Food For Thought - East Cooper Meals on Wheels


Food For Thought - East Cooper Meals on Wheels
Food For Thought
East Cooper Meals On Wheels
Winter/Spring 2014
train, and grabbed some tools. Pretending to work on
the train by checking the wheels, he exchanged words
with a few Germans who stopped by, then snuck back
on the train and changed into his civilian clothes for
the remainder of the trip.
Now 92 years old, George Sass has faced challenges
in his life that most of us can only imagine. Born in
Poland, he met his future wife at the age of 15 during
a local Sunday dance. While luck was not on their side
for many years, fate would bring them back together.
George was a hiking guide for tourists in the Pieniny
mountain range until he joined the English Army in
September of 1939. In November, a letter from his
mother shared the unfortunate news that his sister
had been killed when German’s bombed the train she
was riding to college. He was granted a few days of
leave to help his mother grieve and was expected to
return to England for deployment but, upon arriving
in Poland, the Germans arrested him.
George was transported to Munich, where he spent
about two years working 10 hour shifts at the BMW
factory, which at that time was making engines for
German airplanes. He describes life in the barracks
as “harsh, to say the least,” with one blanket, one set of
clothes, wood and straw for a bed, a dish and a spoon.
“Coffee” was made from coal, soup was one piece of
beef in water, and there was no dinner.
An underground society helped him escape to
Vienna, where he boarded a train to Warsaw. He
spoke fluent German and was told the train was on a
non-stop run, but unfortunately that wasn’t the case.
At the German border, about to be discovered for
lack of proper papers, George thought on his feet. He
quickly changed into his labor clothes, snuck off the
A kind woman and her daughter who were also on the
train offered him a room in their home for two years,
as he knew no one in Warsaw, but when the Germans
invaded that town he was arrested and shipped back
to Germany to labor at Magdeburg. This time, he
was selected to be an entertainer by joining a group
of other displaced persons to play music. George’s
instrument was the musical saw, and his group was
transported around to various camps to entertain the
prisoners. He even remembers being filmed, as the
Germans intended to share the video with the Red
Cross to demonstrate their kind treatment of all in
His trip to entertain at Osterweddingen, just seven
miles away from his own camp, brought more joy than
he had felt in years. He immediately recognized his
sweetheart, Halina, in the crowd! After not knowing
whether she was dead or alive for so long, he vowed
to not lose her again. Some sneaking out, along with
bribes of tobacco, allowed him to see Halina once a
week. She returned the favor of a visit on Christmas
Day in 1944, bringing along a sack filled with at least
20 pounds of beef for George and his friends. George
says, “I couldn’t believe she carried it the whole seven
miles in the snow for me!”
Of course, 1945 brought liberation and joy, as well
as many tough decisions. George and Halina agreed
that they would not return to Poland, instead applying
to live in Brazil, Venezuela, New Zealand, France or
the United States. They waited for five years, finally
receiving word that there was a sponsor for them in
America. They got married, went to the American
consul to accept the sponsorship, and boarded an Air
Force plane with their young son, Jersy.
In the United States, they quickly got on their own two
feet with an apartment in Patterson, NJ, and a variety
of different jobs—belt buckle maker, gun engraver,
nylon factory worker, YMCA leader, and chimney
sweep—for George. He and Halina enjoyed weekly
walks on Sundays and going to the movies, and they
had a second son, Richard, a few years after arriving
in the U.S. Both sons grew up to serve in the military
during the Korean War and gave Halina and George
three grandchildren to enjoy.
George retired in 1990 and he and Halina moved
to a beautiful home on James Island. He turned the
garage into a workshop where he built clocks and he
also kept up with his hobby of painting. They made
quick friends with their neighbors, who became
like a second family to them. Then, a few years later,
Halina was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. After
going through so much together, George remained
committed to being her caretaker.
In 2006, it became clear that Halina needed additional
care, so she moved into a nursing home in Mount
Pleasant. Not wanting to live in their home alone,
George sold it and moved into a condo so that he
would not be so far away from his wife.
One of the workers, concerned about his ability to
access a good meal, referred him to East Cooper Meals
on Wheels. He has bad vision in one eye, significant
hearing loss, suffers from anemia, and sometimes
struggles with his balance. He also lives off of Social
Security, and with the expenses of health insurance
and utilities, he didn’t have the money to go out to eat
or buy the most nutritious meals.
The daily meals kept him strong enough to visit with
Halina until she passed away last year. With his sons
living far away and his closest friend living on James
Island, the meals are more important now than ever.
After all he’s been through George says, “I’m making
do with life these days, and Meals on Wheels makes
my life a little better. I really enjoy getting to spend
some time each day talking to the nice people who
bring my meals.”
Since the summer of 2008, the O’Connells have been
counting on Meals on Wheels for their daily lunch. William
and Deborah live in a subdivision on Highway 41 and, at
87 and 85 years of age respectively, they couldn’t be more
grateful for the meals that our volunteers deliver each day.
Cooking and grocery shopping may not be easy for them,
but they frequently take the time to write a note of thanks,
which shows just how much your support means to them.
East Cooper Meals On Wheels
A Season of Giving
You brought so much joy to our recipients
during the holidays. With special meals for
Thanksgiving and Christmas, as well as gifts
of warmth and cards filled with the season’s
greetings, the homebound in our community
were able to share in the joy of the holidays.
In fact, Peg, a 79-year-old recipient on Route
C, wrote to say, “For all you have done for me,
I would just like to say thank you. The robe is
beautiful and I know I will really enjoy it.”
We are especially grateful to the following
community partners who donated gifts for our
All Saints Lutheran Church
Christ Our King Church
East Cooper Medical Center
Lighthouse Church Women’s Ministry
Lowcountry Senior Network
Palmetto Presbyterian Church
Rotary Club of Daniel Island
St. Andrews Church
St. Benedict Catholic Church
Southcoast Community Bank
State Farm—Billy Swails
Sunrise Presbyterian Church
The Employees Community Fund of Boeing SC
selected East Cooper Meals on Wheels to receive
$5,000 in support of our meal delivery program.
Volunteers Bill & Camille Rowell delivered
meals and presents in celebration of the holidays.
Winter/Spring 2014
1st Oyster Roast Fun!
On October 27th, we hosted our first-ever
oyster roast on Goldbug Island. Around 200
people joined us for bivalves from The Noisy
Oyster, a chili throwdown, live music from
Awendaw Green musicians, and a pictureperfect afternoon. Thank you to the East
Cooper Outboard Motor Club for sharing their
spectacular views with us.
Around 200 people joined us on Goldbug Island
for our first-ever oyster roast!
Volunteers of all ages joined us on December 23rd to
pack and deliver special meals for Christmas.
Once again, Cub Scout Pack 470, along with
Boy Scout Troops 59 and 529, collected food
for our pantry and the pantry at ECCO
during the Mount Pleasant Christmas parade.
Our Chili Throwdown featured Betsy Dross, one
of our dedicated volunteers, and Brannon Florie,
owner and executive chef of The Granary.
For the third year in a row, employees from
East Cooper Medical Center collected gifts for
our recipients.
We are delighted to welcome Harry Sewell and Lauren Adams to our
staff. Harry is handling the heavy lifting in our operations area, and he
is excited to explore additional ways to use his talents in support of our
mission. Lauren joins us as our Communications & Event Manager
and will handle everything from producing this newsletter and social
media updates to managing our fundraising events throughout the year.
Youth and parents from St. Peter’s Church
packed over 200 bags of fixins’ to help our
recipients enjoy a special Thanksgiving meal
with their families.
The Board of Directors is pleased to welcome Rev. Joe Carnes Ananias
to serve a three year term. Rev. Ananias is the associate rector for young
adults and outreach at Christ Church.
We also wish a fond farewell to employees Greg Weathers and Sarah
Vega. Greg is now working for one of our partners, Lowcountry Food
Bank, and Sarah is now a full-time mom to her 16-month old son.
Crews Subaru of Charleston volunteered
for several days during the holidays as part
of the Share the Love campaign.
On December 3rd, we asked people to celebrate
#GivingTuesday by donating $16—enough to
feed someone who is homebound for one week.
East Cooper Meals On Wheels
Winter/Spring 2014
Letter from the President
ooking back at 2013, the one word we heard most often was change. We know
that 10,000 people are turning 65 every single day. We know that people are
living longer and they want to remain in their own homes. We know that 8.8
million of our nation’s elderly struggle with hunger.
