2010 - Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue


2010 - Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue
Golden Gate
Labrador Retriever
Rescue, Inc.
Fall 2010
Message from the President
Hi everyone,
It's hard to believe that fall is upon us. It's been a very busy eight months for Golden Gate Lab Rescue as we continue to do
all we can to save and place as many fabulous Labs as possible. So many Labs need our help and each has a story. There
was Lucy, a one-year-old black female, who was tied to a truck bumper in her owner's yard for three months without shelter
and very little food and water...finally saved by a caring neighbor who turned her over to us. And Lilly, another one-year-old,
who was abandoned during the night, left scared, alone, and tethered to her dog house outside the front door of a shelter.
Sparky, a 1½ year old yellow boy, who was dumped at another shelter by his owner and was on the euthanasia list because he
had ringworm, ghiardia, and infected ears. And Murphy, a six-month-old black male who was also slated to be euthanized.
He had a severely broken leg, probably from being hit by a car, and needed surgery. A caring vet donated most of the cost
of his surgery after GGLRR agreed to take him. And who can forget Ozzie, a nine-week-old puppy, who was found as a stray
and on the euthanasia list because he was black and, therefore, "unadoptable." All of these wonderful Labs were rescued by
GGLRR. They were spayed or neutered, had their ailments treated, received all their shots, were checked for heartworm, and
were given a microchip. Most importantly, they were placed in loving homes where they are now living the good life. So far in
2010, we have rescued and found loving homes for more than 200 labs!!!
Our website continues to be updated with new information, and we now also offer a monthly e-newsletter for adopters and
other supporters to get the latest news during the months between our printed newsletters. It's amazing to us how many
people consult our website every day and thrilling that so many want to adopt a Lab and give him or her a wonderful new
life. Our Pet Fairs in Redwood City and Novato have also been extremely successful. We've been able to meet so many people
face to face to explain what we do and show off some of our amazing dogs. The response has been heartwarming, and many
people coming to "meet" us at the fairs end up completing an application so they, too, can adopt a Lab. Visit us online at
www.labrescue.org for more information about our fairs or to sign-up for our e-newsletter!
We have a wonderful fundraiser coming up in September at a private home in Belvedere, and a first ever GGLRR calendar
planned for 2011 to showcase many of our extremely photogenic rescue Labs. We were absolutely thrilled by the terrific kids
from Esther B Clark School who voted to donate all the funds from their student council sponsored walk-a-thon to GGLRR.
We so appreciate their amazing efforts on behalf of our deserving Labs. With so many Labs needing our help, we are constantly trying to come up with ways to raise funds and welcome any ideas that you might have. We continue to be an allvolunteer organization and spend no money on salaries or rent. Everyone pitches in and that enables us to spend all of the
money we raise in donations on our Labs.
And that leads to our HUGE thank you to all of our volunteers...our reps, fosters, transporters, and those who tackle adminiscontinued on page 9
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Fall 2010
Twister had been left outdoors for five years because his owner remarried,
and his new wife didn't want "a dog" in the house. It took Rescue Rep Liz
five months to convince the family to turn him over to GGLRR. Here's what
his new family has to say about him:
Twister has made such a difference in our life. As you know we had just lost
our beloved lab, Bo, to cancer and were devastated by his passing. We were
not really thinking about getting another dog quite so soon but just for something to do one day, I decided to look at the Lab Rescue site. I came upon
Twister's picture and thought how he much he looked like Bo. Jo Ellen and I
called to set up a visit.
Our little Dachshund Gunter missed his big buddy also, so we brought him
with us to our meeting with Twister. They hit it off, and so did we. We brought Twister home that day. Twister was very quiet
and shy those first days, but was very well mannered. He sat on command and would lie down on his pad with just one
word. He did not seem at all like Bo, who was very outgoing. Slowly he has come out of his shell. He runs to greet us when
we come in the door and plays for hours with our grandson. He stays right with Jo Ellen or me whenever we walk around our
home, inside or out. He is such a gentle soul that he even lets Gunter share his food. He greets our friends and family with
such warmth and happiness. Everyone just thinks he's great.
We are so grateful that Twister came into our lives. He is helping fill that hole in our heart. We will never forget Bo, but
Twister has made his loss so much easier. He's a great dog and our love for him grows every day.
Thank you so much. Because of you (Liz) and the rest of the Lab rescue folks, our home is again filled with joy. We will be
forever grateful.
– Marty & Jo Ellen
Sophie was turned over to us by a gal who had separated from her
husband and moved in with her parents. Her parents didn’t want
Sophie in the house, so for over a year this poor girl had been out in the
back yard...day and night. She’d lost her dad and her “home” and she
was miserable. When we got Sophie, she was very anxious. Clearly being
an outside dog had stressed her to her limit. Many of her behaviors
reflected that stress, and we were afraid we would have trouble finding
her a home that would have enough patience and understanding to see
her through these problems. When her new family met her, they didn’t
hesitate. They wanted a BIG girl (and Sophie was 80+ pounds) and
they somehow knew she was right for them. Sophie’s transformation
has been miraculous. She adores her new family. They opened their
home and their hearts to her, and she responded with total devotion to
each and every member of the family. She’s had no behavior issues at
all and has had a smile on her face every day since. ■
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Fall 2010
Here is an update on Nikki, aka Saint Nikki. Today she is
at the office with George playing psychotherapy dog, which
consists mostly of lying on clients’ feet or accepting strokes.
