Annual Report - Holyoke Community College


Annual Report - Holyoke Community College
Annual Report
Holyoke Community College Foundation
Your Gifts Have Inspired Futures for 45 Years
Annual Report
Holyoke Community College Foundation
Your Gifts Have Inspired Futures for 45 Years
President’s Message
here is so much happening at Holyoke
Community College, it is hard to know where
to start. Last year, we enhanced our adult
education and literacy services at the Picknelly
Adult and Family Education Center on Maple Street
in Holyoke. This facility serves XX a year, not only
offering basic education and literacy services, but
computer training and workforce development. This
year our admissions office began regular visits to the
center to help students make the transition to the
main campus.
Here on campus, we have begun planning our new
Center for Life Sciences. This center will be located
on the first floor of our Marieb building and will
upgrade the college’s science lab facilities, expand
the number of classrooms, and provide a modern
learning environment for a variety of science-related
curriculum. A key component, and one critical for
future growth of the life sciences here in western New
England, is the inclusion of the only “clean room” in
the region dedicated to training. The future is indeed
exciting for HCC.
This year the college followed through and purchased
a building adjacent to the campus that will allow us
to expand our many health care-related programs.
The crown jewel of that expansion is the new Center
for Health Education. The center, located on Jarvis
Avenue, will be complete in 2015 and allow us to
expand both our nursing and radiologic technology
programs to better meet needs in the region. There,
we will have a state-of-the-art SimUcenter, where
students can learn the necessary medical skills with
the benefit of sophisticated patient simulators. We
will be able to expand our curriculum to give the most
current training to both future and current healthcare
We are hard at work raising the funds necessary
to accomplish these renovations. We have set an
ambitious goal of $5.3 million and have raised nearly
$4 million. Both facilities will dramatically enhance
the instruction of health and life sciences and
position us well as an asset to both of those fields for
employers and future students in the Pioneer Valley.
We have always counted on our many friends and
supporters to help bring the best possible resources
to bear for our students and will look to you again in
the coming two years as we complete this effort. Our
shared vision has created a robust and ever-evolving
academic environment that will serve our region well
into the future. We are grateful for your continued
A Tradition of Excellence
William A. Messner
President, Holyoke Community College
Annual Giving
Dr. Steven G. Richter ’75
olyoke Community College has been exploring
its place in the biotechnology infrastructure of
the Pioneer Valley; for a biotechnology program
to be viable, students will need training in the use of
modern equipment in state-of-the-art facilities.
In early 2013, Holyoke Community College was awarded
a $3.8 million capital grant from the Massachusetts
Life Sciences Center. These funds will help support the
renovation of the Marieb Building into a modern Center
for Life Sciences.
When the application round was announced in the
summer of 2012, Dr. Richter became an immediate
supporter of the college’s efforts to secure these funds.
He advised the Resource Development (grants) Office
on proposal components, connected faculty and staff
to other project supporters, such as the Massachusetts
Biotechnology Education Foundation (MABioEd), and
most importantly, traveled with President Messner
and other college representatives to the main offices
of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center to present
our case for support
in January 2013. Dr.
Richter described
the regional industry
need for trained
biotechnology and
biomanufacturing technicians to members of the
Massachusetts Life Sciences Center board of directors.
His presence, words, and support played an integral
part in helping HCC secure the largest grant award the
college has ever received.
Post award, Dr. Richter will assist the design team of
faculty and staff members in developing curriculum and
identifying the specific equipment needed for training
students. Specifically, HCC’s Microbiology course will
be updated to train students for a biomanufacturing
environment, new two-year technician degree programs
will be developed, and the installation of a “clean
room” in the Marieb Building will provide the first
academic training center in western Massachusetts.
The updated biology labs, “clean room,” and other
Steven G. Richter
facilities will allow students to gain 21st century
skills in mammalian cell culture, microscopy, product
purification, and workplace quality control. Dr.
Richter will also offer HCC faculty members training
opportunities at his company, Microtest Laboratories,
as well as up to four community college student
internships per year.
Through Dr. Richter’s support, HCC’s Center for
Life Sciences will be able to meet the projected
employment needs of the growing biotechnology and
biomanufacturing industry of western Massachusetts,
as well as ensure that HCC students are well prepared
for transfer to four-year research programs in
molecular biology, biotechnology, forensic science,
microbiology, and other STEM fields.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
The Marieb Chair
23rd Annual Marieb Award goes to Monica Torregrosa
he Spring professional association meeting is a
time to reflect on a productive academic year
and to recognize those whose achievements help
elevate the work and the discourse on campus. This
year was no exception.
The Marieb Chair for Teaching Excellence is the only
HCC award that recognizes outstanding teaching. This
honor was made possible through HCC Foundation
board member, retired HCC professor and textbook
author Dr. Elaine Marieb ‘80, whose generosity has not
only established this award but provided scholarships
and support for non-traditional students and students
in our science curricula.
The committee struggles each year to chose an
individual from among dozens of nominations and
submissions from incredibly gifted Holyoke Community
College professors. The choice this year was Monica
Torregrosa, whose teaching and involvement in college
activities makes her a standout among the faculty.
Monica has worked at HCC for 14 years, served on a
variety of college committees, and is much loved by
“I’m speechless,” Torregrosa said during the
presentation in HCC’s Leslie Phillips Theater. “I’m
moved. I just want to say thank you.”
Torregrosa was born in Concepción, Chile. She did her
undergraduate work in English-Spanish translation
at the Universidad de Concepcion and then won a
scholarship to study English at Drew University in New
Jersey, where she completed her master’s. She got a
second master’s in Spanish literature at the University
of New Hampshire.
Torregrosa has also been teaching English versions
of Spanish literature in recent years. Together,
with English professor James Dutcher, Torregrosa
developed a Learning Community class at HCC called
“The Immortality of the Revolution: Resistance in
Latin America.” Last spring the course was offered
for the first time as an Honors Colloquia and is on the
schedule again for the Spring 2014 semester.
“I’ve always been interested in literature,” said
Torregrosa. “Growing up in Chile, during the
dictatorship, Spanish literature wasn’t really Spanish
Kudos to Monica
Monica Torregrosa
literature. That was considered too subversive.”
Kudos to Monica for this well-deserved honor.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Alumni Association
Scholarship Donor Recalls Challenges, Gives Back
eg Wendlandt ’58 was born in Holyoke, Mass.,
and grew up in Springfield. While at Cathedral
High School, she was trained as a long distance
operator at New England Telephone and Telegraph
Company. There, she had her first epiphany: With
more than 200 operators, 10-20 supervisors, and only
one chief operator, she realized there wasn’t much
opportunity for advancement. Her oldest brother, Joe,
had graduated from Holyoke Junior College in 1952 and
he suggested she consider college.
At Holyoke Junior College, she thrived serving on the
Student Council, cheerleading squad, yearbook staff
and newspaper staff, and on many committees. She
also worked part time, like so many HJC students, in
the mornings at Friendly’s, then Whiting Coal, and then
Defoe Ford Dealership, attending HJC classes in the
late afternoon and evening.
The year she transferred to UMass to be a math major,
tuition doubled from $100 a year to $100 a semester.
“That wasn’t easy,” Peg said, “because my father
had died in my sophomore year.” While at UMass, she
worked part time on campus and went home every
weekend to be with her mother, who was alone with
her 8-year-old brother.
In 1983, 25 years after graduating from HJC, and
married to Gary Wendlandt, then a senior vice
president at MassMutual, Peg entered WNEC Law
School, graduating in 1986. After being admitted to the
Connecticut and Massachusetts bars, Peg established
a private general practice, specializing in divorce law.
Why did Peg and Gary decide to endow a scholarship
through the HCC Foundation? “When my father died
while I was in college, things were tough,” Peg said.
“Without a scholarship, I might not have been able to
complete my education. My experiences at HJC were
so supportive that it was a natural instinct to want to
help a student at Holyoke Community College. Gary
and I both had scholarships in college and we agree
that education is even more important today than it
was when we went to college.”
After endowing a scholarship through the HCC
Foundation, Gary and Peg invited friends and relatives
to donate to their scholarship in lieu of birthday,
holiday, or anniversary presents.
Peg and Gary Wendlandt
This last year, Peg and Gary decided to participate
in the Building Healthy Communities Campaign
by designating part of their yearly scholarship
contribution to create a new endowed scholarship
for nursing students who plan to go into community
Peg encourages all alumni to consider how they can
help an HCC student. “Every gift makes a difference in
someone’s life,” she says.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
The Frost Society
he birth of a grandchild. A planned trip to
a distant country. The first cold snap. Endof-the-year tax planning. Receiving an
inheritance. These are a few of the many reasons
that prompt individuals to contact their professional
advisors to update or create estate plans. Whatever
the reason, once the discussion begins it is important
to consider the role charitable giving can play in
shaping one’s legacy through thoughtful estate
To help with this process, the HCC Foundation has
in place a planned giving program as a service to
the thousands of friends and alumni of Holyoke
Community College. Planned gifts can be used to
support HCC while at the same time provide for loved
ones, offer advantageous tax benefits, and, in certain
cases, provide income for one or more persons for a
fixed term of years. Creating a legacy is a tremendous
opportunity to make assets built during a lifetime
available to future generations.
The Holyoke Community College Foundation has
created the Frost Society as a means of recognizing
individuals who have committed resources to support
the future of HCC through deferred or planned gifts in
their estate plans. Such gifts perpetuate the memory
of donors and continue to address the values and
traditions important to them, their families, and their
communities for generations to come.
Frost Society Members
Attorney Paul D. Boudreau ‘67
Patrick B. Bresnahan, III, ‘57
Erica A. Broman
Joanna L. Brown
Thomas A. and Marion E. Callahan
Constance A. D’Elia
Gregory R. ‘88 and Nadine A.
Dubreuil ‘85
Carl ‘56 and Shirley Eger
Shirley L. Fallon
John J. and Deborah Ferriter
Maurice J. ‘52 and Margaret M.
Thomas M. Gill, Jr.
Richard and Deborah ‘71 Golas
Jean Hunter
Byron E. Kopel
Elaine Marieb ‘80
Juliette Tomlinson
Creating a Legacy
Steven ‘80 and Moira ‘93 Mitus
Jan Alicia Nettler
Paul D. Noreau ‘93
Louis F. Oldershaw
Victor and Sue Ellen Panitch
Kathleen M. Payne
James and Deborah Reidy
Heather D. Sabin ‘93
Eugene and Marcia Sheehan
Nancy A. Spagnoli ‘83
Cynthia A. Sutter ‘90
Donald R. Taber
Victor E. Thomas, Sr.
Richard P. and Margaret D. Towne
Angela and Joseph Wright ‘54
If you would like to learn more,
contact Erica Broman at
(413) 552-2747 or [email protected].
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Paul Boudreau
rost Society members have made a
personal commitment to the Holyoke
Community College Foundation in one or more
of the following ways:
ike many alumni of Holyoke Community College,
Paul came from humble beginnings. His family
didn’t have a lot of resources. When it came time
to think about college for Paul, his brother George, and
his sister Catherine, their family chose HCC. According to
Paul, HCC gave him and his siblings the access to a good
school at an affordable price. All three of them continued
their education at four-year schools after earning
their associate degrees from Holyoke. George became
a dentist and resides in Pennsylvania, while Catherine
has been a college professor in Boston for more than
30 years. Paul stayed local – in South Hadley, and is a
partner in the law firm of Ryan, Boudreau, Randall &
The relationship with HCC that began more than 30
years ago is strengthened by the memories and what
Paul learned at Holyoke Community College. “This is the
place where it all started for me. I want to give today’s
students the opportunities that my family had. Times
are even more difficult; students today have greater
financial need. My family believes strongly that we need
to help this generation or we risk losing their talent and
Currently the chairman of the HCC Foundation board
of directors and a regular supporter of the college,
Paul joined the Frost Society a few years ago so that
his support of the college would continue even after
• Including the HCC Foundation in a bequest
provision in a will
• Naming the HCC Foundation as a
beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), or other
qualified retirement plan
• Naming the HCC Foundation as a
beneficiary of a life insurance policy
• Establishing a charitable gift annuity to
benefit HCC
• Naming the HCC Foundation as a
beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust
Paul Boudreau
his death. Many members of the Frost Society make
provisions for the HCC Foundation in their wills or estate
plans so that their legacy will live on. Like Paul, they
have a special connection to HCC and they want to give
back to the institution so that others can benefit from an
affordable, quality education.
Frost Society members are recognized in the
HCC Foundation’s Annual Report and at special
events held in their honor. Members receive
college publications, are notified of programs
and events being held at the college, and are
invited to attend estate planning seminars.
Membership in the Frost Society is offered to
all individuals who have made a provision in
their estate plans for the Holyoke Community
College Foundation, regardless of the amount.
All gifts–no matter what the size –are deeply
appreciated, gratefully acknowledged, and
work in perpetuity to support the mission of
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
The 25TH HCC Golf Classic
he silver anniversary golf classic was held at
Springfield Country Club during a clear day on
September 10, 2012. The HCC Foundation hosted
more than 123 men and women to raise funds to
support the educational mission of Holyoke Community
College. The addition of a putting contest added some
drama to the popular, post-golf reception on the porch
with the finalists battling it out in front of the crowd.
The tournament raised nearly $23,000 for the college
and we could not have done it without the support
of the volunteer committee led by the co-chairs
Beth Mineo and Bill Bagshaw. In addition to securing
the raffle and auction items, the sponsorships from
local and regional businesses, the committee and
tournament day volunteers made this 25th golf classic
a special time for all.
In the 25-year history of this tournament, the
Foundation has raised more than $400,000 for
classroom technology and the student scholarship
program. The HCC Foundation continues to be thankful
to the community that has supported this tournament
with corporate and tee/green sponsorships, and all
the raffle and auction prizes that have made this
tournament one of the most successful in the area.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
HCC 5K Run/Walk Challenge
he third running of the Cougar Crawl raised
more than $7,500 for the Building Healthy
Communities Campaign. With 147 runners and
walkers, the event sprinted past the previous number
of participants by almost 50 percent! Although the
weather was cool and threatening rain, Mother Nature
was a friend to all by providing an excellent day to run
and walk.
The race started at the Bartley Center where HCC
nursing teachers were available to take the blood
pressure of all of the participants. It finished in the
courtyard in an effort to minimize the hills on the
campus. At the conclusion of the race, everyone
gathered to enjoy fruit smoothies provided by the
Wellness Club and a delicious lunch donated and cooked
by the Beavers Club of Holyoke. Thanks to all the
participants and sponsors who made the day a success.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Building Healthy
Communities Campaign
he vision of this capital campaign is to create
two new centers for education at Holyoke
Community College: the Center for Health
Education and the Center for Life Sciences. To
accomplish this, the college will: a) convert a recently
purchased piece of commercial property adjacent
to the campus into a home for the nursing and
radiologic technology programs; and b) use the space
vacated by those two programs to create state-ofthe-art life sciences laboratories in our main science
Equipped with sophisticated patient simulators
ranging from maternity and newborn to pediatric and
geriatric, the HCC SimUcenter will support nursing
education throughout the continuum of patient
care and be the core component of the new Center
for Health Education. Human patient simulators
enable nursing students to develop clinical decisionmaking proficiencies, refine technical skills, practice
assessment techniques, and gain competency in
recognizing and preventing common medical errors.
The Center for Health Education will allow HCC to expand
enrollment in our nursing and radiologic technology
programs by 25-30 percent, and promote diversity in the
student body through innovative connections with the
local healthcare industry. Specially designed classrooms
and a state-of-the-art X-Ray room will prepare students
for their offsite clinical rotations by allowing them to
train using the latest X-Ray equipment and computer
The Center for Health Education
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
The Center for Life Sciences
highly skilled and adaptable workforce is
essential to the continued growth of the life
sciences industry. The Center for Life Sciences
will occupy 13,000 square feet of upgraded and
accessible laboratories, a “clean room,” classrooms,
and student workspace. These facilities will support the
programs in biology, chemistry, sustainability studies,
veterinary and animal science, and our Foundations of
Health program. The new laboratories will also assist
the college in attracting more students interested in
the sciences, thereby promoting the state and national
goals of an increased focus on science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics education.
students majoring in the lab sciences who are planning
to transfer or move right into the workplace. This
facility will also be helpful to an increasing number of
Pioneer Valley businesses related to the life sciences.
The center will respond to the workforce needs of
the Pioneer Valley by preparing students for multiple
career paths with a solid grounding in life sciences.
