St Edward the Confessor Catholic Church San Felipe de Jesús Chapel


St Edward the Confessor Catholic Church San Felipe de Jesús Chapel
St Edward the Confessor Catholic Church
San Felipe de Jesús Chapel
July 20, 2014 - Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish Mission Statement
Nuestra Misión Parroquial
Loved by the Father,
saved by the Son,
empowered by the Holy Spirit,
we, the faithful of
St. Edward the Confessor
and San Felipe de Jesus,
joyfully embrace our
community and the world.
Nourished by the sacraments
and inspired by the
example of Christ,
we strive to be his voice,
hands and heart.
Amados Por El Padre
Salvados Por El Hijo,
Fortalecidos Por El Espíritu Santo
Nosotros, Los Feligreses De
San Eduardo el Confesor
Y San Felipe de Jesús,
Con Júbilo Abrazamos Nuestra
Comunidad Y Mundo.
Alimentados Por Los Sacramentos
E Inspirados Por
El Ejemplo De Cristo,
Nos Esforzamos Por Ser Su Voz,
Manos Y Corazón.
St. Edward the Confessor
Catholic Church
Phone: 496-1307 Fax: 496-1557
8 a.m.—7 p.m.
8 a.m.—2 p.m.
8 a.m.—2 p.m.
Phone: (949) 496-1307
33926 Calle La Primavera
Dana Point, California 92629
8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. (Vigil)
7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 a.m.
12:30 (Spanish) & 5:30 p.m.
8:15 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Eve of Holy Day 5:30 p.m.
Holy Day
8:15 a.m., 5:30 & 7:30 p.m.
6:00—7:30 p.m.
4:00—5:00 p.m.
(and by appointment)
Rev. Brendan Manson—Administrator
[email protected]
Rev. Dave Gruver—Senior Priest
[email protected]
Rev. Armando Virrey—Parochial Vicar
[email protected]
Deacon Ron Tiberi
496-1307 ext. 2505
Deacon Al Scaduto
[email protected]
Business Office—429-2874
Parish Pay—542-4310
Christian Service Office—496-1572
Ann McKown, Director of Christian Service
Parish Ministries Office—542-4311
Joan Fleming, Director of Parish Ministries
Rick Dellefield, Director
Parish School—496-1241
Sharon Rands, Principal
Cheryl Pickrel, Principal
Faith Formation Office—496-6011
Donna Couch, Director of Faith Formation
Aimee Martinez, Coordinator Sunday
Children’s Ministry
Sacrament of the Sick
In the event of serious illness or medical emergency, Anointing of the Sick
and Eucharist may be arranged by contacting the Parish office. In case of a
medical emergency after office hours call (949) 257-8017.
Sacrament of Baptism
Parents of infants requesting information about Baptism may contact the
Faith Formation office, 496-6011. Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the
first and third Sunday of each month following catechesis for parents and
godparents of candidates.
Celebration of Christian Funerals
At the time of death, a family member should contact the Parish Office, as
soon as possible, to arrange the date and time for the funeral liturgy.
Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Adults requesting information about full initiation and communion with the
Roman Catholic Church (the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation) may contact the Faith Formation office at 496-6011.
Sacrament of Matrimony
The Sacrament presumes active sacramental participation on the part of
one or both persons. Couples must begin preparation for their Sacrament
at least six months prior to their proposed wedding date. Please call the
Parish office for more information.
Eucharistic Adoration
On the first and third Monday of each month we gather in prayer and
praise before the Blessed Sacrament. The Diocesan intention is that of an
increase of vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
Youth Ministry—496-9719
Gary Foote, Coordinator
For more information, please visit our website:
Middle School Ministry-496-1307 ext.
2210 Jason Trujillo, Director of Campus
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Welcome, Fr. Armando!
I was born and raised in the desert area of Sonora, Mexico. As a child, I found I had a
talent for art and I wanted to develop that talent as a life career. As time passed, my heart
would pull me in another direction. But, I continued to focus on art as a career, even when
somehow I knew there was another life path for me. At 25, I realized I had a calling from
God, and I surrendered myself to Him. I began to recognize that this calling had been there
since my childhood in many ways and I entered the seminary. The soft voice of God touched
my heart and I listened. I joined a young-adult group in my parish and talked with my pastor.
