No takers for Barn Owls


No takers for Barn Owls
After oo
Regd. No. MH/MR/South-160/2009-11 RNI Regn. No. 43675/85 MUMBAI FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
To get ADC on your mobile, type or or
By Suyash Padate & Pallavi Smart
he future of 1,600 students
studying at St. Mary’s High
School (SSC section), Mazgaon, is in a limbo following it’s derecognition on May 24 by the
deputy director of education, state
government. Part of the 148-yearold premier educational institution
comprising an ICSE section as well,
the order was received yesterday
and is the result of an inquiry conducted by the education department into allegations of collection
of capitation fees, lack of toilets
and adequate drinking water and
other technical grounds.
The de-recognition notice was
sent to the school after it reportedly
failed to provide appropriate explanations for all the shortcomings
discovered during the investigation
conducted under the enquiry. The
school authorities have strongly denied all the charges and have, in a
press note issued also yesterday
said that the management of the
school has been harassed by vested
interests with political connections.
According to the statement issued
to the media by the school authorities, “The Order is, on the face of it,
unsustainable. The management is
in the process of preferring an Appeal for recalling the ex-parte order
of de-recognition passed by the Dy.
Director of Education.”
It all started four years ago when
a member from the PTA (Parents
Teachers Association) complained
to the education department
about excess PTA meeting fees,
prohibited by the government.
Nana Saheb Kute Patil, then a parent and a member of PTA who had
filed the complaint said, “According to the government regulations,
maximum fees for PTA can be
Rs.5. But this school was charging
more than Rs.150. The complaint
was registered with the school ed-
SAFE AT LAST: The owl was keen
to make a getaway moments after
Robin Shukla and Sudhir saved it
from the attacking crows.
48 Hours Pg13-20
: 71%
St. Mary’s School, Mazagaon, where the SSC section has been derecognised.
Vishwanath Salian | ADC
ucation department and the then
South Mumbai Education Inspector Suman Shinde conducted enquiry on the school. Following the
enquiry several other ill-doings of
the school were exposed gradually.”
“It was due to the enquiry and all
the RTIs (Right To Information)
that I filed, that it was revealed that
the SSC section building, ground
plus four, does not have toilets or
drinking water facility on any floor.
Later, the school was found charging huge capitation fees, the collection of which amounted to more
than Rs 1.45 crore. The case was
then sent to Economic Offences
Wing (EOW), which did not call it a
criminal offence. After the letter
from EOW, the education department started the hearings into the
matter, however none of the school
representatives were ever present,”
Continued on pg 6 «
No takers for Barn Owls
NGOs hesitate over coming to the aid of rescued bird
By Adnan Attarwala
t was only after the Deputy News Editor of
the ADC, Robin Shukla, rescued a Barn Owl
on Thursday near his residence in IC Colony
at Borivli did he realize how hostile and inhospitable the milieu is for their population,
which has already been facing major threats
and is advancing toward gradual decimation.
Threat no.1- Crows
The Owl was rescued by Shukla after it saw it
being attacked by around 9-10 crows that
were ferociously pecking at the bird, trying to
kill it. “It was very scared and submissive so I
brought it home as the crows would have
killed it,” Shukla stated. The bird was fed with
small pieces of fish, minced meat and water.
“Thankfully, it wasn’t injured, but out of
panic it began turning violent,” said Shukla.
Threat no.2- Unresponsive bird
But more harrowing moments began when
the ADC’s office called up dozens of prominent bird rescuers and related that an owl
needed immediate help. The response the office received was not satisfactory though.
Most of the rescuers said that since they were
Continued on pg 6 «
That alien feeling
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
Animal lovers disappointed that exotic creatures won’t make it to Mumbai zoo
NOT FEASIBLE... The CZA has rejected Mumbai zoo’s revamp plan.
APPALLING UPKEEP... Will the exotic animals survive in such filthy conditions?
Natasha D’Souza
Maybe our zoo should take a
tip or two from the London zoo
or the Central Park zoo and
hire a professional outfit to
take care of the exotic animals
if they have such plans.
Adnan Fatehi
The zoo could be a better place
if they replicate the Singaporean model. There is no
harm in bringing exotic animals, which can be a wonderful spectacle.
Moiz Juzer
One can only find dogs in
Mumbai. Having exotic animals in zoo is something every
Mumbaikar will cherish. Even
in foreign countries the zoos
keep animals from across the
world, so can we.
Moiz Juzer
The costs should not be borne
exclusively by our state. 26/11 was
on attack on the country, not on one
By Adnan Attarwala
he Central Zoo Authority’s
(CZA) rejection of redevelopment of the Mumbai zoo and
bringing of new exotic pets has disappointed citizens especially the
younger lot, who say the arrival of
new animals would have been an
endearing sight to behold. The CZA
rejected the Rs.480-crore proposal
of the redevelopment stating it was
‘impractical’. The zoo authorities,
as part of their revamp, had earlier
resolved to bring polar bears, giraffes, penguins, chimpanzee, lowland gorilla, cheetah, zebras, wild
dogs, mouse deer, slough bears,
orangutans, pangolin jungle cats,
red ruffed lemur among other exotic animals from across the world.
“One can only find dogs in Mumbai. Having exotic animals in the
zoo is something every Mumbaikar
will cherish. Even in foreign countries the zoos keep animals from
across the world so can we,” comments Moiz Juzer, a student.
“There’s a dire need to redevelop
the zoo and bring in more pets provided they are taken good care of.
The zoo could be the best place for
students, who would want to pursue courses in wildlife,” states Swati
Kalra, a KG school teacher.
On the other hand, the CZA’s decision has been appreciated by the
wildlife experts and animal activists, who have been strongly
voicing their opinions against the
current grim condition of the animals at the zoo. They claim that the
BMC, by bringing in such animals,
would only be attracting visitors to
earn more money.
“Instead of bringing exotic animals they should close the zoo
down and have the existing animals move out. The zoo’s manufactured habitats already preclude
many of the natural behaviours of
its existing inmates including flying
or swimming long distances, hunting, roaming, and foraging for food.
The land should be, instead, preserved as a botanical park for wild
birds and other free wildlife,” asserted, Poorva Joshipura, Chief
Functionary, PETA India.
Due to its deplorable and filthy
conditions there have been incidents of several animals including
kangaroos, ostriches and crocodiles dying in the zoo due to illnesses. About two years ago,
Zoocheck Canada, an international
organisation which recommends
changes in zoos around the world
had described the Mumbai zoo as
a ‘relic’ of an insensitive past and
pointed out that the animals were
traumatised due to negligence by
the authorities.
‘IT’S A RELIC’.... That’s what an international organisation has termed the city zoo.
“They should first provide necessary infrastructure for the existing
animals to multiply and then think
of bringing exotic animals. There
are no medical facilities and operational theatres at the zoo,” pointed
out Dr. Deepa Katyal, a vet.
At present, the zoo has 18 species
and 166 animals with 37 species of
birds and seven species of reptiles.
According to wildlife expert Dr.
Anish Andheria, the penguins and
polar bears will need to be kept in
subzero temperatures, which would
be very difficult. “In the present scenario, all animals are living in appalling conditions. Even the water is
not fit for drinking as it is highly
contaminated. Do they think, the
exotic animals will survive in such
conditions?” questioned Andheria.
Headley’s effigy was not readily
available... so we arranged one of
Kasab’s and named it ‘Headley’!
Would handing of Kasab’s security to state police from ITBP bring costs down?
Natasha D’Souza
Sports Journalist
Why are we spending so much on
Kasab’s security? Didn’t he kill
innocent civilians? He deserves no
Mansoor Darvesh
It’s not going to make any
difference. Whatever the cost, it’ll
have to be paid.
Murtaza Kapadia
Since the police can’t get any
more details from him why is he
still alive? Shouldn’t he be treated
as a normal criminal?
Tasneem Muffy
Fashion designer
It seems there are no more
threats to Kasab’s life. Posting
the ITBP was not at all economically
Readers wishing to participate in ‘Opinions’ may send us their name, day-time telephone number with a passport-size photograph to [email protected] Your Subject line must be: opinion
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
many song
writers in
Hindi film
industry, who
went on to use this
word as well as
other denominations
in many popular film
Who can forget the
wonderful pairing of Kishore
Kumar and Madhubala in the
film Chalti Ka Naam Gaadi
demanding Paanch rupaiya baara
Aane Chaar Aane from the movie
Lage Raho Munna Bhai
Or when Akshay kumar demands his
Bara anna from Shilpa Shetty in the movie
Insaf, yelling Barana de…Barana de, though
his yelling tended to drive you mad!
Over the years, the 25 paise contributed in more than one
way to the language of the masses, especially in Hindi.
Here are some popular usages and their meanings –
‘Pavali kam’ - which means a dimwitted person.
‘Chavanni chhaap’- Which means a person of low
social standing and character.
Char anne ki murgi, bara ane ka masala
– which means much ado
about nothing.
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1 d m l an erie wa d th s to m,
I went to all the shops in the area clutching a
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a litic nna r tra pla r fo sys .
‘chavvanni’ in my palm and had to come back with
ou tee coi al
aid th, gal
po The A ’s po af re in ou imal well ring m less s pee gradu
re s cefor as le ally,
nothing, because at every shop I went to, I heard these
d ns sid tai e
Ki n s shi
sag . He pte den
words, ‘Abhi chavanni nahi chalta hai, Madam’.
the A cor zed a to the e coi , con 0s. S he on led to
in u ation n acce , inci
Though I could not buy anything with my char anna today, it
bo he pa tim e 1 nd Rs
tic om ati hi
certainly had its value in the decades gone by.
sym switc three iod of in th 88 a , and
ras r den nomin coin, w
w a a p inu in
1940’s: For 88-year-old P. Ramasubramanian, the news
ow de ise en
,R .
two Over cont ced f Re 1 990s es an s of l west 0 pa US c
evoked nostalgia. “We used to call it ‘char anna’ or ‘four annas’.
is odu s o e 1 pric coin e lo he 5 one
In the 1940s, you could run your household for a day with two of
we re int ng no ns in meta ng the 011, ill be roun
these,” he said.
we nagi natio se in tinui y 1, 2 der w uals a
1960’s: “During our school days, we used to get 25 paise as pocket
ma nomi the ri iscon Jul ten eq
money. Now it has no value. Things have changed so much,” said 62de Now for d
year-old Nikhil Bagga.
1980’s: For 25-year-old Sagar Joshi, a 25 paise coin meant two phantom
Millions of coins are expected to be returned to the banks as these will not hold
cigarettes or one Pepsi cola or two orange lozenges. “We could even rent a
any value except as collector’s items.
bicycle for half an hour with 25 paise,” said Joshi.
There were 54,738 million small coins in circulation at the end of March 2010.
These small coins add up to a whopping Rs 1,455 crore (Rs 14.55 billion).
The Reserve Bank of India said the coins can be exchanged till June 29 at 41
Wondering what to do with your little pouch of 25 paise and smaller denomination
banks across the country.
coins collected over the years? Exchange them at a neighborhood bank before June
The coins returned from circulation will be deposited at the offices of the Reserve
29 or keep them as collectors’ item to get good returns at a later date. “A 25 paise coin
Bank of India.
has no immediate numismatic value, as people in the smaller cities and towns are
The coins withdrawn will be sent to the mints for melting.
holding on to the large quantities of the coins,” says Girish Veera, owner of Oswal
With this, 25 paise coins will join the family of 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 and 20 paise coins,
Antiques, an auctioneer of coins and antique items. “A few thematic (theme based) coins
phased out earlier.
may have some value for collectors, but that is certainly many years from now,” he added.
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Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
Post attack on Kaskar, small-scale business on Pakmodia St takes a big hit
Sushil Kadam | ADC
ness for three days. People
who had my number actually called me up and refilled
their mobiles on the phone
itself. No one wanted to
come near Pakmodia Street
and its surroundings.”
Latest development
DESOLATION ALLEY: A bird’s eye view of a deserted Pakmodia Street after the shooting incident.
By Santoshee Mishra
he recent attack on
Iqbal Kaskar at Pakmodia Street has affected small-scale business
in the area in a huge way. A
number of tradesmen have
admitted to suffering massive losses.
Shopkeeper Jawed Habib
(name changed on request),
who deals in old and new
iron materials, informed us,
“The business is almost zero.
While the new customers are
not at all approaching the
shop, even the old ones are
not coming down to order
Breaking away from
tradition, civic chief and
standing committee
chairman went on
inspection drives
fresh articles. The day after
the attack on Kaskar, I
opened my shop, as I do usually. But, there was not a single customer. I then called
up my old clients as they
were supposed to come and
place the order. However,
they refused to turn up stat-
ing that things were extremely tense in Nagpada.
Sadly, even now, there has
been no improvement in the
Nagpada is mostly inhabited by Muslims. It is a very
crowded place and has many
industries as well along with
residential areas. There are
many godowns too. A cloth
merchant, Shakil Shaikh
(name changed) added, “The
shops have been opening
and closing at regular timings, but the business has
definitely been affected on a
large scale. Residents of the
neighbouring area also visit
only late in the evening.
Hardly anyone comes in the
A small mobile refill shopkeeper echoed similar sentiments. “After the attack,
there was close to no busi-
Sushil Kadam | ADC
Civic chief Subodh Kumar inspecting the ‘clean up’ drive on Thursday.
western suburbs from Bandra to Dahisar.
Every year, before the
monsoons, public representatives including the Mayor,
the Standing Committee
Chairman and other elected
officials inspect nullah desilting work. Normally, administrative
including Municipal Commissioner to Assistant Commissioner accompany public
representatives or invite
them for their ongoing visits
of the clean up work. During
their tenures, former Municipal Commissioner Dr. J.M.
Phatak and Swadhin Kshatriya accompanied with their
respective Mayors and other
public officials.
However, this time, things
went differently with the Municipal Commissioner going
solo without any public representative at his side. This
action clearly shows the split
between the administration
and the public representatives. It had been reported
earlier that Kumar was delib-
Blatant violation of labour
laws at premier institute
Sir J.J. School of Art’s campus canteen
has mostly minors working in it
By Gajanan Khergamker
chool should begin
within days for thousands of children in the
city, but for the minors
working at Sir J.J. School of
Art’s campus canteen, it
will be about cleaning
dishes and serving the regular misal pav. In what appears to be a flagrant
violation of labour laws,
city-based shop and establishment regulations
even the very Constitution
of the land, the premier
institute’s canteen has
mostly minors working in
it. And, all the canteen
manager had to say when
questioned was, “Maj-
round the clock in utter
disregard of the law, which
clearly prohibits children
from working in such conditions. Attempts to contact the administration
office failed as ‘vacations
were on.’
“Permitting the canteen
management to have a
free hand is like asking for
trouble,” says graphic designer and canteen regular
Mini Lasane who feels,
“the institute should
maintain regular checks
on such illegalities, especially when it comes to
children whose interests
need to be safeguarded
the most.”
It may be recalled that,
The shootout
The attack on Kaskar happened on May 17 at around
9.15 pm near a well-known
restaurant in bustling Nagpada, when Kaskar came out
of his Pakmodia Street residence for an after-dinner
walk with his driver-cumbodyguard Arif Bael alias
Abu Bakar. While Kaskar escaped unhurt, Bakar was
killed in the attack.
[email protected]
By Vishnudas Sheshrao
he split between the Brihanmumbai Municipal
Corporation (BMC) administration and public representatives became more visible
on Thursday as administration was discourteous in its
invitation to the public representatives for inspection of
on going clean up work of
nullahs in the city.
The Municipal Commissioner Subodh Kumar visited
various nullahs in the city;
meanwhile, Standing Committee Chairman Rahul Shewale also visited nullah
cleaning sites around town.
However, both carried out
visits independently in different parts. Kumar visited
Tardeo RTO, Haji Ali Pumping station, Lovegrove Nullah, Mahim creek, J.K.
Chemical Nullah and Hindmata Junction whereas Shewale visited nullahs in the
Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS)
Chief Rakesh Maria’s two
units arrested four people in
connection with the attack.
Adnan Idayat Sayad, Ahmad
Munshi, Sajid Kayyum
Shaikh and Sajid Sarvar
Khan were all nabbed on
Tuesday at around 4.30 pm
and were handed over to the
crime branch late in the
evening. Sayad is the cousin
of Umaid Rehman, the mastermind behind the attack.
On Wednesday, the crime
branch, released all the accused except Sayad as they
did not find any involvement
of the trio in the attack.
erately deployed to the BMC
to place a check on the ruling
Sena and BJP alliance as general civic elections are approaching. All councillors,
including notable Congress
members also complained
that the high-handedness of
the Municipal Commissioner
has nixed the public representatives’ confidence in his
expressed satisfaction over the
progress of nullah cleaning
work in the city. After the
visit he said, “Nullah cleaning work is going as scheduled and will finish by May
31. After the clean up the
drainage system of the city
will operate smoothly. We
believe that this cleansing
will allow the city to experience normalcy in the event
of an untoward situation.”
At a few places illegal
shanties had encroached
over the nullahs, hindering
the cleanup procedure.
Kumar had directed the relocation of such structures.
[email protected]
The under-aged kids at work inside the JJ School of Art’s canteen.
boori hai kya karega?”
“Aadmi milte nahin
hai,” said Sakaram Kolapat, till this correspondent
pointed out that it was
against the law. And
within moments, he
shoved the minors into
the kitchen and out of
public view, and then
rushed off to ‘serve’ the
customers himself, but
only after photographs
had been shot of the children in the canteen.
Rajesh, Bikau and a
couple others, all minors
from Nepal and UP, live ‘in
the canteen itself,’- as Kolapat offered – and slog
in 2008, the state government had assured the
High Court that it would
curb the evil of child
labour within the next
three years, and would
eliminate the menace by
2010. The court had taken
‘suo-motu’ action against
the evil of child labour
after the death of a child
working in an embroidery
unit of a factory in Mumbai, in 2005.
The state has a long way
to go before we’re free of
child labour, a scourge
that continues to thrive
unabated even in SoBo’s
most premier institutes.
Suruchi Caterers, where child labour exists.
NGO writes to CM over
Golibar controversy
By Shwetha Kannan
upport for residents of
Golibar Nagar seems to
be increasing with each
passing day. While Medha
Patkar is on a hunger strike
to protest the redevelopment of the area in Khar
(east), the people there are
garnering support from
NGOs too. Jaideep Dharadhar, a member of Janhit
Manch, an NGO that works
in the sphere of social issues,
wrote a letter to the chief
minister on Thursday, expressing concern about the
situation. “I am just a
medium to put across what
the residents of Golibar
Nagar are going through,”
explained Dharadhar.
Speaking about what is
bothering the residents of
the area, Devan Nair, a resident of Ganesh Krupa Soci-
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
The CM is now being requested to mediate in the matter.
ety, said, “First of all, the
builder did not obtain the required consent for redevel-
Continued from pg 1 «
alleged Kute Patil.
The school authorities, in a statement from principal Fr. Baptist
Pinto, has said, “The harassment
unleashed is with a preconceived
and pre-calculated motive. The SSC
Section is aided by the State. However, since the academic year 2004,
not single ‘naya paise’ has been released by the Education Department towards non-salary grants.
Entire non-salary expenditure has
been borne by the management
through its own resources.”
According to the information
provided by the school authorities,
Fr. Baptist, a Jesuit priest and former Principal of St. Xavier’s School,
Mumbai (for ten years) was transferred by the Society of Jesus to St.
Mary’s High School (SSC). The Education Department refused to
grant approval and has kept it
pending till today. The Education
Department nominated the senior
opment and around 70 signatures of occupants were
forged to prove the neces-
sary majority. Secondly, the
proposed transit camp is not
suitable for living. Also, the
builder has a criminal background and is surrounded by
controversies so we have all
the rights to question his credentials,”
Nair added, “The builder
has no credible rehabilitated
housing to offer for permanent resettlement. The proposed building is built
illegally, in violation of SRA
regulations and on contested land, belonging to the
Indian Air Force. Now, the
people who are living on the
disputed land are being told
that this is their home. But,
on paper it is being shown as
a transit camp.”
Nair stated that they are
not against redevelopment,
but opined, “If the builder is
using the High Court’s order
for demolishing and redevel-
most teacher as Acting Principal.
This was deliberately done with a
motive to destablise the school.
Fr. Baptist continued, “The Education Department, without notice
to the School, lodged a complaint
with the Economic Offence Wing of
the Mumbai Police alleging that the
School had illegally collected huge
amounts and misappropriated it.
The Economic Offences Wing, after
detailed investigations, has concluded that the complaint is false
and has closed the case. The Dy. Director of Education, however, on
the very same charge with some
other frivolous and flimsy grounds
and without considering a detailed
explanation supported by documentary evidence, has by an exparte order dated May 24, 2011,
de-recognised St. Mary’s High
Western Region Bench, Mumbai
In the matter of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) ,Section 17(2)
its registered office at ‘Adwait’, Bunglow No. 4, State Bank Colony
No. 2, Near Gajanan Maharaj Math, Sahakar Nagar No. 2 Pune,
Maharashtra 411009, Petitioner
Notice is hereby given to the General Public that the Company proposes to make a petition to the Company Law Board, Westrn Region
Bench, Mumbai under section 17 of the Companies Act, 1956 seeking
confirmation of alteration of the Memorandum of Association of the
Company in terms of the special resolution passed at the Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 28-04-2011 to enable the company to
change its Registered office from “PUNE” to “MUMBAI”.
Any person whose interest is likely to be affected by the proposed
change of the registered office of the Company may deliver or cause
to be delivered or send by Registered post of his/her objections supported by an affidavit stating the nature of his/her interest and grounds
of opposition to the Bench Officer, the Company Law Board, Western
Region Bench, 2nd Floor Ntc House 15, N.M. Marg, Ballard Estate,
Mumbai-400038 within twenty one days from the date of publication of
this notice with a copy to the petition company at its registered office
at the address metnioned below:
‘Adwait’, Bunglow No. 4, State Bank Colony No. 2, Near Gajanan
Maharaj Math, Sahakar Nagar No. 2 Pune, Maharashtra 411009.
For and on Behalf of the Petitioner
For Sowerable Jewellery India Ltd.
Date: 24-05-2011
Place: Pune
School (SSC). The Order has been
deliberately passed close to reopening to jeopardize a recognized, private and minority
educational institution of repute.”
The management has appealed to
the parents and students in particular not to be perturbed and extend
their support to the management at
this critical juncture.
When contacted, the School Education Minister, Rajendra Darda
said, “There were a number of
complaints against the school. The
inquiry was ordered and after the
probe the Director of Education
took the decision to derecognise
the school.
As for the children, according to
the Right to Education Act, no
school can deny admission to any
student within the vicinity on any
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
What the residents want
Unofficial demolitions to be stopped
Redevelopment via fraudulent means to end
Clause 3K of the Maharashtra Slum Area Act that gives
the builder the right to demolish and redevelop without
consent be scrapped, because the residents feel that the
emphasis is purely on the word ‘demolish’ and people
are never ‘rehabilitated’
NGO’s views
Janhit Manch, in its letter, urges the chief minister
Halt the demolitions and evictions in Khar (east) until
all pending legal actions are resolved
Ensure transparency in all slum redevelopment
processes by seeing that all relevant documents are publicly available on a government-sponsored website
Restructure the Mumbai Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) to ensure that it plays an active and constructive role in redevelopment
Patkar health update
On the sixth day of her hunger strike, Medha Patkar’s
health worsened further. People close to her said, “She
has been suffering from dysentery and vomiting for the
past two days. She is very weak and is not able to walk.
The hunger strike is having its effect on her body, but her
morale is strong and that is what has kept her going.”
opment, which we respect,
then why not give us proper
alternate and permanent accommodation as per the
court orders? The order
clearly talks about providing
a transit accommodation
based in different locations in the city,
Borivli did not come under their area
of operation. Some of them were even
reluctant to dole out numbers of other
IN GOOD HANDS: A BSPCA volunteer takes
custody of the bird.
[email protected]
Some of the charges levelled against St. Mary’s School, SSC...
1) Lacks infrastructure –benches not in proper condition and no toilets
in any of the buildings for students as well as for teachers.
2) Monetary misappropriation namely: Collection of capitation fees,
accepting donations for KG class admissions, raising teachers
benefit funds by accepting money from students and their parents.
Total misappropriation is Rs. 1, 45, 70, 881. (The EOW has ruled
there is no criminal misappropriation, according to the school)
3) Improper supervision and planning of educational activity.
4) Illegal transfers and promotions and appointment of teachers.
Allegations over issues of approval regarding transfer of principals
and teachers.