Amazing the calming influence a gently snoring dog has on
life’s trials and anxieties.
When I read the GGLRR’s urgent plea for a home for a
nine-year-old black lab named Friday, I just had to respond.
My husband met with GGLRR rep Liz and Friday’s owner,
and we brought Friday home the next day. The story is sad
but, unfortunately, not uncommon these days. The owner
was selling her house and had to find a home for him that
week, or she was going to put him down. I can’t imagine
putting this wonderful, caring dog down. As soon as we
brought him home, he was so full of love and joy. He was
immediately a part of our family. He has lots of energy and
LOVES to go for walks and hikes. His new favorite thing is
running in the creek and being chased by a family of birds.
He is great with people and loves to run off-leash through
the vineyards. He is an inside/outside dog now and loves
it. I mean really... what dog wouldn’t want to retire to
the beautiful Napa Valley? My husband is a police officer
and, when he works those long shifts, it’s great to have
Friday there by my side. He has brought so much joy and
happiness to my life that I think GGLRR should change its
mission statement to read, “Let a lab rescue YOU!” It’s hard
to imagine our lives without him in it, and it feels like he’s
been a part of our lives forever. My heart is so full of joy
simply writing this, and I can’t say enough “thank yous” to
GGLRR for giving us such a great addition to our family.
I can’t tell you how
many “what a beautiful
dog” comments we get.
I think it’s mostly that
she just looks happy and
carries herself with calm
self-confidence. In the
car she rests her head
on the partially open
window and samples
the air with twitching
nostrils and half-closed
eyes, seeming so relaxed and blissful that people looking at
her when we’re stopped at a light can’t help but smile.
At home she ignores mail drop-off and garbage pick-up,
giving an indolent “grrr” (lying on the rug, not bothering to
look out the window) when a strange car stops by, but a pair
of squirrels in the oak tree gets the full repel-all-invaders
treatment. They are vermin after all!
She is a diligent vole hunter at Pt. Isabel, even more so after
she caught one last week. Just mouthed it a little. In fact,
we gave her a squeaker toy, and although she responds to
the sound, she doesn’t bite down on it hard enough to make
it squeak herself.
– Dani
She’s a very easy dog, always ready for a walk or a game
but mostly content to hang out and snooze. We walk to
a nearby bookstore where she sits and downs for treats,
and the grandkids love to play with her. She settled down
nicely when our reading group came over, and last week she
settled in peacefully at a house with a resident toy poodle,
yorkie, and another small dog. I can’t tell you how blessed
we feel every day and are so grateful to GGLRR and her first
family for giving her such wonderful care.
– Diane
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Fall 2010
I’ve always had labs that I have raised from puppies (five of them), and when I was
looking for a new dog I started by looking at local breeders. I contacted a few, but was
hesitant about getting a puppy as I felt that I may not have all the time needed to raise
one properly. I then looked at a rescue site in the Central Valley, the SPCA, and finally
came across GGLRR – where I saw Cody’s picture and read her story. I immediately
realized that this was the dog for me. I contacted the GGLRR rep, went to see Cody
later in the week, and brought her home that night. It’s now been over one month
since I adopted her and I couldn’t be more happy.
She is a very sweet and well-trained dog (Cody was trained for hunting). She is always
with you when she is off leash and always comes to heel when called. She is so well
behaved that I can take her everywhere I go. In fact, last week we went to a local farmer’s market where she had to stay on
the sidewalk while I got a few items. Afterwards, a lot of people commented on how well behaved she was, as she just stayed
in place while I did my shopping. One woman initially thought Cody was tied to a tree, but then she realized that Cody was
just sitting there.
Cody has a tremendous amount of energy for a dog her age (6-7 years), which is great for me because I’m a very active person. We always go for a morning walk along the bay, and Cody has fun walking and drinking from the sprinklers. When I got
her from GGLRR I was told that she loves to drink water and, in the time I’ve had her, I’ve realized she certainly does, either
out of her bowl, from the sprinklers, or from the hose at my house. I can’t use the hose without her jumping in front of it.
She ends up getting soaked and then enjoys getting toweled dry.
Some days she’ll come to work with me and will sit quietly in my office, but most of the time she enjoys her days at Planet
Pooch. After work, we either head to the beach for a hike in the hills or a swim in the ocean, or we head to a local fresh water
pond where she loves to swim and retrieve. It’s a lot of fun for both of us.
Every day the bond between us gets stronger. I’m just so amazed that I have this wonderful dog is in my life. Thank you
GGLRR for making it possible for dogs like Cody find a nice new home.
– David
2011 GGLRR Calendar!
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue is producing a 2011 calendar
featuring some of the gorgeous Labs adopted from us! We received
141 submissions of GGLRR Labs during our photo contest – we wish
we could include all the great photos of these clearly well-loved dogs.