That conversation was a turning point and a vocational retreat confirmed my new direction.
The doubts that used to haunt me began to vanish once I made the choice God had put in
my path. Thanks to the continued assistance of my spiritual directors, the priests in charge of formation, and through
my personal moments of adoration and the prayers of many people who supported me, I realized and confirmed my
choice again in God's direction.
In spite of this awareness, in 1997, I left the Seminary of Tijuana and moved to California to continue my art studies. Providentially, I lived and worked in a church as coordinator of the Hispanic Community. God, who was guiding
my steps all along, called me again while I was working there. In 1998, I joined the Congregation of the Missionaries
of the Holy Spirit. With them, I finished my theology studies at Mt. Angel Seminary in Oregon.
Through prayer and spiritual guidance, I realized that my calling was not to religious life but to diocesan. So, in
November 2000, I arrived at the Diocese of Orange. Bishop Brown assigned me to the Church of St. Joseph in Santa
Ana, where I began my Internship, which I concluded at Holy Family Cathedral in Orange. It was on June 7, 2003, I
fulfilled my destiny and I was ordained as a Priest of Christ.
My first assignment was at St. Boniface in Anaheim where I served for four years. My second position was at the
Mission Basilica San Juan Capistrano where I had the privilege of serving God's people for another four years. The
Holy Spirit called me to continue in my ministry life serving in the parish of St. Mary's in Fullerton for three years.
Now a new chapter of my life brings me to the community of St. Edward and San Felipe de Jesus Chapel where I will
continue to serve Jesus Christ and the community.
I pray daily to our Lord, through his blessed Mother, to continue to give me the wisdom, love, and zeal to serve
you. God bless us all.
Fr. Armando Virrey
National Natural Family Planning Awareness Week
July 20-26, 2014 is National Natural Family Planning Awareness Week.
The dates of this week highlight the anniversary of the papal encyclical
Humanae Vitae (July 25) which articulates Catholic beliefs about human
sexuality, conjugal love and responsible parenthood. The dates also mark
the feast of Saints Joachim and Anne (July 26), the parents of the Blessed
Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a way of following God’s plan for achieving and/or avoiding pregnancy using the physical means that God has built
into human nature. NFP has no harmful physical side effects. It fosters authentic marital love, respect, honesty, and couple communication. It also
fosters trust in God and an authentic marital spirituality that deepens the
couple's relationship with Christ and his Church. NFP, when used properly, is "marriage insurance." Surveys indicate couples who practice NFP
have a practically non-existent divorce rate. This is because practicing NFP
fosters those very same virtues that are necessary for a healthy marriage.
For more information about NFP, visit
July 20, 2014
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San Felipe de Jesús
26010 Domingo Ave.
Capistrano Beach, CA. 92624
(949) 493-8918
Office Hours: Monday & Tuesday: 5:00—8:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:30a.m.—11:30a.m.
Educación Religiosa Horario: Lunes y Martes 5:00—8:00 p.m.
Religious Education: Monday and Tuesday 5:00—8:00 p.m.
Forms to register at the parish are available at the church or online at
Domingo 10:00 am (San Felipe)
12:30 pm (St. Edward)
Día de Obligación 7:30 p.m.
Primer Viernes 7:30 p.m.
Lunes de 6 -7:30 p.m.
Sábado de 4 - 5:00 p.m.
al Santísimo Sacramento
primer viernes del mes
8 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Monday 6 - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 4:00 p.m.
of the Blessed Sacrament
1st Friday of every month
8 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
To arrange Baptisms,
Marriages, and Quinceañeras
please call (949) 496-1307
Victor Samano, Deacon
Altar Server/
Gloria Luz Gálvez
(949) 566-4587
Caballeros de Colon/
José Luis Hurtado
Knights of Columbus
(949) 254-2261
Cenáculo Misionero
Anita Uribe
(949) 728-0283
Elo Ruiz
(949) 257-5090
Marco A. Chávez
(949) 521-9782
Baptism: 2nd Saturday of the
month @11 a.m.
