November / December 2013 - American Truck Historical Society
November / December 2013 - American Truck Historical Society
Down the Trail Bi-Monthly Newsletter for the Three Trails Chapter - American Truck Historical Society Volume 11, Issue 6 November/December 2013 The first order of business will be the consumption of a pancake breakfast, which I will provide to all who attend. The second order of business will be the payment of your $15 chapter dues. Please see LeeAnn Johnson, either at that meeting or before, to be sure you remain active with us again this coming year. Any ideas for a meeting place are welcome, just call me. The third order of business is to add activities to our 2014 Calendar of Events. President’s Message - Dave Reynolds Our October event in OOIDA's Heart of America Trucking Show at the Kansas Speedway on October 18th and 19th was a successful involvement. There were fifteen old trucks on display inside the stadium and another sixty show trucks outside. We signed up several new members, sold chapter tee shirts and passed out Springfield Convention flyers. Dan Agee has graciously offered to host another Whole Hog Roast at his museum and grounds on April 26th. This was a well attended event last year by members of several sister chapters and allied clubs along with their families. If you are interested in having another hog, let me know and I'll start fattening up a good one. The OOIDA show was our last truck display show for the year. November will be our last meeting month for the year. This will be a regular meeting month for our Chapter and we will hold it at our National Headquarters up at 10380 N. Ambassador Drive here in Kansas City. Our annual Fellowship Chili luncheon will be served after our Chapter meeting. Just bring a dessert and plan on staying for the chili, courtesy of Rick Cekovsky and myself. Please call me with a head count so I know how much chili we need to make. Be sure to count your spouses, friends or other guests from other chapters too. As a result of discussions by our chapter membership for ways to involve more youth in our organization, we are arranging to have a presence at the upcoming Boy Scout Camporee, put on by the Heart of America Council of the Boy Scouts of America. An expected crowd of over 15,000 Scouts and Scout Leaders will camp at the Kansas Speedway May 16-18, 2014 for an event called Scouting 500- Spirit at the Speedway. We are invited to be a part of their Our regular meetings are held on the second Saturday of every other month during the year. Our first regular meeting for the upcoming year will be January 11th, 2014. President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Newsletter E-Mail Site Three Trails Chapter ATHS Dave Reynolds Rick Knox LeeAnn Johnson Rick Cekovsky Pete Loughlin Chapter Chatter 816 787-4227 816 228-1422 816 790-9896 913 208-3298 816 356-5005 n/a 1. n/a [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] November/December 2013 interactive midway on the infield of the race track. Our trucks would be on display during Saturday, May 17th where we could recruit new members into our Youth Division and help answer questions for the Scout's Transportation Merit Badge requirements. See the announcement flyer in this issue for more information. Save the date on your calendar to bring your truck out and share the fun with a very large audience of potential new Youth Division members. Also next May we will be assisting the Four States Chapter host the 2014 National Convention in Springfield, Missouri. Our Three Trails Chapter has been asked to assist by providing at least ten volunteers of the 300 needed to put on an annual convention. Our specific duties will be helping to park the show trucks. But there are other areas more volunteers are needed such as Registration, Photo Shoot Staging, Truck Wash Station and more. I think we have an opportunity to shine before the nation in showing Missouri's natural beauty and sharing our Midwest hospitality. Watch your Wheels of Time for details on dates and admission prices. July's meeting will be when chapter position elections are held. Please be thinking of ways you can serve our chapter and share your ideas with our members. I hope to see you at our Chili Luncheon this coming November 9th. Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas or Happy New Year, whichever is appropriate depending on when you are reading this column! Riverside Show - September 2013 Pete Louglin September Minutes 2013 - Rick Cekovsky The meeting of The Three Trails Chapter of ATHS was held on September 7, 2013 at the All Truck Nationals in Riverside Mo. Meeting was called to order at 0905 by Chapter President Dave Reynolds with 11 members in attendance. Wayne Alderson gave a review of the article about The Bandit Run in the latest issue of Road King magazine. President Reynolds spoke about upcoming events: - OOIDA event at Kansas Speedway on Oct 19. - McClouth Threshing Bee at McClouth KS. on September 21. - November meeting at ATHS headquarters-Annual Chili Luncheon. Bill Johnson gave an update on 2014 National Convention to be held in Springfield, MO. A discussion was held regarding the costs of producing the newsletter. Pete to work on "weeding" down the "mail list". Three Trails Chapter ATHS 2. November/December 2013 A resolution was passed to purchase a memorial brick for the ATHS patio project in Bill Alderson's name. items located there that may be useful to you as well, including a soon to be published chapter roster. Just follow the instructions to establish your password and enjoy! Meeting was adjourned at 0940 Treasurer’s Report - LeeAnn Johnson Balance as of 7/31/13: $3,090.27. Expenses: $33.25 Newsletter 102.30 Special Mailing 199.98 EZ-Up Canopy Income/Deposits: None Current balance as of 10/31/2013: $2,879.74 LeeAnn's Trend at Riverside Show Pete Loughlin Editor's Notes - Pete Loughlin If you are receiving your copy via the U.S. Mail, you are viewing the newsletter in black and white only. You may have a color copy delivered right to your computer's IN box by simply giving me your e-mail address. Receiving your copy of the newsletter electronically will allow you to view the photographs in color, the newsletter will be delivered days ahead of the U.S. Mail delivery, and you will be helping to save your chapter paper and postage costs. Chapter Members' Trucks at Riverside Pete Loughlin Remember, you may at any time view an electronic version of the newsletter on-line at our chapter's web site. Thanks to our Webmistress, LeeAnn Johnson, we have this option available to us. Go to to see a copy of the current issue or any recent back issue of our chapter newsletter. There are also other Three Trails Chapter ATHS Fred's Peterbilt at Riverside Pete Loughlin 3. November/December 2013 Calendar of Events 2 0 1 3 Nov 9 - Regular Meeting: Kansas City, MO. Fellowship Chili at headquarters. 2 0 1 4 Jan 11 - Regular Meeting: To be determined location. Pancake Breakfast with $15 Chapter dues. Feb - Event: To be determined. Mar 8 - Regular Meeting: Kansas City, MO. Open House and Lunch at ATHS headquarters. Apr 26 - Event: Milo, MO. Whole Hog Roast at Agee's May 10 - Regular Meeting: To be determined. May 17 - Event: Bonner Springs, KS. Scouting 500. May 29-31 - Event: Springfield, MO. National Convention. Jun - Event: To be determined. Jly - Regular Meeting: To be determined. Aug - Event: To be determined. Sep 13 - Annual Meeting: Riverside, MO. All Truck Nationals at E.F. Young Park. Oct - Event: To be determined Nov 8- Regular Meeting: Kansas City, MO. Fellowship Chili at headquarters. Dec - Event: To be determined. Got news? Please feel free to send any event information that would be of interest for chapter members to your webmistress, LeeAnn Johnson via email at [email protected] for adding to the newsletter’s Calendar of Events. Rick Knox - e-mail: [email protected] phone: 816 228-1422 Rick Cekovsky - [email protected] phone: 913 208-3298 You may also have your suggested event posted on our chapter’s website by filling in the attached Chapter Event form and sending to LeeAnn Johnson at [email protected]. Her mailing address is 24065 County Road B, Edgerton, MO 64444. Classifieds WANTED: Truck and trucking related, refrigerator magnates. Contact David Reynolds at 816 787-4227. WANTED: Pair of used, decent mobile home/low boy tires, reasonably priced. Size 7.00 X 14.5”. Contact Pete Loughlin at 816 356-5005 or [email protected]. ELECTRA-TECH 945 Winchester, Kansas City, MO 64126 (816) 221-4767 QUALITY BUILT ALTERNATORS & STARTERS The Rules Special Events Committee This committee plans and coordinates activities that would enhance Chapter membership and promote the ATHS. Contact either of the members listed to share your ideas. Three Trails Chapter ATHS - Chapter member ads are FREE. - Deadline for ads is the 10th of the month prior to the next meeting. -Ads listed more than six months may be removed. -Business ads are $5 per issue or $50 per year. -Send ad items to editor Pete Loughlin at [email protected]. -Make checks to “Three Trails Chapter ATHS” and mail to chapter treasurer LeeAnn Johnson at 24065 County Road B, Edgerton, MO 64444. 4. November/December 2013 Chapter Members' Trucks at Riverside Show Pete Loughlin Three Trails Chapter ATHS 5. November/December 2013 Calendar Event Event Title: __________________________________________________________________ Description (Details to be published): ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Event Time: Date:________________ All day? (Yes) (No) Start Time _______________ End time ___________ Event Location: Venue Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ______________ Zip _________ Phone: _______________________ Event Organizer Details: Organizer’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Email: ________________________________________ (or [email protected]) Cost: ___________ Submitted by:____________________________________________ Date: _____________ ************************************************************************************* This newsletter is the official publication of the Three Trails Chapter of the American Truck Historical Society and is published before each bi-monthly meeting. Annual chapter dues are $15 per year and membership in the national ATHS is required per chapter by-laws. National dues are $42 per year for an individual and $52 per year for a family, which includes a subscription to “Wheels of Time” magazine and the annual “Showtime” Convention Truck Show Edition. Contact any officer at a meeting or show or by using the information contained herein. ************************************************************************************* Three Trails Chapter ATHS 6. November/December 2013 Images From Dan & Del Agee's Nevada Speedway Show - 2011 Pete Loughlin Three Trails Chapter ATHS 7. November/December 2013 Three Trails Chapter American Truck Historical Society Pete Loughlin 13305 East 50th Terrace Kansas City, MO 64133 Chapter Members' Trucks at Riverside All Truck Nationals Show - September 2013 Three Trails Chapter ATHS 8. November/December 2013
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