hearts of gold newsletter - The Lutheran Home at Kane


hearts of gold newsletter - The Lutheran Home at Kane
Congratulations Linda on 30 years of Dedicated Service!
Mr. Edward Harrington, President
Mrs. Nancy Gausman, Secretary
Mr. Ken McCauley, Treasurer
Mr. Alva C. Baker • Mr. Robert Brock
Mr. Joseph Colosimo • Rev. Herbert Dubler
Rev. Robert Heinlein • Mr. Don Johnson
Mr. Robert Magnuson • Mr. Gordon Nygren
Rev. Douglas Soley • Mrs. Zosima Valdes
Mr. Robert Walker
Mr. Donald Johnson, President
Mrs. Zosima Valdes, Vice President
Mr. Robert Walker, Secretary
Mr. Robert Magnuson, Treasurer
Mrs. Unda Carlson • Reverend William Cox
Mr. Ed Harrington • Mrs. Ann Kessel
Dr. James Maxwell
The Lutheran Home, Kane, PA is a non-profit organization providing
professional care and housing alternatives to our aging population.
Througb quality services, specialized programs and a caring staff, we
strive to bring a sense of belonging to each resident. Ourgoal is to meet
their physical, social, emotional and spiritual needs with understanding, dignity, and respect.
The official registration and financial information of the
Lutheran Home at Kane may be obtained from the PA
Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania,
1(800)732-0009. Registration does not imply endorsement.
the provisions of services, and referrals of residents shall be made
without regard to race, color, religious creed, diSability, ances!ty, national origin,
age, sex, occupation,
or source of payment.
Program services shall be made
accessible to eligible disabled persons through the most practical and economically feasible methods available.
These methods include. but are not limited to,
equipment and facilities redesign, the provision of aids, and the use of alternative
service delivery locations.
Published periodically by the
Resource Development / PR Department
Linda Carlson, NHA
Roger Marton
Director of Resource Development
& Editor
Barbara Johnson
Resource Development/PR
& Assistant Editor
The 4th Annual Charity Golf Classic set the standard to
measure future tournaments against. This years event
nettedover $5,000 for the Alzheimer Unit Outdoor Garden/
Walk project. Months of preliminary planning and
meetings produced a delightful day of fun, fellowship and
golf at the 18 hole Kane Country. Club, One hundred
participants played golf, making the 4-person team
scramble format an interesting, fun and exhilarating event.
At the registration table each player received a special gift
package. A delicious evening buffet dinner capped the
exciting competition.
Many doorprizes were also given out. A hearty thanks
went to all participants and sponsors. A special thank
you went to Northwest Savings Bank, our \\Sustaining
Partner" and PNC Advisors our \\Gold Sponsor".
Winners in the event include:
First Overall ...
Joe Colosimo, Drew Woolridge, Robin Hay, Bill Leven
Second Overall ...
Jim Lenaway, Bill Gordon, Tom Hemdal, Dennis Carlson
Third Overall - (3 teams tied) ...
Bob Walker, Shawn Walker, John Hanna, Brian Swanson
Ed Parana, Dave Molella, Karl Swanson, Tom Anderson
Dan Blair, John Robertson, Ren Perlee, John Hodges
First Co-ed ...
Karen Carty, Ron Carty, Randy Durante, Dr. Bruno Sicher
Congratulations TO Everyone
Who participated !_
Activities Department
This has been a wonderful year for Community
Service. Our residents love to contribute to the
children of our community. In the past few months
we have participated in visits with the Head Start and
IU-9 preschool classes doing such projects as
making "LUV" Bugs, preparing and running an Easter
egg hunt for both classes, and blowing bubbles in
the gazebo. Of course the residents enjoy this as
much as the children. The Lutheran Home at Kane
received the "Project Head Start Volunteer Award for
outstanding volunteer service to Project Head Start
during the past year.
Child Day Care
A new service offered at the Lutheran Home at Kane. In partnership
with the St. Callistus Church, cottage 92G has been renovated to
meet the requirements for a State Licensed Child Day Care Service.
The Child Day Care, Kane's Intergenerational Day CareService (KIDS),
was approved for use by the State and is now available to children
from the community of Kane, ages newborn to 10 years. Lisa Grube,
Director and Jenny Anderson, Group Supervisor are planning daily
activities, including circle time and preschool hour. The public is
invited to stop in any time during the Child Day Care Service's operating hours of 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., Monday through Friday.
If you have any questions, please call the Lutheran Home at Kane,
(814) 837-6706.
The residents from RCCand the nursing facility both
participated in the Kane Community Center Project.