At our national Meals on Wheels conference in August, Meals on Wheels Association
of America President/CEO Ellie Hollander said, “We can’t solve tomorrow’s problems
with today’s tools.” We know we must look to the future and ask ourselves what this
450 Recipients F
community will need from East Cooper Meals on Wheels.
ed a Nutritious M
Amid all this change, our focus remains the same – to deliver a nutritious meal to those
who cannot drive themselves to the grocery store or stand at the stove long enough to
cook their own meal. We will continue to provide the daily visits, which mean so much
to our recipients, and also continue to partner with other organizations to meet the
needs that extend beyond our mission. Your support for East Cooper Meals on Wheels
allows us to serve people of all ages and incomes so they don’t have to worry about
where their next meal will come from.
In 2014, we’ll continue to serve our current recipients while assessing our current
operations and explore what it will take to meet the needs of our homebound neighbors
in the years to come. Because of you, we’re ready and able to serve the next person who
calls on us for help this year.
Thank you.
Best regards,
400 Amazing Volunte
George Roberts
ips to
ds Be
529 Community P
94 Pa
Support & Revenue
eals De
134,945 M
General Contributions
Fundraising Events
In-Kind Support
Interest & Other
*These are unaudited figures. The 2013 audit will be performed by Hyland, Ruddy and Garbett, CPAs,
LLC in the coming months.
East Cooper Meals On Wheels
Winter/Spring 2014
East Cooper Meals on Wheels wishes to express the utmost gratitude to the following individuals for their support of our mission. Every effort has been made
to accurately reflect monetary contributions made from January 1 through December 31, 2013. Please contact us if you note any errors or omissions.
Mr. and Mrs. Marc New
Mr. and Mrs. David Stone
$5,000 - $9,999
Mr. and Mrs. Prabhakar Baliga
Ms. Ellen Cavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. William Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Wally Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ulmer
$2,500 - $4,999
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Barley
Mrs. Diane Carr
Mr. and Mrs. George Durney
Ms. Diane Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Key
Ms. Diane Lauritsen
Dr. and Mrs. John Maize
Mr. Thomas Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Swails
$1,000 - $2,499
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Armfield
The Attanasi Family
Mr. and Mrs. David Brollier
Mr. Tom Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Jim DeLaney
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Figge
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Flaherty
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gironda
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. William Grech
Senator Ernest F. Hollings
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Horton
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Kelly
Ms. Linda Ketner
Mr. and Mrs. William Khouri
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kirk
Ms. Sheree Chin Ledwell
Drs. John and Siobhan Maize
Ms. Laura Mateo
Ms. Lydia Blanton Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McElwee
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Odierna
Mr. L. Wayne Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Psenka
Mr. and Mrs. George Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Royall
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sanders
Dr. Carol Simmons
Mr. Grange Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Slack
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Smith
Mr. William Smith Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Hay Sparks, Jr.
Ms. Thomasena Stokes-Marshall
Mr. Paul Strickler
Mr. and Mrs. William Tausig
Mr. Jack Vax and Ms. Esther Bast
Ms. Patience Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warrick
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yarbrough
$500 - $999
Mr. Juan Acevedo
Mr. and Mrs. John Bailes
Mrs. Nancy Bates
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Baucom
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Blackburn
Dr. John Blincow
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bohn
Mr. James Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bundy
Col. and Mrs. Robert Burton
Ms. Catherine Couch and Mr.
Fernando Casasco
Mrs. Eugenia Chappell
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chassereau
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chitty
Mr. and Mrs. John Ciccone
Ms. Mary Lou Condy
Mr. Hal Currey and Ms. Margaret
Ms. Leola Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davidson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. DiPiro
Ms. Ann Donaldson
Mr. Michael Elsner
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fary
RADM. and Mrs. James Flatley
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Forrest
Dr. and Mrs. Sebastian Gaeta
Mr. David Garr
Col. and Mrs. Willard Gideon
Mrs. Harriet Hamlin
Mr. and Mrs. O.D. Hamlin
Ms. Jenny Lynn Hanzel
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Haselden
Mr. and Mrs. Theron Hegler
Mr. David Henley
Mrs. Kristi Hood
Ms. Patricia Horton
Mrs. Jennifer Hunter
Ms. Francis Hutto
Ms. Jane Johnson
Ms. Maura Johnson
Mr. Rufus Jones
Ms. Marilyn Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Kitchell
Mr. and Mrs. John Lantz
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Magraw
Mr. Ernest Masters, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mays
Mrs. Vickie McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Troy McLeod
Mr. Norman McNair
Mr. and Mrs. Steven McSwain
Mrs. Carole B. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Moose
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mosbacher
Mr. Howard Parsons
Ms. Joanne Patton
Mr. James Plair
Mr. Vinson Potter
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Proctor
Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard Query
Mr. and Mrs. William Quick
Ms. Karen Rankine
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Renault
Ms. Kathy Roberts
Ms. Gayle P. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Earvin Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rowland
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Strum
Ms. Agatha Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John Tinnell
Ms. Joan Wherley
Ms. Joan Williams
Mr. Earl Willoughby
Mr. Charles Young
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Young, Jr.
$250 - $499
Mr. John Albrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ambler
Mr. and Mrs. Brady Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barnfield
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beeler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boensch
Mr. Jim Bowring and Ms. Sharla Gould
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brifnek
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Burdick
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Burleson
Ms. Elizabeth Burn
Mrs. Katherine Butler
Mr. Brian Carmody
Mr. Robert Castro, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Chambers
Ms. Janice Chestnut
Mr. Frank Cisa
Henry J Clark Family Limited
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Condon
Mr. and Mrs. George Cornmesser
Mr. and Mrs. James Crona
Mr. Ram Dachepalli
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dawson
Ms. Mary Decker
Mr. and Mrs. John Dougherty
Mr. Robert Draughn
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Edwards
Ms. Elizabeth Erckmann
Ms. Linda Estee
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gay
Mrs. Mary German
Mrs. Ellen Gex
Mr. and Mrs. James Gilbert
Mrs. Kerry Goldmeyer
Mr. Dale Good
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gordy
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Gough
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Greenway
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Gregorie
Mrs. Barbara Gwyn
Mrs. Kellie Gypin
Ms. Sandy Harjes
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Haynie
Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar Helsley
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Herbert, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Holscher
Mr. Asbury Hudson
Mr. Yale Huett
Mr. and Mrs. William Humphreys
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jerome
Mr. Patrick Kennedy
Mrs. Donald Johnson
Mr. Henry Kennedy
Mr. Melvin King
Mr. John Kizer
Ms. Christy Leach
Mr. and Mrs. Grier Lesslie
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Limata
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lipman
Christian MacIver
Ms. Jill Maxwell
Mr. Joseph McCormick, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Brent McCurdy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. William McLean
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip McRae
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mead
Mr. and Mrs. James Mears
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Mixson
Mr. Anthony Moody
Ms. Sharon Moody
Mr. Michael Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Mounts
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Mussatti
Mr. Andrew Narcisso
Dr. and Mrs. Chris Nielsen
Ms. Betty B. Olsen
Mr. Max Ozor
Ms. Mary Jo Parker
Ms. Elaine Devlin Peery
Mrs. Janis Ploth
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Pratt-Thomas
Mr. Tim Presnell
Mrs. Kitty Proctor
Ms. Catherine Riley
Ms. Judy Rischer
Ms. Elizabeth Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roderick
Mr. Mike Rousseau
Mr. John H. Russell
Ms. Sharon Sallee
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sass
Ms. Vera Schelansky
Mr. Mark Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Sharp
Mr. Charles Shipp
Mr. and Mrs. Sedgwick Simons
Mr. Craig Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stephenson
Ms. Leesa Still
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Swanson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Terrero
Mr. James Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ward, Sr.
