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A1ai'Uf t1u:t.zlu to..· l!UCifKtem e~e&#fJB A1eL!J~~ $Uj81ie(/~ /Vao;nt ':batUdJ!Ua Jw.m-11~ J!ad but~ HoOt kad..... Rliadladad ($eniM!Jriuocdkm (J~) g f<ru;AI/O(J.d. 1) dkmt e(J(H!/; 2} fJJdoM. I iotOfe /l j~ I would like to express my Interest in obtaining future copies of Shadows' Edge. I have read with great Interest, 2 previous Issues belonging to our Senior Education Officer and would like to be able to provide access to some of the Info the Issue contains to some of our young offenders myself (instead of having to steal Noel's) Thank You Cherrie- Welfare Oberon C.C. Dear Cherrie, I have spoken to our S.E.O Rita and believe the necessary arrangements have been made to accommodate your desire to obtain future issues of Shadows' Edge. We hope that some of the info is of use to some of your inmates, be they Young Offenders or not. Thank You for the interest and support. Thank you for the copy of Shadows' Edqe. well, very If reads well and some of !he arlides are particularly impressive. Tell Melanie !hall hope my horoscope is correcl-1 could do wilh The Editing Team, Shadows' Edge. a break perhaps. I will pass the magazine on lo the residents and staff. 'Dear ctlit{lr, C:hank f/{//1 8{1 ,much /{It sent/in{! me Shm/{lws' 8tl(!c.l/{lllntl it th{lllrPII{Ihlfl interestin{l ~ a!JsPrbin(!. ${! much sP that J sent the ':MemPirs {/f.Mulawa" stPr(J tP all m(J teachers whP wPrk in ePrrectPina/ fentres, tP rem/. C:he intimae(/ P/ her stPrfl is a lessPn /Pr all P/ us wh{l enter a centre. Our eves ~ attitudes have been gpcnctl. Regards Cleo {ParFOmaffa TFOnsitlonal Cenfpe) To the editor, I have really enjoyed Shadows' Edge magazine since it's conception. The really good thing is that the magazine, Rqartls, continues to /Vina Waffler Jnstitute ePrrectPna/ get better and eentre (HankstPWn better. Keep it C:A £T8)- J:iasPn Officer up and I look forward to the next issue. Very happy reader. 3 Muid!fd httVtt/88. :Act/vltles wo11kl /Ike to telllfOII t~bo11t wltt~ts lttiffelttltg t~lftl wltt~t we ltt~ve ltotefH111f got fldlflted for tltls lfedr. Mr Wljld Is now tlte Cllrreflt Senior Officer tit Acttvtt"ti?s t~lfd ltt~s some new ldet~s, wltlclt lte will foe lmtlemeflttltg tiS tlte lfedr (Jrogresses. Some cltt~nges tltt~t lfOH mtllf t~lret~dlf know t~bo11t; Is tltt~t we t~re now ftodllctltg tlte fltotos wltlclt Wt111totefHIIIj steed llf tlte ret11r11 of lfOIIf tltotos to lfOII. Mr Wt111t~ms .ltt~s foee11 ct~tclttltg llf 011 tlte fot~cklog. so dltlf tp~eni?s tit regt~rds to lfOHf tltotos, tlet~se direct t~ll tp~estlons to Mr Wt111t~ms. One tlttltg Is: flet~se ret~t/ lfOHr cofltmcts regt~rdtltg lfOIIf televisions ct~ref11lllj dB we ltt~ve to conflsct~h Tv's for foret~cltes of cofltrt~cts. t~t tilt t~lt~rmtltg rt~h. Mr smttlt Is now tit cltt~rge of tltmt~h televlslonltlre: t~gdtlt dltlf tp~estlons tlet~se feel tree to dffrodclt lt!m Wttlt lfOHr troP!ems. '1o11 t~re t~ll t~sktltg t~boHt wltt~t Is ltt~(Jfelttltg Wtt"lt tlte vtoeo Blfshms tit Wfj11tld11d t~lfd Dt~Wif De Lt~os t~ret~s. D11e to tlte tlgltt fopt/get tltt~t tift's sect/011 ltt~s to Ofetdh, we dto not ltt~ve tlte f1111tltltg to ltt~ve tltese mt~clttltlfes flx.ed Tlte vtoeos t~re cprrefltllj foetltg fefJdlret/ dB I tfjte· for t~111fOH f;tness ft~lfdtlcs, we t~re flllflftltg circHtt" dlfd f/ex.lfollttfj dt~sses. If lfOII t~re lflterestet/ fo11t ltt~ve 110 e><,Peni?nce flet~se d(JffOdclt 011e of tlte tltree officers for f'Ofer t~tlvlce. We t~lso ltave tlte AeroP!cs dt~sses tltt~t r1111 o11 THesddlf t~lfd TltHrsddlf 3-5tm t~ltd St~tllrddlf momtltgs f0:30t~m. 011 SHitddlf we offer Btltgo Wtt"lt some gret~t trlzes to foe wo11. c;o D.P Wnn::tma :Act!Vttlea Ofllcer 4 AN OPEN LETTER We gave life to you in wonder and joy and we loved you. We still love you. And yet we weep .. for the way you have become and for the way we have become in our sorrow and our helplessness. We weep for the days, months and years that we have lost you knowing that you are in no-ones care. In some dark tormented place. How many times we have cleaned up the mess, emptied the urine-filled Coke bottles, tripped over the bongs and been filled with disgust? We want to give you life again. How many times are we bullied, threatened, cajoled and manipulated for money? How many stories have we heard and how often it is someone elses fault? And there have been times when we have wished you dead to make life easier - and oh, the madness that sets in. How could we think To Heroin addicts and drus abusers dfug addicts, you have chosen that path yourselves and we have walked with you. like that? Your pain is anaestheRocking back tised, ours is lived. edge. and forth on a The evil of addiction We hold on to ourbed holding our is that it stops you selves and our loyalty from living, from womb feeling beto you knowing that it loving yourself, the trayed and guilty. is to us you will turn people around you This is my child. when the court hear- and they, in turn, are we neglect our other ing comes closer or children emotionally, tested in their love for you want to kick the our partners and you. habit. friends or we overWe wish you life and burden them with talk So you want to be the courage to be and more talk and our clean. alive and recognise We are happy, exdepression about you that today, we and cited. Maybe this and "what can we do you are being the best time, Please God. to help you?" and that we can be. We find the money, "where did we go Give us some time to encourage and motiwrong?" be happy and at peace vate, drive you to the with you. We live lives of doors of the rehab. deceit and fear and God be with you (Can't wait to hear humiliation knowing always. your laughter and the stigma attatched With Love. share your news to drug-users. again.) It is hard to stand up (Name supplied but We are told we have and say what is real withheld upon re"Yes, my son I daugh- to let you hit rockquest) bottom before you ter is a Heroin addict will pick yourselves and he lies and steals Quoted in full to maintain his habbit up. an article It is a place we get to from and sometimes he I ' submitted to a first. gets angry and abulocal Sydney We have loved you sive and we need and dreamed our protection." paperdreams for you. We feel used and "The Leader". We wanted only what afraid. If we say was good and loving. something, we may We did not make you push him over the 5 B~: Anne Keatino , SuMenl~a stranoe soun~ ecbo00 tbrouob tbe forest. I turne~ aroun~ to see tbat tbe trees tbat line~ tbe patb I was walkino alono were cominp alive. I stumble~ tbrouob tbe ~eM leaves an~ twios tbat covere~ tbe san~~ patb but it was too late. Tbe trees starte~ to close in on me blockino tbe patG to wbicb I neoooo to fP. to oet to tbe riverbank. In oosperation I searcboo for an openino between tbe trees. But tbere was none. It was now pitcb black witb not even tbe faintest olimmer of liobt from tbe moon penetratino tbe treetors above. I startoo to breatbe beavil~ as sweat starte~ to run ~own ~ sbirt ~et I coul~ not stop m~self from sbiverino. At first I tbouobt tbat tbis must be tbe result of a fear wellino up insioo of me at tbe prospect of beino lost in tbe woo~s. Gra~uall~ I felt a sliobt breeze, bare[~ noticeable at Qroun~ un~isturbe~ first but arowino stronoer b~ tbe secon~. Tbe stronoer it orew tbe more it for centuries, aoainst tbe bare skin of m~ cbeeks an~ forebea~. It stuno painfull~ an~ I was force~ to starte~ to feel like someone breatbino bebin~ me. I turne~ aroun~ an~ stare~ into tbe ink;g ~arkness. Some ten feet in front of me I imqoine~ I coul~ see tbe outline of tbe Evil Queens stone carve~ coffin tbat sbe was mummifioo an~ lai~ to rest in over .3000 ~ears aoo. was it ~ craze~ imaoination or was tbere a fioure stan~ino bebin~ it? I trie~ to oet a orip on m~se[f. I tol~ m~self tbat tbere was no one tbere. Tbat tbere coul~ be no one tbere. I was tbe onl~ livino creature to enter tbe forest since tbe ~a~ tbe burial part~ ba~ come tbrouob from tbe Evil Queen's funeral. Yet eve~wbere I looke~ I coul~ see fioures. B~ now tbe breeze ba~ orown str0!1{] enouob tO Whip up tbe san~ an~ ~ust tbat la~ on tbe now olowino ~iml~ tbrou(Jb tbe trees a~ amono tbe treetops. Seven liabts in a pattern, wbicb seeme~ ver~ familiar. Yet I coul~ not remember wbere I ba~ seen tbem before. Brief[~ tbe liobts flare~ an~ tbe forest was fille~ witb an intense wbite olare. I cou{~ see now tbat tbe ~e{{ow stone coffin was uncbanoe~. Tbere was no fioure tbere or an~wbere else in tbe forest. Witb a sense of relief place m~ arm across m~ face in an attempt to sbiel~ m~ e~es an~ nose. But it was no use. Tbe ~ust an~ san~ was eve~ wbere. Fillino m~ moutb. Spillino ~own into m~ lunos as I oaspe~ for breatb. I ~roppe~ to m~ knees bur~ino m~ bea~ into m~ arms. Tben1 just as I steppe~ forwar~ to tbe win~ ba~ starte~ look more close{~ at witbout warnino, so tbe paintinos alono tbe to it ba~ ~roppe~ an~ si~e of tbe coffin. I finall~ went awa~. tben realise~, as I For a few secon~s looke~ aroun~, tbat I tbere was total si- ba~ been taken out of lence. I wante~ to tbe forest an~ was run but I was over- now in wbat seemoo to come b~ fear aw un- be a burial cave. able to move. One b~ one tbe liobts Tben it beoan - a beoan to Ricker an~ ~ie low pitcbe~ bum - an~ ~et tbe cave sti{{ comino an~ ooino but remaine~ lit up. I orowino stronoer looke~ at tbe painte~ eacb time it returnoo. fipures on tbe si~es of I ~!rene~ m~ e~es aw tbe coffin. Tbe~ lifte~ m~ bea~. To looke~ as if tbe~ ba~ m~ suYfJrise a num- been put on to it a{ber of liobts were tbouob tbe coffin was 6 Y)ears olll. I reacbell out to toucb tbem but as I llill tbe wbole of tbe coffin began to pulsate anll glow1as tbouflb it was coming to life. Beating - like tbat of a living, breatbing being. I stepp_ell back towarlls tbe entrance of tbe cave but mY) foot cauabt on a stone anll I fell to tbe floor. Tbe impact of tbe faU knockell tbe breatb out of me anll for a few seconlls I laY) gasping, quite unaware of tbe brigbt oral1fJe glow tbat now fiUell tbe cave. GralluaUYJ tbe bumming sounll returnell1 increasing in pitcb1 so tbat bY] now it was a piercing sounll. Tben1 quite sullllenl~ it stoppell1 to be replacell bY) an uneartblYJ wailing. I {i~ell mYJself to one arm anll lookell up. Above me1 tbe {ill of tbe great Evil Queen's coffin was rising. Incb bY] incb it rose until it reacbell a beiabt of about an arm lengtb above its restingplace anll just boverell. smoke startell to 3000 pour out from insille tbe coffin: a llense wbite smoke, wbicb unfur{ell over tbe ellge anll llroppell to tbe floor1 coiling itself arounll mYJ le~s like some great etbereal snake. I pusbell m;yself backwarlls1 slipping anll slilling towarlls tbe entrance of tbe cave, but tbere was no escaping tbe smoke. It was in mYJ eY)es1 stil1f}ing tiU tbe tears ran llown mYJ cbeeks: It was in m;g nose, 111 mYJ moutb1 forcing its waY) llown to mY) lungs. Coughing anll retching I llraggell¥JWself to »1YJ feet anll lookell across at tbe coffin. smoke still pourell from it but gralluaUYJ it cbangell color. First pinks, tben rell1 tben crimson. A lleep ricb crimson tbe color of blooll. Again tbe smoke grabbell tbe backofmYJtbroatanll I founll m~self bent over, totallY) unable to control mY) breatbing. It felt like tbe insille ofmYJcbest was burnina anll I knew tbat unless I coulll fi{{ mY) lungs witb fresh air I wou{ll soon pass 7 out for lack of OXYJgen. I ball to get out Of tbe cave! SullllenlYJ I bearll a loull noise. I turnell to see tbe cave entrance being closell in bY] an enormous stone lloor. In lles~ration I bammell at tbe lloor. It was no aooll. Tbe lloor was so!ill anll not about to bullge. Witb a crY) of llespair I turnell against tbe cave waUs anll beaan to searcb for anotber waY) out. It was tben I saw tbe banll. At first it was partlY] billllen bY] tbe smoke tbat was coming up from insille tbe coffin. At first I tbougbt tbat mYJ burning eY)es must be plaY)ingatrickonme. But as tbe smoke clearell I saw it wrappi11fJ themselves over tbe ellge of tbe coffin - tbe clawing fingers of tbe Evil Queen's mummY) coming to life. I openell mYJ moutb to scream but notbing came out. I triell to beat again on tbe stone lloor in tbe vain hope tbat someone outsille migbt bear me anll come to mYJ ail>. MY) arms felt beavYJ anll movell slowlY) as 1weigbtell llown bY) chains. MY] fists toucbell tbe lloor anll a huge booming ecboell arounll tbe cave. Again anll again tbe crasbing sounll ecboell rounll in mYJ beall until mY) beall ree{ell with vibrations of it. Spinning. Ecboeing. wbirling. R.ounll anll rounll until everYJtbing went black. wben mYJ eYJeS flickell open again I founll mYJ_self looking up tbe ceiling of mYJ Lincoln Street apartment. In a panic I sat up anll lookell arounll. I realisell tbat tbere was no reason to be afraill. Tbe borror of tbe forest anll tbe mummYJ'S cave was notbing but a llream. Or was it? DaarAJ Thar11 ig a girl in rny wing with a bad calli! of 0 VI!tbal dlarrhol!a" any guggl!gtiong on how WI! can !!hut th11 bitch up? Raady 2 Rurnbls D11ar Rsady 2 Rurnbl11 Normally I would guggl!!!t "W.W.r:." tacticg, But !!incl! l'v11 bssn tl!!!trictl!d by th11 "HII;RACHit~" I won't gay Jugt Do ltll! (Wink wink) aiv11 ths bitch a roll of th11 tollst pap11r, and t11ll hilt to wlps h11r rnouth I!VI!tY tlrn11 !!hi! gtartg talking ghft. Hal D11ar AJ I produco a lot of wax in rny oarg and it !!l!l!fn!l to bo affuctlng rny hoaring. What ill ths bl!!!t way to dsal with it. "What !!pl!llk up(" Dl!llr "what? ~psak up(" Do I look Ilks "Dr Quinn Modiclna Wornon?" Do I gound likl! your rnutha? 