July-August 2012news.pub - Comments on
July-August 2012news.pub - Comments on
BALTIMORE - WASHINGTON ATHS Baltimore-Washington DRIVELINE Volume 29 Issue 3 President Bill Marlow 410-531-1632 Club News Vice President/ Secretary Jesse Walter, Jr. 302-933-8422 Treasurer Kathy Reeder 7924 Oakdale Avenue Rosedale, MD 21237-2712 410-918-9409 Newsletter Editors Dane & Frances Badman 301-946-0228 B-W Chapter Website www.stovebolt.com/ATHS Come Join Us August 19, 2012 Chapter Summer Picnic Gather at 12 PM-Eat 1PM at Bill and Jennifer Marlow’s 14420 Tridelphia Mill Rd. Dayton, MD 21036 Inside this issue: Club News July-August 2012 1 Club News continued 2-3 Regional & National News 4-5 Calendar of Events 6 Classified Ads 7 Ads of the Past 8 Bill’s Log Book Hello Baltimore Washington Chapter Members, I hope you all are enjoying your summer. As I write this, the weather man is calling for 100 degree temperatures so I hope everyone finds a way to stay cool. Jennifer and I were among the fortunate that were able to attend the 2012 ATHS National Convention and what a show it was. The venue was great and the number and quality of trucks that were registered was fantastic. We had one day of rain but that didn’t seem to stop many folks from coming out and enjoying the trucks. We had a good turn out of BW members that made the trip and they all came out ready to work. It was impressive how this chapter pitches in and gets the job done. Perhaps it is due in part by the example that John and Carolyn Vannatta set. The success of the show had a great deal to do with all their hard work. I would like to thank Henry Fowler for arranging the chapter lobster roast on Thursday night. I know there was a lot of work involved in putting all that together and it was appreciated by all. It was a great meal and a fun time visiting with everyone. Thanks also to Andy and Diane McWilliams and Harold Anderson for all their help and hard work in putting that affair together. I received a very nice letter from John Hiestand, the President of the Susquehanna Valley Chapter, who along with five members were invited to our “Clam Bake” as guests of Roy Moxley. Along with much thanks and appreciation, John complimented us on how friendly our chapter was to them. Another member of the same group, Norm Getz, also sent a very nice thank you card, complimenting the wonderful dinner and our friendly members. He said, “as a member of the Susquehanna Valley Chapter, I am forever grateful for people like you.” Henry, job well done! August will be here before you know it and that brings up our next meeting. The chapter picnic will be hosted at our home on August 19th. We will provide the burgers and hot dogs, chapter members are invited to bring a salad of some sort or a dessert to share with all. Don’t forget to bring a truck too if you like. If the weather holds out this year, we might even have a couple of extra trucks in attendance. Congratulations again to John Vannatta for being elected as ATHS National President. I am sure the American Truck Historical Society will benefit greatly from his leadership, his passion and his dedication. Chapter officers…it is not too soon to be thinking about nominations for a slate of prospective officers for our chapter, election will be held in the fall. If you would like to put your name in for a position, please do so. Remember our current Vice President Jesse Walter PAGE 2 B A L T I M ORE -W AS H I NG T O N DRIVELINE V OLUME 2 9 I SSUE 3 Club Club News News continued continued has also been serving as our club secretary too (and doing a yeoman’s job, I might add), so that is one position that we would like to have someone fill. I encourage anyone at all interested to come to the summer picnic meeting or give me or Jesse a call. Hope to see you at the picnic, Bill Larkins and Leila Smith have finished the restoration ofcool. the ‘51 Chevy panel we feaStay tured as the Truck of the Month in the December DRIVELINE. They began working on Bill the project a year ago, and have just recently finished the painting. They intend to show Review...Our wonderful through once again help in West that Springfield! both Convention of their trucks frequently this B-W yearmembers and forcame years to come. Youtomay recall this Thirty-two members attended and 20 of these members volunteered, some were assigned and some just stepped in truck still engine (with 100,000 components, is where they sawhas that the help original was needed. You know that the show miles) wouldn’tand haveoriginal been as organized as it wasand without almost like the it came off also the toassembly line. Congratulations andvolunteers. Leila on a your help. Thank youday so much! Thanks Carolyn Vannatta for organizing all of to the Bill National very nice restoration. Membership