First American Lutheran Church CHURCH OFFICE MANAGER
First American Lutheran Church CHURCH OFFICE MANAGER
First American Lutheran Church 2015 Volume 12, Issue 1 First American Lutheran Church Celebrating 141 Years in 2015 511 Madison Street Oconto, WI 54153 TEL: 920-834-2460 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] WEB: Pastor Mary after hours: (920) 671-4338 STAFF Pastor: Rev. Mary E. Zupansic Office Manager: Youth Minister: Kelli Tiegs Property Manager: John Stamsta Musicians: Bonnie Schultz Council President: Jeff Werner Treasurer: Tammie McCarthy Worship September—May Sundays—8:00 am & 10:15 am Wednesday Chapel—7:00 pm June—August Sundays—9:00 am Wednesday Chapel—6:00 pm Christian Education Wednesdays: Sept - May Intergenerational Meal—5:20 pm High Five, Confirmation, Senior High Youth 5:50 pm—6:50 pm OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Friday 9:00 am—3:00 pm Mission Statement Because we are a part of the family of God, saved by grace through our Lord Jesus Christ, we are empowered by God, to provide the means for Christian growth, and to equip the members, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to be the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus Christ in our daily lives. January 2015 Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Happy New Year! The new year brings with it an opportunity for us to consider how the past year went, and what we might hope for in the new year. Some people make resolutions to do all sorts of things—eating healthier and exercising are among the top ‘resolutions’ folks often make. These are good and helpful goals. However, I would like to offer us another set of goals to live in the new year. Saint Paul wrote the following to the early Christian community at Philippi: Finally, beloved whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:8-9 As we begin the year 2015, may we cling to the word of God and seek those things worthy of praise! God’s Peace, Pastor Mary CHURCH OFFICE MANAGER POSITION AVAILABLE First American Lutheran Church is currently accepting applications for the position of Administrative Assistant. General duties include word processing, data entry, maintenance of congregational records, writing and layout of church publications, including weekly bulletins and monthly newsletter, managing information, coordinating volunteers, directing mail, and problem solving. The Office Manager also functions as the Financial Secretary and Secretary to the Pastor. This position requires computer literacy with a minimum of five years’ experience with Microsoft Office Suite and the ability to learn Church Windows management system. A calm and friendly presence with the ability to deal with challenging situations from time to time is required. This is a thirty hour a week position. Resumes may be sent to: First American Lutheran Church 511 Madison St., Oconto, WI 54153 ATTENTION: Pastor Mary E Zupansic PAGE 2 2 0 1 5 V O L U ME 1 2 , I S S U E 1 Our High Five students rehearsed and presented an awesome Christmas program for their families and friends under the direction of Paula Moe. Thank you to the teachers and parents who also helped to prepare our children for such a wonderful program. A special recognition to Linda Welch and son, Balin for providing the music for our program. Also, I’d like to thank Robin Fonder for making the cake for our event. Finally, we ended the 2014 year with a movie and pizza night. After a two week break, we will resume class in 2015 on January 7th. Also, during the month of January we will be collecting cans of soup for the annual “Souper Bowl of Caring:” campaign. Watch for more information in the weekly announcements. PAGE 3 2 0 1 5 V O L U ME 1 2 , I S S U E 1 Spirit Led, Spirit Shaped – A Journey Together “What might God be up to in our synod?” “Where might the Spirit be stirring our imaginations for ministry?” Bishop