Residents painted and cut out many letters, flowers,
frogs, butterflies and sunshines for the center window
that read, "April showers bring May tlowers" and made
the front page of the Kane Republican. We plan to
create another window at the center in fall. RCC
residents also helped Big Brother/Big Sister fold and
stamp their newsletter. These projects mean a lot to
the residents because they enjoy being needed. The
Activities Department works diligently to promote their
strengths and fulfill their desire to continue to be
contributing citizens to their community.
Job Shadowing
On February 2nd, the Home participated in a Job Shadowing
Day for students of the Kane High School. Five students did a
tag-a-Iong at the RCCand Nursing Facility for part of the day
to gain valuable lnsiqht of the working world.
Second Annual
Educational Event
In Greek I S called
'last things.... As I write these words I am in the
middle of celebrating the season of Easter. During these days Jesus is caring for some "last
things" before he ascends to his Father. He is
preparing the disciplesfo carry on the work he
has begun. These last 40 days are so important to confirming the message of Easter, that
without this time of care for those grieving, the
message of hope and joy would most likely have
taken on a different shape.
Endings are among the things that people prefer not to talk about let alone care for. But it is
a Godly time. It is in what Christians often refer
to as "the last book", Revelation, where God is
described as the Alpha and the Omega, the first
and the last the beginning and the end (Rev.
22: 13). Endings mean many things to different people and are filled with many feelings and
stories, including God-fi"ed moments.
I say this to lead into an opportunity occured
this fall when PBS aired a four part series
entitled" On Our Own Terms", Moyers On Dying
In America on September 10-13.
Let me make a few suggestions:
1 - Now is the time for faith communities to put
in place a setting in which people can corne
together to examine and discuss end-of-life care.
2 - I will be glad to meet with groups that may
wish to pursue discussion of the material presented in this series, and/or assist in setting up
a process that would facilitate the same.
3 - And at the least encourage individuals and
families to view the series and discuss it amongst
I invite and encourage all persons to seize upon
this opportunity to care for that part of our life
that we will a" come to sooner or later. Jesus,
did that with his disciples. And when the Spirit
came upon them, they were prepared to "te" the
story" that conveys a message of hope, joy and
peace. Their lives also became a reflection of
the hope they had received.
Thursday, Nov. 9, 2000
Nursing Facility
Clay Street Campus
Clergy/Fam ily/Caregivers
Reverend Gary W. Sartain,
BCC, Director of Postoral
Care and Clinical Pastoral
Education for the
Evangelical Lutheran
Good Samaritan Society,
one of the nation's largest
not-for-profit long-term
care providers.
Times to be announced
Breakfast on the Porch
RCCAnnual Picnic
On Sunday, August 13, many residents and families
enjoyed their annual outdoor picnic at the Residential
Care Center. Refreshments and entertainment were
provided by Sassafras the Clown. Musical entertainment
included Fritz Zampogna and Mac McQuillen.
From An Intergenerational
Several RCC Residents put sweaters and/or jackets on and
enjoyed their first meal of the day on the front porch at the
ResidentialCareCenter.They enjoyed oatmeal, toast eggs and
hot steaming coffee and no one complained that it was too
cold. All one could hear was the clanging of silverware and
voices saying how good everything tasted in the early
morning air, especially the coffee. Two of our volunteers, Don
and Ruth Johnson, provide assistance to staff. Who ever said
Senior Citizens don't take part in wild and crazy ideas, don't
know our Residents. We sure do have fun.
State Plan for the Aging
This spring over seventy-five representations from various
consumer groups and providers of care to the aging expressed
their ideas and concerns of older Pennsylvanians and their
families. The Pitt-Bradford Campus hosted PA Secretary of
Aging Richard Browdie who solicited input for the State Plan
on Aging 2000 to 2004.
Pennsylvania is ranked second in states with the highest
percentage (over 20%) of elderly over 60 years of age. It is
projected that by 2020 Pennsylvanians under 15 years of
age and over 65 years of age will be equal at 18% of the
state's population.
The Lutheran Home at Kane was the meeting center for
Brownie Troop 212 throughout the fall and spring of the
past year. Girls, ages 7- 10, met every other Tuesday in
the Activity Center, under the direction of two adult
leaders. They worked on different skills to earn their
try-it badges as well as enjoyed a craft. Residents were
invited to watch the girls and many times participated in
the fun. All enjoyed the many activities, especially
Mexican Night and a Christmas pizza party.
Cooking with Cora
Cooking with Cora, scheduled in the
Activity Center, brings the wonderful
smell of homemade cooking
throughout the facility, thanks to
Dick and Cora steele. They
volunteer at the Nursing Facility
cooking with residents to prepare
delicious meals. Many residents
help with cutting vegetables
and mixing ingredients to
prepare a variety' of dishes
that they enjoy with
the employees.
Linda Carlson is shown with Secretary Browdie and
Bill Orzechowski. Executive Director of the local Area Agency on Aging.
