September / October 2015 - American Truck Historical Society
September / October 2015 - American Truck Historical Society
Down the Trail Bi-Monthly Newsletter for the Three Trails Chapter - American Truck Historical Society Volume 13, Issue 5 September/October 2015 President’s Message - Dave Reynolds This has been a great year of activities for our chapter members so far. We were able to reach a larger audience at the Touch-ATruck event in Bonner Springs this year with our new location up on the gravel road. Leon's Truck Farm Pete Loughlin Our tour of Dean Weller's Old Ford Garage in DeSoto was inspiring. Dean is an artist using mostly model A Fords as his medium. He is able to hand build any part he needs and completes a project a year. Touch-A-Truck Pete Loughlin The quilt raffle was held that day and was won by a co-worker of Jackie Thomas'. We had a great picnic lunch at Leon Rieke's farm in Eudora. He opened his barn for a tour of several trucks and various equipment in his collection. And one of our members caught a Bass in the adjacent pond ... after lunch, though. She released it back to grow some more. Grandpa's Old Ford Garage Pete Loughlin President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Newsletter E-Mail Site Dave Reynolds Rick Knox Rob Thomas Rick Cekovsky Pete Loughlin Chapter Chatter Three Trails Chapter ATHS 816 787-4227 816 228-1422 816 625-3787 913 208-3298 816 356-5005 n/a 1 n/a [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] September/October 2015 Our next chapter meeting will be our Annual Meeting held at 9:00am during the All Truck Nationals in Riverside on September 12th. Come even if you do not bring a truck. We need to start hearing ideas for next year's chapter activities. We will also discuss how our members might help the Genuine Chevrolet and GMC Truck Club manage the event that day. Their Benefit Auction will be held on the 13th around noon, just prior to the awards being given out. Our final meeting of 2015 will be in November at Headquarters for our Annual Chili Fellowship feast. As we close this active year together, be prepared to suggest what activities you would like to keep or add for next year. We have invited the Genuine Chevrolet and GMC Truck Club, the Greater Kansas City Caterpillar Club, the ATHS Wheat State Chapter and the ATHS Four State Chapter to our Chili Fellowship, also. We welcome hearing about their successful activities of this past year, too. And be prepared to vote for your choice of breakfast for our January meeting: Biscuits and Gravy or Pancakes and Sausage! Hope to see all of you in Riverside. equipment, fishing his pond and eating lunch together, we will caravan to Dean Weller's model A Ford collection in DeSoto Kansas. Treasurer’s Report - Rob Thomas Balance as of 3/31/2015: $3,141.84 Expenses: 19.60 Stamps Income/Deposits: 45.00 Dues 80.00 Quilt Raffle Balance as of 6/30/2015: $3,247.24 Meet My Truck - Pete Loughlin Restoring Ms. Flem: 1956 LCF Chevrolet 5700. Removing Ms. Flem's front bumper resulted in several stressed bolts being broken in two. It had been twisted, dented and gouged during its former life as a farm truck and was wedged in place between the truck frame rails. Once removed from the truck, a hydraulic press and wooden blocks were used to slowly restore the original contours on this heavy gauge steel. July Minutes 2015 - Pete Loughlin Eleven members were present at our chapter meeting held on July 11th, 2005 at the Touch-A-Truck event in Bonner Springs, Kansas. Agreement was heard on the location adjacent to the road for getting our heavy trucks in and out of the venue, especially after recent rains. We discussed the chapter event coming up on August 22nd at Leon Rieke's farm on 135th Street in Olathe, Kansas. After touring his Twisted Bumper in the Beginning Pete Loughlin Three Trails Chapter ATHS 2 September/October 2015 Grinding and Blasting Completed Pete Loughlin Pressing the Bumper Pete Loughlin Burrs, left from chain hooks used to pull the truck out of the field mud, were ground down and contoured with hand files. The whole bumper was sandblasted and the deeper gouges were filled with bondo. Final sanding and priming was applied and the finished bumper was wrapped in breathable fabric to await the final paint color, India Ivory. The next task is to straighten the tow hook plates that are riveted on the truck frame rails, just behind the bumper. The bumper's mounting holes align with their counterparts in these plates. They need to be straightened before a proper remounting of the bumper can occur. The final step will be to find bumper bolts that are not chrome plated. Scratches Filled and Prime Painted Pete Loughlin Three Trails Chapter ATHS 3 September/October 2015 Little Known Special Events Committee The fattest knight at King Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference who acquired his size from too much pi. This committee plans and coordinates activities that would enhance Chapter membership and promote the ATHS. Contact either of the members listed to share your ideas. Calendar of Events Rick Knox - e-mail: [email protected] phone: 816 228-1422 Rick Cekovsky - [email protected] phone: 913 208-3298 Jan 10 - Regular Meeting: Kansas City, MO. Chapter Breakfast at ATHS Headquarters with $15 Chapter dues. Mar 21 - Regular Meeting: Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. Apr 4 - Event: Raytown, MO. Mingle on the Green show + parade. Apr 18 - Event: Newton, KS. Wheat State Chapter Show. Apr 25 - Event: Milo, MO. Whole Hog Roast at Agee's museum. May 15 - Event: Kansas City, MO. Inland Truck Show. May 16 - Regular Meeting: Lee's Summit, MO. 150th Year City Equipment Show. May 16 - Event: Inola, OK. Hartland Sooner Chapter Show. May 25-30 - Event: York, PA. ATHS National Convention. Jun 10-13 - Event: Sedalia, MO. Red Power Roundup. Jun 12-14 - Event: Oak Grove, MO. Trucker's Jamboree. Jun 19-21 - Event: Adrian, MO. Buddy Sombart truck show. Jly 11 - Regular Meeting: Bonner Springs, KS. Touch-A-Truck. Jly 18 - Event: Pleasant Hill, MO. Hillbilly Hotrod Hootenanny. Aug 22 - Event: Eudora, KS. Leon Rieke's Picnic Truck-In. Aug 15 - Event: Sedalia, MO. Missouri State Fair Display. Sep 12 - Annual Meeting: Riverside, MO. All Truck Nationals at E.F. Young Park. Nov 14 - Regular Meeting: Kansas City, MO. Fellowship Chili at Headquarters. Three Trails Chapter ATHS You may also have your suggested event posted on our chapter’s website by filling in a Chapter Event form and sending to Rick Cekovsky at [email protected]. His mailing address is 17531 West 111th Place, Olathe, Kansas 66061. Chapter Website - Rob Thomas The Chapter has a website sponsored through the National ATHS website. You can link directly from the National ATHS site by going to the chapter tab for our Three Trails Chapter from their menu and clicking on the link. Or you can type the address into your browser. The chapter email is [email protected] If you have any question about these sites, feel free to email me through the chapter email or, for those who do not have email, call me at 816 625-3787. Classifieds WANTED: Truck and trucking related, refrigerator magnets. Contact David Reynolds at 816 787-4227. 4 September/October 2015 WANTED: Tachometer cable to fit mid 60’s Ford medium/heavy duty trucks with 361/391FT distributor. I have the distributor and tach, now need cable. Please contact Chris Lula, 913-396-3546, or [email protected]. - Chapter member ads are FREE. - Deadline for ads is the 10th of the month prior to the next meeting. -Ads listed more than six months may be removed. -Business ads are $5 per issue or $50 per year. -Send ad items to editor Pete Loughlin at [email protected]. -Make checks to “Three Trails Chapter ATHS” and mail to chapter treasurer Robert Thomas, 1701 Mannaseh St., Oak Grove, MO 64075. Leon's Farm 8-22-15 Pete Loughlin Photos from Current Chapter Events Leon's Farm 8-22-15 Pete Loughlin Touch-A-Truck 7-11-15 Pete Loughlin Leon's Farm 8-22-15 Leon's Farm 8-22-15 Three Trails Chapter ATHS Pete Loughlin Pete Loughlin 5 September/October 2015 Leon's Farm 8-22-15 Leon's Farm Pete Loughlin 8-22-15 Dean's Old Ford Garage 8-22-15 Dean's Old Ford Garage Pete Loughlin 8-22-15 Three Trails Chapter ATHS Pete Loughlin Dean's Old Ford Garage Dean's Old Ford Garage 8-22-15 Pete Loughlin 8-22-15 Pete Loughlin 6 Pete Loughlin September/October 2015 Three Trails Chapter ATHS 7 September/October 2015 Three Trails Chapter American Truck Historical Society Pete Loughlin 13305 East 50th Terrace Kansas City, MO 64133 ************************************************************************************* This newsletter is the official publication of the Three Trails Chapter of the American Truck Historical Society and is published before each bi-monthly meeting. Annual chapter dues are $15 per year and membership in the national ATHS is required per chapter by-laws. National dues are $42 per year for an individual and $52 per year for a family, which includes a subscription to “Wheels of Time” magazine and the annual “Showtime” Convention Truck Show Edition. Contact any officer at a meeting or show or by using the information contained herein. ************************************************************************************* Three Trails Chapter ATHS 8 September/October 2015
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