Newsletter February 2015 - Association Femmes d`Europe
Newsletter February 2015 - Association Femmes d`Europe
Bulletin d’information n° 2 FEVRIER 2015 FEBRUARY Présidente d’Honneur Madame Irene TIMMERMANS Newsletter no. 2 Un mot de notre Présidente - A word from our President Chères amies, Dear Friends, Savez-vous pourquoi le visage barbu de l’artiste Mark Rothko se trouve sur un timbre-poste de Lettonie ? Connaissez-vous la nationalité du chef d’orchestre Mariss Jansons, à la tête du Concertgebouw d’Amsterdam ?? Tous deux sont originaires de Lettonie, cet Etat balte entré dans l’Union européenne en 2004 qui préside, ce semestre, pour la premère fois le Conseil des Ministres de l’UE. Do you know why the bearded face of artist Mark Rothko features on a Latvian postage stamp? Are you aware of the nationality of Mariss Jansons, Conductor of the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam? They are both natives of Latvia, the Baltic state which joined the EU in 2004 and which assumed the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the first time in January 2015. L’an dernier, vous vous en souvenez certainement, Riga était la capitale culturelle européenne. Avec son patrimoine urbain, qui reflète huit siècles d’architecture européenne, la capitale lettone est aussi un site protégé par l’UNESCO. Et son quartier « Art Nouveau » d’influence finlandaise est exceptionnel. Nous honorerons cette présidence bien que nous n’ayons pas encore de groupe letton. Cette année, il y a le vingtième anniversaire de l’accession de trois autres pays à l’Union européenne : l’Autriche, la Suède et la Finlande bien représentés dans notre Association, comme vous le remarquez certainement avec leurs stands très attrayants au Bazar de Noël. Ce mois-ci, il y aura 15 ans que l’UNESCO a créé la journée internationale de la langue maternelle, célébrée chaque année le 21 février pour l’identifier comme la « langue de nos pensées et de nos émotions ». Il y aurait 7.000 langues parlées actuellement dans le monde, dont quelques centaines seulement sont enseignées. Le « monde numérique » utilise un nombre plus restreint de langues. La valeur de la diversité linguistique et de l’éducation multilingue seront donc mis en avant dans les médias ce jour-là. Vous aurez aussi l’occasion d’apprécier la diversité linguistique en allant à l’Institut Culturel italien, 38 rue de Livourne, les 27, 28 février en soirée et 1er mars dans l’après-midi. La compagnie théâtrale de langue italienne « Teste Matte », avec Paolo Gaio que je remercie, y donnera à nouveau des soirées très divertissantes au profit de nos projets humanitaires. Selon la tradition, notre Groupe Italien se chargera de l’accueil et du verre de l’amitié. Espérant que nous serons nombreuses à apprécier les charmes de la langue de Dante et le talent des membres de « Teste Matte » je vous souhaite un heureux mois de février et beaucoup de plaisir à lire notre Newsletter avec les photos en couleurs du Bazar 2014 offertes par le Club de photos Sainte Alix que nous remercions chaleureusement. You probably remember that last year Riga was a European Capital of Culture. With its urban heritage representing eight centuries of European architecture, the historic centre of the Latvian capital is a World Heritage Site under the protection of UNESCO. The Finnish-influenced “Art Nouveau” district in Riga is exceptional. We salute this Presidency though we do not yet have a Latvian Group in the Association. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the accession of three other countries to the European Union: Austria, Sweden and Finland, all well represented in our Association and whose attractive stands you will surely have noticed at the Bazaar. This month it has been 15 years since UNESCO established International Mother Language Day, celebrated each year on 21st February to recognise the mother tongue as ‘the language of our thoughts and our emotions’. About 7,000 different languages are spoken worldwide, of which only a few hundred are taught in schools. The digital world uses an even smaller number of languages. The value of linguistic diversity and of multilingual education will be highlighted in the media on that day. You can also appreciate linguistic diversity by going to the Italian Cultural Institute, 38, rue de Livourne, on the evenings of 27th and 28th February and 1st March in the afternoon. The Italian language theatre company “Teste Matte” with Paolo Gaio, to whom I am very grateful, will once again present a very amusing evening’s entertainment in support of our humanitarian projects. Our Italian Group will look after the reception and drinks as on previous occasions. I hope you will turn out in great numbers to savour the charm of Dante’s language, not to mention the talent of the members of “Teste Matte”. I wish you all a happy month of February and hope you will enjoy reading our Bazaar colour photo supplement very kindly offered by the Photo Club of Saint Alix, whom we very warmly thank. 