A Computer Raffle
A drawing for a home computer system, donated by
Blumenthal's Inc. of Olean NY was held at the nursing faci lity on April 17th (tax day). All proceeds benefited the Alzheimer's Unit Outdoor GardenlWalk.
Lucille Swanson, resident of the Lutheran Home at
Kane drew the winning ticket during the residents
coffee hour. Winner of the computer system, which
included software and a printer, was Annette Burke of
Williamsville, New York. Mrs. Burk is the daughter of
Alice McCarthy and niece of Dorothy Williams and
Evelyn Finnefrock, all residents of the Residential Care
Fishing Trip
Several residents of the Lutheran Home at Kane and
the Residential Care Center recently enjoyed a day of
fishing at the Elijah Launch/Fishing Pier at Kinzua on
Friday, August 18, 2000. The handicapped accessible pier provided an excellent opportunity for the
residents and volunteers to experience scenic beauty
and great fishing. Jack Bell, local professional bass
fisherman, was an excellent resource. Paul's Trading
Post owner, Earl Duffy, generously provided bait.
Pictured above are residents and volunteers prepared for a day of fishing.
The Staff donated a
beautiful picture in
memory of Olga Savoia.
Pictured is Mr. Louis 'Gee
Gee' Savoia with staff from
the Lutheran Home Nursing
The Gift Annuity ... A Gift That Continues To Give.
That is just what a Charitable Gift Annuity does for you and the mission of the Lutheran Home at Kane (LHK). You make a gift of cash or
securities to LHK and that gift can provide you with a guaranteed annual income for the rest of your life. But your gift continues to give even
after death. When you make your gift, you will also be giving the remaining portion of your annuity to the LHK at the end of your life. You have
been a good steward all your life, should you not also be a steward at the end of life? This is an opportunity to participate in the future of the
LHK. You not only enjoy the giving of a gift, but also receive significant financial and tax advantages. The ultimate satisfaction comes in
knowing you are making an important contribution that will help underwrite the mission of the LHK for decades to come.
How Does a Charitable Gift Annuity Work?
Mrs. Jones is 75 years old. She needs to increase her income,and at the same time support the Lutheran Home at Kane (LHK). Mrs. Jones
has $10,000 in a savings account that pays 3% annual income or $300 a year. Mrs. Jones decides to give LHK the $10,000 in exchange
for a Charitable Giff Annuity. LHK agrees to provide her with a guaranteed fixed income for life (not subject to change like a CD). Mrs. Jones
receives an annuity payment of $820 per year. Of that, $447.22 is tax-free. She also gets a charitable tax deduction of $4,446.80 on her
gift. Depending on her tax bracket, she can save on her taxes for the year she makes the gift. That means she has increased her income from
$300 to $820 and saved on her taxes at the same time! More important, Mrs. Jones has the joy of knowing her gift is helping to fulfill the
mission of the Lutheran Home at Kane.
The above is for illustration purposes only. Both the charitable deduction and tax-free income may vary slightly.
If you would like more information about Charitable Gifts Annuities or other opportunities to give, please contact the Resource Development
Office, (814) 837-6706 .
We are again eligible to participate in the Lutheran Brotherhood Foundation's three-year matching gift program. The program is designed to match gifts given to the Home from the Lutheran
Brotherhood Members. Their Member Matching Gift Grant will hopefully increase our donor base,
provide additional funds for much needed services and enhance our endowments.
The program matches contributions by Lutheran Brotherhood members to the Home up to $100
per year. This program will be available through November 30, 2001. The Lutheran Brotherhood
Foundation's maximum annual- match will be $50,000 providing a total potential match of
$150,000.Details of this Lutheran Social Ministry Organization (LSMO) matching grant program
are provided in a brochure available through the Lutheran Home at Kane and/or your Lutheran
Brotherhood agent.For the convenience of eligible donors, please complete the attached form
and return it to the Resource Development office or call Roger or Barb for more information.
1. Member's
Last Name
2. Mailing Address
I understand that I cannot apply to have additional gifts matched through this program during this
annual cycle.
I understand
4. Member's
that to be eligible, gifts must be made directly to the institution
LBSC Account
or Client ID Number
5. Name of Instirurion Receiving G~fr
(please sign on line below)
DR USE ONLY: If this gift is being given byan LB DR, please note DR# here __
Institution Use Only: I hereby certify that. the above listed gift has been received by my institution.
of value was given in return for this gift and matching
obligation of che donor.
6. Tow Amount of Gift:
(minimum $25)
7. Date of Gift:
listed in section #5.
