December 2015 - Holy Trinity - St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church


December 2015 - Holy Trinity - St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
The Voice
Volume : 15
Number : 12
Month : December 2015
The Monthly Newsletter of Holy Trinity–St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
I behold a new and wondrous mystery! My ears resound to the Shepherd's song, piping no soft melody, but chanting full forth
a heavenly hymn.
The Angels sing!
The Archangels blend their voices in harmony!
The Cherubim offer their joyful praise!
The Seraphim exalt His glory!
All join to praise this holy feast, beholding the Godhead here on earth, and man in heaven. He who is above, now for our redemption dwells here below; and he that was lowly is by divine mercy raised.
Bethlehem this day resembles heaven; hearing from the stars the singing of angelic voices; and in place of the sun, enfolds
within itself on every side the Sun of Justice.
And ask not how: for where God wills, the order of nature yields. For He willed, he had the power, He descended, He redeemed; all things move in obedience to God.
This day He Who Is, is Born; and He Who Is becomes what He was not. For when He was God, He became man; yet not departing from the Godhead that is His. Nor yet by any loss of divinity became He man, nor through increase became He God from
man; but being the Word He became flesh, His nature, because of impassibility, remaining unchanged.
And so the kings have come, and they have seen the heavenly King that has come upon the earth, not bringing with Him Angels, nor Archangels, nor Thrones, nor Dominions, nor Powers, nor Principalities, but, treading a new and solitary path, He has
come forth from a spotless womb.
Yet He has not forsaken His angels, nor left them deprived of His care, nor because of His Incarnation has he departed from
the Godhead.
And behold,
Kings have come, that they might adore the heavenly King of glory;
Soldiers have come, that they might serve the Leader of the Hosts of Heaven;
Women have come, that they might adore Him Who was born of a woman so that He might change the pains of child-birth
into joy;
Virgins have come, to the Son of the Virgin, beholding with joy, that He Who is the Giver of milk, Who has decreed that the
fountains of the breast pour forth in ready streams, receives from a Virgin Mother the food of infancy;
Infants have come, that they may adore Him Who became a little child, so that out of the mouth of infants and babes, He
might perfect praise;
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December 2015
Children have come, to the Child Who raised up martyrs through the rage of Herod;
Men have come, to Him Who became man, that He might heal the miseries of His servants;
Shepherds have come, to the Good Shepherd who has laid down His life for His sheep;
Priests have come, to Him Who has become a High Priest according to the order of Melchisedech;
Servants have come, to Him Who took upon Himself the form of a servant that He might bless our servitude with the reward
of freedom;
Fishermen have come, to Him Who from amongst fishermen chose catchers of men;
Publicans have come, to Him Who from amongst them named a chosen Evangelist;
Sinful women have come, to Him Who exposed His feet to the tears of the repentant;
And that I may embrace them all together, all sinners have come, that they may look upon the Lamb of God Who takes away
the sins of the world.
Since therefore all rejoice, I too desire to rejoice. I too wish to share the choral dance, to celebrate the festival. But I take my
part, not plucking the harp, not shaking the Thyrsian staff, not with the music of pipes, nor holding a torch, but holding in my
arms the cradle of Christ. For this is all my hope, this is my life, this is my salvation, this is my pipe, my harp. And bearing it I
come, and having from its power received the gift of speech, I too, with the angels, sing: Glory to God in the Highest; and with
the shepherds: and on earth peace to men of good will.
Outreach Ministry: The Good Shepherd Food Pantry
Feed the Hungry - Christmas Outreach
Thank you to everyone who supported our Thanksgiving Outreach Program this year. The mission
to help our neighbors is the heart of this vital ministry. With only a few weeks until Christmas, we
must now focus on collecting supplies to provide Christmas meals for these families.
We have set our goal at 300 families. We need all donations at Church by Friday, December 18th.
This gives us time to count and purchase additional supplies if necessary. We invite everyone to
help us assemble the packages on Sunday, December 20th following the Divine Liturgy. Help is
also needed for distribution on Monday, December 21st. We will need volunteers at Church at
8:00 am to get everything organized and ready for distribution.
Here is a list of items needed:
300 Hams (8-10 lb.) – cooked, preferred
300 boxes of mashed potatoes
300 cans of cranberry sauce (15 oz.)
300 cans of mixed fruit or fruit cocktail (15 oz.)
300 cans of vegetables (15 oz.)
300 cans of turkey or chicken gravy (15 oz.)
300 boxes of corn or other type of bread
300 frozen fruit pies – pre-baked, preferred
Together, let’s make a difference in our community!
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Inside this Issue:
Christ is Born!................................... 1
The Nativity of the Lord.................... 2
Christmas Outreach.......................... 3
Thank You Chris Jonson.................... 4
Youth Ministries............................... 4
President’s Message......................... 5
Parish Announcements..................... 5
Church Organizations ...................... 6
Transitions........................................ 7
Community Concert......................... 8
2016 Stewardship............................. 9
New Website.................................... 9
Stewardship Message....................... 10
Stewardship List .............................. 10
Parish Calendar ............................... 14
Church Information ......................... 15
Community Christmas Card.............. 16
December 2015
The Clergy, Parish Council
and Community would like
to thank Chris Jonson for
25 years of dedicated service to our Parish. We wish
him all the best, and hope
he enjoys a long and well
deserved retirement.
By: Father William Redmon
Greetings in Christ!
Our December GOYA meeting will be held on Saturday, December 12th, at the Christmas Party, after our Nursing Home
Christmas Caroling Ministry. The schedule will be announced via e-mail once we have coordinated the times with the nursing
homes. Our December HOPE/JOY meeting will be held on Thursday, December 3rd, at 6:30 p.m.
