2012 Annual Report - The Julian Center


2012 Annual Report - The Julian Center
Beyond Shelter
From the Executive Director
he theme of this annual report, Beyond Shelter, highlights the range of
services and programs we offer in addition to the emergency care for which
The Julian Center is best known. It also reflects our goal for the women and
children we serve: To move survivors of domestic violence beyond shelter into
a life of safety and self-sufficiency.
In addition to our well-respected and highly visible shelter, the Julian
Center provides a continuum of services that are perhaps lesser known but
just as critical to each family’s journey beyond shelter. You will read about
them here as you get to know one of our clients.
Through these services, the Julian Center saves lives and changes lives.
But while we tend to individual and family needs, we recognize a much larger
societal need as well. Through outreach and education, we’re working to reduce the social and economic impact of domestic violence in our community.
Please help us, with your support in the form of gifts, volunteerism and
awareness. Domestic violence is pervasive. It can happen to anyone of any
race, age, sexual orientation, religion or gender. It affects people of all socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels. One in four adult women will
experience domestic violence at some point in her lifetime, according to a
December 2011 CDC study: Someone we know—a friend, a family member,
a co-worker, a neighbor—has experienced domestic violence, is suffering
abuse now or will in the future, and each of us can do something to prevent it.
Best regards,
Melissa Pershing
2012 by the Numbers
•In 2012, we reached more victims
of domestic violence than in any
single year in our 38-year history:
6,841 women and children through
emergency shelter, transitional
housing, counseling center, outreach and permanent housing.
•Outreach advocates working
within the IMPD made 6,610
attempts to offer services and
protection to other victims—over
and beyond the 6,841 served.
•Consistent with previous years,
91 percent of the clients coming
into our shelter live in poverty,
reporting an annual income at or
below $15,000.
and children; and provided 4,739
hours of therapeutic counseling,
family therapy and art therapy in
the Sara I. and Albert G. Reuben
Counseling Center.
•Of the women who came to
shelter in 2012, 29 percent had
been in our shelter more than
once over the past 10 years.
•Our 24-hour Crisis Call Line
received 5,735 crisis calls.
•Our licensed mental health
professionals served 728 women
•We assisted 453 clients with
legal issues such as bankruptcy,
child support, custody, divorce
and immigration.
A Family Beyond Shelter
shlee* is a soft-spoken young woman who cries easily
and lowers her eyes as she talks about growing up in a
turbulent home with an oppressive father. As desperately as her mother tried to shield Ashlee and her four
siblings, domestic violence was their family secret, and
hiding in a closet or under a bed is among her earliest
So when she became pregnant at 15, and her boyfriend
began handling her roughly—it started with berating
and shoving—Ashlee thought his behavior was “normal.”
Like her mother, she kept their secret; after all, it was
his job that fed, clothed and housed them.
Ashlee did try to leave, more than once. But without
family nearby, and with no education, job skills, childcare
or car, she had few options. Her boyfriend apologized
every time and promised it would never happen again.
“When you don’t love yourself, and this person is the
only one who says he loves you, it’s hard to get out,”
she struggles to explain. They had a second child.
Over the years, her partner’s drug use and jealousy of
the children escalated. Then one sweltering summer day
he knocked out two of Ashlee’s front teeth and broke
her jaw, threatening to kill her and take custody of their
son and daughter, who were now 5 and 8, so that no one
in her family would ever see them again. The children
heard it all.
Services Beyond Shelter
Emergency Care
For domestic violence victims in imminent
danger, the Crisis Call Center is a lifeline to
safety; but a woman’s call for help is likely
one of the most difficult she will ever make.
It’s the first step on a long journey toward
a violence-free life, and the road ahead is
The Julian Center bridges a life left
behind and a new beginning.
Clients come to the shelter through
varied referrals and from volatile situations.
Some who call from the scene of their
violence are asked to walk to a public
place, where the center sends a taxi to
bring them to safety. The Julian Center
wraps each victim first in emergency shelter,
case management, counseling and, if she
is injured, healthcare. Daycare, schooling,
child-specific therapy, programming and
safe playgrounds serve her children. The
local Humane Society will even house her
Services are intensive—and in demand.
In 2012 the Julian Center added ten beds
in dedicated overflow space, critically
important during summer months when
children are home from school and in the
“line of fire.” Two smaller rooms with two
beds each were added to accommodate
severely traumatized clients or those
suffering from a mental illness. A new
reading room offers treasured quiet space
within the building.
An average stay in shelter is from three
to four weeks. In that time, survivors work
with their case manager to ensure progress
toward goals they have set for themselves.
It isn’t easy. Not all stay, and not all successfully leave their intimate partner the
first time. But for those who do, The Julian
Center wraps the family in outreach services
that include case management; referrals
to community resources for job training,
employment and housing; transitional
housing; and eventually, safe and affordable
permanent housing. The survivor can
obtain ongoing counseling, access to a
food pantry, legal services, life skills, and
help in a job search and job training.
Julian Center staff need care, too. An
organizational cultural assessment conducted in 2012 identified a need for expanded
staff-support programs. “It’s challenging
work,” acknowledges Betsy Whaley, deputy
director. “It’s vicariously traumatizing. A
good network of peer support is critical to
staff members’ ability to stay and serve our
Sara I. and Albert G. Reuben
Counseling Center
At the critical point that a woman and her
children flee domestic violence, their lives
are in chaos, says Julian Center Clinical
Director Bart Ferraro. While the shelter
provides a safe place where the woman
can steady herself physically and emotionally, counseling supports that stabilization.
As the client moves from the shelter to
transitional housing, counseling evolves
with her. Once her environmental stresses
subside, counseling helps her focus on
deeper emotional issues and begin to
rebuild her self-esteem.
The Reuben Counseling Center has
increased its range of offerings and has
become a hub for training as well as
services. At its heart is individual, longterm, trauma-related therapy. In 2012 the
Counseling Center expanded individual
and group art therapy programming, both
to meet increasing demand and because
women respond so well to the opportunities that art therapy provides.
Therapeutic counseling found a new
home on The Julian Center campus in
2011. In addition to its long association
with the shelter, the licensed mental health
professionals at the Reuben Counseling
Center also serve members of the community, who find the center independently or
on the recommendation of social workers,
doctors, hospitals, and other professionals.
Ashlee managed to call 911 on an emergency cell
phone that police officers had given to her on a prior
call. When IMPD officers and the Julian Center
advocate assigned to their district arrived at the chaotic
scene, Ashlee was transported to the hospital for medical
care. Child Protective Services took the children, and
her disbelieving partner was subdued and arrested.
The advocate followed up at the hospital and offered
detailed information about The Julian Center. She
helped Ashlee reclaim her children from CPS, file the
necessary legal paperwork and move to shelter the next
day. It all happened so fast, Ashlee was still in shock
during her Julian Center intake interview.
They’d lived in fear for so long that their first night
of safety felt too quiet. She expected him to hunt them
The family remained in shelter for 24 days. Ashlee
and her children received intensive therapy as Julian
Center staff helped her begin to formulate a plan for a
different kind of life. She was overwhelmed at what she
needed to learn, and she was still terrified.
From the shelter, the family moved to transitional
housing within the Julian Center complex, a comfortable
room with bunk beds and a private bathroom. Ashlee
and her children shared their meals in a multipurpose
room with other residents. The shelter director, case
manager and children’s program manager guided them
as they took advantage of counseling and art therapy,
support groups, legal services, onsite child tutoring and
the medical clinic.
During the 19 months the family spent in transitional
housing, Ashlee decided to continue her own education
while her children attended an early-childhood program
and Indianapolis Public School located at the Julian
Center. She used public transportation to work toward
a high school diploma at the Excel Center, where the
student who was once branded as distracted and
unmotivated did indeed excel. Then she set her sights
higher, on a nursing program at Ivy Tech.
The Julian Center connected Ashlee with the Give
Back a Smile program of the American Academy of
Cosmetic Dentistry Charitable Foundation, and a local
dental professional restored her smile. She paid the
program’s application fee with 10 hours of community
service in the Center.
The family’s last move was into The Julian Center’s
supportive permanent housing at 3400 North Meridian
Street. 34 North’s dedicated case manager helped
Ashlee furnish their apartment using vouchers at Thrifty
Threads and access the Julian Center’s food pantry.
She continued to receive counseling and therapy, and
she completed a weekly self-sufficiency curriculum that
helped her develop the life skills she missed early on.
From this training, she joined Circles® of Support and
became one of the Julian Center’s 29 Circles Leaders.
Her children, too, receive ongoing therapy and have
learned better ways to express anger than lashing out
and hitting. “I don’t want my daughter to go through
what I’ve been through, and I don’t want my son to do
that,” their mother says.
She aspires, someday, to rent a small house with a
yard for her children.
Services extend beyond issues related
to domestic violence. Treatment programs
include short- and longer-term individual
therapy, family therapy, group therapy, play
therapy, art therapy, psycho-educational
groups, psychological testing and outreach
New Life Transitional Housing
Women who enter the shelter with few or
no resources take time to heal emotionally
and financially in transitional housing.
Occupancy remained stable throughout
2012; transitional housing is nearly always
full or has a waitlist.
It’s far more than a roof. It’s a program
to help women regain their confidence and
security; to figure out a plan; and to start
moving away from the past and into a future
built on self-sufficiency and a violence-free
home. A Julian Center advocate works with
them every step of the way.
Families and individuals live dormitorystyle in 13 units within The Julian Center.
Safety is a top priority for the many
residents who still feel in danger. During
an average stay of 18 months, they’ll
attend counseling and therapy, and work
hard to acquire financial skills and an
education or stable employment. Onsite
child mentoring and tutoring sessions,
legal services and a medical clinic help
them focus on moving forward.
They’ll also connect with community
resources through The Julian Center’s
many partnerships throughout the state.
Women’s Case Manager Emily Hickman
has seen families enter through the shelter
and leave from transitional housing. Along
the way their children have celebrated one
or two birthdays at The Julian Center. “As
happy and excited as I am for them when
they leave, it’s bittersweet,” Hickman says.
“You get to know clients very well.”
34 North
It used to be that when clients left the Julian
Center shelter, they faced undesirable
choices that included renting an inadequate,
unsecured place or moving back with their
abuser. When the Julian Center opened
an apartment complex at 34th and North
Meridian Streets in July 2010, no roadmap
existed for the level of supportive permanent housing envisioned there. The idea
of an onsite case manager was novel and
untried in Central Indiana.
Now in its third year, the previously
steep learning curve associated with 34
North has leveled out, protocols are in
place and residents continue to benefit
from The Julian Center’s individualized
case management and services. New in
2012 was an onsite program in which an
intern conducts a weekly art therapy
session for children.
34 North Case Manager Christal
Esposito provides personal support that
might be as simple as securing a bus pass
or as complex as mediating a conflict. “It’s
extremely demanding some days, while
some days are very energizing,” she says.
Of the domestic violence survivors, she
adds: “There’s so much progress.”
34 North answers a community need
for permanent affordable housing and is a
mixed facility; 17 of the 71 apartment
units are supportive housing reserved for
domestic violence survivors. Occupancy
in 2012 remained at 95 percent or above;
open units are nearly always filled as soon
as they are vacated.
The Children
Deputy Director Betsy Whaley, whose
association with The Julian Center began
in 1996, has observed firsthand that
domestic violence is generational. She
has watched clients who once came to The
Julian Center with their mothers return—
this time with their own children in tow.
This chronology of Ashlee’s journey likely doesn’t
reflect how difficult it is—and the intensive support
required—for one poorly equipped woman to end a
generational cycle of domestic violence. She has had
frustrations, setbacks and moments of despair, but she
thinks all of those are better than hopelessness. She
knows she has come a long way but also sometimes feels
overwhelmed at what still lies ahead. Her therapist
encourages her to build on her assets: She has some
self-esteem for the first time in her life. She has a safe
home for herself and her children. She is in school, and
she has education and employment goals.
“If it weren’t for the Julian Center, I would probably
be dead today,” she says. “I arrived feeling like I was
nothing, and the ladies there opened their arms to me
and helped me get to where I’m at today. I was able to
see that there was good in the world.
“It’s hard to relive it,” she adds, fresh tears falling.
Then Ashlee wipes her eyes, steels her spine and sits
up straighter: “But if reliving it might help one other
woman, then I want them to know about The Julian
*Name has been changed.
Issues Beyond Shelter
“Why Doesn’t She Just Leave?”
t’s an obvious question, most frequently asked by
people who have never experienced domestic violence
and who assume that leaving ends it.
In fact, leaving creates the greatest danger. Women
are at highest risk of injury when separating from or
divorcing a partner. More than 70 percent of domestic
violence murders happen after the victim has ended the
relationship. Victims fear for themselves, their children
and even their pets.
Almost all try to leave at some point. Some victims
do leave after the first incident of domestic violence and
never return. But more typically, leaving is a process—
one that many survivors repeat several times before
escaping for good.
Social and cultural factors play a role in the process.
Violence might be a familiar pattern for the victim as
well as for her intimate partner. Victims frequently have
been systematically stripped of their self-worth and
isolated from their support networks.
In addition to psychological barriers, they face daunting obstacles: finding safe and affordable housing, child
care, transportation, police protection, legal representation, money, insurance, mental health treatment, and
education and employment.
However, as attested to by the numbers in this annual
report and by The Julian Center’s expansion of services
and capacity to meet community need, many victims
do leave. And leaving is just the first courageous step
toward rebuilding violence-free, independent lives for
themselves and their children.
“That’s the reason we have to increase
self-sufficiency—to stop the cycle of
violence and generational poverty and to
give these kids a better chance,” she says.
Children who live in homes where
domestic violence occurs are hurt whether
they are physically injured or not, and
roughly half of clients served by The Julian
Center are school-aged. They are among
more than 3 million American children who
witness domestic violence every year. This
trauma puts them at greater risk for anxiety
and depression, and for behaviors such as
fighting, bullying, lying or cheating. They
are four times more likely to become victims or perpetrators themselves.
While the Counseling Center provides
therapy specifically for young victims,
the shelter sees to their academic needs,
with an Indianapolis Public Schools K-8
classroom and half-day Early Education
Enrichment on site, and a special summer
program. In 2012 academic efforts were
supplemented by the Schools on Wheels
volunteer program, which brought one-onone tutoring to children in the shelter.
Julian Center volunteers also renovated
the playroom, while a new children’s library
encourages clients of all ages to experience
the joy of reading.
Circles® of Support
A dozen or more Julian Center clients of all
ages gather in the dining hall of Tabernacle
Presbyterian Church Thursday evenings,
along with professional staff and community
volunteers who are there to support them.
Their overriding goal, explains leader Marie
Wiese, “is to become the author of their
own story, not just a participant in it.”
While domestic violence occurs among
all economic classes, it is particularly
entrapping when coupled with poverty.
A Julian Center-sponsored program of the
Circles® of Support initiative offers a path
toward self-sufficiency.
Participants complete a 16-week curriculum in which they evaluate their lives, learn
the unwritten cultural rules of employment
and financial prosperity, and develop
life skills to thrive in society. Then they
are matched with two to four community
volunteers who join together in Circles® of
Support to encourage each woman as she
transitions out of poverty.
Data from other Circles® communities
indicates that participants increase income,
go back to school, find stable housing,
manage finances, become better parents,
build social capital and realize their dreams
instead of being overwhelmed by hopelessness.
IPD/Baker One
The Julian Center reached out to the community in 2012 in part through Centers of
Hope, a statewide hospital network that
offers treatment, advocacy, legal services
coordination, and evidence collection and
preservation for victims of sexual assault
and domestic violence.
Other Julian Center training targets
physicians in residence, because victims
often seek medical help before they contact law enforcement; and in-home safety
for social workers. And The Julian Center is
talking in the community about teen dating
violence: “The younger we can intervene
with victims and offenders, the better we
can keep them from remaining victims and
offenders,” says DV Projects Supervisor
Jennifer Reister.
The Julian Center has an outreach
advocate in five of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department’s six districts for
immediate crisis intervention and follow-up
with each victim. In a natural extension
of this partnership, the Julian Center and
IMPD worked together to bring Baker
One to the city. The project identifies
patterns of lesser “indicator” crimes for
intervention before they escalate into
domestic violence assault or homicide.
It was piloted in one IMPD district and
became a department-wide initiative in
Human Trafficking
uman trafficking occurs when people are recruited
to work or provide services through force, fraud or
coercion. It’s the fastest growing and second largest
criminal industry in the world, generating about $32
billion annually.
And despite public perception to the contrary, it
exists in Indiana, from labor trafficking in rural areas
to sex trafficking at truck stops and around major
sporting events.
The Julian Center is a victim services partner in
a statewide awareness and prevention effort, and a
clearinghouse for resources, information and training.
The Julian Center continued in 2012 to serve victims,
both U.S. citizens and foreign-born, who share one
characteristic—vulnerability. They include domestic
clients coming out of forced prostitution and who have
been victims of abuse; foreign-born women in servile
marriages, held captive in their homes; and foreign-born
women without documentation who are transported
throughout the United States in prostitution rings. In
most cases, “victims believe the promises, or that they
have a contract or a debt to pay,” says Coordinator
Laura Harms.
In addition to providing them with a range of services
that include housing assistance and counseling, The
Julian Center is part of statewide efforts to train law
enforcement and health care providers to recognize the
symptoms that may identify victims of human trafficking.
They look like many of the children, teenagers, men and
women you see—but really don’t see—every day.
Domestic Violence in the Workplace
omestic violence doesn’t stay home; it sometimes gets
up and goes to work with its victims. The Julian Center’s
prevention efforts include raising awareness of domestic
violence as a workplace issue.
According to a 2012 study of workplace homicides
among U.S. women, 142 of the 648 women killed in
their place of employment from 2003 to 2008—22
percent—were the victims of current or former intimate
The economic impact of domestic violence is staggering.
The CDC estimates that abused women missed nearly
8 million days of paid work in a single year—the equivalent of losing more than 32,000 full-time jobs from the
U.S. economy.
A victim’s absenteeism could result from injuries,
mental health problems and fear of the abuser locating
her at her workplace. Her reduced productivity might
be due to lowered self-esteem, elevated stress, depression, poor concentration, and other mental and physical
health issues stemming from the violence. If her friends
and family members miss work to help her, productivity
costs multiply.
The Julian Center is spreading the word through
workplace violence-prevention programs. Company
officials and human resource managers learn strategies
to prevent and respond to intimate partner violence—
policy-making, action plans, training, communications
and security. The goal is to create a workplace safe for
everyone, and a corporate culture in which employees
can be confident they will not be penalized for seeking
help for themselves, their families or co-workers.
June 2012, and a recent $900,000 federal
grant ensures its extension for two years.
Baker One offenders are offered resources for help, while their victims receive
Julian Center support and guidance. The
largest project of its kind in the nation,
Marion County’s Baker One is still in its
data-collection stage. However, its unusual
collaboration of a social service agency,
police department and prosecutor is
attracting interest from around the country,
and Julian Center staff even made a
presentation to a delegation from Jordan.
Thrifty Threads
Thrifty Threads has a reputation as one of
the best consignment stores in the city, but
first-time customers are often pleasantly
surprised to learn that their purchases
directly benefit The Julian Center.
Donations of goods from the public, as
well as from other consignment shops and
retail outlets, attract shoppers to an everchanging inventory of clothing, furniture,
linens, accessories, books and toys. A
portion of sales from a separate boutique
within the store, operated by the National
Council of Jewish Women, also supports
Julian Center programs. In-store volunteers
—many placed there through corporate
and community service partners—are key
to the effort.
But Thrifty Threads isn’t just about
generating funds. Shelter residents and
Julian Center clients receive vouchers to
replace personal belongings lost when
they fled domestic violence. Women and
children often leave a turbulent home with
little more than the clothes on their backs.
With more than 90 percent of Julian Center
clients living at or below the federal poverty
threshold, most cannot afford to replace
items they sacrificed to get to safety.
“I see a lot of families,” says Store
Manager Maumi VanKirk. “I see how good
they feel when they can provide clothing
and shoes for their children.”
Thanks to Our Volunteers
2012 Revenues
United Way
Public Support
United Way
Government Contracts
Thrifty Threads
Total Revenue
2012 Expenses
Transitional Housing
Counseling Center
Transitional Housing
Thrifty Threads
Total Expense
Ms. Lauren Alexander
Mrs. Diane Allen
Ms. Faith Allen-Lyles
Miss La’Shea Anderson
Ms. Vicki Ankersen
Mr. Steven R. Baker
Mrs. Megan Baranowski
Mrs. Khedra Barclay
Ms. Dawn Bates
Ms. Misty Black
Mrs. Sandra Blanton
Ms. Cassy Brown
Ms. Jane E. Bultman
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Burnett
Mrs. Katie Busby
Ms. Soray Calim
Ms. Liezel Carver
Miss Zoe Castellano
Miss Monica Cender
Ms. Kendra Clauser
Miss Erin Coatney
Ms. Carwanda Coffey
Ms. Kendra L. Conover
Miss Nicole Cox
Ms. Allison Crain
Mr. John Crawford
Mrs. Abby Crowder
Mr. Andrew Cupp
Ms. Jamie Delagrange
Mr. Jacob Dembar
Miss Morgan Deno
Ms. Paula Didrick
Ms. Linda S. Dillon
Miss Hope Disbro
Ms. Elizabeth Dunn
Ms. Mallory Dye
Ms. Lindsay Eastman
Miss Katrina Eddie
Miss Allie Ellsworth
Mrs. Kimberly Embrey
Mr. Richard Erpe
Ms. Whitley Evans
Mrs. Jennifer Fedor
Miss Claire Findley
Mrs. Robin Findley
Miss Tamila Garbuz
Miss Maria Gabrielle Garciaserra
Miss Courtney Hacker
Miss Kelly Hansen
Ms. Jule Hapak
Ms. Hiliary Hicks
Ms. Stacy M. Hine
Mr. and Mrs. Jon House
Miss Kathryn Hubbard
Ms. Jordan Huber
Ms. Shawanna Humbert
Ms. Meghan Jansen
Miss Chloe Jenkins
Ms. Wendalyn Jenkins
Ms. Patricia Johnson
Courtney and Ross Kanzinger
Ms. Pamela S. Kelly
Miss Amanda Kieser
Ms. Ashley Kinker
Dawn Knipe
Ms. Larissa Koshatka
Miss Melissa Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kraft
Miss Valerie Kraft
Miss Patricia Krempely
Miss Paige Kuper
Mr. Joel Ladd
Mr. Paul Lahr
Ms. Morgan Landers
Miss LeAnne Lautzenhiser
Dr. Frans Lautzenhiser
Mr. Aaron Lerch
Ms. Dana Lewis
Mr. Lonzo Mabry
Ms. Marla McFarland
Ms. Jeanie Meade
Mr. Kurt Melin
Mrs. Karen Metzger
Ms. Jennifer Miles
Ms. Kate Moore
Mr. William Morris
Miss Nicole Mungal-Stille
Mrs. Jami Nielsen
Miss Erin Ogden
Ms. Maggie O’Hara
Ms. Gabrielle Olivera
Mr. Jesse Pitzer
Mrs. Keysta Pope-Waites
Miss Da’Nazha Price
Mrs. Kathy Prince-Williams
Ms. Melissa Rafferty
Miss Chelsea Reese
Miss Samantha Rhodus
Mrs. April Rivers
Ms. Barbara Robinson
Ms. Samantha Romantini
Miss Talisha Rose
Mr. Christopher Ross
Jacob Ryan
Mrs. Julia Ryan
Ms. Fatimah Safder
Mr. Grant Schinbeckler
Mrs. Lesley Schinbeckler
Ms. Vanessa Schultz
Mr. Nirav N. Shah
Mr. Evan Shearin
Ms. Erica Siddeeq
Mrs. Joyce Smith
Mr. and Mrs. C. Alan Snyder
Ms. Melissa Sokolski
Ms. Summre Steurg
Ms. Janet L. Stimac
Miss Emma Strenski
Miss Erin Tekulve
Mrs. Vivian Thomas
Ms. Rose Timpe
Ms. Crystal Treadwell
Ms. Abigayle Valdivia
Mr. and Mrs. Trent Van Hoosen
Ms. Elina Voronovsky
Miss Kathryn Wefler
Mrs. Lauren Weintraut
Ms. Adrianne Wilson
Mr. D’alan Wilson
Miss Brianna Wilson
Ms. Valorie Witherell
Ms. Shirley Woodard
Marshall Worthington
Ms. Lydia Yates
Thanks to Our Donors
Gregory Abernathy and Mary Pell
Ms. Andrea M. Ackermann
Ms. Gloria J. Acoff
Mr. Brian Acton
Gloria Adams
Ms. Erin Adell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Ahern
Kalpana Tummala and Devendra K.
Mrs. Janice T. Albert
Vicki and James Alderman
Daron Aldrich
Alkhemer Alialy
Jeannie and Darrel Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Allen
Ms. Judy M. Allen
Ms. Zetra Allen
Mrs. and Mr. Jamie D. Almond
Mr. Chris Anders
Dr. Susan M. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Anderson
Ms. Krista A. Anderson
Ms. Nancy E. Anderson
Victor O. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Victor P. Andrade
Ms. Katie Angel
Ms. Mary L. Angelicchio
Ms. Michelle Angelovic
Ms. Vicki Ankersen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Anthony
Ms. Thelma R. Antolin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Archibald
Ms. Jennifer Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Arnold
Ms. Alesha G. Arnold
Sue E. Arnold
Christin Ashcraft
Peggy J. Atwell
Jennifer M. Ault
Ms. Mary Aurtrey
Gwen Aviah-gyebi
Zainab Awelenje
Mrs. Barbara E. Ayers
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ayre
Dr. and Mrs. Emerson M. Babb
Mr. and Mrs. Tim D. Bachus
Dr. M. Affan Badar and Dr. Sadia Saba
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bader
Christine and Chad Bailey
Monte Bailey
Ms. Michele D. Bailey
Ms. Pauline Bailey
Ms. and Mrs. Jerri B. Bain
Ms. Jeannette R. Baird
Ms. Paula J. Baker
Terry Baker
Mr. Dan Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Jairo A. Ballesteros
Ms. Nora A. Bammann
Rick Banter
Ms. Bridgette Bargo
Mr. and Mrs. Eric T. Barker
The Honorable Sarah Evans Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Clay T. Barnes
Mrs. Anna Barnes
Ms. Laura Barnes
Ms. Trinity Barnes
Alex Barnstead
Ms. Vicki E. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Barrick
Ms. Chanda Barrick
Mrs. Audrey Barron
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Bartholomew
Aylin A. Bartlett
Mr. and Mrs. Jac G. Bartlett
Mrs. Dee L. Bassett
Ms. Sarah Bauman
Mr. Jonathon Baumann
Ms. Jessica Baumann
Anthony and Colleen Baumgartner
Emily C. Walvoord and Gregory J. Bauwens
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Baxter
Mr. Don Beabout
Ms. Pam Beachley
Ms. Abby E. Beall
Dr. Keith Bean
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bean
Mr. Stephen D. Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Mark K. Bear
Ms. Angela Beard
Judith C. Beaty
Mr. Scott Beauchamp
Stephen and Lizzette Beaven
Ms. Donna Beeker
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bell
Ms. Lisa Bell
Ms. Torrance Benberry
Ms. Judith A. Beninger
Pamela Jean Bennett
Ms. Louise Bergmann
Lyn K. Berkebile
Mr. Brad Berman and Ms. Danielle Miller
Mr. David Berman
Ms. Evelyn Berry
Ms. Laura Berry and Mr. David Berman
Ms. Mary E. Berry
Ms. Marilynn Berry-Stamm
Mr. Thomas O. Bertrand
Susan Bettis and Michael Cabat
Mrs. Virginia D. Betts
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Beuoy
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Beyer, Jr.
Ross and Josefa Beyer
Mr. Ray Biederman
Josephine A. Biggers
Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Bilby
Ms. Cindi Bills
Ms. Donnesa J. Bilyeu
Ms. Kathy J. Birk
Gregory Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bishop
Barbara and Scott Bitzer
Ms. Barb Bitzer
Ms. Susan D. Bizzell and Mr. Eric Johnson
Mr. Benjamin M. Blackmon
Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Blake
Ms. Melinda J. Blakesley
Michael and Mary Blanchet
Ms. Amanda Blankenship
Ms. Vivian Blankenship
Mrs. Judith A. Blanton
Mrs. Sandra Blanton
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Board
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy J. Boarman
Mr. Troy Bodley
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boe
Mr. Daniel L. Boeglin
Ms. Stacey Boggs
Mr. and Mrs. Glen A. Bohannon
Ms. Krister Bokvist
Mrs. Amanda Bolbecker-Hosking
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bond
Ms. Linda A. Bond
H. Louise Bone
Ms. Mary Kay Bonner
Mr. Bryan Bonnici
Ms. Deborah Bonte
Ms. Nancy Boring
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Born
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Borschel
Ms. Amy Bostic
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Bowden
Ms. Denise D. Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Bowling
Ms. Heidi Boyd
Mr. Neal Brackett
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Bradbury
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Bradford
In Honor of and
in Memory of. . .
In Honor of Andrea Groner
Ms. Kelly Queener
In Honor of Angela Magrames
Daughters of Penelope – Kirke No. 26
In Honor of Ann M. DeLaney
Mr. and Mrs. George E. McGovern
In Honor of AT&T Employee Engagement
Ms. Deborah Rhodes
In Honor of Ben and Lori Blackmon
Mr. Robert Prox
In Honor of Bill and Lorraine Malcolm
Alex Ramion
In Honor of Brooke Kandel and Kumar Cisco
Ms. Lahna Durham
In Honor of Carmen Barnett
Tele Barnett
In Honor of Cathy Curry
Mr. Curtis G. Kays
In Honor of Cerridwen Hall
Dennis McCain
In Honor of Cheri O’Neill
Mrs. Angela I. C. Harris
Mrs. Chastity Gerhardt
Ms. Diane J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Justin A. Brady
Mrs. Susan L. Wilson
In Honor of Cheryl Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ross
In Honor of Cindy Tyree
Jeremiah Gibbs
In Honor of Clifford Marr
Ms. Lindsay Marr
In Honor of Colleen, Katie, Theresa and Mary
Roberta and Bill Witchger
In Honor of Dan and Beth Henkel
Heartland Unitarian Universalist Church
In Honor of Dave and Jane Shireman and
St. Ann’s Church
Ms. Theresa Hammersley
In Honor of David and Christina Morgenstern
Paula Minor
In Honor of David and Helen Muram
Mr. Leo Plouffe
In Honor of Dawson Goodell
Ms. Marissa Miller
In Honor of Debbie Long
Ms. Kimbra Naber
In Honor of Donna Meadows
Ms. Kelly Coffey
In Honor of Elise, Rebekah and Meredith
Ms. Patricia Harmer
In honor of Elizabeth Enas
MsH Meghan Karnes
In Honor of Ellen McCain
Ms. Leslie E. Hankins
Thanks to Our Donors
In Honor of and
in Memory of. . .
In Honor of George and Kristi Small
Mr. Bill Gurney
In Honor of Grandma Adrienne Samuels
Ms. Annette Doherty
In Honor of Grandma Arlene Erlebacher
Ms. Annette Doherty
In Honor of Gretchen Bricker
Chris Cotterill
In Honor of Jeanette Kendall
Ms. Cyndy Kendall
In Honor of Jeff and Karla Stouse
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Day
In Honor of Jerald and Becky Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Day
In Honor of Jill Delaney
Mr. Roger Morency
In Honor of Jill Krutz and Michael Gough
Lindsay Krutz
In Honor of Judy Donovan
T. P. Donovan
In Honor of Julie Walker
Ann Kitchen
In Honor of Kathleen Leander
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Leander
In Honor of Lisa McVey-Berta
Mr. David Eskenazi
In Honor of Lisa Miller
Ms. Victoria Shevlot
In Honor of Lori Denise Marietta
Mr. Matthew W. Marietta
In Honor of Louise Swanson
Mr. Norman A. Swanson
In Honor of Lynn Morris
Ms. Katherine Evanoff
In Honor of Mabel Weddell
David Branaman
In Honor of Marcia Barnes
Keith Keokuk
In Honor of Maria and Josh Wedding
Mr. Jeremy Steiner
In Honor of Mr and Mrs Greg Meeks
Ms. Michelle Stoneburner
In Honor of Mr. Stan Simpson
Mr. Mark D. Barner
In Honor of Ms. Kily Gholston Leavell
Ms. Sylvia Kenner
In Honor of Nikki Revercomb
Ms. Suzanne Dougherty
In Honor of Nina Gaughan – Computer Fund
Ms. Paula Brown
In Honor of Pam and Oren Testa – Computer Fund
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gaughan
In Honor of Pat Haddad
Ms. Aimee Heilbrunn
In Honor of Pat Hoffman
Ms. Melissa Hathaway
Mr. Larry Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Braly
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Brame
Ms. Tracy Branneman
Carol Branson
Ms. Phyllis Branstetter
Robert Branstine
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Braun
Ms. Toni Breeden
Ms. Connie Breedlove
Ms. Angela S. Brennan
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Bresnahan
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey S. Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bridge
Mr. Leon Bridges
Ms. Barbara J. Briggs
Mr. Duane Brigham
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Brinkman
Ms. Gwendolyn Britton
Ms. Susan Broce
Mrs. and Mr. Stephanie Broderick
Mr. Robert J. Brody
Ms. Dianna A. Broecker
Ms. Marilyn J. Brooks
Ms. Beth Brooks-Moir
Belle V. Brosamer
Ms. Amanda Brower
Mr. Michael E. Brown
Ms. Amy Brown
Ms. Evelyn Brown
Ms. Henrietta Brown
Ms. Judy D. Brown
Ms. Nancy L. Brown and Mr. Darrell Pieczko
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brozinick
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Brueggemann
Mr. Aaron Brumfield
Ms. Laurinda Bruzas
Cathy A. Bryant
Elise A. Bryie
Mr. Chris Buckman
Melissa and John Buechler
Mr. Nicholas Buonanno
Mr. James T. Burden
Ms. Karen Burgess
Ms. Tara Burgess
Rich Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Burnett
Ms. Brooke Burtnett
Ms. Susan A. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon W. Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy V. Buskirk
Kathleen and Ray Butkiewicz
Mrs. Sara Butler
Ms. Rebecca Butts
Ms. Karole L. Butz
Ms. Katia Byram
Ms. Cindy S. Byrne
Peter and Susan Cahn
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Caito
Fran D. Calderon
Ms. Marguerite C. Caldwell
Ms. Sarah Caldwell
Ms. Tammy Caldwell
Ms. Soray Calim
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Callahan
Mr. G. Richard Callaway
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Camacho
Darryl and Melissa Campbell
Jamie T. Campbell and Joe H. Vaughn
Ms. Stacy Campbell
Ms. Kelly Canada
Ms. Holly R. Canter
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Carl
Mrs. Berniece Carlino
Christine N. Carlson
Ms. Lynn Carlton
Heloisa Carlucci
Anita Carpenter
Ms. Amy Carpenter
Ms. Anne-Cecile Carre
Ms. Molly Carrier
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Carroll
Mr. Dennis Carter
Mrs. Marcella A. Carter
Ms. Lucia Carter
Ms. Theresa Carter
Ms. Patricia Cartwright Kniola
Ms. Michele A. Carvin
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Caskey
Mr. James Cass
Mr. and Mrs. Cassady
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cebulko
Benito Cerimele
Ms. Laura Chambers
Ms. Debra Champ
Mr. Clifford Chandler
Mr. Jeffrey H. Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Chappell
Ms. Beverly Chenoweth
Alison Chestovich
Kendra Childers
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Childers
Dr. Grady Chism and Dr. Nancy Chism
Mr. John J. Chlapik
Janet Chong
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cinnamon
Denise Ciocca
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Cise
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Clark
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Clark
Mr. Jay Clark
Mr. Kent Clark
Ms. April Clark
Ms. Elizabeth W. Clark
Ms. Renee Clark
Ms. Tonya Claspell
Ms. Kendra Clauser
Susan E. Clauss
Mr. Stephen G. Clay
Ms. Keaira Clay
Ms. Kaye L. Claytor
Mr. Ray Clifton
Ms. Aileen Cloonan
Ms. Ann M. Clyne
Mr. Richard J. Cockrum
Ms. Carol J. Cohen
Shirley L. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Cole
Dennis and Rosalie Coleman
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Coleman III
Ms. Arlene Coleman
Ms. Jacqueline Coleman
Teresa A. Coleman
Ms. Megan Coler
Mrs. Georgiana E. Coles
Mary Catherine Collet
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Comella
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Comer
Sara Compton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Conklin
Ms. Angelica Conley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Conlin
Ms. Kendra L. Conover
Mr. Daniel M. Cook
Ms. Carolyn M. Cook
Ms. Kathleen Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. Cooper
Mr. Gareth Coote
Ms. Kachona Cornelius-Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Cotton
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley R. Cougill
Amanda C. Couture
Ms. Brenda S. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Cozmanoff
Thanks to Our Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Craig
Ms. Denise M. Craig
Mr. Scott Cramer
Ms. Lisa Crane
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Craney
Mr. and Mrs. Ty M. Craver
Ms. Deborah Crecelius and Mr. Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Creech
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Crews
Betty and Lloyd Crowe
Rob and Lindsey Culross
Ms. Amber Cummins
Mr. Richard D. Cunneen
Carla J. Cunningham
Ms. Carolyn A. Cunningham
Mr. Andrew Cupp
Mr. Thomas R. Curren
Myra C. Selby and Bruce Curry
Ms. Alaina D. Cutler
Ms. Lisa Dandridge
Dr. Themen Danielson and Dr. Constance
Mr. and Mrs. Troy L. Dare
Ms. Reanne M. Dare
Mr. Tony Dargo
Ms. Shannon M. Dasgupta
Mr. Thomas Davidson
Ms. Danielle Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Davis
Mr. Patrick Davis
Ms. Claudia J. Davis
Ms. Loritta Davis
Ms. Sherrae Davis
Ms. Karen K. Davison
Ms. Nicole A. De Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dean
Mr. Andrew Dean
Ms. Tamara Dean
Ms. Valerie Deckard
Mr. William K. Deer
Jama DeHeer
Dr. Jennifer A. DeLaney and
Mr. Christopher B. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Brian A. Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O. DeLaney
David and JoAnn Dellinger
Ms. Margaret L. Dellinger
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Dennerline
Louise Bakker and Gary W. Denney
Mr. Jim Dent
Russell and Karen Desserich
Mr. and Mrs. Greg M. Detamore
Ms. Deb Detro
Iryna P. Dettmer
Ms. Ann Dettwiler
Matthew and Miranda Deverall
Mr. and Mrs. William Diener
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dietz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Dillard
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dillon
Ms. Linda S. Dillon
Ms. Sherri Dillon
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Dineff
Mr. Leonard Dintenfass and Ms. Kathryn
Carol Divine
Reverend Michelle Dixon Ogburn
Daylian R. Doan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Dobbins
Ms. Ann L. Dobbins
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Dobson
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Dogan
Ms. Miwako Dogans
Julie J. Lund and Matthew Dollins
Ms. Martha Donahue
Roberta Donahue and James Wold
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew E. Donaldson
Ms. Clarita Donaldson
Mr. Adam Dopps
Ms. Virginia Doss
Dr. Steve Douglas
Mrs. Betty A. Downer
Mr. David Downey
Timothy and Terri Downs
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Drew
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Drilling
Janie Sue and Steven Dubbs
Ms. Gina R. Dube
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duell
Jenny E. Duguid
Mr. James Duguid
Mr. W. Jeff Dunbar
Dr. Lauren Dungy-Poythress and Mr. D.
Wesley Poythress
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Dunham
Ya Yue J. Van and A. Keith Dunker
Dr. Stephen Dunlop
Ms. Stephanie R. Dunn
Nancy H. Dunn
Ms. Emily Dusel
Ms. Brittany Dyer
Ms. Pamelyn Eads
Ms. Holly Earl
Mr. Brian Eaton
Ms. Elizabeth Eaton
Erin and Matthew Eberly
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Eble
Ms. Patricia Ebright
Mr. R. Eugene Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. Howard J. Edenberg
Ms. Eugenia L. Edens
Mary L. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Cam L. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Edwards
Ms. Esther Edwards
Ms. Kasey Edwards
Ms. Margaret T. Edwards
Ms. Michelle Edwards
Valerie Edwards
Dr. Larry and Claudette Einhorn
Mr. Brian Eisenman
Charlene Elder and Michele Spargur
Ms. Joyce E. Elder
Mr. Timothy A. Eldon
Ms. Nikki J. Eller
Mr. Kenneth M. Elliott
Ms. Danielle Elliott
Ms. Geneva J. Elliott
Valerie L. Elliott and James E. Strange
Ms. Melissa Eltz
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Embrey
Mrs. Kimberly Embrey
Mr. and Mrs. Wray D. Emerick
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle D. Ems
Nancy G. Endsley and Vincent O. Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Bradford T. Engels
Ms. Rita L. Englum
Ms. Erin M. Eoff
Ms. Patricia Orloff Erdmann
Ms. Amanda Erschen
Ms. Rosemary J. Ervin and Mr. Richard W.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean M. Esbaum
Mrs. Ted Esping
Ms. Adrian Evans
Ms. Rose Evaris
Mr. John Fangman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Farley
Mrs. Elizabeth M. Farr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Farrer
Ms. Barbara E. Farris
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fee
Ms. Ernestine Feeney
Ms. Shannon Feeney
Mr. Edgar Fehnel
In Honor of and
in Memory of. . .
In Honor of Pat Shaw
Ms. Katharine Shaw
In Honor of Peggy Meier’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs. James W. McDaniel
In Honor of Peggy Roach and Rita Rosensteele
Ms. Molly McKenna
In Honor of Period 1 AP Government Class
Jamie Martindale
In Honor of Rebecca Widmer
Mr. Michael L. Eckerle
In Honor of Reis-Nichols Battery Program
Mr. Jason Bruder
In Honor of Robert and Jane Haas
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Haas
In Honor of Roberta Martin, Sally Tyler, Kathy
Ms. Kristen Tyle
In Honor of Sandra Asay Marietta
Mr. Matthew W. Marietta
In Honor of Sarah Bradley
Mr. John Warren
In Honor of Sexy Fast Easy Cash-2012 Fantasy
Ms. Lindsay Schaefer
In Honor of Soray Calim
Mr. Casey Patrick
In Honor of Stan Faidley
Mr. Micah Faidley
In Honor of Steve & Annie Buckley
Ms. Patricia A. Norton
In Honor of the Good Life
Ms. Jerry Wilson
In Honor of The Jackson Family
Mr. Ryan Jackson
In Honor of the Maze Family and Sylvia Knighton
Sherrie M. Knighton
In Honor of Thomas and Kate Hayward
Credit Suisse
In Honor of Vicky Swank
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Boulware
In Honor of Alexa Akers
Ms. Pamela Miller
In Honor of Stephanie and Shawn Sullivan
Ms. Sally Dorsett
In Honor of Kim Kelly
Kevin and Kimberlee Kelly
In Memory of Elizabeth Pierce
Ms. Lisa Wilson
In Memory of Frank Staley
Ms. Pamela Eubanks
In Memory of Geneva M. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Sipes
In Memory of Gloria Tiritilli McArdle
Ms. Mary Coffey
Thanks to Our Donors
In Honor of and
in Memory of. . .
In Memory of Jane Clingler
Christine N. Carlson
Toshiba Business Solutions
In Memory of Jessica Syvinski
Ms. Lisa Bray
In Memory of Kathleen L. Schmidt Beltrame
Ms. Elizabeth M. Harlow
Mr. James Puskala
Mr. William McMahon
Ms. Brooke Powell
Ms. Lori Larkin
Mr. Bruce A. Bloomgren
Kim Thompson
Mrs. Doris E. Leganza
Ms. Krystina K. Leganza
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Sergi
In Memory of Kathlene E. Mitchell
Mr. Robert H. Mitchell
In Memory of Kathy Hurley
Ms. Jan Woodruff and Mr. William T. Rice
In Memory of L’Tonya Winlock
Ms. Leeandrea Sloan
In Memory of Mabel Weddell
Ms. Diane Corcelli
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mummert
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Dean
Nanci and Stacy Steed
Ms. Nicole Weddell Tancredi
In Memory of Marcie Sumner
Mr. Christopher Burns
In Memory of Mary Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Easton
In Memory of Mrs. Rasdall
Margaret E. Feemster
In Memory of Nichole McCullom and Family
Steven and Diann Wright
In Memory of Rachel Ann Bunting
Ms. Janet Miller
Alicia Esers
Ms. Ann Hinson
Ms. Barbara A. Hicks PH.d.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Pellegrin
Ms. Barbara Reed
Ms. Beverly Allen
Bitta Mostofi
Mr. Brett Bunting
Mr. David Bunting
Ms. Debbie Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Selby L. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Sanders
Durand State Bank
Friends and Neighbors at Lakeside Bridge
Mrs. Holly Parsons and Mr. Percy Parsons
Ms. Jane Malkoff
Ms. Jean Collie
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Jackson
Ms. Kathleen M. Chiles
Ms. Linda Clevenger
Ms. Linda J. West
Mr. Mani Mostofi
Mrs. Jessica Feigenbaum
Ruth Feinberg
Lucie and Ernest Felton
Christopher and Paje Felts
DeMaris and Philip Fentress
Mr. Ken Ferguson
Mr. Ryan A. Menard and Ms. Cassidy Ferraro
Dr. Rose Fife and Dr. Kenneth Fife
Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. FitzGibbon
Mr. Thomas Fitzgibbon
Ms. Mary Ann Flanary
Mr. Donald J. Flanigan
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fleming
Ms. Deborah Fleming
Mr. Luke Fletcher
Jean P. Flint
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Florek
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Floyd
Mrs. Barbara Fogarty
Ms. Megan Fogarty
Dr. and Mrs. Norman L. Fogle
Ms. Vickie L. Foltz
Colleen C. Fong
Ms. Nikki Fowler
Dr. Dianna L. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Fraker
Ms. Jane Franceschini
Dr. and Mrs. Randall J. Franiak
Mary M. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Frank
Marc C. Frankenstein
Ms. Veronica Frecker
Ms. Arlene Freeland
Jacqueline French
Ms. Rachel Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Friend
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Friend
Ms. Linda F. Frigand
Lisa Frisby
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Fritz
Marilyn J. Frohberg
Claire M. Fullam
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Fulper
Ms. Rhonda J. Fussell
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Fyffe
Hubert Henry Gaffin
Mr. and Mrs. Lance E. Gaffin
Karen S. Gahimer
Guynn M. Gail
Mr. and Mrs. Les R. Galbraith
Ms. Kathleen H. Galliher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Gallup
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Gamble
Dr. Molly M. Garau and Mr. Jerry A. Garau
Ms. Sandra S. Gardner
Susan and Robert Garelick
Mrs. Barbara E. Garing
Joetta D. Garland
Mrs. Joanne L. Garrigus
Robert F. Gatto
Denise DeVeaux Gayley
Ms. Nicole Gearlds
Mr. Jay H. Geshay
Susan Geshay
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Geshwilm
Mrs. Mariam Ghumman
Ms. Linda B. Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Giesler
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gillig
Mr. Eric Glasco
Ms. Alicia Glore
Mrs. and Mr. Goddard
John Paul Godich
Mr. Lawrence Goldblatt
Ms. Lisa Golder
Linda M. Goldsmith
Alan and Caron Goldstein
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goldstone
Mrs. Kara Goodwin
Kajol and Chandan Gopalani
Ms. Susan Gorby
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell E. Gossett
Ms. Christy Gothard
Suzanne and Michael Gottschlich
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Gotway
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Grabill
Mr. David Graff
Ms. Lynette Grafton
Ms. Michaela Graham
Ms. Rhonda Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Grande
Mr. Matthew Grant
Ms. Candance A. Grass and Joseph H.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Gray
Ms. Carri A. Gray
Ms. Elizabeth D. Gray
Mr. Rocky Graziano
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Green
Ms. Elizabeth Green
Ms. Amy Greenlee
Betsy S. Green-Marsh and Andrew Marsh
Ms. Sheila E. Greenwald
Mr. Michael R. Greer
Mr. and Mrs. C. Perry Griffith, Jr.
Ms. Kathryn Grissom
Ms. Jacqueline A. Griswold
Mr. Robert Gritton
Ms. Emily Grounds
Ms. Cindy Grubb
Ms. Amanda Grube
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Gruesser
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Guernsey
Ms. Rachelle Guess
Ms. Lindsay Creighton Gulati
Mr. Thomas Gunderson
Peter G. Gundy
Ms. Elaine Gust
Ms. Anna M. Gutierrez
Janice E. Guttery and J. Scott Hayes
Mr. Joe H. Gwinn and Ms. Jenni Jegen
Mr. Tom Hadley
Dr. Robin Hadley-Ledyard, M.D.
Ms. Gretchen Haehl
Ms. Gwen Haehl
Carrie and Keith Hagan
Dr. and Mrs. Floyd E. Hale
Ms. Gwen Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey S. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Hall
Mr. Matthew S. Hall
Ms. Kimberly Hall
Ms. Susan Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Halliburton
Tracy Halliburton
Rachel and Matthew Hallien
Evelyn Ham
Mrs. Linda A. Hampton
Ms. Doris D. Hannoy
Scott and Karen Hansen
August M. Hardee II
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hardin
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Harding
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy R. Hardymon
Ms. Sarah F. Harkness
Mr. William Harlow
Ms. Julie R. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Harper
Ms. Marisa M. Harper
Ms. Phyllis Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Harrington
Mrs. Michele Harris
Ms. Carole I. Harris
Ms. Carrie Harris
Ms. Charisse E. Harris
Thanks to Our Donors
Ms. Sandra C. Hart
Ms. Barbara A. Harvey
Elizabeth R. Haskett
Ms. Carolyn Haskin
Ms. Melissa Hathaway
Ms. Mary K. Hattenberger
Ms. Laura Hatter
Ms. Ellen E. Hatton
Ms. Jill E. Haughawout
Mr. Eric Hauser
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hawkins
Mr. David Hawkins
Ms. Barbara Hawkins
Ms. Kayly Hawkins
Chad Haxton
Ms. Whitney Hayden
Julia M. Hayes
Ms. Alicia Hayes
Ms. Recarda E. Hayes
Dr. Thomas Z. Hayward, III
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hayward
Ms. Katharine A. Hayward
Susan C. Hazer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Headdy
Ms. Antonette Heaggans
Ms. LaTonya Hederson
Ms. Erin Heffern
Malak and Nicholas Heiny
Ms. Judith A. Heisserman
Mr. and Mrs. Zindel Herbert Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Randall C. Helmen
Ms. Laurie Helms
Ms. Shauna Heltzel
Mr. and Mrs. PJ Hemlock
Ms. Anita Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Henn
Ms. Mary Ann Henricks
Wanda E. Henson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Herman
Mrs. June Herman
Ms. Barbara Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon J. Hermann
Ms. Karen Herrholtz
Ms. Lynn Hert
Mr. and Mrs. James Hester
Ms. Marcia Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Horace O. Hickman
Mrs. Ellen D. Higgins
Ms. Sue Higgins
Ms. Indria Highbaugh
Dr. and Mrs. James S. Hill
Ms. Amanda Hill
Ms. Jolaine L. Hill
Luanne and Mark Brown
Mr. Hiller and Mrs. Olanda
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hinds
Ms. Debora L. Hinkle
Ms. Ruth K. Hirsch
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Hittle
Ms. Connie Hittle
Ramona C. Hittle
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Hoagland
Ms. Lenora Hobbs
Ms. Susan Hodgin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hoereth
Jacqueline Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffmann
Tom and Sheila Hogan
Gurinder and Scott Hohl
Ms. Kristen Hohlier
Mr. Scott Hoke
Timothy and Kathryn Hoke
Eileen G. Holland
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Holland, II
Ms. Grace Holland
Mary Holmes
Mr. Richard L. Holmes
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Holt
David and Gayle Holtman
Ms. Carol Holzman
Ms. Ginger Home Cubellis
Ms. Darla Hood
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hook
Dawn Dutton Hooker
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hoover
Mrs. Mariam A. Hopkins
Ms. Krista Horn
Mr. Tally S. Abron and Mrs. Raychell
Ms. Bonnie H. Horner
Ms. Sharlene A. Hornung
Ms. Rivka S. R. Horowitz
Jesse Horsfall
Ms. Beverly Horton
Mr. Nicholas Horvath
Ms. Sharon D. Horvath and Mr. Andrew J.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Hoskins
Mrs. and Mr. Heather House
Ms. Judith A. Houser
Ms. Lori Howard
Bryan Howell
Joyce Hoying
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Huber Jr.
Ms. Becky Huber
Ms. Jordan Huber
Ms. Nickie L. Huber
Ms. Mary P. Hudson
Ms. Cynthia Huffman
Ms. Margaret M. Huffman
Mr. Allen Hughes
Mr. Benjamin A. Hughes
Mr. Michael W. Hughes and Ms. Ashley
Ms. Alice M. Hughes
Ms. Rosemary Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Hulen
Linda and Steve Hullett
Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Hulse
Mr. Robert D. Humbert
Anna Humkey
Maeghan Hurley
Ms. Adrienne Hurley
Ms. Cathy Hurst
Ms. Catherine J. Hurt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hussung
Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. Hutchens
Mrs. Lontanette L. Hutchinson
Mr. Patrick Hutchison
Sheila and Stephen Hyatt
Ms. Pamela S. Hyde
Ms. Elizabeth Hygh
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Ilseman
Ms. Phyllis A. Imel
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Imes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Irish
Ms. Linda Jackowaik
Artope Jackson
Elizabeth Anne Jackson and Heath Bost
Mr. Randy S. Jackson
Ms. Emily Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Jacobi
Ms. Mary E. Janeway
Ms. Michele Janin
Ms. Michelle S. Jann
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Jansen
Ritesh and Jayana Jariwala
Mr. and Mrs. Russell H. Jeffrey
Janet M. Jegen
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Jenkins
Ms. Tahanna Jenkins
Ms. Karen Jensen
Ms. Jill Jesse
Ms. Patsy A. Jett
Rahul M. Jindal and Kalpana R. Jindal
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Jobe
Todd A. Jodarski
In Honor of and
in Memory of. . .
Ms. Mareta Walker
Ms. Marilyn Michael
In Memory of Rachel Ann Bunting
Mr. and Mrs. William Carlstedt
Mr. Nathan Hubbard
Next Steps Beyond 50, Ltd.
Ms. Pam Carvey
Ms. Pamela W. Smith
Ms. Paula S. Rhodes
Ms. Peggy Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Rhyner
Mrs. Rebecca J. Greene
Ms. Rebecca R. Perez
Mr. Richard C. Kraege
Mr. Richard Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brandstatter
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Brandt
Ms. Sally Burmeister
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Anderson
Mrs. and Mr. Sandra R. Thomas
Mr. Seth Hubbard
Mr. Steve Webster
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Koriath
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard A. Tamme
Ms. Teresa Wesley
Tony Mavrinac and Yvette VanRiper
Vivian and Cal Hubbard
Ms. Susan E. Hayes
Ms. Sarah Walker
In Memory of Sandra Alexander
Ms. Janene Dunlap
In Memory of Sara Beaver
D. K. Wimberley
Mr. George Weiland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kellison
Ms. Karen Brinkman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Sullivan
Mr. Kevin S. Woolridge
Knollwood at the Creek Homeowners Assoc. Inc.
Margaret and Robin Funk
Mr. and Mrs. David K. Wilkerson
Ms. Melissa M. Lawson
Ms. Michele Hopwood
Ms. Patricia B. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gongos
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Rattermann
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Greatbatch
Mr. Craig Jensen
Ms. Donna L. Henzman
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Beaver
Sandra and Daniel Sundquist
Ms. Linda Rascoe
Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Messer
In Memory of Virginia Adams
Mr. Jim Wineinger
Mr. and Mrs. Garry G. Wineinger
In the Name of Betty Goldstone
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Goldstone
Thanks to Our Donors
A seven-year-old girl has
drawn three orange and
blue pigs being captured by
a lasso thrown around them
by a “bad ghost man.” She
has painted a dark night sky
above, including stars,
a moon and a fourth pig
escaping the capture by
jumping over the moon. This
picture may be an expression
of her fear that she and her
family could be found by
their abuser. The imagery
suggests feelings of helplessness, vulnerability and
anxiety, as well as hope that
there will be a way to escape.
Ms. Annette Johansson
Audrey J. Johnson
Merrell Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Merrell Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Johnson
Mr. Eric Johnson
Mr. Eric R. Johnson
Ms. Deborah A. Johnson
Ms. Diane Johnson
Ms. Dianna Johnson
Ms. Irenee Johnson
Ms. Margaret Johnson
Ms. Michele B. Johnson
Ms. Nancy H. Johnson
Ms. Patricia L. Johnson
Ms. Stephanie Johnson
Ms. Talisha Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Johnston
Ms. Christine Johnston
Ms. Nancy L. Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Johnstone
Brian Bartley and Cate Jones
Mr. Steven Jones
Ms. Darlene K. Jones
Ms. Judy L. Jones
Ms. Kimberly Jones
Ms. Lisa L. W. Jones
Ms. Patricia E. Jones
Lynn and Dave Jongleux
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Jordan
Felicitas L. Jose
Sandeep Joshi
Ms. Lorna Judd
Mr. Mark Jungemann
Pukhraj Kachhwaha
Mr. Kevin Kaczmarek
Ms. Sue A. Kalleres
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Kane
Courtney and Ross Kanzinger
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kaplan
Ms. Patricia Kappes
Ms. Elizabeth Karlson
Ms. Magdalena Karol
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Karwath
Mr. Bennett M. Katz
Ms. Alice R. Kaufman
Mr. Curtis G. Kays
Mr. James B. Kearns
Reverend and Mrs. Ben F. Keckler
Ms. Lisa Keene
Ms. Sherrill L. Keesee
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Keller
Mr. Jim Keller
Ms. Rita B. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Bret A. Kelley
Mrs. Stacey Kelley
Stacy Kelley
Mr. Brian J. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Kelly
Kevin and Kimberlee Kelly
Ms. Lisa Kelly
Thea K. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kemp
Mary and James Kendall
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kennedy
Ms. Donna Kennedy
Ms. Mary J. Keppler
Ms. Jacqueline R. Kesler
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kessler
Ms. Susan Kidwell
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny G. Kiger
Ms. Rachel Kilroy
Holly and Scott Kincaid
Laura Jean King
Ms. Anne King and Mr. Jonathan C.
Ms. Marie E. Kingdon
Carol Jean Kinghorn-Landry
Ms. Karen K. King-Pollard
Ms. Pamela A. Kinman
Douglas and Jennifer Kinser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kirk
Ms. Danita I. Kirtley
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kiser
Alison T. Kistner and Leroy R. Brown
Ms. Sharon K. Kitchens
Mrs. Karis L. Klassen
Mr. George Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Kleinrichert
Diana Klemme
Ms. Carrol Kleppe
Mr. Tibor Klopfer and Ms. Shawna
Terri Klotz
Ms. Jodi Kmec
Colonel Alfred D. Kneessy
Ms. Jennifer Knight
Ms. Sherrie M. Knighton
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Knipe
Martha E. Knotts
Ms. Arlene J. Koberna
Mr. Keith Koch
Marie Koenig
Ms. Mary Beth Kohart
Ms. Lisa L. Kohli
Ms. Jane Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Koleski
Ms. Angela Kollasch
Ms. Sabrina Konecky
Ms. Amy Konkle
Ms. Laura M. Konkle
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Koors
Ken and Sue Kopecky
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Kortzendorf
Mr. Kent Kost and Mrs. Shelley Colon
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Kovach
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Kovacs
Pamela S. Kramer
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Kravitz
Ms. Judith A. Krebs
Jennifer and Joe Kremp
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Kreutz
Mr. Kurt Kriese
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Kroll
Ms. Linda Krontiris
Rhonda and Mark Kuchik
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Kueterman
Mrs. Clara Kurayama
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Kurlander
Catherine Kurowski and Andrew Nill
Mr. and Mrs. Karl S. Kussro
Ms. Jeannie Lacy
Ms. Patricia Ladd
Ms. Janet L. Lafara
Thanks to Our Donors
Ms. Katherine LaFollette
Mr. and Mrs. Richard LaGore
Ms. Nicole Lambert
Jim and Carol Landes
Ms. Kimberly Langford
Mr. C. Dale Langhammer
Ms. Cynthia L. Lanier
Ms. Shawna Lannert
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. LaPierre
Mr. Jon Laramore and Ms. Janet McCabe
Ms. Lynn Larsen
Sharon Latham
R. Jane Lau
Ms. Regina M. Laugle
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney D. Lavely
Ms. Kelly Lavengood Schenkel
Mr. Stephen Lavery
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lawhead
Mr. William I. Lawrance
Mr. and Mrs. Jason D. Lay
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lazaron
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Leagre
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Leander
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Learned
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leavitt
Ms. Betsy L. Leclerc
Mr. Dale Lee
Mr. Jack H. Lee
Ms. Ellen Lee
Ms. Jacqueline Lee
Ms. Mary Legree-Ford
Dr. and Mrs. Glen A. Lehman
Ms. Marcia J. Lehrman
Ms. Leah K. Leifer
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan W. Lelle
Ms. Laura Lemasters
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Lentz
Mr. Eugene Leser
Ms. Mary Lester
Ms. Amy M. Levander
Ms. Faith M. Levitt
Ms. Ciara Lewis
Ms. Krystal Lewis
Ms. Rhonda T. Lewis
Rose Marie and Gerald Lewis
The Law Office of Claire E. Lewis
Suzanne I. Lichtman
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Liggett
Ms. Vicki L. Lijewski
Jess Lindemann
Mrs. Sally A. Lindsey and Mr. Theron C.
Ms. Elizabeth C. Lindsey and Mr. David J.
Ms. Courtney A. Linnemeyer
Ms. Jean Ann Linville
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan E. Liss
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Litwack
Ms. Lauren Livings
Karen Lobb
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Lockwood
Ms. Mona Y. Loft
Cindy and Kelly Logan
Ms. Jessica Long
Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Lopez
Mr. Richard Lopez
Ms. Catherine J. Lopez
Claudia P. Lord
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lord
Ms. Marie A. Losh
Alison F. Loughran
Mr. Bradley Love
Ms. Patricia A. Love
Phyllis J. Lovgren
Ms. Shannon Lowe
Janett B. Lowes
Mark and Teresa Lubbers
Mr. Tucker Lucas
Robin Ludlow
Ms. Patricia A. Ludwin
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Lueck
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Lueders
Saylan Lukas
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Luke
Ms. Elizabeth Lukes
Ann D. Luther and Ronald G. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Lyman
Anne Lyons
Mr. and Mrs. Macias
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mackasey
Tatum MacLeod
Dr. and Mrs. Blair S. MacPhail
Mr. and Mrs. Corey B. Madden
Kurt and Kathy Madvig
Ms. Mela M. Maggi
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M. Maher
Ms. Rachel Mahon
Dr. Patsy S. Maikranz
Mrs. Ann M. Maitzen
Mary M. Malatesta
Dr. Muhammad I. Malik
Kathryn L. Kelley and Greg L. Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Manley
Kelley R. Manning
Ms. Patricia Mannise
Sharon Manuel
Cassia Margolis and Larry Greenbaum
Julie Marisin and Jeffery M. Thompson
Mr. Joseph Mark
Ms. Erica Markiewcz
Ms. Tara Maroun
Mr. and Mrs. Derrick A. Marris
Ms. Julie Marsh
Ms. Margot L. Marshall
Cathy Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley E. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. David Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Martin
Ms. Joanne Martin
Ms. Karen C. Martin
Ms. Melissa Martin
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Martindale
Edgardo Martinez
Mrs. Carolyn Masengale
Ms. Joy S. Masterson
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Matheis
Mr. Keith Mathews
Ms. Jill Mattingly
Raj K. and Dheepa R. Maturi
Mrs. Susan E. Maul
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Maxwell
Mr. Bill Maxwell
Ms. Cari J. May
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Mayer
Mrs. Jeanette D. McBroom
In response to a request
to make a picture of his
favorite day, this 10-year-old
boy drew a self-portrait. He
has adorned a muscular
figure with red boxing
gloves, shorts and a protective helmet, enabling the
figure to defend himself in
a fight. A majority of the
figure is exposed, perhaps
indicating underlying feelings
of vulnerability. It is not
uncommon for children who
witness domestic violence
to involve themselves in the
fighting in an attempt to
protect their mothers, which
this child has done repeatedly.
Thanks to Our Donors
A five-year-old girl has drawn
a picture of a special new
friend she met at the shelter.
The face of her friend is filled
with letters, forming words
only she knows. The words
represent social interaction.
Children who witness domestic violence often become
socially isolated, but this
child appears to appreciate
her new friend.
Sherry Duncan McCabe and Mark Robert
Ms. Regina R. McCain
Ms. Catherine A. McCallum
Ms. Madie M. Mccallum
Ms. Marilyn McCarthy
Mary Ann McCauley
Ms. Maria T. McClain
Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. McCollom
Mr. John McCullough
Diana L. McDonald
Cecelia J. McDonnell
Ms. Denise McFadden
Audrey and David McGimpsey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. McGuire
Mr. Christopher J. McKee
Marni McKinney
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. McLaughlin
Ms. Mildred J. McLean
Ms. Melissa McMillan
Ms. Florence McNiece
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. McNulty, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian M. McVeigh
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. McVey
Mrs. Lisa McVey-Berta
Greg Mead
Ms. Paula J. Meadows
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Means
Ms. Janai Mehra
Mr. Robert Meier
Ms. Karen S. Meier
Mr. and Mrs. Rafael N. Melendez
Ms. Brenda Melendez
Mr. Herbert B. Melrose
Mr. and Mrs. Alan T. Mendelsohn
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mendonsa
Sarah and R. Michael Meneghini
Mr. and Mrs. John Menke
Ms. Cindy Menser
Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. Merk
Ms. Sharon R. Merriman
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher R. Merritt
Ms. Helen Metken
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Meyer
Ms. Karen Meyer
Ms. Nina M. Meyer
Norman D. Meyer
Ryan Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Michalowski
Ms. Sandra L. Miesel
Janine Miller
Jill Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Denzil R. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Miller, Jr.
Mr. Collin Miller
Mr. Travis Miller
Mrs. Meghan L. Miller
Ms. Ashley N. Miller
Ms. Barbara E. Miller
Ms. Margaret Miller
Ms. Nancy Miller
Ms. Veronica B. Miller
Paula and Robert Miller
Ms. Edith L. Millikan
Ms. Mary Millsaps
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Minion
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Mishkin
Mr. and Mrs. Danny D. Mitchell
Ms. Sarah Mitchell
Ruth C. Mitchell
Ms. Carolyn A. Mock
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Moe
Janise and Timothy Moeller
Ms. Judith M. Mohler
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn H. Molzan
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Montross
Anne-Marie Monty and Robert E. Emerson
Mr. Patrick Monzingo
Ms. Mary K. Moody
Mr. and Mrs. Darrin V. Moon
Ms. Rachel Moord
Abi Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Moore
Mr. Nick Moore
Ms. Diana Moore
Ms. Francis Moore
Ms. Karen S. Moore
Ms. Kate Moore
Ms. Jackie Morales
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Morand
Karen E. Moratz and George H. Evans
Ms. Katherine Moreau
Ms. Barbara Morgan
Ms. Wendi S. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben P. Morris, Jr.
Ms. Katie Morris Fox
Deborah and Dan Moseley
Cameron Moss
Mary P. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Moss
Ms. Kylie Mosser
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Motz
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M. Mourouzis
Ms. Donna G. Mower
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Muller
Ms. Jane I. Multerer
Miss Nicole Mungal-Stille
Ms. Jennifer S. Munsel
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Murphree
Dr. Sara H. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher F. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Murphy
Ms. Barbara J. Murphy
Ms. Sarah S. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murray
Ms. Amy Murray
Ms. Patricia Murt
Nancy and Kent Mutchmore
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Myers
Ms. Nancy Myers
Mr. John K. Nasser
Ms. Kristina Neace
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Neher
Mrs. Donna Nelson
Ms. Tammy Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Newcome
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Newgent
Mr. Ronald H. Newman
Mrs. Linda K. Newsome
Mr. Jack Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Nicksin
Tim and Ann Niednagel
Ms. Jennifer Niemeyer
Mr. Scott Niemyer
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Niezgodski
Thanks to Our Donors
Mr. and Mrs. Nolting
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Nordhoff
Mr. Allan S. Norris
Barbara A. Norton-Hamilton
Mr. Ralph G. Nowak
John and Martha Nusbaum
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Oates, III
Ms. Emily V. Oates
Judith A. O’Bannon
Mrs. Cecilia Obilum
Ms. Kathalyn M. O’Brian
Patrick and Lyn O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Ochs
Anne M. O’Connor
Linda J. O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Tim M. O’Connor
Patricia A. O’Connor
Ms. Jody Odell
Ms. Emily O’Dell
JoAnn and Thomas O’Donnell
Ms. Deborah M. Off
Mr. and Mrs. Shad Ogborn
Jeong Oh
Ms. Donna M. Oklak
Ms. Gabrielle C. Olivera
Ms. Kate Olivier
Dr. Ashlie Olp
Ben Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Olsen III
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon P. O’Neal
Ms. Nancy Orem and Mr. Robert Thompson
Ms. Christie Orschell
Ms. Juanita R. Orth
Mr. and Mrs. Steven P. Osborn
Ms. Margaret Osborn
Ms. Suzanne O’Shea
Jamie Oslawski-Lopez
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ostroski
Mr. and Mrs. Jay E. Oswalt
Ms. Patricia L. Otten
Mr. Dan Overbeck
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Overcash
Mr. Darrow A. Owens
Ms. Laura Owens
Dr. Ingrida I. Ozols
Mr. and Mrs. Micheal A. Paasch
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Padgett
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Padgett
Mr. Andy M. Palm
Mr. Rick Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pannicke
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Papandria
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Park Shiraki
Mr. Richard E. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Parr
Mr. John S. Partenheimer
Mr. Robert Passander
Ms. Lorraine R. Patino
Mr. Mark Patterson
Sherri L. Patterson
Ms. Jean M. Pattison
Ms. Susie Paugh
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Kent E. Paulin
Ms. and Mr. Jeannie L. Paulsen
Ms. Leslie Payne
Ms. Pamela A. Payne
Mary Kay Paynter
Ms. Mary C. Pearson
Ms. Suzanne Peers
Ms. Emily Pelino
Ann and Troy Pence
Dee Pence
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Pendexter
Ms. Margaret R. Pengilly
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Penninger
Deborah Pennington and Dennis K. Brown
Ms. Kaye Pentz
Ms. Joyce B. Pepple
Mrs. Barbara C. Peralta
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Perry
Ms. Jane Perry
Ms. Jill E. Pershing
Ms. Melissa A. Pershing
Mrs. Gretchen D. Peterson
Ms. Joyce Peterson
Ms. Kathryn L. Peterson
Ms. Catherine Petit
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Petty
Ms. Joan Pfeifle
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Phares
Andy Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Phillips
Mrs. Stephanie M. Phillips
Ms. Paulette F. Phillips
Ms. Lori Phillips-Steele
Ms. Erin Phipps
Ms. Stephanie Pickens
James B. Pickering
Dr. Robert D. Pickett
Ms. Patricia Pickett
Mr. William F. Pillow, Jr.
Mrs. Dorothy M. Pinella
Mr. and Mrs. Jared C. Piper
Ms. Leslie Pirog
Loraine A. Pitman
Mr. Jeff Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Pitzele
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ploss
Carol Poglitsh
Mr. John A. Polewczak
Mr. David A. Polick and Ms. Tina Hafer
Ms. Linda Polivick
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eliot Pollack
Ms. Alice Pollert
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Pollom
Mr. Larry D. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Poore
Ms. Noreen Poorman
Ms. Candice Pope
Mrs. and Mr. Porte
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin L. Porter
Yok and Eric Potts
Dawn J. Povlin
Ms. Merry Kay Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Power
Ms. Lindsay Powers
Mr. Jeron Prentice
Charles and Ann Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Preston
Mr. Stephen G. Preston
Dominique Price
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Price
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Price
Ms. Angela Price
Ms. Morgan Price
Michael and Jean Proctor
Ms. Snovia Pullins
In this picture, a five-yearold boy has painted a red
triangular house, covered by
a rainbow. To the right is an
object armed with guns. He
described the house as his
own home, which was being
shot by the object with guns
on the right as the rainbow
kept it safe. This painting
perhaps reflects his feelings
of safety while in the shelter, as well as his awareness
that the danger of domestic
violence still lurks outside of
this space.
Thanks to Our Donors
Social Media
People support The Julian Center in
generous and creative ways. Social media
encouraged some people to be especially
kind in 2012:
A Facebook posting that the center
urgently needed diapers prompted a local company to show up just three days later with $3,000 worth of diapers.
Julian Center staff used social media to let others know that a client’s abuser burned down her front door, which she could not afford to replace, even as winter approached. One donor offered
to cover the $100 cost of a new door
through the Habitat for Humanity store.
In response to an online appeal for children’s Halloween costumes, donors
purchased costumes in bulk from local
stores that discounted them. Kids living in the shelter were excited to choose new costumes like other kids and go trick or treating to various departments at The Julian Center.
When The Julian Center posted its need for towels and linens, donors ordered them online and had them sent directly to the shelter—anonymously.
Mr. Jerome Puryear, Sr.
Mr. James Puskala
Dr. Asad Qamar and Dr. Humeraa Qamar
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery J. Qualkinbush
Chris Quallen
Ms. Jenny Quinnette
Mr. and Mrs. Erik J. Raasch
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond S. Rabiola
Mr. and Mrs. Rager
Mr. and Mrs. Geffrey D. Rainbolt
Mr. and Mrs. Devin Raisor
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Raker
Ms. Karoline Ralls
Barbara Ralston
Tracy Ramsey
Mr. and Mrs. J. Parke Randall
Nivedita Rangnekar
Mr. Richard W. Ransdell
Jeff and Roberta Rasmussen
Ms. Krystal Ratliff
Mr. and Mrs. Lee E. Ray
Ms. J. Anita Ray
Ms. Jazie Ray
Richard and Christina Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Reasner
Renee Reed and Jeffrey Glass
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm A. McCannell
Ms. Pearl Regenstrief
Mark C. Reichel
Ms. Hannah J. Reid
Ms. Elizabeth Reinitz
Mr. Benedicto Y. Relucio, Jr.
Mrs. Jane M. Remien
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Reuben
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Reynolds
Ms. Rhonda Reynolds
Cherry M. Rhodes
Mr. Aaron Rhodes
Ms. Shirley R. Rhodes
Ms. Ginger R. Rice
Gail Griffin Richards
Jean A. Richards
Ms. Donna M. Richards
Ms. Donnetta J. Richards
Ms. Nancy Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Richardson
Mr. Mark Richardson
David A. Richmond
Mrs. Nancy L. Ridenour
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin O. Ridgeway
Patricia A. Riebeling
Ms. Patricia Riedl
Timothy J. Riffle and Sarah M. McConnell
Mr. Nathaniel Rifkin
Ms. Betty Riggs Meyer
Anna Riley
Ms. April Risk
Ms. Elizabeth Rivellino
Monica and William Robbins
Mr. and Mrs. Tom N. Robbins
Ms. Jean E. Rodgers
Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Rodia
Mr. Francisco Rodriguez
Ms. Stacey Roesch
Nancy Roesch
Ms. Theresa Rohr-Kirchgraber
Ms. Florence W. Roisman
Mr. Brad Rollings
Ms. Erin Rosenberg
Ms. Sharon L. Rosenburgh
Mr. and Mrs. David Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rosiello
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Rothenberger
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. Rotondaro
Mr. Steven Rovnyak
Ms. Debra M. Rowe
Virgil Rowley
Ms. Annette Roy
Ms. Elizabeth J. Rubens
Ms. Vicki Rubio
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ruble
Ms. Donna S. Rudiger
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ruhl
Ms. Brenda Runyan
Ms. Barbara A. Rush
Mr. Matt Russell and Ms. Nannette E.
Ms. Tamara D. Russell
Ms. Colleen Russo
Gloria P. Sachdev and Rakesh P. Mehta
Ms. Emily Sagor and Mr. Peter Campbell
Mr. Phillip Salmon
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Samson
Victoria S. Samuels and Timothy Jackman
Ms. Rachael Sanchez
Dr. Donna L. Sandage
Mr. and Mrs. Sanner
Ms. Paige Sauder
Paula Saul
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Saunders
Julanne and Mark Sausser
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Savage
Elzbieta and Phillip Scaletta
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Scanlan
Mr. Thomas J. Scanlan
Mr. Larry H. Schabath
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Schiff
Ms. Christin Schippnick
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schlegel
Mr. Jeff Schlitt
Diane V. Schmadeke
Mr. Gerold Schmid
Ms. Brittany Schmuck
Ms. Judith A. Schmutte
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle S. Schoeler
Ms. Ellen Schoenberger
Ms. Lucinda R. Schoomer
Mr. and Mrs. John Schostek
Ms. Ann Schrand
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric V. Schroeder
Mr. Philip L. Schroeder
Ms. Barbara Schubert
Ms. Elizabeth Schubert
Nancy and David Schuetz
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Schultz
Mr. Albert E. Schultze and Mrs. Marcia
Ms. Nanette V. Schulze
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Schumacher
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Schumm
Mrs. Cheri L. Schupp
Diane Schussel and Andrew R. Klein
Mr. Steven C. Schwab
Susan Reed Schwab
Jill and Jeffrey Schwarz
Lee H. Schwecke
Jane Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Scott
Mr. John E. Scott
Ms. Ann Scott
Ms. Erika E. Scott
Ms. Sabrena Scott
Mr. James T. Seach
Mrs. Kelly B. Sears
Mr. James L. Seay
Ms. Karen H. Sechrist
Mr. Brad Sedam
Ms. Tara Seeley
Alex Segrest
Mr. and Mrs. David Seiferth
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher D. Seigel
Mr. Lorenzo R. Selby
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Semro
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Senetar
Ms. Irene Senn
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Severns
Thanks to Our Donors
Mr. Peter Seybold
Mr. and Mrs. Armen Shanafelt
Mr. Thomas Shanahan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Shapiro
Ms. Margaret Sharples
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Sharrow
Taiseer and Amnah Shatara
Ms. Ada C. Shaum
Paulette and Neal Shaw
Susan McNeely and Robert Shaw
Mr. Kevin J. Sheahan
Mr. Jeff N. Shelton
Ms. Erma L. Sherrod
Shang-Ying Shih
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne M. Shipe, Jr.
Mr. David R. Shirley
Fay and Patricia Shockley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Short
Ms. Catherine Short
Ms. Barbara A. Shuey
Mr. Don Shultz-Lee
Kausar F. Siddiqi
Mr. and Mrs. Miles G. Siegel
Ms. Katherine Siemionko
Mr. James M. Simmons
Mrs. Jacqueline A. Simmons and
Mr. Thomas F. Schnellenberger
Mr. Greg Simons
Ms. Brenda Simpson
Ms. Maggie Sims
Ms. Mary Jo Sink
Kim Sisco
Mr. Peter Skelly
Ruth A. Slates
Geoffrey Slaughter
David L. Sleppy
Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter Slibeck
The Reverend Barbara Sloop
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle D. Small
Ms. Amy Smallwood
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Smirz
Aaron and Dianna Smith
Dr. Roberta A. Smith
Jo Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold E. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Danny A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Smith
Mr. Marshall A. Smith
Mr. Richard Smith
Mrs. Laura M. A. Smith
Ms. Angela S. Smith
Ms. Elizabeth Smith
Ms. Jean M. Smith
Ms. Pipere Smith
Ms. Vicki Smith
Pipere M. Smith
Mrs. Shirley A. Smitha
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Smoot
Gwen and A.J. Snavely
Ms. Bernadette Snider
Mrs. Shannon Snodgrass
Mr. and Mrs. C. Alan Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. R. Chad Snyder
Ms. Jessica M. Sobat
William Sobat
Mr. John Somers
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Sonner
Ms. Shyamala Sonti
Reverend and Mrs. Christopher J. Sopke Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Soskin
Ms. Krystal Spahr
Ms. Patricia K. Spaller
Mr. Doug Spaniol
Mr. and Mrs. Dwain L. Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. James Sparks
Mr. Aaron Speikes
Ms. Donna J. Spence
Aaron P. Spencer
Ms. Shelly Spencer
Mr. Aaron Spiegel
Moneet Spivey
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Springer
Ms. Rose Stafford
Mr. Chris Stake
Kathryn Stambaugh
Terry Stansberry
Ms. Stephanie Staples
Ms. Karen Starks
Mr. Chad Starns & Mrs. Crystal Grave
Mr. Aaron Staser
Michael and Carol Stayton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Steadham
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Steen
Ms. Katherine A. Steffen
Joe and Loran Steinmetz
Ms. Sarah M. Stelzner
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Stephens
Ms. Kelley S. Stephenson-Freedom
Cleaners LLC
Ms. Peggy J. Stephenson
Alice Steppe and Patrick Murphy
Ms. Alyson Sterner
Ms. Laura Stevens
Lois J. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Stickelmaier
Ms. Mary P. Stickelmeyer
Ms. Cindy L. Stickford
Ms. Tabitha Stickradt
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Stillabower
Ms. Tina Stillabower
John and Char Stockwell
Mr. Jack S. Stohlman
Ms. Taryn Stone
Mr. Bradley Storer
Jeffrey and Karla Stouse
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Strange
Amy Strasburger
Ms. Kristen Strasser
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Stratman
Mr. and Mrs. Jason S. Stratman
Ms. Linda Straub
Ms. Julie Strawhacker
Jamie S. Street
Ms. Janice Strickland
Ms. Patricia A. Strohmeyer
Ms. Teresa Stroman
Ms. Carrie Strout
Ms. Chrystal Struben
Ms. Clare Sukay
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Sullivan
Ms. Marguerite Sullivan
The Honorable and Mrs. Frank Sullivan Jr.
Maureen W. Surak
Ms. Vivian Surface
Mr. Matthew L. Sutton
Ms. Shelly Sutton and Mr. Jeffrey E. Conrad
Sean Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Swanson
Ms. Karen A. Swarts
Glenn M. Swisher, Jr.
Ms. Jillian Szalankiewicz
Jennifer and Jim Talbott
Mr. Charles P. Taliercio and Ms. Susan J.
Mr. and Mrs. J. David Tank Jr.
Robin Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Tarver
Catrina A. Tate
Agnes Welch Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Taylor
Ms. Marla Taylor
Ms. Mary L. Taylor
Ellen Taylor-Ridenour
The Julian Center
Board of Directors
Pam Matthews, President
Maeghan Hurley, Vice President
Kevin Sullivan, Treasurer
Beth White, Secretary
Richard J. Cockrum
Lisa Harris, MD
Roger Harvey
Eric Johnson
Robin Ledyard, MD
Timothy E. Ochs
Stephanie M. Phillips
Rabbi Sandy E. Sasso
Phil Terry
Executive Director
Melissa Pershing
“The Julian Center is
grateful to our loyal
donors, funders and
partners who continue
to support our work to
end the cycle of domestic
–Pam Matthews,
President, Board of Directors
Thanks to Our Donors
Mr. Jeffrey Teeter
James Telford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Tempero
Ms. Christina Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Terry JD
Ms. Patricia A. Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Oren P. Testa
Ms. Patricia A. Thiem
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Thomas
Mr. Phil Thomas
Mrs. Kathleen Thomas
William and Kitty Thomas
Ms. Kesha Thomeson
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley M. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Thompson
Mr. and Ms. Charles Thompson
Ms. Miriam C. Thomson
Mr. and Mrs. Hal O. Thurston
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle S. Tierney
Ms. Ann Marie Tiernon
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Tikijian, III
Ms. Elizabeth Timme
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Timmers
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tison
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Zane G. Todd
Mr. and Mrs. Stefano Tomasi
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Tomes
Margaret Tompkins
Ms. Vickie Topmiller Marsh
Ms. Kari F. Totten
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Towne
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Tracy
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Trippi
Ms. Juli Tromley
Mr. Craig L. and Mrs. Patricia
Trowers- Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn T. Troyer
Ms. Clara L. Trusty
Ms. Eileen Tsai
Susan and Michael Tsangaris
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic C. Tumminello
Ms. Jaycee Tumulty
Mr. Geoffrey L. Turner
Ms. Jacqueline J. Turner
Ms. Peggy A. Tyler-Bryant
Michael and Nancy Tynan
Ms. Bonnie Uber
Chris Urbanski
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Utken
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Van Allen
Ms. Kelly Van Busum
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Van Frank
Ms. Susan M. Van Hoosen
Dr. and Mrs. James Van Tassel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Vance
Ms. Linda K. VanDuessen
Alek Vanluchene
Ann F. Vannice
Mr. and Mrs. Dirk E. Vantilburg
Ms. Melissa Vasconcelos
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Vaughn
Ms. Harriet L. Vaughn
Ms. Jayne M. Vaughn
Mr. Tim Vaught
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Vera
Elcira Villarreal and Jeanette Frazier
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Vitales
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Voelker
Ms. Shari Voigt
David and Nonie Vonnegut-Gabovitch
Dr. Robert E. Vore
Mr. and Mrs. Chad Voris
Ms. Cindy K. Wade
Douglas and Sandra Wagner
Ms. Kyra Wagner
Daniel Walker
Mr. Andrew Walker
Ms. Barbara Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh
Ms. Maria R. Walsh
Mr. Douglas Walter
Ms. Carolea Walters
William and Debora Waltz
Mr. Chris Wardrip
Ms. Sharon Wardrip
Bret J. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Watts
The Right Reverend Catherine E.
Jody E. Webb
Ms. Carol A. Webb
Ms. Debra M. Webb
Adam Weber
Maria and Paul Weber
Ms. Erin Weesner
Ms. Jodi Weghorst
Ms. Ann M. Weifenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Weinberger
Mrs. Myrna Weinberger
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Weinstein
Ms. Anna J. Weiser
Thomas Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wellinghoff
Ms. Mary E. Welter
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wendel
Bill Wendling
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Wentink
Mr. Nick Weybright
Mrs. Betsy Whaley
Mr. James J. Whelchel
Bernice B. White
Mr. and Mrs. James T. White
Ms. Elizabeth L. White and Mr. Neil
Ms. Jennifer White
Ms. Jessica R. White
Steve White
Ms. Regina Whitehead
Mr. John P. Whiteman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Whitener
Brian Whitney
Joy and George Whitsit
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wibbenmeyer
Mr. Robert Wickliff
Ms. Elizabeth Widdicombe
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Wiegand
Ms. Gretchen F. Wiegel
Ms. Stephanie Wigton
Ms. Susan M. Wilding
The Honorable and Mrs. Charles A.
Mr. Wade K. Wiley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Willency
Cari D. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Williams
Mr. Parker Williams
Mr. Williams and Ms. Mitchell
Mrs. Kathleen A. Williams
Mrs. Marlene Williams
Mrs. Reagan M. Williams
Ms. Deborah Williams
Ms. Emma Williams
Ms. Polly A. Williams
Terri Williams
Ms. Barbara Williamson
Ms. Sandra S. Willis
Bob and Dana Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Wilson
Mr. W. Michael Wilson
Ms. Annabel S. Wilson
Ms. Colleen M. Wilson
Ms. Jerry Wilson
Ms. LaTanya Wilson
Ms. Mary A. Wilson
Mr. Brian E. Winger
Vicki Winslow
Ms. Toni Winstead
Ms. Angela Wirth and Mr. Anthony Parks
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wise
Ms. Pamela D. Wise
Roberta and Bill Witchger
Anita C. Withem
Ms. Abigail Wodock
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Woiteshek
Ms. Marion Wolen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Wolf
Mr. Randall Wolf
Ms. Lynn Wolf
Glendon and Jane Wolfe
Ms. Tracy Wolfe
Mr. and Mrs. George William Wood
Ms. Gwen Woodard
Mr. and Mrs. Woodruff
Melanie Woods
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Woods
Deborah Wooldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Woosley
Chris Worden
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney L. Wormley
Mr. and Mrs. David Worrell
Ms. Leslie Wortman
Dr. Gary R. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Wright
Walter E. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Roger G. Wrigley
Mrs. Julie A. Yeater
Ms. Angela Yoon
Ms. Lisa Yost
Kenneth Young
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Young
Mr. Ben Young
Mr. Stephen R. Young
Patricia Lee Young
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall C. Yovits
Jennifer and Nathan Yumibe
Cheryl A. Zeis
Ms. Judy M. Zell
Stephen and Martha Zetzl
Hui Zheng
Cary and Kay Zietlow
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Zimmerman
Mr. Bryan Ziolkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Zirkelbach
Christine Zoccola
Mr. Greg Zolezzi
Ms. Dorothy Zunich
11th District Believers – Order of the
Eastern Star
3 Musicians, 2 Pianos, 1 Cause
4086 Advisors
AARP Monthly Corporate Match – America’s Charities
Abacus Preschool
ABC Beauty Supply
Abundant Harvest United Methodist
AC Equipment Representatives Inc.
Allstate Giving Campaign
Alpha Chi Omega Foundation
American Association of University
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Apex Benefits Group
ASI Signs
Association of Government Accountants
AT&T Morale Committee
Avon Foundation For Women
Ayres Foundation, Inc.
Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
Be Bliss LLC
Benedict Inn Retreat & Conference
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan &
Aronoff LLP
Berline Construction, Inc.
BKD Foundation
Blue River Community Foundation, Inc.
BMW Constructors, Inc.
Bose, McKinney & Evans, LLP
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
Bright House Networks LLC
Caito Foods
Calvert Social Investment Foundation
Canfield Memorial Trust
Carmel High School
CE Solutions, Inc.
Centenary Christian Church
Center Township of Marion County
Central Christian Church
Central Christian Church – Thrift Shop
Central Indiana Community Foundation
Charles Schwab Foundation
Christ Church Cathedral
Christel DeHaan Family Foundation
Christian Church in Indiana (Disciples
of Christ)
Church Publishing, Inc.
Church Women United in Indianapolis
Circle City Corvette Club
Citizens Energy Group
City of Indianapolis
Clear Lane Freight Systems
Coburn Place
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates, Inc.
Covert Family Foundation
Crooked Creek Ladies
Crowe Horwath LLP
Cummins, Inc. – Indianapolis Office
Daniels Associates, Inc.
Daughters of Penelope – GAIA Chapter No. 60
Daughters of Penelope – Pleiades Chapter No. 50
Daughters of Penelope Twelfth District
Decatur County United Fund
DECO Associates, Inc.
Deering Cleaners, Inc.
Defender Direct, Inc.
Delta Chi Sigma – Delta XI Chapter
Dem Gyrlz MC
Domestic Violence Network
Dow AgroSciences, LLC
Downtown Optimist Foundation
Duke Realty
Eastern Engineering Supply, Inc.
Eastern Star Church
Elanco Animal Health
Eli Lilly Federal Credit Union
Eli Lilly PKPD Dept.
Eli Lilly U.S. Regulatory Affairs
Emerald Lakes Apartments
Emmanuel Seventh-Day Adventist
Empire Education Group
Epworth United Methodist Church
Essential Architectural Signs, Inc.
F.C. Tucker Company, Inc.
Faegre Baker & Daniels, LLP
Fairview Presbyterian Church
Far Eastside Action Coalition
Fervent Prayer Church
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Fifth Third Bank
Fink Roberts & Petrie, Inc.
First Baptist Church of Indianapolis, Inc.
First-Meridian Heights Presbyterian
Thanks to Our Donors
FM Global Foundation
Forum Credit Union
Fox Hill Elementary School
Frances H. Arnold Lvg Trust
Franklin Central Christian Church
Free Range Unitarian Universalists
Frito Lay
Fry’s Electronics
Gannett – Matching Gift Center
Garfield Park United Church of Christ (Women’s Guild)
GE Foundation Matching Gifts Program
Give With Liberty
Global Impact
Goodwill Industries of Central Indiana
GRC Wireless, Inc. / Shelter Alliance
Greenwood Presbyterian Women
Gregory & Appel Insurance
Hall, Render, Killian, Heath & Lyman, P.C.
Harold E. Bond Revocable Trust
HCR ManorCare at Summer Trace
Health and Hospital Corporation of Marion County, Indiana
Herbert Simon Family Foundation
Herman & Kittle Properties, Inc.
Herr Family Foundation, Inc.
Hidden Treasures Antiques
Holland Eye Care Inc
Holy Spirit Parish at Geist
Ice Miller, LLP
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Indiana Arts Commission
Indiana Coalition Against Domestic
Indiana Credit Union League
Indiana Criminal Justice Institute
Indiana Department of Education
Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance
Indiana Ice
Indiana Lambda Chi
Indiana Land Title Association
Indiana Paging Network, Inc.
Indiana Women in Public Finance
Indiana Youth Institute Inc.
Indiana-Kentucky Women of ECLA
Indianapolis Bar Association
Indianapolis Fruit Co., Inc.
Indianapolis Parks Foundation
Indianapolis Power & Light Company
Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies
Integrated Software Solutions
Interactive Intelligence
Interactive Intelligence Foundation
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers – Local 481
Irvington United Methodist Church – United Methodist Women
Israel of God’s Church W.H.A
IU Health North Hospital
Ivy Tech Community College –
Academic Affairs Department
Jessie E. Jones Charitable Trust
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kappa Delta Sorority Indy Evening Alumnae Chapter
Kappa Kappa Kappa, Inc. Epsilon Sigma Chapter
Kappa Kappa Kappa, Zeta Iota –
Irvington Indianapolis East
Kathy’s Hair Fashions
Katz, Sapper & Miller, LLP
KEJ Foundation
Kesler-Schaefer Wholesale Auto
Auction, Inc.
KeyBank Foundation
Kim’s Kake Kreations and Bakery
Kite Realty
Koorsen Fire & Security
Kraabel Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Kraft Foods Global, Inc.
Kroger Food Store J-906
KSM Business Services, Inc.
Kucic Associates Realty
L.M.L. Estate Management Corporation
LaBelles Chapter – LaChayne
DeVoyageurs, Inc.
Lawrence North High School
Lawrence Township Trustee, Marion
Life Systems Martial Arts
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Linwood Coin Laundry
Lumina Foundation for Education
Lynhurst Elementary School Scholars
MacAllister Machinery Company, Inc.
Marigold, Inc.
Marion County Prosecutor’s Office
Marion County Public Health
Marriott Indianapolis Downtown
McFarling Foods
MCR Charitable Foundation, Inc.
MDwise Hoosier Alliance
Meridian Hills 9 Hole Group
Meridian Psychological Associates, P.C.
Meyer Najem Corporation
Mickey’s Camp
Microsoft Giving Campaign
Midwest Estate Buyers
Mike’s Hard Lemonade
Millennium Foods, LLC
MillerCoors Brewing Co.
Minority Police Officers Association
Mirowski Family Foundation
MKM Distribution Services, Inc.
Monarch Beverage Co. Inc.
Monticello Christian Church – Christian
Women’s Fellowship
Morgan Stanley Annual Appeal
c/o The Charity GivingStation
Mount Horeb Missionary Baptist Church
Ms. Molly Foundation
Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church
Mt. Zion’s Loving Day Care Ministry
Multiguard Corporation
Estate of Maxine B. Murray
National Christian Foundation Indiana
National Construction Workforce
Neurology & Neurodiagnostic Clinic
New Hope Title LLC
New Wineskin Ministries
Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr. Memorial
Foundation, Inc.
Northminster Presbyterian Church
Northview Middle School Cheer Team
Nosnhoj Services Inc.
Not to Believers Like Us Inc.
Oasis of Hope Baptist Church
Old National Insurance
Olive Branch Christian Church
Oracle Corporation Matching Gifts
Pacers Foundation, Inc.
Pearson Education
Pernod Ricard Southern Wine
Phi Delta Theta
Phillips & Associates
Pike High School
Pike High School – PSL (Pike Service
Pike Township Trustee
Pleasant Run United Chuch of Christ
Plews Shadley Racher & Braun LLP
PNC Foundation
Presbyterian Women in Fairview Church
Presbyterian Women In The John Knox Church
ProLiance Energy, LLC
Quay Properties
R.E. Dimond & Associates, Inc.
R.P. Dellen Charitable Foundation, Inc.
RATIO Architects
Red Bull
Roberts Park United Methodist Church
Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Roche Diagnostics Matching Gifts
Schneider National Foundation, Inc.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Season For Sharing
Sharp Business Systems
Shepherd Insurance & Financial
Services, Inc.
Simons Bitzer & Associates PC
Sisterhood of Congregation Beth-El
Southport Christian Church
SPM Foundation
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church
St. James’ Episcopal Church
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church
St. Malachy Kind Club
St. Margarets of Scotland Daughters
of the King
St. Mark’s United Methodist Church
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
St. Peter’s United Church of Christ
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church
St. Vincent CVTU
St. Vincent Hospital and Health Care
Center, Inc.
Stanley Black & Decker Inc.
Stanley H. Byram Trust
State Auto Insurance Companies
State Employees’ Community Campaign
Stonegate Mortgage Corporation
Surgical Care Affiliates
Susan Fleck Photography, LLC
Tabernacle Missionary Baptist Church
TDI Nationwide
Teachers Credit Union
The Bible Church
The Brave Heart Foundation
The Clowes Fund, Inc.
The Cohen Family Foundation, Inc.
The Earl Harris Fifteen-year Charitable
Lead Annuity Trust
The Episcopal Church of All Saints
The Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis
The GE Foundation
The Gerald Abell Foundation
The Indianapolis Foundation
The Irving S. and Alwyn N. Johnson Family Foundation, Inc.
The Jazz Cooker
The Kroger Co.
The Kroger Co. Foundation
The Law Office of Danielle Gregory
The Mediawise Companies LLC
The Orchard School Foundation
The Order of the Daughters of the
King Inc.
The Penrod Society
The Seabury Foundation
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
The Willard & Anne Levin Foundation
34 North, LP
Time Payroll
Tom Wood Management
Travailing Ministries International, Inc.
Turning Point
Tuxedo Brothers
UN Communications Group, Inc.
Unitarian Church of Indianapolis
United States Infrastructure Corporation
United Technologies Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant Program
United Way of Bartholomew County, Inc.
United Way of Central & Northeastern
United Way of Central Indiana
United Way of Central Ohio
United Way of Delaware County
Indiana, Inc.
United Way of Howard County
United Way of Johnson County
United Way of Massachusetts Bay and
Merrimack Valley
United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta, Inc.
United Way of the National Capital Area
University of Indianapolis
UPS – TSG Ohio Valley District
UPS Foundation, Inc.
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime
Verizon Foundation
Walter E. and Ruth K. Wright Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Warren Township Trustee
Washington Civil Township
Weaver Popcorn Foundation, Inc.
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Westlane Middle School
Wethington Law Office
Williams, Cone & Billings
Wishard Health Services
Women’s Fund of Central Indiana,
a fund of CICF
2011 North Meridian Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46202