donorreport - Chester County Hospital
donorreport - Chester County Hospital
2d o0n1o 4r r e p o r t Dedicated to supporting Chester County Hospital, part of E Dear Friends, very year as I try to find the right words to acknowledge your tremendous generosity, I naturally start wondering about those early years in our Hospital’s history—well before my tenure here began—when the community and the Hospital first embarked on this magnificent philanthropic journey together. It’s healthy to remember and appreciate from where we came; but this year as I try to express my gratitude, I don’t want to look backwards…I want to focus on where we are going and how you are helping us get there. OUR VISION TO BE THE OUR VALUES LEADING I PROVIDER OF CARE IN THE n novat i on Anticipate, innovate and adapt to a changing environment. C oll a b or at i on REGION AND As a result of your capital gifts over the last several years, which totaled about $40 million at the close of our campaign efforts, the now-complete Lasko Tower is elevating our patients’ experience during their stay. The Lasko Tower was made possible with the help of an extremely generous lead gift from the Lasko Family, with significant gifts coming from so many more wonderful and generous friends of the Hospital. We’ve always been able to provide great service and quality care, but offering our patients 72 private and modern rooms to recover creates a positive lasting impression. Your gifts have helped make that possible. Advance the team toward our Vision. A NATIONAL A cc ou n ta b i l i t y Collective and individual accountability for superior results. MODEL FOR QUALITY, R espect SERVICE Value self, others and diversity. E AND FISCAL STEWARDSHIP. xc e l l e n c e With your continued support, we are now renovating all of our existing rooms to be single rooms as well so that all patients can recover in a private setting. Strive to exceed expectations on quality, safety and satisfaction. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 7 President’s Message Board Chairman’s Message Chairman’s Society Founders Society Humanitarian Society 16 22 32 33 36 $50-$99 Donors Capping Society 1892 Society Tribute Gifts Events Sponsors 46 48 49 Financials Volunteers & Volunteens Boards, Leadership & Staff Cover photos:Top: Don Pearse Photographers, Bottom: Rick Davis EXCELLENCE, Photo by Daily Local News Photo by Rick Davis Vision and Values Your gifts support our efforts to introduce more leading-edge technologies in the areas of cancer care, cardiovascular procedures, orthopaedic surgery, maternal-child health and emergency medicine. As you know, we joined Penn Medicine last year, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the health system we chose to be our partner in your care. Together, we are offering our community greater access to more specialists, to new technology and to robust knowledge resources. The Chester County Hospital Foundation continues to be an integral financial supporter of this effort. Gifts made to the Foundation are used exclusively to support Chester County Hospital and its mission to enhance the health and wellbeing of the members of the community it serves. On behalf of all my colleagues at Chester County Hospital, we are truly grateful for the gifts you have given because they have allowed us to grow into the Hospital we are today. Warm Regards, We’ve received philanthropic support from the local community, as we build a comprehensive medical building in the West Grove area, to bring greater access to care for the residents in that part of the county. When completed next year, the building will be known as Penn Medicine Southern Chester County. Michael J. Duncan President and CEO Chester County Hospital 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 1 Chairman's Society 2 fundraising figures FISCAL YEAR 2014 $689,623 $2,378,824 UNRESTRICTED SUPPORT FUNDRAISING TOTAL $4,152,984 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN S Photo by Don Pearse Photographers $544,305 AUXILIARY FUNDRAISING Dear Friends, ome years just stand out! Fiscal Year 2014 was one of those for Chester County Hospital. We announced a partnership with Penn Medicine; opened the third and second floors of the Lasko Tower—the orthopaedics floor and the Mother and Baby Pavilion— both of which include the latest in inpatient services, including current technologies and beautiful all-private rooms. In addition, we continued to see our Emergency Department reconfigure to a new highly successful rapid triage method. So many achievements that ensure the advancement of health care in Chester County; all achieved with the help of generous donations from so many community supporters! Both my wife and I were raised in families that encouraged financial support of the community. That’s why I got involved with The Chester County Hospital Foundation. I want to ensure as many residents as possible can take advantage of the excellent care the Hospital delivers. Many of you have had experiences similar to my family—all four of our sons were born at Chester County Hospital; my oldest was treated there for bacterial meningitis—so you understand the importance of having the best medical care close to home. However, keeping up with the latest in health care to serve a rapidly growing Chester County does require resources. The partnership that began last fall with Penn Medicine brings many benefits to our community, including the resources, knowledge and expertise of one of the top academic health systems in the country. However, it doesn’t mean we will no longer need to raise funds for projects and improvements. Chester County Hospital, like the other hospitals in Penn Medicine, remains a non-profit, charitable organization that must rely on philanthropic support from the community to help provide some portion of the resources needed to continue to fulfill its charitable mission. The culture of philanthropy that has sustained our Hospital through so many advancements must endure and grow. Rest assured that every dollar donated to Chester County Hospital will exclusively support Chester County Hospital, and will be directed toward ensuring that the latest evidencebased care and advanced technology comes to our community hospital. I thank you for demonstrating your support of the Hospital in fiscal year 2014, and ask that you continue to make Chester County Hospital a priority in your charitable giving. In addition, I ask for your help in spreading the good word. I am sure you know people who have benefited from the skilled care the Hospital delivers but are not contributors. When the occasion is right, encourage them to become a part of this worthy effort to sustain excellent care locally. Thanks for your support, Francis “Franny” H. Abbott, Jr. Chairman The Chester County Hospital Foundation 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S Established to honor past, present and future Board Members, the Chairman’s Society recognizes the leadership of individuals who have made cumulative donations to the Foundation totaling $100,000 or more since 1984. $5,000,000 AND ABOVE Ray Carr Automotive Museum Foundation Crystal Trust Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Irénée du Pont, Jr. Chester County Hospital Medical Staff Longwood Foundation, Inc. Communications Test Design, Inc. Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson Estate of Daniel Cornwell Women’s Auxiliary to Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond Louis W. Dutt, Jr. Trust Chester County Hospital First Cornerstone Foundation, Inc. $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 $250,000 - $499,999 Mr. William W. Gibb* Davenport Family Foundation Anonymous Estate of Alma C. Giles Mrs. Robert S. Gawthrop, Jr.* Mr. C. Minor Barringer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt Estate of David Knauer Mrs. Mollie Pratt Barringer* The Patricia Kind Family Foundation Mrs. Nancy H. Knauer Mr. and Mrs. John R. Celii, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Koczur Lasko Family Foundation Claneil Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latta Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lasko Estate of Dorothy B. Hertig Estate of Frieda McMullan Ms. Mary Alice Malone Estate of Charles G. Herwegh Mr. and Mrs. John J. Molinelli The May Festival Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. McNeil Mr. William Kronenberg, III Laura M. Moses Fund of Mrs. William E. Parke* John Lazarich Foundation The Roemer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mason Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III Mr. and Mrs. A. Duer Pierce, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Musser Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware Estate of Cecilia C. Schramm Mr. Donald F. Parsons, Sr.* Marian S. Ware 2003 Charitable Estate of Leslie B. Schramm Mrs. Elizabeth A. Parsons SHiNE Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Parsons Estate of Gilbert P. Talbot Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Parsons United Way of Chester County Dr. and Mrs. Robert Leo Parsons Welfare Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper Lead Annuity Trust Estate of Suzanne L. Williamson $500,000 - $999,999 Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr. The Philadelphia Foundation Mrs. Gay S. Robinson* Anonymous (2) $100,000 - $249,999 Mr. James K. Robinson, Jr.* Estate of Caroline S. Brown A. Duie Pyle, Inc. Sartomer Company, Inc. Mr. Henry I. Brown, III Anonymous Mrs. Anne E. Scarlett* Chester County Community Mr. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr.* Mr. William J. Scarlett* Foundation Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong Hoxie Harrison Smith Foundation The John J. Ciccarone Family The Bedwell Company Springbank Foundation Diamond Ice Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bedwell Mrs. Elizabeth B. Stull Lucille Mellon Holloway Trust Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Bendinelli, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Swett Estate of John C. Jubin, Jr. The Bentley Family Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Miss Nancy V. Moore Estate of Georgina E. Bevan West Chester Anesthesia Associates Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips Mrs. Gretchen S. Bowker Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr. Bring and Buy Shop * Deceased 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 3 Founders Society 0 1 4 D O N O R S In honor of the doctors, both past and present, for their service and care to the greater community, the Founders Society recognizes donors who support Chester County Hospital’s mission by making a gift annually of $1,000 or more. William & Anne Evans Jr. Endowment Fund $2,500 - $4,999 Davenport Family Foundation First Cornerstone Foundation, Inc. Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lasko The Patricia Kind Family Foundation Arthur Hall Insurance Ms. Mary Alice Malone Mr. and Mrs. R. James Macaleer Mr. Michael D. Barber The Roemer Foundation The May Festival Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Battin Women’s Auxiliary to Chester Mr. and Mrs. John J. Molinelli Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Brownley, Jr. O’Rourke & Sons, Inc. Mr. Kenneth B. Burk Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. O’Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Burk $100,000 - $499,999 RJM Foundation Chester County Orthopaedic Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr. Estate of Cecilia C. Schramm SHiNE Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr. Dr. Stephanie L. Ciccarelli $50,000 - $99,999 $5,000 - $9,999 Mrs. Ellen B. Cleveland Chester County Community Foundation 1675 Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Coladonato Diamond Ice Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman Mr. and Mrs. James S. Denham Mr. William Kronenberg, III Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. DiMarco John Lazarich Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Chris Clifford Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze Oxford Area Foundation Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Felicetti Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III The Honorable Clifford E. DeBaptiste Fidelity Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Hess $25,000 - $49,999 Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fanelli Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John A. Featherman, III Matthew 25 Management Corp. Brandywine Heating & A/C The First DeBaptiste Family, LP Mrs. Elizabeth McGettigan Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Flickinger Laura M. Moses Fund of Association., Ltd. and Mr. Lee A. Ciccarelli Challenge for Cancer Bike Ride Mr. and Mrs. John R. Celii, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond The Jerrehian Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Novielli Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf Mr. and Mrs. Dale N. Krapf Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Robert von der Luft Mr. Ray Ott, Jr. and Miss Nancy V. Moore Estate of Edith V. Minnick Mrs. Elizabeth R. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moog Mrs. Renee V. Overholser Parkway Dash 4 Diabetes Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran Premier Orthopaedics & Sports Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips Morrissey Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Deacon Shorr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Morrissey Siemens Caring Hands Foundation United Way of Chester County Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein The Honorable and Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr Mrs. Walter K. Stapleton Pancoast & Clifford, Inc. Dr. Michele T. Tedeschi and The Philadelphia Foundation The Honorable Paula Francisco Ott Medicine Associates, Ltd $10,000 - $24,999 Mr. and Mrs. S. Franklin Pancoast, III Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bedwell Dr. and Mrs. Brian P. Priest Dr. and Mrs. George Trajtenberg Gordon Bowker Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Spatola United Way of Delaware, Inc. Mrs. Gretchen S. Bowker United Way of Greater Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Wilson, II Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Breiner Mr. and Mrs. Antelo Devereux, Jr. and Southern New Jersey Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II BY GAIL GUTERL S ince its establishment 10 years ago by John H. Ware, IV, the Oxford Area Foundation has supported numerous non-profit programs to improve the lives of area residents and help Oxford thrive. “For example, we have awarded grants to fund organizations in need, such as local children’s programs, community outreach efforts, such as a youth center and a senior citizens center, and health care initiatives,” says Nancy Ware Sapp, board president. Accrediting agencies also have recognized the excellence of Chester County Hospital’s cardiac program, which earned the Accreditation for Cardiovascular Excellence; in 2012 its cardiac surgery program received three stars, the highest rating from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons. The Foundation knew that half of Southern Chester County residents must leave the area to seek medical treatment. So when they were approached by Chester County Hospital to financially support a 72,000-square foot medical building locally, the foundation said “yes,” with a $250,000 grant. The Hospital’s new medical building in West Grove— to be known as Penn Medicine Southern Chester County to recognize the Hospital’s recent membership in the prestigious University of Pennsylvania Health System—is expected to open in 2015. “Realizing that Oxford residents who have to drive 45 minutes to access many Chester County Hospital doctors will be able to get care 15 minutes from their “In 2011 my father was homes was a big plus in very ill and needed surgery; our decision to make a because of the excellent staff gift,” Nancy says. “We in the cardiac care unit at are very diligent in Chester County Hospital, how we evaluate each he is alive and well today.” organization that comes –NancyWare Sapp to us for financial support. The Hospital’s proposal fit into our view that everyone deserves to have the best health care they can get.” The Ware family, descendants of John H. Ware, III, Republican U.S. Congressman from 1970-1975, also made the decision from a personal level. “In 2011 my father was very ill and needed surgery; because of the excellent staff in the cardiac care unit at Chester County Hospital, he is alive and well today,” Nancy shares. Mr. Charles H. Zimmerman Mrs. Sarah L. Zimmerman Continued on page 6 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Boosting Southern Chester County Health Care SUPPORTING CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL’S NEW MEDICAL BUILDING IN SOUTHERN CHESTER COUNTY COMPLEMENTS ONE OF OXFORD AREA FOUNDATION’S GOALS: TO ENHANCE HEALTH CARE ACCESSIBILITY IN THE COMMUNITY. $500,000 AND ABOVE County Hospital NancyWare Sapp Photo by Rick Davis 2 4 The new medical facility is located on 45 acres at the corner of routes 1 and 796 in Penn Township and will attract more than 20 physicians to the area in specialties like radiology, OB/GYN, cardiology, orthopaedics, gastroenterology, ophthalmology, otolaryngology and surgery, as well as an after-hours family care practice, and a laboratory. Continued on page 6 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 5 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S Founders Society continued $1,000 - $2,499 Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Grekila Dr. Mark Martin A. Duie Pyle, Inc. David Grossman, M.D. The Men of Chester County Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Adkins, III Mr. and Mrs. John S. Halsted Mr. and Mrs. David Mooberry Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Aiken George I.E. Harris Bloodstock Mr. Ralph W. Muller Mary B. Allan, M.D. Associates, Inc. Humanitarian Society 2 The Mutual Fire Foundation, Inc. Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. George I. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Dante Napoleone Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong Dr. and Mrs. James I. Heald Novo Nordisk, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. William R. Atkins Mr. and Mrs. John Hesselberth Mr. and Mrs. William L. Pape Ayco Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pastrick Mr. William C. Baldwin Ms. Gail A. Hoffman Mr. Glenn A. Paton Ms. Lois H. Barker Mr. J. Irvie Hoffman, Jr. Dr. Karen Pinsky and Mr. Craig Shor Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bauman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Hogan, Jr. Miss Constance M. Plunkett Dr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, IV Dr. Dianne Hotmer and Ms. Joanne Ritchie 0 1 4 D O N O R S To honor the Women’s Auxiliary of Chester County Hospital and their humanitarian spirit, the Humanitarian Society recognizes those donors who make an annual gift of $100-$999. Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Rivituso $500 - $999 Mrs. Mary D. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bilinski Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Huberty Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Horstmann Mr. Peter A. Silvia Bishop Shanahan Class of 2003 Hufty Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rudden America’s Charities Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Huntoon Mr. Neil J. Smith and Ms. Laurette Rup Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Brandon Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hutchinson, III Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rudibaugh Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Imming Ms. Hyong K. Song Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brennan, Jr. Cheryl A. Johnson, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Scholl Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Armstrong CWO4 Glen S. Ives, USA, Ret. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stoltzfus Dr. and Mrs. A. Michael Broennle Dr. James H. Jordan, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Barr Dr. Mian A. Jan and Dr. Ambereen M. Jan Mr. H. Fletcher Swanson and Mr. Henry I. Brown, III Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Keefer Dr. and Mrs. L. Peter Soraruf, IV Mr. C. Minor Barringer Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies Mrs. Vivian S. Carlow Mrs. Virginia O. Kettenring Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Squires Mrs. Barbara G. Beddall JPMorgan Chase Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Swett Cassatt RRG Holding Company Mrs. Nancy H. Knauer Mr. and Mrs. James R. Stevenson Mrs. Helen L. Bell Mr. Paul M. Keller Mrs. Anna B. Thompson Mr. Chao Chen and Ms. Jennifer Moriarta Mr. and Mrs. Duane D. Knecht Mrs. Elizabeth D. Strode The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Kimberly Cramer Germ Foundation Mr. James A. Tobin Chester County Eye Care Associates KPMG’s Community Giving Campaign Mrs. Elizabeth B. Stull Bergen County United Way/ Mr. William A. Kleinfelter Ms. Abigail Turley Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Coughey Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Lamb Mrs. Caroline R. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Kochansky Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Uhl Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latta Mrs. Anne F. Thorington* Ms. Dawn Bisha Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Kosh Eva L. Verplanck, Ph.D. Ms. Linda A. DeNardo Lebanon School District Dr. Kirby S. Tirk and Ms. Veronica M. Balassone Ms. Julie I. Blank Marge and John Lang Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weber Mr. and Mrs. John C. deRuyter Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Lehnkering E. C. Trethewey Building Contractors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bove Mr. and Mrs. Dana T. Lerch Mr. and Mrs. S. Edward Zaloga Mrs. Margaret A. DiDonato Mrs. Frances H. Leidy Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Trethewey Brandywine 5 PA, Inc. Lilly, USA Robert & Joan Dircks Foundation, Inc. Dr. Russell L. Levin and Truist Ms. Jean F. Bratton Lions Club International District 14-P $100 - $499 Ms. Carole Weinmann Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Brion Mrs. Margaret Lisicky Abbott Laboratories Mr. and Mrs. M. Andrew Benton Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dreisbaugh Mr. Douglas A. Hotmer Ms. Joan A. Johnson Charitable Flex Fund Mrs. Sally Swanson L.F. Driscoll Company, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Irvin S. Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Werner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. T. Brokaw Dr. William E. Luginbuhl and Dr. Erica Turner Mr. and Mrs. Leigh M. Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Ehlers Dr. Albert A. Lucine, Jr.* Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilcox Ms. Catherine M. Broscheid Mr. Donald G. Lundberg Mr. and Mrs. Winslow K. Abbott Jessica Ann Emmons Mrs. Mary Jane Lucine Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wise Mr. Edward S. Brown and Ms. Susan Garber Mr. and Mrs. Ian A. MacKinnon ACE Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Enoch Mr. Jason Madden Mrs. Margaret Y. Wonderland* Mr. Lloyd K. Brown Ms. Phyllis M. MacLardy Ms. Helen Acland Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Forney Mrs. Dorothy G. Magers Mr. Carlos M. Yuste and Ms. Martha Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Carmichael Mr. and Mrs. George J. Marshalek, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Adams Mr. Thomas F. Gallagher, Jr. Mrs. Clara P. Mantini* Mrs. Kathleen M. Zopf-Herling Mr. and Mrs. Raffaele Casale Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Mattson Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Adkins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Gorman Dr. and Mrs. Burton T. Mark Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ciccarone Beverly A. Mikuriya, M.D. Agilent Technologies Foundation Cornell University Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Albin L. Milewski Dr. and Mrs. Marc Albano Mrs. June L. Crede Mr. Richard L. Mullin Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Altland Mr. Raymond B. Cromer Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Anders Ms. Janet R. Deal Mr. and Mrs. Timmy T. Nelson Boosting Southern Chester County Health Care Thanks to the Oxford Area Foundation and the Ware Family Mrs. Marian W. Anderson Mr. John E. Defibaugh Ms. Nicki A. Paloni Ms. Mary L. Anderson Delaware Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Anderson, III (continued from page 5) Dr. Wendy L. Dixon and Mr. Jeffrey Itell Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. Spencer J. Andress Ms. Deborah Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. A. Duer Pierce, Jr. Animas Corporation Ms. Rose T. Pinto Anonymous (22) Ms. Frances E. Doyle PJM Interconnection LLC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Philip F. N. Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Boris Radisic Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Antonelli Mrs. Helen H. Ford Ms. Kristina Rentschler Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Aquadro Ms. Margaret Gagliardi Mr. Patrick Richard Archmere Academy, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Gale Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Ritchey Mr. Robert Arciero and Ms. Janice E. Adams Ms. Joan M. Gervatoski Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Robbins Arcondia Lacas Rev. Trust GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Robinson, Sr. Mrs. Virginia C. Ashton Mrs. Kathleen M. Gravinese Ms. Karen L. Rothenbuhler Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Askinas Dr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Greenberg Dr. and Mrs. Matthew W. Schaeffer Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Atkinson Mrs. Anne S. Hannum Mr. Brian R. Schofield Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Atlas Aaron Martin, Ph.D. “I was asked to be a steward of the Oxford Area Foundation’s money, which I look upon as a great privilege. It is meant to achieve good in the community,” Nancy passionately states. “Being a non-profit organization, it seemed logical to partner with a non-profit hospital for the betterment of Southern Chester County. Our rapidly changing health care is certainly something we are cognizant of and want to ensure our community has options available to them.” and Mr. Steven R. Herling * Deceased and Mr. Scott A. Ehrlich The Hospital’s new medical campus in Jennersville, to be known as Penn Medicine Southern Chester County. 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 6 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 7 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S Humanitarian Society continued Mr. Jim Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bole Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Carmine Automotive Specialties of Del Val, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Bolger Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Nelson J. Ayoub Mr. and Mrs. David Bonanni Ms. Nancy O. Carr Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Baccellieri Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bond Mrs. Christina C. Carroll Mrs. Pauline A. Bachtle Mr. and Mrs. Dale R. Bonsall Mrs. Harriet A. Carroll Dr. Dudley C. Backup and Mr. Barry A. Boose* Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Carson, III The Bosco Group, LLC Ms. Toni Maria Casale Mr. Monte R. Badasarian Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Bossong Ms. Jean M. Castaldi Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bailey, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Bott Ms. Jean M. Caulfield Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker Mrs. Anita Z. Bourke CCS Medical Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Balbach Mrs. Constance E. Boutin* Richard F. Chalfin, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Balmer-Pickerd Mr. and Mrs. David R. Bovell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Chamberlain Bank of America United Way Campaign Mr. David A. Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Ho Chang Mr. and Mrs. James P. Bannan Mr. and Mrs. Austin J. Bowles Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Charnock Mr. Jonathan T. Barber Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. Boyd Mr. Frank J. Chellino Mr. Edmund C. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Bozarth Dr. Harry Chen and Dr. Andrea J. Apter Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Barnett BPG Real Estate Services LLC Chester County Hospital Acute Mr. and Mrs. James H. Barnett Mr. Roy S. Bradbury Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R. Barr Mr. and Mrs. William D. Brady, Jr. Chester County Hospital Medical Staff Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Barr Brandywine Lions Club Mrs. Renee A. Chico Mrs. Katherine M. Barr Ms. Marilyn I. Branton Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Chilcott, Jr. Mr. Paul V. Barr Mr. Kevin Bratton Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Chin Dr. and Mrs. William J. Barry Mrs. Mary T. Brauman Mrs. Virginia M. Cinorre Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Braunschweig Ms. Carmela L. Cinquina Bayer Corporation Mr. John J. Brautigam Mr. and Mrs. Attilio A. Ciorrocco Ms. Claire Beam Mrs. Diane K. Breen Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Clark Mrs. Sara Ann Beard Mr. and Mrs. Jason Brennan Mr. and Mrs. James S. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Beattie Mr. Edward S. Brinton Colonel Mary F. Clementi USAF NC (Ret) Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Becker Mr. Robert L. Brinton Mrs. Margaret B. Cloud Stephen F. Belfiglio, D.O. Ms. Joan J. Bristol Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Coburn Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bellenger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brittingham Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Cochrane Dr. Renee M. Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Brooks Mr. and Mrs. Armand J. Coco Mr. Robert J. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Brooks Mr. Robert E. Coleman Ms. Betsy B. Benner Mrs. Edith L. Brown Mr. John A. Colgan, III Dr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Bentley, Jr. Mr. Kevin H. Brown and Ms. Vicki L. Dexter Dr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Colley Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Benton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Brown, Sr. Mrs. Gina M. Colley-Holgate and Mr. and Mrs. John Berberich Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bruce Bernardon Haber Holloway Architects PC C. Barry Buckley, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Elson A. Collins, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernberg Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Buckley Ms. Hilary Collins Berwind Corporation Ms. Sandra Lee Bunting Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Collins Mrs. Caryl E. Best Mrs. Bonnie L. Bupp and Family Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Collinson Mrs. Julianna Bibbo Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Conerly Ms. Beryl L. Biddle Mr. and Mrs. Clayton E. Burke Mrs. Beatrice F. Conner Mr. David C. Biddle, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Burke, Jr. Ms. Judith A. Constable Mr. and Mrs. Floyd R. Bielski Dr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Burt Ms. Ruth G. Conway Mr. and Mrs. James E. Biggs Mr. Charles E. Busby Ms. Mary Ann Cook Mr. and Mrs. Denis C. Biller Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Bussom Ms. Peggy B. Corley Mrs. Mary A. Biller-Fischetti Byram Healthcare Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Cornelius Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Bird Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Byrem Ms. Amy L. Corse Mr. Dan G. Blair Mr. and Mrs. Russel J. Cacciavillano Dr. and Mrs. Michael R. Costello Dr. and Mrs. Paul Blake Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Calef Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cotter Mrs. Isabelle D. Blank Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Canfield Miss Joan D. Courtless Mr. and Mrs. Lee Blauvelt Mrs. Dorothy W. Cann Mr. and Mrs. William S. Covert Ms. Katherine J. Blumberg Mr. Joseph Capozzoli Mr. and Mrs. John Cowan Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Boate Mr. Ronald V. Caputo, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cox Ms. Barbara A. Bochey Mr. and Mrs. John R. Carey Mr. and Mrs. David W. Coyle Mr. and Mrs. Ray W. Bock Mr. Ryan Ed J. Carillo * Ms. Mary Jane Rogan Alison and Robert Fanelli Photo by Rick Davis Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam T. Bock Ms. Susan R. Austin Ms. Gail S. Austin Care Physical Rehab A lison and Robert Fanelli’s relationship with Chester County Hospital goes back to 1959 when they were students at then West Chester State Teachers College. While a junior, Bob had to rush a classmate to the Hospital emergency room when the fellow thought he was having a heart attack. “I hung around with him for a while and realized how skilled and helpful the medical staff was,” says Bob. As the Fanellis felt capable “A charitable gift annuity is of providing greater a win-win.We benefit and philanthropic support, the hospital benefits. In fact besides donating annually when I was first introduced to Chester County Hospital, to this vehicle as a method of they established a charitable giving, I was surprised at the gift annuity with the tax benefits. Not only did we Hospital. This planned get an immediate tax deduction, giving strategy involves but we avoided a significant a donor transferring portion of the capital gains tax. cash or property to the –Robert Fanelli Hospital in exchange for an immediate income tax deduction and an income stream for life. When the donor dies, the charity retains what remains of the original gift. “A charitable gift annuity is a win-win,” says Bob. “We benefit and the hospital benefits. In fact when I was first introduced to this vehicle as a method of giving, I was Deceased 8 BY GAIL GUTERL WHEN DECIDING ON GIVING, ALISON AND ROBERT FANELLI SAID THE HOSPITAL’S ADOPTION OF TECHNOLOGY, CARE PHILOSOPHY, AND COMMUNITY WELLNESS PROGRAMS MADE THE DECISION EASY. THEY SET UP A CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITY. He and Alison continued to have a positive experience with Chester County Hospital. In fact, as a salesman for Johnson & Johnson before his retirement, Bob got to know another side of the Hospital—the business end. Through periodic interactions with the Hospital president and others, “I was impressed.” Mr. Gregg W. Holgate 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Keeping a Gem in the Community surprised at the tax benefits. We gave appreciated stock to the Hospital Foundation and not only did we get an immediate tax deduction, but we avoided a significant portion of the capital gains tax with the balance deferred. In addition, a substantial portion of the annuity is tax-exempt income.” The Fanellis, who have volunteered at Chester County Day and at the Hospital’s annual cancer bike ride, call the Hospital “a community gem.” Alison, a member of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Hospital, had their second child at the Hospital, and two years ago, underwent treatment for breast cancer there. “When I was diagnosed with cancer, I was introduced to a nurse navigator who took care of everything for me, my appointments, explaining my care. It made a traumatic situation so much easier.” Not long ago, Bob had prostate surgery at the Hospital. Continued on page 10 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 9 2 Mrs. Judith P. Craig 0 1 4 D O N O R S 2 Humanitarian Society continued Mrs. Beatrice T. D’Ginto Mrs. Jessie E. Engan Dr. and Mrs. Henry G. Cram Mr. and Mrs. John Diamond Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crane Mrs. Joanne M. DiBiase* Mr. and Mrs. John C. Evans Mr. and Mrs. David P. Cremi Mr. John P. DiBiase Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Cresswell 0 1 4 D O N O R S Humanitarian Society continued Mr. Jeffrey A. Friedman and Ms. Joan F. Halpin Harry and Marybeth Hurley Mr. Paul W. Halter Harry J. Hurley, M.D. Friends at Marriott’s Ocean Pointe Resort Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hancock Jeffrey Hurley, M.D. Mr. Vernon E. Evans Ms. Janice Fritsche Mr. Edward J. Hand Dr. William J. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. DiFrancesco, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Fagan, Jr. Mr. Mark V. Fry Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Hanna Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hutter Mrs. Anne Cripe Ms. Claire E. DiFranks Mr. Edward J. Fahey Mr. Richard J. Fuchs John B. Hannum, Jr., Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Hutton Mrs. Kay M. Croll Ms. Judithanne L. DiGuiseppe Family Practice Associates of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Funk Mr. and Mrs. T. Mark Hanrahan Mr. and Mrs. William S. Hyczka Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Fussell Dr. and Mrs. Navjot S. Hanspal IBM International Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Clifford W. Crothers Mrs. Jenny Vangelatos Friedman Exton and Marshallton and Mr. Sanford Shkolnik Mr. David B. Crowley Ms. Pamela K. DiJoseph Mr. Stephen M. Fanfera Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gabel Mr. Stephen F. Harned Dr. and Mrs. George M. Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cuerel Mr. Dewey K. DiMarzio Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J. Fantanarosa, Sr. Mr. James D. Gaffney Mr. Alan R. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Isola Mrs. Alicia P. Cullen Mr. and Mrs. Marc B. Dinacci Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Feisler Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gallagher Mr. William T. Hartman J. Gallagher Septic and Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Cumens Ms. Rennie I. Dodd Mr. and Mrs. David J. Fell Ms. Jean Gallagher Estate of June A. Albrecht Hartt Mrs. Josephine W. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Dols Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Fell Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gallagher Ms. Marsha L. Haug Ms. Annabelle W. Jackson Ms. Mary E. Cushing Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerald Dommel Ms. Gail Fellows Gallamann Consulting Services, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hauser Mr. and Mrs. John R. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Czeiner Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Donlick Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fenza Ms. Maria G. Gamboa Mrs. Twonette S. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Jackson, III Mr. and Mrs. John V. Dalton Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ferrier The Gardens at Cypress Bay POA Inc. Ms. Cynthia A. Hayes Ms. Jeanne L. Jagers Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. D’Angelo Mr. John F. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ferrigno Mr. Jack C. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Heck Mr. Herbert N. Jasper Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. D’Angelo Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dougherty Ms. Deborah L. Ferry Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Garland Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Heidelberger Mrs. Helen F. Jensen Mrs. Margarette A. K. Darby Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Douglass, Sr. Mr. George W. Fetters, Jr. Mr. David F. Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Heinmiller Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Jester Mrs. Susanna R. Davison Mrs. Alexandra C. Dow Ms. Meredith A. Fetters and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Gaudi Mr. and Mrs. Norman M. Heisman Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Deal Mrs. C. Beverly Dow Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Gautille Mr. and Mrs. William E. Helms, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johann Mr. and Mrs. David M. Dean Mr. Clayton H. Downes Mrs. Nancy B. Fetters GE Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Eric H. Helt Mrs. Patricia Gayle Johns Mrs. William H. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Robert Downing Mrs. Doris E. Field Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Geisel, Jr. Ms. Doreen M. Henning Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Johnson Mrs. Gabrielle C. Deane Downingtown Country Club Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fillmore Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. George Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Henry Mrs. Nina M. Johnson Mr. John H. Deane* Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. J. John Filoromo George’s Friends in the Prototype Shop Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Hepler Dr. Norman J. Johnson Mr. Michael J. Deane and Mr. David Dreisbaugh Mrs. Kathleen D. Finegan Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Giannantonio, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Herald Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Johnson Mrs. Susan Dreisbaugh-Frey Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Flanagan Mrs. Christine A. Giardini Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Hermes Mr. and Mrs. David E. Jones Mr. Charles J. Duffy, Jr. Mr. Gene W. Fleck, Jr. Mrs. Kathleen F. Giedzinski Mrs. Mary E. Hewlett Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Jungkurth Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Duffy FM Global Foundation Mrs. Helen C. Gilbert Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hewson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kain, Jr. Ms. Barbara A. DeGeorgio Mr. Neil J. Dugan Ms. Linda A. Force Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gill Ms. H. Elaine Hickman Dr. Lara Kallander Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Delargey Dr. Joseph J. Dulka and Dr. Catherine P. Dulka Mrs. Virginia G. Ford Mrs. Charlotte G. Gilpin Ms. Pauline B. Hill Mrs. Alita R. Kane Ms. Dorothy M. DeLong Mr. Courtland E. Dunn, Jr. Mrs. Sally K. Fort GlaxoSmithKline Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hillegass Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Demarest Mr. and Mrs. William A. Dunphy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott Fosler Mr. and Mrs. Raymond F. Glenn Himalayan Indian Grocery & Food Mr. John G. Kane Mrs. Joan H. DeMichiel Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Durning Dr. and Mrs. William F. Foxx Martin G. Goch, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Himes Mr. Kenneth D. Kane, II Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Dempsey Franceso D’Urso, M.D., FAAP Mrs. Alice Francois Dr. and Mrs. Morrie G. Gold Linda K. Himmelberger, DMD Mrs. Marie Kania DePuy Synthes CMF and Mr. and Mrs. Barry J. Earley Mr. Donald Francois and Family Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hindorff Dr. and Mrs. Henry Karcsh Edward J. DeSeta Company, Inc. Mr. Robert Francois and Family Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Hobman Dr. and Mrs. Sadhu R. Kataria Ms. Elizabeth W. Derham Dr. and Mrs. Mahmoud K. Effat Mr. Ronald Francois and Family Mrs. Mary Jo D. Gorman Ms. Eleanor J. Hochhauser Mr. James J. Kavanaugh Mr. Joseph W. Derickson Mr. and Mrs. John Elicker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Frank Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gose Mr. Howard E. Hoctor Ms. Lee Kavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dettra Mrs. Connie Elisee and Family Mr. and Mrs. David L. Freese Mr. Michael R. Gould Mr. James E. Hodnett Mr. and Mrs. L. William Kay, II Mr. and Mrs. J. Randall Detwiler Mr. Kenneth G. Emerson Ms. Sarah W. French Mrs. Erika Graham Ms. Doris A. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. John L. Keefer Mr. Wayne D. Deveise Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Emm Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freney Mr. William J. Grant Ms. Leigh M. Holman Ms. Margaret A. Keegan Ms. Andrea L. Devoti Employees Community Fund Mr. and Mrs. Jere W. Fridy Mr. Anthony T. Gravinese* Mr. and Mrs. George F. Holton Mrs. Mary Kehner * Greater Downingtown BPW Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Holtz Mrs. Julia E. Kehoe Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Tiemann N. Horn Ms. Arline B. Keith Mrs. Tucker C. Gresh Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hornak, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gribbin Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hornberger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kelliher Mrs. Margaret C. Griest Mr. David J. Horne Mr. Alvy L. Kelly Ms. Diane W. Grimm Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Houp Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kelly Mr. Myron J. Grubaugh Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Guest Mrs. Beth A. Hrincevich Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang H. Gunther Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Hrynkow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Hagerty Ms. Linda M. Huber Mr. Bryan Kemp and Mr. Craig R. Haines Mr. and Mrs. Brent Hudecki Mrs. Gwendolyn W. Haines Mrs. Ann Hudnall Mrs. Lillian V. Kent Haines Landscaping & Tree Service Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Hughes, Jr. Richard B. Kent, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hall Ms. Susan S. Hunt and Mr. Daniel M. Sevick Kent-Lucas Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Barbara G. Hallowell Hurley Dermatology, P.C. * Ms. L. Elizabeth Westcott Ms. Nancy E. Deane and Mr. Raymond Klinger DePuy Synthes Trauma Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Dewey of The Boeing Company Mr. Lawrence J. Hart Deceased Keeping a Gem in the Community: Alison and Robert Fanelli (continued from page 9) While both laughingly say they are now trying to avoid any association with the Hospital as patients, they noticed how often they met staff who have worked there for years. “The longevity of nurses, doctors, and support staff says a lot about the institution,” Bob believes. “The Hospital has always been a communityminded organization,” says Alison. “When we were in the process of deciding where we want to give, we realized how lucky we are to have such a great facility in our area, one that looks after not only the sick but toward wellness through many programs. The partnership is a good move, as is the new Lasko Tower, making it state-of-the-art, modern and convenient. So the decision to include the Hospital in our giving was easy.” 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 10 Wastewater Control, Inc. Ms. Suzanne Brockner Deceased 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 11 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S support statistics Humanitarian Society continued FISCAL YEAR 2014 Ms. Charlene J. Kerollis Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. LoBue Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. McMillen Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Kershaw Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Loeper Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. McNeill Mr. Donald J. Kester Mr. John T. Logan Mr. and Mrs. James F. McRee Key Financial, Inc. Mr. Peter W. Loglisci Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Mead Kg Miller & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Long Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Meagher Ms. Kyoung Ae Kim Mr. Charles T. Loveland Medtronic Mr. Joshua Kinberg Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Lu Ms. Carolyn Jardine Meister Kinderkids Extended Day Care Dr. and Mrs. William H. Luginbuhl Reverend and Mrs. Lauren B. Meiswinkel Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lukavsky Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Mekenney Mr. Timothy M. Lutz and Ms. Janet O. Melton Mrs. Nancy Kingsbury Leuba Ms. Sharon A. Kirkby Ms. Elizabeth L. Srogi Merck Partnership for Giving Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Klaver Ms. Rita S. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. John R. Merhar Mr. and Mrs. Kerry W. Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Lynch Mrs. Susi R. Merson Mr. Timothy J. Kolakowski Dr. and Mrs. William F. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. John W. Merwarth Mr. Venkata G. Kondapaturu Mrs. Janice D. Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Rosario P. Miceli, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Krebsbach Ms. Kathleen Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Micklin Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Krempa Mrs. Marie M. Lyons Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kreno Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Lyons Miller Edge, Inc. Ms. Gail D. Kretschmar Mrs. Jane H. Mack Mr. Bearge Miller Ms. Jane S. Krick Ms. Jennie A. Mack Mr. James A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. John A. Krieg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. MacNeal Mr. Jeffrey A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lazarus Krikorian Mr. Allen B. Magill, II Mr. and Mrs. John B. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Brian S. Krug Main Line Dermatology, Inc. Ms. Norma H. Miller Mr. George J. Kubica Main Line Pain and Accupuncture Center Ms. Persymphonie B. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Kurkjian Ms. Rebecca L. Majeski Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kyle Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Mallek Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Kyper Mr. Dominic Manfredini Mr. Thomas J. Millichap Mr. and Mrs. Constantine G. Lacas Mr. David C. Mannen Mr. Thomas D. Monhollan Honorable Janice R. Lachance, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Marenco, Jr. Mr. Richard S. Moog Dr. Patricia A. Laffey and Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Marinelli Mr. David B. Mooney Mrs. Phyllis D. Marron Mrs. Jane Z. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Lafreniere Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Marshall Ms. Jeannette S. Moore Mrs. Marilyn A. Lambert* Mr. George W. Martin Mr. Keith W. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Lambert Col. and Mrs. Norman L. Martin Mr. Robert E. Lambert Miss Bernadine M. Mascherino Mrs. Linda Moore Mr. Russell W. Lambing Ms. Sharon L. Massimini Mr. Wayne G. Moore and Ms. Kathleen Landells Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Mattia Ms. Paula K. Maxwell Dr. and Mrs. Bernhart W. Langer Dr. and Mrs. Joel H. Mattleman Mrs. Marianne B. Moorer Mr. Russell D. Langer Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mattson Moors Awards Mrs. Janice U. Lasak Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. J. Mayer Mr. M. Richard Moors Mr. Gregory S. Lashutka Ms. Geralyn M. Mayernick Mrs. Virginia M. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Lawman Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. McAnally Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Morris Mr. David Lawrence Ms. Jacquelyn L. McCalla Mr. Paul R. Morris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan S. Leaman Ms. Donna W. McClure Mr. Jeff Morrison Dr. John D. Lemcke Mr. Raymond A. McClure Mr. and Mrs. C. Richard Morton Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Leo Ms. Maureen S. McCool Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Morton Mr. F. William Leonard Ms. Jennifer K. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Kevin L. Mountain Mr. and Mrs. James H. Leslie, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis O. McDaniels Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Muhly Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Levasseur Mr. Anthony J. McErlean Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Mulhern, III Dr. and Mrs. Gary J. Levin Ms. Theresa A. McFadden Ms. Jean A. Mummert Mr. and Mrs. Roy Levin Wanda McGlinchey-Ryan Munich Reinsurance America, Inc. Ms. Georgia Morlock Levy Mr. and Mrs. John W. McGonigle Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Murlless Dr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Lewis Ms. Sharon B. McGrane Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Murphy Linda K. Himmelberger, DMD Dr. Edmund J. McGurk, D.D.S. Mrs. Sandra R. Murphy Mr. William J. Linn Mr. and Mrs. David J. McIlmoyle Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Murphy, III Ms. Dolores J. Little Ms. Dorothy J. McIlvaine Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Murta Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Loane, Jr. Mr. Raymond L. McKay * Photo by Rick Davis Dr. Charles A. Lyles Mr. William F. Laffey donors Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Menan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Kitchen BY AFFILIATION 68.2% PATIENTS 1% 14.9% FRIENDS 7.3% FOUNDATIONS HOSPITAL FAMILY* 4.8% CORPORATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS 3.7% AUXILIARY MEMBERS AND VOLUNTEERS 0.1% ESTATES AND TRUSTS Dr. Suzanne K. Moore support BY AREA 15.4% 15.2% Deceased 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 12 * Board Members, Employees, and Medical Staff Program Staff GIFT TO THE HOSPITAL’S GREATEST NEEDS TARGET GIFTS TO SPECIFIC HOSPITAL AREAS 69.4% LASKO TOWER 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 13 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S 2 Humanitarian Society continued 0 1 4 D O N O R S Humanitarian Society continued Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Musser Mr. William S. Pilling, II Ms. Leann F. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Shelburn Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Laurence M. Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. John S. Myatt Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pinto Mr. Philmore Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Sherman Mr. A. R. Tanner Mrs. Nadine E. Welk myCIO Wealth Partners, LLC Mr. Roy A. Pirritano Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Sherry Ms. Barbara L. Taylor Mr. James R. Wells Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Myers Ms. Susan M. Pizzi Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson Mr. Daniel R. Shoop Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Taylor, Jr. Ms. Jean Welsh Col. Harry W. Nagel, USA, Ret. Mr. Bret J. Pleines Ms. Marianne E. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Swithin C. Shortlidge, IV Mrs. Gail K. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Werwinski, Sr. The Honorable and Mrs. Ronald C. Nagle Mrs. Carolyn A. Polis Mrs. Susan Windle Rogers Mrs. Shirley M. Shreiner Mr. and Mrs. William H. Teel West Coast Mushrooms, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Nagy Dr. Henry A. Pollock and Ms. Anne Rojas Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Shupard Mr. and Mrs. Gustave J. Teipelke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Westerman Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Rossiter Mr. John R. Silverthorne Mrs. Margaret C. Terrels Western World Insurance Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Natale Ms. Victoria Goodfellow Ms. Kathryn J. Caywood National Academy of Public Administration Dr. and Mrs. Robert Poole Fred and Meryle Rothman Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Silverwood Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Teutsch Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Wheaton John P. Neary and Elaine Coia Neary Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Popyack Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Rourke Mr. Leslie M. Simmler Textron Ms. Louise M. Whelton Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Needham Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porrini S. R. Kataria, D.D.S., P.C. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Singer Ms. Louise H. Thalmann Mr. and Mrs. James A. Whitcraft Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Needhammer Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Saddic Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Singer Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Theis Ms. Diane E. White Mr. and Mrs. Burton Neil Mr. and Mrs. Kennard G. Porter, Jr. Mrs. Elaine M. Sadler Mr. Amarjit Singh Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Theurkauf Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. White Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson Dr. Paul Posner Dr. Rose Marie Salsbury and Mr. Frederick P. Slack Dr. and Mrs. Peter D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. White Mr. Robert E. Newell Mrs. Christine J. Potter Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sladek Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Thompson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whiteman Mr. Joseph B. Newsome Mr. Gerald W. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Saltzburg Mr. A. Roy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Tisdall Mrs. Cathie N. Whitlock Mr. John Nichols Mr. and Mrs. John T. Prader Mr. Richard W. Sampson Mr. Kevin M. Smith and Ms. Pamela J. Koch Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tompkin Mrs. Rachel S. Whittington Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Nichter Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Priest Mr. and Mrs. Worthy C. Sanders, Jr. Ms. Marsha A. Smith Mrs. Mary A. Toy Mr. and Mrs. Ralph B. Wickersham Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Noonan Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Pro Sandy Beach Party, Inc. Mr. William L. Smith Mr. Michael H. Toy Mr. and Mrs. David A. Wientjes Mr. Anil P. F. Noronha Providence Hill Planning Inc. Ms. Anne C. Sangree Mr. and Mrs. William W. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Traines Ms. Joan M. Wilcox Mr. Nick H. Nunn, III Ms. Sue M. Puffer Mrs. Vanhly Sanouvong Mrs. Elizabeth Smoker Ms. Joan M. Travers Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Wildgen Mr. John P. O’Brien Mrs. Betty G. Pullekines Mr. and Mrs. Sachin Saraswat Ms. Susan D. Smrke Ms. Deborah A. Trego Mr. Mark C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. O’Brien, Jr. Quaker Chemical Corporation Mr. and Mrs. William J. Satterfield Mr. and Mrs. John A. Snider Mr. John A. Trevisan Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Woodward T. Odiorne Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Quigley Ms. Sandra O. Saxton Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Carlos B. Trimble Mr. and Mrs. S. Jerome Williams Mr. Kunle Ogunde Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Quinlan Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Scelsa Mr. and Mrs. Saylor C. Snyder Mrs. Rosemary Waldron Tucker Cathy A. Wilson, Esq. and Ms. M. Diane O’Hara QVC Partners in Giving Dr. and Mrs. Scott N. Schafrank Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Socorso, Jr. Ms. Adelaide N. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Olshefski Sidney C. Rabin, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Scheerer Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Soutos United Way of the Greater Triangle Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wilson Mr. William Oneill Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Ralph Dr. Raymond Scheppach, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Spagnuola United Way of Lancaster County Mrs. Marjorie P. Windle Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. O’Rourke Mr. Skrikant Ramachandran Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Schlosser Dr. Christine G. Springer United Way of the National Capital Area Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Witterholt Dr. and Mrs. John J. Orris Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ramagnano Mr. and Mrs. Tom R. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Craig S. Springer Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Urban Mrs. Maria A. Wittig Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Andrew R. Ranalli Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Schouten Ms. Elizabeth A. Sprinkel Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Uschold Mr. and Mrs. William F. Wittig Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Panichelli Mr. Alan J. Randzin Mr. Carsten Schubert Mr. and Mrs. Stewart H. Stabley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Van Grofski Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Dimitri A. Pappas Mr. William D. Ravdin Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Schumacher Mr. Donald E. Stapleton Dr. and Mrs. William D. Vanderwerff Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wolford Mr. Lawrence T. Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Frederick T. Ray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz W. Schumann Dr. and Mrs. Bruce I. Stark The Vanguard Group Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Parsons The RCM&D Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Schuster Ms. Brenda C. Starkey Mrs. Dianne H. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Parsons Mr. and Mrs. William C. Reardon, Jr. Ms. Jeanne A. Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Steinberger Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Verngren Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wood Dr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Paskow Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Reed Mr. Herman L. Schwartz, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Stemmler Ms. Linda Verno Dr. Blue Wooldridge Mr. and Mrs. Raman Patel Mrs. Lillian Regalmuto Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Scimone Ms. Pamela J. Stephani and Mr. Gregory A. Vietri and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Wosak Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patten Mr. and Mrs. James R. Reichert Ms. Meredith A. Scott Mr. and Mrs. James C. Patterson Mr. Gregg A. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Sealy Dr. Barbara Stipe and Mr. John A. Stipe Mr. Leonard A. Viscusi Mrs. Jane H. Wylie Ms. Patricia Paulley Reilly & Sons, Inc. Mrs. Barbara W. Seibert Dr. and Mrs. David P. Stocker Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Vita, Jr. Liping Yao, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. David L. Peakes Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Seksinsky Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Strand Mrs. Karen Volpe Mr. Bruce B. Yelton Mr. and Mrs. James F. Peiffer Mr. and Mrs. William Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Jan S. Selfe Mr. Paul S. Stratis Ms. Mary Emma Wagner Mr. and Mrs. John B. Yerkes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Edward Penick, Jr. Mr. William E. Reimer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer E. Semple Mr. Fred A. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Yerkes Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Penman Ms. Frances H. Remington Ms. Karen R. Semrow Dr. Molly S. Stumacher and Mr. Milton S. Wahl Mr. and Mrs. C. William Yockey Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Pensalfini Mr. and Mrs. Martin Renninger Mr. Frank W. Senior* Dr. Roger E. Stumacher Mr. Philip W. Walker Mrs. Helen Yorke PEPCO Holdings, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Reynders Mrs. Laura S. Senior Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Subers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Young Mr. and Mrs. Erminio J. Peta Mr. Robert J. Rhile Ms. Helen S. Serby Robert S. Supplee, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Walsh Mr. John A. Yurkutat Mr. and Mrs. John J. Peterman, III Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Rhoads Mr. and Mrs. James W. Serum Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Swadley Ms. Laura H. Waltz Mr. and Mrs. John S. Zajac Ms. Grace Peters Mr. and Mrs. Isidore F. Ricciuti Ms. Fusun Sevgen Ms. Jennifer C. Swahl Xiaoli Wang Ms. Mary Jo Zamichielli Katona Mrs. Dorothea B. Pettit Mr. and Mrs. J. Permar Richards, III Mr. Mead Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, IV Mr. and Mrs. David B. Zeh Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pfeffer Mrs. Ruth H. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Shane Mr. and Mrs. John B. Swayne, III Mr. and Mrs. George P. Warren, Jr. Mr. Carlos R. Ziegler and Mr. Robert T. Pfeifle Mr. Willard Dawson Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Shank, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Sweatman Ms. Mary L. Weaber Mr. and Mrs. Donald Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Rickers Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Sharples Ms. Susanna L. Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Weaver Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Russell K. Rickert Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shaw Dr. C. Lynn Swisher and Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Weber Mr. and Mrs. Lance K. Ziering Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips Ms. Joan Rigg Dr. John C. Shea Wedgewood Cleaners Mr. Curtis Zimmerman Mr. and Mrs. Randy G. Phipps Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Rissmiller Mr. Robert J. Shea Dr. and Mrs. Greg P. Sykes Mr. and Mrs. James H. Weeks Mr. and Mrs. George Zumbano Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Piasecki Robert C. Donlick, D.O. * Mrs. Ruth V. D. Tait Ms. Barbara F. Weichert Mr. Daniel Salsbury Mr. Richard M. Morelli Mr. Harold C. Swisher Deceased 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 14 Ms. Karol A. Collins William Mitman, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Wybranski Ms. Elizabeth A. Hasson 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 15 Gifts ofk $ $ 2 0 1 4 D O Mrs. Rita M. Adamson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blank, Jr. Advanced Oral and Facial Mr. and Mrs. Milton K. Blevins Surgery of the Main Line N O Mr. Carl Bliss R S 50- 99 2 Ms. Mary F. Davis 0 1 4 D O N O R S Gifts of $50-$99 continued Ms. Elizabeth A. Finkbohner Mr. and Mrs. Edgar H. Graeber Patricia M. Dawson Trust Ms. Elaine M. Fiore Mr. and Mrs. John P. Graham Ms. Patricia M. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Firmin Grandview Heights Public Library Day Medicine Unit at A. I. DuPont Mr. C. Edward Firth Mr. John Graveno Mrs. Cynthia Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Graziano Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Carmine Fiscina Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Greeley Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Deacon Ms. Betty J. Fleck Mr. and Mrs. Howard Greenblatt Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Cava Mr. Patrick J. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Flitner Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Greenwald Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cecco Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. DeCamillo Ms. Ruth Florian Mr. and Mrs. James G. Gregg Mr. and Mrs. John A. Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Raymond G. DeFelice Mr. and Mrs. Larry Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Grella Hospital for Children Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Aepli Mr. and Mrs. Barrett G. Block Mr. H. Raymond Chandler Mr. Robert J. Degnan Mr. and Mrs. James T. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Gress Ms. Celia V. Agustin Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Bomberger Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cheeseman Mr. and Mrs. William J. Degnan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Grey Mr. and Mrs. John R. Albrecht Mr. Gerald G. Bonsall Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Chefko Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. DeMaio Mr. and Mrs. John J. Fordice, Sr. Mr. Howard A. Griffith, Jr. Mr. John M. Alden and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Booz Chester County Day Committee Mr. and Mrs. Alex Demers Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Forese Mr. and Mrs. William G. Grosskopf Mr. Timothy Bousum and Ms. Maiya Dos Mr. and Mrs. Leon A. Chetty Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Demkin Mrs. Grace H. Foulk Mrs. Nancy S. Guckes Mr. and Mrs. Avery D. Allen Ms. Toni Bowersox Dr. James P. Chovan Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon Dempsey Mr. John A. Franey Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. Guillo Ms. Margaret P. Allen Mrs. Mildred C. Boyd Mr. Danny P. Christiana Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Denest Mr. Martin J. Frappolli Mr. and Mrs. Curtis V. Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. William B. Allman Mr. Thomas D. Boyd Mrs. Irma I. Cimini Mrs. Kimberly A. DeStefano Ms. Mary Ann Fritz Mr. and Mrs. David C. Guthrie Ms. Margaret A. Bucciarelli Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boyer, Jr. Ms. Susan M. Ciuffetelli Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dettwyler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fuhs Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Haines Mr. and Mrs. Leon O. Anderson, Jr. Ms. Margaret M. Boylan Mr. Joseph Clarke Mr. John P. Devido Mrs. Patricia M. Fulton Mr. and Mrs. John F. Haines Mr. William F. Anderson Mrs. Beryl Bradley Ms. Paula M. Clemson Ms. JoAnne DeVita Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Galli Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hale Ms. Kimberly Andrien Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brady Clifton Heights Alumni Association Mr. and Mrs. Cyril W. Dill Ms. Rosalie L. Gallo Mr. and Mrs. Kirk M. Hall Mr. and Mrs. Kristen D. Angstadt Brandywine Auxiliary Cloud, Feehery & Richter, Inc. Mrs. Dina Dinacci Mr. and Mrs. David A. Gardiner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Annas Brandywine Umpire Organization Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Clutcher Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. DiProspero Mr. Mark Garland Ms. Marva Hamilton Anonymous (15) Mrs. Karen L. Brannon-Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Cockerham Mrs. Mary Diserafino Mr. James E. Gasho, Sr.* Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Hammond Ms. Lisa R. Anzalone Mr. and Mrs. Rene J. Braun Mr. LeRoy R. Coer Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Diserafino Mrs. Janet Z. Gasho Mrs. Geraldyne S. Hampton Mr. Peter F. Apple Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Brennan Mr. James A. Coffman, III Mr. and Mrs. Domenic DiUbaldo Mrs. Joanne Gavin Ms. Margie Hanlon Mrs. Dolores Armstrong Brickette Lounge, Inc. Dr. Mark A. Cofone and Ms. Annette F. Dodson Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Gebhart Mr. James F. Hargraves Mr. and Mrs. John A. Arrell Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brightbill Ms. Helen F. Doherty Ms. Helen B. Gelzer Mr. and Mrs. E. Richard Harkins, Jr. Mr. Bradford H. Arthur, Jr. Mr. Brian R. Brink and Ms. Shelley Hodupp Dr. Karin U. Sorenmo Mr. and Mrs. Felix A. Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Donohue O Ms. Regina E. Cohen Mr. James J. Dorazio Mrs. Janet H. Augustyn Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Brittingham, Jr. Coldwell Banker Resort Realty Mrs. Suzanne C. Dougherty Dr. and Mrs. T. Howard Austin Ms. Holly Joy Brittingham Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes Mr. and Mrs. Winfield A. Dougherty Ms. Maria D. Avalos-Pantoja Mr. Harry Brown, Jr. Mr. John J. Conlin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dowling Mr. and Mrs. John S. Babiec, Jr. Mr. Melvin Brown Mr. and Mrs. Kiernan Conn Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Drumheller Mr. and Mrs. J. Louis Bachofer, Jr. Ms. Vicki L. Brown Mr. and Mrs. William B. Conner Mrs. Patricia A. Dubosky Ms. Marian F. Baer Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Brozzetti Mr. Mark S. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Baker, III Mrs. Dorothy D. Bruno Mr. and Mrs. Richard Conroy Ms. Rosemary D. Eckert Mr. Michael A. Barbato Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brusco Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Cook Mrs. Evalyn T. Eckman Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Bardzik, Jr. Ms. Theresa Bryant Mr. and Mrs. William D. Cook Mrs. Ann Einstein Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Barnes Mr. Frank L. Bucci Ms. Gail J. Coppola Mr. and Mrs. Errol E. Eldredge Mr. H. Harold Barnett* Ms. Dana Buckalew Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Coppola Mr. Norman W. Elliott Mrs. Jean B. Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Buckwash Mr. and Mrs. William C. Corcoran, Jr. Mr. John W. Emrich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Barnett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Corrigan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Enke Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Barsa Mr. Thomas Burns Dr. and Mrs. F. David Cox Mr. and Mrs. John N. Entrekin, III Ms. Loretta F. Battaglia Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Butcher, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Cox Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Eppinger Mr. William A. Bauernschmidt Mrs. Martha S. Butts Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Craven Mr. and Mrs. David Erikson Ms. JoAnn M. George Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Harrison Mr. Gregory Bay Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Caldwell Mr. Frederick E. Crispin, Jr. Mr. Carlos M. Esteva Ms. Patricia L. George Mr. and Mrs. Connor M. Harrison Mrs. Anna D. Beal Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Cammer Mrs. Cathy Kent Croom Mr. Frederick J. Eufrasio Mr. and Mrs. Ryan D. Gernatt Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Boris Belfer Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Currie Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Evanko Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Gettis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hartnett Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Beninati Mr. Christopher Campman Mr. Leo R. Daiuta* Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Evans, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Giacchino Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Hatton Mr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, III Mr. Michael C. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Frank Daly Mr. Joseph Fares Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Gillem Mr. and Mrs. Doyle L. Hayes Ms. Maryellen Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carlin Mrs. Cross R. Dana Mrs. Agnes R. Farley* Mr. Earl C. Glasco Mrs. Lydia B. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bente, III Mr. and Mrs. Todd H. Carney Mr. and Mrs. Tyler W. Dann Mr. Peter J. Farley, Jr. Ms. Shirley Gledhill Mr. O. Darrell Hayes* Mr. Russell Bentley Ms. Anne M. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. George P. Dargay Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Fasnacht Mr. Adelbert Glennon Mr. and Mrs. James E. Hazard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bertrando Mr. and Mrs. David A. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. D’Auria Mr. James S. Faulkner Dr. Marc B. Goldfinger Heart of Illinois United Way Ms. Melissa A. Billings Mr. Walter R. Carter Mr. Eugene W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Fedor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gore, Jr. Ms. Theodora A. Heathcote Ms. Jane A. Biondi Ms. Alice C. Casner * Mr. Tom Fields Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Goss * Dr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Aspen Mrs. Nancy Lorrilliere-Brink Deceased 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 16 ur physicians and staff work hard every day to provide the best care and services to our community. In addition, many of them make annual donations to support the Hospital. On the pages ahead, you will find quotes from a few of our physicians and employees discussing what it means to them to support the Hospital. Deceased 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 17 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S 2 Gifts of $50-$99 continued 0 1 4 D O N O R S Gifts of $50-$99 continued Mr. Chester Kapinski Dr. and Mrs. C. Wendell Lofland Mr. Barry R. Metz Penns Valley Dental Assoc., P.C. Ms. Lauren Pugh Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm M. Heeb Mr. Lawrence D. Karas Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W. Longenecker Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Miller Ms. Catherine M. Peoples Ms. Divya Puranik Mr. and Mrs. Milton B. Helmuth Mr. Jeffrey L. Kazin Mr. and Mrs. John Longenecker, Sr. Mr. Harry R. Miller, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Pershouse Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Purnell, Jr. Mrs. Doris B. Hemker Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Kegg Mr. and Mrs. Clarence H. Lonsdale, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller Mr. and Mrs. R. Donald Peterson Mr. Matthew Purse Mr. Eric W. Hemker Ms. Patti Lynn Kehoe Ms. Lilia V. Lopez de Leon Mr. Richard Miller Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Petko Mr. and Mrs. Allen S. Puy Mrs. Ann C. Hemphill Ms. Susan M. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Lorback Mr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Craig W. Petticoffer Ms. Diane Quartarone Ms. Lori S. Henning Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Todd Lorback Ms. Ellen F. Millick Ms. Mary E. Pettit-Andruss Ms. Benedicta E. Quaynor Mr. Fred V. Henzie Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Kelsey Mr. Richard E. Louden Mr. and Mrs. H. Clark Minter, Jr. Ms. Kimberly M. Pfeiffer Ms. Rosemary T. Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Louis Herley Mr. and Mrs. Scott Kempf Mrs. Lena D. Lovisa Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mohr Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Philipps Mr. Miguel Quintana Mr. Ralph E. Herman Ms. Courtney Kennedy Mr. Donald B. Macmillan Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mohr Ms. Erlyn E. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Clement J. Raffa Mr. and Mrs. Wilson S. Heron Ms. Margaret E. Kennedy Mrs. Margaret L. MacNeal Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Montemuro Mr. Donald G. Pida Ms. Gift Rakowski Hershey’s Mill Auxiliary Ms. Lynn C. Kern Mr. and Mrs. Michael Madrigale Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Moore Mrs. Elma S. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rausch Ms. Jennifer Hess and Mr. Richard B. Beach Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kiefer, Sr. Mr. Theodore R. Madron Mrs. Edith A. Moore Mr. Michael A. Pillagalli Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Reardon Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hester Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. King, III Ms. Diane M. Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Morales Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Pimley, Jr. Mr. F. Stevens Redburn Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hewton, Jr. Mr. Michael L. Kirschling Mr. and Mrs. William S. Malany Ms. Charlene A. Morelli Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Pizzi Mrs. Helen J. Redmond Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Hines P. Richard Klein, Esq. Dr. Victor J. Malatesta Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Moriello Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Plante Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Reed Mr. Thomas C. Hinkle Mrs. Marjorie C. Knox Mr. and Mrs. Norm D. Malcosky Mr. Richard Mrosky Mrs. Faith M. Platt Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Rees, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dirk L. Hinterleiter Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Koenig Mr. Edward L. Malikowski Mr. and Mrs. James Mulherin Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Plourde Mr. Richard J. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Don T. Ho Ms. Ann Kraemer Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale Manes Ms. Jane H. Mullins Mrs. Ursula J. Plummer Ms. Cynthia R. Reinhard Mrs. Jeanne C. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. F. Keith Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mangelli Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Murphy Dr. William Plummer, III* Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy S. Reinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Hoge Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Krassenstein Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mardoian Ms. Patricia A. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Plyler Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reino Mr. and Mrs. Allen N. Hole Mr. and Mrs. Barry Krewson Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Marella Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Myers Ms. Bettie V. Hollett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kuhn Ms. Mary Marines Mr. James A. Nafe Mr. John P. Hollingsworth, Sr. Mrs. Marlyn L. Kulp Mr. Andrew Marko Mr. Kishore Nagar Dr. Leah P. Hollis Mr. Louis Kupperman Mr. and Mrs. Anthony T. Markowski Mr. and Mrs. Victor G. Naseef Mr. and Mrs. David E. Hooper Mr. John H. Kurfis Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Marra Dr. Faith E. Nathan and Mr. Ken Sheil Mr. and Mrs. Reid K. Hoover Mrs. Mary T. Kuzo Mr. and Mrs. Lynne G. Marra Mr. Grant E. Nelson, III Mr. and Mrs. William E. Hopkins, Jr. Ms. Manjula Kyasa-Shivaling Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martin Ms. Sharon Nelton Jim Houghton Family Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ladig Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Martinez Mr. Stephen F. Nessel Mrs. Sara G. Houser Ms. Marie E. Lambert Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Marvin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Newman Mr. and Mrs. James H. Howell Ms. Maryanne Lamont Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ney Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Huber Mr. William Landmesser Mr. James J. Mattia, III Mr. and Mrs. Hy Nguyen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hudzina Mr. and Mrs. Curtis I. Lane Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Mattson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Nichols Mr. Paul R. Hurst Mr. and Mrs. John L. Larkin Mr. and Mrs. William B. Mattson Mr. and Mrs. William B. Nichols Mrs. Elizabeth A. Husain Mr. and Mrs. David C. Larned, Jr. Ms. Jane M. Mauer Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Nicoladse, III Mr. and Mrs. David K. Huttar Mr. and Mrs. John C. Larson Mrs. William J. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nowlin Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hutton Mr. and Mrs. Luigi V. Launi Ms. Margaret G. McCann Ms. Ann W. Noyes Ms. Gianna M. Hyland Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. LaVigne Mr. James W. McCarry Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Donnell Mr. Joseph A. Iezzi Ms. Rebecca A. Layfield Mrs. Joan McClure Offshore & Coastal Tech Inc. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Ilsemann Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Lazarski Mr. Stephen McCullough Dr. Lisa O’Mahony and Mr. and Mrs. Leon F. Impriano Ms. Jacqueline P. Leach Constance and Thomas M. McEvoy Ms. Debra Ingemie Mr. and Mrs. James C. Leach Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McEvoy Mrs. Susan Ondish Mr. Ernest E. Irons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall L. Learn Mrs. Helen McHugh Mrs. Elizabeth A. O’Neill Mr. and Mrs. William A. Irving, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lees, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard McIlvaine Mr. Carmelo Ortiz-Molina Mrs. Carol A. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. William D. LeFebvre Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth N. McKelvey Ms. Violet T. Oskins Mr. Sergio T. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Leger Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah J. McKenna Ms. Patricia Overdeer Mr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Jalosky Mrs. Betty J. Leto Mr. Robert B. McKinstry Mr. Michael S. Pagano and Ms. Linda L. Wu Mrs. Maria T. Podhiny Ms. Ann Rentschler Mr. Philip Jamison Mrs. Wendy Levan Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. McKinstry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Panczner Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Pollock Mrs. Ann P. Ricciuti Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jany Mr. Don Levy and Ms. Janice Burgett Levy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Papson Ms. Cynthia Poole Ms. Rosemary Rice Mrs. Ruth D. Jensen Ms. Brenda Lee Lewis and Mr. Jerry L. Keen Ms. Laurie McLeod Mrs. Josephine C. Parman Mr. Albert D. Porta Ms. Fumiko T. Roach Mrs. Dorothy L. Johnson Ms. Dorothy E. Lewis Ms. Marvella McNeill Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Parmegiani Mr. and Mrs. George E. Porter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Rohana, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lewis Lucy M. McSwain Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pastino Mr. and Mrs. James L. Portlock Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ronan Ms. Dottie Jones Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lichtenberg Ms. Judith P. McVitty Mr. and Mrs. John J. Patriarca Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Post Mrs. Rosemary M. Rooney Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kadel Mr. Denis J. Liddy and Ms. Catherine M. Meinhart Mr. and Mrs. Michael Patton Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Rosado Mr. Carl J. Meister, Jr. Mr. Walter R. Pavelchek Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Powell Mr. Jerry S. Rosenbloom Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Kadyszewski Mrs. Joanne Bernabei-Liddy Mr. Thurman Brendlinger Photo by Rick Davis Mr. and Mrs. David W. Heckman THOUGHTS FROM AN EMPLOYEE DONOR: “Working for Chester County Hospital has been wonderful. I feel fortunate working in my home town for my home hospital. I see neighbors, friends, and past acquaintances routinely, and am happy to have a role in their care. Making an annual donation helps to support the mission of the Hospital and provide for the needs of the community.” –John Gose, Director, Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation Mr. and Mrs. Andre Kaim Mr. and Mrs. Ron Lieberman Ms. Dolores A. Melchiorre Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Paynter Ms. Olive P. Price Ms. Kristen L. Rosenfeld Mr. and Mrs. James G. Kaiser Ms. Judith B. Lindabery Mr. Stanford L. Melton Mr. Michael A. Peluso, Jr. Mrs. Betty L. Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Royer Ms. Judy Donis Kane Mr. James J. Liney, Jr. Merck Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim R. Pennington, Jr. Mr. Donald J. Pucci * 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 18 Deceased 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 19 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Stalnaker Ms. Nicole Vitullo Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rushton Mrs. Ruth S. Stanley Ms. Deborah E. Volkmer Mrs. Julia D. Ryan Mr. James M. Steber Ms. Barbara Waddy Mr. and Mrs. Karl F. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. John S. Steel Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wagner Miss Carmina M. Sabellico Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Stevens Mr. and Mrs. John B. Waldron Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Sandy Ms. Catherine M. Stevenson Ms. Inger M. Wallin Ms. Margaret P. Sarmento Mr. and Mrs. Terrence L. Stick Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Waltz, Sr. Ms. Nancy J. Sarr Mrs. Dorothy Y. Stocker Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ward Ms. Margaret Savage Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Stoner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Ward Ms. Sherry Sawyer Mrs. Barbara J. Stonestrom Ms. Carol Elizabeth Ware Mr. and Mrs. Morteza Sazegar Ms. Dianne V. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weaver Mr. and Mrs. William M. Scheffey Ms. Marilyn K. Strong Mr. John Webb Mrs. Ruth Schick Ms. Rosanne M. Stumpf and Mr. and Mrs. Owen W. Webster Ms. Vera C. Rubert Mr. Robert W. Schlentz Mr. James B. Davidson Mr. Walter Weidemann, III Mr. William M. Schneider Mrs. Margaret A. Sunday Dr. and Mrs. Gregory R. Weisenstein Mr. and Mrs. George R. Schocie, Jr. Mr. Vincent V. Suppan Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wells Mr. and Mrs. H. Randolph Schofield Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Swayne Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Welsh, Jr. Ms. Lois A. Schroder Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Carl Werner, Jr. Mr. Wesley Schroder and Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sylvester Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. West Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tennyson Mr. and Mrs. R. John West, III Mr. and Mrs. William E. J. Schrof Dr. and Mrs. V. J. Theodorides Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westerfield Mrs. Avora Sciscione Maureen Thir Properties Ms. Kathleen B. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Scott Ms. Maureen Thir Mrs. Darlene K. Whenry Ms. Fay N. Searle Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Whitfield Mr. Theodore G. Seel Mrs. Shirley L. Thomas Mr. Samuel H. Wickersham, Jr. Ms. Janice A. Seglinski Ms. Audrey V. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wiechec, III Mr. and Mrs. William Seybold Ms. Donna G. Thompson Ms. Janet A. Wieczerzynski Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Shaffer Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Thompson, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wiegand Mr. Richard F. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Thorne Ms. Rita W. Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Sheller Mr. Edward Tipton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eric A. Wilcomes Ms. Shirley M. Shoffner Mrs. Kathleen A. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Wilcox Ms. Erica Shrimp Mr. and Mrs. David Trevethan Ms. Laura E. Wildman Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Simcox, Jr. Mrs. Shirley Trostle Ms. Nancy E. Wilkinson Mr. James H. Simmers and Mr. Robert W. Trueman Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Willard Ms. Marybeth Schroder-Annett Mr. Conrad N. Trumbore Ms. Barbara N. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Irving W. Simmons Mr. William C. Truskey Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Skuback Mr. Craig L. Tucker Ms. Margaret H. Williamson Mr. Timothy D. Slifer James William Turtle & Company, Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Willover Mr. George M. Smiley Certified Public Accountants Ms. Carri Spaulding L inda DeNardo fervently believes quality local health care is important. Years ago, as an employee of Chester County Hospital, she saw how the Hospital functioned from the inside out. She was first hired as a part-time laboratory technologist and then, as a full-time laboratorian, became supervisor of the Hospital’s blood bank. “I saw that the CCH lab held itself to the highest standards. I was very proud to work there.” “I loved my job at the “One company benefitWyeth Hospital and had no offered was to match any intention of leaving, but full-time employee’s donation, my life circumstances dollar for dollar.When I heard changed and I went to work that I thought: ‘Wow, I can for Wyeth Pharmaceuticals double my donation to [now Pfizer] in 1995,” Linda Chester County Hospital.’” says. “One company benefit –Linda DeNardo Wyeth offered was to match any full-time employee’s donation, dollar for dollar. When I heard that I thought: ‘Wow, I can double my donation to Chester County Hospital.’” The company matches any gift at 50% for their retirees; Linda takes full advantage of this company benefit to increase support for the Hospital. Ms. Marie Wills Mr. James W. Turtle Ms. Janet C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Roger O. Uhler Mr. Kenneth E. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Smith, Jr. Ms. Judith E. Uhrich Mr. Richard W. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Smith United Way of Greater Atlanta Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Witek Mr. James J. Smith and Mr. Richard F. Unz Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wolfgang Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Uzzo Mr. Francis Wood, Jr. Mrs. Norma J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David L. Valentino Mr. and Mrs. Paul Woodburn Ms. Teresa S. Smith, MSN, CS Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Valentino Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wragge, II Ms. Augusta Solis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Vallorani, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Joel P. Somerick Mr. Ben A. Valocchi, Sr. Ms. Sara M. Yonker Mr. and Mrs. David A. Sonnenberg Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vannelli Mr. and Mrs. John B. York Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Spackman Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Vanore Mrs. Patricia L. Yosko Ms. Grace M. Spampinato and Mrs. Anita R. Vansant Mrs. Annie Young Mr. Louis P. Vassil Ms. Lorraine C. Young Mrs. Sally D. Speirs Mr. Rogers W. Vaughn Mr. Jacob Zachariah and Ms. Jessy Jacob Dr. and Mrs. John E. Spellman Mr. Stephen M. Vincent Ms. Marge E. Zacharkow Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Spencer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Vincent Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Zamadics Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Spillane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vinnacombe, Jr. Ms. Susan J. Zulker Mrs. Aida D. Stainback Mr. Vish P. Viswanathan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Zunino 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION BY GAIL GUTERL So Linda became an annual donor to the Hospital, starting with a $26 gift in 1989. She has continued giving for 25 years. “I probably made my first donation as part of the United Way employee giving program,” she recalls. Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Smith Mr. Edward J. Charlton Matching Gifts Year After Year LINDA DeNARDO BEGAN GIVING TO THE HOSPITAL IN 1989. TODAY, 25 YEARS LATER AND A RETIREE, SHE IS STILL GIVING, MAXIMIZING HER DONATIONS THROUGH A GENEROUS MATCHING-FUND PROGRAM OFFERED BY HER FORMER EMPLOYER. Ms. Ann M. Smith Mrs. Mary M. Costello-Smith Emergency Department Triage Area Photos by Rick Davis Gifts of $50-$99 continued 20 Linda’s personal experience with medical care at the Hospital has reinforced her quarter century of giving commitment. “I have been a patient there so many times.The new way of triaging in the emergency room is fabulous.” Her granddaughter was born there in March. “My daughter-in-law received top notch care when she had the baby,” Linda says. “She was happy she had chosen Chester County Hospital.” Noting all these interactions, Linda says she is sure that “as long as my retirement income will support it, I plan to keep giving at a similar level.” Now in retirement, Linda is continuing her association with the Hospital laboratory in a kind of six degrees of separation. “For 6 years I have volunteered 2 days a week at Community Volunteers in Medicine (known as CVIM) in West Chester,” she explains. “Chester County Hospital does lab work for CVIM free of charge for our clients who are uninsured.” 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 21 Capping Society 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong Mr. Ray Ott, Jr. and The Honorable Paula Francisco Ott 0 1 4 D O N O R S Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kain, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin W. Rossiter Mrs. Anna D. Beal Dr. and Mrs. Edwin W. Kane Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Royer Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Becker Mr. and Mrs. L. William Kay, II Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sanchez Mrs. Barbara G. Beddall Richard B. Kent, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Scheerer Ms. Betsy B. Benner Mrs. Virginia O. Kettenring Mrs. Ruth Schick Mr. Walter R. Benner Mrs. Marjorie C. Knox Ms. Jeanne A. Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Bente, III Mr. William Kronenberg, III Mr. and Mrs. Anthony C. Scimone Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Benton Mr. and Mrs. Peter Latta Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Lawman Mr. and Mrs. Jan S. Selfe Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bond Dr. John D. Lemcke Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Shane Mr. and Mrs. Clifton E. Boyd Mr. F. William Leonard Mr. Richard F. Shea Mr. Thomas D. Boyd Mrs. Betty J. Leto Mrs. Shirley M. Shreiner Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Brandon Mr. Ivan F. Lichty Mr. Leslie M. Simmler Ms. Marilyn I. Branton Mr. William J. Linn Mrs. Norma J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Buckley Mrs. Lena D. Lovisa Mr. and Mrs. Alexander T. Soutos Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Calef Dr. and Mrs. Calvin Lu Dr. and Mrs. John E. Spellman Mr. and Mrs. John C. Larson Mr. Michael C. Carey Mr. Timothy M. Lutz and Mrs. Ruth S. Stanley Mr. Donald G. Lundberg Ms. Nancy O. Carr Ms. Elizabeth L. Srogi The Honorable and In honor of the nursing staff and the continuous care they provide, the Capping Society recognizes those who have been dedicated annual benefactors to Chester County Hospital for five or more consecutive years since 1984. 20+ YEARS 2 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper Dr. and Mrs. Burton T. Mark Chester County Community Foundation Ms. Phyllis M. MacLardy Mr. and Mrs. J. Louis Bachofer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips The May Festival Mrs. Ellen B. Cleveland Mrs. Margaret L. MacNeal Dr. and Mrs. David P. Stocker Mr. William C. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips Wanda McGlinchey-Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Elson A. Collins, Jr. Mrs. Helen McHugh Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Swayne Ms. M. Becker Miss Constance M. Plunkett Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moog Cornell University Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Chris P. Menan Mr. and Mrs. William R. Sylvester Dr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, IV Mr. William E. Reimer, Jr. Mr. Robert E. Newell Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Cotter Mr. and Mrs. John R. Merhar Mr. and Mrs. Rodolfo Theis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Bird Ms. Karen L. Rothenbuhler Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Keith D. Coughey Mr. and Mrs. George F. Mohr Mrs. Anne F. Thorington* Mrs. Isabelle D. Blank Mrs. Julia D. Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Kennard G. Porter, Jr. Miss Joan D. Courtless Miss Nancy V. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Tompkin Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Brooks Mr. Daniel R. Shoop Mrs. Rosemary M. Rooney Mr. Raymond B. Cromer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Moran, Jr. Ms. Joan M. Travers Mr. Henry I. Brown, III Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Smith Ms. Anne C. Sangree Mrs. Alicia P. Cullen Laura M. Moses Fund of United Way of Chester County Mr. Ronald V. Caputo, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. L. Peter Soraruf, IV Mrs. Avora Sciscione Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. D’Angelo Mrs. Vivian S. Carlow Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Stoner Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Squires Mr. and Mrs. William J. Degnan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Myatt Eva L. Verplanck, Ph.D. Ms. Margaret J. Chapman Mrs. Rosemary Waldron Tucker Mr. Donald E. Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Antelo Devereux, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Walsh Mrs. Judith P. Craig Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Vanore Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Subers Ms. Elizabeth F. Dispenziere Col. Harry W. Nagel, USA, Ret. Ms. Barbara F. Weichert Ms. Linda A. DeNardo Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III Mr. H. Fletcher Swanson and Mr. John F. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson Mr. and Mrs. R. John West, III Mr. and Mrs. John C. deRuyter Mr. and Mrs. James A. Whitcraft Mr. and Mrs. John J. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Nicoladse, III Mrs. Cathie N. Whitlock Mr. and Mrs. Phillip B. Dewey Ms. Nancy E. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. John B. Swayne, III Mrs. Mary W. Dowd Mr. and Mrs. James M. Nowlin Mrs. Jane H. Wylie Mr. Bill C. Dorminey Mrs. Marjorie P. Windle Dr. C. Lynn Swisher and Mr. Kenneth G. Emerson Mr. and Mrs. David L. Peakes Mr. and Mrs. John B. Yerkes, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Drummond Women’s Auxiliary to Mr. Harold C. Swisher Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Enoch Dr. and Mrs. Robert Poole Mr. and Mrs. Edmond J. Zakrzewski Mrs. Caroline R. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John A. Featherman, III Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Prokop Mr. Karl L. Ziegler Mrs. Sarah L. Zimmerman Mrs. Jessie E. Engan Chester County Hospital Mrs. Sally Swanson Mrs. Walter K. Stapleton The Philadelphia Foundation Mrs. Kathleen D. Finegan Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II Mrs. Anna B. Thompson Ms. Elaine M. Fiore Mr. and Mrs. J. Permar Richards, III Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Flanagan Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Van Grofski Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Flickinger Dr. and Mrs. Richard W. Rissmiller Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Giannantonio, Jr. Mrs. Dianne H. Vaughan Mrs. Virginia G. Ford Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Ritchey Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Gribbin 15-19 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, IV Mr. and Mrs. David L. Freese Mrs. Susan Windle Rogers Mr. and Mrs. John S. Halsted Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Abbott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Werner Mr. Salvatore R. Gaglia Mr. and Mrs. William P. Hauser Anonymous Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Gale Mrs. Mary D. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Barr Mr. Bruce B. Yelton Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Geisel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Helms, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Bellenger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Zajac Mrs. Christine A. Giardini Mr. and Mrs. Randolph H. Hess Ms. Jean M. Castaldi Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hewson Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Clark 10-14 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Ronald F. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hillegass Mr. and Mrs. David P. Cremi A. Duie Pyle, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Grenell Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman Mrs. Gabrielle C. Deane Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang H. Gunther Ms. Jeanne L. Jagers Mr. John H. Deane* Mr. John M. Alden and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Harrison Mrs. Nancy H. Knauer Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. DiMarco Ms. Shelley Hodupp Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Heidelberger Mrs. Marilyn A. Lambert* Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze Mrs. Marian W. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John Hesselberth Mr. Robert E. Lambert Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Forney Mr. and Mrs. Peter C. Anderson, III Mr. and Mrs. John W. Himes Mrs. Phyllis D. Marron Martin G. Goch, Esq. Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Glenn V. Hocker Mrs. Dorothea M. McNeill Mr. Michael R. Gould Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Antonelli Ms. Doris A. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Mead Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne Dr. and Mrs. Nelson P. Aspen Ms. Gail A. Hoffman Mrs. Jane Z. Moore The Jerrehian Foundation Mrs. Nancy D. Barenberg Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran Mr. Nick H. Nunn, III Mr. Chester Kapinski Ms. Lois H. Barker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr Mr. James J. Kavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Barnett, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Harry J. Hutchinson, III Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf * Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies The Vanguard Group Foundation Continued on page 27 * Deceased THOUGHTS FROM A PHYSICIAN DONOR: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Gillem Deceased 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 22 “It has been an honor to contribute to Chester County Hospital’s Annual Fund each year since joining the medical staff in 1998. I really enjoy working at Chester County Hospital and consider my co-workers here like family. I am proud to support our institution and the patients of Chester County.” –Fredric B. Squires, M.D. 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 23 Open– Patients Welcome! he brand new four-story Chester County Hospital Lasko Tower is now fully open for business and is getting rave reviews. The second-floor Mother and Baby Pavilion is humming with families welcoming precious new additions. On the third-floor Orthopaedic Unit, adult patients who have just undergone joint replacement surgery are resting in their spacious private rooms anticipating a future free of joint pain. The ground floor houses a convenient stateof-the-art Radiation Therapy Suite and the fourth floor Telemetry Unit allows high-tech monitoring of abnormal heart activity using the latest devices. All to provide better patient care while enhancing the hospital stay! Senior Staff and Board Members (above) Back row, left to right: Dr. Rick Donze, Ken Flickinger, Dr. Patrick Brennan, BillWood, Paul Huberty Front row, left to right: Angela Coladonato, Kevin O’Brien, Mike Duncan, Garry Scheib, Bob Horne, Paul Brown Doctors (above, next page) Back row, left to right: Dr. Robert Huxster, Dr. Cheston Simmons, Jr., Dr. Richard Ziegler, Dr. Gregory Kirwan Front row, left to right: Dr. Adrienne Towsen, Dr.Todd Michener, Dr. John Benner, IV, Dr. John Manta, Dr. Mark Tantorski None of this could have been accomplished without the support and generosity of Chester County Hospital benefactors, who can revel in the part they played in earning glowing patient reviews of the new facilities. While Janet Kennedy’s day and a half stay on the new Orthopaedic Unit was brief, her impression of the amenities is vivid. “I knew I was going to be in one of the new rooms after my surgery, but I was still surprised at how nice and spacious it was,” Janet remembers. “My husband could have stayed overnight if necessary because there was a convertible sofa in the room. There were electric shades on the windows that I could control remotely.” The Orthopaedic Unit houses 24 private rooms large enough to accommodate physical therapy and any equipment— walkers, wheelchairs— necessary to get a patient back on his or her feet. The Orthopaedic Unit houses private rooms large enough to accommodate physical therapy activities and assistive equipment. Besides physical therapy in patient rooms, there is a modern rehabilitation gym that addresses the patient’s every need. The gym features tools like stairs, a mock tub and a car simulator. After all, a patient needs to be able to get into a car comfortably to go home! Continued on the next page Room photos by Rick Davis; Hospital photo by Don Pearse Photographers The opening of the Lasko Tower was a progressive event. The Radiation Therapy Suite and Telemetry Unit opened in June 2013. The Orthopaedic Unit welcomed its first patient in January 2014, and the Mother and Baby Pavilion threw open its doors May 9, 2014, just in time for Mother’s Day. THE NEW FOUR-STORY LASKO TOWER OFFERS ALL-PRIVATE ROOMS AND ORTHOPAEDIC, MATERNITY, CARDIAC AND RADIATION ONCOLOGY CARE. BY GAIL GUTERL 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 24 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 25 2 Hospital and Family Photo by Rick Davis Cocktail Reception Photo by Allison Barto 5-9 YEARS Open—Patients Welcome! (continued from page 25) COCKTAIL RECEPTION FOR BENEFACTORS 24 PRIVATE ROOMS IN THE MOTHER AND BABY PAVILION Some mothers-to-be got a sneak peek when the Hospital threw a baby shower/open house for them and offered tours of the unit. May 9, the day the unit officially opened, the family of the first baby born was welcomed with flowers, balloons and a photo. On Mother’s Day, Michael Duncan, Hospital President and CEO, presented every new mom on the unit with a bag of goodies, flowers and a memorable tiara. For West Chester-resident Desireé Cresta, this was her fifth visit to Chester County Hospital to have a baby. Tessa was born May 27 and Desireé says this birth was different from her others. “Having a private room was so wonderful,” she says. “The European style rain shower with water jets along One floor down and four the walls was heavenly after having been in labor.” months later, the Mother Thinking back on her and Baby Pavilion opened four previous experiences, on May 5 with a cocktail Desireé says a private reception for community “Having a private room room “gives you a benefactors. After greetings that allowed me to special time to bond from Hospital officials, rest and visit with my with your child. And the 130 guests toured the family was wonderful.” for a first-time mom it’s family friendly secure –Desireé Cresta, after so important because unit, which is expected to the birth of her fifth child welcome about 2,500 babies you’re trying to figure out breastfeeding, trying a year. Guests saw the 24 to get some sleep.” Desiree really appreciated the snack private patient rooms, the bar. “Before, if you had a baby at lunchtime you’d have nesting room (a quiet place to send your husband out to get food if it was between where adoptive parents meals, so having that little kitchenette is so nice.” can bond with their new child and receive newborn The goal of the new facility education), the centrally The Mother and Baby was to provide state-oflocated well-baby nursery, Pavilion is expected the-art evidence-based care and the family lounge, to welcome with the latest technology which includes a snack and and comforts. Rave patient beverage area for family reviews validate the goal. and friends of patients. each year! 2,500 babies 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 26 0 1 4 D O N O R S Capping Society continued Mr. Kevin Bratton Mrs. Beatrice F. Conner Mr. and Mrs. Leigh M. Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Scott J. Braunschweig Mr. and Mrs. William B. Conner ACE Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jason Brennan Mr. James H. Conrad, II Mr. Michael Aceto Mr. Edward S. Brinton Ms. Ruth G. Conway Mrs. Rita M. Adamson Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F. Brittingham, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent T. Coppola Mr. David E. Adelizzi Ms. Holly Joy Brittingham Mr. Robert J. Corcoran Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Adkins, III Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Brittingham Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Cornelius Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Aepli Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Britton Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Corrigan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Aiken Ms. Catherine M. Broscheid Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Craven Ms. Shirley Aliferis Mrs. Edith L. Brown Mrs. June L. Crede Mr. and Mrs. John R. Allen Mr. Edward S. Brown and Ms. Susan Garber Mr. Frederick E. Crispin, Jr. Ms. Margaret P. Allen Ms. Joan M. Brown Ms. Christie I. Cruz Mr. and Mrs. James L. Anderson Mr. Lloyd K. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Neil Cullen Ms. Mary L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Brown, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Cunningham Mr. William F. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bruce Ms. Gloria Currence Mr. and Mrs. Spencer J. Andress Mrs. Dorothy D. Bruno Mrs. Josephine W. Curry Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Annas Ms. Theresa Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Czeiner Anonymous (11) Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bryant Ms. Mary Ann C. D’Amico Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Anthony Mr. Frank L. Bucci Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. D’Angelo Mr. and Mrs. A. Joseph Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Buckwash Mr. and Mrs. Tyler W. Dann Dr. and Mrs. Alan M. Askinas Mr. William J. Buller Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. D’Auria Ayco Charitable Foundation Ms. Sandra Lee Bunting Davenport Family Foundation Mrs. Pauline A. Bachtle Mr. and Mrs. Richard O. Burk Ms. Mary F. Davis Mr. Monte R. Badasarian Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Burke, Jr. Ms. Patricia M. Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Balbach Dr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Burt Mr. and Mrs. Roger S. Deacon Bank of America United Way Campaign Mr. Charles E. Busby Mr. and Mrs. Gregory K. Deal Mrs. Elizabeth A. Barnes Ms. Edria Byler Mr. and Mrs. David M. Dean Mr. Paul V. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery L. Byrem Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D. Mr. C. Minor Barringer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Caldwell The Honorable Clifford E. DeBaptiste Dr. and Mrs. William J. Barry Ms. Maria C. Callejas Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. DeCamillo Balaji Baskaran Ms. Carol A. Canale Mrs. Joan H. DeMichiel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Battin Mrs. Dorothy W. Cann Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Demkin Mr. William A. Bauernschmidt Mr. Ryan Ed J. Carillo Mr. and Mrs. A. Gordon Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Bauman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carlin Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dettra Mr. Gregory Bay Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. John Devedjian Mrs. Sara Ann Beard Mrs. Christina C. Carroll Diamond Ice Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Boris Belfer Ms. Freda M. Carter Mrs. Joanne M. DiBiase* Stephen F. Belfiglio, D.O. Mr. Walter R. Carter Mr. John P. DiBiase Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Beninati Richard F. Chalfin, M.D. Ms. Pamela K. DiJoseph Mr. and Mrs. M. Andrew Benton Mr. and Mrs. Ho Chang Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Dillow Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernberg Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Charnock Mr. Dewey K. DiMarzio Mr. William F. Bernhardt Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cheeseman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew P. DiProspero Mrs. Julianna Bibbo Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Chefko Mr. and Mrs. Anthony F. DiRocco, Jr. Ms. Beryl L. Biddle Dr. Harry Chen and Dr. Andrea J. Apter Mr. and Mrs. Elmer P. DiSanti Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bilinski Chester County Eye Care Associates Ms. Helen F. Doherty Ms. Melissa A. Billings Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Chin Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerald Dommel Ms. Jane A. Biondi Dr. James P. Chovan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Dougherty Ms. Katherine J. Blumberg Mr. Danny P. Christiana Ms. Deborah Dougherty and Mr. and Mrs. David Bonanni Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ciccarone Mr. Gerald G. Bonsall Mr. and Mrs. Attilio A. Ciorrocco Mr. and Mrs. Winfield A. Dougherty Mr. Barry A. Boose* Ms. Susan M. Ciuffetelli Mrs. Alexandra C. Dow Mrs. Constance E. Boutin* Colonel Mary F. Clementi USAF NC (Ret) Mrs. C. Beverly Dow Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bove Mr. and Mrs. Chris Clifford Mr. Clayton H. Downes Mrs. Gretchen S. Bowker Mr. LeRoy R. Coer Mr. Marshall L. Downes Mrs. Mildred C. Boyd Ms. Regina E. Cohen Mr. Russell G. Doyle Ms. Alberta C. Boyle Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Coladonato Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dreisbaugh Brandywine Lions Club Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Collins Dr. Joseph J. Dulka and Dr. Catherine P. Dulka Ms. Jean F. Bratton Mr. John J. Conlin * Mr. Scott A. Ehrlich Deceased 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 27 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S 2 Capping Society continued 0 1 4 D O N O R S Capping Society continued Mr. and Mrs. Howard B. Fussell Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Kitchen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. McCoy Mr. Lawrence T. Parrish Franceso D’Urso, M.D., FAAP Mr. and Mrs. John M. Gaadt Mrs. Gwendolyn W. Haines Mr. William A. Kleinfelter Ms. Jennifer K. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Parsons Mr. Leonard L. Eads Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Gabel Mr. and Mrs. John F. Haines Mr. and Mrs. Duane D. Knecht Mr. and Mrs. Francis O. McDaniels Dr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Paskow Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Eason Mr. Thomas F. Gallagher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Ron Knickerbocker Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. McEvoy Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pastino Mr. and Mrs. Errol E. Eldredge Mr. and Mrs. William J. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth F. Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Kochansky Mr. and Mrs. John T. McGinn Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pastrick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Emm Mr. Jack C. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hancock Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Koenig Ms. Margaret A. McGowan Mr. Glenn A. Paton Employees Community Fund Mr. James E. Gasho, Sr.* Mr. Alan R. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Kollias Mr. and Mrs. David J. McIlmoyle Mr. and Mrs. William C. Patten Mrs. Janet Z. Gasho Ms. Roseanne M. Havird Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Kosh Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Paynter Mr. and Mrs. John N. Entrekin, III Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Gebhart Mrs. Twonette S. Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Barry Krewson Ms. Marvella McNeill Ms. Elizabeth A. Payson Mr. and Mrs. David E. Ernst Ms. Patricia L. George Ms. Theodora A. Heathcote Ms. Jane S. Krick Lucy M. McSwain Mr. and Mrs. James F. Peiffer Mr. Vernon E. Evans Ms. Joan M. Gervatoski Mr. and Mrs. David W. Heckman Mr. and Mrs. John A. Krieg, Jr. Medtronic Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Penman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Fagan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Giampietro Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Herald Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Kuhn Mr. Stanford L. Melton Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim R. Pennington, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David S. Fagerland Mrs. Kathleen F. Giedzinski Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hiddleson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Kurkjian Ms. Lucy A. Menna Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Pensalfini Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fanelli Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gill Ms. Pauline B. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kyle Merck Partnership for Giving Mr. and Mrs. Erminio J. Peta Mr. Joseph Fares Ms. Raisa Ginzburg Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hindorff Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ladig Mr. and Mrs. John W. Merwarth Mr. and Mrs. John J. Peterman, III Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E. Fasnacht Ms. Shirley Gledhill Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Hobman Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Lamb Ms. Patricia A. Messner Mr. Joseph M. Petrany, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Felicetti Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Goldberg Mr. Howard E. Hoctor Mr. James T. Lammey Mr. and Mrs. Albin L. Milewski Ms. Erlyn E. Phillips Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ferrier Mr. and Mrs. Martin F. Goldberg Mr. J. Irvie Hoffman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis I. Lane Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wayne Miller Mr. Donald G. Pida Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ferrigno Dr. Marc B. Goldfinger Mr. John P. Hollingsworth, Sr. Ms. Rebecca A. Layfield Mr. and Mrs. John F. Miller Mr. and Mrs. A. Duer Pierce, Jr. Mrs. Nancy B. Fetters Mr. Chad C. Goodwin and Mr. and Mrs. Reid K. Hoover Mr. and Mrs. Bryan S. Leaman Ms. Paula J. Miller Dr. Karen Pinsky and Mr. Craig Shor Mr. and Mrs. Tiemann N. Horn Mr. and Mrs. William D. LeFebvre Ms. Persymphonie B. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pinto Mr. Courtland E. Dunn, Jr. of The Boeing Company Fidelity Charitable Ms. Erin Rodgers Mrs. Doris E. Field Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gore, Jr. Mr. David J. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Lehnkering Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Miller Ms. Rose T. Pinto Mr. and Mrs. J. John Filoromo Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gose Ms. Barbara L. Hornicek Dr. Russell L. Levin and Ms. Ellen F. Millick Mrs. Faith M. Platt First Cornerstone Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Graziano Dr. Dianne Hotmer and Ms. Joan A. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John J. Molinelli Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Plourde Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Flitner Dr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Greenberg Ms. Brenda Lee Lewis and Mr. Jerry L. Keen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Mollure, Jr. Mrs. Ursula J. Plummer Mr. and Mrs. Larry Flowers Ms. Amy G. Greene Mr. and Mrs. Leon W. Houp Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Montemuro Dr. William Plummer, III * Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Forese Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Greenwald Mrs. Beth A. Hrincevich Mr. and Mrs. Irvin S. Lieberman Mr. and Mrs. James J. Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Plyler Mr. Frank G. Forgacs Mr. and Mrs. James G. Gregg Ms. Linda M. Huber Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. LoBue Mr. M. Richard Moors Ms. Helen M. Pollizzotti Mrs. Sally K. Fort Mrs. Tucker C. Gresh Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Hughes, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. C. Wendell Lofland Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moran Ms. Cynthia Poole Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Grey Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Hutton Ms. Janet M. Loftus Mr. Joseph Morelli Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Porrini Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freney Mrs. Margaret C. Griest IBM International Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert von der Luft Mrs. Virginia M. Morgan Mr. Albert D. Porta Mr. and Mrs. Jere W. Fridy Mr. Howard A. Griffith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Isola Dr. and Mrs. William F. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Moriello Mr. and Mrs. Gerald H. Porter Mr. Jeffrey A. Friedman and Mr. and Mrs. William G. Grosskopf CWO4 Glen S. Ives, USA, Ret. Mrs. Marie M. Lyons Mr. Paul R. Morris, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Post Mrs. Nancy S. Guckes Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Lyons Morrissey Family Foundation Mr. Gerald W. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Guest Mr. and Mrs. Millard H. Jackson, III Mrs. Jane H. Mack Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Morrissey Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Powell Mr. and Mrs. Jerome G. Jalosky Mr. and Mrs. Ian A. MacKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Morton Mr. and Mrs. John T. Prader Mrs. Ruth D. Jensen Mr. Donald B. Macmillan Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Mulhern, III Mr. and Mrs. Vincent M. Pro Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Jester Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. MacNeal Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein Mrs. Betty L. Pryor Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johann Mr. and Mrs. Michael Madrigale Mr. Richard L. Mullin Mrs. Betty G. Pullekines Mrs. Patricia Gayle Johns Mr. Theodore R. Madron Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Murlless Mr. and Mrs. Boris Radisic Dr. James H. Jordan, Sr. Mr. Allen B. Magill, II Ms. Grace Lee Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Ralph Just Give Dr. William R. Magill Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Murphy Mr. William D. Ravdin Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kadel Ms. Diane M. Maguire Ms. Patricia A. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Reardon Mr. William H. Kaminski Ms. Rebecca L. Majeski Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Murphy, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Reed Mr. Lawrence D. Karas Mr. and Mrs. William S. Malany Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Murphy Mrs. Lillian Regalmuto Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Keech Mr. Edward L. Malikowski Mrs. Sandra R. Murphy Dorothy M. Reichardt Mr. and Mrs. Raymond E. Kegg Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mangelli Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Myers Mr. and Mrs. John J. Reilly Mrs. Mary Kehner Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Marenco, Jr. Mr. James A. Nafe Mr. and Mrs. William Reilly Mr. Paul M. Keller Aaron Martin, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Nagy Ms. Frances C. Reis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Kelliher Miss Bernadine M. Mascherino Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ney Ms. Frances H. Remington Mr. and Mrs. Sean M. Kelly Ms. Sharon L. Massimini Mr. and Mrs. William B. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Martin Renninger Ms. Susan M. Kelly Ms. Jane M. Mauer Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Ressler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Kelly Mrs. William J. Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Woodward T. Odiorne Mr. Paul R. Reussille, Jr. Kent-Lucas Foundation, Inc. Ms. Geralyn M. Mayernick Mr. and Mrs. John J. O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Rhoads Ms. Charlene J. Kerollis Mrs. Mary D. McCloskey Ms. Nicki A. Paloni Mrs. Ann P. Ricciuti Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Kershaw Mr. Raymond A. McClure Pancoast & Clifford, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Isidore F. Ricciuti Mr. and Mrs. David E. Kiefer, Sr. Ms. Maureen S. McCool Mr. and Mrs. S. Franklin Pancoast, III Mrs. Ruth H. Richards Mr. Michael L. Kirschling Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. McCorkle, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Panichelli * Mrs. Jenny Vangelatos Friedman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Fuhs THOUGHTS FROM A PHYSICIAN DONOR: “I support The Chester County Hospital Foundation because our wonderful community hospital embodies all that I value for patients: competence, compassion, and commitment to quality and personalized care. Chester County Hospital is more than a hospital—it is a family. Everyone on staff is important and plays a role in the smooth operation of our hospital. Perry Pepper established this precedence; Mike Duncan is carrying on this tradition. I feel privileged to be a member of the physician staff.” –Dianne Hotmer, M.D. Mr. Douglas A. Hotmer 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 28 Deceased 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 29 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S Capping Society continued Dr. and Mrs. Russell K. Rickert Dr. Barbara Stipe and Mr. John A. Stipe Mr. Fred M. Valentino Ms. Joanne Ritchie Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Street, Jr. Vanguard Charitable Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts Ms. Rosanne M. Stumpf and Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson Mr. James B. Davidson Endowment Program Mrs. Anita R. Vansant Robert S. Supplee, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vinnacombe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rudden Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Swadley Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas R. Vita, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Worthy C. Sanders, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eric W. Swanson Ms. Jane R. Vyverberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Sandy Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Sweatman Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Wagner Ms. Sandra O. Saxton Ms. Susanna L. Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Morteza Sazegar Mrs. Ruth V. D. Tait Mr. and Mrs. John B. Waldron Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Schlosser Mr. and Mrs. Francis W. Taylor, Jr. Ms. Laura H. Waltz Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Schouten Mr. and Mrs. Gustave J. Teipelke, Jr. Mr. Scott E. Ward Mr. and Mrs. William E. J. Schrof Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Tennyson Ms. Mary L. Weaber Mr. and Mrs. Gerard R. Sealy Mrs. Margaret C. Terrels Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Seksinsky Mr. and Mrs. Marc M. Teti Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weaver Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sersun, Jr. Ms. Louise H. Thalmann Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weber Mr. and Mrs. William Seybold Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Theurkauf Mr. Walter Weidemann, III Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Shank, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Thomas Mr. James R. Wells Dr. John C. Shea Mrs. Catherine H. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wells Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Shelburn Mrs. Shirley L. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Werwinski, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Sherman Ms. Vivian C. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Paul Westerfield Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Shouvlin Dr. and Mrs. Peter D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Westerman Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Shuttleworth Mr. and Mrs. Jerome S. Thorne Mr. and Mrs. Otis H. Wharton, Jr. Siemens Caring Hands Foundation Mr. Edward Tipton, Jr. Ms. Diane E. White Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Silverwood Mr. James A. Tobin Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Whiteman Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Singer Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Traines Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Whitfield Mr. Frederick P. Slack Mr. and Mrs. George Treacy Mrs. Rachel S. Whittington Mr. and Mrs. N. Harlan Slack, III Mr. and Mrs. Edmund C. Trethewey Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wiechec, III Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Sladek Mr. Robert W. Trueman Ms. Joan M. Wilcox Mr. A. Roy Smith Truist Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Smith Mr. Conrad N. Trumbore Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Wildgen Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Smith Mr. Craig L. Tucker Ms. Barbara N. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Snyder Ms. Adelaide N. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Dan B. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D. Snyder Ms. Judith E. Uhrich Mr. Mark C. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Saylor C. Snyder United Way of Delaware, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. S. Jerome Williams Ms. Hyong K. Song United Way of the Greater Triangle Mr. and Mrs. David C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Spagnuola United Way of Lancaster County Ms. Janet C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Spencer United Way of the National Mr. Kenneth E. Wilson Ms. Brenda C. Starkey Capital Area Elizabeth Strode Photo by Rick Davis Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Ronan Supporting Hospital is a Top Priority BY GAIL GUTERL ELIZABETH D. STRODE CONTINUES THE LEGACY SHE AND HER HUSBAND, JOSEPH W. STRODE JR., ESTABLISHED BEFORE HIS DEATH IN 2013. NOT ONLY VOLUNTEERING TIME AND REMEMBERING THE HOSPITAL WITH ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS, THEY ALSO ESTABLISHED A CHARITABLE REMAINDER TRUST, NAMING THE HOSPITAL AS A BENEFICIARY. D uring the last five years of his life, Joe Strode spent a lot of time at Chester County Hospital. Based on the great care he received there, Betty and Joe knew they had made the right decision to provide for the Hospital in their charitable gift planning. Besides giving annually to the 121-year-old not-for-profit health care institution, the couple, married for 60 years, established a charitable remainder trust, naming the Hospital as a beneficiary. The trust was structured to distribute income annually to Joe and Betty during their joint lives in an amount equal to a fixed percentage of the value of the trust assets, and then upon the death of the surviving spouse, any assets remaining in the trust go to the designated charities. “The Hospital was one of Joe’s top priorities when he set up the trust,” Betty recalls. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Wilson, II Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson partner in Strode’s Sausage & Scrapple, a business his grandfather started in 1876—volunteered as transportation escorts, helping patients to and from their rooms to Radiology. They also pitched in at the May Festival, a popular former annual fundraiser for the Hospital. “I remember when it was a small event at Marshall Square Park,” says Betty. “The children had a great time at the fair with pony rides and a few booths. How it grew—to a three-day event with a gala the night before the festival opened.” Photo by Rick Davis Mr. Richard W. Wilson “Joe always got the best of “You’ll never know when you care at the Hospital,” says need the Hospital. I think it’s Betty of his treatment one of the most important for a kidney ailment institutional services in during his last years. “The your life.We’re lucky to have staff was wonderful and such a great facility right knowledgeable. When here in our community.” Joe was admitted to –Elizabeth D. Strode the ICU [intensive care unit] the care was amazing. We also noticed that the same people worked there for years, so we knew it was a good place to be when you’re sick.” Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wise THOUGHTS FROM AN EMPLOYEE DONOR: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Witek Ms. Gisela S. Withers Mr. Francis Wood, Jr. “I have worked at Chester County Hospital for 10 years. I have seen the great accomplishments and the wonderful work that continues. I believe in the vision and growth of the Hospital. I support the work wholeheartedly—this is why I contribute annually.” –Alexander Soutos, Security Ms. Judith H. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wood Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Wosak Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Yerkes Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Young Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Young Mr. Carlos M. Yuste and Ms. Martha Kirby Ms. Marge E. Zacharkow In addition to being generous donors to the Hospital, the Strodes also volunteered there in several capacities. Betty manned the Hospital treat cart for many years. And together Betty and Joe—who was a third-generation Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Zamadics Mr. and Mrs. Lance K. Ziering Mrs. Kathleen M. Zopf-Herling and Mr. Steven R. Herling 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 30 Betty, a native of Plainfield, NJ, has seen so many changes at the Hospital since she married Joe and moved to West Chester in 1952. “I remember when the main Hospital entrance was on the south side of the building,” she reminisces. “The Hospital had wards back then. My son was hospitalized over Christmas holiday for appendicitis in 1962. I was so upset because he was in the Hospital for the holiday. Continued on page 32 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 31 1892 Society Tribute Gifts 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S Many donors choose to remember a loved one or to honor a family member, friend, physician or care giver by making a donation to The Chester County Hospital Foundation. Listed here are those remembered or honored by a gift in fiscal year 2014. Named in recognition of Chester County Hospital’s founding year, the 1892 Society honors friends who have provided for future generations of patients. These 1892 Society members have made gift commitments through bequests, life income gift arrangements, or other planned gift options. If you have made such a gift, but are not listed, or if you are interested in joining the 1892 Society, please contact the Foundation Office at 610.431.5108. IN MEMORY OF Dr. Joseph F. Carlow Mrs. Alison R. Dudley Mrs. Helen V. Adair Ms. Catherine J. Carroll Mrs. Suzanne M. Duffy Mrs. Dolores T. Adelizzi Mr. Kenneth A. Carroll Ms. Anna Dugan Mr. Louis Alexander Mr. Fred Carter Ms. Julie Dugan The Anderson and Marchant Family Mr. James L. Cherry, Jr. Mr. Paul A. Duva Mr. Bernard F. Anderson Mr. Albert C. Cinorre Evlene H. Eads Mr. James W. Anderson Arthur and Margaret Conroy Mr. Le N. Eckman Dr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Abbott Mrs. Helen B. Hoffman Ms. Bertha S. Proscino Mr. Leonard C. Andruss Mr. Allen B. Cook, Jr. Walter and Doris Eldredge Mary B. Allan, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Questell Mr. Ernest E. Antes, Sr. Mr. Daniel Cornwell Mrs. Mary Elizabeth B. Emerson Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson Mr. Richard M. Armstrong, Jr. William & Edith Cowen Mr. Charles Emery Mrs. Susan D. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. Hoyt Marc K. Romisher, M.D. Mr. Stephen Arrell Mr. Harry J. Craig Mr. William L. Engan Mr. William C. Baldwin Dr. William J. Hurley Ms. Karen L. Rothenbuhler Mr. J. Neal Atkins, Sr. Mr. James D. Craig Mr. Henry M. Engler, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Beam Dr. Robert H. Huxster and Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Shelanski Mr. David W. Bachtle Mr. Wilmer W. Craven Mrs. Joanne Ernst Mr. and Mrs. Deacon Shorr Mrs. Beverly H. Baldwin Mr. Robert Crawford Mr. Albert Esplugas Dr. and Mrs. Mark E. Beaugard Dr. Barbara Forney Dr. and Mrs. John H. Benner, IV Mr. Philip Jamison Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Shoudy Dr. Paul A. Barenberg Mr. Carl C. Crede Mrs. Doris Q. Eufrasio Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge R. Johnson, II Mrs. Margaret Skillman Mr. John L. Barnes Mr. Jeremy Crego Mrs. Patricia B. Evans Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bernberg Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Slack Mr. John L. Barr, Jr. Mr. Terry Crego Mr. Matthew B. Evoli Dr. Timothy J. Boyek and Dr. Leslie H. Poor Mrs. Claire F. Karpov Dr. and Mrs. L. Peter Soraruf, IV Mr. Ronald Barsema Ms. Virginia Crevison Frank Fanfera, M.D. Mrs. Mary T. Brauman Mrs. Nancy H. Knauer The Honorable and Jane & Ted Barton Lt. Col. Robert M. Croll, USMC, Ret. Mr. Lee A. Farmelo Mrs. Mary Baker Brown Mr. and Mrs. John D. Komar Mr. Edward J. Bazil Mrs. Shelley A. Cromer Mr. Peter S. Faulkner Ms. Nancy O. Carr Mrs. June Korbonits Mrs. Barbara J. Stonestrom Ms. Agnes Beail Mrs. Irene K. Cummins Mr. Nicholas R. Feconda Mr. and Mrs. Alan F. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf Mrs. Elizabeth D. Strode Mr. Ronald L. Beal Ms. Beula Cunningham Mr. Joseph H. Fell, Jr. Mrs. Nancy R. Corson Debra G. Loeb, M.D. Mrs. Elizabeth B. Stull Mr. Francis R. Beard Richard & Frances Curran Mrs. Marian J. Fell Mr. and Mrs. Antelo Devereux, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George C. Mason Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Swett Mr. Paul J. Belfiglio Mrs. Patricia M. Dallas Mrs. Mary R. Filano Mr. Paul J. Dukes, Jr.* Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Mauriello Mrs. Anna B. Thompson Dr. Robert L. Bell Mr. George Dascher Mr. James J. Finegan Mr. Kenneth G. Emerson Dr. and Mrs. Lee J. McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Trainer Mrs. Elisabeth Benner Dr. Howard B. Davis Mr. John Fiore Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Fanelli Miss Nancy V. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Traines Mr. William Benner J.H. & A.E. Davis Mrs. Lena Fiore Dr. and Mrs. William F. Foxx Mrs. Dorothy W. Mullestein Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas A. Vaganos Mrs. Robin J. Bentley Mr. David M. Deal Mr. L. Allan Fort Mrs. Nancy C. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Musser Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Viscuso Charles H. Benton Mr. John H. Deane Dr. John S. Foster Corazon G. Gemil, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Nelson Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. A. Ward Mr. Nick Bibbo Mr. Casimer Debiak Ms. Thelma Foster Ms. Georgia A. George Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr Mr. and Mrs. William G. Warden, III Mrs. Deborah M. Biddle Ms. Lisa DeMaio Mr. Leonard G. Frame Mr. and Mrs. John S. Halsted Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Perry Pepper Ms. Nancy E. Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Biddle, Sr. Mr. Sargio J. DeMichiel Mrs. Martha A. Francis Dr. and Mrs. Barry C. Hertz Mr. and Mrs. R. Marshall Phillips Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Wolf Mr. David L. Bond Ms. Victoria Denest Mrs. Joan M. Gallagher Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hewson Ms. Kimberly L. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II Ms. Jennene Bonsall Mrs. Mary Deveise Mrs. Antoinette C. Gaspari Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman Miss Constance M. Plunkett Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr. Mrs. Graham D. Boose Mr. Warren M. Devonshire Mr. Tommy Gavin Ms. Doris A. Hoffman Dr. and Mrs. Robert Poole * Mr. Benjamin R. Boswell Mr. Donald D’Ginto, Sr. Mr. Victor Giardini Mr. James J. Bourke Mr. Ralph DiDonato Lt. Col. Henry P. Giedzinski, USMC (Ret.) Mrs. Constance E. Boutin Supporting Hospital is a Top Priority: Elizabeth D. Strode Mr. Michael A. DiFronzo Mrs. Alice H. Gilbert Mr. Romuald J. Boutin Mrs. Dolores DiLella CWO Rtd. H. C. Gilbert (continued from page 31) Mr. Gordon S. Bowker Mr. Clark Dilworth Mr. Franklin B. Gilpin Mr. Lawrence J. Boyd Mr. Anthony J. DiValerio, Sr. Mr. Francis A. Gincley Mrs. Virginia H. Brehmer Ms. Madge Dodd Beatrice and Maude Glasco Mrs. Caroline S. Brown Ms. Elizabeth H. Doeber Mr. Charles S. Glore Mr. Frederick R. Brown, Sr. Mrs. Michelle M. Domsohn Janet & John Glour Mr. Thomas E. Brown Ms. Doris Donaldson Mrs. Catherine Gore Ms. Violet Brown Mr. James R. Dotson Mr. Thomas E. Gore, Sr. Ms. Keela Burrage Mr. George A. Dowd Garth K. Graham, M.D. Stokes and Jane Burtis Mr. James N. Downham Mrs. Janet L. Grant Mr. Thomas C. Butts, Sr. Irene & Vincent Dreisbaugh Mr. Lewis Grant Mr. Harry E. Cann, Jr. Mr. Jack Dubosky Mr. Anthony T. Gravinese Mrs. Walter K. Stapleton Deceased Turns out he knew two other kids on the ward, Santa Claus “You’ll never know when visited them and he had a ball. He didn’t miss home at all.” you need the Hospital,” says Betty. “I think it’s one of the most important Betty said she has seen the emergency room change shape institutional services in and expand services four times now. She has seen the your life. We’re lucky Hospital embrace new technology and medical treatments to have such a great and pay attention to important details like improved food facility right here in service and menus. She has seen it go from wards, to semiour community.” private rooms, now moving toward all-private rooms. 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 32 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 33 2 0 1 4 D O N O R S 2 Tribute Gifts continued 0 1 4 D O N O R S Tribute Gifts continued Mrs. Marilyn A. Lambert Mr. Russell E. Morrow Mrs. Josephine V. Rufo Mr. Stephen M. Vincins Chester County Hospital Staff Mrs. Nancy L. Griffith Mr. Michael R. Langer Ms. Betty Muhly Mr. John F. Ruggeri Vitale Family Chester County Hospital Ms. Stacey D. Griffith Mr. Frank Lasak Mrs. Allison J. Mullin Mr. Marshall C. Sabellico Mr. Raymond A. Waldron, Jr. Mr. Anthony F. Guillo Mrs. Geraldine Laurento Mrs. Anneliese Nagel Mr. Frank Sadler Mr. Charles W. Waltz, Jr. Michael R. Costello, M.D. Mr. William B. Haines, Jr. Mr. Vincent A. Lawn Mrs. Margaret R. Nagy Mr. Robert D. Sampson Mr. H. Clay Warnick, IV Pamela T. Demnicki, M.D. Mr. Michael J. Halpin Mr. Mark Lemcke Mrs. Sophie C. Nagy Ms. Kristine Sarmento Mrs. Paula Watson Ms. Ashwini Dhakne Mr. Thomas L. Halpin Mr. Parke L. Lessig Dr. Vijaya Naidu Mr. Louis J. Sarmento Mr. Gregory L. Weidman Verdi J. DiSesa, M.D. Mrs. Deborah A. Hamilton Mr. James E. Lewis Ms. Lucia G. Napoleone Mr. Richard Sarr Mr. Kenneth L. Welk Mr. David Dreisbaugh Dr. Winston Hamilton Dr. Scott B. Lewis Mr. Philip Naseef Ms. Sandra M. Schouten Mrs. Marcia C. Wells Mr. Robert E. Dreisbaugh Mr. Robert E. Hampton Mrs. Kathleen G. Lighty Mrs. Gail M. Nastase Mr. Ralph C. Schroder Mr. Stephen D. Wetzel Mrs. Susan Dreisbaugh-Frey Mr. W. Robert Haney Mr. Joseph A. Lisicky Ms. Margaret Natale Mrs. Cheryl L. Sciecinski Mrs. Harriet A. Whittaker Mr. Michael J. Duncan Mrs. Joyce P. Hargraves Mrs. Linda F. Logan Patrick J. Neary Mrs. Mary Jane Seel Mr. Samuel H. Wickersham, Jr. Steven G. Fukuchi, M.D. Mrs. Mary L. Harris Mr. Mel Lorback Mr. Grant E. Nelson, Jr. Seglinski Family Mr. Gabriel J. Wilson Mrs. Kakoli Ganguly Mrs. Linda Hartman Mr. Frank Lovisa Mr. Joseph N. Novielli, III Mr. Daniel Seuffert Mr. John L. Windle Corazon G. Gemil, M.D. Mr. Herbert F. Haug Dr. Albert A. Lucine, Jr. Ms. Jean W. Noyes Mrs. Nancy Sevick Ms. Clara L. Wise David Grossman, M.D. Mr. G. Michael Hawkins Mrs. Linda R. Luschenat Arlene & Russell Nuss Mrs. Sonia Shah Mrs. Margaret Y. Wonderland Maureen R. Hewitt, M.D. Mrs. Jean B. Herman Mr. Fred Lyons Miss Jean M. Oakes Ms. Ada Sharrer Ms. Margaret E. Wood Mian A. Jan, M.D. Dr. John H. Hewlett, III Mr. James E. Lyons Mrs. Arlene M. O’Brien Mr. Gerald M. Shields Mrs. Abigail C. Wylie Matthew S. Kane, M.D. Mr. David M. Hickman Mrs. Mary A. Madrigale Ms. Jacqueline O’Donnell Dr. Charles W. Shreiner, Jr. Mr. William W. Wylie, Sr. Bryce Kash Mrs. Carol W. Hodnett Mrs. Phyllis D. Magill Mr. David M. Ondish Mrs. Faith F. Silverthorne Mr. Walter Yorke Kesher Israel Congregation Mrs. Sarah Hoffman Mrs. Genevieve H. Malikowski Donald F. O’Neill Mrs. Elizabeth C. Simmler Mrs. Mary G. Ziegler Larry Kim, M.D. Mr. Josiah Hoopes Mr. John F. Manning Ms. Nancy Oppelt Mr. John R. Simon Mr. Oscar B. Zynn Mrs. Betty Kirschling Mr. Nicholas Horsky Mrs. Clara P. Mantini Mr. William Oppelt William Simon, D.O. IN HONOR OF James D. Knox, M.D. Mr. Anthony P. Hrincevich Mr. Nathan A. Markowski Mr. Andrew A. Oronzi Mr. John W. Singer, Sr. Mr. Charles Adair Mr. John Larry Mr. John F. Hudak Mr. C. Harry Marron, Jr. Mr. Charles E. Overholser Mrs. Lois A. Slack Mr. Carl E. Adkins, Jr. Joseph G. Lewis, M.D. Mr. James A. Hughes, Jr. Mrs. Shirley Martin Mr. Ralph L. Parrett, Jr. Ms. Maybelle Smith J. Edgar Alarcon, M.D. Ms. Carolyn Jardine Meister Ms. Kimberly Hull Ms. Wera Martin Liam R. Parsons Mr. Naaman W. Smoker Ms. Gina Albertson Mrs. Sara M. Missett Mrs. Rosemary A. Hurley Mrs. Amelia P. Mason Ms. Mary Pawluczyk Ms. Gerlinde Smrke All Wounded Veterans Major Gerald R. Morgan Mr. Joseph W. Huyette Mr. Lewes A. Mason Mr. Norman L. Pierce Mr. George R. Snyder Mr. David W. Aurillo The Morris Family Ms. Ann E. Irons Mr. Samuel E. Mattson, Sr. Mr. Robert Pinto Ms. Catherine R. Solis Mr. Nick Aurillo Miss Jean M. Oakes Mrs. Jung S. Ives Loretta S. Maxwell Mrs. Dorothy M. Pirritano Alexi Maria Soutos Mr. Gerald E. Benton Our Brave Service Men and Women Mr. Douglass L. Jackson, Sr. Dolores & John Mayernick Dr. William Plummer, III Mr. Gavin B. Speirs Dennis A. Berman, M.D. Mrs. Adele Pistone Mr. Raymond Jackson Mr. and Mrs. John L. C. McCalla Mr. George Podhiny, Jr. Mrs. Nan L. Stapleton Ms. Elizabeth A. Blickos The Rausch Family Mr. Albert Jarmon Mrs. Barbara McCarry Mr. Walter Poole Ms. Blaine A. Steinburg Dante and JJ Bonanni Ms. Linda Reilly Mrs. Ada H. Jarrett Mrs. Laura C. McClure Mrs. Connie Porta Ms. Candy J. Stephani Mrs. Bonnie Briggs Ms. Kristina Rentschler Mr. G. Doyle Jarrett Mr. Montgomery H. McClure Mrs. Olga Procht Mr. Howard Stevens Mr. Joseph E. Brion Ms. Betty Reynolds Ms. Anne Johnson Mrs. Charlotte McCullough Mr. John F. Pryor Mr. Philip Stocker, Jr. Ms. Catherine M. Broscheid Mr. Robert R. Ricci Mr. Eldridge W. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Patrick J. McHugh, Sr. Mrs. Patricia I. Pucci Mr. Donald M. Stonestrom Ms. Cynthia Brown Anthony T. Rivituso Mr. James H. Johnson Mrs. Mary P. McKay Mrs. Alice R. Pugh Ms. Wilhelm Strembicki The Bucket School Little Learners Ms. Denise Roberts Mr. John J. Kasmer Ms. Patricia McKee Mrs. Lucy Rabin Mr. Joseph W. Strode, Jr. Nicholas H. Cammer Gabriel Ruggiero, D.O. Mrs. Arlene M. Kavanaugh Ms. Kim E. McNeill Mrs. Maguerite A. Rafine Mr. and Mrs. George Supplee Sidney R. Cammer Ms. Abigail K. Schwartz Mrs. Dora Kazin Mr. James F. Melton Ms. Jane Hoopes Rambo Mr. Frank Swarner Mr. Walter Carlin Pamela P. Scott, M.D. Mr. John T. Kehner Carrie and William Mendenhall Mr. Joseph Randzin Ms. Nancy L. Taylor Mr. Joseph D. Chambers Andrew D. Sitkoff, M.D. Mr. James J. Kehoe Mrs. Barbara L. Mento Ms. Shantha P. Rao Ms. Lorraine B. Teel Chester County Hospital Cardiac Staff Mr. Craig Snyder Mrs. Adelyene Kelly Mr. Ralph A. Merlini Mr. William J. Reardon Mr. Stephen Tenaglia Chester County Hospital Cath Lab Staff L. Peter Soraruf, IV, M.D. Shane D. Kemp-Lotter Erich R. Merson, M.D. Mr. Thomas Redmond Mr. Andrew Terrels Chester County Hospital CVC Ms. Julie Straub Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Kent Mrs. Mary L. Metzger Mr. Giacomo Regalmuto Mr. D. Gilbert Thomas Chester County Hospital Doctors and Staff Jane Sunoo, M.D. Kenneth N. Kettenring Mr. Marvin Micklin Ms. Pat Reilly Ms. Trudy J. Thomas Chester County Hospital Mr. Roy Sweet Mrs. Surriya Khan Ms. Anita M. Miller Mrs. Myra D. Reimer Senator Robert J. Thompson Mrs. Josephine T. Klinger Mrs. Arline Miller Mrs. Helen L. Rice Mrs. Mabel R. Tipton Chester County Hospital ICU Ms. Maxine Thomas Mr. David Knauer Mrs. Diane M. Miller Mrs. Margaret Richardson Mr. Thomas B. Toth Chester County Hospital ICU Nurses Mrs. Ida R. Verno Dr. Charles W. Korbonits Jim & Liz Miller Mrs. Susan Riska Mr. Larry Bruce Towne Chester County Hospital Nurses Mrs. Mary G. Warden Mr. James P. Kretschmar Mr. Keith Miller Ms. Dorothy Roberts Mr. Howard F. Toy Chester County Hospital Nurses on 4TWR Mr. John H. Ware, IV Mrs. Diane Kubica Mr. Ross C. Miller Mr. William K. Robinson Mr. Thomas H. Tracy Chester County Hospital Nursing Program W. Clay Warnick, M.D. Ms. Ann Kuchak Aliza D. E. Minchak Mr. Thomas J. Rocca Mrs. Ruth M. Turner Chester County Hospital School Ronald J. Werrin, M.D. Mr. Ronald J. Kulp Mrs. Eileen Mooney Mr. Ralph Rossi, Jr. Mrs. Laura Turpin Mrs. Therese M. Lafond Mr. Michael F. Moore Mrs. Billie S. Rubinstein Mr. William H. Uster Mrs. Hannah D. Lamb Mr. Robert L. Moorer Ms. Leona Rudibaugh Mr. William C. Vansant Mr. Albert Greenleaf 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 34 Emergency Dept. Staff of Nursing - Class of 1969 Chester County Hospital School of Nursing - Class of 1963 Surgical Care Unit Nurses Michele T. Tedeschi, M.D. Mrs. Gretchen White Mickey Wilcox Mr. Karl L. Ziegler 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 35 2 0 1 4 E V E N T D O N O R S 2 0 1 4 E V E N T D O N O R S 22ND ANNUAL DILWORTHTOWN INN WINE FESTIVAL An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to Chester County Hospital Organized by the Brandywine and Greystone Auxiliaries Hosted by Dilworthtown Inn, Inn Keeper’s Kitchen, Blue Pear Bistro (Jim Barnes and Bob Rafetto, Proprietors) Thank You, Women’s Auxiliary O One hundred and twenty years ago, women of Chester County came together to support Chester County Hospital with the purpose of extending the interests of the Hospital to all parts of the County and to raise funds for building, furnishing and maintenance. For 120 years they have stayed true to their purpose. They have created and organized great fundraising events that have become synonymous with Chester County living—Chester County Day, the Dilworthtown Inn Wine Festival, the FORE Health Golf Invitational with Sean O’Hair, and the Polo Cup. They have planned luncheons, bake sales and trips. They run the Women’s Auxiliary Gift Shop in the Hospital and the Encore Shop in Kennett. The women raise over $650,000 annually in support of our community’s health. As we embark on an exciting new chapter in the Hospital’s history with a partnership with Penn Medicine, our Auxiliary stands ready for a bright future and the opportunities ahead. Otto’s BMW of West Chester Brandywine View Antiques for Service DONOR GOLD SPONSORS Barnaby’s Amy Woodward Keep It Bev Michel Photography The Bistro Reino’s Design Print Mail Bittman’s Orchids & BRONZE SPONSOR Brandywine Auxiliary Cuddle My Kids Brandywine Prime Ms. Carol Breslin Ms. Fran Greenglass FRIENDS C & D Nails Greystone Auxiliary Picnic Plus Compounding Pharmacist Cafe Fiorello’s Ms. Debbie Griffin Pietro’s Prime Steakhouse Timothy Off Heating & Chester County Day The Hair Stop & Seafood The Hat Lady Pizza Peddler Air Conditioning, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Colleran Committee Chester County Night School Headquarters Hair Salon Mr. Bruce Poulterer SUPPORTERS Chester County Running Store Hershey’s Mill Golf Club The Pour House Chester County Cat Hospital Chiropractic Spine Center Ms. Sharon Hilston Profiles Salon Chuck Dowlin Plumbing Cirillo Cosmetic Honeybrook Golf Club Rags to Riches Hotel Warner Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Reynolds CLBCreate Ms. Ursala Ippoliti Mr. and Mrs. Audra Club Fit 247 Mrs. Margaret L. Jetta Commonwealth The Jewelry Boutique Ms. Kathleen Roges & Heating Pagano Funeral Home, Inc. TOAST OUR FRIENDS Dermatology Spa Joya Boutique Ron’s Original Bar & Grille Ms. Amy E. Connell Judy’s Gems Ruggieri Cadillac Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Luce Cookies by Design Kimberton Golf Club Mr. and Mrs. James D. Schoonover Ms. Maria O. Massarotti Crimson Hill Interiors Kinetic Physical Therapy Shady Maple Farm Market Maureen’s Gallery and Gifts Currie Hair Skin Nails Mrs. Robin E. Kraheck Shaving Grace Barbers Ms. Jacquelyn L. McCalla Del Toyota La Spina Salon and Spa Shoo Mama’s Farm Fresh Cafe Mrs. Eva Noonan Deramics Clay Studio Mrs. Dina W. Leaman Star Nails Mr. and Mrs. Michael Designs by Karen LeBeau Gardens Station Taproom DeStarr’s Restaurant and Bar Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Luce Ms. Leanne Sturt Diane Elin Designs Dr. and Mrs. Carl J. Luchetti Testa Jewelers Disc Hounds Marinella Jewelry Ms. Andrea Kiliany Thatcher IN-KIND DONORS Ms. Debbie Dooling Martin May Art Studio To-Jo Mushroom Company A Taste of Olive Mr. Doug Dooling Ms. Maria O. Massarotti Turks Head Auxiliary Ace Hardware of West Chester Downingtown Country Club Matlack Florist Tutto Sorrisi Catering LLC Acorn Cottage Style Earth Art Maureen’s Gallery The Twisted Sister Advanced Health Solutions Exton Nissan Ms. Jacquelyn L. McCalla Mr. David Vermeil Amadio Artworks Family Dental Associates Mommies With Style The Village Salon Ambassador Awards & Fixations Nature Photography & Art Visual Expansion Gallery Flowers & More, Inc. Nonna’s Ms. Martha Vonrosenstiel Flowers by The Greenery Norman’s Hallmark Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Walton Foot Bling Things Nota Bene Boutique West Chester Golf and Painterly Treasures P. Pomante National Golf Club BRONZE SPONSORS Penn Liberty Bank IN-KIND DONORS G. Swider Grills & Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Duprey Period Architecture, Ltd. Arianna’s Gourmet Café Specialty Gifts Flowers & More, Inc. Gadaleto’s Seafood Market Penwick Design Whiskazz & Pawzz The General Warren Inne The Permanent White Glove Car Wash FRIENDS Archer & Buchanan Freedom Village Berwyn Pizza Gengy’s Boutique Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran Francis Hall Insurance Services The Honorable James Gerlach Keystone Federal Mr. and Mrs. John P. Mallamo Golden Inn Hotel & Resort Peter Zimmerman, Architects Westtown School Vickers Restaurant Ford’s Auto Body, Inc. Fox Rothschild LLP Country Club Penn Oaks Golf Club County Lines Magazine GOLD SPONSORS Architecture, LLP D. Robinson Kades-Margolis Corp. Brandywine Appraisal Recognition Services Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Olliff Otto’s Mini of Exton WSFS Bank - We Stand West Chester Art by Affiant K.C. Sykora, D.D.S. Top photo, left to right: Louise Milewski, Kevin Holleran, Debbie Hess Massage Envy Spa Arianna’s Gourmet Cafe Stillman Volvo Greenhouse An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to Chester County Hospital Organized by The Chester County Day Committee Co-Chairs: Louise Milewski and Karen Weber SILVER SPONSOR Arasapha Farm Fulton Bank Rolling Foundation 73RD ANNUAL CHESTER COUNTY DAY PLATINUM SPONSORS America’s Pie Clermont Wealth Strategies At My Table THE WOMEN’S AUXILIARY TO CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL HAS PROVIDED 120 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY. ver our Hospital’s history we have earned many honors. In recent years, we have earned the most number of Joint Commission Seals of Approval—an industry standard of excellence—in the state of Pennsylvania. We were named one of the top 50 heart hospitals in the country by Thompson Rueters. Additionally, we earned the top rated hospital that accepts Medicaid in patient satisfaction in the Philadelphia region. But the greatest honor we can earn is the continued support of the community we serve. PRESENTING SPONSORS Great Pumpkin Health Foods Credit Union 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 36 Cosmetic Studio Pickering Valley Feed & Farm Store The Picket Fence Wick’s Ski & Sport Winner’s Circle Sports Grille Words on Stone The Wright Agency 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 37 2 0 1 4 E V E N T D O N O R S 2 0 1 4 E V E N T D O N O R S FORE HEALTH INVITATIONAL GOLF TOURNAMENT WITH SEAN O’HAIR SHiNE Benefiting Health Services for Women and Children and The Charles Henry Benton Endowment Organized by the FORE Health Invitational Committee An Annual Benefit in Support of The Cancer Program of Chester County Hospital Chair: Katie Young SPECIAL THANKS SILVER SPONSORS Barrington Gifts Ice Line PLATINUM SPONSOR FRIEND SPONSORS Briggs Auction, Inc. Ms. Linda Seery The O’Hair Family Associates for Women’s Baxter’s, Paoli Ice Works Stadium Complex Communications Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ms. Cynthia Brown Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Squires Mr. and Mrs. M. IMG, TaylorMade and Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cain Drs. Molly and Roger Medicine APPAREL SPONSOR Capital & Security Andrew Benton Test Design, Inc. Sean O’Hair H. Abbott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bedwell Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Carter Stumacher Berwyn Pizza Inn at Whitewing Farm SILVER SPONSORS Mr. Michael DeMatteis Mr. and Mrs. Sean Challis Mr. and Mrs. Mark F. Suska Citadel Federal Credit Union Big Fish Grill Iron Hill Brewery Genentech, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. John Dr. Michele T. Tedeschi and Parkway Binni & Flynn’s John S. Price Jeweler, Inc. Lilly PLATINUM SPONSOR PWC Bonefish Grill John’s Pizza Millennium Anchor Health Properties Women’s Specialty Center Boomers Family Fun Center Kindermusik Brandywine Auxiliary Landmark Americana Drummond Scientific Company Management, Inc. Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Seattle Genetics, Inc. J. DiValerio, Jr. E. Colburn, Jr. Mr. Charles H. Zimmerman Comprehensive Cancer Care Ms. Nancy Tuttle E. Drummond DellaVecchia, Reilly, Smith & Mr. and Mrs. Michael ELAP Services, LLC Boyd Funeral Home, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Weidinger BEGINNER’S CLINIC HOLE SPONSORS Buffalo Wild Wings Limoncello Ristorante PLATINUM SPONSOR The Children’s Hospital Longwood Family Restaurant RAFFLE SPONSOR Carrabba’s Italian Grill, Frazer McKenzie Brew House Kaplans Fine Jewelry Gawthrop Greenwood, PC Catherine’s Restaurant Meadow Brook Golf Club Manito Abstract Company, Inc. Choo Choo Barn Molly Maguire’s TRANSPORTATION Mr. and Mrs. Jay McManus Fulton Bank Mr. and Mrs. Peter Archer Cottage Flowers Moore Brothers Wine SPONSOR Mr. and Mrs. Richard Olson Mr. Edward T. Gleason and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Cavallo Auto Body Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Parsons L.F. Driscoll Company, LLC CAR SPONSOR of Philadelphia O’Reilly Buick GMC DONORS Cracker Barrel Old Country Company Family Practice Associates Ms. Mary Alice Malone Oasis Family Fun Center PUTTING GREEN Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Almeida SPONSOR Mr. Theodore Bohannon Delaware Children’s Museum O’Donnell Tree Service TABLE SPONSORS Veritable, LP Mr. and Mrs. Mario J. Ferroni Delightful Desserts & Old Country Buffet Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Ms. Laura A. Genovese PRINT SPONSOR Dr. and Mrs. Morrie G. Gold Conlin’s Digital Print Mr. John P. Hewitt and & Copy Center Dr. Maureen R. Hewitt The Kash Family GOLD SPONSORS Mrs. Martha G. Lewis Chester County Ob/ The Mears Family Gyn Associates Krapf’s Bus Companies Surgery of Chester County Medicine Associates, Ltd Tsoules, Sweeney, Martin & Orr Culinary Creations Dover Downs Hotel and Casino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Drummond Duling Kurtz House and Country Inn Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson Ease Up, Wayne Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr. Flying Pig Saloon Outback Steakhouse Calista Grand Salon & Spa Pepperoncini Sotto Gawthrop Greenwood, PC Restaurant & Bar Platinum Hair Salon and Family Reynolds Brothers Surgical Specialists, P.C. University of Pennsylvania Landscaping Franklin Auto Spa Seasons Pizza Adventure Aquarium Frazer Lanes Sherwin-Williams Air Ventures Hot Air Gateway Stables, Technologies Mrs. Elizabeth Parsons Play-a-Round Golf IN-KIND DONORS Kennett Square Molecular Imaging Phoenixville Country Club Ruby’s Diner Balloon Flights, Inc. Bendinelli, Jr. Peppercorn Framers Market Plastic and Reconstructive Premier Orthopaedics & Sports Store & Restaurant of Exton and Marshallton Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf Radiation Oncology Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Young Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dulin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Filiaggi, Jr. Dr. Marie M. Gleason DONORS Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Anders LP Corporate Giving Program Mr. and Mrs. John Rothwell, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Morrie G. Gold Ms. Jane M. Balistreri Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr. Dr. David Grossman Ms. Linda Banks Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hayes Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph COMMUNITY PARTNERS Ms. Karen Hedrick Downingtown Rugby Dr. and Mrs. Craig W. Jester Ms. Joyce H. Bergin Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kaplan Mrs. Desiree Cantwell Ms. Jacqueline M. Kosloski Chester County Hospital Football Club Headquarters, SHiNE Open House Mr. and Mrs. Dale N. Krapf Bendinelli, Jr. OR Nursing Staff Heart + Sole 5K La Difference Salon & Day Spa Ms. Ann V. Christie Iron Hill Brewery and Dr. William E. Luginbuhl Ms. Connie D’Amore Restaurant Side Bar and Restaurant, Playing a Round for SHiNE Side Bar and Restaurant, Shave & SHiNE Event and Dr. Erica Turner Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell T. Maday Dr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Ochsner Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. O’Donnell, Jr. Company, Paoli Mr. Justin Dougherty and Ms. Kara Humphries Downingtown Area School District Ms. Sally Dunleavy Eagles Home Association Sight & Sound Theatre SHINE SPONSORS PL Catered Events, LLC Mr. and Mrs. David Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Allure Medispa General Warren Inne Dr. and Mrs. Chet Simmons, Jr. Mr. John Battista Catherine Z. Plzak, M.D. REFRESHMENT American Carpet Grand Slam USA, Malvern Mrs. Cynthia Slachta Ms. Joyce H. Bergin Catherine M. Porter, D.O. SPONSOR America’s Pie Greystone Auxiliary Spice Indian Thai Bistro Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman Mr. and Mrs. William J. Reilly, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Felix Comprehensive Cancer Care Antoinette Day Spa and Salon The Hairdresser Mr. Andy Spillard Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dr. Pamela P. Scott and Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ferrier Arasapha Farms Mrs. Colleen Hurley Continued on page 40 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 38 J. Brennan, Jr. Dr. Raza Khwaja E. Fasnacht Continued on page 41 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 39 2 0 1 4 E V E N T D O N O R S 2 0 1 4 E V E N T D O N O R S REMEMBERING OUR ANGELS An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to Chester County Hospital Organized by West Chester Evening Auxiliary Mrs. Gwen Ann Abbott Mrs. Gloria J. Holtz Ms. Constance Plunkett Mrs. Betsy J. Amber Dianne Hotmer, M.D. Mrs. M. Esther Popjoy Ms. Donna Anderson Mrs. Clifford Howard , Jr. Mrs. Judy Lynn Posey Mrs. Joan L. Atkins Mian A. Jan, M.D. Mrs. Susanna K. Quigley Ms. Anne Bachofer Mr. Lawrence Johnson Mrs. Marchia E. Rattigan Mrs. Karen L. Baer Ms. Michelle Judge Mr. Stephen J. Redden Ms. Mary Ann Biller-Fischetti Ms. Diane M. Kasacavage Mrs. David J. Reith Mrs. Lorraine D. Bizzarro Ms. Donna Kusnierczyk Ms. Carlotta Rickert Mr. and Mrs. Chandler L. Blake Ms. Janice Lasak Mrs. Kathleen Rossi Ms. Constance Bloss Mrs. Priscilla C. Lawn Ms. Cynthia Sapovits Mrs. Nancy J. Boyer Mrs. Kathleen Levin Mrs. Jeannette A. Schmid Mrs. Monica R. Braceland Mrs. Dorothy E. Lewis Mrs. Lily S. Schneider Mr. August J. Brommelyn Mrs. Brenda Lewis-Keen Mrs. Judy Lynn Smith Mr. William J. Campbell Ms. Carol Lukatch Mrs. Karen Smith Jolley N. Cheney Mrs. Sandra C. Lutte Ms. Patricia Ann Smith Mr. Robert E. Clower Ms. Janice L. Luttrell Mrs. Elizabeth M. Smoker Ms. Lisa Jane Marie Crisanti Mrs. Barbara B. Lynch Ms. Susan D. Smrke Mrs. Mark Degnan Ms. Sandy Mariani Mrs. Susan L. Soraruf PRESENTING SPONSOR GOLD SPONSORS BRONZE SPONSORS IN-KIND DONORS Ms. Andrea Devoti Ms. Geralyn M. Mayernick Mr. Mark A. Spitzner Parkway Brandywine Valley Heating Ability Prosthetics & Orthotics acac Fitness and Mrs. Cynthia C. Door Ms. Pamela A. McCardell Ms. Alice A. Stauffer Ms. Christal Dove Mrs. Gloria J. McCarthy Ms. Heidi Stilwell DIAMOND SPONSOR Mr. Richard C. Draper Ms. Carol A. McGonigle Mrs. Judith B. Stinedurf Morrissey Family Foundation Mrs. Elizabeth S. Drummond Ms. Margaret J. McManus Ms. Ann Marie Stout IMS - BV Mrs. Carol Duncan Mr. David H. Meek Mr. Walter Supplee Medical Staff of Chester Mr. Lee Englehart Mrs. Alice Merlini Mrs. Anna M. Sweeney County Hospital Mrs. Mike Everhart Ms. Susi Merson Ms. Sharon A. Sylvester Thomas Chevrolet Swope Lees Commercial Mr. Paul Fairchild Mrs. Patricia Milanese Ms. Eileen M. Tevis Mrs. Unni N. Farmelo Mr. and Mrs. Albin L. Milewski Mr. Joseph P. Thomas SILVER SPONSORS WSFS Bank West Chester Borough Police Ms. Gail M. Froggatt Mrs. Elizabeth A. Moffett Mrs. Rosemary Tucker Arthur Hall Insurance Wusinich, Brogan & Stanzione West Chester Sheriff’s Mr. Richard J. Fuchs Ms. Jane Moffett Mrs. Dolores E. Tygielski Chester County Ms. Elizabeth Fuller Ms. Kathryn M. Monahan Mr. Gerald Waldron DONORS YMCA of Brandywine Ms. Joan L. Giunta Mrs. Vicki Morgenweck Mr. Tony Waldron Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Giunta COL Harry W. Nagel, USA , Ret. Charles R. Weber, D.M.D Ms. Erika W. Graham Ms. Susan Naro Mrs. Karen A. Weber Gateway Medical Associates Mrs. Ginger Gray Ms. Deborah A. Nickles Ms. Alexandra West Novo Nordisk, Inc. Mr. Kenneth Hagerty Mrs. Susan Ondish Mrs. Linda S. Mrs. Helen B. Halpin Mrs. Heidi Owen Mrs. Martha P. Hansen Mr. Michael Owen Ms. Twonette S. Hawkins Mrs. Joseph Paolantonio Mrs. Madeline Heaney Mrs. Monica R. Pasquarella Mrs. Deborah Hess Mrs. Margaret J. Pastino Mrs. Stacy Hess Mrs. Nancy Pastrick Mrs. Janet S. Hickman Ms. Marilyn B. Peterson Ms. Dolores P. Hieb-Jung Ms. Dorothea B. Pettit Mr. Steven D. Hobman Mrs. Andrea Piesetzkie Mrs. Mary Knight Hogan Ms. Mary Ann Plankinton PARKWAY DASH 4 DIABETES Presented by Parkway Parkway Cleaners – Plaza – Center – Omega Industries – J & N Management – UPS Store at Parkway Center Jon F. Wehler Health-Happiness-Success Award 2014 Honoree: Charles E. Swope, Swope Lees Commercial Real Estate & Air Conditioning Communications Test Design, Inc. Allstate - Mallon Insurance Chester County Justice Center Barclay Friends Chester County Running Store Chester County Mitch’s Market Street Gym Family Dentistry Manos Family Practice Real Estate, LLC Eye Care Associates Dave’s Automotive Repair Enterprises Wellness Center Group, LLC Premier Personal Training Studio Summit Fitness, Chester Springs Department Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cacchio Valley Podiatry Care Specialists, P.C. Mrs. Stephanie S. Swope SHiNE Donors (continued from page 39) Williamson Mrs. Joannne M. Wisniewski Samuel M. Fineman, Esq. Mr. John T. Plecenik Jane Chalfant La Difference Salon & Day Spa Mr. and Mrs. David W. Heckman Mrs. Jean Rabenau Mrs. Stephanie Challis M Kaplan Interiors Ms. Pauline B. Hill Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rode Chester County Travel Majestic Wines Hockman Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Fritz W. Schumann Clompus, Reto & Halscheid Malena’ Vintage Boutique Wright Ms. Linda J. Husband Mr. and Mrs. B. Patrick Smith Ms. Jane H. Mrs. Helen F. Jensen Spruce Alley Studio Mr. and Mrs. Brian G. Katona Mr. James Vansant and Mrs. Margaret L. Wolfgang Mrs. Judith Wylie Dr. Patricia A. Laffey and Mr. William F. Laffey Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Communications Test Design, Inc. Nota Bene OBVI Boutique Olive Branch Currie Hair, Skin & Nails Pete’s Produce Farm Mr. Stephen D. Walton, Jr. Dia Doce Mrs. Colleen Robustelli Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weaver DiBruno Brothers Mr. Jeff Schaller The Fireside Stitchery Silvanus Ms. Stacy L. Tukloff-Vansant G. Lubker, III Fore Health Donors (continued from page 38) Vision Associates Mr. and Mrs. Tom Macko IN-KIND DONORS Flowers and More, Inc. Ms. Rain Speciale Mr. and Mrs. Steven K. Manley A Taste of Olive G&G Cigars Tolsdorf Oil Lube Express Starbucks Ms. Nancy Thompson Ms. Ruth E. Turk Mrs. Mary Warden Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. McKee, III Adventure Aquarium Gardner & Fox Associates Wallace Landscape Associates Strasburg Railroad Company Thornton Paintball Valley of Terror Haunted Ms. Jacqueline Katona Weber Mr. Matthew R. Nealis Agape Institute Headquarters Hair Salon Wawa Tee It Up Golf Tolsdorf Oil Lube Express Mr. and Mrs. William S. Wood, II The Honorable and Calista Grand Salon & Spa Kitchen Workshop Wegman’s Tei Salon Trattoria San Nicola Mrs. Barbara Vincent Carces Group Kooma Well Noted Texas Roadhouse Trove General Store Mrs. Deb Warden Cavallo Auto Body KT Designs Westtown School Attraction Mr. Lee Wybranski 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Mrs. Donald F. Parsons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Parsons 40 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 41 2 0 1 4 E V E N T D O N O R S Fighting Cancer on Two Wheels BY GAIL GUTERL GALA AT LONGWOOD GARDENS Presented by Communications Test Design, Inc. Organized by the Gala Committee Co-Chairs: Karen Flickinger and Dale Frankel PRESENTING SPONSOR INDIVIDUAL Communications BENEFACTORS Test Design, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Donald H. Andersen SPONSOR Mrs. Anita Z. Bourke Chester County Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Medical Staff A. Brownley, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Collins CORPORATE Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Donze BENEFACTORS Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ballinger Emergency Care Specialists, P.C. E. Drummond Mr. and Mrs. John A. Featherman, III Dr. Dianne Hotmer and Mr. Douglas A. Hotmer ISS Solutions Dr. and Mrs. Ananth V. Mudgil Dr. Pamela P. Scott and Dr. Raza Khwaja BILL RONAYNE’S PERSONAL EXPERIENCE WITH PROSTATE CANCER LED HIM TO TWICE SPONSOR THE HOSPITAL’S CHALLENGE FOR CANCER BIKE RIDE. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr Mr. and Mrs. Leo D. Parsons Dr. and Mrs. Robert Leo Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Kennard G. Porter, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weber Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. S. Edward Zaloga Mrs. Cheryl R. Rorke Mr. and Mrs. John T. Rudden DONORS Dr. Robert E. Akins and Dr. Jennifer B. Akins Albero, Kupferman & Associates, LLC Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rudibaugh Dr. Wendy J. Wallace and Mr. Gary C. Varney Dr. and Mrs. Charles R. Weber Surgical Specialists, P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Berman Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Weems CORPORATE PATRONS Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Forney Mr. and Mrs. Lee Berman West Chester G.I. Chester County Cardiology Dr. and Mrs. Maury Hoberman Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bove Associates, PC Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holleran Mr. Henry I. Brown, III Ms. Donna L. Whitig Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mrs. Penelope P. Wilson E. Flickinger Associates Chester County F. Coladonato Otolaryngology & Mr. and Mrs. John J. Molinelli Allergy Associates Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Orr Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Duncan IN-KIND DONORS Dr. and Mrs. John H. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. John A. Felicetti Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Sarcia Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Community Radiology Associates Crothall Healthcare, Inc. Genomic Health Goldberg, Meanix, McCallin & Muth L.F. Driscoll Company, LLC Phillips Mushroom Farms L.P. Dr. Scott H. Saul and Dr. Marjorie Saul R. Flickinger Dr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Frankel H. Abbott, Jr. Archer & Buchanan Architecture, Ltd. Dr. and Mrs. Fredric Squires Mrs. Nancy C. Gallagher Arianna’s Gourmet Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Geisel, Jr. Brandywine River Museum Mr. and Mrs. William Dr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Giunta Buckley’s Tavern Mr. and Mrs. Sanford W. Gray Calista Grand Salon & Spa Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr. Mr. Jordan D. Gushurst Dilworthtown Inn INDIVIDUAL PATRONS Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Horne Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Mrs. Mary Kehner Radley Run Country Club, Inc. Mrs. Virginia O. Kettenring Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Warden, III and Dr. Renee Cassidy A. Berman Duling Kurtz House & Country Inn Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Carter Mr. Michael L. Kirschling Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mr. and Mrs. Duane D. Knecht Mrs. Cheryl R. Rorke Remington Mr. and Mrs. Dallas L. Krapf Mr. Mark Rowland Fulton Bank Ms. Mary Alice Malone Winterthur Museum & Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. McKee, III F. Coladonato P atient navigators; support groups; assistance with prescriptions; living expenses; transportation; massage therapy; post-cancer fitness programs; advanced treatment technology; even a wig service—all these are supported with funds raised through the annual Chester County Hospital Challenge for Cancer Bike Ride held in June. Bolstering so many critical services for the Hospital’s cancer treatment programs and Neighborhood Hospice, it is no wonder a nine-year survivor of prostate cancer chose to become a major financial backer of the fundraiser two years in a row. Country Estate 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 42 William W. Ronayne, owner of Brandywine Valley Heating and Air Conditioning, Old Fern Hill Road, West Chester, was a lead sponsor in 2013 and then, a presenting sponsor for the 2014 fundraising ride. A cyclist “PSA screening and the vigilance himself, Bill rode in the and skills of my doctor and 30-mile event at the 16th urologist saved my life.” Annual Brandywine Valley –WilliamW. Ronayne Heating & Air Conditioning Chester County Challenge for Cancer June 22. The ride, which begins and ends at the Fern Hill Medical Campus at 915 Old Fern Hill Road, offers a 5-mile family run, as well as 10, 30, 50 and 65-mile bike tours through the county. It has raised more than $350,000 for the Hospital since its inception. Sponsoring the bike ride was a natural fit for his company and for him as a cancer survivor, Bill says. “You don’t think cancer is going to happen to you. I am so thankful my doctor began regular PSA [prostate-specific antigen] screening when I turned 45, because he could see the numbers slowly going up over a few years. When the physical exam verified something wasn’t right, my doctor sent me to urologist Ken Collins [Kenneth P. Collins, M.D.]. Turns out he is one of the leading prostate urologists on the East Coast.” After surgery at Chester County Hospital, Bill is convinced “PSA screening and the vigilance and skills of my doctor and urologist saved my life.” Prior to Bill’s sponsorship of the Challenge event, he was approached by Challenge Committee Chair Rick Stevenson “who outlined where the money from this event went, how it helps cancer patients, and how it would be a good fit for my business,” Bill remembers. “After all, we are right next door to the start of the race.” Post-race, Bill says he is happy with the exposure his company received. “It was a great event, well organized, with lots of volunteers who put in a lot of time to make things run smoothly.” He is considering sponsoring the 2015 event, and after asking questions regarding the Hospital’s partnership Continued on page 44 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 43 2 0 1 4 E V E N T D O N O R S 2 CHALLENGE FOR CANCER BIKE RIDE 0 1 4 E V E N T D O N O R S 8TH ANNUAL POLO CUP Presented by Brandywine Valley Heating & Air Conditioning Challenge Committee Chair: Richard A. Stevenson An Event of the Women’s Auxiliary to Chester County Hospital Organized by the Turks Head Auxiliary Event Chair: Liz Moffett PRESENTING SPONSOR Legacy Planning Partners C. Schultz LLC Brandywine Valley Heating Tim Noonan Realtor BHHS Elmark Graphics PRESENTING SPONSOR DONORS Hartefeld Country Club The Save the Barclay Grounds Fame Fire Company Fire Police Team Medical Staff of Chester Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Franks Harvest SIW Vegetables Mr. Eric L. Lien and Hendrix Orthodontics Strasburg Railroad Hotel Warner Sunset Hill Jewelers & Air Conditioning Fox & Roach Realtors Mr. Viktor Ohnjec Kinloch Woodworking, Ltd. GOLD SPONSOR Pedaling4Paws M2VP, Inc. Greater West Chester Sunrise Ricoh Mitch’s Market Street Gym CAR SPONSOR Ms. Debra Scutellaro Huntington Learning Center Sunset World Vacation Southco MLD Media Stillman Volvo Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr. Ignite Performance Tiny Prints Wegman’s Food Markets, Inc. Northbrook Market Place Lantern Theatre Tish Boutique Rotary Foundation SILVER SPONSORS County Hospital Ms. Winifred L. Anderson Parkway Center DIVOT SPONSOR IN-KIND DONORS Liberty Mountain Resort Touch of Class Dance Marathon Trading, LLC Annette Alessi Manko and Son Landscaping Turks Head Yoga Antica Ann Marie Mauro Unite for Her Citadel DONOR Pepperidge Farm Elmark Packaging, Inc. Ms. Pamela J. Stephani and Premier Personal Training Starbucks CHUKKER Applecross Country Club Sherry McVicker Victory Brewing Company Still Life Band CONTRIBUTORS Artistic Eyewear Steven Mogck Villanova University Sports IN-KIND DONORS Summit Fitness Conlin’s Digital Print BBC Tavern & Grill New York Sky Ride Walt Disney World acac Fitness and Wellness Center Thomas Chevrolet Big Jewelers North Star Orchard West Chester Friends School BRONZE SPONSORS Ace Hardware of West Chester Victory Brewing Company EBS Children’s Institute Bite of Italy Nutrition Does It West Chester Sports Arena, Snyder & Dunlap, LLP Apple Press The Water Guy, Inc. MacElree Harvey, Ltd. Blaze Hair Salon Oasis Family Fun Center ASR Enterprises, Inc. Bike Line West Chester Cycling Club Parkway Rick Bollinger Outerwall Wheel of Fortune Brandywine Appraisal Brothers Pizza West Chester Police Wawa Beverage Company Chefanti Painted Plate Whitetail Resorts Cargo Solutions, Inc. Chester County Amateur Radio West Goshen Police Chester County Night School Philadelphia Phillies Gateway Medical Associates Country Bagel YMCA of Brandywine Valley VIP RECEPTION Church Street Gallery Philadelphia Wings SPONSOR Clayborn Pottery Ardis Brooke Pitone Novak Strategic Advisors Erin Condren Pink Calyx Couture - Anshul Gambhir, MD Pocono Raceway FIELD-SIDE SUPPORTERS Currie Hair, Skin & Nails Proforma Print Marketing Edward Jones/Jeff Kitchen, Dansko Radley Run Country Club Delaware Art Museum Rags to Riches Johnson Matthey Inc. Mr. Richard M. Morelli Master P’s World Class Tae Kwon Do Morrissey Family Foundation & Copy Center Fighting Cancer on Two Wheels (continued from page 43) with Penn Medicine, was assured by charity race officials and Hospital administrators that “any money raised for the Hospital, remains at Chester County Hospital.” Financial Advisor Even before becoming a full-fledged member of Penn Medicine, Chester County Hospital was part of the Penn Cancer Network for many years. “It’s a powerful partnership with Penn Medicine that gives doctors here in Chester County access to the latest technology and research related to curing cancer,” explains a Hospital spokesperson. 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Maher Terazi, Realtor Delaware Children’s Museum Pepper Medical Inc. Delaware Theatre Company Phillips Mushroom Farms L.P. The Desmond Hotel Premier Orthopaedics & Sports John DiGiuseppe Medicine Associates, Ltd Susquehanna Bank and Social Club DSC Consulting Dyson Vacuums Elite Island Resorts FRIENDS Emily Alice Salon Albero, Kupferman & Equinox Style Associates, LLC 44 The Fence Authority CIGNA Foundation The Gables Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Dague Hanlon Family The Kitchen Studio at Pine Street John Hannifin 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 45 Photos by Rick Davis CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL balance sheet THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION balance sheet UNAUDITED: JUNE 30, 2014 UNAUDITED: JUNE 30, 2014 ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS ASSETS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN NET ASSETS Current assets: Current Liabilities: Current assets: Unrestricted Net Assets: Cash and cash equivalents.......................................................$15,272,541 Current installments of long-term debt................................ $546,689 Cash............................................................................................................... $292,107 Revenues in excess of expenses............................................. $2,764,156 Cash (temporarily restricted).................................................... $8,406,242 Line-of-credit......................................................................................................... — Investments......................................................................................... $3,103,302 Network Transfers.......................................................................... ($4,672,027) Short-term investments............................................................... $5,986,045 Accounts payable..........................................................................$10,353,100 Unrealized appreciation of investment.............................. $1,146,026 Patient accounts receivable, Accrued salaries, wages and vacation..............................$10,655,042 Interest receivable..................................................................................$12,543 net of estimated uncollectibles of Accrued interest payable............................................................................... — $10,997,000 in 2014..................................................................$26,013,262 Estimated 3rd Party Settlement.............................................. $4,752,326 Other accounts receivable......................................................... $2,394,108 Accrued malpractice (current)................................................. $1,553,346 Due from affiliates................................................................................ $466,444 Other liabilities....................................................................................... $421,053 Assets whose use is limited.......................................................................... — Inventories of drugs and supplies......................................... $4,721,621 TOTAL ASSETS Grant allocations............................................................................ ($1,823,666) DECREASE IN UNRESTRICTED NET ASSETS ($3,731,537) $4,553,978 Temporarily Restricted Net Assets: LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Transfer of Donations to Chester County Hospital.....($ 520,441) Transfer of Funds to Chester County Hospital............ ($5,396,890) Current liabilities: IET Payable............................................................................................ $1,170,973 Transfer of Pledges to Chester County Hospital........ ($4,473,251) $29,452,528 Accounts Payable.......................................................................................$9,755 Decrease in Temporarily Restricted Net Assets........($10,390,582) Insurance recoveries receivable (current)......................... $1,553,346 Long-term debt...............................................................................$50,578,548 Due to Chester County Hospital................................................ $520,749 Decrease in Total Net Assets................................................($14,122,119) Prepaid expenses and other current assets.................... $1,606,998 Due to UPHS......................................................................................$37,014,084 IET Receivable......................................................................................... $494,080 Accrued Malpractice and Worker’s Compensation.... $7,242,797 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS $66,914,688 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES $530,504 Net Assets beginning of year..................................................$18,145,593 TOTAL NET ASSETS END OF YEAR $4,023,474 Net Assets: $124,287,958 Unrestricted Net Assets................................................................ $4,023,474 Other Assets: Net assets: Assets whose use is limited by Board designation TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $4,553,978 Unrestricted.......................................................................................$71,446,653 for future expansion and fixed asset acquisition..... $5,310,951 Temporarily restricted.................................................................$15,343,296 Long-term Investments (Endowment Funds)............... $3,689,001 Permanently restricted...............................................................$15,245,958 Land held for investment................................................................ $283,923 TOTAL NET ASSETS $102,035,907 Beneficial Interest in Perpetual Trusts................................$14,631,911 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $226,323,865 CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL statistical record of service FOR THE YEARS ENDING JUNE 30, 2014 AND 2013 Investment in Turks Head Surgery Center........................ $5,573,240 Interest in net assets of the Foundation............................ $4,023,474 Pledges .................................................................................................. $5,010,137 SERVICES RENDERED 2013 2014 13,130 12,769 Property, plant and equipment (net).............................$116,928,975 Deferred financing costs (net)..................................................... $200,088 Adult and Pediatric Patient Admissions (excluding Newborns) Other assets and receivables....................................................................... — Observation Status Patients Insurance recoveries receivable.............................................. $3,757,476 Adult and Pediatric Days (excluding Newborns) TOTAL ASSETS Average Length of Stay (excluding Newborns) $226,323,865 Photo by Rick Davis 51,680 4.20 4.05 2,273 2,121 Newborn Days 4,441 4,379 Average daily census, Adults and Pediatrics 151.1 141.6 Patients treated in the Emergency Room 46 1,988 55,150 Newborn Admissions Average daily census, Newborns 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 1,707 Outpatient visits to Clinic, Physical Therapy, Cardiology, Cancer program etc. Surgical Operations: Outpatient 12.2 12.0 41,933 43,240 157,287 163,773 4,932 5,056 Laboratory Outpatient Visits 128,378 126,113 Radiology Outpatient Examinations and Treatments 163,130 167,999 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 47 Hospital Volunteers and VolunTEENs T 500 HOURS Joan Dubeck Phil DiFrancesco Allen Arnwine Pat Lawn David Dulin 7000 HOURS Kathleen Duffy Marion Gushurst 1000 HOURS Bill Jefferis Dennis Ayotte John Kabli Vernon Brewer Kathy Levine 6000 HOURS Emily Fonda Anne Meade George Pastino Gretchen Hall John Meicht Bruce Komaromy Kathy Meicht 4000 HOURS Beverly Lennon Dean Rasmussen Fred Costello Paul Socorso Shayne Style Helen Hartman Peggy Leister Rudy Theis Amos Scott Lori Tygielski Leonard Traines In Fiscal Year 2014, Volunteers Logged 42,828 Hours of Service Top photo: Harry Barr and Nancy Barr Middle right photo: Isaac Linton and Alison Linton Bottom photo: Barbara Fell and Gil Fell SERVICES, INC. Board of Trustees Board of Directors Mr. Francis H. Abbott, Jr., Chairman Mr. Dallas Krapf, Chairman Mrs. Christine P. Bendinelli Mr. Paul Brown Dennis A. Berman, M.D. Mrs. Patricia C. Brennan Mr. Edwin A. Brownley, Jr. Mr. Stephen F. Horstmann Celeste E. DeBaptiste, M.D. Harry J. Hutchinson, III, D.O. Mr. Antelo Devereux, Jr. Mr. Timmy T. Nelson Mrs. John A. Featherman, III Mr. Kenneth H. Slack Kevin Holleran, Esq. PROFESSIONAL PROVIDERS, INC. Mr. Robert B. Horne Board of Directors Mr. M. Roy Jackson Dennis A. Berman, M.D., Chairman Mr. Christopher J. Knauer Mr. Peter F. Apple Mr. Dallas Krapf Mr. Michael J. Duncan Mr. Kevin B. Mahoney Mr. Paul A. Getman, Jr. Department of Pediatrics Honorable Paula Francisco Ott Maury Hoberman, M.D. Scott Saul, M.D., Chairman, Mrs. Walter Stapleton Kevin Holleran, Esq. Trustee Emeriti Cathy A. Wilson, Esq. Andre Konski, M.D., Chairman, William Plummer, III, M.D.* NEIGHBORHOOD Fredric Squires, M.D., Chairman, Mr. Thomas C. Swett HEALTH AGENCIES, INC. Mr. John J. Ciccarone Opportunities for volunteering at the Hospital include tasks such as transporting patients in wheelchairs, staffing the information desk, and working in the Gift Shop. During the 2014 Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon, the adult volunteers listed below received recognition pins for achieving volunteer hour milestones. 2000 HOURS TURK’S HEAD HEALTH HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Maury Hoberman, M.D. he Hospital welcomes volunteers in nearly every department. The Volunteer Services Department supports hospital operations and patient services by matching adult and teen volunteer interests and strengths with the many opportunities available throughout the Hospital. 9000 HOURS THE CHESTER COUNTY Photo by Rick Davis boards, leadership and staff William Clay Warnick, M.D., Chairman, Medical Executive Committee John Riccardo, M.D., Chairman, Department of Family Medicine Daniel May, M.D., Chairman, Department of Pathology Department of Radiation Oncology Department of Radiology Board of Directors THE CHESTER COUNTY Mr. Keith Coughey, Chairman WOMEN’S AUXILIARY TO HOSPITAL AND HEALTH SYSTEM Mr. Peter F. Apple CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL System and Hospital Mrs. Richard Armstrong Executive Committee Charles J. Barr, M.D. Mrs. Louise Milewski, President Mr. William W. Wylie, Jr., Chairman Mrs. Therese M. Corkran Mrs. Karen Weber, 1st Vice President Mr. Francis H. Abbott, Jr. (ex-officio) Mrs. Deborah Hess Mrs. Marie Robinson, 2nd Vice President Charles Barr, M.D. Mrs. Janet S. Hickman Mrs. Karen Smith, Secretary Dennis A. Berman, M.D. Mr. Steven D. Hobman Mrs. Debbie Hess, Treasurer Mr. James S. Denham, IV Ms. Mary Ellen Josephs Mrs. Julie Oronzi, Assistant Treasurer Deborah A. Driscoll, M.D. Mrs. Patricia A. Knecht Mrs. Elizabeth Drummond, Past President Steven Fukuchi, M.D. CHESTER COUNTY OBSTETRICS/ THE MEN OF CHESTER Mrs. Patricia Knecht GYNECOLOGY SERVICES, INC. COUNTY HOSPITAL Mr. Kevin B. Mahoney Board of Directors Tom Tarrant, Co-President Mr. John J. Molinelli Maury Hoberman, M.D., Chairman Peter Orr, Co-President Mr. Ralph W. Muller (ex-officio) Dennis A. Berman, M.D. Donald G. Lundberg, Secretary Bert W. O’Malley, Jr., M.D. Mrs. Angela R. Coladonato Stephen G. Frederick, Treasurer Cathy A. Wilson, Esq. Mr. Kenneth E. Flickinger Alan F. Clark, Program Chair Officers of the Corporation Kevin Holleran, Esq. Mr. Michael J. Duncan, President and CEO Mr. Paul F. Huberty THE CHESTER COUNTY Mr. Michael D. Barber, Chief Operating Officer Mrs. Walter Stapleton HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Boards of Directors VolunTEEN Program The VolunTEEN program, for ages 14 to 18 years old, takes place on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Teens perform a variety of tasks throughout the Hospital, including making beds, filling water pitchers, running errands, and escorting patients. The teens listed below achieved volunteer hour milestones during fiscal year 2014. Mr. Michael Duncan (ex-officio) DEVELOPMENT OFFICE STAFF Mrs. Angela R. Coladonato, 200 HOURS 100 HOURS Brooke Graff Shagun Dhanju (she earned Averie Dickinson 100 and 200 in Michelle Faktor the same year) Eva Finnegan Alexa Kirby Sulayman Khan Aidan O’Brien Dae Kim Richard D. Donze, D.O., Senior Vice President, Medical Affairs Mr. Kenneth E. Flickinger, Chief Financial Officer Mr. Paul F. Huberty, Senior Vice President, Strategic Planning and Marketing Natalie Patrick Isaac Linton Harish Raja Apoorva Musti Saran Viswanathan Girishma Narang Rachel Wolfgang Anton Patriarca Mr. Kevin R. O’Brien, Esq., Senior Vice President, Development Karen Pinsky, M.D., Chief Medical Information Officer * Deceased Leah Yao 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Senior Vice President, Nursing/CNO 48 MEDICAL STAFF LEADERSHIP Foundation: 610.431.5108 Kenneth Collins, M.D., Chief of Staff or [email protected] Edward Carter, M.D., Vice Chief of Staff Kevin R. O’Brien, Esq., Senior Vice President David Bobman, M.D., Secretary/Treasurer Carol J. Androwick, Executive Assistant Dianne Hotmer, M.D., Acting Dina W. Leaman, Director, Annual Chairperson, Department of OB/GYN Steven Fukuchi, M.D., Chairman, Department of Surgery Giving and Donor Relations Thomas E. Gavin, Director, Events and Volunteer Fundraising Mian A. Jan, M.D., Chairman, Jo Ann R. Carey, Development Assistant Department of Medicine Brenda H. Fairchild, Gift Shop Manager Diana Kane, M.D., Chairperson, Department of Emergency Medicine Patricia Clark and Margaret DiDonato, Managers, The Encore Shop 2014 DONOR REPORT | THE CHESTER COUNTY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 49 Nonprofit Org Us Postage Paid Southeastern, PA Permit #50 701 East Marshall Street West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 Your Philanthropic Support is Important Photo by Chester County Life Magazine A t Chester County Hospital, “going beyond” is doing more than what is expected for our patients and their families. That is why we provide top-rated care in cardiovascular, oncology, orthopaedic, radiology and women’s health from a team of physicians and nurses that are leaders in their field. Our level of care goes deeper than the condition and beyond your expectations. We rely on our donors to help us fulfill this mission. Thank you for your support! We hope that we can continue to count on your support and commitment to Chester County Hospital.