5) Inadequate drinking water facilities.
6) Allegations of manipulation of results in semester exams in 2008-09
by illegally raising marks of students.
7) Crisis of credibility stemming from inefficiency of the school
ground. In this case, it’s the government’s responsibility to ensure the
admission for each and every student of that school. No student will
suffer due to this order and all of
No takers for Barn Owls
Continued from pg 1 «
within 300 metres and a permanent
within 500 metres and giving
proper agreements. We just
want all the orders to be followed.”
rescuers ‘based’ in Borivli, while one
rescuer from a very famous organization said they specialized in rescuing
only dogs and cats and hence had no
knowledge of rescuing owls. Another
rescuer simply said that the owl should
be randomly released in the Sanjay
Gandhi National Park (SGNP) as it was
wild specie. But the fact is the Barn
Owls are city birds and they live very
much among us. Despite requests, not
a single rescuer turned up to take
charge of the bird, and ensure proper
care before release in a safe area.
Threat no.3- Tribals at
the SGNP
When Shukla went to SGNP to release
the bird in the late evening, the tribals
them will be accommodated in
other schools in the area. The
school can appeal to the government against the order of the director,” he added further..
living in the park who were hanging
around at the gate urged him to hand
over the bird to them as they would
take ‘good care’ of it. “But a local
known to me told me not to do so. He
warned that the tribals would make a
meal out of it since there is belief of its
meat being an aphrodisiac. Not taking
any chances I took it back to my residence,” stated Shukla.
The bird finally had to be brought to
the ADC office and was later admitted
in the Bombay Society for Prevention
of Cruelty to Animals hospital at Lower
Parel, where it is said to be in a stable
The bird has got its name because of
its adaptability to living close to
human settlements, and currently
number less than 1,000 in the city.
They perform a very important task of
keeping the rat population in the city
under control. The population of the
birds has been facing threats due to superstitions, concretization and destruction of habitat.
Cop held for extortion
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
Over a year and a half after committing the crime, crooked constable was finally arrested on Thursday
By Asadullah Hanfi
n Thursday, more
than one and half
years after committing the crime, a police constable attached to Mumbra
police station finally landed
behind bars. The cop has
been charged with extortion
of Rs.5 lakh from a Kausa resident under the pretext of investigating into a murder
According to the police
complaint an incident of
murder and robbery had
taken place in Kausa’s Gulab
Park area on July 9, 2009.
stabbed Tayyeba Abdul
Rashid Khan (55) to death
and then bolted with her
valuables. The
stayed along with her foster
son Toni. The unmarried victim was a money lender and
had kept several gold ornaments in her house as mortgage surety for advance
loans to her customers.
According to an officer,
who wishes to be anonymous, “The Mumbra police
began investigating the case
but could not find any clues
to the culprits. The cops also
interrogated Mohammed
Shhakeel Khan (49), the
brother of the deceased who
stayed at Tanwar Nagar. The
police finally found that one
Amjad Shaikh was involved
in the crime. But Shaikh was
Police said that the accused Shekhar Sawant, a
constable from Mumbra police station approached
Khan claiming to be a subordinate of the then senior police inspector Arun Tukaram
Sonde in late 2009. He told
Khan that the accused was
identified and Arun Sonde
wanted to nab him in the act
of stealing.
He made Khan give him
around 25 tolas of gold
ornaments worth over Rs.5
lakh to lay a trap. “Notably
Sawant did not allow
Khan to meet senior inspector Sonde whenever he
made an effort to do so. He
was also upset with the fact
that the police had arrested
the accused but did not
show his 25 tola gold ornaments that Sawant had allegedly recovered,” the
officer said.
During this time, Sonde
was transferred to Kalva
Karkud took his place in
as the new senior police
inspector. By this point in
the story Khan stopped
going to the police station
but kept calling Sawant up to
enquire about the case’s
progress. He was given misleading replies about the recovery
The cheating was finally
established on February 16,
HSC results today
By Pallavi Smart
n Friday, the results
will finally be out, putting an end to the anxiety
of students who appeared
for the Higher Secondary
Certificate (HSC) examination conducted in February and March 2011. The
result will be declared on
the board’s website at 1
p.m. However mark-sheets
will not be distributed to
students until June 6.
Around 13 lakh students
from across Maharashtra
appeared for the examination. All the candidates
saw their full subject wise
result on the board’s website (see box). Students can
take a printout of the mark
sheet. Students can also
get their results on mobile
phone following a message
(see box).
Distribution of the mark
sheets will take place on
Jun 6, at 3 p.m. in the respective junior colleges of
the students. If students
want to apply for reevaluation,
should apply to the board
with requisite charges
before 16 June. It is important to give a photocopy of
the original mark sheet
with the application.
Failed students, who wish
to appear for October reexamination, should submit
their applications to concerned Junior Colleges before June 16.
Websites for result:
Students can message
MHHSC space ‘seat number’ to 57766 to get their
results via phone.
Students can also send
MHSC space ‘seat number’
to 08800654242.
[email protected]
this year, when Sonde was
posted at Tanwar Nagar
junction on bandobast
duty for an Eid-E-Milad
procession. Khan happened
to meet him and sought
to know about the gold
obtained through his consta-
ble Sawant.
Sonde denied possessing
any such ornaments.
The 49-year-old victim
then approached Mumbra
police station to register an
offence of extortion, cheating and misappropriation of
his valuables against Sawant.
The police finally registered
the case on May 25. Sawant
was arrested and produced
before the Thane court on
Thursday. The court granted
police custody to the accused.
Mantralaya’s letter of intent
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
Calls for meeting with representatives of MARD, students’ council and DMER
By Shwetha Kannan
Mantralaya is finally waking up to the issues faced
by students of the eighteen
medical colleges across Maharashtra. Every medical
college in the state received
a letter from Mantralaya on
Thursday, asking the presidents and general secretaries
of Maharashtra Association
of Resident Doctors (MARD),
the deans and one represen-
tative from the students’
council from each college to
be present at the Directorate
of Medical Education and
Research (DMER) office on
Monday, May 30 at 11 am.
Confirmed Dr. Dhaval
Shah, an intern from Rajiv
Gandhi Medical College,
“Yes, we have received the
letter. We have heard that Vijaykumar Gavit (State Medical Education Minister) has
been on a tour of all the
medical colleges in the state
and, after visiting a few, he
has called for this meeting,
which will be an open forum
for students to discuss their
issues. Now, we think this
will do some good for us. We
can also take up the demands that we interns had
and for which the hunger
strike happened.”
Dr. Pankaj Nalawade, President, central MARD, who
will be attending the meeting on Monday, hopes that
something good will come
out of it. “There will be discussions on several issues
faced by the resident doctors. We will talk about hostel facilities, infrastructure,
security and all the other issues. Even the undergraduate students would be
represented and their problems would be talked about,”
said Dr. Nalawade. Apart
from Gavit, the meeting will
be attended by Dr. P. Shingare, Director of DMER and
Milind Mhaiskar, Medical
Education Secretary. “This is
a routine meeting to discuss
the issues faced by the doctors in the medical colleges
and about the facilities,”
stated Dr. Shingare. When
asked about the inclusion of
the demands of the interns
in the discussions, Dr. Shingare replied, “This is only
about the resident doctors
and the undergraduate students and not the interns.”
[email protected]
Environmental exhibition at CST,
Churchgate next week
By A Staff Reporter
ext week, don’t be surprised if you find young
volunteers at CST or Churchgate station educating you
on the deterioration of environment in the city. These
volunteers and experts will
be the part of the Bombay
Natural History Society’s
(BNHS) three-day exhibition, which will be held at
the stations from June 2 to
June 4 between 9.00 am and
8.00 pm as part of the World
Environmental Day (WED)
This year, India has been
chosen as the global host for
WED with the theme being
‘Forests: Nature at Your Service’. Based on this theme,
BNHS in collaboration with
the Ministry of Environment
and Forests (MoEF), Government of India and United
Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) would be
organising exhibitions at the
railway terminals, along with
a seminar on trees and a
book launch. “By conducting
the exhibition, we aim to
sensitise Mumbaikars about
the deterioration of Mumbai's environment. We want
to create an effective platform to bring people closer
to nature and promote conservation,” explained Atul
Sathe, PRO, BNHS.
The exhibition will include
themes such as urban biodiversity, air, water and noise
pollution, green zones of
Mumbai, extinct wildlife of
Mumbai, citizens’ initiatives,
death of Mumbai's seashore,
mangroves and magic of 3Rs
(reduce, reuse and recycle).
“We will dedicate a special
section to issues such as littering and spitting in the
railway compartments and
on the tracks. Visitors can
pledge online at the venue
for changing their lifestyles
for a greener future,” stated
Oxford Bookstore and Spiritual Science Research Foundation: Workshop on ‘Effects of Spiritual
Dimensions on Human Life’ –by Mrs
Varsha Thakar, renowned spiritual
conductor, Apeejay House, 3 Dinshaw
Vachha Raod, Churchgate, 6.30 p.m.
Renaissance Artists & Writers Association: Occasion of 90th birth anniversary of Shrii Shrii Anandamurtijii aka
Shri Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar. Cultural
evening based on Prabhat Samgiita
composed and set to tunes. Singers:
Ravindra Sathe, Smt Soma Ghosh,
Rama Watumull Auditorium, K.C.
College, Churchgate, 7 p.m.
D. D. Neroy Gallery: Illuminations by
Ghayathri Desai, 534, Sandhurst
Bridge, Bombay Mutual Terrace, 2nd
flr, Above Karma Restaurant, Chowpatty till May 28, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Nehru Centre AC Gallery: Exhibition
of paintings by Sushanta Dutta, Subrata Pal, Milendu Mondal, Prabhat
Sen and Wood cuts by Dilip Kumar
Sasmal, Nehru Centre, Worli, till May
30, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Nehru Centre Circular Gallery: Exhibition of paintings by Shreeram
Karandikar, Nehru Centre, Worli, till
May 30, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Pradarshak: ‘Tranquil Illuminations'
- Solo Exhibition of abstract landscapes in acrylic and oil on canvas by
Madhulika Johri, 100 Kalpana Bldg,
Khar, till June 4, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Artists Centre: ‘Crossroads’ exhibition
of paintings by Pallavi Barooh, till
June 5, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Science train’s Mumbai
stopover continues
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
By Priyal Dave
n a city, where finding empty
roads is a rarity, there are
Mumbaikars who still prefer to
cycle in order to reduce their carbon footprint.
This was inferred yesterday
from the voting pattern observed
in one of the interactive systems
Express, positioned at platform
number 12 at CST. On the first
day of the exhibition, on
stated their preference for going
green via the ‘What can I do’ voting
While 169 visitors voted for using
natural light and ventilation, 80 visitors voted for walking and cycling
whenever possible and 78 voted for
switching off lights and fans. While
89 visitors voted for using less plas-
Kids jump to the opportunity to register their vote on how to create sustainable environment for everyone.
Pic: Priyal Dave
Mumbai youth participated in ‘go green’ voting on science train at CST
tic, until afternoon no one voted for
using cloth bags for shopping. Writing on both sides of the paper received no support either. Planting
at least one tree incurred a moderate response.
Surprisingly, in Mumbai where
emphasis is placed on using
public transport, only seven votes
registered in its favour on the Science Express.
While an insight into the
cumulative response on how Mumbai chooses to reduce its carbon
footprint can be ascertained only
after the end of the exhibition, the
first day itself was surprising and
Close to 200 people were
registered to have visited the
exhibition till yesterday afternoon.
A majority of the visitors consisted
of primary and secondary
standard students accompanied by
parents, who were observed to be
riveted by some of the other interactive systems like the ones which
determine your age and weight on
different planets.
Apart from the entertainment
quotient, the exhibition also consists of around 300 large format visual images and 150 video clips
ranging from a host of topics
from the Big Bang theory to Nano
Cosmos, the Universe and
several others.
The 16 coach fully air-conditioned exhibition train is parked
at platform number 12 at CST till
May 29. It is open for public viewing between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Entry is free.
[email protected]
Uncovered drain 24/7 water supply finally being
claims one more arranged for Mira-Bhayandar
Preliminary reports suggest that youth died
after falling into an open nullah
By A Correspondent
n yet another incident of accidental death caused by an
open drain cover, a youth lost his
life after falling inside a drain
near Milan Subway.
According to the Santacruz police, the detection of a decomposed body of a young as yet
unidentified man was reported
in the wee hours of Thursday
“We received a call from the
control room that a passerby had
spotted a body floating inside
the Milan Subway nullah,” informed Madhukar Chaudhari,
Senior Police Inspector, Santacruz.
Upon arrival, the police fished
the body out and sent it to coroner for autopsy at the Cooper
Hospital. Preliminary investigations carried out by Chaudhari
and his team detailed that, the
youth might have slued into the
nullah which was left exposed.
Sources within the police also
suggested that the youth could
have been drunk at the time he
fell down.
“The drain is high for an intoxicated person to be able to climb
out of. He might have passed out
and drowned to death,” suggested an investigating officer.
When the police questioned
the locals about the identity of
the deceased, the police got
more than what they bargained
for. Locals began complaining
and blaming the MMRDA for the
“The subway is under construction. Several drain hatches
have been left open by the civic
body for repairs, but none are
being covered after the completion of work. They are blind
death spots in the night which
can easily engulf an oblivious
passerby,” alleged Maksud
Sheikh Rafi, store owner, Milan
MMRDA officials working at
the site abnegated from responding to the allegations
made by the locals.
Police are now trying to ascertain the identity of the deceased,
while awaiting autopsy reports
to confirm the accidental death
MBMC enters public-private partnership to fulfil burgeoning drinking water demand
By Suresh Golani
n a bid to sustain uninterrupted
water supply to Mira-Bhayandar
residents, Mira-Bhayandar Municipal Corporation (MBMC) has decided to implement a mega water
supply project intended to draw
200 million litres per day (MLD) of
water from the Surya Dam near Palghar. The Rs.1,300 crore project,
contracted under Public-Private
partnership (PPP), was cleared by
the standing committee on Thursday.
Recently, the MBMC invited expression of interest (EOI) for this
project. Upon completion of the
tendering process, Ramky Konark
Infrastructure emerged as the successful bidder. The selected bidder
will be required to finance the capital expenditure for laying water
supply lines along the 60 km
stretch, from Surya Dam to the
twin-city, maintain and provide
proper backup for refurbishing of
the existing internal water supply
It is understood that the civic
body has granted exclusive operating rights of the water supply
services to the company, including
collection of water charges on
behalf of the civic body. Even
though the company will collect the
bills, the rights to issue connections
Steven Mendonca,
chairman, Standing
Shivmurthi Naik,
civic chief,
will still be retained by the MBMC,
which expects grant-in aids from
the central and state governments.
However, the dream of a 24/7
water supply, expected to be up and
running by 2014, will have a special
price tag. Against the present rate of
Rs.7 per 1,000 litres, the rates are
likely to shoot up to Rs.18 per 1,000
litres, for domestic users.
“Initially we were exploring the
possibility of funding the project
under the JNNURM scheme, however, the central ministry’s refusal,
left us with no other option but to
accomplish the project under PPP,”
said Municipal Commissioner,
Shivmurthi Naik.
Compared to the total water requirement of around 150 MLD per
day, civic authorities manage to
supply only about 111 MLD. “With
“Unlike other civic bodies the
MBMC had no self-sustained
water supply. So it was the
need of the hour to make
necessary arrangements for
chalking out a feasible plan
to augment water supply,”
says Steven Mendonca
the burgeoning population in MiraBhayandar, which has already
crossed the 8 lakh mark, the demand for water will only increase in
coming years. We will probably
need somewhere in the vicinity of
428 MLD water in 2041,” says city
engineer, Shivaji Barkund.
Sensing the gravity of the situation local legislator Gilbert Mendonca convinced the State
Irrigation Ministry and the MMRDA
to reserve 100 MLD quota to be
lifted by MBMC from Surya Dam.
“Unlike other civic bodies the
MBMC had no self-sustained water
supply. So it was the need of the
hour to make necessary arrangements for chalking out a feasible
plan to augment water supply,” said
standing committee chairman,
Steven Mendonca.
Bharadwaj, unabashedly
partisan, must go
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Ponder awhile…
Pressure turns coal into diamond.
– Gary Barnett
Chaos on I
city’s roads
N no time at all, it is likely Mumbai will be faced with a huge traffic problem. If no timely action is
taken, there is likely to be chaos on
the city’s roads. Most of the narrow
roads and lanes in the city and suburbs which have been constructed
decades ago cannot take on the increasing traffic.
It is estimated that there are as
many as 19 lakh vehicles in Mumbai. Existing roads have to be
widened but this cannot be done
because there are shops right on
the sides of the road. There are religious structures on many narrow
roads in the suburbs. A hue and cry
is raised if an effort is made to pull
them down. The number of motorcycles has increased and quite a
few daredevil riders who do not observe road rules pose a big danger.
In fact, very few drivers are aware
that road rules exist. There are
hardly any footpaths left anywhere
in the city and suburbs. They are
taken over by vendors and also
shops along the roads.
When 19 lakh vehicles have to
squeeze through the roads, expectedly accidents occur. The number
of accidents in the city and suburbs
are increasing. With the traffic situation, such as it is, accidents are
unavoidable. Some tough steps are
necessary if traffic is to be regulated
properly. New roads have to be
constructed and existing ones
Must the circular road round the
island forever remain a dream?
T doesn’t matter now whether Karnataka’s governor Hans Raj Bharadwaj
stays back as governor or resigns. By his
behaviour he has lost the respect of the public. And especially of the media. No one in
recent times could have received a worse
press than Mr. Bharadwaj.
“Bharadwaj has to go” said The Hindu
(May 18). In a biting editorial the paper said:
“Unabashedly partisan in his motives and
action, Karnataka governor H.R. Bharadwaj
has been, for a long time now, a disgrace to
the constitutional office he holds. At every
available opportunity he has been abusing
the authority of his office to unseat the
Bharatiya Janata Party government of B.D.
Yeddyurappa.” The paper said that Bharadwaj “has taken the office of the governor to a
new low” and it wondered whether “he was
acting at the behest of the Congress-led
United Progressive Alliance government at
the Centre”.
In an unusual expression of anger, the
paper said: “Mr. Bharadwaj, through his actions, has again brought to the fore the issue
of governors’ action as political agents of the
Centre in states ruled by opposition parties… Despite their clearly defined constitutional role, governors, with the backing of
the Centre, have from time to time played
the super-chief minister, threatening the
very federal structure of the polity. If this situation is not to continue indefinitely, Mr.
Bharadwaj must be made an example of. His
continuance in the Raj Bhavan is no longer
tenable. Gubernatorial posts are not for trigger-happy political adventurers”.
Fatuous demands
Very hard hitting, that The New Indian Express (May 17) said Bharadwaj “is like a person who cannot be woken up because he is
pretending to be asleep” and “his recommendation of President’s rule in the state is
one more proof that he is unwilling to learn
the basics of statecraft, raising questions
about his competence to hold the gubernatorial post. Remarking that Bharadwaj was
using a supreme court ruling “for petty politicking”, the paper said that “it is on the
floor of the house that the majority of a government is tested and not in Raj Bhavan”. “If
Bharadwaj cannot understand this simple
rule” the paper added, “he has no business
to be in Bangalore”.
The Times of India (May 18) advised
Bharadwaj to quit making fatuous demands
and focus on this job”. His recommendations,
it said, “just don’t add up” and his conclu-
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Vol. XXVII No. 55
sions “not only devalue his judgement but
also raise suspicions about his ability to act
in the non-partisan manner expected of a
governor”. The paper warned that “the Centre could embarrass itself severely in legal
and constitutional terms, if it moves ahead
on Bharadwaj’s recommendations”, saying “it
isn’t befitting for the governor to play politics
with Karnakata’s future”. Doing so, it concluded, “helps obscure the corruption issue
and make Yeddyurappa seem like a victim”.
Deccan Herald was just as caustic. The
volatility and fickle mindedness of a handful of BJP legislators, it said, “is only matched
by governor H.R. Bharadwaj, who seems to
AYS Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa:
“There are two classes of devotees. One
class has the nature of the kitten. The kitten
depends completely on its mother. It accepts whatever its mother does for it. The
kitten only cries, ‘Mew, mew!’ It doesn’t
know what to do or where to go. Sometimes
the mother puts the kitten near the hearth,
sometimes on the bed.
Devotees of this class give God the power
of attorney and thus become free of all
worry. The Sikhs said God was kind. I said to
them: ‘How is that? He is our Father and our
Mother. Shouldn’t parents bring up their
children after begetting them? Do you mean
to say that the neighbours will look after
stitute a process to review the post of the
governor and also the manner in which a
governor is appointed”. “Can India afford”
the paper asked, “ornaments especially
when they are no more than baubles?”
Hindustan Times (May 18) said that
Bharadwaj’s “ill-advised moves are bad for
the image of the UPA and the office he
holds”. It said “trying to be more loyal than
the king has its own perils, and it is “difficult
to ascertain what is driving him… when even
the Centre does not seem in a mood to oblige
him”. The paper said that “independent jurists too feel that Mr. Bharadwaj is skating on
the wrong side of constitutional propriety in
going after the state government (and) in
fact, many of his opponents feel that he is
acting as an agent of the UPA government to
the detriment of the latter”. In conclusion,
the paper said that Mr. Bharadwaj’s conduct
“is bound to raise the issue of partisanship of
governors who formerly owned allegiance to
one or the other political party”.
Best headlines
M.V. Kamath
operate on a one-point agenda of seeing the
back of a democratically elected chief minister”. The paper conceded that the rebel
MLAs have not distinguished themselves by
changing their stance too often, but pointed
out that “there is no constitutional bar on
their action”. Stating that “Bharadwaj’s
wholly undemocratic action “reeks of partisan politics at its worst” the paper said the
“remedy lies in electoral reforms and constitutional changes”. And the paper warned: “If
the UP governor decides to accept Bharadwaj’s advice this time, it will clearly be in violation of the Constitution and the UPA
government will have to pay a price for it”.
The Telegraph (May 18) said that Bharadwaj “has acted disgracefully because he
chose to neglect one fundamental feature of
democracy” namely, that the governor of a
state cannot decide the loss of majority by a
ruling party”. The paper said that the post of
the governor is “an ornamental one” and the
holder of the office “has no powers worth
the name”. “The Centre,” advised the paper,
“would do well to completely ignore Mr.
Bharadwaj’s recommendations”. Indeed, it
added: “But it could go a step further and in-
On classes of devotees
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
them?’ Devotees of this class have an unwavering conviction that God is our Mother
and our Father. “There is another class of
devotees. They have the nature of the young
monkey, who clings to its mother with might
and main. The devotees who behave like the
young monkey have a slight idea of being the
doer. They feel: ‘We must go to the sacred
places; we must practise japa and austerity;
perform worship with sixteen articles as prescribed by the shastras. Only then shall we
be able to realize God.’ Such is their attitude.
“The aspirants of both classes are devotees
The Asian Age (May 18) said Bharadwaj is
“out of sync with reality”. “Clearly”, it said,
“his recommendation to the President to
dismiss the state government does not even
square with the calculation of the state’s opposition of giving a confidence vote the goby in the altered circumstances. Said the
paper: “We are not discussing political
morality here, but the political arithmetic of
the day. Nevertheless, the time is apt to recall the Sarkaria Commission which quite
succinctly had prescribed that a governor
ought to be a person who no longer embraced party positions. For his part, Mr.
Bharadwaj gives the impression of wearing
his party colours on his sleeve and keeping
the knuckle duster out”. That said, may one
go to some of the best headlines in the
media over the assembly elections?
The Free Press Journal headlined the leftist
loss in West Bengal as sickle gets hammered,
referring, of course, to the Communist flag.
DNA put it this way: “Didi slays Lenin,
Amma slays Stalin, Karat slays Marx”. And an
even better headline: Jaya-ho in TN. And
what about this? Peace development gives
go-go Gogoi. And may one add just one
more comment? It is that if any member of a
party feels out of place in his party, he must
resign from assembly or parliamentary
membership and if he won’t, the Speaker
must have the right to disqualify him, without the slightest hesitation. Membership
cannot be for sale.
of God. The farther you advance, the more you
will realize that God alone has become everything. He alone is the Guru and the Ishta. He
alone gives us knowledge and devotion.
“The farther you advance, the more you will
see that there are other things even beyond the
sandalwood forest — mines of silver and gold
and precious gems. Therefore go forward.
“But how can I ask people to go forward?
