
Adib Ishak street - Ashrafieh
Beirut - LEBANON
Date & piace of birth
Maritai Status
Member in " Lebanese order ofArchitects & Engineer of Beirut" - Lebanon # 26210.
Apri i 2 0 0 9 Pre se nt :
Chie f a.i., "Inte rnational Affa i rs Department"
Le ba ne se Republic, Mi ni stry of La bour, Chi ya h - L EB AN ON
Provide a link between ministry of labour and
the Arab, regional and international bodies,
and offer the means to participate in the meetings of these bodies.
Prepare and follow-up the implementation of technical cooperation projects with
international , regional and Arab organizations.
Prepare for meetings of international labour organization and other bodies associated to
Prepare for meetings of international , regional and Arab organizations related to the
functions of the Ministry of labour.
Study the conventions and recommendations of Arab and international labour
organizations , related to the functions of the Ministry of labour.
Participated in the International
Labour conference sessions (100) & (101), GENEVA, 118 June 2011 &2012.
Participated in the Arab Labour conferente session (38), CAIRO, 15-22 May 2011.
Participated in ILO governing body session (309), GENEVA, 4-19 November 2010.
Participated in a discussion meeting about the report of Lebanon in the universal periodic
review mechanism UPR.(strengthening of lebanon 's human rights situation ), GENEVA, 912 November 2010.
Participated in a workshop "the value of the land and provide new opportunities for
training and work in the Mediterranean region
", ISFOL, ITALY,18-19 October 2010.
Participated in the preparatory meeting of the Euro-med second ministerial conference on
the labour and employment , BRUSSELS,7 October 2010.
Participated in the follow -up meetings and discuss the language pact between Lebanon
and the international organization of "la Francophonie ", in the ministry of culture,
BEIRUT, during July 2010.
Participated in the International
Labour conference session (99), GEN EVA, 1-18 June
Participated in a training course entitled International
equality , CAIRO, 16-19 May 2010.
labour standards
and gender
December 2008 -
Labour Inspector Engineer , " Occupational , Safety & Health (OSH)
Aprii 2009:
Lebanese Republic , Ministry of Labour , Chiyah- LEBANON
Inspected industries & companies based on Lebanese labour law.
Assured the safety & protection of labour & workers.
Studied the international & Arab labour conventions related to OSH.
November 20 06 Decembe r 2008 :
Measurement E ng ine er, NJS consultants JV & Envi r ot e c h Lt d .
" Se we rag e Wa st e W a t e r Extension W o r k s for S ai da Coa st a l Ar e a
Wa stewater Project ", Saida - LEBANON
Checked the contractor's interim & final measurements of work executed.
Implemented systems & procedures for cost control.
Implemented systems & procedures for payments to the contractor.
Prepared progress reports of work completed.
Novembe r 2 0 06 December 2006 :
Consultanc y for Swiss Agency for De ve lopment and Cooperation
(SDC) & Association for the Development of Rural Capabilities (ADR)
"E nv iro nme nta l As se s sme nt Re p ort for T y re and
Be nt J be il Cazas
after the war of July 2 006 in Lebanon".
Analyzed the environmental situation.
Identified symptoms & causes behind environmental degradation.
Assessed the direct impact of the last war on environment.
Proposed small to medium actions plan.
Presented the findings & the recommendations.
Prepared a detailed mission assessment report.
January 20 0 3 August 2005 :
Project Assistant , Unite d Nations Developme nt Prog ram (UNDP)
" Conservation and Sustainable Use of D ryl and Agrobiodiversity in
Le banon " Project - executed at Lebane se Ag ricultural Rese arch
Institute (LARI ), Tel Amar Station- Riyak- Bekaa- LEBANON
Mai nt ai ned a nd upda te d P roje ct budget , monit ore d Proje ct e xpend it ures, pre pared a nd
maintained necessary financial control reports.
Prepared and followed-up on procurements, payments and other expenses.
Followed-up on contracts of Project staff and national consultants (extensions,
renewals...), and maintained various personnel records and files.
Prepa red a nd implemented trai ning, workshops, me etings and other awareness a ctivi ties
(exhibitions, fairs...) pertaining to the Project.
Assisted the Project Manager in drafting progress and other reports, in establishing
Project workplan by using MS Office (Microsoft Project).
Successfully oversaw all computer programming related to the project (website
development, Access programming for data management ...).
Assi sted the Project st aff i n the preparation and editing of t he Project Newsletter.
Prepared and designed printed material pertaining to the Project (Leaflets, posters...).
Designed, coordinated, and mai nta ined vi tal analysis process to fac ili tat e a succe ssful
May 2001 -
Site Engineer , Serdim Liban S.A.R.L
January 2 003 :
" Controlle d landfill of Zahleh, solid waste manageme nt proje ct",
St Georges Center - Horch Tabet- Sin El fil - LEBANON
Cont roll ed t he d ai ly t ec hnic al funct ions re la te d to sol id waste management on t he sit e
(reception, sorting & dumping of the waste, leachate treatment).
Managed data collection and analysis.
Supervised 20 employees.
Prepared daily executed work and monthly progress reports.
Performed the admi nistrative support functions which include supervision of clerical and
administrative work in the fields of personnel, finance, registry, supply and logistics.
Trained municipality's members to operate the landfill in a more efficient and productive
wa y.
Postgraduate Unive rsit y Diploma in Economics " Ag ro -Business"
IAM M - C IHEAM (Mediterranean Agronomi c Institute of M ontpel li erInternational Centre for Adva nced Mediterranean Agronomi c Studies).
Montpellier - FRANGE.
AQricultural En2ineerin' Dip loma
ESIAM (Ecole Supérieure d'Ingénieurs d'Agronomie Méditerranéenne)
Saint-Joseph University (USJ). Zahleh - LEBANON.
Prepared and presented a final study on Tissue Culture " mic ro propag ation of almonds
trees " (1998-1999) at Lebanese Agricul tural Research Institute (LARI), 52 p. Tel Amara
station - Bekaa - LEBANON.
Monthly summer trainings :
1997 : Culture and dairy produc tion
in Taanayel Farm. Taanayel - LEBANON.
1996: Culture and dairy produc tion
in a family farm in La So mme - FRANGE.
1995: Floric ulture in Chebib garden center in Zah leh - LEBANON.
Hig h school : Experimental Sciences
Saint-Joseph college of Antonine's Sisters. Zah leh - LEBAN ON
Attended work shop for Me asure me nt of te mpe rature in the wo rk
environme nt organized by Arabic labours organization, Da ma scus SYRIA.For 2 days.
2007/Se pte mbe r :
Atte nde d workshop for M anag e me nt of Wate r Provision unde r Crisis:
the Case of Southe rn Le banon organize d by Uni t for Eme rgi ng and
Conflict Related Issues (ECRI) - ESCWA- in Hotel Kadri, Zahle LEBANON.For 2 days.
in Order of Engineers, Beirut -
2007/August :
Attended short-course on Landscaping
LEBANON.For 1 month
Attended workshop on "Organic grape management " organized by
Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques- USEK, in collaboration with World
Vision & University of California, in USEK, Kaslik - LEBANON.For 2
20 0 7/M ay:
Attended short-course training
Beirut - LEBANON.For 1 month
2005/Apri i :
Participated in an international confe rente on Promoting Communitydriven
Conse rvation
Agrobiodiversity . International Center for Agric ultural Rese arch i n t he
Dry Area s (ICAR DA) - Alep po - S YRIA.For 4 days.
2004/June :
Organized an Org anic farming trav e ling workshop
- Agrobiodiversity
proj e ct -UNDP in c oll abora t ion wit h AUB - 2 fa rms i n t he B e ka a val l eyLEBANON.For 2 days.
2003/ M a y:
Organized and participated in training on Pe sticide Application and the
Inte grated Pest Manag ement of F rui t Trees . Lebanese Agricultural
Research Institut e (LARI) Tel Ama ra st ation - Bekaa - LEBAN ON . For 2
2002/ J u n e :
Participated in an international conference on Water Valuation Forum in
Le banon organized by International Development Research Center
(IDR C ) a nd t he Wat e r De ma nd M a na ge me nt Forum i n pa rt nershi p wi t h
the Canadian International Development Agency, UN University,
International Network for Water, Environment & Health, Ministry of
Energy & Water- Lebanon and Directorate generai for Hydraulic &
Electrical Resources- Lebanon; in Order of Engineers, Beirut - LEBANON.
For 3 days.
2001/Nove mbe r :
At te nde d t rai ning on C ul t ure of the Saffron dispense d (Crocus Sativus
Linné) in C CIAZ Cha mber of Tra d e, Indust ry & Agric ul t ure of Za hle h Bekaa - LEBANON.For 2 days.
2001/Jul y:
Attended training on B iolog ic al tre atme nt of waste wate r in PR EMIER
TEC H ENVIR ONM ENT. 1, ave nue premi er, R ivi ère - d u -loup (Québe c)
G5R 6C 1 - CAN ADA.For 15 days.
2001 /Apri i :
Participated in an international conference on Re g ional inte gration and
inte rnational negotiations in the Me dite rranean basin organized by
CIHEAM - IAM- Agronomi c Mediterranean Institute of Montpellier
(France) and The Agronomic Institute of Tunis (Tunisia) with the
coll aborati on of Saint -Joseph Uni versity and the support of the European
Union Commission. ESIAM- USJ. Zahleh - LEBANON.For 7 days.
2001 /Marc h :
Attended training on Hazard Anal ysis & Cri t ic a i C o n t r o ! Points
( H A C C P ) for safety in the food industry organized by SEQUA in
CC IAZ C ha mber of Tra d e , Ind ustry & Agri cul ture of Za hl eh. Zah leh LEBANON.For 2 days.
on Irrig ation
in Order of Engine ers,
Fluent in reading, writing and speaking Ara bi c (native language), French
intermediate in Italian.
and Eng lish,
Compute r K nowledg e : AutoC ad 20 00i (New Horiz ons - CCTC), M icrosoft® Wind ows,
Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® Excel, Microsoft® Power point,
Microsoft® Access, Microsoft® Project, Web Surfing....
HOB BIE S : Reading, Swimming, Music and Horse back ridding.
Memberships : *Member in the "Agricultural Engineering Graduates Association of E.S.I.A.M."
*Member in the Saint-Joseph University Alumni - Lebanon
Travels : Jordan, France, Italy, Germany, USA & Canada...
*Dr. Raghed Assi, Agrobiodiversity Project Manager- UNDP- Lebanon. Tel: 961-3-969799.
*Ms. Helene Abi Khalil, Financial & Administrative Director, SERDIM Liban S.a.r.l. Tel: 961-1-512213.
*M r. C amil le Hob ei ka, Di rect or & Own er, Ho beik a Freres E st .- Z ah leh & Profes so r in E SIAM - US J &
Head of Agricultu ral committee, Ch amber of Trade, Industry & Agricul ture of Zahleh. Tel: 961-3-699117.