Please visit www.labrescue.org/calendar starting in September to
order your calendar showing these lucky Labs now enjoying California
beaches, parks, and other fabulous settings in and around their
forever homes. Order one for everyone on your holiday list. You’ll get
a beautiful Lab calendar and support rescue efforts by helping raise
much needed funds to save more Labs. ■
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Fall 2010
Lucy had had a horrible life. She was discovered tied to a derelict van in the back
yard of a house and she remained there, on a short rope, with very little food or
water and no shelter, for over three months before a neighbor talked her owner
into surrendering her. Her rescuer worked for a vet clinic where she was cared for
for the first time in her life, but she was still in a kennel. She was full of energy
with no way to exercise, was underweight, and starving for affection and a home
of her own. She was not housebroken and knew nothing about living in a home
GGLRR was contacted and rescue rep Judy knew she had to find some special
family to adopt this needy girl. It took three weeks, but finally a wonderful couple
called and said they wanted her no matter what her issues. Lucy went home
shortly after that call. She now lives on ten acres where she can run to her heart’s
content and she sleeps in bed with her people at night. She had never been
socialized, but was a quick learner with a heart of gold. She recently had her first
trip to the beach and was in heaven. Look at her tail waving proudly! She barked
with pure joy, not believing her good fortune, and frolicked with all the other dogs.
Lucy didn’t know how to play with toys – didn’t even know what they were – but
now she does and she loves them. She’ll toss them in the air and play with them,
and then she’ll bury them when she’s done playing. The next day, she’ll dig them
up again and the game continues. She’s gaining more confidence every day and
her family adores her.
Thanks, Jamie and Lee for seeing the the gem that this little girl has become. Like all rescues, she’ll be forever grateful and
pay you back with total devotion and lots and lots of kisses.
– Jamie
Toby Juan Kenobe
In May of 2009, after the passing of my previous Lab/Ret of nine years, I began the search for a new pal and struck out with
two adoption attempts. I then consulted Sapir Weiss of Olivet Kennels. He recommended that I go to Canine Companions for
Independence and in the meantime he would keep an eye out for a dog that matched
my needs. The day that Canine Companions for Independence approved me for their
waiting lists, Sapir called to tell me about a very promising young fellow by the name
of Toby Juan Kenobe. The rest is pretty much history.
While he is not yet a service dog, his demeanor, previous care, and training have
given him the potential to achieve that. He is learning to pick up dropped items
and has adjusted very well to the maneuverings of my wheelchair. Additionally, he
has displayed great behavior while making the rounds at a few rugby tournaments
and everywhere else that I go, proving himself a worthy and capable companion. I
extremely grateful for this wonderful dog and consider myself very lucky to be the
beneficiary of such generosity. Many thanks to both Lab Rescue and Sapir for making
this match possible.
– Patrick
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Fall 2010
Gilda and I didn’t meet under the best of circumstances on
April 2, 2010. I had just lost my beloved black lab mix, Kolya,
at the age of 12 on March 9. Gilda had lost her human dad,
who had to go to a nursing home, and her human mom had
died in 2008. Gilda had lived with this couple since she was
a puppy, but, despite 14 1/2 years of mutual love and loyalty,
their son took her to the vet to be put to sleep. Fortunately, the
vet called GGLRR.
I took Gilda as an emergency foster while her foster mom, who
had had her about a week, went away for a long weekend over
Easter. But since Gilda was overwhelmed by that foster’s three
dogs and seemed happier as an only dog who was fine with my
two cats, the emergency foster became a permanent foster and
then an adoption, as Gilda quickly got so deep into my heart that I couldn’t imagine giving her up.
When I took her to the vet to get checked out, she was reluctant to leave the examining room without me to go in the back for
her blood work and x-rays. That was when I realized that she thinks of me as her mom now, a feeling that is certainly reciprocated.
At 14 ½, she is quite deaf, still amazingly spry and able to run and jump, and about the sweetest thing in the world. We go for
three walks a day. At first she would jump up and down with excitement when she saw her leash. She still does that, but now
she also jumps up and down when we get back to the front gate to show her excitement at returning to her home. Her coat is
beautiful, and she has such light in her eyes. She looks younger to me than when she first arrived because she doesn’t look
worried or stressed now.
Given that she will be 15 on October 18, I expect that I’m looking at spending golden months with her rather than golden
years. The important thing is that she will leave this world on her timetable, not because she has become an inconvenience.
She will not die unloved or unmourned.
– Janis
Woody is doing great. He is velcroed to me when I am home, and is
adjusting much better to me leaving. He is a big, old lapdog and I love
that. He is on the couch with me with his head in my lap most of the
time when we watch TV, and at night he sleeps on the pillow next to me.
He is such a love! He and Shyanne get along great and I am so thankful
for that. Here is a picture of the two of them visiting my kindergarten.
The kids just love them to visit, and the dogs love it too. Woody is helping
fill the void in our life that we feel without our wonderful Peach (yellow
lab from you guys seven years ago). I think Peach would be happy for us
to have helped out a new friend.
– Karen
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Fall 2010
Life works in funny ways. When we moved from a manicured subdivision to mountain acreage after our children had grown,
our dogs began the happiest times in their lives. When they were not helping us with our horse chores, they were free to
chase birds and squirrels in the woods, rodents in the hay barn, lizards in the woodpile, as well as dig, dig, dig in the dirt
without fear of reprimand. There was the ever-present coyote danger, but Annie was part lab and had the size on her that
wouldn’t tempt the coyotes. Pebbles, a small rat terrier that is deaf, had Annie for protection. When Annie crossed the Rainbow Bridge, we knew we would want another larger dog to be Pebble’s companion. An older, sedate lab mix female would fill
the bill for sure.