Class: 1st Tuesday of the month
from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Faith Formation/
Educación Religiosa
Jóvenes Para Cristo
Lectores (Spanish)
Llamar 6 meses con anticipación
In the event of serious illness or
medical emergency,
Anointing of the Sick and
Eucharist may be arranged by
contacting the St. Edward Parish
office. In case of a medical
emergency after office hours,
call (949) 257-8017.
En caso de una enfermedad seria
o emergencia médica, un
fallecimiento o la necesidad de
recibir la unción de los enfermos
o la Eucaristía, llame a la oficina
de San Eduardo si su emergencia
es después de las 8 p.m. al
(949) 257-8017.
Llame a la oficina de
San Eduardo el Confesor
de Lunes a Viernes
8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
para hablar con:
Millie Estrada
Bautizos: segundo sábado del
mes @11 a.m.
Pláticas: primer martes del mes
6:30 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.
Tercer sábado de cada mes
a las 10 a.m.
Sr. Sue Dunning CSJ (949) 493-8920
Mauricio Pérez
Ricardo Flores
(949) 795-3581
(949) 514-5600
Crescencio y Ana
(949) 412-9143
Raquel Mares
(949) 456-5988
Martha Rodríguez
(949) 842-7186
Donato Salgado
(949) 201-6095
Community Support Organizations
Baile Folklórico
Javier Martinez
(949) 394-3912
Capo Community
Mariachi Program
Rosa Ceja
(949) 830-1560
Mission Hospital
Health Ministry
Jaime Bowley
(949) 365-2181
Tel. 949/496-1307
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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Bienvenido Padre Armando!
Nací y crecí en la zona del desierto de Sonora, México. Cuando era niño, me di cuenta
que tenía talento para el arte y yo quería desarrollar ese talento haciendo una carrera basada en eso. A medida que pasaba el tiempo, mi corazón se fue por otra dirección. Pero, continué mi carrera por el camino del arte, aunque de alguna manera yo sabía que había otro
camino para mí. A los 25 años, me di cuenta que tenía un llamado de Dios, y me entregué a
él. Empecé a reconocer que este llamado había estado allí desde mi infancia de muchas maneras y entré al Seminario. La suave voz de Dios tocó mi corazón y escuche su llamado. Me
uní a un grupo de jóvenes de oración en mi parroquia y hablé con el párroco. Esa conversación fue el punto de reflexión al igual que el vivir un retiro vocacional confirmó mi nueva dirección.
Las dudas que solían atormentarme comenzaron a desaparecer una vez que acepte a Dios y lo que él había puesto en mi camino. Gracias a la asistencia continua de mis directores espirituales, los sacerdotes encargados de la formación, los momentos personales que estuve en adoración y la oración de muchas personas que me apoyaron, me
di cuenta y confirme una vez más lo que Dios quería de mí.
A pesar de estar consciente de esto en el año de 1997, me salí del Seminario de Tijuana y me mudé a California
para continuar mis estudios de arte. Providencialmente, viví y trabajé en una iglesia como coordinador de la comunidad hispana. Dios, que guiaba mi pasos todo el tiempo, me llamó otra vez mientras yo estaba trabajando allí. En
1998, me uní a la Congregación de los Misioneros del Espíritu Santo. Con ellos, concluí mis estudios de teología el
Seminario de Mt. Angel en Oregon.
A través de la oración y dirección espiritual, me di cuenta que mi vocación no era la vida religiosa, sino la vida
diocesana. Así, que en noviembre del 2000, llegué a la Diócesis de Orange. El obispo Brown me asignó a la Iglesia de
San José, en Santa Ana, donde comencé como asistente, y concluí en la Catedral de La Sagrada Familia en la ciudad
de Orange. Era el 7 de junio del 2003, cuando finalmente cumplí mi destino y fui ordenado sacerdote de Cristo.