In November, GOYA held their International Luncheon. Many thanks to Stef Diaz for making it a success! International Luncheon is the second largest event GOYA hosts each year, and is key to the financial stability of the group. GOYA would like to
thank everyone who supported the event.
In November, HOPE/JOY had its largest meeting yet, and welcomed some new families to the ministry. The theme for the
evening was Thanksgiving, and the families of HOPE/JOY offered thanks to God by donating food for the Thanksgiving Meal
Ministry and our Food Pantry. We collected several bags of canned goods and five turkeys. HOPE/JOY also welcomed Anna
Ioannides and Zach Nicholas to the Ministry Team.
On November 14th, Holy Trinity–Saint Nicholas hosted a retreat for Youth Ministers and Sunday School teachers from the
surrounding area. Our guest speaker was Dr. Anthony Vrame, Director of the Archdiocesan Department of Religious Education. Many thanks to all who made the retreat a success.
May God bless each and every one of you as we prepare to welcome His Nativity.
-Fr. William
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December 2015
Parish Council President's Message - by Jim Gelis
As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, it is time to look back on a year that seemed to pass so quickly. Let me begin by sharing my gratitude and appreciation to those who helped make a difference in the life of Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church. I offer my thanks to the clergy for their tireless and faithful service; to our Parish staff who run our operations; to
the Parish Council for pulling together in this challenging year; to the volunteers who serve on important committees that
turn goals into results; to the organizations that have supported our Parish for as long as I can remember; and to all parishioners for your sharing time, commitment, and faith so that we can worship together in Christ’s Church.
In 2015, we witnessed Fr. William’s first year of answering God’s calling beginning with his ordination to the priesthood. Recently, we joined Fr. Bill in celebrating his 40 years of life in the clergy. We said “Goodbye” to friends who served this Parish
for many years and watched the passing of the torch to a new generation of Parish leaders. At times, when the task seemed
overwhelming, we experienced the reassuring presence of God’s love and mercy to strengthen our resolve and pull together
as a community.
The proposed renovation of our Multi-Purpose Community Hall is about to become a reality. With the design and drawings
completed, the Parish Council with the work of the Building Improvements Committee is preparing to engage a contractor to
begin construction.
Concerning the business matters of our Parish, the festival overcame the first night of bad weather and provided the income
needed to sustain the work of our Parish. Stewardship has continued to grow thanks to your faith and generosity. As of October this year, pledges were up 12% over the same period in 2014, although actual pledges received were down slightly by
2%. Nevertheless, I am encouraged by the long-term trend of Stewardship as an indication of the Parish’s growth. There is
still time to complete our commitments for this year’s Stewardship and to turn in our pledges so that 2016 will be an even
greater success.
With the year 2015 almost behind us, let’s consider goals for the Parish in 2016 and beyond. At the Fall General Assembly, we
proposed a new direction for our Parish inspired and guided by the vision of what the Church wants us to become. It is an
approach that looks to the future, not with anticipation of persistent financial shortfalls, but instead confronts the challenges
of sustaining the operations of this Parish while striving to fulfill a higher purpose. It means committing our resources – our
time, talents and treasure—to a task with the knowledge that “through faith, all things are possible”. When we focus on supporting the mission of the Church and engaging the community in our efforts, then the list of active stewards will grow, and
we will see a Parish more vibrant than we ever imagined.
At the close of this year, I encourage all of you to find opportunities to help our Parish achieve its vision. Let’s get energized in
the execution of our ministries in 2016 so that all will begin to see a difference in our Parish life. May this Christmas season
bring joy to all of you, and the New Year filled with continued blessings.
Christmas Caroling in December! The season has returned for us to vocalize the joy we share to shut-in Church members,
their co-residents and families. We plan 2 days of indoor caroling and will begin at a residence or nursing home. We will visit
4 to 5 locations each day. Carolers will meet on Saturday, December 12th at 11:00 am at a location to be announced, and on
Saturday, December 19th at 1:00 pm after the Nativity rehearsal. Individuals, families of all ages and friends are invited to
join us anywhere along the route on one or both days. We sing several familiar carols in English with one or two in Greek
(other languages welcome). Musicians with instruments welcome. Please let us know if you would like us to visit someone.
You can call, text (513)375-5039 or e-mail Jim Raptis for details: [email protected]
Congratulations to Triffon Callos for being re-elected to his position as a Green Township Trustee. Proud parents are Tom
and Trish Callos.
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December 2015
We had a good crowd on October 17. Bill and Marie Tsacalis,
celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on October 30,
treated us to a delicious cake by “George”. We had Dr. Antoinette Pragalos speak about aging. We welcomed two new members, Koula Ponticos and Evangelia Stavropoulos rejoined. So
happy to have you with us.
Sophie Guethlein, who passed away on October 19, leaves her
daughter, Patricia (Father Angelo) and daughter, Stephanie, and
her sister, Chris Bender. Our sympathy to their families. She will
be missed by all of her friends in the Over 50’s which she enjoyed coming to whenever possible. And, she loved her Church
and always gave a helping hand whenever needed. We lit a candle in her memory. May she rest in peace.
Our Christmas luncheon will be on December 19 at Church.
We hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
Another year has passed by so quickly. In looking over the year,
we had some wonderful events. We are proud to have been
able to continue to serve our Church community by providing
tsourekia for Pascha each year. Our Wine Tasting event this year
was the best we have ever held. Matching the wine to the food
and having a knowledgeable wine expert present, along with
incredible appetizers, made all the difference.
cesses of the year. We look forward to the new year with renewed vigor.
