Momilani Elementary School
Momilani Elementary School
Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 + Goal 1. Student Success: All DOE students demonstrate they are on a path toward success in college, career and citizenship. Objective 1a: Students are engaged, and ready to learn. Chronic Absenteeism Targets: 2010-11 5.0% Baseline (2011-12) 3.0% Target (2013-14) 0.9% 1. Increase the percentage of students who attend school regularly. 2. Increase student safety on school campus by decreasing the number of student misconduct occurrences (Class A, B, and C occurrences). 3. Increase the percentage of students who feel safe in school and believe that the school environment is nurturing, orderly, and conducive to learning [measured by percentage of students whose composite rating on “School Safety and Well-Being” on School Quality Survey (SQS) is positive}. 4. Increase the percentage of students participating in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. 1a. Strategies: 1. Incorporate interdisciplinary curriculum based on the Common Core State Standards into classroom instructional practices. (PW Complex: 5. Utilize the Design Team process to help improve student achievement). 2. Tailor instruction to students by assessing and responding to individual needs (including working collaboratively along educational continuum (P20) to assess kindergarten readiness and college readiness. (PW Complex: 1. Use student data to inform instruction.) 3. Provide school-led programs that develop the character and values needed for ethical behavior, student safety, and positive learning environments. Rationale: 1. Instructional delivery must be varied by utilizing effective/best practices and strategies to meet the needs of the student. Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 2. Delivery of a rigorous elementary education sets the foundation to support students’ goal to graduate college and career ready. 3. How students approach learning may be as critical as what they learn. Research shows that (performance) character traits like resilience, self control, persistence, hard work, delayed gratification, curiosity, open mindedness and perseverance may matter more to academic performance than native intelligences. Students with drive (GRIT)—not just brains—determine their success. 4. The Pearl City-Waipahu (PW) Complex Area realizes the need to focus on further building the infrastructure and systems to address Goal 1: Student Success. State prepopulated data targets of the following non-negotiables: (1) Attendance, (2) Achievement, (3) Behavior, and (4) Course Marks (AABC) will be addressed with the Complex Area, Complexes, and respective schools. Funded Enabling Activities 1a.1.1 Strategically deliver a rigorous, relevant, literacy-focused, balanced instruction and interdisciplinary curriculum based on Common Core State Standards (CCSS). 1a.1.2 Participate in professional development for the Design Thinking Process. 5/2/2013 Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) A.All teachers deliver instruction based on CCSS curriculum map. Evidence student attainment of CCSS through frequent assessments for and of learning (formative, summative, criterion and norm-referenced). Teachers will increase from Level High to Very High as measured by the Assessment FrameworkCCSS by 3rd Quarter. [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Expenditure Lead Assessment Framework: Implementat ion of the Common Core State Standards Element – High Participant Frequency Administrator ART Teachers Daily B.At least 95% of students are engaged in their learning as evidenced by classroom walkthroughs, and student summative work demonstrating meeting of the standards. Teacher Leads Data Teams Weekly; Quarterly A.1 Two additional teachers will participate in professional development to further understand the Design Thinking Process to improve student achievement. Administrator Complex Area Staff Counselor Teacher Lead SY 20122013/2nd semester A.2 Design Thinking trained Teacher Team will determine selected student population and particular student success Administrator Counselor Teacher Lead As determined by school 2 Description and Funding Source Est $ Amount School WSF Certificated $1,168,205 Casual 59,290 Classified 29,115 Current Expenses 87,615 Equipment 1,500 State Funded Title IIA State Funded Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 indicators as appropriate. B.All selected students will show evidence of the Design Thinking Process by using divergent thinking which is creative and generative in solution finding. Student engagement will be measured by “thinking out of the box” rubric scoring. 1a.2.Utilize system tools such as CSSS Early Warning System (EWS) and Longitudinal Data System (LDS) to identify successes and challenges to determine informed next steps. A. All teachers will review student data to inform school-wide programs/instruction (differentiation). Teachers will increase from Level 3-4 as measured by the Comprehensive Student Support Screening Map by 3rd Quarter. 1a.3.1 Demonstrate positive, caring, and nurturing teaching and learning practices to support all students and staff. A.All members of school staff celebrate success, demonstrate school pride, and nurture and care for all students and staff. Teachers will increase from Level 3-4 as measured by the Comprehensive Student Support Screening Map by 3rd Quarter. 2012 Comprehensive Student Support Screening Map; Integrating-3 B.The percentage of student attendance will increase/meet as determined by the prepopulated school data target. 2012 Comprehensive Student Support Screening Map; Integrating-3 B.All students experience “Momilani: Quality Education in a Caring Environment” to support their student successes. The percentage of student attendance will increase/meet as determined by the prepopulated school data target. 5/2/2013 3 Counselor Teacher Lead Student Leaders Quarterly Administrator ART Teachers Quarterly Data Team Leads Data Teams Daily Administrator Teachers Staff Teachers, Staff On-going Administrator Teachers Staff Students Daily State Funded Costs actualized in 1a1.1 School WSF Costs actualized in 1a1.1 and 3.1 Momilani Elementary 1a.3.2 Establish a common vocabulary around character strengths (GRIT) along with current character education program, “Heartitudes” (teaching of moral and community values). 