If worldly people go too far, then the bottom
will drop out of their world. One day Keshab
was conducting a religious service. He said,
‘O God, may we all sink and disappear in the
river of bhakti!’ When the worship was over
I said to him: ‘Look here. How can you disappear altogether in the river of bhakti? If
you do, what will’ happen to those seated
behind the screen? (The Master referred to
the ladies.) But do one thing: sink now and
then, and come back again to dry land.’”
— Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
The truth exposed
THE Water Department always
claims that there is sufficient
water in the lakes and there is no
reason for water cuts. Despite
these assurances, several areas
across Mumbai city and suburbs
experience shortage of water and
watercuts. One can understand
temporary shortages due to
maintenance/repair works of
pipelines and equipments. But
perennial water shortages are
perplexing. In this context, the
findings of RTI activist Rajeev
Datta are alarming. He discovered
a huge unexplained gap between
the water supply amount claimed
to have been delivered and the actual amount supplied. The reason
was the water tanker mafia who
were looting the water department. This clearly indicates that
there is a possible nexus between
tanker owners. One would not be
wrong in surmising that water
tankers are being owned by politicians/corporators/municipal em-
Arrogance of power
THE suspension of Mumbai Zonal
Manager of Indian Bank, Banabihari Panda for failure to provide
‘minimum basic courtesies’ to the
Bank’s Chairman and Managing
Director (CMD) T.H. Bhasin is classic example of arrogance of power.
The keys getting locked in the car
while the luggage being LETTER OF
loaded can under no cir- THE DAY
cumstances be termed as
negligence/ dereliction of duty
/devoid of courtesy, and hence suspension is nothing but display of
arrogance of power. This attitude
must be put to an end and Panda
should file a defamation suit
against Bhasin so that no other official would dare to misbehave with
— K.R.P. Gupta, Mumbai
Terrorist as neighbour
THE recent terror strike by Taliban
on a Karachi naval base proves that
the country is a sanctuary for
global terrorists. It confirms that
our beleaguered neighbour is succumbing to the pressure of these
terrorists who pose a grave threat
to the peace, stability and security
of the sub-continent. But it also
raises serious doubts over the Pakistani Army’s ability to protect its
key installations, and particularly
its nuclear arsenal.
— Safar Khan, Malad (W)
WITH the Taliban strike taking
place not far off from the Pakistani
nuclear establishment, fears are
being expressed in the international press about the atomic
weapons falling into rogue
hands. This appears amusing as it
seems to be based on a presumption that as on today, these reactors
are in ‘safe’ custody, being in possession of a ‘peace loving , democratic and secular’ nation like
— Jorhat Singh, Kandivli
Adam and Ben Holioake of England
showed their all- round powers.
Zimbabwe was lucky to have Andy
and Grant Flower representing the
weak side. Again New Zealand had
Martin Crowe and Jeff Crowe making a great impression in International cricket.
Mohinder and Surinder Amarnath represented India and the latter scored a century on his test
appearance against New Zealand.
For Pakistan, Rameez Raja and
Wasim Raja did the spade work as
batsmen. But the more illustrious
Hanif, Mushtaq and Sadiq Mohammed made their presence
felt in a very big way for Pakistan.
South Africa saw Gary Kirsten and
Pieter Kristen playing for the Proteas. However, both Greame and
Peter Pollock did a grand job.
— C.K. Subramaniam, Sanpada
Honour the uniform
BLATANT LIES: The public is often given various reasons for water shortage like
pipeline bursts, maintenance work, but the truth is completely different.
ployees. To break and expose this
mafia will be a long drawn out affair. Only massive protests and expose by the citizens would stop
this heinous nexus. The citizens
are always told that leaking
THE Taliban’s deadly attack on Pakistan’s naval aviation base is yet another glaring example of utter
lawlessness in the country which
gives the terrorists an upper
hand. But such attack puts a big
question mark on the army’s credibility to protect its vital defence installations. It also raises serious
concerns over the safety of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons which are
considered to be fastest growing in
the world. The Pak government
should initiate concrete steps
to prevent these weapons from
falling into the wrong hands.
— Shaikh Sharful Islam, Mumbai
IN setting India as an existential
threat, the Pakistan army has created and used dangerous allies
who have slipped the leash. Conversely, if Pakistan were to make a
strategic shift by dropping its Indiacentricity and focusing instead on
its home-grown terrorist threat,
peace would break out and the
Pakistani economy and the people,
even its security, would be well
served. The biggest ever terror attack on Pakistan’s military assets
ought to lead security agencies
away from the delusion that radical
groups can be managed for strategic value. Obama’s clear diagnosis
of the situation is a step forward.
Washington can help by reversing
Soviet-era policy and directing financial aid to Pakistan through the
civilian government rather than
pipelines, illegal slums are the
cause of water shortages. Rajeev
Datta has burst this bubble of
false excuses.
— Harischandra Parshuram, Juhu
the over one lakh strong American
troops could deal them a mortal
blow. But unfortunately, the Pentagon just refuses to see the stark reality of the theocratic nation being
the epicenter of the worldwide
state-sponsored terrorism.
Cricketing brotherhood
RAJU Vernekar in his letter cricket
brothers (ADC, May 25) missed out
on quiet a few names. Alec Bedser
and Eric Bedser-the twin brothers played for England. Richard
Hadlee, who first achieved 400
wickets (that of Arun Lal) in Test
matches was fortunate to have his
brother Dayle Hadlee in the side for
some time to assist him in the pace
department. Even their sister Gayle
Hadlee represented New Zealand’s
Women’s cricket team. Australia’s illustrious pair of Mark and Steve
Waugh dominated the scene of action
But it was Australia’s Ian and Greg
Chappell who did wonderfully well
for Australia as Captains and their
share of runs in matches Australia
won assumed greater importance.
But it was Trevor Chappell, who became famous by his under-arm
bowling in a one-day match. New
Zealand had one more pair- Amesh
and Xavier Marshalls representing
the Kiwi side for a short period.
FROM the statements emanating
from the White House, It appears
that the western super power still
continues to believe in Pakistan’s
‘sincerity’ in combating terrorism.
Consequent upon the Laden
episode, the USA should have ordered carpet bombing of the terrorists’ hideouts inside the hilly
terrains on the Af-Pak border. That
would have forced the extremists’
gangs to flee to Afghanistan, where
signments. The gains of our victories in the three wars with Pakistan
were frittered away by our political
leadership during post-war dialogues. No like-minded give and
take could be managed by our political interlocutors. Evidently,
these blunders occurred due to the
elimination of the military leadership from such talks. And the
repercussions are being faced by
the nation till today. Astonishingly,
even in the order of priority, the
chiefs of staff, holding the rank of
full general, are placed at serial
number 12, below the judges of the
Supreme Court, deputy chief ministers of states, Attorney-General,
etc. This needs an instant appraisal. Democracy cannot be continued
bureaucrats only. Defense forces
play an equally vital role. Then why
not accept their role in the system.
— K.V. Raman, Malad
— Arun Malankar, Santacruz
— Bhagwan Thadani, Mumbai
MANY of our neighbouring countries are ruled by their armies. The
men in uniform, by their track
record of discipline, training and
performance, enjoy great respect in
our society. But our politicians’ tendency towards the civil officialdom
of the country is indeed a conspicuous preconception which certainly is not merit-based.
Whilst we talk of mature democratic system of the world, the
name of the US stands ahead of all.
If a democracy like the US makes
use of its defense officers, there
seem to be no motive why India
should not pick up its generals
from the defense forces, the third
largest in the world, for discreet as-
RESPECT THEM: The soldiers of our
nation are not given the respect they
Ready for monsoon?
TOO LATE: Monsoon is fast approaching and BMC has yet to complete its
promised pre-monsoon projects
MONSOON is around the corner and on many streets open
garbage bins are seen with people carelessly dumping their
garbage. Secondly, many open
drainages are filled with garbage
which will create blockage when
the rains hit the city. There is a
need both for the citizens of
Mumbai as well as for the concerned authorities to keep the
city clean of all sort of garbage
which may be a cause of blockage of rainwater in the city. We
appeal to the concerned authorities to clean the open
drainages, garbage bins so that
the city may not be affected and
also to the citizens to keep the
city clean and not to litter on the
— Cajetan Peter D’Souza, Ghatkopar
A FAMILY THING: The cricket world has
had not only brothers, like Mohinder and
Surinder Amarnath, but many members of
the same family playing the game.
MONSOON is fast approaching
and we don’t see any work being
done to improve the pathetic
conditions of roads and footpaths. The ex-commissioner
had said that Mithi river problem will be solved in three years
but, six years have lapsed and
we don’t find any solution being
found so far!
Now, the new commissioner,
who on assuming the office had
promised that, he shall see that
all footpaths and roads are in
good condition before the monsoon, but the sorry state still
Desilting is just 40 per cent
over, what takes the cake is that,
the silt removed is dumped next
to storm water drains with the
result that the same on drying
gets flown back in to the gutters
from which it was removed and
to remove the same silt another
set of tenders will be floated and
thus the vicious cycle continues.
Kudos to BMC!
— Harish Soni, Lamington Road.
Trained by ISI, Headley wanted Kashmir job
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
David Coleman Headley had
visited a nuclear plant ahead
of the November 2008 Mumbai terror attack, reveal court documents
that also disclose that the Pakistani
American had sought an assignment in Kashmir after training in
Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) camps.
Headley, the self-confessed plotter of the 26/11 terror strike who is
appearing as a key witness in the
trial of his one-time friend
Tahawwur Rana, again testified on
Wednesday that he was trained in
espionage by the Pakistani spy
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
in India in April 2008 at the direction of his ISI handler in Pakistan,
Major Iqbal, who also gave him Indian currency notes for his operation in India.
The documents, running into 57
pages, detail how Headley returned
to Mumbai in April 2008 and, as instructed, conducted surveillance of
potential landing sites, and took
boat rides around the Mumbai harbour, using the GPS and making
videos. “Headley also performed
surveillance of the Chhatrapati
Shivaji Terminus (CST) train station. Additionally, based on instruc-
agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), reports IANS.
He was not given his favourite
Kashmir assignment as the Lashkar
leaders wanted to use him for
something else, according to court
documents released on Wednesday. On the third day of his testimony, Headley also admitted that
while he was training with LeT, he
was still officially listed as an informant for the US Drug Enforcement Administration.
According to the unsealed court
documents, Headley aka Daood Gilani, visited a nuclear power plant
India conveys concern to US
about Krittika’s arrest
EW DELHI: India has conveyed its concern to the
United States over the way an Indian diplomat’s daughter was arrested in New York.
Indian Ambassador to the US
Meera Shankar on Thursday said
the wrongful arrest of Krittika
Biswas, daughter of the vice
counsel at the Indian Consulate
in Manhattan, Debashish Biswas,
had been taken up with the US
government ‘very seriously’.
“It is a case which the Embassy
had taken up very seriously with
the US government. When she
was apprehended, we worked
through the night as we got the
information in the night. We
woke up the US officials in the
night and got her released the
next day,” she told PTI.
Krittika Biswas
Shankar was talking to reporters after a meeting with
Home Minister P Chidambaram
here. The envoy said there was
concern over the way the 18-yearold student was apprehended.
“Now she has sought permission to file a case against the US
authorities and she is fighting it.
Subsequent to her release, we
have conveyed our concern to the
US government about the way
she was treated. The case is obviously a matter of concern to all of
us,” she said. Krittika was arrested
by the New York Police on February 8 on the suspicion of sending
obscene emails to her teacher in
Queens’ John Browne High
School. She was released a day
later after being found innocent.
The girl is now suing New York
City’s Government for $1.5 million for what she claims was a
wrongful arrest.
After praise, Hazare targets Modi for corruption
HMEDABAD: After praising
Chief Minister Narendra Modi
for developmental work in Gujarat,
social activist Anna Hazare on
Thursday did a U-turn saying he
was dismayed at the levels of corruption in the state. Hazare, who
had faced criticism for praising
Modi, observed that corruption
was rampant in Gujarat and wryly
said it has not even spared the state
of Mahatma Gandhi.
The anti-graft crusader also said
liquor flows more freely than milk
in Gandhi’s Gujarat where a prohibition law is in force.
“After coming here, I have realised that there are so many corruption cases here. So much
corruption in Gandhiji’s state,” he
said and urged Modi to quickly appoint a Lokayukta in Gujarat.
Hazare, a member of the Jan Lok
Pal Bill drafting team, made these
remarks during a public hearing by
various civil society groups held at
tions from Major Iqbal, Headley visited a nuclear power plant in India
to conduct surveillance.
“After completing these surveillance activities, Headley returned
to Pakistan and met with Zaki,
Sajid, Abu Qahafa, and another
Lashkar member,” it said. The nuclear plant was not identified. Abu
Qahafa downloaded the contents
of a device and used Google Earth
to view images of the locations, it
said adding that Headley recommended a landing point for the attackers near a small fisherman’s
bay on the coast of Mumbai.
Gujarat Vidyapeeth here.
“Firstly bring Lokayukta here to
empower the people and secondly
give power to the Gram Sabhas,” he
told PTI. A law empowering gram
sabhas is required in taking decisions regarding village land.
Taking another swipe at Modi,
Hazare said, “In Gandhiji’s state so
much alcohol. Gujarat has more alcohol than it has milk,” he said. Gujarat is one of the leading milk
producing states in the country.
From left, social activists Swami Agnivesh, Mallika Sarabhai, Anna Hazare and Arvind Kejriwal join hands during public hearing for fight
against corruption, at Gujarat Vidyapith in Ahmedabad Thursday.
A woman looks at the remnants of a medical ambulance aircraft after it crashed into
a residential area in Faridabad, leaving ten persons dead and three injured on
Wednesday night.
‘A burning plane,
then a loud crash’
ARIDABAD: A flash of light in
the sky, a plane swaying dangerously towards the ground and
catching fire, a thunderous
sound... witnesses of the Faridabad
air ambulance crash, in which 10
people were killed and a two-storey
house reduced to brick and rubble,
on Thursday narrated horrifying
accounts of the night that was.
Shocked residents of Parvatiya
colony in Sector 22 here stared at
the mangled remains of the aircraft that broke into three after
crashing into the house at around
10.40 p.m. A couple of nearby
houses also bore signs of damage.
Some people in Old Faridabad
had seen the nine-seater chartered air ambulance sway dangerously in the sky amid a storm
before it crashed some distance
away in New Faridabad.
“We were gathered outside our
homes (in Roshan Nagar) at night
waiting for our menfolk to return
home when we saw this plane,
flying low and in a wobbly manner,” said a witness, Ranjana Jha.
Jha, who works as a domestic
maid in New Delhi, said her
neighbour remarked after seeing
the plane: “Mujhe lagta hai yeh to
girne wala hai.” (I think it is going
to fall.) “And that is what happened,” Jha told IANS adding that
at that time a storm was underway. “Suddenly we saw this plane
plunge down rapidly... But we did
not actually see it crash. We knew
something had gone wrong, but
we didn’t know what happened.”
For a resident of Parvatiya
colony, the accident was right in his
backyard. “As there was no power in
the area, we were sitting outside. I
saw a flash of light that was fast approaching. As I was about to call
others I saw a plane coming down it had already caught fire. It was like
watching an action Hollywood
movie,” the witness said.
Another resident said: “It was
really scary. We woke up to a
thunderous sound and saw
flames erupting outside our
house. The crashed aircraft also
damaged the grills of the boundary wall of our house. “Fire engines reached the spot late as they
faced difficulty coming through
the narrow streets of our colony.”
The plane was hired from
Delhi-based Air Chartered Services India Pvt Ltd by Delhi’s
Apollo Hospital as an air ambulance. It was carrying a 20-yearold student, Rahul Raj, who was
critically ill and was being shifted
from Patna to Apollo Hospital.
He was among the seven who
were on board and were killed.
Three of those killed were residents of the house into which the
plane crashed. The owner of the
house is Shobha Ram.
pg 18 Read our store reviews and check
out the newest launches
pg 15 Gig alert: Catch Nadia Ali
perform at Trilogy this week
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Save or
Whether it’s a first
date or your 50th
wedding anniversary,
choosing a date-night
place is not easy. But
Rhea Dhanbhoora and
Henna Achhpal list
a variety of options to
fit every budget...
>> Important dates can
be stressful to plan. But
our list should help you
ou may think that an
exclusive date might
mean an expensive
affair, however there
are a number of innovative
ideas with which you can
make a lasting impression on
your date without burning a
hole in your pocket. On the
other hand, if you have
enough in the bank to blow up
on an extravagant date, why
not go all out? Here’s a list of
date options that will fit every
pocket — big or small — but
equally romantic to make a
lasting impression...
An indoor picnic: Mumbai isn’t the best place for an
outdoorsy picnic but if you think your date will appreciate
a more casual setting, try a picnic on your building
terrace. It’s romantic and private. Lay a mat on the
ground, bring out the wine glasses and some delicious
food and lay back, under the stars.
Hint: If you have an mp3 player, connect it to a dock or
portable speakers and play some soft music in the
background to set the mood. You can score some great
mixes online for indoor picnics, such as this one on
iTunes — Also, wine is a great date drink
but doesn’t always have to be expensive. Try a bottle of
Sula Satori, which retails for `500 for 750ml.
Try new cuisine: Is your date always looking to try new
things? Why not take it one step further and make it part
of the date? Find out what cuisine they haven’t sampled
and do your research. That way, you can both enjoy the
experience of trying something new. Just make sure that
your date does like trying new types of food or they’ll be
stuck with a salad and some fries all night.
Hint: Visit to find food festivals that may
coincide with the night of your date. That way, you can try
various dishes without having to waste time wondering
what to order. You can check out different menus online at They even tell you the prices so you’ll
know how much cash to carry.
Have a movie night: These days, even a simple movie
can be cruel on the pocket. Ditch the cinema hall, get
innovative and organise your very own movie night in
your living room. Judging by what your date would prefer,
get a few movies in the genre they would like best or stay
continued on pg 14 «
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Afternoon Despatch & Courier
continued from pg 13 «
in safe territory by sticking to some good ol’
classics. Crack out some popcorn and a few beers
and you’ve got your perfect date.
Hint: You’ll get ideas and the movies at Or make
your way down to your local DVD rental store
and pick one up for approximately `100.
Go to the theatre: While a play might not be
the perfect place for a first date as there’s little
opportunity to interact, going for one gives you
the chance to ask your date for a coffee later on
so the two of you can discuss what you thought
of it.
Hint: NCPA and Prithvi would make for perfect
dates. Tickets are inexpensive and cost anywhere
from `150-`500 on an average. Visit www.ncpa and to find
a schedule and prices.
Stroll on the beach: The beach is the perfect
place to have a budget friendly, but extremely
romantic date. It makes for the perfect excuse to
hold hands, dip your toes gently in the water and
watch the sky changing colours while
conversation flows. Stop at stalls and have
something to eat or drink, soak up the culture
and let the date flow from there.
Hint: Juhu beach is extremely crowded in the
evenings but an early morning or late night visit
makes for a peaceful stroll. Try the Pav Bhaji (`60)
and indulge in some Gola (`30). Make it a date
with a difference — watch the sun rise instead of
the clichéd sunset. Just make sure your date is a
morning person!
Make it artsy: If you’re dating someone who
loves the arts, the perfect first date could be
tickets to an art show or a book reading. However,
make sure that it’s their idea of an evening out
too. And as with the theatre, you could always
follow up the show or reading with a coffee. You
could even simply stroll along, look at a new
collection and indulge in some easy
Hint: Visit an art gallery such as Jehangir Art
Gallery or check out
/entertainment/art-galleries for a list of galleries
you can visit. Entry is usually free, so stroll
around and then go to the nearest Barista or Cafe
Coffee Day and spend on some coffee (usually
priced approximately from `60 onwards).
>> Movie theaters can be
the wrong setting for the
perfect date so go ahead
and organise your own
private movie night
Amusement park: So your date loves
adventure but you can’t afford to take them on a
safari or a nature trail? If you want your first date
to be filled with thrills and activity, try an
amusement park. You won’t be burning a hole
through your pocket but it will be a fun filled date
for those who appreciate the adrenaline rush.
Hint: We hope, that like us, you’re thinking of
Essel World (Entry is `410 on weekdays and `500
on weekends.) Try the Ice Skating there; it’s the
perfect couple activity.
Hit the right notes: You may not know how to
play an instrument, but taking your date for a live
show will go down well too. If your date isn’t
much of a talker but loves to show off their
moves, try making your way down to a club. You
could meet for a drink first so you can get
acquainted with each other. Dancing is also
perfect because it allows you to get over the stiff
awkwardness of a first date and lets you get close
easier. There’s nothing wrong with close dancing,
just make sure your dance moves are PG.
Hint: Try heading down to Blue Frog, or Hard
Rock Cafe. Entry is approximately `350-`500
depending on the act playing.
>> A dinner date on
a yacht along with a
sail along the coast
makes for perfect
An extravagant dinner: From a seaside setting to a
rooftop view, whatever your preference, Mumbai has a long
list of options to choose from when you’re in the mood for
a romantic dinner. Make your date feel special with an
extravagant dinner at any one of the best restaurants in the
city and make a reservation for private seating
arrangements. Let the champagne and conversations flow
as you devour the best in food as well as company.
Hint: Aer (meal for two at `2,500) in Worli is a great option
for those who love admiring Mumbai’s skyline while Aurus
(meal for two at `3,000) in Juhu is ideal for those who prefer
the calm sound of waves in the background.
Rent a yacht: One of the best things about Mumbai is
the Arabian Sea and there’s nothing more romantic than a
dinner date in the middle of the sea and under the stars. It
might seem filmy but now it’s possible and doable! Start
preparing a few days in advance, add a personal touch by
sending your date an invite mentioning a dress code, get
them all excited for the romantic surprise that awaits them!
Hint: Visit or
for more information on renting a yacht and other
customisations. Prices start from approximately `10,000.
A chopper ride: Make your date feel on top of the world
— literally! Arrange for a helicopter joyride and see Mumbai
like you’ve never seen it before, from 1,000 feet above the
ground. Enjoy the breathtaking panoramic view of the
island city and coast on this joyride that lasts between 30
minutes to an hour. A special request for a romantic
>> Aer is a
great place
for a meal
for two
arrangement will get you some red roses and wine making
this experience simply perfect.
Hint: Visit /joy_rides or for more
information on the rides or rent your very own charter
chopper at They range from
`30,000 to `90,000 depending on the duration and the route
that you pick.
Island escape: It’s surprising how little we know about
the scenic islands that surround Mumbai. If you’ve known
your date for a while and are comfortable enough to whisk
them away for a day or two, then escaping to an island is the
best date you could have ever asked for. Book yourself on a
cruise and get ready for an exotic first date.
Hint: Visit /packages to know
more about the various exciting packages and getaways.
Cruises range from `3,500 - `20,000
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
>> A still from the play
Apple and Walnuts
which is set in Mumbai
with a backdrop of
V D y!
Win Satur , Stev
f lm
s w rg’s
Thi eilbe up fo
Sp ws is s
Ja grab
movie time
The hugely successful Kashish International Queer Festival
comes out with its second edition Kashish 2011 — Mumbai
International Queer Festival. This 5 day long festival will end on
May 29 and boasts of 124 films from 23 countries.
One such film to be showcased is the movie Undertow from
Peru, which deals with the story of Miguel. Miguel, a handsome
and young fisherman in Cabo Blanco, is married to the beautiful
Mariela who is 7-months pregnant with their first child. However,
Miguel has a scandalous secret — he is having a love affair with
another man, Santiago, a painter, who has been ostracised by
the townsfolk for being agonistic and open about his sexuality.
There will be more movies from countries such as UK, USA,
Israel and other more countries including movies such as Boy
Culture, Three Veils and Elena Undone. Along with this, the cast
and crew of some of the movies will also be in attendance at the
festival. Make sure to reach in advance since the entry
registration is on the spot and first-come-first-serve basis.
WheN: Up to May 29
Where: Cinemax Versova & Alliance Francaise, New Marine
Lines Road.
eNtry: Free
time: 10am to 11pm
Nadia Ali, best known for her hit number
Rapture, captured the hearts of millions all
over the world and is going to be performing at
Trilogy on June 2. The Pakistani-American
singer-songwriter has released many hit
singles such as At the End, Runaway, Smooth,
Kiss You, Is It Love among many others, she is
a Grammy nominated artist as well and her
track Fantasy (Morgan Page remix) was
nominated in the ‘Best Remixed Recording’
category. After having toured internationally
Nadia comes to Mumbai for the first time.
Wear your dancing shoes and be there at
Trilogy for a good night.
