Tla * T+ h,y + Tang+ t+u rrrail - Mong-Lan
Tla * T+ h,y + Tang+ t+u rrrail - Mong-Lan
The Tolryo Tango Joumal tango ioumal.htrn oln. 'su .i4\ Tla T+ Tang+ h,y t+u rrrail + * A1 .-rl"\ Jos6Maria Luna & Laura Mangione startedthe Luna de TangoDanceAcademyin Shibuyaand togetherform the elementthat hasprovidedboth professionalismandstability. With its fiiendly, fun atmosphereandgraciousstaff, to include several talentedArgentinemale dancers,Luna de Tangoalso quitesuccessfullyemulatestypical BuenosAires milongaatmosphere andenvironmentto include,for example,allowing smoking. Jos6andLaura arededicateddancersand teachersand teachnot only in Tokyo,but alsoin Saitama,Fujisawa,and otherlocationsin Japan.I conductedthis interview overe-mailin Spanishandthentranslatedit into English. ML: How wereyou introducedto the Argentine tangoand how old wereyou at the time? Artwork by Mong-Lan Interview with Jos6Marfa Luna & Laura Mangioneof Luna deTangoDanceAcademy Interview with Luna de TangoDanceAcademy................. I rrTangoing" @oetry)..............,......4 Milongas/Practicas........................ 6 Our first 4 issuesof T?./featuredinterviewswith Carlos Rivmol4 EduardoArquimbau,LoredanadeBrasil,Jorge Tones,JuanGuida,HugoPaez.Artwork by Mong-Lan. Did you misstheseissues? Visit http://wwwmonglancom/tokvo tangoioumal.htrn JML: I beganto dancetangoat 28 yearsold (now, I am 46) and cameto tango from being a teacherof Argentinefolkloric dance.I had listenedto tangos sinceI wasyoung,but it wasat that age(of28 years old) that my teacherPampaCortestold me that my danceexpressionwould go very well with tango. Fromthis moment,I dedicatedmyself fully to learningtango. I've beendancingtangofor i8 years.In 1993,I metLauraandfrom this moment we cameto work together. ML: Before comingto Japan,what had beenyour experiencewith tango? In Argentina,did you teach? Wereyou in shows?Or, did you simply dancefor the loveof tango? JML: Before arriving in Japanin 1996,I dancedin shows,with much love for the tango. Morever,I gaveclassesin different cities in the provincesof BuenosAires. o The Tokyo Tango Journal,/tokvo tango joumal.hmr LM: WhenI met Jos6Maria,I hadbeendancing only two yearsandhad little experience. ML: How were you able to cometo Japan? Were you sponsored? JML: LauraandI arrivedin Japanon June6, 1996, to tour the whole countryfor six monlhsasthe tango dancecouplefor theEnriqueCuttiniOrchestra(of TangoEmotion). Then for four years,we spentsix monthsin Japanandsix monthsin Argentina,until we succeeded in gettingHamptonJapanCompanyto start for us a schoolin Tokyo (Takadanobaba). Then,in April of2000,we beganto giveclassesin variouscitiesin Japan. ML: In the yearsthat you havebeenin Japan,how hasthe tango sceneherechanged? JML: In the six yearsthat we havebeenin Japan, the tangohasn'tchanged.However,the peoplehave changed.Before,therewasmorehumility,more respectfor the teachersand artists. Now, it is different. Whoeverputstogethera dancegroupis alreadyconsidereda teacher,andin reality, they've meritedvery little in orderto grow andto make knownasteachers. themselves For Argentines,this word 'leacher" signifies recognitionandrespect. Thosewho succeedin becomingteachershavea trajectory. But, these daysa personor a coupletravelsto Argentinaandin a few monthsreturnsand acts as if they were teachers.This doesnot do much goodfor the tango becauseit is not very credible.Weneedfor people to believeandhaveconfidencein thetango.Also in the world of tango,there arecodesandthe new teachersthat areappearingknow absolutelynothing. Thesesamepeopleand studentsshouldbe careful wherethey go, becausethey are selling an imageofthe tangothat is not reality. Also they shouldreadandstudythehistoryoftango,ofhow