5/2/2013 School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 A.Teachers will utilize GRIT vocabulary in very specific/appropriate instructional moments. Administrator ART Teachers Daily B.100% of students will practice behaviors to increase one’s GRIT (special focus on combination of persistence and resilience) based on rubric scoring. Counselor Teacher Leads Data Teams Daily 4 School WSF Costs actualized in 1a.1.1 Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Momilani Elementary School Balanced Scorecard SY 07-08 Reading Math Momilani Baseline SY 08-09 SY 09-10 Reading Math Reading Math SY 10-11 Reading Math SY 11-12 Reading Math 89.0% 90.0% 89.8% 86.7% 84.0% 84.0% 83.1% 85.0% 92.0% 92.0% 90.2% 82.8% 85.0% 85.0% 80.3% 75.9% 90.0% 90.0% 89.8% 92.1% 84.0% 85.0% 93.2% 87.3% 93.0% 92.0% 87.3% 96.6% 89.0% 89.0% 85.7% 93.1% 94.2% 95.0% 94.6% 89.1% 89.2% 90.0% 87.5% 82.8% Grade 5 88.7% 83.0% 95.0% 85.0% 82.8% 60.3% 92.3% 81.5% 91.7% 91.7% Grade 6 87.5% 83.9% 98.0% 94.0% 93.0% 89.5% 94.6% 91.1% 100% 93.5% 91.5% 95.0% 98.1% 96.4% 94.9% 96.7% 100% 96.4% 91.8% 93.0% 96.7% 96.0% 95.1% 96.6% 98.3% 98.0% 94.9% 95.2% 89.7% 94.7% 96.6% 98.4% 98.3% 96.5% 92.0% 98.0% 98.0% 100% 100% 100% 98.0% 100% Related Measures Hawaii State Assessment: All Disadvantaged Grade 3 Grade 4 TerraNova Assessment: Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Increase the percent of elementary (K-6) students receiving a "usually" or "consistently" rating on all GLOs at the end of the year. Increase the percent of elementary students receiving a "usually" or "consistently" rating on GLO #2 Community Contributor. Percentage of students reporting that they feel safe at school Percentage of parents reporting that they are satisfied with their school Percentage of Highly Qualified Teachers (HQT) 5/2/2013 State Baseline 2012-2013 Reading Math 86% 82% 77% 77% 63% 85.3% 88.9% 93.9% 94.8% 91.0% To be determined 93.9% 95.3% 96.6% 96.6% 91.5% 85% 92.9% 98.0% 94.6% 95% 92.7% 83% 97.5% n/a 96.9% 97.6% 94.5% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 5 Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 GLO Report (SY 2011 – 2012) GLO RESULTS (GLOs 1-6) Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently TOTAL Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 3 0 2 28 1 11 42 14 19 64 14 134 97 176 47 88 85 209 248 146 316 180 272 354 390 336 384 360 372 Subtotal: Usually and Consistently GLO RESULTS (GLO #2: Community Contributor) Rarely Sometimes Usually Consistently TOTAL Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 0 0 0 7 0 3 6 2 2 10 1 22 4 20 5 12 4 34 55 34 57 31 57 59 65 56 64 60 62 Subtotal: Usually and Consistently GLOs 1: Self-Directed Learner 2: Community Contributor 3: Complex Thinker 5/2/2013 4: Quality Producer 5: Effective Communicator 6: Effective and Ethical User of Technology 6 TOTAL (1-6) 34 164 627 1371 2196 % 1.5% 7.5% 28.6% 62.4% 1998 91.0% TOTAL (1-6) 7 24 67 268 366 % 1.9% 6.6% 18.3% 73.2% 335 91.5% Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Objective 1b: All students are gaining the academic skills they need to succeed on the K-12 pathway and throughout their lives. HSA Math 3-8 HSA Reading 3-8 HSA Growth Targets: 2009-10 82.7% 89.5% 2010-11 88.0% 92.9% Baseline (2011-12) 89.2% 94.2% Target (2013-14) 96.6% 98.7% 1. Academic Achievement: Increase percentage of students scoring “proficient” in reading and mathematics on Hawaii State Assessment (switch to Smarter Balanced Assessments beginning 2014). 2. Equity in Achievement: Increase proficiency of the lowest achieving student groups so that the percentage difference in test scores between highest and lowest achieving student groups is eliminated. (Data not available). 1b. Strategies: 1. Implement statewide K-12 curriculum, instruction, and assessments that are well-balanced and aligned with the Common Core State Standards [PW Complex: 3. Implement the Common Core State Standards at the classroom level. 4. Promote and ensure an aligned K-12 continuum. 5 Use the Design Thinking process to help improve student achievement—moved to Strategy 1a)]. 2. Use data, feedback, and school data teams at every school to improve student achievement. (PW Complex: 1.Use data teams to review data and feedback on student achievement). 3. Establish academic review teams at each school and Complex to improve and align instruction and professional development in support of student achievement, (PW Complex: 2. Use ART Team to monitor progress on the school’s academic plan and to make data-based decisions that impact achievement.). 4. Provide student support and differentiated interventions based on “early warning” data for all students. 5. Implement proficiency-based advancement of students based on applicable standards of academic achievement, character development, and socio-emotional progress. Rationale: 1. There is a continual need to align instructions based on student attainment of the Common Core State Standards. 2. The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area will focus on further building the infrastructure and systems to address Goal 1: Student Success. 3. State prepopulated data targets of the following non-negotiables will be addressed with the Complex Area, Complexes, and respective schools. a) Attendance 5/2/2013 7 Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 b) Achievement c) Behavior d) Course Marks (AABC). 4. PW Complex Area will implement the Common Core State Standards by utilizing a) a K-12 approach b) Academic Review Team (ART) structure c) Design Thinking process (moved to Goal 1a.1.2). 5. Pearl City Complex K-12 Focus: Language Arts Writing. 6. Pearl City/Waipahu Complex Area Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID), Induction and Mentoring, K-12 Construct, Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM). Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) 1b.1.1 Participate in professional development for Common Core Standards. A.All teachers will participate in professional development to gain a better understanding of Common Core State Standards to align curriculum and instruction. Teachers will increase from Level High to Very High as measured by the Assessment Framework-CCSS by 3rd Quarter. B.Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase/meet prepopulated targets-HSA. 1b.1.2.1 Build knowledge through content-rich nonfiction. 