Where Trilogy, Hotel Sea Princess, 969 Juhu
Tara Road, Juhu, Mumbai
WheN June 2
time 9.30pm onwards
Rhea Dhanbhoora tells you why Litmus Productions’ new play is worth a watch…
rhythm is goNNa get you
Peace in troubled times
itmus Productions, who gave us Red Hot Mamas earlier
this year, is back with a new English play, Apples &
Walnuts. Director and writer Troy Ribeiro tells us, “This
play is set in Mumbai with a backdrop of Kashmir and is
the story of two mothers who have lost their sons to a
meaningless war. The Pandits, who have fled Kashmir after
losing their son Vishal in a terrorist encounter, are now settled in
Mumbai. Fifteen years have passed. Just a few days before their
daughter’s engagement they receive an unwanted guest in
Gulfam Hassan, their old neighbour and manager of their
orchards from Kashmir asking them to give him and his wife
Sairabibi, shelter. What follows is the catharsis… Through the
four characters, the play encapsulates the state of affairs in
Kashmir and how it has changed their lives. The play ends on a
positive note with a mantra of how to bring about peace and
changeduring troubled times.”
Troy talks about how the play came together, telling us that the
idea germinated in 2001 after atrocities done to Kashmiris,
which was reported in the media, which disturbed him. He tells
us, “Somewhere down the line I realised that the coin has two
sides, the innocent were probably paying a price for their
ignorance. And after a lot of research, I realised that the
common man’s voice was not heard. What do they actually
want, freedom or peace? So that’s what made me write
the play. And while I searched for the common man’s
voice, I realised it was evident in the two mothers’
plight. And that’s what I have tried to portray. The
play has finally taken shape, after two successful
performance readings. The actors I have are
superb and have done justice to the script. It has
shaped up very well and I am sure the audiences
are going to love the play. At least, we hope they do.”
The play, which will have two shows, stars Madhuri
Bhatia, Ashish Chawla, Mini Rebeiro and Akshay
Dogra. As for what to expect, Troy tells us, “Audiences can
expect a thought-provoking play with a strong message and
good performances.”
WheN June 4 at 5pm and at 7pm
Where NCPA Godrej, NCPA Marg, Nariman Point
eNtry `225 coNtact 9920913035
Desi magical play
We all know the classic tale of Dorothy, her dog Toto,
her magical red shoes and her infamous search for a
wizard in a foreign and magical land. We bring you an
upgraded desi version of this tale and the wizard is
now called Azeemo! The characters have all been
adapted to suit the Indian context — the cowardly lion
is now an ordinary creature, Babbar, the scarecrow is
now a Punjabi who goes by the name of Phus Phus
and the tin man who lacks a heart is now the grump
Parsi, Patrawala. The witches are armed with flying
monkeys — it is impossible to not love this show!
Follow the desi lot on their magical and unforgettable
journey to meet the Shehensha of Azeemo — you will
be completely engrossed in the story, as though you
are living it yourself! Starring Anand Tiwari, Imran
Rasheed, Namit Das, Pawan Uttam, Pia Sukanya,
Shivani Tanksale and others, this is not a production
to miss!
WheN: 28 and 29 May, 2011
Where: The Comedy Store
eNtry: `400
time: 12pm onwards
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
MAY 17,
27, 2010
Kids Special
oberoi MaLL kids speciaL
Oberoi Mall gives kids the chance to indulge in a bundle of fun activities by Disney including workshops, story
telling, quizzes, magic shows, dance acts and more. You can tickle your creative genius with these activities
but the fun doesn’t end here! You can also meet Disney stars Gaurav and Tara and witness a pirate ambush
dance show and more along with a chance to win `1 lakh and an exciting trip for four to Hong Kong
Disneyland. General manager Nirzar Jain tells us, “It gives us great pleasure to partner with Disney to bring
forth Disney Summer Jam at Oberoi Mall. We have lined up a whole array of activities for children to entertain
them this summer. A child can spend an entire day easily between various activities at the Pirates Zone
(themed on the lines of the movie Pirates of the Caribbean), Princess Zone and at the car zone where they
can play with McQueen Cars”. The diverse range of activities is a relief to parents who can entertain their
children at the mall for free.
When Up to 5 June
Where The Oberoi Mall, Oberoi Garden City, Off. Western Express Highway, Goregaon (E)
contact 40990824
You may submit listings to:
[email protected]
Ayesha has a brilliant collection of bags for all your needs. Whether you want a carryall or a
mini-purse, they’ve got what you need in funky colours. Ayesha tells us, “Ayesha'a Babylicious
bag range was launched for Summer 2011 to recognise the young, active woman’s need to
move fast, work smart and look good. The lightweight durable nylon canvas provides easy
strength to these smart designs and keeps them looking fresh. Bright, tough and cool, these
purses and carryalls are built to move and rock the show! Quality zips with big friendly zipper
tags make these bags stand out in your life and disappear in your hand. With pockets for all
the 21st century treasure, phones and digital music machines find safe little velcro/zip homes
so you can carry all your other stuff the way you like. So girls, pack tight, pack light and feel
alright.” The bags range from `590-990.
When Ongoing
Where Inorbit Vashi, No. G11A, Ground Floor, Sec 30 A, Vashi
society Menu treat
Society, the restaurant at The Ambassador Hotel, has launched a new menu that
promises to treat you to a superb gastronomic experience. Chef Jugvit. J. Lobo has
created the menu using his experience from around the world. He tells us, “Looking at
the present trend, people go for fusion or an international cuisine rather than choosing
to stick to the local palette. As fusion and international cuisine is in demand, we took
this opportunity to create good fusion cuisine to cater to the taste of the guest.” So head
down and enjoy the food as Chef Jugvit works his magic at your table, along with a
complimentary glass of wine.
When Ongoing
Where Veer Nariman Road, Churchgate, Mumbai
contact 22041131
revaMped Menu at kebab korner
Tired of the old Kebab Korner menu? There is now a new menu there to
tantalise tastebuds and ensure you’re never bored. Chef Paul Kinny tells
us, “Compiling and creating the new menu took about 6 months of trying
and tasting dishes with our loyal guests, and only the loved delicacies
have been incorporated.” Food and beverage manager Rahul Joshi
explains, “Our chefs and cooks haven’t changed in decades now and are
highly passionate about the mix of ingredients and the closely guarded
recipes and that’s what makes a difference! The new menu is a fantastic
mix of classic soul food, chef’s unique creations and all time favourite
delicacies and of course the Kebab Korner signatures. The zesty n tangy
ambiani jheenga on the new menu is a personal favourite and is to
die for.”
When Ongoing
Where InterContinental Marine Drive, 135 Marine Drive
contact 39879999
suMMer Menu at barcode 053
Barcode 053 has an exciting new summer menu for everyone to
indulge in. The menu includes a host of mouth watering dishes
from soups, salads, starters, main course and delicious mango
themed desserts. Owner Hiten Tejwani tells us, “We’ve kept
favourites and brought back old favourites at customers
requests. We have also added summer flavours to brighten up
the menu such as Gazpacho (cold soup), honey melon salad,
seafood salad, cheesy appetisers and a delicious mango waffle
crepe infused with fresh mangoes and cream.”
When Up to May 30
Where Barcode 053, Next to Citi Mall, Link Road, Andheri (W)
contact 26362345
Lunch at the Wedding café and Lounge
Mystic Mango Menu
Out of the Blue introduces their new menu, dedicated to the Mango.
The menu comprises of soups, salads, starters, sizzlers, bbq mains,
dessert and more. Food and beverage manager Abhijeet Shembekar
tells us, “The Out of The Blue menu was created for each course on the
menu. Mango is usually promoted during the season with typical runoff-the-mill desserts. However, we held several tastings for each dish to
get the taste right before promoting them. One of the biggest hits has
been the mango bruschetta with a unique flavour of alphonso and raw
mango combined with cheddar and tomatoes for the perfect tang.”
When Up to May 31
Where Out of the Blue, 14, Union Park, Pali Hill, Off Carter Road, Khar
contact 2600 3000/ 1, 9324839393, 2600 3000/ 1
festivaL of Music
disclaimer: The content used
in the 48 Hours weekend
planner is not exclusive and
mandatory. It may change
according to the organiser etc.
The ADC group is not
responsible for any changes.
babeLicious bags
Svenska Design Hotels is celebrating the creative arts by
launching a new musical journey. They will have a new musician
playing every month and this month, guitarist and singer
Valentine Shipley is the opening act at Miro, the Mediterranean
specialty restaurant.
General Manager Supriyo Dhali tells us, “Miro is our fine
dining Spanish restaurant and we have conceptualised the
“Festival of Music” keeping in mind just that. The idea is to let
our guests enjoy intimate conversations over some wonderful
food. We often play Flamenco music, the traditional music of
Southern Spain, and that complements the food. We have
introduced live music because it can create an atmosphere that
makes the environment enjoyable and lively. Over a week long
performance by Valentine Shipley, guests can enjoy music
ranging from Rock & Roll, Jazz, Funk, Blues and Live remixes,
Jazz-Rock and contemporary Indian music. Val has worked with
the likes of Louis Banks and Astaad Deboo and with Grammy
Award winner Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhatt and also played with
India's No.1 Rock Band — Parikrama. In the coming months, we
want to promote and encourage many more singers and
performers from different genres.”
When Up to May 29
Where Miro, Svenska Design Hotel, Andheri (W)
contact 44310000
Mango Mania at intercontinentaL
at azok
Azok at Oakwood Premier has
a frozen margarita fest where
you can sip on an exotic
assortment of margarita’s
quenching your thirst with
flavours such as litchi, raw
mango, strawberry, green
apple and watermelon.
When Up to May 31
Where Oakwood Premier,
29/1, JR Mhatre Road,
(Opposite Iris Park), Juhu
contact 66238888/
Restaurants are all hopping on the mango trail and Intercontinental is
following suite. The hotel has a mango based range of delicacies for us
all to try and enjoy. Indulge in the king of fruits with specials such as
mango éclairs with white chocolate drizzle, royal fresh mango platter
with vanilla ice cream, American style baked mango cheese cake, fresh
mango crème brulee and more.
When Ongoing
Where InterContinental Marine Drive, 135 Marine Drive
contact 39879999
fLirtatious fondue
Indulge in a host of authentic fondue with the finest of cheeses. The
fondue is served over a gentle flame along with a glass of wine. From
tenderloins and fruit to paneer and seafood, fall in love with this cheesy
affair at 24/7, Intercontinental The Lalit.
When Up to May 31
time 12pm–12am
Where 24/7, Intercontinental- The Lalit, Sahar Airport Road,
Andheri (E)
The Wedding Café and Lounge has a festival especially for food lovers.
The Lunch Festivia comprises of a four course meal with great options
for vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian diners. The buffet costs `444
exclusive of taxes. Indulge in dishes such as cottage cheese with lady
finger ratatouille, risotto can asparagi, chicken fjaola, kebab e joojeh,
Hungarian goulash and more. There’s also a host of delightful
beverages to help kill the summer heat.
When When Ongoing from 11am – 3.30pm from Monday to Saturday
Where B104-106, Kotian Nirman, Above Mercedes Showroom, New
Link Road, Andheri (W)
contact 61558999
steaMboat adventure at india Jones
If you want to experience traditional South East Asian food, head down
to India Jones. Their Steamboat festival is a preparation of meat,
seafood or vegetables gently cooked in a simmering soup, dipped in
sauces of your choice. Choose from Chinese, Japanese and Korean
classics. Food and beverage manager Nishant Agarwal tells us, “The
Steamboat is a popular culinary tradition across South East Asia and
we decided to bring home this specialty to give our guests an
opportunity to experience a regional delicacy in true traditional style.
This restaurant has always been patronised by several guests from
China, Korea and Japan and it gives us immense pleasure in recreating
the nostalgic ambience of communal dining, as in their home town, for
each of them. Known to be a delight to the palate, folklores reveal that
steamboats also enhance camaraderie, while dining with loved ones.”
When Up to May 29
Where India Jones, Trident, Nariman Point
contact 66326330
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
>> Shop for products such as a shower radio (left), a bookmark with LED light (centre), a multi-utility LED light and more (right)
Vintage flair With the
latest fish eye ColleCtion
from Chrome hearts
Innovative fun
With the temperature on the rise and sweat
dripping off your back, the least you can do is
keep your eyes safe and fashionable with the
latest Fish Eye Eyewear collection from Chrome
Hearts. Each piece has a unique vintage feel
and the classic aviators have been twisted for a
sleeker, more chic design. It is a palette of
black, white and gold in punchy designs which
ooze subtle elegance.
Price `40,000 onwards
Where All leading opticians
Add some unique products to your daily life. Henna Achhpal tells you why shopping for quirky and
out of the world products from HitPlay will be fun as well as useful at the same time...
ave you ever been to any
of the international
gadget websites and
grumbled about why
such funky products were not
available or shipped to India? All of
us have. Though the ‘Made in
China’ variety is always available in
the by lanes of Fort, those products
are barely in working condition by
the time we reach home. However,
we need not grumble anymore as
now India has its very own online
shopping site called HitPlay, a one
stop destination for some unique
and innovative gadgets.
Not only offering unique gadgets
such as a shower radio (`999) and a
jumping alarm clock (`5,699), the
website also showcases other
innovative but useful products
such as a wedge (`599) to stack
your wine bottles and adding some
frozen fun to your drink with
alphabetical ice (`999). Our
personal favourite product is the
Wonder of Whites by
Say hello to Blackberrys’ Spring/Summer 2011
collection called “Wonder of Whites”. Through
the ages of fashion, white has always been a
classy and timeless option; however, this
collection and
gives it a quirky,
avatar. The
rich fabric
translates into a
whole range of
suits, blazers,
khakis and
sportswear which
makes you feel like
you are clad in luxury! If
you favour classic cuts
and sophistication, you
should check this
collection out now!
Price `1795 onwards
Where All Blackberrys
GAS has reopened in
Santa Cruz and has some
good denim wear, says
Samreen Samad
>> Check
out this
mug at
GAS, the Italian denim and
clothing brand has reopened in
Santa Cruz two years since its
first store in Bandra closed show.
You will find a collection of Tshirts, polo shirts, sweatshirts
and denims for men and jeggings,
denim shorts, bleached jeans and
party tops for women in their
1600 sq. foot store.
The store has two levels and is
designed to look like an open
wardrobe. The idea to make it
look like this is so that their
customers feel like they are
shopping within the comfort of
their own home. The only problem
is it looks like a wardrobe of a
teenager who hasn’t organised
his clothes properly. It’s neat but
a little confusing as the mens and
womens section isn’t separate.
But the nice thing about GAS is
that you’ll find the same
collection all over the globe. A tee
or a pair of jeans that is available
here will also be available in Italy,
Germany, Spain and Japan at the
same time. This gives you an
LED book light (`399) that acts as a
light as well as bookmark for all
those bookworms who prefer to
read before sleeping. One visit to
the website and you will not be
able to stop yourself from stacking
up your shopping cart. If you’re not
the patient kind, don’t worry, all
products from HitPlay are shipped
within one business day! If
shopping online is not what you
prefer, HitPlay has also tied up with
offline stores such as Crossword
Bookstores, Rhythm House, Tappu
Ki Dukkan, Reliance Time Out and
Landmark so that you can see the
product before you purchase it.
Speaking of this innovative
venture, owner Champ says, “We’re
moving towards the original
business plan of selling life
simplifying products. We strive for
serious quality to ensure that our
gadgets don’t stop at innovation
but last long enough to enhance
the lives of our customers.”
Where Log on to the site: Also available at Crossword,
Rhythm House, Tappu Ki Dukkan, Reliance Time Out and Landmark.
opportunity to be at par in fashion
with the rest of the world.
Coming to the clothes, the
designs are stylish and sensual.
The women collection didn’t
interest us too much but men can
really shop for some trendy stuff.
However, the denims for both
genders are great. They have a
good fit, trendy wash and good
style. They also have jeggings for
women which are the skinniest
I’ve seen but they have a great
stretch. Perfect to emphasise
those curves. They also have a
small collection of handbags,
scarves and mufflers. The denims
start from `3,000 and t-shirts are
`1,200 onwards. By the end of
this year GAS also plans to open
up in New Delhi, Hyderabad,
Chandigarh and Ludhiana.
Where 24, Linking Road,
Santacruz (W)
Contact 26000008
>> GAS offers
great denims
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Where Revival Indian Thali,
Near Crawford Market,
Sheikh Memon Street
time Lunch from 12 - 4pm
and Dinner from 8 - 11pm
Meal for two `250
per thali
alcohol served No
A thali full of
Wear your elastic
pants, take time
out for a nap after
and push up your
sleeves. It’s
time to review
the Revival
Indian Thali.
Rhea Dhanbhoora
finds out more…
>> The smoked chaas is delicious and made
right in front of you (top) and complements the
variety filled thali well (right)
Gautam Mehrishi, the Corporate Chef at Jewel Of India shares his recipe with us
2 lobsters (in shell,
weighing 500g each)
l 150g ghee
l 100g onions (chopped)
l 50g green chilies
l 15g red chili powder
l 20g coriander powder
l 20g turmeric powder
l 30g garam masala
l 50g ginger garlic paste
l 15g crushed black
l 30g curry leaves
l 30g chopped coriander
l 25g salt
l 5g saunf
l 15g mustard seeds
l 15g methidana seeds
l 150ml coconut extract
l 90ml fresh cream
l Heat the ghee, add
methidana seeds,
mustard seeds, green
chili, curry leaves and
saunf. Cook the mixture
till it crackles.
The Kashimir Karela was tasty, as
was the Aloo Bhindi. Of the breads,
the phulka was the best although the
rest were made very well too. The
ayurvedic coriander and tamarind
chutneys were out of this world and
if I had the option I would have
packed the ayurvedic garlic chutney
up and taken it home. They also
serve organic khichdi.
While most Indians eat the sweet
along with or in between the meal,
we left it for the end. Of all three
(gulab jamun, sugarfree mix fruit
custard and pure hapus aam ras) the
aam ras was the most delicious.
If you think that’s reason enough
to head down there, wait till you hear
this one. They have a special chaas
trolley that serves smoked chaas —
fresh and made in front of you. It had
a delicious smokey flavour that was
set off well with the chilled chaas. A
great end to the meal.
Service is very quick and efficient
and waiters are non-intrusive. After
their meal, every guest is invited to
see the kitchen by a very proud chef
(with every reason to be so) and so
we obliged, donning the hairnet and
apron and entering a kitchen filled
with delightful sights and smells. The
place is a treat for the senses.
If you’re looking for a good Thali,
Revival is the place to go.
No shrinking violet
White Violet in New Mumbai may not play music, but their food
speaks volumes. Dev Goswami tells us what to expect….
hat started off as a
modest South Indian
joint back in 1947
popular Rajdhani in 1988. And now it
has been revamped to Revival
Indian Thali.
The daily thali comprises of
whopping 30 dishes and a mix of
cuisines from all across the country.
However, the Rajasthani and
Gujarati fare remain constant and
the thali incorporates flavours of the
month. So that means you won’t get
bored visiting this joint often.
The restaurant is busy, but that
doesn’t mean it sets you into a
frenzied eating pace. In fact, it’s
rather peaceful. The relaxing music
adds to the ambiance. LCD screens
at each table tell you what you’re
going to be eating, explaining each
dish carefully so that even people
unfamiliar with thali food can enjoy
and understand their meal.
An organic welcome drink to aid
digestion was served first. The Thali
we were served started off with
steamed and fried farsan, as well as
their signature Dal Bati Choorma
which was delicious. The Parsi
dhansak was disappointing as it
didn’t taste authentic and there was
more vegetable than thick daal
which is synonymous with dhansak.
l Add the onions, and fry
till soft. Then add the
chopped green chilli.
l Add the ginger garlic
paste. Cook.
l Meanwhile, cut the
lobsters in half lengthwise
with the shells. Remove
the meat, wash and cook.
l Clean the shell
thoroughly and blanch to
a bright pink in citrus
flavoured water.
l Cook till 75% done.
Add red chilli powder,
coriander powder,
turmeric powder, crushed
black pepper and cook,
adding coconut extract
and fresh cream.
l Allow it to boil.
l Reduce the gravy a bit.
l Garnish with chopped
coriander, kesar and
coconut cream.
Just on the sight of White Violet, our expectations
heighten. We also become acutely aware of the
amount of cash we had carried. Was it enough?
The ambience is peaceful and surprisingly silent.
While some will be left wanting by the lack of
music, others may like this refreshing change.
We started with an off-menu dish -— Chilly
Lamb. It started off flavourful and succulent but
soon turned chewy and bland. Not one to judge
the food with a single dish, we proceeded with
the Murg Pahadi Tikka (`225) and Chicken Tikka
(`185). Both managed to overcome the
disappointment of the lamb and were well
prepared and perfectly spiced.
However, the dish which took the cake was
the Crispy Fried Chicken (`195) — crispy on the
outside, soft on the inside and served with a
lovely mango chutney. The main dish was the
well prepared Vegetable Fried Rice (`165) served
with Hunan Sauce (`165).
Next came Gulab Jamun (`155) which
pleased our sweet tooth without being too sweet.
We also sampled honey coated apple fritters
served with ice cream; the texture was fantastic.
Where X-5/2, TT Industrial Area, Mahape,
New Mumbai.
Contact 61554466 / 27784466.
Meal for two `1,000 (without alcohol).
alcohol served Yes (starts from `175)
The Indian liquor starts at `200 and those
who wish to stick to beer can do so for `175.
This is a good place to have a romantic date or
for a family outing. The journey may be long, but
you are guaranteed a good meal.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier Special
Davis Curry
MAY 27,
03, 2011
places oF interest
l For yoga you can check
out Ganesh Puri which is
42kms away.
l Hot Water Springs at
Satiwali which is 12kms
away from the resort.
l 35km away is the
lovely virgin beach of
Kelva Mahim
l 16km away from the
resort is a dam and lake
called Vandri Prakalp.
getting there
By car you need to take
the National Highway
No.8 to Vaitarna River
Bridge, Manor, Palghar.
The journey takes 2
hours. Car rental will cost
you `2,000 per way.
You can also take a train
to Virar and catch a
rickshaw to Palghar
which will cost you `400.
for more details
eekend getaways are usually
associated with a romantic
break for two. But what do you
do when you got a demanding
toddler, a sulky teen or a granny in tow? No,
no... don’t unpack your bags and spend
Sunday curled up and fed up in bed. Check
out Silent Hills Resort instead. It actually is a
full family destination.
about silent hills
Silent Hills started way back in 1991 as a day
picnic spot. They mastered that and decided
to add overnight rooms and once that took
off, they decided to expand some more.
Now, spread over 60 acres the resort offers
40 rooms (with twelve more under
construction), a picnic spot, conference
rooms, a mini amusement park, a
recreational centre, sports, boating and a
water park. Phew. You have two options
when you visit Silent Hills, you can spend
the day there (`400) or stay overnight (see
box below).
The resort is well arranged and lusciously
green. Every few metres you’ll find benches,
hammocks and divans scattered. There is a
pond with geese, quaint (but sturdy!)
wooden bridges, riverside seating areas,
swings and playgrounds for the children
and lovely artifacts and statues.
Silent hills
Many places claim to offer you a complete family experience but
most of the time, someone ends up feeling left out. However, that’s
not the case at Silent Hills Resort in Palghar says Glynda Alves
>> Take a dip in the
swimming pool to beat the
heat or dig into some
yummy food while your
little ones take a ride in
the toy train at Silent Hill
in the evening
However, for us, the real leisure began once
the sun set. Little fairy lights lit up all across
the resort and the place exuded a sense of
calm (possibly because the day picnickers
were all packed up home). Elderly couples
were walking hand-in-hand; children tired
from the day’s activities were swinging in
the park while parents enjoyed a cup of tea
at the riverside. The quiet and serene
atmosphere is what Silent Hills is all about.
Food and stay
during the day
There are a lot of activities to keep you
occupied here. The swimming pool and
water park, packed with everyone from
children to grandmothers (having a dip in a
salwar no less) are easily the star attractions,
even if it does get a bit packed. However to
remedy this, Silent Hills is in the process of
making a separate pool just for their
overnight guests.
The picnic area too is huge! Everywhere
you go, you’ll find groups of people playing
football or simply taking a nap in one of the
gazebos. The amusement park is a little
ho-hum however. While there are a few rides
and a toy train, it was not very enticing.
They’ve recently introduced adventure
sports such as river crossing and free fall.
