhibiciones 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Workshop / Taller II 2:30 pm Break / Descanso 2:45pm – 4:15 pm Workshop / Taller III 4:15 pm End of the day - Evaluations / Conclusión del día – Evaluaciónes EXHIBITORS WILL BE WITH US FROM 8:00 AM UNTIL 4:30 PM We, as the People of God in the San Pedro Pastoral Region, continue to stand in solidarity to care for Creation and the Poor. Everyone can continue to make a difference by taking the St. Francis Pledge for a better world at: Nosotros, como el Pueble de Dios en la Región Pastoral de San Pedro, continuamos en solidaridad de cuidar la Creación y a los Pobres. Todos podemos seguir hacienda la diferencia adoptando la Promesa de San Francisco para un mundo mejor. Vaya a 3 2012 San Pedro Regional Congress Presenters /Conferencistas Aguilar, Fr. Francis - YT-B2 Alba, Cristina - B11 Alvarado, Hugo - A55 Arroyo, Maria - B54 Ayón, Jennifer - C60 Bazyouros, Fr. Christopher - B12, C51 Bosque, Monica - A14 Brown, Andrew - YT-A1 Cardeña, Maria-Elena - A63, B22 Carper, Jim - A24 Coffey, Andrew - YT-C2 Cruces, Lillian - C10 Dau, Brian - C18 Deasy, Fr. Ken - A19 Díaz, Luis - B55, C54 Diomedes, Giorgia - C24 Doyle, Joan - B13 Embry, Alberto - B60 Fewless, Eileen - A11 Finke, Teresa - A54 Finke, Rudolf - A60, B50 French, Dr. Maria - A61 González-Rubio, Lourdes - B58, C50 Hastert, Jack - B19 Hernandez, Katie - YT-B1 Herrick, Anne - A12 Hitt, Daryl - YT-C1 Hope, Pati - A18 Kunkle, Warren - B10 Langlois, Bianca - A15 Leal, Douglas - A10 Longo, Nancy - YT-A2, C13 Lotker, Rabbi Michael - A13 Loughran, Eileen - C20 Luther, Monica - B18 MacRae, Valerie - C21 Magallanes, Isela - B17, C52 Marrs, Dr. Paige - A17, B16 Medina, Dr. Jose Antonio - A52, B62, C56 Melendres, Bertha - C23 Meza, Ramona - A51, B52 Miranda, Ida - A50 Montaño, Norma - A57 Montes-Jaime, Rosa Isela - B51 Moran, Liz - C14 Mozingo, Al - C22 Murdy, Kay - B20 Naughton, Jenny - B21, C57 Norman, Michael - A20 Palmer, Terri - C15 Perez, Giovanni - A62, B61 Ponnet, Fr. Christopher - B15 Prendergast, Sr. Edith - C19 Quiroz, Hector - B56 Ramos, Humberto - A53 Rodriguez, Dr. Jesús - A16 Rodriguez, Juan & Olga - C17 Rodriguez, Diacono Guillermo - C58 Sardo, Margaret - C16 Shaules, Dr. William - A21 Sieverding, Dr. Dale - B14, C12 Smith, Nicole - B18 Sork, Msgr. David - A23 Torres, Manuel - A58 Torres, Gloria - B57 Tulacz, SND, Sr. Rose Marie - C11 Umeda, Yolanda - A22 Valenzuela, Victor - A56, B23 Valles, Carlos - B53, C53 Vega, Fr. Richard - A59, B59, C55 Vega, Ernesto - C59 Wagner, Luella - B24 Zeigler, Katie - C25 4 Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of the Regional Bishop San Pedro Phone: (562)634-0456 Pastoral Fax: (562)531-4783 Region 3555 St. Pancratius Place Lakewood California 90712-1416 MESSAGE September 29, 2012 Dear Friends in Christ: I am truly pleased and delighted to welcome all catechists, parish ministry leaders, volunteers, and presenters to our annual Regional Religious Education Congress. This yearly event has been a great source of inspiration, support and learning opportunities for our parish adult and youth leaders, school staff and for many others involved in various ministries in our church communities. We gather this year with special focus on the call of Pope Benedict XVI as he declares the Year of Faith starting October 11, 2012 till the Feast of Christ the King on November 24, 2013. The Holy Father calls us to rediscover our faith, renew our hearts and transform our life as credible and joy filled witnesses of the risen Lord. It is indeed a tremendous blessing to have, “Serve God with Zeal” as the theme of this year’s congress as it highlights the essential quality in celebrating the Year of Faith. As Church ministers, we are called and sent to ministry that requires commitment, joy and zeal for the apostolate. Our vocation as ministers calls for these special ingredients in carrying out our mission. I join all the participants in prayer and hope that our gathering merits God’s blessings. We also thank and appreciate Karina Plascencia and her team involved in organizing our regional congress. May all these efforts bear fruit in the lives of all church ministers and the faithful whom we serve for the glory and praise of our loving God. Sincerely yours in Christ, Bishop Oscar A. Solis Auxiliary Bishop 5 Archdiocese of Los Angeles September 2012 Dearest Friends, It is with much anticipation that I warmly welcome all of you to the San Pedro Religious Education Congress. Our theme this year “Serve God with Zeal!” is a command to be attentive to the source who ignites our zeal to serve him. It is the Holy Spirit that sets our hearts on fire. Let us be open to that creative force that will guide us to touch the hearts of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Are you willing to witness by serving God with Zeal as we begin the Year of Faith? This year, we will continue to honor those catechists who have been nominated and selected to receive the Excellence in Catechetical Service Awards, because of their exemplary service to their faith communities. See page 28 for further details. We are proud of their commitment to share the Good News. As you look through the workshops being offered please keep in mind others that might benefit from this enriching day and share this information with them. Queridos Amigos y Amigas, Es con mucha Alegría y anticipación que les doy una calurosa bienvenida a todos ustedes al Congreso de Educación Religiosa de San Pedro. Nuestro tema este año “¡Sírvele a Dios con Fervor!” es un mandato que nos llama ha estar atentos a esa fuente que inflama nuestro fervor de servir a Dios. Es el Espíritu Santo quien enciende nuestros corazones. Dispongámonos a dejar que esta fuerza creativa nos guie a tocar los corazones de nuestros hermanos y hermanas en Cristo. ¿Estas dispuesto a ser testigo sirviendo a Dios con Fervor ahora que comenzamos en el Año de la Fe? Este año, continuaremos honrando a aquellos catequistas que han sido nominados y seleccionados para recibir el Premio de Excelencia en el Servicio Catequético, porque se han destacado por su servicio a la comunidad. Favor de ver la pagina 28 para mas detalles. Estamos orgullosos de su compromiso de anunciar la Buena Nueva. Al revisar los talleres que se ofrecen, mantengan en mente a las personas que se pueden beneficiar durante este día de enriquecimiento, para que ustedes les compartan esta información. In Christ Jesus, En Cristo Jesús, A. Karina Plascencia San Pedro Regional Coordinator Office of Religious Education 6 Making Good Relationships GREAT— GREAT— One Simple Conversation at a Time! Learn the one key that unlocks the door to more love and less conflict in your life — at home and at work. You’ll walk out of this unique 2-session Relationship Workshop with cutting-edge insights and easy-to-use tools for creating truly great relationships! This program combines knowledge from the neurosciences, advanced communication theory, and spiritual wisdom to provide a relationship uplift unavailable anywhere else! Attend both sessions and discover how to: • Increase your joy and deepen connections with loved ones, friends, colleagues. • Use a powerful, 3-step transformative technique that will make you a masterful communicator even in cranky situations • Approach "touchy topics" with confidence and grace • Apply a collaborative listening method that will bring positive results to all your conversations • Discover how your day-to-day relationships can deepen your spiritual experience NOTE: This program unfolds over 2 back-to-back time periods. Dr. Paige Marrs PhD helps individuals, couples, and workplace teams experience more meaning, harmony, and success. Her programs are immediately effective and deeply transformative. With a warm and playful style, Paige combines cutting-edge communication techniques and emerging knowledge from the neurosciences, with her own research and decades of professional and spiritual practice. Paige holds a Doctorate in Human & Organizational Systems and a Masters in Human Development. For more information go to: YOU ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO REGISTER FOR BOTH WORKSHOPS—A17 and B16 Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos— Adultos—RICA En el campo pastoral últimamente, hemos visto personas presentándose para los sacramentos de matrimonio y confirmación. En conversación con ellos nos damos cuenta que por varios motivos la persona no ha recibido el sacramento de Eucaristía o quizás no han sido bautizado o ha sido bautizado pero en una secta o en un rito fuera de la Iglesia Católica Romana. ¿Cuál es el plan catequético para que puedan integrase plenamente a la fe y recibir el sacramento o sacramentos que desean? La Iglesia tiene un plan catequético para responder ha estas situaciones pastorales: El Rito de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos (RICA) y adaptado para niños de edad catequética. Desgraciadamente muchos no conocen el rito ni el plan catequético que esta a nuestra disponibilidad para responder a estas personas. Este año estamos presentando tres talleres para ayudarles entender el proceso y el plan catequético de RICA. Los tres talleres ayudara en entender el proceso, como desarrollar en la parroquia y tener una conversación con otros lideres catequéticos los varios temas que rodean la situación catequética que afrentamos a nivel parroquial. Si esta involucrado en RICA, venga a los tres talleres para enriquecer y profundizar su conocimiento sobre el proceso. Si no conoce el RICA, venga conocer su historia, el plan catequético, y escuche la conversación que surge en la implementación del RICA a nivel parroquial. A59 El Primer Encuentro: la entrevista con el catecumenado o el candidato B59 Celebrando la Palabra de Dios con los Catecúmenos C59 Celebrando Los Ritos Litúrgicos de la Iniciación Cristiana Fr. Richard Vega es miembro de la Sociedad Mexicana de Liturgistas y presentador para las oficinas del Culto Divino en Los Ángeles y Chicago. Actualmente es párroco de St. Frances of Rome en Azusa. Fue párroco de La Purísima Concepción en Lompoc, CA, y vicario parroquial en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. 7 Youth Track I Timothy 4.12 Young people, too, are called to SERVE GOD WITH ZEAL! In the San Pedro Region, we are blessed to have many high school youth who have said a resounding “YES!” to God’s invitation to serve their parish and school communities in leadership roles. Like their adult counterparts, these young leaders are called to continue growing in their faith and developing their leadership skills. The Youth Track provides an opportunity for them to do so during the Regional Congress. The workshops in the Youth Track are directed specifically toward high school youth who serve as peer leaders in their parishes or schools. This year, participants will have a choice between two options for each of the workshop periods. We ask that adults register for the youth track workshops only if they are bringing youth participants. Please note that parishes and schools are responsible for providing the appropriate chaperones and supervision for the youth they bring to the Regional Congress. Session A YT-A1 10:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Teens Getting in(TO) the Liturgy Getting our fellow youth TO Church is hard enough let alone getting them INTO Liturgy. Come listen and share practical tips and unique ideologies about loving the timeless tradition of Mass-our source and summit Andrew Brown is blessed to be married to Mary Beth, since 2010. He’s from San Jose but now works at Holy Trinity in San Pedro. He’s served on Diocesan committees and Retreat teams (Sacramento, San Jose, & Monterrey) as well as led over 25 Retreats & about 20 Workshops for Catholic Jr. High Students, High School youth, and their Core Teams. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the Univ. of San Francisco in Org. Behavior & Leadership. YT-A2 R U Plugged In? Does your faith walk seem boring and dry sometimes? God wants us to: “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17. Is that even impossible? It is a challenge for most of us because we are not plugged into the True Source. In this workshop you will be experiencing and creating some unusual ways to pray and refresh your faith walk and to help pray with other teens! Be ready to get recharged so that you can help others to Plug into God! Nancy Longo served as Youth Director for 18 years at St. Bernard Catholic Church in Bellflower and is currently Director of Religious Education at St. Joseph in Long Beach. She serves on the Archdiocesan Confirmation Directional Team and is a Christian Leadership Institute Director and Signed and Anointed to Witness Director. She has her National Certificate for Youth Ministry, Advanced Bible Institute and is a Master Catechist. 8 Youth Track Session B 1:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m. YT-B1 Can We Build it? Yes, We Can! This workshop will be filled with hands on community builders you can use in your ministries. Come prepared to move and learn why this is so important to what we do in ministry. Katie Hernandez is the Director of Religious Education and Confirmation Coordinator at our Lady of Malibu. Katie holds a B.A. in Communications and is currently working on her M.A. in Counseling Psychology. She has been working with youth for over 10 years and serves as a member of the Archdiocesan Youth Ministry Directional Team, as well as a small group leader for the Christian Leadership Institute. YT-B2 Peer Leader: Is it really possible to serve your own peers and empower them to serve the community of faith as well? You're about to find out! "C’mon. Everyone’s doing it." So why shouldn’t you? We’re the same age, why should I listen to you?” It’s almost expected that you will experience peer pressure frequently throughout your teen years, but even more so as a peer leader. Being a peer leader to people you go to school with has its own set of challenges. It raises the need to redefine and establish the true meaning of servant leadership, more specifically as a peer leader. This workshop will help explore the difference between a friend and a peer leader. It will also examine the different character traits that a peer leader must possess in order to be effective. If you enjoy serving others naturally; if you are serious and committed in your role as a leader and if you want your friends to deepen their Catholic faith and empower them to serve the community as well, then this workshop is what you have been looking for. Why wait any longer? Saddle up your horses, sign up and take a great adventure with our speaker! Fr. Francis Aguilar is a priest of the Los Angeles Archdiocese. A passionate speaker, he enjoys empowering the youth and explaining to them the tenets of their Catholic faith in ways that are fun, lively and understandable. His approach is one that engages his audience, challenging them to participate in role-plays and thought-provoking questions with the goal of transforming them so that they can walk away from the workshop rejuvenated and on fire for the Lord. Fr. Aguilar currently serves as Associate Pastor at St. Pius X in Santa Fe Springs, Calif. Session C 2:45 p.m. –4:15 p.m. YT-C1 JUST LISTEN: Hearing God's voice in a world of noise The world we live in is so full of distractions, that it's easy to miss God's call in our lives. With homework, school, sports, and other activities in our lives, it seems that when we invite our peers to join us for mass or youth group, we are adding just another thing to keep them busy. This workshop is designed to help teens work better with their peers by using real world situations and stories to help build a better church by sharing and discussing how to communicate with each other so we can inspire and engage each other. Daryl Hitt has been involved in Youth Ministry and Confirmation since 1997. After being confirmed, he felt called to be an active member of the Church and began working with the youth of his home parish, St. Julie's, as a Confirmation Catechist and Youth Ministry Volunteer, as well as working with teens of the region by volunteering at the annual SAW retreat. In 2009 he began working at Holy Cross Church in Moorpark as the Youth Minister. He coordinates the Ballroom Liturgy at Anaheim Youth Day, speaker for Santa Barbara Regional Congress, Santa Barbara Regional Youth Day. In April of 2012, Daryl furthered his passion for speaking by creating "Inspired Voice Ministries," which aims to inspire parishes throughout the world through talks, music, and a soon to be released DVD series. Currently Daryl works as the Youth Minister, Jr. High and Confirmation Coordinator at St. Julie Billiart Parish in Newbury Park, CA. YT-C2 Word in Action One of the most effective ways to cultivate faith is through small group interaction. This workshop will equip leaders with the necessary tools to facilitate small groups in a nourishing way. Andrew Coffey is currently the co-coordinator for the Salesian Youth Movement, USA-West. With 8 years of youth ministry experience he has also served as Coordinator of Youth Ministry at St. Pancratius Parish, Lakewood and Retreat Facilitator/Retreat Center Coordinator for St. Joseph Salesian Youth Renewal Center, Rosemead. 9 Session A A10 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Nurturing Adults to Grow in Faith How do adults and young adults grow in their faith? Are our communities places that invite and encourage growth, or do we accept a stagnant faith? What do we need to do--and who do we need to be--as pastoral leaders, ministers, and catechists to nurture our adults into an ever-deepening relationship with Jesus Christ? These questions are at the heart of catechesis and evangelization. Let's explore the possibilities. Douglas Leal is the Coordinator for Adult Faith Formation and Young Adult Ministry with the Office of Religious Education, and was formerly the Director of Ministries for St. Sebastian Church in West LA. He is also a professional actor and director and previously worked as a management consultant. Douglas received his MA from the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry. He is the author of the skill-building book for lectors, Stop Reading and Start Proclaiming! A11 Preacher or Teacher? Do you stand in the front of the classroom lecturing, explaining, and assigning reading? Do you have a classroom that provides experiences for students to share, create, and discover? Let's explore how we communicate with the children in our class. Eileen Fewless is a consultant for RCLBenziger and a Director of Religious Education at St. Bernardine in Woodland Hills. A12 Making Jesus Real Faith is not a subject, but the way we pass it on to the next generation can make it feel way too academic. And the risk of academic ministries? Boredom! Come to this workshop to learn how to use new language and approaches to help your kids develop a friendship with Jesus. You’ll get tons of ideas to help kids love Jesus more every day and to deepen their relationship with him. Anne Herrick is an experienced theology teacher/director of religious education, confirmation coordinator, and national workshop presenter. Anne is the co-author of The Church: Christ in the World Today Teacher Guide (2011) and Catholic Social Teaching: Christian Life in Society Teacher Guide (2012). Anne earned a doctorate degree from Loyola Marymount University in Educational Leadership for Social Justice. She holds a master’s degree in Pastoral Studies from LMU and a BA in Psychology from the University of Arizona. Anne serves on the Diocese of Orange Institute for Pastoral Ministry Faculty Board and Advisory Board and has been a member of the IPM faculty for the Diocese of Orange for seven years. Anne is a theology teacher at Mater Dei High school in Santa Ana, CA and an adjunct professor at Loyola Marymount University. A13 What Every Serious Christian Should Know About Judaism Did you know that Judaism is much more than the religion of the Hebrew Bible? Did you know that Jews have sacred literature beyond the Hebrew Bible (our own "New Testament")? Did you know that Jews mean something completely different than Christians when we speak of the Messiah, sin, redemption, salvation, repentance and forgiveness? Come and question, learn and explore with Rabbi Michael Lotker, author of "A Christian's Guide to Judaism" published by the Paulist Press. Rabbi Michael Lotker comes to us with a wealth of experience. A Phi Beta Kappa/Magna Cum Laude physicist, he spent the bulk of his first career in the alternative energy business, working in windpower, solar and geothermal energy. About 500 of the windmills that are spinning in Palm Springs, California were financed and installed by a company that Mike was President of. In 2003, he was ordained as a rabbi at Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles, where he also received his Master of Hebrew Letters degree. He presently Rabbi Emeritus of Temple Ner Ami in Camarillo, California. In addition to his studies, Mike has published a book for the Paulist Press entitled "A Christian's Guide to Judaism." A14 Confessions of a Confirmation Catechist Tips, tricks and observations from my 14 years experience of teaching confirmation to teens. Come ready to learn creative ways to connect teens to living their faith! Monica Bosque has taught various Religious Education classes over the past 20+ years, the last 14 years she has been teaching confirmation to teens at St. Bernard’s parish in Bellflower. 10 A15 Gather Together; Engaging Families Our Catholic Faith is lived to the fullest by catechizing and evangelizing the community we encounter. Sometimes families are passively living their faith, viewing formation as simply a checklist or hoops to jump through. As Servant Leaders we have the ability to invite families back to the church actively participating and embracing their faith. Come to this session to network with one another, share experiences, concerns and dreams for the families you work with. We will gather together as church with practical and applicable ideas. Bianca Langlois is a Youth Minster who has encouraged families to fully and actively participate in the faith for the past fourteen years. She is a Master Catechist and is currently working on her Lay Ecclesial Ministry Certificate. A16 DREAMERS in the Classroom: Transforming Lives by Expanding This conversation / dialogue session is designed to provide an overview for Catholic educational leaders, catechists, and parish-based leadership on how to best serve undocumented youth and to understand the perspectives and lived experiences of undocumented youth living in a liminal space as Americans with limited to no access to “life’s chances.” Dr. Jesús Rodriguez is Vice Principal of Academic Affairs at Saint John Bosco High School and has served as a lecturer in the College of Education at California State University, Long Beach. He has provided university service and community outreach as a trainer / facilitator for the university’s AB-540 Ally Training Program which provides professional development for university faculty, staff and educational leaders in secondary schools on understanding the importance about how to serve California’s undocumented immigrant students and has served as a facilitator for the Latina/o Leadership Academy as one of its Latino mentors to first-generation Latina/o college students and Latina/o students interested in leadership training / roles at the university. His research on the undocumented students has been presented at the American Educational Research Association (AERA), the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), and the International Division of the University Council for Educational Administration. In addition to his work with undocumented youth, his service in Catholic Secondary Schools in Los Angeles and Orange Counties spans over fifteen years as teacher and administrator with M.A. Degrees in Theology (Loyola Marymount University) and English Literature (California State University, Long Beach). A17 Part 1: Making Good Relationships GREAT — One Simple Conversation at a Time! Dr. Paige Marrs PhD see page 7 for complete description of workshop and speaker information A18 Serving God with Zeal Calls Us to Self-Care Our eagerness to serve God, our ministries and families with zeal can lead to burn-out if we don’t take care of ourselves. Typically, we as people willing to serve; give our best to everyone else and settle for what is left over. In this workshop, we’ll take a look at how taking time for ourselves will translate into being able to truly serve with joy. Pati Hope After 30 years of marriage, 4 children and a long career with the Church, life as she knew it began to fall apart. That’s when she began her search to find meaning in her life., Pati is a traveling author and founder of Evolve to Live. Her passion has become supporting others through life’s many transitions. Included in her education, she holds a Specialized Certificate from Loyola in Parish Life & Administration. A19 "Help!!! I'm Growing!" Catechizing is not just teaching. It's Ministry of Evangelizing!!! We all need help! None of us totally "get it" even though we may know the Truth! And we're growing!!! We all need God's grace and each other's guidance in our personal and ministerial lives! Fr. Ken will share with you "tips" , "resources", "experiences" and "ideas" and "insights" into what he believes is affective and enjoyable catechizing today for all groups; Faith making sense. Fr. Ken Deasy is the Former pastor of St. Agatha's parish and presently the Director of the Holy Childhood Association, Los Angeles. Fr. Ken, author of “GET OFF THE CROSS- SOMEONE ELSE NEEDS THE WOOD” ( is a hands on, down to earth evangelizer who helps the catechists identify their own Faith-Experiences so they can teach with the authority of “experience”. As Director of the Holy Childhood Association, he travels throughout the Archdiocese speaking to students, teacher/catechists and parish communities on the experience of Catholic Missions in over 90 countries; 1150 Archdioceses. Recently the HCA directed 100% of its $450,000 raised to emergency relief of children and their families in Haiti! 11 A20 Stop the Noise: Retreats for High School Youth Retreats are an effective way to enhance ministries serving young people, but a poor retreat can do more damage than good. Come explore ways to make retreats youth friendly and improve half-day, full day, and weekend experiences. Michael Norman, Associate Director for the Office of Religious Education for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, holds a Masters Degree in Pastoral Theology from Loyola Marymount University. Mike works closely with over 280 parishes in the Los Angeles area to develop strong youth programs and confirmation programs. He has been working with youth for over 25 years. Mike served on the Board of Directors for the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry for five years. He is originally from Nashville, Tennessee, but is happy to call Los Angeles his home. A21 Is It All Just Vanity? Is there anything that lasts? What is life's real meaning? We will take up these fascinating ancient and modern questions through a study of the book of Ecclesiastes. Dr. William Shaules , Ph.D. in New Testament from Fuller Theological Seminary. Teaches Scripture at Loyola Marymount University and St. John's Seminary. Serves as an Associate Coordinator of Diaconate Formation for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. A22 Fill up your tool box 2012: Using technology and other resources in your RE classes Low & high tech tools for special needs kids presented by a speech-language pathologist & parent of a child with Autism. Bring iPad/iPod with you, not required. Yolanda Umeda M.A. CCC-SLP is a member of the special needs commission and works as a speech pathologist assessing students with severe communication needs. She uses various forms of assistive technology including an iPad and various communication and educational applications that are compatible with these devices. She is the proud parent of two children, one of whom has autism. Yolanda has also served as a volunteer Catechist at her home parish. In her spare time she enjoys making home made cards and scrapbooks. A23 The Nature of the Sacred Liturgy and Its Importance in the Life of the Church What were the developments that lead up to the Vatican II Document Sacrosanctum Concilium, The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy? What are the implications in light of the 3rd Edition of the Roman Missal? Msgr. David Sork , a second-generation native of Los Angeles a second-generation graduate of Loyola High School, earned a B.A. in Philosophy and an M.A. in Religion from St. John's College, Camarillo, and was ordained in 1970. After ordination he was associate pastor at St. Anselm Church, Los Angeles, (1970-1974) and St. Joseph Church, Hawthorne (1974-1975). Six years after ordination he was sent for further study and received a second M.A. (1977) from Fordham University, New York. Several years later he returned to study at Fordham where he received a Ph.D. (1988) in Religious Education. He was associate director of the Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education (1975-1985) where he directed the catechist formation programs and in 1977 founded the master catechist formation program. During that time he was in residence at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Beverly Hills (1975-1976), and Mother of Sorrows Church, Los Angeles (1977-1985), where he did part-time pastoral work. He was Pastor at St. Louis of France, La Puente, from 1987-1999. He has been Pastor of St. John Fisher since June 1999, his longest assignment as a priest. He feels blessed to be called to shepherd the people of God. A24 Stewardship, Doing Good with What You Have Stewardship is a way of life and, more importantly, a way of making our lives, and the lives of others, better. Yet, sometimes stewardship seems like an inconvenience. Sometimes it seems like it gets in the way of what we want to do. This workshop will help you envision Stewardship as a form of spirituality, a charism, a way of life. Exciting, interesting and scriptural! Jim Carper is a recognized authority in Catholic stewardship and an experienced leader in building support for faith-based organizations. His weekly blog, "90-SecondStewardship"...a focus on the integration of faith and hope in our busy and often confusing daily lives reaches throughout the world. He also has an online prayer service: [email protected] 2006, he was one of 12 from the United States to serve on a panel to share fundraising expertise in China. His other accomplishments both in Simi Valley and Ventura County are too numerous to mention here. Jim and his wife, Teresa, are in the diaconate program of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. 12 Sesión A A50 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. La disciplina en el salón de clase En este taller descubriremos lo que significa la disciplina positiva, y como ayudar a prevenir problemas disciplinarios. Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de crear sus propias guías de conducta para los niños de edad primaria. Ida Miranda es autora y conferencista bilingüe (inglés/español) a nivel regional y nacional. Obtuvo su maestría en Estudios Religiosos de Mount St. Mary’s College, Los Angeles, CA y certificación en Estudios en la Pastoral Hispana de Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA. Diseñó y facilita cursos cibernéticos para adultos en la formación de la fe en español en colaboración con la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles y la Universidad de Dayton. Fue Directora de Educación Religiosa por más de 20 años y actualmente es consultora bilingüe para William H. Sadlier. A51 Catequista: Cuando pides para dar lo recibes y lo das con amor. En este taller reflexionaremos en la espiritualidad del Catequista, en como vive su espiritualidad a través de los Dones recibidos y al abrazar el llamado los comparte con los demás , para SER Fiel Servidor de Dios y de los Demás. Ramona Meza es Maestra de catequistas por 17 años, con experiencia en Educación Religiosa de niños, jóvenes y adultos. Conferencista en Congresos Regionales y en Retiros de Catequistas y padres de familia. Presentadora de talleres de preparación en tiempos litúrgicos y cursos avanzados de Elemental. Es miembro del comité del Congreso de Educación Religiosa de Anaheim, del Consejo Hispano de Cursos Avanzados y del Equipo de Elemental. A52 Eclesiología para los laicos de hoy En 1962 fue convocado e inaugurado el Concilio Vaticano II. En este año celebramos su 50 aniversario. El Concilio centró su reflexión en el tema de La Iglesia. En aquel memorable evento los obispos de todo el mundo unidos en comunión con el Papa Juan XXIII se preguntaban sobre lo que la Iglesia dice de sí misma y sobre la misión que la Iglesia tiene en el mundo. Gracias a este maravilloso evento que fue presidido por el Espíritu Santo, la Iglesia se renovó y entendió que necesitaba hacer cambios. En este taller vamos a reflexionar sobre los cambios que el Concilio Vaticano II intuyó y sobre cómo se han implementado en estos cincuenta años. Dr. Jose Antonio Medina obtuvo su doctorado en teología por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca en España y es candidato para obtener el doctorado en Sociología por la misma Universidad. Es profesor en diversos Institutos de formación superior de California y Nevada. Ha escrito varios libros entre los que destacan "Diálogos Semanales con Jesús" "Temas calientes para jóvenes cristianos" "Vivir el presente, imaginar el futuro", "Con el corazón lleno de alegría", entre otros. Actualmente es consultor teológico para la Conferencia de Obispos de California y para Libros Liguori. A53 Creer para contarlo Hay que vivir la fe con alegría y convicción no solo este año dedicado a la fe sino que siempre. Nuestra fe aumenta cuando la damos a otros. En este taller intenta dar herramientas que te ayuden a vivir la fe y compartirla con otros. Favor de traer la biblia. Humberto Ramos llegó al área de Los Ángeles de niño, educado en colegio católico y seminarios diocesanos. Titilado en el área de ciencias sociales por la Universidad del Estado de California en Los Ángeles, Maestría en Ciencias Religiosas de Mount St. Mary’s College, ha estado haciendo su doctorado en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, España. Fue maestro de escuela, organizador comunitario, ministro juvenil. Desde la arquidiócesis dirigió la pastoral Juvenil, fue coordinador de pastoral en dos regiones pastorales, director asociado para la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano y Educación Religiosa. Por los últimos cinco años Humberto Ramos, esposo y padre de seis, a estado a cargo de la parroquia de San Marcelino en City of Commerce. 13 A54 El Movimiento por la Paz con Justicia y Dignidad y los Inmigrantes en Estados Unidos Como este Movimiento se anuncia como un intento de traer a nuestra realidad cristiana los valores del Reino mediante el sufrimiento de las víctimas de cualquier clase de violencia. Teresa Finke Técnico en Sociología Industrial, con estudios de Teología en Regina Mundi, Roma, y graduada en Pastoral Hispana en Mount St. Mary's. Desde hace 26 años trabaja en Servicios de Inmigración, ahora en el Centro DESARROLLO INTEGRAL COMUNITARIO, del que es cofundadora desde enero, 2003. A55 METAMORFESI: El Arte de la Sanación Interior. Por medios de técnicas actorales vamos explorando el ser interno del Adulto. El objetivo es liberar emocionalmente la infancia y mejorar la autoestima. Valiosa experiencia para mejorar la relación padre-hijo, maestro - alumno. Hugo Alvarado ex actor de telenovelas y convertido por Cristo en Misionero. Director del Ministerio "Con mucha Fe" que se enfoca en la evangelización familiar. Es el autor del personaje de "la niña Morita" que aparece en cd y videos ayudando a la catequesis. Es predicador y da conferencias a nivel nacional en grupos de oración, retiros y reuniones de papas en la catequesis. Es el creador del método de liberación emocional llamado "METAMORFESI" que por medio de técnicas actorales y artísticas busca liberar las experiencias negativas en la infancia del Adulto. Da talleres de Sanación Interior a través del Arte y la Espiritualidad. A56 10 Maneras de como la tecnología puede mejorar tu sesión de educación religiosa La tecnología o los medios modernos de comunicación se han convertido en una parte integral de nuestras vidas. Es difícil pasar un día sin escuchar las palabras como; twitter, facebook, internet, web, podcast, blog etc…. Sin embargo, la catequesis, especialmente en español, se ha quedado atrás en la cuestión de la tecnología. En este taller veremos 10 maneras en que usted puede incorporar la tecnología en su sesión de educación religiosa. Cada una de las 10 maneras tendrá su aplicación práctica y lista para implementar hoy. En fin, veremos que la tecnología o medios de comunicación realmente son “la nueva evangelización.” Víctor Valenzuela es consultor bilingüe a nivel nacional de William H. Sadlier Inc. Por más de 20 años ha estado trabajando en el ministerio hispano. Ha sido maestro de secundaria y ha colaborado en diversos ministerios parroquiales incluyendo pastoral juvenil y educación religiosa, donde tiene una gran experiencia preparando materiales. Terminó sus estudios superiores en el seminario St. Joseph en Mountain View, California y tiene dos años de teología cursados en el seminario St. Patricks. También tiene su maestría en educación religiosa de la Universidad de San Francisco. Nació en Arizona de padres mexicanos, ha vivido la mayor parte de su vida en el área de la bahía. Actualmente vive en Alameda, CA. A57 ¿Quieres que tu clase de Confirmación sea dinámica y eficaz? Compartiremos y desarrollaremos tips (ideas) para que esa clase, se convierta en algo que los jóvenes nunca olvidarán. Pero sobre todo transformar sus vidas, para ir y contagiar a otros. Norma Montaño Catequista por mas de 16 años, con un Diplomado en el catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, Con la especialización en la organización en retiros para jóvenes, y como facilitadora de la especialización para maestros de Confirmación, parte del programan de formación avanzada de ministros catequéticos de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa. Y parte del Equipo Arquidiocesano de Confirmación con Adolecentes en español de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa de Los Ángeles. Entre otras cosas… 14 A58 Nuestra Juventud: El Tesoro de Nuestra Iglesia; después de 30 años, ellos están a riesgo a contraer el virus del VIH/SIDA? Este taller ayudara a los catequistas a difundir información que ayudara al joven en sus decisiones cotidianas. Manuel Torres Originario de Zacatecas, Mex; criado en Tijuana, Baja California, Norte; 1972 emigro a los Estados Unidos, estudiando el las escuelas publicas, ingreso a la Universidad Xaveriana de Ohio; inicio los estudios para la preparación de sacerdocio con los Misioneros Combonianos del Corazón de Jesús; regresando a Los Ángeles desde 1986 trabajando en la Oficina de Educación Religiosa en el Ministerio de Jóvenes Adultos; miembro activo de la Mesa Consultiva de Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles Ministerios de VIH/Sida; Pastoral Juvenil; desde 2003 siendo Administrador/Capellán con Interlink Home Health and Hospice; Saint Camilus Pastoral Center for Spiritual Care. A59 El Primer Encuentro: la entrevista con el catecúmeno o el candidato Repasaremos las preguntas claves de este primer encuentro y como ubicar las persona para tomar sus primer pasos en la jornada hacia la vida eterna. Fr. Richard Vega es miembro de la Sociedad Mexicana de Liturgistas y presentador para las oficinas del Culto Divino en Los Ángeles y Chicago. Actualmente es párroco de St. Frances of Rome en Azusa. Fue párroco de La Purísima Concepción en Lompoc, CA, y vicario parroquial en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. A60 Jesús, Profeta por excelencia Jesús tiene muchos títulos en el Nuevo Testamento: Hijo del hombre, Hijo de Dios... El título que le da la gente sencilla es "Profeta" ¿Qué enfatiza y encierra este título para la catequesis? Rudolf Finke Licenciatura en Teología y Estudios Religiosos en la Universidad de Marburg, Alemania. Formador de catequistas en Alemania, Argentina, Paraguay, México y EU. En los últimos 30 años ha dado conferencias sobre catequesis, Sagrada Escritura, Pedagogía y Psicología en 15 diócesis de EU. Desde enero 2003, es socio fundador del centro "Desarrollo Integral Comunitario" en Wilmington, CA. Colabora en programas de radio de la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles y "El Sembrador". Ha publicado algunos materiales sobre educación familiar, relaciones de la pareja y comunicación. A61 Apoyando y ayudando a familias de hijos con necesidades especiales usando las enseñanzas de nuestra Religión Católica. Como apoyar a familias de personas/niños con necesidades especiales, asegurando y demostrándoles que son parte de la Iglesia Viviente. Y como demostrar el valor de la caridad de estas familias con su amor y modelo de fe. Dr. Maria French Con paralices cerebral; realizo un Doctorado en Educación Especial y Psicología Anormal, voluntaria en varias organizaciones. A62 El Matrimonio (no) es como el demonio: El Matrimonio como paradigma del Reino de Dios Utilizando imágenes bíblicas de Dios como amante de su pueblo, trazaremos el llamado a vivir como imagen viva de Dios para con los demás. Giovanni Perez Nacido en Guatemala y casado con una Mexicana, hemos formado un hogar de cuatro adolescentes. Trabajo ministerial de mas de 20 años. Actualmente desempeña el cargo de Director de Educación Religiosa en St. Anthony of Padua, Gardena. BA en Psicología / MA en Religious Studies. Comisionado como Pastoral Associate para la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. A63 De Voluntarios a Co-laboradores en la Viña del Señor ¿Cómo movilizamos al los voluntarios para que piense en si mismos como co-labradores en la viña del Señor? Este taller explorara como cuidar y desarrollar al ministro laico en el ministerio desde su primer momento de servicio hasta convertirse en co-laboradores maduros. Maria-Elena Cardeña Por los últimos 22 años Maria-Elena ha servido en una variedad de posiciones atravez de la Arquidiocesis de Los Ángeles. Actualmente es la Directora de la Formación de Fe en la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción en Claremont. Tiene una Maestría en Estudios Religiosos del Colegio Mount St. Mary’s y es ahora una candidata para su Doctorado en Organización de Liderazgo en la Universidad de La Verne. 15 Session B 1:00 p.m.— p.m.—2:30 p.m. B10 How to Create and Implement Adult Faith Formation --- for Parents and Sponsors The new evangelization calls us to a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Unique challenges are presented to parishes with families of high school age youth preparing for Confirmation. Family life, the turbulence of adolescence with practical applications for creating and implementing adult faith formation will be the focus of this session. Warren Kunkle III is presently a sales representative for William H. Sadlier Inc. He is a Master Catechist and volunteers in his parish as the High School Confirmation Parent Formation Coordinator. He has also served as a Parish Administrator, Youth Minister/Confirmation Coordinator and a variety of other ministries over the past 25 years. With his wife, Elga and their three teen-age sons’, a broader understanding of the realities of our “domestic” church and its unique challenges, will be fore-front in this presentation. B11 Tried-and-True Lessons for Family Catechesis How do we get parents involved in Religious Education? Come and see how you can make Family Catechesis successful in your classroom, program, or parish, and walk away with tried-and-true lesson plans! Cristina Alba is the Director of Religious Education at St. John Vianney in Hacienda Heights. Her prior work as an elementary school teacher as well as a catechist for the past 10 years have helped her develop a successful Family Catechesis program at the parish. She is also currently involved in the Advanced Catechetical Ministries through the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. B12 Mining for Gold: 50 Years of Vatican II and the Year of Faith During the 50th anniversary of Vatican II, how do we make the Council accessible to our people, especially the youth? Receive a brief history of the Council and ways to present its themes. Fr. Christopher Bazyouros was born and grew up in the San Gabriel Valley. He entered St. John's Seminary after receiving a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry. Ordained in 2003, he has served in the Archdiocese and is currently pastor of St. Albert the Great. He also serves the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission. B13 A YEAR OF FAITH: SO WHAT? OR WHAT NEXT? Worried about declining participation at Mass OR young adult spirituality OR changes in family life and religious practice OR an aging Church population OR the impact of social media on youth OR unrest in the Church? On the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and the 20th anniversary of the Catechism of the Catholic Church comes the launch this October by Pope Benedict XVI of a "Year of Faith". What does this mean for those of us responsible for evangelization, catechesis, or faith formation in parishes and schools? This session will explore trends that could impact our programs and will also invite creative responses. Joan Doyle is a catechetical consultant, workshop presenter, and writer, has held a variety of positions in her Los Angeles parish, St. Paul the Apostle (junior high religion teacher and assistant principal; parish DRE). Her education includes a B.A. (English) and M.A. (Religious Education) from Immaculate Heart College, and she holds a California teaching credential and certification as a Master Catechist and a Media Literacy educator. Joan serves annually as a judge for the HUMANITAS Prize, rewarding writers of film and TV shows that both entertain and enrich the viewing public and has written the Study Guides for the DVD series,"Film Clips for Catholic Youth Faith Formation" (co-produced by Paulist Productions and distributed by RCL Benziger). B14 What do people experience in church? (Part 1) Dare to ask the question: What are people experiencing as a result of participation in your church through worship, catechesis, prayer, outreach, pastoral care. Part 1 of the workshop will present the results of recent studies on peoples' true experience of church participation. Part 2 is workshop C12 Dr. Dale Sieverding As the Director of Music and Liturgy at St. Monica Catholic Community, Santa Monica, CA he is responsible for directing the Worship Life. Dr. Sieverding serves on the Archdiocesan Liturgical Commission and has been appointed chair of the Liturgical Design Review Committee. He holds the Doctorate in Sacred Liturgy from San Anselmo in Rome. 16 B15 LIFE is sacred: Catholic Social Teachings for living, teaching and public debate Jesus demanded his disciples to be people of prayer and action, connecting the dots of spiritual truths and daily living. We will offer teaching tools to live, educate and be Pro-Life Consistent life Catholics in the public debate from voting to community service. Fr. Christopher Ponnet Ordained for Los Angeles Archdiocese 1983, Fr. Ponnet is Pastor and chaplain at St. Camilus Center for Spiritual Care. He also serves as Director of Office of Catholic HIV/AIDS Ministry, Board of Death Penalty Focus, Pax CHristi USA, Angel Interfaith Network, MLGC Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Catholics and Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace. B16 Part 2: Making Good Relationships GREAT — One Simple Conversation at a Time! Dr. Paige Marrs PhD see page 7 for complete description of workshop and speaker information B17 How To Bring God to Kids and Teens in Crisis Kids today face a very different childhood than they have in past years. Surrounded by pain and violence, it is difficult for them to grasp the concept of a good, loving and forgiving God. In this workshop we will discuss how to bring God to these children in a manner that they will understand and embrace. Some of the crises we will be looking at will include: gangs and drug use, domestic violence and child abuse, separation of parents, loss of a loved one, and the everyday stress of being an adolescent. Even amidst the gravest of situations, God is present. It is our entrusted duty to help our children find Him. Isela Magallanes has been working with teenagers for 12 years. What began as volunteer work soon became a loved mission. Isela taught Confirmation classes for seven years and is currently a part-time Secretary of Religious Education at St. Athanasius in Long Beach. She continues to do talks for teen and adult retreats, Youth Ministry, and Regional Congress. She has taught everything from kindergarten to RCIA, but her love remains guiding and mentoring teenagers. Isela received her Bachelor degree in Sociology from CSULB and is currently working as a Correctional Officer at a juvenile correctional facility. B18 Yes! Movement in liturgy! During our time together, we will explore the existing ritual movement that we do every Sunday sitting in the pew, and learn how to enhance a celebration by building on those simple moves. We'll also discuss ways to encourage the assembly to participate through gesture response. Come dressed comfortably and be ready to move! Monica Luther /Nicole Smith have been dancing, choreographing and educating in this ministry for more than a decade. Both have extensive experience coordinating movement for a variety of parishes throughout Southern California. Monica and Nicole have shared their ministry at the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress as featured dancers in various liturgies, prayer services and concerts. B19 Teaching sexual morality to high school students Teaching sexual morality (especially to teenagers) is seen by some as a harrowing experience but with the right attitude and planning it can be enjoyable and informative. I will share a few tips that help make it so. Jack Hastert Graduated from Loyola U. with degree in Business Administration. Spent two years as member of Jesuit Volunteer Corps at St. Joseph parish/school in Seattle, 1976-78. Began Upper Room youth ministry program at St. Dominic Savio parish, 1978-83. Worked at St. John Bosco High School as Religion teacher, coach, athletic director, counselor 1980-present. Masters degree in Religious Studies from Mt. St. Mary's in 1992. Married for 32 years with 3 children. B20 What every Catholic needs to know about The Bible The Document on Divine Revelation gives us an understanding of the Catholic approach to Scripture, our relationship to God and our mission as disciples. It provides a framework for continued learning of the Bible. Kay Murdy has a Master's Degree in Religious Studies from Mount St. Mary's College, and is a Master Catechist for the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Kay is a member of the teaching and coordinating team of the Catholic Bible Institute co-sponsored by the Archdiocese Office of Religious Education and Loyola Marymount University. Kay has written five books on scripture and spirituality for Resource Publications, and Ligouri Publications. 17 B21 Acceptance of our LGBT Sisters and Brothers: A Catholic Discussion The MLGC invites the greater Catholic Community to discuss the importance of acceptance of LGBT people within society, families, schools and our Church, applying the latest scientific research and pastoral guidance. Jenny Naughton The Ministry with Lesbian and Gay Catholics (MLGC) recognizes that all persons with a homosexual orientation are capable of living a full Catholic life in union with all the members of the Church. MLGC calls on concerned Catholics and all people of goodwill to know and share in the challenges, burdens, and blessings of homosexual persons living a Christian life within the Catholic tradition. B22 From Volunteers to Co-workers in the Vineyard How do we mobilize volunteers to think of themselves as co-workers in the vineyard? This workshop will explore how to care and tend lay workers in ministry from their first involvement to mature co-workers in the vineyard. Maria-Elena Cardeña For the last 22 years Maria-Elena has served in a variety of positions throughout the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. She is now Faith Formation Director for Our Lady of the Assumption in Claremont. She possesses a Master’s in Religious Studies from Mt. St. Mary’s, and is now a doctoral candidate in Organizational Leadership at the University of La Verne. B23 10 Ways That Technology Can Improve Your Religious Education Session Technology or media have become so much a part of our everyday lives. It is hard to go through the day without hearing the words; twitter, Facebook, internet, web, podcast, blog etc… Yet Religious Education has yet to catch up with the ubiquitousness of Technology. In this workshop will discuss the 10 ways media can enhance our Religious Education sessions. Each one with a practical application that can be implemented today! In the end, we will see that technology/media is the real “New Evangelization.” Victor Valenzuela is a National Religion Consultant for Bilingual Resources for William H. Sadlier, Inc. He has presented workshops to numerous groups both regionally and nationally. Victor has been in ministry for 20 years including classroom teaching, youth ministry, teacher training, and writing and development of new materials. He has a Bachelor of Arts from St. Joseph Seminary in Menlo Park, CA and a Masters of Arts from the University of San Francisco. Born in Arizona to parents of Mexican descent, he is fully bilingual and bicultural. B24 Where do you stand on the death penalty? This workshop is for Catholics interested in learning more about the death penalty. Participants will learn about the Church’s position on capital punishment, practical and moral arguments about the death penalty, the importance of Catholics in the anti-death penalty movement, and how to get involved in ending the death penalty. The workshop will explain the upcoming November ballot initiative that aims to change the death penalty to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Luella Wagner taught in Catholic schools for 19 years at both the elementary and high school level. She has taught in Los Angeles, CA, Sao Paulo, Brazil, American Samoa, and most recently the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in southeastern Montana. She has a teaching credential and MA in Education from New York University. 18 Sesión B B50 1:00 p.m.— p.m.—1:30 p.m. ¿Qué es praxis religiosa? Cada religión tiene un aspecto exterior e interior... La fe madura sabe distinguir entre estas dimensiones, sabe unirlas y sabe lo que es esencial y lo que es solamente adorno histórico Rudolf Finke B51 Ver A60 La Disciplina Eficaz para un Catequista o Padre de Familia Ven y explora en una forma divertida como es que tu puedes comunicarte de una manera en que tus estudiantes e hijos se sientan comprometidos y disciplinados. En este taller exploraras técnicas eficaces de disciplina para tener un ambiente de armonía, estructura y cooperación con tus estudiantes o hijos. Se te darán materiales para llevar a casa. Rosa Isela Montes-Jaime es Presidente, Secretaria, y Co-Fundadora de Solutions 4 Families, Inc. Rosa ha estado muy activa en la Región de San Pedro ofreciendo clases para la Educación del Matrimonio. Su pasión y profesión de enseñar a niños de primaria y a educar a los padres de familia para que tengan un ambiente amoroso para sus pequeños. Rosa ha enseñado en todos los niveles de educación religiosa y tiene su licenciatura en Psicología y su Maestría en Educación. B52 Despierta Tu Creatividad = Catequesis Activas Una de las Cualidades de la persona del Catequista es de ser Creativa y una de sus tareas es de Hacer Catequesis Activas. Un Catequista creativo se prepara y presenta catequesis Vivas y Activas. En este taller se les darán ideas de actividades para todo el año catequético. (Por favor traer tijeras y goma) Ramona Meza ver A51 B53 MARÍA : Madre de la Iglesia, Modelo de Humildad, Vocación, Servicio y Obediencia Las cualidades que de María debemos imitar todos los católicos comprometidos. María : Corredentora, en el Calvario, en Pentecostés. María: THEOTOKOS : Madre del Salvador. Madre de la Iglesia Carlos Valles Instituto de Formación para Laicos al Servicio de la Pastoral Licenciado en Derecho y Administración de Empresas. UIA México. Posgrado Ciencias Políticas y Diplomacia. Universidad de la Sorbona, Paris Francia. Maestría Administración de Empresas ( UNAM ).Posgrado London School of Economics. Evangelizador de Tiempo Completo ( 10 AÑOS ) Instituto de Formación para Laicos al Servicio de la Pastoral. MÉXICO. Escuela de Pastoral( 10 AÑOS ): Estudios de Teología, Dogma, Moral, Eclesiología, Cristología, Mariología, Soteriología, Pneumatologia, Biblia, Historia de la Salvación, Doctrina Social Cristiana. IDIOMAS: ESPAÑOL, INGLÉS, FRANCÉS, ITALIANO, ALEMÁN. B54 Como Catequista, tiene Herramientas para Compartir una Evangelización Global? La solidaridad con los pobres formó parte esencial de la persona de Jesús y su misión. Al igual forma parte esencial de nuestra Evangelización en un mundo mas y mas conectado globalmente. ¿La solidaridad forma parte de su plan como catequista? ¿Cómo va el mensaje en su parroquia? En este taller compartiremos herramientas para ayudar a sus niños, adolescentes y comunidad entender más a fondo y participar activamente en la solidaridad global con nuestros hermanos y hermanas más vulnerables y pobres en nuestro mundo. Usando recursos y programas de Catholic Relief Services (CRS), juntos desarrollaremos un plan de Evangelización Global. Maria Arroyo tiene una Maestría en Cuidado/Consejería Pastoral con cursos en Paz y Justicia de la Universidad de San Diego y una Maestría en Estudios Teológicos de la Universidad de Loyola Marymount. Tiene mas de 10 anos sirviendo en el Ministerio Hispano. Actualmente ejerce su trabajo con Catholic Relief Services (CRS) concientizando sobre la solidaridad global y la enseñanza social de la Iglesia. Ha facilitado delegaciones a México, El Salvador, Sur América y al Oeste de África. También sirvió en un monasterio Budista en el Norte de la India. 19 B55 Atrévete a ser feliz En este taller hablaremos a cerca de los distintos esquemas mentales que podríamos haber creado y que no nos ayudan ni espiritual ni emocionalmente. Entre ellos el del perdón, abandono, no creerse capaz, pesimismo entre otros. Hablaremos del auto estima y cómo nuestros pensamientos podrían influenciar nuestro estado de ánimo y cómo nuestros sentimientos podrían influenciar nuestras acciones. Esto y mucho más en este taller. Luis Díaz es creador del programa social “Emoción Activa” el cual ofrece una serie de talleres informativos a cerca de problemas sociales como la violencia en las pandillas, la drogadicción y la violencia doméstica entre otros. Nacido en Puerto Rico posee un bachillerato en Comunicación de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Arecibo. Fue coordinador del grupo de jóvenes Génesis en Puerto Rico y ha trabajado con jóvenes con problemas relacionados a las drogas. Fue redactor y reportero interno de Univisión Radio en Puerto Rico y productor del segmento Conocedores del programa radial Frecuencia Alterna. Actualmente es Asistente del Ministro de Jóvenes de la Parroquia Nuestras Señora del Santo Rosario en Sun Valley California y es conferencista de la arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles en los distintos congresos de educación religiosa. B56 Tener un espíritu positivo ayuda El espíritu positivo es una mezcla de serenidad interior, optimismo, caras amables, buen humor, amar con el corazón para así saber disculpar, reconocer y valorar la amistad y los pequeños detalles que la vida te ofrecer a cada instante, pensar positivamente (yo puedo y quiero ser mejor, soy capaz de hacerlo), nos ayuda a ser mejores, con uno mismo y con los demás. En este taller veremos distintas habilidades para incrementar nuestro amor a quienes estamos formando y educando en la fe. Hector Quiroz Director Escuela de Ministerio Pastoral Laico, en ingles y español, patrocinada por los Oblatos de Maria Inmaculada de la región de San Fernando. Asistente General y maestro del Instituto de Pastoral y Evangelización de la Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles. Estudios de arquitectura en el IPN y la UNAM en México y graduado del IPE y de la Maestría en Estudios Religiosos de Mount Saint Mary's College. Estudiante de la Maestría en Ministerio Pastoral en St. John's seminario en Camarillo. B57 La Juventud y su Dinamismo!!!! En este taller tendremos recursos y material para usarlo con jóvenes de Confirmación. Aprenderemos a llevar nuestras clases mas dinámicas y alegres. Gloria Torres Coordinadora del Proceso de Confirmación en la Parroquia de Sta. Rosa de Lima, en la ciudad de Maywood. Más de quince años trabajando como voluntaria en la misma parroquia, como joven, con los jóvenes y adolescentes de la parroquia. Ha recibido cursos de las escuelas San Andrés de Guadalajara. Estoy en el proceso de terminar mi Master en Catequista de Confirmación. Ama a los jóvenes y lo que hacen. B58 Me lo dijo Adela Vivimos en el tiempo de la comunicación, todo el mundo tiene sus propias opiniones y las quiere imponer; morales, comerciales, como ser feliz, de salud, etc. En este taller exploraremos sobre la importancia de poseer la virtud del discernimiento, la conciencia y lo que quiere decir poseer conciencia crítica pues este comportamiento nos conduce a tomar decisiones justas y moralmente apropiadas en nuestro diario vivir. Lourdes González-Rubio es la Coordinadora de Ministerios Catequísticos Básicos y Avanzados en Español para la Oficina de Educación Religiosa de nuestra Arquidiócesis desde 1991. Colaboró con la Oficina para el Culto Divino, también de nuestra, Arquidiócesis, dando entrenamiento a los ministros litúrgicos desde 1986, tiene treinta años de experiencia en la pastoral hispana. Ha sido invitada a dar conferencias en las Diócesis de San Diego, Fresno, Sacramento, San Bernardino y Oakland. Es autora de dos libros de poesía y uno de reflexiones para la compañía Libros Ligouri, titulado “Entre Diosito y yo”. 20 B59 Celebrando la Palabra de Dios con los Catecúmenos Que ocurre con los catecúmenos cuando Los despedimos del templo los Domingos? Celebraremos la litúrgica de la Palabra y desarrollaremos la catequesis que debe ocurrir Los domingos con ellos mientras la asamblea esta en la asamblea dominical. Fr. Richard Vega Ver A59 B60 Las Mujeres en el Nacimiento del Cristianismo Recorreremos algunas de las mujeres más trascendentes y que también fueron pilares fundamentales para el nacimiento de las primeras comunidades. Alberto Embry es teólogo, con estudios de perfeccionamiento en áreas como sectas, pastoral y estudios sistemáticos bíblicos. Actualmente es Consultante de la Oficina de Educación Religiosa en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles, donde dirige la Pastoral Juvenil Arquidiócesana. B61 La magia, visión, fuerza y cariño del catequista hombre: Una espiritualidad masculina Utilizando arquetipos universales de la energía masculina nos daremos cuenta de que tan esencial es la presencia positiva del HOMBRE en el desarrollo de la persona, con un ojo hacia el trabajo catequético. Giovanni Perez Ver A62 B62 En el Año de la Fe, Hablemos de la Fe Los participantes tendrán la oportunidad de reflexionar sobre lo que significa el acto de fe como don y tarea, las implicaciones de la fe en la vida cotidiana, los lugares de crecimiento en la fe, algunos testimonios de hombres y mujeres de fe, las prácticas que nos ayudan a crecer en la fe. Todos estos elementos nos ayudarán a ser testigos de la fe en el ministerio al que Dios nos ha llamado. Dr. Jose Antonio Medina Ver A52 21 Session C C10 2:45 p.m.— p.m.—4:15 p.m. Creative ideas to help prepare your students for the Sacrament of Reconciliation This session will provide the Catechist with hands on activities, lessons, crafts and more to help prepare children for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Lillian Cruces has been involved in Religious Education since 1977. She is a long time Catechist and has taught 5th grade and coordinated Religious activities in the Los Angeles area catholic schools. She is currently the Director of Religious Education at St. Mary's Church in Whittier and the West representative for the National Association of Parish Catechetical Directors. C11 Deepening Children's Experience of God's Goodness Children have an inner spiritual sense for God, for beauty, for mystery, for awe, and for the sacred. This workshop will enable participants to come to a deeper understanding of this gift in children and the role of the family and catechist to nurture this spiritual nature of children. Participants will have the opportunity to experience reflection stations and sample methods suitable for adaptation to any age or place. Sr. Rose Marie Tulacz, SND is founder of Notre Dame Creations, a ministry of liturgical and fine art photography and spirituality. Sister gives retreats and presentations on scripture and spirituality. For the last three years she has presented the Saturday evening highlight, Sacred Illuminations (italics) at the Religious Education Congress in Anaheim, CA. Sister is presently doing graduate studies in theology and spirituality at Boston College. C12 What do people experience in church? (Part 2) The second part of this workshop will consider the implications for our work in catechesis, faith formation and liturgy of what people are experiencing (or not experiencing) in church? We will look at the areas of faith formation, catechesis, liturgy, pastoral care and outreach. Dr. Dale Sieverding See B14 C13 Discipleship: Follow the Leader! In this workshop we will explore ways to help others bring faith to life, to be active disciples. We will use internet resources, videos, music and scripture. Be ready to experience practical ideas that will inspire you to live radical discipleship and then be able to share the GREAT NEWS with others! God does not call the qualified, but qualifies the Called. Nancy Longo see YT-A2 C14 How can I "walk the talk" "live the Gospel" in the classroom through the Catholic Social Teachings? We will learn the 7 Catholic Social Teachings and do classroom activities to make these principles real and workable for your students. Liz Moran is the RCIA initiation coordinator at Assumption of BVM Parish in Pasadena. She has worked in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles for over 30 years as a Master Catechist. She is a consultant for OUR SUNDAY VISITOR. C15 RCIA-Children & Teens - Forming Lifelong Disciples through the RCIA process. Offer creative ideas for intergenerational class sessions and retreat experiences with families of unbaptized children of catechetical age in the RCIA. Terri Palmer is the Director of Faith Formation at St. Augustine Church in Culver City. Terri has over 25 years of experience in Religious Education, including positions as a Catechist, Retreat Facilitator, Lecturer and DRE. She and her husband, Deacon Scott, completed the Archdiocese Diaconate Formation program in 1999. She has continued her formation by earning multiple certification and went onto become a Master Catechist in 2010. Terri graduated from the LMU RCIA Certification Program May 29, 2012. Terri also serves on the L.A. Archdiocese Initiation Committee and is a VIRTUS Facilitator. 22 C16 Introduction to Theological Reflection in a Web 2.0 world Theological reflection involves processing the experiences of one’s life, with an awareness of God’s hand touching it all. Benedict XVI has paved the way for the people of God to consider technology as an aspect of our lived experience where God most certainly is present. The “digital continent” is a place we are called to be missionaries, learning to proclaim the Gospel with videos, tweets, status updates, blogs, etc. In this workshop, peer into the experience of your own tech life (whether your are regularly online or not) and recognize God’s movement in it all. You might be surprised at what you discover! Margaret Sardo is A mother of two wonderful children serving as the San Fernando Regional Coordinator for the Office Of Religious Education in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. BA from the University of San Diego in the area of Theological and Religious Studies. MA from Loyola Marymount University with a focus in Pastoral Ministry. Just celebrated 10 years of ministry work in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Experience in the Archdiocese ranges from teaching in Catholic Schools to serving in parish work, both as a DRE and Coordinator of JH/Confirmation ministry, and now in the area of Diocesan work. Master Catechist since 2007. A digital immigrant that is eager to learn. C17 Media; The Good, the Bad and The Ugly What does the Hunger Games and other movies and Christianity have in common? Come learn ways you can use media in a positive way to get them excited about their faith thru music and movies. Juan & Olga Rodriguez Husband and wife Certified Catechists with specialization in Confirmation working together. Both have Catechist experience for over 12 years from elementary to confirmation. Work together as retreat trainers and coordinators. Love to work with media in the classroom and give youngsters a positive view of our faith thru modern movies, music T.V. shows etc so they can understand their faith better in their own environment. Have served at Our Lady of Refuge in Long Beach as Confirmation Catechists and Retreat Coordinators. Currently serve at St. Athanasius in Long Beach with their two sons as Confirmation Catechists and Retreat Trainers and Coordinators. Family motto is "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15 C18 Catholic Imagination and Curriculum Design Catholic education brings the living Gospel of Jesus into dialogue with everyone and everything. This workshop explores how educators can infuse faith into every academic discipline for every student. Brian Dau has taught Religious Studies and English at St. John Bosco High School for 13 years, and is a graduate student at Loyola Marymount University. He has also served as a youth minister at St. Joseph Parish in Long Beach. His research interests include the theology of biology, Christian engagement of technology and culture, narrative theology, and integrating faith and multi-disciplinary academic study in curriculum development. C19 Conscience Formation and Decision Making The session will discuss the process of healthy conscience formation. Processes for teaching the development of conscience will be explored. Applications will be made to decision making and discernment. Sr. Edith Prendergast R.S.C. is currently the Director of Religious Education of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and directs the Annual Religious Education Congress. This event attracts over 40,000 participants annually. She holds a Doctorate in Ministry from Claremont School of Theology, and a Master's Degree in Theology from Boston College. She is a frequent speaker nationally and locally and has written and contributed to several articles on Spirituality and Catechesis. C20 Living a "Sacrament" Life Explore the origins and history of the Seven Sacraments. Discover how all Christians live and celebrate "sacraments" in every day experiences. Eileen Loughran has served in Catechetical Ministry for over 40 years. As a Master Catechist she has taught many classes of Basic Faith Formation, Elementary, Junior High, and Confirmation Specialization. She is considered a trailblazer in Ministry. Honored by Pope Benedict XVI, she received the Pro-Ecclesial et Pontifice award for service to the universal church. Her greatest joy is to inspire and help catechists to prayerfully share faith with love, excitement and creativity. 23 C21 Serve God with Zeal ... Serve with Hearts on Fire! Learning to access our creative side allows us to be in the space where we can better connect with the Holy Spirit dwelling inside. Exploring creative “prayer” we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit's divine inspiration, igniting our Zeal! Valerie MacRae received her degree in theatre arts from UCSB. The study of costume & scenic design today adds dimension to her art and environmental designs. While designing in the retail industry Valerie began teaching design at FIDM in Los Angeles. Valerie has been a part of the Los Angeles RE Congress for the past seven years designing the arena and Sacred Space environments. Her logo designs have been used for both the RE Congress as well as the San Pedro Regional Congress. She is currently teaching art at St. John Bosco High School. C22 Getting to Agape This workshop helps one to learn about agape love. The information presented comes from three books by the presenter Al Mozingo – Love One Another, A Little Book about Love, and Getting to Agape. It will take one from the basic levels of love and charity to the higher levels of unconditional love. Some of the information presented will be seeking the light, the mind of Christ, purifying the soul, the will of God, and rules for a new life. It will help one to incorporate unconditional love into their very being. Al Mozingo is a nationally recognized Conference Speaker. He has published more than 350 articles and a couple of books. He has presented more than 2,500 classes, seminars, workshops and conferences. His teaching extends from the college and university settings, to religious conferences and churches. He presents a unique approach with a lay person's perspective about God's will utilizing the writings of St. Francis de Sales. He is the RCIA Director of the Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church. C23 Love, the Core of Jesus' message "Love one another as I have loved you." (John 13:34). In this session we will reflect on how Jesus' philosophy changed the world as we know it. As catechists we are called to share and model Jesus' philosophy. Bertha Melendres is Director of the Religious Education program at Nativity in Torrance, for the past eight years. Certified as a Master Catechist. Have been involved in the parish for twenty years in many ministries, from youth group to RCIA. Wife and mother of an 11 year old boy and an 8 year old girl. C24 An Introduction to Special Needs: Major Disabilities Overview This is a general overview of characteristics, and common behaviors of prevalent disabilities. Considerable time will be focused on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Giorgia Diomedes M.A. SpEd is currently working with students in 2nd and 3rd grades with Autism Spectrum Disorders. She worked for nearly four years as the Inclusion Facilitator for ABC Unified School District supporting teachers and paraprofessionals develop appropriate and helpful strategies for working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other behavioral or physical difficulties. She is a Behavior Intervention Case Manager and has her Master’s degree in Special Education. Giorgia has three children and has been married to a youth minister for 9 years. Through her experiences working with children and adults with special needs and coming to understand the challenges of the day to day workings of a youth ministry program, she approaches the spiritual and educational challenges of the church and its programs holistically and practically. C25 Evangelization: Awakening Youth to God’s Presence in Their Lives The Church’s evangelizing mission is central to our role as youth ministry leaders. We are called to help young people develop a relationship with Jesus that empowers them to live as His disciples and continue the work of building God’s reign. Learn how the foundational principles and practices of Ignatian Spirituality can help us respond to the experiential and participative nature of this generation of youth and draw them into a transformative relationship with Christ. Katie Zeigler serves the Archdiocese of Los Angeles as Consultant for Youth Ministry and Confirmation in the Office of Religious Education. For over 15 years, she has served as Youth Ministry/Confirmation coordinator, volunteer team member, and retreat facilitator in several parishes throughout the Los Angeles area. Katie is pursuing an M.A. in Pastoral Theology at LMU and is a member of the National Association of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders. 24 Sesión C C50 2:45 p.m.— p.m.—4:15 p.m. Se hace camino al andar Vivimos en una sociedad multicultural, variada que nos ofrece diversos patrones de comportamientos culturales y una rica experiencia de cómo la fe y la vida se viven de acuerdo a las diferentes culturas. En este taller intentaremos recorrer caminos para llegar a conocer más de cerca a quien es la persona adulta y conocernos mejor a nosotras mismas, a nosotros mismos. Lourdes González-Rubio Ver B58 C51 Tesoro de Oro: 50 Años del Vaticano II y el Año de Fe Durante el Aniversario del Vaticano II, ¿cómo ayudaremos a nuestro pueblo conocer el Concilio, especialmente los jóvenes? Reciba una historia breve del Concilio y maneras de presentar sus temas. Fr. Christopher Bazyouros Ver B 12 C52 Como Traer a Dios a Niños y Jóvenes en Crisis Los niños de hoy afrentan una niñez muy distinta a la niñez de años atrás. Rodeados de dolor y violencia, es difícil para ellos entender el concepto de un bueno y amoroso Dios que perdona. En este taller hablaremos sobre como traer a Dios a estos niños de una manera que ellos comprendan. Unos de los crises en los cuales nos enfocaremos incluirán: pandillas y el uso de drogas, violencia domestica y abuso de niños, separación de padres, la pérdida de un ser querido, y el estrés de ser un adolecente. Aun en medio de la situación más grave, ahí está presente Dios. Es el deber que se nos ha encargado el ayudar a nuestros niños encontrarlo. Isela Magallanes Ver B17 C53 Liderazgo, Entrega Y Compromiso del Dirigente y Apóstol Comprometido con Jesús Se discutirán las cualidades problemas del apóstol y líder comprometido en la Misión encomendada por Jesús que le llamó a servir. Problemas, excusas y pretextos. Entorno y familia. METANOIA Y KERIGMA Carlos Valles ver B53 C54 Cómo hacer que nuestros jóvenes establezcan relaciones saludables En este taller presentaremos cuáles son los parámetros adecuados para establecer una relación saludable con cualquier persona no sólo con una novia (o) sino con un vecino, amiga, maestro, tío etc. . Si el tema del sexo en adolescentes es uno que le incomoda tal vez en este taller se vaya a sentir incomodo. Pero si es un padre que le interesa el bienestar y porvenir de sus hijos este es un taller que sin duda le vendría muy bien. Luis Díaz Ver B55 C55 Celebrando Los Ritos Litúrgicos de la Iniciación Cristiana Un repaso de los Ritos Litúrgicos principales de la Iniciación Cristiana con atención a la distinción del catecúmeno y candidato, gestos y símbolos, música, y participación de la asamblea. Fr. Richard Vega Ver A59 C56 Las Mujeres de la Biblia En este taller vamos a reflexionar sobre el testimonio de fe de algunas de las mujeres que aparecen tanto en el Antiguo como en el Nuevo Testamento. Muchas de ellas nos muestran sus enojos y sus frustraciones, otras nos dan ejemplo de Fortaleza en la adversidad y algunas otras son simplemente gigantes que supieron hacer lo que Dios les pidió. En un momento en que las mujeres juegan un papel tan importante en la vida de la Iglesia el testimonio de mujeres bíblicas será una fuente de profunda inspiración. Dr. Jose Antonio Medina sea A52 25 C57 La aceptación de nuestras hermanas y hermanos LGBT: una discusión Católica El MLGC, invita a la comunidad Católica para discutirla importancia de la aceptación de las personas LGBT en la sociedad, familias, escuelas y nuestra Iglesia, aplicando lo último en estudios científicos y guía pastoral. El Ministerio con Lesbian and Gay Catholics (MLGC) reconoce que todas las personas con una orientación homosexual son capaces de vivir un vida plena como Católicos en unión con todos los miembros de la Iglesia. El Ministerio LGC hace un llamado a todos los Católicos y personas de buena voluntad a conocer y a compartir los retos, las quejas y las bendiciones de las personas homosexuales que viven una vida Cristiana en la tradición Católica. C58 Leer las Escrituras y Orar con las Escrituras: Aprendiendo la Lectio Divina. La Palabra de Dios nos inspira, nos enseña sobre nuestra fe y nos guía en el camino de la vida. Las Escrituras también son esenciales para la oración cristiana. Venga a esta plática para aprender a usar su Biblia para tener una experiencia de oración más rica y con mayor sentido por medio de la Lectio Divina, un método de oración con las Escrituras que ha sido parte de nuestra Tradición por más de 8 siglos y que, según el papa Benedicto XVI, "traerá a la Iglesia una nueva primavera espiritual. Por favor traiga su Biblia. Diacono Guillermo Rodriguez fue ordenado diacono en la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Actualmente esta envuelto en el Ministerio Hispano en la parroquia de St. Paschal Baylon en Thousand Oaks. El estado envuelto en ministerios como Justicia Restaurativa, Grupo de Jóvenes, RICA, Educación Religiosa, y Renovación Carismática. Memo trabaja como Software Applications Architect en Westlake Village donde vive con sus esposa Liliana y sus tres hijos. C59 ¿En que se parecen y se diferencian los dones, los carismas y los frutos del Espíritu Este taller te presentará una introducción al Espíritu Santo y su acción santificadora en la persona. En este proceso, el Espíritu otorga sus dones y carismas sobre las personas que se dejan amar por El. Veremos unas reglas importantes del discernimiento, y sobre el discernimiento de la diferencia entre dones y carismas así como también las virtudes teologales, las virtudes cardinales y los frutos del Espíritu. Te ayudará a tener un campo más amplio de discernimiento y conocimiento en el campo de servicio ministerial y pastoral. Ernesto Vega Actualmente es el Coordinador Arquidiocesano del Ministerio de Formación de Fe para Adultos de Habla Hispana de la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. Obtuvo una licenciatura doble, una en Filosofía y la otra en Literatura Española en el Seminario Arquidiócesano de San Juan. Ernesto escribió su tesina de licenciatura sobre la Lectura simbólica de la imagen de la Virgen de Guadalupe. Ernesto también obtuvo una maestría en Psicoterapia Familiar y de Parejas de la Universidad de Loyola-Marymount y escribió su tesis sobre las Familias Inmigrantes Mexicanas en Psicoterapia. Ernesto tiene una pasión por las artes, la sicología y la espiritualidad. C60 ¿Te atreves a caminar conmigo en la fe? Cuando tenemos la oportunidad de compartir nuestros dones y talentos con los niños, un mundo de oportunidades se abren. Hay otra oportunidad mas maravillosa de compartir nuestros dones, esa es la de ensenar a niños que tienen necesidades especiales. Esta situación nos convierte automáticamente en catequistas excepcionales. Este taller le mostrara como usted puede ser una catequista excepcional. Jennifer Ayón ha servido como Catequista de Educación Religiosa por 10 años primero con niños y actualmente sirve como instructora de Confirmación. Jennifer recibió una Maestría de Ciencias en Consejería y un Bachillerato de Ciencias en Servicios de Rehabilitación; su énfasis es en ayudar a personas con discapacidades a lograr sus metas personales, sociales y vocacionales. Actualmente ella esta inscrita en el Curso de Especialización para Maestría en Catequesis para la Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles. 26 A Special thank you to our Congress Committee Members Sr. Clara Luz Bolaños Carolann Doyal Lillian Cruces Roland Cruces Genelle Curiel Liliana Duran Virginia Farias Carlos Gutierrez Diana Holly Cris Liu Nancy Longo Alma Lopez Bertha Melendres Patty Nelson Theresa Nicholas Rebecca Ortiz Alma Plascencia Karina Plascencia Caren Rios Paulette Smith Sr. Mary Frances Wahl Katie Zeigler Logo design by Valerie MacRae—Exhibitor and Speaker We have invited several Exhibitors to join us—Books, videos, music CDs and religious articles will be available for review and purchase. Schedule is 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Hemos invitado a varios Exhibidores para que nos acompañen—Libros, videos, música en CDs, y artículos religiosos estarán disponibles para la venta. Horario de 8:00 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. Lunch/Almuerzo— Lunch/Almuerzo—11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. You may bring your own snacks and lunch or lunch may be purchased on site by ordering from the Food Trucks that will be serving a variety of menu options. Prices range from $5.00 to $10.00 ♦ Snacks and water will be available to purchase at a minimal cost. Puede traer su propio almuerzo o comprarlo ese día ordenándolo de las Camionetas Loncheras que estarán sirviendo una variedad de comidas. Los precios están entre $5.00 a $10 dólares ♦ Habrá aperitivos y aguas a la venta por un costo mínimo. The Regional Congress is for Adult learning— there are no accommodations for children. El Congreso Regional es para la formación de Adultos—no hay actividades o cuidado de niños. 27 E C S A Connuing this year, the San Pedro Pastoral Region (SPPR) will recognize volunteer catechists in the various deaneries who have served their parishes over a significant period of me with marked excellence, dedicaon and passion for ministry. Each of us can almost instantly bring to mind a model teacher who is always the first to arrive and the last to depart; willing in every circumstance to offer me, talent and treasure; and in the greatness of their service, inspires others to give their best to the children, adolescents and adults under their care. The SPPR Excellence in Catechecal Service Awards will pay homage to those catechists who have given their utmost in ministry for ten years or more. Directors of Religious Educaon, in consultaon with their leadership and advisory councils, were asked to idenfy a single catechist from their parish to submit for nominaon for the 2012 SPPR Excellence in Catechecal Service Awards. Those chosen will be highlighted in the Program Book describing the awardee’s contribuons and characteriscs that demonstrate excellence in every respect. Selecng the awardee consisted of individuals whose service and teaching has le6 an indelible imprint on the spiritual life of the religious educaon program and the parish at large. Specific examples and accomplishments should be noted. The SPPR Excellence in Catechecal Service Awards will be presented at the opening liturgy of the 2012 SPPR Religious Educaon Congress on September 29th, at St. John Bosco High School, Bellfower, CA. The honorees will be recognized with a special award (designed exclusively for this honor) at this me, blessed in a unique way by Bishop Oscar A. Solis and the community of the faithful who gather for this annual event. Recipients will be contacted a week prior to Congress to ensure their presence at the opening liturgy and to allow the honoree to inform the parish leadership, friends and family. P E S C Connuando este año, la Región Pastoral de San Pedro dará reconocimiento a catequistas voluntarios de los disntos decanatos que han servido en sus parroquias por un periodo considerable de empo, con admirable excelencia, dedicación y pasión por su ministerio. Cada uno de nosotros puede instantáneamente traer a mente a un catequista modelo que es siempre el primero en llegar y el úlmo en parr; dispuesto en cada circunstancia a ofrecer su empo, talento y tesoro; y con su encomiable servicio, inspira a otros para que den lo mejor de sí a los niños, adolescentes y adultos bajo su tutela. Se les pidió a los Directores de Educación Religiosa, en consulta con sus mesas direcvas y el liderazgo parroquial, que idenficaran a un catequista de su parroquia para presentarlo a nominación para los Premios de Excelencia en le Servicio Catequé'co 2012. A los seleccionados, se les dará anuncio en el Libro del Programa del Día con la declaración describiendo las contribuciones y caracteríscas del nominado, resaltando la excelencia en cada aspecto del servicio. La selección de un nominado, consisó de escoger a un catequista cuyo servicio y magisterio han dejado una huella indeleble en la vida espiritual del programa de educación religiosa y la parroquia en general. Se debe hacer nota de logros y ejemplos específicos. Los Premios PESCA se presentarán durante la Misa de Apertura del Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2012 de San Pedro el 29 de sepembre en la Preparatoria de San Juan Bosco en Bellflower, CA. Se les presentará un premio especial (diseñado exclusivamente para este honor) a los reconocidos durante este empo, con la bendición parcular del Obispo Oscar A. Solis y la comunidad de fieles que se reúne cada año para este evento. A los escogidos se les contactará la semana previa al Congreso para asegurar su presencia en la Misa de apertura y para darles empo para que nofiquen al liderazgo parroquial, sus colegas y familiares. 28 NOW AVAILABLE AT: h-p:// Why register online? 1. Find out immediately what workshops you have received via a confirmation email. This is your ticket for the workshops. 2. Payment Method: Personal or Church Check (e-check with routing number) and credit cards are accepted When registering online, you must pay the fees at the time of registration. If not your registration will be cancelled. 3. GROUP RATE AVAILABLE ONLY WITH ONLINE REGISTRATION: If 30 or more participants register from your church, your church will receive $5 back for EVERY registration! Make sure when you register that you select or type in your parish or school to receive the reimbursement. The reimbursement will occur after Regional Congress. That’s only $20 per person! NOTE: To register online, you must enable pop-ups on your computer. Otherwise, you will not be prompted to the registration screen. If a workshop is NOT listed online, it means that it is now closed because it has reached maximum capacity AHORA LA INSCRIPCION ESTA DISPONIBLE POR INTERNET h-p:// ¿Por que inscribirse por internet? 1. Conozca inmediatamente a que talleres ha sido inscrito al inscribirse por internet! ¡Recibirá un correo electrónico confirmando sus talleres—este es su boleto instantáneamente! 2. Método de pago: Cheques Personales o de su Parroquia (usando e-check) y tarjetas de crédito. Cuando se inscriba por internet, tendrá que pagar la cuota o si no su inscripción queda cancelada. 3. Cuota de Grupo disponible solamente con su Inscripción por Internet: Si treinta (30) O MAS personas de su parroquia se inscriben, rembolsaremos a su parroquia $5.00 por persona DESPUES del Congreso Regional con un cheque y una lista de los inscritos, reduciendo la cuota a: ¡$20.00 POR PERSONA! NOTA: Para poder inscribirse por Internet, tiene que darle permiso a su computadora para aceptar pop-ups. De otra manera, no podrá seguir con la inscripción. Si el taller ya no esta incluido en la lista de opciones quiere decir que el cupo llego a su limite. YOU MAY DUPLICATE THIS REGISTRATION GUIDEBOOK ONLINE AT: PUEDE DUPLICAR ESTE FOLLETO DE INSCRIPCIÓN EN LA RED: 29 San Pedro Regional Congress Registration FormForm-2012 FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION REFER TO PAGE 29 Please PRINT CLEARLY/Por favor ESCRIBA CON LETRA de MOLDE Registraon Fee postmarked BY September 14th / Inscripción hasta el 14 de Sepembre Registraon Fee AFTER September 14th / Cuota de inscripción despues del 14 de Sepembre $25 $30 Make check payable to / Haga su cheque pagadero a: Office of Religious Educaon Mail to/Envie a: San Pedro Religious Educaon Congress— 3555 St. Pancraus Place., Lakewood, CA 90712 Name / Nombre: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ First Name / Primer Nombre M. I. / Inicial Last Name / Apellido Address / Domicilio ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Number/Numero Street / Calle Apt. # _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City / Ciudad Zip Code / Código Postal Day Time Phone / Teléfono durante el día _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email /Correo Electrónico Parish / Parroquia If you have physical limitaons that require use of a wheelchair, please indicate by checking the box. Si ene alguna limitación 8sica que requiera una silla de ruedas, favor de indicarlo marcando la caja. Need handicap parking pass /Necesita pase de estacionamiento para incapacitados Please mark appropriately - Favor de marcar adecuadamente Master Catechist / Maestro/a de Catequistas Catholic School Teacher / Maestro/a de Escuela Católica Religious Education Catechist Catequista de Educación Religiosa Certified / Certificado Yes / Si □ □ No Other Ministry, please name / Otro Ministerio, dar nombre Workshop Choices / Selección de Talleres Session 1 / Taller 1 Session 2 / Taller 2 Session 3 / Taller 3 Choice / Opción 1: A___ Choice / Opción 1: B___ Choice / Opción 1: C___ Choice / Opción 2: A___ Choice / Opción 2: B___ Choice / Opción 2: C___ Choice / Opción 3: A___ Choice / Opción 3: B___ Choice / Opción 3: C___ Youth Track A___ Youth Track B___ Youth Track C___ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Check # ___________ Amount $ ________ Date received ________________ 30 Registration Information / Información para la Inscripción 2012 FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION GO TO PAGE 29 /INSCRIPCION POR INTERNET VER PAG 29 **Early registration helps assure that you will be able to attend workshops of your choice. **Inscribirse con anticipación le asegura que podrá asistir a los talleres que escogió. 1. Please fill out the registration form completely. PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ONLY! Each participant must fill out a separate form. You may duplicate the registration form as needed or access the form on-line at Favor de completar su forma de inscripción, ¡USANDO UNA MAQUINA DE ESCRIBIR o con LETRA DE MOLDE! Cada participante deberá llenar una forma por separado. Puede duplicar la forma de inscripción si es necesario. También esta disponible en el Internet en el link Please indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice for each workshop session. Favor de indicar claramente su 1ª, 2ª y 3ª opción, para cada sessión de talleres. B. Make checks payable to: Haga su cheque pagadero a: Office of Religious Education Mail to: San Pedro Regional Education /Congress Envíe a: 3555 St. Pancratius Pl. Lakewood CA 90712 A. 2. Registration fee postmarked by September 14, 2012 is $25.00 per person. Late registration begins on September 15th and the fee is $30.00 per person. La inscripción hasta el 14 de Septiembre del 2012, será de $25.00 por persona, empezando el 15 de Septiembre 2012, la cuota será de $30.00 por persona. 3. Group Rate available with ONLINE registration only: Please refer to page 29 for details. Cuota de Grupo disponible solamente con su Inscripción por Internet: Favor de ver la pagina 29 para mas detalles. 4. Nametags will now include the workshop choices you’ve registered for and will be mailed to you if the registration is received by September 14th. Nametags for registrations received after September 14th will be available onsite at Will Call at Regional Congress. Las inscripciones recibidas hasta el 14 de Septiembre, se mandaran por correo junto con su gafete. Este año el gafete incluirá los talleres seleccionados. Inscripciones recibidas después del 14 de Septiembre recibirán su gafete el día del Congreso Regional. 5. All workshops may be used for Catechist re-certification. Todos los talleres cuentan para su re-certificación como catequista. 6. Catholic Elementary School teachers may use these workshops towards required hours for in-service credit. Catholic High School teachers may use these workshops toward religion recertification. Please call or email the Regional Office if you have any questions: [email protected] Si tiene alguna pregunta llamar a la Oficina Regional (562) 630-6272 O mande un correo electrónico 31 Non-Profit Organizaon U.S. POSTAGE PAID Los Angeles, California Permit No. 31795 Archdiocese of Los Angeles Office of Religious Educaon 3424 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90010-2241 St. John Bosco High School 13640 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower, CA 90706 Located on Bellflower Blvd. between Foster Road and Rosecrans Ave. South of the 105 Freeway From the 105 Freeway:Traveling west: exit Bellflower Blvd, turn left (south) pass Foster Rd . School will be on your left hand side. Traveling east: exit Bellflower Blvd, turn right (south) pass Foster Rd. ***Parking is available in the school parking lots and on Foster Road. ***Estacionamiento disponible en la escuela o en la Calle Foster. RESERVED HANDICAP PARKING Estacionamiento Reservado para los Incapacitados 32
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