Mi primer trabajo fue en San Bonifacio en Anaheim donde serví durante cuatro años. Mi segunda posición fue en
la Basílica de la Misión San Juan Capistrano, donde tuve el privilegio de servir al pueblo de Dios por otros cuatro
años. El Espíritu Santo me llamo a servir en este ministerio en la parroquia de St. Mary en Fullerton durante tres
años. Ahora, comienza un nuevo capítulo en mi vida ahora el Espíritu Santo me lleva a la comunidad de San Eduardo
y de San Felipe de Jesús donde continúo sirviendo a Jesucristo y la comunidad.
Rezo todos los días al Señor, para que a través de su bendita Madre, me siga llenando de sabiduría, amor y vigor
para servir.
Dios los bendiga.
Pbro. Armando Virrey
Semana Nacional de Planificación Familiar Natural
Del 20 al 26 julio 2014 es la Semana Nacional de Concientización
sobre la planificación familiar natural.
Las fechas de esta semana destacan el aniversario de la encíclica papal
Humanae Vitae (25 de julio), que articula las creencias católicas sobre la sexualidad
humana, el amor conyugal y la paternidad responsable. Las fechas también marcan la
fiesta de los Santos Joaquín y Ana (26 de julio), los padres de la Santísima Madre.
Planificación Familiar Natural (PFN) es una manera de seguir el plan de Dios para
alcanzar y / o evitar el embarazo usando los medios físicos que Dios ha integrado en
la naturaleza humana. PFN no tiene efectos secundarios físicos dañinos. Fomenta el
auténtico amor conyugal, el respeto, la honestidad y la comunicación de la pareja.
También fomenta la confianza en Dios y una espiritualidad conyugal auténtico que se
profundiza la relación de pareja con Cristo y su Iglesia. PFN, cuando se utiliza correctamente, es un "seguro del matrimonio." Las encuestas indican parejas que practican la
PNF tienen una tasa de divorcio prácticamente inexistente. Esto se debe a la práctica de la PFN fomenta esas mismas
virtudes que son necesarias para un matrimonio saludable.
Para mas informacion de NFP, visite
July 20, 2014
Page 5
Can 6 Days Change Your Life?
Absolutely, if you can spare 6 days to experience a spiritually filled missionary trip to Jamaica. Come join Fr. Brendan
and fellow parishioners October 13th to October 18th, 2014 to share in the missionary life of the Missionaries of the
Poor (M.O.P.), a Catholic order of brothers and priests. We will pray and work with them to answer Jesus’ call to
“Serve the least of my brethren.” Once a year members of St. Edwards set out on a pilgrimage to work side by side
with the brothers in their apostolic centers caring for the truly needy and forgotten. Come share your gift of love
with handicapped children, elderly men and women all who had been abandoned and left on the streets to die. We
have space for 20 people to be a part of this life changing experience. The work is simple and sometimes hard, but the
rewards will be beyond your expectations. All it takes is a valid passport, the price of a round trip ticket to Kingston,
(currently $600) and the ability to ascend and descend three flights of stairs to the visitor’s living quarters.
Ask the Lord if this is the year to take a different kind of trip, one that will offer the opportunity to see the face of
Jesus in the poor and come away with freshly enriched spirituality. If you are interested and would like more information leave your name and phone number at the