Mr. Charles Way
Ms. Mary Way
Mr. Philip Weakland
Ms. Elizabeth White
Ms. Adrian Wieland
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Williams
Drs. James Wilson and Cynthia Murphy
Mr. Chris Winn
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Wise
Ms. Yancey Wise
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wright
Ms. Cathy Young
Mr. Dennis Young
Mr. Mike Zaloumis
$100 - $249
Mr. and Mrs. David Adams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Albano
Mr. Gerald J. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Altman
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Amburn
Mr. Duane Antonevich
Mr. and Mrs. James Arcure
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Arthur
Ms. Jane Assey
Ms. Norma D. Auld
Mr. and Mrs. James Bagby
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams Bailey
Ms. Julia Bailey
Ms. Mary Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balassone
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ballenger
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Barber
Ms. Regine Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Beall
Mrs. Hazel Bearden
Mr. Mark Beasenburg
Ms. Fran Beightol
Mrs. Charlene Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell
Ms. Jane Bell-Russo
Mrs. Maggie Bender
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Benich
Ms. Janet Berg
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Berman
Ms. Opal Bigelow
Mr. Richard Bischoff
Ms. Tracy Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Blackhall, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blasko
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bonar
Mr. and Mrs. John Bonds
Mrs. Pamela Boulet
Mr. Alan Bowen
Ms. Janet Bowie
Dr. Robert Brame
Mr. Will Brock
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Brough
Mr. Roger Brown
Ms. Sherry Brown
Capt. and Mrs. Frank Bryant
Dr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Buck
Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Buckheister
Ms. Ginny Buffkin
Mrs. Carolyn Burson
Mr. James Cabaniss
Mr. Charles Roy Cadieu
Dr. Joseph Calandra
Ms. Gretchen Call
Ms. Effie Cameron
Mr. and Mrs. Chip Campsen
Mr. John Cantey, Jr.
Ms. Sandra Carbone
Mr. Stanley Carlyle
Ms. Trudy Carnahan
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Caroff
Mr. William Carr
Ms. Lisa Carrels
Dr. and Mrs. James Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Carter
Ms. Kathleen Cassels
Ms. June Castell
Ms. Sally Castengera
Mr. L. Daniel Causey
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Cavendish
Mr. Patrick Cawley and Ms. Pamela
Mr. and Mrs. David Chadbourne
Mr. William Charlesworth
Mrs. Anne Cisa
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ciucci
Ms. Pat Clark
Ms. Dorothy Clinton
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Cochran
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Collins
Mr. and Mrs. David Compton
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Conhagen, Jr.
Duffy Connolly
Dr. William Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Corcoran
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Corriveau
Christel M. Cothran
Ms. Rosanne Coulter
Ms. Cathy Courtney
Mr. Scott Cracraft
Ms. Jennifer Cranny
Mr. Thomas Cruden
Ms. Brandy Culp
Mr. Charles Cumbaa
Ms. Martha Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. H. Scott Cushing
Mr. and Mrs. William Daley
Ms. Marianne Daly
Mr. and Mrs. John Dalzell
Mr. Ossie Daniel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Danielson
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Dantzler
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Darby II
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Darby
Mr. and Mrs. John Darby
Ms. Linda Darga
Ms. Diane Davidson
Ms. Lynda F. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Victor Del Bene
Ms. Lynda Denberg
Mr. and Mrs. John Denning
Petra and Norman Deubig
Mr. Doug DeWolff
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dingle
Mr. and Mrs. Peter DiNicola
Mr. T.J. Dodds
Dr. Marion Doig
Mr. Bobby Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dorio
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Drew
Ms. Diane Dufour
Mr. Thomas Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dunn
Mr. Michael Eddy
Dr. and Mrs. James Edwards
Mr. John Edwards
Dr. and Mrs. Nick Elksnin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Elliott
Ms. Jerodene Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Emery
Drs. Lydia Engelhardt and William
Rambo, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Evans
Ms. Patti Evans
Rev. Judith Ewing
Mrs. Mary Fair
Mrs. Glenda Fanning
Mr. Michael Ferri
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Fink
Ms. Elaine Fiorillo
Mr. and Mrs. Evan Firestone
Ms. Amy Forren
Ms. Barbara Forte
Ms. Ann Marie Fortner
Mr. Charles Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Frampton
Ms. Rhoda Freda
Mr. Gary Frederick
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Free
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Freeburg
Mrs. Crawford Freeman
Mr. Eric Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fulgham
Mr. and Mrs. David Fulton
Mr. Thomas Galas
Mr. Leonard Gantler and Ms. Patricia
Ms. Nancy Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gautreaux
Ms. Marcia Geddings
Mr. Gerald George
Ms. Christine Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Giffen
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Gilliam
Ms. Virginia Ann Glover
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Goddard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gommel
Mr. James Goodwin
Ms. Penelope Gorby
Ms. Constance Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gottesman
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Gourdin
Ms. Jeanette Graham
Mr. and Mrs. David Greenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Grell
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grogan
Jing Sheng Guo
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gurley
Mr. and Mrs. Brew Hagood
Mr. and Mrs. Charleton Hamby
Mrs. Christine Hamrick
Mrs. Patricia Hane
Mr. Thomas P. Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harder
Mr. Clay Harper
Ms. Amy Harrell
Ms. Elizabeth Harrison
Ms. Ann Hart
Mr. Larry Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hartley
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hartzog
Ms. Kathleen Harwell
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hassell
Ms. Maureen Hawes
Mr. James Hawk
Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk
Mrs. Marva Hayne
Mr. Greg Heard
Ms. Sarah Hemingway
Ms. Susan Henderlite
Mr. Elmer Henderson
Mr. John Henning
Mr. Robert Hervey
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hightower
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hill
Ms. Jean Hinds
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hixon
Ms. Dorothy Hoerr
Mr. Barry Hollingsworth
Mr. and Mrs. John Honeycutt III
Mr. Richard Horger
Ms. Rhonda Howell
Ms. Carol Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Huett
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hughes
Ms. Rosa Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hunnicutt
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hyland
Mr. and Mrs. George Inabinet
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ingram
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Iseman
Mr. Michael Jackson
Ms. Susan Jacobsen
Ms. Susan Jacoby
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph James
Mr. and Mrs. Al Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Walt Jenner
Mr. and Mrs. Sipio Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Judson
Mr. Aaron Justice
Mr. Joe Kahrs
Ms. Lisa Keenan
Ms. Gretchen Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Keller
Ms. Annette Kibler
Dr. Gordon Kimbrell
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kingsmore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirchner
Ms. Elizabeth Knight
Mr. Frederick Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Kraemer
Mr. and Mrs. Cary Krieger
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kruger
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kueck
Ms. Donna Kurtz
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Ladd
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lahti
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lambert, Jr.
Mr. Pearon Lang
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lawhon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. John Lazarchick
Mr. and Mrs. James Ledlie
Ms. Beth Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel LePoutre
Mr. Perry LeRoy
Mr. and Mrs. James Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lightner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Liles
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Link
Mr. James Lisk
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Little
Mr. Claude Loadholt
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Loadholt
Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Loiacano
Col. and Mrs. Thomas Lollis
Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Londot
Mr. Gary Lopez
Mr. David Loring
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lovelace
Ms. Cynthia Lowenthal
Mr. Patrick Luciano, CPA
Mr. Paul Eric Lund and Ms. Margaret
Mr. Thomas Lupton III
Mr. David Lyle, Jr.
Ms. Theodesa Lyles
Mr. Doug MacCallum
Ms. Elizabeth Mahoney
Mr. George Makar
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Manaris
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marchant
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marchewka
Mrs. Rosalind Margolis
Ms. Carol Lee Marshall
Mr. David Martin
Ms. Melissa Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Matysek
Mr. Joe Maupin
Ms. Cathy McAlister - Ross
Mr. and Mrs. John McAnaw
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McConnell
Mrs. Mai McCrory
Mrs. Lucy McDaniel
Ms. Kathi McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McDermott
Ms. Marty Glynn McGee
Mrs. Fay McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McKenzie
Mr. Patrick McKenzie
Ms. Elisabeth McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Scott McMahon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McNally
Mr. James Meister, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Melchers
Ms. Anna Merz
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Michael
Ms. Sara Michelin
Mr. and Mrs. Mel Miles
Ms. Janice Mills
Mr. Stancil Mizell
Ms. Cynthia Mizzell
Mr. Bruce Mlott
Ms. Sharon Moeckel
Ms. Mary Molony
Ms. Carolyn Moore
Ms. Midge Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Moren
Ms. Laura Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Stephan Mueller
Ms. Cathy Young Murray
Ms. Patricia Nance
Dr. and Mrs. James Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson
Mr. William Nettles
East Cooper Meals On Wheels
Mr. and Mrs. William Neville
Ms. Nora Norman
Ms. Mary O'Connell
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Odom
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Olbrich
Mr. and Mrs. William Oldland
Mr. John O'Leary
Gopiganth Omraju
Dr. Patrick O'Neil
Ms. Gina Orr
Mr. Mark Osment
Ms. Jeanine Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Padgett
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Pape
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pastva
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pate
Mr. Haynes Payne
Lt. Colonel and Mrs. Sam Payne
Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Peters
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Pierce
Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Pinckney
Ms. Paula Pisarski
Ms. Anne Pittard
Mr. Joseph Polking
Ms. Louise Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Porcher
Mr. Keith Potter
Mr. E. Donald Pounder
Mr. Melvin Price
Mr. and Mrs.Walter Pringle
Ms. Patricia Prior
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruitt
Dr. Jennifer Pullano
Dr. and Mrs. Dilip Purohit
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Queen
Ms. Anne Raines
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Ramey
Ms. Carrie Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Rapach
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rasheed
Ms. Marjorie Rath
Mr. Arthur Ravenel
Mr. and Mrs. William Raver
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. F. Richard Redden
Mr. Robert Reece
Ms. Elizabeth Reidenbach
Ms. Margaret Reider
Mr. and Mrs. James Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Reuben
Mr. Edward Reynolds
Mrs. Meleah Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Reynolds
Ms. Harriet Rhyne
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Richard
MSGT (Ret) Alfred Richardson
Mr. Phillip R. Ridgley
Mr. Frederick Riesen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Riker
Ms. Rosalind Rivers
Dr. and Mrs. John Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roberts
Ms. Anne Robichaux
Mr. and Mrs. Les Robinson
Mr. Franklin Robuck, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Rodenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rodgers
Ms. Pamela Rodgers
Ms. Constance Rosser
Ms. Mary Royall
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Royster
Mr. Robert Rubinstein
Mr. David Rudd
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Rusher
Mr. Dowse Rustin
Dr. Rochelle Rutledge
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saad
Mr. Charles Sabata
Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders
Ms. Susan Santangelo
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schoedler
Ms. Debra Schweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schweitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Scofield
Mr. Robert Seawright
Mrs. Lucy Segal
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Selander
Mr. and Mrs. John Selby
Mr. and Mrs. B.D. Sessoms
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Settlemyer
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sexton, Jr.
Ms. Rose Sheaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheffield
Mr. Jonathan Ray Shepard
Ms. Diane Sherman
Ms. Cathy Shoemaker
Ms. Stephanie Shuster
Ms. Mildred Simmons
MSGT(RET USAF) Paul Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Slowey
Ms. Betty Smart
Mr. Craig Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith
Ms. Jeanne Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lesesne Smith
LM Smith
Mr. and Mrs. George Smyth
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sneed
Col. And Mrs. Beverly Snow, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Somers
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Speer
Mrs. Karen Spires and Ms. Sara Spires
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Steadman
Mr. and Mrs. Monte Stenger
Mr. Michael Sternstein
Mrs. Juanita Steuer
Mr. and Mrs. David Stevens
Mr. Marlin Stewart
Ms. Donna Smith
Ms. Loretta Stokes
Mr. William Stokes
Mr. Matt Story
Mr. and Mrs. John Strauch, III
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stubbs
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Sturmer
Ms. Brandy Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Summersett
Mr. and Mrs. John Tankersley
Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Tarr, Jr.
Ms. Lori Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. George Tener
Dr. Delinda Terry
Dr. James Thesing
Ms. Pam Thesing
Ms. Jean Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson
Ms. Mildred Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Thornhill and Mr.
Ryan Thornhill
Mr. and Mrs. John Tiller
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Timmons
Mr. Murrell Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Tinkey
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tisdale
Mrs. Irmgard Titus
Dr. and Mrs. Terry Tranen
Mr. Cambridge Trott
Mr. Eddie Truesdale
Dr. and Mrs. John Turchi
Maj and Mrs. Robert Turnbull
Mr. and Mrs. John Ulmer
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ulmer, Jr.
Mr. Neil Ulrich
Ms. Mary Ellen Urig
Mr. Rick Vale
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Valencourt
Mr. Kenneth Vanek
Mr. Douglas Verge
Ms. Harriet Vick
Mr. Wallace Walker
Mr. Roderick Wallace
Ms. Marian Walsh
Dr. and Mrs. K.A. Warburton
Ms. Nancy Waters
Ms. Dolly Watson
Mr. Ross Wattay
Mr. and Mrs. David Watts
Lt. Gen. Ronald Watts
Mrs. Janet Weaver
Dr. and Mrs. John Weaver
Mr. Julius Skippy Weil
Capt. and Mrs. James Welsch
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Westbrook
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Whitbeck
Mrs. Joan Whitcomb
Mr. David Whitten
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Widener
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wielde
Ms. Henrietta Wildeboer
Mr. Ralph Wilkie
Ms. Fannie Williams
Ms. M.K. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. H. Oliver Williamson
Ms. Nancy Owens Willms
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wills
Mrs. Lori Wilson
Ms. Vivian Wohlford
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wolff
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfswinkel
Ms. Martha Woodside
Mr. Curtis Wright
Mr. and Mrs. David Yates
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Yeager
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Young
Ms. Sandra Zambetti
Rear Admiral and Mrs. Robert Abele
Dr. and Mrs. Donald Ahern
Ms. E. Ashley Alexander
Ms. Carolyn Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Allen
Ms. Julie Allison
Ms. Texalee Altman
Ms. Elaine Amella
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ames
Mrs. Dot Ammons
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ancrum
Ms. Julie Anderson
Mr. Raymond Anderson, Jr.
Ms. Renate Anderson
Mrs. Claribel Antley
Mrs. Jane Arnold
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Arvidson
Mr. Philip Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Bacon
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Badger
Mr. Joshua Bagwell
Ms. Joan Bailey
Ms. Catherine Baisley
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Baker
Ms. Elizabeth Bamberg
Mr. and Mrs. David Barnard
Mr. Ronald Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Bartee
Mr. Christ Barth
Ms. Holly Bartholomew
Mr. Baxter Barwick
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bass
Mrs. Bonnie Bass
Ms. Elaine Batchelder
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Baty
Ms. Trudy Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. James and Susan Beach
Mr. and Mrs. William Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bell
Ms. Celia Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bell
Ms. Alexandra Bennett
Ms. Beulah Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bennett
Mr. Lee Berlinsky
Mr. and Mrs. David Bernanke
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Berry
Ms. Hollis Haneke Besosa
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bishop
Mr. Robert Bishopp
Ms. Kimberly Blalock
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Bland
Mr. Richard Boettjer
Mr. William Boney
Col. and Mrs. Raymond Borelli
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bottone
Ms. Jeanette Anderson Botts
Ms. Dorothy Bowers
Ms. Virginia Boyd
Ms. Ethel Boykin
Mr. Marcus Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Brier
Ms. Judy Brinson
Ms. Ingrid Brisacher
Ms. Deirdre Brith
Ms. Tracy Brokes
Mr. Chris Brooks
Mrs. Hattie Brown
Mr. Randall Brown
Ms. Heather Brownlee
Mr. and Mrs. Reagan Bryant
Ms. Pauline Buck
Mrs. Virginia Buckley
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Budig
Ms. Delores Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Burbage
Ms. Leslie Burbey
Ms. Mary Burkett
Ms. Jan Burleigh
Ms. Charlotte Burley
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Burnett
Col. and Mrs. Paul Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Burtt
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bushey
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Butka
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Byron
Ms. Maria Calderon
Ms. Anna Callery
Ms. Lynn Callison
Ms. Ann Cameron
Mr. John Camy
Ms. Dolores Cannon
Mrs. Paulette Cantey
Ms. J. Emilie Carey
Mr. Keith Carlbom
Mr. and Mrs. Waddy Caron
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Carr
Mr. and Mrs. David Carrier
Mr. Michael Carroll
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cartin
Mr. William Cary
Ms. Kathy Case
Ms. Alexis Castellana
Ms. Mimi Cathcart
Mrs. Ruth Cavanaugh
Mr. and Mrs. J. Morris Cave
Ms. Judith Chamberlin
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Chandler, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chandler
Ms. Sylvia Chandler
Mr. Howard Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Charron
Mr. John Chilton
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ciappa
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Ciappa
Mr. Stephen Claeys
Mr. and Mrs. Kim Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clarke
Mrs. Allison Clay
Mr. and Mrs. John Coaxum
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coffman
Ms. Barbara Cohn
Mrs. Carolyn Coker
Mr. and Mrs. Clint Cole
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Coleman
Mr. John Coles
Ms. Mary Linda Coley
Ms. Mary Colleton
Mrs. Wendy Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Collins
Ms. Jacqueline Collins
Ms. Jany Columbo
Ms. Aileen Condon
Ms. Patricia Condon
Ms. Ruby Condon
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Cone
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Conklin
Ms. Sara Conley
Ms. Rita Conley-Pitts
Ms. Louise Connelley
Ms. Ellen Conner
Mr. James Cook II
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooper
Mr. Sheldon Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corley
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Costa
Mr. John F. Costantini
Ms. Rowena Cottingham
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cotton
Ms. Barbara Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Coyne
Dr. John Cranor
Ms. Betty Craven
Dr. and Mrs. Fred Crawford
Mr. Mike Crawford
Ms. Nancy Cregg
Ms. Jennifer Crider
Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cross
Mr. and Mrs. G. Cumming
Ms. Laurene Cunningham
Ms. Barbara Currey
Mr. Curry
Mr. Grange Cuthbert III
Ms. Eleanor Daley
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Damour
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Daniel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Darby
Mrs. Sara Darby
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Dardozzi
Ms. Beth Darragh
Mr. Stephen David
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Davidson
Ms. Janet Davidson
Mr. Brian Davies
Ms. Amy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Davis
Ms. Isabell Davis
Ms. Frances Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph De Brux
Mrs. Lucy de Movellan
Ms. Mary Ayn De Vries
Mrs. Jeanne Debosh
Ms. Jennifer Del Papa
Mr. Henry Delay
Ms. Jacqueline Denman
Ms. Shannon Depiesse
Mr. Harry DeShaies
Mrs. Jamison DeWitt
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Diaddigo
Ms. N. Susan Dickerson
Mr. Steven Diesing
Ms. Denise Disalvo
Mr. Peter Doherty
Ms. Patricia Dorner
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Douty
Mr. and Mrs. William Dovey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowell
Ms. Barbara Doyle
Winter/Spring 2014
Ms. Joan Drews
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dross
Ms. Courtney Druelle
Ms. Helen Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dukes, Jr.