Their recreational centre includes a spa
and although it certainly isn’t the prettiest
their services are good... and much cheaper
than spa treatments in the city. The most
expensive massage is a Swedish massage
priced at `700. We recommend trying their
head, shoulder and back massage for `400.
The recreational centre also has a games
room which has table tennis, a foosball
table and carom that’s open to everyone.
For more details on rates:
Executive Single Room: `3,300
Executive Double Room: `5,000
Deluxe Single Room: `4,200
Deluxe Double Room: `6,000
* This includes breakfast, lunch
and dinner. Additional mattress will
cost `1,800
The rooms are modern, clean and wellequipped. They’ve got Tata Sky, a lovely
bathroom with a tub and a pull out sofa for
children. They also provide an extra
mattress if needed at an additional cost. The
Deluxe Rooms have a small patio, complete
with outdoor furniture, that overlooks the
gorgeous river.
The food is completely vegetarian. Their
rotating buffet menu (for breakfast, lunch
and dinner) is very good. There are lots of
dishes to choose from and it’s not just
Indian on offer here. Every buffet includes a
few continental dishes as well. They also
have a well stocked bar.
The staff at Silent Hills is very helpful and
will go out of their way to see that you’re well
taken care of.
If planning a short holiday for your large
family seems like a mammoth task, then
hopefully Silent Hills should help you out a
bit. It has a little something for everyone.
© Courier Publications Private Limited. All right reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
After spending a night in
the Black Hills of
Burkittsville, Maryland,
four young fans of the original Blair Witch movie descend into a nightmare
realm of murder, madness
and perception-bending
supernatural horror. Starring Jeffrey Donovan, Erica
Leerhsen, Lanny Flaherty.
HBO, 9 p.m.
Richard Hammond reveals the surprising engineering
connections between Japan’s ‘bullet train’ - the world’s first
high speed railway - and ancient charioteers, a crowbar, a
medieval clock, the electric telegraph, and a 19th century
luxury racing car. Nearly 50 years old the bullet train is still
pioneering new high-speed technology. Engineers re-invented the train wheel to allow the bullet train to run at
close to 300 kilometres per hour, and devised an ingeniously levered pantograph - the connection between the
train and the overhead power lines - to eliminate the danger of 10,000°C electrical arcs. Making the train light - so
it can accelerate quickly - called for a solution first used in
a Lohner Porsche, the world’s first four wheel drive car.
Every single carriage of the bullet train is driven - except for
the first and last - the exact opposite of a conventional
train. The bullet train has 112 wheel drives. Cornering at
high speed called for the train to lean - something ancient
charioteers practised to corner faster. The track is banked
but the train itself leans as it corners. NGC, 9 p.m.
MEDICAL ANOMALIES explores unusual and sometimes
shocking medical ailments and conditions from around the
world. This episode narrates the story of Deepak from
India. Six years ago, in one of India’s most remote areas,
a boy named Deepak was born with an extraordinary medical condition - a parasitic twin. Half of his brother was
fused with his chest giving Deepak’s body four extra limbs.
Witness these amazing human stories and more on this
powerful new series. Discovery, 9 p.m.
This episode of NATURAL WORLD presents HONEY
HUNTING IN NEPAL with Jimmy Doherty, a young British
farmer, fanatical about honey, where he is facing a new
challenge. Nepalese wild honey is one of the most sought
after varieties. Due to their size, Himalayan giant bees are
able to forage at extremely high altitude; collecting nectar
from the flowers blooming way up into the mountains.
Nepalese honey hunters have an incredibly demanding
task, fraught with danger. Can Jimmy overcome the dangers to harvest the highly prized Himalayan honey from
nests on cliffs 300ft high? Animal Planet, 8 p.m.
Join eco-adventure traveler and host, Ethan Zohn, as he
discovers hidden gems of green tourism in Santiago, Chile.
La Boqueria market is one of the most popular food markets in Spain, attracting a pilgrimage of food lovers from
chefs to youths, house wives, and of course, tourists. The
market is vibrant, bursting with fragrances and flavors.
Over 300 stores from tapas restaurants to candy shops
line the market alleys and cater to thousands of visitors a
Engineering Connections, NGC, 9 p.m.
day. History, 10 p.m.
Strap on your crash helmet and take your Dramamine
because in this episode of TLC’s thrill series EXTREME,
viewers will roll coast to coast to experience the most extreme terror rides in the US. From the speed demon that
achieves total weightlessness 1,000 feet about the Las
Vegas Strip to the 100-foot bungee jump, where they don’t
even give you a bungee cord to the one ride that’s the single fastest and highest white knuckle scream machine in
all of America. TLC, 11 p.m.
Shailaja tells dadi about ishwar’s call, Pia tells doctor
she has found the girl whom raunak loves, doctor sees
panna’s picture in raunaks wallet, Shailaja gets disturbed
due to Ishwar’s thoughts. Star Plus, 7.45 p.m.
In tonight’s episode we will see, Anandi getting emotional as Kalyani encourages her to study further. On the
other side Gauri enters the haweli and walks down the
memory lane. Gauri remembers her child marriage with
Jagdish. She goes in a state of shock as she realizes that
Jagat is the same boy she had got married to when she was
a child. She rushes to her parents’ home and locks herself
up in her room. Gauri’s parents are shocked to see her.
Gauri in her room cries out aloud blaming Jagat. At the
same time she receives a call from him and she says that
she would not return to Mumbai and asks Jagat not to call
her ever again, now what will happen next? Colors, 8 p.m.
Marshall struggles to fire an incompetent employee,
everyone tries to figure out whom Robin slept with Halloween night, and Zoey, the GNB skyscraper protester, finds
a way to turn Ted’s class against him. Star World, 11 p.m.
Meg is admitted to hospital due to a severe accident, and
Peter vows to treat her better than he ever has before. Star
World, 11.30 p.m.
The supernatural tale of star-crossed lovers continues
as the Cullen family flees Forks in order to protect Bella
and the heartbroken high-school senior discovers that
vampires aren’t the only creatures in town. Realizing that
Bella will never be safe as long as he’s around, Edward
makes the difficult decision to leave his beloved behind
shortly after her 18th birthday. Reeling from her loss, Bella
embraces self-destruction after being comforted by Edward’s image during a moment of mortal peril. But as
heavy-hearted as Bella may be, her old friend Jacob distracts her from her sorrows by helping her renovate a
weather-beaten motorbike. Star Movies, 11.00 p.m.
Crime novelist Catherine Tramell is living in London, and
becomes the center of police investigation (yet again)
when her football player boyfriend drowns in a car accident and it is revealed that he was already dead because
of a drug overdose before Tramell drove the car into water.
Police psychoanalyst Dr. Michael Glass is called for examining Tramell, and is intrigued by the seductive and manipulative woman. On the other hand , his friend Det. Roy
Washburn is sure Tramell is guilty. Tramell asks Glass to
treat her for her ‘risk addiction’ problem, and with each
therapy session , Glass gets more and more suspicious
about her intentions. As more and more murders are committed, including that of Glass’s ex-wife, Glass becomes
obsessed with proving Tramell’s guilt even though the evidence is contradictory. Pix, 11.15 p.m.
Raj (Vatsal Sheth) is a bright young man working in a
garage owned by Kartar Singh (Amrish Puri in a great role).
Priya (Ayesha Takia) is a young vivacious girl from London
who is on a visit to India and as expected falls in love with
Twilight Saga, Star Movies, 11 p.m.
the likeable Raj. In the meantime, Raj picks up a dead and
done car from the junkyard and transforms it into a great
mean machine. The car can do anything, anywhere. Both,
Raj and Priya, are in love with Tarzan and love traveling in
it. They have a few adventures on the way, which make the
film a little interesting. Zee Cinema, 12 noon
The story of a husband who suspects his wife of adultery, and sets out to track down the other man in her life.
Zee Studio, 9 p.m.
Chastised by their son, Aayush’s Hindi school-teacher
for not conversing in the national language, as well as ignoring the relevance of the word ‘Atithi1, Mumbai-based
Bolfywood writer, Puneet, and his Architect’s Assistant
wife, Moon Moon, go out of their way to welcome an hitherto unknown paternal uncle, Lambodar, from Gorakhpur.
Hoping that he will depart soon, the couple find their lives
turned upside when he not only refuses to leave but interferes with their professional and personal lives - so
much so that Puneet gets fired from his movie project
‘Pachaas1, and Moon Moon almost loses her job. The
question remains: with the guest being given the place of
God - how will the couple ask him to leave? Star Gold, 6.15
Las Vegas
Mr Sunshine
Raising Hope.
How I Met Your Mother
Family Guy
Las Vegas
How I Met Your
7.30 Family Guy.
8.00 Two And A Half Men
8.30 The Simpsons
9.00 Las Vegas
10.00 Dexter.
11:00 How I Met Your Mother
11.30 Family Guy
8.00 The Bold and The
9.00 Las Vegas
2.00 Hell’s Kitchen UK
3.00 Keeping Up with The
Kardashions III
3.30 Friends.
4.00 18 To Life It
4.30 Park and
Recrecation II
5.00 No Ordinary Family
6.00 Hell’s Kitchen UK
8.00 Fashion Police
9.00 Make It For Break It III
10.00 Body of Proof I
11.00 The Mentalist I
9.00 No Ordinary Family
10.00 Body of Proof I.
Judge Judy
The Insider
America’s Next Top
5.00 Everybody Loves
5.30 King of Queens The.
6.00 The Inside
6.30 Oprah.
7.30 The Insider
8.00 Everybody Loves
8.30 King of Queen
9.00 Oprah
10.00 America’s Next Top
8.00 Everybody Loves...
8.30 King of Queens.
9.00 Everybody Loves
9.30 King of Queen.
10.00 Rachel Ray
A story of a cop who has killed 56 people... so far. A
story of circumstances that can produce a man like him. A
story that blurs the line between legality and corruption. A
story that finally proves to you that if you fear the Police
it’s with good reason. A story that will convince you that
barbarism is necessary. A story that gives new meaning to
the term cold blood. Filmy, 7 p.m.
2.00 Sapson Se Bharey
2.30 Chand Chupa Badal
3.00 Navya.
3.30 Maayke Se Bandhi
4.00 Yeh Rishta Kya
Kehalata Hai.
5.00 Sasuraal Genda
5.30 Saath Nibhaana
6.00 Mann Ki Awaaz
6.30 Navya
7.00 Saath Nibhaana...
7.45 Sasuraal Genda
8.30 Maayke Se Bandhi
9.00 Gulaal.
9.30 Yeh Rishta Kya
Kehlata Hain
10.00 Navya
10.30 Mann Ki Awaaz...
11.00 Maryada..Lekin Kab
8.30 Sasural Genda Phool
9.45 Navya
CID Classics.
Krishaben Khakhrawala.
Chhange Chhange
Kaa Pyaar
9.00 Comedy Circus
10.00 CID
11.00 Crime Patrol
9.00 Saas Bine Sasural
11.00 Aahaat
2.00 Kahani Ab Tak
2.30 Chhoti Si Zindagi.
3.00 Ram Milaye Jodi.
3.30 Sanjog Se Bani
4.00 Shabhash India
5.30 Pavitra Rishta.
6.00 Bhagowali.
6.30 Apno Ke Liye Geeta
Ka Dharmyudh
7.00 Choti Bhau 2
8.00 Jhansi Ki Rani.
8.30 Yahaan Main….
9.00 Pavitra Rishta.
9.30 DID Doubles
10.00 Dance Doubles
2.28 Rang Badalti Odhani
3.00 Doond Legi Manzil
3.30 Rang Badalti
4.00 Pyaar Ki Yeh ek
4.30 Yeh Ishq Haaye
5.00 Doond Legi Manzil
5.30 Geet Hui Sabse
6.00 Yeh Ishq Haaye
Team Challenge
10.00 Uttaran.
10.30 Na Aana Is Des
2.00 Rihston Ke Bhawar
Mein Uljhi
2.30 Kyunki..Jeena Isi Ka
Naam Hai.
3.00 Ganga Ki Dheej
3.30 Maa Ka Chamatkar:
6.30 Chacha Chaudhary
7.30 Hi Padosi Kaun Hai
8.00 Shorr.
8.30 Hamari Beti Raaj
9.00 Rishton Ke Bhawar
Mein Uljhi.
9.30 Kesariya Balam
Aavo Hamare Des.
10.00 Ganga Ki Dheej.
10.30 Mata Ki Chowki.
11.00 Kaala Saaya.
8.00 Golden Melodies
8.30 Dhoom
9.00 Film
Sasuraal Genda Phool, Star Plus, 7.45 p.m.
6.30 Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek
7.00 Rang Badalti Odhani
7.30 Geet Hui Sabse
8.00 Yeh Ishq Haaye
8.30 Pyaar Ki Yeh Ek
9.00 Doond Legi Manzil
9.30 Geet-Hui Sabse
10.00 Rang Badalti
10.30 Yeh Ishq Haaye
11.00 Doond Legi Manzil
9.00 Yeh Ishq Haaye
9.30 Pyar Ki Yeh Ek
10.00 Dhoond Legi Manzil
11.00 Geet Hui Sabse
2.00 Baba Aisa Varr
2.30 Gunho Ka Devta
3.00 Chandragupta
3.30 Beendh Banuga
Ghodi Chadhunga.
4.00 Kitani Mohabbat Hai
5.00 Nachle Ve with Saroj
And Terence
6.00 Chandragupta
6.30 Baba Aisa Varr
7.00 Chandragupta
8.00 Gunhon Ka
9.00 Chandragupta
10.00 Baba Aisa Varr
11.00 Chandragupta
7.00 Chandragupta
8.00 Mahima Shani
Dev Ki.
9.00 Chandragupta
4.00 Khatorn Ke Khiladi
5.30 Laagi Tujhse Lagan.
7.00 Bhagya Vidhaata.
7.30 Thoda Hai Bas
Thode Ki Zaroorat
8.00 Balika Vadhu
8.30 Bairi Piya.
9.00 Chak Dhoom Dhoom
2.00 Pinjara
2.30 Bhagyalakshmi
3.00 Nishani Daava
Angatha: Film
6.00 Maziya Priyala Preet
6.30 Home Minister
7.00 Kunku.
7.30 Bhagyalakshmi
8.00 Mazhiya Priyala
Preet Kalena
8.30 Lajja
9.00 Pinjara
9.30 Khupte Tithe Gupte
10.30 Rajya Marathi
Chitrapat Puraskar
8.30 Vedh Bhavishyacha.
9.00 Kunku.
9.30 Lajja
10.00 Khupte Tithe Gupte
11.00 Waras.
News in Marathi.
Katha Sariata.
Bollywood Dhamaka.
News in Marathi.
Krishi Darshan.
Amachi Mati Amachi
News in Marathi.
News in English.
Ek Aangan Ke Ho
Gaye Do
Sammaan Ek
Hallo Bol
Khadya Bhamamti
Ya Walnawar
Char Diwas
4.30 Hya Gojirwanya
5.00 Kalay Tasmye
5.30 Mejwani
6.00 Maharahstra Maza
6.30 Khadhyabrahmti
7.00 Ya Walnawar
7.30 Lek Ladaki Ya
8.00 Char Diwas
8.30 Hya Gojirwanya
9.00 Kalay Tasmye
9.30 Comedy Express
10.30 Aapli Mumbai.
11.00 News.
8.00 Shubharambh
8.30 Gane Tumche
9.30 Lek Ladaki Ya
10.05 Mahatma
Basveswar: Film,
Altul Kulkarni
2.00 Untamed And Uncut.
3.00 Human Prey
4.00 When Animal
5.00 The Haunted
6.00 Oceans: Southern
Film. Sheryas
Talpade, Kay Kay
Mid Day News
Mere Dish Ki Dharti
Rajyon Se Samachar
Aankhon Dekhi.
Metro Scan
Khel Samachar
2.00 Fun Asia
3.00 Take a Break
4.00 Man v Food
4.30 World Party
5.00 Open Ticket
6.00 Ultimate Cake Off
7.00 Chew
8.00 Travel Weekend
9.00 Sea Nation
9.30 Shimmy.
10.00 Man vs Food
10.30 Get Out.
11.00 Extreme
8.00 Chew: Food Paradise
9.00 Sea Nation
9.30 Shimmy.
10.00 Best of Nigella
11.00 Hell’s Kitchen
2.00 Swords
4.00 Wild Encounters
5.00 Discovery Showcase
6.00 Wild Discovery
7.00 Joy of Discovery
8.00 Man vs Wild
9.00 Medical Anomallies
10.00 I Shouldn’t Be Alive.
11.00 Destroyed In
8.00 Wild Discovery
9.00 Destroyed In
10.00 We Built This City
11.00 Wild Encounters
2.00 Traveller Band: Ever
Wondered About Food
3.00 The Frankincense
4.00 Pul Merton in IndiaDelhi
5.00 Science & Tech:
Seven Wonders of
the Industrial World
6.00 Special Forces
7.00 The Assassination of
Zia Al Huq
8.00 Paul Martin in India
9.00 David Rocco’s Dolice
10.00 Traveller Band.
11.00 Seven Wonders of
the Industrial World
8.00 Creative Vision
9.30 Ghost Stories: The
Ghost of JJ Stark
10.00 Traveller Band
2.00 Expedition Wild:
Grizzly Encounters
3.00 Banged Up Abroad
4.00 Terraquiz 2011
5.00 Nat Geo Amazing!.
6.00 Wild Week: Triumph
of Life Week
7.00 I Didn’t Know That.
8.00 Wild: Hippos Hell
9.00 Engineering
11.00 True Stories: Great
8.00 Terraquiz 2011
9.00 Animal Impact
10.00 Trapped – Cave Rescue
11.00 I Didn’t Know That
2.30 Roland Garros 2011
11.30 Score Tonight
8.00 Hot Water 11/12
11.00 TNA Sikander
DDII (Metro Channel)
7.00 Animal Planet Safari
8.00 Natural World
9.00 Great Ocean
10.00 Untamed And Uncut
11.00 Human Prey
8.00 Animal Planet Safari
9.00 Untamed And Uncut
10.00 Fatal Attractions
11.00 Natural World
Balika Vadhu, Colors, 8 p.m.
DDI (Main Channel)
Aage Se Right, DDI, 11 p.m.
Business Wrap.
Samachar Plus
Cinema Is Hafte.
Mukhya Samachar.
Khel Samachar.
Business Wrap.
MLB Regular Season
Premier League World.
Global Football ‘11.
Super X Australian
Supercross Series
7.00 World of Football
7.30 Football Asia 11/12
8.00 Sportscenter Asia
8.30 Sportscenter Asia.
9.00 Bpl Express
10.00 Sportscenter India.
10.30 Sportscenter Asia.
11.00 World of Football
8.00 Tiger Street Football
9.30 Football Crazy
All programmes on this page are as per the official schedules of the various channels. Afternoon is not responsible for any last minute changes.
1.00 First Knight
3.00 Hudson Hawk
5.00 Starship Troopers 2:
Hero of The Federation
7.00 Command Performance
9:00 Twilight
11.00 Twilight Saga: New Moon
7.00 Starship Troopers 2:
Hero of the Federation
9.00 Step Brothers
11.00 Toy Story
12.45 Steven Spielberg
Presents Taken
2.45 Journey To The Center of
the Earth
4.45 Terminator Salvation
7.00 Delta Force 2: The
Colombian Connection
9:15 Book of Shadows: Blair
Witch 2
11.00 Shutter Island
7.45 Showdown In Little Tokyo
9.00 Se7en
11.30 Whiteout
Making of Eagel
Breads and Tulips
Hard Boiled
Breads and Tulips
The Last Metro
4.00 Raja Aur Runk: Sanjeev
Kumar, Kum Kum
8.00 Souten-The Other
Women: Mahima
Choudhari, Padmini K
8.00 Karmyog: Raj Kumar,
12.00 Aavdhese Aabhal:
Sachin, Ashok Saraf
3.00 Galgale Nighale: Bharat
Jadhav, Siddharth
6.30 Tukya Tukavila Nagya
Nachvila: Makrand
Anaspure, Pushkar Jog
9.30 Char Diwas Premache:
Arun Nalawade, Prashant
12.00 Little Longnose
1.30 Ben 10: Alien Force the
Vengeance of Vilgax
2.30 Tom and Jerry Show.
4.00 Beyblade Metal Fusion
5.00 Generator Rex
5.30 Ben 10: Ultimate Alien.
6.30 Tom and Jerry: Fast and
The Furry
8.00 Tom and Jerry Tales.
8.00 Richie Rich
9.00 Toon Toast.
Chhota Bheem Marathon
Mr Bean.
Stuart Little
Chhota Bheem.
1.00 Starship Troopers
4.00 Failure To Launch
6.00 Caribbean : Dead Man’s
9.00 The Other Man
11.15 Transformers
10.30 The Other Man
Dungeons and Dragons
The Thirteenth Floor
Black Book
DYI: Blood: The Last
11.15 Basic Instinct
7.00 The Da Vinci Code.
9.45 Van Wilder-The Rise of
Basic Instinct, Pix,
11.15 p.m.
3.15 Khichi-The Movie:
Supriya Pathak, Anang
6.15 Atithi Tum Kab Jaoge:
Ajay Devgan, Konkan
9.00 Yamraj Ek Faulad: Junior
NTR, Bhoomika Chawla
10.30 Phir Bhi Dil Hai
Hindustan: Shahrukh
12.00 Karan Arjun: Shahrukh
K, Salman Khan
4.00 Angrakshak: Sunny Deol,
Pooja Bhatt
7.00 Qualifier 2 Winner of
eliminator vs Loser of
Qualifier s
5.30 Dulaara: Govinda,
Karishma K
11.00 Sooryavansham:
Amitabh B, Soundarya
12.00 Tarzan The Wonder Car:
Ajay Devgan
4.00 One Two Three: Tushaar
Kapoor, Paresh Rawal
8.00 Dalaal: Mithun C, Ayesha
2.00 Nishchaiy: Salman Khan,
Karishma Kapoor
5.30 Sheshnaag: Jeetendra,
9.00 Ghar Ka Chiraag: Rajesh
Khanna, Neelam
9.30 Do Shikaari: Vinod
Khanna, Rekha
12.30 Aulad: Jeetendra, Sridevi
4.00 Main Hoon Rakhwala:
Chiranjeevi, Meena
8.00 Ab Tak Chhappan: Nana
Patekar, Revathi
9.00 White Fang: Seymour
12.00 16 Dec: Danny
Dengzongpa, Milind
Aab Tak Chhappan,
Filmy, 7 p.m.
Lohe Ka Wars
Gadbad Gadbad
Thomas and Friends.
Mr Bean: The Animated
Series Marathon
10.00 Chhota Bheem
Fish Hooks
Phineas And Ferb
1001 Nights
Best of Luck Nikki
Phineas and Ferb.
Phineas and Ferb.
Tarzan Hood.
Phineas and Ferb
Phineas And Ferb.
2.00 Kid vs Kat
2.30 Monkey King.
3.00 Super Robot
Monkey Team
Hyper Force Go.
4.00 Kid vs Kat.
4.30 Buzz Light Year of Star
5.00 Heroes-Spiderman.
5.30 Kid vs Kat.
6.30 Super Robot Monkey
Team Hyper Force Go.
7.00 Legend of Tarzan.
7.30 Kid vs Kata
8.00 Monkey King.
8.30 Super Robot
Monkey Team
Hyper Force Go.
9.00 Buzz Light Year of
Star Command
9.30 Kick Buttowski.
10.00 Zeke and Luther.
10.30 Aaron Stone
8.00 Kid vs Kat
8.30 Dennis and Gnasher
9.00 Kick Buttowski.
10.00 XD Cinema-Fly Me
To The Moon.
Nifty Above 5400…
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
NSE India: S&P Nifty — Daily Market Report for: Friday (May 27, 2011)
(Based on the activity of the previous trading day) by Dominic Rebello
The ADX is rising while the Market
Index is rising, which indicates that
the present up trend is increasing in
Moving Averages (Trend Indicators)
The index:
Has crossed above its 5-day average
(at 5405) Positive.
Is below its 15-day average (at 5470)
Is below its 25-day average (at 5572)
Is below its 200-day average (at
5754) Negative.
All the four averages are negatively
trended. Negative.
The Nifty rose substantially on
Thursday (May 26, 2011) a net 63.40
points (1.19%) and closed at the
5412 point level. The market opened
up with a gap at the 5372 points level.
It then declined and registered the
day’s low at the 5356 points level at
10.00 a.m. It then rose and registered
the day’s high at the 5422 points level
at 3.15 p.m. It then turned into a
range bound movement until closing
at the day. The Nifty remained above
its previous close throughout the day
and moved in a range of 66 points.
Sentiment was bullish and amongst
the 50 Nifty stocks, 38 were gainers,
while 12 were losers. Heavy buying
was witnessed in oil & gas, metal,
auto, realty and capital goods stocks,
while some selling was witnessed in
consumer durables, IT, technology
and FMCG stocks.
On Japanese candlestick patterns
the index after having formed a
black body candle has formed a
long white body candle on
substantially higher volumes.
Further the index has crossed
above the 5 days moving average.
Moreover, the velocity parameters,
which were negatively trended,
have now turned neutral. All these
indicate a positive bias and the
possibility of a further up move
However, the index is below its 15,
25 and 200 days moving averages
and all the averages are declining
and negatively trended. This is
negative. As such these are mixed
signals. Investors are advised to
Overall Market Strength/Weakness:
The indicators and oscillators
discussed here are indicating a
neutral market but with a positive
Support Levels:
For short-term traders the immediate
main support is at 5135 marked as
S1 (blue line below the Index).
The next support is at 4795 marked
as S2 (blue line below the Index).
Resistance Levels
The immediate main resistance is at
5982 marked as R1 (red line above
the Index).
The next resistance is at 6357
marked as R2 (red line above the
Pivot Point Analysis:
For intra-day traders the support and
Volume (Qty shares) increased
31.34%. This change is substantial
and indicates a wide participation by
Market Breadth:
Overall Market Breadth on the NSE
was positive. Amongst all the traded
stocks, 748 were gainers, 625 were
losers and 69 remained unchanged.
Slow Stochastic Indicator:
The Slow Stochastic Oscillator has
risen is in the over-sold zone.
The Slow K line in the Stochastic
Oscillator has risen above the slow D
line (positive and a buy signal).
RSI Indicator:
The RSI rose and crossed above the
40 level and is now rising (positive if it
MACD Indicator:
The MACD is below zero but is now
rising (positive if it continues). It is
adopt a wait and watch policy until
clearer signals emerge.
Work with strict stop losses
on all positions.
below its 9-day Average (negative).
ADX Indicator & DI Lines:
The +DI line is below the –DI line but
both lines are converging (positive if it
resistance levels are calculated
according to the pivot point theory
and are:
Pivot point = 5397 (This is the level
where the trend is likely to change
during intra-day).
Support (1) = 5372.
Support (2) = 5331.
Resistance (1) = 5438.
Resistance (2) = 5463.
BSE Sensex
S&P CNX Nifty
Closing Price
Closing Price
No Signal Change
No Signal Change
Open Position
Open Position
Stop Loss
Stop Loss
Disclaimer: Investment recommendations made in ‘ADC’ are for information purposes only and derived from sources that are deemed to be
reliable but their accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed. ‘ADC’ or the analyst/writer does not accept any liability for the use of this
column for the buying or selling of securities. Readers of this newspaper who buy or sell securities based on the information in this newspaper
are solely responsible for their actions. ‘ADC’ and/or its affiliates and/or employees and/or the author, his company or his acquaintances may
have interests/ positions, financial or otherwise in the securities mentioned in this newspaper.
Economic medicine that was previously meted out by the
cupful has recently been dispensed by the barrel. These once
unthinkable dosages will almost certainly bring on unwelcome
after-effects. Their precise nature is anyone's guess, though
one likely consequence is an onslaught of inflation.
Warren Buffett
Elara Capital calls a ‘Buy’ on Tata Steel
CMP: Rs 573 Target Rs 700
Tata Steel (Tata) posted strong results for the quarter-ended March 2011 on
the back of higher sequential volume sales. Revenues for the quarter
increased 24.5% YoY and 16.9% QoQ. EBITDA for the quarter however
declined 0.7% YoY but improved 38.9% QoQ. The performance for the
quarter was characterised by higher sequential volumes while realisations
improved year over year. Increase in coking coal costs was the main reason
for the YoY decline in operating profits. Adjusted PAT for the quarter stood
at INR18.9bn registering a decline of 32.1% YoY and improvement of
115.3% QoQ.
Highlights of the quarter: Tata recorded consolidated sales volumes of
6.1mn tonnes which was a decline of 5.7% YoY but improvement of 7.7%
QoQ. Realisations for the quarter improved to INR 46,752/tonne as
compared to INR 45,072 in Q4FY10 and INR 48,468 in Q3FY11.
Valuation and recommendation: We expect volume growth in Indian
operations to mitigate rising coking coal cost pressure. In European region,
we believe the cost saving initiatives should help Corus stabilize EBITDA per
tonne at ~USD60. Considering volume growth in the profitable domestic
operations and turnaround in the European operations, we believe Tata
Steel is the best placed Indian steel producer. We upgrade our
recommendation on Tata Steel to ‘Buy’ with a target price of INR 700.
Pinc Research calls a ‘Buy’ on Elecon Engineering
CMP: Rs 68 Target Rs 96
Elecon Engineering (EECL) Q4FY11 results were in line with our
expectations. Sales registered 6.5% YoY growth to Rs 3.5bn. OPM improved
by 180bps YoY to 16.1% due to decline in RM cost. Adjusted profit grew by
29% to Rs 236mn. Order inflows witnessed healthy growth of 106% in
Q4FY11 (YoY Basis). In FY11, sales witnessed a growth of 12.4% and 50bps
improvement in operating margins to 15%.
Transmission Equipments (TRE) again drives the growth: Revenues in the
MHE division were flat at Rs 1,944mn mainly because of high contribution
of products vs projects (YoY basis). TRE witnessed a healthy growth of 15%
to Rs 1,563mn, resulting in an overall growth of 6.5% in sales. Net profit
registered a growth of 29% to Rs 236mn
Healthy Order Book & Inflows: Order inflows were up 106% in Q4FY11
and 127% in FY11. Management indicated live enquiries worth Rs50bn and
L1 position worth Rs 2.8bn. The current order book at end of Q4FY11
stands at Rs 13.8bn (Rs. 10.6bn for MHE and Rs 3.3bn for TRE division)
excluding the order from Brahmani Steel (worth Rs 3.2 bn).
Overseas acquisition starts contributing: Radicon-Benzler registered a
revenue of Rs 1.1bn, OPM of 6.9% and PAT of Rs 0.7mn for four months of
consolidation. Management expects a turnover of Rs 2.5bn in FY12 with
OPM of 6.5%. Valuations And Recommendation: We expect sales CAGR of
21% (FY11-13E). At CMP the stock is attractively valued at 7.8 x FY12E given
healthy order book, increasing focus on project business, robust order
pipeline and sustainable margins. We maintain ‘BUY’ with a target price of
Rs 96 (11x FY12E).
Sushil Finance calls a ‘Buy’ on Vinati Organics
CMP: Rs 75 Target Rs 110
Vinati Organics Ltd (VOL) posted decent set of numbers for quarter and year
ended March 31, 2011. The Topline growth for the year was in line with our
estimates however the Bottomline growth exceeded our expectations.
Outlook & Valuation: VOL is engaged in manufacturing specialty organic
chemicals. The company is the world’s largest manufacturer of Isobutyl
Benzene (IBB) and second largest manufacturer of Acrylamido
Methylpropane Sulfonic Acid (ATBS). During FY11, VOL’s performance was
inline with our estimates on topline front but better than expected on
bottomline front as the company availed MAT credit during FY11 which led
to lower tax outgo. During FY 12 and FY13, VOL would not be availing any
MAT credit and would be paying full tax. Going forward, we expect FY12E
and FY13E Revenues to grow by 19.7% and 35.4% respectively driven my
higher ATBS capacity and higher contribution from newer products. APAT
growth for FY12E is expected to be flat due to higher tax outgo whereas
FY13E APAT is expected to grow by 43.0% owing to higher ATBS capacity
and favorable sales mix towards high margin segments. At the current
market price of Rs 74, VOL is available at 4.9x its FY13E EPS of Rs15.1. It
is currently trading at 0.7x its FY13E Sales. We maintain our BUY rating on
the stock at current levels for target price of Rs 110 (7.3x FY13E EPS).
Please send all business and corporate related mails to
[email protected]
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
Zee, Star Form Distribution Venture
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
To gain a foothold in the pay-television market...
Vishwanath Salian | ADC
Fruits, Milk Push Food Inflation To 8.55%
India’s food inflation soared to 8.55 % for the week ended May 14, the
highest level in four weeks, as prices of fruits, milk and cereals rose sharply.
The annual food inflation has risen for the first time in the last four weeks.
Food inflation was 7.47 % for the week ended May 7 and 7.7 % in the
previous week.
Fruits became 32.37 % costlier year-on-year. Prices of cereals rose 5.03
% and onions became 8.32 % costlier, according to data released by the
ministry of commerce and industry here. Prices of egg, meat and fish rose
8.26 % and milk became 5.53 % costlier.
The index of primary articles also rose to 11.60 % during the week under
review from 10.94 % in the previous week. But, the fuel index, which has
14.91 % weightage in the wholesale price index basket, declined marginally
to 12.11 % during the week ended May 14 compared to 12.21 % in the
previous week. However, the fuel index is expected to spike after it factors
in the Rs.5 per litre increase in price of petrol, effected on May 14.
M D Mallya Elected Chairman, IBA
Rivals turned Partners: LtoR-Sameer Manchanda-Den Networks, Uday Shankar-Star India, Punit Goenka-Zee Entertainment
and Anshuman Misra-Turner Intl at the announcement of their joint venture on Thursday
By Mayura Shanbaug
n a bid to gain a better foothold
in India’s pay-television subscription market, two entertainment
companies Zee Turner and Star
Den Media Services have formed a
50:50 joint venture, Media Pro Enterprise India to combine distribution of the channel bouquets of
Star and Zee in the country.
Star Den is an existing 50:50 joint
venture between Star India and
Den Networks, while Zee Turner is
a 74:26 joint venture between Zee
Entertainment Enterprises and
Turner International India.
“The new joint venture company
Media Pro Enterprise India will
jointly aggregate and distribute
channels licensed to Zee Turner
and Star Den, Zee Entertainment,”
says Uday Shankar, Chief Executive, Star India.
The total bouquet offered will
have 68 existing channels plus all
the forthcoming channels through
this new JV. According to sources
the joint venture will have combined revenues of over Rs 2,000
crore and Star Den will get a 53%
revenue from the joint venture.
“The long-term vision of this
venture is to pool together the resources of both the partners so as
to address various anomalies of the
present analog market, curb piracy
and introduce transparency by accelerating the pace of digitization
in India,” says Punit Goenka, managing director and chief executive
officer of Zee Entertainment.
Incidentally, Zee Entertainment,
part of the Essel group, runs Hindilanguage channels including Zee
TV, Zee Cinema, Ten Sports and
several regional-language channels. Star India’s portfolio comprises 33 channels in eight
languages, including popular ones
like STAR Plus, Channel [V] and
STAR Movies. Star India is owned
by News Corp., which also owns
Dow Jones & Co., publisher of Dow
Jones Newswires and The Wall
Street Journal.
Answering a question on
whether this joint venture would
lead to cartelization of the market
and give the broadcasters an unfair
advantage by allowing them to dictate terms to local cable operators,
Uday Shankar said, “the idea is to
be collaborative, bring as may people together from across all segments of industry, rather than
trample over one section to go on
to the other section.”
Italy Eyeing Indian markets Siemens Granted Non Banking
Finance License In India
By A Business Reporter
taly and India are looking for better business opportunities and seek more business opportunities with Indian partners in areas of automation,
automobile, engineering, energy and clean energy,
financial services, textiles and fashion designing
said Fabio Bentivegna, Area Manager Innovations
& Informative Service & Foreign Office, Milan
Chamber of Commerce & Industry while addressing the All India Association of Industries (AIAI)
and the World Trade Centre (WTC) Mumbai.
Bentivegna further added that “they will be regularly sponsoring trade delegations to India
through our organization and through banks in
Italy since we feel there are tremendous opportunities in India for business which needs to be explored . We also seek Indian investments in Italy
and we can generate employment in areas of textile, automation, automobile and engineering
as today we have over 8% unemployment.
Vijay Kalantri, President, All India Association of
Industries (AIAI) said that Italy is among India’s top
5 trading partners in the EU and the 12th largest investor in India. In 2009-10, bilateral trade was of the
order of $7.3 billion. During the first six months,
April to September, of the year 2010-11 bilateral
trade reached $3.7 billion. There is potential to enhance bilateral trade as the percentage share of trade
is less than 2 percent of global trade on both sides.
Incidentally, a number of Indian companies
have begun to look at Italy as an investment destination. There still remains a vast pool of unexplored possibilities for collaboration across all
industry sectors.
By A Business Reporter
iemens has received RBI clearance to operate a
non-banking finance company for its financial
services business in India, Siemens Financial Services
Private Limited (SFSPL). The company will focus on
developing an asset financing business by offering
products such as loans, leasing and other finance
products as permitted by the RBI to Siemens customers in India in the Industry, Energy and Healthcare
sectors, as well as pursue opportunities in other third
party markets.
“This represents a major milestone in the development of Siemens Financial Services in the Asia Pacific
region. India is a highly dynamic market with a growing demand for financing in many key segments,” says
Axel Scholz, CEO of Siemens Financial Services Commercial Finance Asia Pacific. “With the non-banking
finance company licence, we will be able to offer a
range of value added financing solutions to Siemens
customers, as well as working with third party vendors
and business customers on a direct basis.”
Incidentally, the Financial Services (SFS) division of
Siemens is a global provider of financial solutions in
the business-to-business area. With over 2,000 employees and an international network of financial
companies coordinated by Siemens Financial Services
GmbH, Munich, SFS supports Siemens as well as nonaffiliated companies, focusing on the three sectors of
energy, industry and healthcare. SFS finances infrastructure, equipment and working capital and act as a
competent manager of financial risks within Siemens.
The Managing Committee of the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) has elected
M D Mallya, Chairman & Managing Director, Bank of Baroda as the
Chairman, IBA for the term 2011-12. The Committee also elected Alok
Misra, CMD, Bank of India, K R Kamath, CMD, Punjab National Bank and
Rana Kapoor, MD & CEO, Yes Bank as Deputy Chairmen and Pratip
Chaudhuri, Chairman, State Bank of India as Honorary Secretary of the
Association for the year 2011-12.
Godrej Eyeing 25 % Refrigerator Market Share
Godrej & Boyce is aiming to grow at 25% in volume terms in the refrigerator
segment in India this fiscal. “We grew by 23 to 24 % in volume terms in
refrigerator segment last fiscal. This year we are aiming at a growth rate of
25 %,” said Jayesh Parekh, assistant vice president (Refrigerators and
Microwave Ovens) Godrej Appliances.
Noting that currently the company’s market share in refrigerator segment
was 19 %, he said this fiscal, they were targeting to catch a 21 % market
share. Currently the refrigerator segment in the country was about 85,000
lakh units, Parekh said. The company has two manufacturing plants - at
Shirwal in Maharashtra and another in Mohali in Punjab. The two plants had
one million capacity each, Parekh said and added that this year the total
capacity would be expanded by one million unit putting together both the
BSE To launch SME Exchange Soon
The Bombay Stock Exchange has received an ‘in-principle’ approval from
the capital market regulator SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India)
for launching the SME Exchange. In a latest development, coming on the
heels of a series of positive moves for market participants and investors
ranging from Delivery-based derivatives, SOR and web-based IPO services
and Mobile trading among others, the BSE is now gearing up for its latest
venture in an emerging market segment.
Speaking on the development, Madhu Kannan, MD & CEO of the Bombay
Stock Exchange said, “We are glad to have received an in-principle approval
from SEBI to launch the new exchange for Small and Medium enterprises.
This is part of our strategy to offer superior services and products to
investors in India. It also ties up well with the governmental agenda of
greater financial inclusion and allowing promising enterprises of the future
to access retail capital. We look forward to the success of all stakeholders
of the soon-to-be launched SME exchange and will continue to work closely
with all of them to ensure a smooth and successful roll-out of the SME
The SME exchange when will be provide several benefits to all
participants that include, but are not limited to; access to capital, future
financing opportunities, increased visibility among investors, venture capital,
liquidity for shareholders and encouraging entrepreneurship.
—Business Desk with inputs from PTI & IANS
VMS Industries IPO To Open On May 30
VMS Industries Ltd., Bhavnagar based Ship recycling company is entering
the capital market through Initial Public Offer (IPO) on May 30 and will close
on June 2. The price band of the issue is fixed at Rs 36-40 per share. The
issue size will be Rs 25.75 crore
The company said the IPO proceeds would be utilized for part financing
the modernization of various existing and proposed manufacturing facilities
at Kalol, financing the setting up of corporate office at Ahmedabad ,for the
long term working capital requirements, meeting the issue expenses and
general corporate purpose.
The company’s ship recycling plant is located at Alang-Sosiya breaking
yard near Bhavnagar . The company is engaged in Ship Recycling Business
and offshore support business activities and is going to expand its ship
recycling activities.VMS also holds 25% stake in a partnership firm ‘Eternal
Automobiles’ which is a dealer of two wheelers for ‘Honda Motor Cycle and
Scooter India Pvt. Ltd’.
On the financial side, the company had a turnover of Rs 49.88 crore for
the nine months period ended on December 31,2010.The company’s net
profit is Rs 2.5 crore. Incidentally,ICRA has assigned IPO grade 1 out of 5
to VMS Industries indicating poor fundamentals, to the VMS Industries.
Sachin Joshi, the son of a
gutka baron, is all set to
enter Bollywood with his
movie Azaan, which has
already created a lot of
buzz. Sandeep Hattangadi
spoke to the ‘desi Bond’
about the movie and this
is what he had to say.
Is the film really creating a
buzz or just a publicity stunt?
We had our first screening at
Cannes and Azaan received an
overwhelming response. My costar Candice Boucher and I received a terrific response from
the luminaries of international
cinema. Besides, the promos
have garnered a positive response from the big wigs in the
industry too.
Who came up with the title?
Azaan Khan is the name of my
character who, to save his
motherland, goes beyond
enemy lines to accomplish a
mission. He is a special agent
with the Bond-type suave and
Jason Bourne’s intelligence.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
With Indian audience not
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
Sachin Joshi
being receptive to thrillers, will
Azaan work?
Yes it will. Though the spythriller genre has not been
much attempted by our audience, but with movies like SRK’s and Saif’s Agent Vinod
people will start appreciating
our work.
What is Azaan’s USP?
The movie’s biggest USP is that
it is sleek and very much Hollywood like. Other USPs includes
the director, Prashant Chaddha
(Aap Ka Suroor), fantastic score
by Salim-Suleiman who managed to rope in some really talented international artistes.
Besides, the movie has been
shot at some breathtaking international locales such as Germany,
Romania, Sudan, Russia, Morocco, etc., including India.
Candice Boucher, who was
crowned the most beautiful girl
in the world, plays the character
of a Moroccan girl.
How hard was it to perfect
your character?
It was difficult. To perfect my
role, I had to learn parkour,
wherein you jump from one
roof to another and so on. Besides, I’ve have performed most
of my stunts. I also underwent
rigorous training sessions to
perfect my acting skills and diction.
Why didn’t your father launch
My father could have made ten
films for me, but I was determined on making it on my won.
This is when Prashant approached me with Azaan and I
grabbed the opportunity with
both hands. Soon, we will be
promoting the film in a largerscale.
Dholakia's next to have reference to Nandigram
By Dibyojyoti Baksi
Rahul Dholakia
irector Rahul Dholakia, who is known for
his socio-political thrillers Parzania (2005)
and Lamhaa: The Untold Story of Kashmir
(2010) is now set to write a courtroom drama
Kanoon, which has a close reference to the
2007 Nandigram massacre related to land
takeover in West Bengal.
"It has a close reference to the Nandigram issue. It's a courtroom drama on
corporate crime. Actually, it shows how
common poor people suffer,lose their
lives, in the political or corporate clashes.
It's something around those lines. It's a
fiction set in Calcutta (Kolkata). Nandigram would be too direct to say, but a similar situation. But it definitely had to do with
Calcutta," Dholakia told IANS.
Dholakia had started working on it under
B.R. Films a year ago, which got stalled as producer Ravi Chopra was undergoing some serious health issues. "Almost after a year the B.R.
Films has revived it again. Actually Ravi
(Chopra) was not keeping well, so it got delayed. We are ready with the first draft of it. We
are sitting and reviving that. Hopefully, we will
finish that very soon and after that we would
approach the actors," said Dholakia.
As the film is set in Kolkata, it would surly
have some Bengali cast, said Dholakia. "It
would be a star-studded film and there would
be someone from Bengal as well as it's staged
in Calcutta." he added.
The national award-winning director is also
planning to rope in Bengali music director for
the background score to give the feel of the region. "We would take music directors from
Bengal only to do the background score and all
that. This is just to keep the flavour of the
place," said Dholakia.
Dholakia maintains that he has strong liking for Bengal, its music, its literature, its art
and its people since he worked in making of a
documentary film Calcutta Chronicle way
back in 1995.
‘Kuchh Luv Jaisaa’ depicts Shefali Shah in a new light
ctress Shefali Shah, who will
be seen in a slim and
glamorous avatar in Barnali Ray
Shukla's 'Kuchh Luv Jaisaa',
says the 'heroine' in Bollywood,
is expected to look good,
beautiful and this film has
helped her explore a new side of
“Looking good is part of my
job. There is a certain
responsibility or expectation
from a ‘heroine’ in Bollywood.
She has to be good looking,
beautiful, desirable, attractive,
presentable, slender, fit, welldressed, great hair and
make-up. This part helped me
rediscover this side of me,”
Shefali told PTI in an interview.
“People associate me with
intense roles and performances,
a thinking actress who only
does serious work. But there is
this side of me, which no one
has explored. This film has done
it. It took someone like Barnali
to visualise me as Madhu in the
film,” Shefali said.
The film revolves around
Madhu (Shefali), a housewife,
who is thrown together with a
stranger, Raghav (Rahul Bose) a
criminal, who she thinks is a
private detective. With this the
duo begin a one-day adventure
and it changes their lives
For the role of a housewife,
Shefali had undergone a
makeover as part of the story
and followed a diet and an
exercise regime to lose 12 kgs.
“I had to exercise, gym, eat
salads, fruits and drink juice. I
had to maintain a weight of 5152 kgs for the film. And in real
life too, I will ensure that I
maintain the mark of at least
53-54 kgs” Shefali said.
Having played mature roles
in her career of ten films, so
far, Shefali admits, she ignored
herself while focusing on the
character. According to her, this
film motivated her maintain
the look and weight in reality as
well. The film which is
produced by Vipul Shah,
releases on May 27.
Shilpa Shetty to
launch Warne in
Shilpa Shetty and Shane Warne together
hanks to the Indian Premiere League,
where cricket meets entertainment.
Shilpa Shetty, Raj Kundra and Shane Warne
have managed to build a good network, to
the extent, that he is getting Bollywood offers. If that's not enough, Shane Warne who
has lost as much as 15 kgs. of weight, and is
looking his best - thanks to girlfriend Liz
Hurley (People say that Liz's influence has
rubbed off on him) - is nowadays in better
form for both cricket and films. If talks are
to be believed, Shilpa will launch Shane
Warne in a Bollywood film with a romantic
comedy produced by her and Kundra. A
source close to the actress tells a publication, “Shilpa would love to launch Shane
given the right opportunity arises, but absolutely nothing of the sort, has been discussed so far.”
Shane, in fact, has got offers from other
producers and directors in Bollywood, but
nobody is talking yet, although we hear that
Shane is pretty excited, about the big screen
phenomenon that may encounter.
Oh my Gosh!
Vidya Balan
Shefali Shah
he slurred and lisped and swayed… and
could barely stand still. A hugely embarrassed Sujoy Ghosh, sitting in patiently to put
Vidya Balan through the paces of a photo
shoot for his Kahaani was in for a rude shock!
A supremely inebriated Balan is something
he had never bargained for! Ghosh, who was
all eager to wrap up the day's shoot was at his
wit's end… as the shoot proceeded sloppily…with Vidya going from bad to worse
and a harried Ghosh knowing not what to do!
A good half hour later, the actress… burst
out laughing uncontrollably and the prank
was bared in all its glory. A stunned Ghosh
told the media that Balan was so convincing
in her drunken act that he "completely believed" her. Although he states that it's highly
unlike Vidya to show up sozzled to her (starry)
gills for a shoot, he granted her "full marks for
playing this role to perfection."Kahaani
showcases Balan as a married woman whose
hubby comes down to India from London in
search of a job, but goes missing. The script
details Balan as a pregnant woman who goes
to Kolkata to search for him.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
ast week, the cyber world was
buzzing with debate over Dabangg winning a National
Award in the category of Best Popular Film Providing Wholesome Entertainment.
