March 6, 2016 - Holy Trinity Catholic Church
March 6, 2016 - Holy Trinity Catholic Church
1292 W. Santa Cruz Street, San Pedro, CA 90732-2904 Our mission is to be a welcoming concerned community, expressed by our active loving involvement with each other, and our outreach to the world beyond, energized by a deepening liturgical and spiritual life. Mass Schedule Saturday 8:00 a.m. Vigil 5:30 p.m. (Sign Language Interpreted Mass) Sunday 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 a.m., 1:00 (Español) & 5:30 p.m. (Teen Mass) Weekdays 6:30, 8:00 a.m. & 12:10 p.m. (6:30 p.m. every 3rd Wednesday) Holy Days Vigil 6:30 p.m.; Feast 6:30, 8:00 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Saturday, March 12 5:30 p.m. parish center auditorium (209 N. Hanford Ave.) First Fridays 6:30, 8:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. (Adoration following 6:00 Mass until 8:00 p.m.) Devotions Monday 6:30 p.m. (not on major holidays) Rosary: Monday-Saturday 8:30 a.m. Reconciliation (Confessions) Saturday 4:00-5:00 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 5:30-6:00 p.m. Parish Center - 310.548.6535 Parish Office - x300 209 N. Hanford Avenue San Pedro, CA 90732-2904 School - 310.833.0703 1226 W. Santa Cruz Street San Pedro, CA 90732-2904 $30 Advance tickets available today (or $35 at the door) VOutside the main entrance doors of the church VParish Office (209 N. Hanford Ave.) during normal business hours For advanced ticketing or additional information please call Jim Archer at 310-547-3414, or email to [email protected] A portion of the proceeds will benefit Holy Trinity School. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #1740 Parish Office Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m.-12:00 noon & 1:00-9:00 p.m.; Saturday 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.; Closed Sundays & Holidays E-mail: [email protected] ~ Parish Website: Page Two Parish Administration 310-548-6535 Priests Rev. Sebastian Vettickal, C.M.I. Administrator - x330 Rev. Michael Grieco Associate Pastor - x332 Rev. Jose Parathanal, C.M.I. Associate Pastor - x327 Deacons Deacon Dennis Carlson Bereavement Ministry & Maintenance Supervisor Deacon - x324 Deacon Walter & Sue Lauderdale Deacon Gaspar & Gracie Muñoz Hispanic Ministry - x333 Pastoral Staff Mrs. Donna Barnes Director of Music and Liturgy - x306 Mrs. Kathy Pelc, Music Secretary - x307 Mr. Jace Bravo Youth Minister & Confirmation Director - x340 Dr. Joy Jones, Pastoral Associate Director of Adult Formation & Initiation - x317 Mrs. Cristina Liu Director of Religious Education - x304 Ms. Alice Sandoval, RE Secretary - x303 Dr. Linda Wiley Principal, Holy Trinity School - x250 School Secretary - x200 Office Staff Miss Kathy Morris Business Manager—x323 Mrs. Teresa Monzon Parish Secretary/Receptionist - x320 Mrs. Soledad Cortez & Ms. Tina Wood Receptionists - x300 Sacramental Information Baptisms Contact the parish office at least two months prior to requested date of baptism. Weddings Arrange with a priest minimum of six months prior. Sacrament of the Sick Please call the parish office anytime. Funerals Contact parish office at 310-548-6535 ext. 300 Bulletin Deadline Mondays at 4:00 p.m. via e-mail, using both upper and lower case letters to the Parish Office e-mail at: [email protected] Weekly Calendar Sunday, March 6th Special Collection (at all Masses) - pg. 6 Coffee & Donuts (after morning Masses) Hooley Ticket Sales (after all morning Masses) - cover Faith Enrichment Library (after morning Masses) Girl Scout Sunday Mass (8:30 AM) CLOW (at 8:30 & 10:00 AM Masses) Early Childhood (10:00 AM) Religious Ed., gr. 1-5 (10:00 AM) RCIA Dismissal (10:00 AM Mass) Saints Alive mtg. (9:30 AM) - pg. 7 Teen & Teen RCIA Mass (5:30 PM) - cover No Life Night—pg. 4 Monday, March 7th Food Collection begins—pg. 6 HTS Mass (9:00 AM) Women’s Knitting & Crocheting (10 AM & 6 PM) Guadalupanas mtg. (6:30 PM) - pg. 7 Webelos mtg. (6:30 PM) Devotions to Our Lady (6:30 PM) - cover Tuesday, March 8th HTS Testing (8:00 AM) Bible Study (8:45 AM) - cover HTS Confessions (9:00 AM) Divine Mercy Prayer Group (10:00 AM) Confessions (5:30 PM) - cover Edge (7:00 PM) RCIA (7:00 PM) Scout Troop 