SOFT FINE RICH 3 4 SOFT 18”x18” MOSAIC 12”x12” 5 6 SIZES SOFT 18”x18” 45,2x45,2 12”x12” 9 mm 30x30 9”x18” 22,5x45,2 9 mm 9 mm Mosaic 12”x12” 6”x6” 30x30 15x15 9 mm 9 mm Battiscopa 3”x12” 8x30 9 mm 7 8 FINE 18”x18” 9”x18” 6”x6” MOSAIC 12”x12” 9 10 SIZES FINE 18”x18” 45,2x45,2 12”x12” 9 mm 30x30 9”x18” 22,5x45,2 9 mm 9 mm Mosaic 12”x12” 6”x6” 30x30 15x15 9 mm 9 mm Battiscopa 3”x12” 8x30 9 mm 11 12 1 2 RICH 18”x18” 13 13 14 SIZES RICH 18”x18” 45,2x45,2 12”x12” 9 mm 30x30 9”x18” 22,5x45,2 9 mm 9 mm Mosaic 12”x12” 6”x6” 30x30 15x15 9 mm 9 mm Battiscopa 3”x12” 8x30 9 mm 15 PANARIA CERAMICA is a member of the U.S. Green Building Council: this is an organisation that promotes buildings that are environmentally responsible, profitable and healthy places to live and work. 100% REUSE OF UNFIRED TILES crude waste generated by the process is reintegrated in the production cycle with no costs for the environment. This contributes to the safeguard of natural resources. LOW EMISSION IN THE ATMOSPHERE the high quality of the technology used keeps low emissions in the atmosphere. 100% RECYCLING OF THE FIRED TILES (used as inert supports) all the waste-fired tiles generated by the process are recycled from the building industry as inert supports for road subsoils and foundations, reducing the use of new natural resources. METHANE CONSUMPTION ARE HIGHLY REDUCED by the use of up to date technologies and customized installations. 100% RECYCLING OF NON CERAMIC WASTE is differentiated and recycled in other production cycles. 100% WATER RECYCLING the water used in the production process is 100% recycled. The water demand is reduced by about 60% by this mean. No industrial water is discharged in the ecosystem. 16 PANARIA PACKING MATERIAL IS 100% RECYCLABLE g materials, wooden pallets, straps, etc..). LEED CREDITS RECYCLED CONTENT, Sections MR Credit 4.1 and MR Credit 4.2 - (2 LEED points) D • Mansion is produced with 40% of pre-consumer recycled materials. REGIONAL MATERIALS, MR Credit 5.2 – (2 LEED points are granted if the use of local raw material is equal to 20% of the total value of the raw materials) • These Credits are applicable for buildings constructed within 500 miles (804,5 km) from the production site of Lawrenceburg, Kentucky - USA. • Leed: Regional materials credits. As a product manufactured with regional raw materials, D • Mansion will contribute to get these credits on all job-sites located within 500 miles from the production plant (Lawrenceburg, KY U.S.A.). HEAT ISLAND EFFECT (Non roof), SS Credit 7.1 - (1 LEED point) D • Mansion doesn’t contribute to change the energy balance of the environments where installed. It doesn’t produce any Urban Heat Island Effect, thanks to its very good physical properties Solar Reflectance fl Index SRI ≥ 29. OPTIMIZE ENERGY PERFORMANCE, EA Credit 1 - (1-10 LEED points) Thermal conductivity ƪ of D • Mansion (Porcelain tile) is 0.75 Btu/ft h °F (1.3 Watt/m°K or 1.1 Kcal/m h °C). For this reason it’s particularly indicated for heating floors fl systems and ventilated curtain walls. LOW EMITTING MATERIALS, EQ Credit 4.2 - (1 LEED point) No traces of VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) are present in D • Mansion tiles. These environmental standards guarantee excellence in terms of: • safeguard of the environment. • continuous improvement of the environmental performances of D • Mansion and of the manufacturing sites. • healthcare of Panaria’s workers and customers. 17 TECHNICAL FEATURES EN 14411-G (BIa - GL) • ANSI 137.1-GL (Glazed Porcelain Tiles - P1 class) • ISO 13006-G (BIa-GL) SLIP RESISTANCE ASTM C1028 ≥ 0.60 RESISTANCE TO TRAMPLING WEAR ASTM C1027 5 STAIN RESISTANCE CTI 81-7 Annexe D RESISTANT CHEMICAL RESISTANCE ASTM C650 RESISTANT PACKINGS AND WEIGHTS 18 Description Sizes Pieces box Weight box . (Kg.) Sq. Mt. box Ln. Mt. box Boxes pallet Weight pallet (Kg.) Sq. Mt. pallet Fondo 18”x18” - 45,2x45,2 7 31 1,45 - 32 992 46,4 Fondo 12”x12” - 30x30 11 22 1,01 - 64 1408 64,64 Fondo 9”x18” - 22,5x45,2 14 30 1,46 - 48 1440 70,08 Fondo 6”x6” - 15x15 42 20 0,98 - 56 1120 54,88 Battiscopa 3”x12” - 8x30 20 9 0,48 6 80 720 38,40 Mosaico 16 Pz. 12”x12” - 30x30 4 7,5 0,36 - 81 607,5 29,16 MARKETING PANARIA APRILE 2010 V a Panaria Ba Vi ass ssa, a, 22/ 2/a 4 034 Finale Emi 41 mililia a (M (Mod oden na) - Italy Tel.+39 0535 5 951 5111 11 1 - Fax +39 053 5 5 90503 [email protected] - ww p na nari