Report...Baltimore-Washington Chapter would like to welcome new members Jay Paulus of Shady Side, MD and James Ellett of Franconia, VA. Jay joined in West Springfield and he was also at Macungie ATCA show. We hope to see Jay and James at our picnic. Our Chapter currently has 93 members. Unfortunately, some have not paid their ATHS National dues, so they will have to be dropped from our membership file if they are not paid shortly. Also, there are many that haven’t paid the chapter dues for this year. Chapter dues can be sent to Treasurer-Kathy Reeder. If you are unsure of when you have been paid up to, it is marked on your newsletter label as two digit number after your name for example a 12 for year 2012. If you get the email version of the newsletter, you can contact Dane Badman or Carolyn Vannatta to verify your dues status. Health and Welfare...Baltimore-Washington Chapter extend condolences to members John and Louis Vanntta and their families on passing of their father Orvis Vannatta on Monday, July 16, 2012. Orvis was a long time member of National ATHS and the Baltimore-Washington Chapter. Orvis was a gentleman in all respects, enjoyed attending the truck shows and volunteering at National shows. He worked in construction and I’ve been told he used to drive a Biederman truck. The family has asked that in lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the American Truck Historical Society in memory of Orvis Vannatta. (Info: www.aths.org) Our Chapter will make a donation to National in honor of Orvis and his love of antique trucks. Our memories of Orvis will live on in our hearts and minds. May we all embrace the long life he lived and the friendships he made over all those years. Photos of Orvis Vannatta enjoying moments at the 2006 ATHS National Convention in Baltimore, Maryland PAGE 3 B A LT I M ORE -WA S H I NG TO N DRIVELINE V OLUME 29 ISS UE 3 Club News continued After returning home from the Springfield Convention our members had a couple of weeks to unwind and prepare for the convoy trip up to Pennsylvania for the Annual Antique Truck Club of America Show in Macungie Memorial Park. Another nice weekend of weather and plenty of antique trucks on display. Chapter members enjoyed the show while parked in a group near the food and restrooms (very important)! The ladies in our group enjoyed the trip to nearby Reading outlet stores. Fun, Fun, Fun something to do and see for everyone. As Chapter President Billy Marlow mentioned in his message to the members, our chapter will have their summer picnic at the home of Jennifer and Billy on Sunday, August 19th. Please bring your comfortable folding chairs and a salad, pot-luck side dish or dessert to share. Burgers & dogs, buns provided by chapter. Bring your trucks, please no large trailers. Some of our members need to update phone and email information with Carolyn Vannatta, please do so as soon as possible. If your information is not correct we have trouble reaching you and mailing your newsletter. If you wish to receive your newsletter by email, please send your email address to Editor Dane Badman at: [email protected] ( Note: you need to have Adobe Reader on your computer in order to open the PDF newsletter file). If National dues are not current, the chapter cannot keep you on our roster of members. Please check with National if you are not sure. If you have put a Classified Ad in the DRIVELINE news please keep your editor informed as to the status of each ad. I will not be calling you to see if your item has sold. I would like to keep things current as space is limited, ads will normally be kept for at least two issues of the DRIVELINE. My phone number is printed on the front page along with the Club officers, leave a message. Club member Mike Boteler sent out an interesting news video clip about the “Life of Tires” you may want to watch this if you have a computer. Just enter the following address and hit Go: http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndes?id=4826897 this may save you and your family’s life or someone else if you pass on the information. Especially important if you buy used tires for your old truck or other antique vehicles. Mike said to be sure to watch it to the end because the most important information you need to hear and see is past the middle of the segment. Thanks Mike for this safety tip. The recent damaging wind storm that hit the Maryland –Virginia region on June 29 was a rude awakening for many of us. Trees down on electrical wires putting over 1 million residents in the dark for some as much as 8 days. Devastation not limited as many found damaged homes and vehicles hit by falling trees. Flooding in some places and worst of all loss of life. Most if not all of us were taken by surprise by this 80+ mph wind. It will be