# '#3&&% & & 4 High Performance + Calving Ease = More Profit! In successful beef production not only high growth rate is important – the most important is a vital calf and a easy calving. Svensk Avel provides bulls that combines high performance and calving ease – to make your beef production more easy to manage and more profitable – for pure breeding as well as for crossbreeding. Svensk Avel offers bulls of the beef breeds Angus, Blonde d´Aquitaine, Charolais, Hereford, Limousin and Simental. The largest breed in Sweden is Charolais and Hereford followed by Simental. The main market for beef semen is for crossbreeding in dairy herds – to give better progeny for beef production. All purebred cattle in the beef control program are weighed at birth, 200 days and at one year of age. These recordings together with information from the slaughter houses gives all Svensk Avels beef bulls highly reliable breeding values for birth weight and growth rates as well as carcas qualities. The Swedish beef bulls are used in over thousands of Swedish dairy farms every year and calving ease is one of the most important traits. The calving ease are recorded on all calvings to provide you with the most accurate and reliable calving data to allow you to make the best choice of beef sire for your dairy or beef herd. A calf born alive that stays alive is essential for beef production. But calving ease is more than that – an easy calving gives you less work, less veterinary treatments, less fertility disorders and the cow gets a good start of the lactation – you save booth money, labour and trouble. The selection for calving ease is one of the reasons why Charolais in Sweden only shows 4% difficult calvings in purebred heifers. All the breeds have their Polled variant. Svensk Avel have several polled Charolais and Simmental bulls, as well as some Polled Hereford and one Limousine. Sweden actually has the largest polled Charolais population outside North America. Beef bulls from Svensk Avel is a reliable and profitable choice. We offer you an extensive selection of beef bulls for both dairy and beef farmers. To get more information on bulls available, please contact: [email protected] – today! #& & ' # 3 & & %4 Data from the National Beef recording 2005 Breed ANG CH HER LIM SIM Breed ANG CH HER LIM SIM Birth weights Male Female 41 (445) 38 (434) 49 (2852) 46 (2811) 44 (1292) 41 (1315) 44 (506) 41 (500) 48 (1173) 45 (1132) Weight 200 days /Weaning weight Male Female 285 (366) 257 (337) 319 (1983) 284 (2035) 269 (1121) 245 (1128) 274 (448) 253(450) 341 (919) 303 (888) Calving ease % Heifers Cows 2,9 (239) 1,1 (762) 4,0 (1461) 1,0 (4799) 3,5 (712) 1,1 (2180) 4,8 (272) 0,5 (824) 3,7 (668) 0,9 (1908) Still births Heifers 6,2 5,2 5,6 5,9 4,4 Cows 3,5 3,7 3,0 2,0 3,3 Weight 365 d Male 470 (289) 593 (1631) 482 (946) 504 (319) 601 (667) Female 386 (295) 453 (1786) 387 (889) 399 (383) 461 (668) Phone +46 51126700 Fax +46 51126707 [email protected] Sweden The Profitable Choice