Lastly, we'd like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas.
Early December will be very busy for the Ladies of Philoptochos
and we invite members of our Parish to celebrate with us.
Immediately following the St. Nicholas Vespers, Saturday evening, December 5, the Ladies of Philoptochos will be providing
Sunday, December 6, after the Divine Liturgy, members of GOYA
will be participating in “The Make A Difference” program, baking cookies for the City Gospel Mission. The GOYA bakers will be
assisted by the members of Philoptochos, and the cookies will
be part of the holiday meal served by the ladies of Philoptochos
on Tuesday, December 8, at the City Gospel Mission.
The Philoptochos Christmas Party will be taking place on Monday evening, December 7, at 6:30pm in the Banquet Room. The
dinner is being catered and the cost is $25 per person, plus a
donation to The Good Shepherd Food Pantry. The items most
needed by the pantry are cold cereals, tuna, peanut butter, jelly,
pasta, pasta sauces, canned soups and vegetables, vegetable oil,
flour and sugar. Please RSVP by Tuesday, December 1. Call or
email Loy Jonson: (513) 829-6699 or [email protected].
We are also proud to have served the community by providing
baklava by the pan for the past 29 years. Many people now
count on having homemade baklava for both Thanksgiving and
Christmas. We are happy to serve you. Our final delivery for
baklava will be December 20.
We would like to remind all bread makers and bakers that the
Vasilopita Auction and Brunch will be taking place on Sunday,
January 10, 2016 after the Divine Liturgy. Bake a loaf or two of
Vasilopita…one can be used for the baskets for the community
and the other can be put into the auction for raising funds for
the Philoptochos Charities.
On a sad note, we lost a 68 year life member, Sophie Guethlein,
in October. Calypso is indebted to Sophie for all she has done
for us. May her memory be eternal.
We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Healthy and
Happy 2016.
In November, the chapter had its chapter visitation by the District Lodge. Governor Charrie Regopoulos was accompanied by
Marshal Debbie Urse, PDG, and Maids Advisor Alexis Blessing
for the visitation. We also initiated a new member into the Order.
In celebration of Founders' Day November 16, the chapter
viewed the video Legacy of a Dream featuring our founder, Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfeld. Our living past chapter presidents were also honored at the meeting.
Daughters is ending the year by coming together for our annual
Christmas Dinner, which is being held at the Grand Finale. It is a
time for us to reflect on the past year and to celebrate our suc-
AHEPA…Peter Rodish
If you have not talked with anyone from AHEPA lately, we invite
you to explore this wonderful brotherhood. Please ask how you
can join and be involved. We meet once a month at the AHEPA
House with a dinner and meeting. We sponsor Greek Independence Day with a wonderful event at the Church. We will be in
our third year of our golf outing that has continued to grow. We
just completed our Thanksgiving Dinner with over 70 people
We invite you to explore the opportunities and fellowship with
AHEPA. Feel free to call me directly at 859-512-8550.
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One of the priorities of this year’s Religious Education Team is
to minister to our Sunday Church School teachers by providing
opportunities to deepen their teaching perspectives and skills.
One such opportunity was the recent SCS Teacher Retreat held
on November 14th. Leading this retreat was Dr. Tony Vrame,
Archdiocesan Director of Religious Education. Over the course
of five hours, Dr. Vrame focused our attention on two main
themes: “Christ as Teacher” and “Encountering the Learner.”
While the teaching aspect of Jesus’ earthly ministry is very much
apparent in the Scriptures, we were prompted, especially
through Scriptural examples, to consider the different methods
He employed. This included His choice of words and relevant
illustrations when speaking to individuals or crowds. On the
other hand, his method of teaching also relied on the ability of
learners to discover the meaning of lessons for themselves,
whether through carefully posed questions or even through
December 2015
This consideration of the learner comprised the other thematic
emphasis of our time together. Most importantly, Jesus met
learners in their present developmental context. Dr. Vrame
helped us to explore the ramifications of teaching various
grades of students based on differing age-based abilities to
grasp the many theological and moral concepts contained in
Orthodox Christianity.
The purpose of a teacher retreat is to encourage a sense of
spiritual refreshment. Certainly our participating SCS teachers,
as well as those from Dayton and Springfield Parishes, had ample time for reflection and renewed commitment to the spiritual
growth of our children. We were also privileged to have Dr.
Vrame with us as demonstration of the Archdiocesan support
for our religious education programs at the Parish level. The RET
thanks both Dr. Vrame and Fr. William, our retreat organizer,
for a truly beneficial session.
The New Christian: Magdalene Ann
Parents: Jonathan and Julie (Thayer) Hart
Sponsor: Stephanie Batsakes
Date: October 24, 2015
The New Christian: Korinna Ann
Parents: Lukas and Lauren (Sievers) Jonson
Sponsors: Dr. Joshua and Alison Nadaud
Date: October 31, 2015
The New Christian: Nektarios Michael
Parents: George and Eleni (Lekas) Haralamos
Sponsors: George and Stacey Loukoumidis
Date: November 1, 2015
The Newlyweds: Heather Foley and Christos Palassis
Sponsors: John and Idalia Kanaris
Date: November 7, 2015
Mary Kontonickas, age 83, November 6, 2015.
Peter Plomaritis, age 45, November 20, 2015.
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December 2015
To benefit the Good Shepherd
Pantry Christmas Outreach
Sunday, December 6
Concert at 7:00 pm
Champagne and holiday dessert reception at 8:00 pm
The concert will be held in our Church sanctuary. Featuring a Byzantine Brass quintet,
a Vocal Ensemble of local professional singers performing selections from Byzantine
and Baroque traditions, and an old fashion Christmas Carol sing-a-long led by our own
Event is free and open to all Church Community members, families, and guests.
