Characterization of High Speed Digital Signals in Multilayer Printed
Characterization of High Speed Digital Signals in Multilayer Printed
Calibration of Automatic Network Analysis and Computer Aided Microwave Measurement by Jeffery S. Kasten A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of North Carolina State University in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor the Degreeof Master of Science Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Raleigh, NC 1991 Approved By: Chairman of Advisory Committee Abstract KASTEN, JEFFERY S. Calibration of Automatic Network Analysis and Computer Aided Microwave Measurement. (Under the direction of Dr. Michael B. Steer.) This work representsdevelopmentof new calibration methodsfor Network Analysis suitable for removal of systematic measurementerrors presentin noninsertable measurementmedium. The primary goal is a minimum set of calibration standards derived using symmetry arguments. Preparation includes a review of Network Anal,ysis calibr~tion methods for one and two port measurementsystems. Two calibration algorithms result from this study. They are verified by measurement of know standards where possible and applied to a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) measurementfixture to characterizea PCB plated through hole; via. Specifically, the work presentedhere is Through-Symmetry-Line (TSL); symmetry arguments allow synthesis of open and short circuit calibration standards, Enhanced TSL; complex characteristic impedance is determined for the Line standard, extension to the Through-Reflect- Line algorithm, and Through-Symmetric Fixture (TSF); exploiting a fixtures symmet!y can reduce calibration standards to one. Additionally, the program Signal Processingfor Automatic Network Analysis (SPANA) was createdfor developingcalibration algorithms as well as aid microwave measurements. SPANA allows the user t~ concentrate on algorithms rather than frequent tasks such as data input/output, result plotting, printing etc. 11 Acknowledgements Thank you Dr. Steerfor the time and effort you spent keepingmy path straight. I wondered if I could ever finish. I'm astonished as I look back becausewithout your help it could never have happened. This work was funded in part by Bell Northern Research,ResearchTriangle Park, North Carolina and many thanks to Real Pomerleaufor his trust in NCSU and the massivediscussionsregarding every aspect of !ife. Of courseI can not forget Heyward Riedell and the great times we had in 537 among other classes.Thanks to John Stonick, Pryson Pate, Ruddy, Pat and all those other fishing people who shared the great times. Thank you Mom and Dad. I will never forget the roadsideradio contacts that kept my sanity and thanks for the first and last financial boosts. But most of all to my wife Nancy who stood by me and who has given me the greatest achievementof all - my daughter Lacey Mercedes.I love you! " ~ List of Symbols c Speed of light eij Error Coefficient Sij Scattering Parameter Tij Chain Scattering Parameter Z Impedance ,8 Propagation Factor I Propagation Constant r ReflectionCoefficient f Dielectric Constant A Wavelength 7r Constant Pi p Reflection Coefficient f.A) Frequency ANA Automatic Network Analyzer APC- 7 7 millimeter Coaxial Connector DUT Device Under Test ETRL Enhanced Through-Reflect-Line ETSL Enhanced Through-Symmetry-Line III - . IV List of Symbols Continued GHz Giga Hertz LRL Line-Reflect-Line MHz Mega Hertz MMIC Monolithic MicrowaveIntegrated Circuit . OSL Open-Short-Load PCB Printed Circuit Board , SPANA Signal Processingfor Automatic Network Analysis SMA 3.5 millimeter,Coaxial Connector TEM TransverseElectromagnetic TD R Time Domain Reflectometry TMR Thru-Match-Reflect TRL Thru-Reflect-Line TSD TSF Through-Short-Delay Through-Symmetric Fixture TSL Through-Symmetry-Line TTT Triple Through . c' 1 Chapter 1 Introd uction 1.1 Motivation , , Computer technolog"':( increaseseachyear and we can associatethis to the increased computational power. These increasesare spawned by increasedclock speedsrequiring knowledge of transmission line effects to successfullydesign and fabricate systems. We must include effects such as transmission line discontinuities or at the very least delay associatedwith the lines. There exist two methods of predicting these effects. One, the discontinuity can be studied analytically by calculating its parameters based on electromagneticfield theory - analytic modeling. Two, the discontinuity parameters are measured- empirical model. Analytic models provide a compact representationof the discontinuity yet they still require experimental verification. So regardlessof the modeling method chosen,measurementof transmission line effectsis required. The discontinuity parameters can be described with scattering parameters (s parameters) and measurementof scattering parameters is a .well define process. S parameters are measuredwith a network analyzer where by a single frequency sinusoid is applied to the network and the energy reflected from and transmitted 2 through the network define its s parameters. The introduction of the Automatic Network Analyzer (ANA), has given engineers the measurementtool needed to study transmission line effectswith high degree01accuracy. Inherent to ANA's is the abilit':l;to remove systematic etror by measuring several known networks (standards). This process is referred to by several names; calibration, error correction or de-embedding. The calibration of automatic network analysis is a g~neral concept having direct application to the AN A 's and in this study we considerits application to the measurementof Printed Circuit Board (PCB) discontinuities. The ANA calibration is done with coaxial standards but PCB transmissionline structures are microstrip or stripline. This requires conversionfrom coaxial to PCB structures and this introduces systematic error. The premise of PCB error correction is to determine the error associatedwith this conversionand remove it. An application of ANA calibration could produce this result, however,manufacturing of printed circuit boards imparts limitation. PCB manufacturing does not allow insertion of calibration standards without physically altering the board, i.e. destructive measurementssuch as cutting the board and inserting conventionalstandards. Additionally, the number of measurements can be large if many printed circuit board discontinuities are being studied. Fortunately PCB manufacturing has an important property. They are manufactured with repeatable uniformity on an individual board. With this in mind we are 3 motivated to investigate PCB calibration. Calibration of automatic network analysishas been a popular researchtopic over the last two decadeswith the automatic network analyz~rintroduced in the 1960's. During the early to mid 1970'semphasiswasplaced on the ANA"calibration methods , and in the 1980's authors reported fixture calibration methods. Our intention is to contribute to the rapid growth of fixture calibration methods by addressingprinted circuit board fixture ,calibration. In the following section we provide an overview of this report. 1.2 Thesis Overview The purposeof this report is two fold. First, two decadesof researchhas introduce a considerableamount of information concerningcalibration of network analysis. The purposeof Chapter 2 is to review calibration methods by organizingthis information into two categories- one and two port calibration. As an introduction to this, we discussthe history of the Automatic Network Analyzer. One port calibration is discussedand concludeswith a discussionof previous authors choiceof standardsand their motivation. Two port calibration begins with a thorough review of AN A error models and concludeswith fixture two port models and a discussionabout fixture calibration standards. The secondfocus of this report is application of symmetrical arguments to printed circuit board fixture calibration. Printed circuit board is a noninsertablemeasurementmedium and is easily cal- 4 ibrated using symmetrical arguments. Chapter 3 defines symmetrical arguments and develops new calibration methods exploiting symmetry. Chapter 5 contains the results from experimental verification of algorithm~ developed in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 introduces SPAN A: Signal Proc~ssing of Automatic Network Analysis; the computer program where algorithms are implemented and other data manipu" lations are carried(out. Finally, we conclude with summary of work accomplished and suggestions for future work in Chapter 6. This report also contains three appendices. One contains a discussion of decascading error networks and lists the necessary transformations. The next is a user's manual for SPANA giving semantic information about available commands. The final appendix discusses the SPANA "shell" command where an example shell subroutine is presented. 1.3 Original Contributions The original contributions reported here include: i) the Through-Symmetry-Line de-embedding algorithm whereby symmetric ar- guments are used to synthesize either open or short circuit reflection coefficients, ii) the development of Enhanced Through-Symmetry-Line de-embedding algo- rithm that calculates the complex characteristic impedance of the line standard using the experimentally determined propagation constant and the free-space 5 capacitanceof the line standard, iii) the direct application of this enhancementto the Through-Reflect-Line deembedding algorithm and Line-Reflect-Line algorithm, iv) the developmentof Through-Symmetric Fixture de-embeddingalgorithm for use on secondorder symmetric fixtures, and v) the developmentof the computer program SPANA for algorithm implementation and other data manipulations. 6 Chapter Review 2.1 Literature 2 of Calibration Theory Review The determination of network parametersor network analysisis fundamental to the understanding and designof all microwavesystems. It providesa tool for verification of theoretical research and gives design engineersdata needed to complete their tasks. Before the introduction of the network analyzer in the late 1960's, one-port impedance measurementsdominated the measurement arena. Slotted lines and graphical interpretation were used by engineersuntil the developmentof the network analyzer. It was well understood impedancescould be measuredthrough an unknown junction. If the unknown junction is losslessand representedby an effective impedance, then reflection coefficient measurementswith a matched load and short circuit at the output of the junction give sufficient information to determine the unknown impedance. In 1953,Deschampsdevelopeda graphical method to determine impedance if the junction is lossless.Through his result it was possible to determine the unknown impedanceby synthesizing the matched load using several offset shorts [1]. A similar processfor lossyjunctions was introduced by Storer et al. 7 [2] in 1953, whereby the junction parameters (input, output reflection coefficients, and transmission coefficIent) could be determined by graphical means. Finally, in 1956Wentworth and Barthel combinedthis previous work and introduced a simplified graphical calibration technique [3]. Graphical methods provide insight into processeseffecting microwavemeasurement yet they are tedious and based on the users interpretation. To advancethe state of the art in microwavemeasurementit was necessaryto considerother methods for microwave measurement. In the mid 1960's, scattering parameters (s parameters) began finding use in the circuit design community replacing reflection and transmission coefficients. The need to measuretwo-port network parameters becameincreasingly necessarywhile existing one-port graphical methods provided no extension to two-port measurement. There is little doubt why automatic microwave measurementis essential and history shows two-port network analysis is inherently calibratable. In the late 1960's Hackborn introduced the automatic network analyzer [5] (ANA) capableof measuringscattering parametersof two port networks. The ANA produced accurate s parameter measurementsand offered calibration as a way to assure accuracy. Calibration was analytic and performed by computer control as compared to previous graphical methods and the automatic measurementsignificantly increasedmeasurementspeed.By modeling the network analyzer systematic error, Hackborn developedthe foundation of calibration in use today. 8 Imperfections in the network analyzer were modeled as deviations from an ideal analyzer and referred to as error representation networks, see Fig. 2.1.1. Error for each ANA port was modeled with a correspondingscattering matrix with four complexparametersand easilyrepresentedwith a signal flow diagram, seeFig. 2.1.2. Since graphical calibration used known standards e.g. matched load, short circuits or offset short circuits, it would seemappropriate to measuresimilar standards with the new ANA in order to determine the error networks i.e. calibrate. This is exactly what Hackborn did. First for one port calibration, he measuredreflection coefficientswith the error network terminated with an ideal short circuit, offset short and sliding matched load. These three measurementswere sufficient to determine the error network and repeating this procedure for the secondport gave six calibration terms (error s parameters or products. This result was sufficient for one port measurements on either AN A port but for full two port measurementstwo additional calibration terms neededto be calculated. A measurementof forward and reversetransmission coefficients with the error networks connectedtogether (through connection) completed the two port calibration procedure. Finally, the removal of the error involved an iterative solution of nonlinear equations basedon the signal flow diagram of the device placed betweenthe port error networks. Soon after this work was published, Kruppa and Sodomskyrevealed Hackborn's iterative solution was in fact explicit [8]. 9 Device Under Test Port #1 Port #2 Test Unit RF Source - ~ 1 '-- Ref ~ ~ Test Network Analyzer 8 . I lopay Freq COny Digital Computer Figure 2.1.1: Automatic Network Analyzer (ANA) for measuring scattering of two. port networks, after Hackborn, 1968. 10 ) " , Port #1 Error I Ideal ANA Port #1 Port #2 Error I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Measuremen~ Port #1 I Ideal ANA Port #2 Measurement Port #2 Figure 2.1.2: Signal flow graph representationof the ANA measurementerror. Error networks corrupt ideal ANA, after Hackborn, 1968. J 11 Since the introduction of Hackborn's AN A many authors have consideredits use and studied network analyzers of diffe!"entcomponent topologies. Hackborn's error models have ~tood the test of time only receiving minor improvements. His contributions include one and two port error ~odels representedby signal flow diagrams and a calibration algorithm for removing these errors. The history of network analysiscalibration showsa significant changeas methods of network analyzer calibration becamewidely accepted. At this point, authors began consideringfixture calibration rather than AN A calibration sincemany devices to be measuredwere in transmission media different from the analyzer i.e. planar devicesand coaxial analyzers. One and two port error models were still valid, only the physical interpretation of the error terms changed.This resulted in direct application of network analyzer calibration methods to fixture measurements.However this was only moderately successfuland new procedureswere developed. 2.1.1 Introduction to Calibration of Network Analysis For a thorough study of the calibration of network analysis, we need to investigate . subtopics forming the calibration process. First we look at one port measurements and discuss general methods of accomplishing one port calibration followed by a review of previous investigators. Secondwe expand one port results to two port and discussthe motivation of major contributors who evolved the Hackborn error model. " , " 12 ~~ ,~~,~(r~ 2.1.2 ,~~~~Ij ;ij~~~iJj: The measurement of reflection coefficients or impedance at microwave frequencies ~j'ij~f:~ftl~;~;~ '~X~}t~fl~ tLJ'Jy~~S~fi~ The One Port Error Model requires the determination of systematic error and then removing it i.e. calibrating. $iftt{~~~~ Here we state one port calibration in a general fashion and then review calibration ':~J;;g~I~{~j~] ~:t:i%~~~?J::g;s~ methods developedby previous authors. The Hackborn one port error model shown ;i:\-;-~:iz~3[frifjJ~ ~:;7t:;~;J!