'wow', It dosgn't takl! 11 gsnfug to toll you to cloan thogo flappy thlngg on tho gfdo of your hsad. If thig don't work, thsrs'g gornothing !!l!tiougly wrong and you might havo to chock with Medical. I hop11 you can lip rsad, bocauge I want you to undsr!!tand rns wh11n l'rn hauling your agg up to clsan your sarg, D11arAJ I've besn writing to a guy In another jail, Now he'g g11ttlng out and wantg to vigit rno, but l'vs !!Ott of gtrl!tchsd th11 truth about how I look. tl;tK...U Dsar........... tttK??? Unugualalfag don't you think? Anyway "Mfgg thang' I hops you didn't rnakl! out you Wl!tl! 5'10, slirn "Ang11lina Jolls" look allkl!, bi!CIIU!!I! if your tl!ally a !!hort stumpy crogg "Danny Davito" and "Rogan no Arnold" look alikl!........you b11tta coMidor [a) taking a brown papst bag. If !!Cti!W!! agk you what valuabls!l your Wl!ating at vigitg, gay "rny vory-very-vsry valuabll! brown papsr bag! "hal hal [b) Go to th11 vigft and pr!!tl!nd that thl!ts 1!l two wornon In th11 jail with ths !!!Ifni! narnl!, and you jugt happon to b11 ths wrong ons. But you flaunt your !!hit out thers anyway ot [c) You go out thsrl! and "cop it !lWI!et" t11ll ths truth 11ith11r watch hill facs turn ftorn anticipation to di!lgugt or h11 could !!upri!ls 1you, Ho might look likl! !!Ofnl! kinda wild bl!al:t tool It'~: up to you. D11ar AJ I arn writing to a~:k for ~:orns advic11 on a touchy gubjl!ct. I want to know how to handlo 8 THJ;:Rt;:! If you could !lee the facial ex~tell· llionll I'm ~ulling you would be allhamed of yout 11too~id 11!1!1.. AI tight the gitl hall 1111 wondetful ~etllonallty 11 (all you ~ut it) and you'te atttacted to het. WHAT ll=...het ~et!lonality Wlllln't 110 wondetful? What would you be left with? No loyalty, no hone!lty, you'd ~tobably be left with 11 "dimwitted, bedho~~in', blowa!l!l[" Ha Hal Would you !Ifill want 11 telatioh!lhi~? but !Iince llhe'!l got 11uch 1111 wondetful ~llt!lonality Well datlln' you've got youtllelf 11 bedho~~in' blowa!l!l[ But hey if you'te into that kinda 11hit.. it'll yout call. the llituation when 11 fallow inmate, whom I wotk with, constanly goes to the !lctews eithet telling them if flm doing my wotk ot not ot to hand In conttaband, that tight· fully 11hould be given to fallow lnmat!!ll fitllt. !:he !leemll to be vety judgemental and quite ftankly. who ill 11he to judge anyone? Plealle adville. l=tullttated and Angr-y 11 Deat l=tullttated and Angty When !!he'll atound, 11tand in the middle of the toom, take 11 dee~ bteath, click the heel !I of yout volley!! g timell and chant the 11acted wotdll: "Bitch Be Gone11 "Bitch Be Gone11 Deat AJ, And my que11tion ill'-lllliiiiiiWI Thete'll thill gitl who hall a thing fot me, Yeah !!he'll a nice gitland hall a wondetful ~etllonality[ You !II!!! I do like the gltland would like thlng11 to be the way 11he want11 thlngll to be. BUTH In what I've oblletved, I fuel 11he1!1 not going to be totally hone11t with me, when It come11 to bel ng loyal to oneanothet. !:0 11hould I ~toceed ot ~ut a hold on thh1gz~ !:igned !:ilent 11 Deat AJ, Plealle hel~ me. I have boon tunning atound, 11hooting off my mouth to a fuw ~eo~le I thought wete my ftiendll. They have now gone and told all them othet llheifag the thingg I have been !laying about them. One ofthe 11heifag they told 1111id that 11he wanted to !II!!! me, and I know It'll not to have a cu~pa. What am I to do?.ftP.P!~ Motot mouth. Deat Motot Mouth, Well you've ~ut yout foot in yout mouth haven't ya? Only thill time It'll not yout foot you 11hould wottiod about[ Well wh11t can I lillY to comfott you? Umm let' !I !11!1!.. !:ay 11 ~tayet?! Mm no..You'te gonna get yout 11!1!1 kicked! l11 that comfotting? I 11uggegt you 11tatt going to tho gym and 11ha~e u~, ot find a ~~~lltting ~atnet... Next time Ieee~ yo' bully u~. Deat !:llent, Ok, how can I ~ut thi11?...!:TOP! RW NU- UH! HALT! WAIT! HOLD IT! DON'T [Vt;:N GO 9 Ps(JePHtsking &- Eookhinding Cls~~e~ by Jesneffe f c811 teach you how to 111ska beau#-(i.ft handmll/4 ('a('aP, ('hoto atbu111~, books, caPd~, and ~tafionaf1J ~a~. Co111a to ('a('aft'fflsking c~a~ on 7:ua~day~ fro141 8:2,08141 4:2,0('141 each wuk. 6nPotat6ducafion. J:if'~ wa kaPn to ('UI(' ('8('6-P u~ing the in~inkanlfoP, we than 111aka ouP own ~hem ofA5, A4, A2, and kaPn a fow ofhe,p wicky tachniqua~, ~uch ~double, couching (2 colou~), la111inafion (('tf#ing the ('ic#wa into the ('8('6-P), 111aking caPd~, ~tatkm e-'1/ ~ah, afflJalo('a~ 811d walffflslty h811d binding books and 111aking beau#-(i.ft('hofo stbu111~ ofalit co/oup~ and fa~~. sit tha~a thing~ 111aka gpeaf ('Pa~anh fop (s111ilia~ and friend~ {~aaing 8~ to you can 'f go ~ho('('ing fop ('Pa~anh) lJou can 111ska whatwaP youP cwa#vity co111as. Uf' with. the ~k~ you kf:lpn inc~ c811 be taken with you back ounk.la and if you w s111bitkm~ and kaan you C811 111ska csPd~ &- books and ~aft the-111 at cnlf't fflSPkah ate. ffyou join the t:huP~day ('Pilftfflsking c~ with l<ata you can kf:lpn Uno cuffing and sctuslty do youP own da~ign.to ('Pint on the caPd~. EU~Wiz and 6ddy sPa ('Poducing ~o111a beau#-(i.ft caPd~, afflJalo('a~ and books. Natatk i~ ('Pinting the caPd~ and oPgani~ing ('f:lcksging Uf' the OPtUP~. So ifyou'd tika to buy caPd~ and anvelo('a~ at $t.65c, WPi#ng ~ah {$6-SOc books {$8) ('ka~a opde,p via Natatk oP Rita at Elaxland 'Hou~a-6rlucafion. 'Ho('a to ~aa you on a 7:ua~dsy ~oon! 10 W(M1U!A1I ~ 0/1/ tUUf? ~'WIWJs--~ crt& - 3eni&weli ~{VU!I fiW//R/ fiJw fo; Jo; mlf Ufne; s.ett1ed Uv tlJ'Ul wiiJ, ~ wJup ~~ lVU!I as; ~t-- ai(IWfll f1m/. ~ iluf~fw 90111 S<MnelM7R/ ttp' /Ae; ~? ~as; t~uut{VU!I. ai(IWfll (lJ ~comiluf ~fo;see;~ r;gUCif '0 t/unlt;~~ s.ett1ed as; '0 'Ot- would ikdii,~ lta-w- wlt&~5 ~fo; sew€!, it) S/ luuu}; fo; CO-f'nR/ i.JAuv MY it; fo; s1taJw tli'Ul~ tlJ'Ul fJ-<J/ a1t /Ae; timf!;. ~ CJJU!- '0 would fiJw fo; ik- wiiJ, mlf crt&-~ ~'Ot-~ {VU!Iio{)l~ wilt cau5el UuJ; mlf fad ea.siR/v ~ wiiJ, mlf ~alt /Ae; Ufne; matUf tlJ'Ul tuW ~at; tnal€st lVU!I 041/ re-- ~#<Yv ~. mmui tluut do.n)p ai(IWfll. C(,I!W tu/;tkv,;~ /Ae;~~. ~4~ ~~tli'Ul CJ!et~~f=Ylo- ~w.ani;fo; doosn)p~ wAtt ~~fo;/k, ~wiiJ, ~ciActurv- celt tnal€st sfanc,e,s; as; mine;, siwuU~ fU!MI-' tkv,; ceJk, #<Yv (lJ wJud, MY~ tluut lwu/a; 'tUf1/ amah;,~ 'Ot- comiluftli'Ul~ ~fad MY fad, a1t /Ae; tiA'tw? ~~fo;~CMV ~ UJiil,;it;. ()rU!/ ai(IWfll 11 datne/ pe<P- pk~~Uv 041/ d.atlwv Jnf!/, 4 CO-UI1M!/ 'O'tl fiJw fo; ik- wiiJ, ~ Uv ll.a.vww, tlJ'Ul ~ wluk, tluut lVU!I s.ettled, wAtt tullsettk~? '0? itJs--twt-~ do.n)p lMf ~it;. 'Wm The of Simone Thin. The girl was painfully thin. She was stretched out, wearing a low, halter-neck top, revealing the skeletal breast plate underneath, and a pair of shorts, her frail legs poking grotesquely out the ends. I flopped down at the foot of the bed, circling her left ankle with one hand, my fingers considerably overlapping my thumb. Sunken, glazedover eyes stared at me. Their pupils were contracted to pin-points and if she hadn't of blinked, I would have sworn she was dead and had been for a very long time. Her skin reminded me of a cheap bracelet i once owned as a kid. It was white but If you held it up to the light. then cupped your hands over It, It glowed green. To me, this was not an image of good health. A joint was balancIng precariously between the talons at the end of one of her boney wrists and In the other, a wine glass. It's Icecubes chinked as it flutterd towards her pallid lips, in order to wash down what I assumed to be vitamins. Lots and lots of them, a multi-colored, multi-shaped concoction of goodness for her reduced to nothIng, carcass-like form. "How long have you been like this?" "Like what?" She answered, turning her body around to look at what was left of her scrawny back-side. "I like how thin I am. Don wouldn't love me if I got fat." I asked her where Don was and she set the wine glass down before lay- ing her head back, in order to contemplate the question. She was like this for a long time. I thought that she had dozed off. stoned from the joint. I tapped her foot, getting no response. So I got up and shook her shoulders, my fingers almost touching on either side of her pastey skln,through the space between her collar bone. I shook her lightly at first. in fear of snapping her arm off, then with more urgency when her head lolled to one side and her body followed suit. landing unsubstantiaily upon the thick bedspread. I quickly chE~ckerY to see if she was brea.thing - she wasn't. I reached for the phone and called 000. The operator on the other end of the line instructed me 12 to start CPR, but I took one long look at Simone's corpse and couldn't bring myself to place my lips upon something that should have been buried a long time ago. So I pretended. I made, what I believed to be, the right sounds and came back to the receiver to announce my failure at reviving her. Then I sat back, lit a cigarette, and waited patiently for the ambulance to arrive. PniiiJl/dn Soup :5 173SPN8 73UTTf.R_ 1173SPN CXOA 81fTf.D I CUP 8UqAR. _2f.qq8 11.2 CUP MILK I CUP 8/R. fLOUR. Melt Plltter It! wwl. mix tit COCOt:l fOWdtr. Add rest of titgredieflts tit order, miX!itg t~fter ~Jt~Cit t~dditti;lf. Stir well 73t~J:e tit 1I'1X - 18a Ct~J:e,. (gret~se ttit well) Cool: 50 mtits Pt~ttlj Title: (gret~se t~lso) Cool:: -20 mtits Hutter or marg Onion Pumpiin (Jiticien stoci 1resh cream Sante onions in butter, atftf clticien stoci mttf pnmpldn. Bring to boil until pumldn is soft. Using ltantf mixer, blend until smooth. Atftf cream antf cool for further I o mins. ScasPH tP taste. VUM.MV!! 1 cup sugar 2 aup• ,Sfd({tout 2 tC.f!.pm Cutkt 1 t/4 cup oil 4 eggs ,Salt 3/4 aup m.tff. 1 Q aup fjtatd ahuu cups se!j raising flour 1 lspoon baking powder d(uC Cutkt into {tout and .dt, 3 cups grated carrot add 1/2 aup of ahuu. d!dJ m.tff. cinnamon or nutmeg and mix to a oo{t dou;/'z. d(ofl out on a flfjfztty (fou.d >Ut~ to 20mm. tfzl.a£. Cut wiil'z a >aoiU aultn fPfau afo<e tofjd:i'zet on a fjte.aud ttay. §fo.ze wiil'z a {lf.fie m.tff., top wii:C. wnalninfJ ahuu. !Bak at 220C {ot 10-12 combine sugar, oil and egg add dry ingridienis /old in carrots . ,..P'P>:P m.l!U ot unt;l fJO!Jm. Ctown. cake lin, bake at180c 45-50 mins. 14 Letter To The e:ol~tov/SV!C!ol ows e:oige Me~ge~z~vce, l.{-povc bvows~vcg tVie le~test ~ssue of tJC! fLvce ve~g 1WC!S ~vctev esteol to fLvcoi tVie C!vt~cle ovc VVLetVie~ olovce. lvctevest soovc tuvvceol to ol~sgust Cit tVie covctevct of tVi~s Civt~cle C!vcol ~ts VVL[s~vcfovVVLeol C!vcol VVL~s lect oi~vcg ~""fovVVLC!t~ovc. Lets get C! few fe~cts stvCI~gVit Vieve. Fkstl tJ VVLet Vi C! ol ovee wiJ.s oievelo-peol o!uv[vcg tVie ::?.vcol wovlol WC!v (1,940s) fov-piJ.~vc vel~ef ovc tVie bCittle fLelols of e:uvo-pe, ~t WC!s vcevev ~vctevcoleol fov -prolovcgeol use. It ~s vcot ~"" tV\e sCIVVLe olrug grou-p CIS Vievo~vc (VVLov-pVi etc.) wVi~cVi ~"" ~ts -pure fovVVLo-p~uVVL, ov ~f ovce wCivcts to be -peoie~vct~c tVie ViuVVLble -pop-ptj, ~s fe~r less oiCIVVLC!g~vcg (C!vcol tjes govce Me tVie better oiC!tJS of -p~vcR, vocR.s C!vcol blue vcurses). MetVie~olovce ~S C! 1.00~ VVLC!V\. VVLC!oie cVieVVL~cC!l! yes ~t effects tVie SC!VVLe rece-ptors ~"" tVie brC!