The film is about a corrupt cop, it
has what can best be described as
a raunchy item number (Munni
Badnam Hui)… and so on. While
Define Wholesome?
Deepa Gahlot
everybody’s definition of ‘popular’
and ‘entertainment’ may differ –
obviously many found Dabangg
gentertaining, that’s why it was a
blockbuster. But wholesome is a
different issue altogether, and as
someone pointed out on a Facebook exchange, someone should
point out the meaning of wholesome to the ministry.
The dictionary says it means
ew Delhi: Kay Kay Menon, the management
who has been in Bollywood for over a
decade, feels cinema is being misused, as
most of them are riding on marketing
gimmicks while content has taken a
"Marketing has taken over content
today, and I have serious objections to
that. It is the job of marketing people to
think of creative ways to publicise a film.
Just adding an item number in the film is
not marketing. I don't subscribe to such
nonsense. If the content of the film is
good, it wouldn't require an item number to make it work," he told IANS.
The 48-year-old feels filmmakers'
Kay Kay Menon
focus has shifted to other ‘not-sorelevant’ aspects of movies. As a result,
the content of the film is being compromised with.
"Today, filmmakers are focusing on
which dance step should be better for an
actor, how the music should be packaged, thus content becomes secondary,"
he said.
Kay Kay sailed into films on Saeed
Akhtar Mirza's 1995 release Naseem, but
it was his role in Sudhir Mishra's Hazaaron Khwaishein Aisi that brought him
recognition. Later, his role as DCP
Rakesh Maria in ‘Black Friday’ won him
critical acclaim. The actor has also been
a part of some of the meaningful cinematic offerings like Corporate, Honeymoon Travels Pvt Ltd, Sarkar and Life in
‘promoting mental, moral, or social
health’. Dabangg can hardly fit that
definition. Nor can many of the
a...Metro, blames the audience for promoting what he calls ‘trash’.
"The filmmakers are succeeding in
promoting trash because people are lapping it up. It is sad to see that nobody is
standing up and raising voice against it.
Filmmakers should be confident of the
product they are offering to people," said
Kay Kay, who will now be seen in a ‘glorified’ cameo in forthcoming film Bhindi
Baazaar.Inc about pickpocketing, releasing on June 10.
When asked how he feels on being a
Bollywood star, Kay Kay said that he
doesn't believe in the tag and is happy
being an actor rather than a star.
"Being a star has nothing to do with
other winners. The problem perhaps is in the clubbing of ‘popular
entertainment’ with ‘wholesome’,
because box-office records have
consistently shown that the two
terms do not often go together.
Which is why, over and over again,
the National Awards in this category get it wrong. When the ministry added this category, it must
have meant to include mainstream
films, that, in the old days, seldom
made it to National (or any)
Awards. Of late, they have been ruling everywhere.
When the ‘wholesome entertainment’ award was introduced, films
like Kora Kagaz, Tapasya, Swami,
Sankarabharabam, Ganadevta won
it – and it was fair.
The first time there was an uproar, was when the violent Ghayal
won it, followed two years later by
Darr – a film about a crazy stalker,
that could, by no stretch of the
imagination be called wholesome.
Coming to more recent years, Dev-
das (about an alcoholic), Munnabhai MBBS about a goonda who
bends the rules to become a doctor,
Rang De Basanti in which a group
of youngsters resort to murder as a
means of protest, Oye Lucky! Lucky
Oye!, about an unrepentant thief, 3
Idiots about a guy who gets into engineering college under a fake
identity and treats his teachers with
contempt, now Dabangg have
been defined as ‘wholesome’.
The issue here is not quality or
success, the issue is the message
that goes out when these films win
in the wholesome category. There
is no argument when Chak De!
India, Veer Zaara (YRF films seem
to win rather too often), Lagaan,
Sarfarosh, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, or
Hum Aapke Hain Kaun get it, but
some of the recent winners have
been way off the mark.
There is really no reason for this
category to exist, now that popular
films are considered for other National Awards too, and the line between popular and offbeat is
blurring. But if it is to continue, then
perhaps, the guidelines could be
made clearer to the jury. Or the only
halfway respected (rumours of lobbying are rampant) awards in the
country will lose their credibility.
Relations sour between
Preity and Shandar Amrohi
ew Delhi : Legendary filmmaker Kamal
Amrohi’s eldest son, Shandar Amrohi,
who calls Bollywood actor Preity Zinta his
‘daughter’, has gone back on his widely reported statement, said in March, that he’ll
leave his Rs 600 crore property to Zinta in his
will. I will leave her nothing. I am not yet
dying. “When I get a feeling that I am, then I
will draw my will. Why should I leave everything to Preity? Why not to Katrina Kaif? Woh
has taken
over content
in Bollywood’
acting. The other actors are stars because
of the lifestyle they lead and their surrounding per se. I can't lead that life. I
am comfortable with the life I lead and I
am happy being an actor. I want to inspire with my work at all point," he said.
Many actors are stepping behind the
camera, by turning producer or director.
When asked whether he ever plans to
step behind the camera and venture into
direction, Kay Kay said, "I believe in specialising. And I am a specialised actor. I
can't be a jack of all trades. If some day I
get bored of it, I would think of doing
something else."
After Bhindi Baazaar Inc, Kay Kay will
be seen showing off his comic skills in
Sagar Ballary's Bheja Fry 2 with Vinay
Pathak and Suresh Menon.
Preity Zinta and top
Shandar Amrohi
bhi bahut pyaari hai (She,
too, is lovely)” said Amrohi to a leading daily.
Amrohi, 66, is pained
by Zinta’s tweet earlier
this month, that read, ‘No
one has or ever will adopt
me or sign me in a will.
Things said in interviews
and reported are far from
facts as the proof is in the puddin (sic).’ “If I
said that, Preity is like a daughter to me, did
I commit a crime? Log aaj kal apni beti ko
bhi sahi nazar se nahi dekhte aur maine kisi
gair ki beti ko izzat dee hai (These days people cast a wrong eye on their own daughters,
and I gave respect to someone else’s daughter),” adds Amrohi.
Things seem to have soured between Amrohi and the 32-year-old Zinta, when the former announced his intention, to dedicate a
chapter in his biography, ‘From Nowhere to
Somewhere’, on the latter’s personal life.
Zinta, who till now, was actively helping Amrohi in his property dispute against his sister,
started distancing herself from him and did
not attend a function held, to celebrate the
book. “Main uske paas nahi gaya tha. Woh
khud aayi thi, (I did not go to her, she approached me on her own),” clarifies Amrohi.
“I am very senior to her and had first met
her in Mariott hotel where she was with her
then boyfriend Ness Wadia. I told her, she
seems like a daughter to me, and even sent
her gifts. When I got into a tiff with my siblings, someone informed her, that I was in
trouble, following which, she came to my
house and gave me moral support. Mujhe
usse kucch haasil nahi karna tha. Mujhe
kucch laalach nahi hai. (I did not want to
gain anything from it, and am not greedy). I
am the son of a film director. I have seen
enough heroines,” he points out.
On reports that Zinta is miffed with him, he
says, “Mujhe uske naraaz hone se koi farak
nahi padta (I’m not bothered about she getting upset). Eventually, she will come to me.
She has been busy with IPL. When she comes
home, we can clear all misunderstandings
added Amrohi”. Despite requesting Zinta for
a comment, she did not respond.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
Cannot find clitoris
I am a 20-year-old girl. I have learned that
the clitoris plays a major role in sexual
pleasure; however I am unable to find my
clitoris. I am worried. Help!
It can be rather difficult sometimes to
find a woman’s clitoris. This is mainly because women's genitals come in many different sizes and shapes. Each one is
different and unique! To make matters
worse, there are clitorises that are, though
normal, very small and deeply hidden
under the skin folds. Many girls/women
also do not know where to look for their clitoris or how does it look like since they have
never been encouraged to inspect and explore their vulva. For all these reasons, do
not feel bad if you are unable to find your
clitoris, when you first go looking for it.
First have a closer look at a diagram of
the female external genitalia and understand the anatomy. To find a woman's clitoris you first need to locate and identify
the inner lips (labia minora). This is because the clitoris is located at the point
where inner lips/labia meet, near the top
of the genital cleft. Some inner labia merge
at the bottom of the clitoral glans, at a
point called the frenulum, others merge
with the hood, and many others do both.
and not spongy and soft like the surrounding tissue. You could also visit a gynecologist for a clinical examination to alleviate
your anxieties about your clitoris.
Remember, sexual pleasure does not depend on the size of your clitoris. Even a
very small clitoris can derive as much
pleasure as a very big one.
When desires cloud clarity
Dr. Rajan B. Bhonsle
M.D. (Bom) Consulting Sex Therapist & Counsellor
Dr. (Mrs.) Minnu R. Bhonsle
I'm an 18-yr-old. The problem is that I just
got out of a relationship and when I came
to see my parents in the vacation, I fell
very deeply in love with a close friend of
mine and I've identified for myself that it
wasn't because of a post relationship depression that I fell for him. I talked to him,
told him exactly how I feel and found that
he felt the same for me. Now the monkey
wrench in the works was that he already
has a girlfriend who he is on the verge of
breaking up with, now she wants to spend
more time with him and he's in a dilemma
because he is madly in love with two girls
and vice versa and he doesn't know what
to do now. I asked him to take time off
from both of us and sit alone and make a
decision, I have no choice but to wait but
everyday that goes by, a part of me dies because I can't touch him or get close to him,
I just don’t want anything to go wrong
now. I'm too deep and every bit of me
wants him to be mine. I get very depressed
sometimes when I think about it, I can’t do
anything about it! Help me cope with this,
what do I do?
You seem to be in an inner conflict between what you ‘want’ versus what you
‘ought’ to do. Your asking him to take ‘time
off’ from both girls to clear his head and
make a decision was the right thing to do.
This shows that you do have a clarity of
thought and that your conscience is functioning well. However, there are moments
when your desires cloud your clarity. Remember, ‘if he really wants to be with you,
then there is no person or nothing that can
stop him from doing that, but if he does not
come back to you, he was never yours to
start with, so you’ve lost nothing and it’s
definitely not worth crying about’. In the
meantime, you would do well to engage in
a little personal prayer everyday which
says, ‘Let that be done which is good for all
concerned’. This will prepare you to accept
gracefully all that life brings to you.
You are 18 and have a lot more to experience in life. Remember to make every experience in your life a learning experience,
so that you continually grow in wisdom
and maturity.
‘Fort of triumph’ in survival fight
Ph.D. Consulting Psychotherapist & Counsellor
There are normal women who have almost no inner labial tissue. In these cases
you may have to look for the clitoris itself.
If a woman's clitoris is erect (taking into
consideration whether her clitoris has this
characteristic), it is generally easier to locate; since it will feel ‘firm’ to your touch,
By Jaideep Sarin
ATIALA (Punjab): Its name
means the 'fort of triumph',
and it's a symbol of the
courage and culture of the Sikhs.
Qila Mubarak, the only fort built by
a Sikh ruler, has withstood many
attacks in its over 200-year history
but is today fighting a losing battle
— against government apathy.
A peek into the interiors of Qila
Mubarak, Patiala town's royal fort,
by a television documentary series
has highlighted how the fort is
being neglected. Instead of letting
in only the admiring tourist, the
complex houses several government offices, including a forensic
"The only fort built by the Sikhs
is in danger because of the state
government's apathy. We are going
to lose it soon. It is not only ironical but tragic that the state government is blind to the imperilled
Patiala fort that was once the pride
of entire Punjab," leading theatre
personality Gurcharan Singh
Chani, who has prepared a documentary series on the leading forts
in India for Doordarshan with his
son Gyandev, told IANS.
The foundation of the fort was
laid by founder of Patiala dynasty
Ala Singh in 1763. It was completed
by his grandson and successor Maharaja Amar Singh, but historians
differ over the exact year.
The Patiala chiefs, who opposed
the Muslim rule as guerrilla fighters, founded a state in the 1760s.
Ahmad Shah Abdali, the Afghan
ruler after Nadir Shah, conferred
the title Raja on Ala Singh.
Built on level ground, which now
stands in a crowded area right in
the middle of Patiala town, 80 km
from Chandigarh, the fort is classified as a 'Nara Durg' - a citadel defended primarily by brave soldiers
because it is not protected by any
natural armour like mountains,
forest or water body.
Ala Singh wanted a sophisticated
fort on the plains, one that was
The exterior and interior of the Qila Mubarak Fort at Patiala town in Punjab, the only fort built by a Sikh, 80 km from Chandigarh
“The beautiful carvings on stone are invisible. One cannot even
notice the small towers and windows with petite balconies jutting out.
It is a matter of great regret that such a beautiful fort has suffered
from neglect and stands crumbling in a shamefully ruined state”
strong enough to repulse a fierce
Maratha attack in 1794.
Initially built as a mud-fort, Qila
Mubarak was later built with
bricks. The fort housed the palace
of the royal family of Patiala at one
The rulers of Patiala had reached
an understanding with the British
in the 18th and 19th centuries to
keep Maharaja Ranjit Singh at bay.
However, today, the fort complex
houses offices of 10 government
departments, a testimony to the
shocking neglect by the authorities.
Even the state forensic sciences
department has its office and labo-
ratory, where chemicals are used
freely to conduct tests on human
organs as part of criminal investigations, inside the Qila Mubarak
"Ranvas (a portion of the fort
complex), which has beautiful
paintings, is being used as state
forensic laboratory," Kavita Singh,
an art historian from Jawaharlal
Nehru University (JNU), said in the
"The first time I went to Patiala,
a number of government offices
were functioning over there. Here
was a beautiful structure filled with
amazing paintings, architecturally
very interesting and doubly significant because it is in Punjab unlike
Rajasthan, where there are so many
forts which have good architectural
"I remember going there and
seeing a wall, where there were
beautiful, delicate paintings...and a
nail is driven right through the
painting and a calendar hung on
that nail," she recalls.
The buildings inside the fort reflect a blend of Rajasthani, Pahari
and Mughal cultures.
"The style of Patiala is greatly influenced by Rajasthan. A number
of arts and crafts bear the imprint
of Rajasthan. It was the painters of
Alwar and some from Jaipur who
came to work here in Patiala,"
noted art historian B.N. Goswani
"Sheesh Mahal is a beautiful hall
in the Qila Andaroon palace in the
fort, in the image of Mughal style.
The rulers here were particularly
fond of walls decorated with small
and large mirrors. Hundreds of reflections on an individual created a
bewildering effect. A single source
of light could dazzlingly light up
the area to make it look like Diwali," he added.
The main gate of the fort is all
but lost in the hustle and bustle of
the crowded and popular Adalat
"The beautiful carvings on stone
are invisible. One cannot even notice the small towers and windows
with petite balconies jutting out. It
is a matter of great regret that such
a beautiful fort has suffered from
neglect and stands crumbling in a
shamefully ruined state," Chani
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
5 Procrastination philosophy
spreads divine nourishment
around Arrowhead (6)
7 It's not fair to quit there, so it
seems (8)
9 See her in pants at the zoo,
perhaps (8)
10 Make a better arrangement
about the way things are done
11 Not having enough employees
for putting up flags (12)
12 Agricultural pioneer ? (5,2,3,5)
15 Order to go round the church
and fool around with religious
instruction of some young fellow
17 To hell with Edward and his
mother! (6)
18 One's regular turn to ensure
machinery conserves power? (8)
19 Removal of a marriageable
woman’s betrothed needs
provocative resistance (8)
20 I took little notice of Rene as she
approached (6)
1 The strong point would appear to
be speed (8)
2 Classifies fifty damaged bundles
3 Fruit flies nearly ruined weapon
4 Annoyed at being removed from
the board? (6)
6 One Apple Islander fixes step very, very slowly! (2,1,6,4)
7 Now it's refreshment provided by
beans! (7,6)
8 Tolerantly adopt the Nelson view
Each colour in our code
represents a letter.
When you have cracked the
code you will be able to
make up seven words.
The clue to first word is
given to help you get
The Clue: Prayer
13 Undercover but popular form of
punishment (2,6)
14 Paddy's Mini has run into trouble
15 Provided with illumination,
naturally, from paper set on fire
16 In a hurry to throw round your
head (6)
Across: 4 On stream, 8 Canine, 9 Economic, 10 Athenian, 11 So be it, 12 Rephrase, 13
Allergen, 16 Ash plant, 19 Entresol, 21 Callas, 23 Nutcases, 24 A la carte, 25 Nitwit, 26
Down: 1 Fast set, 2 Hired help, 3 Lerida, 4 Open-heartedness, 5 Shot silk, 6 Rhomb, 7
Aniline, 14 Rare earth, 15 Bass-drum, 17 Swallow, 18 Comedic, 20 Toting, 22 Licit.
1 Marks; blemishes (5)
6 Replenish (3,2)
7 Wed in secret (5)
8 Ponti's Sophia (5)
9 Paid the pot (5)
The goal of Math Pyramid is to fill
the given pyramid with numbers
such that the following three rules
are satisfied.
1. A cell value must be sum or
difference of the two cells below
2. A row cannot have duplicate
3. A number cannot be less than 1
or more than the grid size
1 Engraved pillar (5)
2 Punctuation mark (5)
3 Toward the left (5)
4 Our currency (5)
5 Shell out (5)
The goal of Hidato is to fill the grid with consecutive numbers that connect horizontally, vertically,
or diagonally from first to the last number in the grid. The first and last numbers of a puzzle and
a some other numbers are already filled in.
Place numbers into the puzzle cells in such a way that each row and column contains each of the
digits from 1 up to the size of the puzzle (4,5 or 6). Like a Sudoku puzzle, no number is repeated
in any row or column. Each bold-outlined group of cells contains a hint consisting of a number and
one of the mathematical symbols + x - /. The number is the result of applying the mathematical
operation represented by the symbol to the digits contained within the domain. The solution to each
puzzle is arrived at logically and is unique.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
MOON: Pisces
TITHI: 10th Vaishakh Krishnapaksha
NAKSHATRA: Uttarabhadrapad
RASHI: Meen[Pisces]D.Ch.Z.
BIRTHDAY FORECAST: A change of work
or environment is foreseen. Work towards
it for it will do you much good. A travel Plan
for this year goes off smoothly making you
benefit. You may have to withdraw from a
certain project or certain changes around
you could make you have second thoughts
about continuing in your present work.
Health may not be good throughout the
year. Regular medical checkup, light physical exercise and a balanced diet may help
you to remain in good health.
BABIES BORN TODAY: Will be plump, goodlooking and magnetically beautiful eyes. Will
be cordial, respectful and adaptable. After
basic education, an interest in a wide range
of subjects and a knack of putting across
ideas in a convincing manner leads to many
opportunities. A career in marketing or academics will lead to gains. Will also be interested in fine arts.
Jagjit Uppal
ARIES (March 21 - April 20): You have a busy day. There may be
some exciting changes happening in your career. You may be worried about increased expenditure at home Try not to push personal
affairs too much. Try and avoid issues at this point in time because
soon things are going to get better for you.
TAURUS (April 21 - May 20): You could land yourself in a difficult situation at work. Resourceful as you are, you will find a solution to
your problems soon. You may have to reconsider an offer that had
been made earlier. Those in government services can look forward to
some favorable changes.
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20): You will be lucky, and if you proceed with
caution success is certain. You will also consider a tie up or to start
a new project in partnership. This will give you an added advantage
to work from a broad base hence making expansion plans much easier. The married will enjoy conjugal bliss. Personal life will be peaceful.
CANCER (June 21 - July 21): Financial gains accrue to you through
new ventures, trading or commission work. However the problem
area seems to be your personal affairs. You cannot put off indefinitely, decisions regarding the emotional aspects of life. The guidance of senior could be useful.
LEO (July 22 - August 21): You may need to borrow or raise a loan
to meet your commitments. The employed should not seek a change
at this juncture. Hang on to whatever recourses you have right now.
Home and family life tends to suffer due to your frequent absences
from home. Work at bringing back the sparkle into your life. Do not take
the affections of loved ones for granted.
VIRGO (August 22 - September 21): You may have to attend to several issues at work today that will keep you on your toes throughout.
Financial gains are indicated. A new contract will be signed shortly.
You may find that you have too many things to do and little time left
for personal relationships, which has been a cause for concern.
LIBRA (September 22 - October 22): A good financial position is indicated. A purchase of some property or house will be an asset that
you have been planning for long. Happiness and excitement is all
around. You will be making important and significant plans for the
future with loved ones or your mate.
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 21): There is nothing much you
can do about the way things are. But some good news about your
success will be conveyed to you soon. Unwind with friends and relatives at a get-together this evening. The single may also come
across someone interesting today.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 20): You will make major
decisions concerning your work and career that will lead to remarkable gains. You are more likely to gain if you change your attitude towards people you work with. You may have to return a favor. Go out
of your way to help a person in need.
CAPRICORN (December 21 - January 19): A quick decision at work
will save you a lot of money and also earn you a good reputation.
Good news of a sanction will also materialize. You will be able to
achieve much of what you want to do. Learn to relax and enjoy the
good things that life has to offer. There will also be some good news
pertaining to home and family.
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18): A travel plan will proceed
smoothly. You will accomplish your task successfully and return
happy with the way things are moving. Problems and tensions that
you may have faced in the past with colleagues will come up and
now you will find a solution that will be acceptable to all.
PISCES (February 19 - March 20): You will do well money wise as
well as professionally. This is likely to make you feel very upbeat
about things. A trip undertaken will yield positive results. This may
be something that you have been waiting for quite some time. Your
partner may accompany you on this trip.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
3 Arab boats (5)
8 More awful (5)
10 Words of recognition (2,3)
11 Take up with the tongue as cat drinking milk, perhaps (3)
12 Sameera or Sushma of Bollywood (5)
13 Had a good time ? (7)
15 Six-Day War leader (5)
18 Regional Sales Manager, abbr. (3)
19 Just falling short (6)
21 In general (2,5)
22 Parts of wheels from which spokes
radiate (4)
23 ___ off: withdraw or discontinue ? (4)
24 Odoriferous (7)
26 Fights or rough quarrels ? (6)
29 Saif and Deepika starrer Love Aaj
___ (3)
31 Dilip Kumar and Waheeda Rehman's
1968 hit (5)
32 Necklace of flowers (7)
34 The ___ man : stomach ? (5)
35 ___ Amin : ex-Ugandan despot ? (3)
36 Those who irritate old craft between
the poles (5)
37 Stupefy with drink (5)
38 Expo '70 site (5)
1 Furnaces or ovens for burning, baking or drying (5)
2 States as fact or news, gives an account of (7)
4 Did garden work (4)
5 Walk like duck, fat man (6)
6 Film Director Benegal (5)
7 Greek characters (5)
9 ___ Kapoor : India's greatest showman ? (3)
12 Puts back or sends back to prison,
perhaps (7)
14 Designer monogram (3)
16 Hindu ascetics (5)
17 South African paceman Makhaya
___ (5)
Sudoku is a number
placing puzzle based on
a 9x9 grid such several
given numbers.To solve
a Sudoku puzzle, every
digit from 1 to 9 must
appear in each of the
nine vertical columns, in
each of the nine
horizontal rows and in
each of the nine boxes.
Difficulty Level 19
Mumbai and India's Ajit ___ (7)
Capital of Tibet (5)
Free as _ ___ (5)
Besmears or tarnishes (7)
Thinks (6)
A long pole, flat at one end, used in
rowing a boat (3)
27 Cambridge college; Merry Wives
doctor (5)
28 Friend or chum in Spanish ? (5)
30 Negatively charged particle (5)
32 Strange person (4)
33 Paid notices in a newspaper, in short
Across: 4 Despot, 7 Varanasi, 8 Atonic, 10 Shady, 13 Blab, 14 Tulu, 15 Desi, 16
ETP, 17 Ceil, 19 Puce, 21 Tamil nadu, 23 Kali, 24 Bund, 26 Lap, 27 Glob, 29 Enid,
32 Bray, 33 Drupe, 34 Milieu, 35 Decrease, 36 Patois.
Down: 1 Avast, 2 Trial, 3 Envy, 4 Dials, 5 Slob, 6 Opiate, 9 Tai-pan, 11 Hum, 12
Ducal, 13 Bellboy, 15 DII, 16 Ecu, 18 Emigre, 20 Udder, 21 Tap, 22 Nub, 23 Kavita,
25 Lip, 28 Lauds, 30 Nutan, 31 Defer, 32 Biko, 33 Dirk.
To solve an
Irregular Sudoku
puzzle, every digit
must appear once
Each of the
vertical columns
Each of the
horizontal rows
Each of the
Today’s clue: F equals G
The Cryptoquip is a substitution cipher in which one letter stands for another.