9. Member's
3. Blrthdace
8. r au rhonze
. th e reClpIent
. . ion ro
aife to the Lutheran Brotherhood Foundation to. apply
to reoorr
report mv
my gl
for a gift match under the LSMO Member Matching Gift Grant. I understand that the Lutheran
Brotherhood Foundation cannot guarantee it will fully match my gift.
of Insriturion's
(please sign on line above)
funds will not be used
discharge any
Advice given by
MS. Carley Hellen
In an effort to inform caregivers and family members,
the Lutheran Home at Kane recently had national
authority and author, Carly Hellen, OTRlL, present a
series of educational programs to over 150 caregivers
and included some of the following material:
Dementia is the loss of intellectual functions (such
as thinking, remembering and reasoning) of sufficient
severity to interfere with a persons daily functioning.
It is not a disease in itself but rather a group of symptoms, which may accompany certain diseases or
physical conditions. The cause and rate of progression of dementias vary. Some of the better-known
diseases that produce dementia include Alzheimer's
disease, multi-infarct dementia, Huntington's disease,
Pick's disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, and
Parkinsons disease.
Alzheimer's disease is the most common of the
dementing disorders. Alzheimer's disease is a progressive, degenerative disease that attacks the brain
and results in impaired memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include a
gradual memory loss, decline in ability to perform
routine tasks, disorientation in time and space, impairment of judgment personality change, difficulty
in learning and loss of language and communication
skills. As with all dementias, the rate of progression
in Alzheimer's patients varies from case to case. From
the onset of symptoms, the life span of an Alzheimer
victim can range anywhere from 3 to 20 or more
years. The disease eventually leaves its victims unable to care for themselves. While a definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease is possible only through
the examination of brain tissue, which is usually done
at autopsy, it is important for a person suffering from
any symptoms of dementia to undergo a thorough
clinical examination. In fact after such an evaluation, approximately 20% of suspected Alzheimer's
cases prove to be a medical condition other than
Alzheimer's, sometimes treatable.
Creative Caregiving
Interventions and
Refocusing Challenging
Behaviors for
Alzheimer's Caregivers:
• Realize that yon do the adapting and
the modifying of your response to their
• Realize that yon enter their reality
rather than pulling them into yours.
• Realize that one size doesn't fit all,
when it comes to what will and what
won't work for each individual.
• Realize that approaches and
techniques are not 100%failure free and
that you must learn to be flexible.
• Realize that normalization is important in giving them a sense of participating in their own lives as they see fit.
• Realize that success means adapting
the task to whatever the highest level
happens to be.
• Realize that the process is more
important than the net result, and
celebrate that process regardless of the
• Realize that you need to "Do What It
Takes"when the tried and true have not
been effective.
• Realize that the family is an equal
partner in the caregiving process and
that educating them is up to you.
• Realize that through your caregiving,
you hold the key to the success of their
journey through this disease and that
because of this, you are a rare and
special person.
Memorial Contributions are given each year by generous donors to pay tribute
to their loved ones. The Lutheran Home at Kane appreciated these donations
to the Memorial Fund for the period of October 1999 through June 2000
Effie & Sig Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison
William Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Amil Ely
James E. Asp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magnuson
Mr. Louis Savoia
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Vaughn
Dorothy R. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poklar
Dorothy Beckwith
Ms Julia Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steele
Anna Bostjancic
Lyle Conroe
Ms Linda Harris
Mrs. Kenneth Kempf
Richard Nelson
Anne Pearson
Mr. Louis Savoia
MsAnn Turk
Bob Udovich
Dorotha Wilt
Carmela Branda
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McKenna
Ms Mary Serianni
Alfred R. Brandt
Mr. John E. McCool
Lillie Buzard
Mrs. Charles Fleeger
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Mishic
Rev Andrew Carlsson
Tabor Lutheran Church
Leo Cary
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McKenna
Mr. Louis Savoia
Ms Mary Serianni
1. C. Chatmon
Mr. Louis Savoia
Rev. Sigmund Decker
Tabor Lutheran Church
Frank Farnsworth
Ms. Frances Caruso
Ms. Julia Davis
Mr Louis Savoia
Gladys Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Abplanalp
Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Anderson
Mrs. and Mr. Clara Besecker
Ms. Louise Desio
Mr. and Mrs. Amil Ely
Mrs. Linnea Funari
Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson
Mrs. Alma Holmes
Mr. Lee Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson
Mrs. Harriet Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Johnson
Ms. Margaret Johnson
Ms. Vivian Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lossman
Mr. and Mrs. John Mawn
Mr. and Mrs. John Mays
Mr. Bill McDade
Ms. Pauline McMillen
Mrs. and Mr. Nancy Morgan