Gerald Mansholt welcomes all rostered leaders, congregational members, youth and youth workers of the Synod to gather for discernment of where the Spirit is Leading and Shaping Us to participate in God’s mission. We are on this Journey Together! Ramie Bakken, Coordinator for Missional Leadership for Region 5, will lead us in small group sessions by Dwelling in the Word, Listening and Praying Together and Asking. The date for the Shawano Conference is set for January 31, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. The meeting will take place at Zion Lutheran Church in Shawano. If you are interested in attending this session, talk to Pastor Mary. We would like to see at least 2-3 FALC members attend along with Pastor! SHY—SENIOR HIGH YOUTH New Year's Blessings...From SHY! I hope everyone had a great Christmas season. S.H.Y. had such a wonderful time going to Sun Valley Home here in Oconto, singing carols and spending time with the folks. We will be going back! Planning a game or craft night, hopefully getting some of the youth to sing or play music for them, and just spending some quality time with these great folks! ATTENDANCE WORSHIP I'm looking forward to another great year with the youth group. We are planning to have some winter outings with St. John's and Good Sheppard. Also working on our 2nd annual local mission trip, then of course 5 youth and I will be off to Detroit for The National Youth Gathering! ~ Kelli Teigs December 3, 2014 7pm NA December 7, 2014 8am & 10:15 am 74 & 77 December 10, 2014 7pm NA December 14, 2014 8am & 10:15am 70 & 44 December 17, 2013 7pm 21 December 21, 2014 10:am 99 December 24, 2014 3, 5, & 7:30pm 160, 172, 98 December 25, 2014 10am 22 December 28, 2014 10am 58 PASTORAL ACTS BAPTISMS Dec. 7th—Adilyn Lubus & Jeffery Derry Skarban Children of Dustin Lubus and Amanda Derry Dec. 1th—Allison Arlene Daughter of Jordan Longsine & Amy Martin FUNERALS Dec. 12—Ralph J. Tiegs Dec. 13—Gary Reed PAGE 4 2 0 1 5 V O L U ME 1 2 , I S S U E 1 7th, 8th, & 9th GRADE CONFIRMATION CLASSES 7th Grade resumes class on January 7th with Cathie Connell as teacher. Students will begin a study of the New Testament. 8th Grade continues their study of the Sacraments on January 7th with Mike Loomis as their teacher. 9th Grade Our next class originally scheduled for Sunday, January 11 is rescheduled for Sunday, January 18th. Reminder that students are expected to attend the 10:15 a.m. worship service on the 18th. Parents are encouraged to attend with their child. MINISTRY OF PROPERTY & GROUNDS Property & Grounds Team Minutes from December 9th Meeting Opened with prayer by Ron Frease Present: Jeff Werner, Dick Jacquart, Jeremy Neta, Ron Frease, Pastor Mary Discussed the five year plan. Will post the plan in the and throughout the church and educational wing. Work in the parsonage should be done by Christmas. Discussed storage room and ladder in back of church. Need to install railing in front of parsonage. The light bulbs in church have been replaced. There is wood on the parsonage property that can be taken by anyone who wants to pick it up. No meeting in January Happy Holidays, Ron Frease MINISTRY OF CARE Ministry of Care Team December Meeting Highlights—December 9, 2014 Present: Pastor Mary, Sue Jacquart, Richard Jacquart, Kathy Votava, Mike Loomis, Kelli Sikma & Suzy Wagnitz Mentor Program – The confirmation mentor program is underway. All ninth grade confirmation students will be receiving inspirational messages throughout the year with a reveal at their confirmation the Sunday after Easter. Men’s Bible Study – Dick and Mike reported the group is doing well. They are focusing on discussing the upcoming Gospel lesson for the week. Home Communion – This program continues with a new Thursday worship at Sun Valley by Pastor Mary. Baptism Baskets – Kathy needs children’s Bibles and other goodies to fill the baskets. Donations are welcome. Meeting closed with prayer. Next meeting set for January 13, 2015 at 6:30. PAGE 5 2 0 1 5 V O L U ME 1 2 , I S S U E 1 MINISTRY OF WORSHIP Worship team items from Dec 9th meeting Members present: Pastor Mary, Linda Welch, Beth Tachick, Helen Weber. Inventoried and prepared candles for Christmas service. Decorations st After Sunday service on the 21 take down Advent blue and put up Christmas Gold and White th Dec 28 one service at 10:00 a.m. No Wednesday Chapel December 31st. Next Meeting January 13th 7:00 PM NEW ENVELOPES…. 