January 5th - Holy Rosary School
January 5th - Holy Rosary School
Church of the Holy Rosary At the Intersection of Eastchester and Gun Hill Roads Serving the Eastchester Community of the Northeast Bronx Since 1925 Clergy Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Fr. Fr. Fr. Fr. Robert A. Quarato, Pastor Sebastian Pandarathikudiyil, V.C., Parochial Vicar Anthony J. Pleho, Nursing Home Chaplain Hippolytus U. Duru, Sunday Associate Celebration of the Eucharist The Lord's Day: Saturday: 5:00 PM Vigil Sunday: 7:15 AM, 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:30 AM Solemn with Choir, 1:00 PM Monday - Friday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM Saturday: 9:00 AM 7:30 PM Vigil, 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 12 Noon, 7:30 PM Weekdays: Holy Days: Special Sunday Liturgies: Italian Mass: 1st & 3rd Sundays at 7:15 AM Family Mass: 10:00 AM R.C.I.A.: October - June at 10:00 AM Welcome We invite all Catholics to participate fully in our spiritual and community life. If you are new to the parish, please introduce yourself after Mass and register at the Parish Office. Kindly notify us if you change your address. Sacrament of Reconciliation Confessions are heard Saturdays from 3:45 to 4:45 PM in the Church, and anytime in the Rectory. Sacrament of Baptism Baptisms are celebrated the Second & Fourth Sundays, immediately following the 1:00 PM Mass. Expectant parents must attend a Baptism Instruction Session which is held the First Monday of each month at 7:30 PM in Father Winters Hall. Sacrament of Matrimony Arrangements should be made with a priest or deacon at least six months before the proposed date to allow sufficient time for instruction and preparation. Parish Office Mrs. Tessie DiTuri Secretary 1510 Adee Avenue Bronx, N.Y. 10469 (718) 379-4432 Fax: (718) 379-9028 Music Ministry Ms. Eva Sze Director and Organist (718) 379-4432, x23 Fax: (718) 379-9028 Pastoral Care of the Sick If you are homebound and wish to receive the Sacraments of Confession, Holy Communion, and Anointing of the Sick at home, please call the Parish Office. Please notify us of any hospitalization so that we may be of assistance. Devotions The Rosary is recited Monday - Saturday at 8:30 AM. The Perpetual Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal is prayed each Monday at 9:30 AM. Prayers for an increase in Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life and for the Unborn are said and the Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed every Thursday at 9:30 AM. First Friday Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament begins with Exposition at 2:30 PM and concludes with Benediction at 7:30 PM. R.C.I.A. Those called by the Lord to become part of His Catholic Church are invited to participate in our Adult Faith Formation Process. Those adult baptized Catholics who would like to complete their Christian Initiation by being admitted to Holy Communion and by receiving Confirmation are also welcomed into this process. Nursing Home Ministry Mr. Benjamin Diaz Coordinator (718) 379-4432, x22 Fax: (718) 379-9028 Holy Rosary School Mrs. Maryann Fusco Principal 1500 Arnow Avenue Bronx, N.Y. 10469 (718) 652-1838 Fax: (718) 515-9872 "You Always Have A Home At Holy Rosary!" Religious Education Mrs. Antonia Tedeschi Coordinator (718) 654-9381 Fax: (718) 515-9872 SUNDAY, JANUARY 5. 2014 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD SUNDAY, January 5 7:15 (Italian) John Matthew Bele 8:30 Doris Wilkowski 10:00 Dr. Alfred & Angela Caiola 11:30 Alice M. Rodriguez 1:00 Honorable Anthony Cerchiara SUNDAY READINGS First Reading: Isaiah 60: 1 – 6 Jerusalem is extolled as a place of glory and splendor because the Lord has come to His own city. Second Reading: Ephesians 3: 2 – 3a, 5 – 6 Paul tells the Ephesians that his special mission is to make the Gentiles co-heirs with the Jews in Christ — “members of the same body and sharers of the promise.” Gospel: Matthew 2: 1 – 12 MONDAY, January 6 – St. André Bessette 7:00 Pro – Populo 9:00 Rita Chabriel & James Dungy TUESDAY, January 7 – St. Raymond of Penyafort 7:00 Giuseppe Pale 9:00 Sr. Evelyn Green, O.P. WEDNESDAY, January 8 7:00 James Zemlansky 9:00 Junior Barrow THURSDAY, January 9 7:00 Eugene Harrold 9:00 Ramona Correa FRIDAY, January 10 7:00 Joanne Emmanuel 9:00 Mildred, Angline & Walter Scafidi SATURDAY, January 11 9:00 Theresa & Louise Acierno 5:00 Joseph Lo Schiavo, Sr. SUNDAY, January 12 7:15 (English) Pro – Populo 8:30 Deceased Members of the Holy Name Society 10:00 Mass of Thanksgiving 11:30 Joseph Wilkowski 1:00 Marie & Thomas Giangreco LITURGICAL MINISTER FOR JAN 11 / 12 LECTORS 5:00 T. Andres 7:15 C. Bele 8:30 G. Sullivan 10:00 Family Mass 11:30 C. Bele 1:00 H. Schwalbenberg EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION 5:00 M. A. Piti / M. Filardi… Host: G. Douglas 7:15 E. DiPaolo 8:30 C. & J. Testa / D. Cuesta / M. Saplicki … Host: B. Diaz 10:00 M. McCabe / H. Corbie / B. Guzman … Host: L. A. Caruso 11:30 N. Hill / M. Micalizzi / L. & N. Severino … Host: A. Venterina 1:00 M. Alberty / A. Corbie … Host: A. Perera ALTAR SERVERS 5:00 R. Ynfante 8:30 J. Cahill / A. Nguyen / T. Le 10:00 J. Bennett / I. Cooper 11.30 V. Barreto / V. D’Alessandro / J. Gotoy / D. Pierre 1:00 G. Haile / J. John / J. Nguyen LEARN TO PRAY THE ROSARY AS A FAMILY EVERY NIGHT BEFORE BED! Herod learns that Wise Men from the East are searching for the newly born Christ Child. He instructs them to find the Child and to report His whereabouts to him. The Wise Men follow a star to the place where Mary and Jesus are and offer the Child gold, frankincense, and myrrh. They do not return to Herod but follow another route to their own country. ©2001 Bon Venture Services, Inc. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Jn 3: 22 – 4:6 / Mt 4: 12 – 17, 23 – 25 1 Jn 4: 7 – 10 / Mk 6: 34 – 44 1 Jn 4: 11 – 18 / Mk 6: 45 – 52 1 Jn 4: 19 – 5:4 / Lk 4: 14 – 22a 1 Jn 5: 5 – 13 / Lk 5: 12 – 16 1 Jn 5: 14– 21 / Jn 3: 22 – 30 PLEASE PRAY FOR … Estrella & Myrna Alvarez, Salvatore Amedeo, Mary L. Ball, Francis Bele, Kim Benack, Linda Bravo, Olive Burke, Bernie Byrne, Phillip & Anthony Capano, Marianna Caruso, Salvatore Caruso, Niki Catechis, Joseph Cavazzini, Christina Celantano, Theresa Coutain, Anna Cristina, Audia DeJesus, Helen DeAlto, Rosemarie DeNegris, Cynthia Dukes, Rosa Echevarria, Laticia Elliot, Marie Ferrari, Domenica Frega, Beatrice Galeano de Maduro, Frank Gervasi, Leniore Griffith, Natalie Griffiths, Iris Grubler, Elsie Haberfelner, James Heame, Marilyn Iarossi, Mary Iorio, John Joseph, Singh Latchman, Theresa Lewis, Maurice Lisby, Connie Lorelli, Brunilda Mandozza, Ann & Ralph Martone, Anthony Masterangelo, Julia Merritt, Jim Messenger, Anthony Militello, Alisa Nicovic, Wendyann Ocasio, Carmen Ortiz, Jose Ortiz, Beth Pagan, Vincenza Petrone, Mary Pirro, Angelina Rader, Lucille Rahman, Michael Ramirez, Giuseppe Regina, Carmen Rivera, Iris Rivera, Dorothy & Elvira Santomauro, Arthur Simmons, Valerie Stevens, Beverly Lynda Warner, Joan Wheeler, Karen Williamson and all of our homebound and the residents of our local Nursing Homes. + PARISH MISSION STATEMENT + We, the people of Holy Rosary Parish, have been joined together into a family of faith since 1925. In our communal participation in the worship of the Lord, we are nourished in Word and Sacrament and we are sent forth to bring the Good News of Salvation to all. We endeavor to proclaim the Gospel by both word and deed. We welcome all who come to our house of worship as true sisters and brothers and we pledge ourselves to the service of those in need in our parish family, in our neighborhood, and in our greater community. MONDAY – THURSDAY: 8AM – 9PM FRIDAY: CLOSED SATURDAY: 9AM – 5PM SUNDAY: SEE YOU IN CHURCH We three kings of Orient are bearing gifts, we traverse afar. Field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star. 2014 CHURCH CALENDARS The calendars come to us through the kindness of Sal Farenga and his staff at Farenga Bros. Inc Funeral Homes 920 Allerton Avenue, The Bronx, 718.654.0500. THE PILGRIM STATUE OF OUR LADY OF FATIMA will be with Juanita Gomez, January 5 – 11. THE TRAVELING DIVINE MERCY IMAGE will be with CANDY CANES The Candy canes came to us through the kindness the staff at McCalls Bronxwood Funeral Home, 4035 Bronxwood Ave, Bronx, 718.231.7647. Lottie Murphy, .January 5 – 11. The Bread & Wine for this week are given in memory of Stellario Philip Heffernan. Donated by his mother, Irene Hefferan. The Altar Candles for this week burn in memory of Stephen Anthony Heffernan. Donated by his mother, Irene Heffernan. MAKING ALL THINGS NEW PARISH PLANNING IN THE ARCHDIOCESE We have now begun the CLUSTER PHASE. Our Parish Core Team has begun meeting with the teams of our cluster parishes to see how we can collaborate and share recourses. Our cluster parishes are: Nativity; St. Mary, Star of the Sea; St. Lucy; and St. Michael. PASTORAL COUNCIL will meet this Wednesday, January 8 at 7:30 PM in Father Winters Hall. Parishioners are invited to attend and see what we are all about. A Christmas Gift for Your Parish In order to balance our parish budget every year we rely on the generous gifts that come to us through the Christmas collection. We also rely heavily on the weekly Offertory gifts that are made 52 weeks out of the year. Both your Christmas gifts to our parish and your weekly Offertory gifts help us manage our operating budget through winter when heating bills are high and unexpected costs arise for snow and ice removal. For this reason, we ask you to please be as generous as possible with your Christmas gift to the parish. If possible, please use your weekly envelope and your Christmas envelope during Christmas week. We need your support. Thank you for your generosity both throughout the year and at Christmas! Please continue to use your offertory envelopes so we are able to acknowledge your giving at the end of the year. Online giving is available … see our Parish Pay item below. Automated Giving Is Here…Have You Signed Up Yet? It benefits you and our parish! Enrollment is friendly and trouble-free. Managing your account through ParishPay is easy. It’s easy to sign up! Simply fill out the enrollment form and drop it in the collection basket or enroll at the program’s website, www.parishpay.com or call 1-866-PARISH-1. Questions? Speak with Fr. Quarato. CHRISTMAS FLOWER OFFERINGS Traditionally offerings are made in memory of a deceased loved one. The funds collected help to cover the sizable cost of the greens and flowers for the entire Christmas Season. Envelopes are available in the Church lobby. CARDINAL’S ANNUAL APPEAL GOAL: $69,500 PLEDGED TO DATE: $71,488 THANK YOU FOR HELPING US MAKE OUR GOAL! The Appeal is a vital source of funding for the programs and ministries that sustain the parishes across our Archdiocese. It is not too late to make your gift! Please be as generous as you can. Thank you for your kind support. OUR COMMITTEE FOR BLACK MINISTRY INVITES YOU TO JOIN US ON A TRIP TO THE SIGHT AND SOUND THEATRE In Lancaster County Pennsylvania MOSES SATURDAY, APRIL 12 th Adults: $140 Children under 17 - $120 A deposit of $70 for adults and $60 for children th Is due on January 17 th The balance is due on February 20 Depart from Holy Rosary at 8AM Lunch at the American Buffett Show time at 2:45PM Depart from PA at 5PM. May checks payable to Committee of Black Ministry SORRY NO REFUNDS! Contact: [email protected] or 718.379.4432. BAPTISM INSTRUCTION – This Monday, January 6th at 7:30 PM in the church. Parents of the children are required to attend. POTS SUNDAY – Next Sunday, January 12th, is Pots Sunday. The menu calls for Stew (chicken, beef, lamb, veal); Please bring your food in disposable pans, with lids if possible, to rear lobby of Holy Rosary Church (by St. Michael Statue) between 9:30AM to 10AM. God bless and love you all for what you’ve done and are continuing to do for the hungry. CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS - We have received rave reviews again this year about the Christmas decorations! A special note of thanks to our dedicated Liturgy Committee: Yvette Armstrong and Ricardo Morales, Joan and Anthony Bellitto, Sean Cahill, Mary Ellen Conk, Ben Diaz, Herb Figueira, Raymond and Ivette Figueroa, Gerard Hahn, Ivy Morreno, Wendyann Ocasio, Stefania Raschella, Cecile Rodriguez and Gloria Saplicki, along with members of the Holy Name Society. Thank you for all you do to make Holy Rosary shine! THE CHRISTMAS CRÈCHE Look at the humility of God.... Therefore hold back nothing of yourselves for yourselves, so that He who gives Himself totally to you may receive you totally. - St. Francis of Assisi (Letter to the Order) St. Francis of Assisi began the tradition of the Christmas crèche near Greccio, Italy in 1223. He brought live animals to a cave where Midnight Mass was celebrated, and the local people who were present saw the baby Jesus appear in the manger he had prepared in front of the altar. The crèche helps us to focus in on the true meaning of Christmas. Father Quarato, Father Sebastian, Father Pleho, Father Hippolytus, the Parish Staff and the Pastoral Council Members wish you and your families every blessing for the New Year! THANK YOU FOR THE GIFTS A warm “Thank You” to all those who were so kind to send Mass cards, greeting cards, baked goods, fruit, wine, punches and various gifts to the Rectory. We are convinced that we have some of the best cooks and bakers in The Bronx! We are most appreciative of your thoughtfulness and generosity. May God bless you and your families this New Year! Fr. Quarato, Fr. Sebastian & Fr. Pleho THE FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY 20 + C + M + B + 14 This Feast -- also known as the "Theophany" or "Three Kings Day" -- recalls Christ revealing Himself as Divine in three different ways: to the Magi, at His Baptism, and with His miracle at the wedding feast at Cana. For families who practice traditions involving "the Magi" or "La Befana" leaving gifts for children, the day begins with the little ones discovering what was left for them while they slept on Twelfth Night. At today's Mass, there will be a blessing of Epiphany Water, and chalk. When Mass is over, you will be able to take some of the blessed chalk and Epiphany Water home with you, When you get home, sprinkle some Epiphany water in the rooms of your house to protect it and bring blessings. This Holy Water recalls the waters of the Jordan, and is a visible reminder of Christ's Divinity, of Jesus' revealing Himself as God at His Baptism, when were heard the words from the Father: "This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased." Bless, O Lord God almighty, this home, that in it there may be health, purity, the strength of victory, humility, goodness and mercy, the fulfillment of Thy law, the thanksgiving to God the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. And may this blessing remain upon this home and upon all who dwell herein. Through Christ our Lord. After the prayers of the blessing are recited, walk through the house and bless each room by sprinkling with Epiphany water. Then write an inscription on the outside lintel above the front door. The series of numbers, letters and crosses changes only slightly from year to year. For example, at the start of the year 2014, the line will read as follows: 20+C+M+B+14. The four digits designating the new year appear at the beginning and end of the line. Because Epiphany comes so near the beginning of the New Year, the numbers represent an annual renewal of God’s blessing. The letters have two meanings. They are the initials of the traditional names of the magi: Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar. They also abbreviate the Latin words Christus mansionem benedicat. “May Christ bless the house.” The letters recall the day on which the inscription is made, as well as the purpose of the blessing. The crosses represent Christ, whom we invoke, and the saintliness of the magi. The inscription is made above the front door, so that all who enter and depart this year may enjoy God’s blessing. The month of January still bears the name of the Roman god Janus, the doorkeeper of heaven and patron of the beginning and end of things. This blessing adds a Christian dimension to the traditional observance of the first month. The inscription is made of chalk, a product of clay, which recalls the human nature taken by God’s eternal word in this holy season. Epiphany Water and Blessed Chalk will be available by the crèche after the 10AM Family Mass. Dear Jesus, as You led the Three Kings to You by the light of a star, please draw us ever closer to You by the light of Faith. Help us to desire You as ardently as they did. Give us the grace to overcome all the obstacles that keep us far from You. May we, like them, have something to give You when we appear before You. Mary, Our Mother, help us to know Your Son. Amen. It is customary in some religious orders to choose a new patron Saint today for the coming year. Families can do this, too, choosing a new Saint by designating someone (e.g., father or mother, etc.) to select the new Patron, by determining by lot who will select the new patron, by having family members write down their choices and choosing at random, by allowing the person to choose who presents the best argument for a particular Patron, etc. It would be very beneficial if the person who chooses teaches the rest of the family about that particular Patron, perhaps looking up the Saint on line or in the library, finding art work depicting the Saint, etc., and sharing the information. Also, in many places the traditional Three Kings’ Cake is enjoyed by all (search on the internet for recipes.) WORLD MARRIAGE DAY February 9, 2014 Search for longest married couple To enter: couples must be sacramentally married for a minimum of 65 years and reside in the Archdiocese of New York. The longest married couple(s) will be honored on th Sunday, February 9 at the beautiful St. Malachy’s Chapel at the 12:30 PM Mass. The principal celebrant will be the Most Reverend Gerald T. Walsh, Vicar General, and a reception will follow. For further info or reservations, contact Izabella Nagle at 646.794.3190 or email at [email protected]. Mail entries that include the couple’s name, address, and the date you were married [month, day and year] to: Family Life / Respect Life Office 1011 First Avenue New York, NY 10022 Attention: Izabella Nagle th Deadline for entries: January 30 , 2014. +PARISH MEETINGS + Finance Council RCIA Team Meeting Adult Choir Pastoral Council Meeting Children’s Choir th Jan. 6 7:00 PM Rectory th Jan. 7 7:30 PM FWH – MSR th Jan. 8 7:00 PM Church th Jan. 8 7:30 PM FWH th Jan. 11 Noon Church A NOTE TO OUR NON-CATHOLIC FRIENDS Although we warmly welcome you to our parish Liturgies, we cannot extend to you an invitation to receive Holy Communion. The reception of Holy Communion is a sign of Unity in Faith, and such unity does not exist between Catholics and those who belong to other Christian groups. That unity is something for which we are to pray. If you would like to explore becoming a Catholic, please speak to one of the Priests. You may find the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ GUIDELINES FOR THE RECEPTION OF COMMUNION helpful. This document is found printed on the inside cover of Today’s Missal in the pews. +++ CatholicsComeHome.org +++ LOOKING FOR THAT RIGHT PERSON? www.catholicsingles.com A NOTE ABOUT BECOMING SPONSORS FOR BAPTISM AND CONFIRMATION It is a great honor to be asked to be a sponsor for Baptism or Confirmation. The role of a “godparent” is to be an “other parent” in matters of our holy Faith. That is why sponsors must be practicing Catholics, 16 yrs of age or older, having received Confirmation and currently living a good Christian moral life. If the sponsor is married, that person must be in a valid Church marriage. One sponsor is required for Confirmation. It is customary to have two for Baptism, in which case one must be male and the other female. A nominated sponsor is asked to get certification from his/her current parish. This is a declaration by a priest/deacon that the individual is qualified to be a sponsor according to Church Law. To be so certified, the individual must be a current parishioner of the particular parish where the certification is being sought, and be known to the priest/deacon as being a faithful practicing Catholic, attending Mass there regularly. Unfortunately, at times, family members or friends are chosen to be sponsors with good intentions, but are found to be ineligible according to Church Law. Also, more and more, people seem to think that they are still “parishioners” of their childhood parish, where they attended school or received sacraments years ago, while no longer living in the area or attending Mass there regularly. It is important for individuals to be active members of their local Catholic faith communities. The unfortunate fact is that some are neither practicing Catholics nor faithful members of a parish family and are thereby ineligible to become sponsors. Like all other things in life, individual choices bring consequences.
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