Mr. Eugene Patterson
Ms Clara Paup
Ms. Virginia Pesta
Mr. and Mrs. George Punk
Mr. John Rook
Mr. Louis Savoia
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steele
Mr. Donald Swedenhjelm
Mrs. Esther V. Swedenhjelm
Mr. and Mrs. Larry
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tritt
Mr. Jim Varisano
Mr Robert Walker
Ms Carol Yetto
Ms. Roberta Yetto
Ann Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. James Alexis
Eugene Grosch
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carlson
Mrs. Marge Caruso
Thyra Grosch
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Grosch
Remember and/or Honor Your Loved Ones
Lutheran Home at Kane Honor/Memorial Fund Contributions/Memorials
Made to:
The Lutheran Home at Kane
RR 1 Box 92M Kane, PA 16735
Amy Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Besse
Rosetta Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Groger
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lindquist
Mr and Mrs. John Mertz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steele
Micheal Yancey
David Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Knotts
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Magnuson
William Hartzell
Mr Louis Savoia
Ms. Dora Wedlock
Thomas E. Henretta
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fogel
Ms Linda Harris
Bob & Paula Mosier
Ms Edith Mosier
Mr and Mrs John Mosier
Grace Hindman
Mr. and Mrs. Cy Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mumford
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Pierotti
Paul Jacobus
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carlson
Ms Frances Caruso
Ms Julia Davis
Ms Linda Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Magnuson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magnuson
Mr. Louis Savoia
Ms Carol Yetto
Margaret Kittner
Brandermill Woods
Rev. and Mrs. Sigmund Decker
Robert Gregersen
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kittner
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Klinestiver
Ms. Virginia Knisely
Lutheran Home Employees
Gary Nash
Mr. Gerald W. Nelson
Joseph Pratz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rakiecki
Reiss Corporation
Rexnord Corporation Employees
Ms Mary Serianni
Sheffield Senior Women's Club
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Thomas
Esther Klippert
Dr. and Mrs. Bruno Sicher
Mr. & Mrs. George Krayniak
Ms. Mildred E Krivak
Catherine LoBue
Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Lobue
Loved Ones
Mrs. Hazel Blauser
Gordon Magnuson
Chestnut Elementary School
Ms Linda Harris
Ms. Lois Lundeen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magnuson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Magnuson
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. James Say
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Say
Arline Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott
Mrs. Lucille Swanson
Anne Marasco
Ms. Linda Harris
Grace McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerber
Mrs. Margaret Sopkovich
& Family
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Worley
Mary Agnes McKew
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lonski
Selma Mohney
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Novosel
Iris Molle
Mr. Louis Savoia
Laverne Molle
Mr. and Mrs. Amil Ely
Ms Linda Harris
Mr. Louis Savoia
Mr. Lawrence Woods
Axel & Edith Alexis
Roger Alexis
Jean Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magnuson
Ms. Carol Yetto
Roberta Yetto
Ann Parana
Mr. Ed Parana
Mr. Louis Savoia
Gerald O. Paulson
Mr. Joseph Gonda
Lillian Pavlock
Barb Menteer
Mrs. Lucille Swanson
Ervin Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Ellison
Marvin Peterson
Ms Julia Davis
Mrs. Shirley Dodge
Ms Linda Harris
Nancy Maze
Ms Sherillyn Ruggiers
Phyllis Walter
Edith Prindle
Rev. and Mrs. Melville Sjostrand
Fannie Raymondo
Paul Raymondo
Glennis H. Rickert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magnuson
David Rietter
Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Lobue
Mark Royer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magnuson
Olga Savoia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magnuson
Mrs. Frances Preshak
Wayne Shawley
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flower
Ruth Sluga
Mr. Charles Sluga
Anna Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Haulik
Ann Anderson
Ms. Louise Desio
Year 2000 Benevolence Bell Tree Appeal
Tony Spetic
Ms. Rita Jubon
Ethel Stepp
Mrs. Annabel Bush
Dr. and Mrs. Bruno Sicher
Betty Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. James Kimbrough
Ms. Mollie Rich
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steele
Mr. John Stewart
Mr. Michael Stewart
Ms Carol Yetto
Ms. Roberta Yetto
Esther V. Swedenhjelm
Stephen Blint
Helen Thayer
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rakiecki
Carolyn Transue
Mr. and Mrs Leonard Abplanalp
Ms Rita Jubon
KOA Speer Electronics, Inc.
Ms. Anna Lester
Ms. Lois Lundeen
Mr. and Mrs. Edward McKenna
Ms Dorothy Moore
Ms Carol Nelson
Ms Mary Serianni
Oliver Swanson
Juanito Valdes
Mr and Mrs Conrad Anderson
Cecil Van Giesen
Mr. and Mrs. Loren Gullifer
Edith Wenner
Mr. and Mrs. Lorie Lobue
Sarah E. Williams
Mr. William Gustafson
Helen Yancosek
Ms. Sandra Bristol
Tony Zampogna
Ms. Frances Caruso
Mary Zuzek
Mr. William Anderson
Caroline Anderson
Ms. Marjorie Ferraro
The Lutheran Home at Kane Benevolence Bell TreeAppeal honors those who enrich our lives daily and
remembers those we dearly miss.