2015 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available NOW. (Your envelope # remains the same). They may be picked up in the back of church. BULLETIN SPONSORS Each week we produce approximately 160 worship bulletins. We need your help to cover the cost of preparing and printing this worship resource. Please consider sponsoring a bulletin in “honor of” or in “memory of” a loved one or special occasion. Cost is $20.00 per Sunday and includes the Wednesday Chapel bulletin. Payment may be made with your offering, please note “for bulletins,” or stop by the church office. **TIE DEADLINE** The date for TIE articles to be submitted is the 21st of each month. If you are able to have information into the office prior to the 21st it would be much appreciated. Articles may be submitted via email. Thank you. PAGE 6 2 0 1 5 V O L U ME 1 2 , I S S U E 1 Council Notes, December 16, 2014 Present: Berry, Carson, Connell, Evans, Heiser, Jacquart, Neta, Riley, Sikma, Werner, Pastor Mary and Treasurer McCarthy. Excused: Garrigan, Tachick. The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by President Werner with devotions by Pastor. There were no changes to the agenda. M/S/C Carson, Riley to accept the minutes of the November 18, 2014 meeting as written. Treasurer McCarthy reported that the church YTD income is at 82%, but all bills are paid. M/S/C Jacquart, Sikma to accept the report. A report on the 2015 Budget was given. Pastor’s Report: 1) The position for Office Manager/Financial Secretary has been posted in the Oconto Reporter and Beacon and will run for two weeks; 2) All Teams/Leadership Retreat is in the planning stages; 3) “Spirit Led, Spirit Shaped – A Journey Together,” a synod conference, is January 31 at Zion Lutheran Church in Shawano from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.; 4) A schedule for all worship services from December 21 – January 11 were posted; 5) Nominating Committee met and developed a list of potential candidates for the open positions on council. Ministry Team Reports: as noted in the TIE Old Business: a) 2015 Budget – an error in Ministry Team Income was corrected. M/S/C Neta, Connell to approve the 2015 budget with the noted correction adjustment of bringing expenses into balance with income. (The vote was unanimous.) The 2015 Budget will be mailed out in the annual report; b) Parsonage project is almost completed! More good news: the project came in $500.00 under budget!!; c) All Teams/ Leadership Retreat – after discussion, council decided that a date in late February or early March would work better and will set a definite date at the January meeting. New Business: a) Secretary hiring plan – the ad has been placed. Heiser will collect the resumes and consult with Carson and Werner. January 15 is the target date for the interviews. The interview team members are Carson, Connell, Evans, Jacquart and Pastor. Berry will be an alternate; b) Annual Meeting plans – Sunday, January 25 there will be one worship service at 10 a.m., with the meeting to follow at 11 a.m. After the meeting there will be a potluck dinner. M/S/ C Carson, Riley to approve the plan. M/S/C Jacquart, Neta to move to closed session at 7:17 p.m. for a personnel update. M/S/C Neta, Carson to move back to open session at 7:55 p.m. Correspondence: A number of ELCA mailings were passed around for Council to look