~vc Cis o-p~Cites o!o-tV!C!t's vcot Cill ~t oloes, to cLCiss tVie two togetVier ~s etjoR-e. Dovce oloes vcot -pvoVVLote et "VieetLtVi~er l~fest(JLe"- YO VVt, VVt,. e wVi(j becetuse vcot OVI.l(j ~S ~t VIILOVe Cioioi~ct~ve-tv(j u-p to 42Viv VIC!Lf-L~fe ovc Vi~gV\ olose, but ~t res~oies ~"" (j ouv Hssue etvcol ovgetvcs, bu~Loi~vcg u-p over tlVVLe, wVI~Lst ole-plet- o!~ffevevcce, Viell (JOU evevc vcool, tV\ at feeL~vcg of "well be~vcg"! As fortVie Lll cR, of "se)(ua L fuvcct~ovc~vcg" tV!Clt wm be tVie leClst of !:JOUV worv[es wV\evc !:JOU VICivevc't Viaol a sVi~t fov 3 weeR.s. A vecevct stuol(j btJ tVIe COVIILVIILUV\.~t(j VltC!ltVi joR-evs fouvco! tVillt of 1.50 -peo-pLe wvw useo! wVio Vie~ol useol olovce for VVLove tV!Clvc1.2 VVLovctVis, 7.5"§ Vie~ol soVVLe t(J-pe of bowel -probLeVVL ve~vcg~vcg froVVL -p~Les to wvccev! Avcol (JOU WClvcR-evs ovc tVie VVLeol~cC!L C!vcol D/A tee~VVL Vle~ve tVIe vcerve to Vie~vcol out -pos~tlve -pe~vapVievvcC!L~a -pvoVVLote tVIe cve~-p, (jtc!VI we'LL just VVLC!Re !:JOU s~LL(j ~ol~ots "f'Cil:J w~tVi (JOUY i-1eCILtVi ~f vcot (JOUV L~fe! Avcol wi-1 tJ? B-ew use we olovc't g~ve VI toss ~f "f'O~SOV\. (JOU C!ll - i-1e(j WC!~t C! VVL[vcute VVLC!tJbe tV!Clt's ti-1e wVioLe ~oleCI. Fov ti-1ose wVio g~ve C!vc(j creolevcce to ti-1e ·b~g bvoti-1er" covcs-p~rllC(j !:JOU wm RV\.OW ti-1e be~stllvois (govevvvVVLtvct etc .... ) i-1llve !:JOU weve tVIetJ we~ vet !:JOU, L~qu~ol Villvcolcuffs avco! CilL, ~VVLC!g ~vce ~f tVIetJ olec~oleol to VVL~gVit ~vcg -prec~ous ~tetVVL~vc C!vcol VVL~vcerCil stoves SUCVl CIS CC!LC~UVIIL, tJC! teetVI olvo-pp~vcg out! if !:JOU Vletve ever tV\ougVIt "sVI~t 1 feel bC!oi WVl~Lst COVIIL~vcg off tVIe geCir" !:JOU w~Ll R-vcow C! bout ~t coVVL~vcg off tVIe olovce, (JOU w~LL be so fucR,eol !:JOU wovct evevc R,vcow (JOUr fucR,eol IJ.vcol tv(j &-2 weeR.s, vcot oiCttJS, (JOU'LL be ruvcvc~vcg for tV\ Cit s-poovc. ftevcce tVie terVVL "oiee~tVi etvcol VVLOC! vc"-" VVLetVi e~olovce," tveettVVLevct" tV! Cit VieL-ps breiJ. R, voutlvces C! vcol ViCib~ts "!:JOu've R,~ol ol~vcg e~vevc't (JC!/ evccoure~ges to Lee~ol C! VVLOre bC!LC!vcceol L~fe St(jle-~VVL-proveol ol~et C! vcol better slee-p "forget R,~olol~vcg (JOU fucR-evs ewe M-p-p~vcg!" TvtJ evccouvetges -peo-ple to ee~t VVLove sVi~t, e)(evc[se Less, Vlevcce sleep et vcol wVItJ, because tVie sVi~t VVLC!ReS !:JOU SO -pC!tVietlc (avcol sL~gVItltj olougVitJ), !:JOU olovc't vcotlce tVIe bLoooltJ 15 be ~ol of llll us "users", ovce ol~vt(j be~tci-1 Clvcol tVIetJ woulol w~-pe out tVie -po-puLC!tlovc ovc o!ovce. ftevo~vc tr~C!Ls C!re vcot just C!bout C! fvee wVIe~cR,, i-1eLL tVie~v o!o~vcg ~t fLvce ovev seets. yes ~t·s C! -pevsovcC!l cVIoke g~vls, but at least VVLaR-e ~t C! fulltj ~vcfovVVLeol ovce! As for tVIe govemVVLevct C!vcol ~ts Vl(j"f'OCr~S(j r~gVit o!owvc to ~ts lC!CRetJS Wi-10 -prOVVLOte ~tS CYC!-p, wVIo ViCive vcevev Vlaol C! sViot but reCilltJ vceeol ovce, for wVICit !:JOU J.1C!Ve J.1arVVLeoi ~V\. SO VVLC! ""!:J CI vcol V\eCI Leo! ~"" so few - f'l.{GK yol.{!! I've te~R,evc ti-1e tlVVLe to w~te tVI~s vcot fov VVLe but fov VVL!:J s~stevs T.c; CivcoilSmtJ.B-, wV\o's VleCivts flew, C!Lovce ~"" ti-1e j o[vct, O.D ovc tVIe olovce, because 1 sCI[oi 1 woulol, because 1 veVVLeVVLber. M.e: "Ltscer ~'W is a Christian festival that celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is one of the most important hofu ~<QfS of the Christian religion. In most countries r:Easter comes in early spring. at the time when green grass an~ warm sunshine begin to push as•~e winter. 'The story of 'Easter comes from the bible. 'The gospels tell chat the bo~y of Jesus ~isappeare~ from his tomb on the chir~ ~'W after his cruclfixion. An angel appeare~ to his followers an~ announce~ "he ls risen". Christians everywhere now celebrate 'Easter with great rejoicing. In many areas, chi~ren collect can~y an~ chocolate bunnies an~ hunt for colourful 'Easter •l!!Js. '&rrer ~o/s.. rAe V.ossrepresents the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It has very special meaning to Christians as a symbol of Christ's victory over ~eath. 'The cross often appears as an 'Easter symbol. '1'eople all over the worl~ usualfu eat hot cross buns ~uring the 'Ea5ter season. 'Each calc£ has a cross of icing on it's cruse. 'The (;reeks an~ the '1'ortuguese eat a specialfu bake~. roun~ flat 'Easter loaf marke~ with a cross an~ ~eco rate~ with 'Ea•ter el!!JS. 7He ?vttD. 'The figure of a lamb often symbolizes Jesus. J:amb is one of the tra~itional 'Easter foo~s. an~ cookies an~ cakes shape~ like lambs ~ecorate tables at 'Easter time. 'The Jewish sacrifice~ a lamb. calle~ a paschal lamb. ~urilllJ their '1'assover fe•Uval. 'Earfu Christians interrupte~ the sacrl{ice of the lamb as a forecast of Christ's sacrifice on the cross. 'They spoke of Jesus as "'The J:amb of Qo~. which taketh ·aw<Q{ the sins of the wor~· (John 1:29) ~ can~les an~ bonfires mark 'Easter celebrations in some lanh. 'Roman Catholics in some countries put out all the lijjhts of their churches on Qoo~ 'fri~<W· On 'Easter eve they make a new fire to lijjht the main 'Easter can~le. 'They use this canUe to relijjht all the can~les in the church. 'They then lijjht all their can~les from great 'Easter can~les an~ carry them home where they can be use~ on special ~<Q(S. In many parts of northern an~ central 'Europe. people burn bonfires on the hilltops. 'They then gather aroun~ the bonfires an~ sing 'Easter songs. ~represents the new life that returns to nature about 'Easter time. 'The custom of exchanging eMs began in ancient times. "Early Christians :Mesopotamia Where first to use coloure~ el!!JS. Chil~ren tO~<Qf often fin~ chocolate •Ms or carMoar~ eMs fille~ with can~y ~ecoratlng the breakfast table on 'Easter morning. '8ab!tits. :Many chil~ren believe chat an 'Easter '?>unny brilllJs their el!!JS. 'This belief probabfu comes from Qermany. One legen~ S<QfS that a poor woman ~ye~ some el!!JS ~uring a famine an~ hL~ them as a gift for her chil~ren. Just as the chi~ren ~iscovere~ the nest a bijj rabbit leape~ aw<Q(. 'The story sprea~ that the rabbit ha~ brought the el!!JS. In ancient 'ElJ!!Pt rabbits symbolize~ the birth an~ new life. tlome ancient people saw it as a symbol of the moon. It m<Q{ later have become an 'Easter symbol because the moon ~etermines the ~ate of 'Easter. Christians in many parts of the wor~ celebrate 'Easter with carniVals. masquera~es an~ feasts. 'These celebratitms each there 16 peak ofgaiety on tlhrove 'Tues~'W (pancakes ~<Qf) more than 6 weeks before 'Easter. On ash "We~nes~'W (~<Qf after Shrove 'Tues~<Qf) many Christians start a solemn ~<Qf. a 2 ~'W fast an~ pr<Q{tr calle~ lent. It recalls Christ's 40 ~'W fast in the wi{~er ness. 'The last week of lent calle~ hofu week. hon<mrs the events of the last week of Christ's life on 'Earth. It begins on palm 5un~<Q{ name~ for the palms that people sprea~ before Jesus as he entere~ Jerusalem in triumph. On the 'Thurs~<Qf Df the last week "f lent, :Mauney. 'Thurs~'W Christians recall Jesus's last supper an~ the time he wash~ his ~isciples feet. 'They observe g.,.,~ 'fn~<Qf. the ~'W Df Christ's crucifixiDn. 'They spen~ hD{u 5atur~'W in anticipatiDn Df 'Easter 5un~<Q(. :Millions Df Christians in all parts qf the worl~ unite in their feelings Dfjoy in the resurrection of Jesus vy Ill by lWeryot'\2-' Chronic Luv How can I explain the way I feel, Silting around doing t's like a heavy habit I'm being fo' real. bugger all U can make me happy, even sigh, If I was lo sland on a hill I'd whole heap of emotion all mixed inside ... probably fall I can't eva get enough, off the edge so deep in I don't wanna eva get enough of yo' bomb!hough! biggy love, Wanting lo be oul probably Peaople go krayzie over that chronic shit doing another rough! buzz ... lo support my habit and Everythingz cool, what could go wrong? fulfill my needs The luv iz high, the feelingz damn looking al the after scar strong ... from where il bleeds Set adrift from me 2 you, down my arm inlo a puddle I'm feeling all good U grip on how I'm another shot lowards my doing you. . . • hfe full of muddle 'm searching fo' that buzz no time to fuss I walk the !own in search of it around girl and let me feel yo' touch, !he plains Lifting off every pressure coz I don't looking for a viclim lo play wanna stress ya ... my game kipping every second heartbeat it's going Are you !he unlucky one lo straight 2 my head, be misled by me Feeling every crush from the drugs I've buill in Quiet baby sit back enjoy the rush .... myself so much greed it's that feeling again they say it's from I only think of myself in above everything I do can't score that way unless it's chronic Please accept my apology LUV: as I never wanted lp hurl To all my Booty Callz IIl 18 Ill [ ___ _ Ill MtiLAWA C.!?I.Ms. ' 1\: Ill ROLL IN Off THE 8RU T$. lih'VqiNf, Ot/T 8( t/NCL.Ch\1 NUDINq fOOD 8( Mt/Cii 8LUI'. Tlitlf'n Mt!RJ).C!?$ 8( THI.CVW ARMED ROBBE!?$ 8( DEALt!?$ lftr THU'n NOT ALL THAT BAD JUST LOST IN CCNft!SICN Bur If OUR fAMIL!f.8 .CXCD'T t/8 18 h'VOTH.CR 8TORif UNTOLD for tlte ltt~ssels /11 onr lives "JSv wltu's dtuicc?" tJ!WtllfS see/1 to h 10-fold Onr eltiltlltood'z g011e, 11ot to Jlitler was an arsc/1(1/(, .M11ss11Uni was a prick t:ltc Wllrftl is stiff /1111 (lj tlictat11rs Wlt11 tltinl< tltq;'rc 6/«ttin{l it retnm Wltere did we zerew nt- wltere tM we go No uNDtf?8Th'VD/Nfr fROM PI( fAMILI.C8 WmM?l Lizt1 NO Tl?tiST IN NO P.Cf?8CN T!itlf Jt/ST LIVE fOR THEIR LIVW h'VD Tlit!R LIV.C8 TH.tlf Jt/8T LIVE Tlitlf KUP COMINq BACK 8.CC#R/Tif B.CiiiND 8Af?8 To TALK TO THIER fR/tND8 Of THEIR LlfWTifL.C B/?AININq BOUT 1088 & 8/iCW/Nf, Off 8CA!?$. f.AC!i CN.C liM A li/8TORif Of JJA!WVWS 8( qR/tf Cf/VINq t/8 ALL A qOGD REABCN TO t/8.C DR#ft$ fOR RELIEf If CNLif lf0/1 LI8Tt!V.CD BACK LIJ'Iq Aqo W!itN I TALK.tD Of Mlf ?ROBL.CAA$, t/PSUS 8( 80RR/YrV8 I M/qliT NOT Of eNDED t!PCN THI8 SHIT PATH I Ill WHO M'OW8 I COULD liAV.C Btt!V A TOP ,WOB LAWiftR OR h\1 OffiCE$ CLA11K, OUR JJAifS ARE ALL Nt!MBtRED OUR TIMW WILL ALL coMe WHm we f!NALLif <?Nt uP 8( Wh'VT TO qo HOMe Pleqge lfgten I'm hare today to tall you you'te ~tacfoug in my heart fg whete you afwayg ate watching evaty gte~ you taka knowing loving you fg no mfgtaka <!atlng fot you my ona and only until you come along I will fuel go lonely dreamg ate filled with beautiful emotioM and you know I'm full of devotion The dayg with you ate oo bubly and to hold you all night ag you'te go cuddly Longing fot you to gaa I've alwayg wantod you to ba with ma Plaago hold me tight and don't let mago ~obbing ag you leave wanting you to know /love YOU e.; ::::: ' u 19 (i t Ill ~:::_.~ ·----_: V1111 tltinl< tltc jcrl<s, tltnt we ltavc H(IW, Wllllftfvc IMrnt Sllmct/tin{l/tllm tltem 11111 vet tltqjvc CH(If(ISSI!tf /Itemselves j11r POW8/e t:JJ:C t:JI8 8ND Wit!! arc tltc!fltc/1 11cnt 1111 tlcstrllclill/1, tltcir CKC/18& is /(! tlcfcntl tltc life (If t!Ciltlt II/ /IVCf!fllnC Sft1111ftf Hill IIH tftcm tlcpcntl t:lt&fl sav tltat tltcir intcnlillns I1J'( 111 I. save 1111r m11tlter Clltflt, 6111 lite Qn/!f tltq;'vc ti(IHC s11 far is it /lltf<iH{I WiltS&. "- i Ill ( UM$KA ,$1Ht.UH( Ill .. -- -- J eSit<.d4 VJ't Wtr< hrn 11n.{ tXpette.{ t• ~·•w "1' perjett Put jr/111< wil.tt Wt,•• Peen t4rM~4 Wt Wbn.{tr if tift is Wbrtil it. W• -'rink """ s~~<•k• 11"-' tilen stArt•-' t1 nse -''":JS tivin:J tf.t il.tr-' tift instM.{ we :JtbW up t• Pe tilu:JZ· W• t"":J" """ pt11r !ln.{ il11w t•ts •I fun f,ut stilt .tren 't il11ppy ltntit bl<r """S "" -'•ne. Gn tile bl<tSMt w• ll.tve PUr pilrtntrs """ frltn-'s ,..lssi":! tilem tike m1zy tf.11t we kn•w It:, nit tl.t en.{, '}1.twr tet tills ptll« ~·t t1 Y'" <r worry wll.tt's :Jbi»:J m PUtsMe i"st P.t••k It 11U PUt lin.{ -'•n't tet rMrsetf stMe. t!)ne ""r r"' witt tf.e unt••f<t-' liM set jree rtlkt~nPer it'J nbt jbrtwr Y"''" """'r t..k """ k•r· 't"' 'tt WJitk tilt streets til-«t in sellr•ll '. _____ I Ill •fl>~~pplness """ untit Y"' seek yMr min.{ wm't rest. S• k"P m wltil tife tryi":J t• ~iw It everyt4i":J yM 'w ~·t PUJII<Se t•t .... tdt Y"' Jt 's II 11•-"•per Y"' 're rtG"&'. ¥u£ lltx. s.t~rtt.lfll .tp~d4.G 2y apwilA f!fl!U () ' Please forpive me mu precious dtild lltaven't abandonediust left for a wltile 1or at tltis time of life !'111 feelinp quite sick And in need of assistance renllu quite qlliek Hut uou're in ptJtJd ltands tltere witlt uour prnn Site's keepin' uou warm from nipltt until dawn Site'/! nurture and tend 2 all uour needs Wltile !'111 awau mendinp all mu wronp deeds Hut one dau sMn please don't uou fear We'll /Je /Jack 2-petlta and a/wags /Je near And 2-petlta we'll start a new life npain And uou will prow up 2 /Je mu /Jest friend !Welte! Sclteers Ill TOMtt i'M 5Wv01lv6 ~tRt ltv (0Q~ 10MY. I'Vt (0Mt ~tRt tOR MY 121AL DOtv'1 nitv/( I(0QU (RA(I( Aw~IP. Lt1 AtOtvt A5Mitt. ltv (0Mt5 1~t vU06t 1~t 50UR OU (Utv'I. Ut t001(5 Aell Ul(t '&Owit'. L00/(5 Ul(t ~n ~u51 601 om ot eto. OR (0MilV6 POWIV tROM AROwit. Ht tOOI(tP A1 Mt AlVP A51(tP it IPIP 11. i 5AIP tv01 6Uit1Y RtAt OQI(/(. T~tY 1~Rtw Mt ltv 1~15 tQ(I(Itv6 ~Ott. APtA(t (AtW MUtAwA PRI50tv. i 1~ilV/( i'P 60 (0MPttltty MAP. it tv01 tOR PORNO Vi510tv. Otvt MY i Witt et Om Ot ~tRt. Otvt MY ~U51 AOtR eRtAI(Y. ( ~ltv/( I'M 60itv610 PA~Y ~ARO Wll~ MY ~tAP (~0l(I(A5 tUtt Ot f(I(Y. PAIV <tK-(0lV) ~=~ ( ) t Ill Mo ie & Book J(eviews ...,.,..