The many generous donations made to the Benevolence Bell Tree Appeal help us to ~rovlde
continuing quality health care for our residents. In 1999, over $14,000 was freely given.
As a non-profit organization, any donation is always appreciated and enables us to meet our residents phvsicol.
emotional, social and spiritual needs with understanding, dignity and respect.
Please remember the ones you love this Christmas with our Annual Benevolence Bell TreeAppeal.
If you have any questions, please contact Roger or Barb at the Lutheran Home at Kane.
Carrie Anderson
Ms Clare M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Olson
Claude Anderson
Ms Frances L. Anderson
Effie & Sig Anderson
Mrs Grace Chelgren
Gertrude M. Anderson
Mr and Mrs Robert Calhoun
Mr and Mrs Thomas Rizzuti
Lucille A. Anderson
James Anderson
Monghild "Billie" Anderson
Mr and Mrs Stanley Besse
Mr and Mrs James Burton
Mr. & Mrs. O. D. Anderson
Ms Isabelle Anderson
Myrtle Anderson
Ms Frances L. Anderson
N aemi Anderson
Mr and Mrs Allen Peterson
Ruth Anderson
Mr and Mrs James Burton
Bertha Ashbaugh
Mr Frank Ashbaugh
Bud & Fran Baker
Ms Linda Harris
Elsie Banks
Ms Kathy Rostan
Mary & Carl Baumann
Ms Margaret Holland
Aglaia Bechakas
Mr and Mrs. Terry Bechakas
Thelma Biggs
Josephine Brunclik
Ms. Gladys F. Martin
Mary Bish
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bish
Henrietta Blum
Mr and Mrs Henry Suhr Jr
Mr. Philip E. Blum
Mr and Mrs Henry Suhr Jr
George Bomboy
Ms. Shirley Wolfe
Anna Bostjancic
Ms. Kathy Rostan
Theda Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Powley
John Bradley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Powley
Katharyn Brenan
Mrs. Peggy Till
Judy Bressler
Dr. and Mrs. Conrado Valdes
Kline Bush
Mrs. Annabel Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Woods
Doris Capuano
Ms Minnie Bushey
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Capuano
Duane Carlson
Mr. Robert E. Carlson
Edwin Carlson
Ms. Naomi Carlson
Eleanor Carlson
Reverend Douglas F. Soley
Mabel B. Carlson
Mr Dennis Carlson
Mr Donald M. Carlson
Trevor Carlson
Ruth Carlson
Mr and Mrs Alfred Citro
Richard Caruso
Mrs Marge Caruso
Teresa Caruso
Ms Frances Caruso
Mr and Mrs Charles Russo
Peter B. Chubon
Mr and Mrs Dick Chubon
Eugene Conant
Mrs Doreen Conant
Karen Coryea-Pendley
Dorcas Unit Holy Trinity Lutheran
Peter Costanzo
Ms Adeline Costanzo
Marian Cowden
Ms Kathy Hannah
Orner Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fink
Waive A. Dahlgren
Mr. Clair Dahlgren
Frank & Elsie Dahlquist
Mrs Louise Mader
Alice Danielson
Mrs Ellen Conn
Lee Daum
Ms Betty J. Daum
Dixie Davis
Ms Julia Davis
Harry Decker
Ms Julia Decker
Rev. and Mrs. Sigmund Decker
Mrs Virginia Carlson
Rev. and Mrs. Sigmund Decker
Dominick DeSio
Ms Louise Desio
John E. Diehl
Mrs Della Diehl
Robert Digel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Digel, Jr.
Bette Dinger
Tracy Nearing
Leta Dooher
James Anderson
Rosemarie Dullen
Ms Mary McGinty
Judy Durnell Hannold
Mr and Mrs Ira C. Durnell
Bessie Easha
Josephine Brunclik
Martha Eastman
Mr and Mrs Emil Johnson
Isabel A. Eck
Mr. and Mrs. John Twidale
Sarah Eidell
Mr. and Mrs. Arden Eidell
Thorold Eidell
Mr and Mrs. Robert Eidell
Florence Elmquist
Ms. Gloria Elmquist
Betty Esmond
Mr Ralph Esmond
Burley Fitch
Mr and Mrs Robert Rohm Jr
Clair Fitzgerald
Ms Elizabeth Holt
Esther & John Flower
Mr and Mrs. Jack Flower
Gorden Folke
Mrs Elaine Folke
Marjorie Fox
Ms Anna Turnquist
Fran & Joe Fragale
Mrs. Marge Caruso
Iola Fulmer
Ms Clare M. Jones
Violet E. Gadley
Helen Bradybaugh
Edith Geer
Mr and Mrs Raymond Lindquist
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel O'Hara
Min and Nick Gentilman
Mr and Mrs Victor Gentilman
Amy Gustafson
Mr William Gustafson
Ebba Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs Vernon Hallberg
Mr. & Mrs. Gustafson
Ms Helen Detwiler
Walter Gustafson
Mrs Ann M. Gustafson
Anna Hanson
Ms Helen S. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hennel1
Ellen Harley
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hennell
Jennifer Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrington
Mary Harrington
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrington
Joseph A. Haulik, Sr.