Somehow we wound up with Charly, a two-year-old black lab mix puppy that is, obviously, not a sedate older female but an
energetic young male. GGLRR learned about this good guy who had been in a shelter near Fresno for almost a year and
a half. A gorgeous and friendly fellow, Charly is blind. Luckily for him, the director of the shelter thought he deserved a
chance, rather than being discarded due to his impairment.
The drive took us three hours, to the designated meeting point where we would meet our new friend. Although I hadn’t felt
love at first sight since junior high school, I was immediately smitten when the small, tan car we were waiting for drove up. I
could see the driver and, next to her, I saw a large black tail wagging with joy and vigor. I had expected a fearful, timid animal
that would need encouragement and reassurance to venture forth in his darkened world. Instead, my husband and I drove
home a creature with more love of life than can be described. Rather than settling down during the three hour drive home to
the lulling drone of the car engine, Charly smothered us with doggy kisses and a switching tail that expressed true excitement
and joie de vivre.
Charly’s adjustment to mountain freedom has happened quickly. He follows our voices and has learned the permanent
obstacles on our property. As he approaches the front porch, he starts high stepping in anticipation of the steps he knows are
there. He’s learned to avoid the horses and loves to explore and investigate each morning on his walk with his humans. With
his size and activity level, coyotes haven’t been seen near here recently, and he patiently allows Pebbles to sit right on top of
him on cold days. He races around the property without a
care. Occasionally he will bump into something unexpected, but he recovers right away and saunters off in search
of the next good thing to sniff. Our cat doesn’t quite know
what to think. Pounce knows Charly is different and keeps
a wary eye on him, even though Charly just wants to play.
Pounce, as are many cats, is a rather selfish and ungrateful fellow. However, we love him, and Charly’s unwitting
method of keeping him on guard is good for Pounce’s own
survival skills.
So, our “family” is complete. We are grateful to GGLRR
for all they do, and to Krystle, at the Fowler PAWS, for her
steadfast belief in the value of Charly’s life. It saddens me
to think of his being passed over for almost a year and a
half, but I realize now he was simply patiently waiting for
us to find him.
– Barbara
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Current Board:
Judy Kreger
Sylvana Stratton
Vice President
Liz Frome
Cyndi Harrell
Marketing Director
Wendy Elliott
Phone Reps
Donna Blatman
Paula Werner
Kathleen Johnson
Renee Miyauchi
Emily Schmidt
Deanne Carr
Kathleen Hirschfield
Shelter Reps
Angela Lin
Martha Laboissiere
Other Volunteers
Cindi Wilson
Jennifer Dekker-Davidson
Fall 2010
More Thanks To:
Bishop Ranch Veterinary Hospital – San Ramon
Carmel Holistic Veterinary Clinic – Carmel
Country Vet – Novato
Designer – Greg Flejtuch
Designer – Lesley Miller
Dog Boarding / Dog Training – K-9 Country Club
Dog Trainer – Barb Cartwright
FabDogz – Annie Bailey
Margie Mullan
Marin Humane Society – Trish King
Marina Pet Hospital – San Francisco
Merchandise – John Oda
Mid-Penninsula Animal Hospital – Menlo Park
Olivet Kennels – Sapir Weiss
Pet Food Express – Hamilton – Novato
Pet Food Express – Redwood City
Photographers – Bridget Whalley
Photographers – Lori Mc Intosh
Photographers – Nikki Doty-Weidner
Printer – Paragraphics – Jim Barnes
Puppy Awareness – Beth Peterson
Whole Pet Vet Hospital & Wellness Center – Los Gatos
Letters to the Editor
We welcome letters and pictures!
In Memoriam
“Abbie” Blodgett 1994-2010
Abbie gave her family all of her love and devotion for 14
years, and even now continues to give to GGLRR, with donations in her memory amounting to $1400. She is so missed
and will forever be remembered. ■
Please send to: GGLRR Editor
268 Bush Street, #4322, San Francisco, CA 94104
or e-mail to: [email protected]
You may also use the above e-mail address to notify us
of an address change or if you would no longer care to
receive this newsletter.
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Thank you, volunteers!
We absolutely couldn't do what we do, saving as many dogs
as we can, without the dedicated volunteers who help us in
so many ways. You all know about the loving and wonderful foster homes that we have (and need MORE of) ... the
incredible people who take these dogs in straight out of the
shelters (scared, dirty and smelly, usually not housebroken,
and often with little or no manners) and transform them
over a week or two into happy dogs that are ready for their
new homes and families. There are also the unsung heroes
who write thank you notes for us and who help out at our
Pet Fair events. And then there are our "transporters" ...
folks who give up a whole day of their weekends to drive for
hours and pick up dogs that are being surrendered to us.
They donate their time and pay for the gas, and, in return,
get a car load of usually VERY energetic, excited labs. These
dedicated volunteers provide us with our first insight into
the personalities of these deserving dogs after listening to
their "conversations" over the course of the drive. Murphy,
Ozzie, and Benny (shown in the photo below) arrived in
Monterey with Jenny, a yellow girl, who was in the brown
crate after a trip up from the Bakersfield shelter. Judi
Daunell drove them from Bakersfield to Paso Robles, and
Rick Alcocer picked them up there and brought them the
rest of the way. All of these labs have been adopted. And
Judi and Rick and many others continue to give of their
time, week in and week out, to make it all possible.