~~'""' Me8&J9e in a Bottle starrillg: Robin wright Penl:lJ Kevin COstner, Paul Newmat; RDbbie sk» is fttllmg Coltrane. Tberesa Osborne (Robin 6JJ Si~neJJ sfoef~on Starring: cuba Wrigbt Penn), a biGoOOin9 ]nr1 Robert vorceb newspaper It is simpl;g impossible De Niro, cbarleze researcber1 wbile to put bown tbis latest Tberat; Michaela jogging on tbe beacb one Sibne;g sbelbon offer- Ra~ Haf morning ricks up a 1 ing1 wbicb is fu_{{ of Holbrook. bottle wiib a letter hower1 mone;g1.greeb1 Tbis movie is baseb on insibe. Reabing tbe ust & corrupt10n. tbe true stor:9 of carl letter sbe biscovers it Tbe main cbaracter1 Brashear (cuba bas been written b~ a Dana Evans1 is a TV Goobing Jr) tbe first grieving sailor, Garret 1 Blake (Kevin Costner) anchorwoman witb African American to great resolve anb become a master Mver to bis beab wife. Tberesa neebs to {inb ibe sailor betermination. Being a in tbe US Nav;g. Tbe anb a~er some ver~ higbl;g investigative son of a sharecropper, reporter, sbe biscovers Carl lets nothing stanb intense enquiries from ber new~aper1 tbe pair ber life is in banger as in tbe wa;g of bis meet, ta anb a rosbe comes closer to breams-not even a mance begins between some inbivibuals crippli~ injur;g or tbem. Tbere are obstalinkeb to a series ob having is training cles to tbis romance in brutal murbers. T e officer, Bill;g Sunba;g tbe form of Garret's bunter soon becomes (Robert De Niro) eccentric fatber (Paul 1 tbe bunteb. sbelbon makin~ his life a living Newman) anb tberesa'a skillfull;g maintains bell. C arlize Theron quir~ boss1 (Robbie tbe suspense as reab- shines as bis ambitious Coltrane). will tbe relationship ers navigate tbe wife, while De Niro last? How bo tbe~ beal twists anb tales of tbe anb Goobing make a witb grief, letting go plot. A brilliant page formibable team. anb startin~ over? Tbis turner. Great movie wortb a movie will eave a watcb. Out of 5!'b lump in ;gour tbroat1 so -Lucy Klein give it a big 4· bave tbe tissues ban~. The - L~tte Vanoorsee - Luc:9 Klein 21 24 Hours 6JJ Greg 1/es Tbis ebge-of-;gourseat stor;g is well wortb biting a few nails for. A mabman bas bevelofaeb tbe ~erfect" p an for bnaprng tbe cbilbren o wealtb;g US boctors for ransom. wben be puts tbe crime into action for tbe fihb time, bowever1 be finbs himself up against a resourseful mother betermineb to bo an;gtbing to rescue ber cbilb1 even if it means sacrificin~ ber own life. Tbe chi b anb busbanb also bave courage anb imagination, bringing unexpecteb twists into a simp~ biabolical scheme at is supposeb to be over in .24 hours. -Lucy Klein 6 SIZZLING ALFRESCO SEX SPOTS 1 The beach 3 The Pork 5 The backyard Pros: Proximity to nature. The Fresh air, the shunshine, the scent of flowers. Shelter, trees and hedgers offer protection From the elements ond prying eyes. Cons: Proximity to nature from wet lawns to creepycrowlies. Passers-by, people, security or police may stroll post. Pros: Convenience You're close to everything you might wont, rrom chompone to cushions to COs. Proxlm1ty, creature comforts ore within reach. Safety, your at home, thus not technically out in the public, so It's unlikely you'd be arrested even if spotted (unless you're on the balcony over hanging the street, under o spot light screoming ..• )Cons: It's unadventurous, therfore not to thrilling. Pros: Romance. The pounding waves, beating sun ond undulating dunes really stir the libido. Sun, It heats you up ond Increases the output of feel-good hormones. Water For Frolicking. Cons: Sand, bring o blan4 The water ket and ovlod windy Pros: The feel of spots. Insects, use water sooths, ond non-toxic repellent. lops around the Passers-by, Sarongs body, delighting the make For quick sensualist cover. Lock of The wet look. If It safety at night, toke wasn't sexy, why 6 The lonewoy o torch and ot least . would so many od Pros: The convenone blanket (for the Ience They're usually campaigns feature chill) just around the It? The float Foetor corner. The thrill makes lmpossoble 2 The Cor there's o good postions feasible, chance someone will Pros: Relative Secueven easy. Cons: rity walk by. Trash Lock of lube, it con foetor if you get off get washed owoy, you con drive owoy on tacky, this Is if you're discovered. ovoid withdrawing Comfort you're Ideal. Cons: Discomcompletely. No fort dirty, hard weather proof. Thrill footing makes street surfaces, giving head and foetor, recapturing that teen passion is other things difficult. rubbish bins. Our port of the fun. tip: Keep your Cons: Lock of space. on, and Your ability to it a standing Lock of spread out is reinm,nn•·"' dirt from stricted. Identificaused condoms to tion, that damn stinking garbage, licence-plate the turn offs ore number! The horn and the hondbroke try to ovoid them oil costs. lEGAl POStIf you're caught In logronte, It could be more than embarrassing. Under the summary offences Act In NSW, and similor lows In other ustrollan states and Territories, It's illegal to engage In any behaviour In public that might offend a "reasonable person". Which means It's safe to assume that such a person could be offended by the sight of you havIng sexual intercourse or oral sex utdoors, soy legal advisers, choose your spots nd times wisely. Check the area for passers-by and have a blanket handy In case you're sprung. Nicotine Dreams TheP/qyets The conholler. Selects the dre<~mer. Oversees the dreom. A color speciolist renowned for her vibront. ocid fl<Jshb<Jcks <Jnd visu<Jis. Everybody's F.vorite Mistress. The cre<Jtor of wet dre<Jms. Extr<Jcts people <Jnd pi<Jces from the dreomer's memory ond ploces them throughout the dre<Jm for the others to find <Jnd pi<Jy with. Apprentice to the Moster. Prince of Dorkness. Nightmore technici<Jn extr<Jordin<Jire. Controcts himself out to other crews, so is not <JV<Jiloble <JII of the time. converging of minds, <JII troined in the ort of dreom moking. They ore sqttered 1;nrc:>uohout the world, hoving no n<Jtionolities <Jndno prejudice. They have never met Dh\'Siclllv but cqn e<!sily identifY e<Jch other by their extr<~-sensory vibr<!tions <1ncl the behind on unsuspecting minds. There 0 re m<1ny clre<!m crews simil<!r to this They <JII c<~me together by ch<Jnce; c<!ll it F.te or simply <1 m<1tter of greot minds necti'nc:l" through their 4wesome powers of ESP. the first time,M<!ster Ceeie h<Js left it up to Little Wren to scope the world <111d upoh il mincl th<Jt she feels is in need o( <1 little unconscious <!clventure. Just for record let's c<1ll him John. night time somewhere in the worlq; the crew <Jssembles in the mind-sp<!ce of the M<J~;ter. They come in <JII sh<Jpes ond sizes; however they see fit to portr<Jy themselves <1t time; depending on their mooqs. Kinkst<!r, 'l shiny, bl<1ck b<ill ofi<Jtex is first to rrive on the scene <111cl obviously keen to pi<Jy, T<Jmehje, unsure whether or not to the young <Jpprentice's judgement, h<Js her reserv<~tions. She h<ls chosen the form <1 giont syringe in orclerto suck John's deepest, d<Jrkest secrets out of the V<!ults of his mernorv. A wicked, Cheshire smile spre<Jd <~cross the width of Kinkstor's boll, she knows is going to be <l good one <Jnd she is ple<~seq. Andl<1st up is Miss Melt who tumbles in <l flurry of fluorescent-colorecl, fuzzy things <Jncl 'l big "Hello sweeties". Ma:ster Ceeje t<Jkes them through the <lirw<Jves to where John h<ls begun snoring cor>ter>tlv. His mind sucks them in hungrily- so much so th<Jt the crew <lre momenrily <JI<!rmecl. Moybe this W<lS wh<1t <~ttrocted Little Wren in the first pl<!ce, the F.ct th<Jt W<!S so eosy. M<iybe it W<!S <l tr<lpl After 'l few minutes of feeling her woy <~round, 'M>·'t"' Ceeje decided th<1t <JII wos ok, ond they <~II set to work. am~~hieextr<~cts the first thing she comes <Jcross- stors. John's he<lcl is full of them! spl<!shes them with color ond softens the edges until they resemble <l huge of multi-colored, psychedelic flowers th<lt flo<lt from the ceiling of John's grey matter. Kinkst<Jr <1nd Wren c<Jtch them <1ncl stretch them, mol cling them into skimpy for T<Jmehje's dr<!wn-out (o( John's memory) femmes to we4r. He h<ls cert<!inly the ple<~sure of quite <1 few be<~uties in his time. M<Jster Ceeje <1nd Kinky put them 23 I orouncl them wos so thick thot the D~eom Ploye~ coulcln't b~eok th~ough, oncl out. they we~e oil t~oppecl, thei~ next pion of ottock wos to hicle, wotch whot W<IS going oncl figu~e out wh<~t to clo in o~cle~ to get out of John's ho~~icl minq. So they took one roocl, which le<~cl owoy from the o~e<~ ond hopefully to <1 pl<~ce of s<~nctuo~· ~o<~d twisted its W<IY through <1 d<~~k ond spooky fo~est befo~e eventu<~lly winding its b<ick to the woter's edge, whe~e they sow o boot <~t the end of <1 ~ickety jetty. As the huddled close togethe~ ond focused thei~ minds outwa~ds looking fo~ Dexte~, kst<i~ <~nd Melt went to investig<~te. Hoff w<~y <~long the c~umbling wood, Melt stoppect. "Did you see thotll think the~e's someone on the boot." g~<ibbecl Melt by the bock of his ove~olls. She W<IS sh<~king, "I'm scq~ed <~nd I like this <~t <ill. Let's go bock to the othe~." they ~<in, o huge, beoSt of <I m<!n imme~geq f~om inside the boot <!nd sped toW<!~S ksta~ and Melt. It was the uncle! And just like a d~e<~m, they couldn't move their fitst enough. Mossive honds a~mo~ed in chain-metal, butche~'s gauntlets sn<~tchecl Kinksta~'s hai~ ond d~agged he~ kicking and screoming b<1ck to the boot Melt t~ied in W~estfing with his big finge~s to get her f~ee but WoS no match for this gross excuse 4 hum4n being and W<IS th~own like o ~<lg into the ~ive~. In the bo4t, the uncle held boot on Kinkst<~~'s throat <IS he st4ned the engine <1nd sped off The othe~ we~e wel14wa~e of the scuffle going on 4 hund~ecl mete~ 4w4y but thei~ ission was to find Dexte~, which they did! The tr<~nsmission w<~s cloudy and Dexter h<1d h<1rd time comprehending wh<~t W<IS going on, but he knew that it w4s the girls ond he they were in some kind oftrouble. He put out an urgent SOS to <~II the crews he'd business with in the past, <1nd they in tum did the s4me for him until the gi~ls eventuolly [ocqtecl. the shon time it took for Dexter to get to John, Tomehje h<1d d~<lgged Melt out of river ond Ceeje hod gone to the rescue of Kinkst<~r. Kinkstar, being the smooth '""'>>fco>she is, tronsformecl herselfb<~ck to her l<1tex b<~ll<lnd slipped out from under uncle's boot. He gr<~bbed he~ <lgoin oncl squeezed; she <~ltered he~ sh<~pe, <1nd m<~n to escope from his clutches og<lin before re<~~ing up large~ th<1n life <~nd sl<~pping diny, son of o bitch so hord he fell, squeoling like 4 gi~l, into the river. Ceeje c4ught with he~ [ust as she wos turning the bo4t around <1nd they he<1ded b<ick to the jetty in sile11ce. Kinkst<~r's throot <~nd h<1lfher fitce was imp~inted with deep crimson blotcheshe~ string of pearls we~e gone. B<1ck on semi-d~ l<1nd, the otherthree were hiding in some bushes funher up the wad. were using wh<1t wos left oftheir combined energies to focus on Dexte~. Moste~ <1nd Kinkst<l~ <1m bled slowly up the din ro<~d tow<~rds the othe~ -they we~e .exrl;;w>~:eq too. low thud filled the <1ir, m<~king it vibr4te oll<lround them. It W<IS the thud, thud, thud <1 1200cc H4rley D<~vidson engine- Dexter w0s coming ... Not on a H<1rley- in a beat-up, piece of shit Fiat with two of the heads blown out of the motor, wind shield that smeared _goop backwa~ds and forwards across the gl<~ss and a p<~ir of white, dice hanging from the rea~ view mirro~. chicks! In a bit of st~ife aye/ D'y<~ wann<l ~ide outto this shit hole o~ whotl" Meet Dexte~: bi9, cuddly, gl4sses <1nd 4 smile <IS cute <IS a bug's ea~. No one eve~ knew ifthis the fil1=<1de th<1t he pon~ayed o~ if it was just the w4y he is. The girl's loved him to 1 "It