over. Mailings were noted and tabled until the January meeting. Publication Items: a) Please note two important meeting dates: the 2015 Budget Q & A Review will be Sunday, January 18 between worship services; the Annual Meeting will be Sunday, January 25 following the 10 a.m. worship service, with a potluck dinner after; b) A heart felt thank you to Rueben Meisner for the beautiful crosses that he crafted and donated to FALC; c) The Synod is presenting “Spirit Led, Spirit Shaped – A Journey Together” at Zion Lutheran Church in Shawano on January 31 from 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Please contact Pastor if you are interested in attending. Next meeting is January 20, 2015 at 6 p.m. M/S/C Sikma, Evans to adjourn at 8 p.m. with prayer. PAGE 7 2 0 1 5 V O L U ME 1 2 , I S S U E 1 Sun Mon Wed Tue Thu 1 2 Office Closed Office Closed Pastor Mary will be on vacation Dec 30th— Jan 13th. In case of Pastoral Emergency please call Council President, Jeff Werner @ 920-834-2454 or 920-373-7303. 4 10am Worship 11am Coffee Fellowship 1pm Girl Scouts 6:30pm Boy Scouts 11 5 6 8 7 10am AA Meeting 12 5:20pm High 5 Meal 5:50pm High 5 Class 7/8 confirmation S.H.Y. 7pm Chapel 13 Sat 3 7pm AA Mtg 9am Sewing Ministry 6:30pm Men’s Bible Study Fri 14 9 10 1:30pm HC @ Sun Valley Assisted Living 7pm AA Mtg 15 16 17 10am AA Meeting 8am Worship w/ HC 9am Coffee Fellowship 10:15am Worship w/ HC 5pm Cub Scouts 6:30pm Boy Scouts 1pm Sarah Circle 7pm AA Mtg 6:30pm Ministry of Care Meeting 7pm Ministry of Worship Meeting 5:20pm High 5 Meal 5:50pm High 5 Class 7/8 confirmation S.H.Y. 7pm Chapel 6pm Movie Night 7pm AA Mtg 18 19 8am Worship w/ HC 9am Coffee Fellowship 9am Q&A Annual Budget 10:15am Worship w/ HC 11:30am 9th Grade Confirmation Class 1pm Girl Scouts 6:30 pm Boy Scouts Pastor’s Day Off 25 26 10am Worship w/ HC 11am Annual Meeting Potluck to follow the annual meeting! 6:30pm Men’s Bible Study 7pm AA Mtg Pastor’s Day Off 5pm Manna Meal 7pm AA Mtg 20 5:30 pm Executive Council Meeting 6pm Council Meeting 27 21 TIE DEADLINE 22 10am AA Meeting 1:30pm Naomi Circle 5:20pm High 5 Meal 5:50pm High 5 Class 7/8 confirmation S.H.Y. 7pm Omega Circle 7pm Chapel 28 23 24 7pm AA Mtg 29 30 10am AA Meeting 5:20pm High 5 Meal 5:50pm High 5 Class 7/8 confirmation S.H.Y. 7pm Chapel Ghdhsrts 31 31 7pm AA Mtg PAGE 8 2 0 1 5 V O L U ME 1 2 , I S S U E 1 USHER CAPTAINS January 4th January 11th January 18th January 25th 10:00 am—Ron Freese 8:00 am—Jack & Phyllis Donlevy 10:15 am—Jeff & Kitty Werner 8:00 am—Paul & Linda Welch 10:15 am—Tim & Karen Cox 10:00 am—Don & Irene Nerenhausen ACOLYTES January 4th January 7th January 11th January 14th January 18th January 21st January 25th January 28th COMMUNION SET-UP & ASSIST January 11 th January 14th January 18th January 21nd January 25th January 28th 8:00 am—Jeremy & Ophelia Neta 10:15 am—Sandy Riley 7:00 pm—Sue Jacquart 8:00 am—Mary Heiser 10:15 am—Diane Motiff 7:00 pm—Kelly Sikma 10:00 am—John & Cindy Evans 7:00 pm—Cathie Connell 10:00 am—David Exworthy & Balin Welch 7:00 pm—Hayden Honish 8:00 am—Beth Gannigan & Justice Mitchell 10:15 am—Isabelle Tiegs & Makayla DeGrave 7:00 pm—Connor Ebben 8:00 am—Brian Messenger & Isabelle Straub 10:15 am—Collin Gegare & Lauryn Nerenhausen 7:00 pm—Bryce Hosking 10:00 am—Mackenzie Honish & Beth Gannigan 7:00 pm—Colin Ebben LECTORS January 4th January 11th January 18th January 25th 10:00 am—Paul Welch 8:00 am—Robin Fonder 10:15 am—Charlotte Ihde 8:00 am—Mary Heiser 10:15 am—Don Nerenhausen 10:00 am—John Evans COFFEE FELLOWSHIP COMMUNION BREAD BAKERS January 11th February 8th Suzie Wagnitz *Note change of date for January Vonnie Shallow CHANCEL HOST: We are in need of a volunteer for the month of January. If interested in learning more about Chancel Host duties or are interested in volunteering, please talk to Pastor Mary. MONEY COUNTERS: John & Audrey Carson MUSICIANS: Bonnie Schultz January 4th