Ms Judith Payne
William Hayes
Mrs. JoAnn Haberland
Gilbert & Mary Hedlund
Mary Kay Hedlund
Floyd Henry
Mr Russell Henry
Evelyn Hibbard
Ms. Isabelle Lauinger
Fred & Delores Hoffman
Mr and Mrs Leo Morelli
Donald Holt
Donald Holt II
Dale L. Howard
Mrs. Sue Howard
Gladys Humes
Mrs. Sandy Latshaw
Grace Jarrett
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Jarrett
C. Evan Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harms
Ebba L. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harms
Ellen Johnson
Mrs. Agnes Johnson
Elsie Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson
Evert & Helen Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson
Mildred Johnson
Mr. Wallace Johnson
Orville Johnson
Mrs. Harriet Johnson
Tillie Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Johnson
Vema Johnson
Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson
Pauline Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wile
Shannon Johnston
Mr and Mrs. Norman Wile
David Jones
Ms Clare M. Jones
J. Paul Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Digel, Jr.
Esther Kahle
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asp
Evelyn Kar1ene
Ms. Marie Johnson
Elizabeth Kelley
Ms. Donna Wiler
Frederick Kelley
Ms. Donna Wiler
Nora Kempf
Mr. Bruce Kempf
Ms. Norma Staaf
Mr. and Mrs. John Verolini
Helen Keneske
Carol Carson
W. O. & Karin Kessel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kessel
Twila Kessler
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Swanson
Donald Kirkpatrick
Mrs. Marjorie Kirkpatrick
Ms. Eleanor Posteraro
Margaret Kittner
Mrs Blair
Mr. and Mrs. James Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kittner
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Kittner
Fred Klawuhn
Mrs. Helen Klawuhn
William Krivak
Ms Mildred E Krivak
Evelyn Larson
Ms Sylvia Lynde
Harry & Helga Larson
Mr. and Mrs. J Robert Nelson
Mrs. Harriet Rose
Mrs. Lorraine Yaggie
William & Jennie Larson
Lois Johnson
Frank & Twila Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Lewis
Mr. & Mrs. B. L. Lilly
Ms Dorothy Lilly
Ellen Linn
Ms. Margaret Davis
Catherine LoBue
Mr. Frances A. Carbone
Maude Longshore
Ms. Katherine Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Homer Lord
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asp
James Bostaph
Alice Magnuson
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Magnuson
Sam & Rose Manno
Ms Virginia Manno
Samuel Manno
Ms Virginia Manno
Elizabeth Marconi
Mr. and Mrs. John Marconi
Grace Mattison
Ms. Lois Lundeen
Marian McCandless
Mr. and Mrs. William Nystrom
Rose McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCauley
Mary Agnes Me Kew
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lonski
Howard McNany
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carlson
John Mehalko
Mrs. Dorothy Mehalko
Elizabeth Morelli Family
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Morelli
Tom Moylan
Mrs. Jane Moylan
Sister Mary David
Jimmy S. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Myers
Arthur Nelson
Mr. Bart Nelson
Bertha Nelson
Ms, Marjorie Hults
Magdalene Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Freeburg
Ms, Janice M. Larson
Mr. and Mrs. J Robert Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Axel Nelson
Mr. Allen G. Nelson
Myrtle Nelson
Ms. Marjorie Hults
Norbert Neureiter
Ms. Doris Neureiter
Carl Novosel
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Johnson
Katherine Oliver
Mr. and Mrs. A V. Andolina
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Olson
Rose Kocjancic Paar
Mrs. Katie Kocjancic
Carol J. Park
Sherrie Park
Edith Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Max Brady
Hattie & Eugene Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Peters
Clarence H. Peterson
Mrs. Alice Peterson
Elaine Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Witchen
Emil Peterson
Mrs. Valborg Peterson
Ms. Anna M. Depto
Elizabeth Petruney
Mrs. Loretta E. Snow
Ray I. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Phillips
Fannie Raymondo
Paul Raymondo
Mary Raymondo
Jon Serianni
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rettger
Mr. and Dr. Rettger
Lawrence Reuning
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Reuning
Warren Rhodes
Joel Rhodes
Norman & Alice Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Kosta Paul
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Paul
Karl and Anita Rietter
Mrs. Elizabeth Marconi
Elizabeth Rohacek
Ms. Marie R. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Royer