W<IS p~etty yucko gettin9 th~ough <1ll th<1t t<l~, bette~ th<~n any O<IP I've eve~ up with. An' it's no wonde~ you got <ill fucked up 'n' shit- this dude's 9ot <l bloody nicotine P<ltch on- thosethin9s <~re kille~! Jump in." Mel<~nie 25 English- Russell Miss Melt throws in a disco ball and laser lights and as the girls wiggle, becomes <!roused. Evety body is hoving <1 gre<1t time until T<!mehje stumbles <~cross memoty; <1 whole string of memories, which <1re more cl<1rk <1ncl disturbing th<1n she's seen before. She tries to withclr<~w but they hold her there as they force their way the syringe, which is her celestial body. Images of pain and death! T<!mehje's scre<1ms stop the others cle<1cl in theirtr<!cks, even the cl<lncing qisco bunnies stop tum their pretty fuces skyw<!tcl to see wh<1t <!II the fuss is <~bout <1re in <1 setting oil too f<1mili<1rto John- <1 pl<1ce he h<1cl thought W<IS locked <IW<IY in -his uncle's rusty, old sh<1ck, on the edge of <1 fetid river. John's mind jerks <1ncl writhes between the sheets <IS Miss Melt p<Jints the scene from murky brown to blues <1ncl ot<lnges of morning. John's memoty of this pi<Jce is n<!sty! The crew smell the stench from the river getting worse <IS Miss Melt's colors slowly fuclecl. spl<1shecl more on but it W<IS <IS though the cl<rkness <1ncl filth W<!S e<!ting them up. She never come <!cross <1 problem like this before, <1ncl r<!ising her fuzzy, little h<1ncls, to the M<1ster for help. ¥\a~;terCeeje b<1rkecl out orc!ersleft, right <Inc! center, "T<!mehje, we need <1 new scene ... lnVitmnc~. just m<1ke it h<1ppy! Wren, get up here with me! Kinkst<!r, get riel of these girls!" won ch<!nge! I'm stuck... I'm ttying everything but I e<~n't even gr<Jsp <l memoty, <1ll too slippety... Help me Ceeje!" girls, bail out This show is offici<lly over!" Nit·hru1t Dexter on h<Jncl, the girl's hac! no control over the im<Jges, which oozecllike over the withering I<Jnclse<~pe. They <Ill tumecl to le<1ve John's mine! but one by cliscoverecl how impossible it w<ls. The tar, the S<!me substonce the rivet W<IS mode of. cootecl the ceiling, milking its scum drip ominously onto the girls below. It W<!S too for the crew to penett<!te. They grouped together <ltlcl m<1n<1geq to squeeze the l<1st sickly substonce out ofT<Jmehje before she g<!ve up the guise of her syringe <ltlcl forthe less complie<~tecl vision ofhertrue self. where she proceeded to throw up tiolentlv into <I' short bush. T<!mehje so vulner<Jble, the others olso dropped their fucqqes. It w<!slike the ultisense of bonding for the crew, <1ncl even though they were in the midst of extreme jan.cer. seeing eoch other for the first time g<lVe them oil <1 W<lrm <1ncl fuzzy feeling like cl never felt before. T<!mehje w<!s stocky with the <1rms <1ncl thighs of <1 wrestler, but fuce, surrounded by <1 mop ofbl<1ck h<1it, W<IS pretty <1ncl kind. She W<IS we<1ring <1 robe the kind boxers we<Jr <1ncl h<lcl two big curlers <Jt the front of her he<Jd, which m<Jde seem fr<lil (or m<lybeth<lt W<!S just how she looked ofter <1 good rolph). M<tster Ceeje, olq wom<n who stood <!bout four foot t<1ll with <1 m<!ssive, silvety-white bee-hive, <1 bi<Jck <1nd gold, 161h Centuty gown, <Jnd held <1 c<!t-o-nine-t<ils in her pudgy, little . The Kinkst<!r W<IS t<!ll<lnd eleg<1nt, dressed conserv<ltively in <1 fine, lt<1li<1n suit <1ncl <1 of pe<!tls wr<!pped tightly <!round her thro<!t. Miss Melt W<lS just <1 kid. 'She' W<!S <1 'He'; <1 little bl<lck elude, we<Jring <J p<lir of p<Jint-spi<Jttered, cut off <lt the knees ovelt<lllsth<Jt were held up by <J buckle over his left shoulder. They <lll tumeq <trounc:l to with <tstonishment <Jt Little Wren. She w<Js <1 fetus, flo<Jting in the <lit, inside <J ~ubble, which W<IS her mother's womb. ile the crew W<IS busy sussing e<Jch other out, the disco bunnies were tufning to qec<Jy, limbs fulling to the ground <JS they m<1cle their w<Jy into the river. John's memoty of <lS young femme fut<1ls w<Js over-riqden by the q<rk h<ppenings of his uncle's e<~bin. is where John h<d brought them <tfter dinner <1nq q<ncing. And this is where, one by they h<l£1 been r<lpeq, tortured, <lncl fin<JIIy sl<1in by the brut<ll h<Jncls of his uncle. let's <JII up <1nd out of here!" M<ster Ceeje W<IS the first on the move. The scunge 24 jvkes jvkes jvkes ~nefim i{f"''1; 1M ~A-} fit is runnin' Muun~ th-e. J~re.st whe-n he. C.Pit1-e.S A-c.fi'SS Aqi;A-tfe.wM is in the.?:~uss ~utti~ "f. h,~wl,i~tjA-n e.Mrlt1-11USJ"~nt. 9~rA-f{e. 9irA-Jte.f" ilt1-flure.s th;. rA-PPit. "Wh.tt ~" ttuu wA-nt tu ~" ~ru~sf C.l1/t1-e. A-lm' A-n~ run qA-itlf. with.lt1-t. inste.A-~." MP1fel{, 9irA-f{e. stu?s ruttin' h.is juint A-n~ juins Mr ~A-}"bit in h.is e.xursic.e., fut the. ?A-fr h-A-s unttt fun runni~ frr A- fow lfl,~nute.s wftl.n the.tt C.l1/t1-e. A-c.ri'SS A-n e.tt.}'_fi.A-nt ~ui~ tims uf c.uc.A-im. Mr ~A-PPit ?i!'.e.s ul' "''A-in: "I.te.fh.A-nt, e.te.?h.A-nt. wh.tt lf._u ~uu ~" ~ru,sf &u~t1-e. run with. us inste~! :Sure. e.nuu'h., the. e.te.?h.A-nt stur A-n~ juins the. twu runne-rs. The. triu srint fur A- c.uu1'te.uj1c.ilult1-t.tre.s, A-n~ sum c.u~t1-e. A-c.rm A- t~un pre.fMin' tu Slt1-Uke. A- c.rA-C-1<. ViA-t. ".l.iun, tiun." c.rie.s the. rA-ffit. "Wh.tt ~u ttuu ~" ~ru,sf &u~t1-t. run with. us inste.il4_." The. 'fiq c.M te.ts uut A-lt1-i,h.ttt ruM A-n~ te.A-rs the. rA-}}it tu Slt1-itM.re.e.ns. "1M" the. 'irA-ffe. A-n~ the. e.te.?h.A-nt c.~." wfi.'J ~i~ "'J.UU (u tfi.Mf A-tt M WM trtti~ tu ~U WM he.tp f111U uutf" "PA-It1-n Mr ~A-'fofitf" ruA-rs the. tiun. "'ffe.'s A-lWA-tt_S lt1-A-'k.in' 1t1-e. run Muun~ the. fure.st w'he.n he.'5m Sfe.e.~f'' A-lt1-A-n wA-t'k.s u! tu A- WU/fl,A-n in the. PM. "]!.xc.use.lt1-t. 'he. SA-tts, "I'~t1- ~11in' AsurVe."'f. Wuut~ "'J.PU ste.e.1' with. A-lt1-A-n ttuu ~i~n't'k.nuwfor $t~t1-ittun fuc.'k.sf" The. Wlllt1-A-n 1t1-utts the. J!f11f11Sitiun 1111e.rj11r A-lt1-inute., A-n~ the. S~t1-~te.s. "tje.s" she. re.rtie.s "I w11ut~ ste.e.p with. "" lt1-A-n I ~i~n 't 1c.J. n11wj~~r A- 1t1-ittim fuc.'k.s. " The.~t1-A-n nue{s. "Inte:re.sti~ .• wuutt{ tt"u ste.e.1' with.~t1-t.f~r !Od". Insutte.~ tfJ W(!lt1-A-n snurts, "~/ c.uurse. n11tf" she. c.rie.s. "'ff-IIW C.IIUt~ ttiiU e.Ve.n M'k. Suc.fl. A- tfl.i11-Jf" "We.tt we.'Ve. A-lre.~tt e.stA-}tishe.~ th-A-t "'JIIU Me. A-wh.ure.," Iii re.J'tis. "1{11w I'~t1- just fi,""''tin' uve.rthe. ric.e.." Wh-A-t is h.A-i"1 11n the. 11utsie{e., 1t1-uist 11n the. insie{e. A-ni( h.M~ tu 'e.t intd A-C.IIC.IInut! 9~'~-"1 ~M~ 1'1- qfwstt"1. 1/(lic.e. rme. niqkt 5Mf~n,, "Cluitf-JPUrj(lfr, se.tt fj(IUrfwus~, tl'l-'k.e.f-JPUr ftl-(111-tf-J 1'1-n~ ff(l t(ILM V~M. 'ffe. i1.Mrt~ t~ 1/(lic.t e.Vt"'j ni'h-tj11r 1'1ftl,!mth-, !?utjiMttf-J ~i~ M tM. vPiu instruc.te.~. 1 r\-5 $(1(1n M ~ 1f11t t~ J'tl'l-nt t~ v11ic.e. 51'1-ie{, "911 t11 t/U rPUte.ttt tp.,frte." W~n ~ '(It thi.rt, t~ v11ic.t sl'l-i~ "Put p.,tt 1-f(IUr ftl,(lntfj (In 17," 9M1f 11frtfjt~. T~C.r(IUJ'itr spun t~ wM.it. rM J,p.,U t~n~~ 11n L.t. 1'~ 'fwsttf-J 1/(lic.e. 51'1-ie{, "l>u,e.r!" wh-M's t~ ~iffre.nc.e. !?e.twun ""'wh-ite. 11nim, p., Pri1Wn 11ni11n p.,~ p., twe.tve. inc.hftnisi' 1{11th-i~ - t~f-J p.,tt hin' 1'1- te.M t(l 1'1\il(lftl-1'1-n 5 tf-Je.· 27 Koori News Getting Together Every Thursday and Friday a group of us Koori girls get together with our teacher Cath to advance our skills in numeracy and literacy. Our groups together are sometimes a good laugh for us girls but on the other hand can be very serious. We talk about a lot of things when we are together ranging from our culture to our Maths exercises! We also learn a lot from each other. Our aim in the group is to help our fellow Koori girls with their time in gaol an to show them .that there are people in this place who care. We are currently in the process of developing an Aboriginal Womens Committee at Mulawa which will be in the best interest of: ..J Young offenders ..J Support network ..J Resources ..J Rules and Regulations of Corrective Services ..J Unity This group also hopes to make it easier for the Koori girls to know what the womens' gaol system has to offer such as: " Education courses available eg.( programs that can lead to further education or employment ) ..J Relby House eg.( Welfare , D&A & Psyche) Our teachers' name is Cath she is a Murray (Queensland) and she takes the time out each week to come and share with us girls her knowledge on Aboriginal culture as well as the things we all hate doing eg. Mathsl Cath is a very easy going lady who (whether she likes it or not) means something to us girls. Cath is also helping us tackle issues such as : ..J Domestic Violence ..J Self Esteem ..J Confidence if you are interested In learning about these certain issues, please feel free to talk to any one of the girls involved in the group. Or if you can't get a hold of any of the girls come along to one of our classes which are on Thursday and Friday 9:30-12:30 at Blaxland. From L to R: Tracy Silva, Lynda Rich, ::.aJmanw1a Button, Melissa Riley and front row Is teacher Cath and Kellie Esposito 28 A Juv~E~que«~e-wel4'p~cw01M'\.Cl/-to-cv ~ offr{¥w. the, 3 queM:''-"'""W ~were-:" l) What"do-yowthiMJ<,ofY~ girW~he¥e-for "cvd.<;ty i.wthe.-gaoV' t&!M"What" i.t'!. 2) Vo-yowthiMJ<,that"wprowCNW~~~t'h#couldJve-hilped-yowcwcvjwv~? 3) What"cwe-~ofthe.-~yowwouU;i;po1Mtoutt"o-the.-g-W4-ctbot.d;"luw~t"o-be-he¥e-7 ~cw"' ~of the.- t:l+"14WIW!" w"' re.ceVved-.. ~7 l) I thiMJ<, i.t'!- cv ~ d.e.t!we4'\t cw tortg.- cw ~~ 2)CouU;l;'v"'~ ~ OviWctUt 1"\C't wort'fl,~he¥"' u~ ';5p'ttw !Jce,t;'hW 1) I thiMJ<, i.t'!- aw ruyt+V"'~ ctbot.d;"~ ~~ 2) Yey, l)I thiMJ<, i.t'IL be- ~yow-U{e; ~q l.owiW yow~ u~ 1)W~ M't7 GOOtiL€1ql1Wi£.t1,ce,(o' them; a.4o- !fWtWthemt 0!4'll 2) I'1t11 1"\C't .IW"e' 3) "11-w~ the.= o v e r of gir 'the.bi:t~~hew IM'l{t;W- the.- zy~ w 01'\ICI/ l.ot" ~ What-the.- ~.liew 2)No3)Umr tne.-"'w re<tt.ow{OOd. officer!" M't work.ero~~ Not'l-v ~~J..wymo' .. d.lf{twe4'lt atmofphe¥e; bifffliW ~ Ko~M'"£e.- ~ecp~ yowjtM.t" don! fuel<; witliA L~'Butl.e.r ' ~~hew !-CW"' .!lew the.-~~w i.w~yow. J~ 1) I thiMJ<, i.t'IL be- ~~~ 1M" what" i.t'!- ~ 2)Yey,~I 1)Y~w, woul.dJv"' $tOpped-tothiMJ<, befor-e-I woul.dJve.- ~ toc:k.ed,. PIW~ '3rt'!- very lort.eo/, yow~yow- clot"he4- t;'hWwouU;l; ,!how themtwhat wouU;i; N:tpp<WV if~ eo;s-of~IW.II 2)N(A 3)I~iM$ Seg.ro; A~Cel4, ~~=~ themtoff ofcri.!neo. ASI G<WICOf" - • 1) It'!-cv~~ to- .!how G'!- what" i.t'!"cUlt ctbot.d;" if the.~to-1-W"'the.- Ufe.- of creme.- em 2)1-l'o/beA 3)"11-w .ltY£ctvl.e.w, the.- l.ocJc, l.q> ~ no- yould.-luweoto-wea.r the.- clot"he4-provLde.d.(or yow N~ if I wcw .!howr~tthe.- -v"'~ peccy of the.- plAce: A4o-cw~cwi WCWVII't" ~t&t:i;dk, t"o-ruytO"I'I.e'that" wouU;l;te.!L IW!/~ w 1"\C't W" 7x:ui.< 3) I wouU;i;{ir~ ,!how themt i¥ld<M;.- t"'WVII~~o; ~ I wouU;i; a40- h<;w"' officer!"t:i;dk,to-the.g-W4-~be- meaw t&themt~at" Y~ the.- WOI""W!- cw"'a.l.mo¢ ~OW" (r~Iw ,!how themt~ ea.rw. I would.- a.4ote:l.Lthemthew Jwwd.tt wro-~plcc.ctW ~we)frx.ye; WledVcaL em Naom.VVoww i.t'!-cv~ ~ ~q~o; ~the.-dA.ffirtWtee/ betweew~~ U:ttl.eo wome.wc:tct"~~~ OVIW,k ~cUlt the.~~ l) I thiMJ<,ttwouU;i; ~I'UI1U!Or,l: j..wy. yow-~ u~ 1) It'!- a:Ut:t:::::/ the.- t'hW wro- /,et'"~of ~W£th,~w- they wouU;l; hwW that" i.t'!" 1"\C't Cl/ CXM41p· ~e-qJ~ 2) No; 1"\C't~i:t wcwpl.ct.ce.<L i.w{nm:t oflne/the.-M.y I wcw borw. 3)"11-w lo.cJc, (.w OfUW $«.CJv i.w~what" ~ Wa.i"lt:"t&dc- IWI[orced.- cwthe.- ~ p~i.wwhat" tt w~ deWe-. CWCI/~~ ~ofi:t~ tWtee/for~ ~hew~ wome.w i.w we-yow k.itow, yow litilV luw"' 2) No- that"~ 3)Iw~'t" S"lwwowc "K.ol.thryrlt 29 ~~ 2) Caw't" t:t+14WIW I'\.IWIW bee-vt-tfuw"' 3) Yowca.w~"'"' g-Wvor b- ~oo., l) No; I thiMJ<, i:t COtA1d.- come- acrow 2) M'o/be- p1.oLce-ro- be; Low of Low oftree-- W~ccm.<l< !eAf~i.wh<;w- ; &IW!/ i:t dce1.w't" fa.rni.o/, heUt yecJ., 3) Shew themt what" i.t'!- ~to- 1-W"'yowUfe.- i.w~ w£th, yow- {Y'e.edcmv~ (rOtW yov-~c:::;r~outthat" • w .-ea.uty ~t'h#w whe¥"' yow d.ovv't" 1WeM~V be-cv~e-qJIW!r 3)It'!-Mt"cv~ ~ 2)Shity~ 1) I thiMJ<, i.t'IL b- ~ d.ep~ow the.- office+o"o~~ h<;w~ ~ l) Yey, I 00/:.(.elv"' i:t wouU;l;be- "'~ k.itow that" yow h<;w"' officer.!~ ~ to-~for e-very u~ to-worlv~te.!L themt hew f"J1MCh. yow ~ cw"' ~m: 2)N(A 3) It" 4fl!t" what" i:t ~ u~ 2) It"wouU;i;how"' hilped- IW!/t& 1M" what" i.t'!- Ulce.: 3) h<;w~to-1-W"'i.w ~q hi-put" (.w Un.e.- ~cweo~what" officer!"~~ ~ nutJ<e, .!W'"'~ 1) Y~w, 1) I thiMJ<, i.t'!- cv ~~ l.et"themt !M"that"j~ wCl/ l.ot" d.lf{twe4'ltto-whe¥eo (re.edom.l No- Li{e4 No{r.<Xureo i.wthe.