Fall 2010
Message from the President
continued from page 1
trative tasks. Without these amazing people donating hours
of their time, we couldn't do what we do. We said goodbye to
retiring Board member, Holly Still, and want to thank her for
all she did to help Labs over the many years she was a part
of our GGLRR family. She and other volunteers who have
moved on are greatly missed and we wish them our very
best. But as good friends leave us to pursue other interests,
we continually look forward to welcoming many new fosters, adopters, and volunteers in the coming months. We've
added some terrific new members to our Board and these
dedicated people have brought renewed energy and passion
to an already passionate group. Over the next few months,
the Board will be working on updating our policies and procedures so that GGLRR can function even more effectively
and efficiently than it has in the past. Our goal remains the
same...to rescue and find loving homes for as many Labs
as we can. And thank you to each and every one of you for
your steadfast and continued support for our efforts.
Have a safe and happy fall. Give your dog(s) lots of hugs and
please help us, in any way you can, to make our rescue Labs
as happy as YOUR dogs already are. We hope you enjoy the
All the best,
Judy Kreger, President
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Fall 2010
Thank you to all of our wonderful donors. Without you, we would not be able to continue to help the Labs that need medical care
and/or new homes. Your donations make it happen! (Donors listed through Dec. 2009-June 2010; we do our best to recognize all of our generous donors.)
We Extend Our Thanks To You!
Tim Strickland
Julie Wheelan
Adolpho Babatz
Lisa Barclay
Eleanor & Ivan Bays
Grace Coles
Diane Fosha
Karen Hilliard
Solomon Iyasere
Angela Kluck
Carol Lagundo
T.D. Maroney
Valerie Martin
Genrev Media, LLC
Anthony Wesley
Joanne Schunter-Hult
United Way
Liz Kanter
Alan Kass
Meredith & Scott Armienti
James & Carrie Asprinio
Michelle & Brett Ayoob
Ann Began
Kimberly Bobrow
Bonnie & Thomas Burris
Sharon Clifford
Salome Edgeworth
Elisabeth & Gregory Goddard
Kimberly Heber
Meronig Kurkeyerian
Paul Kuzmickas
Mary Beth Lamb
Beverly Jean Mager
Tracey Mills
Erin Ohlson
Kathleen Roussel
Patricia Sepulveda
Susan Siebert
Steve Jain
Graham Dittman
United Way
David King
Kimberly & Riad Agel
Amy & Michael Allen
Amy Allen
Cindy Alpert
Adriana Baires
Randi & Doug Beach
Roy & Becky Belanger, in memory of Nanette
Lyn & Ralph Belingheri
Zandria Berlado
Glenn & Judy Besig, in honor of Hali Besig
Joe & Gerri Bischofberger
Julie Blankenship
Barbara Block
Jane & Lowell
Kitty Brevig
Stacey Brewer
Patricia & James Capbarat
Stephanie & Philip Carter
Paul Conrad
Maureen Cullen
Leslie Davidson
Ann & Kim Desenberg
Alan Dunckel
Carrie Eaton
Marie & Warrren Ehrhardt
Joyce & Jod Evenson
John Farley
Rhonda Gillenwaters
Brian Green
Matthew Gurn
Neila Hallenbeck
Nancy & Michael Henn
Beverly & Raul Herrera
Ellen Hill
Consuelo & Glenn Hunter
Eleanora & Raymond Jadwin
Damon Jensen
Janice Johnson
Mary Jones
David & Mrjorie Kanyer
Marjorie & Brian Kanyer
Constance Kirby
Debbie Kramer
Elizabeth Treadway & Kurt Lehman
ME Lamb, in honor of Mel Meldly
Joyce & Robert Lemmon
Jeannine Lewis
Bejamin Lipton
Beth & Bruce Mahan
Shirley Martucci
Armando Mendez
Timothy Midboe
Patricia & Ronald Miller
Larry Miller
Barb & Glenn Mooty
Carla & MB Moss
James Moy
Corrine Mullins
Erin Nelligan
Sheman Nelson
Kerri & Brian Olhiser
Elizabeth O’Malley
Joan & Joseph Palecek
Patricia Parsons
Mary Williams & Peter Elias
Judith Hanks & Richard Nelson
Lisa Varady & Robert Varady, MD
Trudi Cole & Roberto Almanzan
Leona Rubinoff
Louise Salvador
Karen Sandoval
Elizabeth Scanlon
Ronald Schusterman
Catherine & Ronald Shultz
Jackie & Bob Smith
Ron & Cathy Smith, in memory of Bella
Turtle Steps
Diane Goldman & Steven Goldman, MD
Sylvanna Stratton, in honor of Wendy Elliott’s
Jill Student, in honor of Jack Student
Claudia Sullivan
Joe Szander
Joanne Thompson
Emily & Richard Vose
Susan Warner
Lisa Welch
Steve Jain
Howard Rosenfield
Carol & Robert Abeling
Donald Anderson, in honor of Casy Mitchell
Julie & MB Austin
Daniela Becker
Sandy & Thomas Boyd
Sunanta Bradsby
Joan Brown
Julie Champion
Kathy Reed & Christopher Donnelly
Susan & Michael Corsetti
Judith & Peter Coy
K Williams & Dan Putnam
Christina Devlin
Marion & William Dorning
Lori Duncan
Cindy Eberhardt
Ingrid Evans
The Gilliam Family
Shelly & Paul Feeley
Diane Goldman, in honor of Wendy Elliott’s
Rebecca Gonzales
Sarah Jan Ray & Gordon Wise
Donna & Charles Grant
Elizabeth Greivel
Judith & David Gremer
Wendy & Kenneth Haase
Barbara Harker
Beverly Henchhbarger
Roxanne & John Henry
Laura Hinson
Kym Hopwood
Jon Hudson
Jennifer Rice & James Leyba
DJ Jaryi
Dionne Woods & Jay Seiden
Diana Cohen & Jerry Robinson
Patricia Johnson
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Linda Johnson
Pamela Jordan
Maureen McCarroll & Jose Luis Velo
Lisa Kau
Amy Kohrman
Jim Koren
Darrell & Susan Kupka, in honor of Wendy
Elliott’s birthday
Janet & Col. Charles Leavitt, Ret.
Kathleen Baker & Leonard Swanson
Dina Quattrin & Louis Armanini
Melissa & Steven Macko
Marlene Majewska
Angeli Maney
Sheila Bailey
Karen Cate
Diane Garfield
Cassie Greene
Lisa Hauck-Loy
David Mahan
Avis Austin & Marc Sola
Yvette Miller
Janes & Carrie Misch
Jennifer Robinson & Scott Emery
Deborah Gilman & Stefan Cohen
Steve Jain
Howard Rosenfield
Union Bank
Natalie & Andrew Ken
Anne McGuiness
Kelley Ramsey
United Way
Lorraine & Noah Cohen
David Stein
Richard Bozanich
Katherine Garcia & John Brown
Stephanie Keegan
Linda McLaughlin
Jennifer Pope, in memory of Einstein
Dorothy Regan
Dianne & Brian Stephens
Stephanie English
Lisa Marks
Milbrey McLaughlin
Heather McLean
Stacey Frank & Michael Freinberg, in honor of
Oona Freinberg
Heidi & Jason Mispagel
Lisa Mitchell
Laurie & Michael Morris
Sally Norlund
W. John Oda
Francis O’Rourke
Joni Owens
Willam & Peggy Pattengill
John Perrando
Lindsay Pettit
Susan Pillsbury
Julie Pon
Marilyn Quinn
Gloria & Ed Riordan
Pamela Ross
Melina & Eric Ruchames
Marilyn Rumble
Dora Rusin
Deepika Bilegali & Sam Venugopal
Rosemarie Scafani
Joan Shaw
Pauahi & Patrick Sheehy
Mauricio Sifuentes
Kathleen & Frank Small
Ellen & Ken Smith
Louise Soursoures
Suzanne Stanley
Shane Stent
Barbara Stevens
Carolyn Stewart
Scott Stocker
Laura & Scott Symon
Melo Tabudlo
Michael Tomola
Claudia & AJ Trevor
Lynne Tull
Frank Viola
Cindy & Jim Ware
Joanna & David Wisner
Yu-Ju Wu
Kim Wulfekuhler
Leslie Yee
Donald Zimmanck
Janet Zimmerman
Unknown, in memory of Max and Oso
Marc Cohen
Steve Jain
Meghan Kirby-McFarland
Barbara & Philip Leitner
Cynthia & Stephen Dyer
Bonnie Feldman
Aleene Reisinger
Linda & John Van Gelder
Connie Kirby
Laura Eaton
Brian Eaker
E. Gerritsen
Eileen Ross
Julie Bloomberg
Sherri Wagner
Scott Van Hove
Warren Manuntag
Ken Stevens
Kathy Paulson
Dani Forsey Brown
Collette Michaud
Christopher Rees
Craig & Candace Alexander
John Rowe
Christopher Crump
David Kilgo
Kenneth Price
Frederick & Marcia Jackson
Elena Rodriguez
Jeff Knollmiller
Barry Schmell
Sue Ann & Dudley Few
Robin Kelly
Jenny Isaac
Fall 2010
Allison Chao
Paul Isaac
Susan Sandlin
Frances Elheran
Rick Werhel
Aimee Burke
Frederick & Marcia Backer
Moninderieet Agrola
Betsy & Richard Anderson
Mark Donahue
Audrey Down
C.L. Ferdun
Louise & Chester Ferdun
Janet Kahn
David King
Christine & Eliot Terborgh
Lily Bodin
Gini & Gary Anderson
Brian Heard
Nancy & Skip Fletcher
Daniel Krummes
Jamee Longacre & Nathan Graham
Michael Abbott
Warren Agostini
Sylvia Albertson
Jeffrey Knollmiller & Andrew Harker
Elizabeth Anton
Center of Balance
Barbara Bartlett
Connie & Terry Bluck
Peter & Betty Bradford
Nancy Breckenridge
Barbara & Louis Breger
Robert Canepa
Josh Cohen
Georgia Cornell
Joyce Cunningham
Robert DeMartini
Courtney & Steve Dettlinger
Gerry Dinneen
Suzanne Dong
Joan & Bruce Dyer
Laura Eaton
Jean Aller Edwards
Sandra Engsley
Marilyn Evans
JA Featherstone
Waltraud Finch
Kate & Marc Gibbons, in memory of Buddy and
Donna Gillespie
Garry Gold
Marian Hanley
Marilyn Hoffman
Cherie Hoke
Carrie Johnson & Ignacio Fanio
Lorna Lee & James Keefe
Susan Kawaguchi
Jim Keefe
Roberta Lee & Keith Korver
Terese & George Kemble
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Elizabeth & Robert Keropian
Grace Kim
Brandon Kimura
Sheila Knorr
Barbara & Larry Lange
Justine Lee Eden Liu
Colleen Loop
Jaryl & Craig Lore
Gina Lorenzo
Jefffrey Ludlum
Toby Malina
Andrea & Stephen Marra
Philip Melrose
Nisarg Modi
Jay Morton
Steve Napoli
Rich Narasaki
Susan Negro
Donnie Nicoson
Deirdre O’Sullivan
Michelle Panela
Judy Parsons
Sheila & George Pasfield
Dan Phelps
David Pirogowicz
Brenda Polack
John Poysa, Jr.