In lieu of an admission ticket, we ask that you bring a generous donation of nonperishable canned goods and a free-will offering to support our Christmas outreach.
The following items are particularly encouraged: canned corn, canned green beans,
box of mashed potatoes, canned chicken or turkey gravy, canned cranberry sauce,
canned mixed fruit or fruit cocktail, box of corn or other type of bread.
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December 2015
In November everyone should have received our 2016 Stewardship Campaign materials in the mail. This year’s Stewardship Committee and Parish Council are asking everyone to
join them in moving our community to a 100% stewardship
funded Parish. This means we must move our stewardship
goal beyond the usual $430,000 each year and closer to the
$854,000 needed to run our Parish’s Ministries.
One of the first steps towards obtaining this goal is for our Parishioners to fill out a pledge card making their commitment
for the coming year. Making a pledge is an integral part of
every stewardship program. Remember, your pledge card is
NOT a contract, it can always be changed. The Committee is
asking for everyone to turn in their pledge card by Sunday,
December 6th.
Let’s work together to support our Ministries!
New Website Design
In November we launched a new website design. We
have been working to make our new website design
inviting and full of information about our faith and our
Parish. For many people outside our community, our
website is the first stop for information about our community. We hope that this new website will offer a
user friendly tool for information about us.
We are still working on a new Panegyri website, which
we hope to launch before the end of the year.
Please take some time and visit us at:
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December 2015
Stewardship Message
Have you ever thought about what Stewardship really means? It's more than just giving money to the Church to keep the
lights on and the AC running. It's more than volunteering at Panegyri. It's even more than supporting our Food Pantry or
other Outreach Ministries. Stewardship is, most fundamentally, a way of life that responds to our Lord's command to have
dominion over His creation.
The proper exercise of our God-given authority is not about exploiting the world for our own purposes, or hording our moneys for some future need, or to ensure an inheritance. It's also not about elevating that which we oversee into some kind of
false idol. Proper Stewardship is about using what we have for the purposes that God ordained of them, in furtherance of His
will. It is about making sure that all that we have, which comes from God in the first place, is used to improve the lot of those
around us, and not for our own glorification; but rather to the glory of God.
Stewardship, then, involves responsibility. We need to be responsible with our money, making sure that it isn't used wastefully, and being willing to sacrifice it on behalf of God Almighty. We need to be responsible with our time, making sure it isn't
squandered, and being willing to use it to further the work of the Lord and His Church in this world. We need to be responsible with our resources, lands and beasts of the earth and other treasures from the natural world, making sure that they are
neither abused nor neglected; but rather used for Godly purposes, to feed the hungry, build shelter for the homeless, bring
power to those who are without, improving their lives immeasurably, and doing all this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord
and Savior.
Having all these blessings from God, how can we do anything less than our part to spread them throughout the world? We
have wealth beyond the expectations of any previous age, we have access to resources the likes of which are unheard of in
any other period of history, and our understanding of the world and the way that God makes His creation work grows by
leaps and bounds, with no end in sight. It is incumbent upon us, this most fortunate of generations, to share these bountiful
gifts with those around us, to support those in need, to lift up the fallen, and to guarantee that the Body of Christ, the Orthodox Church, cannot just survive; but thrive, growing its ministries and spreading the Gospel to every corner of the Earth.
Stewardship is about more than simply money. It is a way of life. I pray that each and every one of us commits to that philosophy of living, to the idea that we have been commanded by God to care for His world and His faithful, and that we take up
this responsibility with joy, sacrificing our wants for the needs of the Church and those around us who don't share in those
Matthew Neuendorf, Holy Trinity - Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Parish Council, Assistant Secretary
Aamodt, Peter & Karen
Adinamis, George & Robyn
Akroush, Mike & Kathy
Alex, James L. & Koula
Allgeier, Brian & Ellen
Anastasiou, Demetra
Andreadis, Paul
Andreadis, Sophie S.
Andrews, Evan & Terry
Andrews, Greg
Antoniades, Anthony & Tracey
Apalodimas, Maria
Apostol, Katherine
Apostolides, Vasso A.
Argeros, Aristea
Arvanetes, Gregory & Sandra
Assaley, Lewis & Patricia
Bakiri, Keti & Andrew Murray
Balli, James & Virginia
Barnhart, Thomas & Sylvia
Basile, Courtney
Bates, Justin
Batsakes, George P.
Batsakis, Chris & Lydia
Beish, Andrew
Beish, Karen
Beltsos, Chris & Melissa
Beltsos, Paul & Jeanna
Beltsos, Sam & Esmine
Beltsos, Steven & Kanda
Benard, Matthew & Sophia
Bender, Christina E.
Bender, Robert & Kathy
Bertok, Christina
Betas, Dimitrios
Betas, George
Betas, Maria
Bikas, George M. & Anna
Bikas, Michael & Anna
Bikas, Nick & Nicole
Bilionis, Charles† & Angela
Binzer, Brian & Chrisanthi
Blaesser, Stacey
Borcoman, Tate & Nicole
Borod, Gregory & Gloria
Bottomley, Stephen & Stephanie
Boulmetis, Samuel N. & Anita
Boumis, Peter & Kimberly
Brausch, Robert & Julie
Bouras, Anna
Bridges, Herstle & Mena
Brown, Bryan & Nickie
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December 2015
The rich man is not the one who has much, but the one who gives much.
For what he gives away remains his forever.
