Big news at Citrus Valley Health Foundation


Big news at Citrus Valley Health Foundation
Big news at Citrus Valley
Health Foundation
lthough it’s been nearly three years since we last
published an edition of this newsletter, rest
assured that Citrus Valley Health Foundation
has been extremely busy: growing, evolving, and
doing what we’re best at—fundraising for Citrus Valley
Medical Center and Hospice. Now we’d like to welcome
you back to P HILANTHROPOS , the Foundation’s special
publication in support of Citrus Valley Medical Center.
Going forward, P HILANTHROPOS will come out twice a
year, once in the spring and then again in the fall.
One of our major projects these last few years has
been the successful completion of an $11 million capital /
endowment development campaign
entitled “Strong Roots…New
Growth.” (See full story on page 4.)
The monies raised from this ambitious
undertaking have enabled Citrus
Valley Medical Center to become the
primary healthcare facility for 26
communities in the East San Gabriel
Valley. We’d like to thank everyone involved in this work,
especially Mrs. Cleo Nichols who was our largest donor at
$1 million.
A bright addition to the Foundation’s family is our new
Director of Development, Valerie Glass. A native of
Claremont, California, Valerie brings over 13 years
experience in nonprofit management to the Foundation.
Most recently she held the Membership Director position at
the public television station KTEH in the Bay Area. A
longtime crusader for under-served populations—especially
low-income, Hispanic women—Valerie is thrilled at this
new opportunity to tackle the healthcare arena.
“Unfortunately,” says Valerie, “good hospitals like ours that
have been around a long time tend to get taken for granted.
My goal at Citrus Valley Health Foundation is to expose
the needs of the Medical Center and Hospice to every
person in this community—to challenge them to give what
Valerie Glass
they can to make sure we’re around forever.” She’s quick to
add, however, that support need not always entail the
writing of a check. “Money isn’t the only need we have,”
she says. “Volunteering or spreading the word about the
services and programs Citrus Valley Health Foundation
offers is also helpful. It brings people together and the
Foundation’s first priority is always the community.
Everything we do, we do for them.”
Another exciting achievement is
the unveiling of the Foundation’s
own website at In
the planning stages for some time,
the site is now up and running, with
bigger and better additions planned
for the future. “This website is a
great vehicle for Citrus Valley
Health Foundation,” says CEO Yulanda Davis-Quarrie.
“Now our donors can instantly find out about future
events, make their gifts online or read the latest editions of
our newsletters. Eventually we foresee the website becoming
an information hub for the entire community.”
As you can see, we have plenty going on. We hope you
enjoy this revamped edition of P HILANTHROPOS , and, as
always, thank you for your support.
—The Citrus Valley Health Foundation Staff
New directions
Thomas O. Bryan, M.D.
Gary Mathewson
Vice Chair
Clifton C. Booth
Ed Tronaas, Ed.D.
James T. Yoshioka
Robinson Baron, M.D.
Chief of Staff CVMC
Jacqueline Bracy, M.D.
Chief of Staff FPH
Scott R. Alexander
Alec Berkman
Bernard D. Bollinger, Jr., Esq.
James M. Casso, Esq.
John J. DiMare, Jr., M.D.
Walter T. Gorrell
Mary Kirchen, IHM
Gloria Kolarik, IHM
Jaime Mendoza, Psy.D.
Sheryl Patton
Leon R. Scruton
Alice Watkins, Ph.D.
Carl Williams, CHE
Sharon J. Yee, M.D.
Richard G. Johnson, M.D.,
Chief of Staff- elect
Kenneth Tye, M.D.,
Chief of Staff- elect
Yulanda N. Davis-Quarrie, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
Valerie Glass
Director of Development
Kai Stearns
Communications Specialist
Irene Dominguez
Foundation Records Specialist
Odilia Rossi
Administrative Assistant
Caryn Johnson
Administrative Secretary
Citrus Valley
Health Foundation
is a non-profit, tax-exempt
[IRS code 501(c)(3)]
charitable organization.
Tax identification
t the end of each year the Board
of Trustees gathers to set the
Foundation’s priorities and
objectives for the upcoming
term. In 2004, as always, raising money for
Citrus Valley Health Partners is our primary
goal. This year we’re focusing a large part
of our efforts into expanding our Major
Gifts Program. Planned Giving techniques—
such as the SAFE Income Plan, Living
Legacy Bequests, Capital Funding, Stretch
IRA, and CRT— can give you the satisfaction
and fulfillment that comes from knowing
you’ve made a difference in the lives of
others, while simultaneously enhancing your
financial and tax circumstances. An example
of past successful planned gifts are the
separate $1 million bequests from the
estates of Mrs. Cleo Nichols and Mr. Robert
L. Zickerman. These large gifts enable the
Foundation to truly secure the future of our
hospital system.
Along with our ever-pressing financial
needs, another concern identified by the
Board was the education of the public about
the philanthropic work done by Citrus Valley
Medical Center and Hospice. It seems that
too often people look upon hospitals as a
necessary evil, never knowing about the
tremendous quality-of-life programs and
outreach services we provide free of charge
for our communities. Accordingly, we have
embarked on a campaign to increase the
visibility of the Foundation through a
variety of new methods, each designed to
tell the fascinating and inspiring story of how
Citrus Valley Health Partners came to be and
what makes us such a vital and necessary
force for the East San Gabriel Valley.
The first of these methods is the
implementation of a Speaker’s Bureau. The
Speaker’s Bureau, very simply, is a group of
volunteer presenters that will go out into
our communities and talk about the mission
and message of Citrus Valley Medical
Center and Hospice. We plan to first target
large audiences such as the media, city
councils, service clubs, faith organizations,
auxiliaries, and country club groups, moving
on to local schools, their PTA’s, and sport
teams as the Bureau grows. We’re moving very
quickly on this project so if you or someone
you know would be interested in having a
presenter from the Bureau speak to your
group, please let us know at 626-814-2421.
The second aspect is the alreadycompleted Foundation website,
This website establishes a direct avenue for
anyone who wishes to learn essential
information about who we are, what we do
and how they can help. It will also allow
old friends who may have moved away
from the San Gabriel Valley the chance to
catch up on our events and activities, and
reestablish a CVHF giving program.
With so many new efforts and campaigns,
the future seems very promising. It’s the
fervent belief of the Board of Trustees and
myself that once people understand who we
are and why we need their help, they will
understand that Citrus Valley Health
Foundation is the catalyst to building a
healthier community.
Yulanda Davis-Quarrie, CFRE
CEO, Citrus Valley Health Foundation
rom the hai
of Citrus Valley Health Foundation’s
Board of Trustees
sk almost anyone—
doctors, patients,
the governor—and
they’ll tell you that the
healthcare system in
California is broken. We
have millions of people who
can’t afford insurance, overcrowded hospitals, not
enough nurses, and ER’s
closing down right and left.
Henry Simmons of the
National Coalition on
Health Care writes that,
“[The United States] has three serious and interrelated
problems—rising costs, decreasing coverage and very
serious and pervasive quality problems.” Unfortunately,
California’s got more than its share to deal with.
• In 2003, the healthcare portion of California’s budget was
$40 billion—the fastest-growing segment of spending.
• Los Angeles County has the highest proportion of
uninsured patients of any other urban area in the country.
• During the first three months of 2004, 33% of
ambulances arriving at hospitals in Los Angeles County
were diverted to other facilities.
• There are 6.8 million residents on Medi-Cal at a cost of
about $30 billion—only $12 billion of which comes from
the state.
• In 2000, California hospitals reported losses of $325
• As of 2008, all California hospitals are required to meet
new earthquake safety requirements. The minimum cost
estimate for this construction is $24 billion—a figure that
is more than the current depreciated value of all the
hospital buildings in California.
Emergency Services Departments because it’s simply too
expensive to operate. The community can rest assured that
we’ll provide whatever it needs. We have to—you’re the boss.
But in other ways, being a not-for-profit hospital makes
things more difficult because we’re forced to rely on the
generosity of the very community we serve. You’re the boss,
yes, but you’re also our investors and without your support
our facilities simply can’t exist. Local healthcare is an easy
thing to take for granted—it’s always been there, so you
assume it always will. Assumptions like those are part of
the problem.
Just think of all the singular programs and services
Citrus Valley Health Partners provides for the 900,000+
residents of the East San Gabriel Valley:
• The only Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
• The first open-heart surgery center
• The only freestanding in-patient Hospice
• Primary ER for 26 cities
Not to mention the tremendous outreach work like our
free Kids Kare-A-Van immunization service, homeless access
center, and family palliative care efforts. All of this
wonderful care—everything we do—depends on you.
Now is the time to take action and ensure that the
quality healthcare you’ve enjoyed from Citrus Valley
Medical Center and Hospice are around for many years to
come. It’s my belief that we have a moral obligation to
make sure these services and facilities continue for future
generations, just as our forefathers did for us. That’s why
I’m giving my time and money to support this Foundation.
And why you should as well.
—Rich Jett
Rich Jett
Jeff Boand
Vice Chair
Dale Duncan
Paul J. Philips
Assistant Treasurer
Dawn Parish Henn
The writing’s on the wall—California’s healthcare
system is in a state of crisis and it’s going to get far worse
before it gets better. Now in some ways Citrus Valley
Medical Center and Hospice are better off than, say, your
average Tenet Hospital. We’re a non-profit, communityowned hospital, which means we have no shareholder bank
accounts to worry about. We won’t close down one of our
Dick Alexander
Curtiss Bonneville
Daniel Barajas, M.D.
Harold J. Borak Sr.
Marie Bryan
Ken Camarella
Vince Capitano
Vincent DeRosa
Yulanda Davis-Quarrie, CFRE
Robert Diltz
Thomas Dolan
Jerome C. Fahey
I. Paul Geleris, M.D.
Patsy Gorrell
Maurice Sylvan Kane Jr.
Dan Kiss, M.D.
Francine Laband
Albert Marino, Ed.D.
Gilbert I. Martin, M.D.
Michael O. Quinn
Howard Raff
Steven I. Skurow, D.D.S.
Bill W. Tang, M.D., Pharm D
Jerry Tomeo
James T. Yoshioka
A capital success
Foundation’s capital
development /
endowment campaign
brings in the money
ack in 1999, Citrus Valley
Health Foundation embarked
on its most ambitious
fundraising project to date: the
Strong Roots…New Growth capital /
endowment development campaign.
Desirous to ensure that the healthcare
needs of over 900,000 people in the
East San Gabriel Valley are met today
and into the future, the Foundation
launched this multifaceted drive with
the goal of raising $11 million for
much-needed programs and services.
As we’re now reaching the end of
this effort, we’re excited to report that
over $8.9 million has been accumulated
with another $800,000 in pledges forthcoming. These monies were collected
from a variety of sources, including
gifts from foundations, individual
donors, physicians and employees of
Citrus Valley Medical Center and
Hospice, as well as through estate
planning. All of the funds raised will
be utilized where the community
requirements are greatest, with the
following six areas receiving the bulk
of the aid: cancer services, Hospice
support, maternal and child health,
heart care, Kids Kare-A-Van, and
emergency services. November 2004
will see the last leg of the campaign as
we launch a year-end appeal to secure
the remaining funds.
In a day when many hospitals and
emergency departments in Los Angeles
County are turning away patients or
closing outright, nonprofit communityowned facilities like Citrus Valley
Medical Center and Hospice remain the
New website
fter many, many
months of planning
and programming,
the Citrus Valley Health
Foundation is proud to
announce that its new website,, is up and running. This
is a great way to find out about
anything Foundation-related, whether
it be special upcoming events, who’s
on the Board of Trustees, different ways
of giving or who our corporate sponsors
are. It’s also a very convenient vehicle
if you need to do business with the
Foundation. For instance, if you wish
to make a donation—log on to the
website for a quick and secure
transaction. Want to ask a question?
Email us through the website. Interested
in saving a seat at one of our events? We
now take reservations through the website.
“The Foundation is interested in
Proportion of Internet users who have visited a charity website: 49%*
Proportion of those users who then took action: 75%*
people’s best option for need-based
healthcare. The successful completion
of the Strong Roots…New Growth
campaign ensures that the citizens of the
East San Gabriel Valley will continue
to receive our comprehensive and
compassionate services from the beginning
of their lives through their final days.
The Foundation would like to thank
everyone who made this campaign
possible, especially our ever-generous
donors. For a complete list of Strong
Roots…New Growth donors, please
turn to page 12.
community-building,” says CEO
Yulanda Davis-Quarrie, “and by
creating our own website, we’re able
to reach out to the East San Gabriel
community in a more immediate
manner. There are so many new
committees and events that we’re
launching that it’s sometimes difficult
to get those announcements or
pertinent information out to all the
people who might be interested. Now
there’s a place that anyone can access
at any time from the privacy of their
home to find out whatever they need
to know about the Foundation and its
projects. And we’ll be able to react to
client feedback that much faster as well.”
We’re very proud of our new
website and would love to hear your
comments and opinions on the finished
product. Please log on to
and let us know how we’re doing.
Remember—it’s your site too!
MARDI GRAS Clockwise from top left: Lisa
Haley and the Zydekats; Citrus College
volunteers; Dr. and Mrs. Humberto Galleno;
Mr. and Mrs. Jon McKinley; Dr. Benjamin
Swachman; Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tye.
Back row: Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomeo, Maria DeRosa. Front: Mr. and Mrs. Rich Jett, Lisa Bailey,
Vince DeRosa, Mr. Bailey.
A slice of the Big Easy at
the 2004 Spring Celebration
itrus Valley Health Foundation’s Seventh Annual
Spring Celebration was a delightful night of
friends, festivities and fundraising in support of
Citrus Valley Medical Center and its many
programs. This year’s theme was Mardi Gras, and the
beautiful South Hills Country Club in West Covina was
perfectly decked out for the event. Deep jewel-toned fabrics
draped the large tables. Centerpieces were made out of satin
jester’s hats with tinkling bells punctuating the points and
candy spilling out of the base. Guests were greeted by
Citrus College choral members decked out in full costume
regalia and given elaborate feathered facemasks and
glittering beads to wear during the evening.
Lisa Haley and the Zydekats were the live entertainment
and they certainly set a Carnival mood with their seamless
blend of Zyedeco, Bluegrass and classic hits. A silent auction
was set up along one side of the banquet hall, and everyone
seemed to have great fun bidding on prizes like a night at
the Hollywood Bowl, an Apple iPOD, jewelry, housewares,
and fabulous vacations. The dinner menu was extensive and
delicious with Louisiana cuisine such as Cajun Shrimp
Fettuccine and Blackened Catfish obvious crowd favorites.
Of course, this was all for a good cause and the 2004
Spring Celebration was a huge hit with the Foundation
raising over $40,000. “This year’s Spring Celebration was
definitely the best yet,” said Valerie Glass, the Foundation’s
Director of Development. “Between the table sponsorships
and proceeds from auction and raffle sales, the event
surpassed our expectations. Our donors always give so
generously at the Foundation’s functions. We’re very lucky
to have so many people in our community who support us!”
The Foundation would like to sincerely thank our tireless
Spring Celebration Committee who volunteered many long
hours to put together a wonderful party, especially Elizabeth
Galleno and Laura Flores who coordinated all the donations
and the setup for the silent auction. Thanks to Patsy Gorrell,
Dawn Parish Henn, Pat Jarvis, Rich Jett, Francine Laband,
Carol McKeown, Cathy O’Neil, Margaret Pohl, Caroline
Reynolds, Charmaine Rood, Jerry Tomeo and Yulanda
Davis-Quarrie. Also, a very big thank you to Alex at South
Hills Country Club who always takes excellent care of us
and puts on a flawless event. Be sure to join us next year
for another great theme night in support of nonprofit
healthcare in the East San Gabriel Valley.
Aliede Klein, far right, Director of Volunteer Services at ICC and
members of the ICC Auxiliary.
Heart disease is the number one killer of women.
How safe are you?
eart disease isn’t something
most women usually
worry about until it’s too
late. Long believed to be
primarily a man’s condition, the latest
facts regarding this threat to women
are truly startling. Heart disease has
become the number one killer of
American women each year, claiming
more than half a million lives in 2002.
In fact, during every year since 1984,
more women than men have died of
cardiovascular disease, making the
average American female more likely
to die of heart disease than the next
seven causes of death combined—
including breast cancer.
Unfortunately, the statistics go on
to show that fewer than three in ten
women perceive heart disease as their
greatest health threat. Because of this
misunderstanding, many women
ignore the early warning signs of a
potential problem, resulting in attacks
that cause permanent heart damage
and even death.
Coronary heart disease, often just
called heart disease, develops over
many years as fatty plaque deposits
build up in artery walls. When the
buildup takes up 70 percent or more
of the area inside of an artery, the
result is angina—a common precursor
to a heart attack. A heart attack will
occur when an artery becomes totally
blocked, preventing oxygen and
nutrients from getting to the heart. If
blood flow to the brain is blocked, it
causes a stroke.
Risk factors fall into two distinct
categories—those one can control and
those one can’t. Traditional risk factors
that can be satisfactorily moderated
include smoking, high blood pressure,
high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and
physical inactivity. A family history of
early heart disease is an example of an
uncontrollable circumstance, as is age
(one in four women over the age of 65
has heart disease). The regulation of
hormones are a particular problem for
women, since birth control, menopause
and giving birth have all been shown
to increase the risk for either heart
attacks or cardiovascular disease. Race
is also a factor: The death rate due to
cardiovascular disease for AfricanAmerican women is 26 percent higher
than that of Caucasion women.
Once developed, heart disease can be
managed, but not cured. “Preventative
care is absolutely important,” said Joe
Powers, the Executive Director of
Citrus Valley Heart Center. “It’s better
to prevent a cardiac event then try and
fix it after it’s done. If you have a
heart attack then one of the
consequences is that you lose heart
muscle which can not be regenerated.”
attack symptoms and may become
confused about what’s happening to
them. “If you even suspect you’re
having a heart attack,” says Powers,
“call 911. Don’t be embarrassed.
We would rather see you right away
and send you home if nothing’s wrong
then have you sit at home for two
hours and lose heart muscle.”
• • •
Smoking is the most prevalent and preventable risk factor for
heart disease in women younger than 45.
Preventative care means
1) educating oneself about the risks
and then 2) talking with one’s
physician about appropriate treatment.
Citrus Valley Medical Center (CVMC)
has made this process infinitely easier
for females in the East San Gabriel
Valley by partnering with a nationwide public awareness program called
Women’s HeartAdvantage. CVMC
launched its portion of the program
on February 17, 2004 along with an
unveiling of Inter-Community
Campus’ new Cardiac Cath Lab.
Women of all ages were treated to
tours of the lab, free heart screenings
and a packet of information detailing
the risks, signs and symptoms
associated with heart disease. Powers
says the response to Women’s
HeartAdvantage has been
overwhelming. “We put flyers out to
the community about the health fair
day,” he said, “and hoped we would
have around 50 people show up. Well,
the first day we filled the capacity of
our conference center and had to
reschedule two more dates. All
together 500 women have already
availed themselves of our
HeartAdvantage services.”
Educational programs like
Women’s HeartAdvantage are especially
necessary because women do not
always experience “classic” heart
1. What are my risk factors for heart
disease, and what can I do to lower
my risk?
2. What are the warning signs of heart
disease or heart attack?
3. What should I know about the
effects of menopause on my health?
4. What is my blood pressure,
cholesterol and body-mass index?
5. What is the best way for me to quit
6. Are my risk factors for heart disease
the same or different for stroke?
7. What is the latest on low- dose
aspirin for heart attack prevention
and treatment?
8. If I experience chest pain, what is
your overall plan for evaluation?
9. If I experience symptoms of a heart
attack, which hospital in the
community is the best to go to?
• • •
1. Chest discomfort
2. Pain spreading to the jaw, neck,
shoulders or arm
3. Shortness of breath
4. Nausea
5. Sweating
6. Indigestion or gas-like pain
7. Dizziness
8. Unexplained weakness or fatigue
9. Discomfort or pain between the
shoulder blades
10. Sense of impending doom
Where we share with you
wonderful stories about
Citrus Valley Health Partners and
its outstanding employees.
his letter is to inform you
of the outstanding service
I received from the
Occupational Therapy
Department at Queen of the Valley and
in particular from Stacey Tani. My
daughter Danielle was born on
February 8, 2003 at Foothill
Presbyterian Hospital and was
immediately transported to the
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
at Queen of the Valley due to
respiratory problems (she swallowed
amniotic fluid). It was also during this
traumatic birth that she suffered a
brachial injury to her right shoulder
that resulted in Erb’s Palsy.
Upon being informed of the
diagnosis, and after I recovered from
the shock, I contacted Stacey Tani in
the Occupational Therapy department.
She took time out of her busy schedule
to see me in the NICU and provide me
with information that I needed to
understand this diagnosis as well as
the immediate actions I was to take to
help my daughter recover maximally.
Her co-worker Joanne also took the
time to fashion a splint to assist
Danielle in maintaining a neutral
position. Stacey helped facilitate
initiating an authorization through my
insurance, as my HMO was initially
resistant in funding at Queen of the
Valley. I appreciated her assistance,
as coping with the trauma of this
birth was enough without also
being forced to harass my insurance
to get Danielle’s rehabilitation
initiated as soon as possible. Once
the consultations commenced,
Stacey was consistently friendly and
provided the service I expected.
She did her best to provide
appointments that accommodated
my work schedule and made it a
point to remind me that I may
contact her by telephone at any
time to ask questions. Stacey
answered all of my questions and
consulted with appropriate staff
when necessary. At every
appointment, Stacey provided a
progressive therapy consultation
and examined Danielle for other
potential problems. I truly
appreciate the level of service Stacy
provided during this stressful
ordeal. I do realize that our family
was fortunate that there was not
more damage; Danielle is very
healthy and demonstrates to be very
intelligent. Nonetheless, this ordeal
was stressful and Stacey went above
and beyond in being sympathetic and
caring and took our case seriously, as
opposed to an “it’s not that bad”
attitude which I received from other
Stacey is a diligent and empathetic
occupational therapist. Without her,
I do not think Danielle would have
progressed as quickly as she did.
Danielle is about 99% recovered (we
expect she will grow out of that 1%).
Thank you for taking the time to
review this letter and I hope you
recognize Stacey for her exceptional
Sandy Danaha
If you have a story you’d like to
share with P HILANTHROPOS ,
please send it c/o Kai Stearns,
CVHF, 1115 South Sunset Avenue,
West Covina, CA 91790 or email
to kstearns@
Citrus Valley Health Foundation extends its heartfelt appreciation to the hundreds of individuals
and organizations listed below, whose generous contributions provided crucial support for the
programs and services of Citrus Valley Medical Center.
The following gifts were
received in Jan-Dec 2003:
Ms. Elizabeth G. Beal
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Billera
Mrs. H.J. Bodle
David Evans & Associates Inc.
Andy J. Kantor
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy J. Kramer
Mr. John Steenkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Karl R. Urlie
D. Ward
Carole Wilson
La Jeune CD’C Perea
Mary Rossi
La Jeune CD’C Perea
Richard L. Binkley
Louise and Jesse Hargrove
John and Dot Lackey
Martin F. Hodnett
Mrs. Jacquelene M. Hodnett
Ross Ganoe
Mrs. Arlene L. Baker
Ms. J.G. Evans
William G. Henderson
Mr. Peter W. Nourse
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Nourse, Jr.
Art Mooney
Ladies Auxiliary of the VFW,
Post 8620
Bud Wheatly
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Maxson
Joseph Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Lind
Norman E. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. Maxson
Mrs. Marie Louise May
Ms. Joanne K. Oyen
Auxiliary of Inter- Community
Mr. Melvin M. Baird
Mr. Ben Bollinger, Sr.
Mr. Donald J. Daneault
Mr. Donald E. Duff
Ms. Irene Ellis
Mr. Robert H. Jones
Mr. Larry Kirkham
Ms. Sandra L. Labrow
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Marino
Ms. Joyce K. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Pagliassotti
Pascal & Ludwig Engineers
Mrs. Anne H. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Reich
Mr. Louis H. Saenz
Sakiyama Family Foundation
Ms. Trudy A. Saltmarsh
Mrs. Doris J. Semler
R.A. Sullivan
Samir S. Tadros
Mr. Paul Umphres
Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Waldron
Mr. and Mrs. G.M. Wisniewski
Eugenia Recano
Ms. Christine D. Clark
Comerica’s FPIS Group
The Lark Ellen School Staff
Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan
Alice Arnold
Don Beale
Stella Blanchard
Harold Breedlove
Glenn Brubaker
Fred Gerbracht
Davis O. Gubrud
Adeline Irvine
Edward Kelish
Marjorie Kobal
Richard G. Kranz
Violet Lyons
Hazel E. Nordhoff
Rose M. Robertson
Babe Stearns
William Taylor
Margaret G. Wilson
Auxiliary of Inter-Community
Anita H. Lane
Frances Barrera
Ms. Jane Abdo
Ms. Lori A. Abernathy
Sirtaj Ali
Ms. Sandra Arellanes
Ms. Gloria Q. Bagalso
Mrs. Adrianne K. Breceda
Mr. James W. Cleveland
Ms. Pilar A. Concepcion
Ms. Kathe H. Cote
Ms. Mercedes S. Damoo
Mrs. Kathy R. Dawson
Ms. Alma C. Del Barrio
Mr. Arthur A. Delapaz
Ms. Eves Y. Devis
Ms. Flor R. Duadico
Ms. Janis Ellen
Ms. Lissa A. Fiedler
Ms. Jodi B. Galli
Ms. Arlene Glass
Ms. Deeann P. Gonzalez
Mrs. Marilyn A. Griffin
Ms. Marcella A. Guerra
Ms. Shelyn M. Gutierrez
Ms. Barbara L. Howard
Ms. Kathleen R. Johnson
Ms. Kay F. Jones
Mr. Jose-Jupper O. Lacson
Mrs. Hue-Mai Liu
Ms. Wendy A. Macken
Ms. Nancy J. Mandley
Mr. Alfonso Manimbo
Ms. Veronica E. Marin
Ms. Monique Martinez
Mr. Kent A. Martyn
Mr. Martin A. Mayer
Mrs. Donna S. McAlmond
Mrs. Jill K. McCormick
Mr. Tom P. McGuiness
Ms. Nancy L. Miller
Ms. Rina F. Miranda
Ms. Elena F. Monsale
Ms. Yevette R. Montague
Ms. Connie Munafo
Ms. Margaret M. O'Neil
Ms. Maria O. Precilla
Ms. Gloria R. Ramirez
Ms. Deborah Reiner-Pruitt
Mr. Bill H. Robinson
Mr. Zeferino L. Rodriguez
Ms. Christine Saavedra
Ms. Lydia E. Sandoval Steele
Ms. Alice Silva
Ms. Judy Snyder
Mr. Andre C. Trepanier
Ms. Selina M. Villanueva
Ms. Carole L. Wenda
Ms. Teresita M. Young
El Monte Council PTA
Kaiser Permanente
Los Angeles County Office
of Education School District
Rowland Unified School District
West Covina Unified School District
Auxiliary of Inter-Community
T HE 2100 C LUB
David W. Alfaro, D.D.S.
American Medical Response
Ms. Leona Arce
Athens Services
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Bennitt
Ms. Janet M. Berry
Ms. Kennie J. Boeckeler
Bonneville & Cramer
Ms. Irene T. Bourdon
Mrs. Carol A. Brainerd
Ms. Katherine M. Castucci
City of Covina
Ms. Teresa V. Coleman
Competition Electric
Ms. Lois M. Conyers
Custer Christiansen Mortuary
Donald and Yulanda Quarrie
Mrs. Kathy R. Dawson
Ms. Rita A. Delehanty
Mr. Donald A. Driftmier, C.P.A.
Ms. Brenda L. Ferrendelli
Mr. Thomas J. Fitzgerald
Flowers By Peggy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Foulke
Dr. and Mrs. Humberto A. Galleno
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Gorman
Mrs. Marilyn A. Griffin
Harris & Ruth Painting
Contracting, Inc.
Mr. Steve Herfert
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Holland
Jean’s Complete Bookkeeping
Ms. Carol R. Jenik
Ms. Youlanda Jenkins
Mrs. Susan L. Jerris
Ms. Catherine J. Kaliel
Mrs. Karen Kanagi
Ms. Judy C. Kimpel
Mrs. Mary B. Kunz
Mrs. Francine G. Laband
Lifesource Technologies Inc.
Mrs. Annette R. Lyford
Ms. Audrey Lynberg
Ms. Nancy Manners
Mrs. Sherrie A. Margid
Ms. Cheryl L. Marino
Mr. Kent A. Martyn
Mrs. Frances Maschio
Mr. David T. McCobb
Mr. Tom P. McGuiness
Ms. Friederike Medak
Ms. Annette R. Mickelson
Mayor Michael L. Miller
Mrs. Bernice P. Nordstrom
Mr. Andrew G. Pasmant
Mrs. Margaret T. Pohl
R.P.M. Printing
Mr. Donald M. Reynolds
Rogers, Clem & Company
Mrs. Denise V. Ronquillo
Ms. Trina L. Salazar
Mr. Steven L. Samaniego
Mr. John F. Schimanski, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff J. Seymour
SGV Postal Credit Union
Dr. and Mrs. Steven I. Skurow
Ms. Marian V. Smithson
Ms. Judy Snyder
Dennis W. Strum, Ph.D.
Suburban Water Systems
Superior Super Warehouse
Lt. Marc A. Taylor
Ms. Joanna Teachout
Mr. Mark Tedesco
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Tomeo
Ms. Nga Ton
Mr. Michael R. Touhey
Mrs. Debbie Tracy
Ms. Kay A. Turner
Valley Imaging Partnership
Valley Insurance Service
Karl and Kathleen Van Allen
Mrs. Barbara M. Van Eck
Ms. Patricia A. Vilardo
Mr. David M. Wells
Ms. Jan Wertz
West Covina Lions Foundation
Chief Frank J. Wills
Dr. Benjamin S. Wong
Mr. Shannon A. Yauchzee
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Yoshioka
Ms. Mary E. Zimmer
Doctors Professional Building
Mrs. Roberta Sharp
Mrs. Senorina Velasco
Shone and Sherry Wang
Rene Vasquez
Mr. William Gross
Joanne Waldron
Mrs. Linda L. Smith
Ace Pelizon Plumbing
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Alexander
Ms. Billie J. Allen
Ms. Grace Alvarez
Mrs. Frances M. Andrews
Ms. Haydee Andujo
Ms. Doris V. Baerns
Mrs. M.M. Barnes
Mrs. Werdna Beale
Ms. Gloria M. Beckford
Mr. and Mrs. Alec P. Berkman
Mrs. Helen Bishop
Ms. Patricia A. Blauvelt
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Bodily
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard D. Bollinger
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton C. Booth
Ms. Vivian I. Bosquit
Ms. Irene T. Bourdon
Ms. Georgia Bowen
Ms. Mildred N. Bowman
Ms. Hazel L. Braithwaite
Ms. Marie Brisco
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Browning
Mrs. Innes Brubaker
Ms. Camille M. Brunsdon
Ms. Margaret A. Brunsdon
Mrs. Eleanor J. Bury
Cal-Mart Furniture Showrooms
Mrs. Dolores T. Calva
Ms. Janice Campeau
Gail G. Campofiore, M.D.
Mrs. Nancy B. Canary
The Candy Connection
Cardiology Medical Group
of SGV, Inc.
Ms. Ruth H. Carr
Ms. Marion Carvin
Mrs. Mary E. Cashion
Mr. Patrick J. Castagnaro
Ms. Norma E. Castile
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Castro
Mrs. Shirley M. Chappell
Ms. Bethanie Christopher
Ms. Dolores A. Cisneros
Citrus Grill
Citrus Psychiatric Medical Clinic
Citrus Valley Health Partners
Citrus Valley Physicians Group
City of Covina
City of Covina Community
Ms. Karen L. Clark
Community Development
Constantine Creations
Ms. Lois M. Conyers
Ms. Helen C. Cordell
Ms. Jennie Costello
Country Postal Service
Covina Assembly of God Church
Covina Book Store
Covina Masonic Temple Assn.
Covina United Methodist Church
Ms. Bettie L. Craig
Mrs. Pamela Craig
Ms. Carleen J. Cypert
Stanley Daubenbis, CPA
Ms. Nancy De Soto
Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Delach, Jr.
Mrs. Veronica Denerson
Mrs. Florence Denison
Mrs. Cynthia E. Deville
Mrs. Virginia L. Dobson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Doolan
Dr. and Mrs. George M. Dualan
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Duncan
East Shore R.V. Park
Edro Engineering, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Eikenberry
Mrs. Grace Einstein
Mrs. Marian Eitzen
El Monte Ford, Inc.
Elite Ford
Mrs. Jacquelyn Ellingsen
Ms. Joan M. Emmons
Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Evans
Law Offices of J. Randall Faith
Mr. Othello Farnsworth
Ms. Patricia J. Felder
Loretta C. Feller
Mrs. Ina Belle S. Ferrendelli
First Presbyterian Church
Uday G. Gadgil, M.D., Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Humberto A. Galleno
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Gapper
Ronald Garibaldi, D.D.S.
Ms. Cecile A. Gautreau
Mrs. Rosemarie R. Gerbracht
Mrs. Rose C. Gernon
Mr. Hans A. Gey
Glendora Florist
Glesener Pharmacy, Inc.
Ms. Rosalie Gliniak
Gold Jewelry Mfg., Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Gorrell
Ms. Henrietta Gorski
Ms. Marsha L. Gottlieb
Ms. Gloria M. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Granneman
Ms. Helen F. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Griffith
Mrs. Ethel Griggs
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Gruszka
Ms. Margaret K. Gubrud
Ms. Rita M. Gurnee
Mrs. Imogene L. Haley
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle C. Hall
Hampton Inn
Hara Podiatrists’ Group, Inc.
Ms. Shirley Harrison
The Hartford
Ms. Paula K. Heckman
Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Hersch
Mr. and Mrs. Ed T. Hilden
Ms. Sylvia J. Hipp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hoffman
Mrs. Sharon L. Holtz
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hubbert
Ms. Linda C. Humberstone
Jack and Jill
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Jett
Mrs. Paulette Jirsa
Johnnys Pool and Spa
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Johnson
Mrs. Jean A. Johnson
Kaiser Permanente
Ms. Betsy Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kelly
Kiwanis Club—South Hills
Ms. Aliede M. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kral
Ms. Edna L. Lane
Ms. Prudence A. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Ledford
Lighting Elegance—Lamp &
Shade Shop
Ms. Patsy R. Lockwood
Ms. Grace O. Logan
Ms. Betty L. Lollock
Ms. Esther Lovejoy
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Ludwick
Shawn C. Luong and
Jessica H. Luong
Mr. Spencer F. Lyon
M & G Auto Salvage, Inc.
Mrs. Wanda Malone
Mrs. Theresa A. Maloney
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Marino
Mario Del Fante Florist
Mrs. Carol A. Mark
Mrs. Ruth M. Markel
Ms. Evelyn Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Martenson
Mrs. Joan Martin
Mrs. Effi A. Martinez
Dr. Luis Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Mathewson
Ann M. Mauk
Lee Ann Mauk
Ms. Virginia E. McAdams
Ms. Carol J. McClung
Mr. and Mrs. David T. McCobb
Ms. Mary McLing
Mr. and Mrs. James D. McMaster
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis K. McNaught
Ms. Phyllis Mentzer
Ms. Helen A. Merrick
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Meza
Ms. Betty Miller
Mr. Michael S. Miller
Mayor and Mrs. Michael L. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Krishna Mohan
Mohawk Western Plastics
Thomas Mohr, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Moller
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moody
Mr. Henry M. Morgan
Ms. Jeanne L. Mueller
Mr. D.G. Murphy
Ms. Midge Murphy
Mrs. Carol A. Nachbaur
Mr. Leo C. Nasser
Neilson Press, Inc.
Major and Mrs. Marshall E. Noel
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nordhoff
Ms. Patricia O’Connell
O’Donnell Chevrolet-Buick
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Oliver
Ms. Martha E. Olson
Ms. Gail K. O’Reilly
Mrs. Jane Orr
Ms. Virginia M. Orton
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Pappas
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Parker
Mrs. Irene W. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. William O. Parker
Partee Insurance Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew G. Pasmant
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Patronite
Mrs. Jean L. Patterson
Ms. Arline A. Payne
Ms. Lois N. Pearce
Mrs. Hazel Peotter
Ms. Winnie P. Perron
Ms. Patricia A. Peters
Mrs. Ann M. Phillips
Mr. Dean R. Picl
Mrs. Patricia A. Pierce
Mrs. Mary Ann Pitrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Plummer
Mrs. Janet D. Povero
Powell Camera Shop
Mr. Joseph R. Powers
Ms. Donna M. Prager
Rancho Bank
Rayne Water Conditioning, Inc.
RD Benefits Group
Reynolds Buick
Ms. Elaine M. Riddle
Mr. John A. Roach
Ms. Marsha Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roenicke
Roger Gama Jewelers
Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Rohner
Rose Professional Pharmacy
Mrs. Phyllis B. Rounds
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Rubin
Ms. Nancy L. Russell
Alfred R. Salcido, D.D.S., Inc.
Mrs. Celia M. Saucedo
Saving Center Inc.
Ms. Ruth G. Scheidler
Reine M. Scofield
Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Scruton
Dr. and Mrs. Paul B. Seymour
Ms. Wilma P. Shaw
Ms. Dorothy V. Shay
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Shewmaker
Dr. Ben Shwachman
Ms. Josie Silva
Mr. William J. Silva
Ms. Helen J. Sindelar
Mr. and Mrs. Wally E. Sippola
Ms. Mary L. Skavinski
Ms. Betty L. Skokan
Dr. and Mrs. Steven I. Skurow
Ms. Barbara J. Sloberg
Ms. Mary E. Smith
Ms. Tommy S. Smith
Mr. William R. Smith
Mrs. Marilyn Solomon
South Hills Escrow Corp.
Southern California Edison
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Speer
Ms. Joan Stronach
Suburban Water Systems
Ms. Jane Sudicky
Ms. Vivian Sun
Ms. Betty J. Sweetman
Mrs. Sandra M. Taksas
Mr. Joseph C. Tambe
Dr. Michael K. Tanaka
Bill W. Tang, M.D.
Dayalal D. Tank, M.D.
Mrs. Myra J. Taylor
R.J. Teal, D.D.S.
Mrs. Harriette Thompson
Tom’s Pharmacy
Mrs. Margaret Turner
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Valles
Valley Insurance Service
Mrs. Mary H. Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Vescio
Ms. Mary L. Vidos
Mr. Jess Vignol
W.D. Samuelson, Inc.
Mrs. Helen Watanabe
Mr. and Mrs. Ward R. Wenner
White & Associates
Mrs. Charlene M. Williams
Ms. Ruth Woodworth
Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Wysocki
Yocum Business Furnishings
Ms. Sharon Young
Gig Zak
Mr. and Mrs. George P.
Ms. Nancy Zunde
Ms. Edith Abad
Ms. Beatrice Acosta
Mr. Martin R. Acosta
Ms. Maria T. Alvarez
Ms. Belen S. Asi
Mr. Harold J. Atkinson
Mr. Uriel D. Baldovino
Mr. Romeo G. Bautista
Ms. Susan Bloom
Ms. Lori L. Bryant
Ms. Julie Busse
Ms. Desiree Cabana
Ms. Theresa A. Cano
Ms. Janice Cavender
Ms. Clara Ceschini
Ms. Bridgette E. Clark-Williams
Ms. Jean M. Cocco
Ms. Bonnie J. Conyers
Mr. Aegli R. Crow
Mrs. Candia C. Crowley
Ms. Karin Croysdill
Mr. Manuel M. Cuevas
Mrs. Nenuca J. Dalton
Ms. Ofelia R. David
Mrs. Kathy R. Dawson
Ms. Linda M. Delacruz
Ms. Helen Di Ciolla
Ms. Tiffany A. Di Lazzaro
Ms. Jane E. Dietzel
Ms. Barbara J. Dumont
Ms. Donna Dunlavy
Ms. Annabelle Edquilang
Ms. Beverly K. Escalera
Ms. Erma P. Espeleta
Ms. Constance Farrington
Ms. Connie Felix
Mr. Larry S. Fetters
Ms. Masae Gaeta
Ms. Renee D. Gaines
Ms. Kim Gappa
Ms. Susana A. Gastellu
Mr. Benjamin M. Gonzales
Ms. Sherry A. Hamamoto
Ms. Patricia Henry
Ms. Mary E. Howard
Ms. Linda C. Humberstone
Mr. Shawn R. Imes
Ms. Diana C. Ironmonger
Ms. Carla K. Johnson
Mr. Garnet Kakuk
Ms. Catherine J. Kaliel
Mr. W.M. Killion
Ms. Susan C. Kozloff
Ms. Kathy C. Krosley
Mr. Bruce Kupper
Ms. Marie Littaua
Ms. Paula A. Lobato
Ms. Rena M. Manns
Ms. Cheryl L. Marino
Ms. Janine R. Markstrom
Mr. Jaime Martinez
Ms. Louise R. May
Mr. Steve L. Miller
Ms. Yolanda O. Molina
Ms. Jeanne L. Mueller
Frances Murrell
Mr. Guy T. Nakahama
Ms. Conception Oclaray
Ms. Nilda Olivar
Ms. Mary L. Osbrink
Ms. Rebecca Pangburn
Ms. Aurora L. Pascual
Ms. Iris M. Perez
Ms. Catherine L. Probst
Ms. Mara L. Protas
Ms. Sandra Pyle
Ms. Tessie Rai
Ms. Irene Ramirez
Gail Rasmussen, RN
Mr. John R. Recendez
Ms. Maria Reisenbichler- Jacobs
Mr. Gerald Richardson
Mrs. Alison M. Riggs
Ms. Barbara L. Roberge
Ms. Marianne Roeters
Ms. Kristi L. Rowan
Ms. Barbara Rupnick
Ms. Clare K. Sacoy
Ms. Lydia C. Sanchez
Ms. Lydia E. Sandoval Steele
Mr. Gale S. Scalzi
Ms. Patricia S. Schuler
Ms. Joyce M. Seither
Ms. Lilian P. Shepard
Ms. Gail Siggers
Mr. John D. Simhachalam
Ms. Nancy J. Simmons
Ms. Rachel Slocum
Ms. Judy Snyder
Ms. Claudia Sorrels
Ms. Julie M. Sturgeon
Ms. Elizabeth L. Tan
Mr. Lawrence S. Tanouye
Ms. Juanita M. Thompson
Ms. Corrine P. Toscano
Ms. Betty Totten
Ms. Lily L. Valdellon
Ms. Teresa G. Valenzuela
Ms. Florecita Vergel De Dios
Mr. Michael Walker
Ms. Norvene Watts
Mr. Anthony Wieczorek
Mrs. Charlene M. Williams
Mr. Keith Williams, III
Ms. Boneta J. Wisniewski
Mr. Timothy J. Wrobel
Mr. Brian G. Yamate
Ms. Joanna Yang
Mr. and Mrs. Jean P. Adam
Ms. Linda Adrian
Air Pro Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Alexander
Alfred R. Salcido, D.D.S., Inc.
Alliance Imaging
American Medical Response
Amersham Health
Angelica Textile Services
Art Weiss, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ashburn
Aurora Charter Oak—
Los Angeles, LLC
Daniel Barajas, M.D., Inc.
Bear Stearns
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Bennitt
Blue Shield of California
Ms. Cindy Bock
Boise Office Solutions
Mrs. Carroll A. Brittain
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Byers
California Domestic Water Co.
California Steel & Tube
Mr. and Mrs. Ken C. Camarella
Cancer Care Consultants
Carson Roofing Company
Cary, Troncale, Venturelli, LLC
Christ, Spang & Capitano
Citrus Pathology Medical Group
Citrus Valley Medical Center
Mr. Donald S. Comstock
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Cooper,
Cosco Fire Protection, Inc.
Craig Medical International
Donald and Yulanda Quarrie
Driftwood Dairy
E J Enterprises
Eastman Kodak Company
Mr. Robert M. Ebiner
Edro Engineering, Inc.
El Monte Ford, Inc.
Ernst & Young, LLP
Executive Compensation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Foulke
G.E. Medical Systems
Glendora Radiological
Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby E. Grizzle, Jr.
Sisira Gunawardane, M.D.
Mr. Steven J. Hamilton
Healthcare Equipment Center
of San Gabriel Valley
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Henn
Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Holland
Industry Lift, Inc.
Industry Manufacturing Council
In-N-Out Burger
Peter Javryd
JRS Company, Inc.
Keenan & Associates
Richard L. Kennedy, M.D.
L. Barrios & Associates, Inc.
Mrs. Francine G. Laband
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Laband
Mr. Edward Layton
Magan Medical Clinic, Inc.
Magic Flair
Managed Care Support Systems
Mrs. Sherrie A. Margid
Dr. Philip V. Marinelli
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Marino
Mario Del Fante Florist
MARSH Risk & Insurance Services
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert I. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Maschio
Medical Physics Services, Inc.
Menne Electric
Mr. Pat Miranda
Morgan Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Nelson
Nelson & Sons Drywall Co.
New Bedford Panoramex
Mr. Richard M. Oliva
Optimal Printing Technologies,
Orthopaedic Medical Group &
Athletic Rehabilitation Center
Michael K. O’Shea, D.P.M.
Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc.
Mr. David Perez
Mr. Patrick Perez
Mr. and Mrs. Gene I. Pohl
Professional Hospital Supply, Inc.
Questar Engineering, Inc.
R.C. Foster Corporation
Ralph N. Steiger, M.D., Inc.
Rancho Bank
Reynolds Buick
Robert Dain & Co., Inc.
Robert Brkich Construction Corp.
Rogers, Clem & Company
Schaefer Ambulance Service, Inc.
Ms. Barbara L. Schmit
Suresht P. Sharma, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Neil J. Sherman
Siemens Building Technologies,
Dr. and Mrs. Steven I. Skurow
Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith
Sodexho Inc. and Affiliates
Mr. Steven M. Steese
Suburban Water Systems
The Farnsworth Group, LTD.
The Fulcrum Group
The Gas Company
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Tomeo
TRL Systems, Inc.
Valley Imaging Partnership
Valley Insurance Service
Valverde Construction, Inc.
Jerome S. Walczak
West Covina Emblem Club
No. 299
West Covina Lions Foundation
Lawrence K. Wickham, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Yoshioka
Mr. and Mrs. George P.
Laura and Andrew Heninger
Mrs. Susan Heninger
Madison Kay Lusk
Parkview Friends
The Capital Group Companies
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Abeling
Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Abrams
Mr. Philip N. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. Anderson
Mrs. Ruth M. Anderson
Mrs. Yvonne D. Andrews
Mr. Robert Armbruster
Ms. Darlene J. Ashman
Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Aube
Mrs. Martha C. Banton
Mr. and Mrs. Grayson H. Barcus
Mr. Gerald Barisic
Mr. Lloyd E. Beauchaine
Mr. and Mrs. Max D. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Berger
Mrs. Betty J. Bethke
Mrs. May A. Biederman
Mr. Howard R. Blackman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Bonanno
Ms. Mary A. Bowers
Mr. Richard W. Bregard
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bride
Ms. Ruth Brooks
Mrs. Evaline Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Burgner
Deacon Ronald A. Butler
Mrs. Agatha Calsadillas
Ms. La Vera K. Cardwell
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie G. Cates
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Chaney, Jr.
Mrs. Laura L. Chavez
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Christ
Mr. Ervin G. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Claude
Mr. Carl Cline
Mrs. Beverly A. Cornell
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Cueto
Ms. Hale H. Cuppett
Arax Davidian
Mr. Tony De la Paz
Mr. Robert DiLorenzo
Ms. Marjorie Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Du Bois
R. G. Dudderar
Mr. Dean Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Dwyer
Mrs. Jacquelyn Ellingsen
Mr. and Mrs. Huey Estep
Mr. Arnulfo Estrada
Mr. Othello Farnsworth
Mr. Charles D. Favela
Mr. Rod E. Fjellman
Mr. Ray Forsyth
Mr. Glen E. Foster
Mrs. Olga Gamarra
Mrs. Emma D. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Garvey
Mr. Jesus M. Garza
Mr. Michel L. Gaul
Ms. Elizabeth M. Gilson
Aganour Giragosian
Mr. Harold Glasbrenner
Ms. Mary Jane Glenn
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Goddard
Ms. Gloria M. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert M. Gutierrez
Mrs. Margot R. Gutierrez
H. W. Printing
Mr. and Mrs. W.K. Hagerty
Ms. Helen Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle C. Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Hanawalt
Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth S. Hanshaw
Mrs. Victoria Harmon
Ms. Ella E. Hayes
Ms. Betty A. Hays
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Hayward
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Hills
Ms. Nellie M. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Hopper
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Hotard
Mr. John Hsiao and Ms. Liwen Kao
Mrs. June A. Hurd
Mr. William T. Husung, Jr.
Ms. Mary A. Imlay
Institute of Alternative Medicine
Mr. O.C. Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D. Johnson
Keiko G. Kawakami
Dr. and Mrs. Ben Keller
Mr. Gilbert H. Kemp
Mr. Dennis R. Kies
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert E. Koop
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Kraemer
Mrs. Floramae Laird
Mrs. Melita E. Lambeth
Rae and Larry Laricchia
Mr. and Mrs. Merwin R. Larson
Mrs. Mary Helen Lewis
Mr. Aron S. Liang
Mr. Sam Loutsi
Ms. Bette L. Lucas
Ms. Hope Lucero
Ms. A. Luna
MD Press
Ms. Colleen A. Maddox
Mr. and Mrs. Al Marsala
Mr. Alejandro R. Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Alfonso D. Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Martinez, Jr.
Ms. Caroline M. Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Masl
Mr. J. William Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit D. Matthews
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Mayne
Mr. Frank C. McCabe
Ms. Ruth McGrath
Mrs. Virginia H. McIntyre
Mr. Ronald T. McKee
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McNulty, Sr.
Ms. Ines Medina
Mrs. Joan M. Miller
Ms. Lora W. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Caro Minas
Zaganoosh Minas-Jolfaei
Ms. Judith A. Moller
Mr. Vernon D. Morgan
Ms. Betty Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Wayland S. Morrison
Dr. and Mrs. Warren A. Nafis
Mrs. Elsie E. Neilson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Nelson
Mrs. Livia Newman
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Nicoludis
Mr. George E. O’Brien
Optical Components, Inc.
Ms. Virginia M. Orton
Ms. Myrtle F. Oshiro
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pacelli
Mr. and Mrs. Roland C. Pahner
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D. Perry
Mr. Robert W. Phipps
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Pinedo
Mrs. Thelma J. Powell
Ms. Molly Prager
Ms. Lolita A. Reodica
Mrs. Rebecca J. Ricchio
Mr. John A. Rillo
Ms. Ermelinda Roberts
Mr. Lee K. Roberts
Mr. Frank W. Robinson
Ms. Brenda D. Rocha
Ms. Julie Rocke
Timothy E. Roe Insurance
Mrs. Barbara M. Rogers
Ms. Barbara L. Rose
Mr. Chester W. Ruckman
Ms. Clara E. Ruckman
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Rumney
Dr. Arthur M. Schneider
Mrs. Concetta Scoma
Ms. Kathleen Scott
Mrs. Elsie G. Seger
Mr. Ron Sharp
Ms. Marion E. Shemack
Ms. Dolores Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Guy B. Smith, Jr.
Ms. Tommy S. Smith
Ms. Wilma L. Smith
Mrs. Alberta Kay Snapp
Mrs. Sandi Snyder
Ms. Louise M. Sorensen
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Spicer
Ms. Marion H. Stabell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stoney
Mrs. Barbara Strege
Mrs. Shirley Sundberg
Mr. Peter H. Swanberg
Ms. Gloria T. Tactacan
Ms. June N. Thompson
Mr. Porfirio S. Tolentino
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Tomes
Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Trezza
Mr. Anthony Van Alstine
Mrs. Mary H. Vernon
Ms. Yolanda Vignol
Volz Family
Mrs. Janet Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Wallace
Cathryn Wechsler, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence M. Weiner
V.K. Welke
Mr. Gordon Welsh
Ms. Vera M. Whaley
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. White
Ms. Nellie Williamson
Ms. Sandra M. Woolley
Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Young
Mrs. Lorraine M. Zubiate
Dr. Andre Andresian and
Cardiac Rehab Staff, I.C.H.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Browning
Andre Andresian, M.D.,
F.A.C.P., F.A.C.C.
Mrs. Penny L. Butcher
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cole
Daubendick Family
Grish G. Davtian and
Sonik Davtian
S.A. Fowler, Sr.
Conrada A. Gapasin
Mr. William R. Hensel
Mr. Leonard A. Jasmin
Vrouir & Lida Karakhanian
Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Leigh
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lesko
Mr. Jim Lloyd
Mrs. Dolores Loya
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Moisant
Mr. Ben Mondino
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Salzman
Gail G. Campofiore, M.D.
Mr. Lloyd E. Howard
Jesus Christ
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Robles
Mike Cimmarrusti
Ms. Dana Cimmarrusti
George Dualan, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cole
Ronald Dumont
Mrs. Roberta Sharp
Esther Martinez
Mr. Joseph Martinez
Ralph Perez
Mrs. Roxana H. Perez
Pete Reynolds
Mr. Spencer F. Lyon
Norbert Saliscente
Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Saliscente, Jr.
Rose Scott
Mrs. Nanette Sappenfield
Donald Baker, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Kelly
Mr. George C. Kleyh
Caroline A. Bang
Mr. James A. McHugh, Sr.
Richard R. Beck, Sr.
Mrs. Ruth E. Beck
William L. Bowden
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Bowden
Chloe and Carl Crabtree
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Freet
Lois M. Cunning
Mr. Dennis E. Cunning
Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. Mitchell
Deborah Dealy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Norse
Kathy L. Eckert
Mr. and Mrs. George A.
Scotty E. Fiedler
Ms. Elena Fiedler
Lisle M. Fields
Mrs. Nancy L. Fields
Robert Finke
Ms. Carolyn Lee
Daniel Finn
Mr. and Ms. D. L. Conner
Fred A. Greenwood
Mrs. Maerose Greenwood
Charles Hunter
Mrs. June E. Hunter
Deanna Jasmin
Mr. Leonard A. Jasmin
George LaMoreaux
Ms. Loretta Miano
Elizabeth M. Lane
Ms. Margaret J. Lane
Donald R. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mayrsohn
Armando Loya
Mrs. Dolores Loya
Victor Maggard
Mrs. Pauline G. Owens
Stewart Mallory
Ms. Marie C. Mallory
Rev. Eugene McDowell
Ms. Ruth B. McDowell Brock
John R. Miller
Mrs. Marie Miller
Roslyn F. Moffett
Mr. Melvin Moffett
Tayebeh (Haj) Mohajer
Manssoureh Hajialiakbar
Nicholas and Rose Moore
Mrs. Diane M. Moore
Jesus Munoz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Munoz
Robert Parsons
Ms. Evelyn I. Parsons
Edward A. Perkins
Mrs. Jean E. Perkins
C.H. Poirier
Ms. Mary Ann Poirier
Bill Rogers
Mrs. Barbara M. Rogers
William P. Rogers
Mr. William S. Rogers
Arthur Sagar
Ms. Marie T. Sagar
Grace Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. Don Kimsey
Charlotte Skaggs
Mrs. Heidi Ann Blackburn
Ms. Jenny L. Osmond
Mrs. Pamela S. Rankin
Mrs. Angel Tipton
Nelle F. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Dick
Sister of Betty Southworth
Mrs. Pat Fahey
Robert L. Walker
Mrs. Denise Walker
Curtis Workman
Mr. Chris R. Workman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sachs, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Sachs, Jr.
Ms. Janice C. Alcorn
Ms. Issa Aqleh
Ms. Anita Ashby
Ms. Susan L. Black
Ms. Irene T. Bourdon
Ms. Victoria Casados
Mrs. Judith A. Chance
Ms. Beatrice Chavez-Smith
Christ, Spang & Capitano
Mrs. Cynthia Cisneros
Mr. Scott Cochran
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Cockrell
Consulting & Professional
Covina Emergency Medical
Group, Inc.
Ms. Grace Cruden
Ms. Alice Di Maggio
John J. Dimare, Jr., M.D., Inc.
Mrs. Irene Dominguez
Ms. Carol Eaton
Ms. Brenda L. Ferrendelli
Ms. Caroline Formano
Dr. I. P. Geleris
Ms. Ethelinda O. Geolingo
Dr. Richard M. Gisi
Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Gorrell
Ms. Rebecca L. Grant
Mr. Muhannad Hanif
Ms. Dawn Hansen
Ms. Carol R. Jenik
Mrs. Caryn Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Dan Kiss
Grace La Fargo, RN
Ms. Kathy Lehane
Mr. John Lopez
Ms. Rebecca A. Maddox
Ms. Alina Magrina
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert I. Martin
Ms. Rosalie Martinez
Ms. Stephanie Martinez
Mr. Barron Nixon
Mrs. Maria S. Peacock
Ms. Margo C. Perusse
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Philips
Mr. Clarence R. Pulliam
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Quinn
Ms. Yolanda Quinones
Ms. Shirley Rabe-Dizon
Mr. and Mrs. Pete G. Reynolds
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Riechmann, Jr.
Ms. Kim Riffner
Ms. Maria T. Roberts
Mr. Ramon B. Rodil
Mr. Clarence R. Rogers
Ms. Lourdes Salandanan
Dr. and Mrs. Neil Sherman
Ms. Gail Siggers
Dr. and Mrs. Steven I. Skurow
Ms. Sheila Sobretodo
Ms. Anna Marie Soliz
Ms. Maria Aurora R. Suarez
Suburban Water Systems
Ms. Mary C. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Tomeo
Ms. Jill Trojanowski
Edward M. Tronaas, Ed.D
Ms. Kay A. Turner
Ms. Cindy Tutt
Alice V. Watkins, Ph.D.
Ms. Carole L. Wenda
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Williams
Ms. Merilyn Williams
Ms. Sherrie K. WinterswykCisneros
Ms. Joanna Yang
Sharon J. Yee, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Yoshioka
Robert and Beatrice Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Roberto Ayala
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Gilbert I. Martin
Mr. Joshua Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Roy I. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Spitz
Allan and Sherry Martin Family
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McAlpine
Ms. Verna L. Ayres-Engler
Ms. Eleanor M. Beck
Ms. Kennie J. Boeckeler
Ms. Stephanie M. Carbajal
Ms. Maryellen Carillo-Beltran
Mr. Henry H. Castillo, Jr.
Ms. Georgia O. Coble
Ms. Teresa V. Coleman
Ms. Carol J. Coons
Donald and Yulanda Quarrie
Ms. Rita A. Delehanty
Ms. Patricia Dorner
Ms. Cynthia L. Espinoza
Mrs. Suzanne P. Evans
Ms. Robyn Filiatrualt
Ms. Aracely S. Flores
Mr. James F. Gilbert
Ms. Bonnie P. Johnson
Mrs. Karen C. Jolicoeur
Ms. Sharon M. Kemp
Ms. Maria M. Logee
Ms. Marjorie L. Miller
Ms. Dorothy Y. Monahan-Handy
Mrs. Frances Myers
Mrs. Elena L. Narvaez
Ms. Cheryle M. Perkins
Mr. David K. Pollard
Ms. Maria S. Prado-Valdez
Ms. Carmen Regalado
Ms. Odilia Rossi
Mrs. Josefa G. Solomon
Ms. Estela C. Torres
Mrs. Kathleen Van Allen
Ms. Janet E. Watkins
Ms. Luz M. Bazulto
Ms. Sarah K. Bowers
Ms. Regina Buchanan
Ms. Judy Chacon
Mr. Brian K. Conyers
Mrs. Yulanda N. Davis-Quarrie
Ms. Maria E. Fernandez
Ms. Robyn Filiatrualt
Ms. Irma Godinez
Mrs. Cheryl A. Gretel
Ms. Rosalie C. Guhl
Ms. Yvonne Hagerman
Ms. Gwen L. Hagerty
Ms. Judith K. Herrick
Ms. Elizabeth J. Johnson
Mr. Ahmed Kassim
Mrs. Carol W. Lawson
Ms. Rebecca S. Leon
Ms. Maria M. Logee
Mrs. Pat Munoz
Ms. Linda M. Oropeza
Mr. David K. Pollard
Ms. Lyn Portugues-Flores
Mr. Joseph R. Powers
Ms. Evangeline J. Raz
Ms. Vallerie G. Rhone
Ms. Loretta Rosas
Ms. Karen Sweet
Ms. Herlinda Vargas
Ms. Karen R. Wuest
Mrs. Carol A. Brainerd
Ms. Patricia Dorner
Ms. Sheila Sobretodo
Mrs. Joan Wachtelborn
Estate of Robert L. Zickerman
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald R. Menefee
Auxiliary of Inter-Community
Estate of Robert L. Zickerman
Mr. Richard Alcantara
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Alexander
Mayor and Mrs. Walter Allen, III
Ms. Ascencion Alvarado
American Legion Post 755
American Medical Response
Dr. and Mrs. Andre Andresian
Mr. Rodolfo A. Aumentado
Rosalina Baldonado, I.H.M.
Baldwin Park Host Lions Club
Mrs. Martha C. Banton
Daniel Barajas, M.D., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Rod Barkley
Ms. Julie R. Barragan
Dr. and Mrs. Louis Bauman
Mr. and Mrs. Alec P. Berkman
Bingo 790 The American Legion
Mrs. Belinda K. Block
Boise Office Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard D. Bollinger
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton C. Booth
Mr. Harold J. Borak, Sr.
Ms. Irene T. Bourdon
Bozzani Volvo
Dr. and Mrs. Ivan Breed
Mr. Gary D. Brown
Ms. Camille M. Brunsdon
Ms. Margaret A. Brunsdon
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Bryan
Ms. Marilyn Bybee
California Business Bureau Inc.
California Commercial
Enterprises LTD.
Mr. and Mrs. Sean Callahan
Mr. and Mrs. Ken C. Camarella
Mrs. Alberta L. Canavan
Cancer Care Consultants
Carol Carrig, I.H.M.
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Casso, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Castro
Century 21 U.S. Realty
Mrs. Mary Lou Cereghino
Ms. Starr Cerswell
Choctaw Medical Group Inc.
Christ, Spang & Capitano
Citrus Valley Hospice / Home
Citrus Valley Medical Center
City of Covina
Clippinger Chevrolet Oldsmobile
Colley Auto Cars, Inc.
D.G. Collins
Compspec, Inc.
Mr. Simon Concepcion
Ms. Lois M. Conyers
Mr. Malcolm Corbin
Covina Emergency Medical
Group, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Don Crawford
Mr. Donald B. Cullen and
Dr. Gail G. Campofiore
Dr. and Mrs. Wesley A. Curry
Diagnostic Testing & Tutoring Ctr.
Ms. Melissa Duke
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Duncan
Van H. Duong, M.D.
Dydee Diaper Service
Edro Engineering, Inc.
El Monte Ford, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Elliott
Kim B. Ellis
Emcare, Inc.
Ms. Genoveve Escobar
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel N. Evans
Executive Compensation Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Fahey
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Fetters
Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Flemimg
Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Flores
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Fonteno
Forest Lawn Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Foulke
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin H. Foust
Mr. Bert Galleno, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Humberto A. Galleno
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Geleris
Dr. I.P. Geleris
Mr. and Mrs. John Gomez
Mr. Armando L. Gonzalez
Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Gorrell
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby E. Grizzle, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edgar L. Guerrero
Ms. Maria G. Gutierrez
Mr. and Mrs. Nabil Haddad
Mr. and Mrs. Barry D. Hamm
Health Care Legal Services
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Hecox
Mr. and Mrs. Terry O. Henn
Ms. Connie M. Hernandez
Dr. and Mrs. Delroy Hewling
Mr. Garry Hofer
Howard Raff, D.P.M.
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hubbert
Hurst Ranch Historical Foundation
Ms. Lillian Hutchison
Immaculate Heart Community
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Iriarte
Mr. Robert L. James
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Jarvis
Ms. Carol R. Jenik
Mrs. Susan L. Jerris
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Jett
Jett Electric and Cabling
Dr. J. A. Johnson
James Jones, M.D.
Andy J. Kantor
Keenan & Associates
Dr. and Mrs. Dale B. Kellon
Ms. Marian L. Kimball
Mary E. Kirchen, I.H.M.
Ms. Karissa Kiremit
Dr. & Mrs. Dan Kiss
Ms. Josephine Kohler
Gloria L. Kolarik, I.H.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kunce
Mrs. Francine G. Laband
Mr. Joseph L. LaBrie
Laidlaw’s Harley-Davidson
Sales, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Landers
Dr. Lawrence Laughlin, M.D.
Ms. Lynn Lewin
Drs. John & Ann W. Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. Colin A. Liu
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Louie
Dr. and Mrs. Carlos Lugo
Mr. Jesus Lugo
Mr. Johan Lugo
Ms. Audrey Lynberg
Mr. Spencer F. Lyon
Dr. and Mrs. Perry A. Maloff
Dr. and Mrs. Albert Marino
Mario Del Fante Florist
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Mathewson
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. McAlmond
Mr. and Mrs. David T. McCobb
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. McKeown
McKesson General Medical
Mr. Jon H. McKinley
Mr. and Mrs. John J. McNulty, Sr.
Medi, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer
Mayor and Mrs. Michael L. Miller
Mr. John H. Milliken
Mrs. Pat Milliken
Ms. Jenny Molina
Morgan Stanley
Monterey Mortgage, Inc.
Tracie Morrow
Mt. San Antonio Community
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Nork
Ms. Lori Oberon
Mrs. Carol Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. O’Neil
Orthopaedic Medical Group &
Athletic Rehabilitation Center
Vic Osborne, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Norman Owashi
Mr. John W. Pagliano
Mr. Neil Papiano and
Ms. Sharon Thralls
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Patton
Ms. Margo C. Perusse
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Philips
Planning Decision Resources, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene I. Pohl
Pomona Inland Valley Council
of Churches
Mr. Joseph R. Powers
Progressive Management Systems
Questar Engineering, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Quinn
Dr. and Mrs. Howard Raff
Ralph N. Steiger, M.D., Inc.
Rancho Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Pete G. Reynolds
Reynolds Buick
Richard A. Shapiro, M.D., Inc.
Arif S. Rizvi, M.D.
Rogers, Clem & Company
Mr. and Mrs. James Rood
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley J. Rosenberg
RSVP Security Systems Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart C. Rubin
Sacred Heart Parish
Mr. James Salomon
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard D. Salter
San Gabriel Valley
Anesthesiologists Group
Ms. Adrienne Sannes
Mr. George Sauter
Saving Center Inc.
Schaefer Ambulance Service, Inc.
Estate of Georgia Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Scruton
Mary G. Shea, I.H.M.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shelton
Dr. and Mrs. Neil J. Sherman
Mr. Richard J. Shields
Dr. Ben Shwachman
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Simpson
Dr. and Mrs. Steven I. Skurow
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh E. Smith
Ms. Liz Smith
Mr. Geg Soblateh
Sodexho Inc. and Affiliates
Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal,
Southland Cardiothoracic Surgery
Mary H. Statham Trust
Dennis W. Strum, Ph.D.
Suburban Water Systems
Robin Su-Edwards, D.D.S.
Mr. Tim P. Sullivan
Bill W. Tang, M.D.
Dayalal D. Tank, M.D.
The Carl E. Wynn Foundation
Thomas Acura
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon R. Thompson
Ms. Marla Tomeo
Edward M. Tronaas, Ed.D
Valley Imaging Partnership
Valley Insurance Service
Mrs. Barbara M. Van Eck
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Visosky
Ms. Barbara A. Vochatzer
Mr. Harold E. Vochatzer
Mrs. Joan Wachtelborn
Ms. June M. Waller
Mr. Ken Walton
Alice V. Watkins, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Watson
Ms. Freda E. Weegar
Mr. and Mrs. David Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Ward R. Wenner
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Weskamp
Mrs. Sue White
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Williams
Mr. Mandy Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Kee Wong
Ms. Mary Wong-Mizroch
Mr. and Mrs. Bing G. Yee
Sharon J. Yee, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Yoshioka
Ruth Zakowski, C.P.A.
Ms. Regina Zerillo
Margarite Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick N. Keller
Donald Baker, M.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Ted J. Kelly
Bette Lou Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bolster
Ms. Nancy S. Smith
Marjorie Kobal
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick B. McDade
Mr. and Mrs. Dan E. Oliver
Frank R. Miller
Mr. Gilbert R. Baley
Elsie M. Ringer
Mr. Isaac H. Ringer
John W. Trinkaus
Mary Hunter Clements
Al Venger
Mrs. Jo McNabb
Robert J. Mill
Mrs. Jean Mill
City of Baldwin Park
City of Covina
City of Glendora
City of Irwindale
City of Irwindale Senior Citizens
City of West Covina
Los Angeles Homeless Services
is published by
Citrus Valley Health Foundation
for the donors and friends of
Citrus Valley Medical Center
Yulanda Davis-Quarrie, CFRE
Chief Executive Officer
Kai Stearns
Karen Kanagi
2004 Calendar of Events
“Celebration of Life”
Cancer Survivor’s Day
Autumn Nocturne
Light Up A Life
Men’s Club Golf
J UNE 14
2100 Club Luncheons
J UNE 17
Men’s Club Steak Fry
Marian Hall • 1115 South Sunset Avenue
West Covina, CA 91790-3940
In support of Citrus Valley Health Partners
U.S. Postage
Citrus Valley
Health Foundation