Volunteer Needed January 11 Liz Duket and Friends January 18th Volunteer Needed For anyone interested in hosting our Coffee Fellowship and not quite sure what’s expected, there is a list in the Kitchen (on the cabinet door) of suggestions of what to bring and how to go about setting it up. If you have questions you can contact any member of the CARE Team or the church office. PAGE 9 2 0 1 5 V O L U ME 1 2 , I S S U E 1 Blessings to all! Please let us know if we have an incorrect date, or have missed a date. If you have been missed or printed incorrectly, please bring it to our attention so we can correct our records. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 6th 7th 8th 10th 12th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 21st 23rd 24th 25th Bobby Jo Lipp, Scott Marquardt, Danielle Lubus Leo Dumke Zachary Marquardt Terry Frease Hunter Booth, Graedy Martin James Garrigan Leonard Schaut Sr., Douglas Exworthy, Cameron Boucher Carole Bartanen, Tom Olson, Maryah Weiler Valerie Feldt Dick Rogall Autumn Magee Adam Filz, Gage Bartlett, Sophia Moody Ronald Filter Sophia Lipp Scott Miller, Jill Salacinski, Joey Tiegs Jr. Bruce Bartanen, Kelli Tiegs, Devin Donlevy Kamren Fuller Brian VandenLangenberg, Marion Hartman Scott Boucher 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st Sue Jacquart, Sarah Ackerman, Tara Knopf, McKenna Garrigan, Katelyn Marquardt, Debbie Larson Mike Belongia Joe Bailey Kirsten Tesch Julia Thompson, Gunder Thompson Marilyn Hanson, Keegan Hirschfield Please let us know if we have an incorrect date, or have missed a date. If you have been missed or printed incorrectly, please bring it to our attention so we can correct our records. PRAYERS WE PRAY DAILY FOR THE FOLLOWING: For Safety, Courage and Perseverance for those serving our Country: Michael Dorn, Derek Erickson (Afghanistan), Brian Zenz (Iraq), Brandon Zielinski (Okinawa), Aaron Larson (Colorado), Jeremiah Dettman (Maryland), and Edward Ellman (State-side). For Help and Healing: Charmaine Behnke, Dan Votava and Marguerite Zupansic *See Below Homebound/Shut-In: Veiga DeBenedetto, Carroll Dumke, Eleanor Mraz, Marceil Schumacher, Fern Swaer, Marion Hartman, Willie Wittkopf and Ruth Young. If you would like to be added to the prayer list, know of someone serving in the military, or of someone who would like to be prayed for, please call the office at 834-2460. Other than those in the military we will maintain people on the prayer list for a two week period, unless notified otherwise. Please note—for privacy reasons, we must have an individual’s permission to add their name. If your name is removed in error, please accept our apologies and contact the office to let us know. Thank you. FIRST AMERICAN LUTHERAN CHURCH Rev. Mary E. Zupansic, Pastor E-mail: [email protected] 511 Madison Street Oconto, WI 54153 Phone: 920-834-2460 E-mail: [email protected] F I R S T A M E R I C A N L U T H E R A N C HU R C H Nonprofit Org. Carrier Route Presort U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 6 Oconto, Wisconsin 511 Madison Street Oconto, WI 54153 Phone: 920-834-2460 E-mail: [email protected] Address Service Requested January 2015 WORSHIP SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY 2015 Due to holidays and other factors the worship schedule for January is as follows: Sunday, January 4 ONE service @ 10a.m. Sunday, January 11 Return to two services—8a.m. & 10:15a.m. Sunday, January 25 ONE service @ 10a.m. Followed by Annual Meeting & Pot Luck All other Sundays and Wednesdays in January are at the regularly scheduled times. *HIGH FIVE & 7/8TH GRADE CONFIRMATION RESUMES WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7TH! OFFICIAL NOTICE! . Q&A January 18, 2015 Budget Question and Answer Session Between 8am & 10:15am services. Annual Meeting January 25, 2015 One Service @ 10:00am Potluck to follow the annual meeting. Please bring a dish to pass.