St. John Chrysostom
The parishioners listed here have made a commitment and/or contribution towards 2015 Stewardship. If you have not completed your
Stewardship Pledge for 2015, we encourage you to do so today. 2016 Stewardship materials were mailed out last month. Please take a
moment to fill out a pledge card and make your commitment for the new year.
Brown, William & George-Ann
Bugitzedes, Marian
Bujnoch, Digger & Lindsay
Caddell, Chris & Eleni
Callos, Harry† & Angie†
Callos, Thomas & Patricia
Callos, Triffon & Stacey
Campbell, Corey & Stacy
Caneris, Adonis & Ana Maria
Caneris, Anthony & Antoinette
Caneris, Dr. Onassis A.
Cantrell, Daniel & Katerina
Cardullias, Dr. Peter & Elaine
Carey, Lee & Tula
Carras, Evan & Betsy
Carumpalos, Constantine
Cassis, Constantine & Carrie
Cassis, Eli & Christine
Cassis, Fr. William & Presvytera Anastasia
Chachoff, Nada
Chantilas, George
Chantilas, James & Dr. Lydia
Chapas, Lefty
Charnas, Terry & Koula
Christman, Carl & Becky
Christofield, Angeliki
Christoforidis, Alexander & Jennifer
Christon, Angelos & Deanna
Christopher, Spiro & Olga
Christopoulos, Vassiliki
Christos, Mary J.
Chryssovergis, Chris & Cara
Cimarosti, Helen
Claffie, Sean & Angela
Colak, Tony & Joan
Colyer, Jeff & Laura
Colyer, Keith & Diane
Condorodis, Anestis J. & Janeen D.
Condorodis, Dr. Constandinos J. & Carolyn
Cook, Barbara
Cook, Frank† & Karen
Corleanca, Monica
Coures, George
Cranley, John & Dena
Dargis, Melody & David
David, Mossa & Caroline
Demakes, Mina
Demetrion, Jim J. & Carole
Denas, George & Eugenia
Denas, Haralambos & Athoniseea
Denison, Theda
Diaz, Chris & Stephanie
Drew, Dr. William & Katherine
Economacos, Demetrios & Christine
Economacos, Eleni
Economacos, Tom & Jennifer
Economakis, Tina
Edgington, Paul & Mary Lou
Elias, Nicholas
Elias, Tom & Tina
Eliopoulos-Rosenbloom, Connie
Ernst, James H. & Sue
Evangelou, Sofia
Favatella, Nathan & Allison
Fawcett, Tracy & Jessica
Fekkos, Haralambos & Loella Ann
Fielden, Brad & Tricia
Fillios, Alexandra
Fillios, Elias & Mary
Firman, Nancy & Jerry
Fotopoulos, Christine
Francis, Dean & Kathy
Frangowlakis, Thomas
Frankenstein, George & Christine
Franklin, Gari
Frantzis, Kosta & Tammy
Freeman, Maria
Freudenberg, Grey & Eleni
Fritz, Christine
Furkas, Lisa
Gaier, Dean
Gaier, Jeffrey & Chris Anne
Galanes, George
Gallagher, Sean & Marina
Gardner, Michael & Kara
Gaskins, Mark & Kristin
Gaz, Georgianne
Gelis, Debbie
Gelis, Georgia
Gelis, James & Kathy
Gelis, Maria
Georgeton, Chris P. & Barbara
Georgeton, John C. & Ann
Georgeton, John P. & Kimberly
Georgeton, Peter C.
Georgeton, Peter T. & Nancy
Georgiou, Dean
Georgiou, George & Maria
Georgiton, John N. & Jenny
Georgiton, Nick & Kristy
Georgiton, Peter J. & Betsy
Georgostathis, Gus & Connie
Georgostathis, Gus & Eleni
Georgostathis, James & Lillian
Georgostathis, Maria
Georgoulakis, Athanasios & Sofia
Geromes, Alexander
Gerros, Mary
Ghiz, Leslie
Ghizas, John & Helen
Gilbert, Bob & Faith
Gionnette, Lena & Mike
Giovis, Chris A. & Jean M.
Giovis, Helen
Giovis, Jenny & Michael Goodpaster
Giovis, Thomas M.
Glaser, Brian & Stella
Gormas, Pete†
Grammas, George & Pam
Grammas, James & Tasia
Grammas, Mary
Grammas, Nick
Grammas, Peter & Panagiota
Greene, David & Maria
Gregory, Dean & Hedy
Gregory, Matula
Gregory, Thomas & Pamela
Gregory, Victoria
Guethlein, Sophia†
Haddad, Saba & Elise
Haralamos, George & Eleni
Haralamos, Mike G. & Akrivi
Hayden, Jason & Rebecca
Herrmann, Dennis & Stacy
Hill, Ann “Tasha”
Himonidis, Chris & Ruth
Hodges, Nick & Millie
Hodson, Thomas
Humbert, Randy & DeDe
Iatrides, Panawiota
Iatrides, Steve & Christina Kutsubu
Iliopoulos, Ilias
Ioannides, Tasos & Anna
Ioannou, Maria & John
Ioannou, Michael & Meagan
Johnson, John & Antigone
Jones, Carolyn
Jones, Demus J. & Betty
Jones, James A. & Jo Ann
Jonson, Alexander & Ann
Jonson, Chris C. & Loy
Jonson, George N. & Sophia
Jonson, James G. & Thelma
Jonson, Luke & Lauren
Jonson, Patricia J.
Jonson, Spencer & Katherine
Kahle, John & Nickie
Kalemanis, Gary & Maria
Kalemanis, George & Nikki
Kalomeres, Carol
Kambelos, John P. & Erato
Kambelos, Dr. Peter J.
