From the Desk of Msgr. Tosi--- Third Sunday of
From the Desk of Msgr. Tosi--- Third Sunday of
Third Sunday of Easter Saint Luke Church, Whitestone, New York 14 April 2013 From the Desk of Msgr. Tosi--When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?” (John 21:1-19) Today’s Gospel recounts the encounter of Jesus with his disciples at the Sea of Tiberias after His resurrection. It is a truly touching story of forgiveness and mercy between Jesus and Peter. Matching the three times he denied Jesus the Risen Christ asks Peter three times, “Do you love me?” And three times Peter responds: “Yes, Lord you know that I love you.” With much tenderness and compassion Jesus provides the moment of reconciliation and peace between himself and Peter. Once again Christ reveals the nature of God—a merciful and loving God who suffered, died and rose from the dead that we might have life! What a Gospel of Hope for us who deny the Lord so many more times than Peter. Yet God never tires of showing us mercy and forgiveness. So this Easter Season we are called to live as a people (each of us!) of hope for our hope is in the Lord. If then we have been shown such mercy and compassion, should we not show mercy and compassion to one another? Imagine a world where people follow the example of Christ in today’s Gospel! It surely would be a better world than the one we live in today so often filled with bitterness, anger and revenge. A new world begins with each of us. However, it takes great faith—and courage—to live as Jesus did. So let us pray this Easter Season to follow Christ’s example—to forgive as we have been forgiven. I am writing this to you on a beautiful—almost summer like—day. Like nature that in spring awakens to new life from the dark and cold of winter, the Easter Season calls us to awaken from the darkness and cold of sin to the new life of our Baptism. Spring is a season of hope; Easter focuses our hope on Christ. Despair has no place in the heart of a Christian. May the Good News of Easter—Christ is Risen—be the cause of our joy and the reason for our hope. Happy Easter! Let us pray for one another, PARISH PASTORAL PLAN For the last few months the Parish Pastoral Council, the Finance Council, Parish Trustees and Pastoral Staff have been working together with me to create a Parish Pastoral Plan. In today’s bulletin the proposed Pastoral Plan is printed for your review and comment. As pastor I am proud of the work of these various Councils - for their time and input in this important project mandated by the Bishop. However, now we need your help! Please read the Goals and Objectives carefully. Once approved they will become the blueprint for the pastoral activity for the parish for the next three to five years. After careful reading, we would seek your input with comments, suggestions or questions. At the next meeting of the combined councils your input will be reviewed, possible modifications made and a final copy of the Parish Pastoral Plan will be submitted to the Bishop for his approval. Please keep this process of pastoral planning in your prayers. Page 1 MISSION STATEMENT As a community of believers in Jesus Christ and in Communion with the universal church, we strive to follow the Lord’s command to love God and one another. Rooted in word and sacrament, we grow together as a Eucharistic community inviting all to the Good News of Jesus. OF MANY THINGS -Correction: the second collection in last week’s bulletin was incorrectly listed as being taken up for the Catholic Home Missions. The second collection on April 6 & 7 was for Catholic Relief Services. The Catholic Home Missions collection is scheduled for the weekend of April 27 & 28. Sorry for the confusion. Family Mass: the next Family Mass celebration will take place next Sunday—April 21st—at the 11:45am Mass. Next Sunday is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. May our young men and women answer the Lord’s call with generosity as priests, religious, married and single Catholics. School Yard: with Spring comes the repair and upgrading of the school parking lot. A large section of the back lot will be graded and paved filling in a number of holes; in addition, the “pen” has been removed along with a number of old and rusted basketball hoops. Cost: $20,000. This will provide an improved area for parish use. Don’t Miss the Parish Carnival -The 3rd Annual Saint Luke Carnival is being planned for June 6 - 7 - 8 & 9th. Four days of fun, games, food, entertainment, rides and so much more. A real community event for all ages. And a major parish fundraiser! Come and enjoy the Carnival - and support the parish at the same time. First Communion and Confirmation And spring brings the annual celebration of First Communion and Confirmation. Please keep the boys and girls and their parents, families and sponsors in your prayers. What a special time of grace for the parish as well. Special thanks to the catechists and teachers who work so hard in preparing our young people to receive the sacraments and to Sister Katherine Burke, C.S.J. and Mrs. Barbara Reiter. Due to the closure of the church, the sacraments will be celebrated in our neighboring parishes: First Communion at 11:00am on May 4 in Holy Trinity May 11 in St. Mel May 18 in St. Mel and Confirmation at 4:00pm on Wednesday, May 29 in St. Mel We are most grateful for the cooperation of all involved. Page 2 SUNDAY COLLECTION April 6 & 7 Amount Needed Easter Sunday My Easter Gift to the Church $10,216 $13,425 $19,229 $25,445 (updated) FUEL COLLECTION Next weekend, April 20 & 21, there will be two collections. The first collection is for the support of the parish. The second collection is to help defray the cost of heating the parish buildings.. Your generosity to both collections is greatly appreciated. ************************************ Bereavement Support Group -There will be no meetings of the Bereavement Group in May, June, July and August. Meetings will resume in September. If you wish to speak to Fr. Bruno, please call the rectory at (718) 746-8102. Being part of a support group for a period of time often helps in the healing process. If you have suffered the loss of a loved one and would like to join a group, the Bereavement Support Group of St. Andrew Avellino will meet on Wednesdays evenings from 7:30 to 9:00pm in St. Andrew Avellino Rectory, 35-60 158th St., Flushing on April 24, May 1, 8, 15, 22, June 5, 12 and 19. For more information, please call Sister Aileen at 718-359-5276. Envelopes Mailed Envelopes Received 1,940 581 Catholic Relief Retired Priests $ 1,827 $ 4,049 NOVENA IN HONOR OF SAINT ANTHONY — The annual novena in preparation for the feast of Saint Anthony has begun after the 8:30am Mass on Saturday mornings in the School Hall and continues until a special feast day Mass to be celebrated on Saturday, June 15 at 8:30am. This change in our regular novena schedule is necessitated by the repair of the church and allows us to accommodate all those who wish to attend the novena. Of course, June 13 remains the feast of Saint Anthony. Mass will be celebrated in his honor on the feast day as well. ************************************ VOCATION CORNER --“As the Father has sent Me, so I send you.” Do you have a growing interest in sharing the Lord’s saving mission as a priest, deacon or in the consecrated life? Contact the Vocation Office at (718) 827-2454 or email: [email protected]. Page 3 Renewing Our Faith Through Acts of Charity --A word of thanks to those who have already responded to the request of the Bishop to support the 2013 Annual Catholic Appeal. Your generous gift will enable us to meet our parish goal of $100,508 while funds collected over goal will support our parish campaign of restoration and renewal of our parish buildings. Allow me to express my own gratitude for your gift to the Appeal especially in light of our ongoing Capital Campaign. I am humbled by your goodness and support. Please accept my gratitude and promise of prayers. As of April 8th, $44,075 has been pledged by 159 donors with $25,386.50 already received. God bless. Msgr. Tosi **************************************************************************** PRE-BAPTISM PROGRAM --When preparing for the Baptism of your child, parents must attend a Pre-Baptism Class for their first and second child only. Godparents are welcome to attend. The class is held once a month usually on the third Monday night of the month in the rectory at 7:30pm. The Baptismal Liturgy is usually celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at 3pm. No Baptism can take place until the church receives a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate as required by the diocese. If you are planning a Baptism, please note the following dates: Baptism Sunday Baptism Class April 28 May 19 & 26 June 9 & 23 July 14 & 28 April 15 May 20 June 17 July 15 All baptisms are taking place in the School Hall until September due to the renovation of the church. Permission letters will be given to those who wish to baptize their child in another church. However, they still need to attend the Pre-Baptism Class which is required in order to give the letter of permission. For more information, please call the rectory at 718-746-8102. Page 4 MUSIC MINISTRY NOTES The Music Commission of the Diocese of Brooklyn, (Jessica Tranzillo Smith co-chair) is pleased to present a Youth Choir Festival which will take place on April 21 at 4:00pm at Resurrection-Ascension Church in Rego Park. Four choirs of young singers will participate in this free to the public event: the choirs of Good Shepherd Church, Brooklyn, Our Lady of Fatima, Jackson Heights, Resurrection-Ascension, Rego Park and The Mary Louis Academy. Each choir will sing a short program and join with the other choirs to total around 100 choristers in song. Come hear the present and future church choristers. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS -“Speech Contest” The Knights of Columbus Msgr. Dillon Council is co-sponsoring the Brooklyn-Queens “Culture of Life” Speech Contest to be held on April 27. Cash prizes of almost $1,000 will be awarded. The contest is open to high school students from Brooklyn and Queens. Contestants will present an original pro life speech, five to seven minutes in length. Pre-registration deadline is April 18. Call (917) 591-9386 or visit for more information. The Joint Parish Respect Life Committee and the Diocesan Office of Faith Formation are additional co-sponsors. Baby Item Drive On Saturday/Sunday, April 27/28, members of the Knights of Columbus will be outside the doors of Holy Trinity Church collecting baby items once again. If you have any new or gently used baby items, including cribs, car seats (under 5 years old), bassinets, clothing, etc., please drop them off. For more information, please contact Eddie Weisenburger at 917-667-2835. PARISH CALENDAR -At this time no reservations for events are being taken in the parish calendar. Due to the restoration work of our parish buildings, we are unable to take any requests for the use of meeting space. We will reconsider this decision after Labor Day. Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated. Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PARISH PASTORAL PLAN Please read over the following Goals and Objectives which form the proposed Parish Pastoral Plan. Your comments and suggestions are most appreciated. You can return your written response to the rectory or drop off in the collection basket next weekend. Also, feel free to talk to any of the members of the Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council or Parish Trustees. All responses must be received by April 15th. Thank you! GOAL #1: The ongoing development and deepening appreciation of the Liturgy in particular the Sunday Eucharistic celebration in the life of the parish. Essential Element: Worship/Leadership Objective: Establishment of a Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers) for Sunday Eucharist and other Liturgical celebrations. Objective: Development of a program of ongoing formation for all Liturgical Ministers in particular a Day of Recollection and formation opportunities for Liturgical seasons. Objective: Recruitment of new Liturgical Ministers: EMHCs, Lectors, Choir, ushers and altar servers. Comments or Suggestions: GOAL #2: Strengthen financial stability of parish with increased awareness by parishioners. Essential Element: Stewardship Objective: Creation and publication of an annual “State of the Parish” report to include financial statement. Objective: Complete ongoing repair and maintenance of parish buildings and capital campaign. Objective: Develop ways to increase weekly (Sunday) offerings. Comments of Suggestions: Page 11 GOAL #3: Strengthen efforts to create a deeper sense of community within parish and within wider community. Essential Element: Community/Service/Evangelization Objective: Continued outreach to new parishioners through work of New Parishioners Committee. Objective: Hiring a Pastoral Associate. Objective: Establish a committee to foster appreciation of the diversity of the parish while working to establish relationships to civic community. Comments or Suggestions: PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL PARISH FINANCE COUNCIL Barbara Coletti John Dierks Anna Filippi Joseph Galanti Kent Martin Fernando Minchella Eugene O’Brien Charles Mangiaracina Judy DeAngelis Jane Marie Cazzorla Maria Schroeder Judy DeAngelis Jorge Fonseca Charles Mangiaracina Kent Martin Anne McNicholas James Mooney Dennis Ring Page 12 PARISH TRUSTEES Anne McNicholas Fernando Minchella Page 13 ST. LUKE SCHOOL WHERE FAITH AND KNOWLEDGE MEET 718-746-3833 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR CHESS NUTS! The Winter 2013 Long Island Chess Nuts session ended before Easter and awards were given to our well-deserving students! Incumbent Frank D'elia won first prize again this session with zero losses. Justin Ali, Justin Iemma, Maxsim Sadeghi, Mila Sadeghi, Lucas Morichini and Gregory Walsh were all tied for second place. The third place winners were William Chao, Sabato Daniele, Jennifer D'elia, Omar Touitou and Joseph Zuccarello. Each of the remaining participants had at least one win and were awarded medals for their enthusiastic participation. With 34 participants this session, this was the largest group we have ever had and also the most winners we ever had! Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 THE SUMMER ACADEMY AT ST. FRANCIS PREP St. Francis Prep will be offering an academic enrichment program this summer as well as sports camps. The purpose of the program is to provide students ages 10 to 14 an opportunity to more deeply develop and broaden their academic and athletic skills in a positive, student-centered learning environment. For additional information and application call 718-423-8810, ext. 310 or visit the school website at and click on Summer at SFP. **************************************************************************** TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS -You are invited every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 7:15am to St. Fidelis Church, College Point. Parking available in Church lot; missalettes with translation available. Next Masses: April 19th. **************************************************************************** VOLUNTEERS NEEDED -One hour per week to assist the homebound senior citizens of Northeast Queens with friendly visits, food shopping, etc. Contact Catholic Charities, Program Manager, Chris Schneider at (516) 641-7541. Senior Citizens - if you are a senior citizen and would like a friendly visit or companionship from a caring volunteer on a weekly basis, please call Program Manager, Chris Schneider of Northeast Queens Friendly Visiting Program at (516) 641-7541. The program is funded by Citymeals-on-Wheels and sponsored by Catholic Charities of Brooklyn-Queens. There are no fees for any services. **************************************************************************** DOO WOP SPECTACULAR -Holy Cross Cather’s Club proudly presents their 15th Annual Doo Wop Spectacular on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at 7:30pm. Reserved seating $40. For tickets and info call John Wheelen at (718) 279-0470 (9am-9pm) or Holy Cross HS Office at (718) 886-7250, ext. 574 (9am-2pm). **************************************************************************** ROSARY FOR LIFE Day of Retreat “Created in the Image of God” - Guest Speaker: Father Peter Pilsner The Retreat will be given at Good Shepherd Parish, 1950 Batchelder St. & Ave. S, Bklyn. May 18th. For reservations contact Wyn at (718) 377-6920. Registration Fee $25. Page 18 SCRIPTURE READINGS Mon. - Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29 Tues. - Acts 7:51-8:1a; Jn 6:30-35 Wed. - Acts 8:1b-8; Jn 6:35-40 Thurs. - Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51 Fri. - Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59 Sat.—Acts 9:31-42; Jn 6:60-69 WE PRAY FOR THE SICK OF THE PARISH: JENNIE ROMANO LOUIS FIAMMA RITA SCHIAVELLO GRACE GAMBY THOMAS GEORGE BREEN UNITA JANEK SHAWN GRAHAM CHANTEL JOHNSON BERNARD J. MADDI JEANETTE K. MADDI EDWARD PIEKARSKI FRANCIS McKENNA ANNA PUMA AND FOR THE DECEASED *********************************** ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF APRIL 15, 2013 Monday, April 15 7:00 Eugene Taheny 12:00 Giovanni Morelli Tuesday, April 16 8:30 Ann & John O’Neill & Mary Cardone 12:00 Ana & Carlo Trdoslavic Wednesday, April 17 7:00 Liborio Prestia 12:00 Maurice & Margaret Carew Thursday, April 18 8:30 John Boyko (Birthday) 12:00 Trajbar Family Friday, April 19 7:00 Antonio Caringella & Louis Nicolosi 12:00 Maria & Giuseppe Cipri Saturday, April 20 8:30 Bridget & Jerry Mirro & Barbara & Gene Resnikoff *********************************** COLLECTIVE INTENTIONS MASS The next Collective Intentions Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, April 28th at 11:45am. At this Mass we pray for: TITO DURSO Page 19 Page 20 Page 21