Col. and Mrs. Paul Dunahoe
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DuPre
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy DuPree
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Durand
Mr. and Mrs. William Durst
Ms. Caroline Durst
Mr. and Mrs. Edwrad Dyckman
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Eades
Mr. and Mrs. John Earle
Mr. and Mrs. George Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Mario Echavarria
Ms. Mazie Edens
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick Eichel
Mr. William Eidson
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Elliott
Ms. Elizabeth Ellis
Ms. Barbara Ellison
“You all literally saved
my life during my
down time. You all are
the kindest people,
and I will never forget
that kindness.”
- Lisa,
Former Recipient
Mr. Christian Ensminger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Eovino
Ms. Linda Ernst
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Errico
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Eschenbacher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eschenbacher
Ms. Jocelyn Evans
Ms. Gwendolyn Ewing
Ms. Sarah Eyre
Ms. Lolly Fabian
Ms. Karen Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Don Figley
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Fink
Col. Ret. and Mrs. Glenn Finkbiner
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fiorentini
Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fitts
Ms. Kathleen Fitzgerald
Ms. Barbara Fitzgibbon
Ms. Jane Fluet
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fly-McCants
Ms. Holly Forester-Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Forth
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Foster
Ms. Joyce Anne Foster
Ms. Mary Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fowler
Ms. Kristine Fox
Mr. and Mrs. M.A. Frampton
Ms. Phyllis Francin
Ms. Barbara Franks
Ms. Carole Frazzitta
Ms. Jordan Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Freudenheim
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Frierson
Mr. Leonard Fries
Mr. and Mrs. John Frigo
Mr. Peter Fritts
Ms. Mary Gair
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher
Mr. and Mrs. George Galos
Ms. Elaine Gamble
Ms. Debra Gammons
Ms. Carole Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gaskalla
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gates, III
Caro R. Gear
Mr. and Mrs. Shelly George
Mr. William Gerard
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph German
Mrs. Alfreda German
Ms. Victoria Gianoli
Ms. Joyce Gibbons
Mrs. Roberta Gifford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gillow
Mr. Gerald Gimbert
Ms. Carmelo Giordano
Mr. John Giordano
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Girard
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Goldberg
Col. and Mrs. Joseph Goodson
Ms. Peggy Goodyear
Mr. and Mrs. David Gorstein
Ms. Miriam Grad
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graham
Ms. DeAnne Gray
Ms. Annie Green
Mr. Billy Green and Ms. Millie Shaw
Col. and Mrs. Jimmy Green
Ms. Miriam Green
Ms. Pam Green
Ms. Mary Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grillo
Mrs. Grimball
Ms. Maryann Grube
Ms. Mary Ann Gruber
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Guerard
Mr. and Mrs. Legrand Guerry
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gwinnup
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hagy
Mr. and Mrs. Barrett Haight
Mr. Glenn Hair
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Hairfield
Mr. and Mrs. John Halbig
Ms. Kathleen Hale-Getman
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Hall
Ms. Susan L. Hall
Mrs. Whitney Hammett
Ms. Judith Hand
Mr. and Mrs. James Hansen
Mrs. Ann Hargett
Mrs. Elizabeth Harley
Dr. Joseph Harmon
Ms. Melinda Harper
Mrs. Betty Jean Harris
Mr. Robert Harris
Mr. and Mrs. George Hartzell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harvey
Rev. and Mrs. James Hatcher
Ms. Debra Hatem
Ms. Paige Hatley
Ms. Barbara Hatten
Mrs. Helen Hayes
Ms. Susan Haynie
Ms. Mildred Hazel
Ms. Rovena Hazel
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hearne
Mr. and Mrs. Airody Hebbar
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Hebda
Ms. Terri Kay Hegel
Mr. and Mrs. John Heidenreich
Ms. Susan Gaillard Taylor Hemminger
Ms. Shirley Hendrix
Ms. Betty Hennessy
Ms. Suzanne Herms
Mr. Jay Herr
Ms. Nadine Hershey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hesse
Ms. Megan Higbie
Dr. and Mrs. Tom Higerd
Ms. Heather Hill
Ms. Margaret Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Hille
Mr. D. Robert Hinkle
Mr. and Mrs. David Hirsch
Ms. Barbara Hobson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoffman
Mr. David Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. William Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Holcombe
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hollen
Mr. and Mrs. S. Guilds Hollowell
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Holmes
Dr. Ashley Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. William Holmquist
Ms. Jean Holst
Dr. and Mrs. E.O. Horger, III, M.D.
Ms. Laverne Horlback
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horne
Mr. Terrell Horres
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Howell
Mr. and Mrs. William Howle
Ms. Sharon Hox
Barbel Hueskin
Mr. David Huff
Ms. Emmalissa Huff
Ms. Ethel Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. D. Michael Hull
Ms. Mildred Hulme
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. David Huntley
Mr. and Mrs. Al Hutchinson
Mr. John Hyatt
Ms. Susan Hyde
Ms. Elizabeth Ilderton
Ms. Elizabeth Imsande
Mr. Richard Jablonski
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson
Mr. Ozane Jackson
Ms. Adrienne Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. David Jaffee
Ms. Lucille Jefferson
Ms. Grace Jernberg
Ms. Colleen Jernigan
Ms. Sarah Jernigan
Mr. C.A. Johannesmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Johnson
Mr. Fred Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Johnson
Robbie Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Johnson
Mrs. Lois Johnston
Ms. Andrea Jones
Ms. Emily Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, Jr.
Ms. Judy Jones
Mrs. Sarah Jones
Mr. Jamiel Kadri
Ms. Rene Kaiser
Ms. Joyce Karnazes
Mr. and Mrs. John Kassebaum
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kau
Ms. Jane Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Keith
Ms. Ann Keith
Ms. Sally Keltner
Mr. and Mrs. Kennett Kendall
Mrs. Joan Kennedy
Mr. Rodger Kennerly
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kerley
Mr. and Mrs. Beau Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kiggans
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh King
Ms. Amelia King
Mrs. Anne Kisabeth
Mrs. Alma Kiser
Mr. Hoyt Kiser, Jr.
Lt. Col. John Kite
Mr. and Mrs. James Kizer
Ms. Sheila Kolb
Ms. Mary Koob
Ms. Gloria Kroll
Ms. Barbara Kuczynski
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kumfer
Ms. Suzanne Kuppens
Ms. Shirley Lacey
Ms. Louise Lachicotte
Ms. Jeanette Lacoppola
Ms. Vivian Laflamme
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Lamanna III
Ms. Sabine LaMarche
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lambert
Mr. Donald Lancaster
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lang, Jr.