Patricia Quinlan
Julie & Scott Reid
William & Peggy Rhodes
Scott Rodrick
Terry Roy
Deedee Ruxton
Diane Savage
Tom Shilling
Michael Shimek
Liam Shortall
Jill & Richard Sideman
Nancy & Sheldon Steckel
Kenna Stormogipson
Jennifer Swanstrom
Louise Thanos
Sue & Richard Underwood
Tracy & Glen Van Ligten
Dirk Van Waart
Ashley Vinson
Carolyn Westgaard
Carol & Dennis White
Jennifer Whitworth
Patricia & William Wilson III
James Wong
Anthony Yee
Kristin Cashin
Pauline & Leonard Ackerman
David Iventosch
Steve Jain
George & Sallie Kladnik
Adam Lautner
Janet Leishman
Birgit Myles
Paul Neumeyer, in memory of Audrey
Joann, John, Molly & Sophie Schunter-Hult,
in honor of Jan K Howard
John Ohmer
Meghan Kirby-McFarland
Patricia & RW Phoebus
Diane Androvich
Scott Hickman
Shelly Hickman
Sally Baumgartner
David Haas
Joselito Varona
$101-$250 “SPAY / NEUTER”
Mary Ann Donahue
Sally & Dan Mills
Jason Stone
George Collins
Joan & Paul Ekstrom
Martha Ramey & Gary Orkin
Susan & Stephen Ohanian
Stephanie A. English
Sharon & Larry Ventura
Sharon Ventura
Lynn Puig-Mosher & AC Mosher
Albert L. Course
Donna, Douglas, John Hansen
Kathryn & Michael Ingoglia
Karen Schuerholz
Robert Steinberg
Penelope Tinsman-Dunckel
Debbie Wolf
Justine Lee
Roy Charles Abrams
Leticia Blodget
Abbie Blodget
Eric Bower
Joanne & Allen Christopher Donnelly
Caroline Cooper
Valeria Cordero
Bonnie Dodd
BethAnn Berenbrok & Eaton Corp.
Margaret Fitzgerald
Sheila Nelson-Acojido
Franklin Acojido
Carol & Chirs Glud
Ellen & Richard Hanke
Cyndi Harrell
George & Diane Hersh
Scott Hickman
Elisabeth & Nelson Lampert
Jennifer & Peter Liske
Mary Manitto
Katherine Moore
Adrienne Murphy
Beth & Ken Myers
Carolyn Newburn
Catherine Christensen & Paul Siri
Anna & Frank Pope
Paul & Stephanie Russell
Kathy & Charles Scanlan
Barbara Schafer
Jennifer Schuler
Sharon Stagg
Ann Thompson
Fall 2010
Charles & Lisa Warner, in memory of Baron
Emma Swain & Wesley Jones, DVM
Martha Laboissiere
Marilyn Brosnan, in memory of Mac, a very
good chocolate Lab
Christine & Eliot Kendrick
Mickey Kramer
Belena Raisin
Linda & Ken Snyder
Erik Zavas
Anthony & Larry Muller
$251-$500 “MEDICINES &
Robert Jowitt
Carey Suckow
Tracy Harcourt
Dana Smith
Geraldine & Kelly Johnson
Jan Barnes & Misty Braz
Anne & Michael Parker
Michael Parker
Janis Anne Cherry
Janis Cherry, in memory of Kolya and Gilda
Mr & Mrs John Hamilton
MaryLou & John Hamilton
David Reedy
Cyntha Braley/Cinderhill Labradors
Laura Coe
Nathaniel Cohen
Andrew Harker
Christina Rosetti
Cool Pool Service, Inc.
Sherry & Charles Shepardson
Kathleen Moffitt & William Bull
Julie Dickson
Dick & Maria Fetherstonhaugh
$501-$1000 “SPECIAL SURGERY,
The Drunken Monkey
Doc’s Clock
Amgen Foundation
Kathleen Adams
Tech Crunch
Christine Kendrick, in memory of Riley
Julie Mischke
The Columbus Foundation
Elizabeth Luster On Shore Foundation
Scott Romesburg
Abbie Blodget
Terri Tienken
Kristin Cashin
Children’s Health Council
Chris Carr
Donald Rhoades Family Foundation
The Prairie Foundation
Liz Frome & James Barnes
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
Fall 2010
A FabDogz Guide to the First Few Weeks with Your New Rescue Dog!
Adopting a rescue dog can be one of the most rewarding
experiences of your life but it can also be overwhelming at
times. To assist families in creating a smooth transition we
have answered some of the most common questions that
our clients and new adopters frequently ask.
What should we buy before we bring our new rescue
dog home? You want to make sure you are prepared with
everything you need before you bring your new dog home.
First you need the basics: collar (I prefer martingales to
prevent collar slipping) with an ID tag including a cell phone
number, leash, dog bed (old blankets work just fine), a
few toys, water dish and food bowl, and dog food. You can
always buy more supplies later but these are the essentials.
How do we introduce the dog to our family and home?
When you arrive home with your new dog you should go on
a walk for 10-20 minutes before entering your home. The
dog should remain on leash as you walk through the house.
Make a bee-line to the back door or slider and go straight
to the yard. Hang out in the yard for 10-20 minutes. Show
the dog where the water bowl is and where the potty area
is! This is NOT a time to get toys out and have excited play.
Remember, if you want a calm and cooperative family member you need to lay that foundation from day one. Keep the
leash on and enter the house calmly. Don’t let the dog run
from room to room, but instead show the dog each of the
rooms by entering, checking it out, and calmly exiting. Do
not go into rooms you want to remain off-limits. After being
supervised inside for 30 minutes, announce that it’s time
to go “outside” and return to the water dish and potty area
again. Once the dog has gone potty you can allow for some
off-leash time in the yard.
Where should our new dog sleep at night? It’s best if
your dog sleeps on a dog bed (or in a crate) in your room.
Dogs are pack animals and they like to be with you. Sleeping in the same room can be a great bonding activity especially during the first few weeks when you are just “getting
to know one another”. Tethering the dog on a six foot leash
to a dresser or table leg for the first week will ensure that
the dog is conditioned to sleep through the night on the dog
bed. When tethering make sure you are always around to
supervise to prevent entanglement or leash chewing.
Should we allow our new dog free reign in the house
or should we limit him to one or two rooms?
You will want to supervise your dog around the house for the
first week or two so it may be helpful to block off a couple
rooms and incrementally introduce him to the rest of the
house. When you are home your dog should be dragging a
cheap six foot leash around with him at all times for at least
the first week and longer if needed. He is going to make
mistakes such as jumping on the furniture without invitation, eating the cat food, counter-surfing etc. and you don’t
want to get in the habit of grabbing his collar as a means of
correction. The leash gives you an effective tool to correct
unwanted behaviors so your new dog learns the rules of the
house from the very beginning and you don’t have to undo
bad habits down the road.
I feel guilty leaving my dog alone because he has
been abandoned in the past. Should I keep him with
me at all times? No! From the minute you bring your dog
home you are setting the tone for the way life is going to be
at your home and with your family. If you ever plan on leaving him on his own in the future to go to a dinner party, your
children’s soccer games or even just to go grocery shopping
you must condition him to expect that from the very beginning. By keeping your dog with you at all times you will
create a co-dependent dog that becomes worried or fearful if
left on his own in the future.
Another helpful tip is to put the water dish outside. This
helps to both condition the dog that outside time is necessary and to assist in and reinforce house training.
Can we take our dog to the dog park? Not just yet.
You need to get to know your dog for the first few weeks.
Start off slow by having a friend bring over his or her dog
for a playdate. Make sure you can call your dog away from
a distraction in your own back yard, such as new person
they are excited to see or another dog. If your dog can get
through these exercises successfully you are ready to take it
to the next level.
Feel free to contact us with any additional training questions
or comments.
– FabDogz Trainers Annie Bailey and Kris Morin
www.FabDogz.com ■
About GGLRR, Inc.
Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc. (GGLRR) is organized under the
California Non-Profit Public Benefit Corporation Law for charitable and educational
purposes. We have been granted nonprofit tax-exempt status under Section 501
(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. GGLRR is a private, nonprofit, all-volunteer
GGLRR facilitates the placement of unwanted Labrador Retriever dogs into new
homes. We are sought out by concerned individuals and humane organizations who
come into contact with Labrador Retrievers. We have a spay-neuter requirement
for all dogs that we place. Families residing within our Northern California service
area who desire to adopt a Labrador Retriever complete an application form and
are introduced to potential pets. Our purpose is solely to provide good homes for
Labrador Retrievers who might otherwise be abandoned or euthanized by their
previous owner.
Our service area is Northern California and covers seven telephone area codes: 408,
510, 650, 707, 831, and 925. GGLRR has more than 30 volunteers. None of our
volunteers receive any form of compensation for their time and effort, other than the
pure satisfaction of matching a displaced Lab with a loving family.
GGLRR relies upon placement and adoption donations, fundraising events, and
charitable donations for its funding. We suggest a minimum donation (currently
$300) for prospective families wishing to adopt from us.
If you prefer, you can also use PayPal to make a
donation. Log onto www.labrescue.org/donate
and click on the PayPal icon.
Golden Gate
Labrador Retriever Rescue, Inc.
12 River Vista Court
Novato, CA 94945
Foster Care Needed
We are always looking for short-term foster homes
to care for our labs until permanent families
can be found to adopt them.
This is an extremely rewarding job,
and a very important one.
For more information about fostering a dog,
please contact: Liz Frome – [email protected].