it originatedandhow it developed.Anybody canmake businesswith the tango,but the mostimportantis finding a roadthat canmakethe tangoworld grow andnot to confineboth yourselvesandyour students, andthus,not permit them to know what is the real tanso culture. Drawing by Mong-Lan ML: What is your view of the generallevel of tango dancingin Tokyo? Do you think that the womenor the mendancebetter,in general? JML: Sometangodancersin Japanarevery good and in generalthewomenshinemore. This is perhaps becausefor variousreasons,one of which is that women areconstantwith regardto practiceand study,for reasonsof time . . . on the other hand,it takesmen a bit longerto getto goodlevel. But in general,Japanhas verygoodaficionados oftango. ML: With regardto your tangoschool,Luna de Tango, how did you begin? For anArgentine,wasit difficult to beginanddo business in Tokyo? JML: Like the majority of dancersoutsidethe city of BuenosAires, we beganwith Argentinefolkloric dance, and I beganto dancethis at the ageof 16 yearsold. One daya greatteacheroftango andfolkloric dancecameto watch us and perfect our dance. At this time, the teacher told me that I hadthe posture,attitudeandexpressionof tango.This stimulatedmeto beginto studywith him. Fromthis time,nothinghasseparated me from tango. Ofcourse,to me,anArgentine,it neveroccurredto meto do businessin Japan,because first ofall, we are people.This is muchthe case dancersandnot business with Laura. We are dancerswho continuedto spendtime in Japan,andthis openeda roadfor us andthe only thing we did wastravel on it. The Tokyo Tango Jounal ML: Tell me, how long hasthe Luna de TangoAcademy beenin existence?Why did you begina tangoschoolin Japan?And how did you do it? For an Argentine,was it difficult to do businessin Japan? JML: Luna de TangoAcademyhasbeenin existencefor five yearsand was createdwith the objective of demonstratingandpromotingArgentinetango. The Academywas createdby and continuesto be sustainedby and help ofthe staff, friends and the encouragement aficionadosof themilongas. The first thing that I would like to stateis that Laura and I are dancers.With regardto my businessexperiencein Japan(from my humblepoint of view) I canonly affirm that yes it is very difficult. Why? Becauseonehasto study, know andunderstandthe language,culture and laws of Japan.For any foreigner,this is very difficult. It's for this reasonthat I thank the staflteam at Luna de Tangoso that our first objectivesmaybe fulfilled, that the companyand the promotionofArgentine tangocontinueforward. tango ioumal.htrn JML: This, one neverknows exactly. Japanis a beautifulcountrythat givesusthe desirefor continuing [to stay here]. Here we are free to experiment artistically the bestwe can andwe arevery thankful to all ofJapanandits people.But it is obviousthat some day,we haveto retum to our Argentina. Visit: Luna de TangoDanceAcademy,Shibuya, Cellphone:090-3543-3030 / 090-9342-6494 go/home.htm Interviewby Mong-Lan.Conductedin Spanish, translatedinto English. Visit: ML: Can you pleasedescribeto the readersof The Tokyo TangoJournal your tango style? With whom did you study? Who were your teachers?Who areyour influences today? JML: I believethat the sfyle that characterizesus is expressivepassionatetango,as we want to show and transmitthis sentimentwhile dancing. I studiedwith Pampa Cortes,who was my first tangoteacherand whom I continueto respecteighteenyearslater. For me, he was and continuesto be a greatteacher.Later, I studiedwith Miguel Angel Zotto, whomI admireandrespectfrom anotherangle(Zotto is a genius,he ls Tango). With regard to rny influencestoday,I shouldsaythat I try to continuein the lines ofEl PampaandZolto. But, morever,today,my