The creation of the only “clean room” for student
training in western Massachusetts will be beneficial to
This campaign is seeking to raise $5.3 million in support
of these initiatives, of which $4 million has already
been secured. Now, the college needs the commitment
of alumni, area businesses, and residents to make the
dream a reality.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Scholarship Reception
he generosity of our alumni, faculty, corporations
and friends has helped us expand scholarship
opportunities for hundreds of our students each
year for the last 20 years. This year was no exception
as over 170 scholarships were awarded to a deserving
cadre of students. Many are continuing their studies
here at HCC and the gift of a scholarship will mean less
juggling of work and classes. Students can complete
their studies sooner or in some cases it might make
the difference between a student continuing in school
or having to drop out. We never lack for deserving
students as you can see from the array of photos from
our May scholarship reception. We remain eternally
grateful to our donors for making the difference in the
lives of our students and we invite you to look at the
list of scholarships awarded on the following pages.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
The President’s Dinner
hat do Balise Auto, Dave’s Soda and Pet Food
City, Kringle Candle, Middlebridge Marketing,
and Marcus Printing have in common? HCC
business students! This year’s President’s Dinner
included not only the incredible cooking talents of our
culinary students and gifted playing of our music
students, but the analytical and marketing genius of
our business students.
This year’s Topics in Business class looked at social
media and its impact on the marketing of area
businesses. These incredible companies opened their
hearts and their doors to our students, allowing them a
close look at how contemporary businesses thrive in
today’s marketplace. The students visited all five of
these business leaders to learn from the very best.
They made field trips, researched the businesses and
sectors, and asked hard questions. The result was an
excellent presentation at what has become a yearly
must-attend dinner.
Over 100 donors and friends enjoyed the many and
varied talents of our students and learned first-hand
why our students thrive when they leave HCC for
careers and further study.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Foundation Donors
e offer our sincere appreciation to the thousands of individuals and
businesses who have given so generously to the Holyoke Community College
Foundation this year. Private funding is a pivotal component so that HCC can
continue to be a leader in affordability and accessibility in public higher education in
western Massachusetts. These contributions are instrumental in sustaining and
enhancing the remarkable education HCC offers.
The following have established new funds, added to existing funds, or contributed to
the college’s annual fund. Included are contributions from July 1, 2012, through June
30, 2013.
Fallon Society
Amelia Peabody Foundation
Bank of America
E. Marieb Charitable Foundation
Fidelity Charitable
Thomas M. Gill, Jr.
Holyoke Gas & Electric Department
United Way of Pioneer Valley
Urban Research Park DCE, LLC
Peg ‘58 and Gary Wendlandt
President’s Circle Gold
Suzan M. April ‘09
Dr. George E. Boudreau ‘66
City of Chicopee
Community Foundation of Western
Thank You
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Irene E. and George A. Davis Foundation
John and Mari Ann Martin
Susan S. Martin
Massachusetts Literacy Foundation
MassMutual Insurance Company
Stanley and Jean Melvin
Bill and Eleanor Messner
Richard L. Provost, Ph.D. ‘49
Sisters of St. Joseph
Michael ‘64 and Joan Sobon
Xeric Foundation
President’s Circle Silver
Bentley-Holden Fund
Jesse Holden Cafiero ‘05
Diocese of Springfield
Hampden Savings Foundation, Inc.
Jeffrey and Mary Hayden
Ted ‘71 and Barbara Hebert
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Jean Hunter
Mutt & Jeff Scholarship
Lynne Polvino
Razoo Foundation
Westfield Bank
Summit Society
Berkshire Bank
Dr. David A. Bernstein ‘75
Atty. Paul D. Boudreau ‘67 and Atty.
Elizabeth Scheibel
Arthur W. ‘56 and Lennox R. Brodeur
Joanna Brown and Jo Lower
Brian ‘85 and Cynthia ‘84 Burns
Chicopee Savings Charitable Foundation
City of Springfield
Columbia Gas of Massachusetts
Commonwealth Packaging Corporation
Janet Vadnais Courtney
Damon and Maria D’Amico
Dr. Catherine A. Dower-Gold
James S. Downey
Barbara A. Evans ‘78
Atty. Maurice J. ‘52 and Margaret M.
Ferriter & Ferriter, LLC
First American Insurance Agency
Robert K. and Susana Fowler
Joseph ‘68 and Diane Gosselin
Thomas and Jane Hazen
HCC Avanza
Hispanic Resources, Inc.
David F. Hohenberger ‘87
Holyoke Community College
Holyoke Credit Union
James J. Dowd & Sons Insurance Agency
The Kids’ Place
Michael Kirwan
Lester Halpern & Company, P.C.
Log Cabin
Gloria G. Lomax ‘75, Professor Emeritus
Catherine H. Lowry ‘94
Marox Corporation
David ‘72 and Cynthia Morrell
Fran P. O’Connell ‘81
O’Connell Care at Home & Health Care
Dr. Deborah Panitch and James Tierney
Jack Panitch
Dr. Victor and Sue Ellen Panitch
People’s United Bank
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
William and Kathryn Putnam
David Reed
Resnic, Beauregard, Waite &
Atty. Edward J. and Priscilla ‘76
Eugene and Marcia Sheehan
Dr. Kevin ‘84 and Teresa ‘84
William B. Stewart
TD Bank
TPP Global Services, LLC
Yanina Vargas-Arriaga
Joseph ‘54 and Angela ‘54
Yankee Candle
Sheehan Society
Agnoli Sign Company
Kay G. Althoff ‘82
Carolyn Barbacki Scott ‘59
Douglas W. Barrus ‘59
Dr. David ‘54 and Bette Bartley
Laurie A. Beauchemin M.S.N.
Marion E. Callahan
Francis and Marilyn Cataldo
Polly Chatfield
City Tire Company
Frank J. Czarniecki, Jr. ‘67
Philip T. ‘73 and Sally Dailey
Margaret E. DeJesus ‘90
Attorney Sheila M. Donohue ‘81
Robert W. Gilbert, Jr.
Maura E. Greaney ‘93
HCC Bookstore
HCC Class Gifts
HCC Phi Theta Kappa
HCC Unity Club
IBM Corporation
David Kalicka
Steven P. LeFebvre ‘79
Market Street Research
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, PC
Microtest Laboratories, Inc.
Colette Moriarty
Moriarty & Primack, P.C.
Phyllis Myers ‘68
New England Archives Center
O’Connell Oil Associates
Opal Real Estate Group, LLC
P.C. Enterprises, Inc.
Pfeufer/Richardson P.C.
The Republican-Springfield
Six Flags New England
Linda J. Szalankiewicz ‘82
United Bank Foundation
Advizex Technology
Phoenix Society
Balise Motor Sales Company
Barry J. Farrell Funeral Home
Boisselle, Morton & Associates,
Clifford ‘83 and Nancy ‘83
Bresnahan Insurance Agency,
Thank You
Erica Broman and Christopher
Francis and Andrea Cataldo
Gary M. Chase ‘76
Continental Resources, Inc.
Crumpin-Fox Club
Carole A. D’Amato, Professor
Paul and Margaret Dinn
Direct Results
Atty. John J. and Eileen Driscoll
Carl ‘56 and Shirley Eger
Eighty Jarvis
Clara M. Elliott
John P. Epstein ‘77
Excel Dryer, Inc.
First Eastern Equities, LLC
William and Gayle Fogarty
Michael ‘82 and Madelyn ‘86
Regina A. Gross ‘95
Howard Hanson
Harbour Inn & Cottage
Health New England
ING Foundation
Mary Ellen Kaeding ‘83
James M. ‘84 and Elizabeth
Anthony P. Lista
Marois Construction Company
William and Janet Mastin
Joseph ‘65 and Carline ‘66
Keith McKittrick
Elizabeth Mineo and Robert
Natalia Munoz
Edward J. Murphy ‘48
Erin T. O’Brien ‘90
Mary Jane O’Connor
Orchards Golf Club
Vivian Ostrowski
Dr. Anthony J. and Geraldine
Lucy F. Perez ‘87
Bonnie Beth Pierce, R.N. ‘81
Julie Pokela
Dr. Matthew and Carolyn Reed
Robert J. Richard ‘87
JoAnne Rome
Tracy Ross
David J. Satlawa ‘79
Martin and Margaret
Thomas and Jeanne Senecal
James M. Sheehan ‘74
Subway Development of
Massachusetts, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
Stanley G. Waletkus ‘71
Walt Disney World Co.
Barbara E. Wickstrom ‘86
Wyckoff Country Club
Robert Young and Elizabeth
Homestead Society
Advance Manufacturing Co.
Anthony J. Albano ‘83
Gordon Alexander and Timothy
Christopher and Theresa Ames
ARAmatic Coffee Services
Douglas J. Arnold ‘75
The Artisan Gallery
Aruba Networks
Associated Electro-Mechanics
George Bach
Christine E. Backus ‘72
William Bacon
Dr. Francis M. Baker
Bank of America Matching Gift
Joan M. Banner ‘87
Robert R. Baran ‘94
Mark and Pamela ‘79 Baran
John D. Barberie, Jr. ‘58
Phyllis W. Barrett
Mary A. Bart, R.N. ‘94
Richard ‘69 & Mary ‘94 Bart
Albert I. Bean ‘77
Stuart M. Beard ‘82
Angela M. Belisle, R.N. ‘77
Ed Berlinski and Dorothy
Cynthia A. Bishop ‘84
Elbert Bowler ‘08
Danielle M. Brown ‘83
David W. Brown ‘72
Dawn E. Bryden ‘89
William Burgart
Kathryn W. Burgess
Cleveland Burton, Jr. ‘86
Helen Caulton-Harris
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Charles E. Clapin ‘53
Clark Mfg Co., Inc.
Atty. Joseph ‘72 and Denise ‘75
Colonial Transportation, LLC
Committee to Elect Michael R.
Conklin Office Furniture, Inc.
Ronald ‘71 and Jacqueline
Kelly D. Conroy ‘99
Eddie Corbin ‘68
Nicholas Cosmos ‘66
Jeffrey and Kimberly Counter
George Counter ‘57
John S. Courtney, Jr. ‘91
Frank R. Cressotti
Geoffrey J. Croteau ‘99
Susan Crown
Lou Ann Daly
Davis Practice Management
Advisors, Inc.
Donald R. Delano ‘73
Karen H. Denno ‘76
deRenzy Document Solutions
Joyce D. Desorcy ‘88
Dietz & Company Architects,
Joan P. Donoghue ‘60
Christopher Dostal ‘72
Gary N. Drapeau ‘69
Deanna M. Dreicorn Scalise ‘58
Jay Ducharme ‘78
Ellen M. Dunn-Murphy ‘72
Julie E. Dwight
Easthampton Savings Bank
Danny Eaton ‘70
Andrew R. and Jean Ellis
Claude J. Falardeau ‘59
Fathers & Sons
Dr. Gail J. Fei
Atty. John J. Ferriter
Fitzgerald Attorneys at Law,
Leona M. Florek
Florence Savings Bank
Richard W. Fountain, Jr. ‘80
Alan Gilburg
Gerald H. Gitberg ‘65
Richard and Deborah ‘71 Golas
Thomas A. Goodrow ‘10
Dr. Steven D. Goodwin
Timothy Grader and Gordon
Jennifer E. Greaney and Michael
E. Roberts
Karen Grencho ‘02
Jane P. Hall
John F. Hamel, Sr. ‘54
Katherine M. Hamling
Tom and Ty Hanson
Alan Harazin and Anne Harazin
Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc.
Priscilla F. Haskins ‘79
Gayle M. Hellyar ‘96
City of Holyoke
Homewood Suites by Hilton
Joseph Hudzikiewicz ‘56
Nancy Hutner
Paula G. Ingalls
Jacqueline S. Aiken ‘74
Mildred M. Johnson ‘84
Thank You
Yolanda D. Johnson
Walter and Patricia Jones
Joyce A. Jones ‘80
JP’s Restaurant
Francis ‘56 and Joyce Kane
Victoria A. Kania
Theodore ‘71 and Helen Kapinos
Naomi L. Karolinski ‘70
Keenan, Malladi & O’Neill, P.C.
The Honorable Daniel M. Keyes,
Eleanor Klepacki
Kathleen A. Klimoski ‘90
Erica L. Kolakoski ‘09
Lab Corp of America Holdings
Richard E. Lacharite ‘69
Arlene M. Laflamme ‘70
Melissa G. Latour ‘01
Dr. Winston H. and Margaret
Susan A. Lavoie ‘66
John ‘82 and Patricia ‘82
Karen A. Lees ‘96
Dr. Michael J. ‘77 and Sandra E.
‘77 Lemanski
Diane Lessard ‘06
John and Sheila Lilly
George E. Lindsey ‘86
Paul D. ‘58 and Lois Lodola
James J. Long ‘63
Richard E. Lukasik, Jr. ‘77
Lyon & Fitzpatrick
Marcus Printing Company, Inc.
Margo Jones Architects, Inc.
Andrea Marks
Ljuba Marsh
Martin J. Clayton Insurance
Mass. Surgical Supply, LLC
Leslie A. Mc Donald ‘89
John P. McAvoy, N.P. ‘82
John F. and Ruth A. McCarthy
McGovern & Bajaj
Martha McNamara
Dr. Linda L. Meccouri
Mercy Medical Center
Gloria J. Merriam
Pamela A. Mikaelian ‘90
Stephen P. Mikelis ‘85
James M. Miller ‘71
Marcia Mitchell
Atty. Henry P. Monaghan ‘53
Beverly A. Morley ‘88
Dr. Karin Moyano Camihort
Dennis ‘50 and Elizabeth A. ‘74
Alida Murray ‘85
Linda M. Nawracaj ‘00
Nancy H. Niedziela ‘81
Edward and Marie O’Leary
Thomas J. Orszak ‘72
Kenneth ‘86 and Amanda ‘84
Palmer Paving Corp.
Suzanne Parker
Pellegrini, Seeley, Ryan and
Blakesley, P.C.
Cecile L. Ploran
Elaine A. Pluta ‘92
Calvin and Anne Potter
Richard T. Powers
Mary C. Powers, R.N. ‘81
Victor and Mariellen Quillard
Pamela A. Quirk, A.P.R.N. ‘76
Ralph Johnson Scholarship
Dr. Paul Raverta
Mary Lou Rice
Michael Roberts and Jennifer
Jon S. Roe ‘76
Ross Insurance Company
Denise J. Roy ‘94
Heather L. Ruel ‘01
Marsha ‘70 and James ‘71 Ryan
Ryan, Boudreau, Randall &
Heather Dawnstar Sabin ‘93
Janis M. Santos ‘74
Scott A. Saunders ‘85
Science Applications
International Corporation
Neal K. Selkirk ‘98
Thomas P. Shaughnessy ‘51
Dr. Patrick and Sharon Sheehan
Jann A. Shepard
Gail A. Sherman ‘81
Gail M. Siepierski ‘81
Richard H. Slavas ‘73
Sidney B. and Beverly J. ‘83
Raymond M. Sokolowski ‘73
Nancy A. Spagnoli ‘83
Douglas J. Stefancik ‘93
Florence J. Stefancik ‘77
Sharon Styffe
Sue Kelly Dermatology, LLC
John J. Sullivan
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Kathleen R. Sullivan
Sutter’s Jewelry
Beth Szymanski ‘01
The Hartford Employee Services
Donald T. and Anne J. Torres
Richard and Margaret Towne
Robert ‘72 and Linda ‘72 Tracey
Patricia B. Triggs
Universal Plastics
Donna J. Valletti ‘83
Valley Communications Systems
The Village Commons
Viola, Chrabascz, Reynolds &
Co., LLP
Sandra Ward
Peter G. Warren ‘73
Margaret T. Weck ‘78
Ann Weisse ‘98
Thomas H. Werbiskis ‘83
Richard C. Whiting, Jr. ‘74
Catherine J. Wiater ‘93
Tara S. Wolman
Marjorie P. Wood ‘80
Yes Computers
Emerald Club
Jeanne Affhauser ‘96
Donald Agnoli
Debra Akers
Jean Z. Armitage ‘76
Samuel D. Armstrong ‘79
Gail M. Arnold ‘77
Michael Ash
Deborah M. Baldiga ‘82
Gerry D. Bates ‘76
William T. ‘61 and Patricia A. ‘58
Teresa Beaudry
Kurt W. Behrens ‘80
Francine A. Belden ‘68
Laurie J. Bernotas ‘86
William ‘71 and Mary ‘85 Bevan
David S. Billips ‘92
Maribeth H. Boss ‘95
Deborah J. Brodie ‘84
Carrie Buckner ‘77
Lawrence G. Budgar ‘71
Christopher M. Burke ‘68
John ‘76 & Janice ‘94
Karen A. Carlson
Claire E. Carocci ‘85
Pauline Casey ‘74
Alan F. Cathro ‘64
Kelly M. Cerino ‘85
Peter Cerreta
Richard ‘66 and Carol ‘85
Frances H. Couture ‘99
Jill M. Crosler ‘02
Gregory J. Czech ‘72
Pamela L. Dalton ‘79
Carol J. Day ‘77
Robert A. Day ‘80
Roger B. Decker ‘77
The Delaney House
James L. Deming ‘85
Laurence C. Derose
Maria T. Derouin ‘95
Thank You
Peter C. Deschenes ‘73
Albert J. DiCarlo ‘01
Prof. Kathleen M. Dillon
Charles H. Doolittle III, M.D.,
Ph.D. ‘60
Amy Dopp
Gary V. Doucett ‘01
Dorothy J. Downer ‘67
Suzanne Doyle ‘79
Paul H. Dubin ‘87
Stanley Dunny
Eastside Grill
Walter ‘91 and Dorothy ‘88 Ely
Epco Business Forms
F.L. Roberts & Co., Inc.
