This Week This Morning This Evening


This Week This Morning This Evening
Sunday 11 September 2016
This Week
This Morning
Monday 12 September, 10am
Springs Toddler Group
Speaking: Mike Godward
Before the meeting today
Ascend - Prayer and Declarations
Coffee in the Lower Foyer
The Forum Coffee House is open for
speciality coffee and tea
Prophetic Encouragement and
Dream interpretation
Monday 12 September, 7.30pm
Parenting the Love and Logic Way
Wednesday 14 September, 1pm - 2pm
Prayer for the Nation
Friday 16 September, 7.30pm
Prayer for the Persecuted Church
Saturday 17 September, 10am - 5pm
The Olive Grove Annual Gathering
During the meeting today
Baby Springs for babies and mums
Little Springs for under 3 year olds
Sparklers for 3 - 5 year olds
Rockets for 5 - 11 year olds
Youth for 11 - 16 year olds
After the meeting today
Coffee in the Lower Foyer
The Forum Coffee House is open for
speciality coffee, tea and lunch
This Evening
Doors open at 6pm for 6.30pm start
Speaking: Kara Smith
01225 463556
New to Bath City
If you are here for the first
time, then ‘welcome’. We
are so pleased you have
joined us today.
We’d like to give you one of
our welcome bags that will help you understand
more about Bath City Church. These are available
from the Information and Connect Desk today.
If you have any questions please do speak to a
member of the hospitality team before you leave
today. God bless you.
Dan and Fi Reynolds, leaders of Bath City Church
Happy Birthday this week to
Mike Moon, Chrissie Hamer, Cliff Turner,
Abigail Hawkins and Micah Addai
Happy Birthday to Ruth Grindrod who is
celebrating her 50th birthday this week
Congratulations to Stephanie Cardwell and
Andy Williams who were married yesterday
Inner Healing
All of us are a work in progress, and at some time
or other may need some help to fully grasp the
healing and freedom that we believe Jesus bought
for us on the cross.
Here at Bath City Church we recognise the need to
be able to offer people differing models of inner
healing to suit both individuals and
circumstances and as such offer Bethel Sozo and
Restoring the Foundations Ministry.
For more information:
Looking Overseas
Fra Neale lives and works in The Philippines.
Mick, Linda and Sam Entwistle are in Pachuca,
Matt and Jackie Parker are in South Africa.
Notice Board and Leaflet Table
Please check the Notice Board in the Lower
Foyer for accommodation, latest news of our
overseas friends, other events in the city and
region - and more, and the leaflet table in the
Outer Foyer with event and ministry details.
BCC Online
There’s so much more to Bath City Church than we
could ever include in a bulletin so please do visit
our website. There you will be able to find our
more about our church family, events,
ministries and resources including our weekly
audio downloads.
01225 463 556
Aid International
Aid International is a fund-raising charitable Trust
taking aid to the poor. Since 2000 Aid has been
organising teams of people to do sponsored bike
rides, treks, and marathons across the world for a
variety of projects and charities.
Additionally they send build/mission teams to
Zambia, Guatemala and India to help with a
number of projects run by local charities.
In Africa Aid has supported charities in Rwanda,
Zimbabwe, Kenya and Zambia.
For more information contact: Bob Hamer
[email protected] 01749 831 492
Bulletin Board
Springs Toddler Group
Mondays from 12 September, 10am
Parents, carers and toddlers - we are
looking forward to Springs starting back!
‘Springs’ meets here each Monday during term time
and has a great team who faithfully serve the mums
each week.
We would love some more people to join the team
this term - people who can chat to the mums and
carers and get alongside them. For more information
do contact: Sarah Jane Katz 07875 139 463
Parenting the Love & Logic Way
Monday 12 September, 7.30pm - The Forum
We have a team of parents who are passionate
about helping mums and dads maintain a heart
connection with their children.
This six session course gives skills that can reduce
stress, stop arguments and increase fun and help
relationships in families improve. Now that’s exciting!
Cost £20 per person, workbook £10 - couples can
share. Book your place today in the Lower Foyer or by
contacting Wendy: [email protected]
Shifting Atmospheres
Tuesday 20 & Wednesday 21 September,
9.30am - 5.30pm on both days
With Dawna De Silva, Steve De Silva and Faith
A two day conference to learn how to change your
spiritual world and the world around you by knowing
your authority in the Kingdom of God.
Cost £70 per person to include the cost of a manual
Book online at:
Alpha Course
Monday 12 September, 7pm for 8 weeks
The Bubble, St. John's Hospital, BA1 1SQ.
A great course to find out more about 'The
meaning of Life'. The evening starts with a meal giving
the opportunity to meet other people on the course.
Then there is a video and discussion.
If you would like to book a place on the course please
contact Jonathan on 07946 250154 or email
[email protected]. Places are limited so
please book soon to avoid disappointment!
Olive Grove Annual
Gathering - Treasures of the Deep
Saturday 17 September, 10am - 5pm
The Forum, Cost £35 - Bring a packed lunch
Hosted by prophetic artists, James & Bhari Long, this
event is for artists and artisans across the creative
sphere. Come and be encouraged, inspired,
envisioned and equipped to use your creative gifts for
God. Several artists including Joshua Luke Smith will
be sharing their ‘treasures of the deep’.
Book asap via: [email protected]
01225 873 303
Sunday 25 September
We will be having baptisms during the meeting on
Sunday 25 September and again in November.
If you have never been baptised in water, or would
like to find out more about why we do this, what it
means, what will happen, then contact Rosie in the
Resource Centre. She would love to meet you and
chat about the power of water baptism.
[email protected] / 01225 463 556
Let’s Celebrate!
Pilates Classes
Thursday 13 October, 7.30pm
The Forum
Monday evenings 6-7pm
The ballroom
Come and join us for a special evening of worship,
testimony, prayer and thanksgiving as we celebrate
the 21st anniversary of The Genesis Trust.
Worship led by Graham Kendrick. Guest speaker
The Right Rev. Peter Hancock, Bishop of Bath & Wells.
Tickets are free of charge and can be booked by
visiting: or 01225 463 549
Great for fitness, lower back injuries, strengthening
and toning.
All abilities welcome!
From £5 a class (adults), £3 (students)
Contact Kay Skinner for more information 07538 002
This Morning’s Speaker:
Mike Godward
Mike Godward and his wife Beryl have
been involved with Bath City Church
for many years and are a vital part of the oversight
for the church here. Having led churches in the UK
since 1965, they founded Wellspring Africa near
Kampala, Uganda and lived there for 14 years.
They moved to South Africa and worked with Links
International. Mike and Beryl now live in Norfolk.
This evening’s Speaker:
Kara Smith
Kara Smith is passionate about
people and seeing them become
who God created them to be.
She is a qualified counsellor and co-founder, with
her husband Joshua Luke Smith, of record label
Orphan No More - which sets out to develop
artists and impact culture.
Upcoming Events
Sunday 18 September, 9.45am - 10.15am
Ascend - Prayer and Declarations
Monday 19 September, 10am
Springs Toddler Group
Tuesday 20 and Wednesday 21 September
Shifting Atmospheres Conference
Sunday 25 September
Sunday 2 October
The First
Sunday 2 October, 5pm - 6.30pm
Student Café
Sunday 9 October, 12.45pm
Kick Start Lunch
Student Café
Recently arrived in Bath to study? Back for
another year? WELCOME!
Our student café starts Sunday 2 October
and runs every Sunday in October.
We’d love to see you there.
Forum Coffee House • 5pm - 6.30pm