~~~; in Fig. 2.1.3, has been examined by many authors. The measuredreflection coef- ,Jj~k;j~~~~~~ ~i;~j;;~~~~f;i ficient PM is related to the desiredreflection coefficient PL by the familiar bilinear ~ri£~;~~ ,,1i~iWI1A~ !~.,~ transform . ""~,,,,-~~";%';&' !~t~~"":iI; :;~f':f1;:";:;', ,::c." "," ';", :', '!:; PM = eoo - PL~e 1- (211 . .) PLel1 . RearrangIng, ';(~(':':c:";;; j",c,., ;~,.""", "';C"';iC'2'i\ PL -- - PM eOO ~e - ellPM ~e -- eOOe11 - eOIelO ,,~{~;j;:~';:'~ ~',,; ;f;r~l~~~ (2 .1.2) (2.1.3) -",,~, .~iJt'JJ ::)~~~!t~~ :;J;:*fii~~~ we can see the desired reflection coefficient is altered by the error network com- .,jJ~~!J~~-3;l;:$* prised of scattering ,:;,'-:,~~~£; parameters eOO, ell, and the product eOlelO.Two methods exit for calculating the error network: (1) classical three termination, (2) redundant terminations, or the impedance associatedwith PL can be determine without calculating the error network by using properties of the bilinear transform. Let us consider these in more detail. .'~;'i.' " , 13 One Port Error Network a p=1?m a PI Figure 2.1.3: Signal flow graph for one port error network. Desired load reflection coefficient PI is masked by error coefficientseij and Pm is the measuredreflection coefficient. J 14 Classical Result of One Port Calibration Classical one port calibration is the calculation of these terms based on measurements made with three known terminations (standards) connectedto the reference plane. The standards have associatedreflection coefficientsr 1,r 2 and r 3 and corresponding measuredreflection coefficientsMl, M2 and M3. Thesereflection coefficients with (2.1.2) form three simultaneousequations for the error terms with the solution: ell A-I = A'f";-=r-; (2.1.4) - (M2- Ml)(1 - ellrl)(1 - ellr2) eOlelO - r 2- r 1 (2.1.5) and eOO with A= -- M 1 - :~~~ I-ell ( ~-=-=.!:!- r3 - r2 )( M3 - (2.1.6) Ml M2 - Ml ) (2.1.7) A final measurementand evaluation of (2.1.2) with the desiredload in place yields the error corrected reflection coefficient. When a sweepfrequency measurementis required, these error terms are calculated for each frequency thereby providing an error corrected reflection coefficient versusfrequency. Use of Redundant Standards Three standards are necessaryand sufficient but sensitiveto experimental error. In 1974 Bauer and Penfield introduced the use of redundant standardsto improve the c J 15 calibration accuracy [9]. Although their results utilized impedanceparametersit is a simple task to apply redundancy here. An estimate of the error terms can be obtained by rearranging 2-.1.2yielding the error function eri = PMi - eoo+ PLi(~e - ellPMi) (2.1.8) with i = 1,2,3,... , N the number of standards and ~e as in 2.1.3. A least squares minimization of 2.1.8 yields the error terms which are then used to calculate the error corrected reflection coefficientgiven by 2.1.2. Use of Bilinear Transformation Properties Perhaps the greatest deviation from the classical procedure is the use of bilinear transformation to determineone port impedance. Although this is not a calibration it doesproduce a result which correctsfor measurementerrors. Becausethe bilinear transform method does not begin with a scattering parameter signal flow diagram of the error network, laborious solution of simultaneous equations is not required. If Zl, Z2 and Z3 are the impedancescorresponding to the standard reflection coefficients used above and M1, M2 and M3 are the associatedmeasuredreflection coefficientsthen by using the crossratio property of the bilinear transform [10], (~~ )(~~ ) = (M - )( Ml Z - Z3 Z2 - Zl M - M3 M2 - M3 ) M2 - M1 (2.1.9) 16 we can directly find the load impedance Z from the measure of its reflection coeffi- cient M. Z = Zl - ZaQ (2.1.10) 1-Q Q= ~-=~~-~/~~ M-MaM2-Ml Z2-Z1 The classical corrected reflection coefficient can be used to determine this impedance however the converse is not true because the reflection the output and bilinear results of this area of microwave is frequently discussed by previous port calibration. of authors transform methods encompass the measurement. The classical one port and it is directly extendable to two This extension will be discussed in subsequent sections, but first, discussion of one port calibration 2.1.3 coefficient is a function impedance of the error network which we do not know. Classical one port, redundancy, published (2.1.11) standards will conclude the one port methods. One Port Calibration Standards Previous authors introduced three known terminations for use with the classical one port calibration. The investigators were motivated to use their standards various reasons. In 1968, Hackborn introduced the one port for model and his choicefor standards was influencedby need. A direct short circuit, offset short, and a sliding load were used [5]. He chose the sliding matched load because it compensates for an imperfect [6, 7]. load. Since then authors have studied the sliding load in great detail ~ 17 In 1971, Kruppa and Sodomsky used open and short circuits, and a matched load [8]. Their apparent motivation was the simplicity these ideal standardsoffer to the calibration equations. In 1973, Da Silva and McPhun replaced the sliding load with a direct short circuit and two offset shorts [11]. A short circuit was convenient and required less space. Shurmer was similarly motivated to avoid the sliding load. His standards included an open circuit, direct short, and offset short [12]. Gould et al. used matched load, short circuit, and mismatch load standards and they were placed directly at the referenceplane. Gould chosethese standards becausetheir characteristicsvary slightly with frequency and therefore reduce the need for accurate frequencymeasurements[13]. In 1974,Kasa analyzedthe sliding termination and found it was possibleto use a known load with two different sliding terminations [6]. In each case,the authors indicated the standard terminations where known either by an ideal assumption or appropriate model. For example, short circuits or offset shorts are assumedideal with reflection coefficientsof r = -1 or expj e. An open circuit standard is assumedideal or the parasitic capacitanceassociated with the fringing electric field determined. Of coursethis capacitanceis geometric and frequency dependentand can be difficult to determine. To improve calibration accuracy we need to increasethe certainty of the standards used. In 1978, Da Silva and McPhun examinedredundant measurementsas a method to reduce the uncertainty of their standards i.e. combinations of short and offset J '-" 18 short circuit terminations, or open and offset open circuit terminations [14]. Their motivation was straight forward; offset standards require knowledgeof the propagation constant of the offset line. A fourth standard (one redundant standard) gave sufficient information to determinethe line propagation constant and if a fifth standard was used, it was possibleto determine the reflection coefficientof an unknown termination such as an imperfect open circuit. We can use any combination of at least three standards and the choice is influenced by the accuracy of the standards. Many of these authors provided an extension of their one port result to a two port calibration procedure with Hackborn leading the way. Using a format similar to our one port calibration discussion, we will discusstwo port calibration. Two port calibration, containing additional error terms, has undergonechanges since the Hackborn model. First, let's examine the Hackborn two port model then discussthe motivation of authors following him, and finally, look at the most recent model. 2.1.4 ANA Two Port Error Models Common to all two port calibration methods is the attempt to model system imperfections with error networks. Thesenetworks, being system dependent,have taken on different descriptions to suit the system designer. Hackborn extended his one port model to two ports by connecting the referenceports together and measuring J ;7~ 19 forward and reversetransmissionfrom port one to two. Fig. 2.1.4 showsthe signal flow graph his through connection. Thesemeasurementsweresufficient to calibrate his ANA giving a total of eight error terms,six oneport error termsand two transmission terms. This eight term result is derived assumingno leakagepath exits between ports. This assumptionseemsintuitively impossible. In 1973 Shurmer introduced the concept of leakageand developeda six term two port error model [12], or simply a "one path" model. Shurmer's motivation was straight forward, his network analyzer was not automatic. That is, he used two hardware configurations, one for reflection and another for transmission measurements. This required a reversal of input-output connectionsof a device under test ( dut) to measureits s parameters. Fig. 2.1.5 shows the "one path" model introduced by Shurmer. If leakagewas important for this model why not Hackborn's eight term model? Rehnmark, in 1974,introduced the ten term model by including forward and reverseleakagein the Hackborn model [15], seeFig. 2.1.6. Automatic network analyzersused today model systemerror with a twelve term model which is a Shurmer one path for each direction. This idea was introduced in 1978by Fitzpatrick and is shown in Fig. 2.1.7 [16]. However,it is not the most comprehensivemodel in existence. Digressing for a moment, we need to discus,s componentsusedin constructing an automatic network analyzer to fully understand this comprehensivemodel. True automatic network analysisfrees the user from interchanging the dut con- L J 20 Port #1 Error Port #2 Error Ideal ANA Port #1 Ideal ANA Port #2 I I I Figure 2.1.4: Through connection of the eight term error model. Each port is describedwith four s parameters,Sfj2, after Hackborn, 1968. Figure 2.1.5: One path error model. Six error terms, fij embedthe device s parameters, Sij and for full characterization the device must be reversed. - J 21 e30 (1) RF IN (1) I 1 I ~1m or (2) ~2m (1) 811 m or (2) ~2m I I I I I MeasurementI Port#1 I I I I RFIN(2) 12 I 03 Device Under T t es I I I I Measurement I Port#2 I I I Figure 2.1.6: Ten term error model. Extension of Hackborn model by including the leakageto and from eachport, e30and eO3,after Rehnmark, 74. J 22 1 e30 RF IN I I e1 ~1m ~1 I I MeasurementI Port #1 I I Device Under T t es I I er r e30 I I I I Measurement I Port #2 . I I I I RF IN ~2m ~2m I I Figure 12 I I 2.1.7: Twelve term error model. Introduce by Fitzpatrick, this model is a dual "one path". Full characterization of the device is done without interchanging ports. J 23 nections. This useful feature is possibleby redirecting the microwavesourcebetween measurementports and possibly using one complex ratio detector to determine amplitude and phaseinformation for both ports. Under this condition .two switchesare neededas shown in Fig. 2.1.8. In 1979, Salehexamined this test set indicating the measurementport impedanceslooking into PI and P2 can be functions of the switch positions [17]. In other words, a general error model would require terms modeling each s parameter measured,Fig. 2.1.9, and a solution of systemsof nonlinear equations would be necessaryfor calibration. Fortunately, test sets can be designed while not requiring this general model. For example, by using two detectors it is accurate to use the twelve term model mentioned above. Up to this point, we have discussedtwo port error models neededfor calibrating network analysis. Each author has developed a calibration method based upon their model yet they have chosen from the "available" one port standards. We find new standarQswereintroduced after thesemodels had becomewidely accepted and calibration of network analysis began focusing on fixture calibration. The next level of discussionapplies these models to fixture calibration assumingthe network analyzer has been previously calibrated using one of the above models. This is important to note since it will be shown fixture error models are comparatively simple with regards to the number of error terms. In fact, Chapter 3 developsnew calibration methods exploit the simplicity of fixture error models. Source Reference ~Source Switch ~2 and~2 ~1and~1 P1 r-- "" 24 \ DeVi; P2 ~ ~-~ ,,~d~ : Hr-~~ I est ~ 1and~2 ~2 and~1 DetectorSwi;! Detector Figure 2.1.8: Automatic Network Analyzer using sourceand detector switches. In general,impedancelooking into PI and P2 is not constantthereforerequiring error models for each s parameter. RF IN e4 512m IN 511 m e1o es RF IN R m e13 16 522m Figure 2.1.9: Sixteen term error model. Error models are used for each s parameter measured,after Saleh,79. 25 2.1.5 Fixture Two Port Error Models The s parameter measurementof an arbitrary two port network can be divided into two tiers. First we have the calibration of the network analyzer, i.e. measurement and calculation of ANA error terms, and secondwe need to interface our arbitrary network to the network analyzer. This interface or adaptor is commonly referred to as the fixture. For example, if we were interested in measuringthe s parameters of a microstrip transmission line we need a fixture to adapt from a coaxial AN A to microstrip and then back again, Fig. 2.1.10. Fixturing introduces error into our measurementand with modeling and additional calibration measurementswe can removethis error.' This fixture calibration is sometimesreferred to as de-embedding becausethe device to be measuredis embeddedwithin the fixture. From this point on the terms calibration and de-embeddingwill be interchangeable. Fig. 2.1.11 showsthe fixture error model. It is composedof two error networks, one for each measurementport, error networks A and B. As we have seenfrom the classicalone port calibration, there are six independent error terms for this model and we can use one port calibration standards to calculate them. This result is accurate if forward and reverse transmission through the fixture are equal. Fig. 2.1.12 shows a signal flow graph for the fixture error, and application of Mason's rule verifies this fact. In general, a fixture is passiveand reciprocal so it must have equivalent forward and reversetransmission coefficients.This is the only difference betweenHackborn's ANA two port error model and the six term fixture model. The " ;,. J 26 C1 / Coaxial Reference Planes""" C2 S ound lanes Embedded M2 Microstrip L' Mlcrostn p Ine ;,,; ., "'e Reference Planes [~ J . .f~o Figure 2.1.10: Example of microstrip two port fixture. . .