July - Austin Armor Builders Society
July - Austin Armor Builders Society
Sabot Away! AUSTIN ARMOR BUILDERS SOCIETY Volume 13, Issue 7 July 1, 2009 From the Turret ing from this event alone, I may dare say no other modeling organization in Austin has more club spirit and active participating members than ours. Oscar Perez and Eric Choy have a good laugh while awarding the “White Elephant Contest” award. Oscar won with his Italian M13/40 Medium tank. Pat Rourke came in at a very close 2nd place with his German StuG IV. Oscar was awarded the Trumpeter German Land Wasser-Schieper (LWS). Photograph by Roderick Bell. At our last meeting we had our annual White Elephant face-off, and we broke the club record again this year with ten models entries (eight completed and two inprogress) on the table. Not only do I want to congratulate Oscar Perez and Pat Rourke for placing first and second, I want to thank everyone for taking the time to build his model to support this club build activity. Judg- Also instrumental to the success of our contest is our VP Russ Holm's "gentle persuasion" with his enlarged picture of who received what at the Christmas party. For that, we must tip our hats to Russ also. As a final note, Russ, Pat, and I competed in Scalefest at Grapevine last month, and we ALL won something with our White Elephants models. CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 Austin Armor Builders Society Membership Dues Dues are collected in January. This will make it easier for us to track and easier to maintain the membership cards. The card will be valid for one year and a new card will be created each year as long as your club membership is in good standing. As always, membership is $12.00 USD per year. The membership cards will be presented to members at the January meeting. New members will be given a card after they pay their dues. Dues will be prorated based on the month they join. Special points of interest: ♦ NAME THAT TANK ♦ STAY LITTLE VALENTINE ♦ MODELER OF THE MONTH: RUSS HOLM Inside this issue: CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2 NAME THAT TANK 3 STAY LITTLE VALENTINE 4 MODELER OF THE MONTH: RUSS HOLM 6 JOIN AMPS 12 NEW KITS 13 Sabot Away! From the Turret - Continued Patrick Rourke accepts his 2nd Place award for the “White Elephant Contest” from Eric Choy. Pat was awarded the Tamiya Leopard 2A6 kit. Photograph by Roderick Bell. That proves what Russ and I have been saying all along: there is no shame in building White Elephants! von Erich (Eric Choy) Calendar of Events ♦ July 1, 2009 - Club Meeting; Presentation by: Rick Herrington ♦ July 11, 2009 - Modeling Day; David C. Ellis Community Center 10AM - 5PM ♦ August 5, 2009 - Club Meeting; Presentation by: Dave Edgerly ♦ September 2, 2009 - Club Meeting; Club Auction ♦ October 7, 2009 - Club Meeting; Presentation by Roderick Bell - “How to use the Testors Custom Decal System” ♦ October 24, 2009 - AMPS Centex 2007 ♦ November 4, 2009 - Club Meeting; Presentation by Jeff Forester ♦ December 2, 2009 - Club Meeting; Presentation by Tom Ferris ♦ January 6, 2010 - Club Meeting; Presentation by Richard Eaton - “The Mighty Sponge: How to simulate paint flaking and wear and tear” Page 2 Volume 13, Issue 7 Name this tank By Roderick Bell Editor’s Note: Last month we forgot to do the “Name this Tank”. So we will do it at the July meeting. While doing research on a particular armored vehicle I ran across this tank. It is a strange looking beast. I had never heard about this tank or have seen photographs of it. This tank is a prototype vehicle from the 1940’s. “I THOUGHT IT I thought it would be fun for the club to guess what it is. So write down your answer with your name on it and bring it to the July meeting and we will see who found out what this tank is. WOULD BE FUN FOR The answers will be put in a hat and drawn until we get a winner! Please make sure you identify the Country and the name of the tank. YOUR NAME ON IT Maybe you will win the prize! WHO FOUND OUT THE CLUB TO GUESS WHAT IT IS. SO WRITE DOWN YOUR ANSWER WITH AND BRING IT TO THE JULY MEETING AND WE WILL SEE WHAT THIS TANK IS.” Here is the prize that will go to the person who correctly identifies this tank. It is the Italeri Horse Drawn Breda 20/65 with servants (Kit No: 6464). Don’t these look like Yeti tracks? No wonder that darn horse doesn’t want to go any further. There is a Yeti nearby! See you at the meeting. Roderick Bell Here are four photographs of the mystery tank. Can you name this tank? Page 3 Sabot Away! Stay Little Valentine By Eric Choy Gaso.Line 1:48th Scale Tracks (GAS48076). Around $7.80 Parabellum 1:48th scale PE for Bandai/Fuman Valentine (PME-48001). Around $9.12 “THANKS TO TAMIYA AND HOBBY BOSS’ MAJOR BACKING WITH NEW RELEASES, THERE HAS BEEN A Thanks to Tamiya and Hobby Boss’ major backing with new releases, there has been a renewed interest in 1/48th scale armor modeling in the last few years. Even the discontinued Bandai kits of yesteryears receive much attention on eBay as they are being traded handsomely in the $30 to $40 range. Well if you’ve been thinking of ridding that laughable and unphotographable Bandai/Fuman Valentine in your closet, you might want to reconsider letting it stay a while longer. I can recommend a couple of recent make-over sets to change a hair or two and bring it up to the 21st Century modeling standard. The first one is a link-tolength track kit from Gaso.Line. This French company should be no stranger to any hardcore quarterscale armor modeler. They have been producing AFV kits in this scale for years. Included in this kit are 2 new drive sprockets and 173 resin tracks (two 35-link sections, two 24-link sections, four 8link sections, and 23 individual links). Since 84 links are needed for each side, you’ll only have five leftovers in case of “accidental” disappearance into the carpet or for the spare track racks. The resin pieces are cast with minimal flash, and construction appears easy enough for anyone who has experience with resin track installation. The second set is a photoetched (PE) detail set by Parabellum of England. I’m not familiar with this English mail-order company, and until now I do not know of anyone who makes a PE set for the Valentine (all the more reason to grab one while you can!). On the PE fret are 80 parts to replace the kit’s thick fender brackets and add new items like tool boxes, storage bins, engine deck hinges, handles, etc. The brass is of typical thickness (0.15mm) utilized by other big Czech PE guys like Eduard and Hauler. These PE parts should make you smile with your heart and enhance the look of your model tremendously. Bruce Burden and I both con- RENEWED INTEREST IN 1/48TH SCALE ARMOR MODELING IN THE LAST FEW YEARS. ” Here are the Gaso.Line Valentine tracks in 1:48th scale. The kit is resin and the tracks are link to length. Photograph by Eric Choy. Page 4 Volume 13, Issue 7 Stay Little Valentine - Continued “P.S. FOR THOSE WHO LONG FOR A BRAND NEW VALENTINE, AN ALL-RESIN KIT IS IN THE WORK BY MR This is the Parabellum etched parts set for the Bandai 1:48th scale Valentine tank. Photograph by Eric Choy. MODELLBAU OF GERMANY. NO WORD cur that the old Bandai armor series are decent kits, and the weakest links of these kits are the rubber band tracks. With the help of Gaso.Line’s resin tracks and Parabellum’s PE update set, you can defi- nitely make your Valentine one of your favorite work of art. (www.quarter-kit.com) courtesy of my wallet. ON THE RELEASE DATE p.s. For those who long for a brand new Valentine, an allresin kit is in the work by MR Modellbau of Germany. No word on the release date yet, but news is posted periodically on their website www.mrmodellbau.de. POSTED PERIODICALLY Eric Choy Highly recommended. Both kits were purchased from Gaso.Line website Page 5 YET, BUT NEWS IS ON THEIR WEBSITE WWW.MRMODELLBAU .DE.” Volume 13, Issue 7 Modeler of the Month: Russ Holm By Roderick Bell This month’s Modeler of the Month is Russ Holm. Russ is an excellent modeler who continues to impress club members and model show judges with his modeling talents. Russ is the guy everyone wants to talk to and so I had no problems asking him a few questions: What is your hometown or where are you from? ♦ I was raised in a Military family. I was born in Washington D.C., and raised in Virginia, Maryland, China, New York, Hawaii, Montana and Colorado. For now, and the past 19 years I have lived in Texas. (yes, I am a "seasoned individual"). How old were you when you began Modeling? ♦ I think I was about 7 years old when I first built a model. What was your first model you built? ♦ It was an Aurora Hellcat. 14 pieces if I recall correctly. Even with the raised lines for the national insignia, I managed to put them on upside down. Who has influenced your modeling building the most? ♦ Early on, through my 40's my brother had the greatest influence in my modeling. He is exceptionally "gifted". Lastly it has been Brad Perry @ King's Hobby, Milton Bell, Phil Brandt and Bob Bethea. What is your favorite type of modeling? ♦ I guess I enjoy building armor/artillery at the moment. I like the inherent tents, logs, groundwork, crew, foliage that is associated with armor and thin skinned vehicles. I enjoy the challenge of making what is a "plain Jane vehicle" look interesting or "busy" with paint or accessories. What do you like most about modeling? ♦ I like trying, and the emphasis is on the word "TRYING" to make something small look real. It's the art of fooling the mind and eye, to what we are looking at. where the viewers mind fills in voids, and color and the model becomes real. What don’t you like about modeling? ♦ I don't enjoy "bolt counters". However, I am glad they are there in the background to help promote accuracy from the model companies. How many modeling clubs and organizations do you belong to? ♦ Currently, I belong to 3 clubs and 2 organizations. I belong to IPMS, International Plastic Modelers Society and AMPS, The Amour Modeling Preservation Society. The 3 clubs are Austin Scale Modelers Society, Austin Armor Builders Society and Lone Star Military Miniature Society. What scale is your favorite scale to model in? ♦ My favorite scale is 1:25th scale. What is your favorite Tank model? ♦ Something obscure and Russian. What is your favorite Figure model? ♦ My favorite figure models are knights of the Middle Ages. Page 6 Sabot Away! Modeler of the Month: Russ Holm - Continued Are you a builder or collector? ♦ I am mostly a builder. Do you build for accuracy or build for fun? ♦ I would like to build for " fun", but I wind up trying to build for accuracy to satisfy the "fools". How much research do you do before building a model? ♦ Initially, I do little, but as I build, I find myself researching the details more than I would have expected and I become a "lowlevel expert, anal retentive expert". What tool or technique could you live without? ♦ Gloss coat underneath decals because of the myriad of methods available to eliminate decal silvering. What tool or technique couldn’t you live without? “WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT ♦ I cannot live without or If I could not find my straight tweezers, then I would be limited to large, clunky models MODELING MAGAZINES? I "LOVE" MODELING What do you think about modeling magazines? MAGAZINES. THEY PROVIDE ♦ I "LOVE" modeling magazines. They provide techniques, a forum for display for our work, and a history lesson and information on the latest products/accessories for us . TECHNIQUES, A FORUM FOR DISPLAY FOR OUR WORK, AND A HISTORY LESSON AND One of Russ Holm’s Medieval knights. Photograph by Eric Choy. INFORMATION ON THE LATEST PRODUCTS/ What do you think about modeling websites? ACCESSORIES FOR ♦ US.” What other hobbies do you have? ♦ I enjoy modeling web-sites. See above. Bad-mouthing the television: shooting skeet/trap, 5 Stand: bad Scotch and good Bourbon: fishing: sleeping in front of the television - I'm 64!. I enjoy my grand-son, and traveling. Page 7 Volume 13, Issue 7 Modeler of the Month: Russ Holm - Continued Would you rather build a state of the art kit or a kit from when you were a kid? ♦ I would rather build a state of the art kit because of the challenges it offers, from painting to assembly to the accuracy of the final product, which will always look better than a kit from 50 years ago. Russ is a joy to be around and he makes learning his modeling techniques fun. I want to thank Russ for being our Modeler of the Month for July 2009. Several of Russ Holm’s models will follow this text. Enjoy! Roderick Bell This is a Tamiya 1:35th scale M3A1 Light Tank “Stuart”. Here is an example of Russ tanking an older kit and making it look like the real thing! Photograph by Eric Choy. Page 8 Sabot Away! Modeler of the Month: Russ Holm - Continued Here is the CSS Pioneer submarine modeled by Russ Holm. Photograph by Roderick Bell. Here is Russ Holm’s Italeri 1:35th scale Autoblinda AB 41 Italian Armored Car. Photograph by Eric Choy. Page 9 Volume 13, Issue 7 Modeler of the Month: Russ Holm - Continued Here is a photograph of Russ Holm’s 1:35th scale Tiger I Bergpanzer with the Porsche chassis. Photograph by Eric Choy. Page 10 Sabot Away! Modeler of the Month: Russ Holm - Continued Another modeling passion of Russ Holm’s is Civil War artillery pieces. Here is one of his Confederate Costal Guns. Photograph by Eric Choy. Page 11 Sabot Away! JOIN AMPS TODAY NAME: _______________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________ CITY: ________________________________________________ STATE: ____________________ POSTAL CODE: ____________ COUNTRY: ____________________________________________ PHONE: ______________________________________________ E-MAIL: ______________________________________________ IF PAYING BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER SEND YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES AND COMPLETED FORM BELOW TO: AMPS P.O. BOX 373 ELMA, NY 14059 MEMBERSHIP RATES FOR A ONE-YEAR PERIOD: $25.00 USD, $35.00 CANADA/MEXICO, $40.00 REST OF THE WORLD ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE IN U.S. FUNDS. AMPS ACCEPTS PAYMENTS BY CHECK AND MONEY ORDER, AS WELL AS PAYPAL. TO JOIN USING PAYPAL, JUST VISIT THE AMPS WEBSITE AND CLICK ON “JOIN AMPS”. IF PAYING BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER, SEND YOUR MEMBERSHIP DUES AND COMPLETED FORM TO THE ADDRESS ON THE FORM WWW.AMPS-ARMOR.ORG Page 12 Volume 13, Issue 7 New Kits By Roderick Bell Two new kits from Great Wall Hobby. This is the new company name for Lion Roar. The two new kits are based on the sWS half-track frame. The first kit (L3511) is the popular sWS 60cm INFRARED Searchlight Carrier “UHU”. The second kit (L3512) is the sWS General Cargo variant with 4 crew members. It is good to see that Lion Roar will live on in Great Wall Hobby. The details on these kits are fantastic. Roderick Bell Page 13 Seek, Strike, and Destroy AUSTIN ARMOR BUILDERS SOCIETY Roderick Bell 2002 Boxwood Path Round Rock, Texas 78664-7129 Phone: 512-507-6104 E-mail: [email protected] The Austin Armor Builders Society is an organization where members gather and share information on building scale armor and figure kits. The Austin Armor Builders Society was founded in 1997 and has about 30 active members. The Austin Armor Builders Society is the local chapter for the Armor Modeling and Preservation Society (AMPS). Every two years the organization host an AMPS Regional show known as AMPS Centex. This show attracts armor and figure modelers from around the state of Texas and is one of the Premier AMPS Regional shows. We are on the web: AustinArmorBuilders.com Support our Troops An M1A1 Abrams tank manned by Marines from 2d Tank Battalion, 2d Marine Division blasts a round down Range 500. 17-Jan-2002. The Camp Lejeune based Marines are currently participating in Combined Arms Exercise 32002. Photograph by Cpl. Allan J. Grdovich