1 Imm. C.E. av. de Beaulieu 9 - 1160 Bruxelles ● + 32 2 660 56 96 Office Hours: Weekdays from 10 am to 12 midday [email protected] ● [email protected] ● Compte Bancaire IBAN BE 47 3100 7081 9180 - BIC BBRUBEBB TABLE DE MATIERES Bureau Exécutif Présidente Marie-Anne Dage [email protected] 02 733 82 04 Secrétaire Générale Marian D. Conneely [email protected] 02 733 18 49 VP Projets Walthera Hudig [email protected] 02 767 43 03 VP Manifestations Nadja Allgeier [email protected] 0478 38 84 43 VP Presse & Communication Renate Smith [email protected] 02 688 26 27 Un mot de notre Présidente 1 Sommaire 2 Agenda 3 Projet du mois 4 Entretien : Karen Englander Suhr 6 Assemblée Générale 7 Candidates au Bureau Exécutif 8 Bientôt 10 Echos du Conseil – décembre 2014 14 15 Trésorière Bernadette Grünhage [email protected] 02 660 26 87 Nouvelles Internes Vice-Trésorière Lilian Damstén [email protected] 0475 72 01 37 Les textes doivent être envoyés au plus tard le 12 du mois qui précède la publication, exclusivement par e-mail avec images et photos en annexe, à: [email protected] Ont participé à ce numéro Equipe de rédaction Mise en page Contributions Texts, images and photos must be sent by email attachment, before the 12th of the month prior to publication, to: Karen Englander Suhr Renate Smith Karen Englander Suhr [email protected] Maura Allan Gay Charles Marian D. Conneely Margaret Duzynska Anna Mugnaini Maura Neligan Monique Seber Ghilaisne Troubetzkoy Renate Smith Bernadette Ulens Lesley Velten-Jameson Tarifs des insertions publicitaires : Publicité Renate Smith Anne-Marie van Dam Relecture Rosemary Collins Lilian Damstén Béatrice Heilbrunn Martine Millet Nina Timar Aline Verhaegen Le Bulletin est envoyé gratuitement chaque mois, à l'exception des mois de juillet, août et décembre, aux membres de l'Association Femmes d'Europe a.i.s.b.l. La rédaction se réserve le droit de résumer ou de modifier les textes soumis et ne peut garantir leur publication à une date donnée. Textes et illustrations de toutes les publicités sont sous la responsabilité des annonceurs. Les vues et opinions exprimées dans les articles sont celles des auteurs. Mailing Renate Smith Couverture photo Ewa Rossano « Planète Cristal » Couverture design Zoë Englander Impression O.I.B. (Commission européenne) 2 1 page = 100 € ½ page = 65 € ¼ page = 35 € Info publicité : Renate Smith [email protected] Anne-Marie van Dam [email protected] The Newsletter is sent free of charge each month, except July, August and December, to the members of the Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. The Editorial Committee reserves the right to cut or edit material and cannot guarantee publication on a particular date. Texts and illustrations of all advertisements are the responsibility of the advertisers. The views and opinions expressed in articles are those of the authors. Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. FOR YOUR DIARY • POUR VOTRE AGENDA AGENDA « Joyeuses Pâques » - Le Teste Matte Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bruxelles Groupe Italien Plus d’infos : voir page 10 Contact : Paola Micocci Gabriella Fratoni FEVRIER 02 771 14 39 (le matin) 02 646 85 72 (l'après-midi) VENDREDI 27, SAMEDI 28 à 20h DIMANCHE 1 MARS à 16h [email protected] [email protected] MARS Soirée de Prestige – Spectacle équestre et dîner aux chandelles VENDREDI 13 à 19h30 Assemblée générale VENDREDI 20 à 14h Groupe Belge Centre Equestre la Chevalerie – Rhode St. Genèse Plus d’infos : voir page 11 Contact : Ghislaine Troubetzkoy [email protected] Gay Charles [email protected] Bâtiment de Charlemagne Plus d’infos : voir page 7 Contact : Marian D. Conneely [email protected] Bazar de Pâques Groupes Autrichien, Allemand, Polonais et Portugais TUSIAD – 1040 Bruxelles Plus d’infos : voir page 11 Contact : Inge Torchiani [email protected] Edith Coellho [email protected] Maggie Lukomska [email protected] Gala musical AVRIL Groupe Multinational Eglise St Jean Berchmans – bld St Michel 24 – Etterbeek Plus d’infos : voir page 13 Contact : Bernadette Ulens [email protected] Tournoi de bridge et déjeuner [email protected] [email protected] MAI Groupe Royaume-Uni Plus d’infos : voir Newsletter de mars 2015 Contact: Rosemary Collins [email protected] - 02/2015 MERCREDI 1 à 19h30 JEUDI 23 à 9h30 Groupe Irlandais St Anthony’s Parish Centre – 1950 Kraainem Plus d’infos: voir page 13 Contact : Maeve Doran Schiratti 0474 516 702 Maura Allen 0477 285 762 Bring and Buy Spring Lunch JEUDI 26 de 11h à 16h VENDREDI 8 3 PROJET DU MOIS PROJECT OF THE MONTH A VISIT TO THE BAHOWO VILLAGE PROJECT North Sulawesi, Indonesia – September 2014 Very few of our members have the chance to see for themselves how their fundraising efforts in Brussels work out in reality on site abroad. I was lucky to have had the pleasure, just a few weeks ago, to meet Phil Boats and Paula Larcher at their Bahowo Village Project in the Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. My son and I were planning a trip to the Minahasa where our maternal family roots are found in the same area as the Bahowo Village Project. I contacted Mr. Reinier van Manen, who presented the project at the January 2014 Projects Ceremony, and subsequently got in touch with Paula and Phil. At the Manado airport Sam Ratulangi, named after a national hero who was born here, our driver, Raymon, welcomed us. A 45-minute drive over bumpy roads took us past tropical vegetation with coconut and banana trees, several buffalo-drawn carriages and a few scattered houses along the road. We got to Bahowo, a small fishermen’s village, where Paula and Phil greeted us warmly in their Lodge with a welcome drink on the veranda. The interior of the Lodge and our guest room, with its tiled floors, teakwood and rattan furniture