Ms. Rita Langley
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lanier
Ms. Marie Lannie
Ms. Esther Lapin
Ms. Justina Lasley and Mr. Chad
Ms. Laura LaTorre
Mr. John J. LaTorre, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lauderdale
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lawall
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lawson
Mr. Thomas Lawton
Mr. and Mrs. William Lea
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Legare, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Lemon
Mr. Matthew Lendzinski
Ms. Victoria Lent
Mr. Frank Lepore
Ms. Margaret Lesesne
Ms. Maryette Lesesne
Mr. and Mrs. William Lesesne
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Levin
Mr. Paul Levy
Ms. Yvonne Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Litvin
Mr. Tripp Livingston
Ms. Betty Lizarralde
Mr. and Mrs. James Lockwood
Mr. and Mrs. William Logan
Ms. Margaret Lopresti
Mr. and Mrs. William Loud
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Love
Ms. Linda Lovingood
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lovito
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lundwall
Ms. Bonny Luthy
Mrs. Julie Lutrario
Mr. Mark Lutz
Mr. Robert Mackie
Ms. Judith Macpherson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maglione
Ms. Kim Magraw
Mr. and Mrs. Raphael Maher
East Cooper Meals On Wheels
Mr. and Mrs. William Major
Mr. and Mrs. John Manigault
Ms. Sallylee Mansfield
Mr. Jerry Marindin
Ms. Beatrice Marks
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Markwald
Mr. and Mrs. John Marrs
Ms. Jane Marshall
Ms. Anne Martin
Mr. Curtis Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William Martin, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martschink
Ms. Cathy Mason
Ms. Jean Masonis
Mr. Josh Masonry
Mr. James Masuga
Mrs. Carolyne Mathis
Ms. Jacquelyn Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maughon
Ms. Melissa Maxwell
Ms. Judy Mayo
Ms. Beth McCandless
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCarthy
Mr. Brandon McCaslin
Ms. Robyn McClellan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCord
Mr. Brian McCoy
Mr. David McCrary
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCune, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McDowell
Ms. Jessica McFadden
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis McGowan
Ms. Helen McInnis
Miss Erin McKee
Mr. and Mrs. James McKenna
Ms. Sandra McKenzie
Mr. Ralph McLaughlin
Ms. Janet McLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney McMahon
Ms. Gertrude McManus
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillan
Ms. Lisa McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. James McNab
Mr. and Mrs. David McNair
Mr. Kevin McNamara
Ms. Pauline McNeill
Mr. Cal McRae
Ms. Wilma McWilliams
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Meddaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mellichamp
Ms. Teresa Mello
Mr. Robert Mercorelli
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Merrill
Mrs. Nancy Mescher
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Michi
Ms. Jessie Mikell
Mr. D. Sherwood Miler III
Ms. Francis Millard
Mr. David Miller
Ms. Cynthia Miller
SGT-MAJ and Mrs. Sydney Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Minges
Ms. Bernice Minors
Ms. Kelly Mitchell
Ms. Sylvia Mithcum
Mr. Charles Moonly Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore
Ms. Kyndra Moore
Ms. Rhetta Moore
Ms. Dana Moorer
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morrill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morris
Mr. and Mrs. William Morrison Jr.
Ms. Rita Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Morse
Ms. Claudia Morton
Mr. Gerold Muckenfuss
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mueller
Mr. Scott Mullen
Ms. Mary Muller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Muller
Mr. Douglas Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Murphy
Mr. Alex Murray, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence Murray
Mrs. Wealthy Murrell
Mr. and Mrs. William Musselwhite
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mustin
Ms. Janet Myder
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Naas
Mr. Mark Nault
Ms. Janet Neal
Mr. Dennis Necker
Ms. Alyssa Neely
Mr. and Mrs. George Newton
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Niswonger
Ms. Pamela Njoroge
Ms. Patricia Norlander
Ms. Patricia Normile
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norris
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Notari
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nybo
Ms. Kristianna Ober
Dr. and Mrs. Terrence O'Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Connor
Ms. Lauren O'Connor
Mr. Gordon Ogle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry O'Keefe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O'Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Orcutt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ormson
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Orrell-Jones
Ms. Dawn Orvig
Mr. and Mrs. Billy Orvin
Mr. and Mrs. David Osborne
Ms. Jean Osborne
Ms. Dolores Osuna
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Paddock
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Palka
Mr. Matthew Pardieck
Ms. Linda Parker
Ms. Melissa Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Parker
Mr. and Mrs. William Parrish
Mrs. Bonnie Parsons
Ms. Margarita Pate
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pearsall
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peele
Ms. Elise Peeples
Ms. Sharon Penny
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Penuel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Perbeck
Ms. Louise Rhett Perry
Ms. Teresa Pickens
Mr. Bruce Pietkiewicz
Ms. Lea Pinckney
Ms. Shana Pinkston
Mr. and Mrs. Will Player
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Poetz
Ms. Bernice Polk
Ms. Jan Pomerantz
Mr. and Mrs. David Pool
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Poole
Mr. and Mrs. John Poretto
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Porter
Ms. Leslie C. Poteat
Ms. Sandra Poulnot
Mr. and Mrs. John Poulsen
Ms. Donna Powell
Ms. Jo Ann Powell
Dr. and Mrs. John Pratt
Mr. and Mrs. John Price
Ms. Marion Proffitt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Protsman
Ms. Margaret Pruett
Ms. Linda Puig
Ms. Patricia Pyle
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pysch
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. James Radley
Ms. Sandra K. Ralston
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Raney
Ms. Kathy Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. James Reavis
Mrs. Delores De C. Redman
Ms. Karen Reece
Mr. James Reed
Ms. Peggy Reeves
Mr. Frank Renau
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rhea
Ms. Lynn Richmond
Ms. Melissa Rigsby
Ms. Dawn Riordan
Ms. Paula Rivers
Ms. Vickie Rivers-Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Rivkind
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Thom Roberts
Ms. Lucille Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. George Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. William Rodenberg
Mrs. Tracy Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Rollins
Ms. Bren Romano Monteiro
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rose
Mr. Marvin Rosenberg
Mr. Frank Rossi
Ms. Joan Roth
Mr. and Mrs. William Roudebush
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Royall
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Rubano
Mr. and Mrs. John Ruja
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rumer
Ms. Karen Runkle
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Rupp
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ryan
Ms. Emerita Salgado
Orlando Sanchez
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sandifer
Mr. Allen Sauer
Mr. Alan Sayer
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schaub
Winter/Spring 2014
Ms. Pat Schlegel
Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz
Mr. Brian Scholtens
Mrs. Gabrielle Schreck
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schreck
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schroeder
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schulman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Schwartz
Ms. Ruby Schweers
Mr. and Mrs. James Sciarro
Mr. Robert Scott
Ms. Sallie Scott
Mr. E.M. Seabrook
Ms. Mary Agnes Seabrook
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Seese
Ms. Margaret Seidler
Mr. and Mrs. John Selby
Mrs. Maryellen Severini
Mr. and Mrs. James Sexton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shannon
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. William Shealy
Mr. Malcom Shealy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Sheats
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Shelor
Mrs. Dean Farmer Sheridan
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Shields
Dr. Judy Shillito
Mr. and Mrs. William Shirer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shoultz
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Shults
Ms. Priscilla Shumway
Ms. Gail Sibley
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sidwell
Mr. and Mrs. John Sigler
Mr. David Sikes
Mrs. Katherine Simms
Mr. Daniel Simon
Mr. Carlton Simons
Ms. Mary Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Simpson