234 mtg. (7:00 PM) Cub Scout mtg. (7:30 PM) Wednesday, March 9th HTS Testing (8:00 AM) HTS Confessions (9:00 AM) Contemplative Prayer (10:00 AM) - pg. 6 Bulletin Early Deadline (12 Noon) - pg. 6 Brownies Troop 16485 (2:00 PM) Religious Ed., gr. 1-5 Mass (4:30 PM) RCIA (7:00 PM) Coro de español (7:00 PM) Confirmation Yr. 2 (7:00 PM) In His Hands (7:30 PM) - pg. 6 Thursday, March 10th HTS Confessions (9:00 AM) Ministerio de Intercesión (10:00 AM) SCC (10:00 AM) Children’s Choir (3:15 PM) Confessions (5:30 PM) - cover HTS c/o 1966 mtg. (6:00 PM) Scout Troop mtg. (6:00 PM) HTS DC Trip mtg. (6:00 PM) Communications mtg. (7:00 PM) Peace & Justice mtg. (7:00 PM) - pg. 7 Triduum Choir in the church (7:00 PM) Friday, March 11th Abstinence Eucharistic Adoration (8:30 AM) Legion of Mary (10:00 AM) Queen of Angels (10:00 AM) Stations of the Cross (2:30 & 7:00 PM) LT/Confirmation Retreat begins (4:00 PM) Grupo de Oración (7:00 PM) Saturday, March 12th Confessions (4:00 PM) - cover Sunday Vigil Mass w/ signing services (5:30 PM) Bldg Fund collection (at Mass) Hooley (5:30 PM) - cover Clocks Forward—pg. 6 Sunday, March 13th Bldg Fund collection (at all Masses) Coffee & Donuts (after morning Masses) Faith Enrichment Library (after morning Masses) CLOW (at 8:30 & 10:00 AM Masses) Early Childhood (10:00 AM) Religious Ed., gr. 1-5 (10:00 AM) RCIA Dismissal (10:00 AM Mass) Children’s Choir (11:30 AM) Teen & Teen RCIA Mass (5:30 PM) - cover LT Retreat ends (6:30 PM) No Life Night—pg. 4 Fourth Sunday of Lent Sunday, March 6, 2016 Dear friends, A father and his teenage son were living in Mexico City. They had had an argument, and the son, Rafael, shouted curses at his father and then stormed out of the house and did not return. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. The father searched the city over and finally in desperation he went down to the newspaper and took out an ad. It said, "Jack, if you read this, I want you to know that all is forgiven. I love you and I will be waiting for you this Sunday at the entrance to the city park. I hope you will show up. Love, Dad." He said that Sunday morning 200 ‘Jacks’ showed up at the park, all looking for forgiveness. There are so many people searching in this world, searching for forgiveness, for hope, for meaning. In our gospel today, Jesus tells us a story of a forgiving father and two sons – one wayward and the other self-righteous. The father offered unconditional forgiveness to his wayward son on his return. He said to his servants, “Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet.” ‘Robe, ring and sandals’ were symbols of sonship. He accepted him as a son, not as a servant. A complete restoration…Total reversal of expectations... Forgiveness is a hard thing. The elder son in the parable was living with his father all of his life. He was obedient, dutiful, strict and orderly. However, he misses the most important thing: the heart of his father. He was physically present to his father but not spiritually. (The younger son was physically and spiritually away from his father.) All our religious practices are meant to help us to develop the heart and mind of God. God’s ways are different. “My thoughts are not your thoughts. Nor are your ways My ways” (Is 55/8) declares the Lord. “The Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love” (Ps 103/8). Once we can grow into that level, forgiveness becomes part of our lives. We become evangelizers of God’s boundless mercy and hope. May God bless you. Mis Queridos amigo, Un padre y su hijo vivían en la ciudad de México. Habían tenido una discusión y el hijo, Rafael le gritó maldiciones a su padre y entonces se fue enojado de la casa y no regresó. Días se convirtieron en semanas, que semanas se convirtieron en meses. El padre lo buscó en toda la ciudad y finalmente en desesperación puso un anuncio en el periódico. Dijo: "Santiago, si lees esto, quiero que sepas que todo está perdonado. Te amo y te estaré esperando este domingo en la entrada del parque de la ciudad. Espero que te presentes, te ama tu padre." Dijo que esa mañana del Domingo 200 Santiago’s se aparecieron en el parque, todos estaban en busca de perdón. Hay tantas personas en este mundo, en busca del perdón, de esperanza, de un sentido. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús nos cuenta la historia de un padre perdonador y de sus dos hijos – uno caprichoso y el otro es un santurrón. El padre le dio el perdón incondicional a su hijo pródigo a su regreso. Él dijo a sus siervos, " ¡Pronto! Llévenle la mejor ropa y póngansela. Pónganle un anillo en su dedo y sandalias en sus pies". 'la Túnica, el anillo y sandalias' eran símbolos de la filiación. Él lo aceptó como hijo no un como un siervo. Una restauración completa... Inversión total de las expectativas... El perdón es una cosa difícil. El hijo mayor de la parábola estaba viviendo con su padre toda su vida. Él era obediente, fiel, estricto y ordenado. Sin embargo pierde lo único y lo más importante: el corazón de su padre. Estuvo físicamente presente a su padre pero no espiritualmente. (El hijo joven estaba física y espiritualmente alejado de su padre). Todas nuestras prácticas religiosas sirven para ayudarnos a desarrollar el corazón y la mente en Dios. Los caminos de Dios son diferentes. "Mis pensamientos no son los de ustedes, ni sus caminos son los míos dice el Señor (Is 55/8). «El Señor es compasivo y misericordioso, no se enoja fácilmente, y lleno de misericordia» (Ps 103/8). Una vez que podemos cultivar a ese nivel, el perdón se convierte en parte de nuestra vida. Nos convertimos en evangelizadores de la ilimitada misericordia de Dios y la esperanza. Que Dios los bendiga. Page Four Life Night—Retreat Reunion March 20th No Life Nights—March 6th, 13th, or 27th A Ministry for all High School Teens! Questions? Contact the Youth Minister and Confirmation Director: Jace Bravo Do you want to hear about the retreat and spend some time with other retreat members, then look no where else but here, Sunday, March 20th! Join us after the 5:30 p.m. Mass In the Life Teen Room 310-548-6535, ext. 340 [email protected] Hours: Sunday-Thursday For all Life Teen UPDATES! Friend us on Facebook: Holy Trinity Lifeteen Follow on Instagram: @Lifeteen_HT Follow on Twitter: @LifeteenHT CORE Members Needed!!! Life Teen is in need of CORE members that can join our team! CORE members meet weekly to go over the Life Night and we strive to make Christ more known to the teens. If you are excited about sharing the joy of the Gospel to teenagers please contact Jace Bravo at [email protected] All High School Students are welcome to Life Nights...NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED! BE MERCIFUL... Two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of the journey, they had an argument; and one friend slapped the other one in the face. The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.” They kept on walking until they found an oasis where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone: “Today my best friend saved my life.” The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, “after I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now, you wrote on a stone, why?” The friend replied “when someone hurts us we should write it down in the sand where the winds of forgiveness can erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it on a stone where no wind can ever erase it.” The purpose of mercy is to reaffirm the value of each person in the eyes of God. If we take a fresh new $100 bill and fold it up and crumple it and then open it up again what does it look like? It is a mess and is wrinkled. Is it worth $1 now, or $5, or $10? No, it is still a $100 bill and has the value and potential of a $100 bill. When we get crumpled through sin we get into a mess but we still have the same value and potential in the eyes of God. This is the reason why we need to forgive and move on. Sometimes people say they will forgive if the other person makes an apology. I think that is in some way connected with wanting to control the other person. Forgiving somebody involves giving up the need for an apology and the need to control or dominate the person who hurt us. —Fr. Sebastian Page Five Holy Trinity Welcomes You/Bienvenidos A Santísima Trinidad All are welcome to celebrate faith and fellowship with us. Regardless of your social, religious or moral