remembered for a long time, and we can all learn from the destruction and try to be prepared for the future. Portable power generators were bought up in a day or two, as were supplies of ice and gasoline was not available or prices were inflated as a result of shortages. Did you have a tree on your home, do you have enough insurance coverage to replace or repair at today’s cost of inflation. How about your antique trucks, cars, does your policy cover loss for any damage by storm? It is never too late to plan for the next time, and there will be another time, we’re just getting into Hurricane season. Use the old Boy Scout motto “Be Prepared” it could save your life or at least a few heartaches down the road. Don’t forget there are quite a few shows left this summer, check the Events Calendar for a few in the local area, why not support the other ATHS & ATCA chapters in our region and make a trip to their events. B-W ATHS members relax under the Chapter’s shade canopy, while others admire Jesse Walter’s 1964 GMC 2500 Brush Truck. B-W ATHS Chapter members trucks lined up at the annual ATCA Show at Macungie Memorial Park, Macungie, PA. PAGE 4 B A LT I M ORE -W AS H I N G T O N DRIVELINE Regional Chapter News V OL U ME 29 IS SUE 3 Bruce Geil ATHS Regional Vice President Ph. 410-242-0323 or [email protected] Commentary on ATHS Chapters is from Dane Badman, editor of Baltimore-Washington DRIVELINE. Susquehanna Valley Chapter ATHS…Members of the Susquehanna Valley Chapter are looking forward to a fun filled August, their annual Club picnic will be held on Sunday, August 19th at the home of hosts Cal & Linda Little. Their Annual Truck show will be held on Saturday, August 25th at Kenworth of Pennsylvania in Carlisle, PA. Over 50 trucks attended last year’s event despite threatening weather from hurricane Irene. Mason-Dixon Chapter ATHS…Mason-Dixon members will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, July 18th at the Barbara Fritchie Restaurant in Frederick, MD, meeting time 7:30 pm. The chapter reported that their May show was a huge success with 94 trucks registered, they’re going to go for 100 next year. Mel Fair was awarded the 2012 Person of the Year award by the Maryland Motor Truck Association at a banquet on the Saturday night of their show. President Mark Vassalo noted that there would be a Tri-State meeting held on Saturday, July 28th at the Shenandoah Steam and Gas Engine show in Berryville, VA. DELMARVA Chapter ATHS...Members of the DELMARVA chapter had a picnic scheduled on July 8th and hopefully it was well attended and everyone had a good time. The chapter hosted shows at the Princess Anne Streetfest and the Spring Jam at Faith Chapel in Libertytown. There were 32 registered at the Streetfest and 14 in Libertytown. The chapter members have two upcoming shows in September. On Saturday, September 1st at Harris Ace Hardware in Pocomoke, MD from 9 AM—2 PM, usually their biggest show of the season. The next is on Saturday, September 8th at Powellville United Methodist Church 9 AM—2 PM. The Club’s Slate of Officers for the 2012-2013 year are: President-Herb Sanders, V. President-Bill Brown, Secretary-Tom Wainwright, Treasurer/Newsletter-Buck Burton. Shenandoah Valley Chapter ATHS...The chapter held their annual show on May 19th in Bridgewater, VA, about 83 trucks, farm tractors, and cars registered for the event. The July 23 chapter meeting will be held at the Golden Corral. The chapter extends congratulations to their President Scott Shifflett on his upcoming wedding in August to Suzanne Belcher. The chapter currently has 68 members in good standing. Dues are only $7.50 per year. The chapter had 4 new members join recently, if you are interested in joining, contact: Treasurer Don Snodgrass, 6522 Runkles Gap Road, Elkton, VA 22657 (540) 325-9092 or email to: [email protected] People’s Choice Award at M-D Show went to Tim Hoover’s 1921 White Dump International trucks of Moe Stone’s fleet at the M-D Show in May Mason-Dixon’s Annual Show draws families as seen here at the show PAGE 5 B A L T I M ORE -W AS H I NG T O N DRIVELINE News from National Headquarters V OLUME 2 9 I SSUE 3 John Vannatta ATHS National President (301) 475-5479 or [email protected] As we all know by now, John Vannatta was elected the 24th President of National ATHS at the annual Membership Meeting in West Springfield, Mass. Look for John’s first President’s Message in the July/August Wheels of Time magazine. Bill Johnson, ATHS Executive Director stated in his WOT column “that two days of excellent weather and one day of rain, and 1,002 trucks equals a great convention”. For those who couldn’t make the show, you will have a super Show Time to see when it arrives in September. Members who participated in the Canada Convoy post-convention trip