- zy.lte+n< u~ ~ WIWe- 1"\C't .lhowr~t 1) Y~w, ofccw-~ 2) NeNIW bee-vt-t& Jw.y 3) La® of dMty of ca-re; by ~ofthe.- /,et'"~of~ Arltl4tr~ ~the.-dva.r~cw wweo~whe.ruwer u~ by: ;,.I:Jf.0' v·~ ~Ly~'Ridv ' tiealth ~ ueaub' t:llmPIIed ,. Sll Is the wu.-e llf bad b.-eath'l In .-a.-e t:ases It t:an lndlt:ate swmat:h Pl"llb• lems. but usn· allY It t:llmes fnlm the mlluth. due w dental det:aY. aum dlseade. flloo stut:k btweenthe teeth. a di"Y. mllutho ()I" ex• t:esslve badel1aladhtb' lln the wunae (llften t:aused bY a sinus lll" thl"llat lnfoc• tllln). Lut:kiiY. YllU t:an blast YllUI" dl"atllln b.-eath• he.-e's h()'W w ambush OOllUn [[[~Vllid mlluth l"lnses with Wll mut:h alt:llhd. as theY t:ause the mlluth w di"Y llnt and smell mlll"e. [[[~vdd stent:h ·lndudna flllldS like llD• illn and aal"llt:. alsll. the hu· man blldY Is .-eaiiY unable w dlaest sllme elements llf daii"Y Pmd• ;.,h••• um.whlt:h t:lluld make smellY breath Wllne. [[[llrush YllUI" wnaue as well as YllUI" teeth. [[[If the smell dllesn't till awaY. It's time w all see YllUI" dentist. Vel"• slstent lll"al lldllUI" t:an be t:aused by aum disease lll" Wllth det:aY. whlt:h llDIY theY t:an fix. Yllu dlln't fd· lllW thiS l"llutlne•••y()u'll end uP with Plaque build UPo Whit:h leads w aum disease. Un• treated. this t:an lead w pel"llldllntal disease. and subsequent teeth lllss. leavinu YllU with the name "uummY bear'. want a bette.ext:use'l. tiULTti"' "Tread sllftiY• brushlnu {()() C3UM§ hal"dwean f().fr. StePS dllwnthe w lll"al hYGine: wllth's ham enamel sui"• SteP ()De: fat:e. leadlnu llrush twlt:e w stained. dailY w fluht supel"•sensltlve Plaque. SteP twll: f'lllSS dallY teeth. w remllve anY *t3entle st:rub• ben· may debmthatis need a dinSIIDSI f() ha.-del"•bl"ls• teeth. SteP tied brush. If th.-ee: 111nse nllt. stlt:k with with an anti· Sllft. w me• bat:tel"lal mllnthwash w dlum·bl"lstled brushen. blast remain• *lillw lllna w ina bat:tel"la• bi"USh• TW() SteP fllUn See a dentist evei"Y minutes. twlt:e six mllnths. If dallY (atte.- ~(lUI" J 30 beflll"e bed). •Make su.-e w • brush In a dun· Ia.- mlltllln lln all surtat:es. •~ pea-sized• blllb ()f f()()th• paste Is all YllU need• the brushinu Is whats lmPlll"• tant. *J1eplat:e YllUI"• Wllthbrush evei"Y three mllnths (lln ave.-. aue. ~ustralians t:hanue thei.brush eve.-, elaht mllnths· eeeuw!J ~vdd bat:tel"la bl"eed· lnu amunds and update%. Msll thiS Is a tiP flll" When YllUI" llubide. t:hew suaal"less aum% this will PI"OOUt:e ext:ess saliva. whlt:h am as an alkaline w the adds In Plaque that lead w Wllth det:aY. tnktn from CICP QUICK TEASER!compiledbyNaomi ACROSS 1)United States of ....... 5) Fireanns 6) 24hr period 8) Post by internet 11) Toss, throw 13) Beginning 16) Found at Easter 19) Dogs wag this 20)Throwup 21) Collision 23) Steam, mist 24)Convent, monastery 26) Prehistoric bones 27) Unusual, wierd 28) Beef, lamb 31 DOWN 1) To be living 2) Hallucinogenic drug 3) Get on hands and knees 4) March, April and ...... . 7) In the past, long.... . 9) Wifes title 10) Cooking fat 12) Mystical creature 14) Tiny branches 15) Children, young 16) Additional 17) Beatie, Ringo ..... . 18) Add or subract 21) Found on fanns 22) Cut in two 25) Work shoe p .S. I howe- "" YleW pe<M'of p~ ... 8RIN(ji/t!JN Ill I I I ~ --· . . -· ----q.~..· -..:f....... -.... Sayings & Quotations ·. :j ~ -~ "' Too bad all the people who know how to run a country are busy driving cabs cir cutting hair. "'When you have nothing to say, say nothing. "' Study the past if you want to divine the future. PG,~v~ornlm"-lnt •' -....... in a capital society are but committies of the rich to manage the affairs of the captialist class. "'All charming people have something to conceal, usually their fatal dependence on the appreciation of others. .. • • "'In order to be a good liar, one must have a good memory . * He who allows themselves to be insulted deserves to be. * I think, therefore I am. .. a woman has forgiven her partner, she must not reheat his sins for break- ,. fast. ;::. "' Nobody is forgotten when it is convinient to remember them. .. -- ----- -- - * Never complain - Never explain. * I am free of all predjuice, I hate everyone equally. .-• "' There are no limits to human ingratitude. "' If you can actually count your money you are not really a rich person. * A busy person never thinks of their stomach, a lazy person is always hungry. • "' I am always prepared to recognise that there can be two points of view ... mine and one that is probably wrong. ...... -• I .. - t:;_. ... 33 • / Compiled by Lucy ~ ..::;;-::- , ~ ' ...:;:::;- ~--:::::--~- ... - .... ~ To the B side girls & Butler, Wsup! Wsup! Not long to go now, just 2 weeks! Missing you all like crazy Take care and love you heaps Laura and Ang Z)-&M~ 9'.-:./;F A-H _de MUI ~ 9'..ta£, ~~~~ .. ~~. 'ID~ ~ . ~~ :Kt/ZZtll!OoT.lL I'm m!ss!T.l' yg ~r!. elo~ dey just wgso't t~oou~. Cgo't ww!t to jo!T.l you gt thtl ftlT.lT.lY ftl1!1». 1""<'1 you ht~tipS, 'Ms! <lM~oJ~· ~= To llf!f Pi!IP!f Mhd. Keet lfOHf ltead Hf i!llfd stdlf strolfg, love !fOil diWdlfS !fOIIf t/IZ. J'd.Z Joz K.P We BOTH KNEW THIS DAY WOULD COME, WERE YOU WOULD HAVE TO GO, TAKE WITH YOU A PIECe oF MY HEART. I'm GOING TO MISS YOU e !OVERY- THING ABOUT YOU, I TRilASURE YOUR FRIENDSHIP , LOVE e CHERISH OUR TIME TOGETHER. I'LL HOLD To TV!e 'Pt;1ckwge Det;1~ idli\,g.s;, Ali\,vl so tVie bClttle COI/\,Hii\,L-te.S...MCl!j ti1e force be w~tVi !jOL-t Cl~~. we ~ove !jOL-t, T-'Pot .§. Q.ueel!\, 'E. ~~~. ~A'~ To my dearest friends at Emus' WHEN YOU LEAVE YOU To Wiggles, Thanks for sticking b1,1 me, and being a good friend. Love vou alwavs. ~~AI~ ~/Mde CLOSE OUR MANY HAPPY YESTERDAYS WHERE NOT A PAY WENT BY WE DIDN'T LAUGH AND I'LL LOOK FORWARD TO THe MANY WONDeRFUL TOMORROWS WE •LL SHARE TOGETHER, Robbo & Leevi Roula & Thomas Soky, llsha & Shakita & Jade and lzak at the TC Please know even though I'm not there !hold you all close to my heart. SKIES .MAY SHATTER MOUNTAINS MAY DIVIDE & OCEANS MAY RUN DRY BUT MY FREINDSHIP FOR YOU ALL WILL NEVER DIE Remembering many happy yesterdays D'Amico ~NOW YOU'LL ALWAYS BE ON MY MIND eIN MY DREAMS, TJ) To Joe I miss qa, mq babq, am lhinkinq of qa. Take OOPe of qouPself fpom me 34 'JAILBREAK' 2SER I 107.3fm ; 'Jailbreak' is a program · focussing on prison <in~ health issues for prisone!'S, ex-prisoners, rnenqs, 1il I · an~ supporte!'S prison reform. ! I Copies of interviews are ' <Jvoilable- $4.00 For 3 progroms. (Prlsone!'S - i free) Contact PRAID i lj project, CRC Justice I !I Support, 174 George St, I I. Brooclwoy, NSW, 2007. : li Phone: (02)9288 8702 II 1 ,I 1 II i II I'; I I ' I I """"'..,. I ! a frexone It depends upon the appelite, nausea,causing individual as fo whether vomiting and abdominal if will work. 1 If IJOU re pain, constipation and anxiety. not read4 fo give up don 'I mess with if otherwise it will fuck It is a hard Nal!rexone is usually programme to work administered for up fo through. The pro- 10 da4s after defoxifi- gramme usuall4 lasfs cahon. (You must defox about one ljear, firs! otherwise you go Naltrexone is mainl4 info severe withdrawal). used for opiod Believe me those with- dependanclj but can drawals are fucking also be used for alcohol bad! You will feel dependanCIJ as well. chronicalllj sick. You IJOU up. enough lo !rack down !he fucker who sold if fo you- bat in low! Also understand !here is no miracle cure , so alo! of support is needed as well as regular counselling. should also know that if you have a shot on How nalfrexone works nal!rexone you could is, if blocks the effects of overdose. heroin or other opiods shot of nallrexone if will fo the brain. The fable! really fuck you up, lasts 24-72 hours If you have a sending you info inslanl If you are depending on the dose. withdrawal. Usualllj IJOU sfarf with supporting a large habit a quarter of the tablet if can kill you inslan!ly! and work up fo a full Like, if you are unfor- !able!, People have tunate enough lo live complained of side through the inslanl effects, those being : withdrawals wi!houf Depression, sleep medication, after about disturbances headaches, 24-48 hrs of intensive loss of energlj and care you 'II be straight 35 Naltrexone does not have a physical dependance. If you don't wanlto give up for yourself you never will. Do it for yourself no-one else. P.S AJways use exfreme care! with ..... . . . . . ········ . . . . -·· . . . . . ". . . . ··-·····-- I ·····~-~. I I I ,, ... 36 TI-l~ RUL~~ The ~fMALf always makes Tllf RULfS. The RULfS lite always subject to change without ~tiot notice. No MALf can ~ossibly know all Tllf RULfS. If the {fMALf sus~ects the male to know all Tllf RULfS she must immediately change some ot all Tllf RULfS. The ~!;:MAL!;: is nevet wtnng. If the {fMALf is wtnng, it is due to a misundetstanding which was the ditect tesult of something the MALf did ot said wtong. The MALf must a~ologise immediately fot causing the misundetstanding. The MALf must nevet change his mind without the ex~tess wtitten com:ent of ffMALf. The ffMALf has evety tight to be angry ot u~set at any time. The MALf must temain calm at all times, unless the ~fMALf wants him to be angty andlot u~set. The ffMALf must, undet no citcumstances, set the MALf to know whethet ot not she wants him to be angry ot u~set. The MALf Is ex~ected to mind tead at all times. The MAN who doesn't abide by the tules, can't take the heat, lacks backbone, is 11 wim~. Any attem~t by the MALf to document the tules could tesult in bodily hatm. If the ffMALf has P.M.~, all the tules may be null and void. The ffMALf is teady when she is teady. The MALf must be teady at all times. 37 + nb. nbt nuessllrity, &bl:. if 'tb" knbW tl.t p<rSbn Mere s4but.t ]!; two tl.m ]!;4' llnyt4iw.f Amn + .Luv 11n.t .L~<st R tik< pe~~&l.es 11n.t cr<IIH4. '}!;11sic11tty t4ey ~b wit4 e~~c4 btf.er, it .tbesn 't H4lltttr wl.llt &bH4<S first bll"' ]!; + nb, tust .tD<sn't &bH4< Ji;"f tuv, ]!; 1cbl:. u &lin f11tt in [,..., ]!;4' t~<stiw.r tf.e persm ..$411< f•tt J l111.t .: tstst Sblfltbn< ,: MtM{{y ft<{ tiMt J {stv tf£11t persm.. bb 11;"11 Sur•" tust ]!;4' {stv .. + .Lstst .tm cbmt .: ]!; 11ttr11cte,/, 2 SbiU<bn< 6stt it .ttp<MS m tf.e sitMtibn :Z:,e66it + ¥es, tnst is 11n llttr~~&tibn liM tnv is i~<st 11 jutiw.r, tnst .tb•Sn 't t11st tbw.f wl.ere tuv is 11 "'""" mbrt At<per fee{in:J liM &lin t~~St fbr 11 {bw.f {bw.f time + VJ'e .t#n t knbW.. Jn .titferent cir&KH4Stllnces. :Z:,epen.tln~ m Me pers#n #r tl.e rdlltims4ip .L111tr11 liM A n:Ji< 1 + ¥•s, ]!; &bl:. S<J< ls 11 f.stmlln An#n llttr~~&tl#n + ¥es, tnst &lin &b"'' ]!;4' {stv, llnA w4y~ Jt istst .t11s tbf f tl.11t's wt.y. II:PIIk#tl II T"• + 711fft br ti.k<ty,, J WDHt.t f£11v< .: My yes. Jn my l<ptrienct J'v• + ¥•sf t4m 's ~bttll ]!; Sbmt sbrt bf &bnnutibn V. 1cbl:. it's 11tt p11rt bf t4t ~lim< 11n.t t4t fstn bf pt11yiw.f tf.e ~IIIUt, "'(r~~&<y :Z:, + ¥•sf 9b.t :Z:,11mn ¥&A J-1!f " ,....~, .: ]!; llttmcte.t .: tf.11t persm Ji;"f " Wllnnll Ab t.te wlt.ttt.11w.r witt. tt........ HbW IUIIH'f ptbp{t Wllnnll fstcf< Sbm<tl.iw.f tf.llt {bbf<S f<rllt, f£11s 611.t.t 6rtlltf. I '!- clln t <llrry, tf.emsetvez.f f 1 ]!; &bl:. " &lin ]!; in tuv 6'fm 411nA, J've V.t<n in tf.11t sitMtibn 11n.t ~bt sf£11ttere.t VJ + ?1b '}!; &bS 1 it 411ppens .: "'' 11tt tl.e time, {KJ<t ]!;4' tuv.. Jt's nlltMII{ T4• ":Pbpb ", Qsttz. 