church front office (949) 496-1307. In turn,
Linda or I will give you a call and answer any
questions. There will also be an orientation
meeting held in the near future, watch for the
announcement in the bulletin. To learn more
about the Missionaries of the Poor you can
also checkout their website: May the
peace of Christ be with you,
Deacon Al and Linda Scaduto
6 Días Pueden Cambiar Tu Vida?
Por supuesto que si, tiene usted 6 días para experimentar un viaje misionero lleno de espiritualidad? Venga y acompañe al Padre Brendan y a otros feligreses del 13 de octubre al 18 de octubre 2014 para compartir en la vida misionera de los Misioneros de los Pobres (MOP), una orden católica de hermanos y sacerdotes. Vamos a orar y trabajar
con ellos para responder a la llamada de Jesús de "Servir al más pequeño de mis hermanos." Una vez al año, los
miembros de San Eduardo emprenden un peregrinaje para trabajar mano a mano con nuestros hermanos en los
centros apostólicos cuidado a los mas necesitados y olvidados. Venga a compartir su regalo de amor con los niños
discapacitados, ancianos y mujeres aquellos que han sido abandonados y dejados en las calles a morir. Solo tenemos
espacio para 20 personas, sea parte de esta experiencia que cambiara su vida. El trabajo es simple y, a veces duro,
pero la recompensa será más allá de sus expectativas. Sólo se necesita tener un pasaporte válido, el precio de su
boleto de avión de ida y vuelta a Kingston, Jamaica es (actualmente $600 dólares) y la capacidad de subir y bajar tres
tramos de escaleras hasta la vivienda donde esta localizado este monasterio.
Pregúntele en oración al Señor si este es el tiempo indicado para hacer un viaje diferente, uno que le ofrecerá la
oportunidad de ver el rostro de Jesús en los pobres y donde podrá salir con su espíritu enriquecido. Si usted está
interesado y desea obtener más información deje su nombre y número de teléfono en la oficina principal de la iglesia
(949) 496-1307. Mi esposa Linda o yo le llamaremos y contestaremos cualquier pregunta o duda que usted tenga.
También habrá una reunión de orientación que tendrá lugar en un futuro próximo, y habrá anuncios en el boletín.
Para conocer más acerca de los Misioneros de los Pobres (MOP), valla a la página web al: Que la paz de Cristo esté con ustedes,
Diácono Al y Linda Scaduto
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
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July 20, 2014
Page 7
Faith Formation
On-going Religious Education and Spiritual Growth for Everyone, ALL THE TIME!
Connect with us 365 days, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week :;
AND via our mobile app: (free phone download)
Sixty days
of summer
On-line Registration
for faith formation
(all grades) is currently open!
go to for more
information about our classes and programs.
Tell your friends!
Forming Intentional Disciples by Sherry Weddell
Read with us July 1-21
Gathering on July 22 Knight Hall at 10:00 a.m.
Blog & Study Guide every day to keep you going: reading
Facilitated by Donna Couch,
Director of Faith Formation
Thank you, High School and College Altar Servers
CONGRATULATIONS !!! A big "thank you" to all you High School and College Altar Servers for your
faithfulness in serving at the Altar of God. Our prayers are with you for a successful journey with the Lord
through High School and your College years. Your continued ministry means the world to us,
and the younger ones look up to you as wonderful role models.
For those of you who are going off to College, may God bless you, guide you, and protect you.
Remember to keep God the Father on your minds, Jesus in your hearts, the Holy Spirit in your souls, and our
Blessed Mother at your sides. "Pray and see" if God is calling you to vocations for the
Priesthood, Deaconate or the Religious Life.
From the Priests and Altar Serving Ministry of St. Edward the Confessor Church, June, 2014
Graduated to College
Serving for 8 years
Scottie Butler
Tristan Hustrulid
Guy Malcolm
Spencer Martin
Dante Pettis
Michael Prendiville
Caitlyn Upton
Seniors 2014-5
Serving for 7 years
Robert Diersing
Jordyn McIntosh
Connor Prendiville
Shawna Prendiville
Nicholas Welter
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Juniors 2014-5
Serving for 6 years
Kaitlin Barron
Evelyn Comoglio
Ricky Cruz
James Cultra
Sarah Duncan
Katie Litwinski
Claire McAndrews
Andrea O'Malley
Claire O'Melveny
Aaron Regalado
Avery Rissling
Claire Van Eenenaam
James Vetter
Sophomores 2014-5
Serving for 5 years
Nicholas Aranda
William Cou
Alana Diersing
Bryan Hustrulid
Jett Jordan
Michael LaChapelle
Alexandra McIntosh
Alyson Moznett
Carolyn Nilsen
Luke Pugliese
Brian Sad
Gianna Scotto
Bridget Sjoberg
Sophomores (cont.)
Serving for 5 years
Eric Thellman
Kyle Watkins
Kaikea Wilinski
Page 8
Parish Ministries
Items Needed for Silent Auction
at School Golf Tournament
The Knights of Columbus need items for the Silent
Auction that will take place at the St. Edward School
Golf Tournament on Monday, Sep. 8, 2014. Items
needed are sport, entertainment, religious, or gift
items, collectables, or tickets that are in mint
condition. If you have something to donate. Please
contact Laszlo Hegedus
(949) 510-8795
[email protected]
Serra Club of South Orange County
Monday, July 21@ 6:00 p.m.
You are invited to join the Serra Club for dinner and
speaker in Knight Hall. Dinner and drinks are included: a $10 donation is appreciated. The Serra
Club of Southern Orange County is part of an international organization devoted to praying for vocations. We meet the 3rd Monday of every month in
Knight Hall at 6:00 p.m.
Altar Guild Volunteers Needed!
Altar Guild volunteers perform light housekeeping
duties for the Church, such as refilling candles with
oil, washing the Holy vessels used in the Mass and
tidying up the pews. The time commitment is one
hour once a month. If you have an interest in helping
our faith community in this way, contact Gabrielle
Kirkman for more information: [email protected] or
St. Anne's Circle for Moms
Wednesday, August 6, 9-11 a.m.
St. Anne’s Circle offers outings and park days where
moms can talk and kids can play. Our next park day
is August 6 at Sea Canyon Park. We occasionally
send emails announcing spontaneous park days or
beach gatherings. Contact Jennifer Kheriaty [email protected] (949)280-508 to be added to our
email list.
July 20, 2014
Parents’ Grief Support Group
July 24 & August 7 ~ 7:00—8:15 p.m.
Our grief support group for parents who have lost a
child of any age will meet on Thursdays July 24 and
August 7. The group meets at 7:00 p.m. in the
Church Meeting Room. If you are interested in joining
the group, or you would like additional information,
please call Celine Miller at (949) 361– 0878.
Monday, July 21 @ 4 to 5:30 p.m.
H.E.L.P. is a support group for those with
chronic illness and/or caregivers.
Please join us in the Church Meeting Room to pray
together and discuss practical treatment and issues
such as nutrition, exercise, rest, and stress relief. If
you need information regarding referrals or home or
hospital visits, please call Maggie Prendiville, RN, MS
at 496-7312.
Mary’s Corner Gift Shop Needs Volunteers
Helpers are needed on Sunday mornings 8:15 a.m.
to12:30 p.m. Mary’s Corner has religious books,
videos and lovely gift items including rosaries, crosses
and more. If you are willing to help, please contact
Suzanne Luke (949) 973-7015.
Stephen Ministry
“Christ Caring for People
through People”
That’s what Stephen Ministry is. Everything a person
tells his or her Stephen Minister is kept in strict confidence. People are often afraid that if they tell
someone what is troubling them, word will get
around and others will look down on them. But a
Stephen Minister keeps everything a care receiver
shares confidential, and through the sharing God
works miracles of healing and peace. To learn more
about the Stephen Ministry, call 949-496-1307 x
2503 or email us at [email protected].
Page 9
Please Pray for...
The Sick
Dolores Waggoner
Dorothy Klass
Doris Deal
Gerry Martini
Emily Presley
Deanna Gormley
Mary Banks
Mary Heyer
Ted Wilson
Lisa Gabriel
Connor Riley
John Ramirez
Frank Livacich
Peggy Tolmachoff
Ashley Goetz
Thomas Simpson
Alex Ortiz
Jonathon Reed
Pat O’Halloran
Michael McGuire
Betty Jo Way
Dulce Coats
In Memoriam
Mary Reardon
The Deceased
Jul. 20: Doris Lucia Thometz (1995),
Guy Henry Jamieson (1998),
Catherine Whitehill (2005), Sheila Andrews (2005),
Anne J. Gardner (2010), Georgia Guthrie (2010)
Jul. 21: Vito Sinacori (1984), Annie Smith (1994),
Frank Vernola (1996), Nicholas Bruno (2003),
Lois N. Porter (2005), William R. Coughlin (2009)
Jul. 22: Robert Papaj (1976), Brock Kelly (1989),
Charles Bergeson (2005)
Jul. 23: Elaine Scanlan (1995), Virginia Brooks (2001),
Doris Hausmann (2004), Frank Punelli (2007)
Jul. 24: Christopher Hartman (1977), Betty Gibson (1986),
Barbara Anne Nelson (1999), Betty Thomas (2001),
Mary E. Cunningham (2010)
Jul. 25: Louise McKiernan (1980), Robert Kuehn (1983),
William Dolmat (2003), Jane Schleibaum(2006),
Jody Sommer-Myers (2010),
Quentin Scarantino (2010)
Jul. 26: Mathias Thometz (1990),
Sherrie Elizabeth Grzegorczyk (1998)
Lynette Denielli (2006)
Jul. 27: Frances Butler (2000), Regina DeLeo (2004),
Lloyd Johnson (2006), Anthony DeLeo (2007),
Ludivinia Ortiz (2010)
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
July 20
Mass for the People
Paul Ibbetson †
Joan Walz †
Pedro Herrera Perez †
Kenneth Kruger †
8:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
July 21
Enrrique & Anna Devinatea †
Rene Dupree †
8:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
July 22
Richard Procarione †
Sister Ann Vincent De Ritis †
Wednesday July 23
8:15 a.m.
Kathleen Iamarino †
5:30 p.m.
Mollie Markel †
8:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
July 24
Elizabeth Wale †
Edward Collins Jr †
8:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
July 25
Lynn & Chris Redmer
Teryl McEffe Macia †
8:15 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
July 26
Sr. Ann De Ritis †
Joseph & Josephine Taormina †
7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:30 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
July 27
Mass for the People
Mary Leone †
Gina Taylor †
Manuel & Rosario Isas †
Paul Bruns †
Wedding Banns
Peter Serrano & Darla Serrano ♥ July 25, 2014
Joo H. Kim & Jenny M. Montoya ♥ July 26, 2014
Nathan Mulhern & Stephanie Rice ♥ Aug 01, 2014
Shane Michinock & Ashley Hoskin Aug 02, 2014
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Pastoral Service
Progress Report
Parish Goal
Total Pledged
Total Paid
$ 95,444*
# of Pledges
*as of 6/18/2014
We thank you for your support.
Financial Update
Sunday Contributions
Financial Update 2013 - 4 Year
to Date through June 2014
2012-3 Year to Date—-Through May 2013
Good Stewards All
In the month of June 2014
St. Edward and San Felipe de Jesus
ministries provided:
14 Individuals
5 Couples
2 Young Women
6 Funerals
Christian Service
Food Distribution * 82
Services Provided
Referrals Provided
Families (134 adults and
119 children)
* Food distribution is sponsored by
St. Vincent de Paul and administered by
St. Edward Christian Service ministry.
July 20, 2014
7:30 a.m.—Pro Life Rosary and Morning Prayer
(Liturgy of the Hours)
8:15 a.m.—Mass
Divine Mercy Chaplet for Priests
5:30 p.m.—Mass
(Saturday is Sunday’s Liturgy)
We invite you to celebrate daily Mass with us!
Every pledge, no matter what the size,
is valued and appreciated.
If you have not done so yet, you are invited
to make a pledge.
Daily Schedule Monday-Saturday
This Week’s Events
July 21
24-Hour Adoration
4:00 p.m.
H.E.L.P. Support Group
6:00 p.m.
Serra Club, Knight Hall
6:00- 7:30 p.m. Confessions
July 22
6:00 p.m.
Blue Army Rosary, Church
7:00 p.m.
St. Vincent de Paul, Church Mtg. Room
Wednesday July 23
9:00 a.m.
Circle of Praise
July 24
8:45 a.m.
Tijuana Ministry
11:00 a.m.
Spanish Lessons
7:00 p.m.
Parents’ Grief Group
July 25
9:00 a.m.
Prayer Shawl Ministry, Church Mtg
July 26
9:00 a.m.
Rosary-Our Lady’s Blue Army, Church
Scripture Readings
July 20 – July 26
Wis 12:13, 16-19; Ps 86:5-6, 9-10, 15-16;
Rom 8:26-27; Mt 13:24-43 [24-30]
Mi 6:1-4, 6-8; Ps 50:5-6, 8-9, 16bc-17, 21,
23; Mt 12:38-42
Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 85:2-8; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18
Wednesday: Jer 1:1, 4-10; Ps 71:1-4a, 5-6ab, 15, 17;
Mt 13:1-9
Jer 2:1-3, 7-8, 12-13; Ps 26:6-7ab, 8-11;
Mt 13:10-17
2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28
Jer 7:1-11; Ps 84:3-6a, 8a, 11; Mt 13:24-30
Page 11
Need a way to keep
plugged into
your faith life in college?
Join us on Thursdays from 8- 9:30 p.m. We meet in St.
Timothy's youth room with college-age students from
South Orange County to see what it really means to be
Catholic in our world. Questions? Contact
Jeanette at [email protected]
or Gary Foote at [email protected]
Free Family Help—Catholics in Recovery
Working the 12 Steps—Saturdays 9:30—11 a.m.
Catholics in Recovery (CIR) is for anyone with addictions or
unhealthy habits and for family members and friends suffering
with them. CIR meets every Saturday morning from 9:30—
11:00 a.m. at the Friendship Center, 929 Calle Negocia, Suite
H, San Clemente Questions? Contact Betty (949) 939-9079
[email protected]
You are invited
to stay connected
with us via
The Sacred Heart World Congress
October 2-5, 2014 Irvine, California
Singles, married, religious and clergy are all welcome
to this life-changing event. Families are welcome for
engaging youth and teen tracks. Attendees will benefit
from an in-depth catechesis about the
Enthronement of the Sacred Heart, a special healing
service, liturgical services and tracks.
Bi-lingual translation with English and Spanish.
Register today for this life-changing
or call (855) 667-4111
(Monday –Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.)
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Save the
St. Edward the
Confessor School
Golf Tournament
powered by Knights of Columbus
Talega Golf Club, San Clemente
Monday, September 8, 2014
Players: $150 per golfer
contact Jim Shipe (949) 413-7672
[email protected]
For Sponsorship Opportunities:
contact Jim Snyder, (949) 724-4731
Check-in 9:30 a.m.
Tee-off 11:00 a.m.
Reception 5 -6 p.m.
Dinner 6:00 p.m.
Last year, we at the Office of Restorative Justice/Detention Ministry passed out over 6,000
Christmas cards with stamped envelopes to inmates and minors incarcerated in the Orange
County jails and juvenile facilities.
To keep the Spirit alive this year we are in
need of more Christmas cards and “Forever”
stamps. Please ensure the cards reflect our love
for Jesus through the celebration of His holy
birth. Cards must be store bought, paper ONLY!
(NO foil, glitter or any other sparkly materials)
Please help us bring the Christmas spirit to
these men, women, minors, their families and
loved ones by donating Christmas cards and
“Forever” stamps. We request cards by August
31. Please mail or bring the cards and stamps to
us at: Office of Restorative Justice/Catholic Detention Ministry
1820 W. Orangewood Ave., Suite 101
Orange CA 92868
Your generous support is greatly appreciated.
For more information about us, check out our
web site;
Page 12
Construction at St.
Edward the Confessor
Catholic School
There will be construction at the school through
the summer. We are
relocating the preschool
and adding some class rooms. Outside, we are adding a
covered lunch area and new playground equipment.
Join us for fellowship for young adult
couples and singles in their 20's and 30's.
When: Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
2nd and 4th of the month for fellowship
1st, 3rd and 5th of the month for social nights
Where: Mission Basilica, Serra Room in the
underground pastoral building.
Email Robbie for more details
[email protected]
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