John R. Fallon ‘59
Juliet Farrell ‘03
Anne Fine
Kelly Fitzpatrick-Cary ‘97
Dorothy Forkey
Sandra Garcia ‘00
Douglas N. Gates ‘72
Joan Gemme ‘97
Gail M. Gladu ‘74
Mark P. Godin ‘80
Irene M. Gosselin ‘95
James M. Granfield ‘84
Elizabeth Gregg ‘84
Asheley Griffith
Charles T. Guy
Helen G. Hagan ‘73
HCC Academic Deans
Constance A. Henning ‘78
Jeffrey J. Herrick ‘77
Peter P. Heymanns ‘72
Patricia M. Higgins-Gareau ‘93
Robert and Donna Houghton
Abigail D. Howard ‘09
Carol Jackson
Kevin Jackson
Dr. Suzan E. Jaffe ‘73
Dorothy Jarry
Johnson Controls Foundation
Greg M. Joly ‘83
Donald G. Jourdian ‘78
John S. Kantor ‘87
Meghan M. Kelliher ‘12
Barbara J. Kenefick ‘82
John and Patricia Kennedy
Peter ‘65 and Phyllis ‘76
Christine M. Kiely ‘83
Darlene A. Klaubert ‘82
Bruce Knight ‘71
William K. Koszewski ‘53
Michael ‘94 and Gail ‘91
Cindy T. Lacoste
Robert J. LaFleur ‘75
Jean Lajoie ‘72
Debra Ann Lajoie ‘88
Roland W. Laramee ‘61
Ronald E. Lindman ‘72
Stephen T. Loftus ‘80
Neila MacNeil Walsh ‘64
Majestic Theater
Susan McIntosh ‘86
Sharron A. Meaden ‘79
Melany Mendoza
Patricia A. Meon ‘82
Mara D. Michelman ‘95
Estelle M. Mondor ‘78
Barbara A. Moody ‘97
Kathleen A. Moran ‘95
Susan Morawski ‘73
Wendy A. Morgan ‘84
Edward J. Moskal ‘80
Patrick ‘76 and Paula ‘79
Ivan E. Napel ‘90
Debra Nathanson ‘89
Wayne L. Nelson
Roberta Niezgoda
Kara L. Noble ‘82
William T. Norris
Hildie F. Osley ‘88
Max Page
Janice M. Parmelee ‘79
Gail A. Patrick-Dunnrowicz
Amy E. Phillips ‘92
Constance M. Pijar ‘67
Paul A. Plasse ‘73
Vernor and Hildegard Prawius
Thomas A. Price, Sr. ‘74
Pride Stations and Stores
Lucille E. Remington ‘86
Joan P. Rigali ‘81
John J. Riordan ‘79
Michelle Robak
Jeffrey M. Rock ‘82
Elizabeth Roman
Stephen ‘85 Rowan and Bonnie
‘86 Capen-Rowan
Patricia G. Sandoval ‘84
Sarah E. Sansom ‘75
Emily P. Sausville ‘09
Lori G. Savino ‘80
John F. Scanlon ‘66
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Norman S. Scott ‘76
Thomas M. Scriver
Gulam Mohammed Shaikh Gulan
Louise M. Shannon ‘85
Shannon Shatos-Swift
Sr. Mary Shea
Robin A. Sheehan ‘95
Rennie Silva ‘03
Isabel Smidy, C.P.A., MST ‘81
Patricia A. Spradley ‘79
Springfield Falcons Hockey Club
Cecile L. St. John ‘58
Convy Stahl ‘80
Mary Frances Strebel ‘90, MHC
Joan C. Strycharz ‘79
Nancy A. Subocz ‘89
Cynthia M. Swadba ‘73
Timothy E. Sweeney ‘91
Linda S. Syniec ‘82
Peter R. Tallman ‘87
Xueling L. Tang ‘09
Alan ‘55 and Dorothy Taupier
Michael J. Tenerowicz ‘72
Edythe Tennant
Eric and Marikler Toensmeier
Gregory Tomaszewski ‘80
Donna M. Trybulski ‘71
Michele E. Tulay ‘62
Robert and Michele Tulay
Atty. Alfredo A. Vivenzio ‘68
Eric M. Volz-Benoit ‘06
Richard J. Wells
Leslie A. Wetstone ‘94
Roger and Carolyn Wickes
Steven Winters and Elizabeth
Worthington Inn
Cougar Club
Grace M. Adzima ‘83
David ‘66 and Patricia ‘84
Judith C. Aitkenhead ‘75
Harold J. Akey ‘72
Carol A. Aldrich
Patricia A. Alicea ‘05
Sinclair D. Allen ‘08
Rosemary Amo ‘90
Robert S. Anderson ‘86
Ronald Archambault ‘78
Kevin L. Arenius ‘82
Gail Marie Arpin-Finck ‘86
Alice P. Aughe-Redfern ‘10
Christine C. Avery ‘09
Aye Real Estate Co., Inc.
Paula A. Bagian ‘78
Edgar N. Bail ‘70
Zella M. Bailey ‘11
Janice E. Bakes ‘82
Marc A. Balboni ‘97
George E. ‘71 and Carole Banks
Doc Barbeaux
Paul A. Barci ‘76
Robert L. Barcome
Guy B. Barnett ‘54
Mary T. Barrepski ‘83
Susan Louise Beaudoin ‘86
Thank You
Katherine R. Belliveau ‘11
Mary C. Bennett ‘72
Stephen E. Bergeron ‘89
Catherine C. Berry ‘80
Raymond Berry
David J. Bessette ‘73
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Sally J. Bizon ‘68
Martha S. Blair ‘81
Francis X. Bonneville ‘77
Lynn F. Boscher ‘77
David ‘69 and Sue ‘92 Boutin
Richard A. Boutwell ‘65
Esther L. Boyer ‘73
Mark A. Brancic
Laura L. Brennan ‘79
William ‘68 and Rosalind ‘68
Dr. Elissa Brill Pashkin
Jean Carol Brocka ‘74
Ann L. Brough ‘81
Bryan K. Brower ‘11
Edward D. Brown ‘60
Ernest J. Brunault ‘50
Deborah Bruno ‘80
Lorraine M. Buchanan ‘11
Ann Marie Buell ‘76
Richard C. Buika ‘69
David ‘74 and Bonnie ‘75 Burt
Jeanne D. Butler ‘76
Janet E. Calabrese ‘69
John F. Cardwell, Sr. ‘83
Paul R. Carriveau ‘72
Donna M. Cassada ‘80
Louise E. Cavanaugh ‘74
Robert Cerveny
Raymond A. Champagne ‘84
Deanna M. Chelte ‘87
Gary M. Chmiel ‘75
Rozanne L. Chouinard ‘79
Dorothy V. Christian ‘02
Citizens for Nuciforo
Gina L. Clark ‘01
Laura S. Clark ‘79
Laurie E. Clark ‘83
Kathleen M. Clark ‘71
Scott C. Cleveland ‘80
Moira Clingman ‘96
Richard J. Coache ‘73
Wayne F. Cocchiara
Leonard Cohen ‘72
Diane Marie Collins ‘12
Francis A. Collins ‘09
Edward E. Comini ‘77
Leah Condon ‘84
Jean B. Connell ‘79
Carol E. Conroy ‘78
Christos A. Contakos ‘64
Lynn A. Conway
Cheryl Coonahan
Elaine E. Cooper ‘87
James A. Cooper ‘64
Gineen L. Cooper ‘05
Jesse D. Corriveau ‘12
Frances I. Cote ‘06
Robert E. ‘69 and Deborah
Patrick M. Courtney ‘69
Debra A. Couture ‘77
Karen A. Couture ‘80
The Crest Room
John B. Cunningham, Jr.
Dolores R. Danek ‘80
Joseph G. DaSilva ‘88
Louise R. David ‘10
Joan E. Dawson ‘88
Barbara A. Dean ‘71
Dr. William and Jean Dean
Lisa M. DeGrandpre
Rowan C. Delabarre ‘10
Carol L. DeLisle Dimauro
Laura A. Dellapenna ‘82
Daniel J. Delmonte ‘93
Cheryl L. Denoncourt
Phyllis A. Dewberry ‘86
Karen C. Di Clementi ‘79
Sheila A. Dias
John W. and Carolyn Dietel
Patricia A. Dion ‘85
Rosemary E. Dion ‘78
Robin E. Dizek ‘84
Dr. John Donnellan
Donna Donoghue ‘84
Kathy J. Dowd ‘00
Robert J. Dowding ‘76
Joanne G. Draghetti ‘76
Judith S. Drew ‘79
Suzanne R. Dube
Eric H. Dugroo
Barbara A. Duguay ‘83
Kathryn Dulchinos ‘95
Kermit Dunkelberg
Joanne M. Dunn ‘86
Donna A. Dupont ‘76
Edmond and Margo Dupont
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Daniel V. Dupre ‘83
Gregory P. Dwinell ‘75
Kathleen E. Dygon ‘05
Michael E. Dziok ‘87
Kenneth ‘82 & Andrea ‘82
Mary M. Erardi ‘72
Edith Eskenasy and Family
Franklin R. Faivre ‘61
Holley A. Fasoli ‘99
Amy Fay ‘13
Sandy A. Fickert ‘81
Ellen A. Finkelstein ‘75
James C. Fitzgerald ‘78
Melissa B. Fitzgerald ‘81
Mary Anne Flaherty ‘85
Mary E. Flanagan ‘08
Laurie R. Flathers-Dufresne ‘75
Jeremy P. Fortini ‘12
Foster Corporation
Kathy M. Fuller ‘74
Kaaren G. Gaitenby Smith ‘81
Magda V. Galiatsos ‘68
Mary J. Gallagher ‘79
Denise L. Gaspari ‘74
Nancy J. Gates
David P. Gaudette
Elizabeth A. Gazda ‘92
Edward J. Geaughan ‘75
Tina M. Genza ‘81
Edward H. Germain ‘71
Lemie A. Gibeau ‘79
David J. Gilrein ‘73
Vida Mary Gircys ‘91
Geraldine M. Gladden ‘91
Kim Y. Glover ‘96
David A. Goddu ‘69
Susan L. Godfrey ‘11
Marcel P. Godin ‘48
Susan and Jonathan Goldsmith
Raymond H. Goodrow III ‘90
Theresa L. Goral ‘86
Judith L. Graham
Janet L. Gravel ‘89
Deborah Green ‘82
Patricia A. Green ‘93
Susan M. Greene ‘78
Robert and Hwei-Ling Greeney
Michelle G. Griffin Finley ‘75
Allan R. Grondin ‘75
Michelle C. Guertin ‘77
Hadley Picture Framing
Kathleen A. Halberg ‘66
Nelson R. Hanby ‘71
William A. Harris ‘69
Haydee R. Harris ‘71
James R. Harris ‘76
Andrea R. Haskell
Belinda S. Hayden ‘86
HCC Green Key Honor Society
Helena M. Heath ‘97
Terrence T. Heffron ‘57
June S. Henneman ‘91
Joanne M. Hennessey ‘01
Katharine J. Hillard ‘82
Pauline M. Hillman ‘79
Lucile H. Hoar ‘52
Donald Hodgkins and Sarah
Nancy L. Holmes ‘11
Thank You
Donald ‘77 and Grace ‘81
Kelly E. Hosey ‘89
Deborah E. Hourihan ‘77
Barbara H. Howard
Linda Howes
The Holyoke Merry-Go-Round
Paul C. Hughes ‘70
Keith D. Humber ‘89
Virginia C. Humel ‘82
Laura R. Hutchinson
John L. Iarrusso
Dr. Elaine B. Ironfield
David W. Jagodowski ‘86
Ramona Janowetch ‘82
Stephen M. Jenks ‘07
Cynthia D. Jensen ‘92
Candida A. Johnson
Lorraine C. Johnson ‘52
Claire Johnson-Croft ‘01
Darlene M. Juda ‘72
Jennifer L. Judd ‘09
Janice M. Kapper ‘92
Geraldine F. Kasiski ‘77
Amanda R. Kavanagh Spellacy
Kelly Keane
Barbara and Vernon Keith
Christina M. Kelley ‘12
Constance A. Kelley ‘02
Caroline A. Kelly ‘08
Katharine T. Kennedy ‘71
Patricia A. Kennedy
Kathleen M. Kies ‘90
Robert W. Killam ‘71
Dorothy M. Killam ‘79
John R. Kirchhof ‘71
Lydia G. Klimczuk ‘82
Nancy A. Knadler ‘83
Anne-Marie Knox ‘70
Michael E. Kobjack ‘12
Elaine M. Konrad ‘67
John A. Kopeski, Jr. ‘81
Gary D. Kopy ‘74
Ronald W. Korza ‘72
John J. Kozuch ‘76
Karl A. Krassler ‘64
Paula L. Kravitz ‘69
Thomas P. Kruczek ‘62
Kathleen A. Krzystofik ‘79
David J. Kupiec ‘70
Dorothy F. Kwiecien Kagan ‘72
Kenneth C. Lacoste ‘77
Raymond J. LaFlamme ‘66
June M. Landa ‘79
Rochelle A. Langevin ‘88
Karen M. Laplante ‘65
Roger A. Laplante
Terri M. Laramee
Ann-Renee Larouche ‘12
Ryan D. Larson ‘02
Christine E. Lauzon
Mary E. Leclair ‘96
Steven B. Leslie ‘93
Jean F. Lisowski ‘84
Kathleen Lizak ‘77
Judith A. Lochner ‘10
Marie Ann Long ‘78
David C. Lopez ‘11
Eric W. Lottermoser ‘95
Theresa L. Lozyniak ‘76
Christine E. Luis-Schultz ‘07
Ann M. Lynch ‘02
Christopher M. Lynch ‘73
Jennifer Maccarini
Robin MacRostie ‘97
Thomas E. Maczka ‘68
Susan Madry
Michael A. Magliola
Ellen T. Majka
Emily A. Mann ‘93
Richard L. Manna ‘69
David Manning ‘10
Brian M. Mannix ‘75
James H. Marcus
Renee S. Marcus ‘11
Michael J. Marek ‘84
Holly S. Martin-Peele
Pamela Mason ‘78
Michael J. Mazella ‘68
Cindy Wohlers Maziarz ‘88
Susan J. Mazzaferro ‘82
Linda R. Mazzoni ‘87
William H. McCarthy ‘77
Ernest E. McCarthy ‘74
Maureen H. McCartney ‘74
Kathleen A. McDonough
Carol A. McGrady ‘77
Wagner C. Mendoza ‘12
Denise M. Mercure ‘81
Kenneth J. Merrill ‘65
James C. Milewski, Jr. ‘83
Peter S. Miller ‘58
Diane L. Misiewicz ‘91
Thomas J. Miskiv ‘84
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Gregg E. Mitchell ‘09
James M. Moakler ‘73
Gary ‘77 & Donna ‘83 Moller
Frankie Montanez ‘05
Katherine Moriarty ‘70
Kristen K. Moriarty ‘89
John D. Morse ‘69
Francis J. Moskal ‘76
Ronald B. Motyka ‘81
Walter J. Mozgala ‘68
Stephen E. Mulvaney ‘70
Samaya Muradova
Keirnan Murphy
David ‘04 and Margot ‘04
Richard T. Neveu ‘85
Patricia M. Nichols ‘12
Julie A. Nicoliello ‘90
Rock M. Nietupski
Vicki L. Nunez ‘77
Donna O’Brien ‘74
Mary E. O’Brien
Donna A. O’Connor ‘74
Philip Ogiba
Paul M. Olbrych ‘64
Brenda J. Olinski ‘86
Susanne C. Paquette ‘65
Terry A. Paquin ‘77
Sandra A. Parent ‘00
Deborah L. Park ‘10
Michael A. Parrish ‘10
Stanley C. Parzych ‘58
Lorraine E. Patrick
Taylor K. Peck ‘06
Monica Perez
Brad ‘77 and Susan ‘74 Perkins
Jennifer Perreault ‘78
Paul A. Perron ‘89
Darbie L. Pettengill
Karen M. Pettengill ‘78
Carmen Phelon ‘05
Susan R. Piekarczyk ‘00
Jonathan R. Pierog ‘12
Donna Pinciak ‘81
Robert Pluta ‘79
Stephen Polakowski ‘62
Phyllis A. Polizou ‘55
Melissa Pollard
Nancy R. Potter ‘89
Christine M. Powell
Joanne C. Powell ‘76
Cynthia C. Powers ‘80
Claire A. Premo ‘78
John P. Pretola ‘68
Thomas ‘78 and Ericka ‘86 Prew
Raymond E. Prych ‘65
Sandra A. Pudim ‘86
Cynthia B. Puza, R.N. ‘72
Katherine Quirk-Hebert ‘78
Susan M. Rapoza ‘97
Ronald F. Reed ‘86
Vicky J. Reed ‘80
John B. Reed ‘80
Sarah H. Reeves ‘08
Michael E. Regensburger ‘76
Robert Reiser
Lisse M. Renaud ‘10
Doreen A. Retzlaff ‘88
Brian O. Richards ‘72
Leo G. Riel ‘74
Thank You
Robert A. Rising ‘78
Ellen M. Robbins ‘75
Luke D. Roberts ‘85
Karen A. Rock ‘97
Debra R. Rondeau ‘77
Erin K. Rose ‘12
Diane E. Rosingana ‘84
Diane M. Rouleau-Thyse ‘74
Cheryl Roy ‘79
Robert and Kathleen Roy
Leah A. Russell ‘89
Mary E. Russell ‘06
Mary C. Russell ‘90
Glen E. Ryan ‘79
John ‘82 and Denise ‘92 Ryan
Susan A. Ryan ‘01
Marguerite A. Sacco ‘00
Joan K. Samolewicz ‘74
Paul ‘74 and Sheena ‘73
George R. Savaria ‘99
Deborah A. Schaier ‘77
Alice Y. Schulaner ‘77
Paul R. Scoville ‘91
Glenn ‘83 and Dorothy ‘84
Cathy A. Sena
Victoria Johnson Shankle ‘89
Karlene F. Shea ‘78
John P. Sherbow ‘73
Steven W. Sherman ‘73
Donna C. Shipman ‘84
Bernard A. Shippie ‘79
Laurie D. Sihvonen ‘09
Beryl E. Singer ‘06
Melanie Sitnik ‘04
Kathleen M. Skwira ‘66
Deborah L. Smith ‘94
Idelia L. Smith
Jan F. Sobiech
Jean H. Sobon ‘76
Judy D. Soja ‘98
Paul A. Soltys, Jr. ‘82
Thomas J. Sotiropoulos ‘11
Ms. Beth A. Sparks
Susan M. Spencer ‘88
Wayne J. St. Peter ‘71
Kristine J. St. Peters ‘07
Marie L. St. Thomas
Robin L. Stacy ‘82
Claire Steinbock ‘77
Barbara J. Stewart ‘10
The Student Prince
Thomas P. Sullivan
Faith V. Sullivan ‘99
Diane M. Surprenant ‘82
Dorothy A. Surprenant ‘79
Barbara Syner
Deborah A. Tataro ‘96
Kelly A. Taylor ‘87
Sara J. Temple ‘97
Gary L. Teodore ‘81
Gerald D. Tesini ‘64
David J. Tetrault ‘75
Kelly M. Thimmesh ‘05
Wayne E. Thomas ‘73
Christine E. Thompson ‘90
Drake J. Thompson
Robert ‘73 and Kathleen ‘72
Bonnie I. Thornton ‘81
Roger Samuel Thresher ‘87
Brenda L. Tibbetts ‘96
James T. Tisdell ‘96
Claire D. Tognolatti ‘72
Ronald Tomasauckas ‘95 and
Donna ‘83 Bliznak
David A. Turnberg ‘79
Gloria J. Tynes ‘84
Martin H. Urbanski ‘11
Teresa A. Urbinati ‘81
Kathleen M. Vamvilis ‘81
Michael F. Vivier ‘88
James J. Wachala ‘62
Jill M. Walton ‘91
Louise Walton ‘82
William R. Washburn ‘77
Robert J. Washington ‘60
Kathi A. Weiss ‘08
Lynne Welsh ‘77
Stephen Werenski ‘80
West Central Family &
Counseling, Ltd.
Mary P. White ‘81
Lucille M. Wieland ‘97
Douglas N. Wilkinson ‘53
Belinda Williams ‘11
Denise A. Wilson ‘86
Paul ‘78 and Diane ‘79 Wilson
Wistariahurst Museum
Lauren J. Wolff ‘74
Bridget B. Wood ‘83
Karen M. Woods-Mauer ‘77
Kimberly J. Wright ‘78
Anne M. Wright
David Zatowski
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
HCC Foundation Funds
As of June 30, 2013
In addition to the many grants the Holyoke Community College Foundation has received in support of the students and mission of this institution, we also have the following
funds established in support of specific programs and initiatives.
Alumni Unrestricted Fund
Eddy Art Endowment Fund
Holyoke Educators Enrichment Fund
Funds in support of classroom equipment purchases and
Funds given in honor of former Vice President Nancy
Eddy to support the purchase and upkeep of artwork at
the college
A fund to support the professional development of
Holyoke Public School staff at the college
Bartley Center Fund
Funds raised in support of the Bartley Center for
Athletics and Recreation
Bentley-Holden Music Fund
Health Division Fund
Funds given in support of classroom academic needs for
health-related curricula
Funds in support of the music program at the college
Healthy Communities Unrestricted
Business Division Fund
Unrestricted dollars for campaign to be used wherever
the need is greatest
Funds given in support of classroom academic needs for
business division curricula
HCC Student Textbook Fund
David & Bette Bartley Fund for Excellence
A fund to support the purchase of textbooks for
deserving students
Funds raised at the retirement of President Emeritus
David Bartley to be used to further the mission of the
HCC Study Area Fund
Dena Silverman Davidson Business Fund
Funds to support upgrades to technology in this
business classroom
Disabilities Department Fund
A fund to support the refurbishment of study areas on
HCC Veterans Center Fund
Monies reserved to support the college’s veterans
HCC Equipment & Technology Fund
A fund allowing for the purchase of equipment and
technology in college classrooms and labs
HCC Library Fund
A fund to support additional technology and other
academic purchases at the college library
Karen Morgan GED Fund
Funds given in memory of Karen Morgan to support the
cost of GED exams for deserving students
Kittredge Center Unrestricted Fund
Monies reserved to support classroom and technology
upgrades at the Kittredge Center
Marieb New Pathways Center Fund
Funds given to support the establishment of the Marieb
Pathways Center and programming in the Marieb New
Directions program
Funds raised in support of the college’s Office for
Students with Disabilities and Deaf Services
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Nursing Division Fund
Quest Program Fund
Taber Art Endowment Fund
Funds given in support of classroom academic needs for
nursing-related curricula
A fund to support college readiness to deserving
students in Chicopee and Springfield
A bequest in support of the purchase, upkeep, and
restoration of artwork on the campus
Picknelly Center Fund
STEP Program Fund
Theater Fund
Funds in support of the programming of the Picknelly
Adult and Family Education Center
Monies in this fund support STEP, an academic support
program that serves seventh and eighth grade students
in Holyoke’s middle schools to help them advance
academically and stay motivated in school
A fund to support theater programs
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
On the Map A look at where our donors live
District of Columbia
North Carolina
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia
Western Massachusetts*
East Longmeadow
South Hadley
West Springfield
*Please note that these 18 communities represent 80% of all Massachusetts donors.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Scholarships Awarded
We are grateful to the individuals and corporations whose generosity made these scholarships possible.
Rosetta Aldrich Scholarship
Alumni Association Scholarship (8)
Henry S. ‘71 and Carol Andrus
Jacob and Adeline Barowsky Scholarship
Mischa D. Barowsky Scholarship
David and Bette Bartley Scholarship
Berkshire Bank Scholarship (2)
George E. Boudreau Scholarship (2)
Spencer Bridgman Scholarship
Gary Brochu Scholarship
Kathryn ”Kitty” Broman Scholarship
Paul Buckwalter Scholarship (2)
Eleanor V. Burns Scholarship
Frank and Elena Cataldo Scholarship (3)
Chicopee Savings Bank Scholarship
James F. Connors Scholarship (4)
Maureen D. A’mico Memorial Scholarship
LouEllen Dabbs Scholarship
Delaney House Scholarship
John DiNapoli Scholarship
Claire Gingras Doherty Award In Nursing
Maurice A. Donahue Scholarship (3)
William Dwight Scholarship
Sandra Eagleton Scholars (2)
John and Shirley Fallon Scholarship (6)
Deborah Ferriter Scholarship
Maurice and Peggy Ferriter Scholarship
First Niagara Scholarship
Anna Fitzgerald & Ruthann Bagshaw
Fulton Scholarship
Rosemarie Cataldo Fitzpatrick
Carolyn Fontaine Scholarship
Fontaine Family Fund Scholarship (2)
Fund a Future Scholarship
Lucille Gill and Thomas Gill, III,
Scholarship (3)
Israel and Matilda Goldberg Scholarship
Judith Kramer Goldberg Scholarship
Frances H. Gosselin Scholarship in
Joseph V. Gosselin Scholarship
Hampden Papers, Inc., Scholarship
Carol Hardy Business Scholarship
Hasbro, Inc., Scholarship (5)
Hazen Paper Company Scholarship
HCC Foundation Scholarship
Hispanic Resources (2)
Holyoke Gas & Electric Scholarship (2)
Laurie Jean Hunter Memorial Scholarship
Mickey and Jennie Jedziniak Memorial
Scholarship (2)
Bess Kaplinsky Scholarship
Nathan Kaplinsky Scholarship
Doris M. Kemble Nursing Scholarship (3)
David M. Killeen Scholarship
Michael J. Kittredge, III, Scholarship
Arthur W. Knapp Scholarship
Yvette E. Laporte Scholarship
Marguerite I. Lazarz Scholarship (2)
Sister Bernice Lebel Scholarship
Ellie Lescault Scholarship (10)
Gloria G. Lomax Scholarship
Alfred C. Loomer Memorial Scholarship
Ellen Lynch Scholarship
Elaine Marieb New Directions Scholarship
Vincent and Patricia McElroy Mem. Award
Anne and John McHugh Scholarship (2)
Ruth McIntyre Scholars Awards (3)
Ruth McIntyre Transfer Scholarship
Police Chief Thomas McNamara Memorial
Edward F. & Catherine C. Moriarty
James D. Moriarty Music Fund
Anabel B. Murphy Scholarship
Kenneth J. Murphy, Sr., Scholarship
Mutt & Jeff Scholarship
Jan Alicia Nettler Scholarship
Richard R. and Janice D. Nickerson
Franklin Morris O’Connell Scholarship (2)
James Joseph O’Connell Scholarship (2)
Sue Ellen Panitch Scholarship
Anthony J. Pellegrino Scholarship
PIMA (Paper Industry) Scholarship
Stephen Pollock Scholarship
President’s Grant-in-Aid Fund
Providence Hospital Scholarship in
Leo Arthur & Marietta Gifford Provost
Education Scholarship
Milton and Raymond Provost Scholarship
Erma J. Provost Shepard Scholarship
Elizabeth Ella Provost Nursing
Dr. Richard Leon Provost Art Scholarship
Dr. Richard Leon Provost Psychology
Leona R. Richards Taylor & Dorothy
Provost Memorial Scholarship
Roger and Caroline Putnam Scholarship
Fund (6)
Bruce V. Quagliato Scholarship
Captain Paul H. Racine Scholarship
Pamela K. Reed Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Miriam Taylor Sajkovic Scholarship
Yadavendra Sharma Scholarship
Mary and Neil Sheehan Scholarship (2)
Sobon Family Fund Scholarship (2)
Patrick and Johanna Sullivan Scholarship
Cynthia A. Sutter ‘90 Scholarship
Rozalia and Gladys Szczur Nursing
Donald Taber Art Scholarship (2)
Alan Taupier Alumni Achievement
Scholarship (4)
John Taupier Scholarship
Teddy Bear Pools Scholarship (2)
Victor E. Thomas Scholarship Fund
Tides Foundation Scholarship (13)
Unity Humanitarian Scholarship
Peg and Gary Wendlandt Scholarship (4)
Westfield Bank Scholarship
West/Lowry Family Scholarship
Angela & Joseph Wright Scholarship
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Cash and cash equivalents
Certificate of deposit
Prepaid expenses
Grants and pledges receivable–within one year 101,390
Total Current Assets
Other Assets:
Cash restricted to Gateway for College program 6,087
Grants and pledges receivable–after one year
Investments in corporate stocks
Refundable Advance held by Community
Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Deferred costs for road construction
Investment in land
Total Other Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable
Net Assets:
Invested in Property
Board Designated
Total Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
as of June 30, 2013, with
Comparative Totals for 2012
Foundation Assets: Ten-Year History
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
HCC Foundation Board
William Bagshaw, New England Archives
Francis M. Baker, D.P.M., Retired Chiropodist
Mark Baran, Westfield Bank
Ned Barowsky, Consultant
David M. Bartley ’54, HCC President Emeritus
Paul Boudreau, Esq. ‘67, Ryan, Boudreau, Randall,
Kirkpatrick & Baker
Terence Bresnahan, Bresnahan Insurance Agency
Erica Broman, Holyoke Community College
Lisa Davis, Davis Management Practice
Timothy Deshaies ‘90, Florence Savings Bank
Paul Dinn, Dinn Bros.
John Driscoll, Esq., Resnic, Beauregard, Waite & Driscoll
Barry Farrell ‘81, Funeral Director
Robert Fowler, Retired President
Michael Ginley ‘82, Retired Executive
Susan Goldsmith, Marcus Printing
Timothy Grader, Marketing Director
John Hazen ‘84, Hazen Paper Company
Sanford Jeames, Cambridge College
David Kalicka, Meyers Brothers Kalicka
Francis M. Kane ‘56, Retired President
Michael Kirwan, Senior Financial Advisor,
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Patrick Leary, Partner, Moriarty and Primack
Ellen Majka, HCC Business Division
Elaine Marieb ‘80, Author
William Messner, HCC President
Beth Mineo, Private Banking, Berkshire Bank
Corey Murphy, First American Insurance Agency
Sue Ellen Panitch, Community Activist
Joseph Peters ‘70, Universal Plastics
Anne Potter, Retired Professor
Thomas Senecal, PeoplesBank
Joseph Wright ‘54, Arbitrator
Patrick Bresnahan ‘57, Retired
Nora Burke Patton, Burke & Co.
Donald Chase ‘70, Retired President
Maurice Ferriter ‘52, Ferriter & Ferriter
Joseph Gosselin ‘68, Commonwealth Packaging Corp.
Lester Halpern, Lester Halpern & Co.
Benjamin Marcus, Retired
Edward Murphy, First American Insurance Agency
Patricia Nelen, Retired Educator
Louis Oldershaw, Bulkley, Richardson and Gelinas
Richard Towne, Retired
William Wagner ’54, Chicopee Savings Bank
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Learn more by visiting us at
To learn more about how you can participate in the Building Healthy Communities Campaign,
please contact:
303 Homestead Avenue
Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 552-2182
Erica Broman, Vice President for Institutional Development
Joanna Brown
(413) 552-2747
Director of Alumni Relations
(413) 552-2253
Keith McKittrick, Director of Development
(413) 552-2746
President’s Message
here is so much happening at Holyoke
Community College, it is hard to know where
to start. Last year, we enhanced our adult
education and literacy services at the Picknelly
Adult and Family Education Center on Maple Street
in Holyoke. This facility serves XX a year, not only
offering basic education and literacy services, but
computer training and workforce development. This
year our admissions office began regular visits to the
center to help students make the transition to the
main campus.
Here on campus, we have begun planning our new
Center for Life Sciences. This center will be located
on the first floor of our Marieb building and will
upgrade the college’s science lab facilities, expand
the number of classrooms, and provide a modern
learning environment for a variety of science-related
curriculum. A key component, and one critical for
future growth of the life sciences here in western New
England, is the inclusion of the only “clean room” in
the region dedicated to training. The future is indeed
exciting for HCC.
This year the college followed through and purchased
a building adjacent to the campus that will allow us
to expand our many health care-related programs.
The crown jewel of that expansion is the new Center
for Health Education. The center, located on Jarvis
Avenue, will be complete in 2015 and allow us to
expand both our nursing and radiologic technology
programs to better meet needs in the region. There,
we will have a state-of-the-art SimUcenter, where
students can learn the necessary medical skills with
the benefit of sophisticated patient simulators. We
will be able to expand our curriculum to give the most
current training to both future and current healthcare
We are hard at work raising the funds necessary
to accomplish these renovations. We have set an
ambitious goal of $5.3 million and have raised nearly
$4 million. Both facilities will dramatically enhance
the instruction of health and life sciences and
position us well as an asset to both of those fields for
employers and future students in the Pioneer Valley.
We have always counted on our many friends and
supporters to help bring the best possible resources
to bear for our students and will look to you again in
the coming two years as we complete this effort. Our
shared vision has created a robust and ever-evolving
academic environment that will serve our region well
into the future. We are grateful for your continued
A Tradition of Excellence
William A. Messner
President, Holyoke Community College
Annual Giving
Dr. Steven G. Richter ’75
olyoke Community College has been exploring
its place in the biotechnology infrastructure of
the Pioneer Valley; for a biotechnology program
to be viable, students will need training in the use of
modern equipment in state-of-the-art facilities.
In early 2013, Holyoke Community College was awarded
a $3.8 million capital grant from the Massachusetts
Life Sciences Center. These funds will help support the
renovation of the Marieb Building into a modern Center
for Life Sciences.
When the application round was announced in the
summer of 2012, Dr. Richter became an immediate
supporter of the college’s efforts to secure these funds.
He advised the Resource Development (grants) Office
on proposal components, connected faculty and staff
to other project supporters, such as the Massachusetts
Biotechnology Education Foundation (MABioEd), and
most importantly, traveled with President Messner
and other college representatives to the main offices
of the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center to present
our case for support
in January 2013. Dr.
Richter described
the regional industry
need for trained
biotechnology and
biomanufacturing technicians to members of the
Massachusetts Life Sciences Center board of directors.
His presence, words, and support played an integral
part in helping HCC secure the largest grant award the
college has ever received.
Post award, Dr. Richter will assist the design team of
faculty and staff members in developing curriculum and
identifying the specific equipment needed for training
students. Specifically, HCC’s Microbiology course will
be updated to train students for a biomanufacturing
environment, new two-year technician degree programs
will be developed, and the installation of a “clean
room” in the Marieb Building will provide the first
academic training center in western Massachusetts.
The updated biology labs, “clean room,” and other
Steven G. Richter
facilities will allow students to gain 21st century
skills in mammalian cell culture, microscopy, product
purification, and workplace quality control. Dr.
Richter will also offer HCC faculty members training
opportunities at his company, Microtest Laboratories,
as well as up to four community college student
internships per year.
Through Dr. Richter’s support, HCC’s Center for
Life Sciences will be able to meet the projected
employment needs of the growing biotechnology and
biomanufacturing industry of western Massachusetts,
as well as ensure that HCC students are well prepared
for transfer to four-year research programs in
molecular biology, biotechnology, forensic science,
microbiology, and other STEM fields.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
The Marieb Chair
23rd Annual Marieb Award goes to Monica Torregrosa
he Spring professional association meeting is a
time to reflect on a productive academic year
and to recognize those whose achievements help
elevate the work and the discourse on campus. This
year was no exception.
The Marieb Chair for Teaching Excellence is the only
HCC award that recognizes outstanding teaching. This
honor was made possible through HCC Foundation
board member, retired HCC professor and textbook
author Dr. Elaine Marieb ‘80, whose generosity has not
only established this award but provided scholarships
and support for non-traditional students and students
in our science curricula.
The committee struggles each year to chose an
individual from among dozens of nominations and
submissions from incredibly gifted Holyoke Community
College professors. The choice this year was Monica
Torregrosa, whose teaching and involvement in college
activities makes her a standout among the faculty.
Monica has worked at HCC for 14 years, served on a
variety of college committees, and is much loved by
“I’m speechless,” Torregrosa said during the
presentation in HCC’s Leslie Phillips Theater. “I’m
moved. I just want to say thank you.”
Torregrosa was born in Concepción, Chile. She did her
undergraduate work in English-Spanish translation
at the Universidad de Concepcion and then won a
scholarship to study English at Drew University in New
Jersey, where she completed her master’s. She got a
second master’s in Spanish literature at the University
of New Hampshire.
Torregrosa has also been teaching English versions
of Spanish literature in recent years. Together,
with English professor James Dutcher, Torregrosa
developed a Learning Community class at HCC called
“The Immortality of the Revolution: Resistance in
Latin America.” Last spring the course was offered
for the first time as an Honors Colloquia and is on the
schedule again for the Spring 2014 semester.
“I’ve always been interested in literature,” said
Torregrosa. “Growing up in Chile, during the
dictatorship, Spanish literature wasn’t really Spanish
Kudos to Monica
Monica Torregrosa
literature. That was considered too subversive.”
Kudos to Monica for this well-deserved honor.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Alumni Association
Scholarship Donor Recalls Challenges, Gives Back
eg Wendlandt ’58 was born in Holyoke, Mass.,
and grew up in Springfield. While at Cathedral
High School, she was trained as a long distance
operator at New England Telephone and Telegraph
Company. There, she had her first epiphany: With
more than 200 operators, 10-20 supervisors, and only
one chief operator, she realized there wasn’t much
opportunity for advancement. Her oldest brother, Joe,
had graduated from Holyoke Junior College in 1952 and
he suggested she consider college.
At Holyoke Junior College, she thrived serving on the
Student Council, cheerleading squad, yearbook staff
and newspaper staff, and on many committees. She
also worked part time, like so many HJC students, in
the mornings at Friendly’s, then Whiting Coal, and then
Defoe Ford Dealership, attending HJC classes in the
late afternoon and evening.
The year she transferred to UMass to be a math major,
tuition doubled from $100 a year to $100 a semester.
“That wasn’t easy,” Peg said, “because my father
had died in my sophomore year.” While at UMass, she
worked part time on campus and went home every
weekend to be with her mother, who was alone with
her 8-year-old brother.
In 1983, 25 years after graduating from HJC, and
married to Gary Wendlandt, then a senior vice
president at MassMutual, Peg entered WNEC Law
School, graduating in 1986. After being admitted to the
Connecticut and Massachusetts bars, Peg established
a private general practice, specializing in divorce law.
Why did Peg and Gary decide to endow a scholarship
through the HCC Foundation? “When my father died
while I was in college, things were tough,” Peg said.
“Without a scholarship, I might not have been able to
complete my education. My experiences at HJC were
so supportive that it was a natural instinct to want to
help a student at Holyoke Community College. Gary
and I both had scholarships in college and we agree
that education is even more important today than it
was when we went to college.”
After endowing a scholarship through the HCC
Foundation, Gary and Peg invited friends and relatives
to donate to their scholarship in lieu of birthday,
holiday, or anniversary presents.
Peg and Gary Wendlandt
This last year, Peg and Gary decided to participate
in the Building Healthy Communities Campaign
by designating part of their yearly scholarship
contribution to create a new endowed scholarship
for nursing students who plan to go into community
Peg encourages all alumni to consider how they can
help an HCC student. “Every gift makes a difference in
someone’s life,” she says.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
The Frost Society
he birth of a grandchild. A planned trip to
a distant country. The first cold snap. Endof-the-year tax planning. Receiving an
inheritance. These are a few of the many reasons
that prompt individuals to contact their professional
advisors to update or create estate plans. Whatever
the reason, once the discussion begins it is important
to consider the role charitable giving can play in
shaping one’s legacy through thoughtful estate
To help with this process, the HCC Foundation has
in place a planned giving program as a service to
the thousands of friends and alumni of Holyoke
Community College. Planned gifts can be used to
support HCC while at the same time provide for loved
ones, offer advantageous tax benefits, and, in certain
cases, provide income for one or more persons for a
fixed term of years. Creating a legacy is a tremendous
opportunity to make assets built during a lifetime
available to future generations.
The Holyoke Community College Foundation has
created the Frost Society as a means of recognizing
individuals who have committed resources to support
the future of HCC through deferred or planned gifts in
their estate plans. Such gifts perpetuate the memory
of donors and continue to address the values and
traditions important to them, their families, and their
communities for generations to come.
Frost Society Members
Attorney Paul D. Boudreau ‘67
Patrick B. Bresnahan, III, ‘57
Erica A. Broman
Joanna L. Brown
Thomas A. and Marion E. Callahan
Constance A. D’Elia
Gregory R. ‘88 and Nadine A.
Dubreuil ‘85
Carl ‘56 and Shirley Eger
Shirley L. Fallon
John J. and Deborah Ferriter
Maurice J. ‘52 and Margaret M.
Thomas M. Gill, Jr.
Richard and Deborah ‘71 Golas
Jean Hunter
Byron E. Kopel
Elaine Marieb ‘80
Juliette Tomlinson
Creating a Legacy
Steven ‘80 and Moira ‘93 Mitus
Jan Alicia Nettler
Paul D. Noreau ‘93
Louis F. Oldershaw
Victor and Sue Ellen Panitch
Kathleen M. Payne
James and Deborah Reidy
Heather D. Sabin ‘93
Eugene and Marcia Sheehan
Nancy A. Spagnoli ‘83
Cynthia A. Sutter ‘90
Donald R. Taber
Victor E. Thomas, Sr.
Richard P. and Margaret D. Towne
Angela and Joseph Wright ‘54
If you would like to learn more,
contact Erica Broman at
(413) 552-2747 or [email protected].
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Paul Boudreau
rost Society members have made a
personal commitment to the Holyoke
Community College Foundation in one or more
of the following ways:
ike many alumni of Holyoke Community College,
Paul came from humble beginnings. His family
didn’t have a lot of resources. When it came time
to think about college for Paul, his brother George, and
his sister Catherine, their family chose HCC. According to
Paul, HCC gave him and his siblings the access to a good
school at an affordable price. All three of them continued
their education at four-year schools after earning
their associate degrees from Holyoke. George became
a dentist and resides in Pennsylvania, while Catherine
has been a college professor in Boston for more than
30 years. Paul stayed local – in South Hadley, and is a
partner in the law firm of Ryan, Boudreau, Randall &
The relationship with HCC that began more than 30
years ago is strengthened by the memories and what
Paul learned at Holyoke Community College. “This is the
place where it all started for me. I want to give today’s
students the opportunities that my family had. Times
are even more difficult; students today have greater
financial need. My family believes strongly that we need
to help this generation or we risk losing their talent and
Currently the chairman of the HCC Foundation board
of directors and a regular supporter of the college,
Paul joined the Frost Society a few years ago so that
his support of the college would continue even after
• Including the HCC Foundation in a bequest
provision in a will
• Naming the HCC Foundation as a
beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k), or other
qualified retirement plan
• Naming the HCC Foundation as a
beneficiary of a life insurance policy
• Establishing a charitable gift annuity to
benefit HCC
• Naming the HCC Foundation as a
beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust
Paul Boudreau
his death. Many members of the Frost Society make
provisions for the HCC Foundation in their wills or estate
plans so that their legacy will live on. Like Paul, they
have a special connection to HCC and they want to give
back to the institution so that others can benefit from an
affordable, quality education.
Frost Society members are recognized in the
HCC Foundation’s Annual Report and at special
events held in their honor. Members receive
college publications, are notified of programs
and events being held at the college, and are
invited to attend estate planning seminars.
Membership in the Frost Society is offered to
all individuals who have made a provision in
their estate plans for the Holyoke Community
College Foundation, regardless of the amount.
All gifts–no matter what the size –are deeply
appreciated, gratefully acknowledged, and
work in perpetuity to support the mission of
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
The 25TH HCC Golf Classic
he silver anniversary golf classic was held at
Springfield Country Club during a clear day on
September 10, 2012. The HCC Foundation hosted
more than 123 men and women to raise funds to
support the educational mission of Holyoke Community
College. The addition of a putting contest added some
drama to the popular, post-golf reception on the porch
with the finalists battling it out in front of the crowd.
The tournament raised nearly $23,000 for the college
and we could not have done it without the support
of the volunteer committee led by the co-chairs
Beth Mineo and Bill Bagshaw. In addition to securing
the raffle and auction items, the sponsorships from
local and regional businesses, the committee and
tournament day volunteers made this 25th golf classic
a special time for all.
In the 25-year history of this tournament, the
Foundation has raised more than $400,000 for
classroom technology and the student scholarship
program. The HCC Foundation continues to be thankful
to the community that has supported this tournament
with corporate and tee/green sponsorships, and all
the raffle and auction prizes that have made this
tournament one of the most successful in the area.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
HCC 5K Run/Walk Challenge
he third running of the Cougar Crawl raised
more than $7,500 for the Building Healthy
Communities Campaign. With 147 runners and
walkers, the event sprinted past the previous number
of participants by almost 50 percent! Although the
weather was cool and threatening rain, Mother Nature
was a friend to all by providing an excellent day to run
and walk.
The race started at the Bartley Center where HCC
nursing teachers were available to take the blood
pressure of all of the participants. It finished in the
courtyard in an effort to minimize the hills on the
campus. At the conclusion of the race, everyone
gathered to enjoy fruit smoothies provided by the
Wellness Club and a delicious lunch donated and cooked
by the Beavers Club of Holyoke. Thanks to all the
participants and sponsors who made the day a success.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Building Healthy
Communities Campaign
he vision of this capital campaign is to create
two new centers for education at Holyoke
Community College: the Center for Health
Education and the Center for Life Sciences. To
accomplish this, the college will: a) convert a recently
purchased piece of commercial property adjacent
to the campus into a home for the nursing and
radiologic technology programs; and b) use the space
vacated by those two programs to create state-ofthe-art life sciences laboratories in our main science
Equipped with sophisticated patient simulators
ranging from maternity and newborn to pediatric and
geriatric, the HCC SimUcenter will support nursing
education throughout the continuum of patient
care and be the core component of the new Center
for Health Education. Human patient simulators
enable nursing students to develop clinical decisionmaking proficiencies, refine technical skills, practice
assessment techniques, and gain competency in
recognizing and preventing common medical errors.
The Center for Health Education will allow HCC to expand
enrollment in our nursing and radiologic technology
programs by 25-30 percent, and promote diversity in the
student body through innovative connections with the
local healthcare industry. Specially designed classrooms
and a state-of-the-art X-Ray room will prepare students
for their offsite clinical rotations by allowing them to
train using the latest X-Ray equipment and computer
The Center for Health Education
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
The Center for Life Sciences
highly skilled and adaptable workforce is
essential to the continued growth of the life
sciences industry. The Center for Life Sciences
will occupy 13,000 square feet of upgraded and
accessible laboratories, a “clean room,” classrooms,
and student workspace. These facilities will support the
programs in biology, chemistry, sustainability studies,
veterinary and animal science, and our Foundations of
Health program. The new laboratories will also assist
the college in attracting more students interested in
the sciences, thereby promoting the state and national
goals of an increased focus on science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics education.
students majoring in the lab sciences who are planning
to transfer or move right into the workplace. This
facility will also be helpful to an increasing number of
Pioneer Valley businesses related to the life sciences.
The center will respond to the workforce needs of
the Pioneer Valley by preparing students for multiple
career paths with a solid grounding in life sciences.
The creation of the only “clean room” for student
training in western Massachusetts will be beneficial to
This campaign is seeking to raise $5.3 million in support
of these initiatives, of which $4 million has already
been secured. Now, the college needs the commitment
of alumni, area businesses, and residents to make the
dream a reality.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Scholarship Reception
he generosity of our alumni, faculty, corporations
and friends has helped us expand scholarship
opportunities for hundreds of our students each
year for the last 20 years. This year was no exception
as over 170 scholarships were awarded to a deserving
cadre of students. Many are continuing their studies
here at HCC and the gift of a scholarship will mean less
juggling of work and classes. Students can complete
their studies sooner or in some cases it might make
the difference between a student continuing in school
or having to drop out. We never lack for deserving
students as you can see from the array of photos from
our May scholarship reception. We remain eternally
grateful to our donors for making the difference in the
lives of our students and we invite you to look at the
list of scholarships awarded on the following pages.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
The President’s Dinner
hat do Balise Auto, Dave’s Soda and Pet Food
City, Kringle Candle, Middlebridge Marketing,
and Marcus Printing have in common? HCC
business students! This year’s President’s Dinner
included not only the incredible cooking talents of our
culinary students and gifted playing of our music
students, but the analytical and marketing genius of
our business students.
This year’s Topics in Business class looked at social
media and its impact on the marketing of area
businesses. These incredible companies opened their
hearts and their doors to our students, allowing them a
close look at how contemporary businesses thrive in
today’s marketplace. The students visited all five of
these business leaders to learn from the very best.
They made field trips, researched the businesses and
sectors, and asked hard questions. The result was an
excellent presentation at what has become a yearly
must-attend dinner.
Over 100 donors and friends enjoyed the many and
varied talents of our students and learned first-hand
why our students thrive when they leave HCC for
careers and further study.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Foundation Donors
e offer our sincere appreciation to the thousands of individuals and
businesses who have given so generously to the Holyoke Community College
Foundation this year. Private funding is a pivotal component so that HCC can
continue to be a leader in affordability and accessibility in public higher education in
western Massachusetts. These contributions are instrumental in sustaining and
enhancing the remarkable education HCC offers.
The following have established new funds, added to existing funds, or contributed to
the college’s annual fund. Included are contributions from July 1, 2012, through June
30, 2013.
Fallon Society
Amelia Peabody Foundation
Bank of America
E. Marieb Charitable Foundation
Fidelity Charitable
Thomas M. Gill, Jr.
Holyoke Gas & Electric Department
United Way of Pioneer Valley
Urban Research Park DCE, LLC
Peg ‘58 and Gary Wendlandt
President’s Circle Gold
Suzan M. April ‘09
Dr. George E. Boudreau ‘66
City of Chicopee
Community Foundation of Western
Thank You
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Irene E. and George A. Davis Foundation
John and Mari Ann Martin
Susan S. Martin
Massachusetts Literacy Foundation
MassMutual Insurance Company
Stanley and Jean Melvin
Bill and Eleanor Messner
Richard L. Provost, Ph.D. ‘49
Sisters of St. Joseph
Michael ‘64 and Joan Sobon
Xeric Foundation
President’s Circle Silver
Bentley-Holden Fund
Jesse Holden Cafiero ‘05
Diocese of Springfield
Hampden Savings Foundation, Inc.
Jeffrey and Mary Hayden
Ted ‘71 and Barbara Hebert
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Jean Hunter
Mutt & Jeff Scholarship
Lynne Polvino
Razoo Foundation
Westfield Bank
Summit Society
Berkshire Bank
Dr. David A. Bernstein ‘75
Atty. Paul D. Boudreau ‘67 and Atty.
Elizabeth Scheibel
Arthur W. ‘56 and Lennox R. Brodeur
Joanna Brown and Jo Lower
Brian ‘85 and Cynthia ‘84 Burns
Chicopee Savings Charitable Foundation
City of Springfield
Columbia Gas of Massachusetts
Commonwealth Packaging Corporation
Janet Vadnais Courtney
Damon and Maria D’Amico
Dr. Catherine A. Dower-Gold
James S. Downey
Barbara A. Evans ‘78
Atty. Maurice J. ‘52 and Margaret M.
Ferriter & Ferriter, LLC
First American Insurance Agency
Robert K. and Susana Fowler
Joseph ‘68 and Diane Gosselin
Thomas and Jane Hazen
HCC Avanza
Hispanic Resources, Inc.
David F. Hohenberger ‘87
Holyoke Community College
Holyoke Credit Union
James J. Dowd & Sons Insurance Agency
The Kids’ Place
Michael Kirwan
Lester Halpern & Company, P.C.
Log Cabin
Gloria G. Lomax ‘75, Professor Emeritus
Catherine H. Lowry ‘94
Marox Corporation
David ‘72 and Cynthia Morrell
Fran P. O’Connell ‘81
O’Connell Care at Home & Health Care
Dr. Deborah Panitch and James Tierney
Jack Panitch
Dr. Victor and Sue Ellen Panitch
People’s United Bank
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
William and Kathryn Putnam
David Reed
Resnic, Beauregard, Waite &
Atty. Edward J. and Priscilla ‘76
Eugene and Marcia Sheehan
Dr. Kevin ‘84 and Teresa ‘84
William B. Stewart
TD Bank
TPP Global Services, LLC
Yanina Vargas-Arriaga
Joseph ‘54 and Angela ‘54
Yankee Candle
Sheehan Society
Agnoli Sign Company
Kay G. Althoff ‘82
Carolyn Barbacki Scott ‘59
Douglas W. Barrus ‘59
Dr. David ‘54 and Bette Bartley
Laurie A. Beauchemin M.S.N.
Marion E. Callahan
Francis and Marilyn Cataldo
Polly Chatfield
City Tire Company
Frank J. Czarniecki, Jr. ‘67
Philip T. ‘73 and Sally Dailey
Margaret E. DeJesus ‘90
Attorney Sheila M. Donohue ‘81
Robert W. Gilbert, Jr.
Maura E. Greaney ‘93
HCC Bookstore
HCC Class Gifts
HCC Phi Theta Kappa
HCC Unity Club
IBM Corporation
David Kalicka
Steven P. LeFebvre ‘79
Market Street Research
Meyers Brothers Kalicka, PC
Microtest Laboratories, Inc.
Colette Moriarty
Moriarty & Primack, P.C.
Phyllis Myers ‘68
New England Archives Center
O’Connell Oil Associates
Opal Real Estate Group, LLC
P.C. Enterprises, Inc.
Pfeufer/Richardson P.C.
The Republican-Springfield
Six Flags New England
Linda J. Szalankiewicz ‘82
United Bank Foundation
Advizex Technology
Phoenix Society
Balise Motor Sales Company
Barry J. Farrell Funeral Home
Boisselle, Morton & Associates,
Clifford ‘83 and Nancy ‘83
Bresnahan Insurance Agency,
Thank You
Erica Broman and Christopher
Francis and Andrea Cataldo
Gary M. Chase ‘76
Continental Resources, Inc.
Crumpin-Fox Club
Carole A. D’Amato, Professor
Paul and Margaret Dinn
Direct Results
Atty. John J. and Eileen Driscoll
Carl ‘56 and Shirley Eger
Eighty Jarvis
Clara M. Elliott
John P. Epstein ‘77
Excel Dryer, Inc.
First Eastern Equities, LLC
William and Gayle Fogarty
Michael ‘82 and Madelyn ‘86
Regina A. Gross ‘95
Howard Hanson
Harbour Inn & Cottage
Health New England
ING Foundation
Mary Ellen Kaeding ‘83
James M. ‘84 and Elizabeth
Anthony P. Lista
Marois Construction Company
William and Janet Mastin
Joseph ‘65 and Carline ‘66
Keith McKittrick
Elizabeth Mineo and Robert
Natalia Munoz
Edward J. Murphy ‘48
Erin T. O’Brien ‘90
Mary Jane O’Connor
Orchards Golf Club
Vivian Ostrowski
Dr. Anthony J. and Geraldine
Lucy F. Perez ‘87
Bonnie Beth Pierce, R.N. ‘81
Julie Pokela
Dr. Matthew and Carolyn Reed
Robert J. Richard ‘87
JoAnne Rome
Tracy Ross
David J. Satlawa ‘79
Martin and Margaret
Thomas and Jeanne Senecal
James M. Sheehan ‘74
Subway Development of
Massachusetts, Inc.
Verizon Foundation
Stanley G. Waletkus ‘71
Walt Disney World Co.
Barbara E. Wickstrom ‘86
Wyckoff Country Club
Robert Young and Elizabeth
Homestead Society
Advance Manufacturing Co.
Anthony J. Albano ‘83
Gordon Alexander and Timothy
Christopher and Theresa Ames
ARAmatic Coffee Services
Douglas J. Arnold ‘75
The Artisan Gallery
Aruba Networks
Associated Electro-Mechanics
George Bach
Christine E. Backus ‘72
William Bacon
Dr. Francis M. Baker
Bank of America Matching Gift
Joan M. Banner ‘87
Robert R. Baran ‘94
Mark and Pamela ‘79 Baran
John D. Barberie, Jr. ‘58
Phyllis W. Barrett
Mary A. Bart, R.N. ‘94
Richard ‘69 & Mary ‘94 Bart
Albert I. Bean ‘77
Stuart M. Beard ‘82
Angela M. Belisle, R.N. ‘77
Ed Berlinski and Dorothy
Cynthia A. Bishop ‘84
Elbert Bowler ‘08
Danielle M. Brown ‘83
David W. Brown ‘72
Dawn E. Bryden ‘89
William Burgart
Kathryn W. Burgess
Cleveland Burton, Jr. ‘86
Helen Caulton-Harris
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Charles E. Clapin ‘53
Clark Mfg Co., Inc.
Atty. Joseph ‘72 and Denise ‘75
Colonial Transportation, LLC
Committee to Elect Michael R.
Conklin Office Furniture, Inc.
Ronald ‘71 and Jacqueline
Kelly D. Conroy ‘99
Eddie Corbin ‘68
Nicholas Cosmos ‘66
Jeffrey and Kimberly Counter
George Counter ‘57
John S. Courtney, Jr. ‘91
Frank R. Cressotti
Geoffrey J. Croteau ‘99
Susan Crown
Lou Ann Daly
Davis Practice Management
Advisors, Inc.
Donald R. Delano ‘73
Karen H. Denno ‘76
deRenzy Document Solutions
Joyce D. Desorcy ‘88
Dietz & Company Architects,
Joan P. Donoghue ‘60
Christopher Dostal ‘72
Gary N. Drapeau ‘69
Deanna M. Dreicorn Scalise ‘58
Jay Ducharme ‘78
Ellen M. Dunn-Murphy ‘72
Julie E. Dwight
Easthampton Savings Bank
Danny Eaton ‘70
Andrew R. and Jean Ellis
Claude J. Falardeau ‘59
Fathers & Sons
Dr. Gail J. Fei
Atty. John J. Ferriter
Fitzgerald Attorneys at Law,
Leona M. Florek
Florence Savings Bank
Richard W. Fountain, Jr. ‘80
Alan Gilburg
Gerald H. Gitberg ‘65
Richard and Deborah ‘71 Golas
Thomas A. Goodrow ‘10
Dr. Steven D. Goodwin
Timothy Grader and Gordon
Jennifer E. Greaney and Michael
E. Roberts
Karen Grencho ‘02
Jane P. Hall
John F. Hamel, Sr. ‘54
Katherine M. Hamling
Tom and Ty Hanson
Alan Harazin and Anne Harazin
Harry Grodsky & Co., Inc.
Priscilla F. Haskins ‘79
Gayle M. Hellyar ‘96
City of Holyoke
Homewood Suites by Hilton
Joseph Hudzikiewicz ‘56
Nancy Hutner
Paula G. Ingalls
Jacqueline S. Aiken ‘74
Mildred M. Johnson ‘84
Thank You
Yolanda D. Johnson
Walter and Patricia Jones
Joyce A. Jones ‘80
JP’s Restaurant
Francis ‘56 and Joyce Kane
Victoria A. Kania
Theodore ‘71 and Helen Kapinos
Naomi L. Karolinski ‘70
Keenan, Malladi & O’Neill, P.C.
The Honorable Daniel M. Keyes,
Eleanor Klepacki
Kathleen A. Klimoski ‘90
Erica L. Kolakoski ‘09
Lab Corp of America Holdings
Richard E. Lacharite ‘69
Arlene M. Laflamme ‘70
Melissa G. Latour ‘01
Dr. Winston H. and Margaret
Susan A. Lavoie ‘66
John ‘82 and Patricia ‘82
Karen A. Lees ‘96
Dr. Michael J. ‘77 and Sandra E.
‘77 Lemanski
Diane Lessard ‘06
John and Sheila Lilly
George E. Lindsey ‘86
Paul D. ‘58 and Lois Lodola
James J. Long ‘63
Richard E. Lukasik, Jr. ‘77
Lyon & Fitzpatrick
Marcus Printing Company, Inc.
Margo Jones Architects, Inc.
Andrea Marks
Ljuba Marsh
Martin J. Clayton Insurance
Mass. Surgical Supply, LLC
Leslie A. Mc Donald ‘89
John P. McAvoy, N.P. ‘82
John F. and Ruth A. McCarthy
McGovern & Bajaj
Martha McNamara
Dr. Linda L. Meccouri
Mercy Medical Center
Gloria J. Merriam
Pamela A. Mikaelian ‘90
Stephen P. Mikelis ‘85
James M. Miller ‘71
Marcia Mitchell
Atty. Henry P. Monaghan ‘53
Beverly A. Morley ‘88
Dr. Karin Moyano Camihort
Dennis ‘50 and Elizabeth A. ‘74
Alida Murray ‘85
Linda M. Nawracaj ‘00
Nancy H. Niedziela ‘81
Edward and Marie O’Leary
Thomas J. Orszak ‘72
Kenneth ‘86 and Amanda ‘84
Palmer Paving Corp.
Suzanne Parker
Pellegrini, Seeley, Ryan and
Blakesley, P.C.
Cecile L. Ploran
Elaine A. Pluta ‘92
Calvin and Anne Potter
Richard T. Powers
Mary C. Powers, R.N. ‘81
Victor and Mariellen Quillard
Pamela A. Quirk, A.P.R.N. ‘76
Ralph Johnson Scholarship
Dr. Paul Raverta
Mary Lou Rice
Michael Roberts and Jennifer
Jon S. Roe ‘76
Ross Insurance Company
Denise J. Roy ‘94
Heather L. Ruel ‘01
Marsha ‘70 and James ‘71 Ryan
Ryan, Boudreau, Randall &
Heather Dawnstar Sabin ‘93
Janis M. Santos ‘74
Scott A. Saunders ‘85
Science Applications
International Corporation
Neal K. Selkirk ‘98
Thomas P. Shaughnessy ‘51
Dr. Patrick and Sharon Sheehan
Jann A. Shepard
Gail A. Sherman ‘81
Gail M. Siepierski ‘81
Richard H. Slavas ‘73
Sidney B. and Beverly J. ‘83
Raymond M. Sokolowski ‘73
Nancy A. Spagnoli ‘83
Douglas J. Stefancik ‘93
Florence J. Stefancik ‘77
Sharon Styffe
Sue Kelly Dermatology, LLC
John J. Sullivan
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Kathleen R. Sullivan
Sutter’s Jewelry
Beth Szymanski ‘01
The Hartford Employee Services
Donald T. and Anne J. Torres
Richard and Margaret Towne
Robert ‘72 and Linda ‘72 Tracey
Patricia B. Triggs
Universal Plastics
Donna J. Valletti ‘83
Valley Communications Systems
The Village Commons
Viola, Chrabascz, Reynolds &
Co., LLP
Sandra Ward
Peter G. Warren ‘73
Margaret T. Weck ‘78
Ann Weisse ‘98
Thomas H. Werbiskis ‘83
Richard C. Whiting, Jr. ‘74
Catherine J. Wiater ‘93
Tara S. Wolman
Marjorie P. Wood ‘80
Yes Computers
Emerald Club
Jeanne Affhauser ‘96
Donald Agnoli
Debra Akers
Jean Z. Armitage ‘76
Samuel D. Armstrong ‘79
Gail M. Arnold ‘77
Michael Ash
Deborah M. Baldiga ‘82
Gerry D. Bates ‘76
William T. ‘61 and Patricia A. ‘58
Teresa Beaudry
Kurt W. Behrens ‘80
Francine A. Belden ‘68
Laurie J. Bernotas ‘86
William ‘71 and Mary ‘85 Bevan
David S. Billips ‘92
Maribeth H. Boss ‘95
Deborah J. Brodie ‘84
Carrie Buckner ‘77
Lawrence G. Budgar ‘71
Christopher M. Burke ‘68
John ‘76 & Janice ‘94
Karen A. Carlson
Claire E. Carocci ‘85
Pauline Casey ‘74
Alan F. Cathro ‘64
Kelly M. Cerino ‘85
Peter Cerreta
Richard ‘66 and Carol ‘85
Frances H. Couture ‘99
Jill M. Crosler ‘02
Gregory J. Czech ‘72
Pamela L. Dalton ‘79
Carol J. Day ‘77
Robert A. Day ‘80
Roger B. Decker ‘77
The Delaney House
James L. Deming ‘85
Laurence C. Derose
Maria T. Derouin ‘95
Thank You
Peter C. Deschenes ‘73
Albert J. DiCarlo ‘01
Prof. Kathleen M. Dillon
Charles H. Doolittle III, M.D.,
Ph.D. ‘60
Amy Dopp
Gary V. Doucett ‘01
Dorothy J. Downer ‘67
Suzanne Doyle ‘79
Paul H. Dubin ‘87
Stanley Dunny
Eastside Grill
Walter ‘91 and Dorothy ‘88 Ely
Epco Business Forms
F.L. Roberts & Co., Inc.
John R. Fallon ‘59
Juliet Farrell ‘03
Anne Fine
Kelly Fitzpatrick-Cary ‘97
Dorothy Forkey
Sandra Garcia ‘00
Douglas N. Gates ‘72
Joan Gemme ‘97
Gail M. Gladu ‘74
Mark P. Godin ‘80
Irene M. Gosselin ‘95
James M. Granfield ‘84
Elizabeth Gregg ‘84
Asheley Griffith
Charles T. Guy
Helen G. Hagan ‘73
HCC Academic Deans
Constance A. Henning ‘78
Jeffrey J. Herrick ‘77
Peter P. Heymanns ‘72
Patricia M. Higgins-Gareau ‘93
Robert and Donna Houghton
Abigail D. Howard ‘09
Carol Jackson
Kevin Jackson
Dr. Suzan E. Jaffe ‘73
Dorothy Jarry
Johnson Controls Foundation
Greg M. Joly ‘83
Donald G. Jourdian ‘78
John S. Kantor ‘87
Meghan M. Kelliher ‘12
Barbara J. Kenefick ‘82
John and Patricia Kennedy
Peter ‘65 and Phyllis ‘76
Christine M. Kiely ‘83
Darlene A. Klaubert ‘82
Bruce Knight ‘71
William K. Koszewski ‘53
Michael ‘94 and Gail ‘91
Cindy T. Lacoste
Robert J. LaFleur ‘75
Jean Lajoie ‘72
Debra Ann Lajoie ‘88
Roland W. Laramee ‘61
Ronald E. Lindman ‘72
Stephen T. Loftus ‘80
Neila MacNeil Walsh ‘64
Majestic Theater
Susan McIntosh ‘86
Sharron A. Meaden ‘79
Melany Mendoza
Patricia A. Meon ‘82
Mara D. Michelman ‘95
Estelle M. Mondor ‘78
Barbara A. Moody ‘97
Kathleen A. Moran ‘95
Susan Morawski ‘73
Wendy A. Morgan ‘84
Edward J. Moskal ‘80
Patrick ‘76 and Paula ‘79
Ivan E. Napel ‘90
Debra Nathanson ‘89
Wayne L. Nelson
Roberta Niezgoda
Kara L. Noble ‘82
William T. Norris
Hildie F. Osley ‘88
Max Page
Janice M. Parmelee ‘79
Gail A. Patrick-Dunnrowicz
Amy E. Phillips ‘92
Constance M. Pijar ‘67
Paul A. Plasse ‘73
Vernor and Hildegard Prawius
Thomas A. Price, Sr. ‘74
Pride Stations and Stores
Lucille E. Remington ‘86
Joan P. Rigali ‘81
John J. Riordan ‘79
Michelle Robak
Jeffrey M. Rock ‘82
Elizabeth Roman
Stephen ‘85 Rowan and Bonnie
‘86 Capen-Rowan
Patricia G. Sandoval ‘84
Sarah E. Sansom ‘75
Emily P. Sausville ‘09
Lori G. Savino ‘80
John F. Scanlon ‘66
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Norman S. Scott ‘76
Thomas M. Scriver
Gulam Mohammed Shaikh Gulan
Louise M. Shannon ‘85
Shannon Shatos-Swift
Sr. Mary Shea
Robin A. Sheehan ‘95
Rennie Silva ‘03
Isabel Smidy, C.P.A., MST ‘81
Patricia A. Spradley ‘79
Springfield Falcons Hockey Club
Cecile L. St. John ‘58
Convy Stahl ‘80
Mary Frances Strebel ‘90, MHC
Joan C. Strycharz ‘79
Nancy A. Subocz ‘89
Cynthia M. Swadba ‘73
Timothy E. Sweeney ‘91
Linda S. Syniec ‘82
Peter R. Tallman ‘87
Xueling L. Tang ‘09
Alan ‘55 and Dorothy Taupier
Michael J. Tenerowicz ‘72
Edythe Tennant
Eric and Marikler Toensmeier
Gregory Tomaszewski ‘80
Donna M. Trybulski ‘71
Michele E. Tulay ‘62
Robert and Michele Tulay
Atty. Alfredo A. Vivenzio ‘68
Eric M. Volz-Benoit ‘06
Richard J. Wells
Leslie A. Wetstone ‘94
Roger and Carolyn Wickes
Steven Winters and Elizabeth
Worthington Inn
Cougar Club
Grace M. Adzima ‘83
David ‘66 and Patricia ‘84
Judith C. Aitkenhead ‘75
Harold J. Akey ‘72
Carol A. Aldrich
Patricia A. Alicea ‘05
Sinclair D. Allen ‘08
Rosemary Amo ‘90
Robert S. Anderson ‘86
Ronald Archambault ‘78
Kevin L. Arenius ‘82
Gail Marie Arpin-Finck ‘86
Alice P. Aughe-Redfern ‘10
Christine C. Avery ‘09
Aye Real Estate Co., Inc.
Paula A. Bagian ‘78
Edgar N. Bail ‘70
Zella M. Bailey ‘11
Janice E. Bakes ‘82
Marc A. Balboni ‘97
George E. ‘71 and Carole Banks
Doc Barbeaux
Paul A. Barci ‘76
Robert L. Barcome
Guy B. Barnett ‘54
Mary T. Barrepski ‘83
Susan Louise Beaudoin ‘86
Thank You
Katherine R. Belliveau ‘11
Mary C. Bennett ‘72
Stephen E. Bergeron ‘89
Catherine C. Berry ‘80
Raymond Berry
David J. Bessette ‘73
Big Y Foods, Inc.
Sally J. Bizon ‘68
Martha S. Blair ‘81
Francis X. Bonneville ‘77
Lynn F. Boscher ‘77
David ‘69 and Sue ‘92 Boutin
Richard A. Boutwell ‘65
Esther L. Boyer ‘73
Mark A. Brancic
Laura L. Brennan ‘79
William ‘68 and Rosalind ‘68
Dr. Elissa Brill Pashkin
Jean Carol Brocka ‘74
Ann L. Brough ‘81
Bryan K. Brower ‘11
Edward D. Brown ‘60
Ernest J. Brunault ‘50
Deborah Bruno ‘80
Lorraine M. Buchanan ‘11
Ann Marie Buell ‘76
Richard C. Buika ‘69
David ‘74 and Bonnie ‘75 Burt
Jeanne D. Butler ‘76
Janet E. Calabrese ‘69
John F. Cardwell, Sr. ‘83
Paul R. Carriveau ‘72
Donna M. Cassada ‘80
Louise E. Cavanaugh ‘74
Robert Cerveny
Raymond A. Champagne ‘84
Deanna M. Chelte ‘87
Gary M. Chmiel ‘75
Rozanne L. Chouinard ‘79
Dorothy V. Christian ‘02
Citizens for Nuciforo
Gina L. Clark ‘01
Laura S. Clark ‘79
Laurie E. Clark ‘83
Kathleen M. Clark ‘71
Scott C. Cleveland ‘80
Moira Clingman ‘96
Richard J. Coache ‘73
Wayne F. Cocchiara
Leonard Cohen ‘72
Diane Marie Collins ‘12
Francis A. Collins ‘09
Edward E. Comini ‘77
Leah Condon ‘84
Jean B. Connell ‘79
Carol E. Conroy ‘78
Christos A. Contakos ‘64
Lynn A. Conway
Cheryl Coonahan
Elaine E. Cooper ‘87
James A. Cooper ‘64
Gineen L. Cooper ‘05
Jesse D. Corriveau ‘12
Frances I. Cote ‘06
Robert E. ‘69 and Deborah
Patrick M. Courtney ‘69
Debra A. Couture ‘77
Karen A. Couture ‘80
The Crest Room
John B. Cunningham, Jr.
Dolores R. Danek ‘80
Joseph G. DaSilva ‘88
Louise R. David ‘10
Joan E. Dawson ‘88
Barbara A. Dean ‘71
Dr. William and Jean Dean
Lisa M. DeGrandpre
Rowan C. Delabarre ‘10
Carol L. DeLisle Dimauro
Laura A. Dellapenna ‘82
Daniel J. Delmonte ‘93
Cheryl L. Denoncourt
Phyllis A. Dewberry ‘86
Karen C. Di Clementi ‘79
Sheila A. Dias
John W. and Carolyn Dietel
Patricia A. Dion ‘85
Rosemary E. Dion ‘78
Robin E. Dizek ‘84
Dr. John Donnellan
Donna Donoghue ‘84
Kathy J. Dowd ‘00
Robert J. Dowding ‘76
Joanne G. Draghetti ‘76
Judith S. Drew ‘79
Suzanne R. Dube
Eric H. Dugroo
Barbara A. Duguay ‘83
Kathryn Dulchinos ‘95
Kermit Dunkelberg
Joanne M. Dunn ‘86
Donna A. Dupont ‘76
Edmond and Margo Dupont
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Daniel V. Dupre ‘83
Gregory P. Dwinell ‘75
Kathleen E. Dygon ‘05
Michael E. Dziok ‘87
Kenneth ‘82 & Andrea ‘82
Mary M. Erardi ‘72
Edith Eskenasy and Family
Franklin R. Faivre ‘61
Holley A. Fasoli ‘99
Amy Fay ‘13
Sandy A. Fickert ‘81
Ellen A. Finkelstein ‘75
James C. Fitzgerald ‘78
Melissa B. Fitzgerald ‘81
Mary Anne Flaherty ‘85
Mary E. Flanagan ‘08
Laurie R. Flathers-Dufresne ‘75
Jeremy P. Fortini ‘12
Foster Corporation
Kathy M. Fuller ‘74
Kaaren G. Gaitenby Smith ‘81
Magda V. Galiatsos ‘68
Mary J. Gallagher ‘79
Denise L. Gaspari ‘74
Nancy J. Gates
David P. Gaudette
Elizabeth A. Gazda ‘92
Edward J. Geaughan ‘75
Tina M. Genza ‘81
Edward H. Germain ‘71
Lemie A. Gibeau ‘79
David J. Gilrein ‘73
Vida Mary Gircys ‘91
Geraldine M. Gladden ‘91
Kim Y. Glover ‘96
David A. Goddu ‘69
Susan L. Godfrey ‘11
Marcel P. Godin ‘48
Susan and Jonathan Goldsmith
Raymond H. Goodrow III ‘90
Theresa L. Goral ‘86
Judith L. Graham
Janet L. Gravel ‘89
Deborah Green ‘82
Patricia A. Green ‘93
Susan M. Greene ‘78
Robert and Hwei-Ling Greeney
Michelle G. Griffin Finley ‘75
Allan R. Grondin ‘75
Michelle C. Guertin ‘77
Hadley Picture Framing
Kathleen A. Halberg ‘66
Nelson R. Hanby ‘71
William A. Harris ‘69
Haydee R. Harris ‘71
James R. Harris ‘76
Andrea R. Haskell
Belinda S. Hayden ‘86
HCC Green Key Honor Society
Helena M. Heath ‘97
Terrence T. Heffron ‘57
June S. Henneman ‘91
Joanne M. Hennessey ‘01
Katharine J. Hillard ‘82
Pauline M. Hillman ‘79
Lucile H. Hoar ‘52
Donald Hodgkins and Sarah
Nancy L. Holmes ‘11
Thank You
Donald ‘77 and Grace ‘81
Kelly E. Hosey ‘89
Deborah E. Hourihan ‘77
Barbara H. Howard
Linda Howes
The Holyoke Merry-Go-Round
Paul C. Hughes ‘70
Keith D. Humber ‘89
Virginia C. Humel ‘82
Laura R. Hutchinson
John L. Iarrusso
Dr. Elaine B. Ironfield
David W. Jagodowski ‘86
Ramona Janowetch ‘82
Stephen M. Jenks ‘07
Cynthia D. Jensen ‘92
Candida A. Johnson
Lorraine C. Johnson ‘52
Claire Johnson-Croft ‘01
Darlene M. Juda ‘72
Jennifer L. Judd ‘09
Janice M. Kapper ‘92
Geraldine F. Kasiski ‘77
Amanda R. Kavanagh Spellacy
Kelly Keane
Barbara and Vernon Keith
Christina M. Kelley ‘12
Constance A. Kelley ‘02
Caroline A. Kelly ‘08
Katharine T. Kennedy ‘71
Patricia A. Kennedy
Kathleen M. Kies ‘90
Robert W. Killam ‘71
Dorothy M. Killam ‘79
John R. Kirchhof ‘71
Lydia G. Klimczuk ‘82
Nancy A. Knadler ‘83
Anne-Marie Knox ‘70
Michael E. Kobjack ‘12
Elaine M. Konrad ‘67
John A. Kopeski, Jr. ‘81
Gary D. Kopy ‘74
Ronald W. Korza ‘72
John J. Kozuch ‘76
Karl A. Krassler ‘64
Paula L. Kravitz ‘69
Thomas P. Kruczek ‘62
Kathleen A. Krzystofik ‘79
David J. Kupiec ‘70
Dorothy F. Kwiecien Kagan ‘72
Kenneth C. Lacoste ‘77
Raymond J. LaFlamme ‘66
June M. Landa ‘79
Rochelle A. Langevin ‘88
Karen M. Laplante ‘65
Roger A. Laplante
Terri M. Laramee
Ann-Renee Larouche ‘12
Ryan D. Larson ‘02
Christine E. Lauzon
Mary E. Leclair ‘96
Steven B. Leslie ‘93
Jean F. Lisowski ‘84
Kathleen Lizak ‘77
Judith A. Lochner ‘10
Marie Ann Long ‘78
David C. Lopez ‘11
Eric W. Lottermoser ‘95
Theresa L. Lozyniak ‘76
Christine E. Luis-Schultz ‘07
Ann M. Lynch ‘02
Christopher M. Lynch ‘73
Jennifer Maccarini
Robin MacRostie ‘97
Thomas E. Maczka ‘68
Susan Madry
Michael A. Magliola
Ellen T. Majka
Emily A. Mann ‘93
Richard L. Manna ‘69
David Manning ‘10
Brian M. Mannix ‘75
James H. Marcus
Renee S. Marcus ‘11
Michael J. Marek ‘84
Holly S. Martin-Peele
Pamela Mason ‘78
Michael J. Mazella ‘68
Cindy Wohlers Maziarz ‘88
Susan J. Mazzaferro ‘82
Linda R. Mazzoni ‘87
William H. McCarthy ‘77
Ernest E. McCarthy ‘74
Maureen H. McCartney ‘74
Kathleen A. McDonough
Carol A. McGrady ‘77
Wagner C. Mendoza ‘12
Denise M. Mercure ‘81
Kenneth J. Merrill ‘65
James C. Milewski, Jr. ‘83
Peter S. Miller ‘58
Diane L. Misiewicz ‘91
Thomas J. Miskiv ‘84
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Gregg E. Mitchell ‘09
James M. Moakler ‘73
Gary ‘77 & Donna ‘83 Moller
Frankie Montanez ‘05
Katherine Moriarty ‘70
Kristen K. Moriarty ‘89
John D. Morse ‘69
Francis J. Moskal ‘76
Ronald B. Motyka ‘81
Walter J. Mozgala ‘68
Stephen E. Mulvaney ‘70
Samaya Muradova
Keirnan Murphy
David ‘04 and Margot ‘04
Richard T. Neveu ‘85
Patricia M. Nichols ‘12
Julie A. Nicoliello ‘90
Rock M. Nietupski
Vicki L. Nunez ‘77
Donna O’Brien ‘74
Mary E. O’Brien
Donna A. O’Connor ‘74
Philip Ogiba
Paul M. Olbrych ‘64
Brenda J. Olinski ‘86
Susanne C. Paquette ‘65
Terry A. Paquin ‘77
Sandra A. Parent ‘00
Deborah L. Park ‘10
Michael A. Parrish ‘10
Stanley C. Parzych ‘58
Lorraine E. Patrick
Taylor K. Peck ‘06
Monica Perez
Brad ‘77 and Susan ‘74 Perkins
Jennifer Perreault ‘78
Paul A. Perron ‘89
Darbie L. Pettengill
Karen M. Pettengill ‘78
Carmen Phelon ‘05
Susan R. Piekarczyk ‘00
Jonathan R. Pierog ‘12
Donna Pinciak ‘81
Robert Pluta ‘79
Stephen Polakowski ‘62
Phyllis A. Polizou ‘55
Melissa Pollard
Nancy R. Potter ‘89
Christine M. Powell
Joanne C. Powell ‘76
Cynthia C. Powers ‘80
Claire A. Premo ‘78
John P. Pretola ‘68
Thomas ‘78 and Ericka ‘86 Prew
Raymond E. Prych ‘65
Sandra A. Pudim ‘86
Cynthia B. Puza, R.N. ‘72
Katherine Quirk-Hebert ‘78
Susan M. Rapoza ‘97
Ronald F. Reed ‘86
Vicky J. Reed ‘80
John B. Reed ‘80
Sarah H. Reeves ‘08
Michael E. Regensburger ‘76
Robert Reiser
Lisse M. Renaud ‘10
Doreen A. Retzlaff ‘88
Brian O. Richards ‘72
Leo G. Riel ‘74
Thank You
Robert A. Rising ‘78
Ellen M. Robbins ‘75
Luke D. Roberts ‘85
Karen A. Rock ‘97
Debra R. Rondeau ‘77
Erin K. Rose ‘12
Diane E. Rosingana ‘84
Diane M. Rouleau-Thyse ‘74
Cheryl Roy ‘79
Robert and Kathleen Roy
Leah A. Russell ‘89
Mary E. Russell ‘06
Mary C. Russell ‘90
Glen E. Ryan ‘79
John ‘82 and Denise ‘92 Ryan
Susan A. Ryan ‘01
Marguerite A. Sacco ‘00
Joan K. Samolewicz ‘74
Paul ‘74 and Sheena ‘73
George R. Savaria ‘99
Deborah A. Schaier ‘77
Alice Y. Schulaner ‘77
Paul R. Scoville ‘91
Glenn ‘83 and Dorothy ‘84
Cathy A. Sena
Victoria Johnson Shankle ‘89
Karlene F. Shea ‘78
John P. Sherbow ‘73
Steven W. Sherman ‘73
Donna C. Shipman ‘84
Bernard A. Shippie ‘79
Laurie D. Sihvonen ‘09
Beryl E. Singer ‘06
Melanie Sitnik ‘04
Kathleen M. Skwira ‘66
Deborah L. Smith ‘94
Idelia L. Smith
Jan F. Sobiech
Jean H. Sobon ‘76
Judy D. Soja ‘98
Paul A. Soltys, Jr. ‘82
Thomas J. Sotiropoulos ‘11
Ms. Beth A. Sparks
Susan M. Spencer ‘88
Wayne J. St. Peter ‘71