standing, God loves you. You are welcome here at Holy Trinity. We are here to serve you. You bless us by your presence. If you are new to this parish, we invite you to register with us. We have many programs and ministries at Holy Trinity for which you can be involved. Please feel free to call the parish office at 310-548-6535, ext. 300. Si nos está visitando por primera vez, o quizás está de regreso, le queremos dar la bienvenida y gracias por acompañarnos en nuestra celebración hoy. Si tiene alguna pregunta, o si en algo le podríamos ayudar, por favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial al 310-548-6535, ext. 300. Great Thanks! “Your parish is great! What a great people! What cooperation! What a welcoming community!” People from my former parish exclaimed after attending the Jubilee Mass and reception. I am proud of our Holy Trinity community. The Jubilee Mass was really experiential. It is going to be one of the most memorable days of my life. I had the feel of my first Mass. The presence of Bishop Joe Brennan, Bishop Oscar Solis, Msgr. John Barry, Msgr. Jim Laughnane, Fr. Jose, Fr. Benny, Fr. Freddie and Fr. IK added joy to the celebration. They were so gracious to find the time for this celebration in spite of their busy schedules. It demonstrates their appreciation for the priesthood. I am so thankful to each of them for their support. I am also grateful to Deacon Gaspar, Deacon Walt and Deacon Dennis for their support. The church environment and the music were perfect. The mixture of cultures brought about the catholicity of the celebration. The reception was unbelievably marvelous. Hundreds of people having breakfast together was the witness to the beauty of friendship and fellowship. Philip Sandoval and the Knights deserve special applause for making it possible. The active involvement of the teens under the guidance of Jace was admirable. The community spirit and fellowship was amazing. The Parish Apostolic Council, under the efficient leadership of Johanna Reyes, with the support of the Knights of Columbus, the Youth Ministry and Pastoral Staff, did a great job. I would like to mention the following persons for their extraordinary efforts in the success of the celebration: Rick Reyes, Martha and Carlos Perez, Noreen Lane, Gina Foster, Danielle and Caroline Cosgrove, Carolyn DiLeva, Imelda Ladia, Stephanie and Kristen Tomasevic, Kathy V., Aurora Martinez and Willie Bao. I am also thankful to Cris Liu for the introduction and welcome as well as John Medina for his words of appreciation. I am grateful to the Indian Choir and DM Sisters for their support and participation. I also appreciate our Altar Servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Ushers and Sacristans. Finally, my heart goes out to my Holy Trinity Community for their extraordinary love, care and support. Thank you so much for your blessing and gifts. I greatly appreciate your support to my mission. May God bless your generous hearts. Thank you. —Fr. Sebastian Vettickal Page Six LENTEN REFLECTION IN HIS HANDS… by Fr. Sebastian Vettickal Wednesday, March 9 at 7.30 in the Church Don’t Forget Remember to set your clocks FORWARD one hour before going to sleep on Saturday, March 5th to begin daylight savings time. Daylight savings time officially begins at 2:00 a.m., Sunday, March 6th. Food Items For Easter Easter is just around the corner and the Christian Service Ministry is having a food collection, March 713, to help prepare food baskets for families in our community. The Christian Service bins are located in the church near the main entrance doors, and just outside the parish center auditorium (209 N. Hanford Ave.) near the elevator. Monetary gifts and donations of the following non-perishable food items are greatly appreciated: • • • • • • • • • ● Canned vegetables (corn, green beans, mixed vegetables, peas, etc.) Packaged breakfast foods (cereals, oatmeal, etc.) Canned soups and soup mixes Snacks (packaged crackers and cookies) Canned fruits Potato mixes and stuffing Packaged pastas and canned sauces Dessert mixes (cakes, brownies, muffins, Jell-O, etc.) Canned beans and chili Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc.) If