visited two exceptional collections: the Havens Family Hauling and Toy Museum on Sunday and the George Tackaberry family collection on Monday. Bill received many positive comments about the collections and how welcome the participants felt. National staff is now putting in the final stretch for the 2013 show in Yakima, Washington. Look for the 2013 registration forms in the November/December issue of Wheels of Time. National is making plans for the installation of the Motor Cargo/Consolidated Freightways sign outside headquarters. On a recent visit to the sign company that is doing the restoration it was noted that good progress had been made. The work progresses and the project is expected to be completed by the end of summer. The Historic Highway Convoy on Route 66 is in the final planning stages. If you are interested in cruising from Morris, Ill., to San Bernadino, Calif., we are accepting registrations online now. Contact the Kansas City office if you have any questions about the convoy. Also see page 3 of the July/August WOT for the schedule of convoy stops and events. W E S T ATHS Baltimore-Washington members enjoy the 2012 Convention Banquet S P R I N G F I E L D Ice sculpture of the American Truck Historical Society logo how’s that for “Ice Road Trucking” 2 0 1 2 B-W members Gary and Sally Callis take a break in the shade, while Dana Boteler plays it safe and stops to talk on her phone. B A L T I M ORE -W AS H I NG T O N DRIVELINE PAGE 6 V OLUME 2 9 I SSUE 3 For Your Calendar July 27-28 27 Old Time Truck Show at Expedite Expo, The Roberts Centre, Wilmington, Ohio Located on I-71 at Exit 50 Info: Call (765) 935-5301 Shenandoah Valley Steam & Gas Show, Fairgrounds off Route 7, Berryville, VA Antique Trucks Welcome, ATHS Tri-State Meeting on Saturday August 3-4 10-12 Carlisle Truck Nationals, Carlisle, PA Admission $14.00, Thurs-Sun Brockway Truck Preservation Association’s 100 Years of Brockway Trucks Location: Brockway Museum, Cortland, NY I-81 Exit #12 Contact: (607) 756-6499 or (607) 753-8463 www.BrockwayTrucks.org 19 ATHS Baltimore-Washington Chapter Summer Picnic Hosted at home of Jennifer and Bill Marlow, Gather at 12 Noon… Eat at 1:00 PM 14420 Tridelphia Mill Road, Dayton, MD 21036 Info: (410) 531-1632 Antique Trucks welcome 25 ATHS Susquehanna Valley Chapter Antique Truck Show at Kenworth of PA Rt. 11, at 198 Kost Road, Carlisle, PA Info: Marlin Ruhl (717) 665-4621 September 8 First Easter Shore Large Cars Truck Show at Caroline County 4-H Park Info: (443) 786-4224 or (443) 786-4217 [email protected] 8 ATHS DELMARVA Chapter Festival at Powellville Methodist Church Mt. Herman Road Info: (410) 726) -1080 6-15 ATHS National Historic Highway Convoy Route 66 Info: www.aths.org and click on the Route 66 Convoy logo to register. 14-16 HCEA 27th Annual International Convention and Old Equipment Exposition at the HCEA National Equipment Museum, Bowling Green, Ohio also hosting the ATHS Black Swamp Chapter Truck Show & Antique Caterpillar Machinery Owners Annual National Show Visit: www.hcea.net or (419) 352-6086 20-22 8th Annual Tri-State Antique Truck Show, Stonewall District Ruritan Club Frederick County Fairgrounds, Winchester, VA Info: www.tri-state-antiquetruckshow.com or Scott Shifflett (540) 478-4389 B A L T I M ORE -W AS H I NG T O N DRIVELINE PAGE 7 V OLUME 2 9 I SSUE 3 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE . . 1972 Kenworth Truck Tractor ( Big Red) 350 Cummins engine, 36” bunk Info: Call Carl Ellerman (717)789-3375 ATHS Susquehanna Valley 7/12 ???? Low mileage RXC Hercules engine, complete $250. Set of six 6 hole Army type Budd wheels $50. Set of six 6” Dayton rims and 7:50x20 tires $100 Contact: John Vannatta [email protected] (301) 502-7694 5/12 1947 1965 IH KB-6 Dump, Runs, Dumps, good condition Ford T850, X-Fire Tanker, C&C, 534 gas engine, 5, 3+2 trans., 10-22.5 rims go with it. AB & PS. Best Offer on both. Jim & David Alexander (301) 845-4709 5/12 ATHS Truck Mud Flaps —–See our Ad in WOT Magazine or Contact: Andy McWilliams‐ (301) 884‐4203 or Henry Fowler‐(301) 884‐3390 We Don’t Want to Lose You! Has your B-W Chapter membership expired? 2012 Chapter dues are $10.00 Make checks payable to: B-W Chapter ATHS Mail to: Kathy Reeder 7924 Oakdale Avenue, Rosedale, MD 21237-2712 Reminder, you must be a member of ATHS National ATHS Annual dues single member are $42.00 Family membership $52.00 Not sure if you are a current National member? Contact: American Truck Historical Society P.O. Box 901611 Kansas City, MO 64190-1611 Phone (816) 891-9900 or E-mail: [email protected] BALTIMORE - WASHINGTON ATHS Baltimore-Washington DRIVELINE 11852 Huggins Drive Silver Spring, MD 20902 301-946-0228 ATHS B-W CHAPTER WEB Ads of the Past www.stovebolt.com/ATHS
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