specialinfluence,for Lauraandmyself, is the teamof teachersthat accompaniesus in our company.They are youngandtransmitto us an energythat helpsus feel vitality for thetango. ML: Somepeoplesaythat the Japanesedancewell the stepsofthe tango,but theydon't havethe feelingofthe tango. What do you think? JML: I would saybetterthat the Japaneseshould experimenta little living togetherwith Argentinesin orderto getthis feeling of dancinglike Argentines,andof course they will do it becausethere aresomevery talented Japanese dancers. ML: The last question,morepersonal,how long do you think you will remainin Japan?Or, areyou goingto stay here forever? Drawtng by Mong-Lan The Tokyo Tango Journal tanso iounal.htrn Tangoing Poem by Mong-Lan In Buenos Aires tle tang erlJ :;aetangoing to tle bandeon's beat seductive net of music violin's abandon Dancing with a restrained wildness cunning controlled heats fulI elegantly these men & women elegantly these bellies proudly protruding beef-eati.g dancing to the sensual tango Most are senteel & do not steal othel's Dartnets do not stow krrives in their blood Gliding to the bandeon's bteath pivoting swift tums blind tums slow smooth bitter wild excited Spinning night to dawn their love-lives gouged on tleir faces desperate lines deeply nilonguemsexpose the history of Argentina on their visages Dancing rhlthms tlat bodies untavel an unending night unpatalleled obliwion & desire desire to forget the lives of misery To forget Menem tle military dictatotship disappeatances life-savings& bonds lost In Buenos Aires tango was bom 100 yrs ago & carries on The tango of the lowet classes tango of the chic From Africa came its sJncopated rhlthmsoften happens at night in la nadrugada Thenightnntinues endless11 I begin lzfeoaer the Etestionsof nJ W cometo fie in dreams The qaestions comed2 go The dances weflt ML Drowing by Mong-Lan dt came The men cameb went The Tokyo Tango Journal About Moag-Lan's writing & artwotlc Her frst bookofpoenq Song of the Cicadas,wonthe 2000JaniperPiqe, the2002 Creatl-aku Collcgu Atnciatior't Naz lViterc Aanrdsfor PoehJa d aar pabkthedfo the Uflfuenitt ofMa$ach/tsettr Prc$ itj 2001. Her otherbook:of poetryincludtWhy is the Edge Always Wndy? (hpek Prer, 2005), Argentine Tango: a Seismology (forthcoming) axd Love Poem to Tofu and Other Poems (hokingfor publisher).Herpoetryhat bun anthologi4ed irBest AmedcanPoetty,The PushcartBook of Poetty: BestPoemsfrom 30 Yearsof the PushcartPrize, afldwlnerlas ltherp blicatizns.'Tangoing," fron Argentine Tango: a Seismology,war oiginallt pablished. h Notth Ameican P.eview,Ameical oldes ard quitepretigiousliterarynagaqine.Herpaintingsard phzrlgrapbsharebeenexhibitedin galbiu ir theSan FraxcivoBal Area, theCqitol Hoareifl Va:hington D.C.for one yary theMuseunof FireArtJ inH0 $ott, ir Toplto, in Bali , axda theDallasMaseunof Art. Browse:gyg,rypggfoggg The destitute suddenly poorer come & go at night They sift through trash take paper cardboatd & tecyclables away leaving disposable trash pilfered like feathers receiving a few pesos fot a few kilos Courteous some say BxenasNoches with soft eyes \fomen & children bttxel au,ay papel Men cart ^w^y p^pet Tash picked at wltures at dead bodies Cab &ivers do not have change for a 20 peso bill Anapestic by magic tle city tango ior.rrnal.htrn A lack of efexiuo the nation & its citizens keep on lVhereis thefre? At night fue bums in uash bins on city streets a huge pyte waiting for its sacdfice Out until 5 or 6 in the moming milongaems They lean embrace sucking on each othett blood towatds each othet's heatts plucking Pethaps they will follow each other home devout tle other Drinking each other's glances & stares detiving pleasure in d2lcing between each othet's legs on crowded floon Eyes scan: whom to dance with Tables & tables of hungry women predatoty men courteous Around & around (Continued on next page--See Tangoing) embtacing kicking Drawing by Mong-Lan whom to avoid? disdainfi:l people dtaw ochos flick mleos flicks of knives The Tolryo Tango Journal A.irt af M66hb d{ilongar tnl tango jgutnal.htrn Ercotioar n Cakya Monday: Tango(Japan)Nigit in Tsukiji-shijo,@CubanCafd, price:1000YWI drink. 