Ms. Emily Singleton
Mrs. Orseanith Singleton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Sinnott
Mr. John Sison
Mr. and Mrs. George Sisson
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Skelton
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sloggett
Mr. and Mrs. James Smalls
Mr. and Mrs. James Smiley
Ms. Barbara Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith
Mr. Buddy Smith
Ms. Catalina Smith and Ms. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith
Ms. Esther T. Smith
Ms. Karen Smith
Ms. Linda Smith-Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kruger Smith
Mr. Melvyn Smith
Mr. Richard Smith
Mrs. Sharon B. Smith
Mr. Thomas Smith
Ms. Shellie Snider
Mr. James F. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Soltis
Mrs. Betty Spain
Ms. Anne Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Spencer
Mr. William Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Spivey
Ms. Nancy Springs
Ms. Barbara Standafer
Ms. Carol Stanford
CDR and Mrs. Patrick Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. G. Brian Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stapleton
Mr. Robbie Staubes
Ms. Jane Pilling Steber
Ms. Nancy Stedman
Ms. Billie Sue Stein
Ms. Faye Steuer
Ms. Monica Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stewart
Mr. Peter Stirling
Ms. Mary Stone
Ms. Nancy Stone
Mrs. Grace Strother
Mr. and Mrs. David Sullivan
Mrs. Katherin Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sullivan
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Swift
Ms. Wendi Szymanski
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Talbert
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tallmadge
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tanis
Mr. and Mrs. James Tapager
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tappan
Ms. Jeanette Tarr
Mr. Clayton Taylor
Mr. Hugh Teasley
Ms. Trudy Terla
Mr. Jeff Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Theiling
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thesing
Mrs. Jessica Thiessen
Mr. and Mrs. James Thigpen
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson
Mr. Cary Thornal
Ms. Elizabeth Tiller
Mr. and Mrs. James Tobias
Ms. Diana Topjian
Mr. Benjamin Townsend
Ms. Katherine Treado
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Truluck
Mr. Thomas Turnage
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Turner
Ms. Arthuree Turner
Mr. and Mrs. John Urbanic
Mr. and Mrs. John Vaden
Mr. Richard Vale
Dr. Sara Vale
Mr. Hilary Vanderbloemen
Ms. Tonya Vanderhoof
Captain and Mrs. Charles Vath
Ms. Mary Ann Vaxmonsky
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vega
Ms. Doris Verge
Mr. Charles Vernoy
Ms. Bonnie Vest
Ms. Helen Vishniax
Ms. Jan Visser
Mr. and Mrs. Max Vome
Mr. William Wagner, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Waldrop
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walker
Ms. Vicki Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Waller
Ms. Lyane Wallerius
Mr. Nicholas Walling
Mr. Lawrence G. Walsh
Ms. Margaret Walter
Ms. Mamie Washington
Mr. Wayt Watterson
Mr. Ronald Watts
Mr. Greg Weathers
Mr. and Mrs. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. J. Davis Weed
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Welsh
Ms. Doris West
Ms. Victoria West
Mr. and Mrs. David Wetta
Ms. Lucille Whipper
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Whiston
Mr. and Mrs. Derek White
Mr. and Mrs. John White
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd White
Ms. Lydia White
Ms. Robin White
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Whitfield
Ms. Alys Ann Wiedeke
Ms. Maebel Wigfall
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wilcox
Ms. Mary Jo Wilkes
Ms. Jennifer Willett
Mr. Benjamin Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jayson Williams
Ms. Laura Williams
Mr. Nicholas Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Williams
Ms. Carol Williamson
Ms. Nancy Willms
Mr. Mike Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. William Wingate
Ms. Mary Wohlleben
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wolf
Ms. Emilie Wolitzer
Ms. Louise Wood
Ms. Janet Woods
Mr. Joesph Woytko
Mrs. Estelle Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wright
Ms. Mary Wrixon
Ms. Laura Wrobel
Mr. Major Wrong
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wyont
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wyszynski
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Youker
YNCM (SS) Fred Young
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Young
Mrs. Julie Yozzo
Mr. Siegfried Zarwel
Ms. Louise Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Zolin
Ms. Melinda Zwickert
In addition to the support of more than 1,800 individuals and 450 businesses, churches, civic groups, foundations and community organizations sustained East Cooper Meals on Wheels
through monetary contributions last year.
Coastal Community Foundation of SC
MeadWestvaco Corporation
Town of Mount Pleasant
Vicki L. & Rodney B. Mott Family
Verhagen Foundation
Walmart Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
$5,000 - $9,999
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Berkeley Electric Trust
Ceres Foundation, Inc.
Daniel Island Community Fund
Employees Community Fund of Boeing
Henry and Sylvia Yaschik Foundation
Jean and James Rion Endowment Fund
Meals on Wheels Association of
Motley Rice, LLC
Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church
Rotary Club of Daniel Island
Sisters of Charity Foundation of South
Southern Season Share the Food
Foundation, Inc.
$2,500 - $4,999
A. William Roberts, Jr. & Associates
Benefitfocus, Inc.
Christ Our King Church
East Cooper Newcomers Club
East Cooper Outboard Motor Club
Emergency Food and Shelter National
Board Program, TUW
Lowcountry Residential Builders, Inc.
O'Brien & Gere Engineers, Inc.
Roper St. Francis Healthcare
Royall Ace Hardware, Inc.
State Farm - Billy Swails
The Boulevard at Coleman, LLC
The Ladies Benevolent Society of
Whole Foods Market
$1,000 - $2,499
All Saints Lutheran Church
Banfield Charitable Trust
Banks Construction
Berkeley Electric Cooperative
Boomtown, LLC
BP - AMOCO Chemical Corp.
BP Fabric of America Fund
Bryson Properties
Carolina Custom Security & Sound,
Coastal Carolina Corvette Club
Coastal Cool Change Properties
Crews Subaru of Charleston
David and Chrissy Williams Fund
Detyens Shipyard
Direct Marketers of Charleston
East Cooper Medical Center
Elms Digestive
Feed the Need
First Federal of Charleston
First United Methodist Church
Friendship AME Church
Grace E and Louis Dewolff Foundation,
Harper James Finucan, Inc.
Hidden Ponds Nursery & Garden
Home Community Fund
Horizon Senior Services
Joan Coulter Pittman Fund
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus Council 704
Ladles Soup of Mount Pleasant
Lindbergh & Associates, LLC
Mt. Pleasant Business Association
Novus Architects
Patrick Family Foundation
Prospec Electronics of SC Inc.
Sage Services Group
Southern Community Services
Southern Eagle Distributors
Southern Lumber & Millwork
St. Benedict Catholic Church
St. Vincent de Paul Society
SteelFab SC
Storey Foundation, Inc.
Sunrise Presbyterian Church
TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc.
TD Bank
The Glasspro-Heinauer Family Fund
The InterTech Group, Inc.
The Saul Alexander Grant Fund
The Webb Foundation, Inc.
Volunteer Services Organization
Wells Fargo Advisors
White Cedar Company, Inc.
UP TO $999
Access Healthcare
Advanced Hearing Care
Allstate - Brian Clyburn Agency
Applied Technology and Management,
Arlene's Salon and Spa
Arnold's Automotive Inc.
Ascue's Autobody
AXA Foundation
Barley Construction Company
Beachside Real Estate
Beam & Associates
Bi-Lo Boosters Plus
BNC Bank
Brockington and Associates
Burbage Properties, LLC
Burtons Grill, LLC
Carol Lund Interiors
Carolina Capital Management
Carolina Park Development, LLC
Carroll Realty, Inc.
CDCC, Inc.
Centerpointe, LLC
Charleston Clock Company
Church of the Holy Cross
CLB Group, LLC
Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Consolidated
Dealer Electronic Services, Inc.
Dirty Blonde Charters
Disaster Plus
Dodds and Hennessy, Attorneys at Law
Done Properly By Petrovski, LLC
Doug Plank & Associates, Inc.
Dunes Properties of Charleston
Dunes West Golf Club Employees
E.M. Seabrook, Jr., Inc.
East Coast AP Marketing LLC
East Cooper Fishing Club
East Cooper Outboard Motor Club
East Cooper Outboard Motor Club
Ladies Auxiliary
East Cooper Paint and Body Shop
Ebenezer Mount Zion AME Church
Ed Hunnicutt Real Estate Team
Elizabeth C. Rivers Lewine Endowment
Elizabeth Calvin Bonner Foundation
Enterprise Leasing Company Southeast, LLC
Finz Bar and Grill
First Baptist Church
First United Methodist Church
First United Methodist - Mens Club
First United Methodist Church - All
Comers Class
Floyd & Green Jewelers
Goodwill Industries of Lower S.C.
Greater Charleston Duplicate Bridge
Green Carolina, Inc.
Hagan Family, LLC
Harriet and Herbert Keyserling
Herbert Way Arms Class
Hibben United Methodist Church
Hidden Ponds Nursery - Lawn Rangers
Holy Trinity AME Church Benevolence
Hyland, Ruddy & Garbett
Interface Financial Group
Island Expressions
J. Henry Stuhr, Inc.
J. Lynn McCants
Jackie Wirszyla CPA, LLC
Janson Rentals, LLC
Jim V. Jones & Associates, LLC
John Winthrop & Co., Inc.
Johnson & Johnson
Johnston, Marion, & Company
Kahrs Estimating Service
Keels Law Firm
Keller Williams Realty- Island Realty
Kickin' Chicken - Mt. Pleasant
Kids Teeth
Ledford's Termite & Pest Control
Legacy Wealth Management, LLC
Liberty Fire Protection, Inc.
Low Voltage Professionals, Inc.
Lowcountry Companions LLC
Lowcountry Consignments
Lowcountry Endocrine & Diabetes
Associates, PA
Lowcountry Poolboy
Mamie P. Whitesides Elementary School
Marine Linehandlers, Inc.
Mark Reinhardt
Max Sparwasser Law Firm, LLC.
Mixed Nuts of Snee Farm
Mosaic Cafe
Moultrie News
Mount Pleasant Seafood
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Olive Branch AME Church
Oliver Packaging & Equipment
Our Lady of Mercy Community
Outreach Services
Palmetto Exterminators, Inc.
Pernix Therapeutics, LLC
Pickens County Meals on Wheels
Pitt Street Pharmacy, Inc.
Pleasant Paws Dayspa
Port City Concrete
Publix Supermarket Corporation
Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers
Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants,
Renaissance South Construction, LLC
Richard Hricik
Sandpiper Rehab
Sandpiper Village Residents Church
Schu-man Services, Inc.
Sea Island Systems,Inc.
Seamon, Whiteside & Associates, Inc.
Seignious and Associates
Sewee Dental Care, LLC
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Smith, Bundy, Bybee & Barnett, PC
Source Consulting, LLC
Starfleet Marine Transportation, Inc.
Steinberg Law Firm
Stubbs Muldrow Herin Architects, Inc.
Taylor Consulting, Inc.
Telecom Pioneers/South Carolina
Chapter #61
The Childrens Center at Carolina Park
The City Marina
The Gleaners Class
The Jones Company
The Kitchell Verano Group
The Lawton Law Firm
The Pendergrass Moving Company,
The Sledge Foundation, Inc.
Theobald Family Chiropractic
Thomas & Hutton Engineering, Co.
Thompson Trucking Co., Inc.
Travelers Community Connections
TRUMPF Medical Systems, Inc.
UBS Matching Gift Program
Unlimited Performance
V F W Ladies Auxiliary Post 10624
Visiting Angels
W. Howard Holl, III MD
Wade Surveying
Wakendaw Lakes Womens Club
Wando Baptist Church - Adult Sunday
School Class
William Means Real Estate, LLC
East Cooper Meals On Wheels
N i b b l es
& Nods
The community goes above and beyond in its support of East Cooper
Meals on Wheels, with many people choosing to donate goods and
services in support of our mission. Since September, 92 individuals, and
87 organizations and businesses have contributed in-kind support valued
at $45,370. We are especially grateful to Christ Church for preparing,
packing and donating all of our weekend meals, as well as to Noisy Oyster
Seafood Restaurant for preparing and donating a meal for our recipients
once a month. In addition, the following community partners donated at
least $200 in food items:
Charleston County Aviation Authority
Costco Wholesale
Great Harvest Bread Company
Kudzu Bakery
Winter/Spring 2014
3rd Quarter: Dave & Margaret Graham
This couple chose to retire in Mount Pleasant and, though they have only
been volunteering with us for a year, they have already made a significant
impact at Meals on Wheels. They drive Route G every Thursday and even
serve as substitutes when we really need them. They helped us procure
numerous auction items for our 2013 gala, and they have both been trained
to serve as ambassadors at events throughout the community. Dave even
showed off his golf skills at our annual tournament this year, while Margaret
helped out as a volunteer at the event. An especially big thank you to Roland
and June Richard, their neighbors and fellow volunteers, for encouraging
them to become part of the Meals on Wheels family.
Opal Restaurant & Bar
Operation Freebird
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Stella Maris Catholic Church
The Palms of Mount Pleasant
Additional behind-the-scenes support was provided by the following
community partners:
Awareness: Charleston Home Builders Association
Grocery Bags: Publix—Queensborough, Whole Foods Market
Pet Food: Banfield Pet Hospital, Charleston Dog Training Club
Water Cooler: Appalachian Springs Bottled Water
What Will Your Legacy Be?
4th Quarter: Eddie Truesdale
Eddie Truesdale has been a supporter of East Cooper Meals on Wheels since
2004. Though he had to take some time off from volunteering for a few
years, he jumped back in with both feet in August! He makes time in his
work schedule to drive Route B every Tuesday. He also played in our golf
tournament in September and volunteered at our oyster roast in October.
On Thanksgiving Day, Eddie allowed the media to follow him on his route,
which showed everyone in the Lowcountry just how important Meals on
Wheels is to those we serve. Recently, he was the first to tell us about the
rolling blackouts occurring due to the extreme cold, and he asked about
taking some of our utility blankets along his delivery route in case anyone
was in need. Eddie truly has gone the extra mile in the short time that he's
been back.
The following East Cooper Meals on Wheels family members have passed
away since October 2013. It was an honor to work with each of them and
they are deeply missed.
Edith Beckham ........................................................... Route 3
Ann Bohlen ................................................................. Route G
Louise Cooper ............................................................. Route 7
Kenneth Dawson ......................................................... Route D
Terri Diggs .................................................................. Route 3
Beverly Lenhart ........................................................... Route A
South Carolina ranks 10th in the nation for seniors at risk of hunger.
Hunger can happen to anyone when circumstances prevent them from driving
to the grocery store or standing at the stove long enough to cook a meal. By
remembering East Cooper Meals on Wheels in your will, or as a beneficiary of
your insurance or pension plan, you’ll be sustaining our efforts to fight hunger in
our community for years to come. A meal—and so much more—that’s what your
legacy will be. Those seeking to support our mission can also ask that memorials
be made to East Cooper Meals on Wheels following their passing.
Call George Roberts at (843) 881-9350 for more information.
Helen Madison............................................................ Route 3
Pricillia Major.............................................................. Route 9
James McKim .............................................................. Route 5
Joan Oldland ............................................................... Route 8
Steve Omark................................................................ Volunteer
Gertrude Sassard ......................................................... Route A
Patricia Schlegel .......................................................... Volunteer
John Russell ................................................................. Nutritional Drinks
Edith Vanderhorst ....................................................... Route C
Peggy Wright .............................................................. Nutritional Drinks
East Cooper Meals On Wheels
Winter/Spring 2014
East Cooper Meals on Wheels delivers daily
nutrition to residents within our service area who
are homebound or unable to provide their own
meals. We also advocate on behalf of recipients
whose needs exceed the scope of our program.
U.S. Postage
Charleston, SC
Permit No. 137
P.O. Box 583
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29465
(843) 881-9350
BBQ at the Green
Awendaw Green
APRIL 10 - 13
Strawberry Festival
Boone Hall
APRIL 11 - 13
Hidden Ponds Benefit Weekend
Blessing of the Fleet & Seafood Festival
MAY 17
Serve ‘Em Up Tennis Tournament
Wild Dunes Resort
16th Annual Charity Golf Classic
Bulls Bay
stay coNNected!
2nd Annual Oyster Roast
Gold Bug Island
George Roberts, President/CEO
[email protected]
Chris Brooks, Director of Community Development
[email protected]
Jenny Ladd, Office Manager
[email protected]
Lauren Adams, Communications and Event Manager
[email protected]
Adrian Wieland, Program and Volunteer Manager
[email protected]
Rachel Hamilton, Recipient Services Manager
[email protected]
Kim Blalock, Program Assistant
[email protected]
A Meal To Remember
Presented by
Motley Rice
Attorneys at Law
East Cooper Meals on Wheels
Harry Sewell, Operations Coordinator
[email protected]
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Omar Shrine Convention Center
Nadine Hershey, Staff Accountant (Contract)
[email protected]
Formal Invitation to Follow
Richard Garcia, Chairman
George Durney, Vice Chairman
Bill Flaherty, Secretary
Rev. Joe Carnes Ananias
Molly Bundy
Jenny Lynn Hanzel
Save the Date
for a
Gala & Auction
Dr. John Maize
Dr. Marc New
Ed Robinson
Edward Rose
Andrea Ulmer
Save the Date Sponsor: