The Sacred Heartbeat - Sacred Heart Church
The Sacred Heartbeat - Sacred Heart Church
The Sacred Heartbeat Sacred Heart Parish APRIL 3, 2016 PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick M. Tucker, Pastor Rev. Ryszard Groń, Associate Pastor Mr. Richard Werner, Deacon Mr. Thomas Rzendzian, Deacon Directors of Religious Education Elizabeth Mikula Michael Lundberg Rita Burns, Coordinator of Liturgy Elizabeth Droel, Pastoral Associate James Grzadzinski, Pastoral Musician Michael Lundberg, Youth Minister Emmett Williamson, Business Manager PARISH CLERGY Rev. Robert F. McGinnity, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Robert R. Rohrich, C.M., Weekend Ministry PARISH OFFICES Sacred Heart Ministry Center 8245 W. 111th St., Palos Hills, IL 60465 (708) 974-3336 FAX: (708) 974-3556 Parish email: [email protected] Parish website: Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8 AM - 8:00 PM Parish Secretary: Ginny Jankowicz Bulletin Editor: Ginny Jankowicz Receptionist: Steve Schanz Business Staff: Beth Mikula RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OFFICE Msgr. Moscow Center (708) 974-3900 FAX: (708) 974-3922 Religious Education Staff: Sharon Arnett Brigid Hammerstein SECOND SUNDAY OF EASTER OR DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY MASSES Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM & 12 Noon Mass in Polish at 12 Noon on First and Third Sunday Weekdays: 9:00 AM - Monday, Wednesday and Friday 7:30 AM - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ANOINTING OF THE SICK This sacrament is offered every Monday morning after 9:00 AM Mass and/or by specific arrangement with one of the priests. BAPTISMS Baptisms in Polish will be on the first and third Sunday of each month at the 12 Noon Mass (Maximum of four allowed) and at 1:30PM (Maximum of six allowed). Baptisms in English will be on the 2nd & 4th Sunday of each month at 1:30 PM (Maximum of six). A Baptismal Preparation program is offered monthly. Baptism is celebrated following the completion of the program. Arrangements for the Baptismal date can be made by calling the Ministry Office. RECONCILIATION Saturdays, from 3:15 PM until 4:00 PM or by appointment. MARRIAGES The times for Marriages are: Friday at 4:00 PM and Saturday at 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM. Pre-Marriage instructions are required. Arrangements should be made, according to Archdiocesan policy, at least six months before the wedding. All wedding dates and times are not set at initial phone call, but must be confirmed by the officiating priest or deacon. INSTRUCTIONS IN THE CATHOLIC FAITH Phone Ministry Office for information. PARISH BOUNDARIES: On the north, from Will-Cook Road to Kean Ave.; 95th St., from Kean Ave. to Harlem; 99th Street; on the south, Route 83; on the east, Harlem Ave.; on the west, Will-Cook Road. Page Two April 3, 2016 SHARINGS FROM THE PASTOR The observance of Divine Mercy Sunday this year is enhanced by its occurring during the Year of Mercy that Pope Francis declared for this year. Obviously, every liturgical year highlights Holy Week, and especially the Triduum when we celebrate the actions of God’s mercy that extend over the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, through the Solemn Celebration of the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday, and culminating in the Easter Vigil when the triumph of the Cross through the resurrection of Jesus becomes the focus for the vigil, for Easter Sunday, for the fifty days of the Easter season and then is extended throughout the year as each Sunday continues to be the reason we gather to celebrate these truths of our faith. Meanwhile, back on the Archdiocesan scene, we are being encouraged to take some time out to go online and respond to a survey that is being taken at the request of Archbishop Cupich for the “view from the pew” concerning the future direction of planning and reorganization for the Church of Chicago. This comes under the overall impetus called Renew My Church. This is the focus that the archbishop wants to give to this major review of the current state of the archdiocese and its strengths and weaknesses with a view to strengthening and enhancing the ability of the church to be more effective and vital in its ministry to the citizens of Cook and Lake Counties in Illinois. As we have mentioned before, there is a continued projection for priests in the future that does not keep up with the growing needs of the parishes and institutions of the archdiocese. In many ways there have been programs to train deacons and lay people to do many of the things that do not fall under the exclusive domain of the ordained. Still, there remain a significant number of ministerial obligations that do require the credential of ordination. So area planning, pooling of resources and cooperative ventures are some of the ways that the mission of the church can continue to be enhanced in the near and in the distant future. When you take the time to respond to this survey you do a number of things. The first is that by just responding to the survey, you indicate that there is vitality in the area that is indicated by your very participation This is important in itself. Secondly, the unique perspective of the laity can raise some issues not considered by the clerics and can also question some of the suppositions that the clerics bring to these kinds of discussions. This can help the Holy Spirit in enlightening all of us in the dialogue as to just exactly what she wants from us for the future. So, I encourage everyone to seek out the survey from your computer and take the time to answer the survey as best you can. I am not sure if this will be a required observation by the time this issue of The Sacred Heart Beat reaches you or not, but just in case, Palos Community Hospital is still working on their new computer system, let me remind you that until the system is completely set up, the hospital has no way of informing the parishes of members who are in the hospital. This means that the only way we will know of someone’s stay at Palos Hospital is if the person himself or herself, or a member of the family calls the parish office to let us know. So please do inform us if you or a family member is in Palos Hospital especially so we can try to get there for a visit before they are discharged. While we are on the “hospital beat” let me remind you that Silver Cross Hospital will not inform us of a parishioner being in their facility at all. Christ Hospital and Little Company Mary do have records of people who admit to being our parishioners that we can find out about by calling their pastoral care office for the names. If you wish to play it safe, the best chance for someone to know that you are in the hospital and would like a pastoral visit from one of the staff is to call the office and let us know. You take your chances with my failing memory if you try to tell me after Mass that you are going in to one of the hospitals. To repeat, the safest way to get this information through to the staff is to call the office and leave the information. Thank you for your cooperation. Finally, a special word of thanks goes to all who contributed their time and talent to making the church environment so lovely and those who made the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter so memorable. I received many compliments and naturally took the credit, but you know who you are and I readily pass these compliments on to you!!! Fr. Pat Second Sunday of Easter Page Three Second Sunday of Easter (or Sunday of Divine Mercy) April 3, 2016 Once I was dead, but now I am alive forever and ever. — Revelation 1:18a What will help you to believe? Today’s scripture readings tell of faith and doubt. They offer stories “recorded to help you believe,” as the passage from John’s Gospel (20:31) remarks today. There is an urgency about this. On this Second Sunday of Easter we are challenged to join the company of believers— countless men and women who witnessed the power of the apostles’ faith. There is no doubt that this power comes from Jesus Christ. The second reading, from the book of Revelation, reports John’s mystical vision of the Son of Man, who proclaims, “Once I was dead, but now I live” (Revelation 1:18). The Gospel gathers everyone but Thomas to see the Risen Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit from him. Like Thomas, we who have come along later must have faith so that we can have life. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — The apostles perform many signs and wonders among the people. Many are added to their numbers (Acts 5:12-16). Psalm — Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his love is everlasting (Psalm 118). Second Reading — John, caught up in the spirit, envisions the glorified Lord, the first and the last, the one who lives (Revelation 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19). Gospel — The risen Christ comes to his disciples with peace and the Spirit. The absent Thomas doubts (John 20:19-31). The English translation of the Psalm Responses from the Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Thursday: Second Sunday of Easter (or of Divine Mercy) The Annunciation of the Lord St. Vincent Ferrer St. John Baptist de la Salle HELPING YOUR NEIGHBOR If you truly want to help the soul of your neighbor, you should approach God first with all your heart. Ask God simply to fill you with charity . . . with it you can accomplish what you desire. —St. Vincent Ferrer Page Four Join Us for Mercy Sunday THIS SUNDAY ~ APRIL 3, 2016 The message and devotion to Jesus as The Divine Mercy is based on the writings of a Polish nun, St. Faustina Kowalska. Our Lord appeared to Sister Faustina Kowalska in a vision, and told her to paint the now famous image of Divine Mercy, say the “Chaplet of Mercy,” and have a Feast of Mercy to be celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter. St. Faustina was the first saint canonized by Blessed Pope John Paul II in the new millennium (Fr. McGinnity attended the beautiful event in Rome). The Sacred Heart Queen of Peace prayer group will be sponsoring the Feast of Mercy again this year at Sacred Heart Parish. These preparations began on Good Friday and continue for nine days with the special Divine Mercy Novena. Please pray the Novena and Chaplet of Mercy to obtain mercy for yourselves and for the whole world. The Lord promised special graces to all who keep this special Feast of Mercy after concluding the Novena. “The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment. On that day are open all the divine floodgates through which graces flow. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.” This Feast Day of Mercy is a true gift from God! Please join us on THIS Sunday for this very special celebration. God bless all of you! Schedule for Mercy Sunday, April 3, 2016 Time: 1:15pm (after 12pm Mass): Film on St. Faustina’s life (bride’s room) 1:30—2:30pm: Confessions (In chapel) 2:30pm: Eucharistic Holy Hours and Special Prayers 3:00pm: Hour of Grace 3:30pm: Benediction followed by Veneration of St. Faustina’s third class relic. Pope Francis has proclaimed this year to be the YEAR OF MERCY. Join us for an Hour of Mercy. Where: Sacred Heart Parish, 8245 W. 111th Street, Palos Hills, IL Sponsored by the Sacred Heart Queen of Peace Prayer Group April is Child Abuse Prevention Month Since 1983, communities across the country have used this month to increase awareness of child abuse. It is a time when individuals, schools, businesses, religious institutions, and social service agencies join together to bring attention to this issue that affects millions of children each year. Contact Prevent Child Abuse Illinois at (217) 522 1129 or visit for ways in which you can help locally. What You Can Do to Prevent Child Abuse Support parents and caregivers by helping them develop creative problem- solving strategies to challenging situations. Teach your children and/or grandchildren how to recognize and express their feelings. Encourage them when they are generous, cooperative, and considerate of their classmates and of other adults. Every day, show and tell your children and/or grandchildren that they are loved. Provide them with a sense of security, belonging, and support. Spend quality time with your children and/or grandchildren. Offer them your undivided attention when they are talking, but be patient with your children and/or grandchildren as they share the details of their day. Wear blue on Friday, April 8th to show your commitment to supporting healthy family dynamics. Page Five The Fun Club will meet this Wednesday, April 6, at 12 Noon, in the Moscow Center. Please join fellow Seniors for friendship and a hot box lunch. Tickets have already been sold for this this event. Please join Fr. Pat for a Bible Study session this Thursday, April 7, at 7:00 PM, in the Ministry Center (St. Boniface Rm.) You are invited to join us as we get-together to wrap packages for our service members next Monday, April 11th, in the Moscow Center Hall at 8:00 AM until 10:00 A.M. If you would like to donate items for the packages you can drop them off that morning. Some people mentioned that they are not able to wrap packages but still wish to help out in other ways. If you would like to help defray the cost of mailing items you can make a check out to Twisted Sisters, for $12.50 (cost of mailing per box). For further information or if you have any questions, please call Dorothy Doornek at (708) 974-1588. Thank you and God Bless! Dorothy Doornek and The Twisted Sisters St. Vincent de Paul Clothing Drive Bundle Weekend ~ April 23 & 24, 2016 SACRED HEART PARISH IS HOSTING A BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY ~ APRIL 24TH 8:00AM – NOON Please call 708.974.3336 Ex 210, or call 1.800.786.4483 to schedule an appointment OR sign up on-line at: Appointments will also be taken after all the Masses the weekends of April 9 & 10, and April 16 & 17, in the church narthex. Walk-ins are welcome but appointments are preferred. Heartland Blood Centers is the sole provider of blood products to over 60 hospitals in the Chicagoland area including Palos Community Hospital. PHOTO ID REQUIRED. Please remember to set aside your unwanted clothing to donate to Bundle Weekend. Thank You and God Bless! Are You at Risk for Heart Disease? Fasting Cholesterol Screenings When?: Sunday, April 10th 8 am-11 am Where?: Church Narthex Hospitality Rm. Cost: $39 (a $200 value; cash/check accepted) Cholesterol Screenings are offered by Natural Health Solutions and include: TC, LDL, HDL, Non– HDL, Triglycerides, Glucose, and Heart Risk Ratio For most accurate results, please fast for 8 to 10 hours before screening. However, please continue to drink water and take prescription medications. Please register with Elizabeth Droel at (708) 974 3336, ext. 6. Contact Peter Sacharczyk 630 406 6783 with additional questions about the screening. Page Six This year we are introducing a new and exciting development to the White Elephant Sale. We will be moving the sale to its own special weekend!! There will be expanded hours and refreshments! The reason is twofold; first we expanded the hours for our ever growing and popular sale. Second, the dedicated volunteers who help make the sale so popular and successful and donate so many hours will in turn be able to enjoy the Picnic and family time. There will also be more volunteers available for the Picnic itself. Please join us for the weekend of June 4th and 5th. SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 2016 ~ from 8am to 6pm SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 2016 ~ from 8am to 6pm We will be accepting donations of clean useable items starting May 16, up until June 1, from 12-8pm. Please no furniture, clothes, shoes or TV’s. We will be in the narthex the weekends of May 7& 8 and May 14 & 15, after all Masses for Volunteer sign up. For any and all questions or to volunteer please call Kathi Arena at 708-701-1406. Notice: Palos Community Hospital Pastoral Visits Due to technological and procedural changes, the Office of Mission and Spiritual Care is, at this time, not providing the hospital’s reception desk with a list of patients and their parish affiliation. If you or your family member is admitted to Palos Hospital, please call our parish’s Ministry Center directly to notify our priests or pastoral associate, who will then visit. STEWARDSHIP OF OUR RESOURCES March 19 & 20, 2016 Budgeted Collection $15,250.00 Sunday/Holy Day Collection this week $14,720.00 YTD Weekly Collection Deficit: …...(-14,621.00) God Bless You! Beth Mikula & Emmett Williamson Ministers of Care Needed for Advocate Christ Medical Center The hospital’s Office for Mission and Spiritual Care is in desperate need of Archdiocesan– mandated Ministers of Care (volunteers) to bring Communion to our Catholic patients. The opportunity to receive Communion during a hospital stay is so meaningful to those facing the unknown. Please carefully consider this ministry. We would like to begin in March to orient new volunteers to our procedures. For further information, please contact: Denetrice Theard-Sanders at (708) 684 4189 Note: The hospital requires a Letter of Recommendation from your Parish. Archdiocesan Training for Ministers of Care (If you are not currently a Minister of Care, but feel called to this ministry, please attend both days listed below) Saturdays, April 9th & April 16th from 9 AM to 2 PM, St. Symphorosa Parish, 6125 S. Austin Ave., Chicago, IL. (Enter through the glass door near the flag pole). Register by contacting the parish directly at (773) 767 1523 Page Seven “A life-changing book.” Austen Ivereigh Author of The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope Sacred Heart Church Domestic Violence Outreach Ministry and our pastor Father Patrick Tucker invite you to join Dawn Eden for a discussion about Remembering God’s Mercy. Please join them on Sunday, April 24, 2016, 3:00 p.m. This gathering will be held at: Sacred Heart Church Ministry Center, 8245 W. 111th Street, Palos Hills, IL 60465. No RSVP needed. Any questions please contact Elizabeth Droel, 708-974-3336 x6 email [email protected] Dawn Eden is the author of The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On and My Peace I Give You: Healing Sexual Wounds with the Help of the Saints. Eden received her pontifical licentiate in sacred theology from the Dominican House of Studies in 2014 and is studying for a doctorate in theology at Mundelein Seminary. She speaks throughout North America and abroad and has been featured in the New York Times and on EWTN. She lives in the Chicago area. ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO ~ PARISHIONER SURVEY Archbishop Cupich wants your input! When Archbishop Cupich announced the “Renew My Church” initiative in January, he invited everyone in the Archdiocese of Chicago to participate in the process of revitalizing our parish communities. Just as Pope Francis asked Catholics across the globe for their input prior to the Synod of Bishops meetings in 2014 and 2015, Archbishop Cupich is asking for your help as the Archdiocese begins a new listening phase of this important effort. Please take time to respond to a survey designed to help Archbishop Cupich and the Archdiocese better understand the perspectives of Catholics across Cook and Lake Counties. The survey will be available beginning on Easter Sunday at: We encourage you to complete the survey online. Paper copies will be available ARCHIDIECEZJA CHICAGO ~ ANKIETA PARAFIAN Arcybiskup Cupich chciałby poznać Twoje zdanie! Kiedy, w styczniu Arcybiskup Cupich ogłosił inicjatywę „Odnów mój Kościoł” zaprosił wszystich w Archidecezji do uczestnictwa w procesie umacniania naszych wspólnot parafialnych. Tak, jak Papież Franciszek prosił katolików z całego świata, by wyrażali swoje opinie przed rozpoczęciem spotkań Synodu Biskupów w 2014 i 2015 roku, tak Arcybiskup Cupich prosi o Towją pomoc, w momencie, kiedy Archidiecezja rozoczyna nową fasę słuchania różnych opinii na temat tego ważnego wydarzenia. Prosimy, abyście poświęcili trochę czasu odpowiadając na ankietę stworzną, jako pomoc dla Arcybiskupa Cupicha i Archidiecezji w lepszym zrozumieniu perspektywy katolików z powiatów Cook i Lake. Ankieta będzie dostępna począwszy od Niedzieli Wilkanocnej pod adresem: Zachęcamy do wypełnienia jej w formie elektronicznej. Ankiety w formie drukowanej będą dostępne. ARCHIDIECEZJA CHICAGO WWW.ARCHCHICAGO.ORG Page Eight Dear Lord, There are young men and women far from home, called to serve their nation in time of war; sent to defend their nation in time of war; sent to defend our freedom on some distant foreign shore. We pray You keep them safe, we pray You keep them strong, we pray You send them safely home....for they have been away so long. Bless those who await their safe return. Bless those who mourn the lost. Bless those who serve this country well, no matter what the cost. A02AW/SW Bryan Finnigan, U.S. Navy Maj. Nicholas J. Di Guido, USMC Corporal Jonathon Olsen, USMC Pfc Carl Brandon, U.S. Army Cmdr. Brent Lapp, U.S.N. Cmdr. Melissa A. Vanek-Ferrin, U.S. Navy Spc. Robert Eugene King, Jr. Lt. Col. Kristen Lasica Khaner, USMC Col. Daniel T. Lasica, USAF Spc. Jesse J. Passarella, U.S. Army Major Robert Joseph Bowen, AR Major Veronica Ko, SC Petty Officer Megan Palenik, U.S. Navy Master Chief William J. Egan, USN Sgt. Andrew Jender, USMC Airman Zachary Frana USAF Airman 1st Class Matthew J. Milavickas PV2 Mark R. Milavickas, U.S. Army Pfc. Nicholas Little, U.S. Army Lance Corporal William Kennedy, USMC Sgt. Justin Nolan, USMC Petty Ofc. Meghan Casey, U.S. Navy Lt. JG Steven Lungaro, U.S. Navy Master Sgt. Patrick Hegeman, USMC Sgt.1st Class Joseph M. Filipiak,10th Mnt. Div.Gunnery Cpt. Adam F. Werner, U.S. Army Pfc Robert Trevor Martinez, U.S. Army Sgt. Daniel Duffy, U.S.Army Sgt. Casey Zimmer, USMC Amn. Alex Skalski, USAF 2nd Lt Nicholas J. Lenard, U.S.Army Staff Sgt. Timothy R. Gena, USMC Pfc. Daniel E. Symons, U.S. Marine Petty Officer Thomas J. Murtaugh, U.S. Nav Sgt. Jacob Hahn, U.S. Army 5th S.F. Staff Sgt. Joseph Hahn, U.S. Army Lt. Ryan Singer, U.S. Army 2nd Lt. Michael C. Lynch, U.S. Army First Lt. Amanda Sink, USAF Sgt. Brian Maszka USAF PLOWS Council on Aging is presenting a program for older adults and their caregivers on Legal Eldercare Issues and Financial Benefits on Saturday, April 9, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Alsip-Merrionette Park Public Library, 11960 S. Pulaski Road, Alsip. Featured speakers are Janna Dutton, a principal at the firm of Dutton & Casey, P.C., specializing in Elder Law and Rebecca Lerfelt, LCSW, Assistant Director of the PLOWS Council on Aging. This seminar will address estate planning, wills and trusts, advanced directives, and Medicaid issues. In addition, you will learn about property tax benefits, Medicare Parts B and D subsidies, and other financial assistance available to seniors. Evergreen Senior Living of Orland Park will host a continental breakfast for the event. Call PLOWS Council on Aging at 708-361-0219 to register. Seating is limited so make your reservation early. Please do not contact Alsip-Merrionette Park Library for information regarding this program. The library is not a sponsor of PLOWS Council on Aging or its Eldercare Seminar. For information please call PLOWS Council on Aging and ask for Christine Suddreth 708.361.0219or email [email protected] Page Nine AROUND THE COMMUNITY St. Patricia Parents Club Ladies Night Out Raffle with BuncoFriday, April 8. Doors open at 6:00pm. Admission is $40.00 includes food, drinks, and dinner. Raffle tickets sold that night. St. Patricia Parish Center 9000 S. 86th Ave., Hickory Hills. Questions? Contact Renee McIntyre 708-288-1755 or Jennifer Rutledge 847-417-9429. This event is a fundraiser- no refunds. THIS WEEK SACRED HEART MONDAY, APRIL 4 ~ 10:00A Chair Holy Yoga ~ 5:00P Holy Yoga ~ 7:00P Mercy Prayer Circle TUESDAY, APRIL 5 Sisters of St. Casimir Auxiliary Hosting GAMES-BINGO PARTY SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 2016 In the St. Casimir Center Auditorium 2601 West Marquette Road, Chicago Doors Open at 12 Noon and Games Begin at 2:00PM! Admission is $3.00 Proceeds benefit Sisters of Saint Casimir Retirement Fund. For more information call (773) 349-8060. Refreshments available including Lithuanian Kugelis, Hot Dogs, cake, coffee and Bake Sale. ~ 3:45P Treble Singers Rehearsal ~ 7:30P Queen of Peace Prayer Group LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY HOSPITAL Adult Health Fair Saturday, April 9 ~ 7:30A till 10:00A Full lab screening including thyroid and CRP, B/P, BMI & Pulse Oximetry including take home colon/rectal kit for colon cancer screening, Total cost is $65. and fee must be paid at time of registration. Please call for appointment 708.423.5774. (Appointments are required.) ~ 7:00P Bible Study ~ 7:00P BINGO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 ~ 10:00A Holy Yoga Chair ~ 12:00P Fun Club ~ 1:00P Pastoral Staff Meeting ~ 6:30P LOSS THURSDAY, APRIL 7 FRIDAY, APRIL 8 ~ 6:00P PADS (PC-H/K) ~ 7:00P DOOR TO HOPE (PC 5-6) SATURDAY, APRIL 9 ST. LAURENCE HIGH SCHOOL DECEASED ALUMNI MASS St. Laurence will once again honor its deceased alumni and students. Memorial Mass is on Saturday April 16, at 4:30PM celebrated by Fr. Norm Trela, in the library and will fulfill your Sunday obligation. Also, there will be a wreath-laying ceremony at the deceased alumni monument on the school grounds, weather permitting. A small reception will follow. St. Laurence is located at 77th St. and Central Ave. in Burbank. For further info call Ed Kozak, at 708.459.6900, Ex 244. All alumni banquet: St. Casimir Academy and Maria High School Featuring graduating classes ending in ‘1’ or ‘6’. Join us for an all year alumnae celebration at the Palos Country Club, 13100 Southwest Highway, in Orland Park from 11:30-2:30pm. The cost of the event is $40.00. Mark your calendar and join your classmates on Saturday, April 23, 2016 for a day of renewed friendships, prayer, visiting with Sisters, class photos and more! To register call Anna Belle O`Shea at (773)925-8686 X7, visit the website reunion.html or send an email to: [email protected]. Directions to Palos Country Club can be found by going to, or by calling (708) 448-6555. Thank you! ~ 2:15P Cantor Rehearsal ~ 3:00P Polish Catechetical Workshop SUNDAY, APRIL 10 ~ 9:00A First Faith Classes SPRING ARTS, CRAFTS & VENDOR SHOW At Alan B. Shepherd H.S. and sponsored by Band Boosters On Saturday, April 9, 2016 ~ 9A until 3P In the gym at 13049 S. Ridgeland Ave., Palos Hts Entrance at back of building at door #12 Admission-$2 per person, Free parking. BLOSSOMS OF HOPE BRUNCH 25th Anniversary of the Blossoms of Hope Brunch will be celebrated on Sunday, April 24 at 11:00A at Drury Lane in Oakbrook. Featuring Drury Lane’s famous brunch, pick-a-prize, grand raffle, and wine grab. Funds will benefit the Loving Outreach To Survivors of Suicide (LOSS) Program. Tickets/sponsorships still available. Contact Jodi Hill at :[email protected] or 312.948.6797. Or visit to learn more/register. Page Ten SATURDAY, APRIL 2 4:30 PM — JAMES KOSMALA, JOSEPH MACINO JOSEPH RUSSO, DR. THEODORE WEBER ADELINE WOJCIECHOWICZ, ALICE KISALA SUNDAY, APRIL 3 7:30AM — MARY & JOHN GORA, JACQUELINE E. RICE RAYMOND J. ZARACK, JEREMY TERRELL 9:00AM — RITA E. KEARNEY ROBERT SENKPIEL (1YR ANNIV.) ANDRZEJ BYRDAK, KRZYSTOF DUROWSKI HEALING INTENTION FOR ROBERTA PAULAUSKIS 10:30PM — AMY CALAYO JOSEPH RUSSO, MAFALDA RITA ROBERT STAKENAS (13TH ANNIV.) FR. ROBERT HERNE, MICHAEL THOMAS 12:00PM — SKUBISZ, ZUBEK, & SYKUTA EWA SWIATKOWSKA, EUGENE JOS MARY LIPSKI, MITCHEL DABROWSKI ANIELA BARTYZOL, PATRICIA MCKEAGUE MONDAY, APRIL 4 (9:00AM) EVA & FELIX PAULAUSKIS, IRENE URSO TUESDAY, APRIL 5 (7:30AM) POOR SOULS IN PURGATORY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 (9:00AM) JOHN J. PAVLOSKI, JOSEPHINE GLASNAK THURSDAY, APRIL 7 (7:30AM) IRENE URSO FRIDAY, APRIL 8 (9:00AM) VALERIE DELK SATURDAY, APRIL 9 7:30 AM — SEAN SOKOLEWICZ (6TH ANNIV.) 4:30 PM — NANCY SUE MITCHELL EDWARD & LAVERNE SILEKIS ADELINE WOJCIECHOWICZ, ALICE KISALA ROSEMARIE MUSCATO, FR. ROBERT HERNE ANDREW J. JANKOWICZ, SR. ( 10TH YR. ANNIV.) SUNDAY, APRIL 10 7:30AM — CLARA DANIEL, GENE & MARY JAMROZ 9:00AM — VALERIE DELK, EVA & FELIX PAULAUSKIS ANDRZEJ BYRDAK, KRZYSTOF DUROWSKI HEALING INTENTIONS FOR SPENCER KOLMAN 10:30PM — ROBERT MALONEY, PATRICIA BIDOCHKA JOHN COUGHLIN, FR. ROBERT HERNE EDWARD PIETRYLA, TONY FARINELLA, VALERIE DELK 12:00PM — JOAN MOONEY STEVE THELEN, THE POPP FAMILY REST IN PEACE Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of: IRENE M. URSO DIANE L. LUCAS MATTHEW GAUL PATRICIA BIDOCHA IRENE WAWRZYNIAK DR. RONALD T. BUCZEK Please pray for their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed. SATURDAY, APRIL 9 4:30PM — Al & Phil Anglin, VOLUNTEER SUNDAY, APRIL 10 7:30 AM — Charles Gardner, John Jukic, VOLUNTEER 9:00AM — Halie Bala, Frankie Piatkiewicz, VOLUNTEER 10:30AM — Francesca Hammerstein, Justin Morgan, VOLUNTEER 12:00PM —Johann Cuta, Michal Szczerba, VOLUNTEER II—Marcin Kwarcinski & Isabell Czerwonka B A PT I S M A L P R E PA R AT I O N Tuesday, APRIL 26, at 7:00 P.M. Parents having a child in the near future are asked to attend ONE Baptismal class. It is mandatory to attend this class before making arrangements for Baptism. Please call 708 974-3336, press 0, to register for the class. Please pray for the following: Paul Mikula, Sr., Mary Busch, Darlene Kohn, Roberta Paulauskis, Rev. Frank Royer, Ann Paliakas, Jeanne Sikora, Kris Tassone, Marco Recio, Robert Burkey, Spencer Kolman, Cheryl Kolber, Loretta Lia, Franciszka & Stanislaw Kojs, Lorraine Unites, Kateri Garbauski, Diane Cervencik, Lillian Wrobel, Ethel Hivick, George Metoyer, Laura Barajas, Lorraine Bischoff, Dorothy March, Gayle Jones, Antoinette Paciora, George McCague & Son, Vickie Jablecki, Emmitt & Marion Hays, Theresa Greeps, Keith Donofrio, Richard Pach, Denise & Rich Jandura, Christopher Connolly, Connie Jasik, Margaret Malanowski, Daisy Diaz, Kurt Klecan, Carlos Concepcion, Thomas Ready, Baby Jeremiah Adams, Marcia Hobar, Jean DeFries, Westyn Dangelo, Spencer Kolman, Carol McGovern, Josephine Capaccio, Linda Ptak, Kurt Klecan, Josephine Capaccio, Carol McGovern, Westyn Dangelo, Nathan Rivera, James Fernatt, and Daniel Calibraro.