11 ?1# ;z'tft II &rel1f + ¥•s, t~<st c#mts ]!;4' tuv, it s clltt<.t cf.emistry, 1 T4• :Pin~~ ~11t11.tt< + J ~~~rt< witt. tf.e 116bvt R11cl.et Anm + ¥es, 1 first + nb' + ¥•s, t~<st Abes <bme ]!;4' llnyt4iw.f... bb tM .tbtSn 't 11tw11ys fbttbW tbWM.ts b<st Anm + ¥up! &bl:. {stst f£11s 2 cbm< first! T4• "911nnm" '}!;11tt + ¥es, &IIHS< + ¥•s, if 'tb" st< Sbmebn< 'fbi< 11re '1- yM 11rt llttr~~&te.t tb tl.em pf.ysi&~~tty, tnv <bu{A, cbme 11jterw~~r.ts Amn + ¥es, it .t•p•n.ts tf.M:Jf. Anm + ¥es .tefinit<ttyf A ttr~~&tibn .: 11 persbn " :r•t tt.. f•diw.f bf {stst first tf.en wf£11tev11 'fbi< Wbst{A 411vt ,: '}!; 11ttm•t•.t 2 11 p•rsm 11n.t tnst lifter Mtm .: <vm lfb wlt.t tl.em lln.t t4en tf.e tstv sf.it &biUtS lifter 'fbi< fntty :ret t# knbW tl.em Anm + ¥•s, tust l111s 2 &#m< first, Mtn m11yV.e t4e rest 11jttr .L11~<r11 '1- A w4b &lin 't milk< up tf.eir miMsl!) w.r'• ( 38 it's tif• ,Lbsi + ¥•s, Yb" &lin, &listS< yM &lin 't j11tt in {bvt strllilJM bf Me V.11t ,Lee }i;#n<S 11.k.11 ]!;~ttkf ~ i ;[ ) fharawal eamp by Theresa eollins In February this year, and for the first time, a 6 day camp was held for Koori inmates at Tharawal. The group consisted of 3 girls from Mulawa and 11 from Emu Plains. And not forgetting the staff who gave us plenty of space and showed us that they trusted in us, that we could be trusted: Laetrice, Roger, Viv Rapo, Pat, Tammy, 2 Parramatta Custodials and MacDiamond from Emu's.Aithough it was designed with the aim for girls to learn more about Aboriginal culture, the camp also included 2 nonindigenous girls, which was great. The site was on Aboriginal land, where they had their own council and were able to offer people work. The converted trams that we stayed in were really comfortable and had everything we needed. The specific programs organised for the girls (and staff) for each of the 6 days, focussed on Aboriginal issues, which ineluded: cultural awareness, bush medicine, traditiona! foods and tools and how to build campfires. We also made clapsticks, learnt about the meanings and history of Aboriginal paintings, carvings, rock paintings, screen printing and observed traditiona! songs and dances. We even carved an Emu egg! There was also the important lesson of know39 ing that It's possible to enjoy life naturally. Apart from all the learning, we also had lots of recreational time with swimming in the open surf, the lake, spa and pool, sat around the campfire and were waited on by professional chefs 3 times a day. We didn't want to come home!! We also realized that we could communicate with the officers, as we saw different sides not only of them but of ourselves aswell. On a whole, the experience was really impressive with some of the highlights being: that I had the opportunity to learn so much more about the culture, watchin£ the dancing and the digeridoo playing. The workers In this camp can assist Aboriginal women by giving you housing, help you to find a job and by giving general community support. Phone/Fax: 0246831375 To give you a better perspective of our great time away, there are pictures on page 40: a) Cooling down in the lake b) Our hosts c) Friends for ever d) One happy group e) A splash in the pool Wow! f) Man's best friend g) Tharawal Paradise! ~B-Ct?HS FO~ ALLJUST TO c®HT VOU ST.A~THVoooo VEGeTABLe TEMPURA 1Capsicum, cut into thick strips I Zucchini, cut into long strips 8 Large mushrooms, halved MUFRNS i 3/4 CIA.:PS S.R. fLOUR Broccoli and Cauliflower bits i/2. TS:PN lSAI<.I NL( :PO\Iv'I>E'R 3/4 CIA.P SIA.L(AR Pumpkin, cut to 5mm strips 3/4 CIA.P MILl<. Carrots, cut into I em strips 3 TlSLE' SPNS ME'LTB> lSIA.TTE'R i *Anlj other vegetables lJOU desire* e.:c;c; Bane, Acici C!LL together Ci~Aci ~MJx. weLL but cio ~ADt bee~t or aver vvctx.. ?LC!c.e ~""'weLL gree~seci vvcuffi.""' tYC!tJS. '!SCI ize iS'OC-=00C for iS-2.0 vvct~AS or UV\-HL goLcieV\- brOWV\-. (Acici ow"' ex.trC!s to vvctx. tf req u~reci te: C.C!Yrott, lSCIV\-CIV\-Ci, c.Vioc. b~ts.) 150g plain flour lfeaspoon baking powder 1egg yolk 350m/ ice cold water Dipping Sauce 3 tablespoons sugar 3 tablespoons light soy sauce 225m/ chicken stock TQfUSPAGHfW SAUCf 1/2 feaspoon crushed ginger 2 onions, diced 2 cloves garlic, minced vegetable oil g large tomatoes, diced 2 capsicums, diced ~ approx. large mushrooms, sliced 1carrot, grated or diced 1cup water 1bay leaf 1packtlt extra firm tofu, cubed g tablespoons vegetable oil 1tablespoon soy sauce *T chopped eM/; ;{desired* To make the batter, sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl. Mix the egg yolk with the water, then gradually add to the flour mixture, beating until smooth. To make the sauce, gently heat the ingredients together in a pan; keep warm. Half-fill a wok or deep pan with oil. Once hot, In a large pot, saute onions and garlic In oil for five minutes. Add tomatoes, capsicum, mushrooms and carrot, and saute another g.4. minutes. Add water, bey leaf, tofu, vegetable oil end soy sauce. Cover and bring to a boil, Reduce heat and simmer for 1 hour, slitting occasionally. dip the vegetables into the batter and fry in the oil until lightly golden, about 1 minute. Drain on kitchen paper and serve immediately with the dipping sauce. 13 I '\ U/k+t we~ tnla tlze /zea;d o/- a~' we dee~,~'~' tune, tlze eallik r:uzd ~ eid.e mtlze ~ · d. U/iliw+d ~' /kJze co.u1J. k r:uzd /kJze ~ k ~· #.(J. #.(J. 11Ut.e ~<we.~ ltedp!d. U/lt- ifO«' rvzadice ltedp!d, ~~<we. r:uzd ~wdt ~fM,akwttime. MtwJjui~ ~ JvJai ~· ?4~~ rxmledL. Jt Joe&,~ co&t~irJ.~VU ~~· e~~~ ~r:uuJ'fO«'wdtm.ak111-<UUf~~· UJe aLL need~~ ~ r:uzd lAue tr;.~Je/.ieue m. 1afuwt ~ m on/Hd,/,at;te>M, tlze ~ o1- w.lt.a.t u <Jf!#«.J rm m tlze ~ ~, u ~ r:uzd Mi at alL a/M.tli.a.ct. Htil1.ad.e u Mi ir;. ~ 1m w.aie4,, 1/ze Htil1.ad.e u ir;. ~ 1m tlze ~ eallik, dwe/1../#trf r1eep4. milt~~ r:uzd ~~ ~ U/~, ~~rxmk/omvJ~attlze~dlut, tlze~ ~ ~' tlze ~ o/- a~· U/e can cel.e.lwzk tlze ~ tltat aM~ m tk.ae ~~· Peace u aLL~ ~U - m tlze I<J.Oldd., m ~, r:uzd udt/un ~U - m !U!4 ~ r:uzd !U!4 ~· ()~'tee we kaMt ir;./oudt tltu we wdt k k.eal.ed r:uzd ~· U Mi a mai.te4 o/- /adiz., d U a mai.te4 rvzadice. 41 sense sometbin9 strange happening bere. wb~ is it tbat tbe 9overnor never gets to see blu.e~s tbat we fill in17 wb~ ~oes tbe miai\leman alwaJJS take it u.pon bimselfl~erself to stop tbem7 wben it sa~s to tbe oovernor1 it I probabl~ is.. A11011 lr~all~ ca1111ot s~~ a tms;ht future f11 this jail, with all thofe movemmts to occur "Stas;e l to DaW11s" ac DaW11s Is a much b~tter area to live 111 tha11 stas;e l .. Stas;e l has most!~ l out6 , How ls this a11 111ce11tlve to behave? the 11ew s;ove11or a11other toolt at what she Is proposl115 to bo. It's not fllit that ~1!0~11! on tl!mand should havo to ~ay ths victims com~snsation lsvy. S!o fllt it has cost m9 ovst $250 and that's bMidss ths filet that thsts at!! tJO victims as a tl!sult of tho ctimss, which I alledgedly committed! Msl A11011. VJ'Ily ..!b tilt t-vbmtn in VJ'yn..!JtnJJ ~b t-vbrl<, e-viltn P.y ri:rM it silMt..! P.t "' ~ilbi~t! Anm Why is it an issue for the lifestyle girls to come out for sports and recreation, as they were assured they would be able to. 1think that the medical staff need more training, including learning people skills. More importantly they need to understand that '2 panadols' don't fix everything. Anon Wyndana inmates mustn't be mixed with Dawns Inmates, cos we are Innocent till proven guilty. J-1..0 wannabe C:ltis flail SilK!!! An()n TVie vL~eos tVietJ get for ~.ts Me bloodtJ -poXtJ! Arevvt we , ~M.e14 ..,tto be geth"'g ..,ew rele[;lses O"-ce [;! wee~? we ~M.Cl tl be crLV~.-ts (well "-Ot [;Ill of us) "B!A.T-ple[;lse cto..,•t L"'sult our L"'tellLge..,ce! sto-p Lt wLt!-1 t!1e "B/G grClde "-0"-se..,se Lt•s "-Ot fu"-"'ti [;1"-!jV\A.OYe! :PolltJCl"-"-Cl?! G[;llClV!.-tLt!:J_)[;l"-e?! Ciet R.eCll! A"-D"- Really Concerned I'm sicK and' tired'1 liearing girfs wliinging about otlier girfs wlio get some· tliing or obtain a 6enifit or sometliing _positive, fiKe extra pecia( visits or a ylioneca«. Can't you just 6e fii!)J_p!Jfor tlie _person, tliejact tfiat tliey got a bonus? I a{ways liear tliings ilKe liow dld' slie get 42 tliatjob? wlio dld' slie give '9' to on(y get 3 ear(y CocK ins, wlien usua((y everyone efse wou(tf get 7, or 1 course anyone efse wou(d've gotten ti_p_ped' is anotlierfavourite. Come on glrfs we aff Know tlie inconsistency in tliis_p(ace-6ut d'on't even start me on tliat one. It's not tlie in· matesfauCt, just tlie jucKed' '9' system. It's been ilKe tliisfor tfie _past 10 years tliat I Know rf. and' it d'oesn't CooK ilKe it's getting any better. !f you d'on 't llKe it d'on 't come liere! Anon • uick UIZ 6. aeqis n- 11. hecfop v A: flashy A: lapse in judgement A: to curse A: stingy B: flowery B: protection B: bully B: hellish C: fiery C: seniority C:disown C: uncompromising D: flabby D: eternily D: injure D: clirly 2. panic n- 7. baochanal n - 12. ai'Cichnid n - 17. naPCissislic adj - A: pain A: drunken party A: pimple A: indecisive B: relief B: gradualion ceremony B: ferlile land B: very sleepy C: mess C: backache remedy C: spider C: very vain D: fear D: victory parade D: complex design D: just 18. thanatology n sfudg of I. flo""l adj - adj - adj - - 16. sfyqian adj - A: pililess A: wrinkly 13. cupidity n A: thankfulness B: reckless B: quirky B: ignorance A: insects C: changeable C: quarrelsome C: abundance B: death D: metallic D: mischievious D: desire C: ouler space 3. mePCuPial 8. puckish D: word origins 9, nectaP n- 14. mnemonic adj - A: happy A: pearl necklace A: memory 19. chimePical n - B: drugged B: silk scarf B: speech A: nervous C: foul-smelling C: tasty beverage C: hearing B: unpredictable D: citrus fruit D: sigh! C: unforgettable 4, haiCijOn adj - D: beneficial D: imaginary 5. muse vA: to laugh 10. cyclopean A: wise adj - 15. pantheon n - I A: burning chemical 20. zephq• n - B: create music C: howl B: giganlic B: fancy !rousers A: breeze C: wealthy C: lofty place B:dog D: think deeply D: repelilious D: safe shelter C: horse D: tornado Answen On fYexl Page ••••• 43 • uick UIZ Answers B. Proleclion; 1. floral- B. Flower~; as, 6. aeqis - 10. c~lopeon - B. Giganlic; 16. sf~ian - B. the wallpaper had a bright sponsorship; as, under the huge; as, the cgc/opean lesl Hellish; dark and Uoi'O/ patlern. f/oPO, ancien\ aegis of the juvenile cricket average of Don Brad- gloom~. Stgx, a river in Roman goddess of flowers proleclion scheme, Aegis, man. Cgc/opes, a race of Hades. and spring. the shield or breaslplale of lierce, one-e~ed giants. the Greek god Zeus, 2. panic- D. Fear; 17. narcissislic - C. 11. hector- B. To bull~; Ver~ vain; self-lovinq; widespread terror; as, an 7. bacchanal- A lhrealen. Hecfor, Trojan leader as, the naPcissisfic outbreak of Ebola led lo Drunken pari~; org~; as, slain b~ Achilles and porlra~ed aclress preened for the panic in the small village. complaints lo the police as a bragging menace in some photographers. Narcis- dramas. sus, a ~oulh who fell in Pan, friqhlening Greek god broke up the bacchanal Bacchus, Roman god of of nalure. wine. 3, mercurioal - C. love wilh his own 12. arachnid - C. Spider or refleclion. other insed; as, some arachnids Changeable; fickle; erralic; 8. puckish- D. have dead!~ slings. Arachne, a 18. fhanafoloq~ - B. as, the decisions made b~ Mischievious; prankish. maiden changed inlo a spider Stud~ of death and b~ the Roman goddess Minerva. d~ing. Tt.anatos, Greek figure represent- the coach were mePCUPica/ al Puck, a \rick-loving sprile best. MePCu•g, Roman god or fair~. of traders, travellers and thieves. 4. hak~on - A Happ~; peaceful. Ha/cgon, lurned b~ the Greek gods inlo a seabird thai could calm the waves and wind. 5. muse- D. To think deep!~; ponder; as, Ra~mond Carver's short stories made her muse about her own wriling lalenl. Muses, nine Gree.k goddesses of the arls. ing death. 9. neclaP - C. T asl~ 13, cupidif~- D. Slronq beverage; sweel liquid; as, desire. Cupid, Roman god of 19. chimerical- D. apple juice is necfar lo a love. lmaqinarq; unreal; as, lhirsl~ child. Nectar, drink of the qods. alcohohsm can cause 14. mnemonic- A Pertaining to memory; as, "fm:e II •ts a chimePica/ visions. mnemonic for the music notes breathing monsler \hal on the spaces of a lreble clef. was pari serpent, pari Mnemosgne, Greek goddes of lion and pari goal. ChimePO, a fire- memorL:J. 20. zeph~r - A Soft breeze; as, the storm ~ pc•nlhEon - C. Loft~ as, Maria Callas and tapered off lo a zephgr. Zephgrus, genial Joan Sutherland are in the Greek god of the wesl pantheon of opera singers. wind. Pantheon, lemple for gods. 44 AT A DlSTADCE. The sur; sf..or;e t:.rigUly in the t:.lue su~~er sky. The t:.reeze WSIS coul.J t:.ut touof..e.J hi~ gently or; his s~ootf.. white skin, his t:.lue eyes Spcllrkle.J when the gol.len rS~ys of the sur; rejecte.! off his irus it gS~ve hi~ S\1> ir;Moent t:.ut shJJ 131 .levihsf.. kin.! of i~l>ressior; or; his fS~oe. He WSIS oleS~r; sf..S~ven, You ooul.J see Mt ~uof.. hS~ir woulJ f..S~ve growr; there if it WSIS Jet to. Little wrinkles OSI~e an.! went arounJ his ~outf.. SlnJ eyes when f..e S!>oke, constantly ~aking s~aJl t:.ut Mhoeat:.le fS~oiS~l exl>ressions. Hs fir~ly tor;eJ sf..oul.lers ghster;e.l with oil to ~Sitof.. the rest of his torso which was at:.sort:.ing the heS~t to ~;ioely tSin is fir~ !.o.Jy. When JOOJ~Jr;o at his t:.oJy l Mhoe.J he f..a.J little ):.ut hgf..t t:.reasts which shgf..t]y twitcf..eJ when f..e raise.! his han.! to wil>e the .lrol>lets of sweat rolling .!own the si.les of his fS~oe. l cant see the .Ji~ l>les that l kMw are or; his t:.uttooks only a faint outlir;e of the hgf..t pcllir sf..S~~>e curves of his of..ed. Hs long legs are twiste.J in a l>eculiar way un.ler the chair t:.ut l oar; shJl see the hr;es of the ~uscle in his flexeJ carves. OOOH, you startle.! ~e ju~1>ing out of that .!rea~ into reality as he l>ulle.J ~e close an.! kisse.l ~e, slowly l slil> into aMther. Written ),y Kelly Casf..el JUVf.NIL.E. .E.DUC:A TloN P~RAM I was as/:;ed b!f mlf friettd Traq If I 011ld 11/:;e to tartlcltate /11 a trogram tltat WOII!d lte/fflllltf ltelf some 1f01111g girls /11 tire j!MI111e)11St/ce SlfStem. /, mlfSe/f tlt/11/:; fltat tit;$ f'Ogram We ltave /11 ml11d for tltese 'Ifasmal girls wo11ld f;e of great belfifit for tltese !fOHifg girls. f11st to see gtTOI for tire dalf mf!ltt deter tltem (rom comi11g ltere. Wttlt be;itg t1tro11glt tltej!JVBI1ile S!fStem mlfse!f I /:;11ow wltat some of tltese 1f01111g girls WOI!Id be tlttit/:;1itg abo11t a tlace 11/:;e tltl's, a11d all ;f bas!Calltf ;$ ;$, 'fear of tire 1111/:;11oW11'. A11d tlt;itgs 11/:;e 'lfea/f, we calf f;italltf ltave a smo/:;e tit teace', b11t Wltlf 11ot sltow tltese girls tltat a11 ad11lt gaol ;$ 11ot abo11t ltav;itg a smo/:;e w1te11 we walft to a11d ;f ;$ dot more ltarder tlta11 a fl!vetttle Detetttiol1 Celftre. I also believe tltat ;fa trogram 11/:;e tit;$ was ;it flace /fears ago w1te11 I was at Ifasmar, tlte11 malfbe I W011Id11't be wltere I am todalf Ma!fbe tit;$ trogram w;ll ltelf tltese 1fOHI1g girls, malfbe ;f wo11't b11t tire fBOfle ;ifvolved ;it tit;$ trogram !feed tit;$ clta11ce to trlf a11d ltelf, beca11se eve11 ;fIt stot's)Hst o11e or two girls we ltave made a dltlere~tce. At tire momelft we are ;it tire tla11111itg stages of trlf;itg to get tit;$ trogmm llf a11d r1111111itg a11d ltoteMitf ;f tJ/1 goes to tlal1 ;f will be a ltaff811titg tlt;itg. If 11ot tlte~t at I&Tst tire fBOfle ;ifvolved ;it tltt$ attemtt ltave tried to ma/:;e a dltlere~tce a11d tltat wltat ;t ;$ r&TIItf all a/loHt. ..ma/:;titg a dltlerBifce. Tlta11/:; If011 L1f11da R.iclt. 45 for tho&e who tale fife too &eriow&f~ o o o the wb~~l'lS. Co~~l'let the wbo~e set. A dey Without ~Ur.Jsblr.ll'l is ~lke, oi~t. em the other btmd, you"'e ~ot diiTereot tm~,ers.·.. I just ~ot ~ost lr.l tbou~t. It W@S Ur.Jtm!Li~~r tmif;oey. '1:2.7 pereeot ot ~~~ st~tisties ~~re m~de up oo the $pot. 90 pereeot of ~~ers ~we the rl'lst ~ h~d oml'l. I fee~ Uke Im dw~oP@~~y p~~rked lr.l ~ pm~~e~ Ur.JWerse. 'You bll\'!e the ~t to rem~lr.l s!Leot. .flDyt;blr.l~ you sey wm he misquoted, tbeo used ~~t~lr.lst you. 9. I wooder bo-w mueb deeper the oee~o wou~d he Without $f>OP~I'lS. 10. }rook if you ~~e pe~ee ~od quiet. 11. R.ememher b§~f tbl'l peoprl'l you koow ~~re herow 11\'!ert~~e. 12. 'Despite the eost ot ~wlr.l~. bll\'!e you ootieed bo-w popur~~r if; remt~lr.ls'? 1:!. Xotb~ is wo~-proof to ~ t~~ted fooL 1'1:. Atheism is ~ ooo-propbet or~iZ~oo. 15. J{e who rt~u~s ~~st tblr.lks s~owest. 1G. 'D~essioo is mere~y ~o~er without eotbuswsm. 17. F.~~l'lS mey so~~r. hut we~~e~s doo't ~et sueked lr.lto jets eo~lr.les. 18. i'hl'l e~~rry hird mey ~l'lt the worm, hut the seeood mouse ~ets tbl'l ebee~e. 19. I lr.lteod to rwe for~er-so t~r so ~ood. 20. 'Borrow mooey ~om 11 pl'l~simist-tbey doo't e~peet if; h11ek 21. It 'B~~rhie is so popur~~r. wby do you bll\'!e to huy her Meods'? 22.'My mlr.ld iS rJke ~ steer tr~p-!Lre~r ir.l ;{7 ~t~ti'JS. 23. ~upporl h~eterw-tbey t~re the oo~y eu~ture some peop~ bl!\'!e. 2'±. Wbeo ~eryt;b~'s eomlr.l~ your wcy, you're lr.l the Wroo~ ~~De ~od ~olr.l~ the wroo~ wey. 25. If ~t first you doo't sueeeed, destroy t~~~ ~ideoee tb~t you tried. 2G. f.ll;perieoee is sometblr.l~ you doo't ~et uom just @tter you oeed it. 27. Xo ooe is ~isteolr.l~ Ur.Jm you mt~ke ~ mist~ke. 28. The s~erity ot the iteb is Jwerse~ proporlioP@~ to the ~hi~ity to re~eb it. 29.'You o~er re~~~Y ~em to swe~~r UPm you ~m to drwe. ~0. The proh~ With the ~l'lPe poor is there tbt~t is oo ~ifesll\'!ers. n A dl'lt~r eooseieoee is usu~tty 11 s~ of 11 h~d memoey. ~2. ~t ~ oe-w e~~r for your spouse-it'~~ he ~ ~relit trt~dl'l. ;{il. L~e mey he Hmd hut mmw~e is ~ re~t eye-opemer. ~'±. If 11t first you doo't sueeeed, theo sk;ydwlr.l~ iso't tor you. 1. 2. il. '1:. 5. G. 7. 8. ~11\'!1'1 46 I ! II I I ' I f'l1 ~.. " 47 ; . q.JU:#n ~~-?\~'fl.' 1~ t/)ee/iw;$rd .. ,.... Ute~ dluuv. in fJM-IIRA-· 1k t/)OJte.(.l.eiJ. (}_IJ.i,d.(m tJ)eeiiw;!J~ Bkod r.mJ teaM. r.mJ J.aa.ll4 to. come. 11Uf ~ JUJad to. t/}.04~ 1k~CiMcoLd r.mJ Ute~ CiM w.e.~lo. tltat UJ4If /o.o., J~lww-1/wn ~. puuf and /.u.t.m in Buttlte~d ~· ~kil.e4ecm tlte~to. ~ wkd. tfOd tWil ~. ilteMett J11~mlf~· J11~mlf~· :'hrm ~ ~ rm me., merJ#!.d. ~. kdone! .Ptwla () 'Melet, d<Uf· .Pea.u.e Ute ~ !meJ.. ~~~\!) akme, 1~/wteeiM ltcwi~. j rtm ~ UtaJ1.i to. rk wkd.~UtaJ1.ime. to., Jud dmt in kd r.mJ dw:un Ute datt p.<Ut. t/)~ dad u ao. ~. l1.eed to. /tnd emo.lk4 paf)t-. j eiUf a /dt/e, · Read a kole, Wltde at1J.a1f mlf ~. q~Nua~ 1M'fr.mdblue. !11/f et;e4 rtm ~ f«d (rn Ute~ o!r ~. (!/~~\!) .Pidm in Ute 2uktHe!U, 1/r 1/ftfj_u/t, ~ ~()#.., 1(). but to. IUfJ1, atiJ.alf Wkn~CiM 1/wn'*'U~- ~. IJe to. rk, j ttJ.kJ1t ~ irw.e. 1~dea'lok ~mlf~ (rnkpcr.md~teado/1.. 1k~that ~ffl.e.CiM Wkn~CiM ~. Uuc/¢, ~ r.mJ 'fOM~tWJI J ttJ.kJ1t ~ N· ~~· Wkn~CiM But d 'a- not tk:u that m.a/ee. me. a ~at aLL. t/)(J4 WJ. matl.e4 ~ ~ ck.oM.e. to. 90-· t/)04~ilte bwuJJled, ~'a-~, j Wlwn~~deep ~~'Ltftnd Wlwn~CiM ttJ.kJ1t ~ p.eru2· tali, WlzenJ~up almw, WeLL, d'a- tk.n t1tat ~. j ttJ.kJ1t ~ ~ j dee, ~~ that~~ ~· 1/tat~~ ~left~. Ute dome deep. Wlwn~CiM ~me.a(JAU(J{1.e)/, j 'Lt k. 1atf&to.~. .$0.~'*'1»- dtaoti.a ' j ttJ.kJ1t ~ ~ Plt.one mlf ~. ~apw/Jem ~. Q!Nua$~ Waif& at1J.a1f that HUtt:Jk, /o. ~ (rn M& di4e.M.. to. ken, iHdead o/; ~to. ~· /.et M& ttU.Iit- Wizen~~ ~. ~~~\!) $~upuwd j ttJ.kJ1t ~ /wp.e. ~~~ 48 !Vea /M.ue., ~ ence /;w;n. $1e.u.i.e. Van. (')tUtoee.n. lut~ i': ~au.fUSI efptv2 1-9flmt2 1 atlaa~J.A,/1! ~ 'uw22- ,u/;23 .£1(/1 tA;., .£1(/ltlu.~ruul _ , 'Wiu,.,~u? 'lrltw2 1- efptv20 'il!~Mktpw. ~"" w1vw ;s, wtl.at tp>W"""' 50' ~Cf:A~w~a.&w.t,? 'WAat IJOUII d(nJ"' !.ar>rut ~ w@. ~ Mk we-'<' w@, IJOUI mlfr.letvv 50' """""' ill/ t/u, II <j}Jfllttlt giJrt. """' ~ UfV t/u, <j}J~' """"""'· fud, WIUliUf ~ S<P tp>W m.tUf""' ifOOI";s,~akad f4e'- ~ill/tlu.~ w.e.U ~ s.lafv'!"'~ aJUl <Jd rud; t/ww,ruut en{<Mf UfV lund 4 UUUf- 'T)fw, clJemi.#W 'lrltuf22- ,UII/2 1 """""'~ill/ tlu. sJuwU fie, f.ee.ltn<t (JMfttf ~luud~ ~to-~.= wsJuwU fie, sm.de,., ~ ~a.&w.t,~ (m.~.~w.s- tlu.- twtm.o.it) ruutslww.uvtw~ tiuu;,~ t/u,afmt,- flOW"~. w.f..etlw., fiOU"'~ruul ~-a.&w.t,IJOW. wJucl, feaue&, IW' ftm.e, ""' en<WJ'flcv. tUUf sWwuf meuat~. fUJUV~. ~iJtt- ~WS<P~ tpJU~Iuuvi.ty.- ~ ftm.e, UP luw tlu. W6-f; 4 ""' W<liU7.& -~o#'!"'· sdf. $Uujk""' Mk, CXe.e, .,ta/wtlu.,~UP ;s, wJ.en, ~"""' fowe..r, flOW"~""' tlu.lumt tv tv &w tuUf aJUl m.tUf""""' ~'J'>""'· ~ tlu. wwJ.t, ill/"' fwwlv-U(V ~ill/ tlu. UJ.<Yr.U (tkJnJv slw® t~u.~- lev. ""' lev. e.-.v 'J"'f') 'Witk~ tlu.~ tlw£., ~tVUJ<UUJ, aJUl wiJ.Iun, tpw. tp>W'11 ~ fmcJ., SOOt> tlwt fie,"""""""""' ~ cvU.enJated,, flOW" -~ryWIJOUI ~~f"''"'fWUttf aJUl comJ-o-w =f.a..v 't.<JI.<IId. d(y tlu. ~IJOUI"'"" f.ee.ltn<t """""' ill/ lun,e, w.i.tl. ti.otl$~ """""~ """'~""' (ifnc.b-) ~= fiOU"'us.ua.t t.vl'- ruul"'""(.ued UfVruul ~UP~. &.c1ut s.tarv aJUl SCIUdcl. flOW"flOW" ~~&.en, (aJt.nJv Woe/~?) tlw. ~ ~ ~rlm.wz, UP~ cdd-~luud~ - wJucl, woo) b fie, tv ~lcv.IJOUI~- /u14~ ~ itulfrud!#cv.~ ~. &e.n,{MM4~ fud, 'T}fw,w;s,tvf.at 4~ruul~ill/ flOW" UJ.<Yr.U - ainJv ~ tA;., ifOOI"· ~wilt ~rud!#cv.tpw= ~~~ ~~!! ill/UP~ 49 ~? cw,..,., d_oonas,ruulfuw~ 9(mmm, ~ummttf d(nJ.,~~""' ~~ tna.lw """" iiJ., w.i.tl. tv ~ sdf-lw.ftv fmo/.,; ~ UPiw.tptpw fUW tlu. ~ edwuJ, tp>W aJUl ~flOW" menJ.at <UJilool, 4 tlu. UJ.<Yr.U""' IJOUI~~tlu. ~w.tl.lf4~ flOW"~ ill/ zoo 1' wJucl, ;s,/Uw, 'T}fus, ;s, tlu. s./upruul onct1/ll9",m,, w ill/ tlu.{acb tl.at~ ill/ZOO! wilt~ nail. 'i/j,MJ, 1fOOI" m.tUf ~ . IJOUI t:omantib {utwt<>. 'T)fus, ;s, flOW" al.i.uy. tp>W"""' ~ ~ ww--~~wa(.wv S<P wJvwrJoo.,ti.J.,""""'-'Icv. lev. tv fmut Wmv ~- am.aWuf """"""' 4 "llltiow- ~wf ~tVUJ<UUJ, tpw. twtn.eJ~tlu.~ ~e.tnilli& 'Witk flOW" ~."iftnjo<t~ tpwruul en{<Mf ~ - tp>W 'Uli.mf. ~coM flOW" &itJn'""' d(p;tlt ZI, tA;., ;s, ""' ideat ftm.e, 4 fiOU"'c.a.Jv~ ;s, ~~tl.at ""f ~mont.~.& r;t.,~ oufMde,aJUI tl.ew)., Mk ad..dw ill/ r;~ 6 tlw. tp>W wIJOUI{<J.law.eJ, "' lrw.eht sUvrJ, to- tlu. 'Witk dfllwt.n, enteA.i.nrf 1fOOI" lev. tp>W to- C<Jnl.env~flOW"~ <j}J~~fut ""*41<v.IJOUI aJUl ~..., eiUWJ'f ~ail tlu. ~4tlu.lfOOI"k sm.ootl.ed!>' ~lev. itfn.e,n.o«P#cv.~ aJUl ~ S<Ptp>Wm.tUf ""'w.e.U ~lUI'"""""' ~=~ ill/~ UP~""""" ~~~4tl.at w.isl.lut~ rtti f 1 ~ljt trt~{lttf[i 1 yfl t tf~tiJ.tttfl: f ~ 1 ~- .l ~ f f f f r~ ~ t lr ~- t ~ ~- ~ t -~ ~ tf ~ ll f ~ ~ ..... A f rt I ~I t i { t t I f 1t ~ill tf Jll fl ~ ~· ~~ ~-l . 1 ~ ~- ~ "t ~ ~ "t . ~- t ~ 1 ~ 1 11 ~ ~ ~ t t t n•{ !I r~t}~l~Jlttftl itit~tr-tffifltiflt-l! ~ ~- ~~- L~t~ ~1 !{t~ t~Jt l~1~~- ~'I> lLse~1 ~ ~ ~ 1 1E v. o •~"' "" . ··"-! ....., . ~ r ~~~~ I- ""' ~ ""' ~ ~ ,;.~·,..fat !'I ~til -~ !~ s:: ~ ~ ~- ] fi Hhjl rH t ~ ' ' . . ~ 1 t~.l! I 1~ -t i ~ }.1 1~ ~ 1 ~[ t. t.! f l i ~ l L~ ~ f{ rt f ~· ~ ~ fl t ~ ~ t l ~ ~ ~ ~ l ~~ ~ ~ ~ . g.., !-..,.. 1 lltl[fflt~rt~•rltflllJltltlfE }fi~Tifll~}JT ~ 1 ~ t 1~ ~: ~-111 rl rt ~ t r t l 1 t1 ~f f r~ ~ :~ ~ ~ ~ :. r. ~- f c il!lltrrf~tt~frl~t~lfftt~llt ~ t ~ l ~~ t ~~~ ~ " ~ •' " ~ ~c l[ i 'iew 'ieilw.v 'ut24-B!Utf23 $~24-~23 CJ:J()I,IJ& ~ lfy 71~~? 'Weft if)., timAY lfy lkusJ., <Ut.t<Uf fk, fmu.awl &., lo.ued~ ~rdmotw ~awl~et ned lfy sialf lewt !..add il> OJUiM., lfy ~ fk, tnanlf> wJw, ~ seeldnry if<WI" ~afteo 'Bv 'fO'U' w.itluu.w S<UJintf tJuu, if<WI" ""'90'" ti<MI& etp /.$ fuu1nry tk,alk#;ti.<Jiw- ·~·? g~~ doosnJvw? 'Weft~ 'J<'U''JO'~alfwiilz, ~~/<vvlk, n,eJW~of tn.an./k, B!Utf24- Sept;23 CJ:J()I,IJ&~ autlo.oJ.,~w ~ a~tWUJ'~i,of~ tJuu, fuu, ~de- il> ~slw..k ~:-,~ ~;~ tneanintJiut ~; actuaf,,~ "0~~s«ftw~ ofrJ<rwawl ~ il> fk, ~aluuutfuw~ i<MJ, ~ tJuu, if)., fJ<Wuf lfy "'F lJ<'U' {umv if<WI" w tfvrone, ~""'~ ~ Jluuwfj<J-<Ul if<WI" ~oouU~,~lfy p,.ut """'· SlllM t.o1t awl w s.ti/1/ Uf1' if<WI" eMiJo,. ~""wtw.e,'i£~, .f. - fkn,I?AJ.el> fk,~ "0/k.~ ~ tJu,t., t.lwurjlw of malu.uy de- ~aluuut /<vv lJ<'U' ~~fk,sJut., """' of lJ<'U'- Sbt> lJ<'U' taft tit®~ (=/<vv) fuu, de- if<WI" fdido,, wJur:h, W.:v~, ~- ~ tk,a.ttenti.<Jn, 'J<'U'ned{umv~w ~oftn.an./k,? ~~® ®'J<'U'ned w{umv ~ (awl ~ ~W<W)' fuw if<WI" iim<Y/<vv ~ ~u. 'YI'la1f wJ.en, fk, ~wok~ twuwJ, Uf""' ~ rw.tel.e& ooJ,w'i£~ (fuw ~ ~ tJuu, ~""""" &., wii1z, !#@ s~ ml • , CliJ - . "2 ~., f(,(WI,C, 1n<f if<WI" ~ned /<vv ~- ~ C)jow m<Uf &., lfy 'UY>UlUv at if<WI" ~ lfy -~~lfy u.fmu.wiilz,tft®fW'W-1"? <({)..,tit® cww? <({).., dt> lJ<'U' ;ww ltaue,/wvawl &onJ. If"' ~"""' /<vv fk, neJW fk,~,;ww~ sdf-wlianJ,awl &., ~ lusf,~~of ")!......., /.$ il> if<WI""""" s-eckJ;v, ~ wii1z, lw. C)j()I,IJ& fmut ~ 'O'nv ~skudrt fuw ~awlW~>lmfzo-'vtarW/<vv lJ<'U' lfy fW-C" 'B'nvw.i.slunrt '0 um,s,) fuw ~at if<WI" sfalts,, 'B'J/k,Uu:1ineJ,f,o, ~ fk, latt.e.,. '7i:nf<Mt IU.I«> "0,.,., if<WI" ~ tit® timAY wJwM, fk, ~ ~ lf<JU"'fami4 tlwf"" Uf"awl tio.wn,.,et 00€/t' fk, stwp, awl~ et /.$ 'wlrat;""" ~~ ':Ju$1!u.itW tJuu, ~""""' fk, ~ twc.lt,, awl s.ticJ, ~ r.feds<.an, lfy &., f>I<Uk, w.et>/P?' wii1z, wJ.ai; lJ<'U' ~ U., '0 fJ<Wuf lfy "0Ae.eJ~>tim<YUYtk- sfw.td, lfy fk, ~ nedUYik-~ "I AM WOMAN HEAR ME ROARII" ~/<vv if<WI" trwt./-uftawl~ il> OJUiM., lfy m.a/w, if, lfy fk, a.cJWns,/aw.awl~ ~ fJ<Wuf lfy &., ;ww ~ . il> spite- of anlf ~ UYtlwziv~. CJ:}O-<Jw~ UY ~~~ silua.U<Jn, awl at tit® timAY o.iJuvr, s<Je, of clzao.&,. il> if<WI" ~' if).,""" w dart "Pileing-w~ ~lfy~ lJ<'U' ~.W~UY ~~fk, ~~il> fk, UJ.<YtU lVt<Jllmi, 'J<'U'· '0 fmo.w., if)"' AwuJ, /<vv lJ<'U'. ~wlrai;~_s,~ zeal, il> if<WI"~ ~/<vv fk, IMIJJz,; Jo, if<WI" ~ IU.I«> ~~""fJ<Wuf lfy fuw ~!I "0afu,eacJ., nedw ~.u.fk,~, tkuf=w~awlw wJ.en, if<WI"~ ~ ~unf>U nrduh.a/4 ~~ ~"""~ C)j()I,IJ&~/.$ """'lk-~<Ut.t<Uf wiiJz, ~ Som,e, f.imes, (ltk, ~W<W} ~ '1<1<114 ~Jd4awl~ ;ww~~~. =ik-~ofiWW~ Jau,~f !#@ 51 ----'- it Hello. Welcome to the psychiatric Hotline. II If you are obsessive-compulsive. please press 1 repeatedly. it If you are co-dependent. please ask someone to press 2. II If you have multiple personalities. please press 3.4.5,and 6. It If you are paranoid- delusional. we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace the call. tl If you are schizophrenic. listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press. tl If you are manic-depressive. it doesn't matter which number you press. No-one will answer. ~appy :EiaStero o