Kanaris, Christos
Kanaris, Kostantinos & Katy
Kanelos, Dino & Julie
Kanelos, Eleni
Kanelos, John K. & Christine
Kaniaris, John & Idalia
Kapourales, Harry & Vivian
Kapourales, Louis
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Kappas, James P.
Karageorge, Dimitri & Athena
Karakatsani, Marianthi
Karampas, George & Diane
Karas, Bill J. & Lynn
Karas, Ted & Dixie
Karras, Giorgio & Erene
Kasidonis, John & Tina
Kasprzycki, Peter & Edyta
Katsanis, Claire C.
Katsanis, James & Diane
Katsaounis, Nick & Fay
Kavouras, George & Fran
Kehayes, Peggy
Kehayes, William & Melissa
Kellaris, Dr. James & Janice
Kelley, Michael & Pauline
Kelso, Greg & Kelly
Kereiakes, James & Helen
Kessis, Nick
Kessis, Paul
Kevin, Patrick & Diane
Kezios, Bessie
Kissopoulos, Nick & Effy
Kladakis, John & Teddi
Kontonickas, Mary†
Kontopos, Pete & Katerina
Kontopos, Vagelis & Amanda
Kontsis, George & Melissa
Koros, Kostas & Dina
Korvessis, Anthony & Georgia Lydia
Koskinaris, Athanasios & Helen
Kostopoulos, Dina
Kostopoulos, Christos & Erin
Kostopoulos, Nikolaos & Dana
Kotsovos, Christos & Victoria
Koutas, Peter & Barbara
Kranias, George & Litsa
Kranias, Stratos & Amanda
Kunkemoeller, Thomas & Janice
Kurlas, Gus
Kurlas, Louise T.
Kyrios, Eleni
Kyrios, Irini
Kyrios, Lillian
Kyrios, Tassos & Maria
Lagos, Tom & Matina
Lambrinides, Nicholas & Diane
Lambrinides, Ted & Kimberly
Lambrinides, Thomas J. & Mary Ann
Landando, James & Yvonne
Landers, Lauren
Larew, Karl & Jordan Knouff
Lazares, Gus J.
Lazares, John K. & Patricia
Leon, Gus A. & Kathryn
LesChander, Scott L. & Alexandra
Leslie, Wayne & Peggy
Levenderis, Bill & Jill
Liaros, Vasilios & Evangelia
Liston, Robert & Eleni
Loukoumidis, George & Stacey
Lysko, Bob & Stacy
Makris, George J. & Katherine
Makris, Thomas & Ellen
Maleas, Pete C. & Pearl
Mamaligas, Mike & Joann
Manolakas, Alexander & Vera
Marinakis, Bill D. & Evonne
Marinakis, George D. & Eleni
Marinakis, George S.
Marinakis, Panagiota
Marinakis, Ted D. & Katie
Maris, George & Tricia
Marrone, John J. & Jeri
Marrone, John & Tai
Masella, Ron & Christine
Mathes, Robert & Dena
Mavridoglou, Anthony & Janette
Mavridoglou, George & Penny
Mavridoglou, Konstantinos
Mavridoglou, Michael & Laura
Mavridoglou, Nicholas & Jessica
McKay, Betty Jo
McKay, John P. & Christine
McKay, Phil & Chris
McLeish, David & Kiki
McNulty, Robin & Melanie
Megois, Lee S. & Stephanie
Menkhaus, David & Natalie
Merianos, Ted
Meyer, Andy & Maria
Mikesell, Marco & Aphrodite
Miller, Cleo
Minor, Eleni
Mintsoulis, Maria & Jack O’Banion
Mirkopoulos, Nicholas
Mirkos, Marilyn
Mirkos, Steve & Edyta
Misali, A. J. "Ike"
Misali, John P. & Deborah
Misali, Mary Jean
Misali, Paul J.
Mitropoulos, Pete & Konstantina
Mohler, David & Angel
Mokas, Mary
Monroe, Angeliki
Morgan, Paul & Mary
Morris, John & Christine
Mortensen, Danny
Moulas, Dean & Catherine
Moyer, Gabe & Maria
Muennich, Sam & Melissa
Murray-Nikias, Stella P.
Naser, Jacoub & Dina
Nathan, Jaimie & Amy
Neuendorf, David & Patricia
Neuendorf, Matthew
Nicholas, Eugene & Cindy
Nicholas, George & Eugenia
Nicholas, Nick & Helen
Nicholas, Zachary
Nichols, Ron & Philanthy
Niehoff, Barbara
Nikias, Charles P. & Vicki
Nikias, Vasilia
Nitsis, Dimitrius & Leisa
Nourtsis, Sam & Alexandra
Nyktas, George W.
O'Neill, Brian & Stephanie
December 2015
Orphanos, Peter & Angela
Pagdadis, Sotiris & Stephanie
Palassis, Nick & Maria
Paliobagis, Vasiliki
Panagiotidis, Pantelis & Anastasia
Panagis, Nick & Maria
Papakirk, James & Maria
Panos, Aphrodite
Panos, Lula
Pantel, Nicholas J.
Paolucci, Anthony & Angie
Papaioannou, Thomas & Mary
Paparodis, Bess
Papas, James & Demetra
Papasavvas, Nektarios & Sally
Papathanas, Harry & Joyce
Papathanas, Katherine
Papathanas, Mary Kay
Papathanasiou, Konstantinos & Tammy
Pappas, Martha H.
Pappas, Steven & Jolene
Parsenios, Lewis G.
Parthenakis, Nicholas & Angie
Pascal, Betsy
Pascal, James
Pastroumas, Evgenia
Pavlakis, George & Suzanne
Payiatis, Paul & Patricia
Perdikakis, Constance
Perdikakis, Gus G. & Jo Ann
Perdikakis, Lynn
Perdikakis, Maria
Peters, Claire
Petkos, Joannis & Christina
Petropoulos, Kosta & Tina
Petrou, Evey
Petrou, James & Carrie
Phillips, Joshua & Katherine
Pilipovich, George & Cynthia
Plomaritis, Peter† & Elsa
Pohlmann, Elliot & Nicoletta
Politis, Michael & Carmen
Polychroniou, Constantine & Christina
Poneris, Constantino & Tara
Poneris, Kosta & Christine
Ponticos, George D.
Ponticos, Koula
Prasinos, Jim & Nicki
Prasinos, Zoe
Priest, Daniel & Christina
Proffitt, Steve & Laurie
Psihountakis, Manouso & Anastasia
Psihountas, Mary
Quill, Kevin & Mary
Rallis, Angelo
Ramstetter, Robert & Lisa
Raptis, James & Maria
Raptis, James & Olga
Redmon, Fr. William & Presvytera Elizabeth
Reich, Joseph & Stacy
Rempe, William & Barbara
Riber, Sam & Filio
Richardson, Josh & Nicole
Riemann, Christopher & Blanca
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Rigas, Athanasios & Aphrodite
Riggs, Adam & Athena
Rodish, Peter & Suzanne
Romanos, Michael & Carla
Rombes, Maria
Rombes, Tom & Angie
Rombis, Petros & Sofia
Romero, Evangelia & Eric Peck
Rose, Marvin & Chrysoula
Saba, Youhana
Sajkich, Steven
Sakellariou, George
Sakellariou, Maria B.
Sakelos, Irene
Sakelos, James
Sakelos, John & Kathleen
Sampson, Angeline
Sampson, Michael G. & Roxanne
Sampson, Nick & Becky
Sampson, Tony & Mary Ann
Sansalone, Anthony & Angeleke
Sansone, Craig & Susanna
Sarakatsannis, George & Marie
Sarakatsannis, Nicholas J. & Vicki
Sarakatsannis, Nicholas L. & Carla
Sarakatsannis, Olympia
Sarakatsannis, Panny
Sarlis, Nikolaos & Vaseleke
Sarros, George H. & Alexandra
Sarros, Harry J.
Sarros, John H
Schmalz, Mary Ann
Schmidberger, Gary & Elizabeth
Schmitz, Thomas & Cathy
Schneider, Elizabeth R.
Schoemaker, Henry & Georgia
Schooley, Barbara
Schuler, Bill & Julie
Schulte, Nick & Ianthe
Schultz, James & Sarah
Schutter, Michael & Lynne
Sciortino, Mark & Jenny
Sebastian, Chrisanthy
Semertzides, Dr. John & Evie
Semertzides, Manos & Elizabeth
Seremetis, Afrodite K.
Seremetis, Gregory G.
Seremetis, Stratin & Marjory
Sherlock, Michael & Chrysanne
Siambekos, Steve T. & Laura
Sias, Georgios N. & Kathy
Sideris, Danny & Amy
Sideris, Mina
Sideris, Nick & Jane
Siegel, August C.
Simos, Marianthi
Sims, Penelope & Robert
Snider, Luke & Dacia
Snyder, Milan & Elaine
Soulas, Angelo & Eleni
Soulas, Konstantinos & Patricia
Spanorigas, Nicholas & Becky
Spanos, Van & Litsa
Sparks, Ryan & Sophia
Sperelakis, Dolores
Sperelakis, Sophia
Spirtoff, John & Vicki
Stacey, Christine
Staios, Olga
Stamatakos, Anthony
Stamatakos, Dino & Diamanto
Stamatakos, Gus & Vivi
Stamatakos, Tom & Becky
Stanifer, Randy & Eleni
Stathis, Angelos & Aspasia
Stathis, Lee & Evie
Stavros, Cathy
Stefanopoulos, Andrew & Carol
Stenger, Doug & Lauren
Stephan, Charles M.
Stephan, George
Stephan, Kara
Stephan, Melinda
Stephan, Michael
Stephan, Nicholas & Alyssa
Steppe, Greg & Ellene
Stergiopoulos, James & Dilys
Stergiopoulos, William M.† & Janis
Stergiopulos, Anna
Stergiopulos, Nick & Corey
Stiegelmeyer, Michael & Tasia
Storch, Mark & Angela
Storgion, James & Terry
Strain, Richard & Katherine
Strike, Louis
Stringas, Emanuel
Stroplos, Gus
Suhar, Sylvia
Sweiss, Riyad
Sylvester, Debi
Tassopoulos, Michael & Ritsa
Thomakos, Artemis
Thomas, Bill
Tipis, Constantine & Lisa
Tipis, Eleni
Toleski, Steve & Tatsa
Tremoulis, John N. & Sunday
Trennepohl, Mike & Tina
Trester, Ron & Maria
Triantafillou, Nicholas
Triantafillou, Tilemahos
Triantafilou, Alex & Jennifer
Triantafilou, George & Eleni
Triantafilou, Nicholas P. & Lenna
Triantafilou, Peter J.
Triantafilou, Rita
Trivett, Michael & Matina
Truta, Traian & Alina Campan
Tsacalis, William & Marie
Tsiominas, John & Anna
Tsolometes, James & Maria
Turner, Kent & Carolyn
Valcarcel, John & JoAnne
Vardaka, Marianna
Varnell, Charles & Krista
Vasilakis, Theologos & Mary
Vasiliou, Angelo & Maria
Vasiliou, Demetrios & Gloria
Vasiliou, Kosta & Jodi
Vassil, William J.