~~~j i , , ) 27 I I I I Calibrated A ANA: I ' Port #1 / I I I I I I I I ! II I I I I I I B ! I I . . :: ~ : Calibrated ANA Port #2 I Fixture Fixture Port #1 Port #2 I I Figure 2.1.11: Block diagram of a two port fixture, A and B contain the fixture error networks and the measurement planes are fixture ports 1 and 2. I : Fixture Error:: Network #1 !! Calibrated ANA Port #1 I Fixture Error .: Network #2 , I I Fixture Port #1 I : alibrated ANA Port #2 I I : : I I I Fixture Port #2 Figure 2.1.12: Six term signal flow graph with error terms, eij. " J 28 AN A, however, can only be minimally Additionally, modeled by the eight term two port model. fixtures can be constructed smaller than internal where port-to-port AN A coupling therefore coupling is significantly is not necessary to alter the fixture error model. Unfortunately many fixtures use the classical one port two port fixture standards calibration in microwave standards or de-embedding consider a micros trip fixture. load standard encountered standards. To strengthen this point, We have seen it is advantageous to use a matched assumes we know its reflection coefficient. load and a sliding must use other standards. can not and there exits a need for unique since it allows direct measurement effective matched measurement Similarly of one error term. This of course In micros trip we can not fabricate termination is physically an open circuit standard impractical is difficult an so we to model so we need to avoid it as well. 2.1.6 Fixture Two Port De-embedding How can we de-embed planar fixtures? be used so standards unique Most classical one port standards to two port sections of different geometries are typical our fixture fixtures a distributed are needed. de-embedding with a known two port (transmission error networks we introduce Standards Transmission standards. line By measuring line) inserted between the fixture de-embedding In 1975 Franzen and Speciale introduced can not distributed standard. standards for calibrating ~ 29 their ANA. Although their method is not a two-tier approach it is significant because they were the first to introduce distributed standards. Their technique was conveniently called Through-Short-Delay or TSD [18]. At this point we would like to briefly outline the next discussionof various fixture calibration procedures. First we will look at the standards used and consider the authors motivation and secondwe will examinethe disadvantagesencounteredwhen using them. TSD - Through-Short-Delay TSD is based on both reflection and transmission measurementsand it offers two advantages.First, a matched load standard in not required and secondit usesmechanically simple standards. In addition, Franzen and Specialefound an addition delay line could be used to insure consistency within their measurements. TSD is not without disadvantage. The delay standard was assumedlosslessand nonreflecting i.e. the propagation constant was pure delay and the impedance was the measurementsystem or 50 ohms. Also, TSD although not mentioned by these two, requires information from two delays;the through connectionand the actual delay. If the phase differencebetween thesetwo is near zero or 180 degreesthe algorithm will fail to return a valid result. This is a limitation of any de-embeddingtechnique using a delay type standard. Franzen and Specialedid not apply their results to a planar fixture but their work is significant. In 1976, Bianco et al. consideredthe planar problem first hand by applying distributed standards to a microstrip fixture ~ 30 [19]. Line-Offset Open-Line Bianco used a total of three distributed standards; two delay lines and one offset open circuit for de-embeddingstandards. Just as with TSD, the delay lines were nonreflecting but they were not assumedlossless,in fact, the propagation constant and open circuit reflection coefficient could be determined for the microstrip line. The mechanicsof their de-embeddingrequired a separatemeasurementfor each inserted delay line and a one port measurementwith the error networks terminated with the offset open circuit. Of course their algorithm was subjected to the 180 degreebandwidth limitation with an added problem. When two delays are used it is assumeduniform and they have equivalent characteristic impedances. It is interesting to note this result was reintroduced in 1979by Engen and Hoer under the familiar name Thru-Reflect-Line [20]. TRL - Thru-Reflect-Line TRL as developedby Engen and Hoer used only one delay standard with a through connectionand an arbitrary reflection to calibrate their network analyzer. The delay standard could be arbitrary, with its propagation constant unknown, however,the line was assumednonreflecting. The reflection standard could be any repeatable reflecting load and they suggestedeither an open or short circuit. Again, this result was stated by Bianco but Engen was the first to consider algorithm singularities , ( 31 associatedwith distributed standards. Neither the Bianco or Engen work had been applied directly to a fixture. Benet, in 1982,introduced the universal Monolithic Microwave Integrated.Circuit test fixture requiring severaldistributed standardsfor calibration yet they choseyet another calibration algorithm. Open-Short-Five Offset Lines Benet developedthe open-short-fiveoffset line calibration using a one tier approach [21]. As discussedbefore, the one tier calibration is usually centeredon the twelve term ANA error model six for each direction of measurement. To determine the six terms Benet measuredthe fixture's responsewith open and short circuits at the fixture referenceplane and then a minimum of three offset thru lines were inserted and measured. As an approximation, the offset lines causedthe measuredreflection of the fixture to scribe a circle and at the center was an additional error term. Two additional offset lines were used to allow a least squaresfit of the circle to these measurements. Returning to the open and short circuit error equations, he showedtwo additional error terms could be determined. Finally, by approximation he determined the propagation constant of the thru lines and the remaining error terms. Benet's contribution showedinsertable distributed standards could be used to calibrate a test fixture. Next we will seea two tier de-embeddingmethod obtains a similar result and requires fewer assumptions. ! 32 Open-Short-Modeled Through Line Under some circumstancesthe fixture can not be calibrated using insertable standards such as a transistor test fixture. Here the fixture cannot be separatedto insert the de-embeddingstandards. In 1982Vaitkus and Scheitlin proposeda two-tier deembeddingmethod for this noninsertablefixture [22]. The AN A wasfirst calibrated using OS1 and its twelve term error model and then fixture de-embeddingmeasurements were done. Their standards were an open and short circuit and a modeled through line [22]. The error model was simply a one port error network for each fixture port and two leakage terms to compensatefor a leakagepath around the transistor chip. This is a simplification of Rehnmark's ten term ANA error model. c Vaitkus and Scheitlin exploited two points - the fixture passivity and the identical forward and reverseleakage. This alloweda reduction of the number of error terms to seven. Comparing this de-embeddingresult with Benet's, simplification is possible if a two tier calibration/de-embedding method is applied becausethe fixture offers a reducednumber of error terms. A through line standard had beenpreviously used by others but Vaitkus differed by using a modeled through line and determined its equivalent circuit by optimization. A bond wire through line connectedthe fixture ports together and the equivalent circuit was optimized to fit the measuredfixture s parameters. A similar procedure was performed on the bond wire short circuits. Vaitkus and Scheitlin produced results using a through line standard but a generalexamination of Open- 33 Short-Through line was introduced later by Vaitkus himself [23] in 1986. Rather than model the through line, he assumedknowledgeof the line propagation constant, the short circuit inductance, and the open circuit fringing capacitance. Double Through Line In 1987, Pennock et al. introduced a de-embeddingtechnique for characterizing transitions betweennovel transmission media [24]. Their motivation was a lack of conventional standards and a need to reduce the total needed. In 1976, Bianco et al. eluded that transition parameters could be determined to within a multiplicative constant if only two through line standards are used [19]. They also showed measurementof an additional through line was a linear combination of the first two and the constant could not be determined. Pennock exploited the multiplicative constant and proceededto use two line standards for their de-embedding. Their fixture error model was the commonly usedsix-term, two-port error model completely characterizewith three standards. Pennockshowedthe Bianco constant was a ratio of two error terms. In fact, this ratio is nearly equal to unity for reasonabletransitions and Pennock proceededto de-embedthe fixture under this assumption. This result is not without problems. First, as stated before,distributed standards must avoid A/2 singularities and second,the line must be refiectionless.Additionally, the line attenuation constant is known or assumedequal (losslessline). 34 TTT - Triple Through In 1988, Meys introduced a fixture de-embeddingmethod using an auxiliary two port and matched load for standards [25]. Beginning with the standard two port error model, the A and B error networks are connectedtogether and measured. Also, the auxiliary two port C is cascadedto either side of A and B to form the measuredtwo ports BC and CA. Theseand the AB two port provide necessarybut not sufficient information to determine the error networks. The reflection coefficient for the auxiliary two port terminated with a matched load is sufficient to determine the error networks. The use of a matched load is undesirable but Meys points out if the C two port exhibits low SWR we can assumeits reflection coefficientis zero and eliminate the matched load requirement. Since distributed standards are not used TTT is inherently broad-band. Results of Eul and Schiek In 1988, Eul and Schiek examined the conventional two port measurementsystem from a linear algebraicpoint of view. Their worked showedresults noted by previous authors such as a needfor at least three de- embeddingtwo ports for completecharacterization and previous de-embeddingtechniques. Their main contribution was the study of redundancy [26]. When three standards are inserted betweenthe error networks and subsequentlymeasured,the total number of unique measuredquan- , 35 tities is twelve, yet there are only eight linearly independenterror terms. This redundant information can be used to reducethe required knowledgeof the standards and as a result they proposed severalde-embeddingmethodsThru-Match-Reflect is one example. TMR - Thru-Match-Reflect Thru-Match-Reflect usesa through connection,a matchedload (or any other known reflection coefficient) and an arbitrary reflection. It offersthe broad-band advantage of these standards howeverwe need a prior knowledgeof at least one standard i.e. the matched load. The reader is referred to [26] for discussionof the calibration algorithm used with these standard combinations. 2.2 Conclusion The review of calibration theory encompassedone port measurements,automatic network analyzer error models, calibration methods and fixture de-embedding.It is clear calibration of network analysishas beenan dynamic study coveringmuch of our recent measurementhistory. It contains a variety of methods becausethe results of one may not be applicable to another or someonehas a unique de-embedding requirement. It is important to note when approaching a calibration dilemma one should look at the problem from a known/unknown point of view. In other words, consider the total number of unknownsin the measurementsystem and then decide 36 on the variety of standards that are available. We feel this review provides the insight into calibration methods and hopefully given the reader a "what if we use ..." attitude towards their calibration of network analysis. Using this philosophy, the next chapter developsnew calibration methods. t":?:1'if':"; ~1:~ ". l . 37 Chapter Calibration 3 Using a Symmetric Fixture 3.1 Introduction As we have seen from Chapter 2, it is clear a calibration can take many forms. Naturally, we feel another calibration topic remains untouched - exploitation of the symmetrical nature of measurementfixtures. As with past calibration methods, there was a need for something "new" and we are similarly motivated with this study. Chapter 3 concentrateson discussingadvantagesof symmetry arguments, reviewing symmetrical de-embeddingmethods, and the developmentof two new symmetrical de-embeddingalgorithms. In addition, we will re-examineTRL calibration and develop a practical enhancement. 3.2 Motivation for Using Symmetrical Arguments When consideringthe history of calibration of network analysis, two directions have been pursued by the measurementcommunity. On one hand, there was a need to compensatefor imperfections in calibration standards, and on the other hand, calibration accuracy is directly related to a prior knowledge of the standards and 38 if at all possible choosethe minimum necessary.A symmetrical argument allows a reduction in required standards thereby improving the certainty. In fact, later in this chapter we show it is possibly to reduce the total number of standards to one. With this in mind, when can we use a symmetric argument or when is a fixture symmetric? 3.3 Evolution from an Asymmetric to Symmetric Fixture A symmetric fixture is a special caseof the general asymmetric fixture. In Fig. 3.3.1, we seethe conventional two port error network and its correspondingsignal flow graph. It is composedof two error networks A and B and in general, the individual signal paths 8ija and 8ijb are unique forcing the fixture s parameters8ijl to be unequal to eachother. This representsan asymmetric fixture. A fixture is symmetric if the port 1 and 2 reflection coefficientsare equal and the fixture is reciprocal, i.e. if 8111 = 8221 and 8211 = 8121' Reciprocity is true when the fixture is passive and non-magnetic and these symmetrical equalities are possible with two orders of symmetry; first and second order. Using Mason's non-touching loop rule [4] we see the fixture s parameters are related to the individual error terms, 8 111 - 811a + 821a812a811b 1 8 8 - 22a lIb 8221 -- 822b + 822a821b812b 1 - 822a8lIb (3.3.1) (3.3.2) 39 I I A : : :: I 1 B : : I I I Po #1 ort #2 I I I I I I :: I I I (a) I I I 8 21f I I I ~, I 8121 I I I I (b) Figure 3.3.1: Two port error model for an asymmetric fixture (a). Fixture error can be described with eight error terms Sija and Sijb. Port 1 and 2 are the calibrated ANA measurement ports. (b) Sijj are the measured fixture s parameters. 40 S21J = S21aS21b 1- (3.3.3) S22aS11b and S12J = S12aS12b (3.3.4) 1 - S22aS11b Equating 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 and applying reciprocity we find one equation in six complex unknowns. Slla(l - S22aS11b) + SllbS~la= S22b(1- S22aS11b) + SllbS~la (3.3.5) This is the symmetry condition equation representingan under determined system. This implies symmetry can be produced with an infinite number of six error parameters. Fortunately, symmetry correspondsto the physical nature of the fixture which limits the symmetric solutions to two - first and secondorder symmetry as discussedbelow. \ 3.3.1 First Order Symmetric Fixture A first-order symmetric fixture has identical fixture halvesthat are asymmetric, see Fig. 3.3.2. The port two error network, B, is now a port reverseof A, or B = A R. This is true if Slla = S22b,S22a= Sllb and S~la= S~lb' Moreover, these conditions satisfy the symmetrycondition (3.3.5). A "coaxialto microstrip" - "microstrip to coaxial" fixture is an example of first order symmetrical fixturing. Most important, the signal flow graph showssymmetry reducesthe number of error terms to three, the A network only. In other words, symmetry reducesthe number of error terms 41 I R A - I A f "'; I ;"", I : 1 '" I Po ort #1 #2 ""'fi'i """~ ik~ I I : I Tii I :: I ~ ,?,~~";j",;j I I I I I I I I I I I;;{~~g;,1~ ~~,";,;.;~.o;;: S I I I ~:;I'~ii)~* I f I 21 I l~~;1i!1~jj;;,: I I ""~;" ~;;;:-~~ IIJ c:( , ~ ~~ ~ (b) Figure 3.3.2: Two port error model for a first order symmetric fixture (a). Fixture error networks are describedby three s parameters 5ija. (b) 5111and 5211are the measuredfixture s parameters. .iR "" 42 for a two port fixture, and this reduction is strictly a function of the manufacturing repeatability with direct application to printed circuit board measurements. 3.3.2 Second Order Symmetric Fixture If the fixture halvesare identical and symmetric, the fixture is secondorder symmetric. This implies network B is equal to A or all reflection s parameters, Siia or Siib, are equal,( = S11)and all transmission s parameters are equal, Sija or Sijb, (= S21)' seeFig. 3.3.3. A secondorder fixture satisfiesthe symmetry condition (3.3.5). A lumped element transistor test fixture is an example of secondorder symmetrical fixturing. 3.4 Review of Symmetrical Methods Previous authors have examined symmetric fixtures. In 1982, Souza et. al. used a microstrip first order fixture to develop a method to calculate the fixture half. Their results are based on further assumptions. First, the microstrip line used in the fixture is reflectionless(50 n characteristic impedance) and secondthe fixture half has a low return loss [27]. Howeverif the fixture introduces significant error, this result is not applicable. In other words, if the fixture microstrip line impedance is different from 50 ohms, both assumptionsare invalid. In 1983, Pollard and Lane indirectly used a first order symmetry assumption by modelling their fixture half with a pi equivalent circuit with different shunt 'c 43 A I I I : : :: 1 : : A I I I Po #1 ort #2 \ I I I I I :: I I Figure 3.3.3: Two port error network for a second order symmetric error is described with two s parameters Sll and S21. c I I fixture. Fixture 44 capacitances[35]. Their calibration standards are an open and short circuit and a through connection. The fixture input impedance equations for the open and short standards give sufficient information to extract the pi equiv~lent parameters if secondorder frequency terms are neglected. As with the Souzaresult, they use assumptions in addition to symmetry. Their result is invalid when the fixture is considerably long or can not be modeled with a lumped element circuit. In 1986, Ehlers was the first to apply symmetry without additional fixture assumptions. Ehlers studied a finline first order symmetric fixture. The standards include a through connection and either a matched load or a reflectionlesstransmission line [37]. He pointed out a symmetric fixture requires two standards for calibration. This is true only if the matched load or a reflectionlesstransmission line can be fabricated. If neither are accurately possible (as is the casefor microstrip fixtures) then an additional standard is needed.For the finline examplehis result is adequate. Most recently, in 1989,Enders developedan iterative de-embeddingmethod using three line standardsto determine the parametersof a first order fixture [36]. His result affirms symmetry is useful for calibrating fixtures and in the next section we will apply symmetrical arguments and distributed calibration standards. A second order fixturing was examined by Martin and Dukeman in 1987. They found a second order fixture requiresonly one standard; a through connection[31]. Their result uses extensive matrix renormizations and in a following section a similar result is developedbasedon signal flow theory. 45 3.5 Development of Through-Symmetry-Line - TSL Using First Order Symmetry 3.5.1 Using Symmetry to Replace the TRL Reflect Stan- dard As we have seenbefore, the calibration of a planar measurementfixture, e.g. microstrip and stripline, requires distributed standards. The preferredmethod for pla'" nar fixture de-embeddingis Thru-Reflect-Line (TRL) or Line-Reflect-Line (LRL) becausethe distributed standards are easily modeled and constructed. A typical microstrip fixture, shown in Fig. 3.5.1, is a first order symmetric fixture. Identical coax to microstrip transitions and identical microstrip line lengths are the requirements for symmetry. Thesecan easily be achievedup to low microwavefrequencies and at higher frequenciesthrough careful design. Becausefirst order symmetry allows the fixture to be representedby three error terms, three standards are needed. Symmetry permits synthesisof TRL reflection standards thereby eliminating their need. TRL standards are shownin Fig. 3.5.2a through connection, a reflection and a referencetransmissionline of length 1. The reflection is arbitrary and is typically a short circuit. For the symmetrical through connection, we can calculate the reflection coefficient with the microstrip ports terminated in ideal open or short circuits. Either synthesizedreflection coefficient can replace the TRL reflection standard. Conforming to the naming of de-embedding 46 / "" Coaxial Reference Planes S Ground lanes ~ /'" Micr,ostrip Line " 1""'-- "'" L / --I Microstrip Reference Planes Figure 3.5.1: Typical microstrip fixture. 47 I I I I ThroughConnection Calibrated ANA Port #1 A I I I I I I Calibrated ANA Port #2 B I I (a) I I " , I Arbitrary Reflection [ I "c '" : ArB ~ ,. !, II I I (b) I I I I A Line B I I I I (c) Figure 3.5.2: TRL calibration standards. (a) Through connection, (b) Arbitrary reflection, r, placed at eachfixture port and (c) Line connection. 48 methods we will refer to this method using thesesynthesizedstandardsas ThroughSymmetry-Line or TSL. 3.5.2 Synthesize Reflection Standards The TSL standards are through and line connections,Fig. 3.5.3. These are similar to Souzaet al. [27]however their result is based on symmetry and a low fixture return loss assumption. Note, the symmetry reflection coefficientscan be used with the LRL algorithm with similar results. Next we will expound the derivation of ideal open and short circuit reflection coefficients. Referring to the signal flow graphsof Fig. 3.5.4, we considerthe through connection s parametersgiven by, Sll/( = S22/) and S21/(= S12/),andthe actualparameters of the A network being E, a and "'{ for Slla, S21a= S12aand S22arespectively. In addition, the input reflection coefficient with an ideal short circuit placed at port 1b of A is Pac= IS- - a2 (3.5.1) 1+"'{ Previously we used Mason's rule to relate the fixture parametersto the individual network parametersin (3.3.1) - (3.3.4). Here a similar result is given for the first order symmetric fixture. Sll/ S21/ = + a2"'{ 2 IS = (3.5.2) 1-"'{ a2 2 1-"'{ (3.5.3) . ,f . i'! Through Connection :?tk;:;;;ii';?J('cZ:;'~§! I :*1'~~"!:;~f~;;f~;;}~~; F;"'~"""" ,.~~i;"'f'C:'"'-;;;:;tc r{i':5;iff1}~:~~~i. 49 Calibrated R A ANA A I I Port #1 Calibrated ANA Port #2 (a) ~ R A A (b) Figure '3.5.3: TSL calibration standards. (a) Through connection and (b) Line connection. TRL reflection standard is synthesizedusing symmetry. 50 I I I I 8 I I. 211 Calibrated ANA Port #1a Calibrated ANA Port #2a 8211 I I I I a I : : (a) 1 I I : : I I a I I :: Po #1 ort #2a a I I ::: I I #1b I I a P sc I : a I I I I (b) #2b a I I = J?. a b I I I I I I -1 (c) Figure 3.5.4: TSL signal flow graphs. {a) Measuredfixture s parameters,(b) Fixture error model describedby parameter 8,a and, and (c) Signal flow graph with ideal short circuit placed at fixture port lb. , 51 Combining (3.5.1), (3.5.2) and (3.5.3), the short circuit reflection coefficient can be expressedas a function of fixture s parameters (measured). P"c= Sll/ - (3.5.4) S21/ A similar results holds for an ideal open circuit placed at port lb. Pac= Sll/ + S21/ (3.5.5) Compared to TRL, TSL reducesthe number of standards neededand requires fewer connectionsto the microstrip ports improving the repeatability of this connection. Moreover, P"cand Paccan be derived for any fixture exhibiting first or second order symmetry including other planar measurementfixtures. Since these reflection coefficientsare derived mathematically, it is possibleto "insert" ideal open and short circuits within a non-insertable medium such as a dielectric loaded waveguide. The reader is directed to Chapter 5 for experimental verification of a symmetrically synthesized short circuit. In the next section TSL is enhancedand this result is directly applicable to TRL and LRL. 3.6 3.6.1 Enhanced Through-Symmetry-Line Motivation: Failure of TRL - ETSL (ETRL) Assumptions The development of ETSL, hence ETRL, is necessarybecauseof assumptions inherent to the TRL algorithm. As introduced in 1979 by Engen and Hoer [20], the 52 algorithm requiresthe characteristic impedanceof the line standard be equal to the measurementsystem impedance. If not, its value has to be determined. Also, the algorithm assumesa real characteristic impedance with no frequency dependence. If the fixture to be calibrated is composedof dispersivetransmissionlines, e.g. microstrip, it becomesnecessaryto determine the complex characteristic impedance Zc as a function of frequency. We presentan enhancementof the TSL algorithm by determining the characteristic impedanceand so it is termed Enhanced ThroughSymmetry-Line - ETSL. For the sakeof discussionwe will consider an embedded microstrip fixture. Application of ETSL to an embeddedmicrostrip fixture follows in Chapter 5. An approximate value of Zc can be made using time domain refiectometry (TDR), however, TDR can not determine frequency variations of the microstrip characteristic impedance which can vary by as much as 5 percent from DC to 10 GHz for a typical microstrip line [32].Also, accurate modeling of Zc is complicated by severalfactors; acceptedmodels predict different frequency variations; material parameters may not be known; and ideal microstrip geometry may be corrupted by dielectric coveringssuch as a passivation or solder resist layer as in the caseof printed circuit boards, see Fig. 3.6.1. ETSL determines the complex characteristic impedance using the free-spacecapacitanceof the microstrip geometry and an experimentally determined propagation constant, , = cx+ j,8. The impedance calculated in this fashion, if used in the conventional TRL al- " I 53 i:' j ~; ,r ~ 'Z Metal Thickness = 3.6 mil Resist Layer Thickness = 4. mil + ' ' 'dth = 8. mil + = !~~l.~e~1 + + GP Thickness= 1. mil &":j Solder Resist Layer [Z3 Substrate Dielectric . Metal(copper) t, Figure 3.6.1: Embeddedmicrostrip encounteredin printed circuit board technology. 54 gorithm, compensatesfor the algorithm assumptions. By using a free-spacecapacitance explicit knowledgeof the dielectric parametersi.e. relative dielectric constant and losstangent are not necessary.Also, we can determinecharacteristicimpedances of atypical geometriessuch as embeddedmicrostrip or any uniform TEM transmission line. Additionally, by incorporating the propagation constant we embody the effect loss has on the characteristic impedance(complex Zc). In short, this method can be used to determine characteristic impedancesof any arbitrary uniform TEM transmission line. In the next section we develop the characteristic impedance algorithm with microstrip being the transmissionline. 3.6.2 Calculation of Complex Characteristic Impedance Microstrip lines are non-homogeneoustransmission lines supporting a quasi-TEM mode [32]. Howeverthe TSL algorithmrequiresthe equivalentTEM modecharacteristic impedance. For uniform TEM transmission lines characteristic impedance is related to the free-spacecapacitanceand the effective dielectric constant by [33] Zo Zc = -;;= (3.6.1) yfe with 1 Zo = ;:;voC (3.6.2) where Zc is the dielectric loaded characteristic impedanceof the line, Zo is its freespacecharacteristic impedance, Co is the free-spacecapacitance,c is the velocity of light and fe is the effective dielectric constant. Co is a geometrical dependentfactor 55 and is the capacitanceof the structure in a dielectric-freemedium. It is well known the effective dielectric constant is related to the propagation constant I by [28] fe where I = (3.6.3) -rc2 2 !.IJ = a + j fJ is availablefrom measurementas a by product of the TRL algorithm. Recently, Mondal and Chen reported the TRL algorithm can be used to determine the propagation constant of the TRL line standard. That is [29] ) In (A~_~~~~ ] 1= 1 (3.6.4) where A = TIlt' T221+ TIll. T22t - T2It . TI21 - T12t . T2Il (3.6.5) Tijl and Tijt are the chain scatteringparametersfor the line and through calibration standards respectively, and 1is the length of the line standard. Conversionfrom s to t parametersis given by, ( ) T11 T12 T21 T22 = -1 s21 ( -~ Sll ) (3.6.6) -S22 1 where ~ = SllS22 - S12S21 (3.6.7) This result can be derived for any fixture, symmetric or otherwise,and it is a natural progressionto incorporate this information to determine the complex characteristic impedance. Combining (3.6.1)- (3.6.3) and taking the negative root Zc = )!.IJ 2rY C VOl (3.6.8) 56 The negative root is chosen because the result must be positive when the line is lossless and the impedance is positive real. This characteristic impedance is used to overcome impedance assumptions of TRL and is applicable to the TSL algorithm. The reader is directed to Chapter 5 where this derivation is experimentally verified with a fifty 11 coaxial example. Also, Chapter 5 contains complex micros trip characteristic impedance calculated with the verified algorithm. Next we examine singularities encountered when distributed standards are used and expand on the effect they have on calculating the propagation constant. 3.6.3 Calculation of Propagation Constant Inherent to the TRL algorithm is the need to separate the error networks with a transmission line. The line standard must be sufficiently long to produced a measurable phase difference between through and line fixtures. Naturally, at lower frequencies this measurement is limited by the network analyzer measurement accuracy. Additionally, if the electrical length of the line is near 180 degrees it appears transparent. TRL returns invalid results in either case. Intuitively the "farthest" we can be from 180 degrees (or zero) would be a phase difference of 90 degrees and reliable propagation constants can be extracted from 20 to 160 degree phase differences [30]. By choosing line standards with electrical lengths within this range the characteristic impedance can be determined with no effect from the singularities. , 57 3.6.4 Modifying TSL Algorithm Again, the TRL (TSL) algorithm requires a reflectionlessline. This is achieved by transforming each calibration measurementfrom the measuI;ementreference impedance to Zc. Application of TRL then determines the s parameters of the error network referencedto Zc. To completecalibration, the s parametersof the error network are returned to the measurementreferenceimpedancesystem, (usually 50 ohms). 3.7 Development of Through-Symmetric Fixture - TSF Using Second Order Symmetry What if the fixture is second order symmetric? Again, we define second order symmetry as a first order fixture with symmetric halves. As we have just seen, symmetry can be used to reduce the number of standards needed. When second order symmetry is valid the two port error network is representedby two error terms. Naturally, this allowsus to usefewerde-embeddingstandards,in fact, a secondorder fixture requires only one measurementconfiguration, a through connection, thus in conformancewith the practice of naming calibration procedures,we designatethe new technique Through Symmetric Fixture - TSF method. Fig. 3.7.1 showsthe signal flow graph for the fixture s parameters Sijf and the correspondingtwo port error model. Each error is identical and symmetric therefore 58 I I I I 8 I I. 21f Calibrated ANA Port #1a Calibrated ANA Port #1a 821f I I I I I I a I : : (a) 1 : : I I a :: I I Po #1 ort 2a I I I a I I ! ! I I #1b (b) #2b a I I Figure 3.7.1: Signal flow graphs used by TSF. (a) Measured fixture s parameters and (b) fixture error network describedby s parameters c5and c¥. 59 the scattering matrix of each fixture half is [Sija] = [: :] (3.7.1) The goal of TSF is to determine the error t~rms (a and 8) and is based on Mason's non-touching loop rule, unlike the matrix renormalizations used by Martin and Dukeman [31]. S parameter measurementsof the through connection yield two independent quantities, Sllf and S21/, as Sllf = S22f and S12f = S21f becauseof symmetry and reciprocity. This is sufficient to determine Sija. For clarity, we will let the subscript t (t Sijt - through) represent the measuredfixture s parameters f, i.e. = Sijf. The signal flow graph provides two algebraic relationships for the known quan- tities as functions of the error terms, Sllt a28 = 8 + 1""=-";5"2 (3.7.2) S21t = 1-a282 (3.7.3) 8= -~!- (3.7.4) c~~ Rearranging a 1 + S21t b2 - Silt = V/S21t--~ rt ( 3.7.5) where b = 1 + S21t (3.7.6) 60 The squareroot gives two possiblesolutions and the root choicedependsupon the electrical length (Le) of the through connection. The positive root is valid when nA < Le < (2n + l)A 2 (3.7.7) where n=0,1,2,... (3.7.8) otherwise the negative root is correct. This choice of roots is based on a physical constraint. The a term is the transmission coefficient of the error network and at low frequency the phaseof a must be negative therefore the positive root choicein this interval. Equation (3.7.4) containsa singularity limiting the bandwidth of TSF. When the fixture S21tis nearly equal to -1 (3.7.4) returns invalid results for [j. This can occur when the fixture length is n)'/2. This singularity can be avoidedif the length of the fixture is constructed so it is not an integer half wavelengthlong at any frequency in a desired measurementrange. TSF can be used on a lumped-elementtransistor test fixture where this restriction does not exist. Similar singularity restrictions exist when other distributed de-embeddingtechniquesare employed. The reader is directed to Chapter 5 where TSF is experimentally verified. 3.8 Conclusion In Chapter 3, we havepresentednew de-embeddingalgorithms. By using symmetric arguments, it is possibleto reducethe required calibration standards. It was shown " 61 that reflection standards can be synthesizedfrom a through measurement. Also, the complex characteristic impedance of uniform TEM transmission lines can be determined if the transmission line free-spacecapacitanceis known. Taking this impedanceinto account, we can enhancethe TSL or TRL algorithms. Computer implementation of these algorithms is necessaryfor verification purposes. The next chapter developsSPANA or Signal Processingof Automatic Network Analysis - a command level program useful for algorithm implementation and other computer aided data manipulation. 62 Chapter 4 SPAN A: Computer Program Aided 4.1 Introduction Microwave for Computer Measurement to SPANA Computer processingof microwavemeasurementsis necessaryto free the engineer from the costly measurementtime. It is very reasonableto assumecomputer processingis needed since a n frequency two port measurementcan produce sixty four kilobytes (64K) of data. SPANA (Signal Processingfor Automatic Network Analysis) has been developedto meet the needsof automatic microwavemeasuring systems. SPANA is a tool to be used for processingmeasuredS parameter data and its prime use is to implement de-embeddingalgorithms. SPANA also performs various tasks such as input/output of data, data format conversions,and others. Written in FORTRAN in a modular fashion, SPANA is conduciveto future expansion. SPANA is by the simplest definitions an operating system and the operations are carried out by using a command language. These commandsallow the user to interact with the data freely. One of the most important assetsof SPANA is its macro capability. A macro is a series of commands sequentially read from a 'J R" "' 63 command file - a macro. SPANA is adaptable to outside programmers since it maintains all data 110 and freesthe programmer to concentrateon data processing. 4.2 Structure SPANA has two program levels and eachlevel has the capability to inform the user if a syntax error occurs. At the top is the command interpreter and its task is to determine which commandis to be executed. The next layer is the actual command function which may in turn nest severalsub-layersto complete the function. When a command is completed, control is returned back to the command interpreter for subsequentcommand processing. It is important to note SPANA is not a menu driven program but rather a commandinterpreter. Commandsavailablein SPANA are given in the next section. 4.3 Tools available in SPANA To useSPANA, data is input to the program by "GETing" a measurementset. After this it is processedby executing other SPANA commands and the results of data manipulation can be "PUT" to a file. For example, calibration using TSF requiresa measurementfor the through standard and the embeddeddevice. Two "GETs" and a call to DMB2 (with appropriate TYPE) will calculate the error networks and the de-embeddeddevice. "PUTting" theseresults will savethem for later use. Below is a list of the functions and a brief description of their purpose. The reader is directed to Appendix B for a complete discussionof the semantics of each command and [' " 64 Appendix C where the "SHELL" commandis examplefor the potential programmer. 65 Function Purpose 1. HELP On-line help 2. GET Input data 3. PUT Output data 4. DISPlay Display data statistics 5. DELete Delete data 6. PTOR Polar to Rectangular conversion 7. RTOP Rectangular to Polar conversion 8. STaY S parametersto Y parameters 9. SYMmetrize Symmetrize data 10. PULl Reducesize of data 11. WINdow Smoothing of data 12. STRiP Produce X- Y data file 13. De-embedDMB2 Two-Port error correction 14. De-embedDMB3 Three-Port error correction 15. BuiLD Produce error standard 16. SIGMA Statistical calculations 17. GAIN Two-port gain calculations 18. PIE Conversionfrom S to pi equivalent circuit 19. INTP Linear interpolation betweendata points 20. STOP Exit SPANA 66 4.4 Conclusion This chapter introduced SPANA with its purpose to aid microwavemeasurements. The ability to execute command macrosis essentialto extensive measurementcalculations and SPANA can be modified by adding commandsto the interpreter and writing correspondingsub-layers. ", 67 Chapter Results 5 and Discussion 5.1 Introduction In this chapter the calibration techniques developed in Chapter 3 are verified. Through-Symmetry-Line and EnhancedThrough-Symmetry-Line are applied to an embeddedmicrostrip fixture commonly encounteredin Printed Circuit Board technology. The error networks determined from these methods are removed from a PCB via and a pi equivalent circuit is imposed on the via measurements.Finally, Through-Symmetric Fixture is applied to a secondorder symmetric fixture and the results are compareddirectly with measuredfixture halves and a de-embeddedlow pass filter. The use of scattering parametersis common to all results. With exception of TSF and the coaxial verification, a frequency range of 45 Mhz to 10 Ghz is used for the TSL and ETSL measurements. 5.2 5.2.1 Verification of Through-Symmetry-Line De-embedding Introduction In the following sectionsthe Through Symmetry Line calibration method is applied to a PCB embeddedmicrostrip fixture. As discussedbefore, this fixture is noninsertable and cannot be comparedwith a direct measurementof the error networks. The symmetry verification and comparison of a synthesized and measured short 68 circuit are given with discussionand finally TSL is applied to de-embedthe PCB VIa. 5.2.2 Measurement and Fixture Design Coaxial ports are used on all measurementsto allow connection to the Automatic Network Analyzer (HP 8510) which is integrated within a computer controlled measurement setup show in Fig. 5.2.1. After the two port s parametersare measured, the data was transferred to a MicroVax where they were processedby SPANA. The two-tier nature of this measurement,i.e. coaxial calibration then post measurement de-embedding,is convenientwith this measurementsystem. Keeping with the symmetrical definitions of Chapter 3, the first order symmetric fixture is shown in Fig. 5.2.2 (along with a detail of the embeddedmicrostrip cross section Fig. 5.2.3) is used throughout the chapter. The microstrip dimensionsare width (w)=8 mils, height (h)=5.6 mils, metal thickness( t)=3.6 mils and the covering dielectric layer (solder resist layer) is approximately 4 mils thick. The length (~ of the microstrip portion of the fixture is 1000mils. Thesephysical dimensions(except length) were usedbecausePCB manufacturing resourcesrequired them. Note, these dimensions were intended to result in a 50 11characteristic impedance and as we will seethis is not the case. The microstrip length can be arbitrarily chosenwith only coaxial connector clearancerestricting the minimum value. The network analyzer is calibrated to the coaxial referenceplanes Cl and C2 using the network analyzer Open Short Load calibration procedure. The fixture is connectedto the coaxial referenceplanes and a full two port s parameter measurement is made. The magnitude and phaseof the fixture s parametersSIll, S22fand S2lf are shown in Fig. 5.2.4, 5.2.5and 5.2.6 with the exceptionof Sl2f which is 69 HP 8510 ANA HP-IB Controller 1 2 RS-232 - Lr~~~~ r1_~~1 - Mijrr;!1'@\V/b ... usr1 usr2 usr3 Figure 5.2.1: S parameter measurementsetup. The HP 8510 measuresdevice s parameters, then the data is transmitted to the MicroVax for further processing. 70 Coaxial Reference C1 ,.-/ Planes""", C2 S M1 Ground lanes Embedded Microstrip Line M2 .. Mlcrostnp Reference Planes Figure 5.2.2: First order symmetric fixture used throughout Chapter 5. Cl and C2 are the calibrated coaxial measurementplanes and Ml and M2 are the microstrip referenceplanes. Embeddedstructures are inserted at Ml and M2. 71 Metal Thickness= 3.6 mil Resist Layer Thickness= 4. mil , Microstrip Width = 8. mil , = !~~~.~~~I + + GP Thickness = 1. mil ~ Solder Resist Layer [III] Substrate Dielectric . Metal(copper) Figure 5.2.3: Detail crosssection of the embeddedmicrostrip. i I I 72 O. -10. -.. (]) 9- - 20. Q) "'C :J +-' c: 0) - 30. ro ~ -40. -50. O. 2.0 4.0 Frequency 6.0 8.0 10. (GHz) Figure 5.2.4: Embedded microstrip fixture s parameters. Magnitude of (0) Sllf, (+) S21f and (~) S22f. 73 200. 120. -. g> 40. 0 --Q) (/) co ~ ..c CL - 40. -120. -200. O. 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10. Frequency (GHz) Figure 5.2.5: Cont. Embeddedmicrostrip fixture s parameters. Phaseof 821f. " i, 74 200. 120. -.. ~ 40. 0 -- a.> (/) ~ .c: a.. -4 0 . -120. :.' - 200. O. :J 'h '" ~' 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10. Frequency (GHz) Figure 5.2.6: Cont. embeddedmicrostrip fixture s parameters. Phase of (0) Sllf and (~) S22f. ,. .. . 75 identical to S21fand has been omitted. Symmetry requires the Siif parametersbe equal and from Fig 5.2.4-5.2.6 this is true with minor deviations at frequencieswerethe fixture is resonant(f=0,.8, 4.5 and 8 GHz). Theseresonancesare associatedwith discontinuity capacitancesand for the purposesof this discussion,we may model the fixture with discontinuity capacitances at either coaxial port and a uniform transmission line between them, Fig. 5.2.7. These capacitancesreduce the electrical length of the line and when the effective line length is an odd multiple of half wavelengths,the Siif values exhibit minima. Sensitivity of the fixture symmetry at these frequenciesis due to differencesin the discontinuity capacitances. Additionally, at other frequenciesreflection from the microstrip line dominate the reflection terms. When designinga symmetrical fixture, one can apply commonsensearguments,to reducethe discontinuity capacitanceand use short lengths of microstrip. The symmetry of the network is exemplified by the synthesizedshort circuit verification. 5.2.3 Synthesis of Open and Short Circuit Reflection Coefficients The Through Symmetry Line algorithm synthesizesthe reflection standard needed in the TRL calibration method by using symmetry. To verify this is possible a low inductance short circuit was placed at the microstrip referenceplane MI, shownon Fig. 5.2.2. The measuredshort circuit reflection coefficient is comparedin magnitude and phase with the synthesizedvalue in Fig. 5.2.8 and 5.2.9. In addition, the synthesizedopen circuit is also shown. The magnitude minimum is slightly different between measuredand calculated. This minimum correspondsto the resonanceof the discontinuity capacitancewith the inductive input impedanceof the short circuit c 76 Uniform Transmission Line Zc = ?? Cd Cd Figure 5.2.7: Approximate model for fixture. The fixture transmissionline is effectively terminated with equal discontinuity capacitances Cd. " (0 77 O. -1.2 ro e, - 2.4 0,) "'C :J +-' C 0> - 3.6 ro ~ -4.8 - 6.0 O. 4.0 10. Frequency Figure 5.2.8: microstrip synthesized Magnitude reference comparison plane. (+) and (/:::.) synthesized of synthesized Measured open circuit short and measured circuit reflection reflection coefficient. short circuit coefficient, at (0) 78 200. 120. -.. ~ 40. 0 --Q) U) ro ..c: a.. -4 0. -120. -200. O. 2.0 4.0 Frequency 6.0 8.0 10. (GHz) Figure 5.2.9: Phase comparison of synthesized and measuredshort circuit at microstrip referenceplane. (0) Phaseof synthesizedshort circuit reflection coefficient, ( +) measuredshort circuit and (~) synthesizedopen circuit. , - , L ., { I , i '--- - 80 1 Coaxial Reference Planes ' ~~ S A M. t. 2 , ~~~""'" Icros np Reference Plan . 1 Ground Planes . = 348 mils: L = 1348 mils . :L\ L I .. 1 .. '\ Embedded Microstrip Line (a) Vi, (b) Figure 5.2.10: Diagram of the fixture with line standard inserted (a) and via (b). J 81 Microstrip Metal Thickness Resist Layer Thickness = 4. mil t 3.6 mil H = 5 6 "I . ml . t :&"",; Y G Pp per mc"'c "-o",",cc-,,""" Thif~~~ISS ~ ...J;~~er ! ::,;;;::1;"",-:;;;;:-:, Via Length = 62.5 mil ~~ . 1~-~~-1~11' "t~~"i o C T 11' ~~t; "","'i.;);t:i)"!!t' t~~~~~ ..;,,' ..-'" (a) T .,..1~ ~- [S:I Solder Resist Layer D Substrate Dielectric Metal (copper) C "';C""':~'f~' :,,!:?,C'cc,::; '11' cc,')i;"";:i'" -",~'.,.,.,..,.", *~?;":!t: -- 'c, -(b) Figure 5.2.11:Detail crosssectionof printed circuit boardvia (a) and the pi equivalent circuit (b). " 82 via s parameters, see Appendix A for complete discussionof error removal by decascading. This extraction is doneby converting the via s parametersto admittance parameters,which form a pi equivalentcircuit, and then inverting theseadmittances. The resulting shunt capacitance(in pF) and seriesinductive reactance(in .os) are shown in Fig. 5.2.12 and Fig. 5.2.13respectively. When interpreting the TSL results, considerwe are fitting a pi equivalent model to the via and at higher frequenciesthis is inaccurate. The seriesreactancebehaves as an inductor through two GHz and the capacitanceis constant to five. The increasingcapacitance(with frequency)is associatedwith the increasedenergy stored in the fringe electric fields and the non-ideal inductance arisesfrom resonanceswith other parasitic capacitances(Cp, 5.2.11). A final note about the characteristic impedance of the line standard used in TSL. As mentioned in Chapter 3, the TRL algorithm requires the line standard be reflectionless or we need to determine the impedance. The TSL results were determined using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) and found to be 57 .os. This is different from the manufactures50 .0 designgoal but its effect can be removedas describedin ETSL section. 5.2.5 Conclusion The Through-Symmetry-Line de-embeddingmethod has been usedto calculate the pi equivalent circuit of a printed circuit board via. The close agreementbetween measuredand synthesizedshort circuits verifies a symmetrical argumentcan be used to modify the TRL algorithm to TSL. 83 5.0 ~ 4.0 J-LL c.. --- Q) 3.0 (.) c co '0 ~ co 2.0 () C :J ffi 1.0 O. O. 4.0 Frequency Figure 5.2.12: Shunt capacitancefor a via pi equivalent circuit. 10. -- 84 100. -I ~ 80. -(/) E Q ..c: 60. a> (J c ro ~ a> 40. a: (/) a> .~ 20. U) o. O. 2.0 4.0 6.0 Frequency (GHz) 8.0 10. Figure 5.2.13: Seriesinductive reactancefor a via pi equivalent circuit. ~ . 85 5.3 Verification of the Enhanced Through-Symmetry-Line De-embedding 5.3.1 Method Introduction This section contains verification of the impedance enhancement to TSL and its use in the new ETSL algorithm. Verification is done by calculating the impedance of a precision 50 n air-line as well as other transmission line parameters including dielectric and propagation constants. 5.3.2 Coaxial Transmission Line Parameters Fixturing for this verification is shown in Fig. 5.3.1. It includes two fixture halves each composed of 7 millimeter coaxial connectors (APC- 7) to female 3.5 millimeter coaxial connectors (SMA) and a male SMA to APC- 7 adaptors. The through connection is the connection of the fixture halves and the air line was inserted between the halves for a line connection. The air line length is 10.21 cm and the air dielectric allows accurate calculation of the half wavelength singularities. These are f = This 1.4691i fixturing GHz, was where chosen i = 1,2,3, for two reasons. First, the precision air line connec- tions were APC- 7 requiring a similar mating connector. Secondly, it was desirable to have a fixture of a non-zero length thus allowing direct application to the microstrip fixture used in the previous TSL results. Next we will present the coaxial transmission line parameters. i i 86 Through Connection APC- 7 to Female SMA I~ ~I ~=Js~:~~~~t~~~~~ APC-7 to Male SMA (a) Line Connection ~ 10.21cmAirLi~1 fdJ(=[~~~==~Wl~~J~~~:~ (b) Figure 5.3.1: Coaxial fixturing usedto verify TSL impedanceenhancement.(a) Through connection and (b) 10.21cm precision 50 n air line inserted in fixture. 87 Attenuation Constant (a) The through and line connectionswere measuredover a 15 to 3000MHz frequency range and the propagation constant was calculated. Fig. 5.3.2 showsthe attenuation constant, a, with per meter units. Several observationscan be made. It is clear over this frequency range we encounter two of the predicted half wavelength singularities since the per meter attenuation values are unrealistically high. These constitute invalid regions. The secondobservation is low attenuation values within valid regions. This is typical of precision coaxial lines. Finally, we seeat low frequencies(below 200 MHz) we cannot measuresignificant phasedifferencebetween the through and line connection. Propagation Factor (,8) The calculated propagation factor, ,8 = ,8/,80,has been normalized with respect to a free-spacepropagation factor, ,80= 27rf / c wherec is the speedof light, to reveal its accuracy. The precision air line should have a free-spacepropagation factor and the normalized ,8 should be unity. This result is shown in Fig. 5.3.3. Relative Dielectric Constant (Er) Using the propagation constant, , = a + j,8, and equation 3.6.3 we have calculated the relative dielectric constant shown in Fig. 5.3.4. The figure showswe are calculating the constant correctly since it is nearly unity over much of the frequency range. Naturally, an air dielectric coaxial line should have a unity relative dielectric constant. Up to this point, these results have been derived using previous authors work. Building on their work, we can take the processfurther by calculating the characteristic impedanceof the coaxial line as developedin Chapter 3. Given the ~ ~~~ ~-- - 88 0.75 0.50 E 0.25 -~ .c ..Q- O. <1: - 0.25 -0.50 15. 610. 1200. Frequency 1800. 2400. 3000. (MHz) Figure 5.3.2: Attenuation factor, a, for the precision air line. Calculated using 3.6.4. - 89 1.8 1.5 ~ +-' Q) m 1.3 "'0 Q) N ~ E ~ 1.0 0 z 0.75 0.50 15. 610. 1200. 1800. 2400. 3000. Frequency (MHz) Figure 5.3.3: Normalized beta for the precision air line. Calculated using 3.6.4. '0 - 90 1.3 1.2 c co U) c 8 1.1 (,) ~ (,) Q) ""Q) 1.0 0 Q) > ~ 0.90 a: 0.80 15. 610. 1200. 1800. 2400. 3000. Frequency (MHz) Figure 5.3.4: Relative dielectric constant for the precision air line. Calculated using 3.6.3. '" 91 propagation constant and the coaxial free-spacecapacitancewe calculatethe coaxial characteristic impedanceand compareit with the designed50 0 value. Characteristic Impedance (Zc) For conveniencewe rewrite the characteristic impedanceequation from Chapter 3 (3.6.8). JW Zc = 2/"1 (5.3.1) C vOl The free-spacecapacitance, Co, is a function of the inner and outer radii of the conductors. Measuring these radii is difficult and we chosenot to attempt their measurement. The capacitancecan be calculated assumingthe coaxial line impedanceto be 50 Os. This is valid becausethe coaxial designerswould have chosen the radii to give a 50 0 impedance. We have seenthe capacitanceis a function of the impedance in Chapter 3 and using (3.6.2) we calculate the coaxial free-space capacitance to be 66.71 pF 1m. Applying this to (5.3.1) yields the characteristic impedance. Fig. 5.3.5 and 5.3.6 show the real and imaginary valuesof the coaxial characteristic impedance. The real value is within one tenth of an 0 to 50 Os and the imaginary is essentiallyzero showinggood agreementwith expectedvalues. Now we can apply this impedancecalculation to the embeddedmicrostrip fixture usedin the TSL results. 5.3.3 Embedded Microstrip Transmission Line Parameters This section presents transmission line results calculated in the same manner as the coaxial example above. The fixturing used here is identical to the TSL fixture. With TSL, we determined the characteristic impedanceof the line standards using -" 92 58. -'-(/) E ..c G -- 55. Q) () c: co 53. .~ 50. -c Q) c.. E (/) ~ Q) () co ~ ..c 48. () ' Q) a: 45. 15. 610. 1200. 1800. 2400. 3000. Frequency (MHz) Figure 5.3.5: Real portion of the coaxial characteristic impedance. Calculated using the free-spacecapacitanceand equation 5.3.1. - 93 1.5 .-'-. (/) ~ 1.0 0 -(l) () @ 0.50 "'C (l) Q.. E .~ O. (/) 'c (l) () co Ci3 - 0.50 ..c: () '-v-' E - 1.0 15. 610. 1200. 1800. 2400. 3000. Frequency (MHz) Figure 5.3.6: Imaginary portion of the coaxial characteristic impedance. Calculated using the free-spacecapacitanceand equation 5.3.1. '" -" 94 TDR and here we will seethe impedanceis complex and the embeddedmicrostrip lines are dispersive. The ~l used in this section is five cm. This value is necessary to extract reliable results at the lowest measurementfrequency,45 MHz yet it does increasethe number of invalid regions. The results showtheseregio~sexist but have little effect on calculating the embeddedmicrostrip transmissionline parameters. Attenuation and Propagation Constants (a and ,8) The embeddedmicrostrip attenuation constant is shownin Fig. 5.3.7, with units of dB/cm. Also, Fig. 5.3.8 showsthe normalized propagation factor for the transmission line. The normalized ,8 (,8 = ,81,80and ,80 = 27r f I c) is a decreasing function of frequency therefore the line is dispersive. Additionally, values are greater than unity therefore the effective dielectric constant must also be greater than one. Effective Dielectric Constant (fr) As with the coaxial line, we calculate the real and imaginary parts of the embedded microstrip effective dielectric constant, Re(fel I) and I m( fel I) Figs. 5.3.9 and 5.3.10 respectively. The singularity effects are more pronouncedhere but they are still not significant. The decreasingRe(fell) representsdispersionand is intuitively clear since the amount of electric field contained in the air above the microstrip increaseswith frequency therefore lowering the effective dielectric constant. Moreover, Im( fell) increases to a constant value for similar reasons. Note, Im( fell) = 0.1 correspondsto a loss tangent of 0.03. Characteristic Impedance (Zc) The free-spacecapacitancehas beencalculated as describedby Bahl and Stuchly [33] and for this study hasbeenfound to be 31.59pF 1m. Given this and the propagation -" 95 ~ . 0.20 ( E u -- 0) "'C -co -a. - 0.04 <{ -0.20 O. 4.0 10. Frequency Figure 5.3.7: Attenuation constant, a, for a 5 cm embeddedmicrostrip. Calculated using 3.6.4. - " 96 2.0 1.9 Ctj 0.> ro 1.9 -0 0.> N Ctj E ~ 1.8 0 z 1.8 1.7 O. 2.0 4.0 Frequency 6.0 8.0 10. (GHz) Figure 5.3.8: Normalized propagation factor for a 5 cm embeddedmicrostrip. The decreasingvalue indicates dispersion. Calculated using 3.6.4. " 97 4.0 "'-' ~; 3' 8 .-'-. k """*",,;,,,-,~~ 0 I 3 6 i.~~~ I' 34 ~~ ~. I Q) 3.0 O. 4.0 10. Frequency Figure 5.3.9: Real portion of the effective dielectric constant for a 5 cm embedded microstrip. Again, a decreasingvalue indicates dispersion. Calculatedusing 3.6.3. 98 0.50 -'"'" -" 0.30 c: ro -" U) c: 0 (J 0.10 0 .~ -" (.) Q) B - 0.10 Q) > -" - 2(.) - 0.30 w '-"""' E -0.50 O. 2.0 4.0 Frequency 6.0 8.0 10. (GHz) Figure 5.3.10: Imaginary portion of the effective dielectric constant for a 5 cm embeddedmicrostrip. Calculated using 3.6.3. 99 constant we calculate the complex characteristic impedance Zc with results given in Fig. 5.3.11. and Fig. 5.3.12 The characteristic impedance is complex with increasing real and decreasingimaginary parts. These relationships are causedby the dielectric coveringwhich effectively containsmuch of the fringe .electricfield. At higher frequencies,the electric field occupiesmore of the free-spaceabovethe cover layer and the embeddedmicrostrip exhibits microstrip behavior. 5.3.4 ETSL De-embedding Results Finally, we apply this characteristic impedance profile to the line standard used in TSL and de-embedthe same PCB via. Shunt capacitanceand seriesinductive reactance are shown in Fig. 5.3.13 and Fig. 5.3.14respectively. 5.3.5 Conclusion The calculation of transmission line parameters for a precision 50 n coaxial line indicates it is possible to determine the impedanceusing a free-spacecapacitance. Application of this calculation to the embeddedmicrostrip makes it possible to calculate the complex characteristic impedanceand then use it to improve the TSL algorithm. Enhanced Through-Symmetry-Line has been used to de-embeda PCB via from a symmetric fixture. The effect of loss in transmission lines is indicated by dispersion and complex characteristic impedances. Also, loss reducesthe effect of TRL singularities associated with half wavelength line standards. Up to now we have referred to these invalid regionsas singularities yet the results only showminor perturbations in these regions. In fact, they are not mathematical singularities becausethe line standard has higher per unit length loss than the through standard. At half wavelengthfre- 100 ~' 60. .-'-. cn E .c: 0 "- 59. a.> 0 c:: ~ "'C 58. a.> c. E .2 57. cn "t:: a.> 0 ~ Co .c: 56. () ' a.> a: 55. O. 2.0 4.0 Frequency 6.0 8.0 10. (GHz) Figure 5.3.11: Real portion of the characteristic impedance for a 5 cm embedded microstrip. Calculated using the free-spacecapacitanceand equation 5.3.1. TDR result for this line is 57 !1s. 101 3.0 -...-'-I (/) .§ 2.4 0 ""- Q) u ffi "'0 Q) Q.. 1.8 .~ 1.2 E (/) .~ Q) u ~ CiS ..c 0.60 ()'-.,.-J E O. O. 2.0 4.0 Frequency 6.0 8.0 10. (GHz) Figure 5.3.12: Imaginary portion of the characteristic impedancefor a 5 cm embedded microstrip. Calculated using the free-spacecapacitanceand equation 5.3.1. -l ~ w U--c.. Q) u c:: ~ u ~ ~ () c:: ~ U) 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 O. O. 4.0 Frequency Figure 5.3.13: Shunt capacitancefor a via pi equivalent circuit. 10. 102 103 :.., 100. ~ (/) I- w 80. -U) E ..c: 0 -- 60. Q) () c: ~ t5 ~ 40. Q) a: U) Q) .~ 20. U) O. O. 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10. Frequency (GHz) Figure 5.3.14: Seriesinductive reactancefor a via pi equivalent circuit. " 104 quencies,the line appearstransparent only contributing an additional attenuation. A direct comparison of the via inductive reactancebetween TSL and ETSL is shown in Fig. 5.3.15. Their differenceis over the middle to upper frequency range. It is in this region the complex impedanceis farthest from the J:DR 57 n value. We can calculate the compleximpedanceof a uniform transmissionline and include dispersion. 5.4 Results of Through-Symmetric Fixture De-embedding Method 5.4.1 Introduction This section contains verification of the TSF algorithm over a frequency range of 45 to 800 MHz. Also, TSF usesdifferent fixturing so we will discussits design and measurement. Verification is done by direct measurementof both the fixture halves and a de-embeddedlow passfilter. 5.4.2 Measurement and Fixture Design It was shown in Chapter 3, TSF requires a secondorder symmetric fixture. This forces the fixture halves to be symmetric and identical. The fixture was designed to introduce significant error in the embeddedmeasurementand still maintain the symmetry requirement. This was accomplishedwith a shunt inductive discontinuity placed between an APC-7 to female SMA adaptor and a male SMA to APC- 7 adaptor, see Fig. 5.4.1. These connector combinations allow direct measurement and subsequentcomparisonwith the error networks calculated with TSF. 105 -1 70. (/) .W "'0 ~ 56. -1 (/) .- "'Ci)' 42 . E ..c 0 -- ~ c: 28. ~ () ~ Q) cr: 14. U) Q) ~ Q) (/) O. O. 2.0 4.0 Frequency 6.0 8.0 10. (GHz) Figure 5.3.15: Comparisonof via inductive reactancecalculated with (0) TSL and (/::,.)ETSL. 106 Through Connection SMA Through APC- 7 to Male SMA ~~I~::t~~i;~=[~I~~~:~I::J::)5j~=:[~:]~ At~~~;~~ SM~Inductance (a) Embedded Filter 500 MHz Low Pass Filter ~J~~~~i1ri1~~~~~~I~~=~):J~=~~~~ (b) Figure5.4.1: Fixturing for verificationof TSF. (a) Fixture throughconnectionand (b) embedded500 MHz low passfilter. The fixture halve is composedof two adaptors (APC-7 to male SMA) and the shunt inductor (10 nano henries) mounted in a SMA through. 107 The approximate inductance is 10 nR and connectedas a shunt element appears as a short circuit at low frequenciesand open at higher frequencies. This creates significant error yet it is possibleto construct two of thesefixture halvesand satisfy the symmetrical requirements. Fig. 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 show the mag~itude and phase of Sijl respectively for the fixture s parameters. Only SIll and S211need be shown because S221 = SIll and S121 = S21/i the fixture is symmetric. The next section presents results of the TSF algorithm. 5.4.3 TSF De-embedding Results TSF was applied to the embeddedlow pass filter (DUT) and results are shown in Figs. 5.4.4 - 5.4.11. These graphs show the significant effect the fixture error networks impose and comparison,in magnitude and phase,betweendirect measurement and the TSF de-embeddedfilter. 5.4.4 Conclusion This section has shown when a fixture is secondorder symmetric, TSF can be used to remove the fixture error from a DUT. TSF algorithm is not without singularities however they did not influence this measurementbecausethey existed beyond the measurementrange. 5.5 Conclusion In this chapter we have presentedexperimental results for eachof the symmetrical de-embeddingmethods developedin Chapter 3. TSL and ETSL were applied to a embedded microstrip fixture and the impedance enhancementto TSL was verified 108 O. - 8.0 -co e- - 16. Q) "'0 :J C 0') - 24. co ~ - 32. - 40. 45. 200. 350. 500. Frequency (MHz) 650. Figure 5.4.2: Magnitude of the TSF fixture s parameters, (0) 8111 800. and (6) 8211' ~~ 109 .~ ~!jj~~ ¥f:"t%i#iJ:~o1' W ~_"'k 200. ~ 40. 0 <D U) Ctj .c 0- -4 0. - 200. 45. 350. 800. Frequency Figure 5.4.3: Phaseof the TSF fixture s parameters, (0) 811/ and (6) 821/' l 110 O. - 12. -Q) e- - 24. Q) '"C :J ." ~ ,-,j .-c 0) - 36. co ~ -48. - 60. 45. 350. 800. Frequency Figure 5.4.4: Magnitude of the filter 821, (0) direct measurementand (D.) embedded. The fixture error significantly alters the filter measurement. '-J no 111 " 200. 120. -.. ~ 0 --Q) CJ) CO ..c 0- 40. - 40. -120. - 200. 45. 200. 350. 500. 650. 800. Frequency (MHz) Figure 5.4.5: Phaseof the filter 821,(0) direct measurementand (6) embedded. /-- 112 O. - 8.0 OJ 9- - 16. (1) "'0 :J c: 0) - 24. cu ~ -32. -40. 45. 200. 350. 500. 650. 800. Frequency (MHz) Figure 5.4.6: Magnitude of the filter 811,(0) direct measurementand (~) embedded. .Co 113 200. -as' 40. 0 -Q) U) ro .c -40 . 0.. - 200. 45. 350. 800. Frequency Figure 5.4.7: Phaseof the filter Sll' (0) direct measurementand (I:::.)embedded. ~ 114 O. - 12. -. 0) ~ -24. Q) -c ::J -" C 0') - 36. ro ~ -48. - 60. 45. 350. 800. Frequency Figure 5.4.8: Magnitude of the filter 521, (0) direct measurementand (6) deembedded. ; ~;;~C,J;C:/i: ~- ~ 115 200. 120. --g> 0 -- 40. Q) (/) ro ..c - 40. 0- -120. -200. 45. 200. 350. 500. 650. 800. Frequency (MHz) Figure 5.4.9: Phaseof the filter 821,(0) direct measurementand (6) de-embedded. , \, c: ;:c; yO ttf:;;:~ r£J;1o.~ 0 . - 8.0 --(1) e. - 16. Q) "'0 :J -- C 0) - 24. ro ~ c;'; r - - 32 . ,cc ""- -40. 45. 350. 800. Frequency Figure 5.4.10: Magnitude of the filter Sll, (0) direct measurementand (.6.) deembedded. i ~~~~~3~ "c"",L"~",c' ::i;;~ttfi?i~~ 117 ~ 200. 120. -.. as> 40. "c~ 0 -Q) U) r' ro ..c. a.. - 40. - 1 20 ",'C . ~,;" ,;1~t -200. 45. 200. 350. 500. 650. 800. Frequency (MHz) Figure 5.4.11: Phaseof the filter 511,(0) direct measurementand (6) de-embedded. 118 with a 50 n coaxial example. The complex characteristic impedanceof an embedded microstrip was calculatedand this result is not a function of symmetry and is directly applicable to TRL and LRL de-embeddingmethods. It was also shownTSF can be usedto de-embeda secondorder symmetric fixture. This was accomplishedby designinga secondorder fixture with essentiallya lumped element. The next chapter concludesthe work done here and hopes to encourage others to pursue symmetrical argumentswhen consideringfixture design. I yO 119 l v Chapter 6 Conclusion 6.1 Summary The objective of this study was to study calibration of automatic network analysis. This work consistsof two parts: the organization of existing calibration methods, and development of fixture calibration methods addressingprinted circuit board concerns. In the first part, the exiting methods were organizedby categorizingcalibration methods into one or two port error models. Two port error models were further divided to automatic network analyzermodels and fixture models. To completethe categorization calibration standards used for by previous authors were presented and discussionof their motivation was given. In the secondpart of this study, symmetrical calibration methods were developed to combat the noninsertablenature of printed circuit board measurement,i.e. use a minimum number of standards and do so without physically inserting them. Through-Symmetry-Line was possible becausethe PCB fixture was symmetric allowing a third standard to be synthesizedfrom two standards namely the through and line. The synthesizedshort circuit was experimentally verified indicating symmetry can be used to reduce the number of standards. TSL was enhancedby calculating the complex characteristic impedanceof the line standards. In order to verify this enhancement, a precision 50 ohm coaxial air line was measuredand its transmission line parameters were calculated. Ex- i I 120 0 cellent agreementbetween expected coaxial parameters an calculated validate the enhancement. The transmissionline parameters for an embeddedmicrostrip were subsequentlydetermined. This enhancementis not a function of the symmetry and can be applied to TRL and LRL de-embeddingmethods. Both TSL and ETSL were used to de- embed the pi equivalent circuit of a PCB via. Finally, their result was compared and the differencenoted. n The final symmetrical method, Through-Symmetric Fixture was applied to directly measurablefixtures and embeddeddevice (low pass filter). Again excellent agreement between measuredand calculated responsesshow TSF is successfulat removing error from a secondorder fixture. In all cases,SPANA wasused to implement the algorithms and presentthe data for this report. 6.2 Discussion In general, calibration of network analysis models the systematic error of the measurement system. Under most circumstancesthe random measurementerror is negligible but random processeffecting the uniformity of transmission lines should be considered. This further strengthens the desirability to reduce the standards needed. Most new methodshavebeendevelopedout of need. If a matchedload cannot be fabricated then consideranother standard to replace it. Having a review of existing techniques allows one to chosethe most accurate method. When investigating a new measurement system it is valuable to keep a "what if we use a ..." attitude when selecting standards. In addition, by using a two tier calibration method the choice of algorithms is bountiful. 121 6.3 Suggestion for Further Study Additional areasof study include: i) effect of random variation of transmission line parameters OJ!de- embedding results, and ii) applying symmetrical de-embeddingmethods to wafer probe calibration. , I I 122 References [1] G. A. Deschamps, of a waveguide [2] J. E. 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The DUT is inserted betweenthe fixture halves and the embeddeds parameters are measured,[8emb].De- embeddingis carried out by using cascadables parameters (t-parameters). These are obtained by application of the standard s to t transform (T 11 T12 ) =- 1 ( 821 T21 T22 1 - 822 ) (A.I) 811-~ where, ~ = 811822 - 812821 (A.2) The error networks A and B and the embedded DUT are transformed so [8A] becomes[TA], [8B] becomes[TB], and [8emb]correspondsto [Temb]. After conversionthe embeddedDUT is given by the following equation. [Temb]= [TA][TDuT][TB] (A.3) Pre and post multiplication of this equation with inversesof A and B yield the T -parametersof the DUT [TDuT] = [TA]-I[Temb][TB]-1 (AA) 128 and thus its S parameters [ 811 812 821 822 .J ] 1 [ T21 = -T11 For first order symmetric fixtures B T11T22 1 - T21T12 ] (A.5) -TI2. = AR and secondorder B = A. r J , r 129 Appendix :J B SPAN A Semantic Command Description This appendix is a user's manual for SPANA. Its purpose is to inform the user of the command syntax and the required command line parameters. SPANA is not casesensitive and for clarity this appendix will use bold face charactersto indicate command syntax. Someof the functions require commandparametersin addition to the command itself for example. *dmb2 meas=l type=l dest=2 stan=3 The command parameters provide the function with information. Each command parameter is separated with a spaceor white spacecharacter and the argument to the right of the parameter is the data passedto the function. A complete command line is required but parameter order can be arbitrary. If a command syntax occurs the line will be aborted and a messagedisplayed. Help. Example: help more Purpose. HELP is the on-line help facility for listing the commandsavailablein SPANA aswell as a brief descriptionof eachcommand. The possiblehelp arguments are shown below. Arguments. more page2 * help ,. 130 ########################### HELP ######################### Commands Available: COMMAND J KEYWORD DESCRIPTION DISPLAY DISP EXTRAPOLATEEXT FFT FFT PLOT PLOT GET GET HELP H or? PUT PUT CONTACT Describes Data Extrapolates Data Does FFT on Data Plots data Reads data from file Displays this help file Outputs data For more information on a command type More information is available by typing or by typing HELP PAGE2 "keyword" HELP HELP MORE ########################################################## r Steer Steer Steer Kasten SIK SIK Steer ) , b , 131 ~: ~; t, ~ ! * help page2 ###################### ~ HELP PAGE2 ######################## .. , I Commands Available: : ! i .) ! COMMAND KEYWORD DESCRIPTION CONTACT DE-EMBED DMB2 or 3 De-embeds DUT data BUILD BLD Makes standard from data POLAR>RECT PTOR Polar to rect conversion S/K Kasten Kasten RECT>POLAR SYMMETRIZE RTOP SYM Rect to polardataconversion Symmetrize Kasten Steer WINDOW Smooths Data Kasten i [ ! I ~ . WIN For more information More information is on a command type available by typing "keyword" HELP HELP MORE ########################################################## * help more ####################### The following read read write eof end title: HELP MORE ######################## input/output filename: filename: prompt: the : the If available: file filename is opened for input previously opened file is now used for input the file filename is opened for output : the input data file is closed : the input data file is temporarily closed write line to output file write echo on echo off: commands are : the the prt is line to terminal flag prt is set flag prt is cleared set all lines input are echoed. ########################################################## \ ~. I 132 B.O.1 (, get Example: get meas=l file=dut.s2p format=magang Purpose. GET is used to input a measurementset into SPANA. Arguments. . help meas = n1 file = filename format = magang = a+jb MEAS designatesthe measurementset (n1) data will be loaded into. The argument must be lessthan the maximum number of measurementsets. GET will over write an existing measurementset. FILE designates the input filename. Acceptable filenames include directory paths and a total number of charactersless than thirty. SPANA allows descriptive information to be placed above the data. Each line of this text must begin with a comment delimiter (! or #) in the first or second column howeverthe first line in the file is taken as the data identifier and it is used in the PUT and DISPlay functions. Any subsequentcomment lines will be ignored and GET will begin reading the data when it encounters the first uncommented line. The data is read in until the end of file is encountered. Below is an example file. ~ ~ 133 ! S parametersfor DUT (This is an example data identifier) J ! This line will be ignored 1.500 0.015 35.5 0.995 95.4 0.995 95.4 0.02 20.5 If the data is in the frequency or time domain than the independent variable is assumedto be in megahertz or nanosecondsrespectively. FORMAT, an optional parameter, designatesdata format in the file. It can be either magnitude-angle form (magang) or real-imaginary (a+jb). GET defaults to magnitude-angle form if format is not specified. ZC format is used when a characteristic impedance,gamma and permittivity file is to be read in. It is assumed the input values are in real-imaginary form. The command get help will give the on-line help information about the get function. Reprinted below. ########################### GET ######################### Usage: GET HELP : This Message GET MEASurement_set = n1 FILE=ssssss : GETs MEASurement set n1 from FILE : Input is Real-Imaginary format GET MEASurement_set = n1 FILE=ssssss : GETs MEASurement set n1 from : Input is Magnitude format GET MEASurement_set = 1. If n1 FILE=ssssss no FORMAT is given ssssss FORMAT=time FILE ssssss : GETs MEASurement set n1 from FILE : Input is Magnitude-Angle format Note: FORMAT=a+jb FORMAT=zc ssssss magang is assumed " , 134 fc ~c " ~: f : Default units are MHz and ######################################################### r i 2. J c !. ( ~ nanoseconds J 135 B.O.2 put Example: put meas=n file=dut.s2p Purpose. PUT is used to output a measurementset to the terminal screenor to a specifiedfilename. Arguments. help meas = n1 file = filename inline = n2 option = 1 for option , MEAS designatesthe measurementset (n1) to be processed. The argument must be less than the maximum number of measurementsets. If MEAS is the only argument then the measurementset will be put to the terminal screenand attached to the beginning of the data will be the PUT banner. FILE designatesthe filename to which the data will be written to. The filename just as for GET can be any acceptablename including a directory path provided the total number of characters is less than thirty. Below are two banners PUT would attach to the beginning of PUT file. ! S parameters for DUT ! MEASUREMENT SET 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1 Two-port S parameters Frequency-Domain Data: Magnitude-Angle Number of Frequency points: 1 Frequency Interval: O. MHz Low Frequency: 1000.00 MHz High Frequency: 1000.00 MHz Valid Measurement Data Characteristic Impedance: 50.0000 Identifier: S parameters for DUT Form ~ ') 136 I ! FREQ ! (MHz) I 1000.0 811 Mag Angle 0.0194 -151.31 Mag 0.9735 821 Angle -102.56 I 1 "' '-- \ Mag 0.97470 812 Angle -102.43 822 Mag 0.01784 Angle 136.54 137 ! Three port de-embeded !1 MEASUREMENT SET 9 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! result (DMB3). Part Three-port 8 parameters Frequency-Domain Data: Magnitude-Angle Number of Frequency points: 1 Frequency Interval: O. MHz Low Frequency: 1000.00 MHz High Frequency: 1000.00 MHz Valid De-embeded Data Characteristic Impedance: 50.0000 1 of 3. Form Identifier: ! Three ! FREQ ! ! ! (MHz) I 1000.0000 The banner port de-embeded result (DMB3). Part 1 of 3. Sll 812 S13 S21 S22 S23 S31 S32 S33 Mag Angle Mag Angle Mag Angle 0.59842 0.22104 0.21382 -169.85 -33.48 -33.49 preceding 0.22104 0.75168 0.30034 -33.48 -167.80 -30.96 0.21382 0.30034 0.72729 the data depends on measurement command for information about possible statistics) -33.49 -30.96 -168.10 statistics (see display with the above examples showing two and three port data. The file format (magang, a+jb, zc or time) is specified by the format type of the measurement The INLINE taining argument set to be written out. is used to place the data on one line with the line con- all the data for one frequency or time point. This is default for two port data but may be used for three and four port data output. OPTION acteristic can be used to reduce a ZC format measurement set to only the char- impedance and gamma. The option is default to zero and does not reduce if an option value of one is entered the option is executed. The command function. Reprinted put help below. will give the on-line help information about the put ~ 138 ########################### PUT ######################### Usage: PUT HELP : This Message PUT MEASurement_set = nl : Types MEASurement on terminal = PUT MEASurement_set nl INLINE : Puts results and higher on a single PUT MEASurement_set : Outputs results = nl using OPTION = n2 special option PUT = FILE=ssssss MEASurement_set : PUTs MEASurement nl set nl line in used FILE with three ssssss ######################################################### ports '" 139 B.O.3 disp Example: disp=l Purpose. Display is used to list measurementparameters for one set or all. Arguments. help all n1 J If a measurementset number (n1) is given then the measurementstatistics will be displayed. Statistics available include the following. 1, 2, 3 or 4 port S or Y parameters System characteristic impedance Start jStop frequency or time Number of data points ) Data status (measured,convertedor de-embedded) Domain of data (frequency or time) Data format (magang, a+jb) If the all argument is given then statistics will be displayed for all available measurement sets. Below is a sample display output and the on-line help for disp (disp help ). OJ- 140 ! 1 MEASUREMENTSET 1 ! Two-port S parameters ! Frequency-Domain Data: Magnitude-Angle ! Number of Frequency points: 1 ! Frequency Interval: 0.00 MHz ! Low Frequency: 1000.00 MHz ! High Frequency: 1000.00 MHz ! Valid Measurement Data ! Characteristic Impedance: 50.0000 ! Identifier: ! S parameters for Form DUT ######################### DISPlay ##################### Usage: DISP HELP : This Message DISP : DISPlay data about DISP n : DISPlay data about all Measurement Measurement set sets n ######################################################### c Qy 141 B.O.4 del Example: del meas=l Purpose. Deleteis a housecleaningtool and is usedto deletean exiting measurement set making it available for reuse. Arguments. help meas= n1 SPANA will delete the measurementset designated by n1. This deletion is permanent and should be used with caution. Note: del doesnot delete files stored on disk. If del help is entered, the on-line help for delete will be displayed and is reprinted below. ########################### DEL ######################### Usage: DEL HELP : This Message = DEL MEASurement_set nl : DELetes MEASurement set nl ######################################################### "c t 142 B.O.5 ptor Example: ptor meas=l Purpose. PTOR is for conversionfrom polar to rectangular format. Arguments. help meas = n1 MEAS designatesthe measurementset to be converted. This is destructive since the measurementset is overwritten. PTOR will not convert a measurementset if it is currently in magang format. Note: ZC format can be convertedhowever time format can not. On-line help is available for PTOR by entering ptor help. The help messageis reprinted below. ####################### PTOR ###################### Usage: PTOR HELP : This Message PTOR MEAS_set = nl ##################################################### r Or 143 B.O.6 rtop Example: rtop meas=l Purpose. RTOP is for conversionfrom rectangular to polar format. Arguments. help meas = n1 MEAS designatesthe measurementset to be converted. This is destructive since the measurementset is overwritten. RTOP will not convert a measurementset if it is currently in a+jb format. Note: ZC format can be convertedhowevertime format can not. On-line help is available for RTOP by entering rtop help. The help messageis reprinted below. r ####################### RTOP ###################### Usage: . RTOP HELP : This Message RTOP MEAS_set = n1 ##################################################### Or I 144 B.O.7 stoy Example: stoy meas=l dest=2 rect Purpose. STay is used to convert S parameter sets to Y parameters. Arguments. help meas = n1 dest J = n2 rect r magang MEAS designatesthe measurementset to be convertedand the result is placein the DEST measurementset. The default format is equal to the MEAS set however by using either RECT or MAGANG arguments the result format can be forced accordingly. Note: This conversionis only valid for S parameter measurementsets. On-line help is availablefor STay by entering stoy help. The help messageis reprinted below. ####################### STaY ###################### Usage: STaY HELP : This Message STay MEAS_set = n1 DEST_set = n2 : Convert S parameters data to Y parameters : using current format. STay MEAS_set = n1 DEST_set = n2 RECTangular : Convert S parameters data to Y parameters : outputing data in complex rectangular form. STaY MEAS_set = n1 DEST_set = n2 MAGANG : Convert S parameters data to Y parameters : outputing data in magnitude-angle form. ##################################################### ";- 145 B.O.8 sym Example: gym meas=l dest=2 Purpose. gYM is used to symmetrize the specifiedmeasurementset. Arguments. help meas dest = n1 = n2 Symmetrization of a MEAS set is done by replacing 11 and 22 and 21 and 12 # with the respectiveaverageof the two. The format of the DEST set will default to the MEAS format. On-line help is available for gYM by entering gym help. The help message is reprinted below. #################### SYMmetrize #################### Usage: SYM HELP : This Message SYM MEAS_set = nl DEST_set = n2 : Averages data in measurement set nl output in measurement set n2 Output in columns 1 and 4 = average columns 1 and 4 Output in columns 2 and 3 = average columns 2 and 3 Averaging is done in real imaginary returned in the input format. and puts of data in input of data in input form and data ##################################################### is D;'- ,r i 146 B.O.9 'pul Example: pul meas=l dest=2 every=10 Purpose. PUL is used to reduce the size of a measurementset. Arguments. help meas= n1 dest= n2 every= n3 MEAS signifies the measurementset to be reduced and DEST set will contain the result. EVERY specifieswhich data points to take, ie. take EVERY 8th one. Number of DEST points equals integer(numberJevery). ####################### PULl ###################### Usage: PUL HELP : This Message PUL MEAS_set = nl DEST_set = n2 EVERY = n3 ##################################################### '') 147 B.O.I0 win Example: win meas=l dest=2 parm=ll size=81 Purpose. Windowing is used to smooth a parameter in an existing measurement set. Arguments. help meas = n1 dest = n2 parm = 11 = 21 = 12 = 22 = n3 size MEAS designatesthe measurementset to be smoothed with the result to be place in the DEST measurementset. Windowing is done on the a+jb form of of the specifiedPARM so both real and imaginary or magnitude and phaseare smoothed together. The argument PARM is neededto designatewhich columnsof data within the measurementset are to be smoothed. 11, 21, 12, and 22 correspondrespectively to columns 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, and 7-8 of the measurementset. This is done so to allow any data format to be windowed. SIZE is the width of the window and it is a number of samplesand needsto be odd. On-line help is available for WIN by entering win help. The help messageis reprinted below. ~ 148 ####################### WINdow ###################### Usage: WIN HELP : This Message WIN MEASurement_set PARAmeter Note: Window = nl = ?? window size is = DESTination_set SIZE an odd number of ##################################################### ~ ~ n2 = n3 samples. , i : '"' 149 B.O.II strp Example: strp meas=l type=logmag file=temp.stp parm=21 Purpose. STRP is used to generateX- Y data from a specifiedmeasurementset. Arguments. help meas = n1 parm = 11 = 21 = 12 = 22 file = filename type = logmag = linmag = ang = real = lmag MEAS designatesthe measurementset where the Y data is located with the X data assumedfrequency or time depending on the measurementset domain. PARM specifieswhich column pair to use 11, 21, 12 and 22 for 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8 respectively and finally TYPE gives the output format of the Y data. Note: Linmag, logmag and ang types apply to magnitude-angleformat data and real and ! I i r ,, i i , i l ! " I , i , imag types correspond to a+jb format. Time format is either linmag, logmag or real type. , '. ~ m 150 On-line help is available for STRP by entering strp help. The help messageis reprinted below. ######################### STRiP ######################### Usage: J STRP HELP : This Message = STRP MEASurement_set nl PARM = n2 TYPE = n3 : Strips parameter and places along file designated FILE=ssssss either magnitude or with frequency (x,y) phase in the ######################################################### 151 B.O.12 dmb2 Example: dmb2 meas=1 dest=2 type=4 h=5.6 1=2000w=8 t=3.6 Purpose. DMB2 contains all the two port de-embeddingroutines and their purpose is to do error correction. Arguments. ~ 152 ~( help meas = n1 dest = n2 error = n3 stan = n4 thru = n5 line = nB zmeas = n7 reflect = n7 type = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 t =? w =? h =? I = ? eps =? zc =? The de-embeddingroutines are executed by providing the required arguments and possibly some optional arguments. The de-embeddingtypes 1-4 require the following; MEAS set, DEST set and TYPE choice and someform of standard in- J if 153 formation. The MEAS set contains the raw S parameters of the device under test (dut) and the result or error correctedparametersare placedin the DEST set. If the ERROR set is specified the de-embeddingroutines will place the error two-port to this measurementset. Only argument semanticswill be discussedhere with a detail discussionof de-embeddingtechniquesleft to the De-embeddingTheory section of this manual. , d 154 type 1 Microstrip Open-Short-Load Required arguments. stan = n4 Type 1 (Microstrip Open-Short-Load) requires a STAN meas~rementset containing the reflection coefficientsfor the three standards (open, short and load or matched termination). This STAN set is generated using the BLD command (see BLD for further information). Of coursethe result is placed in the MEAS set. type 2 Through-Symmetric-Fixture Required arguments. stan = n4 Type 2 (Through-Symmetric-Fixture) requires a STAN measurementset containing the through connectionmeasurementof the embeddingfixture. type 3 Through-Symmetric-Line ) Required arguments thru = n5 line = n6 t =? w =? h [enhanced] Optional arguments zmeas = short = n7 zc =? n7 =? eps =? Type 3 (Through-Symmetric-Line [enhanced])is a combinationof type 3 deembeddingroutines. The combinationsexist becauseof the optional arguments. 155 ( First the requiredarguments,type 3 needstwo S parametermeasurements, THRU set and LINE set, and some physical information; w=microstrip width, t=metal thickness, h=dielectric height and eps=dielectric constant. Note: All dimensions are in mils. The default type 3 calculatesthe microstrip characteristic impedance (zcmic) based on the physical parameters. This zcmic can be replaced by a fixed impedance ZC=?? or a measurementset ZMEAS. The ZMEAS characteristic impedanceis contained in position 11 of the measurementset and is usually generated by type 4 de-embedding.If zcmic is not used w, t, h, epsneednot be specified. The SHORT argument specifiesa measurementset containing the measuredreflection coefficient(in the SII position) with a physical short placed at the microstrip port of the embeddingfixture. If SHORT is not specifiedthen the symmetrical option is used. Seethe De-embeddingTheory section for more information. type 4 Through-Symmetric-Line Required arguments. thru = n4 line = n5 t =? w =? h =? I =? Type 4 (Through-Symmetric-Line) is used generally to determine the characteristic impedance of the microstrip. This in turn is used with type 3 de-embedding. Type 4 requires two S parameter measurementsets, THRU set and LINE set as well as the physical parameters w=microstrip width, t=metal thickness, h=dielectric 156 height and l=difference betweenthe physical lengths of the line and thru standards. Reminder, all dimensions are in mils. For example if the thru microstrip is 1000 mils long and the line strip is 3000mils long one would use 2000 mils as the length (1). The characteristic impedance,propagation factor (gamma) and effective dielectric constant are outputs of type 4 and are placed in the last availablemeasurement set. Typing disp all will inform the user what measurementset this is. This measurement set is assumedempty at all times and any previous data is overwritten by type 4. This measurementset can be PUT just as any normal measurement set however if it is subsequentlyread in by GET the user will have to specify the FORMAT=ZC option to correctly input the data. Seethe command descriptions for PUT and GET for further information about this I/O operation. This finishes the argument semanticsdiscussionand below is a reprint of the on-line help availablefor DMB2 (type dmb2 help). ############ Two Port De-embedding (DMB2) ############ Usage: DMB HELP : This DMB MEAS = Type 1: Microstrip Type 3: Through-Symmetric-Line Message n1 DEST = = n2 TYPE n3 ERROR = ?? (opt) Open-Short-Load = STAN = n4 STAN n4 Type 2: Through-Symmetric-Fixture THRU = n4 LINE = = (enhanced) n5 W(idth) = ? H(eight) = ? ? ZC = optional ZMEAS= n6 (optional) SHORT= n7 (optional) Type 4: Through-Symmetric-Line THRU = n4 LINE = n5 W(idth) = ? H(eight) = ? T(hicknes) = ? L(ength) = ? T(hicknes) Note: All ? EPSilon dimensions are = in mils ##################################################### r- I 157 B.O.13 bId Example: bId open=1 shor=2 term=3 dest=4 Purpose. BLD is used to build the three termination standard neededfor TYPE 1 de-embedding. Arguments. help ~ dest = nl open = n2 shor = n3 term = n4 OPEN, SHOR and TERM designate the measurement sets containing open, short and termination reflection coefficientmeasurementsrespectively. These measurements are located in the SII position for all three standards. [ ####################### BuiLD ###################### Usage: BLD HELP : This Message BLD OPEN_set DEST_set = n1 = SHOR_set = n2 TERM_set = n3 n4 ##################################################### , 158 B.O.14 stop Example: stop Purpose. Stop is used to exit SPANA ( \. 159 B.O.I5 dmb3 Example: Incomplete write up. Purpose. Three port de-embedding. ####### De-embedding DMB3 of Three Ports ############## Usage: DMB3 HELP : This Message DMB3 MEASAl = nl MEASBl = n2 MEASCl = n3 LOADl = n4 MEASA2 = n5 MEASB2 = n6 MEASC2 = n7 LOAD2 = n8 DEST = n9 Note: The output will be a three port. Three measurement sets are required to store all of the parameters. n9, (n9+1) and (n9+2) are used to store the output ##################################################### DMB3 PURPOSE: De-embeds a three port. 3 0 0 I I 0 1 0 Six two measal: measa2: measbl: ( , ,'~~ ., lioO"" .. I 1 __1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 port measurements 0 2 0 are required for maximum accuracy. Two port between ports of reflection coefficient Port 2 of the three port network analyzer. 2 and 3 with a termination fgama. is connected to port 1 of Two port between ports of reflection coefficient Port 2 of the three port network analyzer. 2 and 3 with a termination sgama. is connected to port 1 of Two port between ports of reflection coefficient Port 1 of the three port 1 and 3 with a termination fgamb. is connected to port 1 of at port 1 at port 1 at port 2 the the the 160 network measa2: measc1: measc2: analyzer. Two port between ports of reflection coefficient Port 1 of the three port network analyzer. 1 and 3 with a termination sgamb. is connected to port 1 of Two port between ports of reflection coefficient Port 1 of the three port network analyzer. 1 and 2 with a termination fgamc. is connected to port 1 of Two port between ports of reflection coefficient Port 1 of the three port network analyzer. 1 and 2 with a termination sgamc. is connected to port 1 of The reflection coefficient arranged as follows. is passed in two 2 port at port 2 at port 3 at port 3 the the the measurement sets load1: freq. Ifgamal /_fgama Ifgambl /_fgamb Ifgamcl /_fgamc freq. Isgamal /_sgama Isgambl /_sgamb Isgamcl /_sgamc o. -0.7857 O. O. O. -0.7857 o. o. o. O. -0.05263 O. O. O. load2: e.g. 1000. 0.090909 O. -0.666666 example: files: load1.s2p: 1000. 0.090909 load2.s2p: 1000. 0.16666 O. -0.666666 O. -0.818181 o. measa1.s2p: 1000.00 0.752 -167.520 0.303 -31.421 0.303 -31.421 0.727 -167.821 measa2.s2p: 1000.00 0.751 -167.280 0.305 -31.770 0.305 -31.770 0.726 -167.587 measb1.s2p: 1000.00 0.627 -175.038 0.137 -21.762 0.137 -21.762 0.788 -175.525 measb2.s2p: 1000.00 0.653 -177.033 0.093 -15.439 0.093 -15.439 0.839 -178.065 measc1.s2p: 1000.00 0.639 -176.141 0.118 -18.531 0.118 co -18.531 0.842 -176.896 161 measc2.s2p: 1000.00 0.599 Script of -170.085 spana 0.218 -33.007 0.218 -33.007 0.754 -168.193 session: spana ######################### SPANA ######################### get meas 1 file=load1.s2p get meas 2 file=load2.s2p get meas 3 file=measa1.s2p get meas 4 file=measa2.s2p get meas 5 file=measb1.s2p get meas 6 file=measb2.s2p get me as 7 file=measc1.s2p get meas 8 file=measc2.s2p dmb3 measa1=3 measa2=4 measb1=5 load1=1 load2=2 dest=9 * put meas ! measc1=7 (DMB3). Part measc2=8 9 ! Three port de-embeded ! MEASUREMENT SET 1 9 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! measb2=6 result Three-port S parameters Frequency-Domain Data: Magnitude-Angle Number of Frequency points: 1 Frequency Interval: o. MHz Low Frequency: 1000.00 MHz High Frequency: 1000.00 MHz Valid De-embeded Data Characteristic Impedance: 50.0000 1 of 3. Form Identifier: ! Three port de-embeded result (DMB3). Part 1 of 3. ! FREQ S11 S12 813 ! 821 S22 S23 ! 831 832 833 ! (MHz) Mag Angle Mag Angle Mag Angle 1 1000.0000 0.59842 -169.85 0.22104 -33.48 0.21382 -33.49 0.22104 -33.48 0.75168 -167.80 0.30034 -30.96 0.21382 -33.49 0.30034 -30.96 0.72729 -168.10 \ 162 B.O.16 gain Example: Incomplete write up. ####################### GAIN ###################### Usage: GAIN HELP : This Message GAIN MEAS_set = n1 [GAIN = n2J [MERIT = n3J [NOISE : Get gain, noise and figure of merit information : of a amp described by the two-port measurement : S parameters in measurement set n1. : : : : The gain information is put in set figure of merit information in set noise information in set n4. The parameters in [J s are optional. n2 and n3 and ##################################################### the the = n4J 163 ." l ! B.O.17 sigma Example: Incomplete write up. ###################### SIGMA ####################### Usage: SIGMA HELP : This Message SIGMA MEAS = n1 X = n2 XX = n3 mean = n4 stddev = n5 : Each entry of measurement set n1 is added to set n2 and its square is added to set n3. From these accumulated values the mean (put in set n4) and standard deviation (put in set n5) are calculated. SIGMA CLEAR X = n2 XX = n3 : Clears measurement sets n2 and n3 ##################################################### \ 164 B.O.IS pie Example: pie meas=1 dest=2 Purpose. PIE is used to calculate a pi equivalent circuit for a given S parameter measurementset. Arguments. help meas = n1 dest = n2 MEAS specifiesthe S parameter measurementset to be convertedand the result is placed in the DEST measurementset. It is important to note the S parameters must be of a network accurately modeled by a pi circuit or the results will be erroneous. Below is a reprint of the on- line help available for PIE (pie help). ####################### PIE ######################### Usage: PIE HELP : This Message PIE MEAS_set = nl DEST_set = n2 ##################################################### 165 Appendix SPAN A "shell" C Syntax The SPAN A shell feature is available to prototype user subprograms. The code follow. c . c c SPSHELL c c PURPOSE:Used to implement special calculations c . c c subroutine spshell(parmx,parmy,parmf,arg,noarg,ident) c real parmx(mxarg,mxparm,mxmeas),parmy(mxarg,mxparm,mxmeas) real arg(mxarg,mxmeas),parmf(mxform,mxmeas) integer noarg(mxmeas),tmparg common/parmax/mxarg,mxmeas,mxparm,mxform c character*30 str character*80 ident(mxmeas) logical kf,fin,prt,ofile,rfile,pecho common/freerd/nwrite,ntype,aval,ival,ich,kf,fin,prt 166 + ,ofile,rfile,pecho,str c logical lmeas,ldest integer meas,dest complex s(2,2),y(2,2),ptor,zl,z2,z3,yl,y2,y3 real twopi twopi=3.14159265*2.0 call tread c if(str(1:4) c .eq.'HELP'.or.str(1:4) call .eq.'help')then qsmode(2) write(ntype,50) if(prt)write(nwrite,50) 50 format ( + ' ####################### + ' Usage:' + ' + : + ' + ' HELP' ,I, This Message' ,II, SHELL MEAS_set ' ,II, ,II, SHELL +' SHELL ######################' Options: = nl DEST_set = n2',II, X = ? Y = ? etc. input parameters' ,II )#####################################################' return endif c c Reset c input) parameter flags (used to test that all parameters have been , ~ 167 c lmeas=.false. ldest=.false. c C r Parse rest of command line c 100 if(fin)goto 150 if(str(1:4).eq. call 'MEAS'.or.str(1:4) .eq.'meas')then fread meas=ival if(,meas) write(ntype,*)' goto Measurment Set .eq.O.)then not available' 600 endif lmeas=.true. elseif(str(1:4) call .eq.'DEST' .or.str(1:4).eq.'dest')then fread dest=ival if( write(ntype,*)' goto 600 endif ldest=.true. endif call fread goto 100 Destination Set not available' -~-~--T '" ) 168 c c Check that all parameters have been specified c 150 if(lmeas .eqv. .false. vrite(ntype,*)' goto .or.ldest Not .eqv. enough parameters .false.)then specified' 600 endif c do 10 n=1,noarg(meas) c ~ c Begin shell calculations here c arg(n,dest)=arg(n,meas)/1000. c parmx(n,1,dest)=parmx(n,1,meas) parmy(n,1,dest)=parmy(n,1,meas) parmx(n,2,dest)=parmx(n,2,meas) parmy(n,2,dest)=parmy(n,2,meas) parmx(n,3,dest)=20.*alog10(parmx(n,3,meas))/100. parmy(n,3,dest)=parmy(n,3,meas) 10 continue noarg(dest) =noarg (meas) c c Set-up descripter c parmf(1,dest)=7 " ) 169 parmf(3,dest)=2 c -" c a+jb format c parmf(2,dest)=2 c "c Characteristic Impedance c parmf(4,dest)=parmf(4,meas) c c Identifier c ident(dest)='freq conversion and alpha/ in db/cm' return c 600 write(ntype,*)' Command Error -- Command Ignored' return end """"C"C""",;;"",~