K A N K F U A E H I H ,
K A N K F U A E H I H .
N T G T P E H E U A . . .
U A T ' H
Y K P T A ' N
Yesterday’s solution: When you don't know what you are doing, do it neatly.
How many words of four or more letters can you make from the letters shown in
today’s puzzle? In making a word, each letter may be used once only. Each word
must contain the letter at the top of the pyramid. There should be at least one nine
letter word. Plurals, foreign words and proper names are not allowed.
Today’s ratings: 23 average; 25 good; 27 outstanding.
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION: mown, snow, SNOWSTORM, sown, stow, swoon, sworn,
town, wont, worm, worn, worst
Sahil, Sneha move into last four
MUMBAI: Maharashtra players Sahil Deshmukh and
Sneha Devi Reddy recorded one sided victories to enter
the quarterfinals of the Ramesh Desai Memorial
(Under 16) Tennis Nationals, held at the MSLTA at their
tennis courts on Thursday. Fourteen year old Sahil
Deshmukh, a member of the MSLTA vision programme
and Bharat Forge- Lakshya team out rallied state
teammate Abhimanyu Dakwale 6/4, 6/0 to make the
last four stage. Sahil will take on top seed Abdulla
Shaikh, who scraped past Karnataka’s A K Saradhi
6/1, 3/6, 6/4. Delhi's seventh seed Sumit Nagal
created the biggest upset, knocking out second seeded
Fatehdeep Singh of Punjab 6/3, 4/6, 6/1 to move into
the last four. Nagal will take on TN’s Hardeep Singh
Sandhu, who upset Delhi's fourth seed Shashank
Nautiyal 6/3, 7/6(2). Second seeded Sneha Devi
Reddy remained the lone girl player from the state to
make the last four stage, outplaying Ambika Pande of
Haryana 6/1, 6/1 in the quarter-finals.
Results: Boys U-16 (Quarter-finals): 1-Shaikh Abdulla (Hyd)
bt - Saradhi Ak (Kar) 6/1, 3/6, 6/4; 5-Sahil Deshmukh (Mah)
bt Dakwale Abhimanyu (Mah) 6/4, 6/0; Sandhu Hardeep Singh
(TN) bt 4-Nautiyal Shashank (Dli) 6/3, 7/6(2); 7-Nagal Sumit(
Dli) bt 2-Fatedeep Singh (Pun) 6/3, 4/6, 6/1. Girls U- 16
(Quarter-finals): 9-Deb Aandrita(WB) bt 16-Teertha Iska (AP)
7/5, 6/4; 3-C Sai Samitha (TN) bt 6- Kaur Rimpledeep ( Pun)
6/4, 6/2; 2-Sneha Devi Reddy (Mah) bt 10-Pande Ambika
(Har) 6/1, 6/1; 4-Sethi Simran Kaur (Dli) bt 5-Dhruti Venugopal
(Kar) 4/6, 7/5, 6/3.
Mavericks make NBA finals
DALLAS: Dirk Nowitzki
stole the show in
another fourth-quarter
rally as the Dallas
Mavericks ousted the
Oklahoma City
Thunder in five games
to reach the NBA
Finals for the first
time since 2006 and
just the second time
in club history.
Nowitzki and Shawn Marion each scored 26 points in
the Mavericks' 100-96 Western Conference finals win
Wednesday, overcoming a 31-point night by Russell
Westbrook and erasing a seven-point Thunder lead
with less than six minutes to play. The Mavericks,
who made up a 15-point deficit in the last five
minutes and won Game 4 in overtime Monday in
Oklahoma City, finished Game 5 with a 17-6 run.
Nowitzki put Dallas ahead for good with a secondchance 3-pointer from the top of the key with 1:14
remaining. Marion followed with a three-point play on
a fast break dunk to close the deal and set up a
Finals clash with Miami or Chicago. Miami lead the
Chicago Bulls 3-1 in the Eastern Conference finals.
Nowitzki scored nine in the final period, and Marion
had 15. J.J. Barea added 14, Terry scored 12 and
Jason Kidd had 10 assists and seven rebounds in the
splendid victory. Westbrook seemed to be on a
mission to force the series back to Oklahoma City.
But he had two crucial turnovers during the furious
finish. Kevin Durant and James Harden finished with
23 points apiece for the Thunder, who bowed out
with only their second three-game losing streak of
the season.
Dilip Vengsarkar gave away the best batsman prize to Sarfaraz
Khan during the prize distribution ceremony of the Macho
Cricket Academy held at Azad Maidan on Thursday. Along with
Sarfaraz Khan, Jay Bista was also awarded the best batsman
while Rahil Shaikh was the best bowler.
By Mark Meadows
ARIS: Kim Clijsters
could have blamed her
strapped ankle or a twomonth layoff for her shock
French Open second-round
defeat on Thursday but instead the honest Belgian simply put it down to a wrong
attitude. After a confident
first-round victory on Tuesday and a great first set
against Dutch neighbour
Arantxa Rus, Clijsters lost a
match point and her game
suddenly fell apart to give the
world number 114 a famous
3-6 7-5 6-1 win over one of
her heroes. The U.S. Open
and Australian Open champion was the second seed in
Paris and had rushed back
from hurting herself at her
cousin's wedding to try to
better her two runners-up
finishes on the Roland Garros
clay. “I started doubting a little bit,” Clijsters told a news
“I think that, on clay, is
something that for me is definitely the wrong attitude to
have. My ankle feels fine, so
that has absolutely nothing
to do with it.” A massive 53
Second seed Clijsters downed 3-6 7-5 6-1 by littleknown Dutchwoman
Kim Cijsters
during her
match against
Arantxa Rus at
the French
unforced errors and nine
double-faults cost Clijsters
dear but she did not regret
battling back to fitness for
the year's second grand slam
having dominated a lacklus-
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
tre women's game in the last
nine months.
“I made the best with the
situation that I was in, and I
tried to go for it,” the 27-yearold said with a resigned
smile. “If I felt like I wasn't
ready as much as I would
have liked to be, I wouldn't
have come here.”
Runner-up in 2001 and
2003, the Belgian gave up a
crucial second break in the
final set with a double fault
and the tall, long blondehaired Rus gleefully took her
chance with another break.
The weather was colder,
cloudier and windier than recent days and a half-empty
centre court failed to lift Clijsters, who has indicated in
the past she may quit after
She previously took two
years off to have a child before winning the 2009 U.S.
Open in only her third tournament back. That success
led to Rus looking up to Clijsters and the 20-year-old, in
only her third year on tour,
can now revel in beating her.
Related stories on page 32
Go for outsiders today; no favourites
By Timur
YSORE: There are 9 races today
and the first starts at 1.30 p.m. All
the races have a dozen runners. If we
can eliminate the duds, perhaps you
will find only a couple or two which
have chance in the race.
1. The Mysore Plate 1200 M 1.30 P.M.
1. Ariston
Melvyn Maseyk
2. Caesar
3. High Treason
4. Time Secret
M.Madhu Babu
5. Adamanitum
Gaurav Sapra
6. Atom Bomb
Vinod Shinde
7. Golden Goal
S Ali Khan
8. Omega Man
9. Dream Of Gold
54.5 Neeraj Rawal
10. Miss International 54.5 B.Sreekanth
11. Bejewelled Beauty 54.5 Md.Sameer
12. Lake Of Fortune 54.5 Nassar Alam
Win: Dream of Gold, Miss International
2. The Red Satin Plate 1400 M P.M.
1. Irish Intellect
62.5 Melvyn Maseyk
2. Artisan
3. Win Prettybaby
61.5 Gaurav Sapra
4. The Rolls
60.5 Mohd Shoaib
5. My Musketeer
6. Romantic Design 60
M.Madhu Babu
7. Prettyyashyashvini 59.5 Vikas Tamang
8. Atmospherics
59.5 A.Ashhad Asbar
9. Wimbeldon Star
10. Spanish Crown
57.5 G.Y.Rajesh Babu
11. Bocconcino
56.5 S.K.Gregory
12. Star News
Win: Bocconcino, Spanish Crown
3. The Trombay Plate 1600 M 2.30 P.M.
1. Maximum City
Vijay Kumar
2. River Rule
3. Sun Zone
Gaurav Sapra
4. A Run To Remember 55.5 M.J. Gautamrajurs
5. All For Cash
6. Easy
53.5 C.Krishnan
7. Sky Empress
53.5 S.R.Santosh
8. Khwaish
51.5 Vinod Shinde
Win: Khwaish, Sky Empress
4. The J.K.Van Ingen Memorial Gold Cup —
Div. II 1400 M 3 P.M.
1. Fantabulous Prince 61
2. Hurry Anna
P.Kiran Rai
3. Noble Sacrifice
58.5 Melvyn Maseyk
4. Green Vision
56.5 S.Mubarak
5. Good Speed
56.5 N.Ravinder
6. Bliss
55.5 M.Suresh
7. Glitterato
Vikas Tamang
8. Social Climber
53.5 P.S.Chouhan
9. Byzantine
Shanth Kumar
10. Sugar Gold
M.J. Gautamrajurs
11. Awesome Fighter 53
Nassar Alam
12. Masurathi
51.5 K.Anil
Win: Social Climber, Byzantine
5. The Karighatta Plate - Div. II 1200 M
3.30 P.M.
1. Jugnu
60.5 S.Mubarak
2. Freedom Fighter
3. Aaj Tak
57.5 C.Krishnan
4. Kar O Bar
5. Vertex
56.5 H.G.Rathod
M.Madhu Babu
6. Master Strategist 56
7. Nishi Girl
54.5 Mohd Shoaib
8. Teleprompter
54.5 M.Mark
9. Gracian
54.5 S.Sreekant
10. Samrat
53.5 A.Ashhad Asbar
11. Damgood
12. Regents Park
Shanth Kumar
Win: Gracian, Regents Park
6. The J.K.Van Ingen Memorial Gold Cup —
Div. I 1400 M 4 P.M.
1. World Is Toomuch 62.5 P.S.Chouhan
2. Super Sha
3. Hampton Court
4. Strong Minded
61.5 S.Sreekant
Mohd Shoaib
5. Distinctly Ahead
6. Bullish Luck
60.5 M.Madhu Babu
7. Kohinoor Ruby
59.5 B.Mahesh
8. Spandau Ballet
9. Definite Believe
57.5 S.Mubarak
10. Rich Rogue
56.5 Vikas Tamang
11. Chakravyuha
56.5 Noorulla
12. Vayuputra
55.5 K.P.G.Appu
Win: Definitely Believe, Bullish Luck
7. The Beloved Prince Plate 1400 M
4.30 P.M.
1. Ohiyesa
2. Timeless Treasure 59
3. Dare Don
4. Red Indian
5. Secret Pilgrim
6. Bucethalis
7. Princess Nero
8. Adamant Approach 52
9. Zanzara
10. Express It
11. Flash Flares
12. Stone Of Destiny 50
Win: Secret Pilgrim, Zanzara
Vikas Tamang
Deep Shanker
A.Ashhad Asbar
Melvyn Maseyk
Gaurav Sapra
M.J. Gautamrajurs
8. The Karighatta Plate - Div. I 1200 M
5 P.M.
1. Victory Signal
62.5 M.Madhu Babu
2. Kohinoor Beat
62.5 S.Mubarak
3. Thumping Victory 62.5 M.Mark
4. Satin Slipper
5. Rose Of Texas
60.5 Melvyn Maseyk
6. Bee For You
7. King Adler
58.5 S.Sreekant
8. Perfect Analysis
58.5 G.Y.Rajesh
9. Greek Ship
Deep Shanker
10. Hidden Pleasures 58
11. Sterling Speed
12. Arkwright
Irvan Singh
Win: King Adler, Bee For You
9. The Melukote Plate 1600 M 5.30 P.M.
1. Faustian
2. Spark Of Galaxy
59.5 S.K.Gregory
3. Miss Mexico
Vijay Kumar
4. Royal Liason
Ahsan Qureshi
5. Mystic Enchantress 58
6. Oblique
56.5 Shanth Kumar
7. Showhorse
8. Briannsta
9. Amiera
53.5 S.R.Santosh
10. Fast Colours
11. Amazing Flora
51.5 Gaurav Sapra
Win: Fast Colours, Amiera
Day’s best: Dream of Gold
Double: Dream of Gold, Secret Pilgrim
Treble: Dream of Gold, Secret Pilgrim,
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
KKR defends itself, says BCCI was kept in the loop on Gambhir
Adam Gilchrist unlikely
to play in inaugural
Aussie Big Bash
Australia's hopes of
attracting some star power
in the inaugural edition of
Big Bash in absence of its
international players has
suffered a blow as
former Aussie
Adam Gilchrist said his
participation in the
league is "highly
unlikely". Most of
Australia's international
players will be
unavailable for the
league's early
seasons, so CA
desperately needs
cricketers to promote the
event. Gilchrist, who has just returned to
Australia from the Indian Premier League
after leading Kings XI Punjab to the brink of
the play-offs, is not comfortable with the
December-January time slot. "The time of
year that it (Big Bash) is on makes it unlikely
for me," said Gilchrist. "One of the main
reasons I gave up full-time cricket was because
I wanted to spend more time with my family,
and that Christmas and New Year period is
like gold in that respect. "I have had various
approaches from people that are involved in
the teams and I've told them that at this
stage it is highly unlikely," he added.
Defending champ Mbishei, Asslefech
lead elite fields for TCS World 10K
BANGALORE: Defending champion Titus Mbishei of
Kenya and last year’s runner-up, Moses Kipsiro of
Uganda will return to defend their positions and lead
the foreign elite men’s field in the TCS World 10K
Bangalore, to be flagged off from the Shree
Kanteerava Stadium on June 5, 2011, according to
a release from event promoters on Procam
International on Thursday. The other leading men in
the fray are Ethiopian Lilesa Desisa, runners up of
EW DELHI: Under attack for its
role in handling Gautam Gambhir's injury, Kolkata Knight Riders
said that it had kept the BCCI in the loop
over the injury issue which has now put a
question mark on the stand-in captain's
avaibility for the upcoming series against
the West Indies.
Despite the injury, Gambhir played the
eliminator match against Mumbai Indians on Wednesday and the move has
now snowballed into a major controversy
and sparked a debate on whether players
are keen to play in cash-rich events like
IPL rather than the country.
A miffed BCCI is expected to take a decision on Gambhir soon. In case Gambhir is ruled out, Suresh Raina may be
named captain for the ODI series against
the West Indies. KKR, who bought Gambhir for a whopping 11.4 crore in the auctions, maintained that the BCCI had
been kept informed when their captain
aggravated the injury. "The last match we
played in Kolkata, we took immediate
steps to ensure that we have precautionary scans done. That's the basis on which
report was sent to the BCCI. I can say that
we did not hide anything from the BCCI
as a matter of fact," said KKR CEO Venky
"Gautam actually reported to KKR
after the World Cup, he was actually complaining of some pain in his shoulder. He
apparently had that pain even during the
World Cup, in the
World Cup final against Sri Lanka, I
think in the process of trying to take a
catch, he seems to have increased the
pain a bit. When he reported to us we
sent our report. It was done exactly in a
timely manner. We did not feel that there
is anything different which necessiated
any additional steps earlier in the season
and it was done purely on a preferred
basis," Mysore said.
Gambhir had not sought exemption for using corti injections
By Kushan Sarkar
the Delhi Half Marathon, Kenyan Micah Kogo, who
has clocked the second fastest 10km ever and
South African champion Stephen Mokoka, to name
a few. The foreign elite women’s field will be led by
Asslefech Mergia of Ethiopia, runner-up last year
and winner of the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon 2010
and will also have in the fray, Kenyan Grace
Momanyi, joint winner of the historic tied finish in
2008 and third placed finisher last year.
Bengal face Railways in
Santosh Trophy semi-finals
GUWAHATI: Defending champions Bengal will be
looking to beat Railways in today's semi-final of the
65th Santosh Trophy for National Football
Championships and stay on course for their 31st
title. Bengal, like in the last edition, finished second
in their quarterfinal league group, something, which
coach Shabbir Ali doesn't mind as long as the boys
don't let him down. "There are two ways of looking at
it for sure. But in both cases, you ought to win the
semis and the final. There's no room for
complacency," said the former India captain.
NEW DELHI: Star batsman Gautam Gambhir has used corticosteroid injections for
his recurring shoulder injury but he may not have procured the exemption
certificate which is mandatory for usage of such drugs. The letter that Kolkata
Knight Riders physio Andrew Leipus wrote to BCCI regarding Gautam Gambhir's
shoulder injury states that the player had used "corticosteroid injections" earlier.
Interestingly, the corticosteroid injection is under banned drugs list of World AntiDoping Agency (WADA) and a sportsperson needs to get Therapeutic Usage
Exemption Certificate (TUEC) from National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA) or WADA in
order to use the drug. According to Director-General of NADA Rahul Bhatnagar,
neither the cricketer nor the BCCI had procured TUEC from the organisation.
Gambhir will be dropped if
he is unfit, says BCCI
NEW DELHI: The Indian cricket board
Thursday said Gautam Gambhir will
be dropped from the tour to the West
Indies if he is found unfit. "We are
looking into his medical report and
he will be dropped from the squad if
he is found unfit," board secretary N.
Srinivasan told IANS.
Gambhir was appointed captain
for the Twenty20 and ODI fixtures for
the West Indies tour in absence of
Mahendra Singh Dhoni, who has
been rested. Captain of the Kolkata
Knight Riders in the Indian Premier
league, Gambhir has been advised
rest for six weeks to nurse his "sore
shoulder" which he was carrying
right through the IPL tournament.
He had injured the shoulder
during the final of the World Cup
against Sri Lanka in April and if he
is rested Suresh Raina will be
leading the team in the ODI series
starting June 4. Knight Riders' team
physio Andrew Leipus, in a letter to
the BCCI said that Gambhir needs
at least four-six weeks of rest and
also asked the board's medical
committee to look into the player's
injury management. "The clinical
findings supported the mechanism
of the onset of the acute injury.
However, he did report having
corticosteroid injections on two
occasions over the previous
few years.
India need to prove its Test status in England: Botham
ONDON: India achieved
the numero uno Test status
primarily by virtue of their triumphs at home but the forthcoming away series against
England will be the real test
for the visitors, said legendary
cricketer Ian Botham. "India
are currently ranked No 1 in
the world and they got there
by playing some decent
cricket, mainly at home. But
when you consider that they
have only beaten Bangladesh
and New Zealand in their last
six away trips, then you realize that they have got a bit to
prove to people this summer,"
Bothan wrote in his column
for Mirror newspaper.
The battle for Test supremacy begins this summer
when world number one
India face number three England in a four-match series
starting July. During the tour,
India will play four Tests - the
first of which starts at Lord's
on July 21 - five ODIs and a
one-off Twenty20 match.
Botham also showed scant
respect to ICC's ranking system, and rated England as the
best team in the longer version of the game at present.
"The England Test team is the
best in world cricket and they
will prove it beyond doubt
this summer. Forget the rankings designed by men with
computers who believe that
logarithms can tell us who is
playing the best cricket more
accurately than we can see
with our eyes," he said.
Afternoon Despatch & Courier
FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2011
HENNAI: The Mumbai Indians need to look back to
draw inspiration as they
gird up for a clash with Royal
Challengers Bangalore here Friday to earn the right to challenge
Chennai Super Kings in the Indian Premier League final.
Having won eight of their first
10 games, Mumbai Indians were
flying high, but were brought
down to earth with a string of
mediocre performances that belied all expectations as they eventually scrambled to the third spot
at the conclusion of the league
Sachin Tendulkar's Mumbai
side was an inspired unit at the
start of the competition as they
put together a sequence of magical displays, but the Indian summer heat seemed to have dried
up the early enthusiasm that had
marked them out as the side to
Instead, Mumbai resembles a
team that is creaking and groaning under the weight of expectations with the performance
graph of their celebrated foreign
stars such as "slinger" Lasit Malinga, Kieron Pollard and Andrew
Symonds dipping dramatically in
the latter half of the 14-match
league phase.
In fact, twice Mumbai failed to
score even 100 runs, with 94 for
eight against Rajasthan Royals
and 87 all out at Mohali versus
the Kings XI Punjab. Added to
that is the suspect middle-order
where the likes of Ambatti
Rayudu and Rohit Sharma have
not sustained their early form despite the odd bright innings.
Presently, Mumbai appear unsure and unsettled with frequent
shuffling of their batting and
bowling order. Tendulkar, despite
being one of the leading run-getters in the current IPL, has not
stayed long enough to guide his
team at the death. A series of 30s
in the recent outings have not
made much of an impact and
Tendulkar needs to play a longer
innings if Mumbai hope to win
their maiden IPL trophy. In contrast, the Royal Challengers appear far better placed and their
loss to the Super Kings in Qualifier-1 notwithstanding, look capable of going all the way or at least,
The odds favour Royal
Challengers Bangalore
against Mumbai Indians
as fire brand Chris Gayle
looks all set to launch
MI in to orbit. After
flying high in the early
part of the league, MI
were brought down to
earth following a series
of ordinary
they have the potential to achieve
their maiden IPL trophy success.
Bangalore's seven-match winning sequence since the arrival of
Chris Gayle took them to the top of
the table and gave them an aura of
invincibility until they ran into
Adam Gilchrist in their penultimate league game and then Suresh
Raina in the Mumbai qualifier.
In both these games, Gayle, currently the leading run-getter in
IPL-4, flopped (0 and 7), and pre-
dictably, the Challengers slid to
defeats to highlight the importance of the Jamaican opener, although skipper Daniel Vettori has
been at pains to play down the
theory that his team is all about
one batsman coming good. In fact,
the Challengers have been largely
dependent on their bowling attack
led by veteran Zaheer Khan and
youngster Sreenath Aravind, besides Vettori himself. Gayle, too,
has shown that he can go through
his four overs of off-break conceding very little.
But for the Challengers to
progress, they need to strengthen
their batting where Virat Kohli, the
only player Bangalore retained
after the team was disbanded last
year, has been outstanding, besides Gayle of course. The departure of Sri Lankan Tillakaratne
Dilshan has obviously hurt the
Challengers as also the continuing
poor form of AB de Villiers.
The only time the two teams
met in the current IPL was early
last month in Bangalore where
Mumbai made light of a modest
target of 141 to win by nine
wickets with Tendulkar (55 not
out) and Rayudu (63 not out)
leading the charge. That was
during the pre-Gayle period and
much has happened since then
with the Royal Challengers
emerging stronger and more vibrant than the Mumbai Indians.
Sania crashes out of French Open women's singles
ARIS: Sania Mirza failed to break the second round jinx at the French Open as she
crashed out of the tournament with a
straight-set defeat against Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland in the women's singles
The Indian lost 2-6 4-6 to 12th-seeded
Radwanska in a one hour and 16 minute
contest at the Roland Garros here. It was always going to be tough for World No. 72
Sania as she committed 42 unforced errors as
compared to her opponent's 18.
Sania though hit more winners than
Radwanska. The Polish player completely
dominated the proceeding to run away
with the first set 6-2. In the second set,
Sania, who does not like clay court surface,
lifted herself but Radwanska proved to be
too strong for her.
Sania has not been able to cross the second round hurdle in the Grand Slams since
2009 and the fourth round appearance in the
US Open in 2005 remains her best performance. Sania's campaign, however, is not finished in French Open as she and her partner
Elena Vesnina have reached the second
round of the women's doubles.
Lee-Hesh do well to enter second round of men's doubles
PARIS: Indian duo of Leander Paes and Mahesh Bhupathi shrugged off a rusty start and
rallied from a set down to register a 2-6, 6-3,
6-2 victory over German pair of Tommy Haas
and Philipp Petzschner in the doubles first
round of the French Open.
Aiming to win their third French Open title
together, it took the "Indian Express" duo an
hour and 36 minutes to send their opponents
packing at the Roland Garros. The third-seed
Indians were completely off-colour in the
first set as they could get just 33 percent of
their second serve right as compared to German pair's 60 per cent.
While the experienced Indian pair committed two double faults, Haas-Petzschner
did not make a single mistake; instead they
managed to convert both their break points
to win the set comfortably 6-2.
However, Paes and Bhupathi got their act
together quickly in the second set and were
able to convert one of their four break points
to prevail over the Germans 6-3.