December 2015
Vassiliou, Alex & Soula
Vassiliou, Helen
Vessey, Lenie
Vidas, Angelis & Evridiki
Vidas, Cynthia
Vidas, Ethel
Vidas, Evangelia P.
Vidas, Michael & Sofia
Vidas, Olga
Vlachos, Christopher
Vlahakis, Tom & Carol
Vollhardt III, Arthur & AnnaMarie
Watson, Douglas & Akrivi
Weis, Daniel & Anastasia
Weisenborn, Cary & Maria
Weitfle, Christopher & Maria
Williams, Jacinta
Williamson, Mark A. & Karen
Wilson, Beth & Martin
Wilson, Wallace & Michelle
Witt, Alan J. & Bessie
Wright, Duane M. & Stacy
Xanthakos, Stavra & Helmut Roehrig
Zaferes, Eleni
Zaferes, George P. & Diane
Zaferes, Katherine (Tina)
Zaferes, Patricia J.
Zaferes, Patricia P.
Zaferes, Toula
Zagorianos, Kristos & Kathy
Zaharopoulos, Antonios & Dimitra
Zigoris, Mark & Irene
Zolotas, Pete & Papy
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December 2015
For the most updated Calendar, visit
7:00 p.m.
DOP Christmas
6:30 p.m.
Parish Bible
6:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Great Vespers for
St. Nicholas
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
St. Nicholas
the Wonderworker
8:15 a.m. Matins
9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
Parish Bible
7:00 p.m.
Feast of St. Nicholas
Community Concert
8:15 a.m. Matins
9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
Mothers Club
Breakfast with Santa
8:15 a.m. Matins
9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
SCS Nativity
Greek School Kalanta
6:30 p.m.
Parish Bible
6:30 p.m.
Reading Group
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
8:15 a.m. Matins
9:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
No Orthodox
Reading Group
12:00 p.m.
Over Fifty
No Parish Bible
Christmas Eve
8:30 a.m.
Divine Liturgy
The Nativity of
the Lord
8:30 a.m.
Matins and
Divine Liturgy
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
6:00 p.m.
Parish Council
Dinner & Mtg.
No Orthodox
Reading Group
7:00 p.m.
Choir Rehearsal
No Orthodox
Reading Group
No Parish Bible
6:00 p.m.
Divine Liturgy
Office Closed
December 2015
Presiding Priest: Very Rev. Father William Cassis
Assistant Priest: Rev. Father William Redmon
Parish Administrator: Eugene Nicholas
Facilities Manager: Chris Jonson
Building Maintenance Technician: Craig Sansone
Parish Council Members
James Gelis, President
Chris Chryssovergis
Nicholas L. Sarakatsannis, Vice-President David Greene
Peter Rodish, Treasurer
Stacey Loukoumidis
Justin Bates, Asst. Treasurer
Christine Masella
Karen Aamodt, Secretary
Jessica Mavridoglou
Matthew Neuendorf, Asst. Secretary
Michael Mavridoglou
Nektarios Papasavvas
Organizations and Ministries
Our Mission
THE VOICE is the official monthly
newsletter of Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas
Greek Orthodox Church in Cincinnati,
Ohio. Our Parish was founded in 1907
and serves Orthodox Christians
throughout the tri-state area. Our mission is to reach out to all members of
the Community by providing relevant
information on the religious, spiritual
and cultural life of the Parish; news on
the accomplishments of Parish members and organizations, and editorial
points of view.
Philoptochos Society: Georgianne Gaz, President
Parish Choir: Janice Kellaris, Director
Cantors: Louis Kapourales, Tasos Ioannides, James Raptis, Philanthy Nichols
Altar Boys: Gus Siegel, Father William Cassis, Father William Redmon
Sunday Church School: Religious Education Team, Peter Aamodt, Chairman
Greek School: Alexandros Laftsidis, Director
GOYA: Father William Redmon, GOYA Ministry Team
HOPE and JOY Groups: Father William Redmon, Ministry Team
Mothers Club: Catherine Stavros, President
AHEPA: Peter Rodish, President
Daughters of Penelope: Vera Manolakas, President
The next deadline for submitting
news to the "Voice" is
December 6, 2015
Submissions can be dropped off or
mailed to the Church Office or
e-mailed to
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Our Church website can be found
Over 50s Club: Ann Jonson, President
Parish Bible Study and Orthodoxy 101: Father William Cassis
Orthodox Reading Group: Father William Redmon
Outreach/Samaritan Fund: Father William Cassis,
Father William Redmon, Eugene Nicholas
The Good Shepherd Food Pantry: Stephanie Diaz, Maria Freeman,
Mary Morgan, Matina Trivett
Agios Demetrios Society: Jim Grammas, Maria Panagis
PANEGYRI: Eugene Nicholas, Chris Chryssovergis
Parish Bookstore: Christina Polychroniou
Office Hours: Weekdays 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Worship Schedule: Matins, 8:15 a.m.; Divine Liturgy, 9:30 a.m.
Other Services as scheduled.
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Holy Trinity-St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
7000 Winton Road Cincinnati, OH 45224
Tel: (513) 591-0030 Fax: (513) 591-0043
‘Tis the season to join the members of our Parish in expressing Christmas greetings
to one another by participating in our annual COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CARD.
This is a wonderful way to extend holiday greetings to one another, and a successful
means of raising funds for our beloved Parish. You can be part of our annual Christmas Card by filling out this form and returning it to the Church Office no later than
Wednesday, December 2, 2015 along with a contribution of $30.00 per family.
Your participation and support are greatly appreciated.
Please list my/our family on the COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CARD as follows: