Kelly Web Time Management Console
Kelly Web Time Management Console
Kelly Web Time Management Console TMC Guide for Branch Users System Requirements: Internet Explorer version 7 or higher Allow pop-ups for this site. In IE Tools, select Pop-Up Blocker Settings and add as a site to allow pop-ups. If you have questions about pop-up blockers or your internet browser version, please contact your IT department. Note: Your view may be slightly different than what is presented in this guide based on your access rights. TMC- Branch User Guide 2 Contents Time Management Console (TMC) Logon ..........................................................................................................3 Forgot Password.................................................................................................................................................4 Time Management Console Overview ...............................................................................................................4 Overview Tab .....................................................................................................................................................5 Overview Columns .....................................................................................................................................5 Employee List and Assignment Details...............................................................................................................6 View Assignment Details ............................................................................................................................7 View/Edit Time Card...................................................................................................................................8 Unsubmitted Time Tab .......................................................................................................................................9 View Employee Communications.............................................................................................................10 Send Employee Time Entry Reminders ....................................................................................................10 Submitting Saved Time.............................................................................................................................11 Assignment Options .................................................................................................................................13 Unapproved Time Tab ......................................................................................................................................13 View Approver Communications .............................................................................................................14 Send Approval Requests...........................................................................................................................14 Add Alternate Approver- Time is Entered ................................................................................................14 Add Alternate Approver- No Time Entered or Time is Already Approved ...............................................15 Approval Options – Dispute Resolution ...................................................................................................16 Approved Time Tab ..........................................................................................................................................17 Reports Tab ......................................................................................................................................................18 Run a Report.............................................................................................................................................18 Schedule a Report ....................................................................................................................................19 Complete Report List................................................................................................................................19 Support .............................................................................................................................................................19 TMC- Branch User Guide 3 Time Management Console (TMC) Logon 1. Go to 2. Enter your User ID and Password. The KWT team sets your access and sends a welcome email from [email protected] Your email address is your User ID and the welcome email will have a temporary password. If you have not received your logon, please contact the Kelly Hotline at 1800-KELLY-04 or fill out the Customer Profile form on the KellyWebUS implementation page. 3. On your initial logon, you will be prompted to change your password. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and should include 2 of the following: uppercase, lower case letters, numbers, or special characters. Passwords are case sensitive. If you also have time entry or Clock Admin access to PeopleNet, you will want to change this temporary password to the same password as those accounts to link your access to one logon. 4. After entering your new password, click on Submit. 5. When you have successfully changed your password, you must log in again to activate the new password. TMC- Branch User Guide 4 Forgot Password 1. If you forget your password, enter your User ID then click the ‘Forgot your password?’ link under the password entry box. 2. Enter your last name and select Submit. 3. Select the account(s) that you would like to change your password for and click on Submit (only applicable if you have multiple accounts). 4. Kelly Web Time will email you a temporary password via email. If you do not receive the email, check your Spam folder for a message from [email protected]. Time Management Console Overview The Kelly Web Time Management Console (TMC) provides visibility for the time collection and approval process. User defined views (i.e. customer, branch, region, payroll center) allow users to monitor and manage time expected as well as approval status from multiple levels in the organization. The TMC tabs reflect the workflow and information required from the time collection to time approval. TMC- Branch User Guide 5 Overview Tab The Overview tab shows a summary view, within a branch, of all customers using Kelly Web Time and outlines the time that is Expected, Received and Outstanding as well as a summary of hours and dollars based on the pay and bill rates entered in KSN. , 1 2 3 4 5 Overview Columns 1. Client: the customer name 2. Assignment Summary Expected (Exp.): total number of active assignments for the pay period Received (Rec.): total number of assignment with time entered for the pay period Excluded (Excl.): active assignments that were excluded by a branch user for the pay period Outstanding (Out.): total number of active assignments with no time entered for the pay period 3. Approval Unapproved (UnApp): Total hours that have not been approved for the pay period Disputed (Disp): Total disputed hours for the pay period Note: You must resolve disputes each week. For more information on dispute resolutions, please see the “Approval Options” section. 4. Payroll Hours: total number of hours submitted for the customer for the pay period. Dollars: dollars associated with the time submitted (based on customer bill rates) Reg: total regular hours submitted for the pay period for the customer O/T: total overtime hours submitted for the pay period based on customer pay rules and labor laws. D/T: total double-time hours submitted for the pay period based on customer pay rules and labor laws. 5. Tasks: Click on the Tasks link to view the approver(s) for a specific customer or all customers. TMC- Branch User Guide 6 Employee List and Assignment Details A user can view the Employee List from any tab on the TMC. From the employee list, you can review details of the employee’s time including viewing their Time Card, comments, hours approved etc. Click on a Customer to display each employee assigned to that location and additional details for the pay period. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Icons displayed next to the employee’s name reflect additional information. You may hover over each icon for a definition of the icon. The icons are defined in the legend below: The Employee List column headers include: 1. Pay Record Sent: Once a time card is sent to payroll, adjustments must be made outside of Kelly Web Time. Please refer to the “Approval Options” section for more information about making adjustments after the pay record is sent. 2. Saved: Time an employee has entered and saved but has not submitted to payroll. Note: This time will not be paid unless it is submitted. 3. Submitted: Displays regular (Reg), overtime (OT), double-time (DT) hours that have been submitted for the pay period and the dollars associated with the time entered. 4. App: displays approved time for the employee for the pay period. 5. UnApp: displays unapproved time for the employee for the pay period. 6. Disp: displays time that has been disputed for the employee for the pay period. Note: You must resolve disputes each week. For more information on dispute resolutions, please see the “Approval Options” section. TMC- Branch User Guide 7 View Assignment Details Click the Details link next the employee’s name in the Employee List screen to view details about the employee’s assignments. From the details screen, depending on your access, you may: Verify that the employee has registered Change the employee’s contact information or preferences Verify the assignment information is correct Verify that the approvers are correct TIP: If new employees are having registration or logon issues, this is the best place to verify that their assignment is active, their PIN (last 4 SSN/SIN) is accurate, and that they are trying to logon with the correct email address. Assignment end dates and SSN/SIN information must be updated in KSN. Be sure the projected end date on their assignment in KSN is a future date. Updates from KSN are sent to Kelly Web Time every evening. TMC- Branch User Guide 8 View/Edit Time Card The employee time card displays a daily view of hours entered for the week, including whether the hours are unapproved, approved or disputed. This view is available from any tab on the TMC. You may only edit a time card in KWT before it is sent to payroll. If the PRS indicator is next to the employee’s assignment, any further adjustments must be processed manually. To reduce the employee’s hours, refer to Documenting a Time Correction – Reallocating Time (e1005). To increase the employee’s hours, submit an Additional Hours Time Document (Item 1) to the Payroll Center. This section provides a summary of the time card. More details on editing the time card are provided in the Time Card Edit Guide which can be found in the branch user guide link in the Support section of this guide. 1. If the employee’s time has not been sent to payroll, click the employee’s name from the employee list to view their time card. 1 2 4 3 5 2. Hover over assignment name to display the customer name and assignment number. 3. To void hours entered, click on the hours in blue link under the Total Hrs column. Approved hours may not be voided. 4. Source (Src) displays the source of the time entry. WTE = Web Time Entry IVR = Phone Time Entry Initials = Adjustment or entry by TMC User TMC- Branch User Guide 9 5. Click on New Transaction to enter additional hours for the pay period. Select to enter in and out times or to enter total hours for each day the the employee worked. Click on to add a new day or new work segment for the same day. Subtract hours by adding a negative number. Click on to submit your time entry. Once you have completed the entry, the timecard will show your initials under the source (Src) column for auditing purposes. Unsubmitted Time Tab The Unsubmitted Time tab displays employees who have an active assignment who have not entered hours for the pay period. Under the Unsubmitted Time tab, the branch user has options to send the employee a reminder to enter their time, view communications sent to the employees and exclude an assignment if applicable. The icons displayed to the left of the name are defined below: The individual is responsible for entering their own time via WTE or IVR Email Request – will display Self for employee Email Time Entry or the name of the customer supervisor or vendor representative entering time for the employee if set up for Group Email Time Entry TMC- Branch User Guide 10 View Employee Communications View Communications displays a list of system generated messages from Kelly Web Time or contact and comments by a customer supervisor. Request is the initial email reminder. Followup is the second employee email reminder. Manual is a reminder sent by the TMC user. You may view communications for a specific customer or view all communications. Send Employee Time Entry Reminders Click on the Send Reminder link to send an employee a reminder to enter their time. Or, click on the Send All Reminders to send an email or text reminder to any employee who has not entered their time for the pay period. Select the employee you want to send a reminder to and how you want the reminder sent. The text option will not be available if the employee did not register with their cell phone number and carrier. TMC- Branch User Guide 11 Submitting Saved Time As you monitor the Unsubmitted Time tab, saved time will be visible in the “Saved Hours” column. This number (hyperlinked in blue) indicates time that an employee has entered and saved, but has not yet submitted. NOTE: Saved time will not be sent to payroll. Time MUST be submitted to be included in the payroll file. To submit saved time on behalf of the employee, simply click on the number hyperlinked in blue: The employee’s timecard detail will appear in a separate window. If time is correct and you wish to submit on behalf of the employee, click the “Submit” button at the top or bottom of your window. TMC- Branch User Guide 12 Once you click “Submit,” the hours will move to the Unapproved Time tab for approval. If you receive and error on submission, please contact the Hotline or have the employee contact the Hotline so that we may help them correct their time. The error is usually due to in/out times that conflict between assignments or the employee tried to enter time outside of their assignment dates. If you submit the employee’s time after the last system approval email on Tuesday at 9am ET, select “Send Request” next the approver’s name from the Unapproved Time tab to send an approval email (see Send Approval Request section of this guide). All time submission and approval should be complete by Tuesday at 11:59 PM ET to process to Payroll for the current pay period. Any time submitted after Tuesday at 11:59 PM ET will not be sent for payroll until the following week. Any adjustments that need to be made after time has been approved and submitted to Payroll must be processed manually (see View/Edit Time Card section of this guide). TMC- Branch User Guide 13 Assignment Options If you do not expect hours for an assignment for the pay period, you may exclude the assignment for the current pay period. Choosing Exclude will be reflected in Kelly Web Time for the current pay period only. If you wish to permanently end an assignment, it should be ended in KSN. TIP: End or edit assignments in KSN each week to keep your TMC Dashboard metrics accurate and to ensure that your new employees can logon and the approver receives their approval requests. Unapproved Time Tab Select the Unapproved Time tab to monitor employees with unapproved time or time disputed by the customer. You may view communications, send a request for approval, and set up alternate approvers from this tab. You can also click Details in the employee row to show when time was submitted. The icons displayed reflect the approval method for each customer. Email Approval – Approver is automatically emailed at scheduled times with a link to access the approval application. No approver/email is set-up for this customer. Update your KSN system with approver name and email. TMC- Branch User Guide 14 View Approver Communications View Communications displays all communications to the customer approver. Request is the initial approval request. Followup is the second approval request. Escalation is the third request to the approver. Manual is a reminder sent by the TMC user. You may view communications for a specific customer or view all communications. Send Approval Requests Click Send Request to send an email approval request to the customer supervisor. This email will allow them to approve time for the week. Click Send All Reminders to send email approval requests to all supervisers who have not approved time for the current pay period. Add Alternate Approver- Time is Entered If you know a supervisor is not available to approve time, you may add an Alternate Approver then send them a manual request to approve time. Simply click on the approver’s name and email address from the Unapproved time tab (listed as a red hyperlink): TMC- Branch User Guide 15 Then enter the name, email and date range for the alternate approver. Click “Submit” when you have finished. The alternate approver’s name will be listed next to the primary’s name to indicate that your changes have been saved: Add Alternate Approver- No Time Entered or Time is Already Approved If you know a supervisor is not available to approve time, you may add an Alternate Approver then send them a manual request to approve time. If the employee has not entered their time yet, you’ll need to go to the Unapproved time tab and click back to the previous week ending. Click “View All Communications” at the top of your Unapproved time tab. Click on the approver’s name under the “Recipient” column. Enter the alternate approver information and timeframe, then click “Submit.” TMC- Branch User Guide 16 Approval Options – Dispute Resolution If the cient disputes hours on an employee’s time card, the disputed hours will show on the Dashboard Summary at the top of the screen and in the Dispute column of the Unapproved Time tab. The TMC user must select Approval Options next to the disputed time card to resolve the dispute. The time will remain unapproved until the dispute is resolved. Note: If the dispute is not resolved before payroll close on Tuesday at 11:59 PM EST, it will be auto resolved to reflect the customers changes. Click on the employee’s name to view their time card to see the comments from the approver before resolving the dispute. Approval Options When Hours Are Subtracted: Pay Don’t Bill: The hours are paid to employee but not billed to customer. Don’t Pay Don’t Bill: Employee is not paid and customer is not billed for disputed hours. Ignore Dispute: Disregard the dispute. Pay the employee and bill the customer for hours submitted. Show Details: Displays a list of all disputes for an employee. Approval Options When Hours Are Added: Pay and Bill: Employee is paid and customer is billed for disputed (added) hours. Ignore Dispute: Disregard the dispute. Don’t pay the employee or bill the customer for added hours. Show Details: Displays a list of all disputes for an employee. TMC- Branch User Guide 17 When you select the approval option, you may add comments and review your selection. If the time card indicates PRS, the employee’s time has already been sent to payroll and you must make a manual adjustment outside of Kelly Web Time. To reduce the employee’s hours, refer to Documenting a Time Correction – Reallocating Time (e1005). To increase the employee’s hours, submit an Additional Hours Time Document (Item 1) to the Payroll Center. If disputed hours were sent to Payroll as Pay Only and you need to bill the customer for all or a portion of these hours, contact the Field Service Center (FSC) at 1-877-I-ASK-KHQ (1-877-427-5547) or complete the FSC Online Form. Approved Time Tab The Approved Time tab of the Time Management Console displays employee’s time that is approved for the selected pay period. Click on Details to view more information including the date and time of approval and who approved. Click on the employee’s name to view their detailed time card. TMC- Branch User Guide 18 Reports Tab The Reports tab shows a list of predefined reports. Run a Report Select the report you want then enter the parameters for the report, such as week ending date or date range, and /or make a site selection. Enter your email address and the file type (Excel or PDF) you want as an email attachment. When you have entered your selections, click Next. You have the option to “Run Now” or “Schedule” the report to run at a later date. If you select Run Now the report will be emailed to you within a few minutes. TMC- Branch User Guide 19 Schedule a Report If you select Schedule when you submit your report, you can select a custom name for the report and schedule it to run on a recurring basis by day, week or month. The report will be sent to the email address you provided under the report options on the scheduled date and time. Complete Report List For a complete list of reports, click on Reports from the TASKS drop down menu. Select the report you need and follow the instructions on the screen to define and submit your report. Support Kelly Hotline: 1-800-KELLY-04
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