18:30-23:00, price:1000Y Tlr€sday:ZeroHourPractica,22:00-23'.30. Wednesday: price:2500 yenwith1 drink NeoTango,19:00-23:00, price:1000yen. ZercHourPractica,22:00-23:30, Thursday: price:3000Yw/1 drink Tangol-ove,A-Life,l9:30-23:30, ZeroHourPractic422:00-23:30,price:I 000Y FYiday: price:2500 Y 1drink LunadeTango,20:00-23:30, Milonga"ClubTanguisimo," 20:00-22:30, 3000Y unlimited drink & snacks. PwoTango,20:30-23:30,2500Y1drink 1000Yw/i drink SinRumbo,18:30-23:00, 1500Yw/1drink Zerohour,20:20-24:30, Saturday: Yw/ I drink LunadeTango,20:00-23:30,2500 1000YW l drink SinRumbo.18:30-23:00. TangoRor, 20:00- 24:00,2000Y I drink ffi#ffi( j,il\ Cngo 1. Arg. TangoDanceAssoc,Ginz4 Milonga "Club Tanguisimo,,/index.htm Tel:03-3544-5600 2. Arg., Tel:090-5569-5937 3. BarrioTango,Akiyoshi& Noriko Tanada:http://www31.ocn.nejd -taneo/ Tel : 090-6471-0992 4 . Diego& Ca.rla" www.dieeoycarla.coln/, 5. tan5/.Tel: 6. Eugene& Alisa,Yokoham4Shibuya:www.eeocities.iplea 090-38'7 6-96'77 7. Kenji & liliana./iapanese/i ftame.html. Tel:090-9841-3068 8. Luna deTango,Jose& Laur4 Shibuya: www. Tel: 03-5466-0701 lunadetango/1a_milonga"hhn, Tel: 03-3841-7536 9. NeoTango:www.tangostylelip/neo/. 10. PuroTango,HugoPaez,Shinjuku:http:/,/tromepaee3.niffy.conl/ purotanso/ Teli 03-5287-3307 11. Sin Rumbo,Tel :03-3353-1756 Visit: http://www.sinrumbo.ip 12. TangoNPO:htto://www.tanqo-npo.ore/calender/index.html 13. Targo Japan-Lam & Gyr, Tsukiji-shijo,!'rt seeundoip.htrnTel:03-5148-5001 14. TangoLove: www.taneolove.nev. Tel: 03-5785-2531 15, TangoNight,JoeTango: wwwtanqoniqht.con/. Tel: 03-3436-6330 16. TangoRex,RicardoCerqueiro,Shinagawa-ku:, Tel:03-3786-3430 17. Tolfo TangoAcademy,Mikage & Arisa, Tel: 03-3985-3079 18. ZeroHour-Juan Guida,Roppongi, www.tanso2ljp/top.html. Tel: 03-3585-1514 x',f ZerohourMilong4 19:00-00:30,2500 Y w/ 1 drink -_rJ'\ d(onthly c,9lilongdt Ywitlunlimited 1.BanioTango,18Feb,13:00-16:00,2500 drints and snacks, 2. GinzaAfternoonMilonga (TangoJapan), 12:30- 16:30,04Feb,11Mar,08Apr.,Tel:03-5524-6166, 3000yen w/ I drink oncea month, 3. TangoNight,Dash-G19:30-23:30, yenwith 1 4000 drink, www.tansoniqht.aonv. 4. MilongaEstela,2ndand4thsunday,19:00-22:30,Studio60, Harajuku,2000yenwith 1 drink 5. La Milonga Latina,MyogadaniDancePlazaTomoyo,lst 12:30-15:30,price: 1500yen.Visit: and3rdSahuday, 6. TangoLove night, Mado Lounge,RoppongiHill, 12Feb, 19:.00-23:30,1/a month,4000yenwi drink @thar Rirtings, Yumi ltoh, Tokyo,TangoClothes,,Tel: 0706633-9232,emall:[email protected] Jorge Torres, New York: www.nltaneomarathon,com ChinoHara. Many thants to Sunil Sharma for listing input. €.nks in Cohyo Poem, Tangoingr rr Continued. Walls crumbling I beg;nlafeoaer I start to rcad skies leaaes dawn The questionsof nJ W float to me in tangor Tbe qaestionscome dt go tbe drcams tbe men dt women [BuenosAires, 2001-2004] Note from Mong-Lan, creator and publisher of The To$n Tango Joamal: Thank you for teading this issue of TTJ. My love zffau with the fugentine rango began ir 1995 when I took my fffst tango lessonsvrith Nota Dinzelbachet irr San Ftancisco. Since then, I've been to Atgentina numetous times ro srudy with the great masters o[ this dance. I am available to teach tango and milonga. Contact: Mobile: 080-3382-0643 email [email protected] website: