Senior Warden`s Message - Church of the Holy Nativity
Senior Warden`s Message - Church of the Holy Nativity
OCTOBER 2015 OCTOBER HIGHLIGHTS Blessing of the Animals Oct 3—11AM Be Our Guest Oct 7 & 14 Walking in the Gym Oct 2, 9, 16, 23 Choir Practice Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Pastoral Care Oct 20 — 6:30PM Vestry Oct 21—6:30PM Holiday Bazaar Oct 30—12-6PM 31—8AM-5PM Nov. 1—9AM-12PM Ladies Time Out TBD Senior Warden’s Message By Gladys Clymens September is proving to be a busy, busy month. Christian Education classes and Youth Group, Choir, Harvest Festival, All Parish Meeting along with the regular meetings of Vestry, various Committees, Be Our Guest Meals, etc. etc. Holy Nativity is humming. Any of you who missed the Harvest Festival missed a fun time of music, good food and volume 2 number 8 Church of the Holy Nativity, Meridian, Idaho fellowship. Thanks to Kay Grooms and her committee. We also raised in the area of $720 from this FREE event. Christy Fendley will be celebrating a “Blessing of the Animals” on October 3 at 11:00. This is open to everyone in the area who would like to bring their animals. The service will take place in front of the church (weather permitting) If it is nasty outside, we will move into the gym. This is a short service, so bring your horses, cats, dogs, rabbits, etc. Before you know it, we will be in Advent and Christmas seasons. The time seems to just fly by. JoAnn Myers is recovering from her knee replacement. She is doing great, but give her a call or drop by and see her. We hope to see you soon JoAnn! The All Parish Meeting was held with Canon Lucinda presiding. You will find a full report elsewhere in this issue. Those of us who attended and participated, felt that it was a very good and revealing meeting. It brought some of our shortfalls, as well as our good points to light. One of the things I took away from this meeting was that we are too lax and are letting our new members fall through the cracks. They do not feel included. “my apologies to all of you that this has happened to.” The Vestry has discussed this and we will be working to correct it as quickly as we can. There will be a New Member Orientation Class and Mentors will be assigned to each new person who attends. We will work hard to find other ways to include everyone. If you think of something, please convey it to me. The Adult Education Class is beginning Sunday, September 27. The area of study is The History of the Episcopal Church. This should reveal some interesting facts, and teach us why we do some of the things we do. All are welcome. We meet in the Library at 8:30 AM before church. Newcomers might find this class useful. Have a beautiful fall and don’t forget to attend Church. PROFILE COMMITTEE By Carrie Magette All-Parish Meeting, September 13, 2015 On September 13, 2015, an all-parish meeting was held in the parish hall, with a light lunch provided. Canon Lucinda Ashby facilitated the meeting, with Profile Committee members Carrie Magette, Karen Ryker, Richard Bowring, Clay Lisle, and Matt Wheeler scribing, recording, and providing supplies for the conversation. The purpose of this meeting was to enlighten members of our parish on the different roles and responsibilities of priests and rectors, as well as to converse and brainstorm about how lay leaders and members of Holy Nativity are currently filling these roles, the qualities and skills we currently have, and those that we seek in a leader. The results of this meeting will help the Profile Committee to craft the opening statement on our Profile, which will in turn recruit the right leader. Each member present received a copy of an article provided by Canon Lucinda, titled Thoughts on Ministry, which briefly describes the different roles and responsibilities of priests and rectors. (Additional copies are available for a short time in the parish hall or may be obtained from any Profile Committee Member.) Members shared their thoughts on the article, and discussed the history of the Community Priest and the Rector in our diocese. We focused the discussion on clarifying the differences between roles and expectations in terms of a priest and/or a rector. Canon Lucinda explained the cost of a full-time, seminary-trained rector, and why there is this level of expense and suggested that there are many more options for leadership models that would fit our situation. The discussion then moved beyond money and into the qualities and skills we have in leadership, and the qualities and skills we need more of. The Profile Committee members scribed the discussion as parishioners talked about qualities and skills the parish already has. Parishioners noted that our skill-set is broad, and includes organization, attention to detail, planning, completing tasks, and working with a variety of people—among a very long list. As we considered the "Qualities and Skills We Already Have,” we noticed that our skills are very well--rounded throughout encompassing many areas, whereas our qualities are more clustered around Preacher, Perseverance, and Motivating." It was eye-opening for us to see listed on paper how much of a rector's duties we are already doing and succeeding at; how far we've grown in the last 4 years! In terms of “Qualities and Skills We Need,” someone suggested “walk on water!” But in all seriousness, we do have a strong desire for consistency and a youth leader. Other strong areas of focus were authority, teaching, pastoral and people skills, evangelism, representing the community to the larger community. The conversation led to the discussion that the parish would probably not take kindly to someone who tried to pull tasks from us that we are already succeeding at, but we are in need of a leader. There was some conversation around the fact that the parish cannot rely on the retired supply priests forever. Also, there was some clarity around the issue that what we are really asking about is, “What kind of clergy leader does Holy Nativity need for X amount of hours/week, and what can he/she do?" The information gained from these pages will provide the Profile Committee with verbiage for the lead statement on our Profile to recruit the right kind of leader who will read it and say "That's me." Flower Ministry There will be a “Flower Fund” for the altar flowers. The flowers will be handled by the Altar Guild now. If you would like to contribute to pay for fresh flowers or donate arrangements, please contact Clare Barrett (888-6156.) REMEMBER: Set your clocks back on Sunday, November 1st at 2AM or when you go to bed on Saturday, October 31st. Mowing Schedule Phil Street will have the sign-up schedule in the gym after the service on Sundays. Mowing will be done on Thursday or Friday of each week. Please sign up to help mow the church lawns. The more people who sign up the faster the job will be completed. OCTOBER 2015 Parish Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday 2 Choir Practice 7:30PM 4 YOUTH SUNDAY 2 Cents a Meal 8:30AM Adult Ed. 9:30AM Holy Eucharist Healing prayer during service 9:45AM Sunday School 10:45AM Youth Group 10:45AM Profile Comm. 5 11 12 8:30AM Adult Ed. 9:30AM Holy Eucharist 9:45AM Sunday School 10:45AM Worship Comm. Columbus Day 18 19 8:30AM Adult Ed. 9:30AM Holy Eucharist Healing Prayer during service 9:45AM Sunday School 10:45AM Youth Group 10:45AM Healing Ministry 25 26 6 Walking in the Gym 10:30-11:30 PM 7 8 9 Be Our Guest 5:30-7:00PM Choir Practice 7:30PM Walking in the Gym 10:30-11:30 PM 14 15 16 Be Our Guest 5:30-7:00PM Choir Practice 7:30PM Walking in the Gym 10:30-11:30 PM 20 21 22 23 Pastoral Care 6:30PM Vestry—6:30PM Choir Practice 7:30PM Walking in the Gym 10:30-11:30 PM 27 28 29 30 Holiday Bazaar 12-6PM 13 8:30AM Adult Edu 9:30AM Morning Prayer 9:45AM Sunday School Choir Practice 7:30PM CHURCH NEEDS « New members for the Pastoral Care Team and Worship Leaders « Funds for New Carpet 4 Dry Pasta, noodles, ramen, spaghetti & canned sauce Grocery Bags & Egg Cartons Saturday 3 Blessing of the Animals 11AM 10 17 24 31 Halloween Holiday Bazaar 8:00AM-5:00PM DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS Treasurers Report September 16, 2015 BIRTHDAYS Paula Robinson Willa Harrelson Will Votaw Wendy Haustveit Anna Fendley Chuck Bromley Fred Bailey Richard Jones Morgan Bulen Sue Walker Bjorn Friling Lorena Bruckner Marilynn Friling Mary Clausen Tami Bromley Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Cash Balance 1 4 4 5 6 7 13 16 19 19 20 24 26 27 28 $6,749.24 Current Bills Accounts Payable -$300.00 $6,449.24 Balance after current bills Fund Balances Checks Operating Reserve Fund Be Our Guest Children's Ministry 2 cent a meal Building fund Carpet Sr Wardens Discretionary fund Memorial Fund -$12.95 $2,000.00 $2,519.96 $910.68 $480.83 $2,747.34 $3,276.37 $27.00 $1,174.68 Paradise Point Scholarships Womens Group Total $363.80 $1,519.25 $15,006.96 Monthly Recurring Expenses ANNIVERSARIES Copier Diocesan Bridge Loan US Bank Roof Loan US Bank Building Loan Total $222.88 $287.93 $725.00 $2,226.00 $3,461.81 Steve & Mary Sanders Oct. 1 Tom & Petra Cervino Oct 18 Harmon & Janice Avera Oct 26 Timothy & Debbie Domka Oct 30 Ray & Jackie Ramos Oct 31 5 Matt of Many Hats Above: Matt Wheeler as auctioneer at Harvest Festival. Below: Matt leading the congregation in Morning Prayer the next day. Right: Paul Parish waiting to serve dinner. Below: Auction desert table. Right: Kids table drawing for one of the baskets/tubs/boxes. 6 VESTRY HIGHLIGHTS Fall Harvest Festival FOR AUGUST 2015 By Kay Grooms The Refinance was discussed again, with the possibility of selling the Rectory property. Mike is talking with U.S. Bank again concerning the refinance and whether it would be possible for them to release the Rectory Property, should it become an option for it. He is meeting with the loan officer again this week and will let us know where they stand on the issue. Richard presented a new Musician’s Letter of Agreement for approval. Whether or not the organ is an issue, wages, etc. We will use this letter until January, when a few wrinkles will need to be ironed out. The General Convention passed a resolution requiring every parish to have a Disaster Preparedness Plan in place in three years when the next convention meets. Bob Burnz has agreed to head this project for Holy Nativity. Bob is in contact with the powers that be in the Diocese and will keep us updated on things as they progress and we need to dig in and get it going. Karen Ryker reported on the Profile Committee and reminded us of the All Parish Meeting to be held directly after the service on September 13. Canon Lucinda Ashby will be conducting the meeting and catch us up on where the Profile committee is headed. A light lunch will be served. The meeting will only last about one and a half hours. Christy Fendley reported that Sunday School will start on September 20. The younger children will be studying Communion. The youth will be preparing for a similar service to Rite 13. The youth will be meeting twice a month. Adult Education will start on September 25 with The Episcopal Church history and practices. Bob Burnz will be assisting Richard Jones with the Stewardship Committee this year and will be in charge of the 2016 Stewardship program. This year’s campaign will run from October 4 – Nov 15 when the pledges will be blessed. Tentatively we will have a service on October 3 to bless the animals. Some fund raisers for next year were discussed. We had a very successful Festival. Our goal was to provide an evening of good food and fellowship for our congregation and community. An added benefit was that we were able to clear $720 to help our building fund. The pulled pork, potato salad and coleslaw, prepared by Paul and Sharon Parish and Kay Grooms, was reported to be delicious and many returned for 2nds!!! Then the ladies--and Phil overwhelmed us with wonderful desserts that were auctioned off by our very own auctioneer, Matt Wheeler. There were several battles over some of the favorites. A top bid of $30 by Caroline Winters won Rena Buckner's Rum Cake. We’re sure she slept well that night!!! Many beautiful baskets were made and donated and it was hard to choose which to bid on. Rick Peterson was able to claim 2! Many of our children went home with at least one fantastic basket. Taste of Country entertained us again with all the songs we remember and love. They were great. Got a few heels kicking up. We may need some dance lessons before the next time they come. Thanks Jerry for bringing them. Thanks to all who helped make this a success!!! (see page 6 for pictures) 7 The Episcopal Church of the Holy Nativity 828 W. Cherry Lane Meridian, Idaho 83642-1619 Phone: 208-888-4342 SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:30 AM Leadership Team Bishop of Idaho: The Rt. Rev. Brian Thom Priest Associates: Canon Lucinda Ashby The Rev. Alice Farquhar-Mayes The Rev. Jennifer Anttonen Music Director: Ms. Heidi Roberts Senior Warden: Ms. Gladys Clymens Junior Warden: Mr. Phil Street Treasurer: Mr. Mike Magette/Ms. Donna Lofton Ministry Schedule: Ms. Kelly Mattson Children’s Sermons: Mr. Matt Wheeler Sunday School: Ms. Diana Bush Youth Group: Ms. Christy Fendley Altar Guild & Flowers/Worship Committee/Food Bank: Ms. Clare Barrett Coffee Hour/ Women’s Group: Ms. Kay Grooms Newsletter Editor: Ms. Linda Burnz Recycle this newsletter.. Give it to a friend!!