and local artifacts as wall decoration, reminded me of my childhood years in Indonesia. A swampy area shone through the lush vegetation and huge trees at the end of the garden. This is home for Paula and Phil; they live surrounded by local people whom they employ in the Lodge, as cook, housekeepers, gardener and driver. At tea time three shy children appeared on the driveway, carrying the daily catch of fish, which will be roasted for dinner. In the afternoon our hosts took us for a walk to the boat jetty where children were playing and swimming in the high tide of the swamp. They were curious and greeted us cheerfully. “Hello, hello!” Paula and Phil seemed to know them all by name. Then we walked to the Health Clinic, a 2010 donation of Femmes d’Europe. It consists of a consulting room, a waiting area and space for the live-in nurse. She is also a qualified midwife and is responsible for basic health care, available 24 hours a day. She takes care of deliveries, baby and child consultations, contraception and small injuries. She also decides when more complex medical treatment in a hospital is needed. A doctor comes on a regular basis who also uses these facilities for consultations. The next day was Sunday. We saw people going to church in their best dresses. The Minahasans are predominantly Christian and there are many churches of different denominations, both Catholic and Protestant. Bahowo has two churches for 250 families. One of the churches needs a new building which is being constructed around the old one. Until the new church is finished the old one is in normal use. It may take years to complete, depending on the financial opportunities. Once finished, the old building will be broken down from the inside. 4 Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. PROJET DU MOIS PROJECT OF THE MONTH In the afternoon a football (soccer) tournament was scheduled on the village playground, a dusty area with uneven bumps and holes. Two poles functioned as goal. Some players wore shoes, others played barefoot, one team with their shirts on both shoulders, the opposing team played with a shirt on one shoulder only. There were girls’ teams as well and they all played with huge enthusiasm. Village supporters yelled cheerfully for every goal while buffaloes, black pigs, dogs and chickens roamed in the background. On Monday morning school started again. Primary school children, in their immaculate white and red school uniforms, were walking to school which is next door to the Lodge. We visited the school and were enthusiastically greeted by the pupils and their teachers, who, as government employees, also wore a school uniform. The classes were small and the teaching materials basic; blackboard and chalk, ballpoints, pencils and books. One of the teachers comes from this village and is a good role model for her pupils. The nearest school for secondary education is in Manado City, 45 minutes each way along the bumpy road. Without any public transport this is not possible for village pupils. But Paula and Phil, being writers and who take education seriously, successfully applied for another Femmes d’Europe donation, which was granted in January 2014: a mini-van as school bus. This van takes children back and forth to school in Manado in two different shifts, one early in the morning and one later in the day. The van also serves to take villagers to Manado for hospital treatment when needed. After school Paula helps pupils with their English homework, and being British, particularly with the spoken language. They also help bright pupils with tuition fees and successfully applied to a British fundraising group for the construction of a school library complete with books. These children love reading and although they did not beg for money, I was asked while walking in the street “ada buku?” which means: “do you have books?” At dinner time my son and I had wonderful conversations with Paula and Phil about their life and work in Bahowo, and about the books they have written, while Sultje, the cook, served real Minahasan food; spicy with very thick coconut sauce and naturally, the roasted daily catch of fish. We were able to make a couple of interesting tourist trips, in particular to Tondano, located on the scenic lake Tondano, where my grandmother was born. We took a snorkeling trip to a coral reef with a BBQ on the beach of a small island in the Bunaken Marine Park, a National Park, in which Bahowo is now located. We also took a trip to the Tangkoko Nature Reserve to see the black macaque monkeys in the wild as well as the shy tarsier which can fit into two cupped hands - the smallest primate in the world. Both are unique to Northern Sulawesi. In this particular area Alfred R. Wallace researched and wrote about natural selection - his contribution to the evolution theory. Back to Femmes d’Europe: as members we can be proud of having helped Paula and Phil in their efforts to make life a little better through health and educational support for the people living in such a remote area of Indonesia. With renewed energy, therefore, I started fixing necklaces for the Dutch stall at the Bazaar and getting organised for the Salad Bar as my contribution to the fundraising efforts of our Association. Trix Hilbers Dutch Group - 02/2015 5 ENTRETIEN Karen Englander Suhr INTERVIEW Meet Karen Englander Suhr You are a member of the EFTA/AELE Group but what nationality are you? Can you tell us where you were born, what sort of childhood you had and where did you study? I am in fact of Danish, British and Brazilian nationality, due to the crazy facts that my father was Danish (but born in England), my mother is British and I was born in Brazil. I lived a pretty wild life all over Brazil as my father had the travelling bug and apart from two years in Denmark, the biggest slice of my life was in Rio de Janeiro. Consequently, anywhere else did seem boring. Most of my education was at the American School in Rio and then a last year at ISB in Brussels. This change affected my further studying so I did not continue with psychology at ULB…but became a dynamic secretary in the publishing and then pharmaceutical industry! You are married to a Brit, living in Belgium, mother of 3, and totally dedicated to our Association. Can you enlighten us on how you came to be in this country? My father was transferred to Brussels and after 5 years he and my mother moved on and my elder sister and I stayed here, finding work and eventually...husbands. I used to work in the same office as my husband’s sister and she invited me home to meet her student brother. The rest is history! We have three wonderful daughters and now three grandchildren. I chose to be an “at home” mother as the kids got older which was not easy in the beginning. Working is more…peaceful! How did you get involved with our Association? I have always loved working on the computer and after a night school course, I did voluntary work. After several years one of my quilting friends, Tove Thonar, asked me to help out with the computer at the FdE office where she was working as Secretary General. I joined the EFTA Group and Gillie Hinds, President at that time, asked me to have a go at the Newsletter as a cost reduction measure. What else, except for your grandchildren, keep you fascinated, busy and happy? I have been quilting for over 25 years and many of those friends are also now part of the EFTA Group! I mostly enjoy reading but also walks, cinema, cooking and eating! I am into “personal development” and it gets more and more interesting over the years. Pilates and yoga keep me fit. You have been working for 10 years on our Association’s Newsletter and are constantly improving it for our members. How much of your time is spent on this and how could things be improved? What are your major frustrations when dealing with the Newsletter? How can other members help? How supportive is your husband? The Newsletter takes a good two weeks to put together. So much depends on how prepared the Groups are in sending me their information. Getting details right is time-consuming and if these could all be determined before sending me the announcements; it would be a huge help. Some Groups are very uncertain and even conflicting within themselves and that is unhelpful. It demands a great number of emails, telephone calls and late night work-sessions. Not necessary! If all members agreed to appoint one person to deal with the Newsletter, it would make life easier. I am of course always open to last minute changes. It is also useful to discuss how much space Groups require before sending the copy to me. My husband has been very patient for the past 10 years (could not have done it without his support) but our daughter’s illness made me reassess our priorities… What does your Group do that is special for the Bazaar? Our Group does handiwork such as knitting, sewing, decorations, quilts and lots of other home-made handicrafts. We also sell Icelandic sweaters, blankets, hats, etc., Swiss chocolates and other goodies and Norwegian jams and cheese. We are responsible for the Swiss Raclette restaurant as well! It’s worth a try if you have never had one! (The wine is good too!) What advice could you give newly arrived Danes/Brazilians/Brits to help them settle in to life in Belgium? I think learning the two languages of Belgium (maybe even the third) would be the best recommendation so they can feel more at home with the locals. Then it is important to find an activity where you can meet your fellow countrymen or international communities. Being isolated is not good. Our Association Femmes d’Europe can be good if one gets involved. What are your favourite places in Brussels and outskirts? I love the Metro! I don’t have to worry about parking and one never has to wait very long. I take great pride in showing our visitors the Grand Place and surrounding area. I mostly love walking around where we live in the hilly Brabant Wallon. We are so lucky to live in such a beautiful part of the country. What are you going to do with all your spare time after you hand over the reins of the Newsletter to your successor and have given sufficient training? Spare time? What is that? (laugh!) I intend to spend more time with my family. Then I will see what bubbles up inside me and I shall turn over a new leaf in my life! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the wonderful ladies I have met and worked with during the past 10 years within the Association. It has been an amazing experience! Interview by Renate Smith 6 Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING ASSEMBLEE GENERALE RESERVEZ LA DATE RESERVEZ LA DATE RESERVEZ LA DATE ASSEMBLEE GENERALE VENDREDI 20 MARS 2015 à 14 h Bâtiment Charlemagne – 170, rue de la Loi – 1040 Bruxelles Très important Suite aux mesures de sécurité renforcées dans les immeubles de la Commission européenne, nous vous prions de vous inscrire, si vous voulez participer à l’Assemblée générale, en donnant à votre Chef de Groupe (ou au secrétariat) les indications suivantes figurant sur votre carte d’identité : - Votre NOM - Votre PRENOM - Votre DATE DE NAISSANCE - Votre NATIONALITE - Le NUMÉRO de votre carte d’identité - La DATE DE VALIDITÉ de votre carte d’identité Exemple : MERVEILLE / Alice / 01/01/1968 / Belge / 0000000 / 21/07/2020 SAVE THE DATE SAVE THE DATE SAVE THE DATE SAVE THE DATE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FRIDAY 20 MARCH 2015 at 2 pm Bâtiment Charlemagne – 170, rue de la Loi – 1040 Bruxelles Very important Due to reinforced security measures at the European Commission, you are kindly requested to register if you wish to attend the AGM and give to your Group Leader - or to the Secrétariat - the following details mentioned on your ID card: - Your FAMILY NAME - your FIRST NAME - Your DATE OF BIRTH - Your NATIONALITY - Your ID NUMBER - Your ID EXPIRY DATE Example: MERVEILLE / Alice / 01.01.1968 / Belgian / 0000000 / 21/07/2020 DEADLINE FOR THE MARCH 2015 NEWSLETTER - 12th February 2015 DATE LIMITE POUR LE BULLETIN DE MARS 2015 - le 12 février 2015 - 02/2015 7 ASSEMBLEE GENERALE ● CANDIDATES ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Elections du 20 mars 2015 BERNADETTE ULENS Candidate au poste de Présidente de l’Association Bernadette est de nationalité belge. Elle est membre de notre association depuis 2005. Elle est aujourd’hui l’une des trois responsables du Groupe Multinational après avoir été chef de Groupe durant plusieurs années. Elle fait également partie de l’équipe Projets. Après des études de Relations Internationales à Louvain et Bologne, Bernadette se lance dans une carrière bancaire. A Bruxelles d’abord, puis à Amsterdam où elle rencontre son mari, Gérard de Wit. Peu après, elle réalise un vieux rêve : voir le monde et ‘vivre’ différentes cultures en travaillant. En 1985, elle devient la première femme expatriée de la banque française Indosuez, qui lui confie divers postes de management en Asie et en Afrique : Colombo, Nairobi, Bangkok (où naît sa fille Fleur) et enfin une responsabilité régionale à Singapour. Elle revient à Bruxelles avec sa famille en 2003. Elle aime la musique, la peinture, les langues et les livres et suit toujours des cours de chant et de portrait. Sa plus grande performance sportive : les 20kms de Bruxelles en 2004… Ces dernières années, ce sont de plus en plus les Femmes d’Europe et l’action qu’elles mènent pour aider les plus défavorisés qui sont au centre de ses activités. C’est ce qui lui a donné l’envie de continuer à mettre toute son énergie au développement de notre Association. Si elle est élue, elle privilégiera les précieux contacts d’amitié et de solidarité entre les membres des différents Groupes. Avec l’équipe du Bureau exécutif, elle s’efforcera d’accompagner et de guider l’Association dans l’évolution que requiert notre époque et qui sera garante de sa continuité. GHISLAINE TROUBETZKOY Candidate au poste de Vice-présidente Manifestations Membre de l’Association Femmes d’Europe depuis 2010 et co-responsable du Groupe Belge depuis 2011. De formation classique, quadrilingue, basée à Bruxelles, elle « sévit » comme responsable Communication (public relations, sponsoring, events) dans plusieurs groupes internationaux et termine sa carrière comme Directrice chez BELGACOMPROXIMUS où elle lance notamment ‘le Petit coup de Pouce’, Fondation aidant les plus défavorisés de Belgique. En 2003, elle épouse Michel de nationalité franco-canadienne. Elle crée sa société de consultance en communication en 2005, mais ressent de plus en plus le besoin « d’être utile » et de partager son expérience dans l’événementiel pour une bonne cause. Elle explore plusieurs œuvres et tombe finalement sous le charme de l’Association Femmes d’Europe et de sa diversité. Passionnée d’équitation et du monde animal en général, elle participe régulièrement à des concours de dressage en Belgique et en France. Après mûre réflexion et beaucoup d’encouragements, elle se présente et espère avoir l’occasion de mettre en pratique ses devises préférées : « ce qui mérite d’être fait, mérite d’être bien fait » et « qui n’avance pas, recule ». En parfaite synergie avec le Bureau exécutif, elle aura à cœur de guider, soutenir et accompagner tous les Groupes dans l’organisation de leurs manifestations essentielles à la bonne santé de l’Association Femmes d’Europe. 8 Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. ASSEMBLEE GENERALE ● CANDIDATES ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Les membres présentés ci-dessous renouvellent leur candidature : Bernadette Grünhage renouvelle sa candidature pour le poste de Trésorière Renate Smith Lilian Damstén renouvelle sa candidature pour le poste de Vice-présidente Presse & Communication renouvelle sa candidature pour le poste de Vice-trésorière ADVERTISEMENT PUBLICITE Tapis d’Orient - à Bruxelles depuis 1982 – Importateur direct pour les particuliers • • • • Prix de gros aux particuliers Service, qualité, prix très compétitifs Service de lavage et réparation Echanges de vos tapis anciens Contact : 7j/7 de 9h à 21h Tel. 02 414 77 78 GSM 0495 99 64 28 Rue du Moniteur 22 – 1000 Bruxelles Email : [email protected] - 02/2015 Visitez: 9 COMING SOON • BIENTOT Le Groupe Italien de l'Association Femmes d'Europe a.i.s.b.l. a le plaisir de vous inviter à la pièce de théâtre présentée par l'Istituto Italiano di Cultura et la compagnie théâtrale "Le Teste Matte" les 27 et 28 février 2015 à 20 heures et le 1er mars 2015 à 16 heures « JOYEUSES PÂQUES » de Jean POIRET Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bruxelles Rue de Livourne, 38 - 1050 Bruxelles Prix d'entrée : adultes 14€; enfant 8€ au profit des projets d'aide humanitaire de notre Association La pièce sera jouée en langue italienne Boissons, sandwiches et gâteaux disponibles à l'entracte JOYEUSES PÂQUES L'intrigue Pendant le week-end de Pâques, Stefano, mari âgé de Sofia, a profité de l'absence de sa femme pour ramener la belle et jeune Giulia. Mais une grève sauvage va saper ses projets lubriques: le vol de Sofia a été annulé et celleci revient à la maison de façon inattendue. Pris sur le fait, Stefano invente un mensonge, présente Giulia comme sa fille d'un précédent mariage dont il n’avait jamais parlé et met en mouvement un engrenage de situations improbables hilarantes et délicieuses, des enchevêtrements inextricables. Le dialogue et l'humour irrésistible et savoureux font que « Joyeuses Pâques », dans sa version originale, est considérée comme une comédie et un classique culte incontournable du théâtre de boulevard français dans lequel vous entrez avec une grande légèreté : une comédie dans sa forme la plus pure.… La version italienne A partir de la version italienne, le groupe « Le Teste Matte » a découvert que l’humour français ajoute une touche ironique et drôle au « provincialisme Italien ». L'auteur Jean Poiret, né à Paris en 1926 et mort à Suresnes en 1992, a été acteur, réalisateur, auteur et scénariste français. Complice de Michel Serrault, avec qui il interprétera « La Cage aux Folles » (Il Vizietto) et « Le Canard à l'Orange », c’est une mine inestimable pour le théâtre de boulevard français contemporain. Renseignements et réservations: Paola Micocci Gabriella Fratoni 02 771 14 39 (le matin) 02 646 85 72 (l'après-midi) [email protected] [email protected] Prière d'effectuer votre payement, après réservation par téléphone ou email, au numéro de compte de l'Association : IBAN: BE 47 3100 7081 9180 BIC : BBRUBEBB, avec la mention « Théâtre italien Joyeuses Pâques », votre Groupe et votre nom tels qu'indiqués sur l'annuaire. 10 Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. COMING SOON BIENTOT Soirée de prestige SPECTACLE EQUESTRE et DINER aux CHANDELLES le vendredi 13 mars à 19h30 précises « La Chevalerie », Avenue Brassine, 38 à Rhode St Genèse Au sortir de l’hiver, le Groupe Belge vous propose de venir découvrir le plus beau club hippique de Belgique et d’y admirer un spectacle équestre élégant et féérique… Vous vous remettrez de l’émotion procurée par la « plus noble conquête de l’Homme » lors d’un dîner aux chandelles «bercée» par la musique des Cosaques de Kouban. Tenue de soirée : smoking, robe de cocktail ! (black tie) Prix p.p. : 95 € boissons incluses Parking aisé – manège couvert – tables de 10 personnes dans les Salons Renseignements Ghislaine Troubetzkoy Gay Charles [email protected] [email protected] Paiement au compte de l’Association IBAN BE 47 3100 7081 9180 – BIC BBRUBEBB avec la mention « soirée prestige », le nombre de places, votre nom tel que repris dans l’Annuaire, votre Groupe et no. de téléphone. The German, Austrian, Polish and Portuguese Groups of the Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. warmly invite you to their traditional Easter Bazaar (in aid of their humanitarian projects) March 26, 2015 from 11 am to 4 pm TÜSİAD EU - Brussels Representative Office Av. des Gaulois, 13 - 1040 Bruxelles (Metro : Mérode, Parking Museé du Cinquantenaire) Friendly and multicultural atmosphere assured, seasonal decoration, Easter eggs, gifts, wine and pastries, savoury and sweet, to enjoy on the spot or to take home. Information: Inge Torchiani Edith Coelho Maggie Lukomska - 02/2015 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 11 ADVERTISEMENTS PUBLICITE - à Bruxelles depuis 1982 Nous vous garantissons la santé de vos Tapis, Kilims, Tapisseries, Aubusson ! Nettoyage et réparation artisanale avec des produits naturels Service, qualité de travail, prix hors concurrence en Belgique Achat ou échange de vos anciens tapis 10% de remise pour les membres de l’Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl Devis et livraison à domicile gratuite Contactez : 02 414 77 78 ou 0495 99 64 28 7j/7 de 9h à 21h Email : [email protected] Visitez Adresse : rue du Moniteur, 22 – 1000 Bruxelles - à Bruxelles depuis 1982 – Caviar – Champagne –Truffes - Œufs de Saumon sauvage Jus de truffe noire français 100% pur, Safran 1er choix Pour vos fêtes et vos cadeaux d’affaires Le goût et la qualité étonneront vos invités ! Contact : 7 jours /7 de 9h à 21h 02 414.77.78 - GSM 0495.99.64.28 Livraison gratuite partout en Belgique Rue de l’Enseignement 86 – 1000 Bruxelles Visitez: 12 Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. BIENTOT COMING SOON The Multinational Group of the Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl invites you to an exceptional Beethoven Gala on Wednesday 1st April 2015 at 7:30 pm St Jean Berchmans Church, Boulevard Saint Michel, 24 - 1040 Brussels We are pleased to present the young violinist Esther Yoo, 4th Prize winner of the latest Queen Elisabeth Competition, and the ‘Nuove Musiche’ orchestra conducted by Eric Lederhandler, in the following Beethoven programme: Violin Concerto Symphony nr 4 in b flat major The concert will be followed by a reception. Entrance Fee: € 50 Tenue de ville Info and reservations: Bernadette Ulens [email protected] Please make your payment, after confirming your reservation, to the Association’s account IBAN: BE 47 3100 7081 9180 BIC: BBRUBEBB, mentioning “Beethoven Gala”, your Group and name as mentioned in the Directory. Charity Irish Bridge Tournament and Lunch In aid of projects funded by Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl On Thursday 23 April 2015 at St Anthony’s Parish Centre, Av. des Anciens Combattants, 23-25 - 1950 Kraainem (ample parking). Registration and welcome coffee from 9.15 am. Play begins at 10.00 am sharp. A delicious lunch and prize-giving will follow play. Cost: €35 per person. Payment by 16 April at the latest, mentioning your and your partner’s names and “Irish Bridge”, to the Association’s account number: 310-0708191-80 (see below for IBAN and BIC codes). Information: Maeve Doran Schiratti Maura Allan Carroll Receipt of payment guarantees participation. [email protected] [email protected] 0474 516 702 0477 285 762 Registration by email or by using the form below Registration Form Bulletin d’inscription To send to/ A envoyer à : Ms Schiratti, Av. Slegers, 73/3, 1200 Bruxelles –latest by / au plus tard le 13/04/2015 M/Mme…………………………………………………………………………………….…… Tel ……………………………………...........................…… and / et M/Mme…………………………………………………………………………………....…… Tel ………………………………………...........................… will participate in the bridge tournament / participeront au tournoi de bridge du 23 avril 2015 and have paid €35 per person / et ont payé 35€ par personne à / to the Association Femmes d’Europe aisbl: account number / numéro de compte: IBAN: BE 47 3100 7081 9180 - BIC: BBRUBEBB. 13 ECHOS DU CONSEIL • COUNCIL NEWS Council News 17 December 2014 Our President, Marie Anne Dage, welcomed everybody. The agenda was accepted as were the minutes of the November Council meeting, with some small amendments. Mirna Mingasson agreed to take the minutes of this meeting. 1. Projects The final Versichel legacy funded project was approved for an amount of €3,218 to pay for the renovation of an education centre for young people in Colombia. This is the second phase of the work; we funded the first phase for €6,000 in 2014. An overview film about the Versichel projects since the Femmes d’Europe received the legacy will be shown at the Projects Presentation Ceremony on 30 January 2015 in the Berlaymont. A leaflet about the Versichel funded projects is also in preparation. It will subtly remind people that we accept all gifts, donations and legacies. Rapid Aid Projects Greece: €1.482 to provide sheets and quilts for four crèches. Roumania: €1.500 to buy two desk-top computers and one lap-top for a convalescence and rehabilitation centre for young handicapped adults, to facilitate their contact with the outside world. Belgium: €1,650 to renovate the washing-up area of the Nativitas social restaurant. Belgium: €1,630 to buy materials used in developing theatre workshops. This project was approved with two abstentions. Kenya: €2,285 to set up a staff room for the teachers of a primary school. Serbia: €550 for five extra bicycles for children’s home (second part of a RA project in May 2014). Christmas gifts 2014: The members of the Administrative Council of Femmes d’Europe were happy to be in a position to approve 9 projects, each of which received €750 this Christmas. -Belgium: a cooking table for the ‘Poverello’ restaurant. -Dublin, Ireland: our gift was used to buy bed-linen, shoes and clothes for the homeless. -London, England: toiletries and clothes for the homeless. -Portugal: Christmas meals for the poor. -Belgium: ‘Petites Sœurs des pauvres’ (Little Sisters of the Poor), to buy shoes for the homeless. -Berlin, Germany: to buy medicines for the homeless. -Madrid, Spain: Christmas dinner for the homeless. -Greece: Food distributed to families with serious financial problems. -Brussels, Belgium: Missionaries of Charity: 3 end-ofyear meals for 130 people without means. (This association accepts food-donations at Av. du Roi, 69.) Vote on the PED projects 2nd semester (developing counries): 39 votes in favour, 6 no votes or abstentions. Result: all 7 projects were approved. 2. Treasurer’s Report Bernadette Grünhage mentioned that the Bazaar receipts were still coming in. She asked that Groups send in any 14 remaining invoices for goods acquired for the Bazaar directly to her as soon as possible. She remarked that it was more effective and efficient for the stands and for the treasury to collect cash just twice on the Saturday. The Italian Gala raised approximately €50,000 for our projects. This is an excellent result. 3. Executive Board On 20th March 2015 at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) there will be an election for the posts of President and Vice-President Events. The mandates of the VicePresident Press & Communications, Treasurer and ViceTreasurer are also due for renewal. 4. Communication and informatics: -The 12 January deadline for the February edition of the Newsletter is considered to be rather short after the holidays. -We are still looking for an editor and an assistant editor for the Newsletter. We would like to set up a team to assist the new editors. Please make your interest in being involved known to Marian D. Conneely, the Secretary General. - The Membership team also needs a new member. Please let us know if you have a few hours a week to help. 5. Christmas Bazaar 29 November 2014 Marie-Anne Dage warmly thanked all members of the Groups for their wonderful work to make the Bazaar such a resounding success. The atmosphere was excellent the whole day long. The financial results look like they will be even higher than last year. 6. - 7. Past events which were a great success: On 5th December the Italian Gala at the Monnaie was superb. Marie-Anne Dage congratulated the Italian Group which surmounted many organisational problems to bring us this remarkable event. In return Anna Mugnaini thanked everybody who helped with the Gala particularly Marie-Anne Dage herself and the Gala-ticketing-team of Maeve Doran, Brigitte Gast and Angela Carisi. 21 November the Luxembourg concert (LULU). 23 November Women’s race in Uccle. Future Events: Much is planned for spring. See the Newsletter for details. 8. Secretariat General: The vote on the PED (pays en development) was: 39 votes in favour, 6 no votes or abstentions. The projects were approved. The President’s letter wishing all our members a Happy Christmas and New Year was sent out and included a reminder that the Membership fees for 2015 are now due before end January 2015. The new fee voted at the 2014 AGM in March is €50. (Marie-Anne Dage’s letter also informed recently recruited new members –fees paid after November 2014- that they are in order for 2015.) Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l. NOUVELLES INTERNES INSIDE NEWS 2014 BAZAAR TOMBOLA AND STALL SPONSORS / SPONSORS DES STANDS ET DE LA TOMBOLA Please note that our Association wishes to clarify the lists of sponsors published in the January 2015 issue of the Newsletter as, unfortunately, there were some errors and/or omissions. Dutch Group Tombola Hotel Brussels Airport (Van der Valk hotels) NBTC, Brussels (Nederlands Bureau voor Toerisme en Congressen) Restaurant ‘La Maison du Cygne’, Brussels Unilever, Rotterdam Stall Mauritshuis Royal Picture Gallery, The Hague Mr. W. Heemskerk, Woudenberg, The Netherlands (flower bulbs) Uniekaas Nederland BV, Mr. J. W. Rote, Kaatsheuvel, The Netherlands (cheese) Greek Group Tombola A Discovering Network We once again warmly thank our generous sponsors. BOOKS DONATIONS LIVRES We are happy to accept your donations of good quality used books for a next book sale. You can bring them to the Femmes d’Europe office at Beaulieu on the 6th or 20th March between 10.15 am and 11.30 am. If you have a large quantity then please contact: [email protected] and we can plan the delivery or possibly organise a collection. Nous serions heureuses de recevoir vos dons de livres en bon état pour une prochaine vente. Vous pouvez les déposer les 6 ou 20 mars au bureau de Femmes d’Europe entre 10h15 et 11h au Beaulieu. Si vous avez de grandes quantités, veuillez contacter : [email protected] pour organiser une éventuelle collecte. WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS Approved at the Administrative Council meeting of 17th December 2014 Belgium Greece Italy Luxemburg Multinational Netherlands United Kingdom Elaine Pirard Theodosia Antoniadou, Tatiana Kokkori Kominos Anna Fusella Charlotte Berens (de Vrees), Inessa Wendland (LULU) Marie-Anne Malien, Isabelle-Laure de Crayencour Doesjka Van Balkom Fiona Williams THE NEXT ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL MEETINGS Friday 13 February Friday 8 May Friday 27 March Friday 12 June The meetings are held at 10 am - 02/2015 15 NOUVELLES INTERNES INSIDE NEWS IN MEMORIAM Toutes nos sincères condoléances à Christiane Cousin, membre du Groupe Belge, à l’occasion du décès de son époux, Monsieur Michel Cousin. C’est avec grand tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de Sonja Corwin, membre du Groupe Multinational. Toutes nos sincères condoléances à sa famille. VINTAGE SALE/CATWALK In the autumn of 2015 the Multinational Group will once again put on a Vintage Sale/Catwalk. Could you all please start searching again in your wardrobes for those wonderful items you wish to discard and let us have them? More details in the March Newsletter but keep looking!! NEWSLETTER ASSISTANTS We are looking for more assistants to help out with the Newsletter. If you are computer-literate or enjoy doing layouts or interacting with other members, please contact: [email protected]. PUBLICITE ADVERTISEMENT « … Fin février, quatre jeunes étudiants européens rejoindront le désert du Maroc et se rendront de village en village pour apporter du matériel didactique, des livres scolaires et dictionnaires, aux ECOLES des ENFANTS du DESERT. . . » pour les encourager et soutenir ce projet, please join us at the enjoyable tapas evening simply delightful... great flavours ... and drinks Mercredi 11 February 2015, from 18.00 to 20.00 250 avenue Parmentier – 1150 Woluwe Saint Pierre for further information on the project, please contact the “Association Les 4Lephants”: [email protected] ou [email protected] 16 Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l.
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