Welcoming Word - The Barrington United Methodist Church in


Welcoming Word - The Barrington United Methodist Church in
Welcoming Word
June 2014 Monthly Newsletter Issue of
The Barrington United Methodist Church
Greetings in the Risen Christ!
As we are approaching to Pentecost, I would like to take this chance to contemplate on the Holy
Spirit. Everything we do in God’s name begins by the Spirit of God that is in us. We do not do
anything in our own power. However, sometimes we do not acknowledge the power of God’s Spirit
within us, and we do not rely on that Spirit’s power when we serve God.
If we are not relying on the power of God’s Spirit within, we are likely to find ourselves using our
own willpower to do what we think is right, good, and holy. And over time, we will find that we lack
joy in our serving. What might have been delight turns to a stressful burden. What might have given
us energy and hope leaves us weary and resentful. The freedom and peace we might have known
turns to nothing more than a willingness to do whatever is needed to be free of guilt and obligation.
Sometimes we wonder if we even have the Holy Spirit within us. Yet, the Holy Spirit lives in us,
strengthens us, guides us, teaches us, and moves us. The only question is whether we are willing to
surrender ourselves to the power of that Spirit within us.
You might ask, “If the Holy Spirit is in me, why am I not moved? Why do I not feel the presence of
the Holy Spirit within me?” Even though the Spirit is within us, ever-ready to shower upon us the
desire to serve purely, we can cover up that desire. Our own busyness, our insistence on keeping God
at arm’s length, our personal choices about what we will or will not do, our complex desires and
needs, our wounded self searching for affirmation, our guilt and obligation can cover us the Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is still within us, but she cannot shed her gentle movement because of our selfcenteredness that covers her.
But when we let go of our tenacious hold on our own way of thinking and living, we create a gap for
the Spirit to slip through. This slightest space is all that is needed. The Holy Spirit makes herself
known to us when we loosen, at least a little bit, our self-centered thinking and living. Then we
may realize the presence of the Holy Spirit, or find our life in thanksgiving, or discover our heart in
warmth, or see our hands reaching to serve …. And in that gracious
moment, we know ourselves to have been touched by the Spirit, moved by
the Spirit, and called by the Spirit to respond with loving surrender. If we
respond now, we will realize the presence of the Holy Spirit working within
us, with us, and through us! THIS IS THE TIME!
May God bless us in our loosen minds and hearts!
Rev. ByungMoo Lee
[email protected]
Regina Blount
Music Director:
Rod Luther
uring the Sunday Service, prayers are requested for individuals
needing special attention from our church family. If you would
like that person’s name to go on the Prayer Circle list, please call
one of the members, and they will be prayed for by each member, on a
daily basis. The following is a list of members. Please see your Church
Directory for phone numbers, or call the Church Office to get the chain
Grayce Grout
Betty Hamilton
Eloise Collins
Ted Sykulski
Penny Bobe
Angela Sutton
The Conway Family
Regina Blount
Victoria Palmisano-Durante
Barrington United Methodist Church Leaders
[email protected]
Church Council Chair
Church Website:
Staff/Pastor Parish Relations
Committee Chair
Coni Ferland
Peter Popko
Board of Trustees Chairs
JeanMarie Josephson
Finance Committee Chair
Bill Sturm, Jr.
Stewardship Committee
Church Council
Worship Committee Chair
Sue Eddins
Christian Education Chair
Denise Alves
Nomination Committee Chair
Rev. Byungmoo Lee
Missions Committee Chair
Faythe Herdrich
Steve Herdrich
Financial Secretary
Mark McVay
Financial Secretary Assistants
Bob & Gail Major
Lay Member to Annual Conference
Debbie Humm
Recording Secretary
Anne Gass
WORD Deadline:
June 20, 2014
Please send articles, announcements
and information to the Administrator at
[email protected] or drop
them off on the Church Office desk.
Thank you!
Our Mission Statement:
The Barrington United Methodist Church strives to be a welcoming
community, centered in Christ, and inspired by the Gospel. We seek to
nurture each person’s faith journey through joyful worship, supportive
fellowship, and active outreach ministries, so that all may experience the
deeper peace of God in their lives.
June Scripture Readings:
June 1: Communion Sunday/Ascension Sunday
June Birthdays
Gale Gennaro
Kathy Army
Linda Graimm
Sharon Pugsley
John Reilly
Lisa Canders
Dan Campbell
Peter Popko
Leah Campbell
6/17 Glenda Tumber
6/18 Warren Prell
6/20 Dickinson Upson
6/21 Doug Craven
Bill Sturm, Jr.
6/22 Sarah Viall
Mishell Middleton
6/23 Allen Scott
Amy Silva
6/24 Leonard Clarke
6/25 Lee-Ann Beaupre
Vicki Silviera
6/28 Thomas Massey
Please call the office to add your name!
Altar Flowers:
Would you like to have flowers on the Altar
Sunday morning during our Worship Service to
celebrate an anniversary, birthday, or in
remembrance of a loved one? If so, there are a
couple of ways this can happen:
1. Call the Church Office at least a week
in advance and bring a bouquet with
you (either bought or garden blooms) to
our 9:00 AM Worship Service.
2. Have an arrangement made by De
Feldman (please call 245-1381 for
details) and costs vary depending on
the flower(s)/size desired (prices
start at $20).
Acts 1:6-14
Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35
1 Peter 4:12-14, 5:6-11
John 17:1-11
June 8: Day of Pentecost
Acts 2:1-21
Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
1 Corinthians 12:3b-13
John 7:37-39
June 15: Trinity Sunday/Father’s Day/Graduation
Sunday/Teacher Recognition
Genesis 1:1-2, 4a
Psalm 8
2 Corinthians 13:11-13
Matthew 28:16-20
June 22:
Genesis 21:8-21
Psalm 86:1-10, 16-17 o0r Psalm 17
Romans 6:1b-11
Matthew 10:24-39
June 29:
Genesis 22:1-14
Psalm 13
Romans 6:12-23
Matthew 10:40-42
Happenings at BUMC:
Missions &
Mobile Loaves &
Fishes is a strong
ministry in our
church and we are always looking
for clothing donations as well as
travel size toiletries. If you would
like to help prepare food or go on
an MLF run, please contact Faythe
Herdrich or Allen Scott.
Barrington UMC provides runs
every fourth Sunday, Monday, and
Wednesday of the month and all
ages are welcome to participate.
As part of our outreach work, we
have ongoing collections to
support local and global missions.
We collect Box Tops for
Education that help support our
local elementary schools, pull tabs
from aluminum beverage cans
help Hasbro Children’s Hospital
and food donations for TAP-IN.
Through these simple actions we
share God’s love and care for our
brothers and sisters. Please
contribute to these different
collections as you are able.
we hope to use at one of our upcoming family gatherings. If you
have Legos in your basement or
attic that are no longer being used,
we’d love to have them here at
Date & time: Friday, June 13th at
Event: Fellowship Luncheon
Place: BUMC Fellowship Hall
Please join us and our friends from
FUMC and the Barrington
Presbyterian Church for another
great meal and fellowship.
Missions and Outreach ministry
Lego Request:
We have a donation
bin in Fellowship
Hall for legos
(regular size), which
The format for our newsletter will
be changing for our July/August
issue. If you have any suggestions
or recommendations for layout,
please contact the Church Office
no later than June 15th.
Sunday School News:
The last day of Sunday School for
kids will be June 8th and teacher
recognition/end of year celebration
will be on June 15th.
Music Ministry:
New members are
always welcome to
join the choir.
Rehearsals are every Thursday at
7:15 PM. If you would like to
provide Special Music during the
worship service, please speak with
Sue Eddins, Worship Chair.
Format Change:
The Women’s Spirituality Group’s
Annual Dinner is Tuesday, June
3rd at 7:00 p.m. at Billy’s in
Barrington. Since we need to give
the restaurant an accurate number,
please let JeanMarie Josephson or
Debbie Humm know if you will
be attending (if you have not
already done so).
This summer Mark McVay has
volunteered to take the kids to our
playground after Children’s
Moments each Sunday with
Victoria. If it rains, Davey &
Golliath movies will be shown
indoors in Fellowship Hall. We
are excited to be able to offer
something for kids during
summer! Thank you Mark!!!
Reading Book
Save the Date:
Malaria Net
Benefit Concert
Saturday, July 26th
at 1:00 PM
Sue Eddins
Tom Jones
QueenMah Love
The concert will be held outside
on our church front lawn (rain
site Fellowship Hall). There
will be a goodwill offering and
speeches given by
Rev. Byungmoo Lee and Faythe
Eat Cake, by Jeanne Ray—cute, funny, a good weekend
read, full of wisdom (recommended by Anne Gass)
Picking Cotton, by Jennifer Thomson-Cannino and
Ronald Cotton with Erin Torneo—eye witness testimony,
criminal justice reform (recommended by Jean Marie
Any books by the Christian Author Jeanette Oak, a
Christian author who write about personal journeys with
families (recommended by Grayce Grout)
Any books by Nora Roberts or Jude Deveroux
(recommended by Denise Alves)
Unbroken, by Laura Hillenbrand—a story of survival,
resilience, and redemption (recommended by Regina
Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom—a great little
book of wisdom dealing with life and death’s greatest
questions (recommended by Regina Blount)
The Circle, by David Eggers—an internet company
called The Circle (recommended by Barbara Scott)
The Secular Mind, by Robert Coles—Will the concept of
the soul be debunked by the next generation?
(recommended by Barbara Scott)
A Prayer For Father’s Day
Eternal God, whom our Lord taught to call our Father. Today we celebrate
the gift of fatherhood. We would begin by thanking you for being our
heavenly Father; a Father whose love is unconditional; a Father that gave his
only Son to die on the cross that we might be forever your children. It is your
Fatherly love that determined that man should not live alone, and thus you set
the solitary in families and ordained that man should be the head of his
household. On this special Lord’s Day when we honor our earthly fathers we
think of their devotion to their families. We think of the love they gave, the example they set and the
sacrifices they made. We remember all those times when we were down and they lifted us up; when we
were discouraged and they urged us on; when we were unloving and they embraced us; when we were so
sure we knew better only to learn how wrong we were. To be sure most fathers admit to omissions and
commissions; to short comings and to failures. Who can measure up to the privilege, the joy and the
responsibility of being a father? We thank you O Heavenly Father for your forgiveness when we failed to be
the father we should have been and we beg our children to be equally as forgiving.
And for those who were neglected, abused or mistreated by their father, grant them a forgiving
heart. May they be motivated to be the father that their father failed to be.
We think this morning of those who never experienced being a father, may they find joy and satisfaction
in showing a father’s love to the fatherless. May they seek out a fatherless child and be a father to
them. May they become the role model and the mentor that will help some youngster grow up to be the kind
of dad he never had. And if that seems too lofty grant that they may become a big brother to those who had
neither a father or a brother.
We thank you this morning that no matter what kind of a father we have had in this earthly life, long ago,
even before you made the world, you chose us to be your very own, through what Christ would do for us;
you decided then to make us holy in your eyes, without a single fault—we who stand before you, covered
with your love. Your unchanging plan has always been to adopt us into your own family, by sending Jesus
Christ to die for us. And he did this because he wanted to. So above all let us rejoice that we are members
of the heavenly family and let us seek a meaningful and trusting relationship with the brothers and sisters
which are ours through him.
Hear this our prayer through him who is our brother, Jesus the Christ.
Josh & Caitlin—kidney transplant/donation and recovery
Cheryl’s (De’s daughter-in-law) surgery/recovery
Jan (De’s husband) - continued recovery
Grayce—prayers for relationship with sister
Joy of CPR training by Josh: THANK YOU!
Joy of May Breakfast: THANK YOU SUE!
Blessing of $610 collected for malaria nets, which was then matched by the UM Foundation,
making it possible for our church to provide 122 nets! THANK YOU!
of Events
10:30 AM MLF 4:30 PM MLF 7:00 PM
Food Prep/Run Food Prep/Run BUMC
7:15 PM Choir
7:00 PM
4:15-5:30 PM
Church Council Daisies in
Fellowship Hall
7:15 PM Choir
12:00 PM
Luncheon at
7:15 PM Choir
8:30 AM—
5:30 PM
Screening in
Fellowship Hall
& B. H. Parlor
4:30 PM MLF
Food Prep/Run
7:15 PM Choir
Trinity Sunday
Father’s Day
6-7:00 PM Cub 7:00 PM
Group Dinner
Outing at
Day of
8:15 AM
Wired Word
(Adult Studies)
in Betty
Parlor & Choir
9:00 AM
Worship Service
followed by
refreshments in
Fellowship Hall;
Nursery care is
available every
during worship.
Sunday School for
grades K-5 begins
after Children’s
Moments and is
held in the upstairs
Welcoming Word
June 2014
Barrington United Methodist Church
Rev. Byungmoo Lee
230 Washington Road
Barrington, RI 02806
Office Hours:
Administrator: Monday — Friday: 7:00—11:00 am
Pastor: Tuesdays & Thursdays 10 am—1 pm;
by appointment
Lovingly mailed with prayers and blessings to:
Sunday Worship Service: 9:00 AM
Parsonage: 401-247-9702
Church: [email protected]
Pastor: [email protected]
Church Website: www.bumcri.org
Facebook: Barrington Umc
Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Spirit of wisdom and understanding, enlighten
our minds to perceive the mysteries of the
universe in relation to eternity. Spirit of right
judgment and courage, guide us and make us
firm in our baptismal decision to follow Jesus'
way of love. Spirit of knowledge and
reverence, help us to see the lasting value of
justice and mercy in our everyday dealings
with one another. May we respect life as we
work to solve problems of family and nation,
economy and ecology. Spirit of God, spark
our faith, hope and love into new action each
day. Fill our lives with wonder and awe in
your presence which penetrates all creation.