you would like to assist Christian Service in any way, please contact the Christian Service ministry at 310-548 -6535, ext. 400. Thank you for your generosity! Bulletin Early Deadlines If you would like to submit an announcement for the Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday bulletins, please e-mail it as a Microsoft attachment (using upper and lower case) to the parish office, [email protected] by the following dates: fMarch 20 bulletin deadline noon, Wednesday, March 9th fMarch 27 bulletin deadline 4:00 p.m., Monday, March 14 There will be no exceptions made. Catholic Relief Services Collection “Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Mt 25:40). Today, we are reminded that Jesus identified himself with our poorest brothers and sisters. The Catholic Relief Services Collection serves Jesus in the victims of human trafficking, those who suffer from unjust laws, and those who need pastoral care and humanitarian assistance across the globe. Please be generous. CRS envelopes are available in the pew pockets today. Are You Thirsty? Blessed are You, Lord our God, who gives to us nourishment in times of silence and solitude. We are thankful for times of stillness which allow us to listen to that holy river of prayer flowing in the heart: for the presence of Your Holy Spirit within, the Spirit who prays continuously. Contemplative Prayer Group Led by Sr. Margaret Murray Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Parish Center Level 2 meeting room (209 N. Hanford Ave.) All Are Welcome! Page Seven Saints Alive Society Meeting You are invited to our Saints Alive Society meeting today, Sunday, March 6th at 9:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m. We will meet just outside the main entrance doors of the church in the gathering area (under the tree). We will be learning about one Saint each month. Look forward to seeing you! Asociación Guadalupana Junta de la Asociación Guadalupana, lunes, 7 de marzo, a las 6:30 p.m. en el cuarto de Hanford West del centro parroquial (209 N. Hanford Ave.). Nuevos miembros son bienvenidos. Holy Trinity School’s 2nd Annual Gala... Honoring the Most Reverend Joseph V. Brennan, D.D., V.G. (singing with Anna Betancourt) Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. Madeo Ballroom at the DoubleTree in San Pedro $150 per person or $1,500 for table of ten —Holy Trinity parishioner ticket priority available now through March 13th— For questions or to request an invitation, please call the school office, 310-833-0703. (All proceeds benefit Holy Trinity School) Peace and Justice Ministry The Peace and Justice Ministry will meet at 7 p.m. this Thursday, March 10th, in the Parish Center Hanford West meeting room (209 N. Hanford Ave.). All are welcome! Blue and Gold & Arrow of Light Holy Trinity Cub Scout Pack 234 is presenting their Blue and Gold & Arrow of Light this Saturday, March 12 at 5:00 p.m. at Cabrillo Beach Youth Camp (2000 Shoshonean Rd). The cost is $10 per person. For additional info, please contact Sharon Frazier at [email protected] Spring Cleaning? Spring is just around the corner and Holy Trinity Hospitality is looking for donations of any of the following items: Serving pieces for receptions: Platters Decanters Chafing Dishes Glassware Bowls Crystal (glass, crystal, stainless steel or white ceramic) Kindly leave your donations in the parish office (209 N. Hanford Ave.). Call Margie at 310-548-3165 for any questions. Casino Turnaround Fundraiser Ave Maria Society is sponsoring a casino turnaround to Pechanga on Saturday, April 2nd, for only $22 per person (21 and over only please). This includes the bus trip and a $5 casino credit. We will meet at 8:30 a.m. on the Walker St. parking lot and the bus will depart at 9:00 a.m. and return approximately at 6:00 p.m. Call Karolyn Stanovich at 310 -833-4685 to reserve your seat today! Las Vegas Trip Everyone is welcome to join our Better Half Ministry for this trip to Las Vegas on April 24-27. Accommodations include Golden Nugget Hotel, deluxe motor coach transportation, coupon book, visiting local sites and more. Price is $215 per person, double occupancy. Please call Virginia Brumm for details at 310-832-2164. Jack O’Keeffe Annual Golf Classic Save the date! The Holy Trinity School Annual Golf Classic will be on Friday, May 6, 2016. Shotgun start at 7:00 a.m. at the Los Verdes Golf Course. Contact Erin Kordic at [email protected] to register or for more information. Page Eight Praying Alone or Together Daily Readings for the Week of March 7-12 Safeguard The Children Did You Know? Teach children touching safety and boundaries Predators are a very real danger to children today, and parents should take every precaution to teach children about safe and appropriate touching, and what to do if these boundaries are violated. Teaching touching safety is critical for kids, because it focuses on empowering kids to resist predators. If a child learns about touching safety, they will be able to respond to boundary violations in the best way possible and to talk about these situations with a trusted adult. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Teaching Touching Safety” email [email protected]. Protegiendo a los Niños ¿Sabe Usted? Eduque a los niños sobre seguridad y límites de las caricias Los depredadores son un verdadero peligro para los niños de hoy en día, y los padres deben tomar toda precaución para enseñarles a los niños sobre las caricias seguras y apropiadas, y qué hacer si sus límites son violados. Enseñar la seguridad de las caricias es importante para los niños, porque se enfoca en darles poder para que puedan oponer resistencia a los depredadores. Si un niño o niña aprende sobre las caricias apropiadas y seguras, ellos serán capaces de responder a la violación de sus límites de la mejor manera posible, y a hablar sobre estas situaciones con un adulto en el cual confían. Para una copia del artículo de VIRTUS®, “Teaching Touching Safety” (Enseñar seguridad con las caricias), envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected]. Volunteers & Staff Please Visit: Current Fingerprint Schedule: Current Virtus Training Schedule: Monday: Is 65:17-21; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13b; Jn 4:43-54 Tuesday: Ez 47:1-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; Jn 5:1-16 Wednesday: Is 49:8-15; Ps 145:8-9, 13cd-14, 17-18; Jn 5:17-30 Thursday: Ex 32:7-14; Ps 106:19-23; Jn 5:31-47 Friday: Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Ps 34:17-21, 23; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30 Saturday: Jer 11:18-20; Ps 7:2-3, 9bc-12; Jn 7:40-53 Readings for Next Sunday March 13, 2016: Fifth Sunday of Lent First Reading: Psalm: Second Reading: Gospel: Ezekiel 37:12-14 130:1-8 Romans 8:8-11 John 11:1-45 “I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” —John 11:25-26 Scripture Focus: Today’s readings marvel at the creative, life-giving power of God. Ezekiel tells us that the God who can transform lifeless bones into vital human beings can restore a nation from the death of exile to a life of freedom. In the Gospel we see a marvelously dramatic example of the power of God to bring life out of death. Jesus is deeply moved by the death of a friend, but makes it clear to the disciples that in “untying” Lazarus he is talking about more than physical death. He is calling us to see and believe in God’s life-giving power to help us in our daily “deaths”. Resurrection is not something that comes only after death but is already part of this life for us who believe. Reflection: 1. “This illness is not to end in death, but is for the glory of God…”. How has God’s glory been manifested in times of illness or death in your life? 2. Jesus said “Untie him and let him go”. What needs to be “untied” in your life to help you live more freely? 3. What are some “resurrection” moments you have experienced that remind you of God’s life-giving presence in our world? 4. In a world that fosters death (war, violence, abortion, the death penalty…) what can we do to promote life? Page Nine Mass Intentions Upcoming Events At Holy Trinity…. Saturday, March 5th 5:30 - †Lucy Gonzales & Jose Ysabel Rodriguez (daughter, Molly Lomeli) Sunday, March 6th 7:00 8:30 10:00 11:30 1:00 5:30 - †Barbara Wilkinson (Rose Taylor) †Ana Mijat & Ruza (Zvona Kuran) †Nick Felando (daughters & grandchildren) Goldeen Kaloper-Birthday (Marcia family) Grupo de Oracion The intentions of the Holy Trinity Community Mark Your Calendars! Monday, March 7th 6:30 - †Maria Dulcich (Bacalja family) 8:00 - Zorica Dragovich (mom & dad) 12:10 - †Angeles Preciado (Rosa Snyder) Tuesday, March 8th 6:30 - †Evelyn Pariseau (Bob &Edilma Gathy) 8:00 - †Matt Dragovich (Darinko Dragovich & family) 12:10 - †Maria de Jesus Rodriguez (her daughter) LENTEN REFLECTION: In His Hands (Fr. Sebastian Vettickal) ◊Wednesday, March 9 at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 9th 6:30 - †Katica & Toma Fistonic (Antica Fistonich & family) 8:00 - †Leroy Chacon (Maxine Crownover) 12:10 - †Laszlo Ambrus (friend) Thursday, March 10th 6:30 - †Marie Theresa Ungaro (Neil & Laurie Guglielmo) 8:00 - †Sandra Noceti (Noceti family) 12:10 - †Marie Therese Vo, Thanh Trinh, Margaret Trinh (Lam Trinh) Friday, March 11th 6:30 - †Esmeraldo Canonizado (Vida) 8:00 - †Betty DiBernardo (Tomasello family) 12:10 - †Luisa DiLeva (Anthony & Carol DiLeva) Saturday, March 12th 8:00 - †Kathleen Hebert (daughter, Lisa) 5:30 - †In honor of Dr. Richard, Eileen & Gregory Lake (Marianna C. Bradford) Sunday, March 13th 7:00 8:30 10:00 11:30 - †Curtis Brownfield (Mr. & Mrs. Tran) The intentions of the Holy Trinity Community †Bill Bryant (wife, children & grandchildren) †Eloise “Lochita” Guardado (Marie Dwight/Guardado family) 1:00 - †Mariquita Gonzalez, Guadalupe Gonzalez, Eloisa Gonzalez & Guadalupe Gonzalez, Jr. (familia Gonzalez Muro) 5:30 - †Marie Ungaro (Joe Svorinich & family) Morning Bible Study: Biblical Walk through the Mass ◊Tuesdays: now through March 22 at 8:45 a.m. Lenten Penance Service ◊Wednesday, March 16 at 7:30 p.m. Morning Bible Study: The Letter to the Galatians ◊Tuesdays: April 5-May 24 at 8:45 a.m. Bible Study: Acts of the Apostles with Father Sebastian Vettickal ◊April 18 & 25, May 2 & 9 at 7:15 p.m. Let us remember those suffering illness, infirmity, and those in need of our prayers… Rikki Salcido Houck, Rosalia Muñoz & Carmel Olivas Let us remember the deceased in our prayers… Williebrod Bergkamp, Joey Calise, Ron Cantu, Cora Duarte, Shawna Lynn Jones, John Loef, Robert “Bob” Lopez, Joe Mendoza, Jean Pinkelman & Kristen Tuason Ministry In Action Altar Servers Deacon Dennis Carlson 310-548-6535, ext. 324 Assist the priest at liturgies Ave Maria Society Karolyn Stanovich 310-833-4685 Devotion to Mary, and sponsorship of church & school benefits Bereavement Ministry Deacon Dennis Carlson 310-548-6535, ext. 324 Outreach to our parish families who have lost a loved one; assist in helping to plan the Funeral Vigil, Funeral Mass Better Half Club Mary Iacono 310-833-1271 Men and women 55+ building friendships Boys Scout Troop 234 Krista Zinkiewicz Boys Grades 5 - 12 424-224-7457 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Cristina Liu 310-833-3500 Scripture lessons during Mass grades 1-5 Christian Service Committee Volunteer 310-548-6535, ext. 400 Outreach and assistance to the local community Coffee and Donuts Knights of Columbus 310-547-1346 Sunday morning hospitality Communications Committee [email protected] Parish web site and bulletin. Confirmation Jace Bravo 310-548-6535, ext. 340 Preparation of high school age candidates for Confirmation Contemplative Prayer Group Madelyn Walker 310-832-4143 Reflection and quiet prayer time Coro de Español Enrique Balderas 310-539-0777 Ministerio de músico y cantor Cub Scout Pack 234 John Hildebrand 310-548-6535 Boys Grades 2-5; Tiger Cubs-Grade 1 Cursillos De Cristiandad Blanca Martinez 310-602-9693 Cristo cuenta contigo-Ultreyas Curt’s Kitchen Gina Foster 310-251-4801 Food for the poor and homeless Deaf Ministry Marie Treacy 310-548-6535 Serving the spiritual needs of the deaf community Divine Mercy Prayer Group Clemmie Hernandez 310-832-3083 To make known and spread the message of Divine Mercy. Early Childhood Program Teachers Cristina Liu 310-833-3500 Faith learning and classroom time, Sundays - Ages 3- 5 years Encuentro Matrimonial Max y Isela Vasquez 310-832-7420 Retiros para parejas casadas. Environment (Altar) Committee Annette Lenneman 310-548-6535 Care and beautification of the church Extraordinary Min. of Communion Sun: Connie McOsker 310-831-3882 Weekdays: Parish Office 310-548-6535, ext.300 To the Sick: Earl Malit 310-548-6535 Spanish: Martha Perez 310-547-5052 Serve the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass and to the sick Faith Enrichment Library Deacon Dennis Carlson 310-548-6535, ext. 324 Maintain the parish library Filipino Community of Holy Trinity Linda Nietes-Little 310-548-8148 Spiritual enrichment Finance Committee Carlos Perez, Chair 310-547-5052 Don Swartz, Secretary 310-548-6535 Fiscal advisory group to the Pastor Girl Scouts Yvonne Schueller 310-612-7404 Girls Kindergarten though 12th grade Guadalupanas Angeles Delgado 424-200-9664 Devociones Marianas, retiros, y actividades sociales. Grupo de Oración Santisima Trinidad Maria Martinez 310-831-5075 Grupo de Oración, retiros, espirituales y eventos sociales. Holy Trinity Knitting/Crochet Ministry Lois Riopelle (AM group) 424-264-5243 Marycae Ulizio (PM group) 310-625-9117 Making items with love for those in need. Holy Trinity Parents Association John Stammerich 310-547-1346 Service and support of Holy Trinity School Holy Trinity School Principal, Dr. Linda Wiley 310-833-0703 Asst. Principal, Cathy Cigliano Provides a Catholic education, grades K-8 Jr. High School Ministry (Edge) Cris Liu 310-833-3500 Middle school ministry Knights of Columbus, Angels Gate Council John Stammreich 310-547-1346 A Catholic fraternal service organization dedicated to the ideals of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism for 18 and older. www.KOFC1740.ORG Lay Apostles of the Sacred Hearts Geraldine Butcher 310-833-7423 The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart Apostolate Lectors Dr. Joy Jones 310-548-6535, ext. 317 Michelle Vasquez (Spanish) 310-971-1908 Readers to proclaim the Scriptures at Mass and other services Legion of Mary Ministry Purita Santillan 310-345-0442 Devotion to Jesus through Mary Married Couples’ Club Barbara Scherba 310-377-8206 Social support group Ministerio de Intercesión Panchita Salas 310-547-3693 Línea tél. de oración y estudio de la Biblia. Music Ministry Donna Barnes 310-548-6535, ext. 306 Enabling and enhancing the sung prayer of our community Children’s Choir - Grades 2 - 8 Youth Hand Bell Choir - Grades 6 - 8 Sunday 5:30 PM Band - High School+ Adult Choir - High School+ Contemporary Ensemble - High School+ Hispanic Choir - High School+ Cantors - Age 18+ for parish liturgies; Grades 5 - 8 for school liturgies Instrumentalists - Trained musicians Liturgy Committee Donna Barnes 310-548-6535, ext. 306 Enhancement of parish liturgies Ushers Bob Tabarango 310-548-6535, ext. 300 Welcoming, directing and assisting the congregation at Mass Marriage Encounter Robert O’Brien 310-832-1462 Patti Laney 310-832-3635 Retreats and revitalization for married couples Neighborhood Watch Alice Sandoval 310-833-3500 Organized neighborhood crime prevention Outreach Carla Emerson 310-548-6535 Food for the needy - Volunteers of all ages Parish Renewal Marsha Surina 310-519-8502 Weekend retreats for ages 18+ Peace and Justice Garrity McOsker 310-866-9394 Social awareness and strategies for action Pre-Baptism Dr. Joy Jones 310-548-6535, ext. 317 Parent and Godparent preparation Queen of Angels Alice Sandoval 310-548-6535 Blanket making ministry for those in need. RCIA and Teen RCIA Dr. Joy Jones 310-548-6535, ext. 317 Preparation of adult and teen candidates for the Catholic sacraments Religious Education Catechists Cristina Liu 310-833-3500 Religious Education teacher training, support and ministry Respect Life Committee Arline Tackett 310-548-6535 24-hour help line 310-787-HELP Casa de los Angelitos 310-320-8976 Dedicated to the Sacredness of human life Retrouvaille Carl & Josie Scheel 310-513-0580 A lifeline for troubled marriages. Saints Alive Interactive Pageant Frankie Bellizia 562-424-0265 Interactive pageant that brings Saints Alive! Small Church Communities Marilyn Hauge 310-541-0553 Small faith-sharing groups for Catholic fellowship, prayer and scripture study Spiritual Book and Video Club Clemmie Hernandez 310-832-3083 Building a library of spiritual reading and video material Youth Ministry (Life Teen) Jace Bravo 310-548-6535, ext. 340 High school youth ministry