5/2/2013 A.All Gr. 1-6 teacher’s reading lessons reflect a balance of 50% literary and 50% informational text during the school day. Teachers will increase from Level 3 to 4 as measured by the Implementation Rubric of CCSS by 3rd Quarter. [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Assessment Framework: Implementation of the Common Core State Standards Element – High Expenditure Lead Administrator PW Complex Area Staff ART Participant Teachers Frequency Description and Funding Source As determined State/Complex or by School WSF State/Complex Area/School Est $ Amount School costs actualized in 1a1.1 Substitutes $2,703 Data Team Leads Implementa- Administrator tion Rubric of ART CCSSIntegrating-3 8 Data Teams Quarterly Teachers Weekly School WSF Costs actualized in 1a1.1 Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 B.At least 95% Gr. 1-6 students read informational texts intentionally sequenced to systematically develop knowledge. 1b.1.2 .2. Ensure reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational. A.All Gr. 1-6 teachers will consistently expect and probe students for evidence and precision. Teachers will increase from Level 3 to 4 as measured by the Implementation Rubric of CCSS by 3rd Quarter. Data Team Leads Implementa- Administrator tion Rubric of ART CCSSIntegrating-3 B.At least 95% or more students will consistently probe each other for evidence and precision in their discussions. 1b.1.2.3 Conduct regular practice with complex texts and its academic language. 1b.1.2.4 Participate in professional development for Writing. 5/2/2013 Teachers Leads Data Teams Quarterly Teachers On-going Data Teams Quarterly Teachers On-going School WSF Costs actualized in 1a1.1 School WSF Costs actualized in 1a1.1 A.All teachers are aware of students’ reading levels and carefully monitor their progress utilizing assessments (GatesMcGinite, Imagine Learning, Achieve 3000, iReady) Teachers will increase from Level 3 to 4 as measured by the Implementation Rubric of CCSS by 3rd Quarter. Implementa- Administrator tion Rubric of ART CCSSIntegrating-3 B.At least 95% of students read following the staircase of complexity called for by the standards. Teacher Leads Data Teams Quarterly Administrator PW Complex Area Staff ART Teachers As determined State/Complex Area School costs by School WSF actualized in State/Complex 1a1.1 Area/School A.All teachers will participate in professional development to improve writing. Writing tasks and student work reflect balance between genres. Teachers will increase from Level 3 to 4 as measured by the implementation rubric of CCSS by 3rd Quarter. Implementation Rubric of CCSSIntegrating-3 9 Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 B.Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase/meet prepopulated targets-HSA. 1b.l.2.5 Use mathematical reasoning to construct an argument that defends one’s position; explore their own and others’ reasoning. A.All teachers will provide opportunities to use mathematical reasoning. Teachers will increase from Level 3 to 4 as measured by the Implementation Rubric of CCSS by 3rd Quarter. Teacher Leads A.All teachers provide opportunities for students to challenge their problem solving. Teachers will increase from Level 3 to 4 as measured by the Implementation Rubric of CCSS by 3rd Quarter. A.All teachers will use formative assessments and instruction in their respective content areas/grade levels to improve student achievement. All teachers will increase from level 2-3 to 4 as measured by the Formative Instruction Readiness Matrix by Quarter 3. B. Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an 5/2/2013 Teachers Weekly Data Teams Quarterly Teachers Quarterly Teacher Leads Data Teams Quarterly Administrator PW Complex Area Staff ART Teachers As determined State/Complex by School WSF State/Complex Area/School Teacher Leads Data Teams Quarterly Data Team Leads Implementa- Adminstrator tion Rubric of ART CCSSIntegrating-3 B.At least 95% of students will routinely self-assess their own progress based on rubric scoring and learn from previous attempts to solve a problem to select alternate solution pathways. 1b.1. 2.7 Participate in professional development for Formative Assessment and Instruction. Quarterly Implementa- Administrator tion Rubric of ART CCSSIntegrating-3 B.At least 95% of students talk about each others’ thinking, ask clarifying questions, identify potential flaws in thinking, and respond to each others’ questions to reach justifiable conclusions. 1b.1.2.6 Provide opportunities for students to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Data Teams Formative Instruction/ Data Team Readiness Matrix Rating 3; Formative Instruction and Assessment 10 School WSF Costs actualized in 1a1.1 School WSF Costs actualized in 1a1.1 School costs actualized in 1a1.1 Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 increase/meet prepopulated targets – HSA. Action Plan 1b.2.1 Participate in professional development for teachers on implementation of Data Teams and using the 6-Step Process. A. School teams will be trained on implemention of Data Teams. All Momilani teams implementing the Data Teams Process will increase from level 2-3 to 4 as measured by the Data Teams Readiness Matrix by Quarter 3. B.Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase or meet on prepopulated targets – HSA. Data Teams Implementation Action Plan Template, Formative Instruction/ Data Team Readiness Matrix Rating 3 Administrator PW Complex Area Staff Teachers Quarterly Data Team Leads Data Teams Quarterly Formative Instruction/ Data Team Readiness Matrix Rating 3; Formative Instruction and Assessment Action Plan Administrator ART Teachers Quarterly Data Team Leads Data Teams Quarterly 1b.2.2.Utilize assessment data (formative, summative, criterion-referenced assessments and LDS and other reports) systematically to drive educational decisions. Align instruction to CCSS. (Assessment for and of learning). A.School Data Teams will receive support with training, analysis and use of data to increase student achievement. All teachers will increase from level 2-3 to 4 as measured by the Formative Instruction Readiness Matrix by Quarter 3. 1b.2.3 Access and review qualitative and quantitative evidence regularly to make mid-course corrections as needed. A.All teachers collect and review relevant Assessment Administrator evidence ranging from outcome metrics to Framework- ART leading indicators and process measures, High Element including evidence from appropriate rubric. All teachers will increase from level High to Very High as measured by the Assessment Framework by Quarter 3. Teachers On-going B.Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase or meet on prepopulated targets – HSA. Data Teams Quarterly 5/2/2013 B.Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase or meet on prepopulated targets – HSA. Data Team Leads 11 State Funded Title IIA To be determined Complex School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1 Complex School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1 Momilani Elementary 1b.2.4 Participate in Complex Area Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) to further align Complex Area/Complex K12 curriculum, instruction, and assessment. School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 A.All teachers will continue the horizontal and vertical alignment by focusing on common practices, assessments, and rubrics/scoring guides to ensure students are attaining skills as they move on the continuum from Grade K to Grade 12. All teachers will increase from level High to Very High as measured by the Assessment Framework: Implementation of the CCSS by Quarter 3. Assessment Framework: Implementation of the Common Core State Standards Element – High B.Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase or meet on prepopulated targetsHSA. 1b.3. Participate in State driven professional development for Academic Review Team (ART). A. ART Team will participate in the statewide webinar focusing on ART structures and procedures. ART Team will increase from Level High to Very High as measured by the Assessment Framework: Academic Review Teams Rubric by Quarter 3. Assessment Framework: Academic Review Teams Element High B.Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase or meet on prepopulated targetsHSA 1b.4 Ensure proactive prevention, early intervention (effective, timely, and additional assessments as needed) and effective transitions. Focus support for the “at-promise” students (ELL, SpEd, 504, non-proficient). Analysis of dashboard to guide professional development, 5/2/2013 A.All teachers will analyze data from assessments including the LDS and utilize the DSI to create formative assessments to guide differentiated interventions/student supports towards student achievement of CCSS. All teachers will increase from level High to Very High as measured by the Assessment Framework: Implementation of the Comprehensive Student Support Rubric by Quarter 3. Assessment Framework: Comprehensive Student Support Element High Administrator PW Complex Area Staff ART Teachers Quarterly or State Funded Title As determined IIA by school administration Data Team Leads Data Teams Quarterly Administrator ART ART Team Quarterly or State/Complex As determined Area/School WSF by school administration Data Team Leads Data Team Quarterly Administrator, ART SSC Teachers On-going, observation, formative assessments 12 State/Complex Area/School WSF To be determined School costs Actualized in 1a1.1 School costs actualized in 1a1.1 Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 ongoing identification of “at-risk”. B.100% of non-proficient students (SpEd, ELL, 504, “at-promise”) are identified and provided with appropriate supports in an inclusive environment evidenced in support team notes. 1b.5 Address support systems beyond academic achievement through “Heartitudes” and “GRIT” (Character Education Programs). A. All teachers and staff focus on optimizing a safe, caring environment conducive to receiving a quality education as evidenced by classroom walkthroughs and a 90+% in Student “Safety and Wellness” dimension of the School Quality Survey (SQS). B. At least 95% of students are motivated and committed to learning and have a sense of belonging and accomplishment. 5/2/2013 2012 SQS Student Safety Dimension: 92.7% Data Team Leads Data Teams Quarterly Administrator, Teacher Leads Teachers On-going, observation, walkthroughs Teacher Leads Students Quarterly 13 School WSF Costs actualized in 1a1.1 Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Objective 1c: Students are connected to their school and community to develop a love of learning and contribute to a vibrant civic life. Baseline (2011-12) Gr. 5 GLO Attainment of 3 or higher Targets: Target (2013-14) Not available (74% unofficial) --To be determined 1. Life-long learning, character, and citizenship: Increase percentage of 5th graders consistently demonstrating GLOs (5th grade: score of 3 or higher on each GLO) 2. Parent satisfaction with school responsiveness 3. Engagement level of parent and community stakeholders 1c. Strategies: 1. Partner with community organizations, libraries, and businesses that provide learning and service opportunities that utilize the resources of the communities and places where students live and attend school. (PW Complex: Partner with family and community organizations to increase school and student involvement within the surrounding community we live in—Civic life.) 2. Work with agencies and families to coordinate wraparound services that address non-school factors that impede student success 3. Strengthen family-school partnerships based on shared accountability, goals/priorities, responsibilities and contributions, where families are engaged in meaningful and culturally respectful ways to support student success Rationale: The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area realizes the need to further strengthen family and school partnerships on shared accountability priorities and goals. Building engaging and meaningful school and community programs will lead to positive Complex Area relationships. Funded Enabling Activities 5/2/2013 Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Expenditure Lead 14 Participant Frequency Description and Funding Source Est $ Amount Momilani Elementary 1c.1.1 Participate in intramurals sponsored Pearl City High School. (Pearl City Complex Elementary Schools) School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 A. All Gr. 5-6 teachers encourage student participation in selected intramural activities sponsored by Pearl City High School (e.g. basketball, volleyball, and track). Administrator Gr. 5-6 Teachers As determined by Complex B.Pearl City Complex of Elementary Schools will increase/maintain student participation in selected intramural activities. Gr. 5-6 Teacher Leads Students as determined by teachers As determined by School 1c.1.2 Participate in Pearl City Complex Music Concert (Pearl City Complex Elementary Schools, Highlands Intermediate, and Pearl City High School). A.All teachers