Kristine J. St. Peters ‘07
Marie L. St. Thomas
Robin L. Stacy ‘82
Claire Steinbock ‘77
Barbara J. Stewart ‘10
The Student Prince
Thomas P. Sullivan
Faith V. Sullivan ‘99
Diane M. Surprenant ‘82
Dorothy A. Surprenant ‘79
Barbara Syner
Deborah A. Tataro ‘96
Kelly A. Taylor ‘87
Sara J. Temple ‘97
Gary L. Teodore ‘81
Gerald D. Tesini ‘64
David J. Tetrault ‘75
Kelly M. Thimmesh ‘05
Wayne E. Thomas ‘73
Christine E. Thompson ‘90
Drake J. Thompson
Robert ‘73 and Kathleen ‘72
Bonnie I. Thornton ‘81
Roger Samuel Thresher ‘87
Brenda L. Tibbetts ‘96
James T. Tisdell ‘96
Claire D. Tognolatti ‘72
Ronald Tomasauckas ‘95 and
Donna ‘83 Bliznak
David A. Turnberg ‘79
Gloria J. Tynes ‘84
Martin H. Urbanski ‘11
Teresa A. Urbinati ‘81
Kathleen M. Vamvilis ‘81
Michael F. Vivier ‘88
James J. Wachala ‘62
Jill M. Walton ‘91
Louise Walton ‘82
William R. Washburn ‘77
Robert J. Washington ‘60
Kathi A. Weiss ‘08
Lynne Welsh ‘77
Stephen Werenski ‘80
West Central Family &
Counseling, Ltd.
Mary P. White ‘81
Lucille M. Wieland ‘97
Douglas N. Wilkinson ‘53
Belinda Williams ‘11
Denise A. Wilson ‘86
Paul ‘78 and Diane ‘79 Wilson
Wistariahurst Museum
Lauren J. Wolff ‘74
Bridget B. Wood ‘83
Karen M. Woods-Mauer ‘77
Kimberly J. Wright ‘78
Anne M. Wright
David Zatowski
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
HCC Foundation Funds
As of June 30, 2013
In addition to the many grants the Holyoke Community College Foundation has received in support of the students and mission of this institution, we also have the following
funds established in support of specific programs and initiatives.
Alumni Unrestricted Fund
Eddy Art Endowment Fund
Holyoke Educators Enrichment Fund
Funds in support of classroom equipment purchases and
Funds given in honor of former Vice President Nancy
Eddy to support the purchase and upkeep of artwork at
the college
A fund to support the professional development of
Holyoke Public School staff at the college
Bartley Center Fund
Funds raised in support of the Bartley Center for
Athletics and Recreation
Bentley-Holden Music Fund
Health Division Fund
Funds given in support of classroom academic needs for
health-related curricula
Funds in support of the music program at the college
Healthy Communities Unrestricted
Business Division Fund
Unrestricted dollars for campaign to be used wherever
the need is greatest
Funds given in support of classroom academic needs for
business division curricula
HCC Student Textbook Fund
David & Bette Bartley Fund for Excellence
A fund to support the purchase of textbooks for
deserving students
Funds raised at the retirement of President Emeritus
David Bartley to be used to further the mission of the
HCC Study Area Fund
Dena Silverman Davidson Business Fund
Funds to support upgrades to technology in this
business classroom
Disabilities Department Fund
A fund to support the refurbishment of study areas on
HCC Veterans Center Fund
Monies reserved to support the college’s veterans
HCC Equipment & Technology Fund
A fund allowing for the purchase of equipment and
technology in college classrooms and labs
HCC Library Fund
A fund to support additional technology and other
academic purchases at the college library
Karen Morgan GED Fund
Funds given in memory of Karen Morgan to support the
cost of GED exams for deserving students
Kittredge Center Unrestricted Fund
Monies reserved to support classroom and technology
upgrades at the Kittredge Center
Marieb New Pathways Center Fund
Funds given to support the establishment of the Marieb
Pathways Center and programming in the Marieb New
Directions program
Funds raised in support of the college’s Office for
Students with Disabilities and Deaf Services
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Nursing Division Fund
Quest Program Fund
Taber Art Endowment Fund
Funds given in support of classroom academic needs for
nursing-related curricula
A fund to support college readiness to deserving
students in Chicopee and Springfield
A bequest in support of the purchase, upkeep, and
restoration of artwork on the campus
Picknelly Center Fund
STEP Program Fund
Theater Fund
Funds in support of the programming of the Picknelly
Adult and Family Education Center
Monies in this fund support STEP, an academic support
program that serves seventh and eighth grade students
in Holyoke’s middle schools to help them advance
academically and stay motivated in school
A fund to support theater programs
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
On the Map A look at where our donors live
District of Columbia
North Carolina
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
South Carolina
West Virginia
Western Massachusetts*
East Longmeadow
South Hadley
West Springfield
*Please note that these 18 communities represent 80% of all Massachusetts donors.
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Scholarships Awarded
We are grateful to the individuals and corporations whose generosity made these scholarships possible.
Rosetta Aldrich Scholarship
Alumni Association Scholarship (8)
Henry S. ‘71 and Carol Andrus
Jacob and Adeline Barowsky Scholarship
Mischa D. Barowsky Scholarship
David and Bette Bartley Scholarship
Berkshire Bank Scholarship (2)
George E. Boudreau Scholarship (2)
Spencer Bridgman Scholarship
Gary Brochu Scholarship
Kathryn ”Kitty” Broman Scholarship
Paul Buckwalter Scholarship (2)
Eleanor V. Burns Scholarship
Frank and Elena Cataldo Scholarship (3)
Chicopee Savings Bank Scholarship
James F. Connors Scholarship (4)
Maureen D. A’mico Memorial Scholarship
LouEllen Dabbs Scholarship
Delaney House Scholarship
John DiNapoli Scholarship
Claire Gingras Doherty Award In Nursing
Maurice A. Donahue Scholarship (3)
William Dwight Scholarship
Sandra Eagleton Scholars (2)
John and Shirley Fallon Scholarship (6)
Deborah Ferriter Scholarship
Maurice and Peggy Ferriter Scholarship
First Niagara Scholarship
Anna Fitzgerald & Ruthann Bagshaw
Fulton Scholarship
Rosemarie Cataldo Fitzpatrick
Carolyn Fontaine Scholarship
Fontaine Family Fund Scholarship (2)
Fund a Future Scholarship
Lucille Gill and Thomas Gill, III,
Scholarship (3)
Israel and Matilda Goldberg Scholarship
Judith Kramer Goldberg Scholarship
Frances H. Gosselin Scholarship in
Joseph V. Gosselin Scholarship
Hampden Papers, Inc., Scholarship
Carol Hardy Business Scholarship
Hasbro, Inc., Scholarship (5)
Hazen Paper Company Scholarship
HCC Foundation Scholarship
Hispanic Resources (2)
Holyoke Gas & Electric Scholarship (2)
Laurie Jean Hunter Memorial Scholarship
Mickey and Jennie Jedziniak Memorial
Scholarship (2)
Bess Kaplinsky Scholarship
Nathan Kaplinsky Scholarship
Doris M. Kemble Nursing Scholarship (3)
David M. Killeen Scholarship
Michael J. Kittredge, III, Scholarship
Arthur W. Knapp Scholarship
Yvette E. Laporte Scholarship
Marguerite I. Lazarz Scholarship (2)
Sister Bernice Lebel Scholarship
Ellie Lescault Scholarship (10)
Gloria G. Lomax Scholarship
Alfred C. Loomer Memorial Scholarship
Ellen Lynch Scholarship
Elaine Marieb New Directions Scholarship
Vincent and Patricia McElroy Mem. Award
Anne and John McHugh Scholarship (2)
Ruth McIntyre Scholars Awards (3)
Ruth McIntyre Transfer Scholarship
Police Chief Thomas McNamara Memorial
Edward F. & Catherine C. Moriarty
James D. Moriarty Music Fund
Anabel B. Murphy Scholarship
Kenneth J. Murphy, Sr., Scholarship
Mutt & Jeff Scholarship
Jan Alicia Nettler Scholarship
Richard R. and Janice D. Nickerson
Franklin Morris O’Connell Scholarship (2)
James Joseph O’Connell Scholarship (2)
Sue Ellen Panitch Scholarship
Anthony J. Pellegrino Scholarship
PIMA (Paper Industry) Scholarship
Stephen Pollock Scholarship
President’s Grant-in-Aid Fund
Providence Hospital Scholarship in
Leo Arthur & Marietta Gifford Provost
Education Scholarship
Milton and Raymond Provost Scholarship
Erma J. Provost Shepard Scholarship
Elizabeth Ella Provost Nursing
Dr. Richard Leon Provost Art Scholarship
Dr. Richard Leon Provost Psychology
Leona R. Richards Taylor & Dorothy
Provost Memorial Scholarship
Roger and Caroline Putnam Scholarship
Fund (6)
Bruce V. Quagliato Scholarship
Captain Paul H. Racine Scholarship
Pamela K. Reed Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Miriam Taylor Sajkovic Scholarship
Yadavendra Sharma Scholarship
Mary and Neil Sheehan Scholarship (2)
Sobon Family Fund Scholarship (2)
Patrick and Johanna Sullivan Scholarship
Cynthia A. Sutter ‘90 Scholarship
Rozalia and Gladys Szczur Nursing
Donald Taber Art Scholarship (2)
Alan Taupier Alumni Achievement
Scholarship (4)
John Taupier Scholarship
Teddy Bear Pools Scholarship (2)
Victor E. Thomas Scholarship Fund
Tides Foundation Scholarship (13)
Unity Humanitarian Scholarship
Peg and Gary Wendlandt Scholarship (4)
Westfield Bank Scholarship
West/Lowry Family Scholarship
Angela & Joseph Wright Scholarship
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Cash and cash equivalents
Certificate of deposit
Prepaid expenses
Grants and pledges receivable–within one year 101,390
Total Current Assets
Other Assets:
Cash restricted to Gateway for College program 6,087
Grants and pledges receivable–after one year
Investments in corporate stocks
Refundable Advance held by Community
Foundation of Western Massachusetts
Deferred costs for road construction
Investment in land
Total Other Assets
Total Assets
Current Liabilities:
Accounts Payable
Net Assets:
Invested in Property
Board Designated
Total Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
as of June 30, 2013, with
Comparative Totals for 2012
Foundation Assets: Ten-Year History
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
HCC Foundation Board
William Bagshaw, New England Archives
Francis M. Baker, D.P.M., Retired Chiropodist
Mark Baran, Westfield Bank
Ned Barowsky, Consultant
David M. Bartley ’54, HCC President Emeritus
Paul Boudreau, Esq. ‘67, Ryan, Boudreau, Randall,
Kirkpatrick & Baker
Terence Bresnahan, Bresnahan Insurance Agency
Erica Broman, Holyoke Community College
Lisa Davis, Davis Management Practice
Timothy Deshaies ‘90, Florence Savings Bank
Paul Dinn, Dinn Bros.
John Driscoll, Esq., Resnic, Beauregard, Waite & Driscoll
Barry Farrell ‘81, Funeral Director
Robert Fowler, Retired President
Michael Ginley ‘82, Retired Executive
Susan Goldsmith, Marcus Printing
Timothy Grader, Marketing Director
John Hazen ‘84, Hazen Paper Company
Sanford Jeames, Cambridge College
David Kalicka, Meyers Brothers Kalicka
Francis M. Kane ‘56, Retired President
Michael Kirwan, Senior Financial Advisor,
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Patrick Leary, Partner, Moriarty and Primack
Ellen Majka, HCC Business Division
Elaine Marieb ‘80, Author
William Messner, HCC President
Beth Mineo, Private Banking, Berkshire Bank
Corey Murphy, First American Insurance Agency
Sue Ellen Panitch, Community Activist
Joseph Peters ‘70, Universal Plastics
Anne Potter, Retired Professor
Thomas Senecal, PeoplesBank
Joseph Wright ‘54, Arbitrator
Patrick Bresnahan ‘57, Retired
Nora Burke Patton, Burke & Co.
Donald Chase ‘70, Retired President
Maurice Ferriter ‘52, Ferriter & Ferriter
Joseph Gosselin ‘68, Commonwealth Packaging Corp.
Lester Halpern, Lester Halpern & Co.
Benjamin Marcus, Retired
Edward Murphy, First American Insurance Agency
Patricia Nelen, Retired Educator
Louis Oldershaw, Bulkley, Richardson and Gelinas
Richard Towne, Retired
William Wagner ’54, Chicopee Savings Bank
Holyoke Community College Foundation Annual Report
Learn more by visiting us at
To learn more about how you can participate in the Building Healthy Communities Campaign,
please contact:
303 Homestead Avenue
Holyoke, MA 01040
(413) 552-2182
Erica Broman, Vice President for Institutional Development
Joanna Brown
(413) 552-2747
Director of Alumni Relations
(413) 552-2253
Keith McKittrick, Director of Development
(413) 552-2746