Mrs. June Royer
Jennie, Ted & Alvin Samuelson
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Peterson
Olga Savoia
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ewing
Mrs. Cynthia Kribbs
Mr. Ed Parana
Ms Kathy Rostan
Mr. Louis Savoia
Mr. and Mrs. David Trask
Arline Scott
Mrs. Jean Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott
Effie V. Shaffer
Mrs. Barbara P. Gumbiner
John Shaw
Mary Shaw
Ruth Shaw
Ms. Lois Lundeen
Calvin & Norma Sholl
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rippon
Herman Shreffler
Ms Clare M. Jones
Elizabeth Sill
Mrs. Ann Blair
Les & Marie Simon
Bob, Ann, Kari and Kayce
Gary Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Smith
Ruth E. Morris
Alice Snyder
Ms. Helen S. Hanson
Mary Softich
Rosemary Kielar
Dorothy Bailey
Barbara Soley
Rev. and Mrs. Douglas F. Soley
Tony Spetic
Ms. Rita Jubon
Ashley Staul
Ms. Helen Madura
Mike & Myrtle Stenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harvot
Fay Weirich
Thomas Stewart
Mrs. Betty Stewart
Ruth Street
Mr. Edward Street
Carl Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams
Martha Swanson
Ms Joyce Mercer
Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson
Other Cifts
Capital Campaign
Mr. and Mrs. Alva C. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. David Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. John Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Durante
Mr. Allen H. Foreman
Mrs. L. Catherine Foreman
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gausman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrington
Mr. Keith Horn
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Johnson
Lutheran Brotherhood
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Magnuson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magnuson
Dr. and Mrs. James Maxwell
Mr. Ken McCauley
Rev Lewis Messinger
Mr. Gordon E. Nygren
Dr and Mrs. Bruno Sicher
Reverend Douglas F. Soley
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Turner
Dr. and Mrs. Conrado Valdes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker
Charles & Anna Mae Trimer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Lewis
Barbara Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Turner
Ryta Vandervoort
Mr. John Vandervoort
Mary VanGuilder
Mr. and Mrs. Hannold
Peter & Angeline Varisano
Mr. Vincent Varisano
Dina Walter
Phyllis Walter
Kay Weirich
Ms. Bonnie Weirich
Rita & Guy Willey
Mr. and Mrs. James Lenaway
Sarah Willow
Ms. Aneta Johnson
Mrs. Rozalia Wilson
Mrs. Madaline Witherow
Mrs. Phyllis Barnes
Stacey & Michelle Woodring
Mr. Clarence Strabel
Mary Zampogna
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Frank
Irma Zimmerman
Mrs. Elinor Hendrickson
Mary Zuzek
Mrs. Frances Preshak
Mrs. Anne Rolfe
Atlantic Eastern
Mrs. Gay Blackmore
James D. Blanding MD
Cannon Designs
The Copeland Companies
County National Bank
Mr. Richard H. Danielson
Davevic Benefit Consultants, Inc.
Mrs. Della Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Art Dietz
Ms. Marianne Dougherty
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flower
Gasco Distribution Systems Inc.
Geci and Associates Inc
Genesis Eldercare
Hamlin Bank & Trust Co
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Haulik
Hayes Large Architect
Dr. Daniel Homa DO Inc
Mrs. Jean A. Johnson
Kane Hardwood
Kane Magnetics International
Mr. Ed Kocjancic, Sr., Inc.
KTH Architects, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Magnuson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magnuson
Dr. and Mrs. James Maxwell
McDonald II Funeral Home
Mt Jewett Shur Save
Northwest Savings Bank
Mr. Ed Parana
PNC Advisors
Printing Plus
Mr. Edward Savoia
Shady Point Family Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Swanson
The PMA Insurance Group
Vantage LTC
Walker Printing Co
Mr. and Mrs. David Wheeler
Willamette Industries
Mr. Greg Wozneak
Mr. Joseph Wozneak
Alzheimer/Dementia unit
ef<utheran cfleome
The Horizon Unit the new 100 wing dedicated
to the care of residents with Alzheimer/Dementia
disease, opened in October, 1999. A continued
need for the unit has resulted in consideration to
expand the current nine (9) bed compliment.
Nearly four million Americans have Alzheimer's
disease, a debilitating neurological disorder
affecting the memory, places great stress
on those affected, as well as caregivers.
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Lut eran Horne at Kane
RR# 1 Box 92AA,
Kane, PA 16735
Non-Profit Org.
Permit No. 43