will encourage student participation in the Pearl City Complex Music Concert. Administrator Teachers as determined by School As determined by Complex B.Pearl City Complex of Elementary Schools will increase/maintain student participation in complex performing arts activities. Teacher Leads Students as determined by teachers As determined by School 1c.1.3 Demonstrate and showcase STEAM-related activities from school level lessons/activities (PW Complex Area Schools). A.All Grade Level Teachers selected will demonstrate and showcase a STEAMrelated activity at a Complex Area venue. Administrator Teachers as determined by School Annual B.All selected students will have the opportunity to increase/maintain participation in school and Complex Area STEAM showcase. Teacher Leads Students as determined by teachers As determined by School 5/2/2013 15 Pearl City High School School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1 PCHS School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1 Complex School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1 Momilani Elementary 1c.2 Seek opportunities to provide assistance to students or parents where conditions outside of school serve as barriers to learning. ( factors, chronic absenteeism, abuse). School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 A.All students are monitored for at-risk factors and supported in the classroom or referred for other assistance. Families are involved in partnering with the school at all levels of the continuum of services. Target: Chronic Absenteeism = .9% B.All students are engaged and ready to learn. School will be a safe place to learn for students. Student Attendance will increase/meet target goal. 1c.3 Establish multiple avenues focusing on parent involvement where parents are true, active partners in supporting and the decision-making process of their child’s education plan. (e.g. parent/child activities, School Community Council (SCC), Hui O Momilani, Momilani Foundation, Fit Factory) A. All Momilani Faculty and Staff focus on meaningful opportunities for parent involvement/partnerships to support a safe, caring environment conducive to receiving a quality education as evidenced by SQS Parent Satisfaction Dimension. B.At least 95% of students have relationships with adults, peers, and parents that support learning as evidenced in “Satisfaction” dimension of SQS. 90% of students will receive “usually” or “Consistently” rating on all GLOs at the end of the year. 2012 SQS Parent Satisfaction Dimension: 94.5% Principal ART Counselor Attendance Clerk Health Aide Teachers Parents/ Guardians On-going Data Team Leads Data Teams On-going Administrator ART As determined by school groups On-going Teacher Leads Data Teams On-going GOAL 1: STUDENT SUCCESS School costs actualized in 1a1.1 School Hui Foundation School Community Council (SCC) School costs actualized in 1a1.1 Certificated Classified Casual Hourly Current Expenses Equipment TOTALS / SUMMARY 5/2/2013 State/Complex/ School WSF $1,168,205 29,115 59,290 87,615 1,500 $1,345,725 16 Momilani Elementary Possible Enabling Activities if Funds are Available School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Expenditure Lead Participant Frequency Description and Funding Source To be determined $15,000 To be determined $20,000 Est $ Amount Strategies: 1. Secure resources to support 1:1 initiative of iPads and laptops. 2. Expand use of ebooks to exercise options for reading. Rationale: 1. The DOE will provide each student with a n iPad/tablet/notebook from the 1:1 Computing Initiative. 2. There will be a need to provide security, safety, and maintenance for the computing devices. 3. Seek ibooks, site licenses for curriculum, instructional supports, and assessments. 1. Purchase covers and screen film protectors for 180+ iPads and 240+ laptops. A.Teachers will have increased safety and less maintenance of iPads/Laptops. Administrator Technology Team 1st Sem.for Teachers B.All students will learn responsible care and maintenance of their issued iPads/Laptops. Teachers Students 2nd Sem. For Students 2. Purchase personnel services to prepare, support, and maintain computing devices. A.All teachers will be able to reliably utilize technology (computing devices) for learning. Administrator Technology Team Beg. Summer 2013-July 2014 B.All students will increase computing skills and utilize devices to increase their academic achievement. Teachers Students Daily 5/2/2013 17 Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Expenditure Possible Enabling Activities if Funds are Available Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) 3. Purchase ebooks, site licenses for curriculum application, instructional supports, and assessments for and of learning. A.All Instructional staff will seek out research-based supports for instructional and student use. Administrator Instructional Staff On-going B.All Students will utilize technology to support and improve their academic achievement. Teachers Students On-going Lead Frequency Description and Funding Source To be determined Est $ Amount $20,000 $55,000 TOTALS / SUMMARY 5/2/2013 Participant 18 Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Goal 2. Staff Success: The DOE has a high-performing culture where employees have the training, support, and professional development to contribute effectively to student success. Objective 2a: The DOE effectively recruits, retains, and recognizes high‐performing employees. Highly Qualified Teachers Baseline (2011-12) Target (2013-14) 100% 100% Targets: Effective teaching: Increase percentage of highly qualified teachers, and increase percentage of teachers rated as “highly effective” beginning in 2014. 2a. Strategies: 1. Fully implement beginning teacher induction and mentoring standards. (PW Complex: 1. Provide induction and mentoring support for all beginning teachers.) 2. Provide effective orientation programs for all non-certificated and classified personnel and supervisory training for all new supervisors. (PW Complex: 2. Provide training, coaching, support and feedback to all teachers to ensure they maximize their effectiveness.) Rationale: The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area recognizes the importance of a mentoring and induction program to support beginning teachers. The program will help gain the skills and knowledge to increase student achievement. 5/2/2013 19 Momilani Elementary Funded Enabling Activities 2a.1.Participate as needed in Professional Learning Community (PLC) for the Mentoring and Induction Program. School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) A.Every non-highly qualified and nontenured teacher will meet qualifications to become highly qualified. All teachers will increase from Level High to Very High as measured by the Assessment Framework: Teacher Induction Rubric by Quarter 3. B. Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show student increase or meet on prepopulated targets – HSA. 2a.2.Participate as needed in professional development for new teachers on implementation of Data Teams and using the 6Step Process. A. All School teams will be trained on implementation of Data Teams. All teams implementing the Data Teams Process will increase from level 2-3 to 4 as measured by the Data Teams Readiness Matrix by Quarter 3. B.Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase or meet on prepopulated targets – HSA. 5/2/2013 [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Expenditure Lead Participant Hawaii Teacher Induction Program Continuum Intergrating3 Assessment Framework: Teacher Induction Program – High Administrator PW Complex Area Staff ART Any non-HQT and nontenured teacher Quarterly Data Team Leads Mentor Inducation Program Participants (through the Data Team Process Quarterly Data Teams Implementation Action Plan Template, Formative Instruction/ Data Team Readiness Matrix Rating 3 Adminstrator PW Complex Area Staff ART Any non-HQT and nontenured teacher Quarterly Data Team Leads Data Teams Quarterly 20 Frequency Description and Funding Source Est $ Amount State/Complex To be determined State Funded Title IIA To be determined Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Objective 2b: Training and professional development for all DOE employees supports student learning and school improvement. Baseline (2011-12) 100% of PD aligned to State Goals Not available Target (2013-14) -To be determined Targets: 1. 100% of professional development (PD) courses are aligned to support student achievement and school effectiveness as reported in pre- and post-course evaluations by 2013 2. Increase the number and percentage of students that rate their learning experience as exceptional 2b. Strategies: 1. Provide all teachers with evaluation and feedback based on student growth and teaching practice that guide professional development opportunities designed to support student achievement and learning. [PW Complex: 1. Data Teams Professional Development and implementation trainings will support teachers at becoming more effective with student learning and school improvement. 2. Maintain and create a collaborative culture by having Professional Learning Communities (PLC) for the different State initiatives (i.e. Data, K-12 Constructs of Writing for Pearl City and Math for Waipahu, AVID, Mentoring and Induction, STEAM).] 2. Provide all administrators with information and feedback based on student growth and school effectiveness that guide performance improvement opportunities designed to support student achievement and school improvement. (Student Growth Percentile (SGP), Educator Effectiveness System ( EES), Longitudinal Data System (LDS): utilize integrate into Data Teams (DT)) Rationale: 1. The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area realizes the need to focus on further building the infrastructure and systems to address Goal 2: Staff Success. The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area will continue to provide professional development and implementation trainings, to provide teachers with the skills and strategies they need to raise student achievement. 2. The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area utilizes PLCs to provide the infrastructure to address Goal 2: Staff Success. The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area will continue to use the PLC process to maintain and allow schools the opportunity to collaborate on the various State/Complex Area initiatives. 5/2/2013 21 Momilani Elementary Funded Enabling Activities 2b.1.1 Participate in professional development for teachers on implementation of Data Teams and using the 6Step Process. School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) A. All School teams will be trained to implement Data Teams Process. All teachers will increase from level 3-4 as measured by the Data Teams Readiness Matrix by Quarter 3. B. Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase or meet on prepopulated targets – HSA. 2b.1.2 Participate in collaboration amongst the Complex Area Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in the various areas such as Data Teams, K-12 Construct, AVID, Mentoring and Induction, STEAM. 5/2/2013 A. All teachers will participate in the PLC process to collaborate on common challenges and successes according to State/Complex Area initiatives. All teachers will increase from level 3-4 as measured by the Data Teams Readiness Matrix by Quarter 3. B. Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase or meet on prepopulated targets – HSA. [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Expenditure Lead Participant Frequency Data Teams Implementation Action Plan Template, Formative Instruction/ Data Team Readiness Matrix Rating 3 Administrator PW Complex Area Staff ART Teachers Quarterly Data Team Leads Data Teams Quarterly Data Teams Implementation Action Plan Template, Formative Instruction/ Data Team Readiness Matrix Rating 3 Administrator PW Complex Area Staff ART As determined by school Quarterly Teacher Leads As determined by school Quarterly 22 Description and Funding Source Est $ Amount State Funded Title IIA To be determined State/Complex To be determined Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Objective 2c: Leadership across the department has the capacity to implement systemic change, including adapting and innovating; modeling optimism and fairness; overseeing school transformation, and student success. Targets: <Describe measureable target> 1. Baseline (2011-12) not available Target (2013-14) -to be determined 100% of DOE schools have academic review team in place. 