September / October 2013
September / October 2013
Down the Trail Bi-Monthly Newsletter for the Three Trails Chapter - American Truck Historical Society Volume 11, Issue 5 September/October 2013 President’s Message - Dave Reynolds Our next Chapter meeting will be at the Riverside All Truck Nationals at 9:00am on September 14th. This is our Chapter's annual meeting which is hosted by the Genuine Chevy & GMC Club of Kansas City. Our hosts ask us to help with their event by directing vehicles to the appropriate parking areas again this year. We have specific areas to park exhibitors, visitors, vendors and our heavier vehicles. Please call me and arrange a time you will assist with these parking duties. Our October event is shaping up to be an involvement at the Heart of America Trucking Show at the Kansas Speedway on the 18th and 19th. This will be a celebration of the Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association's (OOIDA) 40th Anniversary. Plenty of vendors will have displays including Peterbilt, Freightliner, tire manufactures and trailer manufactures and, of course, food of all sorts. National ATHS will be represented by Bill Johnson in a combined booth space which includes our Chapter. Those who come are encouraged to bring their antique trucks to put on display. Let Bill know soon at President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Newsletter E-Mail Site Three Trails Chapter ATHS Dave Reynolds Rick Knox LeeAnn Johnson Rick Cekovsky Pete Loughlin Chapter Chatter 816 891-9900 because space is filling fast with other trucks from across the country and even outside the United States! I will have free passes to hand out to the first twenty people who will participate. After those are gone, the admission fee of $10 will be required for entry. Call me soon if you would like an admission ticket. Also, I'll be glad to coordinate a convoy of our trucks to cruise in to the show together. Call me for this, too. You can get into the Friday night activities, which includes a live band, Kansas, if you go on line at by September 14th and obtain a pass. And the pass is good for both days. November is a regular meeting month for our Chapter and we will hold it at our National Headquarters up at 10380 N. Ambassador Drive here in Kansas City. Our annual Fellowship Chili luncheon will be served after our Chapter meeting. Just bring a dessert and plan on staying for the chili! Please call me with a head count so I know how much chili to make. Be sure to count your spouses, friends or other guests from other chapters too. Next May we will be assisting the Four 816 787-4227 816 228-1422 816 790-9896 913 208-3298 816 356-5005 n/a 1. n/a [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] September/October 2013 States Chapter host the 2014 National Convention in Springfield, Missouri. I have attended a planning meeting recently and toured the venue for the convention. Our Three Trails Chapter has been asked to assist by providing at least ten volunteers of the 300 needed to put on an annual convention. Our specific duties will be helping to park the show trucks. But there are other areas more volunteers are needed such as Registration, Photo Shoot Staging, Truck Wash Station and more. I think we have an opportunity to shine before the nation in showing Missouri's natural beauty and sharing our Midwest hospitality. Watch your Wheels of Time for details on dates and admission prices. We have been receiving new member names continuously since our last newsletter publication. To all our new folks, Welcome! Be sure to come to the FREE September and November activities. And participate in October for FREE also, by calling me early for your tickets. Our show season is coming to an end with only three more planned events available. Let's make a strong showing of attendance at each one of them. I look forward to seeing you there! Platte County Show - August 2013 LeeAnn Johnson July Minutes 2013 - Rick Cekovsky Platte County Show - August 2013 LeeAnn Johnson Three Trails Chapter ATHS On July 13 2013 ATHS Three Trails chapter met at the Ag. Hall of Fame in Bonner Springs KS. Eight members were in attendance, all officers present except vice president Rick Knox. Six trucks were on display. Meeting was called to order at 0935 by President 2. September/October 2013 Dave Reynolds. Meeting was held in conjunction with the Cat Club and "Touch a Truck Days". Items discussed: - How to contact ATHS members and getting them to join the chapter. Along with that, recruiting new members to ATHS. - Boy Scout camp visits to promote trucks and Boy Scout merit badges. More info to follow after Pete Loughlin contacts BS district headquarters. - Platte City Steam Show on August 911. White Trucks are featured and Oliver tractors - Possible participation at Missouri State Fair in Sedalia MO. - All Truck Nationals at Riverside MO. on September 14 (regular bi-monthly meeting also). If able to attend, arrive by 0800 to help with parking. - Cat Club event at McClouth KS. on September 20-21 - November meeting at ATHS headquarters. Annual chili fellowship. Other chapters to be invited and other guests. Working on a speaker. Meeting adjourned at 1015. Treasurer’s Report - LeeAnn Johnson Editor's Notes - Pete Loughlin Please let me know if you hear of any chapter member who does not receive a copy of this newsletter. I recently changed to a new computer and fear I may have accidentally dropped someone from my Contacts List. Also, if you are receiving your copy via the U.S. Mail, you are viewing the newsletter in black and white only. You may have a color copy delivered right to your computer's IN box by simply giving my your e-mail address. Receiving your copy of the newsletter electronically will allow you to view the photographs in color, the newsletter will be delivered days ahead of the U.S. Mail delivery, and you will be helping to save your chapter paper and postage costs. Remember, you may at any time view an electronic version of the newsletter online at our chapter's web site. Thanks to our Webmistress, LeeAnn Johnson, we have this option available to us. Go to to see a copy of the current issue or any recent back issue of our chapter newsletter. There are also other items located there that may be useful to you as well, including a soon to be published chapter roster. Just follow the instructions to establish your password and enjoy! Balance as of 6/28/13: $3,090.27. Expenses: None Income/Deposits: None Current balance as of 7/31/2013: $3,090.27 Platte County Show - August 2013 LeeAnn Johnson Three Trails Chapter ATHS 3. September/October 2013 Calendar of Events Jan 12 - Regular Meeting: Harrisonville, MO. Breakfast at Hannah Trucking with $15 Chapter dues. Jan 19 - Event: Washington, KS. Herrs museum tour. Feb - Event: To be determined. Mar 9 - Regular Meeting: Kansas City, MO. Open House and Lunch at ATHS headquarters. Mar 30 - Event: Raytown, MO. Mingle on the Green parade and show. Apr 20 - Event: Newton, KS. Wheat State Show. May 11 - Regular Meeting: Milo, MO. Whole Hog Roast at Agee’s. May 16 - Event: Kansas City, MO. Inland Truck Parts Open House & Show. May 17-18 - Event: Joplin, MO. Petro Service Area show. May 30 - Annual Meeting: Yakama, WA. National Convention. Jun 21-23 - Event: Adrian, MO. Antique Tractor and Truck show. Jly 13 - Regular Meeting: Bonner Springs, KS. Touch-A-Truck at Ag Hall of Fame. July 13 - Event: Independence, MO. Firefest 2013 at Ind. Events Center. Aug 9-11 - Event: Platte City, MO. Antique Tractor and Truck show. Sep 14 - Regular Meeting: Riverside, MO. All Truck Nationals at E.F. Young Park. Sep 20-21 - Event: McClouth, KS. Antique equipment show. Oct 18-19 - Event: Bonner Springs, KS. OOIDA Trucking Show. Nov - Regular Meeting: Kansas City, MO. Fellowship Chili at headquarters. Dec - Event: To be determined. Got news? Please feel free to send any event information that would be of interest to chapter members to your newsletter editor Pete Loughlin via eThree Trails Chapter ATHS mail at [email protected] for adding to the newsletter’s Calendar of Events. Platte County Show - August 2013 LeeAnn Johnson Special Events Committee This committee plans and coordinates activities that would enhance Chapter membership and promote the ATHS. Contact either of the members listed to share your ideas. Rick Knox - e-mail: [email protected] phone: 816 228-1422 Rick Cekovsky - [email protected] phone: 913 208-3298 4. September/October 2013 You may also have your suggested event posted on our chapter’s website by filling in the attached Chapter Event form and sending to LeeAnn Johnson at [email protected]. Her mailing address is 24065 County Line Rd., Edgerton, MO 64444. Platte County Show - August 2013 LeeAnn Johnson Classifieds WANTED: Truck and trucking related, refrigerator magnates. Contact David Reynolds at 816 787-4227. WANTED: Pair of used, decent mobile home/low boy tires, reasonably priced. Size 7.00 X 14.5”. Contact Pete Loughlin at 816 356-5005 or [email protected]. TO SELL: Trailer, $200. Homemade to fit Model T Ford. Loading ramps are removable. Contact Pete Loughlin at 816 356-5005 or [email protected]. The Rules - Chapter member ads are FREE. - Deadline for ads is the 10th of the month prior to the next meeting. -Ads listed more than six months may be removed. -Business ads are $5 per issue or $50 per year. -Send ad items to editor Pete Loughlin at [email protected]. -Make checks to “Three Trails Chapter ATHS” and mail to chapter treasurer LeeAnn Johnson at 24065 County Road B, Edgerton, MO 64444. Three Trails Chapter ATHS 5. September/October 2013 Three Trails Chapter ATHS 6. September/October 2013 Calendar Event Event Title: __________________________________________________________________ Description (Details to be published): ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Event Time: Date:________________ All day? (Yes) (No) Start Time _______________ End time ___________ Event Location: Venue Name: __________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________ State: ______________ Zip _________ Phone: _______________________ Event Organizer Details: Organizer’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________ Email: ________________________________________ (or [email protected]) Cost: ___________ Submitted by:____________________________________________ Date: _____________ ************************************************************************************* This newsletter is the official publication of the Three Trails Chapter of the American Truck Historical Society and is published before each bi-monthly meeting. Annual chapter dues are $15 per year and membership in the national ATHS is required per chapter by-laws. National dues are $42 per year for an individual and $52 per year for a family, which includes a subscription to “Wheels of Time” magazine and the annual “Showtime” Convention Truck Show Edition. Contact any officer at a meeting or show or by using the information contained herein. ************************************************************************************* Three Trails Chapter ATHS 7. September/October 2013 Three Trails Chapter American Truck Historical Society Pete Loughlin 13305 East 50th Terrace Kansas City, MO 64133 Three Trails Chapter ATHS 8. September/October 2013
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