2c. Strategies: Fully implement and support school-based teams of teachers and leaders (academic review teams) that guide instructional development strategies at the school and Complex levels. (PW Complex: Provide State implementation of: a) Data Teams/Formative Instruction, b) Academic Review Team, c) Common Core State Standards, d) Personalized Learning for All Students, e) Educator Effectiveness System, and f) Induction and Mentoring.) Rationale: The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area recognizes the importance of the consistency across the department to build the capacity for systemic change. Ongoing “Plan-Do-Check-Act” within the department’s infrastructure will strengthen student achievement for College and Career Readiness. Funded Enabling Activities 2c. Participate in professional development for: 1) Data Teams/Formative Instruction 2) Academic Review 5/2/2013 Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value A. All teachers will participate in professional development topics throughout the calendar/school year. All teachers will increase from level 3-4 as measured by the Data Teams Readiness Matrix and the Hawaii Educator Data Teams Implementation Action Plan Template, Formative Expenditure Lead Administrator PW Complex Area Staff ART 23 Participant Frequency As determined by school To be determined Description and Funding Source State/Complex School WSF Est $ Amount School costs actualized in 1a1.1 Momilani Elementary Team, 3) Common Core State Standards 4) Personalized Learning for All Students 5) Educator Effectiveness System 6) Induction and Mentoring. School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Effectiveness System Continuum by Quarter 3. B. Gr. 3-6 Group will show an increase or meet on prepopulated targets – HSA. Instruction/ Data Team Readiness Matrix Rating 3, Hawaii Educator Effectiveness System Contiuum – Intergrating3 Teacher Leads As determined by school To be determined GOAL 2: STAFF SUCCESS WSF: Costs actualized in Goals 1 and 3 TOTALS / SUMMARY Possible Enabling Activities if Funds are Available Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Expenditure Lead Strategies: Rationale: 1) TOTALS / SUMMARY 5/2/2013 24 Participant Frequency Description and Funding Source Est $ Amount Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Goal 3. Successful Systems of Support: The system and culture of the DOE work to effectively organize financial, human, and community resources in support of student success. Objective 3a: DOE facilities and technology systems meet 21st century education needs and standards goals. 1:1 Computing (?) Baseline (2011-12) Not available (50%) Target (2013-14) --To be determined (100%?) Targets: 1. Increase percentage of students and schools that have access to reliable technology resources 2. Increase speed and reliability of internet access 3a. Strategies: Provide students and employees with computer systems and broadband that support 21st Century learning (PW Complex: 3b.1 The Complex Area schools will utilize CISCO and its infrastructure to meet the needs of 21st century education. 2. Provide efficient, effective technology support to our classrooms, schools, and support offices (PW Complex: 2. The Complex Area Schools will utilize Longitudinal Data System (LDS) and Data Systems Information (DSI). 1. Rationale: 1. The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area recognizes the importance of having the technological infrastructure, which enables a) students with the tools and opportunities to become a 21st century learner and b) utilization of systems like LDS and DSI, which helps data collection and disaggregation of data that lead to changes in instructional practices. 5/2/2013 25 Momilani Elementary Funded Enabling Activities 3a.1Access available technology (CISCO) to support student achievement. 3a.2 Use of the LDS and DSI systems by all Complex Area schools to increase student achievement. 5/2/2013 School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) Expenditure [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Lead Participant Frequency A.School will utilize the CISCO infrastructure to expand technology applications to support learning and assessment. State PW Complex Area Staff Administrator Technology Team To be determined B.All students will integrate the technology within their everyday learning and projects. Teacher Students Quarterly A.Gr. 3-6 teachers will use LDS and DSI to assist with student instruction and assessment. Administrator PW Complex Area Staff ART Gr. 3-6 Teachers On-going B.Gr. 3-6 Student Group will show an increase or meet on prepopulated targets – HSA. School Leads Data Teams Quarterly 26 Description and Funding Source Est $ Amount State/ School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1, Goal 3 Summary State/ School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1, Goal 3 Summary Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Objective 3b: DOE financial systems, business processes, and organizational resources support student and school success. <Describe measureable target> Baseline (2011-12) Not available Target (2013-14) -To be determined Targets: Increase percentage of accredited schools by 2018 3b. Strategies: 1. Expand WASC accreditation process to all DOE schools as a tool to confirm achievements of school turnaround. 2. Ensure strategic deployment of resources that support student success, staff success, and successful systems. Rationale: In alignment with department given objective and strategies, Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area will implement financial, human, and community resources to support student success. Funded Enabling Activities 3b.1.Prepare for WASC Accreditation for all public schools (2018 Momilani) by utilizing the self-study process to assess school’s progress. 5/2/2013 Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Expenditure Lead Participant Frequency A. School will participate in the WASC accreditation process according to State timelines. State PW Complex Area Staff Administrator School State TimelinesMomilani 2018 B.School will address WASC accreditation criteria/recommendations Administrator ART As determined by school To be determined 27 Description and Funding Source State/ School WSF Est $ Amount School costs actualized in 1a1.1, Goal 3 Summary Momilani Elementary 3b.2.Seek grants/aids to supplement/support educational resources to support student success. 5/2/2013 School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 from the visiting team to impact student achievement and school culture. School Leads A. Stakeholders will seek fiscal and physical resources to supplement DOE School Funding [Weighted Student Formula (WSF) and other]. Administrator Teacher Leads President/ Non-profit Leads Hui, Foundation, Business, Community On-going basis B.Students will have access to current, aligned, research-based instructional materials, aids, and technology. As determined by school As determined by school On-going 28 State/Complex/ School WSF/ Internal and External Stakeholders School costs actualized in 1a1.1, Goal 3 Summary Momilani Elementary School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Objective 3c: Robust internal and external communication effectively marshals school, state, and community resources behind DOE goals. Baseline (2011-12) No data available Targets: Target (2013-14) -To be determined Parents/guardians receive regular communication on how to support student and school success 3c. Strategies: 1. Consistently develop effective communication plans for all major DOE projects. (PW Complex: 1 Implement department given objective and strategies (State Strategic Plan Goal 3c) to increase department internal and external infrastructure. 2. Provide robust and user-friendly websites to internal and external stakeholders. 3. Use Academic and Financial Planning Process to ensure consistently robust Complex- and school-level parent communication and family engagement strategies. (PW Complex: 1. Leeward Community Children’s Counci. 2. Pearl City and Waipahu Community Involvement). Rationale: 1. Successful practices in effective school improvement research include taking a proactive approach to aligning organizational and structure issues to curricular and instructional priorities. 2. The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area participates in monthly Leeward Community Children’s Council meetings and activities. The council allows for outside agencies to support the Leeward District schools and students. 3. The Pearl City-Waipahu Complex Area understands the importance of forming partnerships with the community. Building these engaging and meaningful school and community partnerships will lead to positive Complex Area relationships that focus on student and school success. Funded Enabling Activities 5/2/2013 Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Expenditure Lead 29 Participant Frequenc y Description and Funding Source Est $ Amount Momilani Elementary 3c.1 Communication effectiveness: Internal and External stakeholders that understands and supports priorities of the department. School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 A.All internal and external stakeholders will have access to websites where information is shared. B.There will be a reduction of complaints on lack of communication to the State/District offices. 3c.2 Improve communication to Stakeholders. Use of applied technology to improve two-way flow of (internal and external) communication such as, ensuring two-way ongoing communication with parents regarding student progress through eProgress Reports, blogs, websites, mass messaging, e-mail, texting, and newsletters. A. All teachers and staff focused on optimizing a safe, caring environment conducive to receiving a quality education as evidenced by School Quality Survey (SQS) Student Satisfaction Dimension. 3c.3.1 Include parents/ business community partners to participate in the academic/ financial planning process to give input on enabling activities and awareness of resources needed to meet State/School Goals/Targets. A. All internal and external stakeholders will have opportunities as true partners to participate in parent, business or community groups and have access to school academic/financial plan, activities, announcements, calendar, and blogs. Evidenced by increase/meet School Quality Survey (SQS) Parent Satisfaction Dimension. 2012 SQS Student Satisfaction Dimension: 95.7% B.At least 95% of students show academic progress and satisfaction with their school as evidenced by increase/meet SQS Student Satisfaction Dimension and student reflections. B.Internal and external stakeholders express high satisfaction in the SQS. 5/2/2013 PW Complex Area Superintendent Administrator 2012 SQS Parent Satisfaction Dimension: 94.5% Technology Team 1x/month Administrator Administrator ART Teacher Leads As determined by School Administration Staff, Teachers, SCC, Hui, Foundation Leads Administrator Staff, Teachers, SCC, Hui, Foundation Leads Weekly/mo nthly ART Data Team Leads Data Teams As determined by School Administrator ART Administrator Internal/ External Stakeholders On-going Administrator Data Team Leads As determined by school As determined by School 30 State/Complex/ School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1, Goal 3 Summary State/Complex/ School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1, Goal 3 Summary School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1, Goal 3 Summary Momilani Elementary 3c.3.2 Partner with Community Associations (Pearl City Complex Schools) (pending). 3c.3.3 Engage as DOE School Partner with the Leeward Community Children’s Council (LCCC) mission. School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 A. Pearl City complex principal will represent the Pearl City Complex in monthly community meetings. Administrator Pearl City Complex School Administrators B.Pearl City complex students will be supported and participate in community activities and resources. As determined by school As determined by school A. School will participate in Leeward Community Children Council meetings and/or activities. Pearl City Complex School Administrator Pearl City Complex Administrators B.School will communicate/apply meeting details as appropriate to the school/student needs. As determined by school As determined by school GOAL 3: SUCCESSFUL SYSTEMS OF SUPPORT School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1, Goal 3 Summary Monthly Rotation basis Complex/ School WSF School costs actualized in 1a1.1, Goal 3 Summary Certificated Classified Casual Current Expenses Equipment TOTALS / SUMMARY 5/2/2013 Monthly Rotation basis $182,576 192,790 9,720 8,265 0 $393,351 31 Momilani Elementary Possible Enabling Activities if Funds are Available School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 Outcomes (Leading Indicators) A. Initial (Teacher focused) B. Intermediate (Student focused) Expenditure [Optional] Leading Indicator Current Value Lead Frequency Description and Funding Source Strategies: 1. Rationale: 1) 2) 5/2/2013 Participant 32 Est $ Amount Momilani Elementary 5/2/2013 School Academic and Financial Plan SY 2013-14 33